HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-19-2018 MCC Minutes City of San Bernardino Mayor R. Carey Davis Council Members 290 North D Street Virginia Marquez San Bernardino, CA 92401 Benito J. Barrios http://www.sbcity.org John Valdivia Fred Shorett Henry Nickel Bessine L. Richard James Mulvihill MINUTES F OR THE J OINT R EGULAR M EETING OF THE M AYOR AND C ITY C OUNCIL OF THE C ITY OF S AN B ERNARDINO, M AYOR AND C ITY C OUNCIL OF THE C ITY OF S AN B ERNARDINO A CTING AS THE S UCCESSOR A GENCY TO THE R EDEVELOPMENT A GENCY, M AYOR AND C ITY C OUNCIL OF THE C ITY OF S AN B ERNARDINO A CTING AS THE S UCCESSOR H OUSING A GENCY TO THE R EDEVELOPMENT A GENCY, M AYOR AND C ITY C OUNCIL OF THE C ITY OF S AN B ERNARDINO A CTING AS THE H OUSING A UTHORITY, AND THE M AYOR AND C ITY C OUNCIL OF THE C ITY OF S AN B ERNARDINO A CTING AS THE S AN B ERNARDINO J OINT P OWERS F INANCING A UTHORITY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2018 COUNCIL CHAMBER The Joint Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino was called to order by Mayor R. Carey Davis at 4:04 PM, Wednesday, September 19, 2018, in the Council Chamber, 201 North "E" Street, San Bernardino, CA. Call to Order Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Virginia Marquez Council Member, Ward 1 Present 4:05 PM Benito J. Barrios Council Member, Ward 2 Late 4:26 PM John Valdivia Council Member, Ward 3 Present 4:05 PM Fred Shorett Council Member, Ward 4 Present 4:05 PM Henry Nickel Council Member, Ward 5 Present 4:05 PM Bessine L. Richard Council Member, Ward 6 Late 4:07 PM James Mulvihill Council Member, Ward 7 Present 4:05 PM R. Carey Davis Mayor Present 4:05 PM Georgeann "Gigi" Hanna City Clerk Present 4:05 PM Gary Saenz City Attorney Present 5:00 PM Thomas Rice Assistant City Attorney Present 4:05 PM Teri Ledoux Assistant City Manager Present 4:00 PM Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 1 Printed 9/18/2018 Joint Regular Meeting Minutes September 19, 2018 Closed Session A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) and (d)(1)): In re: City of San Bernardino, U.S. Bankruptcy Court Case No. 6:12-bk-28006 MJ Center for Biological Diversity, et al. v. City of San Bernardino, Case No. CIVDS1706284 B. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Initiation of litigation – Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(4): Three cases INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The invocation was given by Reverend Reginal D. Young of Treasures of the Heart Ministries. The Pledge of Allegiance was given by Camela Perez, a 4th grade student at Riley Elementary School. CLOSED SESSION REPORT Assistant City Attorney Thomas Rice said there were no reportable action from Closed Session, but that staff had received direction from Council. Presentations 1. Citizen of the Month – Luis Ojeda – Council Member Virginia Marquez Council Member Marquez honored Luis Ojeda for his work cleaning up the city, She also gave him her City Seal pin. She also presented him with a certificate from Senator Mike Morrell. 2. Youth Recognition – Jhunelyn Parafina, San Bernardino High School – Council Member Benito Barrios Council Member Barrios honored Jhunelyn Parafina, Mayor of Cardinal City and recently named Miss Cardinal, as student of the month for her academic accomplishments and community activities. He also presented her with a with a certificate of recognition from Senator Mike Morrell. 3. Chamber of Commerce & Local Elected Officials Announcements Jim Wheeler, chamber chair of the board announced the ucoming events for the Chamber of Commerce. Public Comments for Items Listed and Not Listed on the Agenda Teresa Sandoval spoke about the effect of homeless on her hairstyling business. Her salon burned on July 27 and said she blames the homeless, the loitering and littering. She thanked the Police Department and Quality of Life program for doing the best they Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 2 Printed 9/18/2018 Joint Regular Meeting Minutes September 19, 2018 kind and said the leadership needs to step up and make a change or face a town with no businesses. Paul Sanborn, San Bernardino, said the City needs more police and more code enforcement officers, especially on the weekends. He said potholes are being filled but are not even. The ones recently filled at Highland and Mt. View are so high they double as speed bumps. Luis Ojeda, San Bernardino, said the places he and his groups have cleaned are continually targeted. He suggested videotaping of problem areas and said he would be willing to monitor the videos and suggested that videos of people dumping trash should be posted on social media as a deterrent. Gina Mirelez, San Bernardino, spoke about her friend who she said had an infant die as result of an assault on Memorial Day. She lives at Mt View complex and said that the city needs to hold investors accountable for the people they have managing their apartment complexes. She also spoke about other mistreatment she has encountered, which she credited to the San Bernardino Police Department. Janine Nielson, of Daisy’s Hope Foundation, gave an update on the volunteer program at the City Animal Shelter. She thanked staff for allowing the volunteer program and said they have made progress but need litter, paper towels and better food for the nursing cats and their kittens. She said Daisy’s Hope Foundation will be having a grand opening soon. Alice Chow, San Bernardino Animal Care Foundation, said several rescue organization have been recruiting business leaders to create a non-profit organization to support her group’s work. She gave a list of activities that support what they do, including reviewing business models of other organizations, speaking with elected officials and reviewing documents about the City’s Animal Shelter. She said they would return to speak about their progress. Gloria Amaya and Owen Duckworth, of Inland Empire REBOUND Reentry Services, spoke about the re-entry services they provide, including anger management and life skills. Amaya said they would be hosting a 52-week batterer program and said they would also be having an expungement fair soon. Bertie Vanettes, San Bernardino, a regular shelter volunteer asked why the officials in charge of the shelter wouldn’t be interested in applying for grants, and asked when the city would release funds for shelter repair. Rikke Van Johnson, San Bernardino, spoke about the mayoral forum at Ecclesia Christian Fellowship on Thursday, October 4th. Scott Stevenson, of Teamsters Local 1932, congratulated the employee spot light in the city newsletter, and announced the Teamsters Local 1932 Job Fair, called “A Day without a Temp,” on October 5 at the National Orange Show Events Center. Consent Calendar Council member Shorett pulled items 8 and Council Member Nickel pulled item 13 from the agenda for further discussion. The rest of the items were voted on with a single motion: Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 3 Printed 9/18/2018 Joint Regular Meeting Minutes September 19, 2018 RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 SECONDER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Valdivia, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill 4. Waive Full Reading of Resolutions and Ordinances Approved Motion: Waive full reading of Resolutions and Ordinances on the agenda dated September 19, 2018. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 SECONDER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Valdivia, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill 5. City Council Approval of Commercial and Payroll Checks Approved Motion: Approve the commercial and payroll checks for August 2018. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 SECONDER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Valdivia, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill 6. City Council Approval of Draft Minutes Approved Motion: Approve the minutes of the Mayor and City Council Regular Meeting of September 5, 2018 and Special Meeting of September 10, 2018. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 SECONDER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Valdivia, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill 7. Award of Construction Contract for Police Headquarters Roof Replacement to San Marino Roof Co. Inc. Approved Motion: Adopt the resolution. Reso 2018-244 Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, approving a construction contract with San Marino Roof Co Inc., in the amount of $400,574 and authorizing the City Manager to execute a construction contingency in the amount of $40,058 for Police Headquarters Roof Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 4 Printed 9/18/2018 Joint Regular Meeting Minutes September 19, 2018 Replacement and authorize the City Manager or designee to expend the contingency fund, if necessary, to complete the project. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 SECONDER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Valdivia, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill 8. Award of Construction Contract for Demolition of Fire Station 223 and Verdemont Community Center Project to Precision Contracting, Inc. Approved Motion: Adopt the resolution. Reso 2018-269 Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, approving a construction contract with Precision Contracting, Inc., and authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract in the amount of $167,800; authorizing a construction contingency in the amount of $16,780; and authorizing the City Manager or designee to execute the contract and expend the contingency fund, if necessary, to complete the project. RESULT: ADOPTED \[6-0\] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: Jim Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill ABSENT: Valdivia 9. Issuance of an Annual Purchase Order to Vulcan Materials Company Approved Motion: Adopt the resolution. Reso 2018-255 Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, authorizing the execution of an annual purchase order with Vulcan Materials Company for the Purchase of Asphalt Concrete Materials. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 SECONDER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Valdivia, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 5 Printed 9/18/2018 Joint Regular Meeting Minutes September 19, 2018 10. Five-Year Capital Project Needs Analysis (FY 2019/20 through FY 2023/24) for Measure "I" 2010-2040 Expenditures and Amending the Five-Year Capital Improvement Program Approved Motion: Adopt the resolution. Reso 2018-256 Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, adopting the Five-Year Capital Project Needs Analysis (FY 2019/20 through FY 2023/24) for Measure "I" 2010-2040 expenditures and amending the Five-Year Capital Improvement Program for FY 2018/19 through FY 2022/23. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 SECONDER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Valdivia, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill 11. Amended and Restated Cooperative Agreement with the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) for the Mt. Vernon Bridge Replacement Project Approved Motion: Adopt the resolution. Reso 2018-257 Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, approving Contract No. 16-1001477-01, Amended and Restated Cooperative Agreement with the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) for the Development of the Mount Vernon Avenue Grade Separation over the BNSF Railway lntermodal Yard Project (SS04-12). RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 SECONDER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Valdivia, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill 12. Establish 1-Way and 2-Way Stop Signs at Several Intersections Throughout the City Approved Motion: Adopt the resolution. Reso 2018-258 Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, authorizing the establishment of 2-way stop signs at the intersections of Grape Street at Oak Street, Grape Street at Poplar Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 6 Printed 9/18/2018 Joint Regular Meeting Minutes September 19, 2018 th Street, Grape Street at Birch Street, 10 Street at th Wall Avenue, 11 Street at Wall Avenue, Olive Street at Pico Avenue, and a 1-Way stop at the intersection of Grape Street at Walnut Street. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 SECONDER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Valdivia, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill 13. Exclusive Right to Negotiate Agreement with ICO Real Estate Group, Inc. for the 5Th Street Gateway Property Approved Motion: Adopt the resolution. Reso 2018-251 Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, approving an Exclusive Right to Negotiate Agreement between the City of San Bernardino and ICO Real Estate Group, Inc. for the 5th Street Gateway Property, and authorizing certain related actions. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: Henry Nickel, Council Member, Ward 5 SECONDER: Bessine Richard, Council Member, Ward 4 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Valdivia, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill 14. Fiscal Year 2017/18 Encumbrance Carryovers and Continuing Appropriations Approved Motion: Adopt the resolution. Reso 2018-259 Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, approving the FY 2017/18 Continuing Appropriations and Encumbrance Carryovers and amending the FY 2018/19 Budget to include the approved FY 2017/18 Continuing Appropriations and Encumbrance Carryovers. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 SECONDER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Valdivia, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill 15. Authorize the Issuance of a Purchase Order to Fairview Ford Sales for Police Vehicles Approved Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 7 Printed 9/18/2018 Joint Regular Meeting Minutes September 19, 2018 Motion: Adopt the resolution. Reso 2018-270 Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, authorizing the issuance of a Purchase Order to Fairview Ford Sales, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $722,000. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 SECONDER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Valdivia, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill 16. Agendas and Minutes/Draft Minutes of City Boards, Commissions, and Citizen Advisory Committees Recommendation Approved Motion: Receive and file the agendas and minutes/draft minutes from the City Boards, Commissions, and Citizen Advisory Committees for the month of August. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 SECONDER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Valdivia, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill 17. Event Fee Waiver for Akoma Unity Center Jazz Concert at Anne Sherrill’s Park Approved Motion: Approve the issuance of an Event Fee Waiver for the Akoma Unity Center Jazz Concert at Anne Sherrill’s Park on September 30, 2018. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 SECONDER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Valdivia, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill Staff Reports 18. Agreement with San Bernardino International for Support Services at SBD Fest 2018 Approved Motion: Approve fee waiver in the amount of $46,916 for the San Bernardino International Airport's SBD Fest 2018 event, and authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement between the City of San Bernardino and the San Bernardino Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 8 Printed 9/18/2018 Joint Regular Meeting Minutes September 19, 2018 International Airport, to provide support services for the 2018 SBD Fest as directed by City Council. RESULT: ADOPTED \[6-1\] MOVER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 SECONDER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Valdivia, Shorett, Nickel, Richard NOES: Mulvihill 19. 12Th Annual San Bernardino County Water Conference Update – August 10, 2018 The Mayor and City Council heard an oral report by Council Member Barrios. No vote was taken on this item. Public Hearings 20. Establish Compensation and Benefits for City-Elected Officials Speakers Paul Sanborn Rikke Van Johnson Approved Motion: Introduce the ordinance (First reading). MC- 1504 Ordinance of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, establishing compensation and benefits for the City-Elected officials. RESULT: ADOPTED \[6-1\] MOVER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 SECONDER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Valdivia, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill NOES: Shorett 21. Authorize the Submittal of the FY 2017/18 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Approved Motion: Authorize the submission of the FY 2017/18 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: Virginia Marquez, Council Member, Ward 1 SECONDER: Jim Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Valdivia, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 9 Printed 9/18/2018 Joint Regular Meeting Minutes September 19, 2018 22. Development Permit Type-P 18-01 Speaker Ben Eilenberg, opposed Approved Motion: Continue hearing to October 3, 2018. Reso 2018-261 Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, approving a Development Permit Type-P 18-01 to allow the conversion of an existing two-story commercial office building containing approximately 11,305 square feet into a residential apartment complex comprised of fifteen (15) dwelling units on a parcel containing approximately 0.52 acres located at 1600 N. Arrowhead Avenue (APN: 0145-132-27) within the Commercial Office (CO) Zone and Adaptive Reuse (AR) Overlay; and finding the project subject to a Categorical Exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: Fred Shorett, Council Member, Ward 4 SECONDER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Valdivia, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill 23. General Plan Amendment 16-06, Development Code Amendment (Zoning Map Amendment) 16-07, Development Permit Type-P 16-06, and Variance 18-01 Approved Motion: Adopt the resolutions, introduce the ordinance (First reading), schedule the second reading of the ordinance for October 3, 2018 and authorize staff to work with Omnitrans on a design that limits bus interference with traffic. Reso 2018-262 Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, adopting the Mitigated Negative Declaration and approving General Plan Amendment 16-06 to change the General Plan Land Use Designation from Commercial to Multi-Family Residential on four (4) parcels (APN: 0141-352-10, 11, 12 and 13) containing a total of approximately 2.25 acres; Reso 2018-263 Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, adopting the Mitigated Negative Declaration, and approving Development Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 10 Printed 9/18/2018 Joint Regular Meeting Minutes September 19, 2018 Permit Type-P 16-06 to allow the development of an eighty-four (84) unit apartment complex and Variance 18-01 to allow the reduction of the required parking spaces from 155 to 128 and the increase of the maximum distance requirement between the residential units and the parking spaces from 150 feet to 250 feet on a project site comprised of five (5) parcels (APN: 0141-352-09, 10, 11, 12 and 13) containing a total of approximately 2.81 acres located at the northeast corner of S. Waterman Avenue and Wier Road; and MC-1505 Ordinance of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, adopting the Mitigated Negative Declaration and approving Development Code Amendment (Zoning Map Amendment) 16-07 to change the Zoning District Classification from Commercial General (CG-1) to Residential Medium High (RMH) on four (4) parcels (APN: 0141-352-10, 11, 12 and 13) containing a total of approximately 2.25 acres. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 SECONDER: Jim Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Valdivia, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill 24. Resolution Establishing Community Facilities District (CFD) 2018-1 (Safety Services) of the City of San Bernardino and to Levy Special Taxes on Property Within the District Approved Motion: Adopt the resolutions, introduce the ordinance (First reading), approve payment to Spicer Consulting Group in the amount of $20,000 and to Stradling Yocca Carlson Rauth in an amount not to exceed $10,000 for their services related to the formation of CFD 2018-1 of the City of San Bernardino. Reso. 2018-264 Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, establishing Community Facilities District No. 2018-1 of the City of San Bernardino (Safety Services) (CFD 2018-1), and to authorize the levy of a special tax on property within the District to pay the costs of providing public safety services; Reso. 2018-265 Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, acting as the legislative Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 11 Printed 9/18/2018 Joint Regular Meeting Minutes September 19, 2018 body of CFD 2018-1 of the City of San Bernardino (Safety Services) certifying election results; and MC-1506 Ordinance of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, acting in its capacity as the legislative body of CFD 2018-1 of the City of San Bernardino (Safety Services) authorizing the levy of special taxes. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 SECONDER: Jim Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Valdivia, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill 25. Resolutions Establishing Community Facilities District 2018-2 (Verdemont Ranch) of the City of San Bernardino and Determining Necessity to Incur Bonded Indebtedness in an Amount Not to Exceed $5,000,000 Approved Motion: Adopt the resolutions, introduce the ordinance (First reading), approve payment to Spicer Consulting Group in the amount of $20,000 and to Stradling Yocca Carlson Rauth in an amount not to exceed $20,000 for services related to the formation of CFO 2018-2 of the City of San Bernardino. Reso. 2018-266 Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, establishing Community Facilities District No. 2018-2 (Verdemont Ranch) (CFD 2018-2) of the City of San Bernardino, authorizing the levy of a special tax to pay the cost of acquiring or constructing certain facilities, and to pay debt service on bonded indebtedness within the proposed CFD No. 2018-2 of the City of San Bernardino; Reso. 2018-267 Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, determining the necessity to incur bonded indebtedness in an amount not to exceed $5,000,000 within the proposed CFD No. 2018-2 of the City of San Bernardino; Reso. 2018-268 Resolution of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, acting as the legislative body of CFD 2018-2 of the City of San Bernardino certifying election results; and MC-1507 Ordinance of the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, acting in its capacity as Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 12 Printed 9/18/2018 Joint Regular Meeting Minutes September 19, 2018 the legislative body of CFD 2018-2 of the City of San Bernardino authorizing the levy of special taxes. RESULT: ADOPTED \[7-0\] MOVER: John Valdivia, Council Member, Ward 3 SECONDER: Jim Mulvihill, Council Member, Ward 7 AYES: Marquez, Barrios, Valdivia, Shorett, Nickel, Richard, Mulvihill 26. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 8:01 p.m. NOTE: The next joint regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council and the Mayor and City Council Acting as the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency is scheduled for 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, October 3, 2018, in the Council Chamber, 201 North "E" Street, San Bernardino, CA. By: __________________________ Georgeann “Gigi” Hanna, CMC City Clerk Mayor and City Council of the City of San Bernardino Page 13 Printed 9/18/2018