HomeMy WebLinkAboutFY 2014-15 Adopted Budget_UPDATED_7-1-14Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PROPOSED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2014—2015 1 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 Category Account Code And Description Actuals Actuals Adopted Proposed City of San Bernardino General Fund Revenue Report Fiscal Year 2014 - 2015 4748 - Vehicle Repossesion Fee (4,950) (4,844) (4,500) (4,590) 4749 - Crime Prevention Revenue (514) (639) - (303) 4752 - Fireworks enforcement (49,440) (68,126) (62,800) (64,056) 4753 - Fire archival fee (1,127) (4,069) (1,500) (3,060) 4754 - Fire business occupancy (47,693) (42,410) (40,000) (40,800) 4767 - Code SFIF (640,788) (132,423) (430,000) - 4769 - Payoff Demand Fee (4,617) (10,296) - - 4770 - Crime Free Rental Housing (44,968) (25,150) (56,000) (57,120) 4779 - Blanket inspection fee (46,701) (40,299) (34,100) (34,782) 4780 - Miscellaneous Engineering Receipt (53,200) (30,244) (40,000) (25,652) 4784 - Subdivision Street Improvement Fee (343) - (1,000) (1,020) 4785 - Nonsubdivision Street Improvement Fee (105,857) - (55,000) (56,100) 4786 - Certificate of Compliance (1,656) - (2,000) (2,040) 4798 - NPDES Storm Drain Utility Fee (211,907) (252,013) (237,000) (214,000) 4802 - Street light energy fee - - - - 4810 - Misc street receipts - - (5,000) (5,100) 4822 - Sewer connection fee - - - - 4861 - Program & facility use fees (73,029) (57,971) (85,000) (86,700) 4862 - Park energy fee 5,086 (350) (6,000) (6,120) 4863 - Class registration fee (8,277) (1,105) (8,500) (8,670) 4864 - Swimming pool fee (77,244) (75,279) (70,000) (71,400) 4865 - Non-resident fee (1,390) (1,693) (1,000) (1,020) 4933 - Hazmat incident recovery (6,166) (3,740) (99,200) (1,010) Charges for services Total (7,474,806) (6,254,132) (5,972,900) (5,592,704) 4401 - Unauthorized Signs Fine - - - - 4410 - General Fine (104,011) (57,345) (99,000) (91,800) 4411 - Code Administration Citations (145,399) (185,970) (200,000) (204,000) 4412 - Fire administrative citations (20,429) (11,904) (10,900) (11,118) 4422 - Fireworks Administrative Civil Penalty (13,590) (3,590) (4,000) (4,080) 4423 - General Administrative civil penalty (583,777) (669,567) (586,000) (597,720) 4424 - Police Administrative Civil Penalty (19,914) (7,113) (75,000) (12,240) 4426 - Dev Serv Administration Civil Penalty (267) (22,500) (5,500) - 4427 - Fire administrative civil penalty (45,227) (52,489) (35,000) (35,700) 4428 - Code Administration Civil Penalty (226,494) (116,520) (240,800) (283,500) Fines and forfeitures Total (1,904,360) (1,743,683) (2,356,200) (2,049,020) 4603 - Motor vehicle in lieu (104,424) (198,720) - - 4615 - State aid - civil defense - - (41,600) - 4616 - State Aid - Post (84,107) (27,685) (75,000) (35,350) 4622 - ICEMA medical supply reimbursement (33,608) - (9,747) 4670 - Economic development reimbursement (947,133) (58,340) - - 4671 - SBIAA reimbursement (163,775) (139,617) (145,000) (325,338) 4934 - Cont from other government (991,513) - - - 4523 - ATS land and building rental (77,522) (87,573) (77,000) (77,000) 4530 - Rental Fee - Parking (1,320) (660) - - 4540 - Vending machine commission (27,625) (26,943) (31,000) (31,000) Investment income Total (661,900) (714,112) (638,000) (648,600) Licenses & permits 4301 - Business registration (6,222,666) (6,353,807) (6,514,500) (6,709,935) 4303 - Miscellaneous clerk fees (23,604) (2,419) (5,000) (5,050) 4333 - Mobile Home Park Permit (56,823) - (55,400) - 4337 - Plan Check Fees-Fire (88,520) (143,573) (100,000) (122,400) 4 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 Category Account Code And Description Actuals Actuals Adopted Proposed City of San Bernardino General Fund Revenue Report Fiscal Year 2014 - 2015 4339 - Sale of fire reports (1,285) (1,853) - - 4342 - Paramedic /EMS subscription (8,897) (7,930) (6,000) (6,060) 4352 - Miscellaneous Licenses & Permits (440,876) (339,052) (350,000) (357,000) 4360 - Grading Permit (4,242) (11,278) (10,000) (12,869) 4361 - Public works construction permit (175,909) (49,663) (70,500) (71,910) 4362 - On Site Permit (391,681) (502,466) (200,000) (586,144) 4363 - On Site Plan Check Fees (155,629) (176,750) (78,000) (208,169) Miscellaneous 4652 - PERS Credit - - - 4903 - Refunds and rebates (1,269) (90,885) (1,500) (1,515) 4909 - Returned Check Charge (1,747) (904) - - 4910 - Administrative service charge (354,600) - (367,600) (371,276) 4912 - Off-track betting (76,238) (74,054) (90,000) (90,900) 4924 - Damage claim recovery (98,700) (60,360) (80,000) (194,772) 4930 - Sewer fund contribution (500,000) - (500,000) - 6472 - Debt forgiven (1,310,000) - - - 6450 - Transfers in (11,595,346) (12,163,933) (11,452,986) (2,900,000) Transfers in Total (11,595,346) (12,163,933) (11,452,986) (2,900,000) Grand Total (129,252,546) (127,475,173) (126,189,158) (123,809,391) 5 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Catergory Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed 105 Library fund (1,769,300) (1,383,330) 4850 - Miscellaneous library receipts (11,000) (11,211) 4851 - Library fines (21,000) (21,210) 4901 - Miscellaneous Receipts (37,200) (909) 6450 - Transfers in (1,700,000) (1,350,000) 106 Cemetery fund (14,550) (254,111) 4775 - Cemetery burial fee (10,000) (10,000) 4776 - Sale of vases (500) (510) 4777 - Sale of cemetery vaults and liners (3,500) (5,100) 4778 - Sale of cemetery plots (500) (1,020) 6450 - Transfers in - (237,481) 107 Cable tv fund (262,278) (267,115) 4205 - CATV PEG fee (211,568) (215,799) 4901 - Miscellaneous Receipts (12,000) (12,606) 108 Asset forfeiture (805,000) (601,500) 4672 - Asset Seizure - Federal (450,000) (450,000) 4927 - Asset Seizure Revenues (350,000) (151,500) 111 AB2766 air quality (255,200) (255,200) 4626 - AB2766 revenues (250,000) (250,000) 4906 - Water fund contributions (5,200) (5,200) 116 Emergency Solutions Grant 14.231 (259,000) (262,136) 4695 - Recoverable expense income (was 5945 in Linus)(259,000) (262,136) 117 Home Improvement Part 14.239 (2,400,000) (5,400,000) 4695 - Recoverable expense income (was 5945 in Linus)(2,400,000) (5,400,000) 118 Gang and street asset forfeiture (30,300) (30,300) 4929 - Asset Seizure - Drugs/Gangs (30,000) (30,300) 119 CDBG (2,811,898) (3,152,124) 4505 - Interest on Idle Cash - - 4678 - CDBG Allocation (2,811,898) (3,152,124) 121 SBETA (2,678,965) (5,780,656) 4695 - Recoverable expense income (was 5945 in Linus)(2,678,965) (5,780,656) 123 Federal & state grant programs (2,720,386) (3,187,712) 4695 - Recoverable expense income (was 5945 in Linus)(2,720,386) (3,000,567) 4699 - Program income (was 5957 in Linus)- (187,145) 124 Animal control (2,233,500) (2,031,135) 4320 - Animal Licenses (250,000) (252,500) 4352 - Miscellaneous Licenses & Permits (1,000) (1,020) 4410 - General Fine (30,000) (30,600) 4430 - Animal License Penalty (30,000) (30,300) 4756 - Animal Adoption Fee (40,000) (40,800) 4757 - Contracted Shelter Fee (967,000) (986,340) 4759 - Apprehension Fee (20,000) (20,400) 4760 - Boarding Fee (20,000) (20,400) 4761 - Field Service Fee (2,000) (2,040) 4763 - Owner Release Fee (20,000) (20,400) 4764 - Vaccination Fee (12,000) (12,240) 4765 - Microchip Identification Fee (25,000) (25,500) 4901 - Miscellaneous Receipts (500) (505) 6450 - Transfers in (816,000) (588,090) 126 Gas tax fund (6,140,429) (5,421,932) 4602 - HUTA Proposition 42 replacement - gas tax 2103 (2,996,044) (2,270,110) 4610 - State aid - gas tax 2106 (660,323) (816,692) City of San Bernardino Other Funds Revenue Report Fiscal Year 2014 - 2015 6 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 City of San Bernardino Other Funds Revenue Report Fiscal Year 2014 - 2015 4611 - State aid - gas tax 2107 (1,472,222) (1,281,877) 4612 - State aid - gas tax 2107.5 (10,000) (10,000) 4614 - Prop 111 highway users tax - gas tax 2105 (998,840) (1,043,253) 128 Traffic safety (780,000) (505,000) 4440 - CVC Fine (780,000) (505,000) 129 1/2 cent sales & road tax (2,997,716) (3,055,630) 4613 - 1/2 cent sales tax - Measure I (2,995,716) (3,055,630) 132 Sewer line maintenance (3,207,500) (3,264,000) 4820 - Sewer line maintenance reimbursement (3,200,000) (3,264,000) 133 Baseball stadium - (85,643) 6450 - Transfers in - (85,643) 134 Soccer field (401,000) (804,230) 4505 - Interest on Idle Cash (2,000) (2,000) 4520 - Land and Building Rental/Lease (125,000) (252,500) 4530 - Rental Fee - Parking (180,000) (360,000) 4861 - Program & facility use fees (75,000) (151,500) 4862 - Park energy fee (4,000) (8,080) 4901 - Miscellaneous Receipts (15,000) (30,150) 137 CFD 1033 - fire station (585,600) (597,312) 4115 - Revenue for all ADs - use project #(585,600) (597,312) 242 Street construction fund (2,212,300) (2,212,300) 4658 - Federal aid street construction (2,212,300) (2,212,300) 245 Sewer line construction (102,000) (255,000) 4822 - Sewer connection fee (100,000) (255,000) 247 Cultural development constructio (251,000) (750,000) 4335 - Cultural development construction fee (250,000) (750,000) 248 Storm drain construction (276,000) (100,001) 4818 - Storm drain fee (275,000) (100,001) 254 Assessment district res (1,277,898) (1,236,144) 4115 - Revenue for all ADs - use project #(1,277,698) (1,156,144) 6450 - Transfers in - (80,000) 261 Law enforcement facilties DIF (40,750) (73,932) 4824 - Development Impact Fees (40,000) (73,932) 263 Local regional circulation (200) (261,584) 4824 - Development Impact Fees - (261,584) 264 Regional circulation system (10,000) (1,793,954) 4824 - Development Impact Fees - (1,793,954) 527 Integrated waste management (25,186,600) (24,644,800) 4831 - Commercial bin rent (400) (400) 4832 - Commercial bin service (3,750,000) (3,900,000) 4833 - Commercial special (126,000) (126,000) 4837 - Automated commercial rubbish (4,565,900) (5,700,000) 4840 - Residential Refuse (13,712,200) (11,600,000) 4841 - Residential B accounts (400) (400) 4843 - Dino bin service (2,500,000) (2,800,000) 4846 - Recycling revenues (160,700) (167,000) 4901 - Miscellaneous Receipts (351,000) (351,000) 621 Central services fund (149,171) (153,646) 4897 - Interdepartmental receipts (149,171) (153,646) 629 Liability insurance fund (3,146,277) (3,240,665) 4897 - Interdepartmental receipts (3,146,277) (3,240,665) 630 Telephone support fund (1,145,191) (1,170,611) 4893 - Water departmental receipts (154,630) (157,723) 7 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 City of San Bernardino Other Funds Revenue Report Fiscal Year 2014 - 2015 4897 - Interdepartmental receipts (974,561) (1,003,798) 4901 - Miscellaneous Receipts (9,000) (9,090) 631 Utility fund (3,705,585) (5,781,795) 4897 - Interdepartmental receipts (3,705,585) (5,781,795) 635 Fleet services fund (8,117,662) (5,593,655) 4897 - Interdepartmental receipts (7,666,662) (5,139,760) 4901 - Miscellaneous Receipts (50,000) (49,895) 4903 - Refunds and rebates (400,000) (404,000) 677 Unemployment insurance (283,000) (285,830) 4899 - Premiums (283,000) (285,830) 678 Workers compensation (4,342,247) (4,439,854) 4897 - Interdepartmental receipts (3,920,247) (4,037,854) 4906 - Water fund contributions (412,000) (402,000) 679 Information technology (4,333,393) (3,706,682) 4673 - Water reimbursement (522,267) (50,000) 4897 - Interdepartmental receipts (3,767,659) (3,637,290) 4901 - Miscellaneous Receipts (19,200) (19,392) Grand Total (87,227,346) (93,839,519) 8 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) Fund Expenses Revenue Ending Balance 001 General 123,618,331 (123,809,391) 191,060 105 Library fund 1,383,275 (1,383,330) 55 106 Cemetery fund 232,379 (254,111) 21,732 107 Cable tv fund 308,000 (267,115) (40,885) 108 Asset forfeiture 262,200 (601,500) 339,300 111 AB2766 air quality 77,951 (255,200) 177,249 116 Emergency Solutions Grant 14.231 335,240 (262,136) (73,104) 117 Home Improvement Part 14.239 3,759,000 (5,400,000) 1,641,000 118 Gang and street asset forfeiture 50,000 (30,300) (19,700) 119 CDBG 2,543,374 (3,152,124) 608,750 120 Neighborhood Stabil. Prog(NSP1)1,800,000 (1,800,000) - 121 SBETA 3,524,388 (5,780,656) 2,256,268 123 Federal & state grant programs 4,319,931 (3,187,712) (1,132,219) 124 Animal control 2,133,181 (2,031,135) (102,046) 126 Gas tax fund 5,978,955 (5,421,932) (557,023) 129 1/2 cent sales & road tax 9,938,174 (3,055,630) (6,882,544) 132 Sewer line maintenance 3,728,019 (3,264,000) (464,019) 133 Baseball stadium 85,643 (85,643) 0 134 Soccer field 322,181 (804,230) 482,049 208 Verdemont capital project 135,000 - (135,000) 242 Street construction fund 300,000 (2,212,300) 1,912,300 245 Sewer line construction 1,145,000 (255,000) (890,000) 247 Cultural development constructio 280,000 (750,000) 470,000 248 Storm drain construction 1,222,500 (100,001) (1,122,499) 254 Assessment district res 1,156,145 (1,236,144) 79,999 261 Law enforcement facilties DIF 30,000 (73,932) 43,932 262 Fire supression/medic f 307,560 - (307,560) 263 Local regional circulation 410,000 (261,584) (148,416) 264 Regional circulation system 2,560,000 (1,793,954) (766,046) 269 Quimby act parkland 375,000 - (375,000) 356 AD 1015 new pine debt service 51,198 - (51,198) 527 Integrated waste management 23,132,075 (24,644,800) 1,512,725 621 Central services fund 128,763 (153,646) 24,883 629 Liability insurance fund 3,687,709 (3,240,665) (447,044) 630 Telephone support fund 1,240,486 (1,170,611) (69,875) 631 Utility fund 5,438,659 (5,781,795) 343,136 635 Fleet services fund 6,352,347 (5,593,655) (758,692) 678 Workers compensation 4,441,654 (4,439,854) (1,800) 679 Information technology 3,706,682 (3,706,682) - Total 220,501,000 (217,648,910) (2,852,090) City of San Bernardino Fund Summary Fiscal Year 2014 - 2015 10 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO SCHEDULE OF TRANSFERS-IN AND TRANSFERS-OUT FY 2014/15 Proposed Proposed TRANSFERS-IN Transfer-In TO GENERAL FUND: 001 120 From Refuse Fund - Franchise Fee and reimbursement for City services 2,200,000 001 120 From Sewer Line Maint. & Constr. Fund for Administration / Right of way 700,000 2,900,000 TO ALL OTHER FUNDS: 105 From Gen Fund - For Operating Costs (Library)1,350,000 124 From Gen Fund - For Operating Costs (Animal Control)588,090 254 From Gen Fund - Residual Revenue For Operating Costs (Assessment Districts)80,000 106 From Gen Fund - Residual Revenue For Operating Costs (Cemetery)237,481 133 From Gen Fund - Residual Revenue For Operating Costs (Baseball Stadium)85,643 2,341,214 TOTAL TRANSFERS-IN 5,241,214 12 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO SCHEDULE OF TRANSFERS-IN AND TRANSFERS-OUT FY 2014/15 Proposed Proposed TRANSFERS-OUT Transfer-Out GENERAL FUND 001 120 To Animal Control Fund (124) for Operating Costs 588,090 001 120 To Library Fund (105) for Operating Costs 1,350,000 001 120 To Landscape Maint District Fund (254) for Operating Costs 80,000 001 120 To Cemetery Fund (106) for Operating Costs 237,481 001 120 To Baseball Stadium Fund (133) for Operating Costs 85,643 2,341,214 ALL OTHER FUNDS 132 To Gen Fund - Sewer Line Maint.700,000 527 To Gen Fund - For Franchise Fee and reimbursement for City services 2,200,000 2,900,000 TOTAL TRANSFERS-OUT 5,241,214 13 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 1,614,187 1,281,108 5013 - Auto/phone allowance 6,900 7,500 5014 - Salaries temp/parttime 285,160 58,764 Salaries Total 1,911,178 1,347,372 Benefits 5026 - PERS retirement 273,472 242,078 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 162,686 183,400 5028 - Unemployment insurance 4,215 3,843 5029 - Medicare 23,628 18,576 Benefits Total 464,001 447,897 Contractual Services 5502 - Professional/contractual services 125,727 643,014 Contractual Services Total 550,945 643,014 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies 16,000 16,000 5112 - Small tools and equipment 4,400 4,400 5121 - Advertising 4,300 3,000 5122 - Dues and subscriptions 14,000 14,000 5123 - Library books 64,200 66,000 5131 - Mileage 300 300 5132 - Meetings and conferences 450 1,000 5133 - Education and training 3,000 4,000 5171 - Rentals 6,300 8,000 5172 - Equipment maintenance 9,000 9,000 5174 - Printing charges 6,000 6,000 5175 - Postage 7,100 20,000 5176 - Copy machine charges 11,100 11,100 5177 - Litigation expenses 302,066 202,066 5183 - Management allowance 600 600 Maintenance and Operations Total 448,816 365,466 5602 - Workers compensation 12,791 5,232 5604 - IT charges in-house 23,415 56,294 5605 - Telephone support 8,470 10,414 Internal Service Charges Total 86,981 71,940 Grand Total 3,461,921 2,875,689 Fund 001 Dept 050 Position Title FTE ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST I (FLEX)1 CITY ATTORNEY (U)1 CITY ATTORNEY INVESTIGATIONS SUPERVISOR (U)1 DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY I (U)1 DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY II (U)1 DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY III (U)1 DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY IV (U)2 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO THE CITY ATTORNEY (U)1 LEGAL SECRETARY II (U)2 SENIOR DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY (U)1 LEGAL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (U)1 CHIEF ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY (U)1 Grand Total 14 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget City Attorney - General Fund 14 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 522,400 630,444 5013 - Auto/phone allowance 6,900 7,488 5014 - Salaries temp/parttime 36,900 29,760 Salaries Total 566,200 667,692 Benefits 5026 - PERS retirement 88,191 119,130 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 87,200 171,610 5028 - Unemployment insurance 1,600 4,168 5029 - Medicare 7,800 9,953 Benefits Total 184,791 304,861 Contractual Services 5502 - Professional/contractual services 503,600 316,998 5505 - Other professional services 26,000 26,000 Contractual Services Total 529,600 342,998 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies 6,200 6,200 5112 - Small tools and equipment 1,500 3,000 5121 - Advertising 4,400 4,550 5122 - Dues and subscriptions 1,500 1,175 5131 - Mileage - 400 5132 - Meetings and conferences 1,000 1,000 5133 - Education and training 1,000 4,000 5172 - Equipment maintenance - 3,600 5174 - Printing charges 15,500 15,500 5175 - Postage 35,800 39,800 5176 - Copy machine charges 8,800 5,000 5181 - Other operating expenses 5,000 8,500 Maintenance and Operations Total 80,900 92,725 Internal Service Charges 5601 - Garage charges 296 483 5604 - IT charges in-house 92,295 40,911 5605 - Telephone support 6,574 12,714 5612 - Fleet charges - fuel 197 295 Internal Service Charges Total 133,879 54,403 Grand Total 1,495,370 1,462,679 Fund 001 Dept 030 Position Title FTE BUSINESS REGISTRATION INSPECTOR (U)3 BUSINESS REGISTRATION MANAGER (U)1 BUSINESS REGISTRATION REPRESENTATIVE (U)1 CITY CLERK (U)1 DEPUTY CITY CLERK 1 DEPUTY CITY CLERK (U)1 RECORDS MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST (U)1 SENIOR BUSINESS REGISTRATION REPRESENTATIVE (U)1 SENIOR CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE (U)1 Grand Total 11 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget City Clerk - General Fund 15 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 720,586 975,439 5013 - Auto/phone allowance 13,455 7,464 Salaries Total 745,081 982,903 5026 - PERS retirement 121,649 184,318 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 58,533 109,983 5028 - Unemployment insurance 2,173 2,925 5029 - Medicare 10,765 14,143 Benefits Total 193,120 311,369 Contractual Services 5502 - Professional/contractual servic - 81,000 Contractual Services Total - 81,000 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies 3,500 5,000 5122 - Dues and subscriptions 3,000 3,000 5132 - Meetings and conferences 7,500 7,500 5133 - Education and training 500 4,000 5174 - Printing charges 4,000 4,000 5175 - Postage 500 700 5176 - Copy machine charges 6,000 6,000 5181 - Other operating expenses 1,000 1,000 Maintenance and Operations Total 26,600 31,200 5604 - IT charges in-house 58,756 67,981 5605 - Telephone support 4,665 13,231 Internal Service Charges Total 100,402 81,212 Grand Total 1,065,203 1,487,684 Fund 001 Dept 100 Position Title FTE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER (U)0.5 CITY MANAGER (U)0.92 COMMUNITY RELATIONS SUPERVISOR/ASSISTANT OF THE CITY MANAGER (U)0.5 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER (U)1 IEMG BROADCAST ENGINEERING COORDINATOR 1 MANAGEMENT ANALYST II/ASSISTANT OF THE CITY MANAGER (U)0.75 ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER (U)1 BUDGET OFFICER / ASSISTANT TO THE CM (U)1 DEPUTY CITY MANAGER (U)2 Grand Total 8.67 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget City Manager's Office 16 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 262,533 235,863 5012 - Special salaries - 1,326 5013 - Auto/phone allowance - 7,200 Salaries Total 326,181 244,389 5026 - PERS retirement 44,321 44,569 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 32,810 30,299 5028 - Unemployment insurance 748 709 5029 - Medicare 3,167 3,421 Benefits Total 81,046 78,997 5505 - Other professional services 200,000 500,000 Contractual Services Total 563,103 500,000 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies 25,800 25,000 5132 - Meetings and conferences - 5,000 5133 - Education and training - 10,000 5174 - Printing charges - 2,500 5175 - Postage - 2,500 Maintenance and Operations Total 25,800 45,000 Grand Total 996,130 868,386 Fund 119 Dept 100 Position Title FTE CDBG COORDINATOR 1.6 CITY MANAGER (U)0.08 DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF HOUSING (U)0.5 DIRECTOR OF HOUSING (U)0.75 Grand Total 2.93 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Fund 119 CDBG 17 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 69,150 38,730 Salaries Total 69,150 38,730 5026 - PERS retirement 11,674 7,318 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 10,900 9,825 5028 - Unemployment insurance 225 116 5029 - Medicare 975 562 Benefits Total 23,774 17,821 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies 3,500 3,500 5122 - Dues and subscriptions 2,100 2,100 5132 - Meetings and conferences 500 500 5133 - Education and training 200 200 5174 - Printing charges 900 900 5175 - Postage 200 200 5176 - Copy machine charges 1,000 1,000 5181 - Other operating expenses 13,000 13,000 Maintenance and Operations Total 21,400 21,400 Grand Total 125,724 77,951 Fund 111 Dept 100 Position Title FTE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER (U)0.5 MANAGEMENT ANALYST II/ASSISTANT OF THE CITY MANAGER (U)0.25 Grand Total 0.75 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Air Quality AB2766 Fun 111 18 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed 5014 - Salaries temp/parttime - 35,000 Salaries Total - 35,000 Contractual Services 5505 - Other professional services 219,581 220,000 Contractual Services Total 219,581 220,000 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies 1,500 3,000 5112 - Small tools and equipment 20,000 30,000 5122 - Dues and subscriptions 3,750 2,500 5181 - Other operating expenses - 2,500 Maintenance and Operations Total 25,250 38,000 5803 - Lease payments - 15,000 Debt Service Total - 15,000 Grand Total 262,831 308,000 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Cable TV Fund 007 19 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Contractual Services 5502 - Professional/contractual services 259,000 200,000 Contractual Services Total 259,000 200,000 Grand Total 259,000 200,000 Fund 116 Dept 100 Position Title FTE CDBG COORDINATOR 0.2 Grand Total 0.2 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Fund 116 20 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Contractual Services 5502 - Professional/contractual services 2,400,000 3,759,000 Contractual Services Total 2,400,000 3,759,000 Grand Total 2,400,000 3,759,000 Fund 117 Dept 100 Position Title FTE CDBG COORDINATOR 0.2 DIRECTOR OF HOUSING (U)0.25 Grand Total 0.45 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget HOME Fund 117 21 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Contractual Services 5502 - Professional/contractual services 2,120,000 1,800,000 Contractual Services Total 2,120,000 1,800,000 Grand Total 2,120,000 1,800,000 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) Fund 118 22 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description dopted Budge Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 109,010 130,736 5012 - Special salaries - 1,674 Salaries Total 109,010 132,410 5026 - PERS retirement 18,403 24,704 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 16,011 26,939 5028 - Unemployment insurance 279 392 5029 - Medicare 1,624 1,896 Benefits Total 36,317 53,931 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies 5,000 5,000 5121 - Advertising 2,500 2,500 5122 - Dues and subscriptions 1,000 1,000 5132 - Meetings and conferences 500 500 5133 - Education and training 1,000 1,000 5172 - Equipment maintenance 1,000 1,000 5174 - Printing charges 5,000 5,000 5175 - Postage 1,000 1,000 5176 - Copy machine charges 2,500 2,500 5181 - Other operating expenses 1,000 1,000 Maintenance and Operations Total 20,500 20,500 Grand Total 165,827 206,841 Fund 630 Dept 100 Position Title FTE COMMUNITY RELATIONS SUPERVISOR/ASSISTANT OF THE CITY MANAGER (U)0.5 SB DIRECT CALL TAKER (BILINGUAL)4 SENIOR SB DIRECT CALL TAKER 1 Grand Total 5.5 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Call Center Fund 630 23 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 124,100 106,332 5013 - Auto/phone allowance 6,900 7,500 Salaries Total 131,000 113,832 Benefits 5026 - PERS retirement 21,046 20,093 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 32,700 39,300 5028 - Unemployment insurance 400 319 5029 - Medicare 1,900 1,542 Benefits Total 56,046 61,254 5603 - Liability 1,010 1,259 5604 - IT charges in-house - 1,259 Internal Service Charges Total 12,911 2,518 Grand Total 214,457 177,604 Fund 001 Dept 040 Position Title FTE CITY TREASURER (U)1 DEPUTY CITY TREASURER (U)1 TREASURY ASSISTANT (U)1 Grand Total 3 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget City Treasurer - General Fund 24 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 233,750 201,588 5014 - Salaries temp/parttime - 48,190 Salaries Total 240,650 249,778 5026 - PERS retirement 39,461 38,092 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 27,700 33,508 5028 - Unemployment insurance 700 604 5029 - Medicare 3,500 2,922 Benefits Total 71,361 75,126 5112 - Small tools and equipment 200 288 5122 - Dues and subscriptions 1,850 1,850 5174 - Printing charges 100 390 5175 - Postage 400 300 5176 - Copy machine charges 2,200 2,703 Maintenance and Operations Total 6,200 5,531 5702 - Computer equipment - 1,340 Capital Outlay Total - 1,340 5604 - IT charges in-house 53,031 26,524 5605 - Telephone support 1,512 2,558 Internal Service Charges Total 69,429 29,083 Grand Total 387,640 360,858 Fund 001 Dept 140 Position Title FTE CIVIL SERVICE BOARD CHIEF EXAMINER (U)1 HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST 1 HUMAN RESOURCES TECHNICIAN 1 Grand Total 3 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Civil Service - General Fund 25 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5010 - Extra Hire/Temp - 39,360 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 271,300 272,964 5013 - Auto/phone allowance 48,300 52,500 Salaries Total 345,800 364,824 Benefits 5026 - PERS retirement 45,801 51,579 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 94,700 144,100 5028 - Unemployment insurance 900 819 5029 - Medicare 4,800 3,958 Benefits Total 146,201 200,455 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies 7,600 7,600 5112 - Small tools and equipment - 3,000 5122 - Dues and subscriptions 200 1,200 5142 - Meetings and conferences - Ward 1 3,700 3,700 5143 - Meetings and conferences - Ward 2 3,700 3,700 5144 - Meetings and conferences - Ward 3 3,700 3,700 5145 - Meetings and conferences - Ward 4 3,700 3,700 5146 - Meetings and conferences - Ward 5 3,700 3,700 5147 - Meetings and conferences - Ward 6 3,700 3,700 5148 - Meetings and conferences - Ward 7 3,700 3,700 5172 - Equipment maintenance 400 600 5174 - Printing charges 1,000 3,000 5175 - Postage 800 4,800 5176 - Copy machine charges 6,200 6,200 5186 - Civic and promotional 1,100 1,500 Maintenance and Operations Total 43,200 53,800 Internal Service Charges 5601 - Garage charges 198 77 5604 - IT charges in-house 54,382 52,224 5605 - Telephone support 9,220 13,988 5612 - Fleet charges - fuel 399 602 Internal Service Charges Total 93,485 66,891 Grand Total 628,686 685,970 Fund 001 Dept 020 Position Title FTE ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST II 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO CITY COUNCIL (U)1 COUNCIL ADMINISTRATIVE SUPERVISOR (U)1 COUNCILPERSON 7 EXECUTIVE STAFF ASSISTANT TO CITY COUNCIL (U)1 Grand Total 11 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Common Council - General Fund 26 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Contractual Services 5502 - Professional/contractual services 20,000 232,500 Contractual Services Total 20,000 232,500 Grand Total 20,000 232,500 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Community Development - Fund 119 CDBG 28 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 755,781 1,015,630 5012 - Special salaries 1,740 1,140 5013 - Auto/phone allowance - 7,488 5014 - Salaries temp/parttime - 10,000 Salaries Total 757,521 1,034,258 5026 - PERS retirement 127,592 191,913 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 100,979 155,974 5028 - Unemployment insurance 2,072 3,046 5029 - Medicare 10,049 14,726 Benefits Total 240,692 365,659 Contractual Services 5502 - Professional/contractual services 502,500 20,000 Contractual Services Total 503,500 20,000 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies 9,600 9,600 5112 - Small tools and equipment 2,000 2,000 5121 - Advertising 2,600 2,600 5122 - Dues and subscriptions 2,300 2,300 5132 - Meetings and conferences 5,800 10,000 5133 - Education and training 200 1,000 5172 - Equipment maintenance 600 600 5174 - Printing charges 9,400 9,400 5175 - Postage 8,200 8,200 5176 - Copy machine charges 4,500 9,000 Maintenance and Operations Total 45,200 54,700 5604 - IT charges in-house 174,250 116,380 5605 - Telephone support 6,349 9,928 Internal Service Charges Total 224,376 126,307 Transfers Out 7451 - Transfers out 2,516,000 2,341,214 Transfers Out Total 2,516,000 2,341,214 Grand Total 4,287,289 3,942,138 Fund 001 Dept 120 Position Title FTE ACCOUNTANT I (FLEX)1 ACCOUNTANT III 1 ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT 2 ACCOUNTING MANAGER (U)0.85 ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 1.8 DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES (U)1 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO DIRECTOR (U)1 FINANCIAL ANALYST 1 PAYROLL MANAGER 1 PAYROLL TECHNICIAN 1 PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTANT 0.9 PURCHASING MANAGER 1 SENIOR FINANCE SPECIALIST 1 Grand Total 14.55 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Finance - General Fund 29 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 45,057 36,846 5012 - Special salaries - 60 Salaries Total 45,057 36,906 Benefits 5026 - PERS retirement 7,607 6,962 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 4,950 5,294 5028 - Unemployment insurance 136 111 5029 - Medicare 653 534 Benefits Total 13,346 12,901 Grand Total 58,403 49,807 Fund 119 Dept 120 Position Title FTE ACCOUNTING MANAGER (U)0.15 ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 0.2 PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTANT 0.1 Grand Total 0.45 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Finance - Fund 119 CDBG 30 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 15,492,493 13,428,735 5012 - Special salaries 286,500 270,010 5013 - Auto/phone allowance 6,900 15,480 5014 - Salaries temp/parttime 116,858 192,374 5015 - Overtime 4,829,330 4,254,861 Salaries Total 20,732,081 18,161,460 5026 - PERS retirement 4,004,670 4,318,966 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 1,813,100 1,642,236 5028 - Unemployment insurance 52,000 40,752 5029 - Medicare 248,100 196,970 Benefits Total 6,117,870 6,198,924 5505 - Other professional services 225,300 378,120 5507 - Facilities services 77,500 50,000 Contractual Services Total 302,800 428,120 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies 395,900 497,500 5112 - Small tools and equipment 85,000 133,600 5113 - Motor fuel and lubricants 19,100 18,000 5121 - Advertising 20,000 16,300 5122 - Dues and subscriptions 4,700 3,700 5131 - Mileage 500 500 5132 - Meetings and conferences 2,500 2,000 5133 - Education and training 34,000 50,900 5171 - Rentals 12,000 11,400 5172 - Equipment maintenance 101,000 103,300 5173 - Outside vehicle maintenance 80,000 70,000 5174 - Printing charges 12,000 8,100 5175 - Postage 14,700 9,700 5176 - Copy machine charges 15,100 14,300 5179 - Dump/waste fees 2,000 1,500 5181 - Other operating expenses 20,000 22,707 5183 - Management allowance 600 600 Maintenance and Operations Total 819,100 964,107 5803 - Lease payments 88,500 88,521 Debt Service Total 88,500 88,521 5602 - Workers compensation 834,880 1,795,565 5603 - Liability 232,139 4,002 5604 - IT charges in-house 547,471 208,301 5605 - Telephone support 89,641 58,757 5606 - Electric 148,861 147,139 5607 - Gas - 16,490 Internal Service Charges Total 2,018,188 2,230,254 Grand Total 30,078,539 28,071,386 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Fire - General Fund 31 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Fire - General Fund Fund 001 Dept 200 Position Title FTE ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST II 1 BATTALION CHIEF (56HR)6 COMMUNITY FIRE RISK REDUCTION SUPERVISOR 1 DEPUTY FIRE CHIEF (U)1 DEPUTY FIRE MARSHAL 1 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES COORDINATOR 1 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO DIRECTOR (U)1 FIRE CAPTAIN 39 FIRE CHIEF (U)1 FIRE DISPATCH SUPERVISOR 3 FIRE DISPATCHER I (FLEX)1 FIRE DISPATCHER II 9 FIRE ENGINEER 36 FIRE EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 1 FIRE EQUIPMENT MECHANIC I (FLEX)1 FIRE EQUIPMENT MECHANIC II 3 FIRE INVESTIGATOR/CAPTAIN 1 FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER 6 FIREFIGHTER/PARAMEDIC 30 SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 4 SENIOR WAREHOUSE/DELIVERY DRIVER 1 Grand Total 148 32 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime - 739,467 Salaries Total - 739,467 5026 - PERS retirement - 249,940 5027 - Health/Life Insurance - 107,100 5028 - Unemployment insurance - 2,218 5029 - Medicare - 10,722 Benefits Total - 369,981 5602 - Workers compensation - 24,168 Internal Service Charges Total - 24,168 Grand Total - 1,133,616 Fund 123 Dept 200 Position Title FTE FIREFIGHTER/PARAMEDIC 9 Grand Total 9 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Fire - Grants Fund 123 33 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed 5803 - Lease payments 543,200 488,900 Debt Service Total 543,200 488,900 Grand Total 543,200 488,900 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Fire - CDBG Fund 119 34 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Benefits 5024 - PERS retirees health 411,250 411,250 Benefits Total 411,250 411,250 Contractual Services 5502 - Professional/contractual services 1,296,100 1,634,400 5510 - Bankruptcy-Professional/Contractual Services - 4,000,000 Contractual Services Total 3,075,305 5,634,400 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies 2,500 2,300 5122 - Dues and subscriptions 115,000 115,000 5133 - Education and training - 54,500 5174 - Printing charges 5,000 5,000 5184 - Low income rebates 1,000 1,000 Maintenance and Operations Total 357,000 177,800 Debt Service 5801 - Debt service principal - 2,171,615 5802 - Debt service interest - 704,942 5803 - Lease payments 1,758,500 127,500 Debt Service Total 1,758,500 3,004,057 Grand Total 5,602,055 9,227,507 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget General Government - General Fund 35 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 268,940 287,519 5013 - Auto/phone allowance - 4,320 5014 - Salaries temp/parttime 20,000 39,977 Salaries Total 288,940 331,816 5026 - PERS retirement 44,067 54,330 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 33,252 54,344 5028 - Unemployment insurance 720 863 5029 - Medicare 3,880 4,170 Benefits Total 81,919 113,707 Contractual Services 5502 - Professional/contractual services - 25,000 5505 - Other professional services - 22,000 Contractual Services Total - 47,000 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies 2,800 9,500 5121 - Advertising 3,500 3,500 5122 - Dues and subscriptions 3,000 5,500 5132 - Meetings and conferences 1,200 7,000 5133 - Education and training 2,000 23,500 5172 - Equipment maintenance 500 1,200 5174 - Printing charges 2,000 2,500 5175 - Postage 1,000 2,000 5176 - Copy machine charges 2,000 3,000 Maintenance and Operations Total 18,000 57,700 Internal Service Charges 5601 - Garage charges - 931 5604 - IT charges in-house 68,933 45,827 5605 - Telephone support 8,887 7,739 5612 - Fleet charges - fuel - 146 Internal Service Charges Total 109,553 54,643 Grand Total 498,412 604,866 Fund 001 Dept 110 Position Title FTE DEPARTMENTAL ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 1 DIRECTOR HUMAN RESOURCES (U)0.6 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO DIRECTOR 0.6 HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST 0.75 HUMAN RESOURCES TECHNICIAN 0.7 SENIOR HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST 0.55 SENIOR HUMAN RESOURCES TECHNICIAN 0.7 Grand Total 4.9 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Human Resources - General Fund 36 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 169,500 100,816 5013 - Auto/phone allowance - 1,080 5014 - Salaries temp/parttime 40,000 17,910 Salaries Total 209,500 119,806 5026 - PERS retirement 28,616 19,050 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 21,500 21,690 5028 - Unemployment insurance 400 302 5029 - Medicare 2,500 1,461 Benefits Total 53,016 42,503 Contractual Services 5502 - Professional/contractual services 10,000 205,200 Contractual Services Total 24,000 205,200 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies 8,000 1,500 5122 - Dues and subscriptions 2,500 500 5132 - Meetings and conferences 2,000 500 5133 - Education and training 10,000 1,000 5161 - Insurance premiums 1,465,900 2,075,000 5162 - Liability claims 1,269,990 1,200,000 5165 - SIR deductible 1,000 1,000 5172 - Equipment maintenance - 500 5174 - Printing charges 1,500 1,200 5175 - Postage 2,100 500 5176 - Copy machine charges 1,500 1,500 5181 - Other operating expenses 43,000 37,000 Maintenance and Operations Total 2,807,590 3,320,200 Grand Total 3,126,086 3,687,709 Fund 629 Dept 110 Position Title FTE ADMINISTRATIVE CLAIMS SPECIALIST 0.5 DIRECTOR HUMAN RESOURCES (U)0.15 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO DIRECTOR 0.15 HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST 0.5 HUMAN RESOURCES TECHNICIAN 0.1 SENIOR HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST 0.2 SENIOR HUMAN RESOURCES TECHNICIAN 0.1 Grand Total 1.7 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Human Resources - Liability Fund 629 37 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 260,708 145,893 5013 - Auto/phone allowance - 1,800 Salaries Total 261,308 147,693 5026 - PERS retirement 44,013 27,567 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 33,280 30,281 5028 - Unemployment insurance 640 437 5029 - Medicare 3,760 2,115 Benefits Total 81,693 60,400 Contractual Services 5502 - Professional/contractual services 220,825 420,121 Contractual Services Total 413,825 420,121 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies 3,000 1,500 5122 - Dues and subscriptions 700 500 5132 - Meetings and conferences 7,000 500 5133 - Education and training 5,400 500 5161 - Insurance premiums 215,000 220,000 5163 - Workers compensation claims 3,037,233 3,372,440 5172 - Equipment maintenance - 500 5174 - Printing charges 2,500 500 5175 - Postage 4,000 500 5176 - Copy machine charges 2,000 1,500 5181 - Other operating expenses 190,000 215,000 Maintenance and Operations Total 3,466,833 3,813,440 Grand Total 4,260,571 4,441,654 Fund 678 Dept 110 Position Title FTE ADMINISTRATIVE CLAIMS SPECIALIST 0.5 DIRECTOR HUMAN RESOURCES (U)0.25 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO DIRECTOR 0.25 HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST 0.75 HUMAN RESOURCES TECHNICIAN 0.2 SENIOR HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST 0.25 SENIOR HUMAN RESOURCES TECHNICIAN 0.2 Grand Total 2.4 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Human Resources - Workers Compensation Fund 678 38 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 1,106,175 1,032,111 Salaries Total 1,106,175 1,032,111 5026 - PERS retirement 186,746 195,031 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 144,875 161,233 5028 - Unemployment insurance 2,950 3,095 5029 - Medicare 14,600 14,967 Benefits Total 349,171 374,326 Contractual Services 5502 - Professional/contractual services 531,990 383,500 5505 - Other professional services 10,500 10,500 Contractual Services Total 542,490 394,000 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies 50,964 19,338 5112 - Small tools and equipment 21,018 1,000 5122 - Dues and subscriptions 19,152 15,873 5171 - Rentals 75,048 65,048 5172 - Equipment maintenance 904,424 1,000,552 5175 - Postage 1,380 500 Maintenance and Operations Total 1,632,401 1,102,311 5702 - Computer equipment 159,787 79,943 5715 - Assets acquired by lease/long term debt 25,400 25,400 Capital Outlay Total 185,187 105,343 5803 - Lease payments 689,000 645,000 Debt Service Total 689,000 645,000 Internal Service Charges 5601 - Garage charges 400 879 5602 - Workers compensation 14,350 51,873 5612 - Fleet charges - fuel 1,100 839 Internal Service Charges Total 65,250 53,591 Grand Total 4,569,674 3,706,682 Fund 679 Dept 250 Position Title FTE APPLICATIONS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER 1 DEPARTMENTAL ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 1 GIS ADMINISTRATOR 1 IT ANALYST I (FLEX)1 IT ANALYST II 2 IT OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR 1 PUBLIC SAFETY IT MANAGER 1 SENIOR GIS ANALYST 1 SENIOR IT ANALYST 2 SENIOR IT TECHNICIAN 1 SENIOR NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR 0.75 Grand Total 12.75 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Information Technology Fund 679 39 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 26,425 26,433 Salaries Total 26,425 26,433 5026 - PERS retirement 3,346 4,995 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 2,725 3,275 5028 - Unemployment insurance 50 79 5029 - Medicare 275 383 Benefits Total 6,396 8,732 Contractual Services 5502 - Professional/contractual services - 308,500 Contractual Services Total - 308,500 Maintenance and Operations5111 - Material and supplies 30,000 16,000 5133 - Education and training 4,400 5,200 5155 - Cellular service 180,000 150,000 5157 - Telephone charges 449,500 378,000 5171 - Rentals 1,000 500 5172 - Equipment maintenance 65,500 86,500 5175 - Postage 200 100 Maintenance and Operations Total 731,300 636,300 5803 - Lease payments 44,000 44,000 Debt Service Total 44,000 44,000 5602 - Workers compensation 1,351 1,487 5604 - IT charges in-house - 8,193 Internal Service Charges Total 2,562 9,680 Grand Total 810,683 1,033,645 Fund 630 Dept 250 Position Title FTE SENIOR NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR 0.25 Grand Total 0.25 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Information Technology Telephone Fund 630 40 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 41,000 40,992 Salaries Total 41,000 40,992 5026 - PERS retirement 6,922 7,746 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 5,900 7,308 5028 - Unemployment insurance 100 123 5029 - Medicare 600 594 Benefits Total 13,522 15,771 5505 - Other professional services 5,500 1,000 Contractual Services Total 5,500 1,000 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies 33,000 33,000 5171 - Rentals 49,500 38,000 Maintenance and Operations Total 82,700 71,000 Grand Total 145,697 128,763 Fund 621 Dept 250 Position Title FTE REPROGRAPHICS & MAIL TECHNICIAN 1 Grand Total 1 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Information Technology Print Shop Fund 621 41 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 722,600 590,051 5012 - Special salaries 1,800 1,200 5014 - Salaries temp/parttime 263,400 251,876 Salaries Total 987,800 843,127 5026 - PERS retirement 121,990 111,495 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 96,325 87,663 5028 - Unemployment insurance 2,249 1,768 5029 - Medicare 10,536 8,553 Benefits Total 231,100 209,479 5505 - Other professional services 26,710 14,210 Contractual Services Total 26,710 14,210 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies 47,829 8,000 5122 - Dues and subscriptions 11,900 16,100 5157 - Telephone charges 54,496 5,000 5171 - Rentals - 14,939 5172 - Equipment maintenance 50,100 45,001 5174 - Printing charges 6,000 3,000 5175 - Postage 6,000 6,500 5181 - Other operating expenses 117,100 24,850 Maintenance and Operations Total 295,025 123,390 Internal Service Charges 5601 - Garage charges 1,258 1,334 5604 - IT charges in-house - 42,937 5606 - Electric 134,574 127,409 5607 - Gas - 4,979 5608 - Water, sewer, geothermal - 14,427 5612 - Fleet charges - fuel 1,875 1,983 Internal Service Charges Total 175,493 193,069 Grand Total 1,716,128 1,383,275 Fund 105 Dept 470 Position Title FTE LIBRARIAN II 1 LIBRARY ADMIN TECHNICIAN/WEBMASTER 1 LIBRARY ASSISTANT 1 LIBRARY CIRCULATION SUPERVISOR 1 LIBRARY DIRECTOR (U)1 LIBRARY NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR 1 LIBRARY NETWORK ASSISTANT 1 LIBRARY PROGRAM COORDINATOR 1 SENIOR LIBRARY TECHNICIAN 1 TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIAN 1 Grand Total 10 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Library Fund 105 42 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 160,300 197,412 5013 - Auto/phone allowance 6,900 7,500 Salaries Total 167,200 204,912 Benefits 5026 - PERS retirement 27,062 37,302 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 21,800 33,500 5028 - Unemployment insurance 500 592 5029 - Medicare 2,400 2,862 Benefits Total 51,762 74,256 Contractual Services 5502 - Professional/contractual services 90,000 130,000 Contractual Services Total 90,000 130,000 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies 13,000 13,000 5122 - Dues and subscriptions 2,000 200 5131 - Mileage 500 500 5132 - Meetings and conferences 18,000 18,000 5133 - Education and training 2,000 2,000 5172 - Equipment maintenance 1,000 1,000 5174 - Printing charges 4,000 4,000 5175 - Postage 5,000 5,000 5176 - Copy machine charges 10,500 10,500 5186 - Civic and promotional 9,575 9,575 5193 - Grant match 4,500 4,500 Maintenance and Operations Total 70,075 68,275 Internal Service Charges 5601 - Garage charges 197 78 5604 - IT charges in-house 70,082 29,101 5605 - Telephone support 12,917 12,263 Internal Service Charges Total 116,543 41,442 Grand Total 495,580 518,885 Fund 001 Dept 010 Position Title FTE EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO MAYOR (U)1 LEGISLATIVE AIDE 1 MAYOR 1 Grand Total 3 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Mayor - General Fund 43 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 922,400 1,081,718 5013 - Auto/phone allowance 8,430 11,700 5014 - Salaries temp/parttime 318,305 257,316 5015 - Overtime 38,900 35,000 Salaries Total 1,288,035 1,385,734 5026 - PERS retirement 155,720 204,402 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 93,300 169,502 5028 - Unemployment insurance 2,790 3,245 5029 - Medicare 13,240 15,685 Benefits Total 265,050 392,834 Contractual Services 5502 - Professional/contractual services 871,800 54,500 5505 - Other professional services 124,834 53,600 5506 - Landscape contracts 54,900 1,200,000 5507 - Facilities services 37,200 30,000 Contractual Services Total 1,088,734 1,338,100 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies 305,500 161,313 5112 - Small tools and equipment 8,965 10,200 5114 - Raw foods - 1,406 5120 - Media expense - 1,000 5121 - Advertising 12,500 3,000 5122 - Dues and subscriptions 4,600 4,930 5131 - Mileage 4,900 2,100 5132 - Meetings and conferences 5,600 4,700 5133 - Education and training 4,400 2,300 5161 - Insurance premiums 14,235 16,872 5171 - Rentals 13,400 3,820 5172 - Equipment maintenance 300 3,000 5174 - Printing charges 9,800 10,900 5175 - Postage 5,800 6,000 5176 - Copy machine charges 7,500 7,500 5193 - Grant match 85,400 85,400 Maintenance and Operations Total 482,900 324,441 5704 - Miscellaneous equipment - 43,000 Capital Outlay Total - 43,000 Internal Service Charges 5601 - Garage charges 173,189 87,078 5602 - Workers compensation 209,873 46,541 5603 - Liability 88,314 33,851 5604 - IT charges in-house 95,894 163,458 5605 - Telephone support 70,192 35,632 5606 - Electric 751,994 682,781 5607 - Gas - 36,687 5608 - Water, sewer, geothermal - 1,633,345 5612 - Fleet charges - fuel 91,973 113,647 Internal Service Charges Total 1,481,429 2,833,018 Grand Total 4,606,148 6,317,127 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Parks - General Fund 44 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Parks - General Fund Fund 001 Dept 380 Position Title FTE ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST I (FLEX)1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 1 COMMUNITY RECREATION MANAGER 2 COMMUNITY RECREATION PROGRAM COORDINATOR 3 COMMUNITY SERVICES CENTER SUPERVISOR 2 DEPARTMENTAL ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 1 DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC/COMMUNITY SERVICES (U)0.9 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO DIRECTOR (U)1 LANDSCAPE INSPECTOR II 3 LEAD PARK CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE WORKER 1 LEAD PARKS MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 1 PARKS MAINTENANCE DIVISION MANAGER (U)1 RECREATION THERAPIST 1 Grand Total 18.9 45 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 7,879 14,722 5013 - Auto/phone allowance - 125 Salaries Total 7,879 14,847 5026 - PERS retirement 1,330 2,782 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 545 1,310 5028 - Unemployment insurance 24 44 5029 - Medicare 114 213 Benefits Total 2,013 4,349 Contractual Services 5502 - Professional/contractual services 305,108 441,500 Contractual Services Total 305,108 441,500 Grand Total 315,000 460,696 Fund 119 Dept 380 Position Title FTE DIRECTOR OF PARKS/REC/COMMUNITY SERVICES (U)0.1 Grand Total 0.1 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Parks - Fund 119 CDBG 46 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 86,200 43,092 Salaries Total 86,200 43,092 5026 - PERS retirement 14,552 8,143 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 11,800 7,308 5028 - Unemployment insurance 200 129 5029 - Medicare 1,200 625 Benefits Total 27,752 16,205 5505 - Other professional services 14,388 6,500 5506 - Landscape contracts 5,000 116,632 Contractual Services Total 19,388 123,132 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies 20,000 10,000 5112 - Small tools and equipment 900 2,500 5122 - Dues and subscriptions 200 240 5171 - Rentals 500 500 5172 - Equipment maintenance 1,500 1,500 5174 - Printing charges 100 200 5175 - Postage 100 100 Maintenance and Operations Total 23,300 15,040 Internal Service Charges 5601 - Garage charges 1,184 1,179 5605 - Telephone support 5,850 2,138 5606 - Electric 1,499 553 5607 - Gas - 175 5608 - Water, sewer, geothermal - 28,727 5612 - Fleet charges - fuel 4,243 2,138 Internal Service Charges Total 24,788 34,910 Grand Total 187,428 232,379 Fund 106 Dept 380 Position Title FTE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 1 Grand Total 1 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Parks - Fund 106 Cemetery 47 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime - 248,268 5014 - Salaries temp/parttime - 131,887 Salaries Total - 380,155 5026 - PERS retirement - 46,913 5027 - Health/Life Insurance - 51,156 5028 - Unemployment insurance - 451 5029 - Medicare - 2,180 Benefits Total - 100,700 5505 - Other professional services - 15,500 Contractual Services Total - 15,500 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies - 1,845 5112 - Small tools and equipment - 8,000 5114 - Raw foods - 77,000 5131 - Mileage - 862 5132 - Meetings and conferences - 2,000 5135 - Transportation - grants - 52,976 5136 - Meals - 21,504 5150 - Utilities - 47,818 5161 - Insurance premiums - 1,628 5172 - Equipment maintenance - 1,500 5174 - Printing charges - 325 5175 - Postage - 300 5181 - Other operating expenses - 9,849 5191 - Stipends - 182,622 Maintenance and Operations Total - 408,229 Internal Service Charges 5601 - Garage charges - 1,000 5602 - Workers compensation - 4,155 5605 - Telephone support - 1,100 Internal Service Charges Total - 6,255 Grand Total - 910,839 Fund 123 Dept 380 Position Title FTE COORDINATOR OF VOLUNTEERS 1 PROGRAM MANAGER - SENIOR NUTRITION 1 PROGRAM MANAGER RSVP 1 PROGRAM MANAGER SCP 1 Grand Total 4 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Parks - Fund 123 Grants 48 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed 5606 - Electric - 19,009 5608 - Water, sewer, geothermal - 66,634 Internal Service Charges Total - 85,643 Grand Total 15,192 85,643 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Parks - Fund 133 Baseball Stadium 49 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 61,100 52,596 5014 - Salaries temp/parttime 95,000 95,000 Salaries Total 156,100 147,596 5026 - PERS retirement 10,315 9,939 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 8,100 9,506 5028 - Unemployment insurance 200 158 5029 - Medicare 900 763 Benefits Total 19,515 20,365 Contractual Services 5502 - Professional/contractual services 11,000 15,000 5505 - Other professional services 4,991 4,000 5507 - Facilities services 6,000 3,000 Contractual Services Total 21,991 22,000 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies 65,600 65,000 5112 - Small tools and equipment 250 250 5121 - Advertising 500 500 5122 - Dues and subscriptions 150 150 5131 - Mileage 1,500 500 5172 - Equipment maintenance 5,000 5,000 5174 - Printing charges 500 500 5175 - Postage 100 100 Maintenance and Operations Total 73,600 72,000 Internal Service Charges 5601 - Garage charges 3,553 612 5607 - Gas - 17,803 5608 - Water, sewer, geothermal - 41,805 Internal Service Charges Total 60,289 60,220 Grand Total 367,095 322,181 Fund 134 Dept 380 Position Title FTE COMMUNITY RECREATION MANAGER / COMMUNITY REC SUPERVISOR 1 Grand Total 1 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Parks - Fund 134 Soccer Field 50 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 836,040 1,004,164 5012 - Special salaries 1,200 3,960 5014 - Salaries temp/parttime 22,000 95,260 5015 - Overtime 8,692 11,000 Salaries Total 867,932 1,114,384 5026 - PERS retirement 92,003 189,747 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 128,100 181,986 5028 - Unemployment insurance 2,100 3,012 5029 - Medicare 12,200 14,560 Benefits Total 234,403 389,306 5505 - Other professional services 93,000 134,050 Contractual Services Total 93,000 134,050 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies 82,100 182,700 5112 - Small tools and equipment 500 600 5122 - Dues and subscriptions 500 500 5133 - Education and training 2,500 2,500 5172 - Equipment maintenance 1,000 2,500 5174 - Printing charges 4,000 2,500 5175 - Postage 6,000 6,000 5176 - Copy machine charges 2,300 2,500 5181 - Other operating expenses 3,500 3,000 Maintenance and Operations Total 102,400 202,800 5706 - Alterations and renovations 100,000 100,000 Capital Outlay Total 100,000 100,000 Internal Service Charges 5601 - Garage charges 28,519 12,404 5602 - Workers compensation 102,352 25,957 5603 - Liability 10,093 3,650 5604 - IT charges in-house 296,482 27,807 5605 - Telephone support 80,672 20,057 5606 - Electric 207,006 25,206 5607 - Gas - 3,030 5608 - Water, sewer, geothermal - 28,511 5612 - Fleet charges - fuel 34,144 46,019 Internal Service Charges Total 759,268 192,641 Grand Total 2,157,003 2,133,181 Fund 124 Dept 210 Position Title FTE ANIMAL CONTROL MANAGER 1 ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER 8 ANIMAL SHELTER ATTENDANT 8 ANIMAL SHELTER KENNEL SUPERVISOR 1 ANIMAL SHELTER OFFICE SUPERVISOR 1 SENIOR CUSTOMER SERVICE REP/DISPATCHER 4 SENIOR OFFICE ASSISTANT 1 Grand Total 24 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Police - Animal Control Fund 124 53 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed 5505 - Other professional services 91,300 91,300 Contractual Services Total 91,300 91,300 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies 1,600 1,600 5112 - Small tools and equipment 15,000 75,000 5121 - Advertising 3,000 3,000 5173 - Outside vehicle maintenance 6,300 6,300 5181 - Other operating expenses 145,000 85,000 Maintenance and Operations Total 170,900 170,900 Grand Total 377,399 262,200 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Police -Asset Forfeiture Fund 108 54 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime - 99,984 Salaries Total - 99,984 Benefits 5026 - PERS retirement - 18,892 5027 - Health/Life Insurance - 14,616 5028 - Unemployment insurance - 299 5029 - Medicare - 1,449 Benefits Total - 35,256 Grand Total - 135,240 Fund 116 Dept 210 Position Title FTE Homeless Outreach Assistant 2 Grand Total 2 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Police - Emergency Solutions Grant Fund 116 55 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime - 526,506 5012 - Special salaries - 16,500 5014 - Salaries temp/parttime - 30,000 5015 - Overtime - 618,487 Salaries Total - 1,191,493 5026 - PERS retirement - 174,404 5027 - Health/Life Insurance - 69,890 5028 - Unemployment insurance - 1,836 5029 - Medicare - 8,874 Benefits Total - 255,004 5505 - Other professional services - 227,396 Contractual Services Total - 227,396 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies - 10,000 5112 - Small tools and equipment - 70,021 Maintenance and Operations Total - 80,021 5704 - Miscellaneous equipment - 150,000 Capital Outlay Total - 150,000 Internal Service Charges 5601 - Garage charges - 17,280 5604 - IT charges in-house - 8,000 Internal Service Charges Total - 25,280 Grand Total - 1,929,194 Fund 123 Dept 210 Position Title FTE DETECTIVE/CORPORAL 0.2 POLICE DISPATCHER II 0.2 POLICE OFFICER 4.8 SERGEANT 0.8 Grand Total 6 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Police - Grants Fund 123 56 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed 5505 - Other professional services 385 30,000 Contractual Services Total 385 30,000 Grand Total 30,385 30,000 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Police -Law Enforcement DIFF Fund 261 57 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 2,370,755 1,571,266 5013 - Auto/phone allowance 2,550 1,872 Salaries Total 2,817,437 1,573,138 5026 - PERS retirement 400,231 296,904 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 281,635 245,958 5028 - Unemployment insurance 7,250 4,711 5029 - Medicare 34,310 22,780 Benefits Total 723,426 570,352 Contractual Services 5502 - Professional/contractual services 421,200 220,487 Contractual Services Total 1,037,000 629,287 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies 826,800 380,100 5122 - Dues and subscriptions 3,900 3,600 5132 - Meetings and conferences - - 5133 - Education and training 2,000 5,300 5174 - Printing charges 650 650 5175 - Postage 1,500 700 5176 - Copy machine charges 5,600 2,800 5181 - Other operating expenses - 100 Maintenance and Operations Total 886,750 430,150 5604 - IT charges in-house 142,464 192,573 5605 - Telephone support 73,293 61,483 Internal Service Charges Total 2,677,464 1,733,437 Grand Total 8,142,077 4,936,364 Position Title FTE ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST II 0.13 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SUPERVISOR 0.2 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT/REAL PROP SPECIALIST 0.6 Assessment District/RealProp Manager 0.6 Assessment District/RealProp Specialist 0.6 BUILDING MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT 1 CITY ENGINEER (U)0.7 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR II 2.25 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER 0.6 CUSTODIAN 6 DEPARTMENTAL ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 0.3 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS (U)0.25 ENGINEERING ASSISTANT I (FLEX)0.3 ENGINEERING ASSISTANT II 1.8 ENGINEERING ASSOCIATE 0.5 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT 0.9 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO DIRECTOR (U)0.35 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE MECHANIC 2 HVAC MECHANIC 1 HVAC SUPERVISOR 1 LEAD CUSTODIAN 2 MAINTENANCE WORKER I (FLEX)4 Plumber 1 PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER 0.7 SURVEY TECHNICIAN I (FLEX)0.3 Traffic Engineer 1 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING ASSOCIATE 0.8 Traffic Systems and Operations Analyst 0.6 Grand Total 31.48 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Public Works General Fund 58 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Contractual Services 5502 - Professional/contractual services 100,000 450,000 Contractual Services Total 100,000 450,000 Grand Total 100,000 450,000 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Fund 119 CDBG 59 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime - 28,000 5014 - Salaries temp/parttime - 2,600 5015 - Overtime - 5,000 Salaries Total - 35,600 5026 - PERS retirement - 1,745 5027 - Health/Life Insurance - 1,650 5028 - Unemployment insurance - 189 5029 - Medicare - 189 Benefits Total - 3,773 Contractual Services 5502 - Professional/contractual services - 22,500 5505 - Other professional services - 3,628 Contractual Services Total - 26,128 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies - 82,363 5112 - Small tools and equipment - 2,500 5122 - Dues and subscriptions - 2,103 5132 - Meetings and conferences - 500 5133 - Education and training - 500 5174 - Printing charges - 2,700 5175 - Postage - 523 5186 - Civic and promotional - 30,000 Maintenance and Operations Total - 121,189 5602 - Workers compensation - 455 Internal Service Charges Total - 455 Grand Total - 187,145 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Public Works - Fund 123 Grants 60 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime - 1,219,278 5014 - Salaries temp/parttime - 179,523 Salaries Total - 1,398,801 Benefits 5026 - PERS retirement - 230,394 5027 - Health/Life Insurance - 213,817 5028 - Unemployment insurance - 3,658 5029 - Medicare - 17,679 Benefits Total - 465,548 Contractual Services 5502 - Professional/contractual services - 1,634,000 5505 - Other professional services - 203,500 Contractual Services Total - 1,837,500 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies - 464,500 5112 - Small tools and equipment - 17,650 5113 - Motor fuel and lubricants - 300 5133 - Education and training - 1,000 5171 - Rentals - 9,500 5172 - Equipment maintenance - 250 5175 - Postage - 200 5176 - Copy machine charges - 2,800 Maintenance and Operations Total - 496,200 Internal Service Charges 5601 - Garage charges - 23,001 5602 - Workers compensation - 100,740 5604 - IT charges in-house - 105,548 5605 - Telephone support - 31,861 5606 - Electric - 189,140 5607 - Gas - 861 5608 - Water, sewer, geothermal - 15,217 5612 - Fleet charges - fuel - 39,538 Internal Service Charges Total - 505,906 Grand Total - 4,703,955 Fund 126 Dept (All) Position Title FTE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SUPERVISOR 0.3 DEPARTMENTAL ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 1 ELECTRICIAN I (FLEX)1.5 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 2 LEAD MAINTENANCE WORKER 4 MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 1 MAINTENANCE WORKER I (FLEX)7 MAINTENANCE WORKER II 4 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE DIVISION MANAG 0.5 SENIOR OFFICE ASSISTANT 2 STREET SIGNAL/LIGHTING SUPERVISOR 1 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING ASSOCIATE 0.2 Traffic Signal Technician 1 TRAFFIC SIGNAL TECHNICIAN II 2 TREE TRIMMER ASSISTANT 1 TREE TRIMMER I 1 TREE TRIMMER II 1 Grand Total 30.5 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Fund 126 Gas Tax 61 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed 5504 - Construction 12,019,390 16,349,800 Contractual Services Total 12,064,031 16,349,800 Grand Total 13,307,855 16,349,800 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget CIP 62 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 185,200 126,312 Salaries Total 185,200 126,312 5026 - PERS retirement 31,466 23,867 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 19,900 16,814 5028 - Unemployment insurance 600 379 5029 - Medicare 2,700 1,832 Benefits Total 54,666 42,892 Contractual Services 5502 - Professional/contractual services 722,089 34,000 5506 - Landscape contracts - 561,000 Contractual Services Total 722,089 595,000 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies - 25,692 Maintenance and Operations Total - 25,692 5608 - Water, sewer, geothermal - 366,249 Internal Service Charges Total 315,943 366,249 Grand Total 1,277,898 1,156,145 Fund 254 Dept 400 Position Title FTE LANDSCAPE INSPECTION SUPERVISOR 1 LANDSCAPE INSPECTOR II 1 Grand Total 2 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Fund 254 Assessment Districts 63 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 4,135,150 3,692,648 5012 - Special salaries 600 600 5013 - Auto/phone allowance 5,100 3,744 Salaries Total 4,776,350 3,696,992 5026 - PERS retirement 698,096 701,935 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 546,390 630,276 5028 - Unemployment insurance 10,660 11,078 5029 - Medicare 62,360 53,544 Benefits Total 1,317,506 1,396,833 Contractual Services 5502 - Professional/contractual services 702,900 901,900 5505 - Other professional services 568,863 618,863 Contractual Services Total 1,271,763 1,520,763 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies 162,000 856,000 5112 - Small tools and equipment 223,300 612,200 5121 - Advertising 5,000 5,000 5122 - Dues and subscriptions 1,300 1,300 5131 - Mileage 300 300 5132 - Meetings and conferences 1,000 1,000 5133 - Education and training 1,600 900 5171 - Rentals 36,700 40,300 5172 - Equipment maintenance 1,000 20,500 5173 - Outside vehicle maintenance 10,000 10,000 5174 - Printing charges 14,000 14,000 5175 - Postage 10,500 10,500 5176 - Copy machine charges 4,800 2,800 5179 - Dump/waste fees 6,031,700 6,131,700 5181 - Other operating expenses 79,300 152,500 5183 - Management allowance 300 300 Maintenance and Operations Total 6,582,800 7,859,300 5803 - Lease payments 2,775,421 2,286,170 Debt Service Total 2,775,421 2,286,170 Internal Service Charges 5601 - Garage charges 3,084,740 2,052,060 5603 - Liability 1,061,781 676,626 5604 - IT charges in-house 77,708 135,147 5606 - Electric 4,995 3,869 5607 - Gas - 520 5608 - Water, sewer, geothermal - 409 5612 - Fleet charges - fuel 1,227,324 1,303,386 Internal Service Charges Total 6,031,075 4,172,017 Transfers Out 7451 - Transfers out - 2,200,000 Transfers Out Total - 2,200,000 Grand Total 22,754,915 23,132,075 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Fund 527 IWM 64 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Fund 527 IWM Fund 527 Dept 400 Position Title FTE ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST II 0.31 DEPARTMENTAL ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 0.6 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS (U)0.5 ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT MANAGER 1 ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT SPECIALIST 1 EQUIPMENT SERVICE WORKER 1 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT 1 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO DIRECTOR (U)0.5 Integrated Waste Operations Supervisor 1 IW DIVISION MANAGER (U)1 IW FIELD INSPECTOR 1 IW OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR 3 IW OPERATOR (FLEX)6 LEAD MAINTENANCE WORKER 1 LEAD MOTOR SWEEPER OPERATOR 1 MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 1 MAINTENANCE WORKER I (FLEX)1 MAINTENANCE WORKER II 2 MOTOR SWEEPER OPERATOR 4 Safety Officer 1 SENIOR CUSTOMER SERVICE REP/DISPATCHER 1 SENIOR IW OPERATOR 58 SENIOR OFFICE ASSISTANT 1 Grand Total 88.91 65 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 41,000 40,992 Salaries Total 41,000 40,992 5026 - PERS retirement 6,922 7,746 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 5,900 7,308 5028 - Unemployment insurance 100 123 5029 - Medicare 600 594 Benefits Total 13,522 15,771 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies 6,000 6,000 5122 - Dues and subscriptions 200 200 5132 - Meetings and conferences 2,000 2,000 5151 - Electric charges 3,016,600 3,016,600 5152 - Gas charges 132,300 132,300 5154 - Water charges 382,700 1,930,000 5199 - Depreciation expense 117,787 117,787 Maintenance and Operations Total 3,657,587 5,204,887 5803 - Lease payments 88,500 177,009 Debt Service Total 88,500 177,009 Grand Total 3,817,957 5,438,659 Fund 631 Dept 400 Position Title FTE DEPARTMENTAL ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 1 Grand Total 1 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Fund 631 Utility 66 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 1,207,900 1,178,556 5012 - Special salaries 8,200 9,900 5013 - Auto/phone allowance 5,100 - 5015 - Overtime 80,000 - Salaries Total 1,301,200 1,188,456 5026 - PERS retirement 203,918 222,700 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 142,900 184,184 5028 - Unemployment insurance 3,800 3,536 5029 - Medicare 18,000 17,089 Benefits Total 368,618 427,509 Contractual Services 5502 - Professional/contractual services 9,000 15,500 5505 - Other professional services 3,500 3,500 Contractual Services Total 12,500 19,000 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies 1,182,300 1,232,200 5112 - Small tools and equipment 10,000 10,000 5113 - Motor fuel and lubricants 2,567,000 2,684,000 5122 - Dues and subscriptions 5,600 5,600 5133 - Education and training 2,000 2,000 5171 - Rentals 37,500 37,500 5172 - Equipment maintenance 41,000 41,000 5173 - Outside vehicle maintenance 479,900 479,900 5174 - Printing charges 1,000 1,000 5175 - Postage 500 500 5176 - Copy machine charges 4,700 4,700 5179 - Dump/waste fees 24,000 24,000 5181 - Other operating expenses 11,000 11,000 5188 - City in-house services 25,200 25,200 Maintenance and Operations Total 5,704,592 4,558,600 Internal Service Charges 5601 - Garage charges 16,480 7,204 5604 - IT charges in-house 25,902 60,768 5606 - Electric 99,906 64,421 5607 - Gas - 9,448 5608 - Water, sewer, geothermal - 7,446 5612 - Fleet charges - fuel 8,289 9,495 Internal Service Charges Total 286,595 158,783 Grand Total 7,673,505 6,352,347 Fund 635 Dept 400 Position Title FTE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 1 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SUPERVISOR 1 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE MANAGER 1 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 2 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC I (FLEX)6 EQUIPMENT MECHANIC II 10 EQUIPMENT SERVICE WORKER 3 Grand Total 24 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Fund 635 Fleet 67 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 838,620 1,121,561 5013 - Auto/phone allowance 2,550 1,872 Salaries Total 952,170 1,123,433 5026 - PERS retirement 141,285 211,931 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 99,475 183,930 5028 - Unemployment insurance 2,290 3,365 5029 - Medicare 12,230 16,263 Benefits Total 255,280 415,489 Contractual Services 5502 - Professional/contractual services 525,900 525,900 5505 - Other professional services 24,347 24,347 Contractual Services Total 550,247 550,247 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies 166,500 166,500 5112 - Small tools and equipment 15,000 15,000 5122 - Dues and subscriptions 1,400 1,400 5131 - Mileage 4,000 4,000 5133 - Education and training 10,400 10,400 5171 - Rentals 5,000 5,000 5172 - Equipment maintenance 2,500 2,500 Maintenance and Operations Total 204,800 204,800 Internal Service Charges 5601 - Garage charges - 91,989 5604 - IT charges in-house 12,951 28,192 5612 - Fleet charges - fuel - 63,869 Internal Service Charges Total 169,920 184,050 Transfers Out 7451 - Transfers out - 700,000 Transfers Out Total - 700,000 Grand Total 2,132,417 3,178,019 Fund 132 Dept 400 Position Title FTE ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST II 0.56 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SUPERVISOR 0.5 DEPARTMENTAL ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 0.1 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS (U)0.25 ELECTRICIAN I (FLEX)0.5 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO DIRECTOR (U)0.15 HAZMAT TECHNICIAN 1 LEAD SEWER MAINTENANCE WORKER 2 MAINTENANCE WORKER II 3 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE DIVISION MANAGER (U)0.5 PUMP MECHANIC 2 SENIOR CUSTOMER SERVICE REP/DISPATCHER 1 SEWER MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 1 SEWER MAINTENANCE WORKER 11 Grand Total 23.56 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Fund 132 Sewer Line Maintenance 68 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Debt Service 5801 - Debt service principal - 48,300 5802 - Debt service interest - 2,898 Debt Service Total 68,000 51,198 Grand Total 68,000 51,198 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget Fund 356 AD 1015 New Pine Debt Service 69 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) FY 2014 FY 2015 Expenditure Categories Account Code And Description Adopted Budget Proposed Salaries 5011 - Salaries perm/fulltime 1,409,500 1,399,655 5012 - Special salaries 5,200 4,900 5014 - Salaries temp/parttime 242,100 324,016 Salaries Total 1,656,800 1,728,571 5026 - PERS retirement 233,000 71,255 5027 - Health/Life Insurance 129,200 33,169 5028 - Unemployment insurance 28,000 32,256 5029 - Medicare 20,600 27,390 Benefits Total 410,800 164,070 Contractual Services 5502 - Professional/contractual services 55,165 99,200 5505 - Other professional services 255,700 145,900 5507 - Facilities services 2,000 2,000 Contractual Services Total 312,865 247,100 Maintenance and Operations 5111 - Material and supplies 106,600 87,557 5112 - Small tools and equipment 25,300 19,900 5121 - Advertising 28,200 17,100 5122 - Dues and subscriptions 12,700 12,200 5131 - Mileage 18,200 22,921 5132 - Meetings and conferences 71,800 46,506 5133 - Education and training 8,000 4,800 5135 - Transportation - grants 6,600 6,400 5155 - Cellular service - 1,200 5157 - Telephone charges 52,100 33,400 5171 - Rentals 539,600 431,969 5172 - Equipment maintenance 61,500 50,700 5174 - Printing charges 20,100 17,143 5175 - Postage 3,700 3,400 5191 - Stipends 1,500 5,800 5192 - OJT on the job training 147,000 163,400 5194 - Child care exepnses 1,900 7,100 5195 - Classroom training - non-occupational 2,900 2,700 5196 - Classroom training - occupational 492,600 305,300 Maintenance and Operations Total 1,600,300 1,239,496 5702 - Computer equipment 44,600 40,700 5703 - Communications equipment 10,500 9,500 5704 - Miscellaneous equipment 26,900 23,300 Capital Outlay Total 82,000 73,500 Internal Service Charges 5601 - Garage charges 3,800 4,133 5602 - Workers compensation 6,000 11,241 5604 - IT charges in-house - 49,875 5605 - Telephone support 6,500 3,500 5612 - Fleet charges - fuel 2,500 2,902 Internal Service Charges Total 18,800 71,651 Grand Total 4,081,565 3,524,388 City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget SBETA FUND 121 70 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget SBETA FUND 121 Fund 121 Dept 960 Position Title FTE DEPUTY DIRECTOR/SBETA (U)1 DIRECTOR OF SBETA (U)1 IT TECHNICIAN II 1 OFFICE ASSISTANT 1 SBETA WORKFORCE ANALYST I 1 SBETA WORKFORCE ANALYST II 1 SBETA WORKFORCE PROGRAM MANAGER 5 SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 1 SENIOR OFFICE ASSISTANT 1 Grand Total 13 71 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) Fund ACCOUNT NO.LESSOR DESCRIPTION FY 14-15 001 001-090-0053-5802 Infrastructure Bank - HUB Project (blank)144,519 001 001-090-0053-5802 1996 COP - City Hall Lease Refi (blank)1,004,115 001 001-090-0053-5802 1999 COP - Police Facilities Lease (blank)487,988 001 001-090-0025-5802 Infrastructure Bank - Street Projects (blank)1,240,011 001 001-090-0053-5803 Tim Burgess Land for Fire Maintenance Facility 127,500 001 001-200-0050-5803 Bank of America Fire Alerting System 88,521 001 Total 3,092,654 119 119-200-0044-5803 Comerica Leasing Corp 7 Fire Engines & 1 Utility Truck 488,900 119 119-200-0044-5803 Sun Trust Leasing Pierce Fire Truck - 119 Total 488,900 262 262-200-0114-5803 Infrastructure Bank - Fire Station (blank)153,560 262 Total 153,560 356 356-150-0115-5801 EDA Sewer Line Maint Fund, Sewer Line Construction Fund AD 1015 New Pine Ave Loan 51,198 356 Total 51,198 527 527-400-0095-5803 Comerica Leasing Corp 13 Side Loaders - 527 527-400-0095-5803 FMLC - Marquette 10 Sideloaders, 1 Rearloader 559,566 527 527-400-0095-5803 Pinnacle Public Financing 1 Roll Off; 2 Front; 2 Side; 1 Sweeper 331,999 527 527-400-0096-5803 Bank of America 1 Rearloader, 7 Sideloaders 423,122 527 527-400-0096-5803 Comerica Leasing Corp 4 Roll Offs; 3 Front Loaders - 527 527-400-0096-5803 FMLC - Marquette 3 Front Loaders, 2 Roll Offs 209,309 527 527-400-0096-5803 Bank of America 2 Rolloffs, 2 Frontloaders 172,381 527 527-400-0097-5803 Comerica Leasing Corp 2 Street Sweepers - 527 527-400-5803-0095/96/97 Bank of America 10 Autocar Chasis/1 Schwarze Sweeper 589,766 527 Total 2,286,143 630 630-250-0035-5803 Water Dept Telephone switch 44,000 630 Total 44,000 631 631-400-0034-5803 Bank of America (was Koch Financial)4 50 T Air Conditioners - Police 88,509 631 Total 88,509 635 635-400-5803 Bank of America Various Police Vehicles - 635 Total - 679 679-250-5803 New World New World software 645,000 679 Total 645,000 Grand Total 6,849,964 City of San Bernardino - Schedule of Debt Repayment FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget 72 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) City of San Bernardino FY 2014-15 Grants FIRE DEPARTMENT Grant 0818-SAFER 2011-The Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response Grant was created to assist fire departments with the recruitment and retention of volunteer firefighters who are involved with, or trained in, the operations of firefighting and emergency response. The grants are intended to retain trained, certified, and competent firefighters capable of safely responding to emergencies within our response area. Funding is used for the retention of 12 fire safety positions. We received $3,363,972.00 for a grant period of September 14, 2012-September 13, 2014. Grant 0818-SAFER 2012-The Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response Grants (SAFER) was created to provide funding directly to fire departments and volunteer firefighter interest organizations in order to help them increase the number of trained, frontline firefighters available in their communities. The goal of SAFER is to enhance the local fire departments' abilities to comply with staffing, response and operational standards. Funding was used for the hiring of 9 new fire safety positions. We received $2,145,096.00 for a grant period of March 9, 2013-March 8, 2015. Grant 0979-CAL/EPA EETA- CAL/EPA- Environmental Enforcement & Training Account Grant Program is created to provide financial assistance for environmental enforcement, investigation and training programs that enhance statewide enforcement of environmental laws. Funding will provide equipment, training and education as well as personnel costs as it relates to environmental training. We received an award amount of $40,000.00 for a grant period of January 1, 2014-September 30, 2014. POLICE DEPARTMENT Grant 0882-COPS Option-Enhancing Law Enforcement Activity Subaccount (ELEAS) Funds from the COPS program must be used exclusively to fund frontline municipal police services. Funding is directly applied as a transfer to the general fund. There are variables used by the county to determine the portion due to the City of San Bernardino on a monthly basis. Grant 0891-San Manuel Indian Gaming-San Manuel has a contract agreement with the city for police services. While this funding is not considered grant funding, the revenue is monitored for proper allocations. San Manuel funds 80% of costs for policing (1) Sergeant (6) Officers including, personnel, benefits, vehicle leases, and equipment. In addition, 20% of costs for (1) Detective and (1) Dispatcher is also funded. We received a contract award for $900,837.27 for a grant period of July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015. 73 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) Grant 0896-Homeland Security Grant-The EOC grant program is intended to improve emergency management and preparedness capabilities by supporting flexible, sustainable, secure, and interoperable Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs) with a focus on addressing identified deficiencies and needs. Funding will be used to purchase computer stations for each EOC location. We received an award amount of $25,818.00 for the Fire Department and $35,036.00 for the Police Department for a grant period of December 3, 2013- December 31, 2014. Grant 0899-JAG-The JAG Program provides states and units of local governments with critical funding necessary to support a range of program areas including law enforcement, prosecution and court programs, prevention and education programs, community corrections, planning and evaluation, and technology improvement programs. Funding is used to partially offset the salaries and benefits of (3) Dispatcher II positions. We received an award amount of $130,007.00 for a grant period of January 1, 2014-September 30, 2016. Grant 0909-Sobriety Checkpoints-The Office of Traffic Safety (OTS), through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), funds sobriety checkpoints throughout California. The goal is to reduce the number of victims killed and injured in alcohol-involved crashes in participating cities. We received an award amount of $119,325.00 for a grant period of October 1, 2013-September 30, 2014. Grant 0918-Sobriety Checkpoints-The Office of Traffic Safety (OTS), through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), funds sobriety checkpoints throughout California. The goal is to reduce the number of victims killed and injured in alcohol-involved crashes in participating cities. The grant provides funding for additional checkpoints such as: Distracted Driver, Traffic Enforcement, Motorcycle Operations, and Court Stings. We received an award amount of $246,942.00 for a grant period of October 1, 2013-September 30, 2014. Grant 0972-AB109/Prop 30-California’s Public Safety Realignment Act of 2011 transferred jurisdiction and funding for managing lower-level criminal offenders from the State to the counties. Under Realignment, for example, certain offenders began serving their felony sentences in jail rather than prison. Funding is provided for the city to manage early release of convicted offenders. This includes expenditures for personnel, equipment, contracted services and computers. We received an award amount of $816,140.00 in April of 2013 and an additional $816,140.00 in October of 2013. There is no end date required for this grant. Grant 0974-CAL GRIP-The California Gang Reduction, Intervention, and Prevention (Cal GRIP) Program provides grants to cities using a local collaborative effort to reduce gang activity through the use of evidence-based prevention, intervention and suppression activities. We received an award amount of $308,435.00 for a grant period of January 1, 2014-December 31, 2015. PARKS & RECREATION 74 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) Grant 0502-RSVP-An estimated 296 RSVP volunteers will serve in a network of 19 volunteer stations. The community need is determined through a survey created and conducted by an Advisory Council and RSVP Staff. Funding is provided to pay for personnel, training, and volunteer costs. We received an award amount of $47,310.00 for a grant period of April 1, 2014-March 31, 2015. Grant 0509-Senior Companion-The Senior Companion Program provides services that include companionship, meal preparation, grocery shopping, and transportation to medical appointments and pharmacies. We received an award amount of $287,788.00 for a grant period of July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015. Grant 0513-Senior Nutrition-The purpose of this grant is to provide nutrition services as described in the Older Americans Act of 1965. It was created to assist older individuals in California to live independently, by promoting healthy eating and reducing isolation. Award amount to be determined. Grant 0980-Healthy California-Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education SNAP- Ed program provides education through Food demonstrations and reaching out to the community on selecting healthy foods and beverages for low income families. Funding is primarily for personnel costs. We received an award amount of $38,250.00 per year for a grant period of October 1, 2013-September 30, 2016. PUBLIC WORKS Grant 0823-Tire Cleanup-Waste tire cleanup projects include the collection, removal, transportation, recycling and disposal of waste tires from illegal dumping along public right-of ways. Funding is available for the hauling and disposal of 5,000 waste tires, fencing off a storage area, supplies, and personnel costs. We received an award amount of $43,388.00 for a grant period of July 1, 2012-September 30, 2014. LIBRARY Grant 0520-Adult Basic Education-Promotes programs that help adults with the basic reading skills they need to be productive workers, family members, and citizens. Award amount for fiscal year 14/15 to be determined. Grant 0532-California Literacy Program-Promotes programs for adult and family literacy. Award amount for fiscal year 14/15 to be determined. Grant 0540-Community Based Homework-Provides after school assistance with homework for students. Funding was not available for the current year. The library has been able to continue this service from carry-over balances. During fiscal year 13/14, the library had a forward balance of $32,004.62. 75 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PROPOSED CIP BUDGET FY 2014-15 (PRELIMINARY) FUND Name FUND Number WARD CIP Number W.O. Number PROJECT DESCRIPTION E s t i m Proposed FY 14-15 126 HUTA (Gas Tax)126 All SS-A 7233 Bridge and Railing Repairs at Various Locations $200,000 126 All SS-D 7306 Pavement Rejuvenation at Various Locations $700,000 126 All SS-H 7380 Guardrail Repair at Various Locations $150,000 126 All SS-K Neighborhood Traffic Management Program $100,000 126 4 SS15-001 Co-op with the City of Highland (lead) Palm Ave and Pacific Bike Lanes $45,000 126 All SS15-004 Pavement Management Program - Condition Survey Update $80,000 FUND 126 TOTAL $1,275,000 129 1/2 CENT SALES TAX 129 ALL SS-B 7202 Construct Accessibility Improvements at Various Locations $500,000 129 ALL SS-L Street Maintenance - City Wide $350,000 129 ALL SS-M Street Lighting - City Wide $360,000 129 ALL SS-N CIP Administration Services $150,000 129 4 SS04-018 7236 Mountain Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation between 39th St and 40th St $640,000 129 3 SS04-051 7323 Hunts Lane Grade Separation (Co-op SAN BAG Lead)$0 76 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PROPOSED CIP BUDGET FY 2014-15 (PRELIMINARY) FUND Name FUND Number WARD CIP Number W.O. Number PROJECT DESCRIPTION E s t i m Proposed FY 14-15 129 4 SS04-150 7913 Mt. View Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation between 46th Street and 50th Street $0 129 4 SS07-003 7598 Widen and extend Mt View Avenue and Road Extension across Santa Ana River $25,000 129 4 SS07-004 7698 Widen 3rd and 5th Street between Tippecanoe aver and Palm Ave $24,800 129 4 SS07-014 7671 Old Waterman Canyon Bridge Repairs $13,000 129 6 SS11-010 7923 California Street Pavement Rehabilitation between 19th St and Washington Ave $31,400 129 4 SS12-001 7928 46th Street Pavement Rehabilitation between Mt View Ave and Sierra Wy $0 129 4 SS12-002 7929 48th Street Pavement Rehabilitation between Electric Ave and Mt View Ave $0 129 2 SS12-004 Waterman Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation between 13th St and Gilbert St $166,300 129 4,7 SS12-007 7934 Del Rosa Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation between Pumalo St and Date St (East)$0 129 5 SS12-012 7932 Belmont Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation between Olive Ave and Walnut Ave $0 129 6 SS12-013 7922 Davidson Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation between 16th St and 19th St $66,300 129 2,7 SS12-014 7926 Highland Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation between Golden Ave and Cedar St $0 129 1 SS13-001 7841 Bridge Replacement - 2nd Street at Warm Creek $200,000 129 2 SS13-005 Baseline Street Pavement Rehabilitation between Arrowhead Ave and Waterman Ave $437,400 77 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PROPOSED CIP BUDGET FY 2014-15 (PRELIMINARY) FUND Name FUND Number WARD CIP Number W.O. Number PROJECT DESCRIPTION E s t i m Proposed FY 14-15 129 4 SS13-007 Electric Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation between 44th St and 46th St $39,600 129 4 SS13-008 Mountain View Ave Pavement Rehabilitation between Electric Ave and 40th St $111,700 129 7 SS13-009 Mountain View Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation between 28th St and State Highway 210 $85,800 129 5 SS13-013 State Street Pavement Rehabilitation between University Pkwy and Sheridan Rd $210,900 129 6 SS13-014 Cajon Blvd Pavement Rehabilitation between June St and Devils Creek $249,900 129 1 SS13-022 Baseline Street Pavement Rehabilitation between Del Rosa Ave and Alamo St $41,300 129 6 SS13-034 Garner Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation between Baseline St and 16th St $45,100 129 6 SS13-035 Pico Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation between 9th St and Olive St $51,600 129 5 SS13-037 Sheridan Road Pavement Rehabilitation between State St and Little Mountain Dr $146,900 129 6 SS13-039 Evans Street Pavement Rehabilitation between Medical Center Dr and Western Ave $66,300 129 3 SS14-005 7945 Mt Vernon Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation between Grant St and Walnut St $0 129 1 SS14-007 Tippecanoe Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation between Harry Sheppard Blvd and 3rd St $315,600 129 1 SS14-008 Mill Street Pavement Rehabilitation between Waterman Ave and Mill St (Frontage Rd)$219,500 129 4 SS14-009 40th Street Pavement Rehabilitation between Harrison St and Mountain Ave $197,500 78 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PROPOSED CIP BUDGET FY 2014-15 (PRELIMINARY) FUND Name FUND Number WARD CIP Number W.O. Number PROJECT DESCRIPTION E s t i m Proposed FY 14-15 129 5 SS14-010 University Parkway Pavement Rehabilitation between I-215 Fwy and Northpark Blvd $300,000 129 5 SS14-011 48th Street Pavement Rehabilitation between Little Mountain Dr and Magnolia Dr $26,000 129 6 SS14-013 Wilson Street Pavement Rehabilitation between 9th Street and Baseline St $108,500 129 7 SS14-014 28th Street Pavement Rehabilitation between Waterman Ave and Valencia Ave $62,600 129 7 SS14-015 28th Street Pavement Rehabilitation between "H" St and Arrowhead Ave $63,800 129 7 SS14-016 28th Street Pavement Rehabilitation between Arrowhead Ave and Waterman Ave $81,000 129 1 SS14-017 Arrowhead Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation between 7th St and 9th St $113,300 129 1 SS14-018 9th Street Pavement Rehabilitation between Tippecanoe Ave and Del Rosa Dr $198,200 129 1,2 SS14-019 Sierra Way Pavement Rehabilitation between 9th St and Baseline St $107,300 129 2 SS14-020 Del Rosa Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation between Del Rosa Dr and Highland Ave $132,000 129 4,7 SS14-022 Harrison St Pavement Rehabilitation between Lynwood Dr and 40th St $411,300 129 5 SS14-023 Little Mountain Drive Pavement Rehabilitation between Kendall Dr and Michelle Ln $31,100 129 1 SS14-024 "G" Street Pavement Rehabilitation between 4th St and 6th St $113,400 129 1 SS14-025 8th Street Pavement Rehabilitation between Medical Center Dr and Mt Vernon Ave $158,700 79 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PROPOSED CIP BUDGET FY 2014-15 (PRELIMINARY) FUND Name FUND Number WARD CIP Number W.O. Number PROJECT DESCRIPTION E s t i m Proposed FY 14-15 129 1 SS14-026 Western Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation between Union St and 9th St $20,800 129 5 SS14-027 College Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation between Varsity Ave and State St $83,600 129 5,7 SS14-028 "F" Street Pavement Rehabilitation between 30th St and 33rd St $54,600 129 5 SS14-029 Morgan Road Pavement Rehabilitation between State St and Park Dr $91,000 129 1 SS14-030 Union Street Pavement Rehabilitation between Mt Vernon Ave and Western Ave $85,300 129 5 SS14-032 Cambridge Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation between 48th St and Universal Ave $22,500 129 7 SS14-035 29th Street Pavement Rehabilitation between Waterman Ave and Valencia Ave $62,600 129 7 SS14-036 Broadmoor Blvd Pavement Rehabilitation between 30th St and Parkdale St $40,500 129 5 SS14-038 "I" Street Pavement Rehabilitation between Northpark Blvd and 57th St $38,500 129 1 SS14-040 Spruce Street Pavement Rehabilitation between Pico Ave and Mt Vernon Ave $36,900 129 3 SS14-041 Eucalyptus Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation between Randall Ave and Mill St $123,900 129 7 SS15-002 Sterling Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation (co-op County of San Bernardino) between Pacific Ave and Highland Ave $250,000 129 1 SS15-003 "J" Street Pavement Rehabilitation between 8th St and 11th St $98,600 129 3 SS15-007 Airport Drive Pavement Rehabilitation between Commercenter East to Commercenter West $88,900 80 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PROPOSED CIP BUDGET FY 2014-15 (PRELIMINARY) FUND Name FUND Number WARD CIP Number W.O. Number PROJECT DESCRIPTION E s t i m Proposed FY 14-15 129 3 SS13-032 Wier Road Pavement Rehabilitation between Washington Ave and Waterman Ave $203,300 129 6 SS15-011 Rialto Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation between Meridian Ave and Pepper Ave $132,900 129 3 SS15-012 Brier Drive Pavement Rehabilitation between Gifford Ave and Tippecanoe Ave $183,000 129 7 SS15-014 27th Street Pavement Scrub Slurry between "D" St and "E" St $16,900 129 7 SS15-015 24th Street Pavement Scrub Slurry between "D" St and "E" St $16,900 129 7 SS15-016 23th Street Pavement Scrub Slurry between "D" St and "E" St $13,500 129 1 SS15-017 "I" Street Pavement Rehabilitation between 14th St and Evans St $40,000 129 6 TC09-003 7838 2-Way Left-Turn Lane on Industrial Pkwy $0 129 1,2 TC12-001 7924 9th Street & Sierra Way Signal Upgrade $10,000 129 1,2 TC12-002 7931 9th Street & Arrowhead Avenue Signal Upgrade $10,000 FUND 129 TOTAL $8,377,300 132 SEWER LINE MAINTENANCE 132 All SW-C 7474 Sewer Manhole Rehabilitation at Various Locations $25,000 132 1,2,3,5,6 SW-D 7475 Sewer Siphon Flushing at Various Locations $25,000 81 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PROPOSED CIP BUDGET FY 2014-15 (PRELIMINARY) FUND Name FUND Number WARD CIP Number W.O. Number PROJECT DESCRIPTION E s t i m Proposed FY 14-15 132 All SW-E 7701 Miscellaneous Sewer Repairs $50,000 132 1 SW15-001 Sewer Replacement Arrowhead Ave at Warm Creek $300,000 132 All SW10-014 7870 Sewer Master Plan $150,000 FUND 132 TOTAL $550,000 208 VERDEMONT CAPITAL PROJECT 208 5 PR9-001 7899 Al Guhin Park - Playground Equipment $0 208 All PR15-001 Verdemont Area Project Management $135,000 FUND 208 TOTAL $135,000 242 STREET CONSTRUCTION FUND 242 1,3 SS04-012 7121 Mt. Vernon Bridge Replacement $0 242 All SS15-013 Street Light Replacement (SCE)$300,000 242 ALL TC08-003 7773 Solar Powered Speed Feedback Sign Program $0 242 7 TC08-009 7836 Westbound SR-210 Waterman Ave Exit Ramp & 30th St - Signal $0 242 6 TC09-003 7838 2-Way Left-Turn Lane on Industrial Pkwy $0 82 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PROPOSED CIP BUDGET FY 2014-15 (PRELIMINARY) FUND Name FUND Number WARD CIP Number W.O. Number PROJECT DESCRIPTION E s t i m Proposed FY 14-15 242 1,2 TC12-001 7924 9th Street & Sierra Way Signal Upgrade $0 242 1,2 TC12-002 7931 9th Street & Arrowhead Avenue Signal Upgrade $0 242 3 TC13-002 7946 TDA Article 3 (Bike Lane) "G" Street between Mill St and Rialto Ave $0 FUND 242 TOTAL $300,000 243 PARK CONSTRUCTION FUND 243 2 PR04-033 7494 Perris Hill Senior Center Expansion $0 243 1 PR04-038 7495 Ruben Campos Center Renovation $0 243 7 PR05-003 7505 Speicher Park Improvements $0 243 3 PR07-004 7720 Lytle Creek Park Improvements $0 243 2,7 PR08-006 7754 Upgrade Irrigation System on Broadmoor Ave $0 243 4,5,6 PR10-004 7898 Splash Pads at Various Centers $0 FUND 243 TOTAL $0 245 SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTION 245 All SW-A 7406 Sewer Main Extension in excess of 300' SFR Development $20,000 83 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PROPOSED CIP BUDGET FY 2014-15 (PRELIMINARY) FUND Name FUND Number WARD CIP Number W.O. Number PROJECT DESCRIPTION E s t i m Proposed FY 14-15 245 ALL SW-B 7407 Sewer Main Extensions $0 245 ALL SW-F 7856 Sewer CIP Administration $15,000 245 3 SW08-006 7766 Laurelwood Drive Sewer at Tippecanoe Ave $0 245 1 SW09-001 7846 "I" Street Sewer Relocation between 5th St and 16th St (Design Only)$0 245 2,7 SW10-008 7864 Cedar Street & Highland Avenue Sewer Repair / Relocation $210,000 245 ALL SW10-014 7870 Sewer Master Plan $700,000 245 ALL SW11-001 7902 Wet Weather Flow Monitoring $200,000 FUND 245 TOTAL $1,145,000 248 STORM DRAIN CONSTRUCTION 248 All SD-A 7167 Cross-Gutters and Drainage Inlet Repairs $150,000 248 All SD-B 7166 Box Culvert Repairs $150,000 248 All SD-C 7574 Storm Drains and Debris Basins $50,000 248 ALL SD-D 7709 Channel Repairs $50,000 248 ALL SD-E 7853 Storm Drain C.I.P. Administration $12,500 84 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PROPOSED CIP BUDGET FY 2014-15 (PRELIMINARY) FUND Name FUND Number WARD CIP Number W.O. Number PROJECT DESCRIPTION E s t i m Proposed FY 14-15 248 4 SD04-004 7206 Mountain Avenue Storm Drain Replacement between 39th St and 40th St $200,000 248 6 SD04-008 7316 State Street Storm Drain (Co-op SAN BAG) between Lytle Creek and 16th St $55,000 248 1,2 SD04-024 7854 Base Line St at Waterman Ave Storm Drain Repair/Replacement $0 248 1 SD05-001 7517 Alabama St Bridge Replacement at City Creek south of 3rd Street $0 248 3,6 SD05-003 7768 Meridian Ave & Poplar St - CSDP Project 3-5, Line F $200,000 248 1 SD09-002 7835 "I" Street Drainage Improvements $55,000 248 3 SD10-001 7855 Weir Rd & Commercial - Convert "V" Ditch to Pipe (Design)$0 248 3 SD13-002 Rialto Avenue & Rancho Ave Storm Drain Improvements $300,000 248 5 SS08-001 7874 Campus Parkway Fencing and PCC Pavement Installation (Co-op County of San Bernardino)$0 FUND 248 TOTAL $1,222,500 263 LOCAL REGIONAL CIRCULATION 263 5 TC06-010 7665 Northpark Blvd & Sierra Drive Traffic Signal Installation $250,000 263 ALL TC08-003 7773 Solar-Powered Speed Feedback Sign Program $10,000 263 6 TC09-004 7839 Base Line St & California St Traffic Signal Upgrade $150,000 85 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PROPOSED CIP BUDGET FY 2014-15 (PRELIMINARY) FUND Name FUND Number WARD CIP Number W.O. Number PROJECT DESCRIPTION E s t i m Proposed FY 14-15 FUND 263 TOTAL $410,000 264 REGIONAL CIRCULATION SYSTEM 264 1,6 SS04-009 7245 State Street Extension (PA & ED only)$0 264 1,3 SS04-012 7121 Mt. Vernon Bridge Replacement $700,000 264 4 SS04-014 7160 40th Street Widening between Johnson St and Electric Ave $0 264 5,6 SS04-019 7240 University Pkwy/I-215 Freeway Interchange Improvements $460,000 264 6 SS04-053 7325 Palm Ave Grade Separation at BNSF Railroad (Co- op SAN BAG Lead)$1,400,000 264 3 SS11-008 7891 I-10 Freeway @ Tippecanoe Ave - Interchange Improvements (Co-op SAN BAG Lead)$0 FUND 264 TOTAL $2,560,000 268 AB 1600 PARKLAND AND OP 268 5 PR04-011 7341 Verdemont Master Park & Trail Plan $0 268 ALL PR04-016 7442 City-Wide Irrigation Systems Upgrades $325,000 268 ALL PR04-020 7443 City Wide Community Center Upgrade $50,000 268 5 PR04-028 7743 Verdemont Community Center $0 86 Updated 6-26-14(Replacing pages 2, 9, 10, 11, 31, 32, and 52) CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO PROPOSED CIP BUDGET FY 2014-15 (PRELIMINARY) FUND Name FUND Number WARD CIP Number W.O. Number PROJECT DESCRIPTION E s t i m Proposed FY 14-15 268 5 PR07-013 7744 Little Mountain Trail $0 268 5 PR08-002 7748 Miscellaneous Improvements at Ronald Reagan Park $0 FUND 268 TOTAL $375,000 269 QUIMBY ACT PARKLAND 269 5 PR04-027 7758 Verdemont Park (future Al Guhin Park)$0 FUND 269 TOTAL $0 GRAND TOTAL $16,349,800 87