HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-07-2018 MCC Minutes CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO MINUTES F OR THE J OINT R EGULAR M EETING OF THE M AYOR AND C ITY C OUNCIL OF THE C ITY OF S AN B ERNARDINO, M AYOR AND C ITY C OUNCIL OF THE C ITY OF S AN B ERNARDINO A CTING AS THE S UCCESSOR A GENCY TO THE R EDEVELOPMENT A GENCY, M AYOR AND C ITY C OUNCIL OF THE C ITY OF S AN B ERNARDINO A CTING AS THE S UCCESSOR H OUSING A GENCY TO THE R EDEVELOPMENT A GENCY, M AYOR AND C ITY C OUNCIL OF THE C ITY OF S AN B ERNARDINO A CTING AS THE H OUSING A UTHORITY, AND THE M AYOR AND C ITY C OUNCIL OF THE C ITY OF S AN B ERNARDINO A CTING AS THE S AN B ERNARDINO J OINT P OWERS F INANCING A UTHORITY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2018 4:00 PM – CLOSED SESSION 5:00 PM – OPEN SESSION C OUNCIL C HAMBER • 201 N ORTH "E" S TREET • S AN B ERNARDINO, CA 92401 • WWW.SBCITY.ORG R. Carey Davis Virginia Marquez James Mulvihill M AYOR C OUNCIL M EMBER, W ARD 1 C OUNCIL M EMBER, W ARD 7 Benito Barrios Andrea M. Miller C OUNCIL M EMBER, W ARD 2 C ITY M ANAGER John Valdivia Gary D. Saenz C OUNCIL M EMBER, W ARD 3 C ITY A TTORNEY Fred Shorett Georgeann “Gigi” Hanna C OUNCIL M EMBER, W ARD 4 C ITY C LERK Henry Nickel David Kennedy C OUNCIL M EMBER, W ARD 5 C ITY T REASURER Bessine L. Richard C OUNCIL M EMBER, W ARD 6 Welcome to a meeting of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino. o Anyone who wishes to speak during public comment or on a particular item will be required to fill out a speaker slip. Speaker slips must be turned in to the City Clerk. You may email your request to speak to publiccomments@sbcity.org prior to 4 p.m. Each request will cover one speaker. Those who wish to speak must submit their own request to be called on by the Mayor. o There is a 3-minute-per-person time limit for all comments, excluding public or quasi-judicial hearings. o Written comment on any item may also be submitted to the City Clerk to be included in the meeting record. It will not be read aloud by the City Clerk. o Those who wish to speak on public or quasi-judicial hearing items will have three minutes for each item. o All who wish to speak, including Council members and staff, need to be recognized by the Mayor or Mayor Pro Tempore before speaking. o Please contact the City Clerk’s Office (384-5002) two working days prior to the meeting for any requests for reasonable accommodation to include interpreters. o All documents for public review are on file with the City Clerk’s Office or may be accessed online by going to www.sbcity.org. o Please turn off or mute your cell phone while the meeting is in session. Joint Regular Meeting MINUTES November 7, 2018 Call to Order Attendee Name Present Absent Late Arrived Council Member, Ward 1 Virginia Marquez    Council Member, Ward 2 Benito Barrios    Council Member, Ward 3 John Valdivia    Council Member, Ward 4 Fred Shorett    Council Member, Ward 5 Henry Nickel    Council Member, Ward 6 Bessine L. Richard    Council Member, Ward 7 James Mulvihill    Mayor R. Carey Davis    City Clerk Georgeann "Gigi" Hanna    City Attorney Gary D. Saenz    City Manager Andrea M. Miller    CLOSED SESSION A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) and (d)(1)): In re: City of San Bernardino, U.S. Bankruptcy Court Case No. 6:12-bk-28006 MJ B. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Initiation of litigation – Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(4): One (1) Item INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The invocation was given by Pastor Alan Rosenberg of Christian and Missionary Alliance Church. The Pledge was led by Kaitlyn Zimmerman of Manuel Salinas Creative Arts Elementary School. CLOSED SESSION REPORT Mayor Davis announced that a Closed Session was not held and there is no reportable action. APPOINTMENTS 1. Water Board Appointment APPROVED MOTION: Approve the appointment of Rikke Van Johnson to the Water Board with a six year term of service. Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 2 Printed 11/7/2018 Joint Regular Meeting MINUTES November 7, 2018 RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 SECONDER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Valdivia, Nickel, and Richard ABSENT: None 2. Water Board Appointment APPROVED MOTION: Approve the appointment of Thomas M. Brickley to the Water Board with a six year term of service. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 SECONDER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Valdivia, Nickel, and Richard ABSENT: None 3. Measure “Z” Citizen Oversight Committee APPROVED MOTION: Approve the appointment of Mr. Clifford R. Cummings to the Measure “Z” Citizen Oversight Committee. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 SECONDER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Shorett, Nickel, and Richard ABSENT: None 4. Library Board Reappointment APPROVED MOTION: Approve the reappointment of Carolyn A. Tillman to the Library Board with a two year term of service. RESULT: ADOPTED \[6-1\] MOVER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 SECONDER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Nickel, and Richard NOES: Valdivia ABSENT: None Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 3 Printed 11/7/2018 Joint Regular Meeting MINUTES November 7, 2018 PRESENTATIONS 5. Proclamation in Honor of Small Business Saturday in San Bernardino – Mayor R. Carey Davis 6. Proclamation in Honor of Bells of Peace – Mayor R. Carey Davis 7. Chamber of Commerce & Local Elected Officials Announcements Lesley Steven, Chamber of Commerce announced various events in the community. PUBLIC COMMENTS FOR ITEMS LISTED AND NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Robert Porter, San Bernardino, spoke about the election and the candidates; read an excerpt from the book As My Mother Would Say, by Judith Valles; congratulated the leading candidates for the 2019 Election. Iraida Gonzalez, Legal Aid Society of San Bernardino, spoke about the free monthly workshops for tenants in San Bernardino; noted that the workshops provide information about tenants rights in English and Spanish. Linda Magallanes, We Are The Change, exressed gratitude to the Council for cleaning up the community for the kids; expressed concens about the increased homeless th encampments at Walgreens near Waterman Avenue and 9; expressed concerns for the safety of her kids. Luis Ojeda, We Are The Change, spoke about how he is an action driven person; spoke about the challenges of working together to work for the City; announced that 55 tons of trash has been cleaned up in the City through the volunteers work and urged that the City comes up with a strategy to help the community. Paula Gentry, San Bernardino, expressed concerns of the management of the animal shelter; noted that volunteers have been removed and comphiscated animals have been ordered to be killed; and highlighted concerns with the fences in the kennels and the treatment of the animals; and submitted a petition for the immediate replacement of Lt. Frank Macomber. Karyn Lehmann, spoke about the hopes and concerns for the animal shelter; questioned why volunteers are being turned away and the mistreatment of animals; urged the Council to consider the public’s concerns. Elizabeth Kulbin; Redlands Unleashed Fidos & Friends, spoke about local charities and the Redlands group that have provided services for the animal shelter; highlighted concerns with her neighbor’s animals and communication with rescue groups; urged the Council to consider solutions from the public to help with the animal shelter. Amelia Lopez, Muscupiable Neighborhood Associton, spoke about the annual conference that was held in Omaha Nebraska five years ago, spoke about sending residents to the upcoming year’s conference in Palm Springs; spoke about attending and presenting at the conference to address the concerns of perception of San Bernardino. Karmel Roe, addressed the Council, related to the election results congratulating the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 4 Printed 11/7/2018 Joint Regular Meeting MINUTES November 7, 2018 winners and farewell to the outgoing members, urged the City to work with the shelter, and explained that volunteers can help with the assistance; congrats and farewell. Ruby Henderson, stated that she faced discrimination from a towing company because she forgot to put her handicap parking sign once when she was parked; highlighted that she has lived in the community for 30 years and has helped people on the West side of town. Major Jesse Carr; San Bernardino, stated that she is voting yes on item 22 and supports a comprehensive homeless plan; noted that she has offered many homeless people help; spoke about housing focused programs, highlighting the benefits of the outcomes for homeless person programs. Barbara Babcock, spoke about how her road was fixed and expressed gratitude for the work of the City employees; spoke about her support for the legally elected candidates; ques Sung Kim, spoke about a opportunity for a model for a homeless program to assist with homeless people; talked about opening up a state of the art facility to assist with animal shelter needs; and congratulated all of the winners of the election. Alice Chow, congratulated and thanked all of the election winners; spoke about rescue groups and noted how the animals are rescued from rescue partners from out of the state; highlighted how animals are rescued and taken to different areas touch base on rescue groups, SB City famous for the animals going to different states. Rike Van Johnson, congratulated all of the winners of the election and thanked Mayor Davis for his service; spoke about Sunday Jazz in the Park event and thanked Jim Tickemyer and staff for their support for the event. CONSENT CALENDAR Items on the consent calendar are considered routine and are voted on in one vote. Item 10 was pulled by Council Member Marquez for further discussion. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 SECONDER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Shorett, Nickel, and Richard ABSENT: None 8. Waive Full Reading of Resolutions and Ordinances APPROVED MOTION: Waive full reading of Resolutions and Ordinances on the agenda dated November 7, 2018. Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 5 Printed 11/7/2018 Joint Regular Meeting MINUTES November 7, 2018 RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 SECONDER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Shorett, Nickel, and Richard ABSENT: None 9. City Council Approval of Commercial and Payroll Checks APPROVED MOTION: Approve the commercial and payroll checks for October 2018. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 SECONDER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Shorett, Nickel, and Richard ABSENT: None 10. Right of Entry Agreement with San Bernardino County Transportation Authority for the Redlands Passenger Rail Project APPROVED MOTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2018-274 of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, approving Temporary Right of Entry Agreement with San Bernardino County Transportation Authority for temporary construction activities across the parcels known as APN 0136-033-27 and 0136-122-78 in connection with the Redlands Passenger Rail Project. Council Member Marquez recused herself and left the dais, noting that she owns property within 500 feet of the project location. RESULT: ADOPTED \[6-0\] MOVER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 SECONDER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 AYES: Barrios, Nickel, and Richard ABSTAIN: Marquez ABSENT: None 11. Award of Construction Contract for Playground Equipment Replacement to Micon Construction, Inc. APPROVED MOTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2018-273 of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 6 Printed 11/7/2018 Joint Regular Meeting MINUTES November 7, 2018 approving the award of a Construction Contract with Micon Construction, Inc. in the amount of $917,685 for Playground Equipment Replacement; authorize the City Manager to execute the construction contingency in the amount of $82,315; authorize the Finance Director to amend FY 2018/19 Adopted Budget to allocate CDBG Funding Savings to the project for Playground Equipment Replacement; and authorizing the City Manager or designee to expend the contingency fund, if necessary, to complete the project. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 SECONDER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Shorett, Nickel, and Richard ABSENT: None 12. Second Amendment to the Construction and Maintenance Agreement with Southern California Regional Rail Authority (SCRRA) for the Construction of Redlands Subdivision (“First Mile”) Improvements APPROVED MOTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2018-285 of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, approving the Second Amendment to the Construction and Maintenance Agreement for the Redlands Subdivision “First Mile” Track Construction and Inland Empire Maintenance Facility project. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 SECONDER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Shorett, Nickel, and Richard ABSENT: None 13. Application for Beverage Container Recycling City/County Payment Program APPROVED MOTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2018-295 of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, authorizing the submittal of an application for Payment Programs for recycling beverage containers offered by CalRecycle and approving related authorizations. Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 7 Printed 11/7/2018 Joint Regular Meeting MINUTES November 7, 2018 RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 SECONDER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Shorett, Nickel, and Richard ABSENT: None 14. San Bernardino Hometown Heroes Military Banner Agreement to Appropriate Funds for Program Purchases APPROVED MOTION: Approve an additional budget amendment appropriating donated funds totaling $5,000.00 from the Hometown Heroes Military Banner Trust account to the Civic and Promotional account #001-0023-5186 for the purpose of purchasing materials and supplies, i.e., plaques, printing, pvc pipe, refreshments, etc., and authorize the Director of Finance to issue multiple purchase orders for the Military Banner Program. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 SECONDER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Shorett, Nickel, and Richard ABSENT: None 15. Agreement with Crime Scene Steri-Clean for Crime Scene and other bio- hazardous Clean Up Services APPROVED MOTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2018-296 of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement between the City of San Bernardino and Crime Scene Steri-Clean, LLC. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 SECONDER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Shorett, Nickel, and Richard ABSENT: None 16. Interim Deputy Director of Finance/Budget Manager (U) Employment Agreement and Appointment APPROVED Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 8 Printed 11/7/2018 Joint Regular Meeting MINUTES November 7, 2018 MOTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2018-297 of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, appointing Rita Conrad as Interim Deputy Director of Finance/ Budget Manager (U) under Government Code section 21221 (H). RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 SECONDER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Shorett, Nickel, and Richard ABSENT: None 17. Increase cap for Professional Service Agreements with Arias & Lockwood and with Mundell Odlum & Haws APPROVED MOTION: Authorize the City Manager to execute amendments to the Professional Services Agreement between Arias & Lockwood and the City of San Bernardino (Resolution No. 2010-10) and the Professional Services Agreement between Mundell Odlum & Haws and the City of San Bernardino (Resolution No. 2015- 26). RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 SECONDER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Shorett, Nickel, and Richard ABSENT: None 18. Authorize City Manager to Respond to Final Report of the 2017-2018 San Bernardino County Civil Grand Jury APPROVED MOTION: Authorize the City Manager to respond to the Final Report of the 2017-2018 San Bernardino County Civil Grand Jury. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 SECONDER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Shorett, Nickel, and Richard ABSENT: None Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 9 Printed 11/7/2018 Joint Regular Meeting MINUTES November 7, 2018 19. Agreement Affecting Real Property between the City and the Successor Agency for Cooley Avenue (APNs 0281-031-51 and 0281-041-41) rescinding a Declaration of Reciprocal Easement APPROVED MOTION: 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute an Agreement Affecting Real Property for Cooley Avenue (APNs 0281-031-51 and 0281-041-41) rescinding a 1988 Declaration of Reciprocal Easement; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute, on behalf of the Successor Agency, an Agreement Affecting Real Property for Cooley Avenue (APNs 0281- 031-51 and 0281-041-41) Rescinding a 1988 Declaration of Reciprocal Easement. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 SECONDER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Shorett, Nickel, and Richard ABSENT: None STAFF REPORTS 20. American Planning Association (APA) California Conference Update – October 7-10, 2018 Council Member Mulvihill provided a brief report and no action was taken by the Council on this item. 21. San Bernardino Hometown Heroes Military Banner Criteria Recommendation APPROVED MOTION: Approve the recommended criteria changes which will now include immediate family members of retired employees and fulltime contract employees with one year of service with the City. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: Henry Nickel, Council Member, Ward 6 SECONDER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, and Mulvihill ABSENT: None Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 10 Printed 11/7/2018 Joint Regular Meeting MINUTES November 7, 2018 22. Approve a Policy Establishing a Comprehensive Responses to Homelessness, Authorize City Manager to Issue Letters of Support for HEAP applications, and Adopt Resolution Declaring a Shelter Crisis Speaker Eddie Estrada APPROVED MOTION: 1. Adopt a Policy Establishing a Comprehensive Response to Homelessness; 2. Authorize the City Manager to sign letters of support to organizations within the City of San Bernardino seeking HEAP funding that support the City’s Policy; and 3. Adopt the resolution. Reso. 2018-298 Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, declaring a shelter crisis in the City of San Bernardino for purposes of the Homeless Emergency Aid Program funding. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: Virginia Marquez, Council Member, Ward 1 SECONDER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Barrios, Valdivia, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, and Mulvihill ABSENT: None Council Member Nickel provided recommendation to staff to include periodic reporting and Council Member Valdivia recommended providing a routing sheet to notice the Council of homeless service solutions. PUBLIC HEARINGS 23. First Reading - Amendment of Chapter 10.52 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code to Reduce the Speed Limit on Arrowhead Avenue between Highland Avenue and Thompson Place from 45 mph to 40 mph Speakers Michael Meister Jesse Quintana Gabriela Quintana Donald Wood APPROVED MOTION: Adopt the ordinance Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 11 Printed 11/7/2018 Joint Regular Meeting MINUTES November 7, 2018 MC-1502 Ordinance of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, amending Chapter 10.52 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code to reduce the speed limit on Arrowhead Avenue between Highland Avenue and Thompson Place from 45 mph to 35 miles per hour and authorize the staff to implement striping modification. Motion made by Council Member Valdivia to amend and introduce Ordinance MC-1502 to set the 35 mph speed limit and install traffic calming measures. Second by Council Member Mulvihill. Amended Motion made by Council Member Valdivia to amend and introduce Ordinance MC-1502 to set the 35 mph speed limit, to install traffic calming measures, such as a road diet, and to direct staff to provide additional studies to be presented at a future City Council Meeting in approximately 6 months. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 SECONDER: James Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Barrios, Valdivia, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Nickel, and Mulvihill ABSENT: None 24. Read By Title Only, Waive Further Reading, and Introduce Ordinance No. MC-1509 Establishing Procedures for Filling City Council and Mayoral Vacancies APPROVED MOTION: Read By Title Only, Waive Further Reading, and Introduce Ordinance No. MC-1509. MC-1509 Ordinance of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, adding Chapter 2.03 to Title 2 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code, establishing procedures for filling City Council and Mayor vacancies. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 SECONDER: Henry Nickel, Council Member, Ward 6 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Shorett, Richard, and Mulvihill ABSENT: None Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 12 Printed 11/7/2018 Joint Regular Meeting MINUTES November 7, 2018 25. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:44 p.m. The next joint regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council and the Mayor and City Council Acting as the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency will be held on Wednesday, November 21, 2018 in the Council Chamber located at 201 North “E” Street, San Bernardino, California 92401. Closed Session will begin at 4:00 p.m. and Open Session will begin at 5:00 p.m. By: __________________________ Georgeann “Gigi” Hanna, CMC City Clerk Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 13 Printed 11/7/2018