HomeMy WebLinkAboutPreliminary Budget - (;. i?; J C r: 'ff ( .. iii " CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO 2006 - 2007 BUDGET .. r'I III ... ~ ,., 1'1 I. . ,., III ,., .. ~ iii c HONORABLE PATRICKJ. MORRIS, MAYOR '" ~ AND MEMBERS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL " .. ... Esther R. Estrada Dennis J. Baxter Gordon McGinnis Neil Derry Chas Kelley Rikke Van Johnson Wendy J. McCammack First Ward Second Ward Third Ward Fourth Ward Fifth Ward Sixth Ward Seventh Ward n '- .. rot III ... ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF III ... .. Fred Wilson Barbara Pachon City Manager Director of Finance '" .. ,.. . .. .. ... III TABLE OF CONTENTS ~ . 1. BUDGET MESSAGE/OVERVIEW .. City Manager's Budget Message III Budget Overview v Budgeting and Accounting Policies XVII " Budget Calendar XXII . Department Summaries XXlll City's Vision and Mission Statement xlv .. City of San Bernardino Departmental Organizational Chart xlvii . 2. COMMUNITY PROFILE ... III 3. BUDGET SUMMARIES ... . Summary of Revenues, Expenditures, and Transfers 7 Estimated Revenues and Expenditures - General Fund 8 ., Estimated General Fund Revenues 9 . Estimated Other Funds Revenues 12 Historical Summary of Revenues by Fund 17 .. Historical Summary of Expenditures 18 III Expenditures by Category 19 Detail ofInterfund Transactions 20 n Budgeted Personnel Summary 24 . n 4. BUDGET CHARTS .. Projected General Fund Revenues 40 n Projected General Fund Expenditures 41 Projected Support Services Expenditures 42 . Major Revenue Sources Comparison 43 ... Budget vs. Actual Revenues 45 III ... 5. GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL BUDGETS . City Manager 46 ., City Attorney 50 III City Clerk 55 City Treasurer 65 .. Civil Service 69 . Code Compliance 73 Common Council 83 ., Development Service 87 . Facilities Management 107 ... . ... III ... Finance Department 117 .. Fire Department 123 General Government 139 ... Human Resources 144 .. Mayor 148 Parks, Recreation & Community Services 152 r' Police Department 172 I. Public Services 203 ... . 6. OTHER SPECIAL CITY OPERATING BUDGETS n III Air Quality (AB2766) 219 Animal Control 223 .. Asset Forfeitures 231 .. Cable TV 237 Cemetery 241 n Library 245 III Refuse 249 Sewer Line Maintenance 261 .., Soccer Complex 265 . Stadium 269 ... . 7. INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS OPERATING BUDGETS n Fleet Services 273 ~ Information Technology 278 Liability 284 .. Print Shop 288 . Telephone Support 292 Utility Fund 296 " Workers Comp 300 . .. 8. ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS . Construction/Other Districts 304 ,.. Landscape Districts 306 .. ... 9. GRANT FUNDS . Grant Budgets 311 ,. III ... . pi . ,.. .. ,.. . .. - ,.. III ... . ... . " . .. . .. . ,. . .. III ., . .. . ... III n . ., . .. . n . .. . - 10. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 318 11. DEBT SERVICE AD 985 AD 987 Verdemont Improvement Debt Service Fire Station Debt Service New Pine Debt Service Equipment Lease Schedule Facilities Lease Schedule Pension Obligation Bond 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 12. APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT Appropriations Limit 327 13. BUDGET GLOSSARY Budget Glossary Abbreviations and Acronyms Guide 328 334 - :" aJ c: C OC'l ~!!l :ail: Sm ~lll > C'l l!! ~ ... .. ~ ~ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Common Council FROM: Fred A. Wilson. City Manager f"' . SUBJECT: PRELIMINARY FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 BUDGET ~ DATE: June 2. 2006 " .. I am pleased to present to the Mayor and Common Council the Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Preliminary Budget. Reflecting the priorities and goals of the Mayor and Council, the Budget serves as a financial road map for the City. It is a flexible spending plan that determines the level and quality of municipal services to be provided to the community, given the limited economic resources we have available. Furthermore, the FY 2006-2007 Budget was developed with the general assumption that emphasis will be on quality municipal services and will reflect a stronger customer service orientation. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Our Vision: Guided bv Strate~ic Goals The Preliminary Budget document serves as the starting point for formal budget deliberations by the Mayor and Council. As in past years, this budget is first based on the broad goals that were set for the City. These goals are: ("1 ~ . Public safety . City and EDA financial security . Image enhancement and quality of life . Adequate staffing levels . Signature development projects . More effective community beautification . Streamlining City operations f'I .. ~ Earlier this month. the Mayor. Council. and key Department Heads met at Cal State San Bernardino to develop priorities for the coming year. Those priorities include the following: " I. ~ ~ ~ . Increase police stafting . Focus on job creation. business recruitment and retention: as one component. seek to bring at least OIlC pcrmanent air cargo carrier to SBIAA . Facilitate dowlltown redevelopment progress (Carousel Mall. Slh/G redevelopment, etc.) & focus on a cohesive development strategy for the downtown area. including cnhancing green space; facilitate the retention of County offices in the City, and the potential development of a new County Justice Ccnter in the downtown area c ~ . Enhance code enforcement . Develop a State Street improvement plan . Improve development processing . Conduct a citywide organizational review . Provide incentives and strategies to promote home ownership, improve rental housing, and reduce the proportion of rental units, such as by encouraging infill housing and apartment to condo conversions . Move forward with economic development opportunities surrounding the North Lake project area . Increase security infrastructure by improving street lighting and installing surveillance cameras on City streets. alleys. and apartment complexes . Improve street conditions through an aggressive capital improvement program . Develop a 30-acre regional park in the Verdemont area . Develop collaborative relationships with the County, SBUSD, and other community partners to address the root causes of crime ... .. r' .. ~ ~ ~ ~ C'I .. These goals and priorities become even more critical during the budget process. As each possible program and expenditure is considered. we look to our goals to determine the highest priorities for City spending. While budget decisions are always difficult. the guidance provided through our goals and priorities helps pave the way for a smoother budgeting process. Budget Summarv ~ ~ ~ The FY 2006-2007 General Fund expense budget is $133.8 million. with an estimated General Fund budgeted reserve of $8.9 million. The draft Capital Improvement Program budget is being finalized as of this date, and will be distributed under separate cover as soon it is completed. " II Once again this year. the goals of public safety and financial security have been the driving factors in the development of the Preliminary Budget. The Preliminary Budget is balanced. primarily due to continued strong revenue growth resulting from the continued high level of development activity in the City. Despite this good news. the budget process continues to be challenging as the number of needs. primarily in public safety. infrastructure improvements. and staning issues. extend beyond the resources available. ~ ~ n J. During the preparation of the Preliminary Budget, additional funds have been budgeted to cover costs related to new mandates. uncontrollablc expenses. employee safety. and other priority needs. This includes the addition of three (3) new firefighter positions added in accordance with the Firelighters Side Letter executed in 2004. All of these changes from the prior fiscal year are discussed in detail in the Budget Overview that follows this transmittal. ., .. Citv Manager's Recommendations In the Preliminary Budget. funding has been included for fourteen (14) new sworn police positions to be lilled ovcr the course of the fiscal year. as well as three (3) non-sworn support personnel in the Police Department. The 14 onicers represents the net number of r . ~ 11 c ~ new officers the Police Chief believes can be hired during the fiscal year. taking into account attrition rates, police academy timing, and other factors. r ~ The addition of these 14 new police officers is the first phase towards the goal of . increasing the number of police officers in the Police Department. Along with the ten (10) new sworn positions created in FY 2005-06, this will bring the total of new police officer positions added to the department since June 2005 to twenty-four (24). This is a significant addition to the Police Department, and reflects the high priority that the Mayor and Council have placed on public safety. ~ rr . I am also recommending the addition of two (2) additional Code Compliance Officer positions that will complement the efforts of our Police Department. The Police Chief agrees that code enforcement plays a significant role in community policing efforts. and the Mayor and Council named enhancing code enforcement as a key priority for FY 2006- 07. While adequately staffing the Police Department is an essential component of addressing crime in the community. code enforcement is another effective tool. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The total cost for these new Police and Code Compliance positions will total just under $1 million in FY 2006-07. The ongoing annual cost for these positions will be just over $1.5 million in FY 2007-08. In anticipation of future issues related to revenue stability, I am further recommending that the City's undesignated General Fund reserve be increased by $1.3 million, bringing the reserve to $8.959.200. Potential issues concerning utility user's tax rcvenues exist. which seem likely to result in decreases in this revenue in the near future if no further action is taken. Given such uncertainties, it is prudent to increase reserves as much as possible at this time. Even with this increase in reserve, the reserve will only amount to 7% of our General Fund expenditures. which is below the 10% reserve that is typically recommended. In the meantime. we must also look forward for ways to stabilize the City's revenues to support the expansion of the Police Department and adequately fund the other vital services our City provides. It may be necessary to consider a ballot measure that would stabilize utility tax revenues. and/or perhaps a ballot measure to fund additional police officers. Other revenue options are also being explored. This year's cxpenditure budget also includes new and increased development impact fee revenues that resulted from the adjustments approved by the Mayor and Council in spring 2006. In addition to increases in the traffic systems and parks impact fees. new impact fees are also being imposed for police and fire facilities and equipment. library facilities and collection materials. aquatics facilities. and community meeting facilities. This year's Capital Improvement Program will include these new and enhanced funds. ~ Looking to the Future: Challenges and Opportunities Ahead As in the recent past. the State's budget situation has been improving as a result of strong revenue gro\\1h. The Governor has made a number of proposals that. if enacted. would impact the City's budget positively. His May Revise of the state budget includes the restoration of Proposition 42 transportation funding to cities and counties. To San Bernardino. that would mean $841.600 in additional revenue in FY 2006-2007 to fund n II f"'I .. III r .. . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ much needed rehabilitation of City streets. In addition, the Legislature recently approved a $20 billion bond for placement on the November ballot that would provide $6.4 million in revenue for street and road improvements in the city. Several other factors promise to make our own City Budget a more difficult challenge next year. It is projected that our PERS costs for safety and miscellaneous employees will continue to increase over the next few years. Competitive pressures in the labor market to offer enhanced benefits to our employees will also bring costs. Another key issue facing the Mayor and Council is the need for additional Police Officers. While public safety is a top priority, the addition of these officers represents a significant budget challenge. Other departments have also submitted a large number of requests for additional funding to address pressing needs and issues. These requests are not funded in the Preliminary Budget but should be discussed by the Mayor and Council during budget deliberations. These issues, combined with the fact that General Fund expenditures continue to outpace revenues, will need to be addressed in the coming months and years. By using a long- range view and taking proactive steps to confront these obstacles. I am confident that the City will successfully plan to achieve our key goals and priorities. while preparing for a secure financial future. As the philosopher Ayn Rand said: "Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver." A great deal of effort and attention to detail has gone into the preparation of the budget document, representing many hours of work by staff members throughout the organization. I would like to thank Barbara Pachon. Director of Finance, and Rita West. Deputy Dir torlB dget Manager. for their hard work. ~ ~ ~ ,., . FAW/ls " I. ~ ~ ~ IV [ ~ " I. " . ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ c ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM FINANCE DEPARTMENT TO: The Honorable Mayor and Common Council Barbara Pachon, Director of Finance ef~ FROM: SUBJECT: BUDGET OVERVIEW FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 PRELIMINARY BUDGET DATE: May 31,2006 I am pleased to present to the Mayor and Council the Budget Overview which summarizes the FY 2006-2007 Preliminary Budget. This overview summarizes changes in revenues, expenditures and transfers for the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds and Internal Service Funds. The Budget Overview also serves as a guide to the budget document. Attachment "A" to this overview provides a reconciliation of expenditures for all General Fund Departments starting from the Adopted FY 2005-2006 Budget to the Proposed FY 2006-2007 Budget. The notes on Attachments "A-2" and "A-3 " provide more detailed information for the numbers provided on Attachment "A." Please note that although estimated revenues budgets for the Capital Project and Impact Fee Funds are included in the summary schedules (see Tab 3 in the Preliminary Budget), the expenditure budget detail pages regarding these funds are not included in the Preliminary Budget document. At the time the Preliminary Budget document was printed, the budget estimates for the CIP and Impact Fee Funds were still being prepared. The expenditure detail pages for the Capital Project and Impact Fee Funds will be distributed along with the five-year ClP (Capital Improvement Program) document during the upcoming budget meetings with the Mayor and Council. The detail pages will also provide revenue estimates for these funds that are more accurate than those included in the Preliminary Budget document. Bud!!et Obiective The primary objective driving the FY 2006-07 budget process has been to enhance public safety and reduce crime while at the same time maintaining the City's financial stability. A companion objective to enhancing public safety is to improve the city's image and enhance business recruitment and retention through increased code enforcementlblight reduction efforts. One of the most significant factors to successfully reaching these objectives is the City's ability to add additional law enforcement and code enforcement positions. Finding the financial resources to reach these objectives while keeping the City in a strong financial position has made this year's budget process especially challenging for the Mayor, Council and staff. The initial preliminary FY 2006-2007 General Fund budget projection prepared by the Finance Department in April indicated that he City would have a budget shortfall in FY 2006-2007 of approximately $1.8 million, assuming an additional 14 police positions would be included in the FY 2006-2007 budget. Using this information as a starting point, the Mayor, Council and staff began to work on various budget options to eliminate the projected shortfall and at the same time meet the objectives discussed above. v ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ . ~ ~ c ~ ~ c , ~ 1"1 '- ~ . c The Preliminary FY2006-2007 Budget is a balanced budget with no projected deficit that also includes additional resources toward meeting the City's goal of enhancing public safety and improving the City's image. Several major factors that contributed to the elimination of the projected deficit, including higher revenue projections for both FY 2005-2006 and FY 2006-2007 as well as some new revenue producing programs. These items are discussed in more detail below. The Preliminarv Budl!et Document The Preliminary Budget document provides two important benchmarks to assist in prioritizing the City's responsibilities and goals. First, the document presents to you the cost of providing services to the community. Second, the document provides you with estimated funding resources available, given the current economic outlook, legal restrictions, and availability of state and federal funding sources. This year the City combined the Summary Budget document and the Detail Budget document into one Preliminary Budget document. This new single Preliminary Budget document contains descriptive information regarding the various city departments and their divisions. It also includes summarized information regarding proposed departmental expenditures for FY 2006- 2007. The document also outlines recent departmental accomplishments and lists proposed departmental goals for FY 2006-2007. Provided for you in the section emitled Budget Summaries, is summarized information regarding revenues, expenditures, transfers, and staffing levels. The section entitled Community Profile provides background and historical information about the City and provides information regarding the major activities and plans for FY 2006-2007. Also provided again is the section entitled Budget Glossary. This section provides definitions of financial and governmental terms commonly used during the budget process. There are also the usual sections regarding line-item expenditure detail, grants, capital projects, debt service, and assessment districts. GENERAL FUND OVERVIEW General Budl!et Assumptions The process of arriving at an adopted, balanced budget begins with the presentation of the FY 2006-2007 Preliminary Budget document to the Mayor and Council in June and continues with budget deliberations involving the Mayor, Council, and members of the community. The FY 2006-2007 Preliminary Budget was developed with the following general assumptions: . The budget will emphasize quality municipal services and will reflect a strong customer service orientation. . The budget does include several new posllIons that have been added into various Departments to meet the budget objective of enhancing both public safety and the City's Image. vi r II n II . By 6/30/2007, the total General Fund budgeted reserve is assumed to be increased by $1,300,000 from the 6/30/06 balance of $7,659,200 to $8,959,200. n · It is assumed that the budgeted reserve will not be used during FY 2006-2007. .. t I . The General Fund undesignated fund balance (separate from the budgeted reserve) at 6/30/06 is now estimated to be $6,683,300. This amount is $1,695,400 higher than the estimate provided in the FY 2005-2006 Mid-Year Budget Review. This increase in undesignated fund balance is primarily due to higher than anticipated revenues. It is assumed all of the $6,683,300 undesignated fund balance will be used during FY 2006-2007 to balance the budget and/or increase the budgeted reserve. n II Budeeted Reserve The City has been working to establish, at a minimum, a General Fund budgeted reserve equal to 10% of the total General Fund budgeted deductions. Based on the proposed FY 2006-2007 General Fund budget of $137,087,500 (includes transfers out) a 10% reserve would be about S13.7 million. The highest the City's reserve has been is $9,829,900 at 6/30/02. The budgeted reserve included in the FY 2006-2007 Preliminary Budget is S8,959,200. i ~ ~ Included in the FY 2006-2007 budgeted reserve of $8,959,200 is SI,26I,OOO which has been designated to offset the cost of future PERS Safety costs. Below is the a brief history of the contribution and uses of the City's budgeted reserve: f"I . FY 1998-1999 contribution to budgeted reserve FY 1999-2000 contribution to budgeted reserve FY 2000-200 I contribution to budgeted reserve FY 2001-2002 contribution to budgeted reserve FY 2002-2003 amount used of the budget reserve FY 2004-2005 amount used of the budget reserve FY 2005-2006 contribution to budgeted reserve FY 2006-2007 contribution to budgeted reserve ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C C ~ S2,500,OOO 1,627,400 2,831,600 2,870,900 (3,068,200) ( 363,500) 1,261,000 \,300,000 Estimated Budgeted Reserve at 6/30/07 $8,959,200 General Fund Beeinnine Fund Balance The FY' 2005-2006 Mid-year Review estimated the total General Fund ending fund balance, (including both the budgeted reserve and undesignated fund balance) to be $12,647,100. As part of the FY 2006-2007 budget process, the FY 2005-2006 revenues and expenditures are again reviewed and updated. This most recent review of the FY 2005-2006 activity indicates that the City will end this fiscal year with an additional $1,695,400 in the fund balance, for a new ending balance projection for FY 2005-2006 of $14,342,500. This revised ending fund balance for FY 2005-2006 is also the beginning fund balance FY 2006-2007. General Fund Revenues Total budgeted General Fund revenues for FY 2006-2007 are projected to be $122,817,200, which includes a net growth in revenues of$4,112,200. Growth is expected in most of the major revenue categories but several projected revenue decreases are anticipated. The three major VII .. . changes to the City's General Fund revenue budget are a result of State mandates that were initiated in FY 2004-2005 are again included in the FY 2006-2007 budget. These three major items are: ERAF III (two year agreement Cities made with the Governor to help balance the State budget); VLF for Property Tax Swap; and, the "Triple Flip". Each of these is discussed in further detail below: ~ PI III rot I. ProperlY Taxes - The category of Property Taxes overall (not including "Property Tax in Lieu of VLF" is expected to have a net increase of $75,000 over FY 2005-2006 estimated revenues. Base property tax revenues are projected to increase over the current year's estimated amount by $600,000 to a total of 59,700,000. Property tax revenue grew substantially in FY 2005-2006 (approximately $1,068,800) and it is being assumed that this revenue will continue to grow into the new fiscal year, but at a slower pace. Although Supplemental Property Tax also grew substantially in FY 2005-2006, this is projected to decrease by approximately $560,000 in FY 2006-2007. ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ ProperlY Tax In Lieu of VLF - In FY 2004-2005 the League of California Cities and the Governor of California came to an agreement on how cities would financially assist the State to balance their budget over the following two years. Beginning in FY 2004-2005 the State's payment to cities for both the VLF "backfill" and the R&T Sec 11005.7 revenue was eliminated and replaced with the "Property Tax In Lieu of VLF" revenue. Growth to this new revenue corresponds with growth in property values within the City. For FY 2006-2007 5325,800 in growth related to property values has been included in revenue estimates. n .. In FY 2004-2005 and FY 2005-2006 cities did not receive the full "Property Tax In-lieu ofVLF" revenue. As part of the cities' agreement with the State, cities were required to give a large part of this revenue to the State for two years. The City of San Bernardino's share that was given to the State was $1,877,500 for each of two years. Beginning in FY 2006-2007 the State is required to pay the full amount of this revenue to cities. So, the City of San Bernardino's revenue budget has been increased by an additional S 1 ,877,500 to reflect this. t t ~ ~ ~ ~ Sales Tax - Sales tax is the General Fund's largest revenue source and growth is expected to continue into the new fiscal year. Sales Tax growth was strong in FY 2005-2006 but it did not grow at the rate that was originally projected in the FY 2005-2006 budget. For FY 2006-2007 it has been assumed that sales tax revenue will continue to grow at about the same pace as it actually did in FY 2005-2006. Based on this, salcs tax revenue for FY 2006-2007 has been increased by $1,100,000 over the current FY 2005-2006 revenue estimate for a total of $28,850,000. .., . Property Tax In Lieu of Sales Tax - As part of the FY 2003-2004 State Budget, Proposition 57 (the "State Fiscal Recovery Funding Mechanism") which approved State issued bonds was approved. Proposition 57 mandated that beginning in FY 2004-2005 cities would give the State Y. cent sales and use tax revenue in exchange for a new revenue called "Property Tax In-lieu of Sales Tax" revenue. This new revenue grows each year in proportion to each jurisdiction's sales and use tax revenue. However, the new account growth lags behind sales tax growth by about a year. Because this new revenue is tied to sales tax, it is considered a subset of sales tax revenue. According to the State, this arrangement is temporary and should last only 7 -10 ycars. When the State pays the bonds in full in 7 to 10 years, the actual sales tax should transfer back to cities. For FY 2005-2006, the amount to be received from this revenue source is estimated to be ~ VlIl c $8,381,500. Netted in this amount is a repayment by the City to the State of $1,411,741 for FY " . 2004-2005. The State Board of Equalization determined that the formula used to pay all cities in FY 2004-2005 was not correct and therefore all cities had to make a "true-up" payment to the State for this correction. There will also be true-up payment owed by the City in FY 2006- 2007, but it will be substantially less than the one the City made in FY 2005-2006. Based on this, the net revenue growth for the City from this revenue source will be $1,318,500, bringing the total revenue for FY 2006-2007 to $9,700,000. ~ ~ ~ ~ C ~ C ~ ~ C ~ Utility User Tax - UUT revenue is projected to be exactly the same as the FY 2005-2006 estimate. Due to the many issues currently being discussed/considered at the federal level related to this revenue, the Finance Department did not make any increases or decreases to this revenue estimate. As the issues are clarified, the Finance Department will have to re-evaluate this revenue budget and bring to the Mayor and Council any changes that are necessary. Business Reeistration - Business registration revenue is estimated to increase $150,000 over FY 2005-2006. Now that the new Business Registration program is fully operational there will be additional business registration revenue collected in FY 2006-2007. Licenses and Permits - Individual revenue items within this category have been adjusted based on activity level projected by city departments but the net impact of these adjustments is to have revenue from the category of Licenses and Permits overall to be about the same as the FY 2005- 2006 estimated amount. Motor Vehicle In Lieu Fees (VLFl - VLF revenues are projected to be $1,171,100 for FY 2006-2007, which is $164,300 less than FY 2005-2006. This reduction of $164,300 is an adjustment to projections related to the remaining interest "true-up" payment that the City received in FY 2005-2006 that will not be paid in FY 2006-2007. (The interest was the remaining amount from the VLF loan sale that the City did in FY 2004-2005.) CDBG - CDBG revenues are budgeted $350,000 higher than FY 2005-2006. This additional CDBG revenue is related to Police Department programs used in target crime areas that are allowable CDBG reimbursement zones. ,.. I. Buildinl! Demolition - Revenue for FY 2005-2006 is projected to be $1,400,000. This revenue estimate includes a $400,000 settlement payment the City negotiated with a property owner that is expected to be received in FY 2005-2006. Building Demolition revenue is projected to be only 5800,000 in FY 2006-2007. Since the FY 2005-2006 payment of $400,000 was a onetime payment, it was not included in FY 2006-2007 projections. Because collection of building demolitions is beginning to slow, an additional 5200,000 reduction has also been included in projections. f"'l .. ~ ~ C ~ Charees for Service - For the most part, revenues in the category of "Charges for Services" have been budgeted at FY 2005-2006 levels. Construction activity in the City of San Bernardino has been at a high level with increases occurring each year for the last few years. For FY 2006- 2007 all indications are that construction activity will continue at the same high level that the City experienced for FY 2005-2006, but not grow. So revenue projections remain the same as FY 2005-06 to reflect this leveling off of activity and have not been increased. IX r .. c ,.. . ~ ~ ~ " . r .. f1 .. ~ t t t .... I. ~ rt . c 1"1 . ~ Miscellaneous - Similar to the category of "Charges for Services," revenues for this category have been budgeted overall at the same level as FY 2005-2006. The most significant change in this category is a decrease in the "Miscellaneous Other Revenue" item by $68,000. A one-time payment of $68,000 received by the City in FY 2005-2006 related to reimbursement for a City Facilities Management project has been backed out ofFY 2006-2007 revenue estimates General Fund Expenditures In general, departments were held to expenditure levels similar to the current fiscal year with adjustments for changes in internal service charges and increases in personnel costs. Adjustments for increased personnel costs were due to step increases, MOU obligations, increased health insurance costs and increased PERS costs. During the budget preparation process, the City Manager and Finance Department discussed specific budgetary issues with departments and, if appropriate, made changes to departmental budgets Total FY 2006-2007 General Fund expenditures are budgeted at $133,818,100. Total deductions to the General Fund, including anticipated expenditure savings of S I ,000,000, and transfers-out of $4,269,400 are projected to be S137,087,500. This is a S7,645,600 increase over the FY 2005-2006 Adopted Budget (approximately 6% increase). For your convenience, Attachment "A" at the end of this overview details all the changes that were made to General Fund Departments, (and to funds primarily supported by the General Fund through transfers-in) from the FY 2005-06 Adopted Budget to the FY 2006-2007 Preliminary Budget. Most of the staffing changes were approved by the Mayor and Council during the current fiscal year, but after adoption of the FY 2005-2006 Budget. Those Council meeting dates are noted on Attachment "A." Significant items not yet formally approved by the Mayor and Council but included in the Preliminary Budget are discussed below: Police Department - In accordance with the City's goal of enhancing public safety, a total of seventeen (17) additional positions (14 sworn positions and 3 civilian positions) were included in the Police Department's budget. Per the Police Department's "combined hiring plan" twelve- (12) police officer positions will be hired at the rate of approximately I per month. One (1) additional sergeant and one (1) additional detective position have also been included. Three (3) additional support positions (Property Evidence Technician, Transcriber, and Records Technician) were also added. Additional costs for these positions are estimated to be approximately $857,900. S59,I00 for related training and miscellaneous operating costs have also been included, for total program cost of S917,OOO. The Police Department has developed a hiring incentive plan that includes signing bonuses, employee referral fees, and relocation reimbursements. $ I 00,000 has been included in the FY 2006-2007 budget to support this program. Police overtime has also been increased by $400,000. $350,000 in additional corresponding CDBG revenue has also been included in the budget to reimburse the City for some overtime costs that meet CDBG criteria. x ~ .. f'I lit ~ ~ c ~ c c ~ r . ~ c ~ ,... .. ~ t C C ~ Code Compliance - Improving the City's image to increase business recruitment and retention has also been an important City goal. To that end, funding for two (2) additional Code Compliance II Officers and related equipment has also been factored into the FY 2006-2007 Preliminary Budget. Total cost (staff and equipment) is estimated at $128,000. Fire Department - In accordance with the fire staffing MOD negotiated in 2004, $265,2000 has been included in the preliminary budget for three (3) additional firefighter positions. Public Services - The street rehabilitation budget has been increased by $100,000. Also, $100,000 has been factored into Public Services budget for a citywide improvement/replacement program for street signs. Facilities Manal!ement - $100,000 has been included for city facility projects, the most significant being the re-roofing of Fire Station 224. General Government - Per bargaining contracts with employee groups, $125,000 has been included in the budget for a classification and compensation study. $200,000 for a management audit of city departments is also included in the General Government budget. It is expected that efficiency improvements resulting from this study will offset a portion of this cost. Please see Attachment "A" and supportinl! schedules at the end of this overview for a listinl! of all chanl!es to General Fund expenditure hudl!ets. OTHER FUNDS OVERVIEW Other funds include special revenue funds such as Refuse, Library, Animal Control, Stadium, Asset Forfeiture and Transportation. It also includes Internal Service Funds such as Fleet, Information Services (IS) and Worker's Compensation. As was the case with FY 2005-2006, some of the Internal Service Funds experienced rather large increases again for FY 2006-2007. The Fleet Fund had the most dramatic, but anticipated, increases for FY 2006-2007 due to increased fuel costs. A portion of the increased costs in Internal Service charges is passed on to the General Fund through increased chargebacks. Changes in each type of internal service provided are detailed on Attachment A-I. CAPIT AL PROJECTS As explained earlier in this overview, expenditure estimates for the Capital Project Funds were not available to be included in the Preliminary Budget Document. After the Mayor and Council approve the five-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), the FY 2006-2007 CIP budget will be added to the final City budget document. GRANT FUNDING City departments have done another excellent job in securing grant funding for FY 2006-2007. The Mayor and Council should note that there is a competitive aspect to many of these grants and XI f"I . ~ ~ . ~ r . 1"\ . I't .. 1"1 .. V" .. " ~ c c 1"'1 III rot I. rot 1M ~ ~ .., . the City is often in competition with other agencies for the same grant dollars. For the most part, it has been assumed that grant funding will remain consistent with FY 2005-2006. CONCLUSION The City of San Bernardino's elected officials, employees, and citizens face many challenges in adopting a balanced budget for FY 2006-2007. This preliminary budget document has been designed to assist the Mayor and Council in facing these challenges. Although careful preparation has gone into this document, it must be considered a preliminary, flexible document. The annual budget, while a financial plan for the City, must be dynamic enough to accommodate the unanticipated. On a final note, I would like to thank all the Department Directors for their assistance, and especially thank Rita West, Deputy DirectorfBudget Manager and the entire Finance Department for their efforts in designing and putting together this budget document. XII ~ ~ n " ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ c ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . I- W C) C ::l lD >- 0:: <l: z :;: :J w 0:: 0- ..... o o N . ~ o o N >- u.. o I- ~ o o N , It) o o N >- u.. u.. o z o i= <l: :J (J z o (J W 0:: ... - > "'!l:... gzw ~ig ~;:j~ ow", "'", 0.. z zO Oi=c cnt5~ ~::JaJ Q.<ll o 000000000000000000 000000000000000000 .mo~__~~~mMNO__Om_ ~t~~~g~~~~~~~~~t:~ _.~~rM.~.~MMN~M~O~ ~ ~ MMN ~ CO~~~CM ..... f")V') M - M - en - g . W 0 ...... U C) lll5 . ~52z~~ ri ::E < 0 W ...... Q'" - - ww ",,,, .... oww -",,,, uU ~~ ~ ~~ aJ~~m> dlL~ffi .. '" w w '" ::;; <C::j: wo", "'u..w U > :!; 0 Ww %UWX t-ZQ::1- ...-'..'" >=-' .. w" ~~D::~ :!;,. 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Cl c: '6 c: o Co '" '" . ~ '" oUi 00 ro 0 o g '" .- m:a , c: >-ro ~.c .u (f) roO; LL. .C c: '" .Q 16 1ii E '" '" t; :J '" 0 0:'0 ro c: N o ro '5.r. z~ '" ro ~ o ." N ~ C:<('O E 'E c: ~E~ o.r.~ ~ " '" .E.!!c: ~:t~ - o t- 00 00 0>0 .,j"": N~ "'''' 00 00 ~co atD "'''- ": ~ "'.,. c: .2 1ii '" ~ " '" c:: 0(1 III .., ~ " "" ro - o t- NN <ill. o N x Ii I ~ c c c ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ c c c ~ .. C t C I"' . ~ BUDGETING & ACCOUNTING POLICIES The City of San Bernardino, California was incorporated on April 13, 1854 as a Charter City and operates under a "Strong Mayor" form of government. The Mayor is elected at large by voters citywide while the seven (7) Councilmembers are elected by voters within their respective wards. Through the delegation of the Mayor, the City Administrator provides overall management and supervision of all City departments. The City provides the following services: public safety (police and fire), highways and streets, sanitation, health and social services, culture-recreation, public improvements, community development (planning, building and zoning), public utilities (water and sewage), and general administrative services. Annual Budget Process Mid- Year Budget Review The City's fiscal year begins July ISland ends on June 30th. Preparation for the annual budget process actually begins with a mid-year review of the current year's budget. In February, City departments are asked to estimate what their actual expenditures and revenues will be at June 30th based on actual expenditures and revenues received through December (the first half of the fiscal year). Finance Department staff analyzes the departmental estimates and makes adjustments to the estimates as needed. A report is then presented to the Mayor and Council which not only details what year-end expenditures and revenues are estimated to be, but also gives a preliminary first estimate of the City's budget needs for the upcoming year. Preliminarv Budget Preparation Departments are given their budget instructions in March. The budget instructions include: bottom-line departmental budget amounts, personnel costs for currently authorized budgeted positions, costs for internal service charges, instructions on how to use the automated budget system and current year revenue information. City departments are essentially held to the same bottom-line budget amounts as allocated in the current budget year with adjustments for changes in internal service charges, negotiated changes in personnel costs, increases/decreases in retirement and health benefit costs, and any other specific changes approved by the Director of Finance and City Administrator. Intcrnal Service Departments (Information Services (IS), Fleet Services, Risk Management, Utilities and Telephone) prepare their expenditure and revenue budgets prior to other City departments so that internal service charges can be developed and included with the budget information and instructions given to other City departments. Preliminarv Budget Review Budget submittals are due back in Finance in early April for review and analysis before submittal to the City Administrator. Finance staff makes adjustments to departmental submittals as needed. XVII ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ t ~ c ~ ~ c c , f1 ~ c ~ Throughout the month of April, budget hearings are held with individual City departments, Finance staff, and the City Administrator. During the hearings, departments present their budget submittals and explain any requests for increased funding. Upon completion of hearings with each individual department, the City Administrator makes final adjustments to the departmental requests. A preliminary budget document is developed which presents the cost of providing service to the community at current levels (no service reductions are included in the Preliminary Budget Document). The Preliminary Budget Document also presents the estimated funding resources available, given the current economic outlook, legal restrictions, and the availability of state and federal funding. The Preliminary Budget Document is presented to the Mayor and Council in early May. Final Budget AdoPtion A series of special Council meetings are held in the month of June to review the Preliminary Budget Document and, if necessary, discuss options for balancing the City's budget. Departmental suggestions for revenue enhancements and expenditure reductions are presented to the Mayor and Council for their consideration. By June 30th, the Council adopts a balanced budget through passage of a resolution. Budl!etarv Control and Accountinl! The City utilizes the following general procedures in establishing its annual budgets: . The Annual Budget adopted by the Common Council provides for the City's general operations. Such annual budget includes proposed expenditures and estimated revenues for all Governmental Fund Types. . The City Administrator or designee is authorized to administratively transfer budgeted amounts (with the exception of personnel accounts) within departments up to $25,000. Any other transfers or amendments to the budget required the approval of the City Council. Actual expenditures may not exceed budgeted appropriations at the department level for the General Fund and at the fund level for all other budgeted funds. The budget figures used in the financial statements are final adjusted amounts. . The budget is formally integrated into the accounting system and employed as a managed control device during the year for all funds. . Budgets for the budgeted Governmental Fund Types are adopted on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. . At fiscal year-end, operating budget appropriations lapse; however, incomplete capital improvements, equipment and contractual appropriations and can be carried over to the following year upon approval by the Mayor and Common Council. XVIII ~ ~ ~ ~ c c ~ , Sie:nificant Accountine: Policies Reporting Entitv As required by generally accepted accounting principles, the City's financial statements present the activities of the City and its component units, entities for which the City is considered to be financially accountable. Blended component units, although legally separate entities, are, in substance, part of the City's operations and so data from these units are combined with data of the primary government. Each discretely presented component unit, on the other hand, is reported in a separate column in the combined financial statements to emphasize it is legally separate from the government. Each blended and discretely presented component unit has a June 30 year-end. Because these blended units are legallv separate entities. budgets for these entities are adopted separatelv bv their respective boards and not included in this document. ~ Blended Components Units: The Economic Development Agency (Agency) of the City serves all the citizens of the City and is governed by a board comprised of the City's elected council. The activity of the Agency is reported as a separate fund in the special revenue, debt service, capital projects and enterprise fund types. Included with the Agency's activities is the San Bernardino Joint Powers Financing Authority which is a blended component unit of the Agency. t C C ~ C Discretely presented Component Units: The Municipal Water Department (Department) of the City serves all the citizens of the City and is governed by a board whose members are appointed by the mayor of the City. The Department operates three enterprise funds: the Water utility, Sewer Utility and Geothermal utility Enterprise Funds. Each of the Department's utilities are reported as separate enterprise funds. Included with the Department's activities is the West End Water Development, Treatment and Conservation Joint Powers Authority, the San Bernardino Public Safety Authority and the Colton/San Bernardino Regional Tertiary Treatment and Water Reclamation Authority, all of which are reported as blended component units of the Department. Complete financial statements and budgets of the individual component units can be obtained directly from their administrative offices. ~ Economic Development Agency 201 North "E" Street, Third Floor San Bernardino, CA 92401 c c ~ ~ Municipal Water Department of the City of San Bernardino 300 North "0" Street, Fifth Floor San Bernardino, CA 92402 Measurement Focus, Basis of Accounting, and Basis of Presentation The accounts of the City are organized and operated on the basis of funds and account groups. A fund is an independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts. Fund accounting segregates funds according to their intended purpose and is used to aid management XIX ~ ~ ~ in demonstrating compliance with finance-related legal and contractual proVISIOns. The minimum number of funds are maintained consistent with legal and managerial requirements. Account groups are a reporting device to account for certain assets and liabilities of the governmental funds not recorded directly in those funds. i The City has the following fund types and account groups: ~ Governmental funds are used to account for the City's general government activities. Governmental fund types use the flow of current financial resources measurement focus and the modified accrual basis of accounting. Under the modified accrual basis of accounting revenues are recognized when susceptible to accrual (i.e., when they are "measurable and available"). "Measurable" means the amount of the transaction can be determined "available" means collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to pay liabilities of the current period. The City considers all revenues available if they are collected within 60 days after year- end. Expenditures are recorded when the related fund liability is incurred, except for unmatured interest on general long-term debt which is recognized when due, and certain compensated absences and judgments and claims which are recognized when the obligations are expected to be liquidated with expendable available financial resources. ~ ~ ~ ~ Property taxes, franchise taxes, licenses, interest and special assessments are susceptible to accrual. Sales taxes collected and held by the state at year end on behalf of the City are also recognized as revenue. Other receipts and taxes become measurable and available when cash is received by the City and are recognized as revenue at that time. c ~ Entitlements and shared revenues are recorded at the time of receipt or earlier if the susceptible to accrual criteria are met. Expenditure-driven grants are recognized as revenue when the qualifying expenditures have been incurred and all other grant requirements have been met. c ~ C ~ C Governmental funds include the following fund types: The general fund is the City's primary operating fund. It accounts for all financial resources of the general government, except those required to be accounted for in another fund. The special revenue funds account for revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditure for specific purposes (not including major capital projects). The debt service funds account for the servicing of general long-term debt not being financed by proprietary funds. The capital projects funds account for the acquisition of fixed assets or construction of major capital projects not being financed by proprietary funds. I ~ Proprietary funds are accounted for on the flow of economic resources measurement focus and use the accrual basis of accounting. Under this method, revenues are recorded when earned and expenses are recorded at the time liabilities are incurred. The City applies all applicable F ASB pronouncements in accounting and reporting for its proprietary operations. Proprietary funds include the following fund types: ~ xx ~ c ~ I ~ ~ ~. ~ c c c c ~ ~ " ~ c c ~ M II Enterprise funds are used to account for those operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business or where the council has decided that the determination of revenues earned costs incurred and/or net income is necessary for management accountability. Internal service funds account for operations that provide services to other departments or agencies of the City, or to other governments, on a cost-reimbursement basis. Fiduciarv funds account for assets held by the City in a trustee capacity or as an agent on behalf of others. Trust funds account for assets held by the City under the terms of a formal trust agreement. The agency fund is custodial in nature and does not present results of operations or have a measurement focus. Agency funds are accounted for using the modified accrual basis of accounting. This fund is used to account for assets that the City holds for others in an agency capacity. Fund Equity Reservations of fund balance represent amounts that are not appropriable or are legally segregated for a specific purpose. Reservations of retained earnings are limited to outside third- party restrictions. Designations of fund balance represent management plans that are subject to change. The proprietary funds' contributed capital represent equity through capital grants and capital contributions from developers, customers or other funds. xxi C I C I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I C C C C ~ ~ w ~ ~ Monday, April 3rd Monday, April 3rd Tuesday, April 4th Monday, April 17th Wednesday, April 19th Monday, April 24th Monday, April 24th to Wednesday April 26th Wednesday, April 26th Friday, April 28th Friday, May 5th Monday, May 8th Tuesday, May 9th to Monday May 15th Monday, June 5th June Friday, June 30th FY 2006-2007 BUDGET CALENDAR FY 2005-2006 Mid-Year Budget Report received and filed by the Mayor and Common Council Internal Service Departments receive FY 2006-2007 expenditure/revenue budget instructions Finance distributes goals, accomplishments, descriptive text, and organizational charts to departments for uodate Finance distributes budgeted personnel costs and information to departments for review Internal Service expenditure budgets due back to Finance Finance distributes revenue projection instructions to departments Budget meetings with Internal Service Departments, City Manaqer and Finance Personnel changes due back to Finance from Departments Expenditure budget instructions distributed to departments Updated goals, accomplishments, descriptive text, and orqanizational charts due back to Finance Draft revenue and expenditure budgets due back to Finance from departments Budget meetings with individual departments, City Manaqer and Finance Distribute Preliminary Budget Document Meetings/Workshops with Council Target date for Mayor and Council adoption of final FY 2006-2007 Budqet xxii ~ ~ . ~ I I i . ~ I ~ I I . ~ I C g ~ City of San Bernardino Department Summaries City Manager In March of 2006, the City's new Charter, establishing the position of City Manager, became effective. Under this new system, the City Manager now immediately supervises most City departments, with the exception of those that have independent boards (Water, Library, Civil Services). In addition to providing the City's lead role in policy formulation and budgetary management, the City Manager focuses on special projects as directed by the Mayor and Common Council. The City Manager's Office is also responsible for council agenda development. City Attorney The City Attorney is an elected position established by the City Charter. The City Attorney is the chief legal advisor for the City, and for all Departments, Boards, and Commissions of the City. The City Attorney's Office provides legal counsel and representation for the City, prosecutes and defends legal actions, and protects the interests of the public. The City Attorney, with a staff of 23, including 9 attorneys, secretaries and investigators, provides the following important and valuable legal services: . Defends the City in civil actions brought against the City, its officials, employees, and its departments; prosecutes violations of the City's Municipal Code and certain state laws; and, pursues actions to recover costs from third parties for damages and liability to the City. . Negotiates reviews, edits, and drafts contracts and other transactional documents and agreements for the City. . Serves as general legal counsel and representative, researches, prepares ordinances, resolutions, and legal opinions on a wide variety of issues, and advises City employees regarding liability issues. City Clerk The City Clerk is elected at large to a four-year term. The City Clerk is custodian of all public documents for the City of San Bernardino. In addition to this, the City Clerk's Office is responsible for the City's Business Registration Division, the Record and Information Management Program (RIM), all City elections, and the City's Passport Acceptance Facility. The City Clerk serves as the filing officer for all Campaign Statements and Statements of Economic Interest and is responsible for the preparation and distribution of City Council agendas and minutes. . XXl1l ,... .. n . Division: Administration ~ ~ c ~ The City Charter mandates that the City Clerk maintain all official City records, including minutes, agendas, resolutions, ordinances, agreement, contracts, etc., and attend all City Council meetings. Also State mandates designate the City Clerk as the filing officer for all Campaign Statements and Statement of Economic Interest forms. In addition, the City Clerk's office is responsible for conducting any general or special elections required as a result of a recall, referendum, initiative or charter petition filed and determined qualified. The Administrative Division is in charge of the SB90 Claim open meeting act process. Division: Elections " ~ The City's next regular election is scheduled to take place during the 2005-06 fiscal year; the City Clerk will issue nomination papers and serves as the Filing Officer for candidates campaign statements and Statement of Economic Interests. 1'1 . . Division: Business Registration n III The objective of the Business Registration Division is the efficient collection of business registration fees. This division is also responsible for tracking and collecting Uniform Transient Lodging Tax (TLT). The Business Registration Division registers over 15,000 businesses and collects over $7,000,000 in Business Registration and TL T revenue. n ~ Division: Rim Program ~ The objective of the RIM Program (Records & Information Management Program) is to control costs, increase space availability, streamline delivery of information and record-keeping systems and preserve the City's historical documents. The goal of the RIM Program is to strive to provide information in the most effective manner. n ~ c ~ ~ City Treasurer n ~ The City Treasurer is a part-time position elected at large to a four-year term. The City Treasurer is responsible for overseeing City investments and related policies as established by the Common Council. The City Treasurer gives direction to the Treasurer's Office staff on when and what types of investments to make on behalf of the City and Water Departments. Prior to any investment being made, the City Treasurer reviews each investment for safety, liquidity, and yield. Civil Service ~ ~ ~ Civil Service provides employment services for all classified positions in the City and the Water Department. This involves all pre-employment medical, written, oral and performance testing resulting in certification of candidates for approximately 430 job classifications. Civil Service administers Civil Service Board/regulations and reviews payroll and medical exams. XXIV ,.. .. " II Code Compliance ~ c ~ ~ Under the direction of the Mayor's Office, Code Compliance is responsible for the implementation of the Mayor and Council's Comprehensive Blight Reduction Strategy. The Director of Code Enforcement, under the direction of the Mayor, is also responsible for the coordination and implementation of the Mayor's crime-fighting and neighborhood beautification program Operation Phoenix. The programs included in the division are: Code Enforcement, Weed Abatement, and the Graffiti Removal Contract. n II Division: Code Enforcement The Code Enforcement Division is responsible for enforcement of the city's property maintenance standards as well as other municipal code requirements pertaining to land use, substandard housing, health and sanitation. The Division receives and investigates complaints, does active enforcement and follows up to assure compliance and correction of violations. The Division also provides staff support to the Board of Building Commissioners. n .. Division: Neighborhood Revitalization r" . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C ~ The Neighborhood Revitalization program addresses blight by responding to complaints and active enforcement. The Program is funded with CDBG grant funds that must be applied for on an annual basis. Division: Weed Abatement The Weed Abatement Division monitors all parcels for excess weeds and solid waste hazards. Abatement notices are mailed to owners of property requiring clean up. After a designated period of time, if the property owner has not corrected the problem, the city corrects the violation and bills the property owner for clean-up related costs. Division: Graffiti Removal The city contracts with Los Padrillos for the Graffiti Removal Program. They are responsible for removing all graffiti from the city's neighborhoods and public areas. Division: Housing Improvement This team works in conjunction with the federally funded Neighborhood Initiative Program, which focuses neighborhood revitalization in seven target areas established by Council. Officers will perform proactive house-to-house inspections in the target area as part of the overall team approach to improving these communities. n .. r .. xxv ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Common Council The Common Council is an elected body with legislative powers to enact ordinances, resolutions, policies, and enforcement, and funding actions to enhance the social and economic well being of the City and its citizens. Residents within their respective wards elect the seven members of Council to four-year terms. The seven Council members serve at various times on a number of sub-committees including Personnel Committee, Ways & Means, and Legislative Review. Support personnel, funding and equipment is necessary to accomplish the goals, strategies, and objectives of this body. Development Services n . ~ Development Services is responsible for administration of the City's regulatory functions relating to proposed and existing development, public improvement projects, real property management, assessment district services, the operation of traffic signals and street lights, maintenance of all street signs, striping and curb markings, and compliance with the City's National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). Note: Traffic Signals, Traffic Signing and Striping and Street Lighting functions were transferred to Public Services in FY 2004-05. .... .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Division: Administration The Administrative Division of the department is responsible for the overall policy direction and management of the department. The division provides administrative support to management staff and department divisions as well as telephone/reception support to the staff and the public at the front counter. The division is also responsible for budget preparation and maintenance, billing for departmental services, processing all invoices and purchase orders, and personnel processing and policy. The department's managers provide the connecting link between what should be done (strategic planning) and what is done (operational control). Division: Real Property ~ ~ The Real Property Division maintains records on annexations, dedications, vacations, easements, rights of way, and prepares all legal descriptions. The division also handles all aspects of sale and purchase of city property, including right of way and easement acquisitions. The division maintains records on all city property and leases, and is responsible for maintenance and administration of assessment districts and district contracts, prepares assessment rolls and responds to public inquiries. The division is also responsible for processing all street name changes. The division provides staff support to the Underground Utility District Committee. This division also oversees and makes inspections for landscape maintenance districts. n .. f1 . XXVI 1"1 .. ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ r .. ~ c c ~ ~ ~ c ~ 1"'1 .. ~ Division: Engineer Design The Engineering/Design Division designs all public works projects, prepares plans specifications and estimates, provides plan checking on improvements within the public right of way, checks subdivisions, parcel maps, records of survey for conformance with the Subdivision Map Act. The division maintains all record maps and drawings. Staff members provide information to the public, issue public works-related permits, and calculate fees for development. The division administers the design and construction of Capital Improvement Projects, special City facilities, recreation park projects, and administers Federal/State funded projects as adopted by the Mayor and Common Council. The engineering requirements are based on the Uniform Building Code, City's Standard Drawings, Standard Policies and Procedures, Standard specifications for Public Works Construction the Public Contracts Code, the California Civil Code, and standards of the State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). Division: Field Engineering/Inspection The Field Engineering/Inspection Division provides for contract administration, change orders and progress payments on all public works, IVDA, Airport Authority projects, and major EDA projects. The division provides inspections on all public improvements, onsite inspections for all construction other than buildings, landscape assessment districts, street cuts and lane closures, material testing for both CIP and land development projects. These projects require inspections at various stages of construction at different locations throughout the city. The inspector's role is to assure compliance with project plans, specifications, and City standards. Division: Traffic Engineering The Traffic Engineering Division handles all traffic complaints, maintains records on all signs and pavement markings, and issues work orders for installation of signs and marking and/or modifications. The division reviews all development plans for traffic related issues, and traffic impact analyses, calculates traffic fees, determines needs for traffic studies, operates traffic modes, times signals, studies accidents and recommends solutions. The division prepares Federal/State aid transportation-related funding applications on behalf of the City. The division is under the management of a Senior Civil Engineer assigned to the EngineeringlDesign Division. The division provides staff support to the Traffic Safety committee, and provides support to Risk Management on traffic related issues. Division: Traffic Signing & Striping Note: Traffic Signing & StriDing transferred to Public Services in FY 2004-05. The Traffic Signing and Striping Division maintains all traffic signs, street name signs, pavement markings and legends throughout the city. Staff members provide barricades for special events, complete markings and signing in 5 level parking structure, provide temporary signs during a power outage or signal knockdown, respond to after hours police dispatch requests for signs and handle custom sign work for all city departments. xxvii .., .. " III Division: NPDES r .. National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit compliance: Staff provides for inspection of 270,000 feet of underground storm drains, water quality testing for reporting, education committee participation, contract compliance with Notice of Intent and permit requirements, and public education programs. ~ " . NPDES is a function established in all municipalities nationwide to comply with the Federal "Clean Water Act of 1972", and subsequent regulations. These regulations are voluminous and detail clean water guidelines that started out as technology-based limits but are now directed towards water quality-based limits and compliance requires creation and administration of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPP) and Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP). n . ~ ~ ~ Division: Planning r- .. The Planning Division's responsibilities include periodic update of the City's General Plan (including the State mandated land use, circulation, housing, open space, conservation, noise and public safety elements), processing of applications for conditional use permits tentative tracts, variances, and development permits consistent with the City's General Plan and Development Code, and other planning-related laws as outlined in the California Government Code. Staff also provides support to the Planning Commission and Development/Environmental Review Committee, and provision of land use and development processing information to the general public. The division oversees environmental impact analysis for public and private projects, prepares and administers specific plans and area plans, conducts special studies related to land use and development, conducts and/or oversees the periodic update of the City's Economic Development Element and Parks and Recreation Element (including tails, and gives considerable support to the City Attorney's office. This division, along with the entire department, shapes and adds value to the "man-made" physical environment and helps to protect the natural environment - creating and supporting people's life style choices, successful business practices. f1 Ia ~ I"" .. Division: Building Inspection Services f'" . " .. The Building Inspection Services Division seeks to establish the nexus between the Mayor and Common Council's enactment of regulations and the desired result. Adding value through compliance is the objective, not penalties. Responsibilities include inspection of new and rehabilitative construction in commercial, industrial and residential building, the enforcement of various municipal and state regulations that pertain to construction and use of structures, enforcement of building codes, development code, state laws and regulations pertaining to energy and disabled access requirements, implementation of the city's unreinforced masonry building mitigation program, providing staff support to the Disabled Access Appeals Board, and performs inspections ofHUD properties for the EDA ARR program. fI .. r'" .. Division: Building Plan Check " .. ~ The Building Plan Check Division is responsible for providing plan check services for review of all building plans and calculations to assure compliance with building codes, state laws and xxviii f""I . c ~ .., .. " .. ~ c ~ ~ /"I . ~ regulations, state energy and disabled access requirements and city ordinances. The division is also responsible for providing front counter assistance to the public for issuance of building permits, permit processing information, status and requirements. The division provides staff support to the Disabled Access Appeals Board and the DevelopmentlEnvironmental Review Committee. Checking plans for proposed retail, industrial, residential, and public buildings (to ensure conformance with codes) adds value to the end product. Facilities M ananement Facilities Management provides building maintenance and custodial services for 142 City owned or leased buildings including: City Hall, Carousel Mall and the City Yards. The Department also enforces parking regulations, issuing over 24,000 citations annually. Division: Administration Facilities Management Administration provides the overall supervisIOn for the department including personnel, policy and budget administration. Facilities Management Administration also provides support to the following divisions: Utilities, Telephone, and Parking Districts. Division: Custodial Maintenance The Custodial Maintenance section provides custodial services to a majority of City-owned facilities. Custodial Maintenance also does set-ups for special events. Division: Building Maintenance ,.. The Building Maintenance section provides skilled craftsmen to perform facility maintenance in .. City-owned buildings. Services include electrical maintenance; HV AC maintenance, plumbing, and carpentry. ,., . n .. ~ i' III f'I . ~ ~ Division: Parking Control The Parking Control section provides enforcement of municipal codes relating to parking in downtown parking lots and handicapped parking throughout the City. The section also administers the collection of fines and the ticket review process. Finance The Finance Department is responsible for the City's financial planning (budgeting); accounting of the City's resources; fair and accurate reporting of the City's financial position; and management and control of all of the City's financial activities. Additionally, the Finance Department provides data and analysis to assist the City Administrator, Mayor, and Common Council in formulating policies. xxix r ~ n ~ 1"1 I. ~ ~ ~ ~ n . ~ ~ ~ n I. c ~ t ~ " . r ~ ~ The Finance Department provides the following support services to City Departments: accounting, accounts payable, payroll, purchasing, budgeting, and cash management. The Finance Department also administers the Printshop. Division: Administration The Administration Division of the Finance Department is responsible for managing and maintaining the City's financial records and for providing meaningful reports to elected officials, City departments, the general public, and other entities. Finance Administration is also responsible for other various financial functions including payroll processing, accounts payable, general ledger, budgeting, billing and collections. Division: Purchasing The Purchasing Division of the Finance Department is responsible for the procurement of goods and services for City Departments at the best terms and price possible. Purchasing maintains a bidder's list which provides for fair access to public funds. Public bid openings are conducted as required and departments are assisted with contract compliance and administration. Fire Department The Fire Department provides protection of life & property from fire and other disasters; provides emergency medical services; conducts safety inspections of businesses; educates the public through school and disaster preparedness programs; responds to hazardous materials incident scenes; provides aircraft rescue and firefighting; and is responsible for City wide disaster preparedness. Division: Administration The Administrative Division is responsible for the administration and coordination of the total department, to include: Budget preparation and management, payroll, personnel matters and planning. The physical plant consists of 12 fire stations and one vehicle maintenance shop. The Central station houses the Administrative Offices, the Prevention Bureau and the Disaster Preparedness Program. One station at the San Bernardino International Airport Authority is staffed on an "as needed basis". Division: Emergency Operations The Emergency Operations Division protects life and property from fire and other disasters and provides medical care. The division is responsible for all emergency operations necessary to protect life and property and the training necessary to mitigate the related events. All suppression companies also perform fire protection inspections, hazard reductions operations, public education programs, fire station and equipment maintenance. xxx ,., .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ Division: Prevention The Prevention Division conducts inspections for the prevention of fire and enforces all fire codes and related laws and is responsible for arson investigations. In addition, the Division conducts fire and life safety plans review and coordinates with Police and Code Enforcement with blight eradication efforts. Division: Vehicle Maintenance The Vehicle Maintenance Division performs preventative maintenance and repair of all fire vehicles and apparatus. The activities are anticipated to provide an adequate level of preventative maintenance and unit repairs. Division: Dispatch Fire Dispatch provides dispatching and radio communications for the department on a 24-hour basis, as well as after hours dispatching for other City departments. Division: Disaster Preparedness The Disaster Preparedness Division coordinates the City's Disaster Response and mitigation programs. The activities provide and enhance the efficiency of all city emergency management operations. Division: Fire Rental Housing Inspection Program .... .. The Rental Housing Fire Inspection Division is part of the City of San Bernardino's overall effort to encourage upkeep of multi-family rental housing units. Owners of these types of structures will be required to maintain these units in accordance with applicable housing, fire, building, and property maintenance codes and standards as adopted by the City. ... I. ~ ~ ~ C General Government General Government consists of two sections: I.) Fine Arts & Cultural Affairs; and 2.) Non- Departmental. Funds budgeted for Fine Arts support various programs that aid the City in improving its community, developing and enhancing the cultural and aesthetic values of the City, and developing the civic affairs of the City. The Non-Departmental budget identifies and accounts for citywide program costs which are not directly applicable to anyone department. rr III Division: Fine Arts & Cultural Affairs ~ Funds budgeted for Fine Arts support various programs that aid the City in improving its community, developing and enhancing the cultural and aesthetic values of the City, and XXXI c c c ~ c ~ ~ developing the civic affairs of the City. Request for funding are presented to the Way & Means committee which then presents its recommendations to the Mayor and Cornmon Council. Division: Non-Departmental The Non-Departmental budget identifies and accounts for citywide program costs which are not directly applicable to anyone department. Examples of items budgeted here include contingencies for anticipated MOU and Charter 186 salary and benefit increases, debt service on the City Hall building and miscellaneous audit and consulting fees. Human Resources 1"1 . The Human Resources Department is comprised of two divisions; AdministrationlPersonnel Services and Risk Management. Services provided by the AdministrationlPersonnel Services Division include recruitment; administration of employee benefits; classification and compensation; tuition reimbursement program; employee relations and negotiations; grievance hearings; new employee processing and employee separations. The Risk Management Division services include insurance, liability claims, loss control and workers' compensation. Division: Admin is tratio niP ersonnel r .. " II The Administration/Personnel Services Division is responsible for recruitments; administration of employee benefits; classification and compensation; tuition reimbursement program; employee relations and negotiations; grievance hearings; new employee processing; and, employee separations. Additionally the Human Resources Director is responsible for all Risk Management functions (Workers' Compensation and Liability). t C C C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Mayor The City of San Bernardino operates under a "Strong Mayor" form of municipal government. Elected citywide by the residents of the City to a four-year term, the Mayor is the executive leadcr of the City of San Bernardino. The Mayor is responsible for both the management and operation of the City, and for goal setting and policymaking. The Mayor also serves as the executive leader of the Economic Development Agency. Members of the Mayor's staff are responsible for acting as community liaisons on behalf of the Mayor. The Mayor's Office is also responsible for all-public information and marketing activities regarding the City. In addition to providing project management support and general office support the Mayor's staff serves all city employees through its EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) program, and the community and visiting dignitaries through its Cultural & International Affairs Division. Division: Administration The Mayor's staff provides project management support and general office support. Additionally, members of the Mayor's staff are responsible for acting as community liaisons on behalf of the Mayor. XXXll ~ ~ ~ ~ c . ~ f"1 .. c ~ f"I .. ,... ... ~ f'I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Division: Public Information The Mayor's Office is also responsible for all-public information and marketing acl1vtl1es regarding the City. Prior to FY 2000-01, the Public Information Division was separated into its own Division for easier tracking of expenses. Parks, Recreation & Community Services The Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department provides a diversified system of parks and open spaces, recreation centers, programs and community services to meet social and leisure needs and enhance the quality of life for all City residents. The Administration Division manages personnel, finance and community services. The Parks Division maintains parks facilities and conducts landscape plan checks and inspections services. The Recreation Division provides community and social services as well as recreation programs for all ages. Division: Administration The Administration Division is responsible for the total administrative management of the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department. This includes all matters of finance, accounting, personnel, risk management, facility reservations, projects and programs management and other related department functions. The clerical staff processes more than 30,000 various letters, memos, forms, applications and other documents as well as filing and other administrative functions for the department. Division: Park Maintenance The Park division provides diversified maintenance and constmction activities at over forty (40) park facilities totaling 526 acres. These activities include yearly ball field maintenance, fencing, bleacher and plumbing repairs for twenty-five (25) little league fields and one (1) baseball field. Repairs to play stmcture at twenty-nine (29) play grounds and plumbing repairs at twenty-five (25) park restroom facilities. Additionally, the division is responsible for administration of seven (7) landscape and mowing contracts totaling over 306 acres. These sites include the landscape maintenance of the Carousel Mall, Public libraries, City Hall, Animal Shelter and various landscape areas such as Mt. View Avenue, Waterman Avenue and Muscupiabe Avenue. The park division also maintains the fountains at City Hall and the Carousel Mall. In addition, the division maintains fifty-one (51) Landscape Maintenance Districts (LMD) totaling over 6,602 assessed parcels. Division: Recreation The Recreation Division is responsible for developing and implementing quality, value-based programs that encourage healthy lifestyles and celebrate the community's diversity. We provide quality recreation, social, and cultural activities for your, adults, and families. xxxiii '" .. ~ We accomplish our vIsIon "Creating community through people, parks, and programs" by offering programs and services at our community centers, swimming and wading pools. Other programs include adult and youth sports, summer, after-school and off-track school sites programs. We administer various grants such as senior nutrition, summer lunches, and a head start program. In addition, the division gives oversight and supervision to the Senior Companion Program (SCP) and Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP). f"I .. '" Iw Division: Center For Individual Development (C.I.D.) '" J. ~ ~ ~ C ~ C The Center for Individual Development (C.LD.) provides a wide range of therapeutic and inclusion recreation services for people with disabilities. Programs include aquatics, after school recreation, leisure education and special events. The customers served include those with physical disabilities, mental illness, seniors, and those without disabilities. The C.LD. is operated through ajoint powers authority consisting of the City, County and School District. Division: Westside Community Center The Westside Community Service Center provides services and assistance to citizens to remain or to develop into self sufficient contributing members of society by providing emergency assistance for food, shelter, utilities, rent, mortgage and clothing; information and referral services, income tax preparation/counseling, health screening, blood pressure & weight control checks, social security information, employment information, counseling and tutoring. Division: Senior Citizens Center ,., . The Downtown Senior Center and the Perris Hill Senior Center facilities offer a wide range of services to seniors including senior nutrition, health services and screening, and educational and recreational programs. Division: Norton Gym/Galaxy Ballroom t t ~ The Norton Recreation Center and Galaxy Ballroom provide a variety of recreation programs for all ages. The Norton Gymnasium tennis courts, racquetball courts, fitness and weight room offer health and wellness program for both youth and adults. The Galaxy ballroom. Provides rental opportunities for family gatherings, business seminars and various special events. Division: Community Centers f"I II ~ The Community Centers provide a wide range of recreational, cultural, youth and adult services, and rentals. This cost center's programs include after-school, drop-in, leisure education, computers, special events, teen programming, drug prevention, aquatics, summer lunch/nutritional programs, and special interest/contract classes. Grants are also administered within this division. n J. ~ xxxiv ,.. . n .. Division: Aquatics/Sports c The Aquatics/Sports division provides citywide aquatic programs and maintenance at six locations throughout the city. Adult sports programs, fitness classes, ball field and tournament reservation, and liaison to "Run the Route" and supervision of the cooperative use of Mills Community Center. Contracts with sports management groups, and liaison with various sports associations. n ., 1'1 . Police Department ~ The Police Department provides general police services to the City. It is the Police Department's responsibility to protect life, property and human rights, reduce fear of crime, and increase neighborhood vitality in partnership with the community. ... . Division: Administration r . c Under Police Chief Michael A. Bildt, department personnel will be focused on identifying at risk corridors and high-density crime areas throughout the city and delivering innovative, proactive police services to these target areas with a goal of mitigating violent crime. These programs will involve working synergistically with neighboring police agencies, federal and state agencies, and community and city leaders to provide cost effective solutions to identified community problems. ,.. .. n I. Division: Station Command c Station Command provides 24-hour functional control of all police services and operations. The Station Commander/Watch Commander serves as the operational head of the department in the absence of the Chief of Police. He/she directly supervises personnel assigned to the Front Desk, and receives, evaluates and responds to citizen complaints. The Station Command is managed by three Lieutenants assigned with responsibility for the various Patrol shifts. Three Assistant Watch Commanders (Lead Sergeant) assist them in this function and also staff the Watch Commander's Office. Each Watch Commander is responsible for management and oversight of the deployed Patrol shifts, the station and all functions of the police department. 1"'1 . ... .. Division: Patrol ~ ~ ~ ... I. The Patrol Division is directly responsible for crime suppression and enforcement activities, community policing activities, first response to emergencies, enhancing community safety and providing a good level of police responsiveness. Police officers are distributed city-wide within a structured Patrol Beat Plan designed to provide beat stability, build ownership of the beat by officers (called territorial imperative) and enhance police-community partnerships to work on community identified problems. In addition to policing activities arising from calls for service, Patrol Division personnel proactively address observed/perceived problems enlisting assistance from specialized details, including detectives, traffic, vice/narcotics, gang unit (MET), and graffiti task force. ~ xxxv ,.. .. ~ t Division: Carousel Mall The Carousel Mall unit oversees the administration of the San Bernardino Municipal Enforcement (SBME) unit, providing the uniformed security presence in the public areas and parking lots encompassing the Carousel Mall and downtown parkinglbusiness district. f . Division: Vice & Narcotics c ~ Vice & Narcotics is responsible for investigating vice and narcotics activities, overseeing and administering asset forfeiture cases, investigating applications of business operators permits and ABC licenses, and investigating criminal and administrative violations of business operators permits and ABC laws. f'! It Division: MET ,. .. The Multiple Enforcement Team (MET) provides gang identification, repression and investigation efforts; provides gang awareness training to the public; and responds to police emergency situations requiring Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT), and hostage negotiations. .., lit Division: Traffic r The Traffic Bureau provides proactive enforcement of traffic laws focusing available resources .. on chronic traffic accident locations, conducts follow up traffic accident investigations, and oversees the prosecution of traffic related offenses including driving under the influence and hit- ,., and-run cases. The unit in partnership with the San Bernardino City Unified School District, I. manages the school crossing guard program, providing supervised street crossing at selected locations for children attending school. ,., . Division: Investigations .., . The Detective Bureau provides follow-up investigations on all reported crimes reported to various divisions of the police department with the exception of vice and narcotic violations and traffic violations. Investigators focus their activities on increasing the departments clearance rate, especially in the area of violent crimes, through targeting known offenders, tracking and intervening in crime patterns, and interaction and sharing of information with patrol district Crime Analysis and allied police agencies. The unit's goals of reducing crime and fear of crime is achieved through these efforts and positive interaction with crime victims and public notification of crime patterns. ... L. t '" .. Division: Identification & Property " . The Identification Bureau collects, preserves and presents in court, crime scene physical evidence. evaluates/identifies suspects from evidence collected, and participates in the State '" automated fingerprint identification system (CAL ID) to routinely conduct searches of latent I. prints against those of known criminal offenders. Forensic Technicians evaluate and enter bullet casings recovered from crime scenes and test fire recovered firearms for entry into the Rapid " Ia. XXXVI c ... I. Brass Identification (RBI) system. RBI enables investigators to link various crimes by matching bullet casings fired from the same gun. Property stores and safeguards all evidence and property collected by department personnel and notifies victims when stolen property has been recovered. r' . Division: Financial Unit c c The Financial Unit oversees all budget, payroll, alarm compliance and grant program functions. The budget for this division includes department-wide internal service charges, lease payments, materials, supplies and contractual services. Personnel within this unit are responsible for payroll, purchasing, budget processes, billing, grant management, maintenance of financial records and the collection of revenue generated by the Police Department. " .. Division: Dispatch '" .. Police Communications provide emergency communication services for the community and Police Department personnel through telephone and radio contact. Dispatchers often serve as the first point of contact for the public via 91 I calls and are responsible for entering and dispatching those calls for services to field personnel. It is our goal to deliver effective and efficient services through timely, courteous, and professional communications. ,.. .. ~ ~ Division: Records n .. The Records Bureau is the central collection point of all crime and traffic related reports and is responsible for processing and maintaining official documentation according to DOJ guidelines and regulations. This includes typing taped reports, entering report data into local, state and nationwide computer systems; generating monthly and annual crime statistics for DOJ and FBI; and duplicating crime and report arrests. " .. Division: Personnel and Training c c ~ ~ Personnel and Training Unit oversees all aspects of the Department's hiring process which includes all sworn, non-sworn, reserve officer, citizen patrol, department volunteer and explorer positions. The hiring process includes scheduling and coordinating oral interviews, polygraph examinations, psychological examinations, medical examinations and background interviews and thorough background investigations. Recruitment is also done through this unit. A recruitment officer visits academies and job fairs as wcll as coordinates and administers the OPAL (Outreach Police Advisory Liaison) program for future applicants. This unit also coordinates all training aspects of the department. Police Officers are mandated to take 24 hours of POST (Peace Officers Standards and Training) training every two years. The Personnel & Training Unit also maintains the Police Pistol Range where officers qualify on a quarterly basis. Members of the public also utilize the range on the weekends and on one night during the week. The Auxiliary Resources Coordinator is also a part of the Personnel & Training Division. This person serves as the liaison between volunteers and the rest of the Department. n .. Division: Crime Free Programs '" .. The Landlord Certification Program (Crime Free Rental Housing) was established as part of the City's comprehensive strategy to reduce crime and blight. Educating landlords on how to make ~ XXXVll ~ n I. c ~ '" ~ ~ ... .. ,.. .. r . J"'I .. ~ .... . t ... .. c rot ~ ~ c ~ their property attractive to reliable tenants, use of the tenant screening process and how to deal with suspected illegal conduct are some of the activities conducted in furtherance of the goal. The intent is to increase property values, reduce vacancy rates and reduce police calls for service. This unit is also charged with implementing the Crime Free Business Program. This provides small business owners with free education and certification program and processes with the goal of reducing crime and building a stronger partnership between the police department and merchants. Division: City Jail This budget reflects the expenditures associated with booking and housing prisoners in the city jail and includes jail operation costs, contractual services for jailers and projected booking fees for those prisoners ultimately lodged at the county jail facility. Public Services The Public Services Department maintains all streets, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, street trees, and sewer mains in the City. Public Services provides administrative support to other funds including the Refuse, Fleet, and Sewer Line Maintenance. Graffiti Removal is now budgeted in the Code Compliance budget. Division: Street Administration Public Services Street Administration processes work orders and complaints from residents which may include potholes, tree maintenance, sidewalks, and sewers. This division is also responsible for providing administrative and clerical support to all of the other divisions within the Public Services Department. Division: Street Maintenance This section provides maintenance of 583 miles of roads, pothole filling, grading and clean up of unimproved roadway shoulders. This division also provides clean up after rainstorms and high winds and removal of illegal dumping from streets and alleys. Division: Street Tree Maintenance This section provides for the regular trimming and maintenance of street trees. The City has approximately 1,500 individual requests per year for emergencies that include hanging branches, removal of dead trees and clearance for traffic visibility. City crews also clean up after windstorms. Division: Right Of Way Special Projects IS responsible for the spraying and removal of weeds maintammg alleys, cleaning roadway shoulders, general clean up of right-of-ways and removal of illegally dumped materials from streets. This crew supervises 20-30 Glen Helen work sentence workers on the XXXVIII [ ~ ~ t ~ , ~ c c ~ ~ weekends. This section also provides board-up and abatement services to the Code Compliance Department. Division: Concrete This program will continue to concentrate on removal and replacement of 50,000 square feet of City sidewalks damaged by street trees, etc. This division also handles requests to bring curbs into compliance with ADA requirements. Division: Traffic Signals The Traffic Signal Division maintains and operates 250 traffic signalized intersections, 8 automatic gates, 18 flashing beacons, and the City's fuel system. The division provides for testing of all new signal equipment for the Development Services-Public Works projects and private sector installations. Staff members provide 24-hour emergency response on signal or access problems, emergency replacement of accident damaged poles, controllers, signals heads, and provide response to underground alerts to mark underground installations. Also, the division inspects new signal projects, perform preventative maintenance on signals every 90 days, and makes bench repairs on assorted signal equipment. Division: Street Lighting The Street Lighting Division provides maintenance and service on approximately 7,500 city owned street light, repairs or replaces street lights damaged from accidents, upgrades existing systems, responds to underground service alerts, maintains 12 sewer lift station systems, maintains scoreboards and lighting systems at 33 city owned ball fields, tennis courts, parks, library exterior lights, 3 and 5 level parking structures, and other city owned parking lots. Other responsibilities include providing emergency generators for special events and electrical service support to other city departments, also provide back up for emergency Traffic Signal repairs. n .. Air Quality (AB2766) c c ~ The Air Quality Fund must be used for projects that help reduce pollution coming from mobile sources, such as cars and trucks. This goal is accomplished primarily through the employee ridesharing program, which offers a variety of incentives to encourage employees to carpool, take the bus, walk, and bicycle to work. The Air Quality Fund has as its revenue source AB 2766, which established a fee for every vehicle registered in California. A portion of the money collected is allocated back to cities for use on emissions reduction projects. ,... ~ Animal Control ~ II Animal Control provides a wide range of services for people and animals in our community. Providing investigative services for citizen complaints, dangerous dog hearings, bites and cruelty cases are just part of the job. Maintaining a high level of rabies vaccination compliance and pet licensing addresses health and safety issues. Protecting people from the dangers and nuisances of uncontrolled animals and keeping animals safe from mistreatment and abuse is vital to our ~ .., . XXXIX c c c ~ c ~ c ~ community. Promoting, motivating and enforcing responsible pet ownership is our number one goal. Contrary to the "limited admission" philosophies of some animal shelters we maintain an open door policy. We turn away no animal, regardless of health temperament, age or condition. Unfortunately, this does not enable us to place every animal in a new home. The sad fact remains however, that many otherwise healthy animals never get adopted because there aren't enough families who want them. Our philosophy is to keep working at the root causes of pet overpopulation and irresponsible pet ownership - to provide alternatives to indiscriminate breeding of pets, to encourage people to become better pet owners and to make our community a better place for both people and animals. Division: Administration The division is responsible for the administrative operation of the animal shelter. The front office staff is usually the first point of contact for the public, either by phone or in person. The staff receives and processes over 60,000 telephone calls a year. Service request calls are entered into the department's animal management and complaint tracking system and dispatched to field officers for resolution. The staff processes cash transactions for animal adoptions, owner turn- ins, redemptions and other services including billing and maintaining department files. r .. Division: Field Services ~ C ~ t ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ Animal Control Officers in the field services division are responsible for responding to request from citizens to investigate reports of dog bites, loose or aggressive animals, cruelty cases, dead animal removal and any violation of the City Municipal Code or state codes as they relate to animals. In addition, these officers provide humane education to pet owners, individuals, groups and schools. The Licensing staff is responsible for the annual canvassing of neighborhoods to maintain a high level of rabies compliance and to promote responsible pet ownership through city pet licensing. Division: Shelter Services. Animal Shelter Attendants, under the direction of a Registered Veterinary Technician, are responsible for the daily care of animals in the shelter which typically averages about 200 dogs and 60 cats. These attendants provide for the daily feeding and watering of the animals and the cleaning and sanitizing of kennels, cages and facilities. Staff members interact with the public when selecting animals for adoption or redemption and work closely with a variety of breed and rescue groups that help place unwanted animals with new families. The division operates 7 days a week in providing care to the animals. Asset Forfeiture The Asset Forfeiture Unit is responsible for the examination and investigation of asset seized by various units of the police department to determine their potential for seizure. The unit generates revenue to supplement law enforcement through the legal process of removing seized assets from persons involved in various criminal enterprises. xl ~ r III Division: Asset Forfeiture c ~ ~ C C C ~ Fund provides asset forfeiture proceeds to augment Police Department operations, above General Fund appropriations. Division: Drug/Gang Education Fund provides money for drug/gang education disbursements approved by the County of San Bernardino Oversight Committee. Funds are distributed pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 11489 and must be used solely for programs designed to combat drug abuse and divert gang activity. Cable Television (CATV) Under the direction of the Director of Information Technology, the Cable Television Division (CATV) provides regulatory oversight of the City's cable companies for franchise compliance, consumer protection, and franchise renewal negotiations. CATV operates and programs two access channels, one public and one educational, for the community. Programming hours total in excess of 5,400 annually. The Division also provides guidance and support to the Community Cable Television Commission. n .. Cemetery ~ ~ The Pioneer Memorial Cemetery currently maintains 26 acres consisting of mowing, trimming . and setting grave memorials, hedge trimming, planting trees and flowers, fertilizing and irrigation. Approximately 100 interments are performed annually. A "pre-need" program is also available for all city customers. r .. Library C t The mission of the San Bernardino Public Library is to provide free access to the world of ideas, information and creative experience for all citizens of San Bernardino. The Library is a cultural center where the people of San Bernardino come together to learn and participate in public discourse. It aids the community in the creation of informed and educated citizenry and provides opportunities for free lifelong learning and economic improvement. r/'O I. The San Bernardino Public Library is governed by an autonomous administrative Library Board of Trustees as provided by Article XII of the Charter of the City of San Bernardino. Library services are provided at four sites: Norman F. Feldheym Central Library, Villasenor Library, Inghram Library, and Rowe Library. ... Ia c n .. xli c ~ Public Services-Refuse ,.. The Refuse section of Public Services is responsible for the following: Automated Residential . Refuse Collection, Commercial Refuse Collection; Recycling and Environmental Programs; and Street Sweeping. 1'" lw [i ~ C r .. c ~ ~ ~ r' .. ~ ~. ~ ~ 1"1 . c Division: Administration Refuse Administration provides customer service including temporary bin deliveries, commercial accounts, commercial and residential billing payment posting, collection activities, and inquiries. Division: Automated Residential Collection The Automated Residential Collection section is responsible for the collection of trash, green waste, and recyclables form residences in the City. Division: Subscription Refuse Services Subscription Collection Services provides service to local businesses and includes temporary bin deliveries to residents. Subscription Services removes and disposes of waste from commercial establishments, light industrial businesses and apartment complexes. Division: Street Sweeping The Street Sweeping Division is responsible for sweeping all of the City's streets and disposing of the debris and materials generated by sweeping. Division: Recycling/Environmental The Recycling/Environmental Division of the Refuse Department is responsible for developing and monitoring educational and incentive programs to reduce the tonnage of solid waste transported to local landfills. Sewer Line Maintenance Under the direction of the Director of Public Services, this section is responsible for maintaining approximately 500 miles of sewer mains through the use of hydro-jetting equipment. Sewer lines are cleaned on varying schedules. Depending on the location imd the usage, the sewer mains are cleaned from weekly to every several years. Sewer crews are available 24 hours per day to handle emergencies. xlii ~ c ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ Soccer Fields The San Bernardino Soccer Complex features 17 tournament quality fields and plays host to 48 weekend events per year in addition to league play. A private management consultant complemented by 17 part-time City staff manages the facility. The Complex generates direct and indirect revenue that covers the cost of maintenance and operation and substantially adds to the economy of the City of San Bernardino via jobs, business opportunities and revenue. San Bernardino Stadium Under the direction of the Director of Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Department, the Stadium section is responsible for landscape maintenance including turf maintenance, ballfield preparation, bleacher clean up, debris removal, washing down seating area and cleaning and stocking restrooms for each non-baseball use. This division is also responsible for coordinating building and equipment maintenance. Funding relating to marketing and promotion of the Stadium is also included in this cost center. Fleet Services Under the direction of the Director of Public Services, the Fleet Division is responsible for acquisition, service and maintenance for the City's vehicle and equipment fleet comprised of approximately 841 items. Fleet ensures that vehicles and equipment are adequately assigned and utilized. Fleet procures all City vehicles and equipment through the development of technical specifications. Final selection is based on life cycle costing and user requirements. Information Technology (L T.) LT. is an internal service department providing technology creation and maintenance, and general automation support to the City Departments, including the Water Department. LT. is responsible for all hardware, software, and network infrastructure within the City. Additionally, l.T. is responsible for maintaining and coordinating all radios, MDT's, MDC's, and miscellapeous public safety gear. Division: IT l.T. provides citywide technical support to the network infrastructure, computer systems, printers, desktop hardware, and the City's various software applications including the City Business Systems, CADfRMS systems, G.l.S., Office Automation, Document Imaging and the City website. The l.T. Division also provides similar services to the Water Department. xliii f'" . c C t ~ ~ ~ ~ c 1\'1 ~ 1"1 '- ~ n II, l' . r . ~ c ~ ~ Division: Communications Operations The Communication Operation division of IS coordinates and maintains financial accounting and maintenance support of citywide radios, radio infrastructure, MDC's, sirens, light bars and miscellaneous public safety gear. Liability The Risk Management Liability program provides support for the City's operating departments by quickly resolving legitimate third party claims, managing the Hazardous Materials Program and advising departments on a wide range of insurance related issues. The cost-effective placement of excess insurance and property coverage is a critical component of the program. Print Shop Under the direction of the Purchasing Manager, the Print Shop operates as an internal service fund; it provides printing services and covers its operational costs in charge-backs to City Departments. The Print Shop is responsible for providing support related to various printed products including business cards, letterhead, flyers and forms. In addition, the Print Shop is responsible for all sorting, distribution and stamping of all outgoing mail and sorting and distribution of inter-office mail. Telephone Support The Telephone Support section operates under the direction of the Director of Facilities Management. Telephone Support is responsible for the maintenance of the City-owned telephone system, and for providing recommendations for new technologies in the area of communications. Utilities Under the direction of the Director of Facilities Management, the Utilities Fund operates as an internal service fund. All City utility charges are paid through the Utility Fund for better control, management, and efficiency. Utilities paid through the fund include electricity, water, sewer, geothermal and natural gas. Workers Compensation The Risk Management's Workers' Compensation program is responsible for the management of all employee injury claims in a fair and cost effective manner. The program also involves the administration of the employee health and safety program designed to reduce the frequency of losses and the placement of excess insurance to protect the City's financial resources. xliv ~ c c c ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ City of San Bernardino Patrick J. Morris, Mayor Our Vision: Our vision for the City of San Bernardino is for it to be strong and prosperous. The City of San Bernardino will be the hub of economic growth in the Inland Empire. San Bernardino will offer a wide range of housing, recreation, cultural, educational, and employment opportunities for all who come live and work here. A strong sense of community will continue to grow and thrive within our city limits. Our Mission: Our mission is to provide quality and cost effective services to the people of San Bernardino. We will provide excellence in leadership through the allocation of public resources to City programs that are responsive to community priorities and maximize opportunities for economic and cultural viability. c ~ ylL! ~ ~ Adopted Goals: ... I. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ c ~ t ~ Overarching goal: Improve Governance by 1. Public Safety 2. City and EDA financial security 3. Image enhancement and quality of life 4. Adequate staffing level 5. Signature development projects 6. More effective community beautification 7. Streamlining City operations )'J'Ii ~ .... 0 .... Z Z '" ...J'" '" 0'" ",::;: <.... "'-' u~ "'- ",::;: ~ '" 0'" ",0 "';0 v ov 2eo ",- :<:;: u~ ....'" Z ",Z "'::; ",,,, '" '" .. 15 < 0-, Z 0.. '" v::;: ~ 0 v ~ '" '" .... .... '" '" '" ::> '" '" ~ '" '" '" -' v'" '" .... '" -v '" '" -'- "'> I ::>'" ..'" '" ~ .... 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'" 0:..:.; <0 '" Z < 0 ~ 0 v '" G ;:: '" -' '" '" < ::> 0 c: v ::;: .... .... < '" '" > < 0 :z~ "'''' .... < "' .. ;:: '" '" :..:.;z z'" '" :..: '" - v 15 '" ::3 2'. ~:;: 0::> U .. .... V> '" UJ;:::; ..'" -<:: :; > ....'" '" ~ v- 0.... z", 0 :::i:cn -'''' :.:.l< "'0 .. :.:..=:l >.. >.... 0= :..:..::..u Z:;:n 00 0_ v> I v 1\/ .- II !" o o iI: iI: c: Z ~ ... :II o ." r= m n .. " .. ... . n .. 1"1 .. n .. f"I .. f"I . f"I .. " - " I. " ~ " - " III " I.i f"I I . " . ,.. . f"I . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO COMMUNITY PROFILE INTRODUCTION The City of San Bernardino is a community rich in history and cultural diversity. Influences of Native Americans, Mexican settlers, Spanish missionaries and Mormon emigrants can still bc sccn throughout the City today. From the day in 1810 when Franciscan missionary Father Dumetz named the area San Bernardino to the present, San Bernardino - nestled south of the San Bernardino mountains and west of the lower desert - has been recognized for its scenic beauty and strategic location. Today, the City of San Bernardino serves as the county seat and is the largest city in the County of San Bernardino with a population of over 20 I ,800. HISTORY San Bernardino's colorful history begins in the early years of the 19th century when Spanish missionaries were the first settlers to the region. Mission "San Bernardino" was established in 1810 and the missionaries, along with the American Indians native to the area, diverted water to the valley from Mill Creek for irrigation purposes. As a result, the area flourished. In 1822, California became a Mexican territory. Gradually the mission period came to a close and soon came the rise of the "Great Spanish Rancheros." The abandoned Mission San Bernardino did not stay vacant for long. "San Bernardino Rancho" was granted to the Lugo Brothers in 1842 and eventually became an important post on the trading route known as the "Spanish Trail", where pioneer trailblazers like Kit Carson and ledediah Strong often traveled. In 1848, California joined the United States. By this time, many rancheros, discouraged by Indian raids and horse and cattle stealing, left the area. The Lugo brothers eventually sold San Bernardino Rancho to a party of 500 Mormon settlers in 1852 who built a stockade around the ranch and named it "Fort San Bernardino." The community thrived 1"1 III ~ " I. f"I . ~ .. /"I . ~ I I . ~ c ~ ... ~ c ~ " . n &. n '- and was officially incorporated as a City in 1854 with a population of 1,200. At that time, San Bernardino was strictly a temperance town, with no drinking or gambling allowed. As the last years of the 191h century waned, the giant railway companies eventually found their way to San Bernardino, changing it from a sleepy town into an enterprising city. Santa Fe, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific all made San Bernardino the hub of their Southern California operations. When the Santa Fe Railway established a transcontinental link in 1886, the already prosperous valley exploded. Even more settlers flocked from the East and population figures doubled between 1900 and 1910. Today San Bernardino has emerged into a modem urban community with a bright future. The enduring spirit and vitality of yesterday's pioneers are still evident and reflected in the pride of community. San Bernardino City Opera House 1882 Downtown San Bernardino 1927 QUALITY OF LIFE The City of San Bernardino has adopted the shared values of Integrity, Accountability, Respect for Human Dignity, Honesty and Fairness. The vision for the City is to be strong and prosperous. City residents can expect high quality, cost effective services as well as an excellent public safety program, which is dedicated to providing the highest level of police and emergency services. The two hospitals within the City limits, San Bernardino Community Hospital and St. Bernardine's Medical Center are both state of the art facilities. City residents also have access to the nearby San Bernardino County Medical Center and the world renowned Lorna Linda University Medical Center. With 38 parks and six community centers, residents can enjoy beautiful playgrounds, swimming and wading pools, adult and youth sports, special interest classes and excursions. The City's first-rate menu of programs and services includes a public library system comprised of one main and three library branches which provide life long learning to the world of ideas, information and creative experience for all citizens of San Bernardino. 2 f"I .. LocalionlTranSDor/ The City's elevation is 1,049 feet above sea level and encompasses the area of approximately 59.3 square miles. San Bernardino is located about 60 miles east of Los Angeles, 120 miles northeast of metropolitan San Diego, and 55 miles northwest of Palm Springs. For more than 100 years, the city of San Bernardino has been a major transportation link between the east and west coasts. With rail, freeway, a nearby International Airport just 30 minutes away, and the Port of Los Angeles within an hour's drive, San Bernardino is the link to national markets, Mexico, and the Pacific Rim. Local bus service connects ten cities in a two county area and provides access to transcontinental bus connections. n .. n . " .. ~ " . c ~ In 1993 access to the City was further enhanced with the creation of the Metrolink commuter rail service. It provides long distance transportation to commuters from the San Bernardino area to major centers of employment, such as downtown Los Angeles, and Orange County, within 90 minutes. ~ ~ n . ~ Schools Providing quality education and programs to San Bernardino's youth is an important priority to City residents. High standards and emphasis on mastering the fundamentals resulted in the district's steady improvement on standardized test scores. Many schools in the San Bernardino Unified School District have been named California Distinguished Schools. If private schooling is a preference, San Bernardino has many private schools, from kindergarten to high school. c ~ ~ n I. San Bernardino Valley College, conveniently located two miles from downtown, serves over 11,100 students who are enrolled in occupational training programs, job skill enhancement, and courses leading to Associate Degrees with transfer credits to four-year colleges. ~ " .. " . City of San Bernardino Mountain Resorts San Bernardino Valley College 3 - n . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ California State University San Bernardino is one of the Inland Empire's largest trainer of business managers. Cal State's School of Business and Public Administration is accredited by the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) at both the under graduate and graduate degree levels. With more than 17,000 students enrolled in more than 50 undergraduate degree programs, Cal State San Bernardino is one of the fastest growing campuses in the state university system. Recreation. Svorts & Culture Cat State University San Bernardino San Bernardino has a wide variety of recreational attractions. From playing golf at one of San Bernardino's many public and private golf courses, to a 30 to 45 minute drive to mountains, skiing, deserts, beaches, resorts, and world- class cultural and sporting events, a variety of activities for all ages is available to residents and visitors. " .. ~ San Bernardino is home to the Inland Empire 66ers, a Professional Baseball Club, which is part of the Seattle Mariners organization. The Inland Empire 66ers play at the multi-use Arrowhead Credit Union Park which regularly seats 5,000 people and can be expanded to seat 10,000. ~ The City of San Bernardino is known as a "Youth Sports Destination". San Bernardino is home to the Little League Western Regional Headquarters and hosts the regional playoffs each year, with fourteen teams from 13 western states playing for the chance to advance to the Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pennsylvania for the national title. The City has also facilitated the installation of the first youth sports figure public art statue at Western Regional Little League Headquarters. San Bernardino has the largest sanctioned Soap Box Derby event on the west coast. Children build their box cars and race for a chance to reach the national finals in Akron, Ohio. ~ c c f"I . ~ ~ ~ ~ In 1998, the San Bernardino Municipal Soccer Complex was officially dedicated and opened for tournaments and competitions. The complex is one of only a few premier youth soccer facilities in Southern California. Built on 50 acres, the complex offers 17 full sized soccer fields including 4 lighted championship fields. The complex is home to a number of tournaments and activities throughout the soccer season. The complex provides increased revenue to the San Bernardino local economy from use of the local restaurants and hotels as well as overall operational support of the tournaments. The city's historic California Theater, which opened its doors in 1928, is now home to Theatrical Arts International, whose star-studded Broadway plays and musicals light up the stage each year. Continuing the tradition of variety and excellence, the San Bernardino Valley Community Concert Association also hosts international artists and touring companies ranging from the New York Theatre Ballet to the London Piano Duo. The San Bernardino Symphony Orchestra and the International Children's Choir also perform at this historic theater. ~ ~ 4 With a new charter that took effect in March 2006, the City of San Bernardino now operates under a hybrid Mayor-Council- City Manager form of government. The Mayor is elected by the voters at large, and is the City's Chief Executive Officer. Each of the seven members of Council is elected by voters within their respective wards. The Mayor and Council members serve four-year terms. Under the supervision of the Mayor, the City Manager is the Chief Administrative Officer. The City Manager directs most City Departments, other than those governed by separate boards (Water Dept, Civil Service, Library) and the offices of elected officials. The City Manager's office, in addition to assisting the Mayor and Council in policy formulation, focuses on special projects. The City of San Bernardino also has an elected City Attorney, City Treasurer and City Clerk. ,., III ~ ~ n II ., I. n I. ~ ~ ... III f1 III Onc of the city's most popular events is the annual Route 66 Rendezvous. In the 1930s, Historic Route 66, which runs through downtown San Bernardino, was the first highway to link Chicago and the Midwest to Southern California. Today the city of San Bernardino celebrates Route 66 with an annual four day event held each September. The city is host to over 400,000 visitors who come to see the show of over 2,400 pre-1973 Vintage automobiles and street "rods" which cruised the highways during the 1930s through the early 1970s. This event is complete with exhibits, vendors, food booths, live entertainment and a Cruisin' Hall of Fame. CITY GOVERNMENT OUR FUTURE - I"' .. A number of exciting projects are underway in San Bcrnardino that promise to shape the community in the years ahead. These projects include: ~ ~ a . Depot Historic District: Effort will continue to make the restored Santa Fe Depot the centerpiece of a newly revitalized Depot Historic District. The existing shopping center across 3'd Street from the Depot is now under new ownership, and the City and Economic Development Agency are working with that owner to bring a new development to the site. The City has plans to complete new streetscape improvements, historic street lighting, water features, and monument signage to mark this important area in the City's history. ~ ~ c New Residcntial Development: A number of new upscale housing developments arc now undcrway, giving furthcr cvidcncc of an upturn in the residential housing market. Approximately 2,000 new homes are in various stagcs of dcvclopmcnt, making this thc largest amount of residential construction activity since the late 1980's. In many areas n III 5 ~ r .. ~ ~ ~ roo . ,.. .. ,.. '- ,.. I. ,.. .. ,.. .. ,., .. ,., .. ,.. . ~ ~ . n . f'! . ,.. .. of the City, home prices for this quality housing arc ranging from the high $400,000's and into the $600,000's. The construction of this additional upscale housing has long been a goal of the City. As an additional benefit, these new residential projects are bringing new park and recrcational amcnities, including new trails, parks, and open spaces. Seccombe Lakc redevelopmcnt- New residential development at Seccombe Lake Park is being considered as a way to revitalize that park, and draw new homebuyers into the downtown area. A conccptual plan for this development calls for the construction of up to 80 town homes and up to 80 single-family homes on approximately 14 acres on the north side of the park. The developer will make signilicant improvements to the park, making it a wonderful amenity for the new home community, as well as the surrounding neighborhoods. The City will also replace the 14 acres of parkland with the same acrcage in other areas of thc community, so that there is no net loss of parkland in the City. This development would require a change in state law; Assembly Member Baca has introduced the bill, and it is currently making its way through the State Legislature. Lakes project - An Environmental Impact Rcport (EIR) has bccn completed for the proposed North and South Lakes. This report is an important first step for this project, which would bring the City's abundant groundwater to the surface to create a large lake, wetlands, fountains, and other water features in the downtown area. Critical next steps this year include securing significant lederal funding for a portion of the project, and facing a legal challenge to the EIR. Downtown revitalization - A number of projects are underway in downtown San Bernardino. These include the transformation of the Carousel Mall into a mixed use development; the development of live/work units on 3'd Street; planning for the Omnitrans Transcenter at Rialto and E Streets; and the development of the SBx bus rapid transit service along the E Strect corridor. With so much activity in thc downtown arca, thc Southern California Association of Governments has selected the area as a demonstration projcct for its Compass 2% Strategy, a program that targets opportunity areas in the SCAG region for creative development approaches. The Compass 2% study will be undertaken during FY 06-07. Business Development at the former Norton Air Force Base - Three major tenants - Kohls, Mattei, and Pep Boys - have opened large distribution facilities at this site. Work has begun on Stater Brothers' new corporate headquarters and distribution center. Development at the base has nourished, and is bringing hundreds of jobs into the community. 6 f" 1Il c: C G) !!l en c: I: I: l> ;a m en r' . ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ 1"'1 III ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ t ~ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FY 2006-2007 SUMMARY OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND TRANSFERS ESTIMATED ESTIMATED BALANCE ADDITIONS TOTAL DEDUCTIONS TOTAL BALANCE FUND /TITLE 7-H16 REVENUESITRANSFER AVAILABLE EXPENSESITRANSFER DEDUCT 6-30-07 1001 GENERAL FUND 14.342.5001122.617.200 I 8.915.5001146.075.2001132.818.100 I 4.269,4001137.087.500 I 8.987,700 I SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS: 105 LIBRARY 0 158.500 2.678.100 2.836.600 2.836.600 0 2.836.600 0 106 CEMETERY 20.000 167.200 0 147.200 162.500 0 162.500 115.300 107 CATV 0 70.000 563.200 633.200 633.200 0 633.200 0 108 ASSET FORFEITURE 15.000 120.000 0 115.000 87.000 0 87.000 28.000 111 AIR QUALlTY-AB 2766 76.100 247.600 0 323,700 113.700 140.000 253,700 70.000 118 DRUG/GANG IAF' 235.000 28.000 0 263.000 216.800 0 216.800 46.200 124 ANIMAL CONTROL 0 1.349.000 428.000 1.777.000 1.777.000 0 1.777.000 0 128 TRAFFIC SAFETY 0 1,672.800 0 1.672.800 0 1.672.800 1.672.800 0 132 SEWER LINE MAINT 4.000.000 3.280.000 0 7.280.000 2,366.300 250 000 2.616,300 4.663,700 133 BASEBALL STADIUM 0 150.000 225.100 375.100 375.100 0 375100 0 134 SOCCER FIELD COMPLEX 35.000 491,500 0 526.500 428.900 0 428.900 97.600 247 CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT 367.300 404.000 0 771.300 0 357.000 357.000 414.300 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUES 4.321.100 7.734.600 3.894,400 15.950.100 8.997.100 2.419.800 11.059.900 4.890.200 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS: 122 ARTICLE8-LTF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 126 SPECIAL GAS TAX 165.500 3.682.000 0 3.616.500 0 2.910.000 2.910.000 706.500 129 1/2 CENT SALES & RD TAX 249.000 3.125.000 0 3.374.000 0 250.000 250.000 3.124.000 135 PROP42 TRAFFIC CONGESTIOt (109.600 842.600 0 733.000 0 0 0 733.000 240 INFRASTRUCTURE LOAN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 241 PUBLIC PARK EXTENSION 19.100 785.000 0 775.900 0 0 0 775.900 242 STREET CONSTRUCTION /559.500 0 0 559.500 0 0 0 1559.500 243 PARK CONSTRUCTION 500.000 0 0 500.000 0 0 0 500.000 244 CEMETERY CONSTR 26.000 4.500 0 30.500 0 0 0 30.500 245 SEWER LINE CONSTR 100.200 1.119.000 0 1.219.200 0 225.000 225.000 994,200 246 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT 384.500 200.000 0 584.500 0 0 0 584.500 248 STORM DRAIN CONSTR 623.300 1.255.000 0 1.878.300 0 132.700 132.700 1.745.600 250 TRAFFIC SYSTEM CONSTR 238.300 452.000 0 690.300 0 60.000 60.000 630.300 TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 1.377 .600 11,465.100 0 12.842.700 0 3.577,700 3.577.700 9,265.000 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FUNDS: 251 OTHER ASSESMENT DISTR. 0 48.300 0 48.300 48.300 0 48,300 0 254 LANDSCAPE DISTRICTS 1168.000 721.200 0 553.200 721.200 0 721.200 168.000 257 CITY WIDE AD 994 0 20.000 0 20.000 0 20.000 20.000 0 TOTAL ASSESSMENT DISTRIC 168.000 789.500 0 621.500 769.500 20.000 789.500 168.000 IMPACT FEE FUNDS: 261 LAW ENFORCEMENT DEVEL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 262 FIRE PROTECTION DEVEL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 263 LOCAL CIRCULATION SYSTEM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 264 REGIONAL CIRCULATION SYST 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 265 LIBRARY FACILITIES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 266 PUBLIC MEETINGS FACILITIES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 267 AQUATICS CENTER FACILITIES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 268 AB 1600 PARKLAND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 269 QUIMBY ACT PARKLAND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL IMPACT FEE FUNDS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS: 305 AD 985 INDUSTRIAL PI<!NY 160.200 66.000 0 226.200 63.700 0 63.700 162.500 306 AD 987 VERDEMONT AREA 102.900 57,700 0 160.600 55.000 0 55.000 105.600 308 VERDEMONTlIMPRV.LN 100 164.000 0 164.100 163.500 0 163.500 600 311 FIRE STATION DS FUND 485.100 104,000 589100 77.900 77 .900 511.200 356 AD 356 NEW PINE AVE 1492.600 63.200 0 1429.400 35.500 0 35.500 (464.900 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 255.700 454.900 0 710.600 395.600 0 395.600 315.000 ENTERPRISE FUNDS: 527 REFUSE 1.238.400 23.928.600 65.000 25.232.000 20.916,700 2,598.000 23.514.700 1.717.300 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS 1.238.400 23.928.600 65.000 25.232.000 20.916.700 2.598.000 23.514.700 1.717.300 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS: 621 CENTRAL SERVICES FUND 14.900 245.000 10.000 269.900 269,400 0 269.400 500 629 LIABILITY FUND 12.842,400 3.288.100 0 445.700 3.204.500 0 3,204.500 12.758.800 630 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 135,400 840.800 0 976.200 839.300 0 839.300 136.900 631 UTILITY FUND 1275.200 3.963,400 0 3.688.200 3.963.400 0 3.963.400 1275.200 635 FLEET SERVICES -'522.300 7,492.900 300.000 7.270.600 7,492.900 0 0 1222.300 678 WORKER'S COMP 18.624.900 3.820.300 0 14.804.600 3.620.300 0 3820.300 18.624.900 679 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1.199.800 4,460.800 0 5.660.600 4,460.800 300.000 4.760.800 899.800 TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE 10.914,700 24.111.300 310.000 13.506.600 24.050.600 300.000 16.857,700 10.844.000 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 10,452.6001191.301.200113.184.900 1214.938.700 1187.947.600 113.184,900 1193.282.600 114.163.200 I I ... .. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ESTIMATED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 GENERAL FUND " ill r' - PROPOSED BUDGET FY 06-07 ESTIMATED REVENUE Property Taxes $ 25,140,400 Other Taxes 70,649,900 Licenses & Permits 9,141.200 Fines and Penalties 1,228,000 Use of Money & Property 1,341.000 Intergovernmental 5.388,200 Charges for Services 5,885,400 Miscellaneous 4.043.100 Total Estimated Revenues $ 122,817,200 Total Transfers In $ 8,915,500 TOTAL ESTIMATED FUNDS AVAILABLE $ 131,732,700 " . ~ n .. ... ~ " ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Mavor $ 1,104,400 Common Council 494.900 Citv Clerk 1,679,000 City Treasurer 171,100 City Attorney 3,192,100 Code Compliance 3,385,100 General Government 12,433,500 Citv ManaQer 772,800 Civil Service 331,300 Human Resource 428,700 Finance 1,514,900 Development Services 6,311,200 Fire 30,248,000 Police 55,536,100 Facilities Manaoement 4,322,100 Parks, Recreation, & Comm Service 5.794,000 Public Services 6,098,900 Total Estimated Expenditures $ 133,818,100 Total Estimated Expenditure Savings $ (1,000,000) Total Transfers Out $ 4,269,400 TOTAL ESTIMATED DEDUCTIONS $ 137,087,500 " III " .. ... . .. ... .. ,... .. " IEXCESS (DEFICIENCY) AVAILABLE I $ IESTIMATED BEGINNING FUND BALANCE I $ IESTIMATED ENDING FUND BALANCE 1$ (5,354,800)1 14,342,500 I 8,987,700 I .. f"I .. BUDGETED RESERVE Reserve for PERS Safety Costs 1,261,000 General Budget Reserve 7,698,200 BUDGETED RESERVE . $ 8,959,200 ,.. ~ ~ IBUDGET EXCESS / (DEFICIENCY) I $ 28,500 I f"I I. . The budget reserve is made up of $2,500.000 from FY 98-99; $1,627,400 from FY 99-00; $2.831.60( from FY 00-01 and $2.870.900 from FY 01-02. Used ($3.068.200) of the reserve in FY 02-03. Borrowed $3,291,800 in FY 03-04 and in FY 04-05 $3,036,500 was paid back into the reserve and $108,200 was used for various approved items. Added $1,261,000 for future safety PERS costs in FY 05-06. $1,300,000 of budget excess was added in FY 06-07 to cover future revenue shortages. " ~ 8. n .. ~ II ~ n .. n . ~ L. 1"1 I... ~ ~ ~ c c r ... ~ I"' .. ~ ~ ~ 1'1 .. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO GENERAL FUND REVENUE REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATE PROPOSED 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 PROPERTY TAXES 4001 Current Secured 6,704,837 7,385,445 8,031,237 9,100,000 9,700,000 4002 Current Unsecured 394,460 449,712 422,989 525,000 550,000 4003 Prior Taxes 398,976 388,958 414,896 390.000 400,000 4006 Supplemental 353,391 439,855 971,264 1,360,000 800,000 4005 Other 110,389 123,995 116,891 130,000 130,000 4007 Prop Tx In Lieu of VLF 0 0 8,616,891 11,357,100 13,560,400 Total Taxes 7,962,053 8,787,965 18,574,168 22,862,100 25,140,400 OTHER TAXES 4221 Sales Tax 29,894,441 32,277,342 26,812,240 27,750,000 28,850,000 4220 Prop Tx In Liew of Sales Tax 0 0 7,956.607 8,381,500 9,700,000 4224 Utility User Tax 20,204,082 21,802,368 22,477,545 23,850,000 23,850,000 4201/14 Franchise Tax 2,598,720 2,796,721 2,649,364 3,028.200 3,086,900 4222 Transient Occupancy 2,531,049 2,797,346 2,978,161 2,980,000 3.000,000 4223 Prop. Transfer Tax 559,496 795,166 962,332 1,150,000 900,000 4225 Sales Tax Public Safety 624,220 701,088 791,238 903,500 975,000 4215 Tow Franchise 280,000 288,000 288,000 288,000 288,000 4226 Verdemont Fire Station AD 0 0 0 0 0 Total Taxes 56,692,008 61,458,031 65,115,507 68,331,200 70,649,900 LICENSES AND PERMITS 4301 Business ReQistration 4,624,796 4,808,603 5,331,167 5,800,000 5,950,000 4330 Buildino Permits 634,559 618,186 991,282 985,000 985,000 4331 Mechanical Permits 239,874 254,562 353,560 300,000 300,000 4362 On Site Inscection Fees 321,320 291,009 617,857 365,000 365.000 4363 On Site Plan Check 87,117 148,306 334,553 520,000 500,000 4361 Construction Permits 97,552 219,585 221 ,464 220,000 220,000 4342 EMS Membership 19,083 17,477 9,362 18,000 18,000 4336 Fire Code Permits 234,605 229,305 247,467 292,000 290,000 4337 Fire Plan Check 124,681 129,655 196,414 190,000 190,000 4351 Street Cut Permits 17,370 126,328 38,565 175,000 100,000 4333 Mobile Home Park Permit 33,030 29,487 29,128 30,200 30,200 4352 Misc Licenses & Permits 54,621 90,632 120.252 157,000 150,000 4303 Misc City Clerk Permits 8,176 10,546 4,632 10,800 10,000 4304 Misc PlanninQ Permits 19.121 24,911 22,986 21,100 23,000 4360 Grading Permits 4,833 11,250 10,262 10,000 10,000 Total Li.cense 8[ Permit 6,520,738 7,009,842 8,528,951 9,094,100 9,141,200 FINES AN.D PENALTIES 4420 Parkino Citations 736,281 868,945 1,055,882 900,000 950,000 4410 General Fines 145,952 203,692 143,149 130,000 130,000 4411 Code Admin. Citations 0 0 45,358 68,000 70,000 4412 Fire Admin. Citations 401 315 1,640 75,000 75,000 4421 Vehicle Abatement Fines 3,167 176 5.314 2,500 3,000 Total Fines/Penalties 885,801 1,073,128 1,251,343 1,175,500 1,228,000 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 4505 Interest Earninos 340,466 164,422 728,231 830,000 900,000 4520 Land & BuildinQ Rental 404,123 270,033 329,912 315,000 315,000 4530 ParkinQ Rental Fee 47,346 47,474 33,297 34,000 34,000 4922-26 Sale of Property 47,189 611,631 35,736 91,100 50,000 4540 Vending Machine Commission 37,784 44,760 42,279 42,000 42,000 Total Money & Property 876,908 909,476 1,169,455 1,312,100 1,341,000 9 " I. " ~ f"I . " . ~ rot . ... I. I"l . ,.. M I"l I IllI 1"1 III r> .. c ... . f"" .. ~ ~ ~ f'1 .. DESCRIPTION CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO GENERAL FUND REVENUE REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATE PROPOSED 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 4603 Motor Vehicle In Lieu 10,981.289 8,884,781 4,307,625 1.335,400 1,171,100 4621 Booking Fee Subvention 689.066 689,066 689,066 0 0 4622 ERAF Subvention 0 0 0 0 0 4670 CDBG Reimbursement 2,086,979 2,664,874 2,869,906 2,793,500 3,134,500 4670 20% Reimbursement 177,800 40.800 40,800 40,800 40,800 4670 Tax Increment Reimbursement 12,300 12.300 83,300 12,300 12,300 4606 Homeowner's Exemotion 155,881 156,542 147,318 151,200 151,200 4616 POST 172.095 142,444 122,691 130,000 130,000 4625 State-Mandated Costs 0 0 75,123 150,000 120,600 4673 Water Reimbursement 166,311 166,140 345,380 320,700 320,700 4671 SBIM Reimbursement 120,800 124,244 131,606 130,000 130,000 4615 Disaster Preo. Prooram 42,665 27.181 22,279 19,800 20,000 4607 Off-Highwav Vehicle Tax 5,379 4,157 7,060 7,000 7,000 4619 Mutual Aid/Disaster Reimb. 261.267 247.685 161,020 390,000 150,000 T otallnteroovernmental 14,871,832 13,160,214 9,003,174 5,480,700 5,388,200 CHARGES FOR SERVICE 4731 Plan Check Fee 309,216 339,434 473,984 722.000 725.000 4789 Archival Fee - Devel Servs 0 12.818 37,950 37,000 40,000 4880 EMS User Fee 527,196 498,559 386,507 320,000 450,000 4798 Storm Drain Utilitv Fee 251,249 256,644 284,584 270,000 270,000 4815 Weed Abatement 379,550 322,678 490,903 280,000 290.000 4733 Building Demolition 666,506 609,035 1,198,878 1,400.000 800,000 4714 Planning Develp Project 230,241 537.164 158,979 270,000 270,000 4305 Annual Alarm Permits 228,445 216,805 219,317 215,000 215,000 4780 Misc Develop Servs Charoes 14,031 28,917 29,831 56.000 50,000 4766 Buildino Permit Review 3,073 6,836 7,739 10,000 10,000 4720 Plan Review Fee 102,616 95,059 250,519 195.000 206,000 4782 Off Site Inspection Fees 90,166 177,119 263,353 275,000 250,000 4785 Non Subdivision Str Imp 803 43,991 109,471 185,000 185,000 4711 Subdivision 112,851 100,858 139,070 165,000 165,000 4718 Environmental 10,124 25,448 18,313 24,600 24,600 4735 Release Notice of Pendencv 17,178 16,047 18.281 11,000 11,000 4863 Class Reoistration Fee 10,553 19,815 17,556 12.000 40,000 4862 Park Enerov Fee 14,883 8,853 5,593 16,000 16,000 4707 Passoort Fees I 93,681 85,891 76,051 72,000 75,000 4702 County Contract 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 4864 Swimmino Pool Fee 56,959 50,273 56.796 65,400 65,000 4861 Proorm/Facilitv Use Fee 31,067 36,666 55,022 67,000 67.000 4865 Non-Resident Fees 2,560 1,605 2,611 3,000 3,000 4710 Misc Planning/Building 61,896 63,797 63,661 122,000 122,000 4743 Towing Release Fee 111,090 153,900 222,020 275,000 275,000 4790-6 Siqnal Maint/Enerqv 24,422 17,342 13,634 25,500 25,500 4802 Str Uqht Enerqy Fee 18.017 37,821 26.772 22,500 25,000 4701 Election Filinq Fee 218 10,120 0 18,600 0 4747 False Alarm Fee 66,252 54,013 53,005 84,000 84,000 4810 Misc. Develooment Services 9,948 6,979 6,747 6,000 6,000 4705 Utility Collection Fee 87,020 40,339 36,151 37,700 37,700 4708 Fire Traininq AQreement 0 0 0 20,000 36,000 4881 Paramedic Reimb Contract 259,174 280,723 259,129 259,100 259,100 4751 Fire Aoartment Insoections 0 21,675 0 0 0 4752 Fireworks Requlatory Fee 0 0 425 98,500 100,000 4753 Fire Archival Fee 0 0 1,305 2,500 2,500 4754 Fire Business Occuo Inso Fee 0 0 32,200 50,000 60,000 4755 Fire Rental Inspections 0 0 137,101 375.000 375,000 Total Charqes 4,040.985 4,427,224 5,403,458 6.317,400 5.885,400 10 ,.. III r . ~ n . ~ ,., .. " ~ " 1M ,.. . ,.. . ,.. . n . ... . ... .. n .. n . ... .. n .. n . DESCRIPTION CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO GENERAL FUND REVENUE REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATE PROPOSED 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 MISCELLANEOUS 4906 Water Fund Contr. 1.888.704 1.957.748 1,889.149 1,950,000 1,975.000 4930 Sewer Contr. - Water 0 0 500,000 500,000 500,000 4931 Water Land Sales 0 0 221,116 28,200 0 4910 Admin Service Charqe 344,800 345,682 349,600 349,600 349,600 4901 Misc. Other Revenue 279,677 285,688 56,922 125,000 57,000 4912 Off Track Bettina 168,861 198,217 154,677 160,000 160,000 4741 Sale of Photos /Recorts 132,543 139,279 129,667 130,000 130,000 4740-5 Police Misc. Receipts 756.878 800,539 763.659 800,000 800,000 4746 Procertv Auction 6.017 2,945 14,093 5,000 5,000 4911 Restitutions 25,750 37,170 22,350 12,000 12,000 4905 Litiaation Settlement 0 32,484 0 32,800 10,000 4904 Drunk Driver Reimburmt. 1,088 1,237 1,251 300 500 4928 Bookino Fee Reimburmt. 17.177 14,986 7,767 5,000 5,000 4750 Investiaation Fee 12.590 13,348 19,876 12,000 15,000 4924 Damage Clain Recovery 25,795 18,009 24.420 22.000 24,000 Total Miscellaneous 3,659.880 3,847,332 4,154.547 4,131.900 4,043.100 1 TOTAL GENERAL FUND I 95,510,2051100,673,2121113,200,6031118,705,000 1122,817,200 I 11 ,.., III ... ~ n I. ,.. . n . ... . " . ,.. lit ,.. L. ,.., 1M f" lit ,.. lit ,.. ., ... III ... III 1"'1 . " ~ " III rl . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO OTHER FUNDS REVENUE REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2006 - 2007 DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 105 LIBRARY FUND 4618 State Aid-Libraries 170,921 87.187 78.971 78,500 78,500 4850 Miscellaneous Receipts 16.680 20,695 22,343 20.000 20,000 4851 Library Fines 69.174 65,472 62,608 60,000 60.000 Total Library Fund 256.775 173.354 163.922 158.500 158.500 106 CEMETERY FUND 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 21.232 12,643 15.748 15,500 15,500 4775 Cemetery Burial Fee 66,207 65,564 64,253 64,000 65,000 4776 Sale of Vases 2,084 1.639 1,396 1,000 1,000 4777 Sale Concrete Boxes 29.597 30,287 28,073 25,700 25,700 4778 Sale Cemeterv Plots 68.545 63.327 58,937 58.000 60.000 4901 Misc. Receipts 0 2,000 0 0 0 Total Cemetery Fund 187,665 175.460 168,407 164,200 167.200 107 CABLE TV FUND 4922 Sale of EquipmenVServices 1 08.297 76.093 92,142 66.200 70.000 Total Cable TV Fund 108.297 76,093 92.142 66.200 70.000 108 ASSET FORF:EITURE FUND 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 13,265 9,070 4,698 0 0 4672 Asset Forfeiture Federal DOJ 41,797 63,429 29,490 0 0 4927 Asset Forfeiture 797.790 380.634 138.328 120.000 120.000 Total Asset Forfeiture Fund 852,852 453,133 172,516 120.000 120.000 111 AIR QUALlTY-AB 2766 FUND 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 4,318 1,834 1,616 1,600 1.600 4626 Rideshare Reimbursement 220.960 228.012 235,451 241,000 241,000 4901 Misc. Receipts 0 0 0 0 0 4906 Water Department 3,000 3,045 5,000 5,000 5.000 Total Air Quality-AB 2766 Fund 228,278 232,891 242,067 247,600 247.600 118 DRUG/GANG FUND 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 13.265 9,069 7,175 8,000 8,000 4929 Asset Forfeiture-Drug/Gan9 152.985 57.249 22,990 20,000 20,000 Total Drug/Gang Fund 166,250 66.318 30.165 28.000 28.000 124 ANIMAL CONTROL FUND 4320 Animal License 278,580 335.632 371,668 330,000 350,000 4352 Misc. License & Permits 4,869 3.300 3.905 3.000 3.500 4410 General Fines 47,078 17,970 31.800 28.100 28.100 4430 Animal License Penaltv 39.384 40,815 41,433 33,500 35,000 4756 Animal Adoption Fee 29.228 38,797 61,294 62,000 65,000 4757 Contractee Shelter Fee 673,146 687.616 708.830 715.000 715,000 4758 Livestock Fee 286 0 0 0 0 4759 Apprehension Fee 20,277 25.717 38.975 41.000 41.000 4760 Board Fee 14,924 14,780 19,134 21,500 21,500 4761 Field Service Fee 1,929 755 540 1,400 1,400 4763 Owner Release Fee 33.580 18,820 18,936 39,300 40,000 4764 Vaccination Fee 14.548 16.769 22,708 22,500 22,500 4901 Miscellaneous Receipts 2,020 1.976 11.186 26,000 26,000 Total Animal Control Fund 1,159,849 1,202,947 1,330,409 1,323,300 1,349,000 12 ... III .., . " . n . " .. ,.. I . r" .. ., .. ~ ,.. I .. ,.. .. ... L. 1"1 '- ~ ~ f"'I I.i r . ~ ~ . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO OTHER FUNDS REVENUE REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2006 - 2007 DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 126 SPECIAL GAS TAX FUND 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 48.031 26,609 33.521 37,000 37,000 4610 State Aid-2106 729,367 754.319 779,099 780.000 780,000 4611 State Aid-21 07 1,568,403 1.606.121 1,624,332 1,630.000 1,630,000 4612 State Aid-2107.5 10.000 10,000 10.000 10,000 10,000 4614 ProD 111-Hiahwav Users Tax 1,182,489 1,204,909 1.222,585 1,224,000 1,225.000 4658 Fed Aid Street Construction 0 0 64,000 306.500 0 4670 EDA Reimbursement 0 0 0 125,000 0 4945 Reimbursement 0 (9.127) 0 493,000 0 Total Gas Tax Fund 3,538,290 3.592.831 3,733,537 4.605.500 3,682,000 128 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 4440 CVC Fine 587,577 626,597 649,959 650,000 675.000 4441 Nester Red Lights 0 0 0 320,000 997,800 Total Traffic Safety Fund 587.577 626,597 649,959 970.000 1,672,800 1291/2 CENT SALES/ROAD TAX FUND 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 123,975 91,627 114,742 125,000 125.000 4613 1/2 Cent Sales Tax 2.315,366 2,723,292 2.658.928 2,975,000 3,000,000 4630 State Aid Street Construction 0 0 0 202,500 0 4658 Fed Aid Street Construction 0 0 0 80,000 0 4670 EDA Reimbursement 0 0 0 100,000 0 4945 Construction Reimbursement 0 71,100 111,549 300.000 0 Total 1/2 Cent Sales/Road Tax Fund 2,439.341 2.886.019 2,885.219 3.782.500 3.125,000 132 SEWER LINE MAINTENANCE 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 94,795 64,219 85.596 128.000 130,000 4820 Sewer Line Maint 1,235,376 1,300,936 2,032.200 3.095,000 3,150,000 Total Sewer Line Maintenance 1.330,171 1,365,155 2.117.796 3.223.000 3,280,000 133 BASEBALL STADIUM 4924 Damaae Claim Recoverv 0 0 8,292 500 0 4901 Baseball Team Lease Agreement 133,435 181,080 160,376 144,000 150,000 Total Baseball Stadium 133,435 181,080 168,668 144,500 150,000 134 SOCCER FIELDS 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 1,136 (204 0 1,500 1,500 4520 Land & Buildina Rental 74,356 76,411 50,977 170,000 175,000 4530 Rental Fee - Parkina 73,402 133,372 194,999 170.000 200,000 4528 Soonsorshio Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 4861 Proaram & Facilities Fee 70,353 78.785 107,780 110,000 110,000 4862 Park Ener9Y Fee 688 795 1,000 6,200 5.000 Total Soccer Fields 219.935 289,159 354.756 457.700 491.500 135 PROP 42 TRAFFIC CONGESTION FD 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 10,303 6,514 2.695 1.000 1,000 4635 Traffic Congestion Relief 493.448 0 0 835.900 841.600 4945 Construction Reimbursement 0 0 0 0 0 Total Prop 42 Traffic Congestion Fund 503,751 6,514 2.695 836,900 842,600 240 INFRASTRUCTURE LOAN FUND 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 0 0 0 0 0 4651 Construction Reimbursement 0 0 0 10.000.000 0 Total Infrastructure Loan Fund 0 0 0 10.000.000 0 13 .., . ., . ~ ~ " . ,., ~ ,.. .. ~ [ [ [ ~ [ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO OTHER FUNDS REVENUE REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2006 - 2007 DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 242 STREET CONSTRUCTION FUND 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 0 0 1,080 1,000 0 4630 State Aid-Street Constr. 0 351,896 58,396 268,800 0 4658 Federal Aid-FAU 525,797 1,658,231 86,798 4,405.200 0 4945 Construction Reimbursement 175,266 316.671 5.448 418.900 0 Total Street Constr. Fund 701,063 2,326,798 151,722 5,093,900 0 243 PARK CONSTRUCTION FUND 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 20,040 3,293 22,284 50,000 60.000 4620 State Aid Park Dev 0 0 1,549.808 0 0 4651 Construction Reimbursement 0 0 0 950,000 4901 Park Bond Money 168.596 562,571 0 4.713,400 0 4732 Park Development Fee 459.659 394,457 737,398 700,000 725.000 Total Park Construction Fund 648,295 960.321 2,309,490 6,413,400 785.000 244 CEMETERY CONSTRUCTION FUND 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 905 619 858 1,000 1,000 4778 Sale Cemetery Plots 3,836 3.261 3,682 3,400 3,500 Total Cemetery Constr. Fund 4.741 3.880 4.540 4,400 4.500 245 SEWER LINE CONSTRUCTION FUND 4505 Interest on idle Cash 156,641 18,784 100,926 115,000 115,000 4651 Construction Reimbursement 0 0 0 0 0 4821 Sewer Lateral Fee 2,713 3,470 4,144 3,000 4,000 4822 Sewer Connection Fee 484.144 641,458 626.177 1.150.000 1.000.000 Total Sewer Line Constr. Fund 643,498 663.712 731.247 1.268.000 1.119.000 246 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FUND 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 19,028 12,066 144,674 200,000 200,000 4902 Contribution 0 85,000 0 0 0 Total Public Improvement Fund 19,028 97,066 144,674 200,000 200,000 247 CULTURAL DEVELOP FUND 4335 Cultural Devel. Constr. Fee 229,476 311,188 3,870 3,000 4.000 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 3.254 2,016 461.692 400.000 400.000 Total Cultural Devel Const Fund 232,730 313.204 465.562 403,000 404,000 248 STORM DRAIN CONSTR FUND 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 62,458 126,537 42,034 55.000 55,000 4651 Construction Reimbursement 0 0 83.000 436.600 0 4658 Fed Aid Street Construction 0 0 0 93,100 0 4818 Storm Drain Fee 682,612 746.574 1.048.967 1.175.000 1,200,000 Total Storm Drain Constr. Fund 745,070 873,111 1.174.001 1.759.700 1,255.000 250 TRAFFIC SYSTEMS CONSTR FUND 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 26,601 18,374 25,124 27,000 27,000 4630 State Aid Street Construction 0 0 109,562 108,000 0 4658 Fed Aid Street Construction 0 0 265,000 150,700 0 4670 EDA Reimbursement 0 0 0 170,000 0 4803 Traffic Svstem Fees 664,595 474,957 540,614 425,000 425,000 4945 Construction Reimbursement 0 0 31,426 228.500 0 Total Traffic Systems Fund 691.196 493.331 971.726 1.109.200 452,000 1257 CITY WIDE AD 994 57,046 I 28.837 I 70.358 I 30,000 I 20,000 I 14 c c ~ c ~ ~ . n 1M f"1 .. ~ ~ 1"1 I. ~ 1"1 .. ~ ~ w n I. ~ ~ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO OTHER FUNDS REVENUE REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2006 - 2007 DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 261 LAW ENFORCEMENT IMPACT FEE FD 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 0 0 0 0 0 4824 Development Impact Fees 0 0 0 0 0 Total Law Enforcement Impact Fee Fd 0 0 0 0 0 262 FIRE PROTECTION IMPACT FEE FD 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 0 0 0 0 0 4824 Development Impact Fees 0 0 0 0 0 Total Fire Protection Impact Fee Fd 0 0 0 0 0 263 LOCAL CIRCULATION IMPACT FEE FD 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 0 0 0 0 0 4824 Development Impact Fees 0 0 0 0 0 Total Local Circulation Impact Fee Fd 0 0 0 0 0 264 REGIONAL CIRCULATION IMPACT FEE FD 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 0 0 0 0 0 4824 Development Impact Fees 0 0 0 0 0 Total Regional Circulation Impact Fee Fd 0 0 0 0 0 265 LIBRARY FACILITIES IMPACT FEE FD 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 0 0 0 0 0 4824 Development Impact Fees 0 0 0 0 0 Total Library Facilities Impact Fee Fd 0 0 0 0 0 266 PUBLIC MEETINGS FAC IMPACT FEE FD 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 0 0 0 0 0 4824 Development Impact Fees 0 0 0 0 0 Total Public Meetings Fac Impact Fee Fd 0 0 0 0 0 267 AQUATICS CENTER IMPACT FEE FD 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 0 0 0 0 0 4824 Development Impact Fees 0 0 0 0 0 Total Aquatics Center Impact Fee Fd 0 0 0 0 0 268 AB 1600 PARKLAND IMPACT FEE FD 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 0 0 0 0 0 4824 Development Impact Fees 0 0 0 0 0 Total AB 1600 Parkland Impact Fee Fd 0 0 0 0 0 269 QUIMBY ACT PARKLAND IMPACT FEE FD 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 0 0 0 0 0 4824 Development Impact Fees 0 0 0 0 0 Total Quimby Act Parkland Impact Fee Fd 0 0 0 0 0 527 REFUSE FUND 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 24,255 13,933 18,242 30,000 25,000 4830 Commercial Rubbish 389,879 419.146 77.967 86,000 86,000 4831 Commercial Bin Rent 114,931 129.760 135.099 131,600 135,000 4832 Commercial Bin Service 6,860,577 7,073,827 8.674,316 9.700,000 9,700,000 4833 Commercial Soecial 617,256 585.887 1,016,121 1,050,000 1,050,000 4837 Automated Commercial Rubbish 12.635 11,770 0 0 0 4840 Residential Water Billed 7.354.118 7.580.751 8.383.939 8.725.000 8.725.000 4841 Residential "B" Accounts 553.122 557.772 1.048.834 1 ,083.000 1 ,083,000 4843 Dino Bin Service 1,712,204 1,936,214 2,236,797 2,350.000 2,350,000 4844 Commercial Penalties 0 0 11,138 22.000 22.000 15 ~ t ~ t t n I. f"I .. " J. f'" - ~ ~ ~ ... .. " .. " .. " .. ,., I. ~ n .. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO OTHER FUNDS REVENUE REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2006 - 2007 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED DESCRIPTION 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 4845 Residential Penalties 0 0 1,152 2,600 2,600 4901 Miscellaneous Other Revenue 818.710 792.790 860,835 750,000 750,000 4923 Sale Salvage Material 15.181 65,096 0 0 0 Total Refuse Fund 18,457.598 19,149.080 22,464,440 23.930.200 23,928,600 245.000 I 245,000 I 279,792 I 275.1481 242.283 I 1621 CENTRAL SERVICES FUND 629 LIABILITY INSURANCE FUND 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 108.587 72.560 83.515 85,000 85,000 4924 Damaae Claim Recoverv 16.885 89,442 0 0 0 4897 Interdepartmental Receipts 1.949.000 2,460.600 2,878,700 3,472,200 3,203,100 Total Liability Insurance Fund 2.074.472 2.622.602 2.962.215 3.557,200 3,288,100 630 TELEPHONE SUPPORT FUND 4541 Telephone Commission 10,658 6.715 7,041 1,700 1,500 4893 Water Dep\. Receipts 109,781 123.226 124.398 125,000 118.000 4670 Economic Development Aaencv 823 752 706 0 0 4897 Interdepartmental Receipts 949,699 791,386 634,723 725,000 713,400 4903 Refunds and Rebates 31.070 28,977 19.144 3.800 7.900 Total Telephone Support Fund 1.102.031 951,056 786,012 855,500 840.800 631 UTILITY FUND 4897 Interdepartmental Receipts 4,552,112 3,890,269 4,222.273 4,000,000 3,865.800 4903 Misc. Refunds/Rebates 0 0 7,152 1,600 0 4944 LED Reimbursement 107.360 1,571 136,000 110,000 97,600 Total Utility Fund 4.659,472 3.891,840 4.365,425 4.111.600 3.963,400 635 FLEET SERVICES 4670 Economic Development Aaencv 5,712 6.188 8.922 9,000 13.600 4896 Replacement Contribution 1,043.500 602.900 622,300 133,400 300,000 4897 Interdepartmental Receipts 4,763,187 4,673,360 5,080,215 6.634,500 7,170,700 4901 Misc Receipts 485 3,498 92.960 8,900 8.600 Total Fleet Services Fund 5,812,884 5,285,946 5,804.397 6.785.800 7,492.900 678 WORKERS' COMPENSATION FUND 4897 Interdepartmental Receiots 2.978,373 3.685,046 3,809,935 3,702,200 3,411,400 4906 Water Department 367,044 353,702 275,357 300,000 408,900 4901 Misc Receipts 0 0 0 0 0 Total Workers' Compensation Fd 3,345,417 4,038,748 4,085,292 4,002,200 3,820,300 679 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND 4670 EDA Reimbursement 1.213 644 281 300 800 4673 Water Reimbursement 417.800 373,400 408,873 433,800 459,800 4897 Interdepartmental Receiots 4,105.370 3,245.100 3,383,400 3.808.200 4.000.200 4901 Miscellaneous Receipts 150.098 161,636 220,222 139,000 0 Total IT Fund 4,674,481 3,780,780 4,012,776 4,381,300 4,460,800 IGRAND TOTAL 1 55.861,280 1 57.083.011 I 62,858.418 1 80.278.300 I 67.663.600 I 16 ,.. . ~ ("1 ~ n . ~ ~ 1'1 . . ,.. I. ~ n . ~ rot J. ~ c ~ n I. 1'1 .. c .... . . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO HISTORICAL SUMMARY OF REVENUES BY FUND FY 2001-2002 THROUGH FY 2006-2007 ACTIAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED DESCRIPTION 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 001 General Fund 90,290,767 95.510.205 100,863,996 113.200,603 118,705,000 122,817,200 105 Library Fund 375,140 256,775 173.354 163,922 158,500 158,500 106 Cemetery Fund 193,563 187.665 175,460 168,407 164,200 167,200 107 Cable TV Fund 98,211 108,297 76,093 92,142 66,200 70,000 108 Asset Forfeiture Fund 549.950 1,019,102 453,133 172,516 120,000 120.000 111 Air Quality AB 2766 Fd 226,674 228,278 232,891 242,067 247,600 247,600 118 Drug/Gang Fund 0 0 66,318 30,165 28,000 28,000 124 Animal Control Fund 1,160,189 1,159.849 1,202,947 1,330,409 1,323,300 1,349,000 126 Special Gas Tax Fund 3,554,866 3,538,290 3.592,831 3.733.537 4,605,500 3,682,000 128 Traffic Safety Fund 693,320 587,577 626,597 649.959 970,000 1,672,800 1291/2 Cent Sales/Road Tx 2,371,355 2,439,341 2.886,019 2.885.219 3,782,500 3,125,000 132 Sewer Line Maint Fund 1,339,363 1,330,171 1,365,155 2,117,796 3.223,000 3,280,000 133 Baseball Stadium Fund 198,739 133,435 181,080 168,668 144,500 150,000 134 Soccer Fields Fund 0 219,935 289,159 354,756 457.700 491,500 135 Prop 42 Traffic Congst 515,808 503,751 6.514 2,695 836.900 842,600 240 Infrastructure Loan 0 0 0 0 10,000,000 0 242 Street Constr. Fund 410,664 701,063 2,326,798 151,722 5,093,900 0 243 Park Constr. Fund 329,498 648,295 960,321 2,309,490 6,413,400 785,000 244 Cemetery Constr Fd 4,657 4,741 3,880 4.540 4,400 4.500 245 Sewer Line Constr Fd 542,050 643,498 663,712 731,247 1,268,000 1,119,000 246 Public Improv. Fund 23,505 19,028 97,066 144,674 200,000 200,000 247 Cultural Development 124,961 232,730 313,204 465,562 403.000 404,000 248 Storm Drain Constr Fd 524,542 745,070 873,111 1,174,001 1,759,700 1,255,000 250 Traffic Syst. Constr Fd 212,023 691,196 493,331 971,726 1,109,200 452,000 251 Other Assessmt Distr. 91,709 55,830 53,483 53,400 48,000 48,300 254 Landscape Districts 597,000 556.073 705,813 605,765 933,700 721,200 257 AD 994 Citywide 62,866 57,046 28,837 70,358 30,000 20,000 261 Law Enforcement Dev 0 0 0 0 0 0 262 Fire Protection Dev 0 0 0 0 0 0 263 Local Circulation Syst 0 0 0 0 0 0 264 Regional Circulation 0 0 0 0 0 0 265 Library Facilities 0 0 0 0 0 0 266 Public Meetings Fac 0 0 0 0 0 0 267 Aquatics Center Fac 0 0 0 0 0 0 268 AB 1600 Parkland 0 0 0 0 0 0 269 Quimby Act Parkland 0 0 0 0 0 0 305 AD 985 Industrial Pky 88,471 64,239 91,490 75,464 64,000 66,000 306 AD 987 Verdemont 60,955 75,979 53.298 63.134 57,100 57,700 308 Verdemont Impr Loan 12,426 187,833 180,439 363,204 141,500 164,000 311 Fire Station DS Fund 0 0 68.085 148.042 297,000 104,000 356 AD 356 New Pine Ave. 62,296 62,779 60,428 65,586 63,200 63,200 527 Refuse Fund 17,470,111 18,457.598 19.149,080 22,464,440 23,930.200 23,928,600 621 Central Services Fd 324,122 279,792 275,148 242,283 245,000 245,000 629 Liability Insurance Fd 1,887,060 2,074,472 2,622,602 2,962,215 3,557,200 3,288,100 630 Telephone Fund 1,025,883 1,102,031 951,056 786,012 855,500 840,800 631 Utility Fund 5,225,653 4,659,472 3,891,940 4,365,425 4.111.600 3,963,400 635 Fleet Services Fund 6,034,561 5,812,884 5,285,946 5,804,397 6,785,800 7,492,900 678 Worker's Comp Fund 3,034,222 3,345,417 4,038,748 4,085,292 4,002,200 3,820,300 679 Information Tech. Fd 3,661,267 4,674,481 3,780,780 4,012,776 4,381,300 4,460,800 GRAND TOTAL 143,378,447 152,374,218 159,160,143 177,433.616 210,587,800 191,705.200 17. f"I .. ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED DESCRIPTION 2001-02 2002.03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 General Fund: Mayor 943.335 1.066.051 980.880 889.836 1.061.500 1.104.400 Common Council 341.671 377.052 430.573 448.394 532.700 494.900 City Clerk 1.021.127 1.066.075 1.157.504 1.221.930 1.698.000 1.679.000 City Treasurer 23.952 134.480 137.721 147.950 165.500 171.100 City Attorney 2.047.354 2.500.352 2.406.585 2.533.932 3.048.100 3.192.100 Code Compliance 2.951.334 2.841.151 2.897.101 2.874.373 3.000.200 3.385.100 General Government 2.162.341 1.149.286 6.560.392 9.416.093 10.190.800 12.433.500 City Manager 496.268 504.756 526.992 536.688 628.100 772.800 Human Resources 403.392 465.906 330.621 362.702 409.000 331.300 Finance 1.141.902 1.170.824 1.138.693 1.071.115 1.353.900 428.700 Civil Service 253.557 249.186 243.147 263.625 272.800 1.514.900 Development Services 7.465.457 7.502.585 6.903.208 4.696.385 5.562.200 6.311.200 Fire 21.041.818 23.523.459 24.852.170 27.325.915 29.815.500 30.248.000 Police 42.004.232 44.686.595 45.513.387 48.039.553 53.074.000 55.536.100 Facllltes Management 3.762.169 3.948.881 3.306.085 4.366.637 4.070.500 4.322.100 Parks, Ree. & Comm. Svcs 5.111.370 5.423.551 5.122.323 5.106.049 5.507.600 5.794.000 Public Services 3.321.766 3.260.566 2.805.320 5.930.162 5.694.000 6.098.900 General Fund Total 94.493.045 99.870.756 105.312.702 115.231.339 126.084.400 133.818,100 105 Library Fund 3.007.000 3.095.880 2.306.572 2.390.055 2.724.500 2.836.600 106 Cemetery Fund 225.145 249.319 181.577 166.544 165.900 162.500 107 Cabls TV Fund 488.557 545.103 546.850 353.353 704.500 633.200 108 Asset forfeiture Fund 363.593 977.021 518.550 748.440 79.000 87.000 111 Air Quality AS 2766 Fund 71.012 79.801 92.026 91.180 105.100 113.700 118 Drug/Gang Fund 0 0 0 36.845 70.900 216.800 122 Article 8. L TF 49.460 0 0 0 0 0 124 Animal Control Fund 1.535.229 1.554.568 1.497.238 1.543.608 1.680.400 1.777.000 126 Special Gas Tax Fund 521.110 668.579 1.274.783 840.992 2.890.000 0 1291/2 Cent Sales/Road Tax 2.122.116 1.152.831 2.095.197 2.297.786 8.155.900 0 132 Sewer Line Mainl Fund 1.428.329 1.224.963 1.427.589 1.522.436 3.453.600 2.366.300 133 Baseball Stadium Fund 455.983 365.905 289.900 343.146 358.500 375.100 134 Soccer Fields Fund 0 199.924 306.297 396.729 517.100 428.900 135 AB 2928 Traffic Congest. 1.386.142 647.252 129.868 243.073 948.400 0 240 Infrastructure Loan 0 0 0 0 10.000.000 0 241 Park Extension Fund 56.828 39.442 44.218 21.754 29.300 0 242 Street Construction Fd 651.068 3.079.299 1.899.572 1.165.796 4.427.500 0 243 Park Construction Fd 778.732 637.465 1.431.651 784.286 5.880.100 0 244 Cemetery Constr. Fd 357 0 0 0 15.000 0 245 Sewer Line Constr. Fd 220.625 269.901 808.558 2.034.600 5.563.600 0 246 Public Impr. Fund 1.936 4.627 8.863 187.134 5.925.500 0 248 Stonn Drain Constr. Fd 340.560 153.909 784.265 1.732.993 2.315.400 0 250 Traffic Systems Constr Fd 261.568 389.545 372.984 722.116 2.021.500 0 251 Other Assessment Districts 16.475 162.507 34.489 31.992 48.000 48.300 254 Landscape Districts 457.955 326.573 479.718 554.485 933.700 721.200 261 Law Enforcement Devel 0 0 0 0 0 0 262 Fire Protection Devel 0 0 0 0 0 0 263 Local Circulation System 0 0 0 0 0 0 264 Regional Circulation Sys 0 0 0 0 0 0 265 Library Facilities 0 0 0 0 0 0 266 Public Meetings Facilities 0 0 0 0 0 0 267 Aquatics Center Fac 0 0 0 0 0 0 268 AB 1600 Parkland 0 0 0 0 0 0 269 Quimby Act Parkland 0 0 0 0 0 0 305 AD 985 Industrial Pky 67.625 63.579 61.751 65.962 66.800 63.700 306 AD 987 Verdemont Area 59.668 56.688 54.427 58.313 59.700 55.000 308 Verdemont Impr Loan 66.919 115.544 244.454 199.454 140.600 163.500 311 Fire Station DS Fund 0 0 0 115 27.900 77.900 356 AD 356 New Pine Ave. 42.376 41.268 39.024 38.792 37.200 35.500 527 Refuse Fund 15.808.800 15.548.088 17.446.365 18.558.294 21.519.100 20.916.700 621 Central Services Fund 321.032 306.421 310.483 284.623 260.000 269.400 629 Liability Insurance Fund 2.279.800 2.391.770 3.495.161 4.763.092 4.092.100 3.204.500 630 Telephono Support Fund 825.509 846.337 838.411 742.056 776.800 839.300 631 Utility Fund 4.441.138 4.576.581 3.956.612 4.054.547 4.282.100 3.963.400 635 Fleet Services Fund 6.535.300 5.599.022 5.959.453 6.108.263 8.588.000 7.492.900 678 Workor"s Compo Fd 3.402.800 3.588.891 4.759.060 4.968.374 3.664.900 3.820.300 679 Infonnatlon Technology 3.366.200 4.206.249 3.647.412 4.236.489 4.863.400 4.460.800 GRAND TOTAL ALL FUNDS 146.149.992 153.035.608 162.656.080 177.519.056 233.476.400 188.947.600 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO HISTORICAL SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY FUNOIOEPARTMENT FY 2001-02 THROUGH FY 2006- 07 rot . " . ,.. . c ... . r'1 I . ,., .. .., ~ ... .. n . 1"'1 .. "" .. ,.. .. 1"'1 .. n I. n .. I" . ~ 'The General Fund estimated experld~ure savings is not includ&d on tllis report Caprtal Projects w.1I be includ&d Ifltlle Final Budget 18. ~ . 1"1 I. r' .. ~ 1"'1 . 1"'1 I. r III c n III '" .. ,.. . ... . ,.. . n . n . ... . ,.. I. r III n . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY~PRIMARY FUNDS BY OEPARTMENT & FUND FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 PERSONAL MATERIALS CONTRACT INTERNAL CAPITAL DEBT TOTAL ~UND I TillE Sl:.KV1Cl::.S fOl-'l::.HA IIUN Sl:.KVI<;1::. SI::.HVICE OUlLAY SI::.HVICl:. EXI-'I::.NSl::S 010 MAYOR 622.100 77.000 350.000 53.300 2.000 0 1.104.400 020 COMMON COUNCIL 403.900 61.400 0 29.600 0 0 494.900 030 CITY CLERK 1.136.500 96.000 291.000 148.600 6.900 0 1.679.000 040 CITY TREASURER 148.800 10.400 4.400 7.500 0 0 171.100 050 CITY ATTORNEY 2.312.600 272.200 584.300 20.300 2,700 0 3.192.100 070 COOE COMPLIANCE 2.083.800 197.800 867.900 186.100 14,700 34.800 3.385.100 090 GENERAL GOVERNMENT 2.304.800 953.100 1.386.200 4.549.000 0 3.240.400 12.433.500 100 CITY MANAGER 688.800 40.600 20.500 22.900 0 0 772.800 108 CIVIL SERVICE 267.800 6.400 39.000 18.100 0 0 331.300 110 HUMAN RESOURCES 366.800 40.700 500 20.700 0 0 428.700 120 FINANCE 1.233.300 40.900 8,400 232.300 0 0 1.514.900 180 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 4.956.000 177.900 849.400 327.900 0 0 6.311.200 200 FIRE 26.559.200 583.300 211.000 1.197.000 33.200 1.664.300 30.248.000 210 POLICE 45.722.100 1.410.800 1.493.900 4.973.700 22.400 1.913.200 55.536.100 320 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT 2.124.700 378.000 586.200 1.012.200 124.000 97.000 4.322.100 380 PARKS & RECREATION 3.631.100 387.700 710.600 1.064.600 0 0 5.794.000 400 PUBLIC SERVICES 2.941.400 688.600 698.300 1.766.300 4.300 0 6.098.900 IUIAL 21 .20C 6.949.700 133.818.100 105 LIBRARY FUNO 2.139.900 390.700 12.000 294.000 0 0 2.836.600 106 CEMETERY FUND 83.500 18.000 43.000 18.000 0 0 162.500 107 CABLE TELEVISION FUND 372.500 109.000 11.000 30.300 3.500 106.900 633.200 108 ASSET FORFEITURE FUNO 0 79.500 7.500 0 0 0 87.000 111 AB2766 AIR QUALITY 65.700 25.800 9.500 12.700 0 0 113.700 118 ORUG/GANG FUND 0 85.800 23.000 0 108.000 0 216.800 124 ANIMAL CONTROL FUNO 1.320.500 115.000 70.000 246.500 25.000 0 1.777.000 132 SEWER LINE MAINT 932.500 291.400 397.100 295.300 450.000 0 2.366.300 133 BASEBALL STADIUM 156.200 96.400 59.400 20.600 42.500 0 375.100 134 SOCCER FIELDS 88.000 53.500 227.100 46.200 14.100 0 428.900 963.60C 643.100 106.900 8.997.100 FUNDS: 122 ARTICLE 8 - L TF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 126 SPECIAL GAS TAX FUND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 129 1/2 CENT SALES/ROAD TAX 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 135 AB2928 TRAFFIC CONGESTION 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 240 INFRASTRUCTURE BANK LOAN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 241 PARK EXTENSION FUND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 242 STREET CONSTRUCTION 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 243 PARK CONSTRUCTION 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 244 CEMETERY CONSTRUCTION 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 245 SEWER LINE CONSTR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 246 INDIAN BINGO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 248 STORM DRAIN CONSTR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 250 TRAFFIC CONSTRUCTION 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 261 LAW ENFORCEMENT DEVEL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 262 FIRE PROTECTION DEVEL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 263 LOCAL CIRCULATION SYSTEM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 264 REGIONAL CIRCULATION SYST 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 265 LIBRARY FACILITIES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 266 PUBLIC MEETINGS FACILITIES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 267 AQUATICS CENTER FACILITIES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 268 AB 1600 PARKLAND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 269 QUIMBY ACT PARKLAND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IUIAL IM~A<';I ., 0 527 REFUSE FUND 5.653.000 7.622.500 1.162.300 5.388.400 119.400 971.100 20.916.700 IUIAL UIH~K .UNU~ .700 621 PRINT SHOP 116.600 116.400 5.000 6.400 0 25.000 269.400 629 LIABILITY FUND 208.900 2.943.200 30.000 22.400 0 0 3.204.500 630 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 135.900 655.800 15.000 7.600 25.000 0 839.300 631 UTILITY FUND 151.700 3.573.100 0 0 35.000 203.600 3.963.400 635 FLEET SERVICES 2.062.900 4.156.800 9.500 259.100 341.000 663.600 7.492.900 678 WORKERS' COMP FUND 413.600 3.066.600 311.400 28.700 0 0 3.820.300 679 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1.799.900 1.078.300 592.900 59.200 188.700 741.800 4.460.800 1. 24. GKANU I U I AL I::Xt-'I::N::;t:.~ 111;j.LU~.UUU 1 L'::u:mU,tiuu I 11,utH,:JUU I n,Jtit>,ouu I 1.btiL,4UU I !:I,titil./UU I HiI.ltl4!,oUU I 'Caprtal PrOject and !mpacl Fee Fund's expense inlormaHon....as r>ot a~a"at>le to il'lelull!l.... thiS budget document. The Genera! Fund eshmil\e<:l expendrture savings is not included On this repor1 19 ... .. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DETAIL OF INTERFUND TRANSACTIONS FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 ~ I. TRANSFERS - IN ~ TO GENERAL FUND: n III "From Special Gas Tax For - Street Maintenance - $2,420,000 Street Lighting - $470,100 1"'1 . "From Traffic Safety For - Police Costs - $675,000 Nester Red Lights - $997,800 ,.. -- 'From 1/2 Cent Sales & Road Tax For- Administration ... . "From Cultural Development Fund For- Fine Arts and Civic Promotional Costs n -- 'From Traffic Systems Constructions For- Administration ... . 'From Storm Drain Construction For - Administration '"' . 'From Refuse Fund For- Administration - $1,826,200 Street Repair - $50,000 Lease City Yards - $600,000 Lease City Hall - $55,200 NPDES Coord. Position - $66,600 .... ~ .. . '"' 'From Sewer Line Construction For- Administration . n III 'From Sewer Line Maint For- Administration .. .. "From Information Technology Fund For- Refund Reserve Excess 1"1 . "From City Wide AD For - Light Costs t "From Air Quality - AS 2766 Fund For - Crossing Guards 50% Funding 80,000 Traffic Engineering Costs 60,000 Main!. & Fuel for Alternate Fuel Vehicles 0 " III '" I. TOTAL GENERAL FUND 20 2,910,000 1 ,672,800 250,000 357,000 60,000 132,700 2,598,000 225,000 250,000 300,000 20,000 140,000 $8,915,500 l '" . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DETAIL OF INTERFUND TRANSACTIONS FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 " . TRANSFERS - IN r . TO ANIMAL CONTROL FUND: 'From General Fund For- Operating Costs n .. TO CATV FUND: "From General Fund For- Operating Costs rot . 1""1 k ~ TO LIBRARY FUND: 'From General Fund For- Operating Costs ,.. III TO PUBLIC PARK EXTENSION: 'From General Fund For - Park Facilities Improvements ,.. . TO REFUSE FUND: "From General Fund For- Street Sweeping r 1M TO BASEBALL STADIUM "From General Fund For- Operating Costs r . TO SOCCER COMPLEX FUND 'From General Fund For- Operating Costs ,., . 1""1 .. TO CENTRAL SERVICES FUND "From General Fund For- Operating Costs r .. TO FLEET FUND "From General Fund For- Vehicle Replacement Costs """ .. '" .. TOTAL OTHER FUNDS r ~ IGRAND TOTAL TRANSFERS-IN c " . 21 428,000 563,200 2,678,100 o 65,000 225,100 o 10,000 300,000 $4,269,400 I $13,184,900 I ... . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DETAIL OF INTERFUND TRANSACTIONS FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 n . TRANSFERS - OUT ~ FROM GENERAL FUND: 'To Animal Control Fund For- Operating Costs ~ ~ 'To CATV Fund For- Operating Costs 1"'1 ~ -To Library Fund For- Operating Costs r .. 'To Baseball Stadium For- Operating Costs '" . 'To Soccer Complex For- Operating Costs ,.. . 'To Refuse Fund For- Street Sweeping " . 'To Central Services Fund For- Operating Costs "" . 'To Fleet Fund For- Vehicle Replacement Costs f"'I -To Public Park Ex1ension For- Park Facilities Improvements .. " TOTAL GENERAL FUND .. n I. FROM SPECIAL GAS TAX: 'To General Fund For- Street Maintenance Costs - $2,420,000 Street Lighting Costs - $470,100 n . FROM TRAFFIC SAFETY: -To General Fund For- Police Costs - $675,000 Nester Red Lights - $997,800 rot .. n '- FROM 1/2 CENT SALES/ROAD TAX: 'To General Fund For- Administration ~ FROM CITY WIDE AD FUND: 'To General Fund For- Lighting Costs ~ .. 1"1 ~ 22 $428,000 563,200 2,678,100 225,100 o 65,000 10,000 300,000 o $4,269,400 I 2,910,000 1,672,800 250,000 20,000 r .. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO DETAIL OF INTERFUND TRANSACTIONS FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 ... .. TRANSFERS - OUT ~ ~ FROM CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT "To General Fund For- Fine Arts & Civic Promotional Costs FROM TRAFFIC SYSTEM CONSTR "To General Fund For- Administration of Fund 1"'1 . ,., . FROM STORM DRAIN FUND "To General Fund For- Administration of Fund ,.. I III ... FROM REFUSE FUND 'To General Fund For- Administration - $1,826,200 Street Repairs - $50,000 Lease City Yards - $600,000 Lease City Hall - $55,200 NPDES Coord. Position - $66,600 . I"l I . f"l 1M FROM SEWER LINE CONSTR FD "To General Fund For- Administration ,.. . FROM $.EWJ;R l-INE MAl NT FUND "To General Fund For- Administration .... lit FROM INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUNDI "To General Fund For- Refund Excess Reserve ,.. III ,... . FROM AIR QUALlTY-AB 2766 FUND "To General Fund For- Crossing Guards 50% Funding Traffic Engineering Costs Maint & Fuel for Alternate Fuel Vehicles n . ~ TOTAL OTHER FUNDS IGRAND TOTAL TRANSFERS-OUT n . n I. " .. 23 80,000 60,000 o 357,000 60,000 132,700 2,598,000 225,000 250,000 300,000 140,000 $8,915,500 I $13,184,900 I ~ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO BUDGETED FULL-TIME POSITIONS ~ GENERAL FUND: City Manager Secretary (U) City Manager City Administrator Assistant City Manager Assistant City Administrator Assistant to the City Manager Senior Administrative Analyst Executive Secretary Administrative Anayst II Administrative Anayst I (3/4 work schedule only) Total I BUDGETED POSITIONS 2005/2006 2006/2007 ~ ~ 0.50 0.50 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.50 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.75 0.00 0.75 4.50 5.75 4.50 5.75 c ~ c City Manager's Office Total City Attorney City Attorney Canf Admin Operations Supervisor Assistant City Attorney Senior Assistant City Attorney Deputy City Attorney I - IV - Senior Deputy City Attorney Legal Secretary I - II Executive Secretary Supervising City Attorney Investigator City Attorney Investigator Total 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 ~ ~ c ~ City Attorney Department Total City Clerk Admin Assistant to the City Clerk City Clerk Deputy City Clerk I Senior Secretary (7 months only) Admin Clerk III Unclassified Total 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 8.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 15.00 15.00 ~ ~ c Business Reaistration Business Registration Supervisor Account Clerk I Unclassified Account Clerk II Unclassified Account Clerk III Unclassified Business Registration Inspector Unclassified Total ~ i ~ Records Manaaement Records Management Coordinator Total ~ City Clerk Department Total ~ 24 [ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO BUDGETED FULL.TIME POSITIONS ~ I BUDGETED POSITIONS 1 2005/2006 2006/20071 c City Treasurer City Treasurer Cashier II Unclassified Deputy City Treasurer Unclassified Total City Treasurer Department Total 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 ~ ~ \-'VII "ervlce Civil Service Board Chief Examiner 1.00 1.00 Human Resources Analyst 000 1.00 Human Resources Technician 0.00 1.00 Personnel Assistant/Civil Service 1.00 0.00 Total 2.00 3.00 Civil Service Department Total 2.00 3.00 Code Compliance Code Enforcement Code Compliance Director 1.00 1.00 Secretary 1.00 0.00 Administrative Analyst II 0.00 1.00 Code Compliance Officer II 1.00 3.00 Account Clerk III 1.00 1.00 Total 4.00 6.00 Neiahborhood Revitalization Admin Oper Super 1.00 1.00 Code Compliance Director 0.00 0.00 Supervising Code Compliance Officer 1.00 3.00 Admin Clerk II 4.00 4.00 Senior Code Compliance Officer. 4.00 2.00 Code Compliance Officer I 1.00 2.00 Code Compliance Officer II 11.00 10.00 Total 22.00 22.00 (.can promote w/quaHfications to Supervising Code Compliance Officer) Weed Abatement Abatement Coordinator 1.00 1.00 Code Compliance Officer I 1.00 1.00 Total 2.00 2.00 Code Compliance Department Total 28.00 30.00 Common Council Councilperson 7.00 7.00 Senior Secretary 1.00 1.00 Executive Assistant to the Council 1.00 1.00 Administrative Analyst 1.00 1.00 Executive Secretary 1.00 1.00 Total 11.00 11.00 Common Council Department Total 11.00 11.00 ~ c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c c ~ ~ ~ c ~ 25 c CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO BUDGETED FULL-TIME POSITIONS ~ BUDGETED POSITIONS 2005/2006 2006/2007 ~ Development Services Department Develooment Services Admin Director of Development Services Senior Secretary Secretary Senior Admin Operations Supervisor Admin Analyst II Account Clerk III Account Clerk II Admin Clerk II Admin Clerk III Total 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 0.25 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 11.25 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 0.25 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 11.25 t ~ ~ ~ Real Prooertv Real Property Supervisor Real Property Specialist Landscape Inspector II Totai 1.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 1.00 2.00 000 3.00 ~ Landscape Inspector II positions transferred 10 Parks & Recreation ~ Enaineerina Desio" Deputy Director/City Engineer Senior Civil Engineer Engineering Associate Engineering Assistant I Engineering Assistant II Engineering Assistant III Development Services Technician Draftsperson Total 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 14.00 14.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 10.00 10.00 ~ c ~ Field Enaineerina Survey Party Chief Construction Engineer Field Engineer Survey Party Technician III Construction Inspector II Construction Inspector I Total ~ c ~ Traffic Enaineerina Senior Civil Engineer Engineering Assistant I Engineering Assistant II Engineering Associate Engineering Assistant III Total 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 ~ ~ ~ NPDES . Comoliance Secretary Construction Inspector I NPDES Coordinator Total f1 . 26 c CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO BUDGETED FULL-TIME POSITIONS ~ BUDGETED POSITIONS 2005/2006 2006/2007 ~ Parkina Control Customer Service Rep Senior Customer Service Rep Parking Control Checker Total 2.00 2.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 6.00 29.00 30.00 ~ ~ Facilities Management Department Totals Finance ~ ~ Finance Admin. Director of Finance Senior Secretary Payroll Supervisor Deputy Director/Budget Manager Accounting Manager Financial Analyst Accountant III Accountant Accounting Technician II (position reimbursed by SBETA) Accounting Technician I Account Clerk I Account Clerk II Account Clerk III Total 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 13.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 15.00 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Purchasina & Stores Purchasing Manager Administrative Services Manager Assistant Buyer Buyer Storekeeper Total 0.00 000 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 000 0.00 2.00 2.00 15.00 17.00 ~ ~ Finance Department Total ~ Fire i Fire Admin. Fire Chief Senior Secretary Admin Clerk III Account Clerk IIi Administrative Analyst II Administrative Analyst I Total 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 000 5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 5.00 ~ ~ ~ 28 " CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO BUDGETED FULL-TIME POSITIONS ~ ,.. ~ BUDGETED POSITIONS 2005/2006 2006/2007 Human Resources n I. ~ Senior Secretary Benefits Coordinator Human Resources Analyst Human Resources Supervisor Director of Human Resources Human Resources Technician Personnel Clerk II Total 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 ~ n ~ Human Resources Total Mayor ,., ~ Mavor Admin. Mayor Executive Secretary Assistant to the Mayor I Assistant to the Mayor II Assistant to the Mayor * Admin Clerk I Admin Clerk III Secretary Total 1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 10.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 c n ~ f1 ~ (' 5 Assistant to the Mayor positions established, only 3 budgeted in salaries FY 06/07. Salary savings from other two positions re-budgeted in contractual.) NOTE: Chief of Staff is an uncompensated position/not shown here Mayor Department Total 10.00 8.00 c Parks, Recreation & Community Services ~ ~ Administration Admin Services Manager Director of Parks. Rec. & Comm. Svs Senior Secretary Account Clerk II Account Clerk III Admin Clerk II Admin Clerk III Total 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 7.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 7.00 c n ~ Park Maintenance Park Project Supervisor Parks Superintendent Parks Project Manager Park Maintenance Supervisor Maintenance Plumber II Park Maintenance leadworker Park Maintenance Worker I Park Maintenance Worker II Park Maintenance Worker III Landscape Inspector II (2 shifted to Parks from Dev. Svcs.) Total 1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 11.00 8.00 1.00 31.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 11.00 8.00 3.00 33.00 ,., .. ~ ~ ~ 30 ,., . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO BUDGETED FULL.TlME POSITIONS ('1 .. BUDGETED POSITIONS 2005/2006 2006/2007 r .. Recreation Assistant Director of Parks, Ree & Comm Servces Recreation Superinendent Total 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 11.00 10.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 58.00 60.00 r . C.LD. CID Manager Recreation Therapist Total n '- ~ Senior Citizens Center Recreation Supervisor Senior Recreation Supervisor Community Service Center Manager Recreation Coordinator Total ,., . ~ Norton Gvm/Galaxv Ballroom Recreation Supervisor Recreation Coordinator Total c Community Centers Community Center Manager Recreation Supervisor Recreation Coordinator Senior Ree Supervisor Total c ~ Aauatics/Soorts Senior Recreation Supervisor Recreation Program Coordinator Total n . ~ Park & Recreation Department Total Police ~ Admin " . Chief of Police Assistant Chief of Police Police Captain Sergeant DetectivelTraining Officer Senior Secretary Secretary Total 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 9.00 9.00 1.00 1.00 13.00 13.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 21.00 21.00 '" . c Station Command Community Services Officer Supervisor Community Service Officer I Police Fleet Maint Expediter Sergeant Lieutenant r .. r III Total 31 n . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO BUDGETED FULL-TIME POSITIONS ~ BUDGETED POSITIONS 2005/2006 2006/2007 r" . Patrol Secretary 1.00 1.00 Police Services Assistant 5.00 5.00 Community Service Officer I 7.00 7.00 Community Service Officer II 5.00 5.00 Sergeant 29.00 30.00 Police Officer* 170.00 182.00 Police Captain 1.00 1.00 Lieutenant 5.00 5.00 Total 223.00 236.00 * 12 officers to be phased in 1 per month Carousel Mall Sergeant 1.00 1.00 Police Officer 1.00 1.00 Total 2.00 2.00 Vice & Narcotics Asset Forfeiture Specialist 1.00 1.00 Police Services Assistant 1.00 1.00 Community Service Officer II 2.00 2.00 Sergeant 2.00 2.00 DetectivefTraining Officer 4.00 4.00 Lieutenant 1.00 1.00 Police Officer 13.00 13.00 Total 24.00 24.00 MET Sergeant 1.00 1.00 DetectivefTraining Officer 1.00 1.00 Police Officer 8.00 8.00 Total 10.00 10.00 Traffic Admin Cierk II 2.00 2.00 Community Service Officer II 4.00 4.00 Sergeant 1.00 1.00 DetectivefTraining Officer 1.00 1.00 Police Officer 10.00 10.00 Total 18.00 18.00 Investiaations Secretary 1.00 1.00 Admin Clerk II 5.00 5.00 Admin Clerk III 2.00 2.00 Crime Analyst 1.00 1.00 Community Service Officer II 6.00 6.00 Sergeant 5.00 5.00 Detectiverrraining Officer (1 budgeted for 9 months only) 38.00 39.00 Police Captain 1.00 1.00 Lieutenant 1.00 1.00 Police Officer 3.00 3.00 Show Grant Analyst 0.00 0.00 Total 63.00 64.00 n .. ~ ~ c ~ r . " . n . r . " . ~ c " . ~ ~ 1"'1 III 32 I"l .. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO BUDGETED FULL-TIME POSITIONS ("1 III Identification & Property Admin Clerk II Forensic Specialist III Forensic Specialist II Forensic Specialist I Property & Evidence Tech I (budgeted for 6 months) Property & Evidence Tech II Total BUDGETED POSITIONS 2005/2006 2006/2007 f"'I .. f"I . 1.00 1.00 9.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 14.00 1.00 1.00 9.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 15.00 ~ ~ SUDoort Services Community Service Offier II 0.00 0.00 Account Clerk II 2.00 2.00 Administrative Analyst II 0.00 1.00 Account Clerk III 2.00 1.00 Total 4.00 4.00 Disoatch Police Communications Manager 1.00 1.00 Dispatch Supervisor 5.00 5.00 Dispatcher I 3.00 3.00 Dispatcher II 22.00 22.00 Total 31.00 31.00 Records Police Records Manager 1.00 1.00 Police Records Technician (1 budgeted for 8 months only) 26.00 27.00 Police Records Technician Trainee 7.00 7.00 Police Records Transcriber (1 budgeted for 9 months only) 2.00 3.00 Police Records Supervisor 4.00 4.00 Admin Clerk II 1.00 1.00 Total 41.00 43.00 Personnel & Trainina Community Service Officer II 4.00 4.00 Community Service Officer Supervisor 1.00 1.00 Admin Clerk III 2.00 2.00 Range Master 1.00 1.00 Police Officer 1.00 1.00 Lieutenant 1.00 1.00 Total 10.00 10.00 Landlord Certification Admin Clerk II 1.00 1.00 Project Coordinator (Landlord Cert) 1.00 1.00 Total 2.00 2.00 Police Department Total 472.00 489.00 ~ f"I .. ~ f"I . ~ ~ ~ ~ ,., . f'I . ~ ~ r III 33 ~ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO BUDGETED FULL-TIME POSITIONS r . BUDGETED POSITIONS 2005/2006 2006/2007 Public Services ~ Street Admin Director of Public Services Senior Secretary Customer Service Representative Admin Clerk II Account Clerk II Total 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.50 4.50 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.50 4.50 r .. r . Street Maintenance Deputy Director of Public Services/Streets Superintendent Maintenance Supervisor Heavy Equipment Operator Hazardous Materials Specialist Maintenance Worker I Maintenance Worker II Lead Maintenance Worker Total 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 2.00 12.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 2.00 12.50 ("1 . r .. r .. Street Tree Maintenance Arborist Tree Trimmer II Tree Trimmer Maintenance Worker I Total 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 r II " . Riqht of Wav Heavy Equipment Operator Maintenance Supervisor Maintenance Worker II Total 1.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 n . r . Concrete Heavy Equipment Operator Maintenance Supervisor Maintenance Worker II Maintenance Worker I Lead Maintenance Worker Total 1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 2.00 9.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 2.00 9.00 c r . Siqnals Traffic Sign & Light Supervisor Traffic Signal Electrician II Traffic Signal Electrician III Total 1.00 4.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 6.00 ~ n I. Street Liqhtinq Electrician I Electrician II Total 5.00 4.00 9.00 5.00 4.00 9.00 ~ r'I .. Public Services-Streets Total 49.00 49.00 ITOTAL GENERAL FUND ~ 1019.50 ~ 34 ,., 1M CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO BUDGETED FULL-TIME POSITIONS c BUDGETED POSITIONS 2005/2006 2006/2007 I NON-GENERAL FUND: ~ AB 2766 Air Qualltv Secretary (U) Assistant to the City Manager Administrative Analyst I (3/4 only) Senior Administative Analyst Total 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 r . I" . AB 2766.Air Quality Total ~ Ani mal Control Admin Director of Animal Control Animal Shelter Operations Manager Animal Shelter Office Specialist Senior Shelter Office Specialist Total 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 8.00 11.00 11.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 600 6.00 25.00 25.00 ~ fI . Field Services Senior Animal License Checker Admin Clerk II Senior Animal Control Officer Animal Control Officer Total ~ ~ Shelter Services Registered Vet Technician Animal Shelter Attendant Total ~ ~ Animal Control Department Total CATV ~ Director of Information Technology Assistant City Administrator Telecommunications Tech Coordinator Video Production Coordinator CATV ProductionTechnician CATV Program Assistant CATV Production Engineer 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 f'" ~ ~ ,.. II CATV Division Total Cemetery Customer Service Rep Park Maintenance Worker II Park Maintenance Worker III Total 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 c ~ Cemetery Division Total ~ 35 r . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO BUDGETED FULL-TIME POSITIONS ~ I BUDGETED POSITIONS I 2005/2006 2006/20071 " I . Fleet Services Account Clerk II 1.00 1.00 Admin Operations Supervisor 1.00 1.00 Fleet Manager 1.00 1.00 Service Worker 1.00 1.00 Sr. Fieet Parts Specialist 1.00 1.00 Admin Clerk II 1.00 1.00 Storekeeper 1.00 1.00 Equipment Maintenance Supervisor 1.00 1.00 Tire Repair Worker 1.00 1.00 Fabricating Welder 1.00 1.00 Equipment Mechanic II 11.00 12.00 Equipment Mechanic I 7.00 7.00 Supervising Equipment Mechanic 3.00 3.00 Fleet Services Total 31.00 32.00 nformation Technology Director of Information Technology 1.00 0.75 Senior IS Technician 1.00 1.00 IS Technician II 5.00 5.00 IS Operations Supervisor 1.00 1.00 Geographic IS Analyst 1.00 1.00 GIS Administrator 1.00 1.00 Business System Manager 1.00 1.00 IS Analyst I 2.00 2.00 IS Analyst II 1.00 2.00 Senior IS Analyst 3.00 3.00 Network Systems Administator 1.00 1.00 Public Safety Systems Manager 1.00 1.00 Admin Clerk II 1.00 1.00 Total 20.00 20.75 IT Department Total 20.00 20.75 Library Senior Admin Operations Supervisor 1.00 1.00 Associate Library Director 1.00 1.00 Library Director 1.00 1.00 Principal librarian 1.00 1.00 Senior Librarian 3.00 3.00 Senior Librarian Technician 5.00 5.00 Technology librarian 1.00 1.00 Library Information Technology Manager 1.00 1.00 Library Technician I 3.00 1.00 Librarian II 3.00 3.00 Library Services Technician 1.00 1.00 Library Clerk 8.00 7.00 library Administrative TechnicianMlebmaster 0.00 1.00 Library Network Assistant 0.00 1.00 Library Computer Lab Coordinator 0.00 1.00 Library Network Coordinator 0.00 1.00 Library Young Aduit Coordinator 0.00 1.00 Library Computer Technician II 1.00 0.00 Total 30.00 31.00 Library Department Total 30.00 31.00 36 c ~ r . n . ~ ,., .. f"I . .... III ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ f'" .. t rot .. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO BUDGETED FULL-TIME POSITIONS r .. BUDGETED POSITIONS 2005/2006 2006/2007 " .. Print Shop Print Shop Supervisor Print Shop Assistant Total 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 " .. Print Shop Division Total 2.00 2.00 r .. Refuse Admin Director of Public Services Senior Secretary Account Clerk II Account Clerk III Senior Customer Serv Rep Customer Service Rep Administrative Operations Supervisor Admin Analyst II Admin Clerk Ii Total 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 2.50 1.50 0.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 10.75 11.75 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 30.00 35.00 2.00 2.00 36.50 43.50 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 14.00 14.00 19.00 19.00 37.50 37.50 1"1 .. ,., I. ~ " . Automated Residential Collection Fleet Operations Coordinator Solid Waste Manager Refuse Field Inspector Sanitation Route Manager Sanitation Route Supervisor Refuse Operator II Refuse Operator I Total ., .. ~ r .. Subcriotion Refuse Services Solid Waste Manager Sanitation Route Supervisor Equipment Repair Worker II Refuse Dispatcher Refuse Operator I Refuse Operator III Total ~ ,., ~ ~ Street Sweeoina Lead Maintenance Worker Maintenance Worker II Motor Sweeper Operator Total 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 91.75 99.75 r ~ ~ " . Recvcfino Environmental Project Assist Environmental Projects Manager Total r' III Refuse Division Total 37 r . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO BUDGETED FULL-TIME POSITIONS f' fit BUDGETED POSITIONS 2005/2006 2006/2007 r fit Workers Comp Director of Human Resources Account Clerk II Workers Comp Manager Workers Camp Supervisor Workers' Comp Medical Only Adjuster Workers Camp Adjusters Total 0.25 0.25 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 5.25 6.25 5.25 6.25 f"1 .. c c Workers Comp Total " I.. Liability Director of Human Resources Risk Manager Risk Management Coordinator Risk Management Specialist Liability Claims Adjuster Total 0.25 0.25 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 f"1 fit c c Liability Total Sewer Maintenance Director of Public Services Deputy Director of Public Services/Street Superintendent Admin Analyst II Admin Clerk II Maintenance Supervisor Maintenance Worker II Lead Maintenance Worker Total 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 10.00 1000 1.00 1.00 14.25 14.25 14.25 14.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 n J. ,., . c ~ Sewer Maintenance Division Total Stadium Athletic Field Maint Specialist Athletic Field Maint Technician Total ,., - .... ~ Stadium Division Total Telephone Support Telephone Support Coordinator Account Clerk II AdminClerk I Admin Clerk II Total ~ ~ Telephone Support Division Total ~ 38 r . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO BUDGETED FULL-TIME POSITIONS ,.. . BUDGETED POSITIONS 2005/2006 2006/2007 c Utilities Project Manager/Energy Conserv. Account Clerk ill Totai TOTAL NON-GENERAL FUND TOTAL GENERAL FUND 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 235.75 247.50 I 235.75 247.50 989.25 1019.50 1225.00 1267.00 f" III Utilities Division Total ~ ~ ITOTAL NON-GENERAL FUND n I. GRAND TOTAL ,., . ~ ,., . r . '" . ~ ~ ~ I" . ~ ~ ~ 39 ~ Ol c: C CO) !!l o :l: ,. :!I rJl I"l II 1"1I . ,., II n II '" II " II 1'1 . Ul "" W ::l Z . W 0> ZW .... -0:: ,.. Cc 0 0 o::z N II <l:::l ZlL '" 0::..J 0 0 W<l: N ,... <Do:: 0:: Zw <l: II <l:Z W UlW )0 lLCl ..J Oc <l: n )ow U 1-1- Ul . -U u: Uw .., 0 ,., 0:: Q. a- rt .. n . n I. n .. ,.. . n . " . ~ ~ o " ~* 1lM ~ :E o " ~ " x '" ';.* ,,- "N 0. e n. ... :i' ~ ft!', f ,~, f -; :! .~ ~.C>j ~ ,,'i .. :.,. " I".; ~. ,0. i, " .f' ~ 8 '1; " lI) .2~ ~ " e> ~ n; u ~ E ~* >'" o e> ~ E x '" I- ~ ~* :::J~ ~ :5 ~ ~ 0; c 8:.* ",,- ~ " c ii: .i!l E :0 n. ~* ~.... " ~ c 8 ::J ~ " x '" 1-';1. :0.... .c 5 '0 " ~ ::l P"I .. '"' . .. .. ,., . ,., .. n . n .. ,.. . II> ., 0 ~ ::J Z :!:: C " <: II:: ., ... e:( c. 0 )( 0 z W N , II:: " '" W <: 0 0 III ::J N U. ~ Z OJ co e:( ~ ., en ., >- u. <: OJ ., 0 C) u .!!! >- " u. I- ., - i3 u ., '0 ~ ll. ,.. III '"' . ,., lit n .. ,., . n .. III .. " . ,., . n . 1"'1 . ~* .- N "-N 'cu - ., " ~ .E 1:: co .<: u Cl <: .~ .E '0 - ., ., II> , ~ > UJ 13* c.'" '0. ~ UJ ~ ... ~ ~ .~ ~ v 0 UJ'" .c ~ Q. ,., . ,., - PI II ,.., ill r ~ f'" . ... lit III Gl ... ::l - 0'0 Zc -Gl 00..... n::xo <wo ZU)~ .....GlCD ......,0 W'-o al~", Gl ... Zen 01 <tGl (/)0>- u.. a. IV 00..., ::l III >-enu:: I--c -Gl 0- .., Gl '0' ... n. n . '"' . ,., II ,., - f"I . ... .. f'" .. f"t .. f'"I It ,., .. ,., . n .. 13 c :> o ~* 0'" E E o o "" "", C3~ ~'" (3 g,* "'.... ::;~ s <3 l!' ~* "''"' l!' >- N " ;;; 0> ~~ ",0 ::;~ Z. <3 ,., . n . " . ~ 1"'1 . ,., . ,... III ,.. .. OU)r-- ZWo -Uo Cll::N ll::=" ctoco ZU)Ol ll:: 01 WW..... CO='U) Zll:: ZWct ct>W U)W>- u.ll::...J Oll::ct >-OU ....-.U) -ctii: U:ii: t ,., - " .. " IIiI ... .. " .. I"" . n . ,., . '"II . f"I I. .. , " <{ M ... ~ ~ ~ N .. ~ 8 ~ 11 11 ~ .. ~ .. ~ N 8 '" 8 N .. , " <{ " .. ... .. "" .. ~ 1"'1 .. ,., III ., .. ,., w f" . o ~~... coo 0:::0:::;;: <(=>o ZOllO o:::cng: ww- lll=>cn zffiO:: <(>~ cn:l!>- u..0::.J 00< ...,0 >-<!!1 !:::::;::"- u "" . ,.. . ,. .. .. .. "" .. ,.,. . ,.. . " .. ,., . n . ~ ~~ .8 8.N . a. ~ .... '" ai ~ III ., ::l C ., > ., 0:: )( .. l- t: ., o ~ D.. ~ N ~~ .8 .N ~ it 00\ 8 i~ . N E ~ w ~ ~ ~ N .. ~ 8 N M 8 N ~ ~ N N 8 N ~ J1 N 8 " 13 N ~ J1 ~ ~ N .. , n "' @ i ... ... ,., . >- -' ,., w <( <:J ::J . " >- ::J '-' <D <( . 0 " . ~ 0 .; 0 >- ,., ... " , . u <( v 0 ,:, ,., 0 >- ... . " , u <( ~ M 0 N 0 >- ... " , 1"1 u <( N . '" ;; >- en ... " " W , . 0::> '" !l ZZ 0 -W 0 ;; C> N .; O::w 0 ,.., ~o:: CD >- ... I Z en " . 0::-' en , W~ ~ !l CD::> I- en 0 .... ZU 0:: 0 ~ d> l{) ~~ W .. " en >- . LLui >- ... " 0> -' , ~ u " >-1- U <( .. I-W !!! .. . _Cl .. UC LL .. >- ::> ... .... CD " , . !l ~ .. ,.:. .. ft >- ... " .. , !l "- .. ro .. .. >- . ... " , u <( ,., ~ . .. ,;, .. >- ... " n , u <( . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... c5 c5 c5 c5 c5 c5 c5 c5 c5 c5 c5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . .0 c5 .0 c5 .0 c5 .0 c5 .n c5 .n - - 0 0 a> a> '" '" "- "- <0 - - ,., . " . o "'''' m. :UG'l >m -lZ -m Z:u G'l> CDr- cn g~ !!l , I I -.-.~~._,- ~~.- -.. CITY MANAGER SUPERVISION AND OVERSIGHT OF CITY DEPARTMENTS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA DEVELOPMENT SPECIAL PROJECTS I LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY I I I ! GRANTS COORDINA TION I " :;j I: :I> Z :I> Cl m ;a - CITY MANAGER City Mnager Fred Wilson (5.75) Employees ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ ~ n I. ~ F"'I ... ~ ~ . ~ CITY MANAGER I ACCOUNT NUMBER: 001-100 FUND.' GENERAL FUND I ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT In March of 2006, the City's new Charter, establishing the position of City Manager, became effective. Under this new system, the City Manager now immediately supervises most City departments, with the exception of those that have independent boards (Water, Library, Civil Services). In addition to providing the City's lead role in policy formulation and budgetary management, the City Manager focuses on special projects as directed by the Mayor and Common Council. The City Manager's Office is also responsible for council agenda development. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CATEGORY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PERSONNEL 476.643 483,197 531,700 688,800 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 22.338 25,854 40.600 40,600 CON1RACIUAL SERVICES 7,400 6.940 25,500 20.500 INTERNAL SERVICE 20,611 20,696 22,500 22,900 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 526,992 536,688 620,300 772,800 4G CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE 2005-06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS ,,/ Managed the issuance of a $50 pension obligation bond, which allowed the City to payoff a significant portion of its employee pension obligation now, rather than shifting costs into the future. ,,/ Obtained a $10 million low-interest loan from the State of California's Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank, which will fund pavement rehabilitation projects throughout the city. ,,/ Managed implementation of the Mayor and Council's priority action items and reported progress on a regular basis. ,,/ Continued monitoring State Budget issues in an effort to minimize impacts on service delivery. ,,/ Continued with the pursuit of state and federal grant funds in an effort to continue implementing important projects during a di fficult budgetary time. ,,/ Continue to manage overall City expenditures consistent with Council goals to improve efficiency. ,,/ Monitored and responded to State and Federal legislative issues; participated actively on the League of California Cities Legislative Task Force; and coordinated City priorities with the City's lobbying firms. ,,/ Established a mills Act Program which provides property tax reductions to owners of qualified historic properties in return for the restoration and preservation of these parts of our City history. 2006-07 KEY GOALS ).. Pursue additional funding from the State of California's Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank for pavement rehabilitation projects. ,. Manage the overall coordination of the new goals and priorities as set by the Mayor and Council in the spring of 2006. , Coordinate the process of annexing twelve county islands in the city in an effort to streamline services to residents located within the City's sphere of influence. " Continue exploring opportunities to fund additional new police officers. , Foclls on organizational development (training, succession planning, etc.) to attract and retain quality employees. DID YOU KNOW? , Until March of 2006. this office was the Office of Ihe City Administrator. A change in the City's Charter established the position of City Manager. Now, instead of being delegated certain powers by the Mayor, the City Manager is directly responsible for most City departments and serves as chief administrative officer of the City. 47 . ~ J J ~ J J J J :J J J J J J ., u J J J " .... ~ ~ ~ ~ r . ~ ~ c ~ ~ n I.i r"'I I. f"'I I... n I.. " ~ ~ n 1M r"'I .. r'I I. 1'UND 001 GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT 5 TITLE EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 101 CITY MANAGER'S orrICE ACTUAL 2003-0"' ACTUAL 200".05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 5011 SALARIES PERM!FULLTIME 5013 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE SOH SALARIES TEMP/PARTTIME SOla VACATION PAY 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDI CARE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 MATERIALS.. SUPPLIES 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION .. TRAINING 5171 RENTALS 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE 5176 COPY MACHINE CHARGES 5181 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 5183 MANAGEMENT ALLOWANCE TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SVCS TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5604 M.I.S. CHARGES - IN-HOUSE 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 5612 FLEET CHGS - FUEL TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES TOTAL 392,443 401,040 416,500 528,600 3,600 3,600 5,900 7,200 877 0 3,000 3,000 3,138 3,295 0 0 27,402 27,968 57,900 84,300 43,823 41,119 42,000 57,500 1,000 1,019 1,100 1,300 4,359 5,155 5,300 6,900 476,643 483,197 531,700 688,800 2,37] 2,281 5,500 5,000 2,556 2,966 5,500 6,000 5,]80 7,034 8,500 8,500 31 1,4]9 3,500 ],500 5 0 0 0 5,607 ],904 5,000 5,000 68. 683 1,000 2,000 2,649 2,642 4,000 4,000 2,925 4,871 7,000 6,000 123 32 600 600 22,338 25,854 40,600 40,600 7,400 6,940 25,500 20,500 7,400 6,940 25,500 20,500 19,000 18,900 20,600 20,900 1,605 1,796 1,900 2,000 6 0 0 0 20,611 20,696 n,500 22,900 526,992 536,688 620,300 772,800 48 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION o 101 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE 001 GENERAL FUND ~ J OBJ JUSTIFICATION J 5111 PURCHASE OF ROlfTlNE OFFICE SUPPLIES 5122 DUES FOR INTERNATIONAL CITY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION. INLAND EI\1PIRE CITY MANAGERS ASSOCIATION. AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR PUBLIC AD~nNlSfRA TION; ceMF MEMBERSHIP. o 5132 PROVIDES FOR ATfENDANCE AT MEETINGS OF ICI\L\(TEXAS IN 2006). LEAGUE OF CALlFOR...~lA cmES. INLAND EMPIRE I\lANAGERS ASSOCIATION. ASPA, AND VARIOUS ornER I\lEETINGS ~ 5133 SPECIAL EDUCUATIQNITRAINING NEEDS 5174 PRI~TlNG CHARGES INCLUDI:"lG FORMS. COUNCIL AND GENERAL DISTRIBUTION ITEMS ~ 5175 POSTAGE CHARGES FOR ROUTINE CORRESPONDEI'iCE 5176 ROUTINE COpy I\lACHINE CIIARGES ~ 5181 MISC OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES ~ 5183 MANACEMENT ALLOWANCE 5502 PROVIDES FOR VARIOUS PROFESSIONAL AND SPECIAL SERVICES o :J J 3 J J ~ n LJ .... .... 49 rt LI 'I CITY ATTORNEY I , , REPRESENT THE CITY IN COURT ACTIONS PROSECUTE VIOLATIONS OF MUNICIPAL CODE AND CERTAIN I STATE LAWS I I AD VISE MA YOR, COMMON COUNCIL,DEPARTMENTHEAD~ BOARDS & COMMISSIONS AND ALL OTHER CITY STAFF I I I , , I ! , I I o ~ ,. a :u z ~ I I CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney James Penman Executive - Secretary Municipal Law and Operations and Litigation & Prosecution Redevelopment Division Support Division (3) ElTlployees (6) Employees *(8) Employees ~-------- ---------, i (3) Part-time! , . , i Invesl1gators! L__________________J * One (I) full-time investigator position filled by two (2) half-time investigators r" ~ CITY ATTORNEY n WI ,.., .. ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT ,... ... The City Attorney is an elected position established by the City Charter. The City Attorney is the chief legal advisor for the City, and for all Departments, Boards, and Commissions of the City. The City Attorney's Office provides legal counsel and representation for City, prosecutes and defends legal actions, and protects the interests of the public. The City Attorney, with a staff of 23, including 9 attorneys, secretaries and investigators, provides the following important and valuable legal services: . Defends the City in civil actions brought against the City, its officials, employees, and its departments; prosecutes violations of the City's Municipal Code and certain state laws; and, pursues actions to recover costs from third parties for damages and liability to the City. . Negotiates reviews, edits, and drafts contracts and other transactional documents and agreements for the City. . Serves as general legal counsel and representative, researches, prepares ordinances, resolutions, and legal opinions on a wide variety of issues, and advises City employees regarding liability issues. ,..." .. ,." .. ,.., ~ "" ~ - ~ ..... ... EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 ACTUAL ACTUAL 1.605.459 1.736,563 292,827 242,245 48!,] 06 528,046 22.408 2U 11 5,170 5,382 o 0 2,406,970 2,533,547 2005-06 BUDGET 2,099,600 309,200 544.300 19.200 5,700 o 2,978,000 2006-07 PROPOSED 2,312,600 272,200 584,300 20,300 2,700 o 3,192,100 ...., ... ...., ,.. CATEGORY PERSONNEL MArNTENANCE & OPERA nON CONTRACTUAL SERVICES INTERNAL SERVICE CAPITAL OUTLAY DEBT SERVICE TOTAL .... ,.. -, ... ~ ... -. - ... .... ..... .. -.. - ~o CITY ATTORNEY 2005-06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS ./ The City Attorney's Office has continued to aggressively defend our City in lawsuits in which we are named as a defendant. In 2005, 61 lawsuits were concluded which resulted in a net liability savings to the City of just over $1,400,000 and in additional settlements paid to the City of just over $58,000. ./ With the valuable assistance of the City's Police Department, the City Attorney's Office has obtained permanent injunctions against 9 named members of the California Gardens Crips Gang. The injunction included a list of 22 prohibited activities by gang members, including associating with other gang members within the targeted gang area bounded by Macy Street to the West, Pennsylvania Street to the East, Baseline Street to the South and Eighteenth Street to the North. The City Attorney's Office has continued to aggressively enforce 7 existing permanent injunctions against other gangs in the City; adding 60 new individual gang members to the list and subjecting these gang members to the restrictions imposed by the Court prohibiting specified gang activity. " IJ " IJ " U n u .., uI .., .... ,., .... .... ./ The City Attorney's Office coordinated multiple department (Police, Fire, Code Enforcement) .... actions against persons violating the City's ordinances, rules and regulations. As a result of the closing of substandard and dangerous housing, 31 families, consisting of 62 adults and 80 ,.., children, were assisted by the City in moving to residences that were clean, safe, and in ...... compliance with City Building and Fire Codes. ./ This fiscal year the office prosecuted 7,731 misdemeanor/infraction cases in Court. 2006-07 KEY GOALS :.- Past litigation against the City has demonstrated that the establishment of goals by this office raises liability issues potentially costly to the City. Therefore, no goals are stated. DID YOU KNOW? ,. The functions of the City Attorney's Office are to defend the City in court actions, including tort suits, to commence litigation as approved by the City Attorney and directed by the Mayor and Common Councilor pursuant to law, and to prosecute ordinance violations and violations of certain state laws pursuant to the City Attorney's independent prosecutorial authority. It is also the function of the City Attorney's Office to issue legal opinions and provide legal advice to the Mayor and Common Council, City Manager's Office, department heads and other city employees, and to numerous boards and commissions; to provide advice concerning existing and newly enacted laws, rules, regulations, and court decisions; prepare or review resolutions, ordinances, leases and complex agreements; and, to attend and provide legal counsel at various meetings with the Mayor, Council, etc. Sl ,..., L..o* ,..., w- ,..., &or ~ Lor- ,... ..... r ...... r -- ,- L~ ,- ..~ ,.- ... ~ n .. ,.., ,. n lW f"o I.. ,., .. ,... lw ..... lw ..... .. ..... .. ..... ... ..... ... ..... ... -. ... - .. -. ... - .. ........ .... --. ... rtJND 001 GENERAL I"UND ACCOUNT OBJECT & TITLE EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DBTAIL PISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 ACTUAL 2003-04 DIVISION 051 CITY ATTORNEY 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5013 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE 5014 SALARIES TEMP/PARTTIME 5015 OVERTIME 5018 VACATION PAY 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIfE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5121 ADVERTISING 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5123 LIBRARY BOOKS 5131 MILEAGE 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5171 RENTALS 5172 EQUIPMENT t".AI!>."TENA.."JCE 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE 5176 COPY MACHINE CHARGES 5177 LITIGATION EXPENSES 5183 ~ANAGEMENT ALLOWANCE TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SVCS 5503 LITIGATION-OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SBRVICBS 5601 GARAGE CHARGES 5604 M.l.S. CHARGES - IN-HOUSE 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 5609 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 5610 COMMUNICATION SHOP 5612 FLEET CHGS . FUEL TOTAL INTBRNAL SERVICE CHARGES 5702 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 5704 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 1,293,513 3,600 31,957 1,086 886 80,603 171,386 3,328 19,100 1,605,459 12,939 o o 10,172 60,612 " 4,392 6,770 1. 439 3,397 6,559 3,595 4,114 178,732 61 292,827 60,000 418,978 2,128 481,106 1,348 1,700 9,998 3,000 4,400 1,962 22,408 5,170 o 5,170 2,406,970 52 ACTUAL 2004-05 1,392,094 3,600 59,248 422 583 84,924 170,677 3,640 21,374 1,736,563 11. 716 255 7,752 9,906 74,195 31 2,757 3,060 1,624 4,26.. 6,218 3,219 3,988 113,080 120 242,245 11,076 516,971 o 528,046 3,720 1,700 7,122 3,000 4,200 1,569 21,311 2,597 2,785 5,382 2,533,547 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 1,615,500 3,600 65,..00 3,000 o 203,400 181,800 3,400 23,500 2,099,600 11,000 1,100 2,200 10,500 75,000 300 4,000 6,400 3,000 9,000 6,600 3,000 6,500 170,000 600 309,200 6,000 537,300 1,000 544,300 2,600 1. 900 8,600 o 4,500 1,600 19,200 5,700 o 5,700 2,978,000 1,756,400 3,600 78,000 3,000 o 257,700 183,900 4,400 25,600 2,312,600 11,000 1,100 2,200 10,500 75,000 300 4,000 6,400 3,000 9,000 6,600 6,000 6,500 130,000 600 272,200 6,000 577,300 1,000. 584,300 1,300 2,700 8,300 o 5,200 2,800 20,300 200 2,500 2,700 3,192,100 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION r u 051 CITY ATTORNEY 001 GENERAL FUND n I.J OBJ JUSTIFICATION .., U 5111 PURCHASE OF MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES AND SPECIAL OFFICE SUPPLIES RELATL1\JG TO INVESTIGATOR'S NEEDS. SUCH AS CASSETTE TAPES FOR INTERVIE\\'S. FILM, FILM PROCESSINGIDEVELOPl\lENT. ETe. 5112 PURCHASE OF OFFICE FURNITURE, CALCULATORS. ETC. COSTING LESS THAN $500.00. 5121 ADS (:'i SUN. PRESS ENTERPRISE ETC. AND L.A. DAILY JOURNAL ETC. FOR FULL.TI:\tE ATIOR.1\IEYS. SECRETARIES. PARALEGALS A1'OD INVESTIGATORS, AS NEEDED. 5122 DUES: STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA ($..'-500); AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION ($-.100); SAN BERNARDI!\OO CDUNTI' BAR ASSOCIATION ($1,-150) RIVERSIDE COUNIT BAR ASSOCIATION ($170) DISTRICT ATIOR:-.IEY'S ASs."I. ($560); I:\ILA ($1.800); SL'BSCRIPTIOSS: SIDI ($170); LA DAILY JOURNAL ($550) CIEMLA ($55); RIVERSIDE PRESS ENTERPRISE ($150); !\IISCELL\NEOUS ($695) 5123 ON-Lf."E l.EGAL RESEARCH, UPDATING OF LAW PUBLICATIONS. AS WELL AS OTHER PUBLlCATIO:"OS TO KEEP ABREAST OF CURRENT TRENDS IN THE LAW AND lEGAL ISSUES AFFECTI:'oiG MUNICIPALITIES. IN ADDITION TO THE UPDATING ETC., WE HAVE APPROXIMATELY $5.300 IN FIXED COSTS OF SUPPLE:\IENTS TO TIlE SETS OF BOOKS CURRENTLY IN OUR LIBRARY 5131 REI:\IBURSEME:\iTS FOR STAFF'S USE OF PRIVATE VEfllClES FOR TRAVEL TO SE;\II:'oiARS. MEETINGS AXD OTHER WORK-RELATED TRAVEL 5132 LEAGUE OF CAUFOR.'jIA CITIES ANNUAL MEETING (WILL BE AITENDED BY AT LEAST I AlTOR.'iEY): LEAGUE OF CALIFOR!'\iIA CITIES SPRI!'\iG :\IEETING (WILL Bf. AlTENDED BY AT LEAST I AlTOR.'\'EY); 1:\1LA l\1IJ)..YEAR MEETING (WILL BE AITENDED BY AT lEAST I AlTORNEY); IMLA ANNUAL :\IEETING (WILL BE AITEzo,oDED BY I AlTOR.'iEY). CITY AlTORNEY WILL AlTEND LEAGUE OF CA CITIES COMMIlTEE MEETINGS AND LEGISL\TIVE HEARINGS AND :\IEETINGS. AlTf.NDANCE BY AlTORzo,oEYS AND TRAVEL TO THESE :\IEETINGS AND CONFERENCES TO KEEP THEIR STATE BAR LICENSE CURREST; THESE MEETINGS AND CO:'liFERENCES WILL E;o.:ABl.E THE A lTORNEYS TO STAY ABREAST OF THE CHANGDiG L\ WS AND COURT DECISIO:"OS AND DEVELOPING LEGAL ISSUES IX THEIR RESPECTIVF. AREAS. 5133 ATTE:'IiDA!'iCE BY AlTOR:'iEYS AND TRAVEL TO VARIOUS l\IEETf."GS A!'\D SEl\lISARS. AS REQUIRED BY L\W TO KEEP THEIR STATE BAR IJCF.:'IOSE Ct:RRENT. AND TO STAY ABREAST OF THE CIlAr-oGING LAWS AND COURT DECISIONS AND DEVELOPING LEGAL ISSUES IN THEIR RESPECTIVE AREAS. 5171 EXPEr>;SE FOR THE RENT,\L OF EQUIPMENT. SUPPLIES, STOR.\GE UNIT FOR TIlE STORAGE OF CONFIDENTIAL I\.tA TERIAL ETC. 5172 MAINTE:'oi!ANCE (LABOR CALLS) FOR PCS AND PRINTERS, MAINTE:'oi!ANCE CONTRACT FOR COMPUTER SYSTEM, COPIER REPAIR OF TYPEWRITERS AND TRANSCRIBERS ETC. 5174 PRINTr.\G OF FORMS, lETIERHEADS, !\.UJNICIPAL CODE UPDATES, l\USCELLAXEOUS l.EGAL FORMS, ETe. 5175 INCREASE IN" CODE ENFORCEMENT CASES THAT REQUIRE CERTIFIED LEITERS, MAILING OF LEGAL DOCUMENTS AND ROUTINE BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, FEDERAL EXPRESS CHARGES FOR OVERNIGHT MAIL. :\IAILlNG OF LARGE PACKAGES AND BOXES OF :\IATERIALS ON UTlGATIO:'oi! 5176 COPIES OF CORRESPOSDENCE, LlTIGA nON DOCUMENTS. ORDINANCES, RESOl.UTIO:'oi!S, AGREDIE~TS. LEASES. AND !\IJSCELLANEOUS. 5177 COSTS FOR EXPERT WITNESS FEES, INVESTIGATION FEES, COURT REPORTER FEES FOR DEPOSITIONS, FILING FEES, MILEAGE TO DEPOSITIONS, COURT APPEARANCES AND :\.lISCEUANEOUS EXPENSES. 53 .., U .., ..J .., .... .., ..... ,.., L.I ,.., uo ,.., ..... ,..., '-' ,... ...... ...... ...... ..... 4.r- ". I.- ,- L- ,.,- II-- ~ ... ,.- L ,.. ~ BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION .... . 051 CITY ATTORNEY 001 GENERAL FUND .... " OBJ JUSTIFICATION .... 5183 REU\.ffiURSEMENT FOR BUSINESS EXPENSES INCURRED BY THE CIIT ATTOR.~EY. .. r- .. 5502 FOR PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SERVICES. 5503 COST OF ATTORNEYS FEES CHARGED BY OlITSlDE ATTORNEYS. .... 5505 MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACTS AND SERVICES THAT DO NOT FALL WlnUN TIlE DEFL""lITlONS OF THE OTHER CATEGORIES UNDER CONTRACTS AND SERVICES. .. ,.., 5702 ADDITIONAL CO:\lPlITER EQUIPMENT TO SUPPLEMENT CURRENT COMPUTER SYSTEM. .. 5704 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT. PURCHASE FAX I\IACHINE .... .... - '- - . ...... ... '" ... -.. ... -. ... - .. -.. .., - .. - .. - - 54 II I I CITY CLERK I I I , , CUSTODIAN OF ALL CITY PUBLIC DOCUMENTS ISSUES CITY BUSINESS REGISTRA TIONS I I CONDUCTS SPECIAL OR I I GENERAL ELECTIONS I I ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY'S I PASSPORT PROGRAM I I I I I o ~ o r- m :II :0: c c ,..., w 1*\ ~ "'" lw .... Iw .... ... ~ ... ..... -. '""' -. ...... ..... ...., .... ~ .... - .. ....., - ~ ... """"" ... - ... ~ ...., CITY CLERK ACCOUNT NUMBER: 001-030 FUND: GENERAL FUND I ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT I The City Clerk is elected at large to a four-year ternl. The City Clerk is custodian of all public documents for the City of San Bernardino. In addition to this, the City Clerk's Office is responsible for the City's Business Registration Division, the Record and Information Management Program (RIM), all City elections, and the City's Passport Acceptance Facility. The City Clerk serves as the filing officer for all Campaign Statements and Statements of Economic Interest and is responsible for the preparation and distribution of City Council agendas and minutes. EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION 2003-04 2{)()4..ffi 2005-06 2()()6..{)7 DIVISION AcruAL AcruAL BUDGET PROPOSED ADMINIS1RA110N 444,515 497,566 570,200 6I3,IOO I ELECTIONS 103.123 65,891 93,600 204,700 i BUSINESS REGIS1RA110N 486.438 553,797 665,300 730,500 I RECORDS MANAGEMENT 123,357 104,674 90,400 130,700 TOTAL 1,157,433 1,221,928 1,419,500 1,679,000 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CATEGORY ACIUAL ACIUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PERSONNEL 877 ,598 930,405 1,076,700 1,136,500 ; MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 69,346 76,291 77,300 96,000 I I COl\'TRACTUAL SERVICES 119,279 127,120 155,100 291,000 INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 90,514 88,113 106,500 148,600 CAPITAL OUfLA Y 697 0 3,900 6,900 DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 1,157,434 1,221,929 1,419,500 1,679,000 I , I 55 - BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION D 031 CITY CLERK-ADMINISTRATION 001 GENERAL FUND J OBJ JUSTIFICATION 8 5111 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES. " ...... 5112 PURCHASE OF S:\IALL OFFICE EQUIPMEI'Io'T. 5121 ADVERTISING OF ORDINANCE, RESOLUTIOSS, PUBLIC HEARINGS AND OTHER LEGAL ADVERTISING :J 5122 SUBSCRIPTION TO: SUN NEWSPAPER; GO\"T CODE; PRESS E:'olTERPRISE; Al"D DL'ES FOR CA CITIES CLERKS ASSOCIATION ASD INTERNA TIQNAL INSTITlITE OF MUNICIPAL CLERKS ASSOCIATION .., wi 5132 ATIENDANCE TO THE INTERNATIO:'olAL G'iSTITUTE or MUNICIPAL CLERKS CO:'OF'ERENCE AND THE CONTI:'\UING EDUCATION FOR PUBLIC OFFICI..\LS (CEra) CONFERENCE. .., ..... 5133 EDUCATION SE:\IINARS FOR AD:\tlN DIVSION STAFF MEMBERS Al"iD AlTEl'iDANCE TO THE SOlITHERN CA CITY CLERKS ASSOCIATION J\IEETG\"GS 11 lo.oI 5172 EQUIP:\lEJ'iT MAINTENAl'iCE COSTS FOR COPY MACHINE. LASER PRINTER Ai'\D TYPEWRITERS 5174 PRI;o.;TI:'OG CHARGES FOR C01.Jl"';CIL AGENDA BACKUP :'\.IA TERIALS AND MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE FORMS A!,;D LEITERHEAD ,., wi 5175 POSTAGE MAILING COSTS 517 6 COPY MACH~E CHARGES WHICH Il'OCLUDES TOl'OER. DEVELOPER, PAPF.R Al'OO COSTS FOR EXCEEO['\;G :'\.IETER USAGE ALLOWA!,;CE; AND LEASE PAYMENTS FOR THE PUBHASE OF THE COPY MACHIXE ,.., l""ooI 5183 ;\L\;o.;AGEMENT ALLOWA!";'CE ,.., ~ 5704 CHAIRS FOR P.-\SSPORT WAITING AREA ,..., IoJII ~ ..... r- ...- .- L- r- L- ,- l..- r- L 58 r- :a.. r- ~ '" w '" 411 .... ... ,..., .. ....... ... ,.." '- .... - ..... '- - -- -, .... -.. - - - -.. .. - - -. -- .. - - . -.. . FUND 001 GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT . TITLE EXPENDITURE BODetI' LINJ: ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 032 CLERX ELECTIONS ACTUAL 2003-04 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 ACTUAL 200t-05 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5121 ADVERTISING 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SVCS TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TOTAL 0 306 1,000 800 328 414 700 600 12. 335 500 500 1.116 2,714 2,400 2,800 1,573 3,769 4,600 4,700 101,550 62,122 89,000 200,000 101,550 62,122 89,000 200,000 103,123 65,891 93.600 204,700 5B 032 CLERK ELECTIONS 001 GENERAL FUND n .J n LJ BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION ,.. 'oJ OBJ JUSTIFICATION oo"l L.I 5111 PURCHASE OF orFlCE SUPPLIES FOR PREPARATION OF AN El.ECTION 5121 ADVERTISING OF ELECTION NOTICES 5122 SUBSCRIPTION TO THE CA ELECTIONS CODE AND THE ELECTION AD~IINISTRATION REPORT ,., ,.J 5132 ATTENDANCE TO THE :-OEW LAW & ELECTION CONFERENCE Al'iD THE CITI' CLERK'S ANNUAL CONFERENCE 1""'1 ....... 5502 COl'iTRACT SERVICES WITH COUNTY REGISTRAR OF VOTERS FOR J'(}'1'.:E ELECTION. ,.., ~ ...., - ,.., ~ ~ '-'" .... ... ,..., .... f'""I 10.- ,.... .. ~ ... ,- '- ,.- .. ,- ... ,.- 60 ... t" la I"" " P'UND 001 GENERAL "UNO 1"olo .. ACCOUNT OBJECT ~ TITLE .... .. 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5014 SALARIES TEMP/PARTTIME 5015 OVERTI~E 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE S02S UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE ,.., .. - TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 'w 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5171 RENTALS 5172 EQUIPMENT MAlr.'TENANCE 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE 5181 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES ,... ... ~ ... .... ... TOTAL MAINTENANCE &. OPERATION .... ... 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ,..,. ... 5601 GARAGE CHARGES 5604 M.I.S. CHARGES - IN-HOUSE 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 5609 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 5612 FLEET CHGS FUEL ""'*' ... - ~ TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 5702 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT ~... TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY .... ~ - TOTAL " ..., ..... .... -- - ..., - EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 033 BUSINESS REGISTRATION ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTUAL 2004.05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 294,342 308,617 323,200 344,600 0 1,628 61,100 61,100 0 0 500 500 20,405 21,604 47,000 55,000 76,933 81,233 82,300 88,200 733 776 BOO 900 2,957 3,100 3,100 3,400 395,370 416,957 518,000 553,700 2,419 2,765 3,400 3,400 50 ,09 300 300 811 776 1,100 1,100 230 225 1. 000 1,000 0 0 BOO BOO 62 0 200 200 8,216 5,972 11,000 11,000 22,888 24,654 16,400 30,000 205 1.195 1,500 1,500 34,881 35,696 35,700 49,300 17,799 64,207 64,000 64,000 17,799 64,207 64,000 64,000 235 109 200 0 32,700 32,400 39,900 56,500 4,083 2,953 3,200 3,200 1,300 1,300 0 0 139 175 400 400 38,457 36,937 43,700 60,100 0 0 3,900 3,400 0 0 3,900 3,400 486,508 553,797 665,300 730,500 01 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION " l.J 033 BUSINESS REGISTRATION 001 GENERAL FUND " oj OBJ JUSTIFICATION ,., o..J 11 IJ 5111 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES 5122 ANNUAL !\IE1\.ffiERSHIP TO CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL BUS[NF.SS ASSOCIA IION Al'oiD SUBSCRIPTION TO BUSINESS PRESS ..., 5132 ATIENDAl'<CE TO CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL BUSINESS TAX ASSOCIATION ANNUAL & QUARTERLY :\tEETlNGS .... 513 3 STAFF TRAININC ..., 5171 FUSD FOR RENTAL OF CAR POOL VEHICLES .... 5172 PROVIDES FOR I\tAI:"oiTE:'IOANCE or n'PEWRITERS Al'iD CALCULATORS ,.., - 5174 PROVIDES FOR PRINTING OF BUSIl'\ESS REGISTRATIO:'>O FOR.\IS. ENVELOPES. LEITERHEAD. LIEN SOIleES. A:"OD BUSINESS REGISTRATIOS HANDBOOK ,..., 5175 POSTAGE FOR BUSINESS REGISTRATION. GENERAL MAILING. A!'OD P.O. BOX RENTAL HE ..... 5181 RELEASE OF LIEN FEES TO COVl"TY OF SAN BER."iARDINO ...., """ 5 5 0 5 CONSULTANT/CONTRACTOR COSTS RELATED TO TOT & BUSINESS REGISTR-\TION AlJDlT$ AND .-\863 DATA; ANNUAL SOFTW AREIHARDWARE MAINTENAl'iCE FEES ,., \... 5702 CO:\IPUTER EQUIP:\IENT/SOFTWARE AND LICENSES FOR CIn" CLERK'S PUBLIC COlfl';TER. ,..., .... ". .... .- '- ,- ",.. r- L ~ '" ,- ... ,- L 62 ,.,.. ... ,... ~ n . r"" ... r- .. FUND 001 GENERAL PUND ACCOUNT OBJECT . TITLE EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTUAL 200'-05 DIVISION 035 RECORDS MANAGEMXNT (RIM) BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE .... IW TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES ,.. ... 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES ,... .. TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SVCS 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ..... ... TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ..... .. 5604 M.I.S. CHARGES - IN-HOUSE TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES ,... .... ...... - 5704 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL '""-\ ... - - - ~ ... - -.... ... --.. .... ~ - ~ ... 83.325 66,321 5,8]] 4.521 16,456 15.339 208 166 1,235 980 107,057 87,326 0 0 0 458 0 458 0 0 0 791 0 791 16,300 16,100 16,300 16,100 0 0 0 0 123,357 104,674 63 48,500 51,700 7,100 8,200 10,900 11,300 100 100 700 700 67,300 72,000 700 500 400 400 1,100 900 0 25,000 2,100 2,000 2,100 27,000 19,900 28,500 19,900 28,500 0 2,300 0 2,300 90,400 130,700 " BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION IJ 035 RECORDS MANAGEMENT (RIM) 001 GENERAL FUND " a.J " ...J n .., OBJ JUSTIFICATION 5111 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR THE RIM PROGRAM 5132 AITENDANCE TO MEETINGS AI"OD SEMINARS FOR RECORDS MANAGEMENT 5 5 0 2 CONTRACT RECORDS MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS ..., .... 5505 CONVERSION OF OLD MINUTE BOOKS ON MICROFlLL!\t TO DlTIGAL FORMAT FOR PlACEMENT ON TIlE l!\lAGL"IG SYSTEM .... 5704 FURNlllJRE FOR RECORDS ~FORl\lATION AREA ..... ..., L.I- r"'" .... ,..., .., r"'" L- ,.., ... ,- to.. ,- .... ~ L .- L ~ ... r L r- .. 64 ,- .. , I , , I I CITY TREASURER I MANAGES A $100 MILLION DOLLAR PORTFOLIO REVIEWS INVESTMENTS FOR SAFETY, LIQUIDITY & YIELD MAKES INVESTMENTS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY & WATER DEPT. REVIEWS BANKING SERVICES TO STREAMLINE FUNCTIONS o ~ -l '" ~ en c: '" m '" CITY TREASURER V oters At Large City Treasurer David Kennedy 2 Employees c "'" ,. '" w f' WI ,... ... ,., ~ .... .. .... ... ..... .. - ... ,.., ... ...... ... -... - ~ ... - - -- ... ..... .... - - -., .. CITY TREASURER F! D' ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT The City Treasurer is a part-time position elected at large to a four-year term. The City Treasurer is responsible for overseeing City investments and related policies as established by the Common Council. The City Treasurer gives direction to the Treasurer's Office staff on when and what types of investments to make on behalf of the City and Water Departments. Prior to any investment being made, the City Treasurer reviews each investment for safety, liquidity, and yield. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 ACTUAL ACTUAL 118,060 126,146 4,997 9.563 6,433 3,948 8,231 8,293 o 0 o 0 137,721 147,950 2005-06 BUDGET 138,100 9,100 3,700 7,400 5,200 o 163,500 CATEGORY PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CONTRACTUAL SERVICES INTERNAL SERVICE CAPITAL OUTLAY DEBT SERVICE TOTAL 2006-07 PROPOSED 148,800 I 0,400 4,400 7,500 o o 171,100 - CITY TREASURER '1 &J " lJ n ""'" 2005-06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS n IJ ,., L..I v" Filed Annual Statement of Investment Policy for the period of July 1,2005 through June 30, 2006. r'1 L.." v" Continu~d to cross train with staff from other divisions in order to provide better service to City Departments. .., wi ,.., L..I 2006-07 KEY GOALS .... ..... ;... Continue the educational and training processes to update investment policy and procedures. ..... ;... Develop and maintain procedures to protect city assets. l-o ;... Continue to explore and incorporate new banking/computer technology to streamline functions of the office. ..... L..o ;... Improve cash flow forecasting model. ,.., L. "... ...- DID YOU KNOW? r- ~ r- ;... The City Treasurer manages over a $100 million dollar portfolio. L ;... The City Treasurer deposits and tracks approximately S55 million dollars in deposits on a monthly basis. ,- \. ,.- L r'" L. 66 r-- L c c c c ,... l. ,., w ,.. ... f""I ... - .. - ... ...., - - "- -... - -... - - - ....... ... ...... .. --. - ...., .. P'UND 001 GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT ~ TITLE EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 04.1 CITY TREASURER ACTUAL 2003-0", ACTUAL 2004-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 5011 SALARIES PERM!FULLTIME 5013 AUTOMOB I LE ALLOWANCE 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIrE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSUlUL~CE 5029 MEDICARE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 S~ALL TOOLS & EQUIPME~7 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5171 RENTALS 5172 EQUIPMENT MAINTEN~~CE 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE TOTAL MAINTENANCE " OPERATION 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CO~7RACTUAL SVCS TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5604 M.l.S. CHARGES - IN-HOUSE 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 5704 MISCELLAKEOUS EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 82,163 85,752 90,600 94,700 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 5,752 6,003 12,600 15,100 26,104 30,342 30,800 35,000 214 223 200 200 228 226 300 200 118,060 126,146 138,100 148,800 1,240 773 1,300 1,400 0 0 200 300 1,039 1,183 1,200 1,300 1,578 1,861 1,900 2,700 800 879 800 900 90 4,506 3,200 3,200 212 307 300 <00 37 52 200 200 4,997 9,563 9,100 10,400 6,433 3,948 3,700 4,400 6,433 3,948 3,700 4,400 7,000 6,900 6,000 6,100 1,231 1,393 1,400 1,400 8,231 8,293 7,400 7,500 0 0 5,200 0 0 0 5,200 0 137,721 147,950 163,500 171,100 67 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION n 041 CITY TREASURER 001 GENERAL FUND J OBJ JUSTIFICATION " U " U 5111 J\.L\TERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUCH AS PENS. PENCILS. ENVELOPES OF ALL SIZES. FORMS. ENCODING SUPPLIES AND TONER FOR PRII'IoJER 5112 CALCULATORS AND GlllER SJ\.tAlL ITEMS NEEDED .., L..J 5122 ll-IOMSON \'ir:sr CODES. NYTIMES, KIPLINGER LETTER, A550. OF PUBLIC TREASURERS. Cl\ITA J\.lEJ\.mERSHlP 5132 ANNUAL efTI' TREASURER'S CONFERENCE,CA MlIN TREASURERS ASSO WORKSHOP A"ITENDANCE FOR TREASURER AND DEPlITY TREASURER ,... L.o" 5171 MONTHLY LEASE AGREEMENT FOR COPIER/FAX !\lACHINE .., u' 5172 MAINTENANCE COST FOR BilL COUNTER, CHECK ENCODER, AND SYMPRQ INVESTMENT TRACKING SOFT\\'ARE l\.lAINTENANCE AND UPGRADES ..., L..ro 5174 PRINTING OF FORMS. REPORTS. ETC. 5175 POSTAGE FOR GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE ,.., Lor 5502 CONTRACT FOR AR.\fORED CAR SERVICE AND DOCUJ\.lENT SHREDDING r"'1 ..... ..., ..... r"" L ...... -- r- '*- r- ~ ,- L..- ,- -- ,.- ... 68 ,.,... L II I CIVIL SERVICE I I I I i ADMINISTRATOR OF CIVIL SERVICE RULES & REGULATIONS " CONDUCTS DISCIPLINARY II HEARINGS TESTS AND SCREENS APPLICANTS I I I I o <: ;::: rn m ;ll < (; m - -- -.-. CIVIL SERVICE Civil Service Board Civil Service Chief Examiner Mike Newbl)' (2) Employee ,.. . n .. 1"'1 . n I. "" . ... - ~ '- .... .. ... . n . '"" . "" .. .., . - . ..... . *"'I .. ... . -, . "I . CIVIL SERVICE F ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT Civil Service provides employment services for all classified positions in the City and the Water Department. This involves all pre-employment medical, written, oral and performance testing resulting in certification of candidates for approximately 430 job classifications. Civil Service administers Civil Service Board/regulations and reviews payroll and medical exams. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET 179,221 184,443 198, I 00 6,773 7,041 6,400 38,757 54,539 39,000 17,535 17,602 18.200 861 0 0 000 243,147 263,625 261,700 2006-07 PROPOSED 267,800 6,400 39,000 18,100 o o 331,300 CATEGORY PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CONTRACTUAL SERVICES INTERNAL SERVICE CAPITAL OUTLA Y DEBT SERVICE TOTAL ,'II ) . CIVIL SERVICE n tJ 2005-06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS ~ ~ 3 v' Conducted presentations to graduating and entering students at the San Bernardino Adult School and ASA Learning Center. Presentations prepare students for job application/interview/testing process. v' Worked with HR and IT to have ajob application form available on line for people unable to make it to City Hall. " U v' Application screening and testing process continues to average less than 30 days. We have streamlined our process in order to get eligibility list to the various departments as quickly as possible. n '-' v' Civil Service Agenda's are now available on the WEB for the general public and in Public Folders for all City/Water employees. " ..., v' The updating of the Civil Service Rules and Regulations is complete. The new rules are available on the WEB for the general public and in Public Folders for all City/Water employees. ~ .... " tJ n ... 2006-07 KEr GOALS ., Continue to update over 200 written/perfom1ance/oral exams. ,., .. , Continue to work with San Bernardino Adult School and other agencies to provide training on how to fill out applications and prepare for various pre-employment exams. ,.. ... ,. Continue to provide in-house training to department heads and supervisors on disciplinary procedures and training on proper documentation in preparation for Skelly packages. r w >- Continue to find new and innovative ways to streamline the testing process. ,- L. DID YOU KNOW? r- ... r The Civil Service Department screened 7,000 applications and conducted written examinations for over 3,000 applicants and established over 310 eligibility list, handled over 4700 calls and assisted over 700 people at the counter. ,.. '- ;.. Scheduled over 750 pre-employmentIDMV medical examinations and psychological exams. r ... r ... r L 7U EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 1006-1007 DIVISION 141 CIVIL SERVICE ACTUAL :1:00]-04 ACTUAL :1:004-05 BUDGET 1005-06 PROPOSED :1:006-07 1]0,7]9 136,1]7 141. ]00 192,000 600 600 600 600 ],000 ],000 ],000 3,000 17,469 17,020 16,000 16,000 1,756 1,769 0 0 9,194 9,572 19,800 29,900 14,508 14, ]22 15,600 23,600 384 396 400 500 1,571 1,627 1. 400 2,200 179,121 184,443 198,100 :1:67,800 1,900 1,678 2,000 2,000 120 448 200 200 31 149 200 200 572 0 100 100 1,501 1,685 1,400 1,400 466 387 300 300 801 815 '00 '00 '" 1,582 700 700 394 297 600 600 6,773 7,041 6,400 6,400 38,757 54,539 39,000 39,000 38,757 54,539 39,000 39,000 15,800 15,900 16,400 16,300 1,735 1,702 1,800 1,800 17,535 17,602 18.200 18,100 861 0 0 0 861 0 0 0 243,147 263,625 261. 700 331.300 ,.. .. ~ FUND 001 GENERAL FUND n ACCOUNT OBJECT & TITLE .. rw II. 5011 SALARIES PE&~jFULLTIME 5012 SPECIAL SALARIES 5013 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE 5014 SALARIES TEMPjPARTTIME S018 VACATION PAY 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE S028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE n . ,.. . TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES ,.. ~ 5111 ~ATERIALS & SUPPLIES SI22 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE 5176 COPY MACHINE CHARGES ... . ., . 5181 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 5183 ~JL~AGEMENT ALLOW~~CE ,., - TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ... . TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ... 5604 M.I.S. CH;L~GES - IN-HOUSE 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT . TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES .... . 5704 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPME~~ ... . TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY , . TOTAL "" . .... - .., . "I . 71 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION ~ 141 CIVIL SERVICE 001 GENERAL FUND ~ ~ OBJ JUSTIFICATION " .., 5111 CIVIL SERVICE MANDATED EXPENSES; COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIPTS; EXAJ\UNATION SCORING; CASSE'ITE TAPES; PENCILS; FILE FOLDERS; COPY MACHINE SUPPLIES; SUPPLIES FOR CIVIL SERVICE BOARD; ornER ITEMS NEEDED FOR OFFICE OPERATIONS 5122 DUES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS; WESTERN CITY; IAP!\tA n u 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES " I l.I 5133 EDUCATION; TRAIN.SG; SEMINARS 5172 EQUlP:\IENT MAINTENANCE; COST OF REPAIR, REPLACEMENT OF PARTS AND SERVICING OF TYPEWRITERS, DATEfTlME MACHINE, SHREDDER AND OTHER MISC. EQUlP:\IENT. n "" 5174 PRINTING OF CSB AGENDAS AND J\lr."oiUTES; CSB HEARING MINUTES; :\IEDlCAL EXAMINATION FOR!\.IS; WRIITEN AND ORAL TEs-rr.-;G AND RESUL 1'5 OF J'IOOTIFICATION CARDS AND OTHER Mise FQR.\IS AND DOCUMENTS n "" 5175 POSTAGE FOR !\L\IUNG OF CSB AGENDAS/MINUTES. NOTIFICATION OF TESTING RESULTS CARDS. APPOINTMENT LETfERS FOR BOARDS. ETC. ,., .... 5176 COPY MACHINE CHARGES n L.. 5 18 1 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES (".RIB) 5183 MANAGEMENT ALLQW,^,"<CE 5 5 0 5 ornER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES; PRE. EMPLOYMENT MEDICAL F.XA!\II:'1iA TIONS FOR All EMPLOYEES IN All BARGAINC'o:G UtiITS; PRE. EMPLOYMENT DRUG SCREENING; SECOND AND llURD OPINION APPEALS AND EVALUATIONS; AND WRIITEN EXA:\lINATIONS n Lo ,.. l.o r &. ,.. ... r- L. r '- r - r- ~ 72 .... ... 'I I I CODE COMPLIANCE I I I I I CODE ENFORCEMENT I WEED ABA TEMENT I I il I I I I GRAFFITI REMOVAL NEIGHBORHOOD INITIA TIVE PROG. I I I I I HOUSING IMPROVEMENT TEAM I I I C) o o m C) o !I: ... r- i> z C) m I I CODE COMPLIANCE Director of Code Compliance Glenn Baude Code Housing lmprov. Neighboorhood Weed Compliance Team Revitalization Abatement (3) Employees (0) Employees (22) Employees (2) Employees '" I 11III ,., . c ~ ,., . I" . ,.. .. " . r"\ .. n . .. - ., . ., . - . .., . ... .. .., - ..... 11IIIII "'I . CODE COMPLIANCE ACCOUNT NUMBER: 001-070 FUND: GENERAL FUND I ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT I Under the direction of the Mayor's Office, Code Compliance IS responsible for the implementation of the Mayor and Council's Comprehensive Blight Reduction Strategy. The Director of Code Enforcement, under the direction of the Mayor, is also responsible for the coordination and implementation of the Mayor's crime-fighting and neighborhood beautification program Operation Phoenix. The programs included in the division are: Code Enforcement, Weed Abatement, and the Graffiti Removal Contract. EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 DIVISION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED CODE ENFORCEMENT 611.496 394,065 705.800 915.500 HOUSING INSPECTION 0 0 - 0 NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION 1,458,285 1,612,465 1.612,700 1,612,700 WEED ABATEMENT 231,858 221.056 272,400 268,900 HOUSING IMPROVEMENT 48,976 58,786 - 0 GRAFFITI REMOVAL 546,486 588,000 588,000 588.000 TOTAL 2,897,101 2,874,372 3,178,900 3,385,100 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CATEGORY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PERSONNEL 1,851,888 1,730,194 1,881.000 2,083.800 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 154.648 127.970 185.1 00 197.800 CONTRAC1lJAL SERVICES 782,589 821.277 895.600 867,900 INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 183.591 172.751 182,400 186,100 CAP IT AL OUTLAY 0 7,012 0 14,700 DEBT SERVICE 34,800 34,800 34.800 34,800 CREDIT BILLABLES (110,415) (19,632) 0 0 TOTAL 2,897,101 2,874,372 3,178,900 3,385,100 73 CODE COMPLIANCE J a ~ ~ 2005-06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS " Conducted approximately 7,000 inspections of properties for violations of the housing property maintenance and public nuisance codes. " Inspected 11,500 vacant lots for overgrown weeds and abated approximately 294 properties when owners failed to comply with orders to remove weeds. " Obtained approximately 45 warrants for abatement of violations of everything from weeds and debris to demolitions. n ..J " " Collected tax liens totaling $1,400,000 for abatement costs and staff time against properties U where owners have failed to correct violations. " " Towed or tagged approximately 774 inoperable or abandoned vehicles Lt " Los Padrinos Youth Services under contract to the City painted out 1,336,266 square feet of " graffiti at 21,6612 locations. .... " Los Padrinos water blasted graffiti at 2,007 locations ,., u " Los Padrinos performed 72 special projects which included helping handicapped and elderly property owners remove weeds and debris from their properties, neighborhood cleanups, provided sand bags and worked on city events (i.e. Route 66, Chili Cookoff, Soap Box Derby). " Lt n L.o 2006-07 KEY GOALS ,.. ... ;. Implementation of Operation Phoenix r w ,. Start a Code Enforcement Citizens Patrol. .- ... DID YOU KNOW? r ~ ~ Code Compliance has officers working in the field on Saturday and Sunday. r L }- Code Compliance has an amended work schedule that allows officer to be available from 7:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. r "" r ... r L 74 c ~ PUND 001 GENERAL FUND [ ACCOUNT OBJECT . TITLE ~ 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5012 SPECIAL SALARIES 5013 AUTOMOB I LE ALLOWANCE 5014 SALARIES TEMP!PARTTIME S015 OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTrl & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE ,., .. ,.. . TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES n .. 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 S~ALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5121 ADVERTISING 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5131 MILEAGE 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 513) EDUCATION & TRAINING 5171 REt-.7ALS 5172 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 5174 PRI~TING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE 5176 COPY ~ACHINE CHARGES 5181 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 5183 ~ANAGEME~7 ALLOWANCE ~ n .. " .. .. . TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION .... 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ., . 5601 GARI.GE C~~RGES ... 5604 M.I.S. CHARGES - IN-HOUSE 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 5609 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 5610 CO~~ICATION SHOP 5612 FLEET CHGS - FUEL . ..... . TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES ... 5702 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 5703 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT 5704 MISCELLk~EOUS EQUIPMENT . .., - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY .., TOTAL .. ... .. EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 071 CODE ENTORCBHBNT ACTUAL 2003-04 261,241 1,200 1,800 o 20,342 16,907 21,593 718 4,199 328.001 13,450 o 267 378 37 o 2,760 1,156 o 7,695 24,648 2,902 53. 575 100,782 100,782 16,062 91,500 6,648 9,000 500 5,428 129,138 611.496 ACTUAL 2004-05 122,333 100 1,050 3,355 2,972 8,702 9,177 '" 1,306 27. 149,219 1,431 o o 1,476 o 37 470 7' o 18 4,538 2,789 700 327 11.864 97,643 97,643 17,584 93,200 5,917 9,000 500 9,138 o o o 1)5,339 o 75 394,065 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 o o o o 247,400 600 3,600 5,000 15,100 44,900 48,800 600 3,600 369,600 6,800 1,000 3,000 3,000 200 500 1,000 4,000 500 8,000 22,000 5,000 2,000 600 57,600 136,900 136,900 25,700 100,200 5,800 o 600 9,400 141,700 705,800 o o o o 364,000 o 3,600 15,000 15,100 77,900 49,400 500 4,000 529,500 13,100 1,000 3,000 4,400 200 500 1,000 4,000 500 8,000 22,000 5,000 2,000 600 65.300 127,100 127,100 29,500 100,000 22,600 o 600 26,000 178,900 8,700 4,000 2,000 14,700 915,500 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION n 071 CODE ENFORCEMENT 001 GENERAL FUND a OBJ JUSTIFICATION J 5111 FUNDING FOR SUPPLIES FOR DA Y.TO-DA Y OPERATIONS AND ANNUAL UNIFORM NEEDS. I 5112 FUNDING FOR NEW ASD REPLACEMENT EQUIPMEI\! FOR CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICERS AND CLERICAL STAFF. 5121 FUNDING FOR ADVERTISING AND PRO:\IOTIONAL ITEMS NEEDED WITH REGARD TO NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION AND onlfR CODE COMPLIANCE PROGRAMS. a 5122 DUES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS: AACE MEMBERSHIPS AND SCACEO MEMBERSHIPS. AND FUNDING FOR CODE BOOKS FOR CODE OFFICERS WHEN V ACA:"OT POSITIONS ARE FILLED. " U 513 1 fl.,'NDlNG FOR :\IILEAGE REIMBURSE:\IENT FOR WEEKEND OR AfTER HOUR CALLS FOR URGENT ABA TnlENT PROJECTS. ,... L...I 5132 !\1EETI:"OGS AXD CONFERENCF.S: ACCELA COl\IPUTER SYSTE1\IS A!'I'NUAL CONFERENCE AND S.C.A.C.E.O. ANNUAL CONFERENCE. 5133 TRAINING SE:\1r.'>:ARS FOR CODE OFFICERS AND CLERICAL STAFF. '1 u 5171 FUNDING FOR USE OF CARPOOl. " U 5172 flF.'oiDI1S'G FOR nllEWRITER. BUSINESS :\IACHINE REPAIR, AND MAINTENAr-.;'CE AGREEMENT ON FAX MACHINE. 5174 FtJ;-';DlNG FOR PRI:"OTI;-';G OF CODE COMPLIANCE NOTICES. HEARI1'iG OFFICER A:"OD BBC MEETI1S'G AGENDAS AND MINtrTES. A:"OD OTHER LARGE \'OLUl\IE PRINTING ;'IiEEDS. " LI 5175 Fill'DI:--;G FOR POSTAGE FOR I\U.llINGS OF NOTICES TO PROPERTI' OWNERS. Ar-.;'D GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE. 5176 FUNDI:--;G FOR COpy :\IACHf.'iE CHARGES AND OUTSIDE COPIER SERVICES. ,. U 51 B 1 FU;o.;DlNG FOR FIUI AND DEVELOPING COSTS FOR CODE CO:\IPUA:"iCE CASE FILES. A:--;D A:--;NUAL PURCHASE ORDERS WITH PHOTO DEVELOPING CO:\lPANIES. " L 5183 FL'NDll'iG FOR !\H.NAGBIENT ALLOWANCE FOR DIRECTOR. I'" L 5505 FUNDING FOR SIGN. VEHICLE. A:"OD BOARD-UP ABATEME:'olTS. 5702 MOBILE CO:'\1PlITERS FOR 2 ADDITONAL CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICER II POSITIONS r L 5703 HT RADIOS FOR 2 ADDITIONAL CODE CO:\IPU,UI;CE OFFICER II POSITIONS 5704 OFFICE FlJR.1l,jITIJRE/CHAIRSfDESKS FOR 2 ADDITIONAL CODE COMPLIANCE II POSITIO:'olS r L.. r ~ r- L f'" ... 76 ,. L [ ~ PUND 001 GENERAL FUND c ACCOUNT OBJECT ~ TITLE ,.. ... 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5012 SPECIAL SALARIES 5013 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE 5014 SALARIES TEMP/PARTTIME 5015 OVERTIME S018 VACATION PAY 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE ,., ~ I'" . "" TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICBS . 5111 ~ATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5121 ADVERTISING 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5131 MILEAGE 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5171 RENTALS 5172 EQUIPME~~ MAINTENANCE 5173 OUTSIDE VEHICLE ~~INTEN&~CE 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE 5176 COPY ~ACHINE CHARGES 5181 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES '" III .., .. ,., - ... . TOTAL MAINTENANCE r. OPERATION n . 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SVCS ~505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ., . TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ... 5601 GARAGE CHARGES 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 5612 FLEET CHGS - FUEL . ... TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES . 5704 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT .... TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY .. 5803 LEASE PAYMENTS ... TOTAL DEBT SERVICE . .., TOTAL .. , . EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR J006-l007 ACTUAL 2003-04 DIVISION 073 NEIGHBORHOOD RZVITALIZATION 1.045,372 2,400 1,800 7,976 10,296 3,003 66,045 109,354 2,685 13.345 1,262,275 21,319 321 1,374 1,781 117 3,633 '2' 227 78 17,613 45,433 1. 575 2,482 96,378 o 25,589 25,589 11,028 22,218 5,997 39,H3 34,800 34,800 1,458,285 77 ACTl1AL 2004-05 1,121,738 3,350 2,550 12,825 29,912 1,910 89,332 113,355 3,031 15,271 1,393,214 30,812 3,753 692 980 102 5,370 o 100 o 12,722 52,573 1,828 3,273 112,205 41,698 41,698 5,503 12,233 5,740 23,476 o 7,012 o 7,012 34,800 34,800 1,612,465 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 1,073,500 3,000 2,700 31,000 18,400 o 145,4.00 103,200 2,600 13,000 1,392,800 28,000 1.000 4,000 2,000 100 12,000 1,000 300 o 20,000 45,000 1,500 3,000 117,900 o 1,000 39,700 40,700 7,400 12,500 6,600 26,500 34.800 34,800 1,612,700 o o 1,072,400 3,600 o 38,000 18,400 o 165,500 ll8,500 2,700 13,100 1,432,200 32,800 1,000 6,200 2,000 100 10,000 1,000 300 o 20,000 45,000 1,500 3,000 122,900 1,000 2::',800 22,800 o o o o o o 34,800 34,800 1,612,700 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION ~ 073 NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION 001 GENERAL FUND ~ o OBJ JUSTIFICATION ~ 5111 FUNDING FOR OFFICE SUPPLIES AND UNIFORl\l NEEDS AND EXTRA SUPPLIES NEEDED FOR OPERATIONS. 5112 FUNDING FOR REPLACEMENT AND NEW SMALL TOOLS FOR NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES STAFF. 5121 FUNDING FOR ADVERTISING FOR STAFF VACANCIES AND PRO~IOTlO:'liAL ITEMS FOR J'li'EIGHBORHQOD SERVICES PRESENTATIONS AND FOR TIlE :\lAYOR'S INITI.-\TlVE OPERATION PHOENIX PROGRA.l\1. ~ 5122 FUNDING FOR DUES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS: AACE, leBO. AND THE PUROIASE OF CODE BOOKS FOR NEW STAFF. n l.J 5131 FUNDI:"i'G FOR MILEAGE REI:\IBURSE!\fENT FOR WEEKEND OR AITER.flOURS PROJECTS. ... u 5133 FUNDI:"OG FOR TRAINING FOR FIELD STAFF AND SUPPORT STAFF. 5171 FUNDlJ'liG FOR USE OF CARPOOL WHEN NEEDED. " L.I 5172 Flfl'DlNG FOR OFFICE MACIIIl'iES REPAIR AXD MAlNTENAXCE AGREEMENTS ON FAX ~lACHINE. 5174 Fl.f.';DING FOR PRJ~TI;"IOG FOR DIVISION. n u 5175 F1J!\DI1\'G FOR POSfAGE FOR DI\"ISIO:'l;. " L. 5176 F1.f.\;DI;s'G FOR COPY :\tACHJ;"IO"E CHARGES. 5181 FlJ:IODI;s'G FOR FIL:\I A1'iD DEVELOPI:O-;G COSfS. " La 5502 F1J!\DI:O-;G FOR PROF/CO:'l;TR:\CT SERVICES AS NEEDED 550 5 FL~DI1'iG FOR BOARD-UP ASD DE:\IOLlTION PROJECTS IN CDBG DESIG:"lAITD AREAS $IS.ooo NEEDED FOR OTHER ACCOUNTS - $5.000 FOR Sill AND $10.000 :"lEEDED FOR 5121 FOR !\L-\YOR'S 1:"*ITlATIVE OPERATIO:'li PIIOENIX PROGRAM. r L. 5803 FUNDING FOR RENTAL CHARGES FOR USE OF OFFICE SPACE AT EDA BUILDI:\'G ,.. ... r- 1... r L r L ,. L I'" ... r 78 ... ~ ~ POND 001 GENERAL FUND c ACCOUNT OBJECT & TITLE ~ 5011 SALARIES PERM!FULLTIME 5012 SPECIAL SALARIES 5015 OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE r ... ~ TOTAL PERSONNEL SBRVICES n ~ 5111 ~~TERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5171 RENTALS 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE ~ ,., . 5176 COPY MACHINE CHARGES 5181 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION n 5506 LA..'mSCAPE CONTRACTS . TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES n III 5601 GARAGE CHARGES 5604 M.I.S. CHARGES - IN-HOUSE 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 5609 VEHICLE REPLACEMEN7 5612 FLEET CHGS - FUEL ., ... ., . TOTAL INTERNAL SBRVICE CHARGES ., . TOTAL ... . ., . "'I - .., . , . ZXPBNDITURB BUDGBT LINK ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 014 WEED ABATZMZNT ACTUAL 2003-0. ACTUAL 2004.05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 86,114 89,681 91.600 92,000 600 600 600 600 0 1,459 2.000 2,000 6,070 6,320 13.400 14,800 8,525 10.270 10,100 11,800 217 22' 200 200 695 724 700 700 102,221 109,283 118,600 122,100 736 170 2,200 2,200 0 0 100 100 0 0 200 200 0 0 500 500 0 0 100 100 1,959 1,999 3,000 3,000 2,000 1. 587 2,500 2.500 0 145 500 500 0 0 500 500 4,695 3,901 9,600 9,600 109,732 93,936 130,000 130,000 109,732 93,936 130.000 130,000 1,996 1,004 1,700 100 10,200 10,100 10,200 6.200 747 523 500 500 1,000 1,000 0 0 1,267 1,309 1,800 400 15,210 13.936 14,200 7.200 231.858 221.056 272,400 268,900 79 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION ~ 074 WEED ABATEMENT 001 GENERAL FUND ~ ~ OBJ JUSTIFICATION 5111 FUNDING FOR OFFICE SUPPLIES. SPECIAL NOTICES AND ENVELOPES FOR WEED ABATEMEr-oT J\.lAILINGS I 5112 rlfl";'OJNG FOR REPLACEMENT TOOLS FOR FIELD OFFICERS. 5122 rilliDING FOR DUES TO seACEO AND REPLACEMENT CODE BOOKS FOR STAFF. 11 LI 513 3 F1JNDl~G FOR TRAINI~G AND CODE RELATED WORKSHOPS AND SEMINARS. J 5171 FUNDING FOR USE OF CARPOOL. 5174 rlJ};m:-.iC FOR PRI:"JTlNG OF '\'EED ABATEMENT E:'IiFORCEMENT RELATED CORRESPONDENCE. rJ IJ 5175 HJ;\DI:"OG FOR POSTAGE OF MAILING SOTICES AND OTHER CORRESPOSDENCE. 5176 FlJlIiDl:"iG FOR COPY MACHINE CHARGES. n 5181 FUNDlSG FOR PHOTO SUPPLIES MOD DEVELOP~G. " u 5506 FUNDING FOR WEED ABATE:\tENT CONTRACTS FOR ABATUtENT OF WEEDS. JUNK. AND DEBRIS FRQ;\l LOTS THAT ARE IN VIOLATIO;'l/ OF CITI' \\'EED ABATE!\lENT ORDINANCES. " L. " La ("1 Lo I'" .. r- ~ ,.. ~ r L r ~ ,.. ... 80 r ... ~ c rt1ND 001 GENERAL nnm c ACCOUNT OBJECT . TITLB EXPENDITURB BUDGBT LINE ITEM DBTAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 077 GRA7PITI REMOVAL ACTUAL 2003.04 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES c TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SBRVICBS ~ TOTAL ,.. . 1"'1 I. ., . '" . " . ... . .. . ... . ... . .., . ., . .., - .., . ., oil 546,486 546,486 S.H,486 81 ACTUAL 2004-05 588,000 588,000 588.000 - BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 588,000 588,000 588.000 588,000 588,000 588.000 077 GRAFFITI REMOVAL 001 GENERAL FUND J J n J J ~ J BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION OBJ JUSTIFICATION 5505 CONTRACT COST FOR LOS PADRlNOS TO 00 GRAFFITI REMOVAL AND V ARIOUS A8ATEME~T/CLEANVP AS l'o'EEDED. 1'1 .... n u " L.I f"" ... n ... r L.. ,.. .... r- ... r- L.. ,.. L r L r 82 L I , I I COMMON COUNCIL 0 0 i:: I I i:: 0 z 0 ELECTED BY WARD 0 c: z 0 r= SETS POLICY FOR THE CITY I ; I COMMON COUNCIL Electorate Of Each Ward Councilmembers (7) (4) Employees r . ,., . ,.. . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r . ~ c c ~ ~ ~ ~ n II COMMON COUNCIL ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT F The Common Council is an elected body with legislative powers to enact ordinances, resolutions, policies, and enforcement, and funding actions to enhance the social and economic well bcing of the City and its citizens. Residents within their respective wards elect the scven membcrs of Council to four-year terms. The seven Council members serve at various times on a number of sub-committees including Personnel Committee, Ways & Means, and Legislative Review. Support pcrsonncl, funding and equipment is necessary to accomplish the goals, strategies, and objectives of this body. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 ACTUAL ACTUAL 327,521 336,810 71,429 78,975 o 1.893 31,623 30,715 o 0 o 0 430,573 448,393 CATEGORY PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERA TrON CONTRACTUAL SERVICES INTERNAL SERVICE CAPITAL OUTLAY DEBT SERVICE TOTAL ~~ 2005-06 BUDGET 376,400 83,000 o 29,800 o o 489,200 2006-07 PROPOSED 403,900 61 ,400 o 29,600 o o 494,900 DID YOU KNOW? J J :J J J J 3 :J :J 3 ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ J J ~ J COUNCIL OFFICE 2005-06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS ./ The Council Office continues to be committed to providing excellent customer service to the citizens of the City of San Bernardino. ./ The Council Members prepared for and attended the following regularly scheduled meetings: . Council Meetings/Community Development Commission . Legislative Review Committee Meetings . Personnel Committee Meetings . Ways & Means Committee Meetings . Redevelopment Committee Meetings . Grant Ad Hoc Committee Meetings ./ Due to the uniqueness of the operational status of the Council Members, many additional hours were expended in attending several outside Committee and community meetings and functions, investigating and solving problems and generally supporting complaints that occur in various Wards of the City. ./ Staff, at times, worked extended hours, as required, in support of Council activities. This was to insure that all programs and requirements of the Council Office were accomplished in the most professional manner possible. 2006-07 KEY GOALS ,. To assist the Council in the implementation of their goals and objectives for the City and respective wards. ,. To maintain excellent working relations with all City departments. ,. To provide our City residents with excellent customer service. ;.. The Council Office is open five days a week, 9 hours a day, Monday - Thursday, and 8 hours on Fridays. ;.. There are four support positions in the Council Office consisting of the Executive Assistant, Administrative Analyst, Executive Secretary, and Senior Secretary. " The Executive Assistant is available five days per week to meet with members of the public regarding City services or related concerns. " Council Office Staff processes approximately 5,500 requests for service a year, including telephone calls and counter visits from constituents. " Council Staff is available five days per week to facilitate the scheduling of meeting and appointments with the Council Members. 011 ~ ... .. ~ f" III ~ ~ r" .. c ~ r .. " .. ~ [ ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ FUND 001 GEN"ERAL FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT ~ TITLE EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 021 COMMON COUNCIL AC'TUAL 2003-04 ACTUAL 2004-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 5011 SALARIES PERM/FVLLTIME 5013 AUTO MOB I LE ALLOWANCE 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5141 LOCAL TRAVEL & MEETINGS 5142 MEETINGS & CONFS - WA.~D 5143 MEETINGS & CONFS-WARD 2 51'04 MEETINGS & CONFS-WARD 5145 MEETINGS & CQNFS-WARD 4 5146 MEETINGS & CONFS-WARD 5 5147 MEETINGS & COUFS-WARD 6 5148 MEETINGS & CONFS-WARD 7 5171 RENTALS 5172 EQUI PMENT !>'.AINTENA."JCE 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE 5176 COPY ~.ACHINE CJ-l.ARGES 5186 CIVIC Au~ PROMOTIONAL TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5601 GARAGE CHARGES 5601 M.I.S. CHARGES - IN-HOUSE 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 5609 VEHICLE REPLACEME~~ 5612 FLEET CHGS - Ft~L TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES TOTAL 222,597 224,148 2]7,700 245,700 0 0 0 21,600 14,720 14,794 31,600 38,100 87,699 95,431 104,500 95,500 557 561 600 700 1,948 1,877 2,000 2,300 327,521 336,810 376,400 '03,900 4,459 4,480 5,700 5,700 6'0 683 600 600 46,200 46,200 46,200 24,600 87 1,944 3,700 3,700 2,532 2,723 ],700 3,700 2,027 4,182 3,700 3,700 1,46] 581 3,700 3,700 5.215 2,331 3,700 3,700 3,529 2,842 3,700 3,700 1,097 8,888 3,700 3,700 120 0 0 0 170 ;SO 400 400 1.025 1,057 900 900 819 945 800 800 1,704 1.6.;.g 1,900 1. 900 343 120 600 600 71,'29 78,975 83. 000 61,'00 0 1,893 0 0 0 1,893 0 0 348 705 500 700 20,000 20,500 21,200 20,800 8,985 7,217 7,700 7,700 2,000 2,000 0 0 290 263 400 400 31,623 30,715 29,800 29,600 430,573 448,394 fo89,200 494,900 85 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION '1 ... 021 COMMON COUNCIL 001 GENERAL FUND r'1 u OBJ JUSTIFICATION f'1 &oJ 5111 OFfiCE SUPPLIES. SPECIAL COUNCIL SUPPLIES. PHOTO & RECORDING SUPPLIES. PLAQUES. COUNCIL J\lEl\mERS PHOTOS, ENGRAVING. MAILGRAMS. TELEGRAMS. ETC. 5122 SUBSCRIPTIONS TO TilE SUN NEWSPAPER, PRESS ENTERPRISE NEWSPAPER, CALIFORNIA JOURNAL, CALIFORNIA & WASHINGTON KIPLl~GER REPORTS. 5141 REI:\IBURSEMENT FOR our OF POCKET COSTS. 5142 \\'ARD I: !\IEETINGS & CONFERENCES - TRAN5PQRTATIOS, FOOD, lODGf.'lG & REGISTRATION EXPENSES DURING OUT OF TOWN MEETINGS. 5143 WARD 2: MEETI:"GS & CONFERENCES - TRAl'iSPORTATlON. FOOD. LODGING & REGISTRATION EXPENSES DURING our OF TOWN MEETI:'>iGS. 5144 WARD J: l\IEETI~GS & CONFERENCES. TRANSPORTATIQ:"oI. FOOD. lODGI~G & REGISTRATION EXPENSES DURING OUT OF TOWN l\IEETI~GS. 5145 WARD 4: :\IEETr."lGS & CONFERENCES - TRANSPORT ATIOS, FOOD, LODGr.'IIG & REGISTRATION EXPENSES DURING our OF TOWN !\lEETlNGS. 5146 WARD 5: ~lEETlr-;GS & CONFERENCES. TRANSPORTATIO:'i, FOOD, LODGISG & REGISTRATION EXPENSES DURING our OF TOWN MEETf.'IiGS. 5147 WARD 6: MEETINGS & CONFERENCES. TRANSPORTATION, FOOD,LODGING & REGISTRATION EXPENSES DURING our or TO\""N ;\IEETDOGS. 5148 WARD 7: :\IEETINGS & CONFERENCES. TRANSPORTATION, FOOD, LOJX;ING & REGISTRATION EXPENSES DURING our OF TOWN :\IEETIXGS. 5172 EQUIP11.lENT ;\L\INTENANCE: MAINTENANCE COl'iTRACTS FOR n.PEWRITERS, TRANSCRIBER, CASSEITE RECORDER, CASSEITE DUPLICATOR, T1:\IE CLOCK. 5174 PRIXTING OF LETIERIlEAD, ENVELOPES, BUSINESS CARDS, MEETDiG NOTICES, FLYERS AND OTHER V ARJOUS DOCUMENTS. 5176 ROUTINE COPY MACUINE CUARGES 5186 CIVIC/PRO:\fOTIONAL: EXPENSES FOR CIVIC & PROMOTIONAL PROJECTS SUCH AS PICTURES, PLAQUES, CERTIFICATES, PINS, & HOSTING OF VISITING DIGNITARIES. 8C J ~ ~ ., U ~ " .J 3 ... U n J J ~ ~ 3 ., &J J I , I DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PLANNING PLAN CHECK ~ ENGINEERING DESIGN II ~ TRAFFIC ENGINEERING II INSPECTION BUILDING / CONSTRUCTION I TRAFFIC SIGNS AND STRIPING I I REAL PROPERTY i c ~ m r- o ." i: m Z -t l/l m ~ < (; m l/l 1_ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES il Director of Development Services Valerie Ross Planning Administration Field Engineering I I (13) Employees (10.25) Employees (10) Employees Plan Real Property f-- NPDES Check I (3) Employees I (5) Employees (4) Employees Engineering / - Building Design Traffic Services Engineering I (14) Employees I (12) Employees (4) Employees ~ ~ ~ n I. ,., I. ~ ~ r III c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " iI w ~ f"\ .. n ~ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ACCOUNT NUMBER: 001-180,190 FUND: GENERAL FUND I ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT I Development Services is responsible for administration of the City's regulatory functions relating to proposed and existing development, public improvement projects, real property management, assessment district services, the operation of traffic signals and street lights, maintenance of all street signs, striping and curb markings, and compliance with the City's National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). Note: Traffic Signals, Traffic Signing and Striping and Street Lighting functions were transferred to Public Services in FY 2004-05. EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 DIVISION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED ADMINISTRATION 667.103 792.658 704.200 833,200 REAL PROPERTY 142,248 136,778 169,700 125,600 ENGINEERINGIDESIGN 448.913 610,975 889.000 921.800 FIELD ENGINEERINGfINSPECTION 366,943 330,683 498,600 544,000 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING 321.790 268,020 69\ ,000 675,800 TRAFFIC SIGNALS 744,719 0 0 0 TRAFFIC SIGNING & STRIPING 473.940 296 0 0 NPDES 159,346 325.059 426.400 449,800 STREET LIGHTING 1.881,355 113 0 0 PLANNING 734.660 1.126,325 1.046,000 1,331.200 BUILDING INSPECTIOi'o' SERVICES 636,396 687,590 928,700 961.900 PLAN CHECK 325.496 415,832 412.800 467,900 TOTAL 6,902,909 4,694,329 5,766,400 6,311 ,200 EXPENDITURES BY CA TEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CATEGORY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PERSONNEL 4,147,522 3.460.428 4.486,100 4,956,000 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 393,787 158,784 161.000 177,900 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 522,623 754,582 789,400 849,400 INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 1,804,863 301,640 329,900 327,900 CAPn AL OUTLAY 11,254 7,022 0 DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 CREDITS/BILLABLES 22,860 11,872 - TOTAL 6,902,909 4,694,328 5,766,400 6,311 ,200 0') DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT I 2005-06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS ,/' Valuation of Building Permits reached a record $2 I I million (estimated) in FY 2005-2006, an increase of 8.2 percent over the "record setting" previous year. ,/' Completed construction and opened Campus Park 'Way between Kendall Drive and Northpark Boulevard, providing access to new residential development and CSUSB. ,/' Completed or will have over 45 pavement rehabilitation projects out to construction, rehabilitating over 200 lane-miles of streets in the City. ,/' Completed over $2 million worth of new sewer line projects. ,/' Completed design and commenced construction of 13 Traffic Signal Projects. ,/' Assisted the City Manager's Office in the adoption of Development Impact Fees, including the required traffic fee in the Measure I extension. ,/' Completed update to the General Plan, including the University District Specific Plan, Verdemont Heights Area Plan, and Arrowhead Springs Specific Plan. ,/' Expeditiously processed the Northpointe Project, which includes a new 284,000 square foot office building for Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, and 64,300 square fee of retail and restaurant space. " u ~ ~ J :J 11 ... 3 3 a ,/' Completed more than $750,000 of ADA access ramps and sidewalks. ,/' Completed the first phase of roadway improvements at the Santa Fe Depot. n u 2006-07 KEY GOALS ~ I r Improve and streamline the review processes for major development projects. ~ Completed the update of the City's Development Code. ;... Begin the design of the SANBAGfMetrolink parking structure at the Santa Fe Depot. c ;... Begin design of the I-215/University Parkway improvements. ;... Begin design of the Mount Vernon Avenue Bridge replacement. ;... Support EDA with coordinated Capital Improvement Projects. ~ 3 ;... Continue to complete links in the trails systems. including Santa Ana River Trail. r Accelerate delivery of Capital Improvements Program Projects. ,. Staff the department to meet the increased level of demand for development services. " LI DID YOU KNOW? n ;.- The Building Plan Check Division has issued 234 permits for construction of the 330 dwellings lost due tot he Old Waterman Canyon Fire. 3 J :;.. The Planning Division processed almost 200 major development applications in 2005. 5H~ ,.. .. c f"I If c c n . ~ ~ n I. ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ t C'I .. ~ ,., .. FUND 001 GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT M TITLB EXPENDITURZ BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTUAL :ilOOt-OS DIVISION 181 DKVELOPMENT SERVICES-ADMIN BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 5011 SALARIES PERM!FULLTIME 5012 SPECIAL SALARIES 5013 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE 5014 SALARIES TEMP/PARTTIME 5015 OVERTIME S018 VACATION PAY 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURA...'JCE 5029 MEDICARE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 MATERIALS & SUP?LIES 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5171 REr.-rALS 5172 EQUIP~ENT MAINTEN~~CE 5174 PRINTING C~~GES 5175 POSTAGE 5176 COPY ~~CHINE CHARGES 5181 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 518] ~~AGEMENT ALLOWJU~CE 5193 GRA."IT MATCH TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SVCS 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5604 M.I.S. CP~RGES - IN-HOUSE 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 5702 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 5704 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 5952 BILLABLE TO ECONOMIC DEVELOP 5955 BILLABLE . OTHER TOTAL LESS: CREDITS/BILLABLES TOTAL 415,952 529,775 0 0 3,600 6,600 2,050 8,201 .62 1,734 612 646 28,052 34,539 49,622 6],906 1,114 1. 394 4,081 5,70B 505,945 652,502 13,477 10,006 653 1,169 66 11 321 ." 53 0 52 57 3,014 8,056 5,033 4,186 8,611 8,089 160 0 622 '" 0 2,465 32,063 35,049 8,522 7,OoB 3,266 6,328 11,788 13,371 40,700 40,300 44,908 37,222 85,608 77,522 7,67.. 4,611 1. 669 1. 938 9,343 <<i,549 12,166 0 10,487 10,131 22,653 10,131 667,400 795,123 89 525,500 547,000 -124,900 -124,900 3,600 3,600 18,000 18,000 2,000 2,000 0 0 73,400 112,000 63,100 84,000 1,200 1,300 5,200 5,500 567,100 601.8,500 15,000 15,000 3,200 3,200 0 0 2,500 2,500 100 100 500 500 5,000 5,000 4,000 4,000 8,000 8,000 400 400 600 600 0 0 39,300 39,300 8,600 50,000 10,000 8,600 18,600 58,600 45,800 50,800 33,400 36,000 79,200 86,800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 704,200 833,200 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION ~ 181 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES-ADMIN 001 GENERAL FUND J J OBJ JUSTIFICATION 5111 MA TER'ALS & SUPPLIES 3 5122 APA l\fEMBERSIIIP, SUN NE\....SPAPER. PRESS ENTERPRISE. leBO :\IEl\IBERSHIP, BUlLDIXG CODE BOOKS FOR DIRECTOR. ENGINEERIl'iG NEWS RECORD, APWA MDIBERSHIP, RIVERSIDE/SAN BfR~ARDINO COUNTIES ENGINEERI:"IiG ASSOCIATION. VARIOUS TRADE PAPERS, !\1~IC. !\IGMT. ASSOC. MEMBERSlIIPS. A~IERICAN SOCIETY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATORS l\1E:\IBERSHIPS. o 5133 ON.GOIXG TRAIX(XG FOR DIRECTOR AND AD!\IINISTRA TIVE SUPPORT IXCLUDING: :\lANAGEMENT TRAINING. CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAINING. !"PDES TRAI!'oII!'\G. ADA TITLE l-I TRAINI:-tG. AXD STREET ASD HIGHWAY CODES TR-\fl'iING. ~ 5171 USE OF CAR POOL VEHICLES; REPLACEl\IENT OFFICE EQUIP:\IE;";'T WHILE OTHER EQUIP;\IENT IS BEI:'-4G REPAIRED n 5172 l\1..\IXTENANCE A:'IiD REPAIR OF BUSINESS 1\.lACHlNES INCLUDING: TYPEWRITERS, DA TE/Tl;\IE ST A!\IPS, ADDI:"iG MACHINES, ETe. o 5174 PRI;"o;Tl:'OG: LETIERHEAD, rr.R:\IIT FOR:\.IS, BUSINESS CARDS, SPECIFICA nONS AroiD OTHER SPECIALIZED DOCIJ1\IENTS, PUBLIC ISFOR:\.IATION HANDOUTS. ~ 5175 POSTAGE: PLANS, SPECIFICATIO:o.:S, j'l,iOTICES. AND OTHER DOcmlENTS 5176 ~DlNG FOR COpy I\.lACHIXE RELATED CHARGES 3 5181 :\IISCElL\NEOUS OPERATING EXPENSES 5183 DIRECTOR'S MANAGEMENT ALLOWANCE n 5502 CONTRACT COSTS REL\TED TO ARCHIVI:'OG AND I:\IAGING SERVICES 3 5505 CREDIT CARD TERl\II:\IAL COSTS J 3 3 J " .J 3 90 G ~ ~ f1 . ... III ~ ,., ~ c ~ I"' . c ~ c " .. ~ f1 .. ~ " II " . 1"'1 I. I"UND 0 0 1 GENl!:RAL FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT . TITLB BXPENDITURB BUDGET LINE ITEM DBTAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 182 RKAL PROPBRTY ACTUAL 2003-0" BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 ACTUAL 2004.-05 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5012 SPECIAL SALARIES 5014 SALARIES TEMPjPARTTIME 5015 OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETI REMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDI CARE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5171 RENTALS 5172 EQUI PMENT MAINTENANCE 5175 POSTAGE 5181 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL svCS 5506 LA."IDSCAPE CONTRACTS TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5604 M.I.S. C~~GES ~ IN.HOUSE 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 5949 BILLABLE TO WATER DEPT TOTAL LESS: CREDITS/BILLABLES TOTAL 101,901 84,969 197,100 149,500 0 0 -100,000 -89,200 0 17,045 0 0 0 137 0 0 7,148 5,011 26,800 22,100 11,012 8,235 23,000 21,100 256 259 400 400 727 743 1,900 1,200 121,044 116,400 149,200 105,100 1,720 2,582 1,500 1,500 500 515 SOO 500 652 271 BOO BOO 500 0 0 0 0 0 200 200 67 0 100 100 0 54 100 100 3,439 3,422 3,200 3,200 1,500 1,500 1. 500 1,500 2,083 0 0 0 3,583 1,500 1, 500 1,500 12,400 12,400 14,400 14,400 1,575 1,315 1,400 1,400 13,975 13,715 15,800 15,800 207 1,741 0 0 207 1,741 0 0 142,248 136,779 169,700 125,600 91 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION " &J 182 REAL PROPERTY 001 GENERAL FUND '1 u OBJ JUSTIFICATION ~ 5111 FILING FOR ANl"tEXATIONS. SPECIAL DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES. PHOTOGRAPHIC AND RECORDING SUPPLIES. COUNTY RECORDER COSTS. PRINTS AND REPORTS FOR ASSESS~IE)'Io;T mSfRICTS. n J 5122 DUES TO INTERNATIONAL RICUT OF WA Y ASSOCIATION. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO TRADE PAPERS AND JOURNAl.S. 3 5133 TRAINING PROGRAM FOR RIGHT.QF-WAY AGENT AT VARIOUS LEVELS. TRAI:--;ING 1:0.; LEASE MANAGEMENT, REAL. PROPERTY, PROPERTY VALUATIQ;o.;S AND APPRAISALS. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS. tEGAL DESCRIPTIONS AND OTHER RELATED TOPICS. " &J 5172 :\IISC. REPAIR OF EQUIPMENT FOR DIVISION 5175 MISe. ~IAILmG COSTS n u 5181 OTHER OPERATIXG EXPENSES 3 5502 APPRAISALS. TITLE REPORTS, PREPARA nON OF ASSESS:\IENT DISTRICT MAPS, REPORTS AND SPECIAL SERVICES. ., &J o ., IJ J n II.l '1 .... '1 u J 3 I"f u 92 J ~ c ~UND 001 GENERAL FUND ~ ACCOUNT OBJECT " TITLI ,., I. 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5012 SPECIAL SALARIES 5013 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE 5015 OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INS~~CE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT IN5URA,."JCE 5029 MEDI CARE " I. 1'"1 .. TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES " .. 5111 ~.A TER I ALS & SUPPLIES 5122 DUES & StJBSCRIPTION5 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5171 RENTALS 5172 EQur PMENT MAlr-.'TENA..."lCE 5174 PRI~'TING C~~GES ,., 1M c TOTAL MAINTENANCe: " OPERATION 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SVCS 5504 CONSTRUCTION c TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES I'" .. 5604 M.l.5. CHARGES - IN-HOUSE 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT ~ TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES TOTAL c ~ c c ... III rot III " .. EXPENDITURZ BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 183 &NGINBERINGfDBSIGN ACTUAL 2003-0' ACTUAL 2004-05 BUDGBT 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 348,058 483,415 882,200 887,400 0 0 -260,000 -260,000 0 0 3,000 3,000 498 0 2,000 2,000 18,765 24,548 110,000 127,800 28,688 39,782 78,100 87,100 871 1,209 2,000 2,200 3,898 7,025 12,500 12,900 400,778 555,980 829,800 862,400 5,961 8,135 7,300 7,300 359 400 400 400 2,240 1,576 2,600 2,600 54 100 100 100 347 400 400 400 0 188 0 0 8,963 10,797 10.800 10,800 6,499 12,199 11,700 11,700 43 0 0 0 6,542 12,199 11,700 11,700 28,200 28,700 33,700 33,700 4,430 3,298 3,000 3,200 32,630 31. 998 ]6,700 36,900 448,913 610,975 889,000 921, BOO 9a BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION ~ 183 ENGINEERING/DESIGN 001 GENERAL FUND ~ :J OBJ JUSTIFICATION J 5111 SUPPLIES FOR OPERATION OF 8lUEPRINTER. MICROFILM READER, DRAFTf.'iG SUPPLIES AND PAPER. SCALES. SAFETY EQUIP:\IENT. TAPES. AND OTHER GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES. 5122 SUBSCRIPTION TO ENG~EERING NEWS RECORD. DUES FOR A!\lERICAN PUBI.IC WORKS ASSOCIATION. CITY/COWITY ASSOCIATION Al'iD BEST'S REVIEW. 3 5133 STAFF TRAINING ON DESIGN. PAVEMENT :\IANAGE1\.IENT AND DESIGN, SUBDI\'ISIOS ~1AP ACT. DRAINAGE, NrDES. REGliLATIOS CUANGES. CQ!\tPUTER USAGE. CADD AND HYDROLOGY. J 5171 CAR POOL CHARGES 5172 1\t..\ISTE:'IiANCE 0;-.; BtUEPRINTER. DRAFTIXG MACHf.'iES. LEITERI:'\G EQUIP:\IE:"-OT. CALCULATORS. BINDING !\tACHINE. " ..., 5502 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO SUPPORT STAFF ACTIVITIES. SPECIAL SL'RVEYS, BIOLOGICAL SURVEYS. SCOUR STUDIES. ADA ASSESS;\IENTS. 11 u '1 u rJ u " U J :J J '1 tJ n u 1'1 u n u 94 n u f"I . c FUND 001 GBNERAL FUND c ACCOUNT OBJECT . TITLZ ~ 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5012 SPECIAL SALARIES 5015 OVERTIME 5018 VACATION PAY 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSL~CE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE ~ ~ TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES I"' .. 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 S~ALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5171 RENTALS 5172 EQUIPMENT MAINTENk~CE 1"'1 II c TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5601 G~~GE CHARGES ,., . 5604 M.I.S. CHARGES - IN-HOUSE 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 5609 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 5612 FLEET LrtGS FUEL ~ TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES I" . TOTAL f't I. ~ ~ c ~ c c EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 184 FIELD ENGINEERING/INSPECTION ACTUAL 2003-04 AC'TUAL 2004.-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 266.967 222.577 561,900 566,800 600 600 ~269, 400 -268,800 1,455 7,935 10,000 10,000 '92 0 0 0 18,077 13,232 77,700 89,600 25,127 21. 344 52,400 80,500 6.6 576 1,200 1,400 1,485 2,501 5,300 5,200 315,399 268,764 439,100 484,700 4,669 7,175 6,800 6,800 0 76. 800 600 439 '" 500 500 50 90 200 200 389 0 300 300 222 146 300 500 5,769 8,584 8,900 8,900 11,632 16,156 20,000 16,500 12,400 12,400 14,400 14,400 3,191 2,726 3,000 2,400 10,500 10,500 0 0 8,052 11,552 13,200 17,100 45,775 53,334 50,600 50,400 366,943 330,683 498,600 544,000 95 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION D 184 FIELD ENGINEERING/INSPECTION 001 GENERAL FUND ~ OBJ JUSTIFICATION '1 \of 5111 FOLDING RULES. l\lARKING PENCILS. ENGINEERING TAPES. STRI;-.iG LINE. GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES, SURVEY Sf AKES. LATH, PAINT, LEAD. TACKS. SAFETY EQUIPMENT. PHOTO SUPPLIES. TAPES. TEST EQUJP:\IENT. LOG BOOKS. AC TlIER.\IO!\lETERS J 5112 HAI\t:\IERS. u:vn,S, TAPES. DRILLS. BRUSH HOOKS, pl.uJ\m BOBS. OTHER SJ\IALL TOOLS LISED BY INSPECTION AND SURVEY CREWS,TRIBRACH WtOPTICAL PLUMMET. ROTATI:'IiG ADAPTER 3 5122 CONSTRUCTION IX$PECTQRS ASSOCIATION. LAND SURVEYOR'S ASSOCIATION. PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR'S LICENSE, PERIODICALS AND RELATED TRADE PUBLICATIONS, ACIA (AJ\IERICA:"i COSSTRUCTlO:-: INSPECTORS ASSOCIATION) MEMBERSHIPS 3 5133 STAFF TRAI:".'I:'\G IN ISSPECTIOSS, SURVEY. GPS LOCATIONS. WRITI:\G, CHA:"OGES I;'; REGULATIO:'liS A:'\D METHODS OF CO:'\SfRUCTIO:'\. 11 LJ 5171 RENTAL OF EQt:IP:\lENT NOT IN I:'IIVENTORY FOR SPECIAL PROJECTS OR FOR USE WHILE EQUlP:\IENT IS BEING REPAIRED. J 5172 ADJUSTl\IE:"OT, REPAIR AND RECALlBRATlON OF SURVEY EQUIP:\IE:o.iT, LEVELS A:o.iD CHAI:"OS; MAI:"oiTENANCE OF OTHER OFFICE EQUlP:\IEl"T. J '1 u " LJ n u a 3 m ~ ~ 3 8G m ~ c FUND 001 GENERAL FUND ~ ACCOUNT OBJECT M TITLE c 5011 SALARIES PER~/FULLTIME 5012 SPECIAL SALARIES 5015 OVERTIME 5018 VACATION PAY 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE ~ c TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES ~ 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5171 RENTALS 5172 EQUIPMEh7 ~~INTEN~~CE c ~ TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SVCS 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ~ TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES t 5601 GARAGE CHARGES 5604 M.I.S. CHARGES ~ IN-HOUSE 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 5609 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 5612 FLEET CHGS - FUEL c TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES c TOTAL ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL PISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 185 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING ACTUAL 2003-0' ACTUAL 200'-05 BUDGBT 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-01 233,429 179,634 276,000 271,300 0 475 -47,400 .46,800 8,412 10,330 3,000 3,000 '47 2,016 0 0 14,317 11,489 55,200 40,300 20,849 17,320 53,200 24,600 620 488 700 700 2,366 1,771 2,900 2,900 280,898 223,523 343,600 30:il,OOO 2,130 2,654 2,300 2,300 227 244 400 400 12 0 0 0 ]0 705 1,300 1,300 0 0 100 100 0 0 100 100 :il,399 3,603 4,:il00 4,200 21,555 24,795 25,000 50,000 0 0 300,000 300,000 :il1,555 :il4,195 3:il5,OOO 350,000 1,226 450 400 2,300 12,400 12,400 14,400 14,400 1,709 1,649 1,600 1,600 500 500 0 0 1,103 1,100 1, BOO 1,300 16,93B 16,099 1B,:il00 19,600 321,790 26B,O:il0 691,000 675,BOO 97 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION m 185 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING 001 GENERAL FUND m OBJ JUSTIFICATION I m 5111 SUPPLIES FOR TRAFFIC COUNTER. COUNTER BOARDS. PUNCH TAPES. SAFETY EQUIP:\IENT. VIDEO AND FILM SUPPLIES. OVERHEAD PROJECTOR SUPPLIES FOR TRAFFIC SAFETI' COl\tMITIEE. SUPPLIES FOR CO:\WUITRS. GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES. 5112 IIA:\f.\fERS. NAILS A:\D CLIPS FOR TRAFFIC COUNTER. CHAINS AND LOCKS TO SECURE COUNTERS, MEASURING TAPES A!\o'D WHEELS. n 5122 DUES FOR RIVERSIDE/SAN BERl'o/ARDlSO TRAFFIC ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION. lIT ASO OTHF.R TRAFFIC RELATED ORGAl"IZA TIONS. SCAG A1'iD SASBAG TECHNICAL GROUPS. o 5133 STAFF TRAI:-;ING 1:'Ii TRA:"iSPORTATION MODELING. SIGNAL OPERATI01'iS AND DESIG:"l, A!"iD OTHER RELATED TRAlNr."OG. n 5171 RENT At OF SPECIAL COUNT EQUlP:\IENT. RADAR EQUlP:\IENT A:'IiD SPEED CONTROL EQUlPME;'IiT. 5172 I\t.-\I;o.;TENANCE OF TRAFFIC COUNTERS, HOSES. CO:\IPUTER. COUNT EQUIP:\IENT. WWV, PRISTERS A!'.'D ornER OFFICE EQL:IP~IE~T, n 5502 COSTRACT TRAFFIC I\IODELI~G SER"ICES n 550 5 CO~TR'CT STREET srRIPI~G g 3 u a 3 I ~ n ~ 98 D ~ ~ FUND 001 GEN1!:RAL P'UND ~ ACCOUNT OBJECT & TITLE . 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTI~E 5012 SPECIAL SALARIES 5014 SALARIES TEMP/PARTTIME 5015 OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE c c TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES ~ 5111 ~~TERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5171 RENTALS c TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION ~ 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SVCS 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES c TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ~ 5601 GARAGE CHkqGES 560~ M.I.S. CHARGES - IN-HOUSE 5609 VEHICLE REPLACEME~7 5612 F~EET CHGS - FUEL c TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 5702 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT c TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY ~ TOTAL c ~ ~ ~ ~ EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL PISCAL YEAR ~006-2007 DIVISION 188 NPDES ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTUAL 2004-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006.07 23,161 86,487 177,800 186.700 0 0 -25,500 -25,500 0 26.428 0 0 0 4,436 0 0 1,586 4,823 23,100 26.800 3,166 10,119 10,300 21,300 58 293 400 500 335 1,670 2,600 2,700 28,306 134,256 188,700 212,500 719 1,200 1.200 1,200 0 22 100 100 0 0 0 3,700 0 657 3,700 0 254 35 0 0 973 1,914 5,000 5,000 124,330 182,800 226,000 226,000 0 75 0 0 124,330 182,875 226,000 226,000 1,767 2,033 3,400 1,700 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 500 500 0 0 870 408 700 2,000 5,737 5.541 6,700 6,300 0 473 0 0 0 473 0 0 159.346 325,059 426,400 449,800 99 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION I 188 NPDES 001 GENERAL FUND ~ OBJ JUSTIFICATION n 5111 TESTING EQUIP~IENT. PA~T AND SUPPLIES USED FOR NPDES, IN HOUSE SERVICE FROM OTHER DEPARTMENTS. PHOTO SUPPLIES, SAFETY EQUlP:\IENT AND ornER SPECIAL NEEDS. n 5112 GLOVES, CAPTURE EQUlP1\tENT, SPRAY PAINT AND STENCILS FOR CATCH BASINS, TESTING KITS FOR WATER QUAUIT TESTS. :J 5132 NPDES I\t~ RELATED TRAI~ING SEMINARS, INCLUDING TREADIENT CO:"iTROl. B!\IP'S. ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES. ETC. 3 5133 TRAIi"OlNG FOR STAFF r.'J NPDES. HAZARDOUS ~IATERIAL. PER:\fIT CONDlTIOl"OS. ENFORCEMENT ACTIO:'<iS. TRACKING SYSTEMS Al'O'D RELATED C01\IPLlANCE REQUIREMENTS. n 5171 SPECIAL SAl\IPLERS RENTED TO CHECK WATER QUALITY. 5502 NPDES PROGRA:\I PER:\lIT FEES. STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD Al\~UAL FEES n 3 D ~ 3 g D n J n ~ 100 n n 1M c FUND 001 GENERAL FUND ~ ACCOUNT OBJECT ~ TITLE c 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5013 AUTOM08ILE ALLOWANCE 5014 SALARIES TEMPjPARTTIME S015 OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE c ~ TOTAL PERSONNEL SZRVICES f'1 .. 5111 ~ATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5121 ADVERTISING 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5131 MILEAGE 51]2 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5171 RENTALS 5172 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 5174 PRI~7ING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE 5176 COPY MACHINE CHARGES 5181 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 5193 GRANT ~ATCH ~ ~ c I" " TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPBRATION 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SVCS C"' I. TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES r .. 5604 M.I.S. ~qGES - IN-HOUSE 5505 TELEPHONE SUPPORT TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES c TOTAL t ~ n ~ f"'t .. ,., . III EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 190 P~NG ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTUAL 2004-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 353,607 476,906 635,200 786,800 0 0 0 3,000 0 8,764 0 0 4,888 2,752 5,000 5,000 19.541 26,862 66,800 119,800 35,579 48,313 53,300 113,400 89' 1,221 1,400 2,000 3,873 5.607 6,800 9,800 418,384 570,425 768,500 1,039,800 4,964 6,726 6,500 6,500 17,990 14,901 17,000 22,000 2,170 2,550 2,500 2,500 0 0 300 300 0 763 1. 000 1,000 507 520 2,000 2.000 9 10 100 100 0 0 500 500 17,077 34,652 15,000 15,000 2,219 3.035 3,500 3,500 0 0 0 10 513 700 700 0 0 0 11,900 44,946 63,674 49,100 66,000 242,136 464,055 197,000 192,000 242,136 464,055 197,000 192,000 25.000 25,000 28,000 30,000 4,194 3,171 3.400 3,4.00 29.194 28.171 31.400 33,400 734,660 1.126,325 1.046.000 1,331,200 101 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION o 190 PLANNING 001 GENERAL FUND '1 u OBJ JUSTIFICATION 3 J 5111 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES FROM CENTRAL STORES AND OFFICE SUPPLY COMPANIES. BLACKLlNE/BLUELlNE PRINTS Al'lL> SET-UPS. COURIER SERVICES. 5121 lEGAL ADVERTISll'iG: NOTICES OF PUBLIC HEARII'oiGS. El'OVIRONME!'iTAL DETf.RMINATlONS AND ERCIDRC ACTIONS; RECRUJTJ\.lE~T ADVERTISING FOR VACANT POSITIONS n 5122 DUES AND Sl'BSCRIPTIONS: APA MEMBERSHIPS. AEP l\IE:\IBERSHIPS. APA PUBLICATIONS. CA PLAI\'NING & DEVELOP1\IENT REPORT, AleA MEMBERSHIP. NATIONAL TRUST FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION. GE:-.i'ERAL PLAN UPDATES. ornER PUBLICATIONS AND REPORTS. " U 5133 i\IISCEI.LANEOUS SKILLS IMPROVEMENT SE;\tINARS: CEQA SEl\IINARS. VCR SDIINARS. 3 5171 FUNDING FOR USAGE OF CARPOOL FOR ARCHIVES RESEARCH. 5172 EQUIP;\IENT REPAIR: F1JNDlNG FOR EXPDiSES RELATED TO REPAIRS TO ITPEWRlTERS. PRlNTERS A:"oiD BUSINESS :\L\CHINES. I"( U 5174 PRl:'OTl:'OG EXPE:'IiSES: PRINTI;\iG FOR PLANNl'OG CO~l'nSSION AGE;\iDAS. STAFF REPORTS, ~IINUTES. ERCIDRC AGENDAS, BUSINESS CARDS. FORMS. PUBLIC HEARlr-;G NOTICES, GENERAL PLAN. DEVELOP:\IENT CODE Ar-;D OTHER LARGE VOLUME OR SPECIALIZED PRINTIr-;G. a 5175 POSTAGE EXPENSES: POSTAGE FOR ~I.-\ILI;o..:G NOTICES OF PUBLIC lIEARI:'IiGS FOR PLA!,\;\iING CO~l'IISSION; GEl\"ERAL CORRESPONDENCE AXD BUSIJ"olESS, ACTIONS OF PLA~'NING CO:\l'IISSIOX AND ERCIDRC. 3 5181 PHOTO SUPPI.IES AND PHOTO DEVELOPING EXPEl\'SES. 3 5193 GRANT ;\1ATCH FlI1'-<DS FOR 1-210 CORRIDOR ENHANCEMENT PLAN. (CALTR-\.NS GRA:"n. '1 .J 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: COUNn" ARCHAEOLOGICAL REVIEW. CITY 1:'IilTlATED PROJECTS REQUIRING DEPT. OF FISH Ai"OD GAME FEES AND/OR STUDIES, OUTSIDE ASSIST ASCE O:'li STL'DIESiPROJECTS AS DIRECTED BY l\l-\. YOR AND COUNCIL. COSTRACTUAL PLA~'NING SERVICES. 3 '1 loJ 3 3 ., .J '1 ... 102 f1 loJ ... . ,.. .. P'UND 001 GENERAL PUND ~ ACCOUNT OBJECT . TITLE ,., .. 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME SOH SALARIES TEMP/PARTTIME 5015 OVERTIME 5018 VACATION PAY 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INS~~CE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT I NSURA....1CE 5029 MEDICAH_E ~ ,.. .. TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES " I. 5111 ~~TERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 S~~LL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5122 DUES & SL~SCRIPTIONS 5131 MILEAGE 51]2 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5171 REt."I'ALS 5172 EQUIPMENT ~~INTENANCE I"l . . ,., . 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE " '- TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPBRATION 5502 PROFESSIONAL/cO~RACTUAL SVCS c TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ,., .. 5601 G~~GE CHARGES 5604 M.I.S. C.~GES - IN-HOUSE 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 5609 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 5612 FLEET CHGS - FUEL ... .. TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES ~ 5704 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 1"'1 .. TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL r .. r .. n L.. f"'I . EXPENDI'IVRE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 Acrt1AL 2003-0. Acrt1AL 200'-05 DIVISION 191 BUILDING INSPECTION SERVICES 476,309 483,058 5,952 37,937 4,160 5,934 1,091 1,091 30,732 30,949 47,608 50,026 1,267 1,320 6.632 6,891 573,751 617,:Z06 6,161 10.547 11 21 1,038 1. HB 0 42' ." 3D 1,719 3.917 61 45 0 0 4.528 4.546 1.271 1,621 14.,748 22,.f075 1. 920 1,020 1,920 1,020 5.561 7,344 22,400 21,400 2.883 2,601 7,000 7,000 6,222 8,544 404,066 H,889 1.911 0 1,911 0 636,397 687,590 103 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 651.800 o 3,500 o 90,800 B3.700 1.400 7.900 839,100 10,500 eoo 3.000 100 2,000 4,000 500 2D0 3,000 1,000 25,100 2,000 2,000 8,800 23,800 2.800 18.000 9.100 62,500 928,700 o o 697,000 o 3,500 o 105,500 68.600 1,700 8,500 88.,800 10.500 eoo 3.000 100 2.000 4.000 500 200 3.000 1,000 25,100 2.000 2,000 11.100 24.200 2.600 o 12.100 50,000 o o 961,900 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION n J 191 BUILDING INSPECTION SERVICES 001 GENERAL FUND " ~ OBJ JUSTIFICATION 3 ] 5111 FUNDING FOR DA Y.TO-DA Y OFFICE SUPPLIES NEEDED. 55,500 WAS ADDED FOR THE PURCHASE OF TIlE !"iEW CAL BUIlDlNG Sf ANOARDS CODE BOOK (PLTRCHASED ABOUT EVERY 3 YEARS) 5112 F1JNDlNG FOR NEW Al'iD REPLACEMENT TOOLS AND INSPECTIO:'ol EQUIP~1ENT. J 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS: CALBO, IAEI. IAP:\IO. ICBO, BARelA YS LA \'t-' PUBLISHERS-COPIES OF PERTINENT CODE UPOA rES. :"olE\-\' AND REPLACE:\1ENT CODE BOOKS. n ... 5131 :\IJLEACF. REI:\IBURSE:\IEJIoOT: FUNDI:\G FOR STAFF USE OF PERSO;'\;AL VEHICLES FOR CIIT BUSISESS. ESPECIALLY NEEDED FOR AFTER HOURS OR WEEKEND CALLS. ] 5132 0:\1 GOING EDLTA TION FOR BUILDlNG Il\'SPECTORS 5133 FIDiDl!\'G FOR EXA:\II:'IIATION AND TRAINING SEMINARS, ACCELA CO:\IPL'TER SYSTEM TRAINI;\,G. J 5171 Ftf.'IODIl'"G FOR USE OF CARPOOL. 5172 FIDiDING FOR TYPEWRITER AND BUSIi'JESS MACHINE REPAIR. fl u 5174 PRINTING CIL\RGES: FOR BUILDING PERMITS. SCANTRON FOR..\IS. APPLICA nON FOR.'IS. BUSlNESS CARDS. ETC. n .; 5175 POSTAGE CHARGES: FUNDf.'lG FOR l\UILp,..;'G OF BUILDING PER;\IITS. CORRECTION NOTICES AND GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE. 5502 FUNDING FOR rxSPECTlON OR CONSULTANT SERVICES 3 J '1 u J n '1 '"' ., U 3 104 f1 u " I . c ... I. ~ ~ ,.. I. c ~ ~ c ~ n .. ... . r . '" I. ~ ~ n .. n .. FUND 001 GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT . TITLE EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL PISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 192 PLAN exECX ACTUAL 2003-04 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5015 OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5131 MILEAGE 5132 MEE':'INGS & CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5172 EQUIPMENT MAIN7ENA..'JCE 517~ PRINTING CHAH.GES 5175 POSTAGE TOTAL MAINTENANCE . OPERATION 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SVCS TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5604 M.I.S. CHARGES - IN-HOUSE 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES TOTAL 230,093 2,065 11,505 17,908 582 3,377 265,529 2.014 o o o 2,360 o 2.627 7 7,007 24,610 24,610 26,500 1,850 28,350 325,496 105 ACTUAL 2004-05 276,427 3,737 13,822 22,611 700 4,064 321. 362 4,442 '0 o ]0 3,898 o 2,552 667 11,628 54,767 54,767 26,500 1,575 28,075 415,832 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 295,200 1,000 37,100 22,700 700 4,300 361,000 5,400 500 ]00 500 4,000 200 4,000 15,400 7,600 7,600 27,000 1,800 28,800 412,800 333,800 1. 000 49,400 26,400 800 4,800 416,200 500 5,400 500 ]00 500 4,000 200 4,000 500 15,400 7,600 7,600 27,000 1,700 28,700 467,900 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION n t.J 192 PLAN CHECK 001 GENERAL FUND J OBJ JUSTIFICATION " l,.I J 5111 FUNDING FOR OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR DA Y-TO-DA \' OPERATIONS. $3.400 WAS ADDED FOR THE PURCHASE OF TIlE NEW CAL BUlLDlSG STANDARDS CODE (PURCHASED ABOUT EVERY 3 YEARS). 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS: CABO AND leBO MEJ\.mERSHIPS. BUILDING TRADE JOURNALS AND CODE BOOKS. I"J u 5131 MILEAGE REl:\lBURSEl\lENT: FUNDING FOR USE OF PERSONAL VEHICLES FOR CIIT BUSINESS. 5132 ATIENDANCE AT\' ARIOUS PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION MEETINGS n u 5133 TRAINING: FUNDING FOR PLAN CHECK SECTION STAFF, AND COUNTER SERVICES STAFF. 5172 fl.JI";'Dll'iG FOR REPAIR OF TYPEWRITERS AND BUSINESS MACHISES. n 5174 FUNDING FOR PLAN CHECK AND COUNTER SERVICES SECTIOl'iS PRINTING NEEDS, I:'\FOR1\tA TIONAL BROCHURES. AND ornER LARGE VOLUME PRINTING JOBS. D 5175 POSTAGE: FUNDING FOR PLAN CHECK AND COUNTER SERVICES SECTIONS MAILINGS" ~ 5502 CONSUL TAl'iT SERVICES: PLAN CHECK OR PLANS FOR BUILDINGS AND PROJECTS ''''"ITJI STRUCTURAL AND TECHNICAL SCOPES THAT EXCEED CAPABILITIES OF eIn' PERS01'.';\lEL OR ARE REQUIRED WITIU:'II SHORT TIME FRAI\lES. I J ~ '1 u J '1 u 3 "1 u '1 ... lOG J -.- I FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - UTILITIES TELEPHONE CUSTODIAL MAINTENANCE BUILDING MAINTENANCE PARKING CONTROL I '- - ." :I> C'l ;= =i in '" ~ :I> z :I> Cl m ~ m z ~ FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Director of Facilities Management James Sharer r-------------------------, r-------------------------, i *Utilities i i *Telephone i I +-----------_______ _________________. I I I , I I I I , I I I I , , I I L------.-----T-------.____~ L------------T-----_______~ , , , , , , , , r------------.------------, r------------4----------__, I I , I I I I I I I I I , I , I I , I I i (2) Employees i J (2) Employees J L_________________________~ L_________________________~ Facilities Administration Parking Control Custodial Maintenance Building Maintenance (1) Employee (6) Employees (12) Employees (10) Employees *See Internal Service Funds Operating Budgets ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ... " c c ~ ~ ~ c c ~ ~ r M c ~ FACILITIES MANA GEMENT ACCOUNT NUMBER: 001-320 FUND: GENERAL FUND [ ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT I Facilities Management provides building maintenance and custodial services for 142 City owned or leased buildings including: City Hall, Carousel Mall and the City Yards. The Department also enforces parking regulations, issuing over 24,000 citations annually. EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 DIVISION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED ADMINISTRA nON l,l29,295 1,400,772 1.216.700 1,264,200 CITY HALL 0 0 0 0 CUSTODIAL MAINTENANCE 1,008,622 985,357 1.082,700 1,077,800 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 890.355 1.532.783 1.3 71 ,400 1,503,300 PARKING CONTROL 277.712 306.749 416,500 476,800 TOTAL 3,305,984 4,225,661 4,087,300 4,322,100 EXPENDITURES BY CA TEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CATEGORY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PERSONNEL 1.709.001 1.635,372 2.048.300 2,124,700 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 220,921 303,062 365,000 378.000 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 399,619 626,182 536.100 586,200 INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 971,943 1,036,730 985,800 1.012,200 CAPIT AL OUTLA Y 4,500 550,754 20,000 124,000 DEBT SERVICE 0 73,561 132,100 97,000 CREDITS/BILLABLES 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 3,305,984 4,225,661 4,087,300 4,322,100 107 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT DIVISION 2005-06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS ,/' Completed construction of the Fire Station ADA restrooms. ,/' Upgraded the parking structure electrical system. ,/' Renovated the landscaping at City Hall. ,/' Continued to identify and implement energy savings projects. 2006-07 KEY GOALS >- Re-roof Villasenor Library. >- Construct Penis Hill Senior Center multipurpose room. >- Develop daylight harvesting program for City Hall & Library. ,. Install ice storage systems for energy efficiency at four locations. ,. Install photovoltaic system at the City Yards. DID YOU KNOW? >- Facilities Management Division maintains 142 City owned facilities. :;. Completes over 5,000 maintenance work orders per year. :;. Issues over 24,000 parking citations annually. :;. Has custodial crews working throughout the city seven days per week. 1rlX J ~ D n n u ~ ~ ~ ~ D ~ ~ ~ o ~ n ~ J ~ ~ c PUND 001 GENERAL FUND ~ ACCOUNT OBJECT . TITLE ,.. I. 5011 SALARIES PERM!FULLTIME 5013 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE 5014 SALARIES TEMP/PARTTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE ~ ~ TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES I'" .. 5111 V~TERIALS & SUPPLIES 5122 DUES & SL~SCRIPTIONS 5131 MILEAGE 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 513] EDUCATION & TRAINING 5171 RENTALS 5175 POSTAGE 5176 COPY l"'.ACHINE CHARGES c t TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION c 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5507 FACILITIES SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES c 5604 M.I.S. CHARGES - IN-HOUSE 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 5606 ELECTRIC 5607 GAS 5608 WATER, SEWER, GEOTHERMAL c p ... TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 5706 ALTERATIONS & RENOVATIONS c TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY ~ TOTAL ~ c ~ ~ EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006.2007 DIVISION 321 FAC ADMIN/CITY HALL/MAL ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTUAL 2004-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSKD 2006-07 150,271 157,968 166,100 181,400 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 49,563 31,015 57,400 35,400 10,519 11,058 18,100 28,900 19,203 21,351 22,200 22,900 50' 481 400 500 2,184 1,988 1,600 2,700 235.849 227,461 269,400 275,400 6,854 8,917 11,000 21,000 0 '" 500 500 0 842 0 0 2,237 1,910 3,200 3,200 389 37 1,500 3,500 65 0 0 0 55 314 200 200 1,817 1,770 2,000 1,000 11,417 14,237 18,400 29,400 1,292 4,808 8,500 5,000 40,148 61,321 16,000 24,400 41,440 66,129 24,500 29,400 ]4,700 30,500 32,400 33,100 11.775 9,867 9.600 14,200 761,205 970,791 820,000 820,000 117 113 ';00 6,700 28,393 32,658 32,000 36,000 836.190 1,043,929 894,400 910,000 4,500 188,565 10,000 20,000 4,500 188,565 10.000 20,000 1,129,395 1.540.321 1.216.700 1.264.200 108 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION D 321 FAC ADMIN/CITY HALL/MAL 001 GENERAL FUND a OBJ JUSTIFICATION a n 5014 PARKING SECURIn" OFFICERS WHO USED TO BE PAID FROM TIlE PARKING D1SfRICT HAVE BEEN ;\fQVED TO THE GENERAL FUND SINCE THE PARKING DISTRICT liAS [!'inED 5111 OFFICE SUPPLIES TO MEET NEEDS OF ALL AREAS IS COST CENTER 320 J 5122 SUBSCRIPTIONS AND OCES FOR AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION, PlJBLlC PARKING ASSOCIATION, ETC. 5132 CONFERENCE COSTS IN THE AREAS OF ENERGY ;\lANAGEMENT. PARKING CO:'llTROL ASD BlJlLDlNG MAI:'liTENANCE. ~ 513 3 DEPARTMENTAL TRAINING EXPENSES 3 5171 CAR rOOL, EQUlP:\IENT RE;'I1TAL AND COPIER LEASE 5176 COPY MACHINE CHARGES n 5505 I::'IITER.."IOS FOR AD:\IINI$TRA TION OF DIVISION 5507 MONIES FOR VARIOUS S;\L\lL PROJECTS LIKE WINDOW WASH~G; STATUE !\.L\lNT; SIGN l\lAINT; AIR CO:"1DIITONING !\lAINT; Ere. n 5706 VARIOUS S:\IALL RENOVATION AND REPAIR ITEMS THAT COME UP ATCITI' BUlLDlSGS 3 ~ ~ 3 n ~ n 3 J 110 J ,.. .. ~ PUND 001 GENERAL P'UND ... ~ ACCOUNT OBJECT & TITLE .,. I. 5011 SALARIES PERM!fULLTIME SOH SALARIES TEMP/PARTTIME 5015 OVERTIME 5018 VACATION PAY 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIfE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE '"! I. c TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICBS c 5111 MATER:ALS & SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMErIT 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING S171 RE:t-.TALS ... I. TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION ~ 5507 FACILITIES SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ~ 5601 GARAGE C~~GES 5609 VEHICLE REPLACE~ENT 5612 FLEET CHGS - FUEL c TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES .., .. 570~ ~ISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMEXT TOTAL CAPITAL OU'I'LAY ~ TOTAL c ~ ~ [ ~ ~ EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006.2007 ACTUAL 2003-04 DIVISION 324 CUSTODIAL MAINTENANCE BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 365.365 362,907 3.475 1,483 23,846 57.841 1,834 7,283 824,034 50,412 o 500 13,708 64,620 58,015 58,015 6,466 50,000 5,487 61, ~53 1,008,621 111 ACTUAL 2004-05 o o 350,223 381,400 388,300 343,428 400,000 380,000 3,640 4,200 4,200 590 0 0 23,376 48,800 60,700 54,972 68,400 69,400 1,746 900 1,000 6,698 2,100 2,200 784,672 905,800 905,800 60,395 70,400 70,400 1,576 1,000 1.000 0 0 0 16.095 15.000 15.000 78,067 86,400 86,400 58,015 64,000 60,000 58,015 64,000 60,000 5.594 9,600 12.700 50.000 0 0 6.213 6,900 8.900 61,807 16,500 21,600 2.796 10,000 <1.000 2,796 10,000 4,000 ~8 5,357 1,082,700 1,077,800 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION J 324 CUSTODIAL MAINTENANCE 001 GENERAL FUND ] J OBJ JUSTIFICATION J 5111 CUSTODIAL MATERIALS & SUPPLIES. SUCH AS PAPER PRODUCTS, CLEANp,>;G J\tA TERIALS. ETC. 5112 S"AI.L TOOLS AND EQUIP"ENT 5171 ,",IFOR" RENTAL J 5507 CO:\TRACT SERVICES SUCH AS SWEEPING OF PARKING STRUCTURES A:'<iD BATHROO:\I SANITlZATIQ:'IO ~ 5704 REPLACF.:\IENT CUSTODIAL EQUIP;\IENT (VACUUMS. ETC.) ~ '1 ~ J 3 Q ~ 3 ~ ~ J J ., L.J 112 J ~ ,., . FUND 001 GENERAL FUND ~ ACCOUNT OBJECT ~ TITLB ~ 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME SOH SALARIES TEMP/PARTTIME 501S OVERTIME 5018 VACATION PAY 5026 PER5 RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INS~~CE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE ~ ~ TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES ~ 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 S~~LL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5171 RENTALS 5181 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES ~ TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION ~ 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5507 FACILITIES SERVICES ~ TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES " II 5601 GARAGE CHARGES 5606 ELECTRIC 5607 GAS 5608 WA7ER. SEWER, GEOTHERMAL 5612 FLEET eHGS - FUEL ~ TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES ~ 5704 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 5706 ALTERATIONS & RENOVATIONS c TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 5803 LEASE PAYMENTS c TOTAL DEBT SERVICE ~ TOTAL ~ ~ ~ EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITBK DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 325 BUILDING MAINTENANCE ACTUAL 2003-04 386,959 -1,260 2,504 2,489 23,874 43,398 977 4,591 463,532 130,161 2,155 27 2,177 o 134,520 65,850 171,737 237,586 4,206 37,084 3,619 874 8,935 54,717 890,356 113 ACTUAL 2004.05 350,838 o 2,740 808 21.299 38,952 886 4,022 419,544 110,028 1,730 o 1,565 89,500 202,823 76,373 349,675 426,049 5,291 29,788 5,890 2,902 8,970 52,841 o 8,374 351,019 o o 359,393 o 73,561 o 73. 561 1,534,211 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 445,600 o 3,000 o 55,400 57,900 1,000 5,300 568,200 147,000 2,000 o 1,400 100,000 250.400 68,300 300,000 368,300 6,400 36,000 5,200 1,200 3,600 52,400 132,100 132,100 1,371,400 o o o 445,800 o 3,000 o 68,700 55,800 1,100 5,900 580,300 147,000 2,000 o 1,400 100.000 250,400 91,400 326,100 417,500 6,200 31,500 ...200 1.600 14,600 58,100 Q 100,000 100,000 97,000 97,000 1,503,300 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION D 325 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 001 GENERAL FUND ~ OBJ JUSTIFICATION ~ J 5111 MAINTENANCE MATERIALS & SUPPLIES, SUCH AS HARDWARE, LU1\.lBER. WIRING. PLUl\1BING. ETC. 5112 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 5171 UNIFORM & EQUlP:\IENT RENTAL ~ 5181 CITY'S SHARE OF SA/'.'T A FE DEPOT OPERATING COSTS ~ 5505 !\.1ETRQLll'.'K SECURITY COSTS 5507 CONTRACT SERVICES - MAINTENANCE OF ELEVATORS. ESCAL.\TORS. COOU:'IiG TOWERS. AIR FILTERS. PEST CONTROL, PAINTl:'oiG OF Cln" FACIUTIES AND OTHER SERVICES ON A~ b-'\'EEDED BASIS. ALSO Il'.'CLUDED ARE FlflI,;OS FOR VARIOUS S:\l-\LL PROJECTS AS NEEDED ON CITY BUILDl1"GS ~ 5706 REROOF OF FIRE STATIO:"i 22~ AND OTnER MAINTENANCE PROJECTS AS R[CO~t~lENDED BY FACILITIES DIRECTOR AND APPROVED BY CITY :\tANAGER. ~ 5803 LEASE PA\'MENTOF COSTS ASSOCIATED WlTII RENOVATION OF CAT ROO:\1 AT ANn.tAl. CO:'liTROL; FIRE STATION ROOF REPAIRS; FIRE STATIOX AIR COXDITIO:O-;lNGi "B" BUlLDI!'iG ROOF REPAIRS (POLICE DEPT.) J o ~ ~ u a n n ~ ~ 114 J ~ ~ FUND 001 GENERAL FUND " ~ ACCOUNT OBJECT " TITLE ~ 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5012 SPECIAL SALARIES SOH SALARIES TEMP/PARTTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE ~ c TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES ~ 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5171 REl'<'TALS 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE c TOTAL MAINTENANCE " OPERATION 5502 PROFESSIO~AL/corrrRACTUAL SVCS c TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5601 G~~GE CHARGES ~ 5606 ELECTRIC 5612 FLEET CHGS FUEL c TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES ~ TOTAL c n . . ~ ~ ~ n I. n .. EXPENDITURB BUDGBT LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 326 PARXING CONTROL ACTUAL 2003.0. ACTUAL 2004-05 BCPGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 127.5<12 110,406 173,100 204,800 0 500 600 1,200 29,937 65,716 91,000 89,000 7,748 6,478 18.900 31,500 18,137 18,083 19,400 33.700 39' .42 '00 500 1. 828 2,070 1,500 2,500 185.586 203,695 304,900 363,200 1. 880 1,934 2,600 4,600 1,721 1,207 1,400 1,400 4,799 2,758 3,800 ].800 1,963 2,035 2,000 2,000 10.364 7,935 9,800 11,800 62,679 75,989 79,300 79,300 62,679 75,989 79.300 79,300 12,331 11,135 14,300 12,200 I, all 0 0 0 5,741 7,995 8,200 10,300 19,083 19,130 22,500 22,500 277,712 306,74.9 416.500 476,800 115 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION m 326 PARKING CONTROL 001 GENERAL FUND ~ OBJ JUSTIFICATION o 5111 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES-OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR ADJUDICATION OF CITATIONS AND FIELD SUPPLIES FOR PARKING ENFORCEMENT ~ 5171 UNIFORM RENTAL J 5174 PRINTING CHARGES FOR PARKING TICKETS Af'oiD CITATION' PROCESSING FOR..\IS 5175 POSTAGE FOR ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEWS, CITATION PROCESSING REQUIRED BY AD 408 ~ 5502 COSTS PAID FOR AD:\IINISTRATION AND PROCESSlNG OF PARKING CITATIONS. o J D a o ~ m ~ n o o ~ llC ~ I I FINANCE DEPARTMENT ACCOUNTING/FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BUDGET PA YROLL/BENEFITS PURCHASING ACCOUNTS PAYABLE I I ." Z > z o m ,- FINANCE DEPARTMENT Purchasing Director of Finance Barbara Pachol! Budget! Accts. Payable * Accounting Payroll/ Benefits r~_n--__- 1 r-----------------, : **Print Shop: (2) Employees (5) Employees (6) Employees (3) Employees , . , , , , , , ~--------i--------~ . , , , , , , , r-----------------, :(2) Employees: . , . , . , t_________________~ *One Accounting position is reimbursed by SBET A. ** See Internal Service Funds Operating Budgets ".--..........""- ,.. . ~ FINANCE ACCOUNT NUMBER: 001-110 FUND: GENERAL FUND I ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT I The Finance Department is responsible for the City's financial planning (budgeting); accounting of the City's resources; fair and accurate reporting of the City's financial position; and management and control of all of the City's financial activities. Additionally, the Finance Department provides data and analysis to assist the City Administrator, Mayor, and Common Council in formulating policies. The Finance Department provides the following support services to City Departments: accounting, accounts payable, payroll, purchasing, budgeting, and cash management. The Finance Department also administers the Printshop. EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 DIVISION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED ADMINISTRA nON 982.547 989.562 1,208,400 1,354,100 PURCHASING 156.147 81.552 149,400 160.800 TOTAL 1,138,694 1,071,114 1,357,800 1,514,900 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CATEGORY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PERSONNEL 895,901 829,316 1.096,600 1,290.1 00 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 32,477 31,273 40,900 40,900 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 272 950 8,400 8,400 INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 210.044 209,575 267.600 232,300 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 CREDIT/BILLABLES 0 0 (55,700) (56,800) TOTAL 1,138,694 1,071,114 1,357,800 1,514,900 ~ r III ,., . ~ ~ ~ ~ f1 . r' .. ,.. .. ~ r .. ~ ,.. . " . ~ C 117 FINANCE DEPARTMENT " .J J 2005-06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS rt u ,/ Produced 2005-2006 Final Budget. Produced the FY 2004-2005 Financial Statements. ,/ Received Government Finance Officers Association Excellence in Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) Award. J ~ ~ ,/ Received the CSMFO Excellence award for financial reporting. ,/ Updated and improved the format for Financial Statements. ,/ Completed the final report on the Old Fire and collected over $ 1.7 million for the City of San Bernardino for reimbursement of costs incurred on the disaster. r") &oJ 2006-07 KEY GOALS J J ; Automate and update the employee budget module more to help streamline the process and improve efficiency and accuracy. ; Outreach to local business community to encourage greater participation in the City bidding process n .... ; Integrate with County vendor database for bidding lists and coordinate a more cooperative Purchasing with other Inland Empire Agencies. .., u ; Complete implementation of position control report from the new payroll system to help departments track budgeted positions. ., u ,. Continue to update and improve format for Financial Statements. " 1.1 >- Establish and implement the new Impact Fees. Make sure all guidelines and reporting requirements are followed. ~ DID YOU KNOW? ., L.J ; The Finance Department processes approximately $120 million dollars annually In disbursements and $] 20 million dollars annually in receipts. J ; 20,000 accounts payable checks are processed annually (52 check registers annually) '1 ..., ; 40,000 payroll checks are processed annually (two separate payroll cycles). ; Purchasing processes approximately 1400 purchase orders annually. J ; Accounting processes approximately 700 journal entries annually. " LI 118 n .. ~ nnm 001 GBNXRAL P'1JND ~ ACCOUNT OBJECT M TITLB ,., . 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5012 SPECIAL SALARIES 5013 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE 5015 OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURA.."lCE 5029 MEDICARE ~ ~ TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES ~ 5111 ~ATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 S~ALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5121 ADVERTISING 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5172 EQUIPMENT MAINTEN~"lCE 5174 PRI~7ING CHARGES c ~ 5175 POSTAGE 5176 COPY MACHINE CHARGES TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION ~ 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SVCS 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES r'1 . TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ('1 .. 5604 M.I.S. CPARGES - IN.HOUSE 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES ~ 5910 CREDIT-FED & STATE PROG FUND c TOTAL LESS: CREDITS/BILLABLES ~ TOTAL ~ c ~ n I. EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 121 FINANCE-ADMINISTRATION ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTUAL 2004-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 610,821 618,767 741,400 873,500 600 700 600 1,800 3,600 3,600 3,600 6,600 0 0 500 500 42,224 42,798 102,500 138,900 81,421 77,926 99,200 106,200 1,538 1,557 1,7CO 2,200 7,181 7,703 8,700 10,500 747,385 753,051 958,200 1,140,200 8,202 7,010 7,BOO 7,800 0 457 500 500 0 3 200 200 1,035 1,953 2,100 2,100 660 775 2,500 2,500 385 57 500 500 7,..25 B,BB7 8,400 B,400 6,566 6,132 7,000 7,000 1,921 1,983 2,500 2,500 26,195 27,257 31,500 31,500 0 225 7,400 7,400 272 725 1,000 1,000 272 950 8,400 B,400 204,400 204,300 261,800 227,800 4,295 4,004 4,200 3,000 208,695 208,304 266,000 230,800 0 0 -55,700 -56,800 0 0 -55,700 -56,800 982,547 989,562 1,208,400 1,354,100 119 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION ~ 121 FINANCE-ADMINISTRATION 001 GENERAL FUND ~ J OBJ JUSTIFICATION ., ..J 5111 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES AND ]\lATERIALS FOR DEPART:\fENT. 5112 REPLACE1\lENT CALCULATORS AND Sl\.1ALL OFFICE EQUIPMENT o 5121 ADDITIONAL ADVERTISING FOR VACANT POSITIONS IN DEPARTMENT 5122 DL:ES fOR CS:\IFO AND GFOA. 3 5132 CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF :\IUNICIPAL FINANCE OFFICERS Al\I'NUAL SEMINAR. HARRIS USER GROL'P CONFERENCE. GFOA SDIINARS. 3 5172 :\IAINTE:"IlASCE AND REPAIR OF TYPEWRITERS, ADDIl'iG MACHC\ES. Ar-<O \' ARIQUS EQUlP:\IF.Z'iT 5174 CASH RECEIPTS. I:"oiVOICES. SPECIAL PROJECT HANDOUTS. BUDGET MATERIALS. ACCO(fll;TS PA 'fABLE A1'jD PAYROLL CHECKS o 5175 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECKS. INVOICES, CQRRESPO;\,OENCE, ETC. 5176 COpy :\IACH~E PA Y!\tENT AND PER COPY CUARGE ., .J 5502 PROFESSIONAL ASD CONTRACTUAL SERVICESlTntPORARY STAFFING FOR SPECIAL PROJECTS. o 5 5 0 5 STIiDE~T l1<TERNS 5910 CREDIT TO REFLECT STAFF TIME CHARGED TO SBETA " aJ n .J ~ ~ :J J J J 120 ~ ,... .. c FUND 001 GENERAL FUND ... .. ACCOUNT OBJECT . TITLE " .. 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5015 OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE r .. TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES r"1 .. 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5121 ADVERTISING 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5171 RENTALS 5172 EQUIPMENT MAIr."TENANCE 5174 PRINTING C--iARGES 5175 POSTAGE ,.. . ~ r" .. TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION r .. 5601 GARAGE CHARGES 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 5612 FLEET CHGS - FUEL ,.. .. TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES n ~ TOTAL ~ r . ~ c ~ ~ ~ EXPENDITURE BUDGBT LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 122 FINANCE-PURCHASING AC'I1J'AL 2003-04 ACTUAL 2004-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 122,015 64,553 106,400 115,400 0 0 300 300 7,140 ].776 14,300 18,400 17,427 6,827 15,800 14,900 305 161 100 200 1,629 948 1,500 700 148,516 76,265 138,400 149,900 1,701 205 1,700 1,700 0 0 100 100 1,953 2,372 2,600 2,600 180 110 500 500 726 33 1,000 1,000 0 0 200 200 200 0 300 300 0 108 100 100 491 561 1,000 1,000 1,031 627 1,900 1. 900 6,282 4,016 9,400 9,400 35 0 100 0 1,263 1,164 1,200 1,200 51 107 300 300 1,349 1,271 1,600 1,500 156,146 81,552 149,400 160,800 121 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION " .J 122 FINANCE-PURCHASING 001 GENERAL FUND " u 3 OBJ JUSTIFICATION 3 5111 J\.1ATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SUCH AS PENS. PENCILS. ADDING MACHINE TAPE. VARIOUS SIZE ENVELOPES, STAPLES. FORMS. F.TC. 5112 CALCULATORS AND CHAIRS AND OTHER SMALL ITEMS FOR PURCHASING " LJ 5121 em,TRACTS Al"tD NOTICE OF ANY SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTI' 5122 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENT PURCHASING(NIGP) Al'\D THE CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC PURCHASING OFFICERS. ~ 5132 CAPPO CONFEREl'i'CE Al\'D HARRIS USER GROUP CO!'i'FERENCE " &oJ 5133 LOCAL TRAINISG PUT OS BY THE PROFESSIONAL PURCHASING ORGASIZATIONS. 5171 UNIFORM RENTALS fl u 5172 COPY MACHINE CHARGES f1 ..., 5174 BUSI!'i'ESS CARDS. l\'OTICES, SPECIAL PROJECT IIANDOUTS. ETC. 5175 i\L\IL PURCHASE ORDERS. BIDS. CORRESPONDENCE. ETC. 11 u f1 LJ f1 ... 11 u 3 D J J J 122 n ... - " II FIRE DEPARTMENT ." ii m II FIRE ADMINISTRATION II I EMERGENCY OPERA TIONS I I FIRE PREVENTION ! II FIRE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE II II FIRE DISPATCH II I DISASTER PREPAREDNESS I I FIRE RENTAL INSPECTION II II FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Chief Lany Pitzer Fire Fire Emergency Rental Hsing Administration Prevention Operations lnsp Prog. (4) Employees (9) Employees (161) (8) Employees Employees Disaster Fire Vehicle Preparedness Dispatch Maintenance (1) Employee (10) Employees (4) Employees r ... ,.. . ... .. " .. I'" .. ,.. .. " .. c ~ c ... I. ,.. . n I- r .. c ,., . r . n .. ,., .. FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT NUMBER: 001-200 FUND: GENERAL FUND I ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT I The Fire Department provides protection of life & property from fire and other disasters; provides emergency medical services; conducts safety inspections of businesses; educates the public through school and disaster preparedness programs; responds to hazardous materials incident scenes; provides aircraft rescue and firefighting; and is responsible for City wide disaster preparedness. EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 DIVISION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED ADMINISTRATION 1,149,912 1.287,635 1.289,700 1,3 82,600 EMERGENCY OPERATIONS 21,891,899 23,924,881 25,032,100 26,279,800 FIRE PREVENTION 741,335 749.487 848,800 787,000 FIRE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 449,811 433,956 449,800 459,500 FIRE DISPATCH 565,237 587.487 617,900 669,900 DISASTER PREPAREDNESS 53,752 3,152 102,000 108,800 FIRE RENTAL INSPECTION - 280,245 472.000 560.400 TOTAL 24,851,946 27,266,843 28,812,300 30,248,000 EXPENDITURES BY CA TEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CATEGORY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PERSONNEL 22,611,052 24,502,680 26,327 ,800 26,559,200 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 505,970 584,100 580,700 583,300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 71,548 213,955 123,100 211,000 INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 989,578 1.116,936 1.066,100 1,197,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 19,313 167,975 33,300 33,200 DEBT SERVICE 654.486 681,194 681,300 1,664,300 TOTAL 24,851,947 27,266,840 28,812,300 30,248,000 123 FIRE DEPARTMENT 2005-06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS ./ Entered into an agreement with the Santa Ana College District to share revenue generated through the State education system for employee's hours spent injob related training. .,/ Completed the construction of the Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Joint Power Authority training center in 2005. The training center planning began in 1997 and was funded primarily by FAA. ./ Established an outreach program in partnership with community representatives, San Bernardino Unified School District, and the Community College District. The goal of the program is to improve diversity within the Fire Department. .,/ Re-established the Fire Department Arson K-9 detection program and provided a second handler to augment current available resources. ./ Developed and implemented a public education fire safety program that focused on multi- family residential areas in the community. The Public Education Officer and the Engine Companies conducted over 188 fire safety demonstrations. 2006-07 KEY GOALS ,. Rewriting the San Bernardino County Training Officers Association-High Rise Operations Manual for the entire County of San Bernardino. ,. Continue to develop a training exercise to test the department's response capability and operational procedures that are reflected in the recently developed San Bernardino City Fire Department Earthquake Manual. ,. The Public Information Officer Program will be providing extensive training for all PIO members, a media mixer function in the summer of 2006 and various field trips to the major television networks in Los Angeles. ,. Implement an extensive fire station maintenance/enhancement program designed to improve the appearance and livability of our stations. DID YOU KNOW? ,. The Fire Department responded to 25,236 life and property threatening emergency incidents in the City of San Bernardino and County islands in 2005 (Fire and other type incidents - 3,535, Emergency Medical Services - 21,701) and performed 4,116 Emergency Medical Dispatches. The same emergency response crews conducted prevention inspection of individual business and multi-family residences/apartments that included an oversight of business licenses and life safety and special interface fire hazard issues. ,. The Fire Prevention Division is a key partner with Code Enforcement, Police Department, and Development Services to eradicate blight as it occurs and support new building throughout the City. ,. The Fire Department Disaster Preparedness Division continues to secure funding allocation through the Department of Homeland Security related to Bio-terrorism. 124 rr \oJ " IJ r") LJ n " LJ " U ., &.I n &J n u D n LJ fI u ~ n iJ fI u r") U ,., J r'I ""' n u ,., .. ~ nnro 001 Glml!:RAL FUND ,.. . ACCOUNT OBJECT . TITLE ACTUAL 2003-04 f"I .. 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5012 SPECIAL SALARIES 5015 OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETIREME~7 5027 HEALTH I< LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE ~ f'I .. TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 MATERIALS I< SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS I< EQUIPMENT 5121 ADVERTISING 5122 DUES I< SUBSCRIPTIONS 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 51)3 EDUCATION &. TRAINING 5171 RENTALS 5112 EQUIPMENT MAI/I.'TENANCE 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE 5176 COPY MACHINE CHARGES 5183 MANAGEMENT ALLOWA.~CE I"" . c I"" .. r .. TOTAL MAINTENANCE . OPERATION r . 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES " . 5604 M.l.S. CHARGES IN-HOUSE 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPQR7 5606 ELECTRIC 5607 GAS 5608 WATER, SEWER, GEOTHE~ 5609 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 5612 FLEET CHGS - FUEL [ ,.. .. TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES ~ 5702 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 5706 ALTERATIONS & RENOVATIONS I"" .. TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY c TOTAL ,., . n . EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINX ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 201 FIRE-AD~~STRATION ACTUAL 200f-05 BUDGBT 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 278,645 319,947 320,400 352,600 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 283 " 500 2,000 42,563 56,880 65,400 62,100 30,834 38,473 40,400 36,300 707 808 800 900 3,694 4,772 4,700 4,300 359,727 423,979 435,200 461,200 10,099 11,069 16,300 14,300 1,031 941 1,200 500 0 93 200 200 958 1,251 1,700 1,400 '03 959 1,000 1,000 62 0 400 200 5,470 5,924 1,900 1,800 162 480 200 300 906 889 1,500 1,500 5,252 6,251 7,200 6,500 5,957 6,610 2,700 2,700 537 439 600 600 30,836 3f,906 34,900 31,000 61,870 55,509 100,000 150,000 61,870 55,509 100,000 150,000 374,900 478,500 468,700 495,400 55,669 46,039 58,900 62,000 112,480 121,956 150,000 141,000 17,396 20,661 18,000 18,000 17,932 22,287 24,000 22,000 100,000 100,000 0 0 18,732 0 0 0 697,110 789,443 719,600 738,400 446 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 .., 0 0 .2,000 125 1,149,988 1,303,837 1,289,700 1,382,600 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION " u 201 FIRE-ADMINISTRATION 001 GENERAL FUND n " u OBJ JUSTIFICATION 5111 OFFICE SUPPLIES: PAPER, ENVEWPES. PENS. PENCILS, Mise SUNDRY SUPPLIES 3 5112 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 512 1 ADVERTISING o 5122 IAFe. CA AND LOCAL FIRE CHIEF ASSOCIATION DUES. ADI\U:"iISTRATIVE FIRE DUES J 5132 SHea FIRE CHIEFS MEETINGS. CA FIRE CHIEFS ASSOCIATION. !\IEETING SUPPLIES 5133 VARIOUS ONE-DAY EDUCA TIONITRAINING CLASSES FOR ADMINISTRATION Sf AFF n u 5171 ANNUAL DEPARThrENT PAGER ACCESS 5172 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1\L\INTENANCE. DUPLICATING KEYS ~ 5174 FORMS. COPIES. BUSINESS CARDS, OlITSIDE PRINT SERVICES n ~ 5175 POSTAGE (UPS, POST OFFICE, CITY HALL) 5176 USAGE CHARGES (\-\'HEN APPLICABLE) ON PHOTOCOPIERS IN ADMINISTRATION. HIC OFFICE. STATION 2U, PREVENTION, AND SHOP n LJ 5183 l\Lo\NAGE!\.IENT ALLOWANCE I 5505 BILLING SERVICES CO~TRACT AND CREDIT CARD TER..\II:'\AL FEES 5706 REMODELI:'IiG ADMI:'\ISTRA TIO~ CONFERENCE KITCHEN AREA n u " .... '1 u n 3 n .... o 12(} n f'" .. ,.. . f"1 .. " ~ " .. ~ ,., .. ~ f'" II I'" . c ,... iI n . f1 . n .. ~ c c ~ PUND 001 GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT " TITLE KXPKNDlTURK BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL PISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 202 EMERGENCY OPERATIONS ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTUAL 200"~05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 SOl1 SALARIES PERM!FULLTIME 5012 SPECIAL SALARIES 5014 SALARIES TEMPjPARTTIME 5015 OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDI CARE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 ~~TERIALS " SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS" EQUIPMENT 5122 DUES" SUBSCRIPTIONS 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5171 RENTALS 5172 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5179 DUMP/WASTE FEES 5181 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES TOTAL MAINTENANCE " OPERATION 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5506 lA.....'DSCAPE CONTRACTS 5507 FACILITIES SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5610 CO~~UNICATION SHOP 5612 FLEET CHGS - FUEL TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 5702 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 5703 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPME~7 5704 MISCEL~~EOUS EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 5802 DEBT SERVICE INTEREST 5803 LEASE PAYMENTS TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 5910 CREDIT-FED & STATE PROG FUND TOTAL LESS: CREDITS/BILLABLES TOTAL 12.258,007 13,162,183 14,162.900 14,738,700 235,076 245,430 245,700 250,200 0 0 0 10,000 4,401,378 4,380,926 4,282,600 4,356,100 2,590,891 3,201,424 3,663,700 2,851.300 1,042,646 1,152.843 1,269,400 1.443,500 43.358 44,535 34.100 37 ,400 135,766 150.047 126,700 139,600 20.707,123 22.337.388 23,785,100 23,826,800 133,688 209,081 168,900 141,800 23,912 ]0,704 30,000 47,000 749 720 900 1,500 680 669 3,500 1,000 12,174 14,696 7,400 17,400 0 0 2,300 2,300 8,922 9,742 9,500 16,000 1,510 1,039 1,500 1,200 550 550 600 600 33,795 28,926 39,200 41.000 215,979 296,126 263,800 269,800 6,854 157,841 17.500 27,000 2,850 0 0 3,900 0 0 0 25,000 9,704 157,841 17,500 55,900 188,700 185,400 199,100 225,800 103,768 130,955 137,900 217,800 292,468 316,355 337,000 443,600 0 21. 77] 1,000 2,000 0 37,805 5,700 5.700 12,284 155.651 16,700 11.700 12,284 215,229 23,400 19,400 0 0 0 983,000 554,486 681,194 681.300 681,300 65',486 681,194 681,300 1,664,300 0 0 -76,000 0 0 0 -76,000 0 21,892,046 24,004,134 25,032,100 26,279,800 19- ....1 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION n u 202 EMERGENCY OPERATIONS 001 GENERAL FUND 11 u " LJ OBJ JUSTIFICATION c 5111 l\tATERIALS & SUPPLIES: UNIFORMS, SAFEIT CLOlllING. BRUSH GEAR, l\tlSC. SUPPLIES 5112 BREATHI:'\G APPARATUS REPAIR. FIRE HOSE AND NOZZLE REPAIR/REPLACEMENTS! PARTSfCO!\1POl'iENTSfPACKS. MISC. TOOLS: NE\", GENERATION nRE SHELTERS. 11 u 5122 S.A.F.E.R., S.B.C.H.l\t.R.A., so CAL TRAINISG OFFICERS ASSOCL.\TION. SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE CHIEFS ASSOCIATION. 58 COUNTY FIRE LIBRARY l\fEI\1BERSHlP n LJ 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5133 ALL EMERGENCY OPERATIONS TRAINING. NATIONAL FIRE AC,\DDIY.!\tEALS OSt Y FOR CHIEF OFFICERS, TRAINIJ"ojG :\IANUAI.5. HAZ.MA T TRAINING, CHIEF OFFICERS [DUCA TION WORKSHOPS " tJ 5171 CI.EASIl"G SERVICES FOR TOWELS A:"OD !\lOPS FOR E:\fERGESCY OPERATIO:'oiS 11 u 5172 EQUIP;\IE:'I1T MAINTENANCE. seBA STATIONARY UNIT ANXUAL SERVICE. SCBA HYDRO TEST. PORT COIDiT CALmRATION. FIRE EXTf,Io;GUlSHER SERVICES. AND CENTRAL MOI~TORDOG ALARl'oI FOR STATIO~ I2 5179 DUMP/WASTE MANDATORY FEES n u 5181 CO~TROLLED SUBSTANCES. GLOVES AND OTHER EMS PROGRA:\I SUPPORT SUPPLIES. EQUIPMENT AND :\L\TERIALS. PARA:\IEDlC. CPR Ai'OD E:\IT RECERTIFICATIONS n IJ 5505 HAZ.:\lAT :\IA:"ODATORY A:O-;J"oOUAI. PHYSICALS. FIRE STATION 231 ruEL TAJ"oOK ANNUAL RECERTIFICATIO~ & MONITORING. POLYGRAPHS FOR PRE-EMPLOYl\.fE~T SCREENI~G. ENTRY-LEVEL TESTISG. A~NUAL BASELJr'liE PHYSICALS 3 5506 LANDSCAPE :\IAI1'iTENA:'IiCE AT STATION 221 '1 \.I 5507 :\lATERL\LS. SUPPLIES ASD EQUlPMEJ"oOT FOR FACILITIES l\.t-\I:'IiTENANCE PROJECTS AT VARIOUS FIRE STATIONS 5702 REPLACE FIRE STATIONS PRI:'IiTF:RS/FAXES 1'1 LJ 5703 HEADSET REPlACEMENTS. RADIO PARTS 5704 STATION FUR.."'\ISHIN'GS 1$5.200). EJ\.-tERGENCY OPERATIONS SAW EQUIPMENT ($6,500) 3 5802 POBDEBTSERVICEPA,\1\.lENT 5803 DERT SERVICE ON 8 APPARATUS (7.ENGINES. I-lADDER TRUCK) ($377...1()(}) AND 3 WilDlAND UNITS ($111.500)-COST TO BE REI:\IRURSED '....ITH CDRG fUNDS. I PIERCE FIRE TRUCK FOR V[RDEMONT STATION ($50.-100). ADDITIONAL APPARATUS '....'AS PURCHASED USING REVENUE FRO:\I A!\IR CONTRACT TO PAY FOR THE LEASE COST WHICH ARE 5138,900, n tJ a " u 3 128 " u r .. ,.. .. PUND 001 GENERAL PUND ,., .. ACCOUNT OBJECT . TITLE f'I . 5011 SALARIES PERM!FULLTIME 5012 SPECIAL SALARIES 5014 SALARIES TEMP/PARTTIME 5015 OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETI REMENT S027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE ,., . 1"'1 .. TOTAL PERSONNEL SBRVICES ,., . 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5121 ADVERTISING 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5172 EQUI PMENT MAINTENANCE 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5181 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES L r'I II TOTAL MAINTENANCE . OPERATION " .. 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES [ TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ~ 5702 COMPUTER EQUIPME~7 5704 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 5706 ALTERATIONS & RENOVATIONS TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY r . TOTAL ,.. .. " .. " . I'" .. ~ c EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL PISCAL YEAR 4006-4007 DIVISION 203 FIRE PREVENTION ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTtJAL 2004-05 BUDGET 2005.06 PROPOSED 2006-07 557,514 522,043 577,400 555,400 1,800 1,800 1,800 2,400 331 0 0 0 16,066 2],550 22,400 25,000 68,278 94,874 121,500 9],]00 50,818 44,434 65,400 53,300 1,454 1,370 1,300 1,400 7,501 7,930 8,300 8,100 703,762 696,000 798,100 738,900 8,477 7,982 5,000 7,400 93' 431 1,000 500 3,821 14,862 15,200 15,000 1,64] 1,279 2,000 2,000 174 419 9,200 7,000 8,058 6,466 J,800 3,000 347 43' 500 500 7,539 4,284 6,000 5,000 2,260 '98 2,500 3,200 33,257 37,152 45,200 43,600 0 500 4,500 4,500 0 500 4,500 4,500 0 3,69.. 0 0 0 1,150 0 0 4,316 10,990 1.000 0 4,316 15,834 1,000 0 741,335 749,487 848,800 787,000 128 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION " IJ 203 FIRE PREVENTION 001 GENERAL FUND n u J OBJ JUSTIFICATION ., !oJ 5111 ARSON PROGRAM SUPPLIES. BATrERIES. nUl PROCESSING. K-9 TRAINING SUPPLIES. DlITY Ai.~D PRACTICE AMMUNITION 5112 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 5121 FIREWORKS PUBLIC SAFETY CAMPAIGN 8 5122 NrPA, ICBO. CSF!\t, SBCFCA. so CA YPO'S, SBcrAIA. CCAI, CAt CHIEFS, CA PENAL CODE. TITLE z.t, AND IAFe DUES/SUBSCRIPTIONS 3 5132 SBea FIRE INSPECTORS. SBea FIRE CHIEFS ASSOCIATION, INTER.."IATIONAL CALIFORNIA BUllDrl'iG OfFICIAlS CO:\lFERENCE. CALlfORl"j'JA CONFERENCE OF ARSON INVESTIGATORS, CALIFORNIA FIRE PREVESTIO~ Al'l~UAL CONFERENCE o II 5133 CSTI. ADVA:'\CED INTERACTIVE LAW ENFORCEl\tEl'iT TRAINING, l\tAG:o.;'Ul\I RANGE PRACTICE 5172 EQUIP:\tENT J\L\INTENANCE ., \J 5174 :\IISC FOR:\tS. STATIONARY. ENVELOPES. BUSI:-':ESS CARDS 3 5181 ARSOS DOG PROGRA:\I-FOOD, VET FEES. SUPPLIES. TRAINING. AJ"'NUAL RECERTIFICATION FOR PRI:\IARY AND SECONDARY K.9 HANDLERS 5505 ARCHIVING/I:\IAGING SERVICES r] u 3 ., \oJ ., oJ " U D 3 n tJ '1 u 130 D I" iii ,., .. PUND 001 GENERAL FUND r" . ACCOUNT OBJECT M TITLE ACTUAL 2003-04 ,.. II SOll SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5015 OVERTIME 5018 VACATION PAY 5026 PER5 RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE '"' III ~ TOTAL PBRSONNEL SERVICES " ~ 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5113 MOTOR FUEL & LUBRICk~TS 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5171 RENTALS 5172 EQUIPMENT MAI~7ENk~CE 5173 OUTSIDE VEHICLE MAI~7ENANCE f"'I . ~ TOTAL MAINTENANCE . OPERATION 1"1 .. 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ... . 5702 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 5704 MISCEL~EOUS EQUIPMENT " . TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY r . TOTAL r'I I . ~ .. r'I . r .. I" J. c EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DBTAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 204 'IRE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE ACTUAL 200'-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 185,730 194,272 200,500 204,300 10,402 11,975 12,600 12,600 896 0 0 0 12,260 12,801 28,400 31,600 20,367 21,177 21,400 24,000 492 516 500 500 2,14.2 2,263 2,200 2,300 232,290 243,003 265,600 275,300 141,609 151,899 138,600 138,600 3,357 576 2,000 2,000 7,650 8,500 7,500 10,000 0 575 800 700 195 90 200 200 2,485 2,339 3,500 4,100 0 0 2,500 2,200 2, ]09 3,96] 3,100 ],600 57,599 19,518 22,000 18,800 215,205 187,461 180,200 180,200 50 105 100 100 50 105 100 100 0 0 2,300 0 2,267 3,]87 1,600 ],900 2,267 3,387 3,900 3,900 449,811 433,956 449,800 459,500 131 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION n u 204 FIRE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 001 GENERAL FUND " .J '1 u OBJ JUSTIFICATION 5111 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE TOOLS. PARTS. EQUIPMENT n iJ 5112 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 5113 LUBRICANTS " U 5122 SOUTHERN CALlFORJlOIA FIRE MECHANICS ASSOCIATION DUES. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF EJ\1ERGENCY VEHICLE TECIINICIA:'IIS. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FLEET ADMINISTRATORS DUES " U 5132 CALIFORNIA FIRE J\fECHANIC ASSOCIATION " iJ 5133 CA FIRE MECHANIC ACADEMY, ONE DAY TECHNICAL SEMINARSI CLASSES FOR SHOP PERSOmiEL 5171 CLEANISG SERVICES FOR TIlE SHOP UNIFORMS " U 5172 EQUIP:\IENT J\tAIl"iTENANCE ON S:\lALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 5173 WHEEL ALIGN:\lENTS. AIR CONDITIONING AND EXHAUST SYSTEM REPAIR/SERVICE, ENGINE AND TRANS:\tlSSION WORK, HYDRAULIC WORK AND MISC. SERVICE AND REPAIR " .s 5505 DMV PHYSICALS r'J IJ 57 04 AIR POWERED OIL PUMP ACTO" TOR, AUTOMOTIVE ENGINE ANALYZER, AND PARTS SHELVING rr ... ., U 3 ., U f1 .J " &oJ n cJ ~ 132 3 r' .. I'" . FUND 001 G&N1!:RAL FUND c ACCOUNT OBJECT . TITLB EXPENDITURB BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 205 FIRE DISPATCH ACTUAL 2003-04 5011 SALARIES PERM!FULLTIME 5012 SPECIAL SALARIES 5014 SALARIES TEMP!PARITIME 5015 OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE c c n I . TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES n ~ 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 S~ALL TOOLS & EQUIPME~IT 5122 DUES & Su~SCRIPTIONS 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 51]] EDUCATION & TRAINING 5172 EQUIPMENT ~~INTENANCE f'l . ~ TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5702 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 5704 MISCEL~~EOUS EQUIPMENT c TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY n .. TOTAL ., I. ~ f" .. r .. c l"" . f""I I. ~ ACTUAL 200'-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 425.688 429,992 442,200 485,100 5,940 6,06] 5,900 5,900 20,627 26.869 0 0 33,249 37,476 31,300 31,300 26,96B 27,245 61,900 75,600 40,412 45,149 63,100 52,700 1,226 1,250 1,000 1,200 6,53B 6,659 5,800 6,400 560,648 580,703 611,200 658,200 1,661 2,177 2,000 2,500 419 600 500 600 0 0 100 400 0 0 2,900 4,400 2,510 3,623 1,000 1,300 0 0 200 100 4,589 6,400 6,700 9,300 0 384 0 0 0 0 0 2,400 0 384 0 2,400 565,237 587,487 617,900 669,900 133 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION n 205 FIRE DISPATCH 001 GENERAL FUND 3 OBJ JUSTIFICATION J '1 IJ 5111 MISCEllANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT; HEADSET PARTS 512 2 CAl.IFOR~IA CHIEFS COM:\IUNICA TION DlVISIONINENA ., aJ 5132 NATIO:'-lAL ACADEMY OF DISPATCH CONFERENCE, CALIFORNIA CHAPTER OF NATIONAL. NUMBER EMERGENCY ASSOCIATION CO:'\FERENCE 3 5133 NATIONAL ACADEMIES OF EMERGENCY l\.lEDICAL DISPATCH RECERTlfICATIO;.<S n 5172 OFFICE MACHINE REPAIRS AS NEEDED 5704 REPlACE OFFICE CHAIRS 3 " ... n tJ a 3 ] J n J 3 n u 3 134 J I" ., ,... .. FUND 001 GENERAL PUND ,., .. ACCOUNT OBJECT ~ TITLB EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 206 DISASTER PREPAREDNESS ACTUAL 2003-04 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE ,.. .. ,.. II TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICBS r'1 ., 5111 MATERIALS .. SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5172 EQUIPMEl'."T t".AINTENANCE 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE " II r . TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION " .. TOTAL ,.. .. n . ,.. .. ,.. . f"I .. ,.. .. I"'l .. ('f .. ... .. .... . 135 ACTUAL 2004-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 41,948 0 74,300 78,700 1,578 0 9,000 11,000 3,407 0 11.100 11,500 105 0 200 200 610 0 1,100 1,100 4',648 0 95.700 102,500 1,387 425 400 500 987 53 400 400 200 435 500 500 1,221 1,212 3,900 4,000 1,400 951 300 300 94 69 100 100 784 0 500 300 31 7 200 200 6.104 3,152 6,300 6,300 53,752 3,152 102,000 108,800 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION " u 206 DISASTER PREPAREDNESS 001 GENERAL FUND f') U J OBJ JUSTIFICATION '1 ..J 5111 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT n IJ 5122 IAEM ASSOCIATION DUES. CALIFORNIA EMERGENCY SERVICES ASSOCIA TIO:"i DUES, NATIONAL EMERGENCY MA.1lo/AGEMENT ASSOCIATION DL'ES 5132 CALIFQR....IA EMERGENCY SERVICES ASSOCIA TION CO~FERF.NCF.:. DISASTER RESISTASCE CALIFORNIA COSFERENCE. I:-.1TER1.....ATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF EMERGENCY l\tANAGERS CONFERENCE 3 5133 CALIFORNIA SPECIALIZED TRAISING INSTITUTE " tJ 5172 l\lAISTENASCE OF OFFICE EQVIPl\.lENT 5174 PUBLIC LITERATURE: CITY AND PUBLIC r.'iFOR!\lATION n tj 5175 POSTAGE n u '1 ..., '1 u I"'J U '1 1wI '1 "" n u n \oS n ..., 'I lI.I 13G '1 u J1 ., ,.. .. I'" . r' .. I"" .. I" .. I'" .. ,.. . c c f"1 . ... ., f'I .. ,., .. f"t . " .. ,., '- n W "" .. JPUND 001 GENBRAL P'UND ACCOUNT OBJECT & TITLE EXPZNDITURE BUDGET LI~ ITEM DETAIL PISCAL YEAR 2006.2001 DIVISION 207 PIRE RENTAL INSPECTION ACT"CAL 2003-04 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5015 OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5021 HEALTH & LIFE INS~~CE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS & EQU! PMENT 5121 ADVERTISING 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5133 EoveA T r ON & TRAINING 5171 RENTALS 5172 EQUI PMENT HAINTENANCE 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 5609 VEHICLE REPLACE~ENT 56:2 FLEET CHGS - FUEL TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 5702 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 5703 CO~~ICATIONS EQUIPMENT 5706 ALTERATIONS & RENOVATIONS TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 137 BUDGKT 2005-06 PROPOS~ 2006-07 ACTUAL 2004-05 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 176,784 325,500 387,900 2,689 6,500 7,000 10,977 42,900 57,000 13,625 32,900 38,100 449 400 BOO 2,627 4,700 5,500 207,151 412,900 496,300 5,975 10,200 5,700 3,685 <1,000 2,000 0 8,000 8,000 395 2,000 500 523 3,200 2,500 339 3,000 2,000 813 1,000 600 0 200 300 3,741 6,000 6,500 2,468 6,000 15,000 17,940 43, 600 43,100 0 1,000 500 0 1,000 500 1,018 2,500 2,000 26,400 0 0 922 7,000 13,000 28,340 9,500 15,000 3,531 4,000 0 11,282 0 5,500 12,000 1,000 0 26,814 5,000 5,500 280,145 472,000 560,400 o o o o o o o o o o BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION ., u 207 FIRE RENTAL INSPECTION 001 GENERAL FUND " U OBJ JUSTIFICATION " U " I.J 5111 FILM. OFFICE SUPPLIES. FIRE CODE BOOKS. REFERENCE BOOKS 5112 SMALL TOOLS & <QUIPM<NT 5121 PUBLIC mUCATlON PROGRAM SUPPLI<s " L.I 5122 SCFPOA DUES. SBCFrO DUES. FIRE RELATED SUBSCRIPTIONS " LJ 5132 so CA FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER MEETI:"OGS. CALIFORNIA FIRE PREVENTION INSTITUTE CONFERENCE 513 3 SOUTHER.~ CALlFOR~IA FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER. CALIFORNIA ASSOCIA TIOS OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS f1 i.J 5 17 1 MONTH l Y P AG ER ACCESS COSTS 5172 EQUlP;\IENT MAINTENANCE n u 5174 COSTS FOR PRINTl:'oiG OF STATEMENT/LETIERINOTIFICATIONS ~ 5175 POSTAG< (CITY HALL, POST OFFlC<) 5505 AD:\II:-iISTRATIVE COST TO PLACE PROPERTY LIENS :J 5703 REPLAC< HT RADIO ~ ~ n u " U r w 3 n u '1 10.1 138 'l u II GENERAL GOVERNMENT NON-DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES Cl m Z m :a )> ,.. Cl o < m :a z iI: m Z -t FINE ARTS CULTURAL AFFAIRS GENERAL GOVERNMENT City Manager Fred Wilson Finance Department r .. t ~ r .. ~ f" . t'I lit rr - r't .. '" . c c c ,.. .. c c c ~ '" . GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACCOUNT NUMBER: 00]-090 FUND: GENERAL FUND I ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT I General Government consists of two sections: I.) Fine Arts & Cultural Affairs; and 2.) Non- Departmental. Funds budgeted for Fine Arts support various programs that aid the City in improving its community, developing and enhancing the cultural and aesthetic values of the City, and developing the civic affairs of the City. The Non-Departmental budget identifies and accounts for citywide program costs which are not directly applicable to anyone department. EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 DIVISION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED FINE ARTS & CULTURAL AFFAIRS 230,272 236,665 287,000 287,000 NON-DEPARTMENTAL 6,363,615 9,179,429 12,343.800 12,146,500 TOTAL 6,593,887 9.416,094 12,630,800 12,433,500 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CATEGORY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PERSONNEL (2,138,169) 163,728 2,508,300 2,970,900 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 1,199,452 844,112 1,005,100 287,000 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 920,085 830,519 944,000 1,386,200 INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 4,271,700 4,580,700 4,831,900 4,549,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 DEBT SERVICE 2,340,819 2,997,035 3,341,500 3,240,400 TOTAL 6,593,887 9,416,094 12,630,800 12,433,500 13U FUND 001 GENl!:RAL FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT & TITLB BXPENDITURB BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 3 ACTUAL 2003-0" DIVISION 091 FINE ARTS AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS 3 5185 FINE ARTS FUNDING 5186 CIVIC k~ PROMOTIONAL TOTAL MAINTENANCB & OPBRATION TOTAL 133.500 96.772 230,272 230.272 110 ACTUAL 200"-05 125,608 111,057 236,665 236,665 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 n IJ 133,500 153,500 287,000 287,000 133,500 153,500 ~ 287,000 n L.J 287,000 3 ,., J n tJ n lJ 3 3 3 1'1 IJ " U n lJ [J " LJ ~ 3 c BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION c 091 FINE ARTS AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS 001 GENERAL FUND r II OBJ JUSTIFICATION ~ 5185 FUNDING FOR ARTS. MUSIC. ASD CULTURAL PROGRAMS PROVIDED BY l.OCAL CO:\L\IUNITY ORGANIZATIONS. AS RECO~L\IENDED BY THE FINE ARTS COMMISSION AND APPROVED BY TIlE MAYOR AND CO!\L\10:'ll COllI'iCIL. '" I. c 5186 FUNDlNG TO ASSIST COJ\l;\IUNITY ORGANIZA TIOS AND CITY DEPARTMENTS WITH COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH SPECIAL EVENTS THAT BENEFIT TIlE CO:\I:\IUNln'. CltCI.UDING BUf NOT L1:\IITED TO THE 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION, BlACK HISTORY PARADE. Y:\oleA CHRISTMAS PARADE, WESTERN REGIONAL LITTl.E LEAGUE. ETC. ALLOCATIONS ARE RECOl\l:\JENDED BY THE WAYS A:"OD ;\fEANS COMMllTEE AND APPROVED BY TIlE MAYOR AND CO:\I:\tON COur-;CIL. " I. r .. c n I . f" .. c c f"1 II ~ c c ~ ~ 141 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT . TITLE EXPENDITURE BUDGET LID ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR JOOi-J007 ACTUAL 2003-04. ACTUAL 2004..05 DIVISION 092 NON-DEPARTMENTAL 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5024 PERS RETIREES HEALTH 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5030 PERS SURPLUS ASSET TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 ~ATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5161 INSURANCE PREMIUMS 5166 UUT REBATE PROGRAM 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE 5181 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 5182 BAD DEBTS/~~COLLECTIBLE ACCTS 5184 LOW INCOME REBATES 5186 CIVIC kVD PROMOTIONAL 5193 GRANT MATCH 5197 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE TOTAL MAINTENANCE . OPERATION 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SVCS 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5602 WORKERS COMPENSATION 5603 LIABILITY TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICB CHARGES 5802 DEBT SERVICE INTEREST 5803 LEASE PAYMENTS TOTAL DBBT SERVICE TOTAL 0 0 95,240 156,459 1,978 3,675 2,303 3,532 '7 62 -2,237,737 0 -2,138,169 163,728 10,230 5,037 82,400 92,991 19,967 27,052 0 0 7,735 0 12,179 10.036 1.413 2,408 27,138 94.520 31' 0 2,889 1,981 88,300 88,300 385,400 0 331.215 285.121 969,180 607,4.4.7 515,985 431,519 404,100 399.000 920,085 830,519 2,964,OCO 3.054,200 1,307.700 1. 526, 500 4.271,700 4.580,700 0 478,219 2.307,324 2,518.816 2,307,324. 2,997,035 6,330,120 9,179,4.29 142 o " U BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 a 2,300.000 208,300 o o o o 2,508,300 10,000 113,100 18,000 o o 12.000 1.500 172,000 10.000 4.000 88.300 o 289.200 718,100 524,000 420,000 94.4.,000 2,987,400 1,8H,500 4.,831,900 493,900 2.847.600 3,341,500 12,34.3,800 2,050,000 254,800 o o o o n ~ 2,304,800 10.000 113.100 33,000 75.000 o 12,000 1,500 137.000 10,000 4,000 88,300 o 182,200 '1 -.. 3 " U ~ n 666,100 926,200 460,000 o 1,386,200 3 2.811.200 1.737.800 ~ 4,54.9,000 362,100 2.878,300 3 3,24.0,4.00 n 12,14.6,500 o " U a n c BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION ,.. . 092 NON-DEPARTMENTAL 001 GENERAL FUND '" .. OBJ JUSTIFICATION r . 5011 SAFETY CHARTER 186 COSTS AND MOU NEGOTIATIONS l"'I . 5111 CITY SERVICE PINS; MISC. SUPPLIES 5122 LEAGUE Or CALIF. CITIES; US CONFERENCE OF J\tAYORS; SANBAG; SISTER CITIES INTERNATIONAL; LAreo DUES. SCAG DUES. NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES. ETC. .... . 5133 EDUCATION REIMBURSEMENTS FOR ALL CITY El\IPLOYEES ($18.000); 515,000 FOR CITYWIDE TRAINING PROGRAMS ,.. . 5161 L1ABIUTI' COVERAGE FOR ROlITE 66 5174 PRINTING COSTS FOR BUDGETS AND OTHER efTI' DOCUMENTS ~ 5175 POSTAGE FOR lOW-INCOME UTILITY TAX PROGRAM; MISC. CORRESPO!'iDENCE c 5181 FUNDI~G FOR EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION PROGRAM 52.000; S200.000 FOR cln"s PORTION OF SALES TAX SHARlNG AGREE1\fENTS; $5,000 TO EDA FOR ADMI:'olISTRATION OF SALES TAX AGREEMENT. 5182 WRITE OFF OF UNCOLLECTED BAD DEBT r IlIII 5184 UTILITY TAX REBATES FOR LOW-I~CO~tE PROGRAM 5186 FUNDING FOR CO;\L\IUNITY AGAINST DRUG ($18.300) ; FUNDI~G FOR lNLAND EMPIRE SYI\tPHO:-;Y($70.000) c 5197 BALANCE OF EXPE:"ODlTURES TO BE SHIITED FRO:\t EDA TO TIlE CITY WHICH INCLUDES $182.200 FOR THE 1999 SOUTH VALLE COP PAYJ\lEJ"oOT. f"" .. 5502 SALES TAX AUDITORS/CONSULTANTS; UTILITY TA.X CONSULTANT; AUDIT SERVICES: STATE !\IANDATED COST PROGRAM CONSULTANTS; LOBBYIST COSTS; J\IISC. CONSULTAST COSTS; HEARING OFFICER FOR CODE COl\IPLlANCE; EXECUTIVE RECRUITMENT COST: BUSINESS UUT REBATES: PARS ADl\IlNISTRATION COSTS; ALSO I~CLL1)ES 5125,000 FOR CLASS & COMPENSATION STUDY; EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION DAY. c 5505 TOT PA Yl\tENT TO CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU (CVB) ,. .. 5 8 0 2 TRAN INTEREST COST AND COST OF ISSUANCE .... .. 5803 DEBT SERVICE PAYMENTS FOR CITY HALL $996,100; CENTRAL LIBRARY $664,100; MAIN FIRE STATION 5218,100; 112 OF DEBT FOR VERDEMONT STATION 578,000; POLICE COP 5492,000; CA INFRASTRUCTURE LOAN FOR HUB PROJECT 5147,300; DEBT SERVICE FOR ADA RESTROOM PROJECT (582,700); ANT1CIPATED PAYMENT TO EDA FOR PHASE II HUB ($200,000). .... .. r" ~ ~ ~ 113 I HUMAN RESOURCES RECRUITMENTS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ADMINISTRA TION EMPLOYEE RELATIONS AND NEGOTIA TIONS EMPLOYEE TRAINING CLASSIFICA TION AND COMPENSATION I :I: c: i: l> Z :a m en o c: :a (') m en II II I HUMAN RESOURCES Director of Human Resources Linn Livingston I II " I r-------------------- , : , , , , ~---------------------------------I !Risk Management! , , , , , , , , , , L----------------r----------------I : , , , : r----------------------------------_______\ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , r--------------------------------I r-------------------------------- i *Workers Comp j i *Liabililty , , , , , , , , , . , , , , , L_______________,________________J L_______________,________________ , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . , . . , . , . , , , , , , r--------------------------------l r-------------------------------- , , . , , . , , . , , , !(6.25) Employees! !(2.25) Employees L________________________________J L________________________________ Personnel Services (4) Employees *See Other City Operating Budgets f1 .. ~ f'" .. fT ~ c ,.. ~ n .. ... .. n .. .. .. 1"1 III c r " ... . ,... .. n I. r' . ~ ~ HUMAN RESOURCES ACCOUNT NUMBER: 001-110 FUND: GENERAL FUND I ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT I The Human Resources Department is comprised of two divisions; AdministrationlPersonnel Services and Risk Management. Services provided by the AdministrationlPersonnel Services Division include recruitment; administration of employee benefits; classi fication and compensation; tuition reimbursement program; employee relations and negotiations; grievance hearings; new employee processing and employee separations. The Risk Management Division services include insurance, liability claims, loss control and workers' compensation. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CATEGORY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PERSONNEL 261.828 313.653 347.500 366.800 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 42.404 28.911 40.700 40.700 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5.762 437 15.500 500 INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 20.627 19.701 20.900 20.700 CAPIT AL OUTLA Y 0 0 0 0 DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 330,62 I 362,702 424,600 428,700 I i 144 HUMAN RESOURCES 3 3 2005-06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS " u ./ Completed sexual harassment training. ./ Evaluated the employee in-processing procedure. " U ./ Revised FMLA Policy. " u ./ Completed Fire and Police Negotiations. ./ Assisted over 12,000 customers at our customer service counter. " U " tJ 2006-07 KEY GOALS 3 ., Complete Mid-Management Negotiations. ,. Revise and implement new employee in-processing procedure. n u DID YOU KNOW? 3 ~ n J ,. Implement an interactive employment application on the City wehsite. ,. Conduct a class and compensation review for miscellaneous bargaining groups. ., The department provides training through the legal firm of Liebert, Cassidy, Whitmore on a bi-monthly basis. " u ., The department provides salary and benefit information to other governmental agencies. ] ~ ,. The department administers benefits for over 1,200 employees. ,. The department processes approximately 5,000 applications per year. n L.I D a 115 c ~ ,.. II. r '- ~ ~ r . ~ n lit PI .. ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ ,., ~ ~ c FUND 001 GEN1!:RAL PUND ACCOUNT OBJECT ~ TITLE EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 111 HUMAN RESOURCES ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTUAL 2004-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 5011 SALARIES PERM!FULLTIME 5013 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE 5026 PER5 RETIREME~~ 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5121 ADVERTISING 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5171 RENTALS 5172 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 5174 PRIlIo"TING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE 5176 COPY MACHINE CHARGES 5183 ~ANAGEMENT ALLOWANCE TOTAL MAINTENANCE << OPERATION 5502 PROFESSIONAL/COllo"TRACTUAL SVCS 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5604 M.I.5. C~~RGES - IN-HOUSE 5605 TELE?HONE SUPPORT TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES TOTAL 215,626 256,345 268,000 273,600 1,800 1,800 1,800 1. 800 13,927 16,883 36,300 42,400 27,078 35,070 37,700 45,300 544 647 700 700 2,853 2,906 3,000 3,000 261,828 313,653 347,500 366,800 3,115 1,137 2,300 3,800 21,507 11,215 20,000 18,000 1,592 1,443 1,400 1,900 2,538 2,288 2,400 2,400 3,751 3,714 3,800 3,800 9 0 0 0 276 108 500 500 5,337 5,948 6,200 6,200 2,201 1,983 1. 500 1. 500 2,046 927 2,000 2,000 30 148 600 600 42,404 28,911 40,700 '0,700 5,379 0 15,000 0 383 437 500 500 5,762 437 15,500 500 15,900 16,100 17 ,100 16,900 4,727 3,601 3,800 3,800 20,627 19,701 20,900 20,700 330,621 362,702 424.,600 4.28,700 14C BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION n "" 111 HUMAN RESOURCES 001 GENERAL FUND I ~ OBJ JUSTIFICATION o 5111 GESERAL SUPPLIES INCLUDING PAPER, PENS. TAPES, FOLDERS. 5121 ADVERTISING: RECRUITMENT ADVERTISING IN LOCAL. REGIONAL AND SPECIAL NEWSPAPERS & PUBLICATIONS FOR CITY RECRUITMENTS. o 5122 DUES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS. 5132 ATTENDANCE AT CALPELRA. PARJ\1A CONFERENCE, LEAGUE OF CA CITIES. ETC. ~ 513 3 STAFF DEVELOP;\IEST AND TRAI:"lING n -.l 5172 EQUlP:'\IEST J\IAIJ'I,TF.SAXCE: FOR TYPEWRITERS. CALCULATORS. ELECTRONIC DATE STAMP. COLOR MONITOR & VCR (ORIENT A TIOS) AND lASER PRINTER. 5174 PRISTE"G: COST OF APPLICATIONS, SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATIONS. PRINTING MOU'S. RECRUITMENT BROCHURES. ETC. ~ 5175 POSTAGE ~ 5176 COPY MACHINE CHARGES. 5183 l\tANAGEI\IENT ALLOWANCE 550 MO. X 12 !\IDS., $600. rt u 5505 PRE.EMPLOY:\lENT PHYSICALS FOR :\tANAGEl\IENT AND CO:"1FIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES: ANNUAL PHYSICALS FOR l\lANAGEMENT/CONFlDE:'IiTlAL EMPLOYEES, PER RESOUITION #89.129. ~ :J a J J ~ n J 147 ~ -r il MAYOR EXECUTIVE LEADER OF THE CITY COMMUNITY SAFETY & SERVICES ECONOMIC & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT INTERGOVERNMENTAL & LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS NEIGHBORHOOD PARTNERSHIPS & INITIA TIVES CONSTITUENT SERVICES , & SPECIAL PROJECTS 11- ~ )> < o :II MAYOR'S OFFICE Mayor Patrick J Morris Chief of Staff Support Staff Community Safety & Services Neighborhood Partnerships & Initiatives Constituent Svsc & Special Projects Economic & Comm. Dev. Intergov. & Legislative Affairs c '" L. C ~ ~ r .. c c ~ ,., .. ,.. ~ ... ~ c c c c ~ c ~ MAYOR ACCOUNT NUMBER: 001-010 FUND: GENERAL FUND I ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT I The City of San Bernardino operates under a "Strong Mayor" form of municipal government. Elected citywide by the residents of the City to a four-year term, the Mayor is the executive leader of the City of San Bernardino. The Mayor is responsible for both the management and operation of the City, and for goal setting and policymaking. The Mayor also serves as the executive leader of the Economic Development Agency. Members of the Mayor's staff are responsible for acting as community liaisons on behalf of the Mayor. The Mayor's Office is also responsible for all-public information and marketing activities regarding the City. In addition to providing project management support and general office support the Mayor's staff serves all city employees through its EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) program, and the community and visiting dignitaries through its Cultural & International Affairs Division. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CATEGORY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PERSONNEL 802,109 657,925 730,000 622,100 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 48,252 88,778 83,600 77 ,000 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 77,642 97,116 188,300 350,000 INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 51, 040 46,018 47,500 53,300 CAP IT AL OUTLAY 1,837 0 0 2,000 DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 980,880 889,837 1,049,400 1,104,400 118 MAYOR'S OFFICE J 2005-06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS 11 .J ./ Completed several art beautification projects in the City including placing decorative spheres throughout the do\'mtO\\TI area; had a Route 66 mural and a new fountain placed down town. 3 ./ Updated the City's website and implemented a new content management program; established maintenance procedures; expanded a public information/emergency information avenues program for citizens. ~ ./ Facilitated/coordinated the expanded Route 66 Rendezvous dO\\TItown with hospitality and the arts. J ./ In conjunction with the City Clerk's Office, closely monitored and enforced the fireworks ordinance restrictions. ~ ./ Completed the Old Fire/Floods Recovery Team efforts ~ 2006-07 KEY GOALS ,. Implement Operation Phoenix by increasing Police staffing to implement the Police Beat Plan. use technology to track violent parolees, and implement comprehensive crime prevcntion programs. ~ r Implement Executive Project Greenback that provides an economic development strategy, which helps create jobs by focusing on business recruitment and retention. ] :;.. Facilitate the downtown redevelopment probrram that promotes a focus on a cohesive development strategy. 3 ,. Conduct a city-wide organizational review. ~ ,. Improve street conditions through an aggressive capital improvement program. ,. Develop a collaborative relationship with the County. San Bernardino Unified School District, and other community partners. J 3 DID YOU KNOW? >- Mayor Monis was elected into office on February 7, 2006 and began his 4-year term on March 6, 2006. ~ , During his tenure as a Court Judge. !vlayor Morris has served as San Bernardino County's first full- time Family Law Supervising Judge and organized the court's Family Law Department; lie was Presiding Judge of the San Bernardino County Juvenile Court; and Supervising Criminal Law Judge to name just a few of his accomplishments as ajudge. J ~ ,. Mayor Moms has served on several committees including: The California Select Committee on Judicial Rctiremcnt, the Judicial Council Policy Coordination Committee, and the Advisory Committee to implement the Gender Fairness Proposals. J :,... ~1ayor Moms was the founder of the San Bernardino County Children' 5 Network. J ,. Mayor Monis reccivcd the First Trial Jumt of the Year Award in 1<)<)-1. ~ 1 .1 ~J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ ~ c c c ~ ~ PUND 001 GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT 6< TITLE EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL PISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 011 MAYOR-ADMaNISTRATION ACTUAL 2003-04 5011 SALARIES PER~/FULLTIME 5014 SALARIES TEMP/PARTTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INS~~CE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 S~~LL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5121 ADVER':'ISING 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5131 MILEAGE 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5171 REN'TALS 5172 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE S~7~ PRII:TrNG C~~GES 5175 POSTAGE 5176 COPY ~ACHrNE CHARGES SlB1 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 5183 ~~AGEMENT ALLow~~CE 5186 CIVIC ~~D PRO~OTIONAL 5193 GRANT MATCH TOTAL MAINTENANCE 6< OPERATION 5502 PROFESSIO~KL/CO~~RAcrJAL SVCS 5505 OTHER PROFESSIOKAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5601 GARAGE CHARGES 560~ ~.I.S. CHARGES - IN-HOUSE 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 5609 VEHICLE REPLACE~ENT 5612 FLEET CHGS FUEL TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 5702 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 5706 ALTERATIONS & RENOVATIONS TOTAL CAPITAL OUTtoAY TOTAL 639,602 5,124 39,083 108,067 1.612 8,705 802,193 16,66~ 434 o 1,371 350 14,617 -3 o o 10,7]6 2,121 735 333 5 889 o 48,252 ]4,772 42,870 77 ,642 1, ]90 ]0,900 15,798 2,000 952 51,040 1,837 o 1,837 980,964 150 ACTUAL 2004-05 514,259 16,137 32,038 87,182 1,326 6,899 657,841 10,900 o 100 1,033 1,478 14, ~02 75 85 o 29,005 2,973 1,006 390 96 27,235 o 88,778 n,791 55,326 97,117 9" 28,300 13,634 2,000 1,143 46,018 889,754 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 o o o 549,900 15,000 67,900 88,800 1,400 7,000 730,000 28,]00 o o 2,000 1,500 21,600 1,000 o 100 14 , 000 4,500 1,500 1,500 600 7,000 o 83,600 108,oeo 80,300 188,300 1,400 ]0,900 13, 900 o 1,]00 47,500 1,049,400 o o o 452,100 15,000 71,800 75,700 900 6,600 622,100 18,000 o o 2,000 1,500 10,000 ],000 o 1,000 5,000 ],000 1,500 1,000 1,000 5,000 25,000 77,000 100,000 250,000 350,000 300 31,100 20,000 o 1. 900 53,300 o 2,000 2,000 1,104,400 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION J 011 MAYOR-ADMINISTRATION 001 GENERAL FUND m o OBJ JUSTIFICATION ~ 5111 SfATIONARY AND orneE SUPPLIES: CONFERENCE ROOM. Mle ROO~I AND KITCHEN SUPPLIES; PHOTO AND RECORDING SUPPLIES; CERTIFICATES. PLAQUES AND AWARDS. 5122 PROFESSIONAL AND SERVICE ORGANIZATiON DUES; SUBSCRIPTIONS TO LOCAL NEWS SERVICES AND OTHER GOVERNMEI'l'TAL PUBLICATIONS; a 5132 TRAVEL AND REGISTRATION FOR I\lAYQR AND STAFF: SCAG. SANBAG, lEAGUE OF CALlFOR.....IA CITIES. NATIONAL CONFERENCE or MAYORS, NATIQSAL LEAGUE OF CITIES, ETC. ~ 5133 EMPLOYEE PROFESSIONAL TRAINING AND SEMINARS. ~ 5172 OFFICE EQUIPMENT !\IAINTENANCE REPAIR AND REPLACE:\IENT 5174 PRINTD;G OF VARIOUS FORMS. DOCUMENTS, LETTERHEAD, PROGRAMS, INVITATIONS. AWARDS. ETC.; POSTERS. TRAISING ANNOUNCEMENTS. ~ 5175 MAILING OF REGULAR CORRESPONDENCE, PROPOSALS. INVITATIONS. CULTURAL AFFAIRS. VOLUNTEER PROGRAM. HUMAN RELATIONS CO:\I~nSSION NOTICES. ETC. ~ 5176 REPRODUCTION OF DOCU!\.1ENTS FOR DlSfRIBlITION. FILE COPIES, SPECIAL PROJECTS. 5183 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES FOR ASSISTANTS TO J\tA YOR AND SUPPORT STAFF. D 5186 ENHANCEMENT OF cln' ll\tAGE: SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS, AWARDS, PRO:\10TlOSAL ITDIS. CO!\f:\IUNITY OlITREACH PROGRA~IS. ~ 5193 FUNDS FOR MATCHING PROSPECTIVE GRANTS OR AWARDS FOR PROGRA:\IS IN MAYOR'S OFFICE. ~ 5502 CO:'liTRACT FOR ECONOMIC AND COMML':SITY DEVF.LOP:\IEST ADVISOR AND ASSOCIATED COSTS. 5505 CONTRACTS FOR DEVELOPJ\.IENT AND IMPI.EMENTATlON OF CO~IPREHE:'IOSI\'E. tJro.;IFIED AND SUSTAI:'<iABLF. MARKETING. STRATEGY AJ"oOD ARTS & CULTURAL AFFAIRS STRATEGY. FUNDING FOR TEMPORARY CONTRACT PROFESSIO:'liAL OR CLERICAL SER VICES. I 5706 RECONFIGURATION OF OFFICE SPACE FOR NEW ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE/STAFF. ~ D o ~ a 151 n PARKS, RECREATION & , COMMUNITY SERVICES I I ~ , COMMUNITY SERVICES :1 RECREATION, LEISURE SPORTS AND AQUATICS PROGRAMS CENTER FOR INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT (CID) COMMUNITY CENTERS & SENIOR CENTERS : II II SENIOR CITIZEN PROGRAMS I I II II I YOUTH PROGRAMS & MENTORING , I PARKS MAINTENANCE II I 0'" 0> ~:ll ~;o: c;!" Z:ll -m :;!o ",:ll m~ :ll~ <- -0 ~z ",go " .. ,., M t'I - .. -. ,... .. "" .. -. .. - ... - - -- -- ~ - . . . . . . . PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES ACCOUNT NUMBER: 001-380 FUND: GENERAL FUND I ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT I The Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department provides a diversified system of parks and open spaces, recreation centers, programs and community services to meet social and leisure needs and enhance the quality of life for all City residents. The Administration Division manages personnel, finance and community services. The Parks Division maintains parks facilities and conducts landscape plan checks and inspections services. The Recreation Division provides community and social services as well as recreation programs for all ages. EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 DIVISION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED ADMINISTRA nON 1.321.500 1.252.226 1,434.300 1,435.000 PARKS MAINTENANCE 2.204.327 2.180.762 2,436.800 2,494.600 RECREATION 266.361 73,410 100.600 118,400 C.LD . 251.313 237.343 273.800 271.200 WESTSIDE COMMUNITY CENTER 78.732 54.000 75.600 75.600 SENIOR CITIZENS' CENTERS 104.776 253.963 284.200 291.700 NORTON GYM/GALAXY BALLROOM 122.968 98,454 117.300 145000 COMMUNITY CENTERS 514.386 543.914 627.500 668100 I AQUATICS/SPORTS 255.822 270.961 330.000 294400 TOTAL 5,120,185 4,965,033 5,680,100 5.794,000 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CATEGORY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PERSONNEL 3.081.568 2.953.635 3.528.100 3.631.100 I MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 402,559 314,468 381.100 387.700 I CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 458.158 577.176 681.500 710,600 INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 1.160,987 1.113.280 1.089,400 1.064,600 CAPITAL OUTLAY 13.845 3.145 0 0 DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 CREDITS/BILLABLES 3,069 3,330 0 0 TOTAL 5.120.186 4.965.033 5,680,100 5,794.000 152 PARKS, RECREA TION & COMMUNITY SER VICES DEPARTMENT ., .J ., LI 2005-06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS n .J ./ Development of3 new parks serving the Verdemont area. " &J ./ Awarded 3 competitive grants totaling $1,327,864 from the State of California Parks and Recreation Department to fund a synthetic field and new gymnasium for Nunez Park and expansion of the Perris Hill Senior Center. '" IJ ./ Awarded $950,000 in County funds to build water playgrounds at Perris Hill, Lytle Creek and Wildwood Parks and to upgrade the planned expansion of Perris Hill Senior Center. ,., ... ./ Secured a 5-year agreement with Coast Soccer League, which will represent a stable source of direct and indirect revenue through their multi-weekend use of the San Bernardino Soccer Complex. f"'l .... ./ Assumed management responsibility for the City's Landscape Maintenance Districts. f'" ... 2006-07 KEY GOALS ".., ... ,. Implement Operation Phoenix programs within targeted areas. ..... ,. Add weekend operational hours at City community centers. .. ,. Acquire additional park acreage in the north end including a community park site. ...... ,. Complete funded capital projects including new gym and synthetic field at Nunez Park, Perris Hill Senior Center Expansion, and Water playgrounds. ... ,.... .. DID YOU KNOW? .- ,. Approximately 7,000 people attended the 25th Annual Harvest Fair in November at the Center for Individual Development. The event has received national recognition by various media and has been named "One of the Best Western Events in America" by American Cowboy Magazine. ...- .- .. :.- San Bernardino has 332 active RSVP Volunteers' that reported nearly 90,000 hours helping mcet critical community needs in the areas of Health, Educational, Public Safety and the Environment. ,... . .- ,. On April 29 the Annual City Track Meet was held at San Bernardino High School. We have over 140 youth participants age 9-14 years of age and their families. .. If'" ,. The Ruben Campos Community Center hosted a community speaker series during the lunch hour once a month. This forum was opened to the community and featured Hot Topics such as Crime Prevention, Civic Engagement, Education, Nutrition, Financial Planning, Home Improvement and much more! ,- . ,. The Parks maintenance staff oversees 51 Landscape Maintenance Districts. r" 1 S ~~ - . .. - FUND 001 GENERAL FUND ~ ACCOUNT OBJECT & TITL~ . 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5013 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE 5014 SALARIES TEMPjPARTTIME 5018 VACATION PAY 5026 PER5 RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INS~~CE 5028 UNEMPLOYME~~ INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE - - .. TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES - - 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5131 MILEAGE 5132 ~EETrNGS & CO~FERENCES 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5171 RENTALS 5172 EQUIPMENT MAINTEN~~CE 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE 5176 COPY MACHI~c CHARGES 5181 OTHER OPERATIN3 EXPENSES 5193 GRA....T l>'.ATCH 5196 CLASSROO~ TRAIN OCCUPATIONAL . . . TOTAL MAINTENANCE ~ OPERATION 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CON7RAcrJAL SVCS 5505 07nER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5507 FACILITIES SERVICES . TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES . 5601 GARAGE C~~GES 5604 M.I.S. C~~GES - IN HOUSE 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 5606 ELECTRIC 5607 GAS 560B WATER, SEWER, GEOTHER~AL 5610 CO~ICATION SHOP 5612 FLEET CHGS - FUEL TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 5702 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 5704 ~ISCELlJL~EOUS EQUIPMENT . TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL PISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 381 PARK & RECREATION ADMIN ACTUAL 2003.0. 299,192 3,600 940 o 16,842 47,506 840 4,943 373,864 5,374 42) 91 2,843 149 130 162 1.437 787 5,375 1,920 82,161 4,687 105,539 o 53,436 589 54,025 1. 525 93,500 58,265 519,432 31,156 81,412 3,600 920 789,810 1,323,638 151 ACTUAL 200.-05 325,870 3,600 3,679 696 18,158 47,228 941 5,456 405,628 5,051 929 17 3,420 ))4 o o 1. 449 748 5,466 1,894 o o 19,308 7,900 53,741 15,090 76,731 o 91,900 34,868 634,249 35,474 89,864 3,400 296 890,051 400 o o 1,524 '00 1,524 1,393.242 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 346,300 3,600 8,300 o 45,300 45,800 900 5,100 .55,300 10,000 1,300 100 7,500 500 o )00 1,200 600 6,900 o o o 28,400 20,100 55,600 19,000 94,700 700 89,400 60,500 580,000 31. 500 90,000 3,800 o 855,900 1,434,300 o o o 361,000 3,600 8,300 o 52,600 53,700 900 5,300 485,400 10,000 1,300 100 7,500 500 o 300 1,200 600 6,900 o o o 28,400 20,100 55,600 19,000 94,700 o 95,200 50,000 560,000 31,000 86,000 4,300 o 826,500 o o o 1,435,000 ., BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION .. n 381 PARK & RECREATION ADMIN 001 GENERAL FUND ... 1"1 OBJ JUSTIFICATION .. ,... 5111 OFFICE SUPPLIES; SPECIAL DEPARTI\tENTAL SUPPUES; PHOTO AND RECORDING SUPPLIES. THESE ARE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS FOR OPERATING AD:\IINISfRATION SERVICES DIVISION AND FOR MEETINGS AND FORUMS, FOR PLAQUES AND AWARDS AND FOR PHOTO AND RECORDING EQUIPl\IENT FOR THE DEPARTMENT. ... "" 5112 n"PIST CHAIRS. CALCULATORS, OFFICE FURNITURE AND CO:\IPUTF.R EQUIPMENT. - 5122 BUSINESS PRESS E:'IiTERPRISE NEWSPAPER. N.R.P.A. DUES. C.P.R.S. AGESCY l\IE!\1BERSHlP (INCLUDES THE DIRECTOR'S :\1E1\IBERSIIIP); PUBLlCATIO:'\S fCOl\I!\IUNITY RESOURCES LOCATOR); POSTAL ZIP CODE BOOK AND MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS. .., ..... 5131 :\lIlEAGE REl:\IBURSEME~T FOR USE OF PRIVATE VEHICLES 0:'-1 ern' RELATED BLJSf:'\ESS. .... .. 5132 FOR ALL EXPENSES INCURRED 1:-'; CO:-';JUNCTION WITH THE ATTENDANCE OF EMPLOYEES AT MEETINGS Al'OD CO:"'FERENCES. .... 5133 FOR O:'lOGQIi"OG PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAI:"OING .. 5171 INCLUDES RENTAL OF EQUIP:\IENT A!'iD CAR POOL VEHICLES AS REQUIRED. .... 5172 FOR REPAIR OF OFFICE EQUlP:\tENT. SUCH AS TV, VCR. n'PEWRITER AND CALCULATORS. . 5174 FOR PRI:"OTI:-;C FORMS. LElTERS. DOCmIENTS. ETC.. THROUGH THE PRINT SHOP OR FOR REPRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS BY OUTSIDE VENDORS. - L 5175 FOR ALL POSTAGE REQUIRnIE:'\TS FOR AD:\IINISTRATlON DIVISION, S.C.P. A.....D R.S.V.P. r 517 6 FOR EXPENSES OF OPERATIOS OF TWO (2) COPY MACHI:-;ES FOR DEPARTIIE:\'T: O:'lOE (I ) AT THE 5TH STREET SENIOR CE:-;TER AND ONE (I) AT HIE :\L\IN OFFICE. f."Cl.UDES COPY PAPER, DRY [:"OK DEVELOPER. COPY CHARGES AND :\IAINTENANCE AGREEMEi'iT COSTS. . r . 5181 PAYME;o.;T OF REfUSE CHARGES AT Clrf. O\\1\ED BUILDI:'\GS AT SBIAA. (REI:\IBURSED TO CITY BY COUNTY) ..- 5502 COSTS RELATED TO CHILDRENS' MUSEUM PER M&CC L 5505 CO!lOTRACT WITlI CASA RA~IONA f."C. FOR DROP-l;o.: CENTER; FOR DROP-IN CENTER A.~D COl'iTRACT WITH RECNET GLOBAL SERVICES. ~ 5507 SECURln' ALARM SERVICES FOR THE DEPARTIIENT ....- . .. r ". . 155 c ... ~ ,.. ~ ,.. .. .... WI r'" W ,... .. "'" - - -. ..... - -. - - - . ~. ~ - ~ .. . . , .. .. -. .. . FUND 001 GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT ~ TITLE BXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 382 PARX MAINTENANCE ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTUAL 2004-05 BUDGET 2005.06 PROPOSED 2006-07 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5012 SPECIAL SALARIES 5013 AUTOMOBILE ALLOwANCE 5014 SALARIES TEMPjPARTTIME 5015 OVERTIME 5018 VACATION PAY 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INS~~CE 5028 UNEMPLOY1"!ENT INSURANCE 5029 MED I CARE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 MATERIALS . SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS . EQUr P~ENT 5132 MEETINGS . CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION . TRAINING 5171 RENTALS 5172 EQUIPMENT MAIr.'TENA.lI.lCE 5179 Dtr.>1P/WASTE FEES TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5506 ~~SCAPE CONTRACTS 5507 FACILITIES SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5601 GARAGE CHARGES 5609 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 5612 FLEET CHGS - FUEL TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 5704 MISCeLLANeOUS EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 5952 BILLABLE TO ECONOMIC DEVELOP TOTAL LESS: CREDITS/SILLABLES TOTAL 1,101,176 1,156,395 1,282,100 1,367,600 250 700 600 -110,100 1,250 3,000 3,000 3,000 34 ,047 14,967 38,000 36,000 8,297 9,202 18,000 18,000 ..,785 3,273 0 0 70,626 75,502 157,200 217,800 133,593 146,215 200,800 192,000 2,883 2,990 3,100 3,500 8,184 8,998 9,800 12,000 1,365,092 1,423,242 1.712,600 1,762,000 127,942 95,960 124,300 121,100 4,177 3,713 6,000 6,000 134 230 800 3,000 0 0 0 1,000 13,792 11,759 19,400 19,..00 1,213 2,175 3,000 3,000 7,902 4,983 7,500 7,500 155.159 118,821 161,000 161.000 44,194 47,113 52,500 52,500 333,694 302,165 350,000 350,000 97' 0 0 0 378,863 349.278 402,500 402,500 115,469 93,960 122,900 112,700 144,600 144,600 0 0 38,627 47,532 37,800 56,400 2!18.696 286,092 160,700 169,100 3,448 0 0 0 3,448 0 0 0 3,069 3,330 0 0 3,069 3. 330 0 0 2,204,326 2,180,762 2,436,800 2,U4,600 15G BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION J 382 PARK MAINTENANCE 001 GENERAL FUND n J " &J OBJ JUSTIFICATION '1 J 5111 SPECIAL PROJECTS; CUSTODlAL SERVICE AND SUPPLIES; I\.IAINTENANCE :\fA TERIALS; IRRIGATION :\fATERIAL5; HORTICULTURAL SUPPLIES; RECREATION SUPPLIES; CHEMICAL SUPPLIES; SPECIAL DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES; OFFICE SUPPLIES; PHOTO AJ'\D RECORDING SUPPLIES; AND. CLOTHING. L1NEl'i AND SAFETI' SUPPLIES. " ..J 5112 $\I..\L1. TOOLS FOR PARKS DEPARTMENT. 5132 ATIENDANCE AT PROFESSIONAL PARK ASSOCIATION l\fEETI:"iGS AND CONFERENCES. n 5171 LAND AND BUILDING RENTAL. EQUIPMENT RENTAL AND UNIFORM RENTAL. .... 5172 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE. EQUIP;\IENT; IRRIGATIQ;.; VENDOR AND BACKFLOW TESTIJ'liG AND REPAIR. ,.., .... 517 9 COlJ!<T\' DUMP FEES ,., 5505 LAKE 1\IAI:'oITENANCE CO~,.S Al\'D MEDICAL EXAMS FOR OMV RENEWALS .... 5506 LANDSCAPE AND LAKE ;\IAINTENANCE. ALSO L~ClUDED IS SS,OOO FOR LANDSCAPE COSTS AT THE ;\.fETROU:-;K. ,.... - .... ..... ~ LJ" ~ ... ,- ....... ".. ....... ,.,.. .. ,- .. ~ . ~ .. 157 ~ .. ,.. &. I"' ~ ,., .. ,... .. n .. .... ... ,... ... ,.. .. ~ ... ~ ... . - - -- - .. - BXPENDlTUll.B BUDGET LINE: ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR J006-2007 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DIVISION 383 RECREATION ACCOUNT OBJECT & TITLE ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTUAL 2004-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5013 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE SOH SALARIES TEMP/PARTTIME 5015 OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETIREME~~ 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE 179,809 33.988 74,900 91,000 2,625 0 0 0 32.951 26,691 0 0 -2,613 0 0 0 11,783 2,090 9,400 12,700 17.971 6,232 11,100 7,000 584 158 200 200 3.362 547 1,100 1,300 246.472 69,706 96,700 112,200 1,859 208 0 0 268 0 0 0 8,050 0 0 0 556 0 0 0 ].291 25 1,000 1,000 206 159 0 0 432 0 0 0 1,605 93 0 0 16.265 48' 1,000 1.000 262 0 0 0 600 0 0 0 862 0 0 0 1,454 1,]]5 1,600 2,800 1,308 1,884 1,300 2,400 2,762 3,219 2,900 5,200 266,362 73,410 100,600 118,400 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 Sl>'.ALL TOOLS & EQUI PMENT 5121 ADVERTISING 5131 MILEAGE 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5171 RElI.'TALS 5174 ?Rlr.'TING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5507 FACILITIES SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5601 Gk~GE C~~GES 5612 FLEET CHGS - FUEL TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES TOTAL - . -. . . . . . . 158 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION '1 L1 383 RECREATION 001 GENERAL FUND '1 .J OBJ JUSTIFICATION " o.J " J 5132 FOR ALL EXPENSES INCURRED IN CONJUNCTION WITH TIlE AlTENDANCE OF EMPLOYEES AT MEETINGS ASD CONFERENCES. " oj n .... '" ... ..., - ..., ........ I'"'" L."oo ,.... ...... ,.... .. ,,- ..~ ~ ... .- ... r.r ... ~ " r" " ~ 159 .. --- ,.. ~ " L. FUND 001 GENERAL FUND .... ~ ACCOUNT OBJECT & TITLE EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL PISCAL YEAR 2006.2007 DIVISION 384 PARXS ~ RBCREATION.C.I.D. ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTUAL 2004-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5014 SALARIES TEMP/PARTTIME 5026 PERS RETI REMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURPJJCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT 1 NSt.'RANCE 5029 MEDICARE .... ... ... ... TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES ,.. ... 5111 ~ATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5131 MILEAGE 5161 INS~~CE PREMIUMS 5174 PR!~~I~G CHARGES 5175 ?OSTAGE ..... ... - TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION - 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5507 ~AC!LIT!ES SERVICES - ... TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES . 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 5606 "2L2C7RIC 5607 GAS 5608 WATER, SEWER, GEOTHERP~L - - TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES - TOTAL ~.. -- -- . . . . . 85,894 80,881 108,800 110,900 45,210 35,551 35,000 35,000 5,611 5,372 15,000 16,800 6,080 6,768 9,000 8,500 328 291 200 300 948 714 600 600 144,071 129,577 168,600 172,100 982 984 1,200 1,500 542 471 800 800 27,467 27,614 29,000 29,000 897 206 800 500 1,083 1,057 ~,OOO 1,000 30,97l 30,333 32,800 32,800 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 4,052 0 0 0 6,552 2,500 2,500 2,500 1,924 1,747 1,900 1. 800 32,867 31,132 36,000 31,000 13,970 16,866 12,000 10,000 20,957 25,189 20,000 21.000 69,7l9 74,934 69,900 63,800 251,313 237,343 273. 800 271,200 HlO BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION " ..J 384 PARKS & RECREATION-ColoDo 001 GENERAL FUND " LI M OBJ JUSTIFICATION LI ,., 5111 FOR ALL DIRECT EXPENSES FOR TIlE ACQUISITION OF THE l\lATF.RIALS USED IN nlE PERFORMA:"oiCE OF DAY.TO-DAY OPERATIO:"S. .... 5131 FOR ALL EXPE~SES COMPENSATING EMPLOYEES FOR JOB RELATED TRAVEL DONE IN THEIR OWN AUTOMOBILES. f'\ .., 5161 FIRE. CASUALTY Al"D LIABILITY INSURAl'CE 1'1 5174 FOR ALL EXPENSES REL\ TING TO PRll'OTl1\'G AND REPRODUCTION. .... 5175 FOR ALL EXPENSES FOR POSTAGE. " 5505 FOR ALL CO:\TRACTS THAT DO NOT FALL WITH1;.; THE DEFINITIONS OFTUE OTtlER OBJECTS FOR CONTRACTS AND SERVICES. .... ..... ... .... ~ .... L ".. ..... ,... ~ r- .... ,- ..- ,.,- ... ,.r .. ,.r .. r-' - raI' 161 ~ f"I .. r .. FUND 001 GBNERAL FUND ,. .. ACCOUNT OBJECT ~ T~TLE ,.. -. 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5014 SALARIES TEMPjPARTTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE ,." .. TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES r'L ... 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5171 RENTALS .... ... TOTAL MAINTENANCE " OPERATION .. 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SVCS ... TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES .. ... TOTAL ... - ..... ... .... - . - -. -- ... -. ... . . .. . EXPENDITURB BUDGET LINE IT~ DETAIL PISCAL YEAR ~006-2007 DIVISION 385 WESTSIDB COMMUNITY CENTER ACTUAL 2003-04 11,322 22,639 793 1,688 as 492 37,020 600 192 40,921 41,713 78,732 162 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSKD 2006-07 ACTUAL 2004-05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54,000 75,600 75,600 54,000 75,600 75,600 54,000 75,600 75,600 o o BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION f'J L.J 385 WESTS IDE COMMUNITY CENTER 001 GENERAL FUND n LI n Lr OBJ JUSTIFICATION n LI 5171 LEASE PAYMENT TO NEW HOPE MISSIONARY FOR \\TSfSIDE COfl-L\fUNITI' CENTER " ..... " .... ,.., .... ,..., .... ... - '"'" I.. r""" L." ".. L ~ ...... ,- ....... .- .. r- t. ,- .. ,- ~ ~ 163 t. ,.. .. ,.. .. '"' . ,.. ... ,... -. ,... .. ,... .. ... ... - ... ,. ... . '- ...~ ". -. - ~ ..... .. . -. . . .. P'UND 001 GENERAL l"1JND ACCOUNT OBJECT & TITLE EXPENDITURB BUDGET LIMB ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 386 SBNIOR CENTER ACTUAL 200).04 5011 SALAR I ES PERM/FULLTIME 5014 SALARI ES TEMP!PARTTIME 5018 VACATION PAY 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH , L!FE INSURANCE 5026 L'NEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 MATERIALS , SUPPLIES 5122 DUES , 5U3SCRIPTIO:-JS 5131 MILEAGE 5132 MEE7INGS & CONFERENCES 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE 5193 GRANT V~TCH TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5507 FACILITIES SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5704 MISCEL~~EOUS EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 48,31'.i1 30,665 o 3,382 S,957 197 1,174 89.695 1,-no 300 475 700 2,006 37 o 4.988 o 1,200 1.200 8,893 8,893 104,775 161 AC'fO'AL 2004-05 100,530 32,911 2,145 6,845 13.562 339 1.990 158,322 1,790 260 528 1,379 1. 035 769 88,088 9],849 1,791 o 1,791 253,963 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 140,300 17,500 o 16.900 16,500 .00 2,000 193,600 2,000 700 800 1.400 2,000 1.100 82,600 90,600 o 284,200 141,000 17,500 o 21.200 19,100 300 2,000 201,100 2.000 700 800 1,400 2,000 1,100 82,600 90,600 o o o o o o o o o o 291,700 -- BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION ., .J 386 SENIOR CENTER 001 GENERAL FUND n IJ " IJ OBJ JUSTIFICATION ,.. rJ 5111 FOR ALL DIRECT EXPENSES FOR THE ACQUISITION OF mE l\tA TERIALS USED IN THE PERFDRMASCE OF VA Y-TO-OA Y OPERA T10l'iS. 5122 PUBLlCATlO:\SfSlJBSCRIPTIO!'iS n L.I 5131 FOR ALL EXPE:'IiSES CO:\IPENSATING EMPLOYEES FOR JOB RELATED TRAVEL DONE IN THEIR QWl'\ AUTO:\IOBILES. ..., 5132 :\IEETISGS/CO:'>iFERENCES. t- 5174 FOR ..\lL EXPEi'JSES REL\TlXG TO PRINTING ASD REPRODUCTION. ", 5175 FOR AU. EXPESSES FOR POSTAGE. .... 5193 :\IATCIII:\G fl.r.\;DS REQUIRED FOR THE TWO NATIOl'iAL SENIOR SERVICE CORPS PROGR..\.:\I$: SF.NIOR CO:\IPANIO:'ll PROGRA:\1 (SCP) A;.oD RETIRED AND SE:\IOR VOI.UNTEER PROGRA!\I (RSVP). ,.., .... ,.., .... ~ IJ' ,.... ....~ ,.... .. ".. L.- r- ....- ,.- .. rr .. ..- ... ,.,.. .. ,.,. 165 .. r' .. " M FUND 001 GENERAL Pl1ND r' 1M ACCOUNT OBJECT ~ TITLE ACTUAL 2003-001 " ~ 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME SOH SALARIES TEMP/PARTTIME 5018 VACATION PAY 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INS~~CE 5028 UNEMPLOY~Er-"T I N5URANCE 5029 MEDI CARE "" ... "' ... TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 ~ATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5121 ADVERTISING ". .. 5131 MILEAGE 5174 PRIr-"TING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE .... .. TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION ,... - 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5507 FACILITIES SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ...... 'w TOTAL "'" ... .... low -.. ~ -. - -. - . .. .. - .. - . .. -- EXPENDITURB BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 387 HORTON GYM/GALAXY BALLROOM ACTUAL 2004-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 83,446 5],246 78,700 75,900 22.937 26,836 15,000 15,000 '06 0 0 0 3,453 3,673 7,900 10,800 4,732 7,847 8,000 10,700 26' 200 200 200 541 1,161 1,100 1,100 116,283 92,963 110,900 113,700 5,525 5,190 5,000 5,000 0 0 400 400 182 75 500 500 65 110 400 400 15 116 100 100 5,787 5,491 6,400 6,400 0 0 0 24,900 '98 0 0 0 '98 0 0 24,900 122,969 98,454 117,300 145,000 16C 387 NORTON GYM/GALAXY BALLROOM 001 GENERAL FUND J J g BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION OBJ JUSTIFICATION " 5111 FOR ALL DIRECT EXPENSES FOR mE ACQUISITION OF mE I\tA TERIALS USED I~ TilE PERFORMAl'i'CF: OF DA Y-TO-DA Y OP[RATlO~S. ..... 5121 FOR ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH ADVERTISING IN ANY PUBLISHED !\L\TERIAL. .., ..., 5131 FOR ALL EXPENSES CO:\IPENSATI~G EMPLOYEES FOR JOB RELATED TRA YEL DOSE IN THEIR OWN AUTO:\IOBILES. 5174 FOR ALl.. EXPENSES RELATING TO PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION. n Ll' 5175 FOR ALL EXPEXSES FOR POSTAGE. " Ll' 5505 CONTRACT RECREA TlOS CLASS iNSTRUCTORS .., L.I" ,r'I .... l""" .... r"'I \..I'" r- .... r- ...~ ,- ....... rr ...- ,.r ... ~ ...- ,- .. ~ 167 ... c f"I " FUND 001 GENERAL YUND ,.. I. ACCOUNT OBJECT & TITLE f'Io ... 5011 SALARIES PERM!FULLTIME 5014 SALARIES TEMPjPARTTIME 50 IS OVERTIME 5018 VACATION PAY 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 lJNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE ,... .. "'" ... TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES r. ... 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5121 ADVERTISING 5122 DUES & SUBSCRI PTIONS 5131 MILEAGE 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5174 PRIN7ING CHA.J<;GES 5175 POSTAGE .... .. .... .... TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION - 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5507 FACILITIES SERVICES ... ,.." 'w TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5704 ~ISCEL~~EOUS EQUIPMENT ..., ... TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY ...... - TOTAL - - ~.. ... .. - ..... .. ... . .. . EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR J006-2007 DIVISION 388 COMMUNITY CENTERS AC'TtJAL 2003-04 ACTUAL 2004.05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 257,493 241,979 362,500 370,000 176,644 141,485 73,600 78,000 380 473 0 0 1,279 920 0 0 13,718 15,743 38,700 52,900 23,506 29,056 28,500 47,300 1,082 962 900 900 4,131 4,610 4,300 4,400 478,233 435,229 508,500 553,500 12,259 3,455 11,200 9,000 0 338 100 0 0 5,932 9,300 8,500 149 410 700 500 508 551 1,400 1,600 3,320 2,188 2,700 3,500 3,506 774 2,100 700 160 541 1,500 800 19,902 14,187 29,000 :Z4.600 12,066 92,877 90,000 90,000 3,082 0 0 0 15,147 9:Z,877 90,000 90,000 1,104 1,621 0 0 1,104 1,6:Z1 0 0 514,386 543,914 627,500 668,100 168 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION n 388 COMMUNITY CENTERS 001 GENERAL FUND " u ~ OBJ JUSTIFICATION " LI 5111 FOR ALL DIRECT EXPENSES FOR THE ACQUISITION OF mE I\lA TERlALS USED IN THE PERFORMANCE OF DAY .TO-DA Y OPER-\ TIONS. 5112 FOR ALL ITEMS TIlAT HA VE A PER UNIT COST LESS THAN $500 (EXCLUDING TAXES Al"D INST ALtATlON). " IJ 5121 FOR ALL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH ADVERTISING ~ ANY PUBLISHED J\tATERlAL- " 5122 FOR ALL EXPENSES FOR THE ACQUISITION OF ANY PUBLISHED MATERIALS INCLUDING BOOKS. ;\IAGAZINES. NEWSPAPERS. PERIODICALS. ETC. .., 5131 FOR ALL EXPENSES CO!\IPENSATISG EMPLOYEES FOR JOB RELATED TRAVEL DO:'otE IN THEIR O\\~ ..\.UTQ:\IOBILES. n u' 5174 FOR ALL EXPENSES RELATl:'ltG TO PRINTr.-<G AND REPRODUCTION. ,., 5175 FOR ALL EXPENSES FOR POSTAGE. .... 5505 CO:'liTRACT COSTS FOR OPERATION OF DELMAN HEIGHTS S85,OOO; :\IISC. CONTRACT COSTS FOR OPERATIO:'\ OF CO:\L'IUNITY CE:'\TERS. $5.000. ,., L..o ,.., - r'" ...... ,... - ~ ...~ ~ '-.... ,- - r' .... ~ ...- ,- L r" 188 ... D c l"UND 001 GENl!':RAL P'UND f"'I .. ACCOUNT OBJECT . TITLE c 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5014 SALARIES TEMPjPARTTIME 5026 PER5 RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE f"\ '- TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 1'\ r. 5111 ,...ATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5122 DUES .. SUBSCRIPTIONS 5131 MILEAGE 5132 MEETI~GS & CONFERENCES 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE ... 1M r'"w IW TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION r, IW 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5507 FACILITIES SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ,... .. TOTAL ,..., ... ,...,. --. ...... - - - ...... . .... ... ......,. - ... ... '"-. .. EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006.2007 DIVISION 389 AQUATICS/SPORTS ACTlJ'AL :Z003-04 ACTUAL 2004-05 100,854 100,972 121,296 119,183 3,266 4,485 2,857 10,804 556 550 2,008 2,972 230,838 238.966 20,656 27,902 50 100 1,172 997 500 1,000 1,740 1,168 146 829 24.264 31,995 0 0 720 0 720 0 255,822 270,961 170 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 123,900 122,300 15,600 18.100 200 1.800 281.900 26,200 100 1,300 1,100 2,200 1,000 31,900 16.200 o 16.200 330,000 86.900 122,300 11.200 9,200 200 1. 300 231,100 37,800 100 1. 300 1,100 1,600 1,000 42.900 20,400 o 20,400 294,4.00 389 AQUATICS/SPORTS 001 GENERAL FUND n o g r. ... BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION OBJ JUSTIFICATION 5111 FOR ALL DIRECT EXPENSES FOR TIlE ACQUISITION OF TIlE l\.L\ITRIALS USED IN THE PERFOR.\1ANCE OF DAY-TQ..DAY OPERATIONS. 5122 FOR ALL EXPENSES FOR THE ACQUISITION OF ANY PUBLISHED l\1ATERlALS INCLUDI~G BOOKS. MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS, PERJODlCALS. ETC. (1 u n J 513 1 FOR ALL EXPESSES CO:\IPENSATlSG E!\.lPLOYEES FOR JOB REL\ TED TRAVEL DONE IN THEIR OWN AUTOMOBILES. 5132 MISCELLANEOUS TRAlSING FOR EMPLOYEES. 5174 FOR ALL EXPE:'\SES RELA Tr.\"G TO PRISTING AND REPROOl!CTION. .., L;I 5175 FOR ALL EXPEl"5ES FOR POSTAGE. 5 5 0 5 i\tISCELLAXF.OUS CONTRACT SERVICES .., .... n ..... ..., ..... .., ...... ,., ...... ,- ...... ,- ...... ,- k- ~ L.- r- ..... r- '-"" r" 171 ... --.- -- POLICE DEPARTMENT II POLICE ADMINISTRATION II II PATROL / TRAFFIC / STATION COMMAND II I INVESTIGATIONS II II VICE & NARCOTICS / M.E. T. i I I II i 'I POLICE DISPATCH I I II II IDENTIFICATION & PROPERTY I II II I I POLICE RECORDS I II POLICE PERSONNEL / TRAINING II I I SPECIAL GRANTS / PROGRAMS II II FINANCIAL UNIT i ." o r- n m i I II I POLICE DEPARTMENT Police Chief Michael A. Bildt r-----------------------l , Asset , , , ~-----------------------------------l , , , Forfeiture , , , , , ~--._------_._---------_! Police Personnel, Police Carousel Training I-- Administration Mall I I I (10) Employees (8) Employees (2) Employees Investigations Vice & Narc / Patrol/Traffic Station Command MET. I I I (63) Employees (34) Employees (24 I) Employees (21) Employees Police Identification & Support Police Dispatch Records Property Services I I I (4 I) Employees (14) Employees (4) Employees (31) Employees Crime Free Programs t-- (2) Employee .. POLICE DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT NUMBER: 001-210,220 FUND: GENERAL FUND I ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT I The Police Department provides general police services to the City. It is the Police Department's responsibility to protect life, property and human rights, reduce fear of crime, and increase neighborhood vitality in partnership with the community. EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 DIVISION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED ADM IN ISTRA TION 1.2 I 5.520 1.375.446 1.343.700 1.2 17.000 STATION COMMAND 1.610.736 1.652.6 I 5 1.515.000 1.684.000 PATROL 18.571.919 20,190.536 22.255.500 25.4 76.800 CAROUSEL MALL 208.695 I I 1.933 253.200 247.200 VICE & NARCOTICS 2.824.093 3.539.114 3.228.300 3.424.500 MET 1.029.380 1.143.578 I. I 23.800 1.175.700 TRAFFIC 2.102.309 2.296.744 2.799.800 2.673.200 INVESTIGA TIONS 8.059.84 I 7.426. 192 7.192.600 6.767.200 IDENTIFICATION & PROPERTY 804.71 I 889.393 1.003.000 1.057.900 SUPPORT SERVICES 4.214.160 4.339.895 4.964.700 5.576.000 DISPATCH 1.515.440 1.462.607 1.785.700 1.919.000 RECORDS 1.536.350 1.570.334 2.034.200 2. I 68.300 PERSONNEL & TRAINING 960.875 938.509 1.243.100 1.304.900 LANDLORD CERTIFICATION 61.1 94 83.138 I 16.400 123.100 CITY JAIL 969.309 1.007.260 723.800 72 I .300 TOTAL 45,684,532 48,027,294 51,582,800 55,536,100 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CATEGORY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PERSONNEL 40.514,496 43,039.705 45.553,700 46,986,000 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 1,452.657 1.392.849 1.362,500 1,410,800 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 783.121 883,496 1,453.300 1.493.900 INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 3.601,133 3,799.559 4,403.300 4,973,700 CAPITAL OUTLAY 11.301 38.525 133,900 22,400 DEBT SERVICE 5.000 5.000 6.000 1.913.200 CREDITS (683.176) (1,131.838) ( 1.329.900) (1.263,900) TOTAL 45,684,532 48,027,296 51,582,800 55,536,100 " t. ,., I. " ~ n ~ ,..,. w 1"'0 '- ,.., .. ,... ... '"' ... - ... ..... .... - .. - - ..... .. -. - -.... .. ....... ... -. "I .. ,,!~f) POLICE DEPARTMENT II " III 2005-06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS " &J It U ,/ Continued problem solving efforts to address Part I crime rates. ,/ Deployed Crime Impact Teams in selected neighborhoods and corridors expenencmg crime problems. ,/ Continued diversity outreach through O.P.A.L. ,/ Continued our parolee population management program m collaboration with Parole and the IMPACT program in collaboration with County Probation. ./ Accepted II federal and state grants totaling over $2 million dollars to augment department operations and fund additional personnel, equipment and programs. ./ Provided training to department personnel and purchased needed emergency equipment using Homeland Security grant funds. ./ Secured grant funding to replace the department's Special Weapons and Tactics (S.W.A.T.) van. ./ Continued the joint agency task force with State Parole to address parole population issues. ./ Implemented second year objectives outlined in the Five-Year Strategic Plan. ,.. jj r"I IJ .., Loo ..., .... ,..., u' 2006-07 KEY GOALS ,... Lr ;.. Implement third year objectives outlined in the Five-Year Strategic Plan. ;.. Continue problem-solving efforts to address Part I crime rates. r Continue deployment of Crime Impact Teams in selected neighborhoods and corridors experiencing crime problems. ;.. Continue diversity outreach through O.P.A.L. ;.. Continue our parolee population management program in collaboration with Parole. ;.. Seek additional federal and state grants to fund programs, personnel and needed technology and equipment ,. Continue training and purchase emergency response equipment using Homeland Security grant funds. "., "... r- .... r- ... ,- ....~ DID YOU KNOW? ~ ..- ;.. The department's problem solving philosophy means we will work with you to solve crime problems in your neighborhoods. On-line information regarding the Department is available at \\- \\ \\. sJll~bemardinu.ca. us ;.. The Department actively seeks citizen involvement and offers volunteer programs for both adults and minors. ;.. The Crime Free Relllal HOlIsillg Program is available to landlords and property managers who desire to reduce crime and improve the quality of life at their apartment complexes. ,. Reserve police officers donated over 7,500 hours of service, saving the city over $360,000 in police officer overtime costs. ,... .... rr ~ ~ " ,... ~ 1 ~f) ~ D ~ c c c c "'" ~ c c "'" ~ r"'o ... .... ..... ..... .... ...... . ..... ... ...... ...... ~ ..... ...., -.; rmm 001 GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT & TITLB EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 ACTUAL 2003-04 5011 SALARIES PERM!FULLTIME 5012 SPECIAL SALARIES 5014 SALARIES TEMP/PARTTIME S015 OVERTIME 5018 VACATION PAY 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 t,,'NEMPLOYMEr."T INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 !'J!.ATERIALS & SUPPLI ES 5::'12 SMALL TOOLS & EQUI PMENT 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5132 l>!EETINGS & CONFERENCES 5171 RENTALS 5183 MANAGEMENT ALLOWANCE TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5704 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 887.712 33,000 o 7,863 4,100 186,485 74,657 2,347 2,378 1,198.543 1,714 o 4,926 2,512 o 187 9,338 7,722 7.722 1.215.603 174 DIVISION 211 POLICE ADMI~STRATION BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 ACTUAL 2004-05 o 940,424 933,200 31,438 25,800 .560 0 11,484 10,000 13,829 0 235,752 244,800 72,789 71,400 2,491 2,000 3. 259 3,000 1,310,906 1,290,200 2,617 2,500 0 '00 5,335 5,000 4,546 8,000 176 0 148 600 12,821 16,500 51,720 37,000 51,720 37,000 0 0 0 0 o 1,375,446 1,343,700 861,700 26,100 o 10,000 o 165,500 75,500 2,200 500 1,141,500 2,500 o 5,000 5,000 o 600 13,100 61,000 61,000 1,400 1,400 1. 217,000 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION m 213 PATROL 001 GENERAL FUND o o OBJ JUSTIFICATION o 5112 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPl\lENT - S!\.tALL TOOLS AND EQUlP:\IENT FOR (5) DISTRJCT COJ\.ll\lANDS@$2280 EACH, TOTAL $11,400. 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS - CRIME PREVENTION OFFICERS ASSOCIATIO:'\l $280, EXPLORERS YEARLY CHARTER S4OO. TOTAL $700. o 5132 :\IEETINGS & COSFEREl"4CES - CRIME PREVENTION OFFICERS MEETINGS $200. CRJ:\IE PREVENTIO;'IJ OFFICERS CONFERENCE $2000. FBINAA CHAPTER CONFERENCF. REGISTRATION FEE $.tOO. TOTAL 52600. o 5171 RENT FOR EASTER.""; DISTRICT COP-$IS71.50 PER MONTH. TOT A1., $18,900. 5172 EQUIP;\IENT :\L\INTENANCE - BICYCLE I\.lAINTENANCE; ro-;-CLUDlNG TlflIiE-lJPS. TIRES. TLlJES. TOOtS. BICYCLE STAND AND REPLACEMENT PARTS $2500. o 5173 OurSIDE VEHICLE MAINTENA:"OCE - VEHICLE GRAPIIICS $6500. Q 5187 POLICE RESERVES. RESERVE OFFICER TRAr.\'I!"OG cas FERENCE 52000. POLICE RESER\'E ~IIPENDS 520.375. RESERVE A:'Io'NUAL PICNIC 52000; RESERVE ANNUAL BANQUET S5000; CALIFOR.'JA RESER\'E COORDINATOR ASSOCIA TIOS DUES 525, TOTAL 529...100. f1 L."l 5 5 0 5 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. ALAR.'I MAINTENA1'ICE AT (6) DISTRICT CO:\I:\L\ND OFFICES $3850; BOARD UP SERVICE $7850; TOW FEES $9000. TOTAL 520,700. c 5802 POB DEBT SER\'ICE PAY~IF.NT ,.., ..... ..., w-I .... U f""I t..rl ~ a..- r'"' I.r-' r"" LJ- ~ ~ 179 ..-- ...... ; n W n .. n ~ c c c c c ~ t: 1"'1 .... ""'" ... """ ... """ ... "'"' .. !", .. '"""II .. .... P'UND 001 GKN1!:RAL FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT ~ TITLE EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINK ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 2It POLICE-CAROUSEL MALL ACTUAL 2003.04 ACTUAL 2004-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 5011 SALARIES PERM/fULLTIME 5012 SPECIAL SALARIES 5014 SALARIES TEMP!PARTTIME 501S OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE S028 WEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5171 REr.'TALS TOTAL MAINTENANCE . OPERATION TOTAL 157.035 75.979 174.300 179,400 6.125 4,200 6,600 6,600 46. 312 0 0 4,215 0 5.000 5,000 28,775 22,979 48,300 35,200 11,657 8,142 17,400 19,400 420 201 500 500 0 0 1,100 1,100 208,695 111,815 253,200 247,200 0 118 0 0 0 118 0 0 208,695 111,932 253,200 247.200 1 Q n PUND 001 GBNERAL PUND ACCOUNT OBJBCT ~ TITLE EXPENDITURB BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL PISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 5011 SALARIES PERM!FULLTIME 5012 SPECIAL SALARIES 5014 SALARIES TEMP!PARTTIME 5015 OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5121 ADVERTISING 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5172 EQUIPMENT !'I'-AINTENANCE 5175 POSTAGE TOTAL MAINTENANCE ~ OPERATION 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5702 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL DIVISION 222 RBCORDS ACTUAL 2003.04 ACTUAL 200..05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 993,245 1,055.248 1. 256, 300 10,763 11,170 9,300 142,043 103,930 117 ,400 80.867 74,675 73,800 60,780 72,996 176,100 119,684 142,103 215,600 3,079 3.113 3,100 14,501 16,174 15,600 1,424,961 1,479,408 1,867,200 676 489 3,500 690 4,2..8 2,00e 7< 0 0 100 225 300 260 990 1,300 450 400 1,000 2';,468 31. 536 32,500 26,718 37,887 40,600 84,671 53,039 120,900 84,671 53,039 120,900 0 0 5,500 0 0 5,500 1,536,351 1,570.334 2,034.200 185 1,366,200 12,400 117,400 73,800 208,900 201,800 3,300 17,500 2,001,300 3,500 2,000 o 300 1,300 1,000 32,500 40,600 120,900 120,900 5,500 5.500 2,168,300 .. a o o D o D D o c:: .... LrI r"1 iioI LJ r""1 J."J ..., a,..J r-t ..... CJ :;J t""'I Jr.I - ~ BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION ~ 222 RECORDS 001 GENERAL FUND c OBJ JUSTIFICATION c 5014 TEMPORARY AND PART TIME SAlARIES $117,400. f\ " 5111 J\tATERIALS & SUPPLIES _ HAND CLEANER FOR FP."lGERPRlNTING $280, 3 ID LAJ\IINATES 5270. SCANNING SUPPLIES $1800, POSTAGE :'IfETER SUPPLIES $500, LIVE SCAN PRINTER RIBBONS s.wo. TI!\IE CLOCK RIBBOr-iS $100, CASH REGISTER SUPPLIES 5100, CREDIT CARD J\lACHINF. TAPE $50, TOTAL 53500. c 5112 S:'IIALL TOOLS & EQUlP="IENT - (3) SANYO TRANSCRIBERS 5900, LIVE SCAN ROLL IMPRESSION (SMAl.L) PLATEN SASO, LIVE SCAN PLAIN IMPRESSION (lARGE) PLATES $650. TOTAL $2000. c 5122 DUE AND StiBSCRIPTIO:'<S . (5) CLEARS MEMBERSflIP REl"OEWALS $75. (I) ceue l\lE:\tBERSHIP REl"O'EWAL $50. 2~ ZIP CODE DIRECTORY AND CALlFOR."-:IA COURTS DIRECTORY 575, KELLY BLUE BOOK SL'BSCRIPTION TOTAL $300. 5132 MEETINGS A!'D CO!'oiFERENCES - CLEARS MONTHLY MEETINGS FOR (5) RECORDS :\IA:'IiAGER A:\D (4) SCPERVISORS $1300. c 5172 EQUlP;\fE:'IiT ;\IAI:\TE;o.;ANCE. SER\'ICE/REPAIR OF STENOGRAPH l\t.\CHli"OES $1000. c 5175 POST AGE _ YEARLY posr AGE cosrs $29,000, FED EX CONTRACT $3500, TOTAL $32.500. 5505 OTIIER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - CNI AND CLETS CONTRACT WITH SBSD $79.400. STENO SOLUTIO;o.;S $36.500. SHREDDI:"lG SERVICE 55000. TOTAL $120.900. ,..." '- 5702 REPLACDIENT HI' LASER PRINTERS $5500. ,.... '- ,.... ~ """ ~ - ... ..... ..... '" ~ ,.., ... -. ..... - - 19C FUND 001 GENERAL P'UND ACCOUNT OBJECT & TITLE EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITZM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 a ACTUAL 2004-05 DIVISION 225 LANDLORD CERTIFICATION I ACTUAL 2003-04 5011 SALARI ES PERM!ruLLTIME 5014 SALARIES TEMP!PARTTIME 5018 VACAT!ON PAY 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLQYMEl'.'T INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5132 l":EETINGS & CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5171 RENTALS 5174 PRIl'.'TING CJ-1-ARGES 5175 POSTAGE TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5702 COMPUTER EQU~P~Eh'T TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 5910 CREDIT-FED & STATE PROG FUND TOTAL LESS: CREDITS!BILLABLES TOTAL 198 61.471 66,134 12,563 0 1,163 0 4,274 4,531 7,079 8,206 188 165 1,090 959 87,828 79,995 5,630 5,833 251 161 29 550 0 0 -1' 0 6,177 6,980 0 19 12,073 13,543 '93 0 4" 0 -58,800 -10,..00 -58,800 -10,400 41,594 83,138 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 m 87,600 92,900 0 0 0 0 12,200 14,200 13,000 12,400 200 200 1,300 1,300 114,300 121,000 0 0 300 300 BOO BOO 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,100 2,100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q c D D o a ~ ..., ..... ,., uJ 116,400 123,100 rt Lf'I ,.. ..... ,.... ~ f7' ...... r"l U- r- k.- r- ...... c BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION ~ 225 LANDLORD CERTIFICATION 001 GENERAL FUND c OBJ JUSTIFICATION c 5121 ADVERTlS~G _ DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS FOR PREVElo.'TION J\.IEETr.'lGS AND l.ANDLORD TRAINING CLASSES. TOTAL $1,000 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS. NEWSPAPERS AND TRAINING BOOKS S300. ,... '-' 513 2 :\IEET~GS & CO~FERENCES - ATTENDANCE AT CRIJl.IE PREVF.NTION. LANDLORD TRAINING AND LEGISLATION CHANGES !\IEETINGS. TOTAL $800. r .. 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING _ RENTAL HOUSIJ"oOG. LA:'oIDlORD CERTIFICATION AND CRI:\IE PREVENTION TRAP.oiII'<iG. TOTAL StoOO. .... L 5175 POSTAGE. i\t..\IU:'Ii'G LETIERS, CERTIFICATES. BROCHURES, CLASS CONFIRMATION. - 5186 CI\'IC/PRO.'\IOTIONAl -CRIME FREE 1I0USI:"iG INCENTIVE PROGRA.'\I FOR APARThIENT MANAGERS REI.'\IBURSEJ\.IENT OR APPORTIONMENT OF CITY FEES. ALLOCATION TO BE DEITR:\IINED OS A CASE BY CASE BASIS. $1,000 ~ r"" I. - .. ,... .... ..... ... "" .. - - -. - - - ..... -. -.. - -- -..& 200 FUND 001 GEN'l!:RAL FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT ~ TITLE EXPENDI~E BUDGET LIN'l!: ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 ACTUAL 2003-04 DIVISION 228 CITY JAIL 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5172 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 517B POLICE BOOKING CHARGES TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SVCS 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5702 COMPUTER EQUIP~ENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 14,514 2,578 1.565 600,000 618.657 349, B62 350.652 !l6!l,30!l 201 ACTUAL 2004-05 13,666 2,000 1. 684 600,000 790 617,350 o 388,610 o 388,610 1,300 1,300 o 1,007,260 3 ., &J BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 J 12.600 12,600 6,500 6,500 2,500 0 340,000 340,000 361,600 359,100 0 0 362,200 362,200 362,200 362,200 0 0 0 0 o ,., .... '1 Li' ., o.i ,..., L..PI 723,800 721,300 ,., L.rI r'" - ..., ...... ,.., Lr' ..., - .- '- r- ...- ,.... -- r- L- r- I...- r- -.- r .. BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION r .. 228 CITY JAIL 001 GENERAL FUND ~ OBJ JUSTIFICATION n ~ 5111 tl.IAITRlALS & SUPPLIES _ INl\1ATE SUPPLIES TO INCLUDE WRISTBANDS $3800. BlANKETS $180, MAlTRESSES S650, DISPOSABLE SUITS $1330. DISPOSABLE SLIPPERS $95, FOOD SUPPLIES FOR INMATES $4100, LAUNDRY SOAP $70, SANITARY NAPKINS $50. PLASTIC PROPERTY BAGS $1325. LENS FOR LIVE-SCAN $1000. TOTAL $12.600. "" f. 5172 EQUIP;\IENT l\tAl~TENANCE. BREATIIALYZER MAINTENANCE $2000. AUDIO/VIDEO SYSfEJ\.1 MAINTENANCE $-1500. TOTAL 56500. c 5178 ESTI~L\TED COST OF BOOKING FEE CHARGES TO THE COUNTY, $3.W,OOO. ..... . ... 5505 OlllER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. COl'TRACT WITH WACKENHUT CORPORATION FOR JAILER SERVICES $362.200. ... ~ .... .. ..... .. ,..., - ...., - "'"'" ... - - ..... - --. - -., -. -., - ....... - 202 ---...- I I PUBLIC SERVICES : I STREET MAINTENANCE STREET TREE MAINTENNCE ! I I STREET LIGHTING SIGNALS CITY SIDEWALK (CONCRETE) MAINTENANCE , I RIGHT OF WAY SPECIAL PROJECTS I ABATEMENTS FOR CODE COMPLIANCE I I I , REPLACE SIDEWALKS TO COMPLY I I WITH ADA REQUIREMENTS I I I ADMINISTRATOR OF SENTENCED I WORKERS PROGRAMS I "'ll c: ll:J r- o '" m ;ll < o m '" PUBLIC SERVICES *Director of Public Services Ken Fischer r-------------------------, ! **Refuse ! , , I ~__________ , , : : . , L.___________T____________J , , , , r--------------~--------------, , , , , , , , , , , !(99.75) Employees! L______________________________J r-------------------------, ! **Sewer Line ! ! Maintenance r-m_mn , , L-----_______T____________J , , , , r--------------~--------------, , , , , , , , , 1(14.25) Employees! L______________________________J Street Lighting/ Signals *Street Maintenance (I5) Employees (12.5) Employees "The Director's Salary will be paid 50% from Public Svcs. 25% from the Refuse DivlSion and 25% from Sewer Maintenance. The Senior Secretary's salary will be paid 50% by Refuse Division and 50% by the Public Svcs Di...,sion. The Street Superintendent's salary wIll be paid 50% by Public Svcs and 50% by the Sewer Maint. ~._----------------------- , , , -------~ , , , , L--.---------T-___________ . . ~._----------~----------._, , , , , , , , , , , 1(32) Employees! L_______________._._______~ **Fleet Administration I (4) Employees Tree Maintenance (4) Employees Right of Way / Concrete (13) Employees **See other City Operating Budgets or Internal Service Fund Budgets. ,., . ,., . c ... ~ ~ ,., .. ~ ,.. I. ,., .. c ~ I"' . ~ ~ M .. 1"'1 . " .. ~ ~ PUBLIC SERVICES ACCOUNT NUMBER: 001-400 FUND: GENERAL FUND I ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT I The Public Services Department maintains all streets, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, street trees, and sewer mains in the City. Public Services provides administrative support to other funds including the Refuse, Fleet, and Sewer Line Maintenance. Graffiti Removal is now budgeted in the Code Compliance budget. EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 DIVISION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED ADMINISTRATION 325,018 321.193 282.100 329.800 STREET MAINTENANCE 1.115.148 1.519.765 1.252.700 1.298.200 STREET TREE MAINTENANCE 362.942 561.3 70 556.200 576,400 RIGHT-OF-WAY 483,774 316.627 300.100 343.200 CONCRETE 518,438 530.113 642.100 691.300 STREET LIGHTING 0 1.836,756 1.794.100 1,806,300 TRAFFIC SIGNALS 0 797.543 870,400 1,053,700 TOTAL 2,805,320 5,883,367 5,697,700 6,098,900 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CATEGORY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PERSONNEL 1,837,430 2.652,409 2.882,400 2,941,400 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 313.116 613,314 586,800 688,600 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 240,030 693.987 598,300 698,300 INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 347,146 1,885.840 1.630,200 1.766.300 CAPITAL OUTLAY 5933 9,334 0 4300 DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 CREDITSIBILLABLES 61665 28,482 0 0 TOTAL 2,805,320 5,883,366 5,697,700 6,098,900 203 PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT 2005-06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS ./ Implemented a diagnostic video program for all city sewer main lines, ./ Implemented a city wide street sign and traffic signal inventory. ./ Completed all projects in the Streets and Streetlights and Sewer sections of the Capital Improvement Program that are assigned to Public Services. ./ Completed all FEMA disaster recovery projects assigned to Public Services. 2006-07 KEY GOALS ,. Develop and implement maintenance standards for City owned street lighting. ,. Develop and implement maintenance standards for the City sewer system. ,. Develop and implement maintenance standards for completion of daily street repairs. ,. Develop a proactive street repair maintenance program. ,. Develop a proactive sidewalk maintenance repair program. DID YOU KNOW? , The Street Division of the Public Services Department receives an average of 7,200 requests for service from the public each year. , That there are ovcr 70,000 parkway trees in the Cities urban forest. ,. The City Street Sweepers pick up an average of 3,500 tons of debris from gutters every year. ,. The City maintains 510 miles of mainline sewer. 201 J ~ :J 3 J D ., &.I o n u J '1 u '1 u ~ 3 J J 3 '1 u a c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I'"' .. ... III r . f"I . ~ ~ ~ ~ f1 . ~ n ~ ~ ~ FUND 001 GKNERAL FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT * TITLE EXPENDI'I11RE BUDGET loIn ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 401 PUBLIC SERVICES ADMINISTRATION ACTUAL 2003-0' AcruAL 200'-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5012 SPECIAL SALARIES 5013 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE 5015 OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES SIll MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS &. EQUIPMENT 5121 ADVERTISING 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5172 EQUIPMEl'.'T MAINTENANCE 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE 5176 COPY l"ACHINE CHARGES 5183 MANAGEME~!T ALLOWANCE TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SVCS TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5604 M.I.S. CHk~GES - IN-HOUSE 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 5607 GAS 5609 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 5610 CO~~ICATION SHOP TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES TOTAL 174,176 171,840 196,000 198,100 0 3S0 600 600 1,800 97S 0 1,800 1,776 5,168 1,000 1,000 11,059 9,963 26,200 54,700 24,730 23,400 23,300 37,600 446 '" 500 500 2,619 2,452 2,500 2,600 216,606 214.,592 250,100 296,900 1,361 618 1,500 1. 400 HS 0 500 1,100 0 0 300 300 0 50 0 0 442 323 500 500 209 0 SOO SOO 0 62 100 100 1,341 860 500 500 37 20 0 0 1,510 1,490 SOO 0 0 100 300 300 5,:Z45 3,523 4,700 4,700 0 100 0 0 0 100 0 0 4,400 4,400 5,100 5.000 17,967 17,877 17,400 18,000 0 0 1,800 1,800 78,000 78,000 0 0 2,800 2,700 3,000 3,400 103,167 102,977 27,300 28,200 325,018 321,193 282.100 329,800 205 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION ~ 401 PUBLIC SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 001 GENERAL FUND 3 OBJ JUSTIFICATION '1 LJ 5014 SALARIES TEMP/PART TIME ~ 5015 O\'ERTIME 5111 OFFICE SUPPLIES, COPY PAPER AND GENERAL Sf ATIONARY. PRINTER AND COMPUTER SUPPLIES. RIBBONS. BOTTLED WATER FOR OFfiCE EJ\.IPLOYEES. ~ 5112 SJ\.tALl TOOLS OR EQUIP:\.IEl\T USED IN OFFICE J 5121 JOB ANNOlJ'!\'CEJ\.IENTS 5132 VARIOUS LOCAL I:'IiOUSTRY MEETf.'iGS A:"ODTRAINING " .... 5133 LOCAl. TRAINI:'<G FOR THE CUSTOMER SERVICE STAFF. 3 5172 OFFICE J\t.\CIII:'IOES IFAX, ANSWERIXG MACHINE AND PRINTERS) REPAIR. 5174 FORMS. :'\OTICES AND DOCUJ\IEI'\;TS. " LJ 5183 MANAGEMENT ALLOWANCE. '1 L.J ~ ~ ., L.I 3 f'J L.J J 3 ~ 208 ~ ~ n .. ~ " . c 1"1 I. f"I . t c " .. c ~ c ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ FUND 001 GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT ~ TITLE EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 402 STREET MAXNTENANCZ ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTUAL 2004.05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5012 SPECIAL SALARIES 5013 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE 5014 SAlARIES TEMP!PARTTIME 501S OVERTIME 5018 VACATION PAY 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 ~~TERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5171 REt.7ALS 5172 EQUIPMENT MAIt.7ENANCE 5174 PRINTING CHARGES TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SVCS 5504 CONSTRUCTION 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5601 GARAGE CHARGES 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 5612 FLEET CHGS - FUEL TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 5704 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 5952 BILLABLE TO ECONOMIC DEVELOP TOTAL LZSS; CREDITS/BILLABLZS TOTAL 488,843 541,899 516,800 526,500 600 50 0 0 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 0 6,188 9,000 9,000 38,584 41,959 37,000 37,000 2,393 1,316 0 0 35,127 68,010 74,200 83,200 65,583 67,598 106,800 66,200 1,519 1,577 1,200 1,200 4,679 4,166 3,700 4,400 638,826 734.,263 750,200 729,000 196,557 279,777 180,300 180,300 3,297 1,643 3,000 3,000 50 330 1,000 1,000 10,041 7,166 7,000 7,000 0 2,117 0 0 0 607 0 0 209,945 291,640 191,300 191,300 61,685 129,478 150,000 250,000 0 226 0 0 3,818 210,978 0 0 65,504 34.0,682 150,000 250,000 112,291 85,228 120,100 82,800 0 4" 0 0 25,817 35,418 41,100 45,100 138,108 121,133 161,200 127,900 1,100 3,862 0 0 1,100 3,862 0 0 61,665 28,482 0 0 61,665 28,482 0 0 1,1l5,Ho8 1,520,061 1,252,700 1,298,200 207 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION " ..J 402 STREET MAINTENANCE 001 GENERAL FUND 3 '1 LJ OBJ JUSTIFICATION 5111 PURCHASE OF ASPHALT CONCRETE FOR PATCHING POTIlOLES. SOLVENT FOR CLEANING TRUCKS AND TOOLS. LIQUID ASPHALT FOR PATCHING OPERATION. TRAFFIC CONTROL SUPPLIES. CRACK FILL MATERIAL. SAND. AND SANDBAGS GLOVES. HATS, EYE/EAR PROTECTION. SAFETY VEST, RAIN GEAR. CONES. BARRICADES. MISC SUPPLIES. HAND TOOLS. FIRST AID SUPPLIES. CONSTRUCTION SIGNS. ~ 5112 VIBRATORY PLATE 11 &oJ 5133 LOCAL TRAINING FOR STAFF IN METHODS OF PAVIl\G, SAFETY AND TRAFFIC CONTROL. n .., 5171 COMPACTOR EQUlPl\tE1'Io'T FOR ASPHALT AND A DOZER TO CLEAN FLOOD CONTROL CHANNEL. 5502 CONTRACT STREET l\.L\I;'IlTENANCE FOR: CONTRACT SERVICES FOR CRACK FILLlSG. INDUSTRIAL PA VER. AND COLD MILLING l\.lACHf.'iE 11 IJ f1 u ~ D n .., o 1'1 .., ] ] 3 3 a 208 n &oJ ,., . ,., . c c ~ ~ r . ~ ~ " I. f'" .. ~ ~ ,.. . c ~ ~ ~ c FUND 001 G!ml!:RAL FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT & TITLB BXPENDITURE BUDGBT LINE ITEM DBTAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2001 DIVISION 404 STRBBT TRBB MAINTENANCB ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTUAL 2004-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5014 SALARIES TEMP!PARTIIME 5015 OVERTIME 5018 VACATION PAY 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH &. LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICBS 5111 MATERIALS &. SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS &. EQUIP~ENT 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION [. TRAINING 5171 REI-.'TALS 5112 EQUI PMENT MAINTENANCE TOTAL MAINTENANCB . OPBRATION 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SVC5 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5601 GARAGE C~qGES 5612 FLEET CHGS - FUEL TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES TOTAL 160,933 172,866 179.800 180,700 24,411 52,165 30,000 23,400 23,187 10,116 0 2,300 0 84' 0 0 11,126 12,091 26,200 28,800 18,617 16,989 17,500 22,200 527 590 500 500 1. 282 1,819 1,100 1,100 240,083 267,476 255,100 259,000 3.578 3,692 4,000 7,100 5,340 7,866 5,000 5,000 0 70 0 100 19 300 500 500 525 "0 600 500 137 "2 0 1,200 0 0 300 300 9,600 12,809 10,400 14,700 70,990 247,127 250,000 250,000 70,990 247,127 250,000 250,000 28,561 17,472 22,900 32,000 13,708 16,485 17,800 20,700 42,269 33,957 40,700 52,700 362,942 561,370 556,200 576,400 209 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION ~ 404 STREET TREE MAINTENANCE 001 GENERAL FUND ~ c OBJ JUSTIFICATION 5111 SAFETY EQUlP!\.lENT. TRAFFIC CONES. BARRICADES. CHAIN SAW OIL. FUElISG CANS FOR S:\L\LL EQUlP:\fENT. NEW TREES 0 FOR PLANTI:'-JG. BASEBALL CAPS FOR CREW. 5112 PRUNERS. POLE SA \\'S. RAKES. BROOMS. CHAIN SAWS AND OTHER NECESSARY MISCELLANEOUS TOOLS. n .J 5132 INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF ARBORCULTURE MEETINGS A.'IlD SfREET TREE SEMINARS. 5133 LOCAL TREE TRIl\L\If:\lG TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION FOR STAFF. n LI 5171 EQUIPMENT RENTALS 5172 MAINTENANCF.. 0:'11 VARIOUS EQUIP:\IENT ITEMS FOR mE 01\'1510:0;. "I u 5502 CONTRACT TREE TRI!\L\lING PROGRAM. " iJ " U '1 u ~ I '1 u n I 3 n 3 210 ~ ,.. . f"I II l"UND 001 GBNlRAL FUND ., II ACCOUNT OBJECT ~ TITLE n ~ 5011 SALARIES PERM!FULLTIME 5014 SALARIES TEMP!PARITIME 5015 OVERTIME 5018 VACATION PAY 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE '" . r . TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES l"" ~ 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5171 RENTALS 5172 EQUIPMENT ~~INTEN&~CE ,., III TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION c 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES n ~ 5601 GARAGE CHARGES 5609 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 5612 FLEET CHGS - FUEL ~ TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES " M 5704 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY ... I. TOTAL ~ ., &. ~ ,.. .. "" . ~ BXPENDITURB BUDGBT LINE ITEM DETAIL PISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 405 RIGHT or WAY-PUBLIC SVCS. ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTUAL 2004-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 289,527 164,216 170,300 171,300 0 0 0 2,200 12,010 19,730 SOO BOO 1,047 1,063 0 0 18,510 10,140 23,300 25,900 37,035 21,188 21,300 24,000 783 463 400 400 2,861 1,082 1,100 1,100 361,773 217,882 217,200 225,700 47,477 39,810 39,500 39,500 7,978 9,319 8,000 2,500 0 0 BOO BOO 1,489 1,652 1,500 1,500 4" 0 2,000 1,000 57,'04 50,781 51,800 45,300 10,850 H 2,500 2,500 10,850 34 2,500 2,500 14,643 10,896 13,200 37,700 22,000 22,000 0 0 12,821 15,033 15,400 27,700 49,464 47,929 28,600 65,'00 4,283 0 0 4,300 4,283 0 0 4,300 483,774 316,627 300,100 343,200 211 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION n "" 405 RIGHT OF WAY-PUBLIC SVCS. 001 GENERAL FUND n u OBJ JUSTIFICATION G 5111 HERBICIDE. TRArFlC SAFEIT EQUIPMENT. OIL FOR 2 CYCLE ESGINES. TRASH BAGS. GLOVES. KNEE BOOTS. RAIN GEAR. \' ARIOUS HAND TOOLS. n IJ 5112 SIIIAll POWER TOOLS ~ 5133 TRAFFIC CONTROL AND CHEMICAL APPLICATION TRAI:"OING. 5171 UNIFORIII RENTAL FEES n u 5172 REPAIRS OF SMALL EQUIPMENT- WEED ABATEMEl\, TOOLS AND BACKPACi\ LEAF BLOWERS. " iJ 5505 FENCE lNSfAl.LATION, POOL PUl\fPING. CONTAINER REl'Il'TAL 5704 PURCHASE OF I\IISCELLASF:OUS EQUIPMENT. 3 " U " .J " &oJ ~ 3 n ..J P'J "" '1 w 3 '1 u 212 rr ... n .. ., . 1"'1 I. ~ ~ ... ~ f'" .. ~ ~ ,. lit c c c ~ c ~ I"" ~ ~ c EXPENDITURE BUDGET LIMB ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2001 FUND 001 GENERAL FUND DIVISION 406 CONCRBTE ACCOUNT OBJECT & TITLE ACTUAL 2003~O" BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 ACTUAL 2004-05 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5015 OVERTIME 5018 VACATION PAY 5026 PERS RETI REMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 tmEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE 303,848 339,130 360,900 371,100 10,526 10, all 5.000 5,000 689 699 0 0 20,479 20,204 50,400 57,800 40,092 39,852 47,600 55,200 821 876 800 900 ].687 ].892 4,700 4,800 380,142 415,466 469.400 494,800 27,556 27,570 ]7,600 65,300 896 1,862 2,600 4,600 1,982 2,061 2,000 2,000 488 38,451 0 0 30,922 69,945 42,200 71,900 92,686 22,388 100,000 100,000 9:.il,686 22,388 100,000 100,000 8,926 13,081 19,200 14,400 5,212 9,233 11,300 10,200 14,138 22,314 30,500 24,600 550 0 0 0 SSO 0 0 0 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 51il ~~TERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5171 RENTALS 5179 DUMP/WASTE FEES TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5601 GARAGE CrJ\RGES 5612 FLEET CHGS - FUEL TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 570~ MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 518,438 691,300 530,113 642,100 213 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION '1 u 406 CONCRETE 001 GENERAL FUND n LI OBJ JUSTIFICATION I ~ 5111 MATERIALS USED IN THE RECONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS- CONCRETE, FORM LU1\mER, FORM Sf AKES. SPRINKLER REPAIR PARTS, BARRICADES. SAFETY EQUIPMENT FOR CREW, SIGNS. CONES. IRRIGATION PARTS FOR SPRINKLER REPAIRS. BASEBALL CAPS FOR CREW, SHELVISG AND LOCKING CABINETS FOR STORAGE BUILDING. LOCKABLE TOOL BOXES FOR FIELD. o 5112 SHOVELS. RAKES, CONCRETE SAW BLADES AND CONCRETE FISISHIXG TOOLS. 5171 UNIFORM RENTAL FEES. D 5505 CONTRACT COl'OCRETE REPAIRS AND MATERIALS; CONTRACT SIDE\\'ALK, CL'RB AND GlJITER REPAIRS c n I 3 n LJ a ~ J 3 n ~ o 211 J ,. - ... . FUND 001 GENERAL PUND f"'I II ACCOUNT OBJECT ~ TITLZ ... III 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5015 OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE ... . TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES f"I . 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5122 DUES " SUBSCRIPTIONS 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION " TRAINING 5171 RE:>.7ALS 5172 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 5175 POSTAGE f"'I . ,.. " " II TOTAL MAINTENANCE " OPERATION 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CO~7RACTUAL SVCs n I. TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES '" . 5601 GARAGE CPARGES 5605 7ELEPHONE SUPPORT 5606 ELECTRIC 5609 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 5612 FLEET CHGS - FUEL r . TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES r " 5702 COMPUTER EQUIPME~7 5704 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT n II TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL c I" .. c c c BXPBNDITURE BUDGBT LINE ITEM DETAIL PISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 ACTUAL 2003-04 DIVISION .08 ~FIC SIGNAL MAINT 215 ACTUAL :Z00'-05 o o o o o o 2]6,181 45,847 16,558 24,259 705 ],19] o 326,7U o o o o o o o o 5],727 494 60 o 1,]8] 2,427 233 o 58,762 o 83,655 8],655 o o o o o o 22, ]11 7,824 274,804 14 , 000 12,985 o ]]l,9:Z' o o 3,879 o ',310 o 805,]93 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 ..]8 431 27],600 17,900 39,800 25,400 700 3,200 360,600 145,000 500 500 o 3,000 o 100 o 149,100 95,800 95,800 24,000 8,000 220,000 o 12,900 26',900 870,400 o o o ]30,100 17,900 52,600 ]8,800 SOO 4,000 444,200 245,000 500 SOO o ],000 100 o o 249,100 95,800 95,800 16,700 7,600 220,000 o 20,]00 264,600 o o o 1,053,700 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION " u 408 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINT 001 GENERAL FUND f1 ... OBJ JUSTIFICATION n n L.J 5111 POLES. SIGNALS. CONTROLLERS. CABINETS. LAMPS A."'lD OTHER PARTS NEEDED TO REPAIR TRAFFIC SIGNALS. AUfOMATIC GATES. FLASHING BEACONS. VIDEO DETECTION. CYUNK RADIO C01\L\IUNICATION EQUlP1\IENT A:'\iD UPGRADES FOR ADA CO:\.IPLlANCE. SAFETY EQUlP:\IENT FOR CREW, lOOP REPLACEMENT J\.1ATERIAI"s. SIGNS AND HARD\\'ARE TO !\.1AINTAlN SIGN SYSTEM, $100,000 FOR STREET SIGN REPLACEJ\.1ENT CITYWIDE. f'I LJ 5112 SMALL TOOLS FOR \' ARIOUS REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE NEEDS OS TRAFFIC SIGNALS A."'iD EQUlP:\IENT. 5122 (IMSAl IJ'liTER."'iATIONAL MUNICIPAL SIGNAL ASSOCIA TIO:'<l LEVEL II CERTIFICA nON FOR Sf AFr, TRAFFIC SIGNAL ASSOCIATION, CLASS 8 DIR\'ER'S liCENSE RENEWAL, STANDARD PLANS ASD SPECIFICATIONS PUBLICATIONS. o 5133 SE:\IINARS A:"OD CLASSES ON l"EW SIGNAL MOCIFICAITONS AND UPGRADES. SIGN CERTlFICATIO:"O TRAI:"OI:'\G. Al'Io'U TRAFFIC COXTROL TRAINIi'lG. . " LJ 5171 RE:"OTAL OF VARIOUS EQUIPMENT. n ... 5172 CALIBRATE TEST EQUIP>lENT 5502 PAYMENTS TO STATE FOR ENERGY COSTS FOR LIGHTING AT HlGH\VAY OVERPASSES AND/OR lXTERSECTIONS. ETC. " .... J '1 LJ 3 3 :J n LI J J '1 IJ 21C '1 ... I"'l . .. r" .. c " III c n .. ... . ... I. f'I .. t " . " . c n III '"' .. f"'I II f"'I . n I .. ... .. FUND 001 GKNZRAL FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT ~ TITLB BXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION '09 STREET LIGHTING ACTUAL :2003-0' 5011 SALARIES PERM!FULLTIME 5015 OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING SI71 RENTALS 5172 EQUIPMENT ~~INTENANCE 5179 DUMP/WASTE FEES TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5601 GARAGE CHARGES 5604 M.I.S. CHARGES - IN-HOUSE 5605 TELEPHO~~ SUPPORT 5606 ELECTRIC 5609 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 5612 FLEET CHGS - FUEL TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 5704 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 217 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ACTUAL 200'-05 376.586 20,454 38,018 35.340 993 4,606 475,996 108,406 2,695 o o 13,335 1.521 o o 125,958 o o o o o o 12.466 2.600 287 1,236,460 10,500 9,977 o 1,272.289 o 1,162 o 1.162 o 1.875,405 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 449,800 14,000 60,600 49,000 900 5,500 579,800 123,000 2,800 100 1,200 8,200 1,500 SOO 137.300 15,200 o 800 1,050,000 o 11,000 1.077,000 1.794.100 371,700 10,000 57,800 46,000 800 5,500 491,800 92.300 2.BOO 100 1. 200 8,200 1.500 5,500 111,600 23,600 o o 1.163.500 o 15,800 1,202.900 o o o o 1,806.300 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION 3 409 STREET LIGHTING 001 GENERAL FUND rt '" '1 u OBJ JUSTIFICATION 5111 POLES. LAMPS, LUMINARIES, BALLAST, STARTERS, GLOBES NEEDED TO MAINTAIN CITY OWNED STREET LIGHTS; MATERIALS FOR !\tAINTENANCE OF BALL FIELD LIGHTING SYSTEMS; LIGHTING FOR PARKING LOTS, STRUCTURES, PARKS. AND CITY MONUMENTS; j\.{ATERIALS USED FOR MAINTENANCE OF SEWER LIFT STATIONS. SAFETY EQUIP1\.lENT fOR EI\WLOYEES. CONES AND BARRICADES FOR TRAFfIC CONTROL. n aJ 3 5112 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUlPME~T 5122 IMSA INTERNATIONAL MUNICIPAL. SIGNAL ASSOCIATION CERTlFICATIQS SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR RELATED I\IAGAZINES n u 5133 CONFINED SPACE TRAINING, RENE,\'AL OF CLASS B DRIVER'S LICENSE. f'I &J 5171 RENTAL OF 100 IT BUCKET TRUCK TO RELA!\IP BALL FIELDS. 5172 l\IAINTENA:'oiCE OF OHM l\lETERS. GAS DETECTORS. CALIBRA TIOS OF TEST f:QUlP!\tENT. o 5179 DUl\W AND \VAST FEES FOR DISPOSAL OF DAMAGED Cm~CRETE LIGHT POLES, LIGHT BULBS, AND ELECTRICAL. WASTE. n ... 3 " J ~ " \J J ., &J 3 3 J 218 '1 ... o "II mOl :ll. >0 ::!~ z:z: G)m ll:J:ll CO c- G)~ !!l '" " . --~. AIR QUALITY ADMINISTRATION OF EMPLOYEE RIDESHARE PROGRAM POLLUTION REDUCTION SPECIAL PROJECTS :I> :ii o C :I> r- :;j :I> ll:J N .... ell ell AIR QUALITY (AB2766) City Manager Fred Wilson (1) Employee *The City Administrator's budget will pay for 50% of the Senior Administrative Analyst II position 50% of the Secretary position and 15% of the Administrative Analyst I position. ~ ~ 1"'1 .. ~ ~ r"I .. 1"'1 . ~ ~ [ ~ .., .. c 1"'1 . f1 . c I'" .. c tt . AIR QUALITY (AB2766) ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT The Air Quality Fund must be used for projects that help reduce pollution coming from mobile sources, such as cars and trucks. This goal is accomplished primarily through the employee ridesharing program, which offers a variety of incentives to encourage employees to carpool, take the bus, walk, and bicycle to work. The Air Quality Fund has as its revenue source AB 2766, which established a fee for every vehicle registered in California. A portion of the money collected is allocated back to cities for use on emissions reduction projects. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 ACTUAL ACTUAL 55.550 60.588 15,741 15,636 9,105 4,200 11.631 10.755 o 0 o 0 92,027 91,180 CATEGORY PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION CONTRACTUAL SERVICES INTERNAL SERVICE CAPITAL OUTLA Y DEBT SERVICE TOTAL 2Hl 200S-06 BUDGET 68,000 25,800 9,500 12,000 o o 115,300 2006-07 PROPOSED 65,700 25,800 9,500 12,700 o o 113,700 AIR QUALITY J a 2005-06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS '1 .... ./ Increased enrollment in the Rideshare Program by 10%. J J ~ J ./ Implemented programs designed to reduce vehicle emissions, such as mechanic training for low emission vehicles and traffic light synchronization. ./ Participated in several regional events to learn creative ways to encourage more participation in the City's Rideshare Program. ./ Promoted the City's Ridesharc Program through a marketing campaign that contained articles in the employee ncwsletter, flyers, and a Rideshare information Bulletin Board. n u 2006-07 KEY GOALS J 3 ;.. Implement the new rules as required by the AQMD under the revised Employer Trip Reduction Plan (increased marketing and incentives). ;.. Continue to improve the City's Average Vehicle Ridership by increasing participation in the City's Ridcshare program. '1 u ;.. Continue to encourage crcative uses of AB2766 funds in order to reduce toxic emissions from mobilc sources. J 3 3 m ;.. Complete a study to determine the effectiveness of the crossing guard program with regard to emission reduction as a result of children walking to school instead of being driven. ;.. Create a database for City Employee Ridematching service. DID YOU KNOW? '1 w ;.. All City employees are eligible to join the Ridesharc Program. Many incentives are offered to cmployees who participate in the program by walking, biking, carpooling. or riding the bus 60% or more of the commute time to work. n u 3 J 220 n M ~ "'" II c r'I .. ~ C'" . c ~ ~ c ~ ~ '" . c ... 1M r .. c ~ FUND 111 AB2766 AIR QUALITY ACCOUNT OBJBCT ~ TITLE EXPENDITURB BUDGET LINE ITEM DBTAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006.2007 DIVISION 24.1 AB2766 AIR QUALITY ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTtJAL 2004-05 BUDGBT 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME SOH SALARIES TEMP!PARTTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION 5. TRAWING 5171 RENTALS 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE 5176 COPY MACHINE CHARGES 5181 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CO~.RA~JAL SVCS TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5603 LIABILITY 5604 M.I.S. CHARGES - IN~HOUSE 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES TOTAL 44,083 49,142 51,300 48,200 877 0 1,100 1,100 2,797 3,105 7,100 7,700 7,020 7,503 7,700 7,900 113 123 100 100 660 71S 700 700 55,550 60,588 68,000 65,700 526 855 1,400 1,400 492 1,106 1,500 1,500 0 0 700 500 0 0 SOO 500 0 0 200 200 452 468 700 900 0 100 200 200 198 22S 2,000 2,000 14,072 12,881 18,600 18,600 15,741 15,636 25,800 25,800 9,105 4,200 9,500 9,500 9,105 4,200 9,500 9,500 1. 600 1,900 2,300 2,600 6,700 6,600 7,300 7,300 3,331 2,255 2,400 2,800 11,631 10,755 12,000 12,700 92,026 91,180 115,300 113,700 221 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION ~ 241 AB2766 AIR QUALITY 111 AB2766 AIR QUALITY ~ OBJ JUSTIFICATION ~ n 5111 PURCHASE OF ROlITlNE OFFICE SUPPLIES 5122 ANNUAL AQMD FEES AND AIR QUALIIT PUBLICATIONS/JOURNALS 5132 PROVIDES FOR ATIENDANCE AT SOUTH COAST !\.tANAGEMENT DISTRICT MEETINGS AND ornER RELATED MEETINGS 3 5133 TRAINING RELATED TO TIlE RIDESHARE PROGRAM J 5171 RENTAI.S 5174 PRE'iTll'iG FOR:\lS. FLYERS, AND GENERAL DISTRIBUTION ITE:\t$ I"J 1I 5175 POSTAGE 5176 COPY MACHINE CHARGES ., U 5181 RIDESHARf:I;C INCENTIVES AND BUS PASSES. J 5502 PROVIDES FOR VARIOUS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 u 3 222 n ANIMAL CONTROL II ADMINISTRA TION ~ I FIELD SERVICES II SHELTER SERVICES I ]> z i ]> r- n o z .... :ll o r- ANIMAL CONTROL Director of Animal Control Ken Childress Administration field Services Shelter Services (7) Employees (11) Employees (6) Employees ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ " .. [ ~ c ~ ~ n I. n it 1"'1 &. ~ ~ " .. ~ - - - .. ANIMAL CONTROL ACCOUNT NUMBER: I24-230 FUND: ANIMAL CONTROL I ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT I Animal Control provides a wide range of services for people and animals in our community. Providing investigative services for citizen complaints, dangerous dog hearings, bites and cruelty cases are just part of the job. Maintaining a high level of rabies vaccination compliance and pet licensing addresses health and safety issues. Protecting people from the dangers and nuisances of uncontrolled animals and keeping animals safe from mistreatment and abuse is vital to our community. Promoting, motivating and enforcing responsible pet ownership is our number one goal. Contrary to the "limited admission" philosophies of some animal shelters we maintain an open door policy. We turn away no animal, regardless of health temperament, age or condition. Unfortunately, this does not enable us to place every animal in a new home. The sad fact remains however, that many otherwise healthy animals never get adopted because there aren't enough families who want them. Our philosophy is to keep working at the root causes of pet overpopulation and irresponsible pet ownership - to provide alternatives to indiscriminate breeding of pets, to encourage people to become better pet owners and to make our community a better place for both people and animals. EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 DIVISIOl\' ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED ADMINISTRATION 595.241 579,098 637,900 665,500 FIELD SERVICES 650.139 694,943 77? .800 799.500 SHELTER SERVICES 251.502 269,566 329,000 312,000 TOTAL 1,496,882 1,543,607 1,739,700 1,777,000 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CATEGORY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PERSONNEL 1,054,590 1,118,708 1,291,100 1.320,500 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 80.813 89,358 115.000 115,000 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 77,443 61,308 65.000 70,000 INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 284,036 274,233 247,700 246,500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 20,900 25,000 DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 1,496,882 1,543,607 1,739,700 1,777,000 223 __._ . ANIMAL CONTROL 2005-06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS ./ Completed a 575,000 renovation project of the Cat holding facilities. The new quarters include a much-needed air conditioning system, an isolation room for the sick and injured and a visiting room. Also upgraded the shelter's security system and perimeter fencing. ./ Enacted a tethering ordinance to improve the quality of life of neglected dogs. ./ Up-graded the shelter's volunteer program by adding a volunteer office/lounge. 2006-07 KEY GOALS ;... Renovate adoption center. :;... Expand the existing spay/neuter program to reduce the number of animals received by the department and increase the number of animals that are adopted by 10%. :..- Continue to explore ways to enhance animal and shelter services in the Inland Empire through jp A options or additional contract services. DID YOU KNOW? ;... City animals are now on the internet! The department can photograph and track every animal that enters the system. Pictures of animals are uploaded every evening and can be viewed by the public at Ww\\'.sbcilvanimals.or!!. ;... Responsible pet ownership is crucial in making our community a better place to live. Spaying and Neutering your pet will help save lives. ;... Last year the Animal Control Department rescued over 5,000 animals from the streets of our City and transported 515 injured animals for emergency veterinary care. ,. Last year Animal Control staff investigated 6,782 complaints regarding animals and responded to over 10,941 calls about loose animals. 22,1 ~ ~ J 3 J J 3 " LJ 3 J 3 ~ J 3 ~ J 3 " u ~ r IIIl c ~ ,., ~ ~ ~ 1'1 .. c c ~ ~ ~ ~ r .. c ~ ~ c ~ EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL -PISCAL YEAR 2006.2007 FUND n4 ANlKAL CONTROL FUND DIVISION 231 ANIMAL CONTROL ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT OBJECT ~ TITLE ACTUAL 2003-04 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 ACTUAL 2004-05 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5012 SPECIAL SALARIES 5013 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE 5014 SALARIES TEMP/PARTIIME 5015 OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE 284,831 309.96B 337,700 348,200 0 0 0 600 3.675 3,600 3.600 3,600 22,672 12,468 0 0 2" 486 1,000 1,000 16,154 17.845 44,900 53,200 41.389 42,555 39,700 52,100 780 817 900 900 3. 893 4.025 4,200 4,300 373,692 391,764 432,000 463,900 6.359 6,332 8,300 10,500 0 0 2,000 2,000 336 500 500 700 1,552 686 1,500 1,500 430 201 500 500 10,018 8,448 10,200 7,800 8,983 8.991 12,200 12,200 1,839 1,709 2,300 2,300 29.517 26,867 37,500 37,500 H,7l0 17.410 16,000 21,000 34,710 17,410 16,000 21,000 36,700 38,600 37,500 31. 300 7,300 8,600 10,400 10,100 89,000 72,900 60,600 53,700 24,677 22,957 23,000 23,000 157,677 143,057 131,500 118,100 0 0 20,900 25,000 0 0 20,900 25,000 595,596 579,098 637,900 665,500 TOTAL PBRSONNEL SBRVICES 5111 l"'.ATERIALS & SUPPLrES 5121 ADVERTISING 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5172 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE 5176 COPY MACHINE CHARGES TOTAL MAINTENANCB . OPERATION 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5602 WORKERS COMPENSATION 560] LIABILITY 5604 M.I.S. CHJL~GES - IN-HOUSE 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 5706 ALTERATIONS & RENOVATIONS TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 225 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION n 231 ANIMAL CONTROL ADMINISTRATION 124 ANIMAL CONTROL FUND ~ ~ OBJ JUSTIFICATION 5111 GE~ERAL OFFICE A....O PRINTING SUPPLIES AND UPGRADES. n 5121 ADVERTISING FOR lOW COST RABIES VACCINATION/LICENSING/MICROCHIP ClISICS 5122 DUES FOR CAUFORXIA ANIMAL CONTROL DIRECTORS' ASSOCIATION; NATIONAL ANl:\.lAL COSTROL ASSOCIATION; AJ\fERICAN IIU!\tANE ASSOCIATION; SOCIETY OF ANIMAL WELFARE AD:\.IINISTR.\TOR$; SUBSCRIPTION TO TRADE J\tAGAZINES AND :'\EWSPAPER. ~ 5133 STAFF DEVELOPME:'>iT: SAWA; AHA; USUS EXPO; CACDA; NACA; VARIOUS LOCAL SEMINARS. ONE IS OUT OF STATE TRAVEL msus ANI:\L.\L CARE EXPO Al"OD SEMmAR) ~ 5172 ;\(AINTENA:'IiCE COST FOR CREDIT CARD READERS. CALCULATORS. CASH REGISTER AND FAX:\tAClIINE J 5174 PRI:'>iTl:"JG OF DEPARD1ENTAL FOR'IS. LEITERHEAO, CITATIONS. RECErPTS. ENVELOPES. :\f1SCELI~.\.NEOUS J 5175 POSTAGE FOR GE~ERAL CORRESPONDENCE, LICENSE RENEWAL FOR~IS, CITATIO:'li PAYME:"T FOR.'IS 5176 PL'RCHASE TO~ER AND COPY CARTRIDGES FOR COPIER l\lACHl~E. A,....'NUAL SERVICE CO:"TRACT. J 5505 AFTER HOURS AXS\\.ERlNG SERVICE; SPA Y/NEUTER VOUCHER PROGRA:\I. CREDIT CARD CHARGES. SECURITI' ALAR.'t SYSTEM. 5706 FACILln' El'oOHANCE:\IENTS INCLUDING RENOVATION OF ADOPTION LOBBY AND UPGRADE TO CAT FACILlTlES D ~ ~ ~ fl U 3 ~ ~ ~ 22G ~ c c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rot I. n .. ~ ~ ~ ., III " ., c c ~ n II. -,- _.' . BXPENDITURB BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL . FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 FUND 124 ANIMAL CONTROL FUND DIVISION 232 FIELD SERVICES ACCOUNT OBJECT . TITLE ACT"O'AL 2003-04 BUDGET 200S-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 ACT11AL 2004-05 5011 SALARIES PERM/fULLTIME 5012 SPECIAL SALARIES 5014 SALARIES TEMP!PARTTIME 5015 OVERTIME 5018 VACATION PAY 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE 303,002 348,652 )7],700 379,100 600 600 600 600 110.323 99,059 126,500 126,500 32,303 33.533 22,500 22,500 65S 0 0 0 17,842 20,749 43,900 57,900 39,022 46,628 66.500 61,300 1,127 1,205 900 900 5,46] 5.922 4,400 4,400 510,337 556,348 639.000 653,200 S,025 6, e82 9,000 9,000 950 1,524 3,000 3,000 552 546 500 500 3,753 1,803 4,500 4,500 13,279 10,755 17,000 17.000 27,128 26,618 29.500 29.500 27,128 26,618 29,500 29,500 30,221 26,901 H,100 34.000 25,000 25,000 0 0 10,000 9,800 10,600 12,000 H,174 39,521 42,600 53,800 99,395 101,222 87,300 99.800 650,140 694,943 772,800 799,500 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5171 REl',.rrALS 5181 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5601 GARAGE CHARGES 5609 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 5610 CO~_~~ICATION SHOP 5612 fLEET CHGS - fUEL TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES TOTAL 227 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION ~ 232 FIELD SERVICES 124 ANIMAL CONTROL FUND o ~ OBJ JUSTIFICATION 5111 ANIJ\.IAL CONTROL SUPPLIES. CONTROL POLES, TRANQUILIZER EQUIPMENT, TRAPS. FILM AND PHOTO PROCESSING FOR COURT CASES. l\USC. SUPPLIES o 5133 STAFF DEVELOPMENT: SAWA; AHA; CACDA; NACA IN CALIFORNIA AND SALT LAKE CIIT UTAH. H5US EXPO; VARIOUS LOCAL SEMINARS. OFFICER TRAINING FOR INVESTIGATIONS. STATE J\.IANDATED P.C.SJ2 FOR ARREST AND FIREARJ\.IS ~ 5181 UNIFOR.l\1 REPLACEMENT FOR ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICERS AND LICENSE CHECKERS ~ 5505 ANIMAL EMERGENCY AFTER flOURS AND CONTRACT VETERlNARY CARE FOR SICK ASD INJURED ANIMALS; LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION. J ~ ~ " U ~ ~ J ~ " U ~ a J 228 3 ~ ("1 ~ ("1 1M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ FUND n4 ANIMAL CONTROL FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT M TITLE --. .." EXPENDITURE BUDGZT LINE tTEK DETAIL YISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 233 SHELTER SERVICES ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTUAL 2004-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5012 SPECIAL SALARIES 5014 SAlARI ES TEMP!PARTTIME 5015 OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5172 EQUIPMENT ~AINTENANCE 5181 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 5188 CITY IN-HOUSE SERVICES TOTAL MAINTENANCB & OPERATION 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5606 ELECTRIC 5607 GAS 5608 WATER, SEwER, GEOTHE~~~L TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES TOTAL 128,636 145,961 175,000 143,800 0 0 0 600 13,251 130 0 0 625 212 4,000 4,000 6,849 7,759 22,600 20,700 18,777 14,046 15,600 31,800 356 366 .00 '00 2,066 2,122 2,500 2,100 170,561 170,596 220,100 203,400 20,478 33,828 41,500 41,500 0 456 500 500 <98 0 1,000 1,000 '5 '" 500 500 .66 .75 SOO 500 16,500 16,500 16,500 16,500 38,017 51,736 60,500 60,500 15,960 17,280 19,500 19,500 15,960 17,280 19,500 19,500 17,856 17,244 18,000 18,000 1.378 1.843 1,500 1,400 7,730 10,868 9,400 9,200 26,964- 29,954- 28,900 28,600 251,502 269,566 329,000 312,000 229 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION ~ 233 SHELTER SERVICES 124 ANIMAL CONTROL FUND ~ o OBJ JUSTIFICATION 5111 MAlNTENANCE MATERIALS; CHEMICAL SUPPLIES; ANIMAL FOOD; EUlliANASlA MATERIALS; DRUGS. MEDICAL AND SHELTER SUPPLIES; V ACCINE5. ~ 5112 TRANSPORT CARRIERS, TRAPS. POLE SYRINGES, KETCH-ALL POLES. ETC. J 5133 STAFF DEVELOPMENT: AliA; HSUS EXPO; CACDA; NACA; WESfERN STATES VETERINARY CONFERENCE; VARIOUS LOCAL SE:\H:'>iARS. ONE IS OUT OF STATE J 5172 REPAIR OF REFRIGERATOR. WASHER, DRYER, STEAM CLEANER AND ornER EQUIPMENT. 5181 ur-;IFOR.\IS FOR ONE (I) REGISTERED VETERINARY TECHNICIA:"oI AND FOUR (~) ANIMAL SHELTER AITENDANTS; BOOTS ~ 5188 CITY IN-HOUSE SERVICE - BUILDING J\lAII'oTENANCE; CUSTODIAL; LANDSCAPE CONTRACT AND INSPECTION 5505 DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL CONTK\CT. I:'\CLUDI:"IG MAINTENANCE OF FREEZER. PICK UP AND DISPOSAL OF 1\tEDlCAL WASTE. ~ J D J J o ~ ~ ~ a ~ 230 ~ I II ASSET FORFEITURE ASSETS REMOVED FROM PERSONS INVOL VED IN CRIMINAL ACTIVITY FUND SUPPORTS GANG AND DRUG EDUCATION , I I I I I I " > '" '" ~ ." o '" ." m ::; C :ll m ASSET FORFEITURE The Police Department is the Administrator of this Fund ~ c ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ c ~ ~ r . c ~ c ~ ~ ~ ASSET FORFEITURE ACCOUNT NUMBER: 108-271 & 118-272 I ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT I The Asset Forfeiture Unit is responsible for the examination and investigation of asset seized by various units of the police department to determine their potential for seizure. The unit generates revenue to supplement law enforcement through the legal process of removing seized assets from persons involved in various criminal enterprises. EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION/FUND 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2()()6..{)7 DIVlSlo."1 ACIlJAL ACIlJAL BUDGET PROPalED ASSEf FORFEmJRE 462,930 748,440 87,000 87,000 DRUG/GANG EDUCATION 22,735 36,845 98,000 216,800 TOTAL 485,665 785,285 185,000 303,800 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CATEGORY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PERSONNEL 50,000 227,600 75,000 0 MAINTENANCE & OPERA nON 153.077 106,171 79,500 165,300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 85,547 123,918 30,500 30,500 INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 37,300 0 0 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 159.741 327,596 0 108,000 DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 485,665 785,285 185,000 303,800 231 fl I. ~ FUND 108 ASSET FORFEITURE FUND ~ ACCOUNT OBJECT ~ TITLE ~ 5011 SALARIES PERM!FULLTIME 5015 OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE c TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES ~ 5112 S~ALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5121 ADVERTIS~NG 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5173 OUTSIDE VEHICLE ~AINTENANCE 5181 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 5193 G~~T MATCH ~ ~ TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION ~ 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SVCS 5505 OTHER PROFESSIO~AL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVIces c 5604 M.I.S. CHARGES - IN-HOUSE TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES t 5702 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 5703 CO~JNICATIONS EQUIPME~7 5704 MISCELLk~EOUS EQUIPMENT 5706 ALTERATIONS & RENOVATIONS c TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY ~ TOTAL ~ ~ ~ c f" .. ~ EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DItTArL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 271 ASSET FORFEITURE ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTUAL 2004-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 41,100 164,600 0 0 0 1,500 0 0 5,000 39,100 0 0 3,300 19,800 0 0 600 2,600 0 0 50,000 227,600 0 0 6,174 846 4,600 4,600 3,599 3,363 4,500 4,500 9,080 12,851 0 0 5,704 3,901 5,400 5,400 69,700 60,000 65,000 65,000 91. 092 0 0 0 185,348 80,960 79,500 79,500 14,700 1.150 0 0 56,141 112,767 7,500 7,500 70,841 113,917 7,500 7,500 37,300 0 0 0 37,300 0 0 0 34,354 157,079 0 0 3,227 147,968 0 0 109,770 20,915 0 0 4,974 0 0 0 152,326 325,963 0 0 495,815 748,440 87,000 87,000 233 ~ ~ FUND 118 GANG M DRUG ASSZT FORF I'" . ACCOUNT OBJECT ~ TITLE ~ 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5123 LIBRARY BOOKS TOTAL MAINTENANCE k OPERATION ~ 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ~ TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5702 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 5704 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT ~ TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY ~ TOTAL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c c ~ ~ EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 272 DRUG/GANG EDUCATION ACTUAL 2003-04 235 ACTUAL 2004-05 o o o 1,000 o 24,211 o 25,211 o 10,000 10,000 o o o 1. 6)] o o 1,633 o 36,845 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 35,000 15,000 25,000 75,000 23,000 23,000 98,000 40,000 20,800 25,000 85,800 23.000 23,000 o o 7,500 100,500 o 108,000 216,800 . ...- - II II CABLE TV CHANNEL 3 OVERSEES THE CABLE COMPANIES FOR FRANCHISE COMPLIANCE " OPERA TES AND PROGRAMS TWO ACCESS CHANNELS I I I I I , 'I o ,. ll:J r- m -l m r- ~ in is z i CABLE TV CHANNEL 3 Director ofInformation Technology Tom Marek Engineering Production CATV Administration (2) Employees (2) Employees (1) Employee " . ... .. ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ c [ r . c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t CABLE TELEVISION (CATV) I ArrOUNT NUMBER: /07-26/ FUND. rATV I ABOUT THE DIVISION Under the direction of the Director of Information Technology, Cable Television Division (CATV) provides regulatory oversight of the City's cable companies for franchise compliance, consumer protection, and franchise renewal negotiations. CATV operates and programs two access channels, one public and one educational, for the community. Programming hours total in excess of 5,400 annually. The Division also provides guidance and support to the Community Cable Television Commission. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CATEGORY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PERSONNEL 350.660 280,377 339,000 372,500 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 113,199 22.132 109,000 109,000 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 36,995 16.740 25,000 11,000 INTERNAL SERVICE 45,444 34,104 29,800 30.300 CAPITAL OUTLAY 553 0 3,500 3.500 DEBT SERVICE 0 0 106.900 106.900 TOTAL 546,851 353,353 613.200 633.200 2~'7 CATV 2005-06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS 0/" Provided services under contract to the City of Chino Hills, City of Rancho Cucamonga, Chaffey College, Rancho Cucamonga Public Library, IVDNSBIAA, Interfaith Consortium and others. 0/" Added capability to go LIVE from Convention Center, EDA Board Room and other future locations. 0/" Integrated Channel 3 inforn1ation, programming and scheduling into the city web site. 0/" Negotiated with Cal State San Bernardino to acquire the equipment owned by ICTN and in- use by CATV -Channel 3. 0/" Added considerable programming on both Channel 3 and Access San Bernardino channels. 2006-07 KEY GOALS ., Implement 5- Year Equipment Replacement Plan. ,. Upgrade analog on-location TV production equipment to a digital format. .,. Develop/acquire additional programming. :,. Document Operation Phoenix implementation. DlD YOU KNOW? ;.. The CATV -Channel 3 operates two channels on the cable systems. Channel 3 is used for government programming and shows produced by CATV-Channel 3. ;. The Access San Bernardino Channel is used primarily to air public access programnling that is submitted by the members of the public. :;. CATV - Channel 3 provided technical and production support for both the Rancho Cucamonga Public Library Telethon and Chaffey College Telethons for the past 5 years. ,. The Cable Television Commission advises the Mayor and Council about issues related to cable services, franchises, and other cable-related matters. 2:33 J ~ J 3 J J r"f 110I J J ~ 3 3 ~ J 3 n J J 3 ~ EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINZ ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 ~ FUND 107 CABLB T V ruND DIVISION 261 CABLE T.V.-ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT OBJECT & TITLE ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTUAL 2004-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 ~ 5011 SALARIES PERM!FULLTIME 235,391 185.485 208,600 213,600 5013 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE 0 0 800 900 ~ 5014 SALARIES TEMP/PARTTIME 62,336 42,737 54,000 68,000 5015 OVERTIME 229 0 800 800 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 15,843 27,247 43,600 49,800 ~ 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 32,317 21,379 27,700 35,600 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 74S 571 500 SOO 5029 MEDICARE 3,799 2,959 3,000 3,100 ~ TOTAL PBRSONNEL SERVICES 350,660 280.377 339,000 372,500 5Ul MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 13,692 7,266 9,800 9,800 C 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 2.122 1,136 2,500 2,500 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 0 62 1,000 1,000 5171 RENTALS 0 10' 300 300 ~ 5172 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 9,649 3,697 7,700 7,700 5174 PRINTING CHARGES S7 329 700 700 5175 POSTAGE '" 180 500 SOD 5176 COPY MACHINE CHARGES 1. 457 1,361 1,700 1,700 ~ 5181 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 78,000 0 76,800 76,800 5188 CITY IN.HOUSE SERVICES 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 ~ TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 113,199 22,13:il 109,000 109.000 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SVCS 13,160 0 10,000 10,000 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 22,645 15,619 14,000 0 ~ 5507 FACILITIES SERVICES 1,190 1.121 1,000 1,000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 36,995 16,740 :il5,000 11,000 ~ 5601 GARAGE CHARGES 218 1,704 1,800 3,000 5602 WORKERS COMPENSATION 6,200 6,500 6,400 5,400 C 5603 LIABILITY 1,600 1,900 2,300 2,600 5604 M. LS. CHARGES - IN-HOUSE 11,900 12,100 12,000 11,700 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 19,484 5,748 6,100 5,200 5609 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 5,000 5,000 0 0 r 5610 COMMUNICATION SHOP 300 300 400 400 .. 5612 FLEET CHGS FUEL 742 85' 800 2,000 ~ TOTAL INTBRNAL SERVICE CHARGES 4.5.4.H H,104 29,800 30,300 5704 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 553 0 3,500 3,500 ~ TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 553 0 3,500 3.500 5803 LEASE PAYMENTS 0 0 106,900 106,900 ~ TOTAL DBBT SERVICE 0 0 106,900 106,900 C TOTAL 54.6,850 353,353 613,200 633.200 ~ 239 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION ~ 261 CABLE T.V.-ADMINISTRATION 107 CABLE T V FUND ~ OBJ JUSTIFICATION J 5111 MA TERlALS AND SUPPLIES SUCH AS: PENS. PENCILS. POST.ITS. CALCULA TOR TAPE, VIDEO TAPE, BA TfERIES. DUCT TAPE. BOX TAPE, NOTE PADS. AUDIO TAPES. PAPER. ENVELOPES, SET SUPPLIES. ETC. ~ 5122 DUES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS/PROGRAM LICENSE FEES; J\.fUSIC rEES D 5133 FUNDING fOR VARIOUS LOCAL EDUCATON & TRAIN~G SEMINARS 5171 COMMUNICATION CHARGES: PAGERS FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SELECT STAFF; TELEVISlON, VCR. OVERHEAD PROJECTOR EQUIPl\IENT RENT At o 5172 EQUIPMENT l\.lAINTENANCE FOR DECKS, VCR'S, CAJ\.lERAS. TYPEWRITERS, ETC. n 5174 PRr.o-;TffiG CHARGES FOR OFFICE FOR\lS. P.E.G. GUIDLINES. ETC. 5175 POSTAGE FOR I\tAILlNG COl\L\IISSION !\tATERIAL. VIDEOTAPES, OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE ~ 5176 COPY MACHINE CHARGES ~ 5181 RENT TO EDA FOR SPACE IN 201 BUILDING (ADl\.tIN OFFICES. KCSB STUDIO) 5188 OVERHEAD AND AD~IINISTRA TION CHARGES TO GENERAL FUND ~ 5505 COl'HRACT SERVICES/PER DIEM SfAFF AS NEEDED TO HELP WITH VARIOUS PROJECTS 5507 FACILITIES SERVICES ALAH.'-I SERVICES FOR ADMIN OFFICES AND KCSB STUDIO ] 5704 REPLACEMENT PRODUCTION SWITCHER 5803 1ST OF 4 A!'mUAL PAYMENTS TO CAL STATE FOR PURCHASE OF VIDEO EQUIP:\IENT ~ ~ ] ~ 3 D 3 240 3 II I CEMETERY A DIVISION OF THE PARKS, REC. AND COMMUNITY SER VICES DEPT. MAINTENANCE STAFF MAINTAINS 26 ACRES C) m ~ m -I m :ll -< - CEMETERY Director of Parks, Recreation & Comm Svcs Lemuel Randolph (2) Employees ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n .. c ~ ~ ~ c c ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ CEMETERY ACCOUNT NUMBER: 106-441 FUND: CEMETERY FUND I ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT I The Pioneer Memorial Cemetery currently maintains 26 acres consisting of mowing, trimming and setting grave memorials, hedge trimming, planting trees and flowers, fertilizing and irrigation. Approximately 100 interments are performed annually. A "pre-need" program is also available for all city customers. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CATEGORY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PERSONNEL 139,976 86.416 87,000 83,500 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 13,976 16,020 18,000 18,000 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 45,258 43,000 43,000 INTERNAL SERVICE 27 .625 18.849 21,600 18,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 0 DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 181,577 166,544 169,600 162,500 241 CEMETERY 2005-06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS " Purchase and installation of Data Management Software. " Development ofa virtual cemetery online by a member of the community. 2006-07 KEY GOALS , Commence and complete data entry of all burials into the new data management software. Over 14,500 burials to input. , Link the inforn1ation Database and the Virtual cemetery so that the public may search for their families on the Internet. This will greatly assist genealogy requests. DID YOU KNOW? ;. Eagle scouts spent several 11lonths documenting and taking pictures fa all headstones in the original Pioneer Cemetery. They also found many stones; which had been lost over the decades. These stones make up the virtual cemetery. New programs to begin work in the South end of the cemetery are currently being planned. ,. The Cenletery Division perfonned 95 intemlllents in 2005. 2<'12 ~ ~ :J 3 ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r-, .... ~ ~ ~ J ~ J D ~ ~ c ~ i ~ . c ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ c FUND 106 CEMETERY PUND ACCOUNT OBJECT . TITLE EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DZTAIL FISCAL YEAR Z006-2007 DIVISION t41 CEMETERY ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTUAL 200"-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5013 AUTOMOBILE ALLOw~~CE SOH SALARIES TEMP/PARTTIME 5018 VACATION PAY 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDI CARE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP~ENT 5121 ADVERTISING 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5131 MILEAGE 5171 RENTALS 5172 EQUIPME~T ~~INTEN~~CE 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE 5188 CITY IN-HOUSE SERVICES TOTAL MAINTENANCE . OPERATION 5506 LANDSCAPE CO~7RACTS TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5601 GARAGE CHARGES 5602 WORKERS CO:-'lPENSATIO:-J 5603 LIABILITY 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 5606 ELECTRIC 5607 GAS 5612 fLEET CHGS fUEL TOTAL INTgRNAL SKRVICR CHARGKS TOTAL 112,614 66,337 67,300 63,800 1,750 0 0 0 327 0 0 0 682 692 0 0 7,815 4,064 8.500 8,900 16,444 14,734 10,500 9,800 289 168 200 100 55 421 500 900 139,976 86,416 87,000 83,500 10,827 13,173 14,900 14,900 0 0 200 200 635 782 400 400 225 265 300 300 0 77 100 100 929 625 600 600 279 0 200 200 0 82 200 200 81 17 100 100 1,000 1,000 1,000 1. 000 13,976 16,020 18,000 18,000 0 45,258 43,000 43,000 0 45,258 43,000 B,OOO 13.709 4,663 0,800 4,100 7,500 7.900 7,800 7,000 1,800 2,100 2,500 2,700 '93 621 1,200 BOO 1,4,10 1,736 1,600 1,700 332 475 ",.YJ 400 1,922 1,354 1,300 1,300 27,625 18,849 21.600 18,000 ISl,577 166,544 169,600 162,500 243 - BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION o 441 CEMETERY 106 CEMETERY FUND ~ OBJ JUSTIFICATION ~ 5111 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES - CLEANING MATERIALS. PAPER TOWELS. CUSTODIAL SERVICES PROVIDED BY CEMETERY DEPARThIENTi SPECIAL DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLIES - BURIAL VAULTS. lINERS, LAWN URNS, MARKER BORDERS AND FWWER VASES; OFFICE SUPPLIES. SUPPLIES NEEDED FOR OFFICE; SAFElY SUPPLIES - RAIN GEAR AND SAFElY GLASSES FOR 3 EMPLOYEES; EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE - ITEMS NEEDED TO REPAIR MOWERS. TRI:\1J\lERS, SWEEPER AND SPRINKLER SYSTEM PERFORMED BY DEPARTMENT D o 5112 PURCHASE OF SHOVELS. RAKES, HOSES. tOPPERS. GARDEN HOSES AND OTI-lER TOOLS FOR GROUND I\.lAINTENANCE D 5121 ADVERTISING 5122 MEMBERSHIP IN CAliFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC CEMETERIES; AMERICAN CEMETERY l\L\GAZINE ~ 5131 MILEAGE FOR USE OF PERSONAL CAR ON CITY BUSINESS 5171 WORK UNIFORMS FOR 3 E!\.IPLOYEES; CAR POOL CHARGES n ... 5172 REPAIRS TO TYPEWRITER. ADDING l\.1ACHINE, MOWER, TRll\L\lERS AND WEEDEATERS Al'o'SUAL BACKFLOW INSPECTIONS ~ 5174 PRJI\,TID FORMS, SALES CONTRACTS AND ENDOWMENT CARE AGREEl\lENT BOOKS 5175 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE A."m POSTAGE ~ 5188 l\tAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF BUILDING HEATING AND AIR CONDlTIONIXG UNITS BY FACILITIES l\tANAGEMENT 5506 CONTRACT GROUNDSKEEPC\'G SERVICES ~ o J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 244 ~ or I ---'""" LIBRARY A FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM WITH A CENTRAL LIBRARY AND 3 BRANCHES EDUCATION, CAREER, BUSINESS INFORMA TION INTERNET AND OTHER COMPUTING SERVICES LIFETIME LEARNING AND CULTURAL ENRICHMENT LITERAC~ LOCAL HISTORY COMMUNITY REFERRAL LIBRARY Librmy Board Of Trustees Library Director Ophelia Georgiev Roop Administration Public Services Library Information Technology (4) Employees (22) Employees (5) Employees ,.. . c " . n . " .. n '- n . r .. ~ c f'I . r .. " . ,.. . f"I III ~ f" . ~ n . .- LIBRARY ACCOUNT NUMBER.. /05-47/ FUND.. LIBRARY I ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT I The mission of the San Bernardino Public Library is to provide free access to the world of ideas, information and creative experience for all citizens of San Bernardino. The Library is a cultural center where the people of San Bernardino come together to learn and participate in public discourse. It aids the community in the creation of informed and educated citizenry and provides opportunities for tree lifelong learning and economic improvement. The San Bernardino Public Library is governed by an autonomous administrative Library Board of Trustees as provided by Article XII of the Charter of the City of San Bernardino. Library services are provided at four sites: Norman F. Feldheym Central Library, Villasenor Library, Inghram Library, and Rowe Library. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CATEGORY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PERSONNEL 1,714,444 1.803.385 2.039.100 2,139,900 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 289,219 291,393 390.700 390,700 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 8,997 9.143 12.000 12.000 INTERNAL SERVICE 293.159 286,133 316,600 294,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 753 0 0 0 DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 2,306,572 2,390,054 2,758,400 2,836,600 I I I 245 LIBRAR Y 2005 - 06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS .,/ Continued a community appeal to raise funds for the purchase of books that resulted in the restoration ofa portion of the book budget. .,/ Enhanced the cultural enrichment of the community: Children's and teen reading programs, the Literary Salon, teen poetry open mic nights. literary evenings with authors. .,/ Received federal E-rate subsidy for technology to continue to bridge the digital divide which persists among the low income population of San Bernardino. .,/ Created two new positions' at no additional cost to the City to meet the demands of providing technology services tot he public. .,/ Offered training workshops. ~ web site and database access tot he small business community resulting from a grant from the State Library. 2006-07 KEY GOALS :;.. Implement Library technology upgrade. ., Expand the number of hours the computer center is open to the public. ., Involve the community in a "One Book, One City" program. ., Establish more partnerships with local entities to improve knowledge and learning opportunities for the community. DID YOU KNOW? ., The Library offers homework assistance at all libraries. A special grant funded center offers in-depth homework assistance at the Villasenor Branch. ., Children and teens read 47,048 books in 8 weeks during the summer reading game. ,. San Bernardino Public Library hosted 121 programs for youth with an attendance of 5314 children and teens. >- Historical photos and oral histories of past San Bernardino residents are available www.sonl.om..j"de.historkJl.htmi ? t11~ n ... ~ J :J J n ... " ... J '1 oJ ~ ~ J 3 " oJ 11 Iol 3 J :J r'J .... I"'l . I'" II FUND 105 LIBRARY FUND I"'l .. ACCOUNT OBJECT . TITLE " . 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5012 SPECIAL SALARIES 5013 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE 5014 SALARIES TEMP!PARTTIME 5015 OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE n .. r ~ TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES n . 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5122 DUES & SL~SCRIPTIONS 5123 LIBRARY BOOKS 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5171 REr.~ALS 5172 EQUIPMEl'.'T MAIl-."TENA..'JCE 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE 5181 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 5183 tI'.ANAGEMENT ALLOWANCE 5188 CITY IN-HOUSE SERVICES r ~ I'" . r'1 .. " . TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES I'" . TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES f" ~ 5601 GA..~GE CHARGES 5602 WORKERS COMPENSATION 5603 LIABILITY 5604 M.I.S. CHARGES - IN-HOUSE 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 5606 ELECTRIC f1 . 5607 GAS 5608 WATER, SEWER, GEOTHERMAL 5609 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 5612 FLEET CHGS + FUEL n . r'1 .. TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 5702 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 1'1 . TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY " .. TOTAL 1'" . EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 200&-2007 DIVISION 471 LIBRARY ACTUAL 2003.04 1. 221, 455 600 3,600 245,951 1,070 80,478 142,848 3,682 14,760 l,7H,4U 15.368 26,830 o 3,646 1.105 36,695 2,355 7.243 13,589 10.220 264 171,900 289,219 8,997 8,997 96' 30,700 22.000 41,300 014,813 136,177 1. 625 10,298 4,400 '7' 293,159 2,30&,572 24'( 753 753 ACTt1AL 2004-05 1,274,513 600 3,600 276,824 2,685 84,768 140.937 3,895 15,564 1,803,385 16,269 28,472 o ], :nO 1,770 36,700 2,991 5,554 15,085 8,931 "2 171,900 291,394 9,14] 9,143 2,067 32,300 25,700 44,500 32,457 129,775 1.922 12, III 4,400 900 286,133 2,390,055 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 1,409,900 -14,000 3,600 253,300 o 188,400 181,500 3,200 13,200 2,039,100 15,000 27,800 100,000 3. 500 2,000 ]6,900 3,000 7,000 11,000 12,000 600 171,900 390,700 12,000 12,000 3,500 31,700 31,000 40,000 55,100 144,000 1,400 9,000 o 900 316,600 o o 2,758,400 1,515,800 2,400 3,600 179,900 o 236,000 183,800 3,800 14.600 2,139,900 15,000 27,800 100,000 3,500 2,000 36,900 3,000 7,000 11,000 12,000 600 171,900 390,700 12,000 12,000 2,100 26,800 29, ]00 36,900 55,500 132,000 1,200 9.000 o 1,200 2940,000 o o o o 2,83&,&00 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION n LI 471 LIBRARY 105 LIBRARY FUND 3 OBJ JUSTIFICATION ~ 5111 GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES. ~VOICES. LEARNING CENTER SUPPLIES. CATALOGING SUPPLIES. ARCHIVAL SUPPLIF.5. LIBRARY CARDS. LAMPS, TONER, BARCODE LABELS, BARCODE SCANNERS. AUDIOfVlDEO CASSElTE CASES AND SUPPLIES. 5122 SUBSCRIPTIONS TO PERIODICALS AND ONLINE DATABASES: :\IE!\1BERSHlPS TO THE FOLLOWING; Al\.1ERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. INLAND LIBRARY SYSTEM, CALIFORNIA lIRRARY ASSOCIATION. 5.8. CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU. S.B. KIWANIS CLUB. CA ASSOC. OF LIBRARY OF TRUSTEES AND COtlol\IISSIONS AND ROTARY SERVICE CLUB. 5132 AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE, CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE. PUBLIC UBRARY ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE AND OTHER RELATED CONFERENCES AND l\.tEETlNGS SUBJECT TO LIBRARY BOARD APPROVAL. 5133 STAFF EDUCATION ANDTRAINI:'IiG. 5171 RENT At OF SPACE IN THE PUBliC ENTERPRISE BUILDING 5172 l\tAI~TENANCE OF OFFICE EQUIPMENT, PRINTERS. J\.flCROFOR1\l READER PRINTERS. BOOK DETECTION SYSTEM. CD-ROMS. VCRS, FAX J\.fACHP.'iES. ASD TELEVISI01'lS. 5174 PRINTING OF LIBRARY APPLICATION FORMS, DATE DUE SLIPS, LIBRARY BROCHURES. ENVELOPES, STATIOl'iERY A."ID PRO!\IOTIOSAL J\.fA TERIALS. 5175 POSTAGE COST FOR J\.fAILI1'iG OVERDUE INVOICES, BOOK RESERVES,1'iE\\'Sl.EITERS. CORRESPONDENCE AND PROMOTIONAL l\.l.\TERIALS. 5181 ONL~E BOOK CATALOGI1'iG. INTERLIBRARY lENDING DATA BASE. PUBLIC ACCESS CATALOG. ELECTRONIC SECURITY FOR ONU:"OE CATAlOG(~G. Ol'iU:"iE BIBLlOGRAPIC DATABASE ENHANCE!\IENT, SERVICES AND SUPPORT. 5183 REIMBL"RSEMENT TO DIRECTOR FOR WORK-RELATED EXPENSES. 5188 BUILDING !\IAr.'IOTENANCE, CUSTODIAL SERVICE/SUPPLIES, LANDSCAPE MAI~TENANCE AND CONTRACT INSPECTION COST FOR THREE FACIUTIES; SECURITY GUARD SERVICE AT ITLDHEYl\.I CENTRAL LIBRARY AI\'D VILLASENOR BRANCH LIBRARY. 5505 SECURITI' AND FIRE MOSITORING SERVICE AT FElDHEVM, ROWE AND VILLASENOR LIBRARIES AND AD1\IINISTRATIVE BANK FEES FOR DEBT SERVICE, 248 c 3 J f1 u f1 u J n &oJ n " J 11 u " U 11 LJ ., .J J n &oJ ., U I II REFUSE A UTOMA TED REFUSE COLLECTION COMMERCIAL REFUSE COLLECTION RECYCLING & ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMS STREET SWEEPING , I I I :ll m ." c '" m REFUSE Director of Public Service Ken Fischer Administration Residential Collection/ Subscription Svcs (I 1.75) Employees (81) Employees Street Sweeping Recycling / Environmental (4) Employees (3) Employees " . ,.. III " . ,.. .. ,., .. ~ c c ~ ~ r' III I'" . ,.. .. c c I'" .. c c [ PUBLIC SERVICES-REFUSE ACCOUNT NUMBER: 527-410 FUND: REFUSE FUND I ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT I The Refuse section of Public Services is responsible for the following: Automated Residential Refuse Collection, Commercial Refuse Collection; Recycling and Environmental Programs; and Street Sweeping. EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 DIVISION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED ADMINISTRATION 2.146.855 2.726.091 2,924.300 2.891,200 AUTOMATED RESIDENTIAL 7,040,230 7,554,028 7,959.300 8.568,700 SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES 7.202.343 7.286.699 7.552.900 7,741,300 STREET SWEEPING 460,691 558,242 547,700 570.600 RECYCLINGIENVIRONMENT AL 430,142 1.199.488 895.000 1,144,900 TOTAL 17,280,261 19,324,548 19,879,200 20,916,700 EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CATEGORY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PERSONNEL 4.617.009 4.943,281 5,143,800 5,683,000 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 6,310,826 6,865,043 7,283,000 7,622,500 CONTRACTIJAL SERVICES 388,648 1.239,751 715,400 1,162,300 INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 3,906,229 4,315,221 5,189,600 5,388,400 CAP IT AL OUlLA Y 249,145 174,253 173,900 119,400 DEBT SERVICE 1,808,404 \,786.999 1,403,500 971,100 CREDIT 0 0 (30,000) (30,000) TOTAL 17,280,261 19,324,548 19,879,200 20,916,700 248 REFUSE 3 3 2005-06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS " ~ ./ Refuse has recruited and hired a Sanitation Division Manager. 11 u ./ Completed operational analysis and developed an action plan for implementation of recommendations. 3 ./ Completed development of policies and procedures for HTE billing, collections and customer service. n ... ./ Completed a Request for Proposal; issued the RFP, reviewed responses and awarded a contract for recyclable and green material processing. 2006-07 GOALS J 3 '1 u , Develop and implement a Bin Inventory and Tracking System for automated, roll-off, and commercial containers. ~ 3 n ;.. Recruit, hire, and train new and existing personnel in the Refuse Division. Including but not limited to the following positions: Senior Customer Service Representative, Refuse Inspector, Route Supervisor, Environmental Specialist, and Refuse Truck Operators. , Purchase, receive, and incorporated new collection vehicles into the Refuse Division Fleet. Including the following: 13 new automated side loaders, 4 roll-off, and 2 pick-up trucks. , Identify, measure, and establish performance standard for field operations, yard personnel, customer service, and environmental projects and programs. n a.I , Conduct Feasibility Study for incorporating a new software system for billing and solid waste collection and management. " ..I DID YOU KNOW? ~ , The Refuse Division provides backyard collection to qualified participants. f'1 U " The Refuse division services 90,000 residential carts each week. 3 n 3 2S0 " .. EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 c PUND 527 REFUSE FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT ~ TITLE ACTUAL 2003-04 DIVISION 411 RZruSE-ADMa~STRATION I'" . 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5013 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE 5014 SALARIES TEMP/PARTTIME 5015 OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE 259,597 900 -408 6,556 15,407 31,692 66' 3,897 f" . " . ("1 .. TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 318,310 ~ 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5121 ADVERTISING 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5171 RENTALS 5172 EQUIPMENT lY'.AINTENANCE 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE 5176 COPY MACHINE CHARGES 5181 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 5182 BAD DEBTS/L~COLLECTIBLE ACCTS 5183 lY'.A."JAGE!>1Er.'T ALLOWANCE 5188 CITY IN-HOUSE SERVICES 13,471 o 1,604 1,259 11,435 160 o 9,090 3,014 639 o 160,523 200 11,000 ~ n III n I. 1'1 III TOTAL MAINTENANCE " OPERATION 212,395 r .. 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CO~.RACTUAL SVCS 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 40,344 126,192 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 166,536 t"I . 5602 WORKERS COMPENSATION 5603 LIABILITY 424,300 987,700 87,800 29,513 5,835 1,097 6'6 I'" III 5604 M.I.S. CHARGES IN HOUSE 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 5606 ELECTRIC 5607 GAS 5608 WATER, SEWER, GEOTHERMAL 5610 COMMUNICATION SHOP r- .. 44,800 I'" . TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICB CHARGES 1,581,691 ,., III 5702 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 5704 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 5706 ALTERATIONS & RENOVATIONS 34,025 o o TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY B,025 c TOTAL 2,312,958 f"I .. 251 ACTUAL 2004-05 300,869 "8 61,347 5,282 17,441 32,828 921 5,205 424,380 15,758 6,723 '04 13,921 9,232 1,272 o 8,098 2,296 616 27,284 126,407 164 11,000 223,674 235,213 68,988 304,201 446,500 1.155,300 86,500 25,923 5,864 4,990 4,604 44,000 l,773,6B1 2,726,091 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 o 137 18 155 277,300 o 58,000 5,000 50,100 43,300 800 5,100 439,600 14,500 7,000 800 9,500 7,000 6,000 1,000 13,000 52,000 1,000 30,000 100,000 300 11,000 253,100 160,000 17,000 177,000 4H,OOO 1,390,600 93,500 26,000 6,000 3,000 2,400 47,200 2,002,700 o 11,900 40,000 51,900 2,924,300 430,800 '00 43,600 o 64,500 55,400 1,000 5,900 602,100 22,200 6,700 '00 6,000 o 3,400 1,000 13,000 4,000 '00 58,000 100,000 300 11,000 226,800 198,000 17,000 215,000 416,600 1,223,600 100,100 28,000 6,000 1,200 800 53,600 l,B29,900 4,300 13,100 o 17, .00 2,891,200 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION n w 411 REFUSE-ADMINISTRATION 527 REFUSE FUND ~ n w OBJ JUSTIFICATION 5111 AD:\IINlsrRATION SUPPLIES, MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES. COPY PAPER, CONFERENCE ROO:\1 SUPPLIES, RIBBON CARTRIDGES. PENCILS. PENS, FOLDERS. OFFICE DEPOT n u 5121 l\lAlNTENCE AGREEEMENT FOR ANSVAL MAINTE]';'CE FOR REFUSE TRUCK SIGNS. D 5122 S\\'ANA A...';O NS\\'J\.1A !\tEMBERSItIP AND SUBSCRIPTION TO SOLID WASTE A~TI RECYCLING ~DUSTRIAL JOURI'I/ALS. 5132 SWANA CONFERENCE n &oJ 5171 LEASE AGRFF.MENTS. YARD COPIER 5172 OFFICE EQUIP:\fE!'iT REPAIR INCLUDING FAX l\.lACIIINE, TYPEWRITER, Tl:\IE CLOCK. J 5174 PRI;'o;TING OF BROCHURES. NOTICES, BILLING AGREE:\lENTS. SERVICE REQUESTS A:'\D !\IISCELLANEOUS FORMS. INTERNAL COSTS PRINT SHOP 3 5175 POSTAGE 5176 !\tAINTF.NCE OR REPAIRS OF CITI' HALL COpy MACHINE. ., U 5181 TO PROCESS RESIDENTIAL BILLINGS. l\lAI:'\lTENCE T1!\IE-TRAK EQUlP!\IENT BILLP.\G STOCK FOR RESIDENTIAL & CO:\L\IERCIAL BILLJ:Io;G ~ 5182 RESIDENTIAL AND CO:\L\lERCIAL L'i'iCOLLECT ABLE ACCOUNTS, BANKRUPTCIES A~D PA Y:\IENTS TO COLLECTION AGENCIES. 518 3 AlLOWA~CE FOR DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES. '1 u 5188 CITY '" nOcSE SERVICES 3 5502 FEE TO WATER DEPART;\IF.:"OT FOR UTE RESIDENTIAL BlUJNGS.ROL'TE S:\L~RT ROurI~G SOfTWARE. 5505 CREDIT CARD BAl\'K CHARGES. ~ 5704 OFFICE FUR::'oIITURE, DESKS, CHAIRS, CABINETS ETC. n .J G " LJ ~ ~ 252 ., .J f'1 .. f"I . 1"1 .. (I .. c 1"'1 .. c ., .. f"I III 1'1 .. ..... . r .. " III ,., III ,., . f"I . rot .. ~ c EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL PISCAL YEAR 2006.2007 FUND 527 REFUSE FUND DIVISION 412 AUTOMATED RESIDENTIAL COLLECTION ACCOUNT OBJECT ~ TITLB ACTUAL 2003-04 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 ACTUAL 2004.05 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5013 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE 5014 SALARIES TEMP/PARTIIME 5015 OVERTIME 5018 VACATION PAY 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE 1,277,296 1,247.527 1,435,100 1,708.600 2,875 3,000 3,000 1,500 0 0 C 21, BOO 174,973 200,619 150.000 100,000 960 0 0 0 81,475 81,474 200,600 266,000 156,229 161,654 182,300 259,300 3,650 3,630 3,300 4,100 16,677 16,497 16,900 20,000 1,714,134 1,714,401 1.991,200 2,381,300 ]0,505 29,238 38,800 58.000 224,209 290,634 278,000 238,000 14,373 9,825 13,500 13,500 394 1,621 0 0 6,292 S22 0 0 36 0 0 0 2,447,455 2,809,208 2,900,000 3,207,000 135,573 24,222 26,700 15,600 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 2,863,836 3,170,270 3,262,000 3,537,100 0 0 0 50,000 25 0 0 0 0 663 0 0 25 663 0 50,000 905,882 949,033 1,247,400 1,239,800 339,187 ...71,140 526,500 707,300 1,445,069 1,420,173 1,773,900 1,947,100 0 31.217 0 0 0 137 22,000 0 0 31,354 22,000 0 1,217,166 1. 217,166 910,200 653,200 1,217,166 1,217,166 910,200 653,200 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 ~.ATERIALS .5. SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS 5< EQUIPMENT 5171 RENTALS 5174 PRINTING Cl-'.ARGES 5175 POSTAGE 5176 COPY MACHINE CHARGES 5179 D~~?/WASTE FEES 5131 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 5188 CITY IN-HOUSE SERVICES TOTAL MAINTENANCE " OPERATION 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SVCS 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5507 FACILITIES SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5601 GARAGE CP~RGES 5612 FLEET CHGS - FUEL TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 5701 ~OTOR VEHICLES 5704 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 5803 LEASE PAYMENTS TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL 7,040,231 7,554,028 7,959,300 8,568,700 253 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION " \oJ 412 AUTOMATED RESIDENTIAL COLLECTI 527 REFUSE FUND ~ rr .J OBJ JUSTIFICATION 5015 'l LI 5111 AUTOMATED CART REPAIR MATERIALS. SAFEIT GLOVES AND BELTS.AU. TRUCK RELATED SUPPLlES,SORBENT. 5112 NEW SER\'ICEfREPLACEl\IENT AUTOl\L\TF:D CARTS; SAFElY KIT (REFLECTORS. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS) " tJ 5171 UNIFQR.'\.I RE:'IlTAL FEES FOR REFUSE OPERATORS AND PART.TlMERS. Tl1\lE TRAK SOIT\\'ARE LEASrSG n ... 5179 DUMP FEES FOR RESIDENTIAL REFUSE, GREEN\\o'ASTE AND RECYCLING DISPOSAL 5181 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY PERMITS. OlllER OPERA TU"iG EXPENSES. TRUCK WASH.SAFETY :\ofEETINGS SECURITY. n !wi 5188 CITY IN-HOUSE SERVICES. 5502 RESIDENTIAL TREE TRI:\t\IING CONTRACT n oJ 5803 EXIST~G LEASE PA \"tENTS o!'O SIDE LOADING TRUCKS n iJ :J 3 3 n u 3 ., U " U J ~ 254 n I.J f1 . (t . FUND 527 REFUSE reND n .. ACCOUNT OBJECT ~ TITLZ EXPENDITURB BUDGET LINK ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 413 SUBSCRIPTION REFUSE SBRVICES ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTtJAL 2004-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 5011 SALARIES PERM!FULLTIME 5013 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE 5014 SALARIES TEMP/PARTTIME 5015 OVERTIME 5018 VACATION PAY 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE c c r .. TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES ,.. ili 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 Sr-'ALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5171 RENTALS 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE 5179 DtJMP/WASTE FEES 5181 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES I'" .. ~ TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION ~ 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICBS ~ 5601 GARAGE CHARGES 5612 FLEET CHGS - FUEL c TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGBS c 5701 MOTOR VEHICLES 5704 MISCEL~~EOUS EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY I'" l. 5803 LEASE PAYMENTS TOTAL DBBT SERVICB c TOTAL I"' .. f'1 .. n . .~ 1,399,236 1,427,124 1,553,100 1,529,600 0 0 0 1,500 183,819 291,164 175,000 180,000 329,463 398,962 150,000 100,000 3,059 4,706 0 0 91,532 92,223 217,900 236,900 173,149 184,790 189,500 212,800 4,780 5,311 3,800 3,800 17 ,296 21,023 13,600 14,600 2,202,332 2,425,302 2,302,900 2.279,200 35,253 43,747 52,800 52,000 156,411 104,887 100,000 102,800 16,767 10,977 17,000 17,000 1,431 766 0 0 5,420 547 0 0 3,022,065 3,159,551 3,)47,000 3,503,000 49,390 11,989 15,500 24,200 3,286,736 3,332,463 3,532,300 3,699,000 250 625 0 0 250 62S 0 0 725,385 685,116 874,700 947,400 226,144 312,792 385,700 506,500 951,529 997,908 1.260,400 1,453,900 58,114 45,024 0 0 157,005 97,720 100,000 10Q,OqO 215,120 142,744 100,000 100,000 453,925 387,657 357,300 209,200 453.925 387,657 357,300 209,200 7.109,891 7,286,699 7,552,900 7,741.300 255 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION " lJ 413 SUBSCRIPTION REFUSE SERVICES 527 REFUSE FUND 3 " tJ OBJ JUSTIFICATION 5111 SAFETI' GLOVES AND BELTS; BIN REPAIR I\IATERIALS, HAZ!\.IAT STORAGE BARRELS. TARPS ASD ROPES. CLEANING MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES. J\.USCELLA...IliEOUS !\.L\TERIALS AND SUPPLIES. BIN PARTS 3 5112 REFUSE ROLL-OFF BINS. COl\L\fERCIAL TRUCK TARPS. BIN LIDS ~ 5171 UNIFORM REr"OTAL; MISCEl.LANEOUS EQUIPMENT RENTAL & LEAS(~G. 5179 DUMP fEES. GREEN WASTE. RECYCLABLES. TIRE DISPOSAL. INERT DISPOSAL. LANDFILL FEES,HAZ:\t\T DISPOSAl... ~ 5181 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY PERJ\.IITS. OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES TRUCK WASil. 5704 REFVSE (ROLL OFF A:"iD FRO!';T LOAD) BINS. o 5803 EXISTING LEASE PA y:\tENTS FOR ROLL OFF TRUCKS AND rnO:ST LOADERS " ... " "" ~ 3 3 " lJ o 3 3 o ~ 25G n f1 &. ,., . FUND 527 REroSE FUND .., .. ACCOUNT OBJECT &. TITLE 172.447 " . 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5014 SALARIES TEMP/PARTTIME 5015 OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH' LIFE INS~~CE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE 1"1 . I'" .. TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES f"l . 5111 ~ATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 513) EDUCATION & TRAINING 5171 RENTALS 5179 DUMP/WASTE FEES .... . TOTAL MAINTENANCE &. OPERATION ~ .. 5601 GARAGE C~~GES 5612 FLEET CHGS - FUEL TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES n . 5803 LEASE PAYMENTS n .. TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL "" III ,.. . r .. n .. f""l . 1"1 III ... .. n &. EXPENDITURE BOOGET LINE ITKM DETAIL PISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 ACTUAL 2003.04 DIVISION 414 STREET SWEEPING BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 o 14,798 10,718 15,713 482 1,948 216,105 49 369 o 761 72,662 73.840 99,430 26,454 125,884 137.314 137.314 553,143 257 AC'TUAL 200"-05 158,610 158,800 159,600 0 6,600 0 5,712 6,600 6,600 10,125 22,400 25,500 14,070 15,100 17,900 411 400 400 1,780 1,800 1. 800 190,708 211,700 211,800 0 0 2,500 0 500 0 0 300 600 839 800 0 61. 738 46,800 90,400 62,577 48,400 93,500 90,786 124,300 113,400 31,996 27,300 43,200 122,782 151,600 156,600 182,176 136,000 108,700 182,176 136,000 108,700 558,242 547,700 570,600 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION " u 414 STREET SWEEPING 527 REFUSE FUND 3 OBJ JUSTIFICATION n u 5111 MA TERIAl.S AND SUPPLIES " U 5133 LOCAL TRAINING FOR STAFF IN MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF SWEEPERS. 5179 LAJ'liDFllL FEES FOR DUMPING STREET WASTE. 3 5803 LEASE PA Y:\fENTS FOR S\\'EEPERS n oJ " U " IJ " ..., 3 J ., "" f'1 u n tJ " v " 1J 3 3 258 11 1.1 r .. c r .. c f'" . ~ '" .. 1"1 .. ~ c r . c ... - c t" tit I" . c ~ c FUND 527 REFUSE FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT . TITLB EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR ~006-2007 DIVISION 415 RBFUSE-RECYCLING/ENVIRONMENTAL ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTUAL 200t-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 5011 SALARIES PERM!FULLTIME 5014 SALARIES TEMP!PARTTIME 5015 OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INS~~CE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5121 ADVERTISING 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5131 MILEAGE 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5171 RENTALS 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE 5181 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 5193 GRM"T MATCH TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL sves 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5507 FACILITIES SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5601 GARAGE CHARGES 5612 FLEET CHGS ~ FUEL TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 5702 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 5704 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 5910 CREDIT-FED & STATE PROG FUND TOTAL LESS: CREDITs/eILLABLES TOTAL 139,471 161,383 146,200 146,900 0 134 17,700 17,700 134 S 0 0 9,059 9,179 20,400 23,400 15,090 14,974 11,700 18,100 349 456 .00 400 2,025 2,360 2,000 2,100 166,128 188,491 198,400 208,600 11,300 6,726 15,200 15,200 35 0 5,400 5,400 1,019 1,119 1,000 1,500 311 0 .00 600 790 S20 4,100 4,100 592 42,863 1,500 1,500 13,688 15,905 21,000 21,000 2,538 1,301 3,500 5,800 8,150 7,625 11,000 11,000 0 0 124,100 0 38,422 76,058 187,200 66,100 223,536 914,849 538,400 212,400 0 .97 0 684,900 0 18,916 0 0 223,536 934,262 538,400 897 ,300 1,819 476 800 700 237 200 200 200 2,056 676 1,000 900 0 0 0 1,500 0 0 0 500 0 0 0 2,000 0 0 -]0,000 -30.000 0 0 .30.000 -30,000 430,142 1,199,488 895,000 1,144,900 258 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION a 415 REFUSE-RECYCLING/ENVIRONMENTAL 527 REFUSE FUND n '1 u OBJ JUSTIFICATION 5111 RECYCLING !\.IATERIALS AND PROJECT SUPPLIES: BINS, BACKYARD COMPOSTING. EDUCATIONAL MATERIAL SHARPS, VOLUNTEER INCENTIVES. MIS OFFICE SUPPLIES. n 5121 ADVERTISEMENT TO ENCOURAGE PROGRAM PARTICIPATION " 4J 5122 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS. CRRA J\.tEl\.ffiERSHlP DUES, TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 5131 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT FOR STAFF TRAVEL TO MEETI:'IrlGS, [VESTS 3 5132 CRRA COl'iFERENCE AND HEALTIIY CITIES CONF., WASTE TIRE CONF. SfAFF ATTENDANCE FOR NECESSARY ONE DAY :\IEETI:\'GS. 3 5171 FACILITY RENTALS FOR YOUTH LEADERSIIIP SUMMIT WORKSHOPS. 5174 NEWSLETTERS. "'SERTS. BROCHURES FOR RECYCl"'G. FORMS USED '" TIlE DAY TO DAY OPERATIONS OF RECYClING AND 3 BLlGflT PROGRA.\IS. 5175 !\L\llI:"oiG. FEDERAL EXPRESS AND GENERAl. CORRESPONDENCE,ISSERTS TO WATER " tJ 5181 EARTHDA Y EXPO $PQSSORSHIP. ELM PROGRA~I SCHOOL r.-ICENTIVES. 5193 GRAl'\T l\.lATCH FOR FL'ELING STATION a 5502 SAN BER,"iARDIXO COUNn' HHW COr-.'TRACT; SHARPS HOMEBOUND COLLECTIOXS; STERICYCLE SHARPS; A:oiD SPANISH LA:"OGUAGE TRANSLATIO:"l SERVICES FOR RECYCLfl\r;G PUBLICATIO~S. o 5505 GAS TREATMENT SYSTE:\I,OPERATIO:'JS & :\.IAINTANENCE,GROUND\\lATER 1\10:'liITORr.-;G,DRILL SEEDlNG,PERMIT COU!\TY PUBLIC HEALTH.PER:\IIT STATE.PERMITS-AQ:\ID,GAS 1\10NITORI;"o;G DEVICE.UNA:'IiTICIPATED COSTS. o 57 0 4 DIG IT Al CAMERA rt u o n I.J " U n 3 260 ' o I , SEWER LINE i MAINTENANCE i I MAINTAINS APPROXIMATELY 500 MILES OF SEWER LINES I I RESPONDS TO SEWER EMERGENCIES 24-HOURS ADA Y I I ,I I I I I I II '" m =: m :ll r- Z m I: ~ z :-l SEWER LINE MAINTENANCE Director of Public Services Ken Fischer Maintenance (14.25) Employees ~ c r .. f"I .. c c I"" '- I't .. f'" .. r .. c ~ f"'t ... r' ... n ~ ~ I . c c f" . - SEWER LINE MAINTENANCE ACCOUNT NUMBER: 132-431 FUND: SEWER LN. MAINT I ABOUT THE DIVISION I Under the direction of the Director of Public Services, this section is responsible for maintaining approximately 500 miles of sewer mains through the use of hydro-jetting equipment. Sewer lines are cleaned on varying schedules. Depending on the location and the usage, the sewer mains are cleaned from weekly to every several years. Sewer crews are available 24 hours per day to handle emergencies. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CATEGORY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PERSONNEL 661.128 781.898 789.000 932,500 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 147,815 164,244 167,600 291,400 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 168,607 203.833 239,900 397,100 INTERNAL SERVICE 212,420 263,340 318.700 295,300 CAPITAL OUTLAY 236,178 109,121 483.000 450.000 DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 1,426,148 1,522,436 1,998,200 2,366,300 2Gl SEWER MAINTENANCE 2005-06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS ,( Implemented a diagnostic video program for all city sewer main lines. ,( Implemented a city wide street sign and traffic signal inventory. ,( Implemented a city wide street sign and traffic signal inventory. ,( Completed all projects in the Streets and Streetlights and Sewer sections of the Capital Improvement Program that are assigned to Public Services. ,( Completed all FEMA disaster recovery projects assigned to Public Services. 2006-07 KEY GOALS ;.. Implement a Diagnostic video camera of City-wide sewer system. ;.. Repair main lines identified through the video camera system. ;.. Clean and inventory all storm drain system city wide. ;.. Identify and complete storm drain inventory system city-wide. DID YOU KNOW? ;.. The City has over 500 miles of sewer line. ;.. That the main cause of most sewer line backups is a result of resident's pouring grease down the drain instead of placing it in a container and then in the city's black refuse can. ')('{') n ~ ., U ., '" n a J n LJ " IJ n 3 ~ fl oJ 3 a ~ n ~ n r IW ,., . ,., -. ,.. .. f" - " . n lit r . I'" . n I. 1"\ .., I" . r .... c f"" .. ~ rt . n .. '" . YUND 132 SEWER LINE MAINTENANCE FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT M TITLE EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION '31 SEWER LINE MAINTENANCE ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTUAL 2004-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5013 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE SOlS OVERTIME 5018 VACATION PAY 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 S~A.LL TOOLS & EOU! PME}."1' 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5171 RENTALS 5172 EQUI PMENT MAINTENA....CE 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5188 CITY IN-HOUSE SERVICES TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL sves 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ~601 GARAGE CHARGES 5602 WORKERS COMPENSATION 5603 LIABILrTY 5604 M.I.S. CHARGES - IN-HOUSE 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 5610 CO~~ICATION S~OP 5612 FLEET CHGS - FUEL TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 5701 MOTOR VEHICLES 5702 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT ~7l1 :O~ICA7:C~S ECUIPME~ ~~ X:SCE~~~ECUS EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTt.AY TOTAL 444,135 536,367 591,700 602,400 2,400 1,988 1,500 2,400 122,605 132,758 24,000 145,000 1,378 699 0 0 29,854 36,119 83,600 94,100 55,897 67,060 81,800 82,000 1,425 1,718 1,400 1,400 3,434 5,189 5,000 5,200 661,128 781,898 789,000 932,500 34,861 35,520 39,000 157,800 25,163 25,803 30,400 30,400 527 943 500 500 211 2,160 4,200 4,200 1.121 1.131 4,000 4,000 4,853 17,483 3,500 8,500 79 117 5,000 5,000 0 87 0 0 81,000 81,000 81.000 81,000 147,815 164,244 167,600 291,400 74,304 55,043 89,900 397,100 94,303 148,790 150,000 0 168,607 203,833 239,900 397,100 47,5..3 69,827 95,000 58,400 22, ]00 2],500 2],100 19,900 102,000 121,000 H5,700 H5,700 6,600 6,700 7,600 7,500 3,038 1,964 2,200 1,700 3,900 ],900 4,100 4,700 27,039 ]6,449 41,000 57,400 212,420 263,340 318,700 295,300 17,714 2,148 0 0 9,300 3,685 15,000 0 0 8,392 0 0 209, Hi4 94,896 468,000 450,000 236,178 109,121 483,000 450,000 1,426,148 1,522,436 1,998.200 2,366,300 263 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION n lot 431 SEWER LINE MAINTENANCE 132 SEWER LINE MAINTENANCE FUND (1 IJ OBJ JUSTIFICATION " \oJ 5111 SEWER PIPE, SEWER CLEANING HOSES. CHEMICAL GREASE CLEANERS,sEWER DEODORIZERS, DISINFECTANTS AND VECTOR CONTROL, SAFETY EQUIPMENT FOR EMPLOYEES. BAITERIES FOR COM.MUNICATION RADIOS.. " \.I 5112 HAND TOOLS. HYDRAULIC SEWER CLEANING TOOLS, SEWER VIDEO EQUIPMENT AND SAFEIT' EQUIP!\.1ENT. " .J 512 2 WASTE WATER MAINTENANCE ASSOCIATION DUES. 5132 APWA CONF. \\lIICH IS OUT OF STATE J 5133 CONFINED SPACE TRAINlNG. SEWER I\.lAINTENANCE TRAINING. AND TRAFFIC COXTROL TRAINING. . 5171 Ul'OIFOR.'\f RENTALS AND EJ\.IERGENCY PlJl\.IPS. a 5172 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 5188 CHARGES FOR PEBLlC WORKS STAFF TIME ON J\.tAINTENANCE OF SEWER LIFT STATIONS n u 5502 CONTRACT El\lERGENCY SEWER CLEANING AND REPAIRS. ADJUST MANHOLES TO GRADE. VECTOR CONTROL AND l\.tA~'HOlE INSECT CONTROL. '1 u 5703 800 .filZ HANDHELD RADIOS n u 5704 ATTACHJ\.tENT FOR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE TIIREE POINT HITCH TRACTOR. ENVIROSIGHT ROBOTIC eRA WLER MODEL #900 FOR SEWER AND STORM DRAIN PIPES LARGER mAN 18", RIDGED PUSH CAMERA AND PIPE LOCATOR. PAN AND TILT WITII ZOOM COLOR CAMERA. TRAILER MOUNTED SECTIONAL RODDER WITH 800 FEET OF CABLE + CU1TERS. ELECTRIC TRASH/SU1\1P PUMP. ~ I"J \.I t'I oJ 3 f1 u J l"I 1.,1 n . "'" 261 " t.J SOCCER FIELD 17 FULL SIZED SOCCER FIELDS OFFERS 4 LIGHTED FIELDS HOST OF OVER 45 TOURNAMENTS A YEAR , I '" o o o m :ll o o ~ "'ll r- \l! SOCCER FIELD Director of Parks, Recreation & Cornm Svcs Lemuel Randolph t " I. " ~ c c r . r . c c ~ [ f' .. n . rr .. r ~ c ,., . r .. c . .- - .. _' SOCCER FIELDS ACCOUNT NUMBER: J 34-462 FUND: SOCCER I ABOUT THE DIVISION I The San Bernardino Soccer Complex features 17 tournament quality fields and plays host to 48 weekend events per year in addition to league play. A private management consultant complemented by 17 part-time City staff manages the facility. The Complex generates direct and indirect revenue that covers the cost of maintenance and operation and substantially adds to the economy of the City of San Bernardino via jobs, business opportunities and revenue. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CATEGORY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PERSONNEL 119,438 72,827 88,000 88,000 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 28.584 62,515 53,500 53,500 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 106,512 186,212 227,100 227 ,100 INfERNAL SERVICE 39,818 49,754 46,100 46,200 CAPITAL OlITLA Y 11.945 25,421 14,100 14.100 DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 306,297 396,729 428,800 428,900 265 0" ". SOCCER COMPLEX 2005-06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS ,( The complex has had 10 straight years of hosting the Celtic Cup, the premiere select youth soccer tournament in SoCal. ,( Over 300,000 people visited the complex last year. ,( Secured a 5-year agreement with Coast Soccer League for league tournaments and play which represents over 2000 teams in SoCal. ,( Field conditions rival those of privately owned organizations and are in the best shape of the facilitie's 10-year history. 2006-07 KEY GOALS .. Increased field usage via tournaments, league play, practices, training and other events. , Seek Commercial Sponsorship and grant opportunities to enhance amenities for the complex. DID YOU KNOW? .. More than 350,000 visitors participate in Soccer Complex events and teams from Germany, Australia, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Northern California and throughout Southern California participate in events. .. Professional teams Chi vas del Guadalajara and Chi vas USA have visited the facility and are interested in developing a youth soccer academy. :J f~ r, - a ~ f1 J 3 I"J .J J 3 J ,., !oJ J J '1 oJ ,., \oJ J " J J '1 lJ ., u D n I. ... . n a. ~ r .. ~ c c c ., &. c ~ n . . c f" . r " r" .. ., .. r .. EXPENDITURB BUDGET LINE ITEM DITAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 FUND 134 SOCCIR FIILD DIVISION 462 SOCCER FIILD ACCOUNT OBJECT . TITLE ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTUAL 20040-05 5011 SALARIES PERM!FULLTIME 5012 SPECIAL SALARIES 5014 SALARIES TEMP/PARTTIME 5015 OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE 36,115 608 162 0 77 ,240 70,601 0 400 1. 247 0 2,928 0 256 179 1,489 1. 038 119,438 72,827 23,622 57,409 2,047 0 162 2.500 613 0 17 1. 851 2,021 549 3 41 0 16S 100 0 28,584 62,515 0 87,876 8,043 1,040 97,689 97,297 780 0 106,512 186.212 0 2,800 0 1.900 2,366 3,059 30,986 30.981 6,466 11,014 39,818 49,75' 11,945 25,421 11.945 25,421 306,297 396,729 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 Sl-'.ALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5121 ADVERTI SING 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5172 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE 5176 COPY MACHINE CHARGES 5181 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SVCS 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5506 LANDSCAPE CONTRACTS 5507 FACILITIES SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5602 WORKERS COMPENSATION 5603 LIABILITY 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 5606 ELECTRIC 560B WATER, SEWER, GEOTHE~~L TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 5704 MISCEL~~EOUS EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 267 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 o o 88,000 o o o o o 88,000 ..3,600 2,000 2,500 o 3,500 o 500 o 1,400 53,500 99,700 16,100 110,300 1,000 227,100 2,800 2,300 3,000 32,000 6,000 46,100 14,100 101,100 428,800 o o 88,000 o o o o o 88,000 43,600 2,000 2,500 o 3,500 o 500 o 1,400 53,500 99,700 16,100 110,300 1,000 227,100 2,600 2,600 3,000 32,000 6,000 406,200 14,100 u. ,lOa .t.28,900 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION 3 462 SOCCER FIELD 134 SOCCER FIELD ~ OBJ JUSTIFICATION n J 5111 FOR FIELD PAINT, 8A TIlROOM J\lA TERJALS. AND VA Y. T()'DA Y OPERA nONS. a 5112 SMALl. TOOLS FOR SOCCER COMPLEX, MINOR REPAIRS OF GOLF CARTS AND fOR THE FACILITIES. 512 1 FOR ALL cosrs ASSOCIATED wlm ADVERTISING IN ANY PUBLISHED MA TERJAL. " .J 5132 FOR ALL EXPENSES INCURRED IN CONJUNCTION Willi TIlE AITENDANCE OF EJ\.lPLOYEES AT I\.1EETINGS AND CONFERENCES. u 5171 FOR ALL RENTAL EXPENSES FOR PORTABLE RESfROOMS FOR WEEKEND TOURNAl\fENT5. 5172 FOR ALL EXPENSES TO OUTSIDE VENDORS FOR THE MAINTENANCE. SERVICE, AND REPAIR OF GOLF CARTS AND CHARGERS. " .J 5174 PRINTr.'otG EXPE1"OSES FOR WEEKLY PARKf:IIG TICKETS. 5176 FOR ALL EXPENSES RELATING TO COPY l\tACHf;'llES, INK CARTRIDGE. PAPER, AND REPAIRS. ., LJ 5181 ,nSCELLA"EOUS OPERATING EXPENSES. ~ 5502 CONTRACT MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR SOCCER COMPLEX. 5505 FOR ALL CO:'liTRACTS AND SERVICES FOR LIGHTING REPAIRS, PARKDlG LOT REPAIRS, AND WELL PUMP !\tAINTENANCE. " I lot 5506 FOR ALL CONTRACTS TO OUTSIDE VENDORS FOR LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE OF THE SOCCER COl\.IPLEX. 5507 SF.CURln. ALARM SYSTEM & BUILDING MAINTENANCE. ~ 5704 GOLF CARTS AND OTHER FIELD MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT n u 3 '1 v " LJ o " U 3 268 n l.J . . -~ _._~. . SAN BERNARDINO STADIUM HOME OF THE INLAND EMPIRE 66ER'S OF SAN BERNARDINO A SEA TTLE MARINERS AFFILIA TE A MULTI USE FACILITY SPECIAL EVENTS I '" ~ c C ~ - - - SAN BERNARDINO STADIUM Director of Parks, Recreation & Comm Svcs Lemuel Randolph (2) Employees ~ ~ c c c c ~ ~ c c c - . - .- SAN BERNARDINO STADIUM ACCOUNT NUMBER: 133-461 FUND: STADIUM I ABOUT THE DIVISION I Under the direction of the Director of Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Department, the Stadium section is responsible for landscape maintenance including turf maintenance, ballfield preparation, bleacher clean up, debris removal, washing down seating area and cleaning and stocking restrooms for each non-baseball use. This division is also responsible for coordinating building and equipment maintenance. Funding relating to marketing and promotion of the Stadium is also included in this cost center. EXPENDITURES BY CA TEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CATEGORY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PERSONNEL 152,369 168,605 153,600 156,200 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 54,110 59,116 96.400 96.400 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 33.426 36,324 59.400 59.400 INTERNAL SERVICE 25.438 23,035 22.500 20,600 CAPITAL OUTLAY 24,557 56,065 42.500 42.500 DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 289,900 343,146 374,400 375,100 f" . [ C C "" iii ~ ~ r . 2nD SA,NBERNARDINO STADIUM 2005-06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS ./ Stabilized personnel resources, which lead to better service and improved conditions. ./ The Stadium successfully continues to host baseball games, and special events, such as concerts, graduations and commercials, and football games. 2006-07 KEY GOALS .. Ensure Arrowhead Credit Union Park reaches a level to be a premier multi-use facility within the Inland Empire. .. Educate youth and young adults in field maintenance. .. Replacement and renovation of stadium outfield turf. DID YOU KNOW? .. Arrowhead Credit Union Park was hosted more than 10,000 people in June 2005 to see Bryan Adams and Def Leppard. .. Arrowhead Credit Union Park for the last 2 years has hosted a Cinco de Mayo and Mexican Independence Day Celebration, over 10,000 people per event. 270 3 ~ 3 3 J J ~ 3 ~ n '1 Ll ~ n ... n LJ n ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ c FUND 133 BASEBALL STADIUM. ~ ACCOUNT OBJECT . TITLB " I. 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5014 SALARIES TEMP!PARTIIME 5015 OVERTIME S018 VACATION PAY 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE c ~ TOTAL PERSONNEL SBRVICES ~ 5111 MATERIALS [. SUPPLIES 5112 Sr-'.ALL TOOLS [. EQUIPMENT 5132 MEETINGS [. CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION [. TRAINING 5171 RENTALS 5172 EQU:::PMENT MA I NTENA.."lCE 5181 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES [ [ TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION c 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5506 LA.......'[)SCAPE CONTRACTS 5507 FACILITIES SERVICES r .. TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES c 5601 GARAGE CHARGES 5602 WORKERS COMPENSA7ION 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 5607 GAS 5608 WATER, SEWER, GEOTHERPAL 5609 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 5612 FLEET CHGS - FUEL I'" .. ~ TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICB CHARGES 5704 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 5706 ALTERATIONS & RENOVATIONS ,., .. TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY c TOTAL ~ ~ ~ EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 DIVISION 461 BASEBALL STADIUM BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTUAL 2004-05 83,815 89,292 92,500 26,069 30,688 22,000 23,827 28,925 11,300 1,896 0 0 5,436 5,416 12,600 8,989 11. 728 13,700 339 372 200 1,999 2,183 1,300 152,369 168,605 153,600 50,570 53,519 59,000 771 1,002 1,000 0 0 1,700 0 0 500 39. 2,268 2,200 2,375 2,327 2,000 0 0 30,000 54,110 59,116 96,400 5,911 14,164 22,000 20,552 19,631 29,400 6,964 2,529 8,000 33,426 36,324 59,400 10,531 7,756 11. 700 4,200 4,400 4,200 1,003 1,001 1,000 4,068 4,377 3,600 1.741 1,339 900 ],000 3,000 0 '9' 1,162 1.100 25,438 23,035 22,500 3,513 16,477 5,300 21,044 39,588 37,200 24,55? 56,065 42,500 289,900 343,146 374,400 271 9],600 22,000 11,300 o 14 ,100 13,600 200 1,400 156,200 59,000 1,000 1,700 500 2,200 2,000 30,000 96,4.00 22,000 29,400 8,000 59,4.00 8,700 3,800 200 4,800 1,400 o 1,700 20,600 5,300 37,200 42,500 375,100 - BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION ~ 461 BASEBALL STADIUM 133 BASEBALL STADIUM n Lo ~ OBJ JUSTIFICATION J 5111 FERTILIZER. GRASS SEED, PLANT MATERIALS. ClAY, CLAY AJ\1ENDME1"l'TS. IRRIGATION SUPPLIES. INSECTICIDE ETC. 5112 SMALL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 5171 EQUlPJ\fENT RENTALS SUCH AS SCISSOR LIFT TO REMOVE AND REPLACE NEITING. SPECIALIZED TURF l\IAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT. J 5172 SPORTS FIELD EQUIPMENT I\tAINTENACE SUCH AS BLADE SHARPENING AND Sl\1ALL ENGINE REPAIR ., ~ 5181 CITY'S SHARE OF REVENUE/COST SHARING AGREEMENT WITH THE BASEBALL TEA..\L ~ 5505 CUSTODIAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 5506 LANDSCAPE CONTRACTS FOR ALL AREAS INSIDE THE STADlUI\1 EXCEPT PLA YlNG FIELD AND OUTSIDE INClUDr~G PARKlNG LOT AND OTHER HARDSCAPE AREAS 3 5507 SECURIIT AND FIRE ALARM MONITORING SERVICES; BUILDING MAINTENANCE n 5704 PROFESSIONAL GREENS LA WNl\IOWER 5706 VARIOUS REPAIRS AND RENOVATIONS TO mE STADIUM NEEDED THROUGHOUT THE YEAR ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a D J J 272 D '- :-' !il~ m:a ~z :l~ z'" G)m Ol:ll cS en G)m ~i e '" FLEET SERVICES CITY VEHICLES COMPLIANT WITH EPA AND CARB REGULATIONS REHABS CITY VEHICLES PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE INSPECTIONS PURCHASES NEW/REPLACEMENT CITY VEHICLES ." r- m ~ r FLEET SERVICES Director of Public Services Ken Fischer Administration Maintenance (5) Employees (27) Employees ,.. .. " .. r' . ~ ~ ~ ,., .. ~ ~ ~ l'" . ~ f"I I. ~ n .. ~ c ~ f"' .. FLEET SERVICES ACCOUNTNUMBER: 635-34/ FUND. FLEET I ABOUT THE DIVISION I Under the direction of the Director of Public Services, the Fleet Division is responsible for acquisition, service and maintenance for the City's vehicle and equipment fleet comprised of approximately 677 items. Fleet ensures that vehicles and equipment are adequately assigned and utilized. Fleet procures all City vehicles and equipment through the development of technical specifications. Final selection is based on life cycle costing and user requirements. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CATEGORY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PERSONNEL 1,653.284 1,663,311 1,908.300 2,062,900 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 2,645,403 2,995,668 3,465,000 4,156,800 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,962 6,692 9,500 9,500 INTERNAL SERVICE 272.693 267,343 264,900 259,100 CAPITAL OUTLA Y 147,840 355,904 348,800 341,000 DEBT SERVICE 394,082 500,980 540,200 663,600 TOTAL 5,118,264 5,789,898 6,536,700 7,492,900 I 273 FLEET DIVISION 2005-06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS ./ Relocated existing hazardous materials storage building, ./ Relocated waste oil storage units. ./ Constructed fueling stations. 2006-07 KEY GOALS ,. Acquired Carl Moyer funding for and completed purchase of LNG refuse vehicles. ,. Developed a plan for upgrade of garage for LNG powered vehicles and acquired Carl Moyer and/or MSRC funding. ,. Implemented procedures for receiving, stocking and distributing parts using bar codes, ,. Acquire MSRC funding to purchase and install diesel particulate filters for refuse vehicles. ,. Review the cost/benefit of outsourcing certain vehicle maintenance functions, DID YOU KNOW? ,. Fleet replaced 2.207 tires at a cost of5318,358.00 ,. Issued 67,371 parts to 21 mechanics :r Generated 10, I 05 repair orders and completed 487 PMI Inspections. :r Recycled 3,500 gallons of waste oil. :r The Fleet pumped a total of 772,524 gallons of fuel: 357,564 unleaded gasoline and 414,960 of diesel. 271 f'1 lW " U " IIJ r'] LJ '1 ... ] r'] ..., J J J 3 a 3 J J ~ J ~ ! n ~ r" ~ FUND 635 KOTOR POOL FUND ,., .. ACCOUNT OBJECT M TXTLE f"I ~ 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5012 SPECIAL SALARIES 5013 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE 5014 SALARIES TEMP/PARTTIME 5015 OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE ("I .. r" .. 5029 MEDICARE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES ,., .. 5111 ~ATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5113 MOTOR FUEL & LUBRIC~~TS 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5171 REt.7ALS 5172 EQUIPME~7 ~AINTEN~~CE 5173 OUTSIDE VEHICLE MAIt.7ENANCE 5174 PRIr..I~G C~~GES 5175 POSTAGE 5176 COPY MACHINE CHARGES 5179 DUMP/WASTE FEES 5181 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 5188 CITY IN-HOUSE SERVICES ,., .. ~ r ~ ,., .. f"" .. TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SVCS 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES f"I .. TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES f'I I. 5601 GARAGE CHARGES 5602 WORKERS COMPENSATION 5603 LIABILITY 5604 M.I.S. CHARGES. IN.HOUSE 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 5606 ELECTRIC 5607 GAS 5608 WATER, SEWER, GEOTHERMAL 5609 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 5610 COMMUNICATION SHOP 5612 FLEET CHGS - FUEL ~ r . f"I .. TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES r .. 5701 MOTOR VEHICLES 5704 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 5706 ALTERATIONS & RENOVATIONS n .. EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 ACTUAL 2003-04 DIVISION 341 FLEET SERVICBS 1.271.388 4,628 3,000 34,829 90,351 81,516 148,846 3,539 15,188 1,653. 284 873,233 6,007 1,325,583 4,]25 o 12,077 31,439 7,082 341, ]11 825 882 1. 590 11,830 4,018 25,200 2,645,403 4,500 462 4,962 ]0,110 64,500 14,200 12,000 15,870 80,457 18,227 3,168 20,000 4,500 9,661 272,693 144,800 3,040 o 275 ACTUAL 2004-05 1. 272, 885 3,978 3,000 51,923 77,391 81,941 152,663 3,523 16,007 1.663,311 769,210 10,380 1. 771, 938 4,187 o 6,817 29,797 10,014 338,004 788 1,572 23,065 4,228 25,200 2.995.668 6,000 692 6,692 35,910 67,900 16,600 11,400 12,858 61,126 23,986 3,333 20,000 4,400 9,830 267,343 309,706 11,214 34,984 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 467 1,414,100 4,100 3,000 50,000 70,000 191,500 156,400 3,200 16,000 1,908,300 982,000 12,000 2,000,000 4,000 2,000 7,000 31,000 17,500 350,000 1,200 500 2,500 24,100 6,000 25,200 3,465,000 6,000 3,500 9,500 47,700 66,400 20,000 12,600 13,500 67,000 18,000 3,600 o 4,700 11,400 264,900 318,000 27,300 3,500 1,460,000 2,600 3,000 60,200 90,000 225,000 201,100 3,400 17,600 2,062,900 1,100,000 12,000 2,500,000 4,000 3,000 10,000 31,000 17,500 420,000 1,000 500 2,500 24,100 6,000 25,200 4,156,800 6,000 3,500 9.500 42,800 56,400 23,900 12,500 13,000 66,000 18,000 3,400 o 5,400 17,700 259,100 300,000 30,000 11,000 BXPBNDITURE BUDGXT LINE ITZM DXTAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 I"J ill FUND 635 MOTOR POOL FUND DIVISION 341 FLBET SERVICES " ... ACCOUNT OBJECT . TITLE ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTUAL 2004-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 '1 .... 147,840 355,904 348,800 341,000 43,088 46,863 44,200 44,200 350,995 454,118 496,000 619,400 394,082 500,980 540,200 663,600 5,118,265 5,789,898 6,536,700 7,492,900 J TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 5802 DEBT SERVICE INTEREST 5803 LEASE PAYMENTS TOTAL DEBT SERVICE n J '1 u TOTAL f'1 .... rr ... J f'1 !oJ " .... J fI ... ..., LJ r'J ... " LJ " L.J '1 ... 27G " U n ... BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION ~ 341 FLEET SERVICES 635 MOTOR POOL FUND ~ OBJ JUSTIFICATION c 5111 TIRES, HEAVY EQUIPMENT PARTS. REFUSE BODIES. LIGHT EQUIPMENT PARTS. HYDRAULICS PARTS. STREET SWEEPER PARTS, MOTORCYCLE PARTS, TURF EQUIPMENT PARTS, SUPPLIES f" . 5112 MOU TOOL ALLOWANCE. MISCELLANEOUS SJlrIALL TooLS,BAlT JUMP START BOXES. STEP lADDERS. BAIT. LOAD TESTER. Ale LEAK DETECTOR. f"I .. 5113 DIESEl. FUEL. UNLEADED FUEL, lUBRICANTS. HIGH OCTANE MOTORCYCLE FUEL. eNG, PROPANE, CREDIT CARDS (OUT OF AREA FUEL) f'I III 5122 ASSOCIATION FEES. TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS, BLUE BOOKS. CUMJ\.UNS SOFT\VARE SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL, WORLD TRANSPORTATION SUBSCRIPTION. FLEET COUNSELOR. ALL DATA SUBSCRIPTION. 5132 VEHICLE J\1AI:'oiTENANCE J\.IGl\.IT. CONFERENCE. SEATLE, \\'ASlIL"iGTON ~ 5133 MECHANIC TRAINING. ASF. CERTIFICATION, ON SITE RTA GROCP TRAINING. ALTERNATIVE FUEL AND ALTERNATIVE FUEL FACILlIT TRAINING. ~ 5171 UNIFORJ'\tS. PARTS CLEANING MACHINES 1"'1 III 5172 SHOP EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE, FUELS SYSTEMS, TRUCK AND CAR \\'ASII, WATER SOFTENER; SANTA FE WHISTLE !\tAINTENA.."KE; OVERHEAD CRA."iE INSPECTIONS. 5173 HEAVY EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE, LIGHT EQutP!\JEr\'T !\tAlNTENANCE, HYDRAULICS MAINTENANCE, GLASS, TOWING c 5174 STATE :\tANDATED FORMS A.."iD MANUALS 5175 ups, FEDEX, AND POSTAGE r . 5176 COPIER !\tAL"iTENANCE A:'\iD SUPPLIES n . 5179 CLARIF'lER PUMPING, ANTIFREEZE RECYCLING, OIL FILTER RECYCLING, \\!ASTE OIL RETRIEVAL 5181 OXYGEN & ACETlIYI.ENE, FIRE EXTINGUISHERS, !\tA:'IIUALS I"" . 5188 FACILITIES, BUILDING MAINTENANCE, AND VECTOR CONTROL 5502 GAS TAX REVENUE SERVICES ~ 57 0 1 CITY VEHICLE REPLACEMENT ~ 5704 OVERHEAD CRANE, BRAKE V AC. BAR-CODING SCAA'NER, ICE MACHINE, TWO DESKS, 10 TON FLOOR JACK. MEG A IT ACH!\fENTS, FILE CABINETS, STEAM CLEANER. ~ 5706 REPLACE OFFICE CEiLiNG TILES AND INSULATION, VINYL FLOORING FOR UPSTAIRS LUNCH ROOM, CARPET FOR REAR OFFICE AREA, PAINT OUfSIDE OF DOWNSTAIRS OFFICES. 5802 FUEL STATION DEBT SERVICE PAY!\tENT ... III 5803 POLICE VEHICLE LEASE PAYMENTS ~ 277 il I INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY i I I TECHNOLOGY ADMINISTRA TION I NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT , I SUPPORT SERVICES FOR G.LS AND OFFICE AUTOMATION PUBLIC SAFETY CAD/RMS SYSTEMS SUPPORT I BUSINESS SYSTEMS I SUPPORT , I RADIOS, LAPTOPS, MDC'S SUPPORT I II WEBSITE ADMINISTRA TION II I II -i- mZ 0'" :1:0 z::ll o~ r-~ 0_ GlO <z INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Director of Information Technology Tom Marek IS Systems Operations Network Administration (1) Employee (11) Employees (6) Employees (2) Employees c c ~ INFORMATION SYSTEMS (LS.) ACCOUNT NUMBER: 679-250 FUND: I.S. FUND I ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT I LS. is an internal service department providing technology creation and maintenance, and general automation support to the City Departments, including the Water Department. LS. is responsible for all hardware, software, and network infrastructure within the City. Additionally, LS. IS responsible for maintaining and coordinating all radios, MDT's, MDC's, and miscellaneous public safety gear. EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION I 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 DIVISION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED M.LS, 4,376,500 3,273,846 3.329,200 3.471.800 COMMUNICA nONS-OPERA T. 854,300 802.270 908.600 989,000 TOTAL 5,230,800 4,076,116 4,237,800 4,460,800 EXPENDITURES BY CA TEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CATEGORY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PERSONNEL 1.499,400 1,472.358 1,642,800 1,799,900 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 1,000,800 1.005,000 1.038.400 1.078,300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 484,100 507.529 527.600 592.900 INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 59,900 55,\ 31 63,000 59,200 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1.662,700 410,151 243.700 188,700 DEBT SERVICE 784.600 660,300 722,300 741,800 CREDITSfBILLABLES (260,700) (34,353) 0 TOTAL 5,230,800 4,076,116 4,237,800 4,460,800 n l- e ~ p .. c c ~ ,., I. l'" .. c c I'" .. ~ [ jI III ~ 278 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2005-06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS ./ Purchased and installed 243 replacement desktop computers citywide, ./ Upgraded the financial system software and hardware, The system is currently in test mode, ./ Expanded Mobile Data Computer project to include Police motorcycle units, ./ Upgraded all City PC's to Windows XP, ./ Redesigned the City's web site and implemented a web content management system. 2006-07 KEY GOALS :.- Upgrade the City's email and PC management system, ,. Implement an enterprise backup system for key servers. DID YOU KNOW? ,. Tuesday is the most popular day to send email. ,. Cable TV-3 operates two channels on both Adelphia and Charter Cable Systems. One is government programming and the other broadcasts Access San Bernardino, ,. Our network core can transfer 178 million data packets per second. ,. Over 12.4 billion SP AM emails are sent every day, ,. The City's web site records over 26,000 hits per month, ?'i':l a 3 3 ., ... J J J J 3 3 3 3 n ~ J n J " U J " . ,., . ~ c c ~ ~ f"I .. c ~ c c c c '" ~ c ~ c I FUND 679 INFORMATION T~CHNOLOGY FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT M TITLE EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006.2007 DIVISION 251 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTUAL 2004-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006.07 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5013 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE 5015 OVERTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYME:IT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE TOTAL PERSONN%L SERVICES 5111 !>'.ATERIALS , SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5121 ADVERTISING 5122 DUES &. SUBSCRI PTIONS 5131 MILEAGE 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 513] EDUCATION &: TRAINING 5171 RENTALS 5172 EQUI PMErrr Ml\Ir."TE~ANCE 5174 PRINTING Cfi.~GES 5175 POSTAGE 5176 COPY Mt\::X::NE CHARGES TOTAL MAINTENANCE &: OPERATION 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SVCS 5505 O.fHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICBS 5601 GARAGE CHARGES 5602 WORKERS COM~ENSATION 5603 LIABILITY 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 5606 ELECTRIC 5612 FLEET CHGS - FUEL TOTAL INTERNAL SBRVICE CHARGES 5702 COMPUTER EQUIPME~T TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 5803 LEASE PAYMENTS TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 5910 CREDIT-FED & STATE PROG FUND TOTAL LESS: CREDITS/BILLABLES TOTAL 1,060,321 1,192,625 1,247 ,200 1,366,000 0 0 3,400 2,700 698 1,023 4,000 4,000 71,143 81,891 177,900 216,BOO 151,749 165,651 170,300 173,900 2,652 2,986 2,900 3,400 14,774 16,591 17,200 18,900 1,301,338 1,460,766 1,622,900 1,785,700 49,933 30,734 35,000 35,000 1,310 '90 2,100 3,000 849 0 1,000 1,200 17,975 15,781 17,900 17,900 89 387 500 600 4,507 2,292 6,100 5,000 21,820 44,296 40,000 38,400 0 0 300 300 507,999 555,413 596,800 636,000 0 17 400 400 189 463 500 500 1,375 1,344 1,400 1,400 606,046 551,017 702,000 739,700 205,324 250,991 223,30c. 230,000 6,821 5,361 16,000 11,000 212.145 256,352 239,::'00 2U.OOO 7,311 5,622 1,200 3,400 22,100 23,300 22,900 18,800 2,300 2,600 3,100 3,500 23,047 22,366 22,300 20,000 10,200 10,200 10,200 10,200 57, 1,243 1,300 1,300 65,5H 65.331 61,000 57,200 913,569 408,2H 223,700 167,900 913.569 "08,2H 223,700 167,900 476,590 476,700 480,300 480,300 476.590 476.700 480.300 480,300 -153,532 -34,353 0 0 -153.532 -34.,353 0 0 3."U.686 3.284.046 3,3H.200 3.471.100 280 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION u 251 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 679 MGMT INFORMATION SYSTEMS FUND D D OBJ JUSTIFICATION I 5111 TAPES, CABLES, PRE-PRINTED FORMS. BlUEBAR. LABELS, BATTERIES. TONER. OFFICE SL"PPlIES,:\IANUALS,MICE.KEYBOARDS.FLASH DRIVES,FooTREST 5112 REPLACEl\lENT TOOLS. FLl)h:E WIRELESS TESTER I 5121 'RECRUIT"E~TS 5122 couxn' ASSESSOR DATA. J\1ISAC. SUN. ORGANIZED EXECUTIVE, ESRI BUSINESS ANALYST. TECHNET ~ 5131 TECHNICIANS DAILY TRAVEL TO REMOTES ~ 5132 [SRI USER COl"OITRENCE. LEAGUE OF CALlFOR."IIA CITIES, DeS EXPO, IMeA FORUM, MISAC 5133 CHA:\IELEO:O-;. L1:"tux ADl\UN. ACCELA. ISERIES. WESTHUG, ESRI, CISCO, CO:\IPUDYNE. FILE:'\iET, BIOKEY. TELESTAFF o 5171 USE OF CARPOOL 5172 CITI'WIDE III\\' . S/W CONTRACTS o 5174 RADIO ISSUANCE FORMS, BUSINESS CARDS ~ 517 5 FEDEX, ups. uSPS 5176 COPYCARE CHARGES. MACHINE PAYME:'OT 5181 :\IOVEDT05122 a 5502 CO:"iTRACT PROGRA:\L\IING SERVICES, FRA:\.lE RELAY. A:\tR. DA STAR. INTER!'IiET. RE:\IOTE USER SERVICES I 5505 MANDA TED CLETS CHANGES. OFFSlTE MEDIA STORAGE 5702 ~t1CROSOFT SOFTWARE UPG FOR BSG. REPL MO~ITORS. Il\tS EXTENSION. ESRI EXTENSIO~. SECURITY SOFTWARE. SMART UPS. PORTS. CISCO RADIO. ORACLE 91 liPG. ISE APP SERVER. SERVER HARD DRIVES. CITYWIDE REPLACEME:-IT POOL AND FUND ($75.000). ~ 5803 UPGRADE BO~D n n ~ o 3 281 I r .. r . 1"1 .. f" .. f"I .. r"1 . ,.. .. ~ c ~ c c r" ~ t '"' . c f"I .. ... .. ~ EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL YEAR ~006-2007 l'UND 679 MGMT INI"ORKATION SYSTEMS FUND DIVISION 252 COMMUNICATIONS OPERATIONS ACCOUNT OBJECT & TITLE ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTUAL :2004-05 BUDGET :2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 5011 SAlARIES PERM/FULLTIME 8,923 9,573 15,500 10,800 5013 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE 0 0 200 200 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 62. 670 2,200 1,700 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 1,105 1,186 1,800 1,300 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 23 2' 0 0 5029 MEDICARE 130 13' 200 200 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 10.805 II,59:;! 19,900 14..200 5111 t-'ATERIALS & SUPPLIES 15.322 50,942 46,000 46,900 5112 Sl'-'.ALL TOOLS & EQur PMENT 0 0 0 1,000 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 0 0 0 200 5171 RENTALS 45,670 51.100 50,400 50,400 5172 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 199,785 251,941 240,000 240,000 5176 COPY l'-'ACHINE CHARGES 0 0 0 100 TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 260,777 353,983 336,400 338,600 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SVCS 144,608 251,177 288,300 332,100 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 19,800 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 144,608 251,177 288,300 351,900 5606 ELECTRIC 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 5702 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 0 1,917 20,000 20,800 TOTAL CAPITAL OtJ'TLAY 0 1,917 20,000 20,800 5803 LEASE PAYMENTS 304,282 183,601 242,000 261,500 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 304,282 183,601 242,000 261,500 TOTAL 722,471 804,270 908,600 989,000 282 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION J 252 COMMUNICATIONS OPERATIONS 679 MGMT INFORMATION SYSTEMS FUND ~ 3 OBJ JUSTIFICATION 5111 RADIO BATTERIES AND PARTS. MDC PARTS D 5112 REPLACEMENT TOOlS 5132 MISAC ~ 5171 COUNTY. 5 RACKS, 17 CIRCUITS,!\fOC MICROWAVE CIRCUIT, MDC \\'AN FEE, MDC WAN CIRCUIT, CONTRACT FEE ... 1.1 5172 COlJI'tTI' - 6 POLICE CONSOLES. J FIRE CONSOLES, CIITWIDE 800 BACK80~E. 1300 RADIOS. 125 POLICE MDCS (MOTOROLA). 125 POLlCE!\fDC l\1AINT. tCOUNIT), 16 FIRE J\.IDC J\.1AINT. (MOTOROLA), 16 FIRE:\oIDC l\IAINT. tCotJNTYl, CITYWIDE 800 TIME AND l\tA TERIALS ~ 5176 COPY MACHINE 5502 RIPS/INSTALLS FOR 2~ NEW PATROL CARS. FIRE RIPS/INSTALLS. REFUSE TRUCK RIPS/INSTALLS (-1),125 PO BACKBO:'\E USER fEES, 16 FOR FIRE, 6 MOTORCYCLE RIPS/INSTALLS, JAIL LOCK IIARDWARE ~ 5505 QUARTERLY JAIL lOCK SERVICE o 5702 5 MOBILE POLICE UNIT RADIOS 5803 ESTI:\1ATED LEASE PAYMENT FOR J\.IDC REPLACE:\IENT (S-YEAR tEASE). J 3 3 3 J 3 3 n '1 u 283 I 1 II ~- .- LIABILITY II LIABILITY CLAIMS II II HAZARDOUS MA TERIALS II PROGRAM II INSURANCE PROCUREMENT II II EMPLOYEE SAFETY II PROGRAM II SPECIAL EVENTS II INSURANCE I CERTIFICATES OF II INSURANCE II PUBLIC LOSS II PREVENTION r- j; Cl ;= ~ 1 LIABILITY II Director of Human Resources Linn Livingston (2,25) Employees --,~ f1 .. ~ c ~ ~ ~ c ~ c c C t f"I .. ,., I- ~ C ~ "" M c DEPARTMENT: HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION: LIABILITY ACCOUNT NUMBER: 629-453 FUND: LIABILITY INSURANCE I ABOUT THE DIVISION I The Risk Management Liability program provides support for the City's operating departments by quickly resolving legitimate third party claims, managing the Hazardous Materials Program and advising departments on a wide range of insurance related issues, The cost-effective placement of excess insurance and property coverage is a critical component of the program, EXPENDITURES BYCATEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CATEGORY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PERSONNEL 192.242 99,880 217,800 208,900 MAINTENANCE & OPERA nON 3,077,619 2,495,690 3,203.200 2,943,200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 14,016 22,360 30,000 30,000 INTERNAL SERVICES 21,378 23.088 21.200 22,400 CAPITAL OUTLAY 7,400 0 0 0 DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 3,312,655 2,641,018 3,4 72.200 3,204,500 C)Q" LIABILITY 2005-06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS ./ Revised BlCEP bylaws and memorandum of coverage. ./ Worked with Police Department and Facilities Management to install additional Safety Baffles at the Police fire range. ./ Reduced Refuse accidents and losses. 2006-07 KEY GOALS ,. Hire and train Risk Management Specialist position. .... Develop Safety Inspection Program for the stadium seats at Arrowhead Baseball Stadium, ,. Review current Injury and 1llness Prevention Program (IIPP) updated document. .... Expand Citywide Safety Programs. DID YOU KNOW? :r Risk Management carries an extensive Safety Video Library which can be checked out. ;- Risk Management responds to and handles all on-site visits from Cal/OSHA. ;- Risk Management chairs the Citywide Safety Committee, which reviews all vehicle and industrial accidents. ') Q r: ., U ~ 3 n n n ~ o n I ~ a n n 3 3 '1 L.J ., LJ J f'I ~ f"t ~ r" .. c r" .. ~ f"t .. ~ 1'" .. c f"I . ~ ~ n J.. r" .. ~ f"I .. ~ l'" . PUND 629 LIABILITY INSURANCB FUND ACCOUNT OBJECT ~ TITLE EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DBTAIL FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 ACTUAL 200]-04. DIVISION 453 LIABILITY INSURANCE 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5013 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE SOlS OVERTIME 5018 VACATION PAY 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICBS 5111 ~ATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5131 MILEAGE 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION & 7RAINING 5161 INSURANCE PREMIUMS 5162 LIABILITY CLAIMS 5165 SIR DEDUCTIBLE 5172 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 5174 PRI~7ING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE 5176 COPY MACHINE CHARGES 5181 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SVCS 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5601 GARAGE CHARGES 5602 WORKERS COMPENSATION 5603 LIABILITY 5604 M.I.S. CHARGES - IN-HOUSE 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 5609 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 5612 FLEET CHGS - FUEL TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 5702 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 5704 MISCELLk~EOUS EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 159,859 900 5,974 o 10,673 11,963 417 2,456 192,242 4,594 3,036 105 1,712 1,002 1,180,310 1,869,270 657 o 1,493 1,233 1,509 12,697 3,077,619 8,009 6,007 14,016 743 2,100 2,900 9,700 2,933 2,800 202 21,378 4,030 3,369 7,400 3,312,654 28G ACTUAL 2004-05 78,850 900 7,906 1,140 5,021 4,529 221 1,314 99,880 6,721 2,026 89 2,533 1,625 1,194,009 1,257,366 168 o 1,221 198 1,767 27,967 2,495,690 9,888 12,472 22,360 2,200 3,400 10,300 3,890 2,800 167 23,088 2,6011,018 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 331 166,400 900 7,000 o 23,600 17,100 400 2,400 217,800 7,000 2,500 200 2,500 3,000 1. 959, 000 1,200,000 2,000 200 2,500 1,800 1,500 21,000 3,203,200 10,000 20,000 30.000 2,200 4,100 10,400 3,600 o 300 21. 200 o o o 3,472,200 600 158,500 900 7,000 o 23,600 16,200 400 2,300 208,900 7,000 2,500 200 4,000 500 1,700,000 1,200,000 2,000 200 2,500 1,800 1,500 21,000 2,943,200 10,000 20,000 30,000 1,800 1,800 4,400 10,300 3,700 o 400 22,400 o o o o o o 3,204,500 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION J 453 LIABILITY INSURANCE 629 LIABILITY INSURANCE FUND :J OBJ JUSTIFICATION ~ o 5111 MISCELLANEOUS OFFICE, SAFETY, PHOTO & RECORDING SUPPLIES 5122 INDEX BUREAU I\fEl\mERSHIP, CLAIMS MAGAZINE, O'BRIEN'S. VERDICTUM JURIS, THE SUN NEWSPAPER, NATIONAL SAFETI' COUNCIL, SAFETY REGULATIONS & PUBLICATIONS ] 5131 MILEAGE 5132 l\IISCELLANEOUS MEETINGS Al'iD SEMINARS. PARMA & PRll\1A 3 5133 RISK MANAGEMENT COURSES 3 5161 UABlun' r.'.'SURASCE PRE!\UlJl\f. BURGLARY INSURANCE. PROPERTY INSURMCE, UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS 5162 LlABILIIT CLAIl\tS 5165 SIR DEDUCTIBLE 5172 EQUIPl\fENT l\1AINTF.NANCE 5174 PRI:'<iTlliC CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE 5176 1/2 COPY MACHINE CHARGES ] n u I 5181 FEES: UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK, AQl\.ID. SBea HAZI\L\ T T ANI\: FEES. DEPT OF TOXIC SLlJSTAr-;CE CONTROL. MISC. I:o.;VESTIGATlVE COSTS. SUCABA n 5502 USDOT DRUG & ALCOIIOL PROGRAl\1 ~ 5505 EMERGENCY HAZARDOUS l\fATF.RIAL CLEAN-UP COSTS. 3 a 3 '1 -.J 3 :J 287 rt !oJ ., PRINT SHOP I BUSINESS CARDS I I CITY LETTERHEAD I I FLYERS I I FORMS I I MAIL ROOM ] I I I ." ~ z ... Ul :r o ." The Print Shop is a Division of the Finance Department. - PRINT SHOP Director of Finance Barbara Pacholl (2) Employees ~ c ,., . c c ~ ,.. ~ ~ [ c ~ c ~ c c c c f"t I. C - -"-- PRINT SHOP I ACCOUNT NUMBER.' 62/-/23 FUND.' CENTRAL SVCS I ABOUT THE DIVISION Under the direction of the Purchasing Manager, the Print Shop operates as an internal service fund; it provides printing services and covers its operational costs in charge-backs to City Departments, The Print Shop is responsible for providing support related to various printed products including business cards, letterhead, flyers and forms. In addition, the Print Shop is responsible for all sorting, distribution and stamping of all outgoing mail and sorting and distribution of inter-office mail. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CATEGORY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PERSONNEL 120,711 105,340 114,900 116.600 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 126,703 123,052 116.400 116,400 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,191 5,046 5.000 5,000 INTERNAL SERVICE 7.321 6,306 7,200 6,400 CAPITAL OUTLA Y 0 0 0 0 DEBT SERVICE 49.896 24,948 25.000 25,000 CREDITIBILLABLES 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 308,822 264,692 268,500 269,400 288 PRINTSHOP 3 ~ J 3 3 3 o ~ 2005-06 ACCOMPLISHMENTS ./ Utilized new equipment to its fullest capacity, ./ Increased black & white copy output by 10%. ./ Upgraded color copier equipment. ./ Increased color copy output speed by 30%. 2006-07 KEY GOALS :,. Provide full mail, printing and copier services to all City Departments. n lJ ,. Research best option for City to upgrade existing equipment. DID YOU KNOW? Q Q ~ J :J m ~ ,. Network Printshop equipment to accept jobs digitally from user departments, , Utilize equipment fully. ,. Investigate new types of printing services (ie. graphic design). ,. Actively market Print Shop capability and services to City Departments. ,. The Printshop averages 340,000 copies per month. :r The Printshop averages 8,500 color impressions per month. ,. The Prints hop offers these services: Color Copies Faster multiple-color offset printing. Business cards may now be ordered in multiples of 10. '1 L.J ~ ~ ~g!l ~ c ~ ~ c ~ ~ c " ~ ~ ~ ~ n ... ~ n ~ c c c ~ KXPENDITVRE BUDGET LINE IT~ DETAIL FISCAL YEAR 200&-1007 FUND 621 CENTRAL SERVICES FUND DIVISION 123 FINANCE-PRINT SHOP ACCOUNT OBJECT . TITLE AC'I'UAL 2003-04 ACTUAL 2004-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 5011 SALARIES PERM/rULLTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE 10),756 90,900 91,800 92,200 7,263 6,363 13,400 14,700 B,664 7.062 8,700 8,700 259 227 200 200 768 787 800 800 120.711 105.340 IH.900 116.600 60,093 59.223 68,000 68,000 0 0 1,000 1,000 150 161 200 200 1. 940 1,964 2,200 2,200 64,521 61,704 45,000 45,000 126,703 123.052 116,400 116,400 4,191 5,046 5.000 5,000 ',191 5,046 5.000 5,000 34 0 0 0 5,200 5.500 5,200 4,400 600 700 800 1,000 1,438 0 1,200 1,000 49 106 0 0 7,321 6,306 7,200 6,400 49,896 24.948 25,000 25,000 49,896 24.948 25,000 25,000 30B.an 264,692 268,500 269,400 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5112 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5171 RENTALS 5172 EQUIPMENT ~~INTENANCE TOTAL MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5601 GARAGE CHARGES 5602 WORKERS COMPENSATION 5603 LIABILITY 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 5612 FLEET CHGS - FUEL TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 5803 LEASE PAYMENTS TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL 2~)Q BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION m 123 FINANCE-PRINT SHOP 621 CENTRAL SERVICES FUND ~ I OBJ JUSTIFICATION 5111 COPIER SUPPLIES AND PAPER I 5112 MISC SMALL EQUIPMENT ITEMS NEEDED IN TIlE PRINT SIIOP. 5122 ANNUAL DUES SUBSCRIPTION TO FRANKLIN OFFSET PRINTING CATALOG n '" 5171 UNIFORM RENTAL FOR EMPLOYEES AND POSTAGE MACHINE RENTAL J 5172 EQUlP1\IENT l\lAINTENANCE FOR XEROX EQUIPMENT AND POSTAGE/MAIL EQUIPMENT 5505 l'OUl\IBERING. DIE CUTIING. SPECIAL ARTWORK, MAIL SERVICE. ETC. 3 5803 LEASE PA YMENT FOR PRINTSHOP COPIER AND PRINTI~G PRESS. n n 3 J ~ " LI ~ 3 ~ 3 3 291 ., U , TELEPHONE SUPPORT MAINTAINS CITY OWNED TELEPHONE SYSTEM SUPPORT SERVICES PHONE AUDITS I I -i m r- m ." :I: o z m en c ." ." o :ll -i .. TELEPHONE SUPPORT Director of Facilities Management James Sharer (2) Employees ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I f"1 .. ~ n . ~ c ~ c ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ .. - - TELEPHONE SUPPORT ACCOUNT NUMBER: 630-262 FUND: TELEPHONE I ABOUT THE DIVISION I The Telephone Support section operates under the direction of the Director of Facilities Management. Telephone Support is responsible for the maintenance of the City-owned telephone system, and for providing recommendations for new technologies in the area of communications. EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CATEGORY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PERSONNEL 115,760 65.818 127.200 135,900 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 661,924 593,775 646,200 655,800 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 11,673 34,085 12,500 15,000 INTERNAL SERVICE 7,102 7,563 8,000 7,600 CAPITAL OUTLA Y 38,696 6,804 25,000 25.000 DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 835,155 708,045 818,900 839,300 I 292 IELEPHONE SUPPORT 2005-06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS ./ Reduced local telephone charges through use ofT-I service. ./ Reduced cost of cellular service through competitive bid, ./ Implemented Nextel Blackberry phones program to department heads. 2006-07 KEY GOALS :r Implement voice mail retrieval on city computer intranet for department heads. :r Install new telephone switch at 5th Street Senior Center. :r Replace telephone instruments at various off-site locations. DID YOU KNOW? :r Telephone Support maintains over 1800 telephone ports City-wide. ,. Telephone Support processes over 900 telephone bills per month, ,. The time periods with the heaviest phone traffic City wide are 10:00 a.m, - 11 :00 a.m, and 3:00p,m. - 4:00 p,m, ,)Qr~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ J n n ... J J ~ J J J :J ~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c ("1 I. ~ EXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL PISCAL YEAR 2~6-2007 PUND 630 TELEPHONE SUPPORT PUND DIVISION 262 TELEPHONE SUPPORT ACCOUNT OBJECT & TITLE ACTUAL 2003-0'" BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 ACTUAL 200"'-05 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5014 SALARIES TEMP/PARTTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE 91,242 54,123 87,000 88,700 3,542 0 15,000 20,000 5,617 3,789 12,100 13,600 13,745 6,985 11,700 12,100 237 135 100 200 1,377 78. 1,300 1,300 115,760 65,818 127,200 135,900 6,983 4.929 10,000 32,000 0 0 300 300 0 1,824 2,500 2,500 173.982 135.634 172,000 204,000 382,299 355,752 355,000 311,000 15,554 13.688 15.000 13,000 81. aaG 81,769 90,000 90,000 1,220 179 1,400 3,000 661,9H 593,77S 646,200 655,800 6,673 34,085 7,500 15.000 5,000 0 5,000 0 11,673 34,085 12,500 15,000 1,900 2,000 2,000 1,800 1, JOO 1,600 1,900 2,100 J,902 3,963 4,100 3,700 7,102 7,563 8,000 7,600 1,131 0 0 0 37,565 6,804 25,000 25,000 38,696 6,804 25,000 25,000 835,155 708,045 818,900 839,300 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5155 CELLULA.~ SERVICE 5157 TELEPHONE CHARGES 5171 RENTALS 5172 EQUI PMENT MAINTENANCE 5174 PRINTING CHARGES TOTAL MAINTENANCE " OPERATION 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SVCS 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5602 WORKERS COMPENSATION 5603 LIABILITY 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE CHARGES 5702 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 5703 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 291 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION J 262 TELEPHONE SUPPORT 630 TELEPHONE SUPPORT FUND ~ ~ OBJ JUSTIFICATION 5111 !\.1AINTENANCE !\.IATERIALS NEEDED fOR TIlE REPAIR OF TIlE CITY'S TELEPHONE SYSfEM. INCLUDING CABLES. TELEPHONE INSTRUMENTS. AND OTHER NEEDED SUPPLIES ~ 5122 DUES FOR NEe USERS GROUP A~D NTOA; CQ!\.IMUNICATIONS BRIEFINGS AND TELECONNECT ~ 5133 TRAINING TO Sf A Y KNOWLEDGEABLE OF CURRENT TECHNOLOGIES 5155 CEllULAR SERVICE CHARGES FOR NEXTEL AND CINGULAR CELLULAR PROVIDERS ~ 5157 LOCAl. AND LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE CHARGES FOR VERIZON AND sse 5171 RENTAL or ARCH WIRELESS PAGERS CITY.WlDE ~ 5172 J\lAINTENA;\iCE FOR TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT-TELEPHONE SYSTEM EQUlPl\fENT. FAX MACHINES AND SYSTEM SOITWARE ~ 5174 A1'.'NlJAL PRINTING OF CITY TELEPHONE DIRECTORY 5502 CH,\RGF:S FOR CONSUL TlNGi USED TO INVESflGATE NE\'t' MEANS OF COST REDUCTIONS. ~ 5703 REPLACE!\.fENT OF TELEPHONE S\\'ITCH EQUIPMENT Cln'WIDE D ~ J J J ~ J J ~ 295 ~ I" I II UTILITIES ELECTRlCITY- W A TER-SEWER- GEOTHERMAL-NA TURAL GAS ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY'S ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROGRA~1 ADMINISTRATOR OF OVER 1500 UTILITY ACCOUNTS c:: . ~ ;= ~ "TI c:: Z c II I I UTILITIES Director of Facilities Management James Sharer I I (2) Employees n .. n L. ~ -- " - --- - -- - - -- - --- UTILITIES ACCOUNT NUMBER: 631-33/ FUND: UTILITIES I ABOUT THE DIVISION I Under the direction of the Director of Facilities Management, the Utilities Fund operates as an internal service fund. All City utility charges are paid through the Utility Fund for better control, management, and efficiency, Utilities paid through the fund include electricity, water, sewer, geothermal and natural gas. EXPENDITURES BY CA TEGORY 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CATEGORY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PERSONNEL 121,297 129,377 144,300 151,700 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 3,566,297 3,624.322 3,411.700 3,573,100 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 INTERNAL SERVICE 0 0 0 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 0 35,000 , DEBT SERVICE 275.776 ?75.035 275.600 203,600 TOTAL 3,963.370 4,028,734 3,831.600 3,963,400 I ~ t ~ ~ r .. ~ C ~ ~ C C ~ ~ c ~ C 296 UTILITIES ~ ] J J J J J J o J ~ J J 3 2005-06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS ./ Monitored energy crisis in state, aiding the City in development of essential facilities and other information needed to weather rolling black outs. ./ Explored energy efficiency funding programs for possible use by City. ./ Installed energy efficiency measures where economically feasible, 2006-07 KEY GOALS ,. Monitor energy crisis in state, aiding the City in development of essential facilities and other information needed to weather rolling black outs, ,. Explore energy efficiency funding programs for possible use by City, ,. Install energy efficiency measures where economically feasible. DID YOU KNOIV? ;.. The Utilities Fund is responsible for over 1500 utility accounts totaling S2.9 million annually. ,. The City spends 92% of the entire utilities budget on dectricity alone, ,. The City saves thousands of dollars annually by using geothermal energy instead of natural gas for heat. '1 u ., I.l ~ J '1 .... f) (} "j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1"1 III ~ f"I W ~ r III c ~ c ZXPENDITURE BUDGET LINE ITEM DETAIL FISCAL"YEAR 2006-2007 nnm 631 UTILITY FUND DIVISION 331 UTILITIES ACCOUNT OBJECT . TITLB ACTUAL 2003-04 ACTUAL 2004-05 BUDGET 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE S028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE 100,164 107,715 113.700 5,038 5,386 14,300 14,376 14.438 14,400 251 269 300 1,468 1,569 1,600 121,297 129,377 144,300 5.991 7,169 5,000 0 0 300 0 0 2,000 3,133,691 3,138,376 2,955,600 135,609 167,645 138,800 291,005 311,132 310,000 3,566,297 3,624,322 3,0111,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 275,776 275,035 275,600 275,776 275,0)5 275,600 3,963.370 4,028,734 3,831,600 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5151 ELECTRIC CHARGES 5152 GAS CHARGES 5154 WATER Cr~RGES TOTAL MAINTENANCE '- OPERATION 5702 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 5706 ALTERATIONS & RENOVATIONS TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 5803 LEASE PAYMENTS TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL 298 118,200 16,500 15,000 300 1,700 151,700 10,000 300 3,000 3,113,800 146,000 300,000 3,573,100 10,000 25,000 35,000 203,600 203,600 3,963,400 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION ~ 331 UTILITIES 631 UTILITY FUND ~ ~ OBJ JUSTIFICATION 5111 J\.IATERIALS AND OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR BILL PROCESSING; CO!\fPUTER SOF'T\\'ARE AND J\.IAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS; ENERGY 3 MANAGEMENT MANUALS AJ'liD INFORMATION; WEATHER INFORMATION 5122 DUES FOR ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL ENERGY I\tANAGERS (APEJ\.f) AND ENERGY J\.tANAGEMENT PUBL.lCATIONS J 5132 AITENDANCE AT NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL ENERGY MANAGERS CONFERENCE AND LOCAL APEM EDUCATION CLASSES ~ 5151 ELECTRIC CHARGES FOR ACCOUNTS CITI'.\\'IDE 5152 NATURAL GAS CHARGES FOR ACCOUNTS CITY-WIDE ~ 5154 \\'ATER. SEWER AND GEOmERMAL CHARGES FOR ALL ACCOUNTS CITY-WIDE 5507 E:'IiERGY EFFICIENCY UPGRADES A.."iD SERVICES ] 5702 SOFTWARE FOR ENERGY PAYMENT PROCESSING DATABASE 3 5706 ENERGY EFFICIENT WINDOW FJL.\I PROJECT AT CITI' HALL - PHASE ONE 5803 LEASE PAYl\lENTS FOR ENVEST ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROJECT J:Ii CITY HALL, FINAL PAYl\.{E!liT DECEl\lBER 2006. AND BANC ONE ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROJECT IN 19 REMOTE CITY SITES. ALSO INCLUDED IS $15,600 FOR GALAXY CENTER AIR COXDITIONER REPLACEMENT. ~ 3 ] 3 ] ~ ~ D ~ 299 ~ I il I I I I ; WORKERS' I I I COMPENSATION EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM I EMPLOYEE WELLNESS PROGRAM I I EMPLOYEE CLAIMS II DISABILITY RETIREMENT II I I I , 'I ~ o " :It m " '" C'l o i: ." m Z '" > ~ o z WORKERS' COMPENSATION Director of Human Resources Linn Livingston (6.25) Employees c ~ ~ ~ c c ~ ~ rt . c c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ n .~- .- .. - - --- - - - - --- --- .. . --. DEPARTMENT: HUMAN RESOURCES DIVISION: WORKERS COMPENSATION ACCOUNT NUMBER. 678-452 FUND: WORKERS COM? FUND I ABOUT THE DIVISION I The Risk Management's Workers' Compensation program is responsible for the management of all employee injury claims in a fair and cost effective manner. The program also involves the administration of the employee health and safety program designed to reduce the frequency of losses and the placement of excess insurance to protect the City's financial resources. EXPENDITURES BY CA TEGOR Y 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 CATEGORY ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PERSONNEL 296,035 308,066 332,800 413,600 MAINTENANCE & OPERATION 2,916,123 3,040,070 3.378,600 3,066,600 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 254.055 305,121 302,500 31 \,400 INTERNAL SERVICES 24,952 26,713 28.700 28,700 CAPITAL OUTLA Y 0 754 0 0 DEBT SERVICE 0 0 0 0 CREDITS/BILLABLES 247,364 140,549 0 0 TOTAL 3,738,529 3,821,273 4,042.600 3,820,300 ~nn DID YOU KNOW? ~ ~ ] ~ ~ ~ 3 3 a ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ o ~ n a o WORKERS' COMPENSATION 2005 - 06 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS ./ Implemented State mandatory changes for 2005-06 claims years, ./ Established new reporting requirements for Workers' Compensation Information System (WCIS) State reporting, ./ Trained each Department on new laws effective for 2005 for reporting compensation reports. ./ Established excess insurance reporting rcquirement in Workers' Compensation system, 2006-07 KEY GOALS r Implement State changes for 2006-07 for claims years. ,. Implement new reporting requirements for WCIS System. ,. Continue to train each Department on new laws effective for 2006 for reporting compensation reports, ,. Implement excess IRS Reporting System. ., The City of San Bernardino self-insures and self-administers its Workers' Compensation claims, ,. Look for new Workers' Compensation laws in the future, '; Workers' Compensation Division trained various Departments rcgarding Workers' Compcnsation rcporting requirements. rEach staff member is State certified. :r Effective January 2005, the Workers' Compensation maximum benefit rates increased from 51,092 to $1,206 weekly. ,.. The Workers' Compcnsation Division succcssfully passed an audit conducted by the Califomia Self-Insured Association of Claims - Excess Insurance Authority (CSAC-E1A), ~n1 n . ~ FUND 678 WORXERS COMPENSATION FUND ~ ACCOUNT OBJECT ~ TITLE ~ 5011 SALARIES PERM/FULLTIME 5012 SPECIAL SALARIES 5013 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE 5026 PERS RETIREMENT 5027 HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE 5028 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 5029 MEDICARE ~ ~ TOTAL PERSONNEL SBRVICES ~ 5111 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 5122 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 5131 MILEAGE 5132 MEETINGS & CONFERENCES 5133 EDUCATION & TRAINING 5161 INSURANCE PREMIUMS 5163 WORKERS COMP CLAIMS 5172 EQUIPMENT ~~INTENANCE 5173 OUTSIDE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 5174 PRINTING CHARGES 5175 POSTAGE ~ ~ I 5176 COPY MACHINE CHARGES 5181 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES TOTAL MAINTENANCB . OPERATION c 5502 PROFESSIONAL/CONTRACTUAL SVCS 5503 LITIGATION-OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS 5505 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ,., .. TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES r " 5602 WORKERS COMPENSATION 5603 LIABILITY 5604 ~.I.S. CHARGES - IN HOUSE c 5605 TELEPHONE SUPPORT TOTAL INTERNAL SBRVICE CHARGES ~ 5704 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY ~ 5949 BILLABLE TO WATER DEPT f'" . TOTAL LBSS: CREDITS/BILLADLES TOTAL ~ ~ EXPBNDI'IVRE BtJDGBT LINK IT~ DBTAIL - . FISCAL YZAA-~e'.2007 DIVISION 452 RISX MGMT WORKERS COMP ACTUAL 2003-04 252,790 600 900 14,216 23,117 636 3,776 296,035 1,800 1,630 8 942 1,477 153,449 2,692,269 o -77 3,272 4,462 759 56,131 2,916,123 45,680 187,169 21,207 254,055 3,900 7,600 9,700 3,752 24,952 247,364 247,364 3,738,528 302 ACTUAL 2004-05 261,124 600 900 15,200 25,110 656 3,876 308,066 2,340 1,343 o 1,930 3,833 226,578 2,731. 049 o o 1,402 3,960 1,837 67,108 3,041,380 40,475 238,632 26,014 305,121 4,100 8,900 10,300 3,413 26,713 o o 140,549 140,549 3,822,583 '54 75' BUDGBT 2005-06 PROPOSED 2006-07 265,600 323,100 600 600 900 900 35,100 50,200 26,000 33,300 700 eoo 3,900 4,700 332,800 413,600 3,000 3,000 1,300 1,300 200 200 2,000 8,500 3,000 4,500 240,300 240,300 3,000,000 2,700,000 300 300 0 0 3,500 3,500 3,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 120,000 100,000 3,378,600 3,066,600 65,000 68,900 175,000 175,000 62,500 67,500 302,500 311,400 4,100 3,600 10,700 11,200 10,400 10,300 3,500 3,600 28,700 28,700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,042,600 3,820,300 BUDGET - JUSTIFICATION n U 452 RISK MGMT WORKERS COMP 678 WORKERS COMPENSATION FUND I ~ OBJ JUSTIFICATION D 5111 OFFICE SUPPLIES. MISC. HEALTII & SAFETY SUPPLIES. CPR SUPPLIES 5122 RIMS DUES. ASS[ DUES, CAl,OSHA REPORTER, 1/2 INDEX BUREAU MEMBERSHIP. PRIJ\.L\ DUES. PAR.'\.IA DUES. BUSINESS INSliRA:"CE WCAB REPORTER. MA ITHEW BENDER CALIFORNIA LEGAL CASES ~ 5131 MilEAGE REIJ\.1BURSEMENT 5132 MEETINGS AND CONFERENCES ~ 5133 PRIMA RISK !\IG:\C\iT TRAINlNG UPDATE, CAL-OSHA TRAINING, PARI\.lA CONFERENCE, WORKERS' COMP EXAMS, DIVISION n WORKERS' CO!\fP ANNUAL CONFERENCE, SELF -INSURED ANNUAL CO:'llFERENCE, COUNCIL ON EDUCATION CONFERENCE. iJ 5161 EXCESS WORKERS' CQ:\lPENSA TIO!'" INSURAl"OCE PREMIUM 5163 WORKERS' COMP CLAIMS ~ 5172 EQUIP:\lENT J\.IAINTENANCE 5174 PRINTING CHARGES J 5175 POSTAGE ~ 5176 COPY MACHINE CHARGES 5181 STATE l\1ANDATED SELF-INSL'RANCE FEE ~ 5502 EAP PROGRAl\1. CRITICAL JNITRVE!\'TION o 5503 LITIGATION. OUTSIDE ATIORI"\EYSIHEARING REPRESENTATIVES 5 5 0 5 SUCABA (WORKERS' COMPo SYSTEM). FITNESS FOR DUTY (ALL DEPTS.), TB TESTING (SAfTY), HEARING TESTlNG (SAFETY I\lEMBER), FLU SHOTS (ALL DEPTS.), MISC. EXPENSE RELATED TO PREYF.!'."TIVE WORKERS' CO~fP EXPENSES, CIIT ADMINISTERED PHYSICALS IN ACCORDAl'iCE WITH TERMS OF !\IOU'S. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 303 ~ !" )> Ul Ul m Ul Ul lI: m Z -i C en -i ~ o iil II II CONSTRUCTION / OTHER DISTRICTS CONSTRUCTION DISTRICTS SECURITY DISTRICTS 00 -10 :I:z m", ::a-l c::a -c: "'0 -1-1 ::a_ -0 ~z "'- SEWER LINE MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS CONSTRUCTION / OTHER DISTRICTS Fund 251 Other Assessment Districts Construction Districts Sewer Line / Landscape Maint Districts (2) Districts (4) Districts ~ I'" .. "'0 0000 0 0 <;>w 0000 0 0 :g'" NCO........ '" '" 00 wM.Lri,....,. .,; a5 1"'1 NO. N " 0 . '" a. f"1 .. .. .. c f"l 0 ~ I. .~ .5 g- '" 0 ~ c ,., .... $ 'n; U C> 0: c C .. c " ~ '0. .... U 0 " '" ::; " 0 " ~ c c ~ 0 ~ ~ \!! ,.:- E c Zg' ::; ~"2: _ >- "" "" .n; '" ::; ~-Q.lu.x: .. ~ W~~~~ 0. .C 0.<('" '" f"'l iJi ~ C3Q)~~.~ " '" u 0 0 .... " CJ).~;;:; c; a::: Z .. u:; u'" Cla..c:(~...,. "'''' Z N 0:0 :::J ZNMO'lN ....- U. "'" ....0> 5COCOCOO UO "'''' ",0> 0l0'l0')..... 22'"": u. Ow 00 wocicici 0 ~ Z.... ....0 W :::JZ ~" Z . . . . '" . ::::i<(<(<(<( 0<( '" u.w :::J U.U 0: , '" '" ..J 0.... :::J", ~..;.~~~ WN <( w'" U'" (,,)MI.OI"-- I'" .... ",0 W'" w<DtDl.OtO ....'" 0 ~ :::JU '" '" 0 .... "'0 0000 0 0 <;>W 0000 0 0 :g'" NW........ '" '" ~ 00 cD M..n,....- .,; a5 NO. N " 0 '" a. ~ f1 ~ . . . ~ .. < ~ 0 C t " .g 11. ~ .. .~ E .5 ~ C" U , is ~ u c . C :;; 'n; " 0 C> C C w >- c " ~ . '" .0. '" U 0 . " .... ::; .. <( " ><c " . == ~ c E .. "'0 '" < ~ == \!! ....'" E 11. :::J ::; . '" c "'c il O~_ "" "" .n; - " "'", -l!; S '" ~ u_ ~ ~l~~~ '" .... '" 0. .. U . .c '" ~ 1"1 0: 6 ~ <( c: 06 Q) " . .... 0 u :E:g~=~ 0 '" :Ii 0'" <;> " UJ"- - :E Z C u; t1 . z- '" a..Q.<C v '" Z w u:; . _C ..0 <(NMOlN 0 :::J .... 0.... N ",0> utOCOIXlO 0 U u. < "'Z "", ....0> Cf)0l Ol 0).... Z .. <(w "'", U . . . . . "'ei u. .... c5 f"I Cw _0 ClOOClCl 0 0 "'== ~oi ~<(""" .... . 0 W'" z.... u<( W ~ .. "'''' :::Jz '" 0: U ZW U.w 0' W , '" <('" U.u ....' :::J Ow ~:g ZvCOO'lO'l ",,,, "''''- :::::d3a~b -... 0 U.<('" W:::J 00 '" ~ 0"'''' Uz 0:" c:::...,....,.'ltv "," ..J ~wc "'W :::J W W <( IZ :::J> U s: I .... -....:::J OW W W .... 0 uOU. "'''' '" '" 0 .... n . ~ni1 ~ ~ BUDGET - NARRATIVE FUND 251: OTHER ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS J J Security Districts J AD. 990 Located along all public streets and alleys within the area bounded by the centerline of Highland Avenue on the north, the centerline of that certain east/west alley south of 20th Street on the south, the centerline of Guthrie Street on the west, and the centerline of Arden Avenue on the east. There are 104 parcels in Zone 1 and 87 parcels in Zone 2. (Ward 7) Sewer Line Maintenance Districts 3 3 AD. 962 Located in the area generally located easterly of Pine Avenue and southerly of Belmont Avenue. There are 335 parcels assessed in this district. (Ward 5) :J J J AD. 963 Located in portions of Allen Street, north of Central Avenue. There are 28 parcels assessed in this district. (Ward 1) AD. 989 Located at the south side of Mill Street generally the street between Macy Street and the railroad right-of- way west of Macy Street. There are 208 parcels assessed in this district. (Ward 3) Other Districts ~ J ~ ~ ~ AD. 1024 Located in the Inland Center Drive and Riverwalk Drive area for the maintenance of a sewer lift station and landscaping. There are 63 parcels assessed in this district. (Ward 3) AD. 1018 Located within a portion of Tract 14448, Northpark Boulevard and Mountain Drive. District was formed to acquire improvements from developer. There are 98 parcels in this district (Ward 5) o J 305 J ~ i LANDSCAPE DISTRICTS , LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS , , > z c en o :I> "Q m C (ij -l :u (; -l en LANDSCAPE DISTRICTS ,., ~ r .. n .. ,., I. f"I . r . r .. r'I .. ~ f"I ~ " .. .... III c ,... .. " .. ~ ~ < ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U . ~ ~ 5 w o~ ~~ ~w ::!~ w< ..~ zw <" ~t3~ 020 ~zz u:5~ r. . " .. ,., .. f'"' . ~o 9w ~1l N" o ~ " ~~iH~ NNcn".""': ~- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~.~.mNNNriN~"':~~.WW"': ___ .... N .... ~~~~~~u~~ 1O<D:Z:~<D5:!<D;;;~"" ~. ~ ~ ~~~~u~ ":Ili.oNa>-rJi.o NM<D .... M ~ N ..~ ~~ Ow z~ ~z ~w ~u o~ w~ ~o ~u ~ 0 ~ < ~ ~~~~'i 5fGl~ . Gl o~~~<iGl <>~ ~ ~ ~ Gl C 0 ~ ~ -~~a~g~ ~c<2 __~_c_ ~ =~ ~ Gl ,~ ! ~ ~~~~gc~ ~si& -NGl~i~ ~ w ~>2 ~_ ~ 5~ ~~ E~~ui~~o:~~z !!&&~~ ~ ~ -~Ja~~ ~,~ ii~j~~ :r~2~f~!~~i:~5i~~:i ~~~Gl~Gl wO ~g~~O~t~O~~C Gl~~-~~~W:~~~~ ~ss~>~~~~~Gl~ GlGlIIIJl !~ tw~~~ ~~-~~C~I~~~~Z~~&~i~~Gl~t::~~~~I~c~~ li~~~~~ ~o8a~~~C~~Gl ~~~_I-m$~~ou~~~~~OC_N~5GlCC~EE~ 11~~~~~$~I!~I=il~~~~i~~~~~;I~~~;!I~~~'I~~lliIIJ~~t ~~wwww~~~<~~~~~~~~~~~u~ '~N~~~o~~~m~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~~~z --NNNNl'')~(1)~(1>O''''~<D-N~~-l'')~8~~8----sNNNNN~al'')Ml'')~M8M~~a~~ ~~~~~~$(1)~~$~~~~~~~a$$$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~_~__~~~ 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 <<<<<<<<~<~~<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< .."..,...,.."...".."..."...".,...".". , NmMN~m~~~_NMmmg~~~_~m~_N~~$~~M~~O_NMMN~~~~mx~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$~$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ g~$ ~o qw ~1l N" o ~ " ~u~nn~~ ,..>~. g:'j ~.~. \d;;;~~. 88888 m~Nr-._ N.Ncr;~."': ~- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~.~.~NNNMN~"':~~.\d\d"': ......... ... N ~ ~. ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~~-.o.N<1>.~~ NM~ ~ ~ ~ ::\ N UilQ ~~ ~m ~u Ow w~ Uz ~w ~> ow ~~ ~ /; ~ < . -c -c ~ II> 'i :c <: !l.lrlr~<ill> o~~;;; "!; . ..; c; ~ 0 ~; ::J.... '" f< < <;; - C E ~ c; 0 g < c~~~~ < ~C;~ ~N~N~M ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ c;~ ~~ g~~~~~~~~g~z' II><I>~<I><I><I> g,> '" 1? . . ~"o 2' ~ OJ ",o..,-c 55~5gg E ~ Oj~~o8 II> ~~ -~5 c~~ ~g~~~~"'~~~=~~~"" NN~~~~ ~ ~ ~lr~o~- EOl ~c~: ~ 1l>~>2_~~><<~"'!UIO",,;~ iill>ll>lI>lI> ~u ~~~~OZtlrO~~C ~~II>~l""~~~,,,,~..,..,o"'EEffi~~""""~~lI>m Il>~~~~~~ ~~ :~&~z~~o-~<~i~",,~~Z~~5~~~~Il>""<I>~~~~~~~r<<~ !!oooo! co~u""ll>mcc""~~""2~~l~mll>~[OU""E""8<:5<:~N[CIl><<~EE[ ~~~~~~~$~~~~~;!iii~~[~~~0ii~~~if~i8~8t~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ww~~~<~u~~a~~u~~0U~~~~N~;~o~~~m ~~~~z~~~~~~N~ --NNNNM~<1>~<1>O~.o~~N~$"'M~8888~~~~NNNNN~gMMMM~MMM~~~~~ ~~~~~~~<1>~~~~~~~~~<1><1>$$$_...~~~~~~~~~~eee~eeeeeee_~~e~ ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaooooo <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< """"""""""""""""""""'" , NNMMMM~r-.__NM.o_N<1>~~~"'~M~r-.mNN~~~m~9_MN.o~~~~<1>~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 30G ~I M ~ o z ~ ~ ~ o w ~ ~ ~ < ~ o ~ ;1 ~ ~ , I i 2 . I . . . . q . ! h p ~ i :z ~ i ~ ~ . . ! . ~ .: ~ ~ o z ~ ~ ~ o w U ~ ~ o ~ ~ < ~ o ~ - n . BUDGET NARRATIVE ~ FUND 254: LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS " ..J A.D. 951 Located at Kendall Drive between the San Bernardino County Flood Control's Devils Cane diversion channel and a point approximately 1000 feet southeasterly of Palm Avenue and in portions of Kendall Way between Surrey Lane and Buckboard Drive and a point approximately 636 feet westerly thereof. There are 70 parcels in Zone 1 and 4 parcels in Zone 2. (Ward 5) :J .., oJ A.D. 952 Located at University Parkway, College Aile, 48th Street, Sun Valley Drive, Kendall Drive, Northpark Boulevard, State Street, and little Mountain Drive. There are 697 parcels assessed in Zone 1, 660 parcels assessed in Zone 2 and 133 parcels assessed in Zone 3. (Ward 5) J A.D. 953 Located at 16th Street between Medical Center Drive, Muscott Street and California Street. There are 200 parcels assessed in this district. (Ward 6) J A.D. 956 Located in the area east of Gage Canal to include east end of Harriman Place, Hospitality Lane, Brier Drive, Tippecanoe Avenue and along 1.10 freeway and drainage basin. There are 16 parcels assessed in this district. (Wards 1,3) J A.D. 959 Located at Kendall Drive, Shand in Hills Circle, Shandin Hills Drive and open space and fire break areas in Tracts 12955, 14252 and 14253. There are 291 parcels assessed in Zone 1 and 8 parcels assessed in Zone 2. (Ward 5) " J A.D. 968 Located in the meridian strip of Airport Drive, between Commercenter Ease and Commercenter West. There are 8 parcels assessed in this district. (Wards 1,3) '1 L.J A.D. 969 Located in the area of Irvington Avenue and Olive Avenue. There are 4 parcels assessed in this district. (Ward 5) J A.D. 970 Located in the Cable Creek area. There are 129 parcels assessed in this district. (Ward 5) ~ A.D. 974 Located at the south side of Rialto Avenue generally between Pepper Avenue and Eucalyptus Avenue. There are 40 parcels in this district. (Ward 3) a A.D. 97S Located at Mill Street, Pepper Avenue and Eucalyptus Avenue. There are 115 parcels assessed in this district. (Ward 3) J A.D. 976 Located at Pine Avenue and the Metropolitan Water District land east of adjacent to Pine Avenue., Walnut Avenue, Ohio Avenue, Belmont Avenue, Irvington Avenue, the drainage channel south of Tracts 13028 and 13036 and in lot "A-A" of Tract 13036, the slope area south of Christine Street. There are 591 parcels assessed in this district. (Ward 5) J 3 J J 307 f1 L.J " .. ~ BUDGET NARRATIVE r"1 .. FUND 254: LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS r . ~ A.D. 981 located at the east side of Meridian Avenue between Randall Avenue and Mill Street, the north side of Randall Avenue, east of Meridian Avenue and the drainage area on the north side of Pleasant Way, east of Meridian. There are 247 parcels assessed in this district. r ~ A.D.982 Located at Piedmont Drive and Citrus Street. generally located east and west of Indian Canyon Court and along the south boundary atTract No. 13470, west of Bangor Avenue. There are 96 parcesl assessed in this district. (Ward 4) r ~ A.D. 984 Located north of Central Avenue and east and west of Gifford. (Ward 1) ,.. 11II A.D. 986 Located at the south side of Rialto Avenue, approximately 650 feet east and west of Macy Street and the retention basin on the east side of Macy Street at Walnut Avenue. There are 173 parcels assessed in this district. (Ward 3) ~ A.D. 991 Located at the south side of Verdemont Drive, both sides of Garfield Avenue, north side of Ohio Avenue and a portion of the south side of Ohio Avenue, all between Palm Avenue and Olive Avenue. west side of Palm Avenue, south of Ohio Avenue and the slope area south of Tract 13430 (west of Palm Avenue). There are 138 parcels assessed in this district. (Ward 5) ~ A.D. 993 Located at the retention basins in Tract 14503-1. In the south side of Cajon Boulevard between Pepper linden Avenue and approximately 110 feet easterly of Majestic Avenue and in landscape maintenance easements along the approximately 425 feet southwesterly thereof. Ther are 277 parcels assessed in this district. (Ward 6) c n M A.D. 997 Located at the north side of Irvington Avenue, east of Chestnut Avenue. There are 113 parcels assessed in this district. (Ward 5) ~ A.D. 1001 Located at the Edison easement area on the south side of Birch Street, east of Pennsylvania Avenue and Lot "A" of Tract 14118. There are 46 parcels assessed in this district. (Ward 3) r" . A.D. 1002 Located at both sides of "H" Street, north of 53rd Street and in the south bank of the San Bernardino County Flood Control District which adjoins Tract 13554.4, 13554-5 and 13554-6 on the north. There are 286 parcels assessed in this district. (Ward 5) ~ A.D. 1005 Located at the retention basins in Tract 14503-1, in the south side of Cajon Boulevard between Pepper Linden Avenue and approximately 110 feet easterly of Majestic Avenue and in landscape maintenance easements along the southerly side of Tract 14503-1 between Cajon Boulevard and a point approximately 425 feet southwesterly thereof. There are 101 parcels assessed in this district. (Ward 6) ~ c f"I .. f"I .. 308 ~ BUDGET NARRATIVE J FUND 254: LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS ~ A.D. 1007 Located at the east side of Pepper Avenue and the west side of Meridian Avenue north of Randall Avenue. There are 58 parcels assessed in this district. (Ward 3) ~ A.D. 1012 Located at Mill and Burney. There are 16 parcels assessed in this district. (Ward 3) 3 AD.1016 Located at the north side of Coulston Street between Rosena Avenue and Curtis Street. There are 36 parcels assessed in this district. (Ward 1) 3 A.D. 1017 Located along portions of Kendall Drive and Pine Avenue, within Tract No. 15642. and along Pine Avenue, between the north line of Tract No. 15642 and Irvington Avenue. There are 45 parcels assessed in this dIstrict. (Ward 5) I A.D. 1019 Located within a portion of Tract 14448, Northpark Boulevard and Mountain Drive. There are 98 parcels assessed in this district. (Ward 5) m A.D. 1020 Located on the south side of Mill Street at Dallas Avenue. The centerline Mill Street on the north, the southerly, easterly and westerly lines of Tract 15652 on the south, ease and west respectively. There are 13 parcels assessed in this district. (Ward 3) ., LI A.D. 1023 Located on the south of Coulston Street, between Elm Avenue and Richardson Street. The centerline of Coulston Street on the north, the centerline of Richardson Street on the west, and the southerly and easterly boundries of Tenative Tract 15777 on the south and east, respectively. There are 39 parcels assessed in this district. (Ward 1) I o A.D. 102S Located along Palm Ave and Red Sky Ave. There are 38 parcels assessed in this district (Ward 5). I A.D 1027 Located in the Waterman & Washington Area along Waterman, Washington, Commercial, Heritage Lane and Foxcroft Lane. There are 158 parcels assessed in this district (Ward 3). a AD 1028 Located between Olive Ave and Walnut Ave between Ohio Ave and Meyers Road. There are 76 parcels in this distict (Ward 5) 3 AD 1029 Located North of 16th 5t and East of California 51. There are 38 parcels in this district (Ward 6) D AD 1031 Located in Tract 15407 between Olive Ave and lrvington. There are 107 parcels in this district (Ward 5). AD 1030 From the centerline of Ohio Ave on the South, the centerline of Magnolia Ave on the West, the Northerly boundry of Tract 14604 on the North and the Easterly boundry of Tract 14604 on the East. There are 47 parcels in this district (Ward 5). 3 3 3 308 n f'1 ~ f'1 . BUDGET NARRATIVE ... .. FUND 254: LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS n .. " ~ AD 1032 From the centerline of Verdemant Dr on the South, the centerline of Palm Ave to the West and the Northerly and Easterly lines of Tract 14352 to the North and East, respectively. There are 65 parcels in this district (Ward 5). ,., ~ AD 1035 Zone 1 From the centerlines of Ohio Ave on the North and Palm Ave on the West, both within the boundries of Tract 13572 and the southerly ande easterly lines atTract 13572. There are 30 parcels in this district (Ward 5). n ~ AD 1035 Zone 2 From the centerlines of Ohio Ave on the North and Palm Ave on the West, both within the boundries of Tract 15538 and the Northerly, Southerly and Westerly lines atTract 15538. There are 13 parcels in this district (Ward 5). c ,.. . AD 1036 The boundries of said Tentative Tract No. 16509 together with all of Campus Pkwy right of way lying between Kendall Dr and Northpark Blvd; Northpark Blvd right of way lying between Campus Pkwy and University Pkwy, including the unimproved portion of Northpark Blvd directly South of Campus Pkwy; and that area lying between the Easterly line of improved Northpark Blvd and the Easterly line of said Tentative Tract 15609, between Campus Pkwy and University Pkwy and lot 14 of Tract 2404. There are 2 assessed parcels in this district totaling 257.2 assessment units (Ward 5). " .. AD 1037 From the centerline of Belmont Ave to the South; the centerline of Magnolia Ave to the West; the cenlerline of Meyers Rd to the North; and Easterly atTract 13630 to the East There are 33 parcels in this district (Ward 5) f' .. n . AD 1 038 From the centerline of Orange Show Road to the South; the centerline of Arrowhead Ave to the West; and the Norht and East line of Parcel Map 16222 to the North and East. respectively. There are 14 parcels in this district (Ward 3). r' . f"I ~ r ~ r .. c f"I .. f"I .. 310 I ., II ; I .. .. ! .. ~ ~ ~ " lit ~ j ~ ~ J " III ., ~ j ~ , !" Cl :ll )> Z -< ." c: Z c: v f'I .. n . , CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO GRANT BUDGETS FISCAL YEAR 2006/07 CITY WIDE FUNDING ALLOCATIONS n . f'" . FUNDING SOURCES r . CITY GRANT TOTAL DEPARTMENT CONTRIBUTION REVENUE FUNDING FIRE $ 120,300.00 $ 717,300.00 $ 837,600.00 LIBRARY $ - $ 178,400,00 $ 178,400.00 PARK/RECREATION $ 150,200.00 $ 1,744,200.00 $ 1,894,400.00 POLICE $ 6,700,00 $ 3,101,600.00 $ 3,108,300,00 PUBLIC SERVICES $ - $ 161,600,00 $ 161,600,00 SBETA $ - $ 2,364,600,00 $ 2,364,600,00 TOTAL $ 277,200.00 $ 8,267,700.00 $ 8,544,900.00 ~ C c ~ I CITY WIDE GRANT FUNDING ALLOCATIONSI I'" .. PUBUC SERVICES 2% IFIREI 10% \ PARK/RECREATION 22% I'" . r" .. " 1/ c c ,., .. 10 FIRE III LIBRARY III PARK/RECREATION 0 POLICE lEI PUBLIC SERVICES 0 SBETA I n ~ C'I .. 311 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO GRANT BUDGETS FISCAL YEAR 2006/07 DEPARTMENT: FIRE FUNDING SOURCES GRANT GRANT GRANT TOTAL DEPT # DEPARTMENT MATCH REVENUE FUNDING Proposed Federal Emergency $ 120,300 $ 601,300 $ 721,600 Management 2006 Proposed 2007 Office of Traffic $ - $ 116,000 $ 116,000 Safety Grant TOTAL $ 120,300 $ 717,300 $ 837.600 IFIRE GRANT FUNDING ALLOCATIONSI 2007 OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY GRANT 14% 10 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 2006 1112007 OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY GRANT I 312 - I " ... ~ J 3 J J C " J n aJ J ., "" 3 3 ~ 3 ., .J n u c " . f1 .. ~ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO GRANT BUDGETS FISCAL YEAR 2006/07 DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY " III FUNDING SOURCES GRANT GRANT TOTAL DEPT # DEPARTMENT REVENUE FUNDING 520 Adult Education & $ 84,400 $ 84,400 Family Literacy 532 Calif, State Library $ 69,000 $ 69,000 Literacy Services 540 Community Based $ 25,000 $ 25,000 Homework TOTAL $ 178,400 $ 178,400 r . r'I III ~ C'" .. c ,., ~ I LIBRARY GRANT FUNDING ALLOCATIONS I '" .. IIICOMMUNlTY BASED HOMEWORK 14% ,., .. ,., ., r'I . ~ 13 CALIF. STATE LIBRARY LITERACY SERVICES 39% " . ,.. .. o ADULT EDUCA nON & FAMILY LITERACY 47% o ADULT EDUCATION & FAMILY LITERACY III CAUF, STATE UBRARY LITERACY SERVICES ,lIICOMMUNlTY BASED HOMEWORK I'" .. I'" II 313 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO GRANT BUDGETS FISCAL YEAR 2006/07 DEPARTMENT: PARK AND RECREATION FUNDING SOURCES GRANT GRANT GRANT TOTAL DEPT # DEPARTMENT MATCH REVENUE FUNDING 504 Retired Senior Volunteer $ 41,300 $ 58,400 $ 99,700 509 Senior Companion $ 41,300 $ 375,000 $ 416,300 510 Emerg. Food/Shelter $ - $ 32,200 $ 32,200 513 Senior Nutrition $ - $ 214,800 $ 214,800 522/524 HeadStart Program $ 67,600 $ 298,600 $ 366,200 551 Mentoring Program $ - $ 45,000 $ 45,000 576 Nutrition Network $ - $ 251,500 $ 251,500 589 Title III Sbdno County $ - $ 20,300 $ 20,300 594 CAPS Program $ - $ 443,000 $ 443,000 754 Senior Outreach Program $ - $ 5,400 $ 5,400 TOTAL $ 150,200 $ 1,744,200 $ 1,894,400 I PARK/RECREATION GRANT FUNDING ALLOCATIONS I 'SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAM 0% RETIRED SENIOR VOLUNTEER SOlo SENIOR COMPANION PROGRAM 23% 'mLE III COUNTY OF SAN BONO 1% NUTRmON NEiWORK 13% EMERGENCY FOOD/SHELTER 2% 'MENTORING PROGRAM / I 2% !HEADSTART PROGRAM I 19% o RETIRED SENIOR VOLUNTEER o SENIOR NUTRmON ISiI NUTRmON NETWORK I2l SENIOR OUTREACH PROGRAM Iii! SENIOR COMPANION PROGRAM II EMERGENCY FOOD/SHELTER D HEADSTART PROGRAM D MENTORING PROGRAM III filE III COUNTY OF SAN BDNO ro:l CAPS PROGRAM 314 I 3 3 ~ 3 3 n u ,., Lt " ... 3 n u " iJ " \J n LJ 3 3 .., u r'J 101 p U " .. f1 .. n I. f1 .. ~ I"'" . ,., ~ ,., .. I" .. ,., . ,., ~ f"I . f"I .. ~ n .. c ,.. .. c " . CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO GRANT BUDGETS FISCAL YEAR 2006/07 DEPARTMENT: POLICE FUNDING SOURCES GRANT GRANT GRANT TOTAL DEPT # DEPARTMENT MATCH REVENUE FUNDING 544 County Prob. Impact $ - $ 111,000 $ 111,000 776 Indian Gaming 621 $ - $ 700,000 $ 700,000 Proposed COPS 2006 Technology $ - $ 394,900 $ 394,900 Proposed Juvenile Accountability $ 1,200 $ 10,800 $ 12,000 Proposed Homeland Security 2006 $ - $ 171,500 $ 171,500 Proposed Justice Asst. Grant 06/07 $ - $ 162,400 $ 162,400 Proposed Ballistic Vest Grant 2006 $ 5,500 $ 5,500 $ 11,000 Proposed COPS Option 06/07 $ - $ 289,100 $ 289,100 Proposed ABC Control Grant $ - $ 125,000 $ 125,000 Proposed Buffer Zone Protection 2006 $ - $ 94,600 $ 94,600 Proposed OTS Vehicle Impound $ - $ 1,036,800 $ 1,036,800 TOTAL $ 6,700 $ 3,101,600 $ 3,108,300 I POLICE GRANT FUNDING ALLOCATIONS I OTS VEHICLE IMPOUND 33% COUNTY PROBATION IMPACT GRANT 4% INDIAN GAMING SB621 23% BUFFER 20NE PROTEmON 2006 3% JUVENILE ACCOUNTABILm BLOCK 0% cops 2006 TECHNOLOGY 13% IALCOHOL BEVERAGE CONTROL 4% JUSTICE ASST. GRANT 06/07 S% !HOMElAND SECURITY 2006 6% COPS OPTION 06/07 9% BALLISTIC VEST GRANT 2006 0% o COUNTY PROBATION IMPACT GRANT III INDIAN GAMING SB621 !J JUVENILE ACCOUNTABILm BLOCK D HOMElAND SECURITY 2006 gJ BALLISTIC VEST GRANT 2006 Il cops OPTION 06/07 1<1 BUFFER 20NE PROTEmON 2006 DOTS VEHICLE IMPOUND II COPS 2006 TECHNOLOGY o JUSTICE ASST. GRANT 06/07 Iil ALCOHOL BEVERAGE CONTROL 315 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO GRANT BUDGETS FISCAL YEAR 2006/07 " . " ..J FUNDING SOURCES ~ ~ 3 DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC SERVICES GRANT GRANT TOTAL DEPT # DEPARTMENT REVENUE FUNDING Proposed Used Oil Block Grant $ 50,400 $ 50,400 12th Cycle Proposed Waste Tire Enforcement $ 18,100 $ 18,100 Proposed Beverage Container/ $ 53,600 $ 53,600 Litter Reduction Proposed Waste Tire Clean Up/ $ 39,500 $ 39,500 Amnesty Event TOTAL $ 161,600 $ 161.600 f1 u 3 " IJ IpUBLlC SERVICES GRANT FUNDING ALLOCATlONSI ., u n LI WASTE TIRE CLEAN UP/AMNESTY EVENT 24% USED OIL BLOCK GRANT 12TH CYCLE 31% " .J I BEVERAGE CONTAINER/LmER REDUCTION 34% " tJ I WASTE TIRE ENFORCEMENT 11% f'J lJ n LJ o USED OIL BLOCK GRANT 12TH CYCLE III WASTE TIRE ENFORCEMENT II BEVERAGE CONTAINER/UTTER REDUCTION [3 WASTE TIRE CLEAN UP/AMNESTY EVENT J n LI J 316 " I U f"I ~ ,., .. " .. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO GRANT BUDGETS FISCAL YEAR 2006/01 DEPARTMENT: SBETA ,.. II FUNDING SOURCES r" . GRANT GRANT TOTAL DEPT # DEPARTMENT REVENUE FUNDING 900/910 ADULT PROGRAM $ 975,400 $ 975,400 940/945 YOUTH PROGRAM $ 850,800 $ 850,800 920/930 DISLOCATED WORKER $ 407,900 $ 407,900 935 RAPID RESPONSE $ 130,500 $ 130,500 TOTAL $ 2,364,600 $ 2,364,600 c c c c f"I ~ r . ISBETA GRANT FUNDING ALLOCATIONS I .., .. III YOUTH PROGRAM 36% [J RAPID RESPONSE 6% 1"'1 .. 'II DISLOCATED WORKER 17% DADULT PROGRAM 41% " .. ,., . " . f"l . IOADULT PROGRAM mYOUTH PROGRAM . DISLOCATED WORKER DRAPID RESPONSE I ('" .. ~ 317 - ~ o " )> -0 -o::j :1J)> Or- <-- ml: 0-0 ~:1J (/)0 < m I: m Z ~ " . c n .. " .. c r ~ ("I ~ r" . t f"I at r .. t " . n .. f'" .. 1"1 .. " .. 1"1 . ,., . DEPARTMENT: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FY 2006-2007 Capital Improvement Projects Budgets were not available to include in the Preliminary Budget Document. Once approved as part of the 5-Year CIP, they will be included in the Final Budget Document. 318 ~ ~ c m III -l '" m ::II < c; m , ~ n .. ~ c f"I .. c c c c r'I .. c c ,., ., t c r lit " .. " .. '" w CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO $1,101,681.82 LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS DATED FEB, 19, 1990 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO, 985 (INDUSTRIAL PARKWAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT) FUND 305: A.D. 985 DEBT SERVICE FORMATION DATE SEPT. 8, 1989 FINAL MATURITY SEPT. 2, 2010 BALANCE JUNE 30. 2006 S 250.000 The District is bounded on the northeast by a Santa Fe Railroad right-of-way, on the southeast by Palm Avenue, on the southwest by Interstate 215 and on the west by the San Bernardino County Flood Control Channel. The Assessment District was formed and the Bonds were issued in order to finance improvements in connection with Industrial Parkway and certain portions of Palm Avenue. The Bonds are secured by the unpaid assessments, together with interest thereon, on parcels within the District. Installments of principal and interest sufficient to meet annual debt service on the Bonds will be billed by the County of San Bernardino to owners of parcels against which there are unpaid assessments. The assessment installments billed against each parcel each year represent pro rata shares of the total principal and interest coming due that year, based on the percentage which the unpaid assessment against that parcel bears to the total of unpaid assessments against all parcels. REVENUE DETAIL 305-000- 4055 A.D. 985 Assessments 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 4506 Interest on Bond Reserves 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 89,606 72,418 62,000 64,000 1,534 2,462 1,300 1,300 350 583 1,200 700 91,490 75,463 64,500 66,000 TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURE DETAIL 305-659- 5197 Administrative Expense 5801 Debt Service - Principal 5802 Debt Service - Interest 6,231 7,871 6,938 6,500 30,000 35,000 40,000 40,000 25,520 23,091 20,268 17,238 61,751 65,962 67,206 63,738 123,656 153,395 162,896 160,190 153,395 162,896 160,190 162,452 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AVAILABLE BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (DEFICIT) AVAILABLE ENDING FUND BALANCE (DEFICIT) 31D CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO $709,105,00 LIMITED OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS DATED DEC. 2, 1991 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO, 987 (VERDEMONT AREA) FUND 306: A.D. 987 DEBT SERVICE FORMATION DATE MAR. 11, 1991 FINAL MATURITY SEPT. 2, 2011 BALANCE JUNE 30. 2006 $250,000 The District is bounded on the north by the City limit line. on the east by Walnut Avenue. on the south by State Highway 215 and Kendall Drive and on the west generally by little League Drive. The Assessment District was formed and the Bonds were issued in order to finance the construction of roadway improvements. including excavation, grading. curbs, gutters, sidewalk and asphaltic concrete pavement. street lights, traffic signals, sewer and water improvements and related projects within the City. The Bonds are secured by the unpaid assessments, together with interest thereon, on parcels within the Assessment District. Installments of principal and Interest sufficient to meet annual debt service on the Bonds will be billed by the County of San Bernardino to owners of parcels against which there are unpaid assessments. The assessment installments billed against each parcel each year represent pro rata shares of the total pnncipaJ and interest coming due that year, based on the percentage which the unpaid assessment against that parcel bears to the total of unpaid assessments in connection with the financing. REVENUE DETAil 306-000- 4062 A.D. 987 Assessments 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 4506 Interest on Bond Reserves 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 ACTUAL ACTUA' ESTIMATED 52,430 61,679 56,000 573 658 600 296 796 1,500 53.299 63,133 58,100 3 ., II J D 11 LJ ~ 2006-D7 ~ PROPOSED 56,000 700 D 1,000 57,700 a 7,000 n 30,000 17,953 54,953 ~ 102,87D 105,617 n ., \J '1 &oJ J ., IJ 3 3 C TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURE DETAil 306-663- 5197 Administrative Services 5B01 Debt Service - Principal 5802 Debt Service - Interest 4,689 5,626 5,854 25,000 30,000 30,000 24,737 22,687 20,423 54,426 58,313 56,277 97,354 96,227 101,047 96,227 101,047 102,870 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AVAILABLE BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (DEFICIT) AVAILABLE ENDING FUND BALANCE (DEFICIT) 320 ,., . ,... -. " .. c r ~ ,., .. CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO $1,908,064 VERDEMONT IMPROVEMENT LOAN DATED 1/15/93 LOAN AGREEMENT WITH ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY FUND 30B: VERDE MONT IMPROVEMENT DEBT SERVICE BAL. JUNE 30, 2006 UNPAID INTEREST $1,276,000 $0 The costs of the infrastructure items necessary for the Verdemont Area exceeded the amounts to be levied under Assessment District No. 987 and accordingly the City sought altemative financing sources in order to adequately fund all of the costs of the infrastructure items required for the Verdemont Area. The EDA agreed to loan to the City certain monies to fund the costs of certain infrastructure items necessary for the Verdemont Area. The City agreed to repay the EDA the loan from and to the extent fundS are available to the City through the levy of developer's fees. 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1,407 4,888 3,500 2,000 6,341 18,941 5,800 5,000 69,000 144,100 291,000 101,000 103,691 195,275 62,500 56,000 180,439 363,204 362,800 164.000 REVENUE DETAIL 30B-000- 4505 Interest on Idle Cash " 4511 Palm Ave Improvement Fee II 4512 Verdemont Infrastructure Fees 4818 Storm Drain Fees C TOTAL REVENUE c f""I .. c ~ ,., ., c I'" . ~ n .. c c EXPENDITURE DETAIL 308-687- 5801 Debt Service - Principal 5802 Debt Service. Interest 174,870 199,454 280,000 80,543 100,000 63,500 244,453 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 374.324 163,500 244,453 360,543 AVAILABLE BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (DEFICIT) AVAILABLE ENDING FUND BALANCE (DEFICIT) 72,927 8.913 8,913 (2,207) (2,207) 50 50 550 321 FINAL MATURITY AUG, 1, 2029 BALANCE JUNE 30, 2006 $ 2,255,000 3 ~ n 3 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FIRE STATION DEBT SERVICE FUND FUND 311: Fire Station Debt Service In April 2003, the Verdemant Infrastructure Fee was increased for the purpose of funding the debt service for the new fire station. The Verdemant Infrastructure Fee is not intended to fund the entire debt service but to provide a source of revenue to compliment the General Fund. " IJ REVENUE DETAIL 311-000- 4512 - Verdemont Infrastructure Fees 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 67,701 384 144,100 3,942 291,000 6,000 n 2006-07 PROPOSED I 101,000 3,000 2003-04 ACTUAL 2004-05 ACTUAL 2005-06 ESTIMATED TOTAL REVENUE 68,085 148,042 297,000 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 311-608- 5801 Debt Service - Principal 5802 Debt Service - Interest 37,408 115 27,902 40,508 115 27,902 77,916 68,085 216,012 485,110 68,085 216,012 485,110 511,194 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AVAILABLE BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (DEFICIT) AVAILABLE ENDING FUND BALANCE (DEFICIT) " U 3 3 n IJ 322 3 3 n r' . '1"1 lit " ~ r .. /"'I .. ,., .. ~ r .. r .. f"'I . r .. I"" JII ,., ... ,.. .. c r . " ., ~ c CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO $1,133,000 A.D, 1015 NEW PINE AVENUE LOAN FORMATION DATE DEC. 18, 1995 FUND 356: NEW PINE DEBT SERVICE BALANCE JUNE 3D, 2006 $491,100 The purpose of this loan was to finance the costs of the infrastructure improvements consisting of the construction of New Pine Avenue. The Sewer Line Maintenance Fund will contribute $316,500. the Sewer line Construction Fund will contribute $316,500. and the Economic Development Agency will lend $500,000 towards the construction of New Pine Avenue. 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 ACTUAL ACTUAL ESTIMATE PROPOSED REVENUE DETAIL 356-000- 4064 A.D. 1015 New Pine 62,604 65,176 62,000 63,000 4505 Interest on Idle Cash 318 408 200 200 TOTAL REVENUE 62,922 65,586 62,200 63,200 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 356-628- 5197 Administrative Services 4,925 5,984 6,225 6,000 5801 Debt Service - Principal 5802 Debt Service -Interest 34,098 32,808 31,140 29,466 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 39,023 38,792 37,365 35,466 AVAILABLE BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (DEFICIT) -568,184 -544,285 -517,491 -492,656 AVAILABLE ENDING FUND BALANCE (DEFICIT) -544.285 -517,491 -492,656 -464,922 323 - '" '" '" o<t z'" ~ -~ 0 0....00 O::Zzf')l ~w::):g a:2u..o w~>..... lIl=>mD:: _:zSo;tl ;';u..~> u..orr~ QWOU ~51J)~ _0 ~ uw :r u '" (Jl '10:<0 ,... ....N ,... ll!."'":1 ~ :g~1 IIII , I ~ ~'~I .~~, ~ al ~ !sg ~ :'l M (Jl II) '...,.... 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I' I Ii I I j t I ill I I , , I I II, i I ~ c n J ., u ~?f: ., y ~ !'> ,. " " :u o " :u ~ o Z rJl ,... i =1 " ... III " ~ " - ,., . FY 2006 - 2007 APPROPRlA nONS LIMIT INFORMATION ,.. .. '" ~ r .. WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE FINAL BUDGET DOCUMENT f"1 liII c ... ~ ... .. r' .. " . rr .. '" I. ~ I"'l .. l""I ~ .., .. 327 ~~~ ... !" CD c: c Cl !!l Cl r- o '" '" ,. :0 < c City of Sao Bernardino Glossaty of Budget Terms ("I .. GLOSSARY OF BUDGET TERMS ... ~ Account: A subdivision within a fund for the purpose of classifying transactions. " lit ~ ~ C C C Account Number: A numeric identification of the account. Typically a unique number or series of numbers, The City of San Bernardino's number structure is comprised of three fields of characters, They are as follows: Fund Number - Department Number - Object Code and looks like (000-000-0000). Adopted Budget: A budget which typically has been reviewed and "Adopted" (approved) by the Mayor and Common Council prior to the start of a fiscal year. The legal authority to expend money for specified purposes in the fiscal year time period. Appropriate: Set apart for, or assign to, a particular purpose or use. Appropriation: An authorization by the Mayor and Common Council to make expenditures and to incur obligations for specific amounts and purposes within a specific time frame. r .. Appropriations Limit: As defined by Section 8 of Article X1I1B of the California Constitution, enacted by the passage of Proposition 4 at the November 6, 1979, general election, the growth in the level of certain appropriations from tax proceeds are generally limited to the level of the prior year's appropriation limit as adjusted for changes in cost of living and population, Other adjustments may be made for such reasons as the transfer of services from one government entity to another. ..- .. Assessed Valuation: A percent of appraisal value assigned to real estate property for use as a basis for levying property taxes. 11 . Asset Forfeiture: The removal of money and property from persons involved in illegal criminal activity. c c ~ ~ ~ Assessment: Charges made to parties for actual services or benefits received. Assessment Districts: An area where fees are assessed by the City to cover the construction, maintenance or service costs that have occurred in that specific area. Audit: Scrutiny of the City's accounts by an independent auditing firm to determine whether the City's financial statements are fairly presented in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Beginning Balance: Unencumbered and unreserved resources available in a fund from the prior fiscal year after payment of prior fiscal year expenditures, n . Bond: A written promise from a local government to repay a sum of money on a specific date at a specified interest rate, Bonds are most frequently used to finance capital improvement proiects, c 328 City of San Bernardino Glossary of Budget Terms Budget: A fiscal plan of financial operation listing an estimate of proposed applications or expenditures and the proposed means of financing them, The budget must be approved by the Mayor and Common Council prior to the beginning of the fiscal year. Budget Amendment: Any changes made to the Adopted Budget Document. (Administrative Amendment - Changes to the budget that do not require the approval of the Mayor and Common Council and may be approved administratively by the Director of Finance, Legislative Amendment - Changes to the budget that require the approval of the Mayor and Common Council and may not be approved administratively, Budget Message/Transmittal Message: A message from the City Administrator to the Mayor and Common Council which summarizes the budget and highlights the most important aspects of the budget. Budget Year: The Fiscal year for which the budget is being considered; fiscal year. Budgeted Positions: Those ongoing positions approved in the final budget of the preceding year. Budgeted Reserve: The anticipated portion of a fund's balance designated by the Mayor and Common Council as reserved or unavailable for appropriation. CAD/RMS System: (CAD) A Computer Aided Dispatch System used by the Police and Fire Departments. (RMS) A Records Management System used by the Police Department. Capital Outlay: Expenditures which result in the acquisition of, or addition to, fixed assets, A capital item is tangible, durable, non-consumable, and has a useful Ii fe of more than one year and a value of more than 5500 per unit. Capital Projects: A major long-term constmction of, or improvements to, public physical facilities, Carryover: Process of carrying a budgeted and encumbered item from the current fiscal year to. the next fiscal year. The new fiscal year account will reflect the increased amount of the carryover. CATV: Cable TV Division of the City of San Bernardino, This division provides regulatory oversight of the City's cable companies for franchise compliance, consumer protection, and franchise renewal negotiations. It operates and programs two access channels, one public and one educational for the community, CDBG: Community Development Block Grant - Contributions received from the Federal Government to be used or expended for a specific purpose or activity. Certificates of Participation (COP): Obligations of a public entity based on a lease or installment sale agreement. 329 J '1 !oJ J ~ ~ ~ J ~ D f'J u 3 n 3 3 n ~ J 3 3 c City of San Bernardino Glossary of Budget Terms ,.. . Charter: A formal legal document of the City which specifies its purpose and describes the organization of the City's government. r . Charter 186: A section in the City's Charter designating automatic pay increases or decreases depending on how the City of San Bernardino compares with surrounding cities of our size, c c Community Profile: Consumer Price Index (CPI): Measure of change in consumer as determined by a monthly survey of the U,S, Bureau of Labor Statistics. ~ Debt Service: Payment of the principal and interest on an obligation resulting from the issuance of bonds, notes, or certificates of participation (COP's), c c Deficit: Insufficient revenues to fully support current expenditures and obligations, Department: A major unit of organization in the City comprised of subunits named divisions and responsible for the provision of a specific package of services, f1 . Depreciation: Loss in value of an asset, whether due to physical changes, obsolescence, or factors outside of the asset. c c c Designated Fund Balance: A portion of unreserved fund balance designed by city policy for a specific future use, Division: A major sub-unit of a department with responsibility for a clearly defined portion of the service package provided by a department. EDA: Economic Development Agency EMS: Emergency Medical Service " . Encumbrance: The commitment of appropriated funds to purchase goods or services. An encumbrance is not an expenditure, An encumbrance reserves funds to be expended, ~ C C ~ C Expenditures: The outflow of funds paid or to be paid for an asset, goods or services obtained, The actual spending of governmental funds, Fiscal Year (FY): A twelve-month period of time to which an annual budget applies and at the end of which a governmental unit determines its financial position and the results of its operations. In the City of San Bernardino, it is July 1 through June 30, Fixed Asset: Assets of long-term character which are intended to continue to be held or used, such as land, buildings, machinery, furniture, and other equipment. Fleet: A Division of the City of San Bernardino which operates under the supervision of the Director of Public Services, This Division is responsible for acquisition, service and maintenance "., I. 330 City of San Bernardino of the City's vehicles and equipment. Glossary of Budget Terms Franchise Fee: A charge for the privilege of using public rights-of-way and property within the City for public or private purposes. Fringe Benefit: Compensation that an employer contributes to its employees such as social security, retirement, lifelhealth insurance, or training supplements, Fringe benefits can be either mandatory or voluntary. Fund: An independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self balancing set of accounts, used to record all financial transactions related to the specific purpose for which the fund was created, Fund Balance: The difference between fund assets and fund liabilities. General Fund: The primary fund of the City used to account for all revenues and expenditures of the City not legally restricted as to use, This fund is used to accumulate the cost of the City's general operations and services such as street maintenance, parks, fire and police protection, General Government: A fund within the City budget which consists of two areas: 1) Fine Arts and Civic Activities - Which is the support of various programs that aid the City in improving its community, developing and enhancing the cultural and aesthetic values of the City, and developing the Civic Affairs of the City. 2) Non-Departmental- City-wide program costs which are not directly applicable to anyone City Department. Goal: A general statement of broad direction, purpose or intent, which describes the essential reason for existence and which is not limited to a one-year time frame. Generally, a goal does not change from year to year. Grant: Contributions or gifts of cash or other assets from another governmental entity or foundation to be used or expended for a specific purpose, activity or facility, Infrastructure: The physical assets of the City (Streets, water, sewer, public buildings, parks). Internal Audit: The review of financial transactions in both the Finance Department and in operating departments for compliance with local policy and generally accepted accounting principles. Internal Service Funds: A fund established to account for the goods and services provided by one City Department to another City Department and is financed on a cost-reimbursement basis, Lease Purchase: With the approval of the Mayor and Common Council, a large purchase of capital equipment made by the City of San Bernardino which is paid through a financial corporation in payments. The payments can be made annually, semi-annually, quarterly or monthly, Liquidation: To convert assets into cash, Mid-Year Budl!et Review: A review of actual exnenditure and reserves vs budl!eted amounts 331 I ~ ~ n J J n ~ n J 3 3 3 ~ .~ ~ J ~ J c " .. c , ~ 1"'1 . c ~ " . ~ 1"1 .. c f"I 1M ~ ~ ~ c ~ n " City of San Bernardino Glossary of Budget Terms half way through the fiscal year, Reserve and expenditure estimates may be revised based on actuals and new information not available at time the budget was adopted, MIS: Management Information Systems Division of the City of San Bernardino, This Division provides technology creation, maintenance, and general automation support to all City Departments, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU): The result of labor negotiations between the City of San Bernardino and its various bargaining units. Non-Departmental: Appropriations of the General Fund not directly associated with a specific department. Expenditure items and certain types of anticipated general savings are included, Ordinance: A formal legislative enactment by the City Council. It has the full force and effect oflaw within the City boundaries. Organizational Chart: A chart showing the interrelationships of positions within an organization in terms of authority and responsibilities. Outsource: The contracting of public services to an outside vendor. Overtime: Time worked in excess of an agreed upon time for normal working hours by an employee. Hourly or non-exempt employees must be compensated at the rate of one and one-half their normal hourly rate for overtime work beyond 40 hours in a work week, PERS: Public Employees Retirement System - The retirement system, administered by the State of California, to which all permanent City employees belong, Preliminal")' Budget Document: An unapproved draft document listing an estimate of proposed applications or expenditures and the proposed means of financing them for a certain fiscal year, Proposition 2 I 8: The law which governs whether or not a City can approve/impose a tax without an electoral vote, Purchase Order: An order issued by the Purchasing Department which authorizes the delivery of specific goods or services, and incurring a debt for them. Reserve: The portion of a fund's balance legally restricted for a specific purpose and, therefore not available for general appropriation, Resolution: A special order of the Mayor and Common Council which has a lower legal standing than an ordinance. Revenues: Funds received from various sources and treated as income to the City which are used to finance expenditures, These funds are received from sources such as local taxes, state shared revenues, fees charged, interest on investments and fines and forfeits, Salarv SavinI'S: Salarv savinI'S reflect personnel cost savings resulting from vacancies and as a 332 City of San Bernatdino result of employee turnover. Glossary of Budget Tenns Shortfall: The forecast amount, which will become a deficit to the City once all revenues and expenditures have been calculated, Special Revenue Funds: A governmental fund type used to account for specific revenues that are legally restricted to expenditures for particular purposes, Summary Budget: Taxes: Charges made against the public by a government to obtain the money it needs to finance its activities. Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT): A tax imposed on travelers who stay in temporary lodging facilities within the City, Undesignated Fund Balance: The unrealized balance of an account once all revenues and expenditures have been calculated. Utility Users Tax: Per the City of San Bernardino Municipal Code Chapter 3.44, a tax is imposed on users of utilities within the City, such as cable, gas, electric, and telephone, at a rate of8%, This tax is a major revenue source for the City of San Bernardino, Vacancy Factor: The calculated savings of vacant positions and expenditure savings within City Departments. Vendors: Persons or companies providing services to the City of San Bemardino for payment. 333 - s ,., .., ~ J ~ " oJ 3 ~ n ~ ~ 3 ~ J ~ J J ., LJ ~ J c a I i I ~ I ~ ~ C I ~ ~ I ~ I ~ C C ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS GUIDE Air Quality Management District AQMD (Also known as South Coast Air Quality Management District - SCAQMD) Americans with Disabilities Act ADA Assembly Bill AB Assessment District AD Assessor's Parcel Number APN Business Registration Certificate BRC (Also known as Business License) Computer Aid Dispatch CAD (Also known as Computer Aided Design) California Environmental Quality Act CEQA Certificates of Participation COP Citizens Option for Public Safety COPS Community Development Block Grant CDBG Community Development Commission CDC Comprehensive Annual Financial Report CAFR Conditional Use Permit CUP Consumer Price Index CPI Drug Abuse Resistance Education DARE Development Review/Environmental Review Commission DRC/ERC Economic Development Agency EDA (Also known as Former Redevelopment Agency - RDA) 331 ! City of San Bernardino Abbreviations and Acronyms Guide [1 Emergency Medical Service Environmental Impact Report Fair Political Practices Commission EMS o I I ~ D ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ o J D ~ D o EIR Fiscal Year FPPC FY General Plan Amendment GPA GIS GC Geographical Information Systems Government Code Inland Valley Development Agency Joint Powers Authority (generic) Legislative Review Committee Local Agency Formation Commission Management Information Systems Mayor and Common Council Memorandum of Understanding Municipal Code (Also known as San Bernardino Municipal Code - SBMC) Norton Air Force Base (former) Online Computer Library Center Problem Oriented Policing Public Employees Retirement System Public Information Officer Records Management Systems San Bernardino Association of Governments IVDA JPA LRC LAFCO MIS M&CC MOU MC NAFB OCLC POP PERS PIO RMS SANBAG 335 f"'I .. c c ,.. ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ ,., ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ c ~ ~ c City of San Bernardino Abbreviations and Acronyms Guide San Bernardino International Airport Authority SBIAA San Bernardino Joint Powers Financing Autbority SBJPFA San Bernardino Unified Scbool District SBUSD Senate Bill SB Soutbern California Association of Governments SCAG Transient Occupancy Tax (Also known as Transient Lodging Tax - TL T) TOT Underground Utility District UUD Utilit)' Users Tax UUT 336 ~ I ~ 3 I J ~ J o ~ J J ., .. J ~ J J ~ ~