HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 05 08/04/66 -12/27/67 ~ 1 : U [ o 243 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON THE 4TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1966, IN ROOM 305, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BUILDING, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA The Vice Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Roll Call showed the following present: Earl Wilson, Ray Wilson, McEwen Absent: Cunningham and Sessions Also present were: Mr. Sears, Mr. Ward, Agency Counsel, Mrs. Imbiorski and Staff Members. MINUTES Upon motion by Ray Wilson, seconded by McEwen, and unanimously carried the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 7, 1966 were (approved as submitted in type written form. Upon motion by McEwen, seconded by Ray WilSon, and unanimously carried the Minutes of the Special Meeting of July 22, 1966 were approved as submitted in type0written form. EXPENDITURES The expenditures for the month of July, 1966 (File No. 76) were submitted to the Agency Members for approval. Upon motion by McEwen, seconded by Ray Wilson, and unanimously carried, the expenditures for the month of July, 1966 were approved as submitted. PUBLIC HEARING The Vice Chairman declared that this was the time and place for the Public Hearing on the sale of Agency's Reuse Parcel 36, R-IO (Smart & Final). There being no objection to the sale of said properties, the Public Hearing was closed and the Vice Chairman reconvened the Regular Meeting at 4:10 p.m. SMART & FINAL - Reuse Parcel 36, Meadowbrook Project The Director informed the members that Notice of Public Hearing of said pro- perty was duly published in the paper in accordance with the Law, and that all documents were in order and that the deposit had been received. The fol- lowing resolution was then introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 430 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA ACCEPTING OFFER TO PURCHASE SUBMITTED BY SMART & FINAL IRIS COMPANY, A DIVISION OF THRIFTIMART INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California desires to sell property located in its Meadowbrook Project Area No. I, Calif. 244 R-IO, to qualified redevelopers to develop the land in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan therefor; and o WHEREAS, at a public hearing before said Agency on the 4th day of August, 1966, Notice of which hearing was duly given as required by law, the Agency examined the Offer to Purchase and related documents submitted by SMART & FINAL IRIS CO., hereinafter called r;Redeveloper", for the purchase of that certain real property described as follows: REUSE PARCEL 36 Lots 9, 10, 11 and 12, in Block 3, BEDFORD BROS. SUBDIVISION, in the City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino, as per plat recorded in Book 8 of Maps, page 30, Records of said County, and the south half of the vacallIed alley lying to the north of said lots. And located in said project; and WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of said Agency on the 4th day of August, 1966, the Agency finds and determines all documents submitted by said Redeveloper for the purchase of said land are in order and in conformance with the rules and regulations as established by the Department of Housing and Urban Devel- opment for the disposition of project lands: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Agency does determine that said Offer to Purchase and related documents, including the Statement for Public Disclosure of said Redeveloper, are satisfactory; that negotiation is the appropriate method for the disposal of said parcel; that the Redeveloper possesses the qualifications and financial resources necessary to acquire and develop said property in accordance with said plan; that the proposed price, THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($35,000.00), is satisfactory, not less than the fair market value of land for uses in accordance with said Redevelopment Plan, and is not less than the resale price for said property as concurred in by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. o IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California that the offer of said Redeveloper for the purchase of said land be accepted, and the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency are hereby authorized and directed on behalf of said Agency to execute said Agreement of Sale, and all other documents necessary or convenient to carry out the terms of said Agreement. Upon motion by Ray Wilson, seconded by McEwen, and unanimously carried Resolution No. 430 was adopted as submitted. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Goforth & Marti RESOLUTION NO. 431 J RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING- THE ISSUANCE OF REDEVELOPER'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE TO GOFORTH & MARTI ~$S ,...- WHEREAS, Goforth & Marti, hereinafter called the Redeveloper, has entered into an Agreement and Grant Deed with the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino; and '- WHEREAS, said Agreement, dated June 10, 1965 was recorded on February 4, 1966, in Book 6565 on Page 364 and said Grant Deed, dated June 23, 1965, was recorded on February 4, 1966, in Book 6565, on Page 377, both in the Official Records of the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino, State of California; and WHEREAS, in Section 3 of said Agreement and in Section 3 of said Grant Deed, Redeveloper covenanted and agreed, for itself, its successors and assigns to construct certain improvements on the hereinafter described real pro- perty, within the time and in the manner set forth in said Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Agency agreed in Section 4 of said Agreement and in Section 4 of said Deed to furnish the Redeveloper with an instrument certifying completion of said improvements in accordance with the provisions of said Grant Deed upon Redeveloper's completion thereof upon the following described real property: That portion oDiLot 1, Block 13, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO in the City of San Bernardino, County of'San Bernardino, State of California, as per plat recSrded in Book 7 of Maps, page 1, records of said County, described as follows: r f, L COMMENOING at a point on the east line of said Lot 1, 118.1 feet north of the southeast comer of said Lot 1; thence west 149.4 feet more or less to the West line of said Lot 1; thence north along said west line 134.9 feet to a line 44 feet south of the north line of said Lot 1; thence east along said 44 foot line a distance of 149.4 feet to the east line of said Lot 1; thence south a distance of 134.9 feet to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO: Telephone Easement, Westerly 2 feet NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, ~alifornia, that the Agency does hereby determine, conclusively certifies, and gives notice that the Redeveloper has fully satisfied, ter- minated, and completed, for itself, its successors and assigns, all covenants and agreements with respect to the Obligation of Redeveloper for the Con- struction of Improvements and dates for the beginning and completion thereof, provided for in said Agreement and Grant Deed upon the hereinabove described real property. r ~ '-- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the Agency to execute and have re- corded with the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino, the "Certificate of Compliance ~1 in the form approved by Resolution 238 of This Agency on August 2, 1962. 246 Upon motion by McEwen, seconded by Ray Wilson, and unanimously carried Resolution NG. 431 was adopted as submitted. ] CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Lemans Motors On advice of the Agency Engineer, Mr. Kintner, the Resolution for adoption of Certificate of Compliance for Lemans Motors was tabled. For Lemans Motors to comply, there remains the landscaping of the perimeter of the building site. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Hanford Foundry Co. RESOLUTION NO. 432 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF OWNER PARTICIPANT'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE TO HANFORD FOUNDRY COMPANY WHEREAS, Hanford Foundry Company, hereinafter called the Owner Participant, has entered into an Agreement with the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, hereinafter called the Agency; and WHEREAS, said Agreement, dated November 18, 1958, together with Supplements dated January 13, 1959, January 12, 1960, and December 15, 1960, were recorded on January 3, 1961 in Book 5318 on Page 81 in the Official Records of the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino, State of California; and J WHEREAS, in Section 7 of said Agreement, the Owner Participant covenanted and agreed, for itself, successors and assigns to construct certain improve- ments on the hereinafter described real property within the time and in the manner set forth in said Agreement: Lots 2, 3, 5, 6, and the East 10.75 feet of Lot 4, Block 3, J.W. WATER'S SUBDIVISION, as per plat thereof recorded in Book 7 of Maps, page 38, records of said County. TOGETHER with the North 1/2 alley vacated, adjoining said property on the South. WATERS SUBDIVISION Lots 1 to 4 and 15 to 18, Block 9, RANCHO SAN BERNARDINO Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 Block 3 and south 1/2 alley vacated adj acent on North and East 1/2 Mountain View Avenue vacated adjacent on West and alley vacated between Lots 7, 9, 11, and 8, 10, and 12 Block 3, and the West 1/2 of Mountain View Avenue vacated, adjacent to Lots 6, 8, 10 and 12, Block 2, Subdivision of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 15, 16, 17 and 18, Block 9 RANCHO SAN BERNARDINO, commonly known as J.W. WATER'S SUBDIVISION, as per plat recorded in Book 7 of Maps, page 38, records of said County. That portion of Block 3 of Subdivision of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 15, 16, 17, 18, in Block 9 of RANCHO SAN BERNARDINO, commonly known as J.W. WATER'S SUBDIVISION, in the City of San Ber- nardino, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per plat recorded in Book 7 of Maps, page 38, records of said County described as follows: J 1 w D n '-J 247 COMMENCING at the Northeast corner of Lot 3 in Block 3. of said Subdivision; thence East 45 feet; thence South to the South line of Lot 4. said Block 3; thence West 45 feet; thence North to the point of beginning. TOGETHER with the North 1/2 of the alley adjoining said Lot on the South. as said alley was closed. vacated and abandoned by order of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Ber- nardino. dated July 30. 1945; and Lot 1. Block 3. Subdivision of Lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 15. 16. 17. .and 18. in Block 9 of RANCHO SAN BERNARDINO. commonly known as J.W. WATER'S SUBDIVISION. in the City of San Bernardino. Sta1!e of California. as per plat recorded in Book 7 of Maps. page 38. records of said County. TOGETHER with the North 1/2 of the alley adjoining said Lot on the South. and the East 1/2 of Mountain View Avenue adjoining said Lo~ton the West. as said alley and Avenue were closed. vacated and abandoned by order of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino. dated July 30. 1945. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. California. that the Agency does hereby determine. conclu- sively certifies. and gives notice that the Owner Participant has fully satisfied. terminated. and completed. for itself. its successors and assigns. all covenants and agreements with respect to the Obligation of Owner Par- ticipant for the Construction of Improvements and dates for the beginning and completion thereof. provided for in said Agreement upon the hereinabove described real property. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Ber- nardino. California. that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the Agency to execute and have recorded with the County Recorder of the Couillty M(San Bernardino. a "Certificate of Compli- ance" . Upon motion by Ray Wilson. seconded by McEwen. and unanimously carried Reso- lution No. 432 was adopted as submitted. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Roy T. Coe and Helen C. Coe RESOLUTION NDQ 433 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. CALIFORNIA. AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF OWNER PARTICIPANT'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE TO ROY T. COE AND HELEN C. COE wtlEREAS. Roy T. Coe and Helen C. Coe. hereinafter called the Owner Parti- cipant. has entered into an Agreement with the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. hereinafter called the "Agency"; and 2'+8 WHEREAS, said Agreement, dated April 14, 1959, was recorded on January 3, 1961 in Book 5318 on Page 1 and a Supplement thereto, aated March 7, 1961, was recorded on April 10, 1961 in Book 5400 on Page 96, both in the of- ficial Records of the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino, State of California; and o WHEREAS, in Section 5 of said Agreement, Owner Participant covenanted and agreed, for itself, successors and assigns to demolish and clear the improve- ments, and in Section 4 of said Agreement to construct certain improvements, on the hereinafter described real property, within the time and in the manner set forth in said Agreement: PARCEL 1: Commencing at the Northwest corner of Block 2, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, as per plat thereof recorded in Book 7 of Maps, page 1, records of said County; thence East along the North line of said Block 2, 100 feet; thence South 50 feet; thence West 100 feet; thence North 50 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL 2: All that part and portion of Lots 4 & 5, Block 2, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. as per plat thereof recorded in Book 7 of Maps, page 1, re- cords of said County, described as follows: Commencing at a point 50 feet South of the Northwest corner of said Lot 5; thence South along the West line of said lots 5 & 4, 175 feet; thence Northeasterly to a point 50 feet South of the North line of said Block 2, 184 feet East of the West line of said Block; thence West 184 feet to the point of beginning. ~ I 1 ~ PARCEL 3: Commencing at a point in the North line of Block 2 of the CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, as per plat thereof recorded in Book 7 of Maps, page 1, records of said County, 100 feet East of the North- west corner of said Block; thence East 200 feet; thence Sou~hwest to a point 50 feet South of the North line of said Block and 184 feet East of the' , West line of said Block; thence West 84 feet; thence North 50 feet to the point of beginning. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Agency does hereby determine, con- clusively certifies, and gives notice that the Owner Participant has fully satisfied terminated, and completed, for itself, its successors and assigns, all covenants and agreements with respect to the Obligation of Owner Parti- cipant for the demolition and the Construction of Improvements and dates for the beginning and completion thereof, provided for in said Agreement upon the hereinabove described real property. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Ber- nardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the Agency to execute and have recorded with the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino, a "Certificate of Compliance". ~ l l....- j49 ".... t I - Upon motion by McEwen, seconded by Ray Wilson, and unanimously carried Resolution No. 433 was adopted as submitted. REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL Mr. Ward reported that the motion to dismiss on the condemnation proceedings for R-IO was heard July 15, 1966. He stated that attorneys for the property owners have indicated that they would be agreeable to a stipulation that value only at the date of trial be the only contention. Motion was made by Mr. McEwen, seconded by Ray Wilson, and unanimously carried that Agency accept Mr. Wards opinion to contest value only on the remaining R-IO parcels in condemnation at the date of trial. Mr. Ward also reported on the status of the Downtown Businessmen's Association vs. the Agency and the City of San Bernardino. He stated that they have paid into court the moneys for a transcript of the Superior Court proceedings which is necessary for the Appellate Court appeal. ADJOURNMENT - 4:25 p.m. Upon motion by Ray Wilson, seconded by McEwen, and unanimously carried the Vice Chairman adjourned the meeting to 12:15 plm. August 15, 1966 [ [ r QSO MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE 4TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1966 OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFOR~IA, HELD ON THE 15TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1966, IN ROOM 305, FIRST AMER- ICAN TITLE BUILDING, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF. J Mr. Cunningham, Elected Chairman Pro Tern by the Agency Members present, opened the meeting at 12:20 p.m. Roll Call showed; tJiec; following present: Ray Wilson, Cunningham, and Webster Absent: Sessions Also present were Mr. Ward, Agency Counsel, Mr. Sears, Mrs. Baxter, and Staff Members. Mr. E. George Webster, who was appointed by the Mayor on August 8, 1966 to fill the expired term of Mr. N. Earl Wilson, was introduced and welcomed to the Agen cy . PUBLIC HEARING The Chairman Pro Tern declared that this was the time and place for the Public Hearing on the sale of Agency~s Reuse Parcels 2 and 3, R-IO (The Chancellor Building). There being no objection to the sale of said properties, the Public Hearing was closed and the meeting was reconvened at 12:25 p.m. THE CHANCELLOR BUILDING - Reuse Parcels 2 and 3, R-IO J The Director informed the members that the Notice of Public Hearing on said property was duly published in the paper in accordance with the Law, and that all documents were in order and the check received. There was much discussion as to the length of escrow to allow. The Developers requested a six month escrow. They felt that with this length of escrow they would possibly be able to propose a three story office building instead of the proposed two story building. This being in favor of all members, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 434 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA ACCEPTING OFFER TO PURCHASE SUBMITTED BY THE CHANCELLOR BUILDING, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California desires to sell property located in its Meadowbrook Project Area No. 1 to qualified redevelopers to develop the land in accordance with the Redevelop- ment Plan therefor; and WHEREAS, at a public hearing before said Agency on the 15th day of August, 1966, Notice of which hearing was duly given as required by law, the Agency examined the Offer to Purchase and related documents submitted by the Chancel- lor Building, Inc., a California Corporation, hereinafter called "Redeveloper", for the purchase of that certain real property described as follows: ] 251 r '- PARCEL NO. 1 , r All that portion of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 19, CITY OF SAN BER- NARDINO, in the City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per plat recorded in Book 7 of Maps, page 1, described as follows: [ BEGINNING at a point on the South line of Lot 3, distant East 70 feet 7 inches from the Southwest comer of said Lot 3, said point being the Southeast comer of the land conveyed to the Redevelop- ment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California by deed re- corded December 14, 1960 in Book 5305, page 43, Official Records; thence North along the East line of the land so conveyed 130 feet; thence East and parallel with the South line of Block 19, 129 feet, more or less, to the Northeast comer of the land conveyed to Jack Gamer by deed recorded September 19, 1944 in Book 1710, page 118, Official Records; thence South along said land 1.7 feet, more or less, to a point on a line parallel with and 128.3 feet South of the South line of Court Street; thence East along said parallel line 57 feet, more or less, to a point 40 feet West of the East line of said Lot 2; thence North and parallel with said East line 1.7 feet, more or less, to the Southwesterly comer of the land conveyed to Jack Gamer by deed recorded August II, 1938, in Book 1292, page 253, Official Records; thence East along the Southerly line of the land so conveyed to Jack Gamer 67 feet, more or less, to the Northerly extension of the East line of the East wall of the brick store building referred to in the deed from Jay T. Ellingson to Herman Harris, et al., recorded Septem- ber 16, 1921, in Book 722 of Deeds, page 354, records of said County; thence South along the East line of the East wall of said store building and its Northerly extension 130 feet to the South line of Lot 1; thence West along the South line of Lots I, 2 and 3, 253 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. PARCEL Re. 2 An easement and right of way for passageway over and across the following described property: That portion of Lot 1, Block 19, eITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, in the City of San Bernardino, eounty of San Bernardino, State of Cali- fornia, as per plat recorded in Book 7 of Maps, page 1, records of said County, described as follows: o BEGINNING at a point on the East line of said Lot I, which is 150 feet South of the Southwest comer of Arrowhead Avenue and Court Street, as conveyed by Deed recorded in Book 328 of Official Re- cords, page 339; thence West and parallel with the South line of Court Street 122 feet, more or less to the East line of the pro- perty hereinabove described as Parcel No.1; thence South 12 feet; thence~East and parallel with the South line of Court Street 122 feet, more or less to the West line of Arrowhead Avenue; thence North along said West line 12 feet to the point of beginning. 2K2 And located in said project; and J WHEREAS,' q,t a Adjourned Meeting of said Agency on the 15th day of August, 1966, the Agency finds and determines all documents submitted by said Rede- veloper for the purchase of said land are in order and in conformance with the rules and regulations as established by the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the disposition of project lands: ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, Californ&~, that the Agency does determine that said Offer to Purchase and related documents, including the Statement for Public Dis- closure of said Redeveloper, are satisfactory; that negotiation is the appropriate method for the disposal of said parcel; that the Redeveloper possesses the qualifications and financial resources necessary to acquire and develop said property in accordance with said plan; that the proposed price, ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY tHOUSAND ($130,000.00), is satisfactory, not less than the fair market value of land for uses in accordance with said Redevelopment Plan, and is not less than the resale price for said property as concurred in by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED by The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Ber- nardino, California that the offer of said Redeveloper for the purchase of said land be accepted, and the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency are hereby authorized and directed on behalf of said Agency to execute said Agreement of Sale, and all other documents necessary or convenient to carry out the terms of said Agreement. J Upon motion by Wilson, seconded by Webster, and unanimously carried Resolution No. 434 was adopted as submitted authorizing the sale of said property. The Director was authorized to change all documents to indicate a six month escrow. MR. ANTONE Me E~lEN - Resignation Mr. Antone McEwen, agency member from August 6, 1962, submitted his letter of resignation to the Mayor and Common Council. The following resolution was authorized for presentation at the next meeting. RESOLUTION NO. 435 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA HONORING MR. ANTONE MC EWEN MR. N. EARL WILSON - Expiration of term of office Mr. N. Earl Wilson, Agency member from September 12, 1956, has been serving at will since his term exprred September 3, 1965. The following resolution was authorized for. presentation at the next meeting. RESOLUTION NO. 436 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA HONORING MR. N. EARL WILSON ~ .I .-..J REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL 253 (J Mr. Ward, Agency Counsel, advised the members that a Second Acquisition Appaisal was necessary in order for him to go to trail regarding the remaining properties in the Meadowbrook Project. Upon motion by Webster, seconded by Ray Wilson, and unanimously carried the Director was authorized to take all steps necessary to obtain proposals for Second Acquisition Appraisals for R-10. OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Sears advised the members that he spoke to Congressman Kenneth Dyal last Friday, .ugust 12, 1966, and was advised that a decision should be made on our Part I, Application for Loan and Grant, R-79, sometime early this week. ADJOURNHENT Upon motion by Ray Wilson, seconded by Webster and unanimously carried the meet- ing was adjourned at 12:50 p.m. until August 18, 1966 at 12:15 p.m. [ I ?~iJ. 256 authorize a contract between said Members and the Board of Administration, State Employees' Retirement System, a copy of said contract bein~ hereto marked Exhibit "A" and by such reference made a part hereof as though herein set out in full; and D,... I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the presiding officer of said Members be, and he is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to execute said contract for and on behalf of the Redevelopment Ag~ncy of the City of San Bernardino, California. Adopted this 18th day of August, 1966. EXHIBIT "A" CONTRACT BETWEEN THE STATE EMPLOYEES'RETIREMENT SYSTEM AND THE MEMBERS OF THE P..EDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA In consideration of the covenants and agreement hereafter contained and on the part of both parties to be kept and performed, the Members of the Re- development Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, on behalf of the employees of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, hereafter referred to as "public agency", and the Board of Administration, State Employees' Retirement System hereinafter referred to as "Board" hereby agree as follows: J 1. All words and terms used herein which are defined in the State Employees' Retirement Law shall have the meaning as defined therein unless otherwise specifically provided. "Normad. retire- ment age" shall mean age 60 for miscellaneous members. 2. Public Agency shall participate in the State Employees' Retire- ment System from and after September 1, 1966, making its employ- ees as hereinafter provided, members of said System subject to all provisions of the State Employees' Retirement Law except such as apply only on election of a contracting agency and are not provided for herein and to all amendments to said Law here- after enacted exoept such as by express provision thereof apply only on the election of contracting agencies. 3. Employees of Public Agency in the following classes shall become members of said Retirement System except such in each such class as are excluded by law or this agreement: a. Employees other than local firemen and local policemen (here- in referred to as Miscellaneous Members). I The following employees shall be excluded from membership in said Retirement System: NO ADDITIONAL EXCLUSIONS l;257 r r '-- 4. The fraction of final compensation to be provided for each year of credited service as a miscellaneous member upon retirement at normal retirement age shall be 1/60 and shall be applied as provided in Section 21251.1 of said Retirement Law and reduced to 1/90 for members covered under Federal Social Security in accordance with Section 21251.14 of said Retirement Law. 5. Benefits on account of prior service shall be 100% of the fraction of final compensation specified for miscellaneous members in Paragraph 4 above, but computed in accordance with Section 21253 of said Retirement Law; provided, however, that said fraction shall be reduced by one-third for application to the first $400.00 per month of final compensation of any member whose position is covered by Federal Social Security for all prior service of such member, whether or not the service is included in Federal Social Security. . 6. The retirement benefits payable upon retirement for ordinary disability shall not be affected by the modification provided in Paragraph 4 of this Contract except that for the purposes of the limit on any such allowance imposed under Section 21297, Government Code, allowances for retirement for service shall be computed according to the modified formula set out in Paragraph 4 of the contract. All other provisions of this contract shall be fully applicable to the computation of al- lowances upon retirement for disability. [ 7. Contributions for miscellaneous members shall be subject to Section 20601.5 of said Retirement Law, said section providing for a reduction in rates of contribution as such rates relate to the first $400.00 of monthly com- pensation and 100% of such rates as they apply to the remainder of the monthly compensation. Members whose positions are excluded from Social Security coverage shall contribute in accordance with Section 20601 of said Retirement Law. 8. The following provisions of the State E~ployees' Retirement Law which apply only upon election of a contracting agency shall apply to the Public Agency and its employees: a. Section 20024.01 (defining "final compensation" on the basis of a period of three consecutive years). b. Section 21258 (b) (Providing a minimum retirement allowance of $720.00 per year). c. Section 21367.51 (providing a $400.00 death benefit upon death after retirement). d. Section 20025 (providing for inclusion of compensation without limit in computations whef'e compensation is a factor). [ e. Section 21365.5 (providing monthly allowances in lieu of the basic death benefit for certain survivors of a member who dies in employment after qualifying for voluntary service retirement). 2; 5lB3 9. Public Agency shall contribute to said Retirement System as follows: a. A lump sum of $20,634 payable on or within 30 days following the effective date of this contract on account of the liability for prior service benefits. J b. 5.372 percent of total salaries reported by Public Agency each payroll reporting period for its employees who are and hereafter become members of said Retirement System on account of the lia- bility for current service benefits, provided that only salary earned as members of said System shall be included in said total salaries. c. A reasonable amount per annum, as fixed by Board to cover the costs of administering said System as it affects the employees of Public Agency, not including the costs of special valuations or of the periodical invest igat ion and valuat ion required by law, provided that said amount shall be determined on the basis of the number of employees of Public Agency who are reported as members on the payroll covering January 1 of each year or with respect to the first year of participation, on the effective date of said participation. d. A reasonable amount as fixed by the Board, payable in one install- ment as the occasions arise, to cover costs of special valuations on account of employees of Public Agency, and costs of the period- ical investigation and valuation required by law. J 10. Contributions required of Public Agency and its employees shall be subject to adjustment by Board on account of amendments to the State Employees' Retirement Law, and on account of experience under the Retirement System, as determined by the periodical investigation and valuation required by said Retirement Law. 11. Contributions required of Public Agency and its employees shall be paid by Public Agency to the Retirement System within thirty days after the end of the period to which said contributions refer. If more or less than the correct amount of contribution is paid for any period, proper adjustment shall be made in connection with sub- sequent remittances, or adjustment on account of errors in contri- butions required of any employee may be made by direct cash payments between the employee and Board. Payments by Public Agency to Board may be made in the form of warrants, bank checks, bank drafts, cer- tified checks, money orders, or cash. Witness our hands this 19th day of August 1966. BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION STATE EMPLOYEES'RETIREMENT SYSTEM MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA BY sl A. M. Sessions A.M. Sessions, Chairman By slWilliam E. Payne Attest: William E. Payne, Executive Officer ~ ; ~ -J sl Jerome F. Sears, Jr. Jerome F. Sears, Jr., -Secretary 2f59 [ Upon a roll call vote the following voted yes: Webster, Cunningham, Wilson and Sessions. No: None ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 12:35 p.m.,upon motion by Cunningham and seconded by Ray Wilson [ [ .~q9 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON THE 1ST DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1966, IN ROOM 305, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BUILDING, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA J The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Roll Call showed the following present: Sessions, Wilson and Webster Absent; Cunningham Also present were: Mr. Ward, Agency Counsel, Mr. Sears, Mrs. Baxter, Staff Members ELECTION OF NEW VICE-CHAIRMAN The Chairman opened the election for Vice-Chairman of the Agency. Upon motion by Webster, seconded by Wilson and unanimously carried, Mr. Leroy Cunningham was elected Vice-Chairman 4:10 p.m. - Mr. Cunningham arrives OFFER TO PURCHASE - R-10 The Director submitted an Offer to Purchase Reuse Parcels 10, 11, 12, 14 and a portion of 13 from the Phil Shanedling Company. The rendering and plot plan were shown and th_ parcel pointed out on the map. Mr. Sears advised the members that the check and documents have been received. The renderings were explained to the Members by Mr. Shanedlings architect. The Chairman, Mr. Sessions, disqualified himself from voting on the Offer because of his business operat~ons with the proposed development. The Vice-Chairman took over the meeting. Upon motion by Ray Wilson, seconded by Webster and unan- imously carried, the DirectOl\was authorized to advertise for Public Hear- ing for the sale of Reuse Parcles 10, 11, 12, 14 and a portion of 13 to Phil Shanedling Company for the development of a Bank of California and attached offices. .., -.J 4:20 - The Chairman reassumed his chair OFFER TO PURCHASE - R-10 The Director submitted an Offer to Purchase Reuse Parcels 58 and the North 50 feet of 59 from Forrest S. Karst for the development of a coffee shop, liquor store, barber shop and offices. The rendering and plot plan were shown and the parcel pointed out on the m~p. The Director advised the Mem- bers that the check had been received. Recommendation was made by the Agency Engineer that the rear property line be set back three feet to allow for landscaping purposes. Upon motion by Webster, seconded by Cunningham and unanimously carried, the Director was authorized to advertise for Public Hearing subject to the recommendations of the Agency Engineer. MINUTES J Upon motion by Ray Wilson, seconded by Cunningham and unanimously carried, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 4, 1966 were approved as sub- mitted in typewritten form. ~61 ",--, I,... I ti I U Upon motion by Wilson, seconded by Webster and unanimously carried, the Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of August 4, 1966 held August 15, 1966 were approved as submitted in typewritten form. Upon motion by Cunningham, seconded by Wilson, and unanimously carried the Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of August 4, 1966 held Aug- ust 18, 1966 were approved as submitted in typewritten form. EXPENDITURES The expenditures for the month of August, 1966 (File No. 77) were sub- mitted to the Agency Members for approval. Upon motion by Wilson, sec- onded by Cunningham and unanimously carried, the Expenditures for the month of August, 1966 were approved as submitted. REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL Mr. Ward, Agency Counsel, advised the members that trial is set for Dec- ember 5, 1966 on the Jew Wing case and that pre-trial is set for the end of the month of the Andrews parcels. He also stated that as soon as we can obtain the appraisal reports we can proceed to trial on the remaining parcels in the Meadowbrook Project. ACQUISITION APPRAISALS - R-IO c Mr. Sears presented to the members a letter from Mr. Aragon, Director of Real Estate, in which he encloses two bids for Acquisition Appraisals on the remaining parcels in the Meadowbrook Project. Mr. Aragon states that because time was of the essence for these appraisals, these were the only two bids that could be acquired with some assurance tut their work would be completed on schedule. Mr. Sears advised the members that both apprais- ers are well qualified and are experienced in condemnation procedures. After much discussion the following resolut'on was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 438 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND PROVIDING FOR THE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT WITH ROBERT O. COOLEY AND WILLIS SEVERSON FOR ACQUISITION APPRAISALS FOR PROJECT NO. iL, CALIF. R-IO WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California has heretofore invited the suhmission of proposals from qualified profess- ional appraisers for~the amount of compensation to be charged in a personal service contract for Acquisition Appraisal of the property situated in the Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, Calif. R-IO, to be acquired by the Agency which contract is to be in conformity with the applicable provisions and regulations of the Department of Housing and Urban Development; and c WHEREAS, written proposals were received by said Redevelopment Agency from the following such appraisers and in the following amounts for such services: Morrison and Hill--------------------------- $ 6,500 A62 Robert o. Cooley and ---------------------- $ 5,250 Willis Severson ..., 1 WHEREAS, said Agency made determinations governing the selection of such appraiser in conformity with the requirements of Part 13, Chapter 2, Section 1 of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Urban Renewal Manual relating to the process of selecting appraisers and determining compensation: - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California as follows: (1) That, subject to the approval of DHUD, said Agency accepts the offer of Robert O. Cooley and Willis Severson to perform said Acquisition Appraisal Services for the sum of $5,250. (2) That said Agency in accordance with the prov~s~ons of Part 13, Chapter 2, Section 1 of the DHUD Manual hereby determines: (a) That said Robert O. Cooley and Willis Severson possess qualifications justifying an expectation that they will furnish Acquisition Appraisal reports on which said Agency and DHUD can act with confidence and that they will be able to support their conclusions capably in event of investigations or court proceedings; (b) That said Robert O. Cooley and Willis Severson have no interest, present or prospective which could impair their ability to furnish important reports on which could arise questions as to their impartiality or fairness; ~ 1 -...... (c) That the sum of $5,250 is a fair and proper compensation under all circumstances and is at a rate which does not exceed that usually paid in the locality for equivalent services based on the compensation that has been and is being paid by others for similar services; (d) That the contract to be executed by and between said Agency and Robert O. Cooley and Willis Severson will best serve the interest of the project, said Agency having determined that said bid of $5,250 is the best obtainable. (3) That the Chairman and Secretary of the Agency on behalf of the Agency are hereby authorized to execute a written contract with Robert O. Cooley and Willis Severson for said Acquisition Appraisal services in accordance with the terms and conditions of their bid and in the amount of $5,250. Upon motion by Wilson, seconded by Cunningham and unanimously carried Resolu- tion No. 438 was adopted as submitted accepting the bid of Robert O. Cooley and Willis Severson in the amount of $5,250.00. J ~63 WAIVER OF RIGHTS OF REVERSION r L., Mr. Sears presented to the members a letter from the Director of Real Estate, in which he encloses a Waiver of Rights of Reversion. Mr. Aragon states in his letter that the purchaser of Reuse Parcel 36, Smart & Final Iris Company, has requested this Waiver in order to clear up any misinterpretation regard- ing the change of ownership of their company. Smart & Final Iris Company is a publicly traded stock and they have no control over a changing ownership of their stock. Agency documents state that when chang~ of ownership exists, it could constitute a default. Upon motion by Webster, seconded by Wilson and unanimously carried, the Director was authorized to execute the Waiver of Rights of Reversion requested by the Developer. COHN DEFAULT - R-10 Mr. Sears presented a letter from the Director of Real Estate in which he states that David Cohn et. ale is in default of his Agreement of Sale, in that the thirty day period has expired in which construction should start. Mr. Aragon requests authorization to contact Mr. Cohn and advise him of his default in order that the sixty day period in which to cure default can start immediately. Upon motion by CunninghaD), seconded by Sessions and unanimously carried, Mr. Aragon was authorized to contact Mr. Cohn regarding his default. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Jame8:E. Spain, Jr. & William D.. Spain [ RESOLUTION NO. 439 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF OWNER PAR- TICIPANT'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE TO JAMES E. SPAIN, JR. AND WILLIAM D. SPAIN, TRUSTEES WHEREAS, James E. Spain, Jr. and William D. Spain, Trustees, hereinafter called the Owner Participant, have entered into an Agreement with the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERIARDINO, hereinafter called the Agency; and WHEREAS, said Agreement, dated November 12, 1958, and Supplement, dated November 25, 1959, were recorded on January 3, 1961 in Book 5318 on Page 15, in the Official Records of the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino, State of California; and WHEREAS, in Section 5 of said Agreement, Owner Participant covenanted and agreed, for itself, successors, and assigns to remove buildings and im- provements not meeting code requirements and to construct certain improve- ments on the hereinafter described real property, within the time and in the manner set forth in said Agreement; c The South 50 feet, one inch, of Lot 4 and the North 50 feet, . one inch, of Lot 3, Subdivision of Block 4 of the City of San Beranrdino, Map of the Hospital Tract, as per plat thereof recorded in Book 4 of Maps, page 5, records of said County. EXCEPT any portion lying within Stoddard Stree~~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Agency does hereby determine, conclu- sively certifies, and gives notice that the Owner Participant has fully ~64 satisfied, terminated, and completed, for itself, its successors, and assigns, all covenants and agreements with respect to the Obligation of Owner Participant for the removal of buildings and improvements not meet- ing code requirements and for the Construction of Improvements and dates for the beginning and completion thereof, provided for in said Agreement upon the hereinabove described real property. 1 --J IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Ber- nardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the Agency to execute and have recorded with the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino, a "Certificate of Compli- ance". Upon motion by Webster, seconded by Cunningham, and unanimously carried Res- olution No. 439 was adopted as submitted. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - James M. and Christian.M. McCririe RESOLUTION NO. 440 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF OWNER PAR- TICIPANT'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE TO JAMES M. AND CHRISTIAN M. MC CRIRIE WHEREAS, James M. and Christian M. McCririe, hereinafter called the Owner Participant, have entered into an Agreement with the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, hereinafter called the Agency; and " I .....".; WHEREAS, said Agreement, dated November 12, 1958, and Supplements, dated December 8, 1959, were recorded on January 3, 1961 in Book 5317 on Page 567, in the Official Records of the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino, State of California; and WHEREAS, in Section 5 of said Agreement Owner Participant covenanted and agreed, for itself, successors, and assigns to demolish and clear the im- provements, and in Section 7 of said Agreement to construct certain improve- ments on the hereinafter described real property, within the time and in the manner set forth in said Agreement; Lots 25 and 26, Block "D", THE PEPPERS, as per plat thereof recorded in Book 17 of Maps, Page 8, of the records of the County of San Bernardino. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Agency does hereby determine, conclu- sively certifies, and gives notice that the Owner Participant has fully sat- isfied, terminated, and completed, for itself, its successors, and assigns, all covenants and agreements with respect to the Obligation of Owner Par- ticipant for the Demolition, Clearance, and Construction of Improvements and dates for the beginning and completion thereof, provided for in said Agreement upon the hereinabove described real property. J IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Ber- nardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the Agency to execute and have recorded with the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino, a "Certificate of Compli- ance" . ~65 r L.. Upon motion by Cunningham, seconded by Wilson and unanimously carried, Resolution No. 440 was adopted as submitted. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Fredericks-Hansen Company RESOLUTION NO. 441 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF OWNER PAR- TICIPANT'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE TO FREDERICKS-HANSEN COMPANY WHEREAS, Fredericks-Hansen Company, a partnership, hereinafter called the Owner Participant, has entered into an Agreement with the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARIDNO, hereinafter called the Agency; and WHEREAS, said Agreement, dated November 12, 1958, and Supplements, dated November 10, 1959, were recorded on January 3, 1961 in Book 5317 on Page 553, in the Official Records of the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino, State of California; and WHEREAS, in Section 5 of said Agreement, Owner Participant covenanted and agreed, for itself, successors, and assigns to remove or rehabilitate an, and all buildings and improvements not conforming to codes and the plan on the hereinafter described real proper~, within the time and in the manner set forth in said Agreement: [ In the records of the County of San Bernardino, County Tax Assessor's office - Bedford Bros. Subdivision, West 13 feet of Lot 4 and all of Lots 5, 6, and 7, Block 13 and the alley lying between Lots 6 and 7. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernariino, California, that the Agency does hereby determine, conclu- sively certifies, and gives notice that the Owner Participant has fully satisfied, terminated, and completed, for itself, its successors and as- signs, all covenants and agreements with respect to the Obligation of Owner Participant for the removal or rehabilitation of buildings and im- provements and dates for the beginning and completion thereof, provided for in said Agreement upon the hereinabove described real property. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Ber- nardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the Agency to execute and have recorded with the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino, a "Certificate of Compli- ance". Upon motion by Wilson, seconded by Cunningham and unanimously carried, Resolution No. 441 was adopted as submitted. [ CHECK SIGNER The Director informed the Members that a new check signer must be designated for the Agency checks and vouchers. The following resolution was introduced. .266 RESOLUTION NO. 442 ] RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING MR. LEROY CUNNINGHAM AS SIGNER FOR AGENCY CHECKS AND VOUCHERS WHEREAS, Section 4 of Article II of the Bylaws of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, authorized the Treasurer to sign all orders and checks for the payment of money; and WHEREAS, said Agency by Resolution No. 308, adopted February 6, 1964, amended said Bylaws so as to permit the Treasurer or one other designated person to sign all such orders and checks: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that Mr. Leroy Cunningham is designated as signer for checks and orders for the payment of money of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall take effect immediately. Upon motion by Webster, seconded by Wilson and unanimously carried, Resolu- tion No. 442 was adopted designating Mr. Leroy Cunningham as signer for Agency Checks and Vouchers. ~ .J CHECK COUNTERSIGNER The Director stated that a new check countersigner must also be designated for the Agency vouchers and checks. The following resolution was then introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 443 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING MR. RAYMOND WILSON AS COUNTERSIGNER FOR AGENCY CHECKS AND VOUCHERS WHEREAS, Section 4, Article II of the Bylaws of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California requires that the designation of a countersigner of Agency checka~\ other than the Chairman, be by resolution of the Agency; and WHEREAS, it is now necessary to designate one additional countersigner for Agency checks; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California that Mr. Raymond Wilson be designated as countersigner: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Mr. Raymond Wilson be desiganted as a cOJ1ntersigner for checks and vouchers of the Redevelopment Agency of the J 9.67 r ..... City of San Bernardino, California, and that his name be added to the Position Fidelity Bond of the Local Public Agency. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall take effect immediately. Upon motion by Webster, seconded by Cunningham, and unanimously carried, Resolution No. 443 was adopted, designating Mr. Raymond Wilson as counter- signer for Agency Vouchers and Checks. NAHRO - National Workshop The Director informed the Members that there will be a National Workshop in New Haven, Conneticut, November 19 thru 22, 1966. Authorization was requested to attend this NAHRO Conference. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 444 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZ- ING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, AND NOT MORE THAN THREE OTHER PERSONS TO TRAVEL TO NEW HAVEN, CONNETICUT FOR A NAHRO NATIONAL WORKSHOP, NOVEMBER 19 THRU 22, 1966 [ WHEREAS, Resolution No. 302 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California requires that each trip made by an Agency Member or Staff Member to a destination outside of the City of San Bernardino to be specifically authorized by a resolution of the Agency Members; and WHEREAS, there will be a NAHRO National Workshop November 19th through 22nd, ' 1966 in New Haven, Connecticut; and WHEREAS, it is found to be essential that the Executive Driector and not more than three other persons travel to said NAHRO National Workshop in New Haven, Connecticut; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Executive Director and not more than three other persons are hereby authorized to attend the hereinabove referred to meeting in New Haven, Connecticut, and their travel expenses be and are hereby approved in accordance with the provisions of Resolution No. 302 of the Agency. Upon motion by Webster, seconded by Cunningham, and unanimously carried Resolution No. 444 was adopted authorizing the Executive Director and a maximum of three other persons, either Staff Members or Board Members, to attend the NAHRO National Workshop. TAX INCREMENT - R-79 [ The Director advised the members that inasmuch as the Loan.and Grant Contract with the Federal Government has not yet been executed that the Tax Allocation Funds accured to the Central City Project for the year 1966-67 be waived, and that said funds for the year 1966-67 be distributed to the various taxing agencies. After considerable discussion the following Resolution was intro- duced: !l68 RESOLUTION NO. 445 RESOLUTIONClOF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, FOR WAIVER OF 1966-67 ADVALOREM TAX FUNDS ALLOCABLE TO SAID AGENCY FROM CENTRAL CITY PROJECT NO.1 , ..J WHEREAS, the Redeve1~pment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, has heretofore entered into a Survey and Planning Contract with the Depart- ment of Housing and Urban Development for its Central City Project No.1; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, Calif- ornia, have duly adopted Ordinance No. 2649 approving the Redevelopment Plan for said project area, which plan provides for the allocation of taxes under the provisions of Section 33670 of the California Health and Safety Code; and WHEREAS, the Agency has not yet executed a Loan and Grant Contract with the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the finaneing and executing of said plan, and any and all 1966-67 tax allocation funds from the project area would be subject to refund to the other taxing agencies if such Loan and Grant Contract is not executed: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California that all adva10rem taxes collected from proper- ties within the project area of Central City Project Area No~'l. Calif. R-79, for the tax year 1966-67 be paid and distributed, when collected, to all taxing agencies in the same manner as otherwise provided. J BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the within shall only be applicable to the 1966-67 tax year receipts from said project area. To pay the Local one- third (1/3) of cost of said Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79, and the indebtedness, obligations, and liabilities of the Redevelopment Agency, funds provided from tax allocation, of tax receipts for the tax year 1967-68 and subsequent, from said project area, in accordance the California Community Redevelopment Law, will be paid and distributed to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, whose right to such future tax receipts shall not be relinquished or prejudiced in any manner by virtue of such waiver to 1966-67 tax receipts. Upon motion by Wilson, seconded by Webster, and unanimously carried Resolu- tion No. ~45 was adopted authorizing the Waiver of Taxes for the current year. SECOND STREET BRIDGE The Director informed the Members that the Second Street Bridge was distroyed by fire, and that a portion of this bridge is in our Meadowbrook Project. He stated that the City has requested that the Agency pay for a portion of the construction of a new bridge. Upon motion by Webster, seconded by Cunningha~ and unanimously carried, the Director was authorized to negotiate with the City Engineer and the Agency Engineer to locate the exact boundaries of the bridge and to pay for whatever portion of the Bridge that is in our project. ... ~ 269 OTHER BUSINESS c The Director requested authorization from the Members to hire more personnel and buy additional furniture because of our increasing need due to the ap- proval of Part I of Central City. All members agreed that more personnel and additional furniture was needed. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Cunningham, seconded by Wilson, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m. [ [ 2170 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON THE 6TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1966, IN ROOM 305. FmRST A~ER~CAN TITLE BUILDING, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA -, .1 --J The Chairman Called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. Roll Call showed the following present: Sessions, Wilson, Cunningham and Webster. Also present were: Mr. Ward, Agency Counsel, Mr. Sears, Mrs. Baxter, and Staff Members. Absent: None MINUTES: Upon motion by Ray Wilson, seconded by Cunningham and unanimously carried, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 1, 1966 were approved as submitted in typewritten form. EXPENDITURES The expenditures for the month of August, 1966 (File No. 78) were submitted to the Agency Members for approval. Upon Motion by Cunningham, seconded by Webster and unanimously carried the Expenditures were approved as submitted. PUBLIC HEARING - R-IO 1 .....J The Chairman declared that this was the time and place for the Public Hearing on sale of Agency~s Reuse parcels 10, 11, 12, 14 and a portion of 13 to the Phil Shanedling Company and Reuse Parcels 58 and the north 50 feet of 59 to Forrest S. Karst. There being no objection to the sale of said properties, the Public Hearing was closed and the meeting was recon- vened at 4:20 p.m. PHIL SHANEDLING COMPANY - Reuse Parcels 10, 11, 12, 14 and portion of 13 The Director ipf9rmed the members that the Notice of Public Hearing on said property was duly published in the paper in accordance with the Law, q;nd that all documents were in order and the check received. The parcels were pointed out on the map. The following resolution was intro- duced: RESOLUTION NO. 447 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING OFFER TO PURCHASE SUBMITTED BY PHIL SHANEDLING COMPANY ,--, i j .....J 271 o WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, desires to sell property located in its Meadowbrook Project, Calif. R-10, to qualified redevelopers to develop the land in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan therefor; and WHEREAS, at a public hearing before said Agency on the 6th day of October, 1966, Notice of which hearing was duly given as required by law, the Agency examined the Offer to Purchase and related documents submitted by Phil Shanedling Company, hereinafter called "Redeveloper", for the purchase of that certain real property described as follows: That portion of Lots 3, 4, and 5, Block 14, in the City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per plat recorded in Book 7 of Maps, page 1, records of said County, described as follows: [ BEGINNING at the Northwest cornel' of said Lot 5; thence South along the West line of Lots 5, 4, and 3, 406.93 feet, more or less to a point 187 feet North of the Southwest cornel' of Lot 2 of said block 14; thence East parallel to the South line of said Lot 2, 298.685 feet, more or less, to a point in the East line of said Lot 3, 187 feet North of the South line of said Lot 2; thence North along the East line of Lots 3, 4, and 5, 258.44 feet, more or less, to the Northeast cornel' of said Lot 4; thence West along the North line of said Lot 4, 81.33 feet; thence South 1.8ffeet; thence West 37.57 feet; thence North 1.22 feet to the South line of that certain parcel of land conveyed by George M. Cooley to A. C. Denman, Jr., et al., by Deed dated September 15, 1906 and recorded in Book 380 of Deeds, page 313; thence West along the South line of land so conveyed to A. C. Denman, Jr., et al., and through the center of the brick wall referred to in said Deed, a distance of 77.89 feet, more or less, to a point 101 feet 8 inches East of the West line of said Block 14; thence North to a point in the North line of said Lot 5, 101 feet 3 inches East of the Northwest cornel' of said Lot 5; thence West along the North line of said Lot 5, 101 feet 3 inches to the point of beginning. And located in said project; and WHEREAS, at a Regular meeting of said Agency on the 6th day of October, 1966, the Agency finds and determines all documents sub- mitted by said Redeveloper for the purchase of said land are in order and in conformance with the rules and regulations as established by the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the disposition of project lands: c NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Agency does determine that said Offer to Purchase and relate documents, including the Statement for Public disclosure of said Redeveloper, are satisfactory; that negotiation is the appropriate method for the disposal of said parcel that the Redeveloper pos- sesses the qualifications and financial resources necessary to acquire and develop said property in accordance with said plan; that the proposed price, TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY EISHT THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY ($228,750.00), is satisfactory, not less than the fair market value of land for uses in accordance with said Redevelopment Plan, and is not less than the resale price for said property as concurred in by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. 272 IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED by The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California that the offer of said Redeveloper for the purchase of said land be accepted, and the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency are hereby authorized and directed on behalf of said Agency to execute said Agreement of Sale, and all other documents necessary or convenient to carry out the terms of said Agreement. O.i.. ........... [, i Upon motion by Wilson, seconded by Webster and unanimously carried Resolu- tion No. 447 was adopted as submitted authorizing the sale of said property to Phil Shanedling Company for the sum of $228,750.00 FORREST S. KARST - Reuse Parcels 58 and the north 50' of 59 The Director informed the members that all documents are in order on the above sale and that the Public Hearing had been published in the paper in accordance with the Law. The parcels were pointed out on the map and the renderings shown. Mr. Sears advised the members that the check has been received for deposit on sale. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 448 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING OFFER TO PURCHASE SUBMITTED BY FORREST S. KARST WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California desires to sela property located in its Meadowbrook Project, Calif. R-10 to qualified redevelopers to develop the land in accordance with the Re- development Plan therefor; and WHEREAS, at a public hearing before said Agency on the 6th day of October, 1966, Notice of which hearing was duly given as required by law the Agency examined the Offer to Purchase and related documents submitted by FORREST S. KARST, hereinafter called "Redeveloper", for the purchase of that certain real property described as follows: J That portion of Lots 2 and 3, Block 4, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, in the City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per plat recorded in Book 7 of Maps, page 1 records of said County, described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the West line of said Block 4, distance North 124.96 feet from the Southwest corner of said Block 4, said point also being the Northwest corner of the land conveyed to Robert H. Hirsch, a married man, by deed recorded March 3, 1966, in Book 6581, page 70, Official Records; thence East along the North line of the land so conveyed to the West line of Stoddard Avenue; thence North along the West line of Stoddard Avenue 125.45 feet, more or less, to a point 50 feet 1 inch South of the North line of Lot 3 of said Block 4, said point being the inter- section ~f the West line of Stoddard Avenue and the South line of the land conveyed to James E. Spain, Jr. and William D. Spain, as trustees under the will of James E. Spain, deceased, by deed recorded December 27, 1957, in Book 4400 page 441, Official Records; thence West along said South line to the West line of said Block 4; thence South along the West line of Block 4, 125.45 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. J Said property is also known as 273 [ Lots 3, 4 and 7, according to Map of Hospital Tract as per plat recorded in Book 4 of Maps, page 5, records of said County. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the South 24.8 Feet of Lot 3. Said property is also shown on Licensed Land Surveyors Map, Book 24, pages 51 to 54, inclusive, records of said County. And Located in said project; and WHEREAS, at a Regular meeting of said Agency on the 6th day of October, 1966, the Agency finds and determines all documents submitted by said Redeveloper for the purchase of said land are in order and in conformance with the rules and regulations as established by the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the disposition of project lands; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Agency does determine that said offer to Purchase and related documents, including the Statement for Public Disclosure of said Redeveloper, are satisfactory; that negotiation is the appropriate method for the disposal of said parcel; that the Redeveloper possesses the qualifications and financial resources necessary to acquire and develop said property in accordance with said plan; that the pro- posed price, SIXTY THOUSAND AND NO/100 ($60,000.00), is satisfactory, not less than the fair market value of land for uses in accordance with said Redevelopment Plan, and is not less than the resale price for said pro- perty as concurred in by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. [ IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California that the offer of said Redeveloper for the pur- chase of said land be accepted, and the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency are hereby authorized and directed on behalf of said Agency to execute said Agreement of Sale, and all other documents necessary or convenient to carry out the terms of said Agreement. Upon motion by Wilson, seconded by Cunningham and unanimously carried Reso- lution No. 448 was adopted as submitted authorizing the sale of said pro- perty to Forrest S. Karst for $60,000.00 LEONARD REALTY & BUILDING COMPANY Mr. Sears presented to the members a letter from Mr. Leonard of Leonard Realty and Building Company in which he states that he is desirous of submitting a bid for real estate negotiating services with respect to the Central City Project. Mr. Sears advised the members that the Agency cannot invite proposals for real estate assistance on R-79 until it has received its Loan and Grant Contract. At which time, the Agency could request real estate assistance or use its own real estate staff for all negotiations. The pros and cons of both methods were discussed by the members. Upon motion by Wilson, seconded by Webster and unanimously carried the matter of real estate proposals was tabled for the November Regular Meeting. [ 274 CHANGE OF REGULAR MEETING TIME Mr. Wilson brought to the attention of the members the matter of changing the monthly Regular Meeting time from 4 :OO:pr.m.tto 3-:30, p';m.,becausecQf the length of the meetings at the present time and forthcoming in future meetings. After much discussion it was felt by all members that the time of the Regular meeting should remain 4:00 p.m., and that no action should be taken on the matter at this time. The Members expressed that if meet- ings become too lengthy in the future that the Agency could amend the bylaws and hold two monthly meetings. J NAHRO - Annual Workshop The Director requested authorization from the members to attend the NAHRO Annual Workshop to be held in Los Angeles, Monday, October 24, 1966. Upon motion by Wilson, seconded by Webster and unanimously carried the Director and Agency Members were authorized to attend the NAHRO Annual Workshop. MALL AIR-CONDITIONING, R-79 The Director informed the members that two proposals had been received for the air-conditioning system on the mall -- one from the Edison Company and the other from Southern Calif. Gas Company. Edison Company didinot submit their proposal on the Central Plant concept. They proposed that there be several plants for the air-conditioning. Southern Calif. Gas Company did submit their proposal on the Central Plant concept. Mr. Sears advised the Members that Southern Calif. Gas Company has had experience on large projects such as our Central City Project. The Members discussed the proposals and the pros and cons regarding the Central Plant concept. It was felt that the Central Plant concept would be far better than several plants. The following resolution was introduced: J RESOLUTION NO. 449 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PROPOSAL BY CENTRAL PLANTS, INC., A SUBSIDIARY OF PACIFIC LIGHTING CORPORATION, FOR NEGOTIATION OF CONTRACT TO CONSTRUCT AIR-CONDITIONING SYSTEM FOR TOTAL MALL COMPLEX IN CENTRAL CITY NO.1, CALIF. R-79 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for the Mall Complex in the Central City No.1 project provides for a covered, air-conditioned mall; and WHEREAS, developers will be required to construct buildings and improve- ments abutting on said mall and will desire air-conditioning; and WHEREAS, the Agency has heretofore solicited proposals for the construction and operation of such a system, and only Central Plants Inc., a subsidiary of Pacific Lighting Corporation, a public utility, has heretofore submitted such plan; ~ --J 275 [ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, as follows: TheExecutive Director of the Agency is hereby authorized to negotiate a proposed contract with Central Plants Inc., a subsidiary of Pacific Lighting Corporation, for the design, installation and operation by it of a central air-conditioning system for the Mall Complex of Central City No.1, Calif. R-79. Upon motion by Wilson, seconded by Webster and unanimously carried, resolu- tion No. 449 was adopted authorizing the Director to nevotiate a contract with Southern California Gas Company for the Air-Conditioning system by use of a Central Plant. MALL PARKING, R-79 The Director brought the matter of Mall Parking to the attention of the Members. After considerable discussion, motion was made by Wilson, seconded by Webster and unanimously carried that the parking area around the Mall be in the form of a Parking District. 2ND STREET BRIDGE Mr. Sears advised the members that approximately 47% of the Second Street Bridge was in our project area. The following resolution was introduced: [ RESOLUTION NO. 450 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE AGENCY TO PAY FOR ONE-HALF OF THE CONtRACT COSTS TO THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR THE RE- BUILDING AND WIDENING OF SECOND STREET BRIDGE WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Project No. 1 provides for widening that portion of Second Street, East of Arrowhead Avenue, within the boundaries of said project area, into a major distributor street; and WHEREAS, said Redevelopment Plan requires the Agency to conform such street widening and construction with City Standards; and WHEREAS, the widening of said portion of Second Street within the project area will require reconstruction of the bridge thereon over Warm Creek; and WHEREAS, said bridge has been severely damaged by fire, resulting in the closure of Second Street, and has necessitated the reconstruction of said bridge, one-half of which is within the said project boundaries: D NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, the Agency agrees to pay to the City of San Bernardino, California, one-half of said City's actual, cash disbursements and costs to contractors for the widening and reconstruction of said Second Street Bridge, payment thereof to be made upon certification of such costs to the Agency. 276 Upon Motion by Cunningham, seconded by Webster and unanimously carried, ResoiAtion No. 450 was adopted as submitted. CETIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Hirsch J Mr. Sears presented to the members the following resolution issuing a Certificate of Compliance to Robert H. Hirsch: RESOLUTION NO. 451 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF REDEVELOPER'S CERTIFICATE OF COM- PLIANCE TO ROBERT H. HIRSCH WHEREAS, Robert H. Hirsch, hereinafter called the Redeveloper, has entered into an Agreement and Grant Deed with the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino; and WHEREAS, said Agreement dated December 21, 1965 was recorded on March 3, 1966, in Book 6581 on Page 59 and said Grant Deed, dated December 21, 1966 was recorded on March 3, 1966, in Book 6581, on Page 70, both in the Official Records of the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino, State of California; and WHEREAS, in Section 3 of said Agreement and in Section 3 of said Grant Deed, Redeveloper covenanted and agreed, for itself, its successors and assigns to construct certain improvements on the hereinafter described real property, within the time and in the manner set forth in said Agreement; and J WHEREAS, the Agency agreed in Section 4 of said Agreement and in Section 4 of said Beed to furnish the Redeveloper with an instrument certifying completion of said improvements in accordance with the provisions of said Grant Deed up- on Redeveloper's completion thereof upon the following described real property; Lots 1 and 2 and the South 24.8 feet of Lot 3 of Plat showing the County Hospital property as per Plat recorded in Book 4, Page 5 of Maps records of San Bernardino County, State of California Note: Said property is also shown on Survey recorded in Book 24, Pages 51 to 54 inclusive, Record of Sur- vey, records of said County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Agency does hereby determine, conclusively certifies, and gives notice that the Redeveloper has fully satisfied, termina- ted, and completed, for itself, its successors and assigns, all covenants and agreements with respect to the Obligation of Redeveloper for the Construction of Improvements and dates for the beginning and completion thereof, provided for in said Agreement and Grant Deed upon the hereinabove described real pro- perty. ~ .....J BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Redeve19pment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the Agency to execute and have recorded with the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino, the "Certificate of Compliance" in the form [ [ D 277 approved by Resolution 238 of this Agency on August 2, 1962 Upon motion by Wilson, seconded by Cunningham and unanimously carried, Resolution No. 451 was adopted as submitted. COHN - In Compliance Mr. Sears advised the members that Cohn has cured his default and is in compliance with the terms of his Agreement of Sale in that construction has started on his property. RESIGNATION - Mrs. Shirley J. Haviland Mr. Sessions read a letter of resignation from Mrs. Shirley J. Haviland, Bookkeeper II. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 452 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HONORING MRS. SHIRLEY J. HAVILAND WHEREAS, Mrs. Shirley J. Haviland was employed by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, as Bookkeeper on February 17, 1965; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Shirley J. Haviland was promoted to Bookkeeper II of the Agency on July 1, 1965, as a result of her exceptional ability and un- selfish devotion to the duties of the Agency, which position she held until her resignation of October 15, 1966; and WHEREAS, the Members of the Redevelopment Agency and Staff of said Agency desire to express their appreciation and gratitude to Mrs. Shirley J. Haviland for her tireless efforts and devotion to duty as a member of the Staff throughout the planning and preparation of the Central City Project, the majority of which was done by Agency Staff Members due to restrictions placed upon this Agency by the passage of Proposition 14. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, ~hat it express to Mrs. Shirley J. Haviland its appreciation and gratitude for her outstanding ability, devotion to duty, and public spirit as a member of the Staff of said Agency; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that suitable memorial of this resolution be prepared and presented to her on behalf of the Agency, its Members and Staff. Upon motion by Cunningham, seconded by Wilson and unanimously carried, Resolution 452 was adopted. OTHER BUSINESS The Director advised the members that the letter from San Francisco re- garding our Part I Application for Loan and Grant has not yet been received. He stated that we expect to receive it the middle of next week. After receipt of this letter we can submit our Part II Application no more than three days from the next council meeting following receipt of the letter, provided no additional requirements were requested. 278 ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Wilson, seconded by Cunningham and unanimously carried the meeting was adjourned at 5:20 p.m. J, , ] r-, IJ 279 r L MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF~;SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON THE 1ST DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1966, IN ROOM 30i, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BUILDING, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA The Chairman reported that this special meeting was convened pursuant to a duly dated and signed Notice of Special Meeting which was mailed to each member in due time, form and manner as required by law. The Chairman read the original of the Notice and Certificate set forth below, and the same was ordered spread on the Minutes as follows: 1. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA NOTICE is hereby given that a special meeting of the members of the Redevel- opment Agency of the City of San Bernardino will be held at the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, in Room 305, First Americab Title Building, 323 Court Street, San Bernardino, California at 12:00 p.m. on the 1st day of November 1966, for the purpose of adopting resolution author- izing Part II Application for Loan and Grant (form HUD 612), and for the purpose of transacting any other business which may come before it. Dated this 28th day of October, 1966. s/A.lA. Sessions A. M. Sessions, Chairman r I f \..-: 2. CERTIFICATE OF SECRETARY I, Jerome F. Sears, Jr., Secretary of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 28th day of October, 1966, I served a true copy of the foregoing Notice of Special Meeting on each and every member of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California in the following prescribed manner: BY UNITED STATES MAIL. Witness my hand this 28th day of October, 1966. sl Jerome F. Sears, Jr. Jerome F. Sears, Jr., Secretary The Chairman called the meeting to DPder at 12:05 p.m. Roll Call shewed the following present: Sessions, Cunningham, and Webster Absent: Wilson Also present were Mr. Sears, Mr. Ward, and Mrs. Baxter PART II, APPLICATION FOR LOAN AND GRANT r f --- Mr. Sears advised the members that before we can submit our Part II application for Loan and Grant we must have a resolution to thatcefEett. The following resolution was introduced: 280 RESOLUTION NO. 453 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION FOR LOAN AND GRANT FOR PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-79 J WHEREAS, it is necessary and in the public interest that the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, Calif. avail itself of the financial assistance provided by Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, to carry out the urban renewal project described as Central City No.1, Calif. R-79 and bounded generally by 4th Street on the North, 2nd Street on the South, Freeway (U.S. 395) on the West, and Arrowhead Avenue on the East hereinafter referred to as the "Projectll; and . WHEREAS, it is recognized that the Federal contract for such financial assist- ance pursuant to said Title I will impose certain obligations and responsi- bilities upon the Local Public Agency and will require among other things (1) the provision of local grants-in-aid; (2)~feasible method for the relo- cation of families displaced from the project area; and (3) other local obligations and responsiblities in connection with the undertaking and carrying out of urban renewal projects; and WHEREAS, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the regulations of the Department of Housing and Urban Development effectuating that Title, provide that no person shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in the undertaking and carrying out of urban renewal projects assisted under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended; and 1 .." WHEREAS, the objectives of the Urban Renewal Plan cannot be achieved through rehabilitation of the Project area: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE AGENCY MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA: 1. That the United States of America and the Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary be, and they hereby are, assured of full com- pliance by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, C~lifornia with regulations of the Department of Housing and Urban Development effectu- ating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. 2. That an application on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency off the City of San Bernardino, California for a loan under Section 102 (a) of said Title I in the amount of $24,634,030.00 and for a project capital grant and a relocation grant to the full amount available for undertaking and financing the Project is hereby approved, and that the Executive Director-Secretarymis hereby authorized and directed to ~ecute and to file such application with the Department of Housing and Urban Development, to provide such additional information and to furnish such documents as may be required in behalf of said Agency, and to act as the authorized correspondent of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California. ] 281 c Upon motion by Webster, seconded by Cunningham, and unanimously carried Resolution No. 453 was adopted as submitted. TRAVEL - Mr. Sears, R-79 . Mr. Sears requested authorization from the members to travel to San Francisco November 2, 1966, and from there to Washington D. C. November 3, 1966 in order to hand carry Part II in an effort to expedite its approval. The following Resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 454 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO TRAVEL TO SAN FRANCISCO AND WASHINGTON D. C. NOVEMBER 2 THRU 4, 1966 WHEREAS, Resolution No. 302 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California requires that each trip made by an Agency Member or Staff Member to a destination outside of the City of San Bernardino to be specifically authorized by a resolution of the Agency Members; and WHEREAS, it is found to be essential that the Executive Director travel to San Francisco and Washington D. C. in an effort to expedite approval of the Agency's Part II Application for Loan and Grant on Project No. Calif. R-79: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Executive Director is hereby authorized to travel to San Francisco and Washington D. C., and his travel expenses be and are hereby approved in accordance with the provisions of Resolution No. 302 of the Agency. Upon motion by Cunningham, seconded by Webster and unanimously carried, Resolution No. 454 was adopted as submitted. WEED ABATEMENT CONTRACT - R-IO The Director read a communication from Mr. Harper, Director of Relocation and Property Management, in which he advised the members that the Agency's Weed Abatement Contract comes to an end January 2, 1967. Mr. Harper states that the present Weed Abatement contractor, Wood and Associates, has done the best and most inexpensive job the Agency has ever had for weed control. Mr. Wood has requested an extension of his contract for another year for the same rate ($37.50 per acre). Agency's Attorney, Mr. Ward, advised the members that since the total contract amount would be less than $1,500 DO Invitation to Bid was necessary and the Agency could extend Mr. Woods contract without any motion. All members being in favor of this extent ion, Mr. Woods contract was extended for another year for Project No. Calif. R-10. ADJOURNMENT u Upon motion by Cunningham, seconded by Webster and unanimously carried the meeting was adjourned at 12:30 p.m. 282 ~ I"'}Oll 286 288 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA~ HELD ONTRE,IST DAY OF DECEMBER, 1966, IN ROOM 305, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BLDG., SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:10 p.m. Roll Call showed the following present: Webster, Cunningham, and Sessions Absent: Wilson Also present: Mr. Ward, Agency Counsel, Mr. Sears, Mrs. Baxter, Staff Members, and representatives from Architectural and Real Estate firms. MINUTES Upon motion by Cunningham, seconded by Webster and unanimously carried, the Minutes of the Special Meeting of November 1, 1966, were approved as submitted in typewritten form. Upon motion by Cunningham, seconded by Webster and unanimously carried, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 3, 1966, were approved as submitted in typewritten form. EXPENDITURES The expenditures for the month of November, 1966, (File No 80) were submitted to the Members for approval. Upon motion by Cunningham, seconded by Webster and unanimously carried the expenditures were approved as submitted. 4:15 p.m. - Mr. Wilson arrived MALL DESIGN - R-79 Mr. Sears advised the Members that letters were sent out ~various Architect- Engineers inviting them to submit proposals for the Mall Design for the Central City Project. The following proposals were received and their representatives introduced to the Members: 1. Williams & Williams, John Porter Clark 2. Joseph E. Bonadiman & Associates 3. Richard & Dion Neutra, Architects & Associates 4. Victor Gruen & Associates 5. Garner, Tee, Tracadas & Troy 6. Campbell & Miller & Murton H. Willson & Associates 7. Esco Inter~ional 8. Arrowhead Engineering & Davidson & Maurer Inc. 289 OFFER TO PURCHASE - Reuse Parcel 42, R-IO r- The Director presented to the members an Offer to Purchase Reuse Parcel 42 from Garner, Tee, Tracadas, Troy, Morrison & Hill. The Parcel was pointed out on the map and the plot plan shown. Mr. Sears advised the members that the check has been received and all documents are in order. Mr. Tee explained to the Members that an Office Building much like Plaza De Granada will be built on this parcel with additional parking for both the new building and Plaza De Granada. Upon motion by Wilson, seconded by Cunningham and unan- imously carried, the Director was authorized to advertise for Public Hearing for the sale of said parcel for the development of an office building and parking. -.... PROPOSED AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES OF REAL ESTATE AGENT, R-79 Mr. Sears presented to the Members a proposed Agreement for Services of Real Estate Agent. He explained that Mr. Ward, Agency Counsel, had drafted this Agreement. After discussion regarding the services under the Agreement, motion was made by Webster, seconded by Wilson and unanimously carried that we adopt said Proposed Agreement for Services of Real Estate Agent for Central City Project, R-79. "...,., I ! Upon motion by Wilson, seconded by CUnningham and unanimously carried the members authorized the Director to publish a notice in the papers, inviting proposals for Real Extate Services for R-79, stating in the notice that the Agreement for Services would be available in the office of the Redevelopment Agency for any interested brokers and agents. .., SMART &FINSL I~IS COMPANY - Escrow Extension, R-IO Mr. Sears presented to the members a letter from Smart & Final Iris Company requesting a 90 day extension on their escrow, which is to close in December. After much discussion, the members felt that a 30 day extension of escrow would be allowed instead of the requested 90 days. . Upon motion by Wilson, seconded by Cunningham and unanimously carried the director was authorized to write a letter to Smart & Final stating that they are granted a 30 day extension of their excrow, but that we hoped that construction on this property could start at the earliest possible date. SAMUELSEN AND BOLSON - Default, R-IO Mr. Sears advised the members that a letter was written to Messrs Samuelsen and Bolson0on October 27, 1966, advising them of a derault in their Plans and Specifications were not received by the Agency. Mr. Sears stated that the Plans and Specifications have not yet been received b~t that he spoke to Mr. Bolson today and was advised that they will correct their default and they have every intention of building on this property. The following resolution was introduced: ~ .... - 290 RESOLUTION NO. 446 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO NOTIFY SAMUELSEN AND BOLSON OF THEIR DE- FAULT ON THE SALE OF REUSE PARCEL NO. 18, R-IO ., J WHEREAS, on the 5th day of July, 1966, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, entered into an Agreement of Sale with Norman R. Samuelsen and John H. Bolson, Tenants in Common, for the sale of Reuse Parcel No. 18, located in its Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, Calif. R-IO,; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement of Sale, the said Redeveloper, Samuelsen and Bolson, agreed to present to the Redevelop- ment Agency, by October 5, 1966, a complete set of plans and specifications for their proposed redevelopment; and WHEREAS, the Redeveloper, Samuelsen and BOlson, have not complied with this requirement of said Agreement of Sale, the Agency Members find them in Default: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Executive Director, on behalf of the Agency, is hereby authorized to notify Samuelsen and Bolson of their default of the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement of Sale. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Redeveloper be given until the January Regular Meeting, to be held January 5, 1967, to cure this default, by delivering said plans and specifications to the office of the Redevelopment Agency. Upon motion by Cunningham, seconded by Wilson, and unanimously carried, Resolution No. 446 was adopted as submitted. ~ '."",j WILLIAM J. WARD - R-79 Mr. Sears requested authorization from the Members to amend Resolution Nol 309 which states that Mr. Ward's contract amount shall not exceed the aggregate amount of $10,000. He advised the members that due to the extension of the Survey and Planning stage, it is now necessary to increase this amount to $12,000. When we receive our Contract for Loan and Grant, this Contract will be cancelled and another written to cover the execution of Central City. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 458 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 309, BY INCREASING WILLIAM J. WARDS CONTRACT FOR GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES, R-79 WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. 309, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, designated William J. Ward as legal counsel for its Project No. Calif. R-79; and ,..... - r' . ..:_ ~.' ..J.. c.........'. ' . [ [ 291 WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. 309, the Agency Members authorized the Chairman and Secretary of the Agency~~on behalf of the Agency, to execute a Contract with Mr. Ward that he shall do all legal work required by the Redevelopment Agency and DHUD at the rate of $25.00 per hour not to exceed the aggregate sum of $10,000, or such additional sum as may be authorized by amendment to said Contract; and WHEREAS, there has been a delay in the completion of the survey and planning stage of Central City No 1, Project No. Calif. R-79, due to litigation in the California Courts resulting in restrictions being placed by the Federal Govern- ment against the completion of said survey and planning stage, thus extending the project survey and planning stage completion date to June 13, 1967; and WHEREAS, it is now necessary to increase the total amount of said Resolution by $2,000.00 to provide said legal services for the time of the survey and planning stage of the project: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California,.that Resolution No. 309, adopted February 6, 1964, be amended by increasing the total amount of the Contract not to exceed $12,000, or such additional sum as may be authorized by amendment hereto. Upon motion by Cunningham, seconded by Wilson and unaiimously carried, Reso- lution No. 458 was adopted as submitted. JOHN F. GRAY - R-79 Mr. Sears advised the members that the Contract with John F. Gray, for accounting services, would have to be increased due to the extended Survey and Planning stage of Central City. Mr. Gray's Contract would also be cancelled upon receipt of our Loan and Grant Contract with the Federal Government, and a new contract drawn for the execution phase of R-79. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 459 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CONTRACT FOR ACCOUNTING SERVICES WITH JOHN F. GRAY FOR PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-79 WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. 314 the Redevelopment Agency 6f the City of San Bernardino, California, on March 5, 1964, designated John F. Gray as general accountant for all ledgers and records of Project No. Calif. R-79; and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 314, the Agency Members authorized the execution of a written contract with John F. Gray for accounting, auditing and other services, as set forth in said Contract, in an amount not to exceed the aggregate sum of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00); and 2\12 WHEREAS, the parties hereto have heretofore on the 1st day of July, 1965, entered into a Supplement to said Contract, increasing the aggregate amount of said Contract to Seven Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($7,200.00) as max- imum compensation to be paid under said Contract; and ~ ! WHEREAS, the parties hereto have heretofore on the 5th day of May, 1966, entered into a Supplement to said Contract, increasing the aggregate amount of said Contract to Eight Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($8,400.00) as maxi- mum compensation to be paid under said Contract; and ......., WHEREAS, there has been a delay in the completion of the survey and planning stage of Central City No.1, Project No. Calif. R-79, due to litigation in the California Counts resulting in restrictions being placed by the Federal Government against the completion of said Survey and Planning stage, thus extending the project survey and planning stage completion date to June 13, 1967; and WHEREAS, it is now necessary to increase the total amount of said contract by $1,000.00 to provide said accounting and consulting services for the time of the survey and planning stage of the project: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevleopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that Section 3 of the Contract with John F. Gray dated February 6, 1964, be amended as follows: "3. Compensation The Local Public Agency will pay to the Contractor not to exceed the amount of Nine Thousand and Four Hundred ($9,400.00), which shall constitute full and complete compensation for the Contractor's services hereunder. Such sum will be paid at the rate of Twelve and 50/100 Dollars ($12.50) per hour, in every case subject to receipt of a requisition for pay- ment from the Contractor specifying that he has performed the work under this Contract in conformance with the Contract and that he is entitled to receive the amount requisitioned under the terms of the Contract. ~ .f; ..J In addition to t~e compensation provided above, the Local Public Agency will reimburse the Contractor for travel and subsistence expenses whe~~said travel is specifically requested by the Local Public Agency. The limitations on cost of transportation and subsistence expenses shall be the same as those which currently prevail for staff members of the Local Public Agency. It is expressly understood and agreed that in no event will the total compensation and reimbursement, if any, 'bo be paid hereunder exceed the maximum sum of Nine Thousand and four Hundred Dollars ($9,400.00) for all the services required." BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, subject to concurrence by DHUD, the Chairman and Secretary of the Agency on behalf of the Agency are hereby authorized to ex- ecute the aforementioned amendment to said Cdntract dated February 6, 1964 with John F. Gray. Upon motion by Webster, seconded by Wilson and unanimously carried, Resolution No. 459 was adopted as requested. ~ J r L r- '- r i ~ 293 WOOD AND ASSOCIATES - R-10 The following resolution was presented to the members for extension of Wood and Associates Contract for Weed Abatement for the year 1967-1968: RESOLUTION NO. 460 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, EXTENDING CONTRACT WITH WOOD AND ASSOCIATES FOR WEED ABATEMENT FOR MEADOWBROOK PROJECT, CALIF. R-10 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, entered into a Contract on the 27th day of December, 1965, with Wood and Associates for the purpose of controlling weeds on Agency property in the Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, Calif. R-10, for one year beginning on the 3rd day of January, 1966, and ending on the 2nd day of January, 1967, for the amount of Thirty Seven Dol~ars and Fifty Cents ($37.50) per acre; and WHEREAS, the Contract year will end on the 2nd day of January, 1967, the parties hereto have agreed to extend said Contract Period. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that Contract with Wood and Associates be amended as follows: a. Contract period shall be extended to cover the period beginning the 3rd day of January, 1967, and ending on the 2nd day of January,. 1968, for the amount of Thirty Seven Dollars and Fifty Cents ($37.50) per acre. b. Contractor hereby affirms that his operations for the extended year will be covered by liability insurance with minimum limits of $25/100,000 personal injury and $10,000 property damage. The Agency must be named on the Contractors insurance policy by endorsement thereon. Contractor further agrees to hold the Agency and the City of San Bernardino free and harmless on account of any act or omission of Contractor or Contractors employees, agents or servants resulting in injury to person, or in death, or in damage to property. c. Except as otherwise provided herein, all of the terms, conditiQns and covenants of said Contract of December 27, 1965, shall remain fully effective. Upon motion by Cunningham, seconded by Webster and unanimously carried, Resolu- tion No. 460 was adopted as submitted. SITE PREPARATION - Unit No. lA The members discussed the Site Preparation for Unit No. lA. Mr. Sears advised them that Mr. John Starkey of Holiday Olds has not as yet closed escrow on his property. There was much discussion as to whether or not the Site Preparation should be done on this area until the Agency is assured that this escrow will close and that Mr. Starkey will construct on said property. Mr. Sears explained to the Members that the Site Preparation procedure is a long one, and since the Preparation on Unit No. lA will have to be done regardless of Mr. Starkeys prop- erty, he. felt that we. should invite bids for this area now. After much discus- sion regarding. this matter, motion was made Wilson, seconded by Webster and unanimously carried, authorizing the Director to advertise for bids for Site Preparation. The bids would be opened at the January Regular Meeting. 294 PROJECT AREA NO. 4 Mr. Sears advised the members that the Agency has received from the City Planning Commission the Preliminary Plan for the Redevelopment Project Area No.4. The land use for this area is designated for an Industrial Park. Mr. Sears explained to the members that this is an open land project and that it would not qualify for Federal Urban Renewal Funds. The Project is to be carried out under the state Redevelopment Law and that funds other than Federal must be provided to make the required studies, plans and reports, etc. Funds have not yet been received, so the Agency cannot proceed with the planning. After much discussion regarding this project, motion was made by Webster, seconded by Wilson and unanimously carried, authorizing the staff to proceed with the planning of this project upon receipt of funds. ] f OTHER BUSINESS MR. BOYCE J. HARPER, JR. - Resignation Mr. Sears read a letter of resignation from Mr. Boyce J. Harper, Jr., Direc- tor of Relocation and Property Management. The following resolution was introduced: RESOULTION NO. 461 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNnI~ HONORING MR. BOYCE J. HARPER, JR. WHEREAS, Mr. Boyce J. Harper, Jr. was employed by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, as Director of Relocation and Property Management on September 1, 1964, which position he held until his resignation of December 31, 1966; and ~ ...." WHEREAS, the Members of the Redevelopment Agency and Staff of said Agency desire to express their appreciation and gratitude to Mr. Boyce J. Harper, Jr. for his tireless efforts and devotion to duty as a member of the Staff throughout the planning and preparation of the Central City Project, the majority of which was done by Agency Staff Members due to restrictions placed upon this Agency by the passage of Proposition 14. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that it express to Mr. Boyce J. Harper, Jr. its appreciation and gratitude for his outstanding ability, devotion to duty, and public spirit as a member of the Staff and said Agency. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a suitable memorial of this resolution be pre- pared and presented to him on behalf of the Agency, its Members and Staff. Upon motion by Wilson, seconded by Cunningham, and unanimously carried, Reso- lution No. 461 was adopted, accepting the resignation of Boyce J. Harper, Jr. with regrets. PURCHASES - Wooden Desk ~ I I , --' :~s:) r '-- .. r ....... r --- 295 Mr. Sears requested authorization from the members to purchase a wooden desk for staff use. The following bid prices were quoted regarding the price of a new Anderson wood desk Model PL604l-0H-72: Goforth & Marti Barnum & Flagg D & M Stationers $156.80 139.00 118.00 Upon motion by Cunningham, seconded by Wilson and unanimously carried the Director was authorized to purchase a wooden desk from D & M Stationers for $118.00. PURCHASES - Drafting Machine Mr. Sears read a communication from the Engineering Department requesting a new drafting machine. The present equipment was purchased in the 50's and has become inoperative. The following prices of comparable machines were listed: Mutoh (Japanese Mfg) Bruning (American Mfg) K & E (German Mfg) $131. 51 149.24 198.02 Upon motion by Wilson, seconded by Cunningham and unanimously carried the Director was authorized to purchase a Bruning Drafting machine for the price of $149.24. ADJ OURNMENT Upon motion by Cunningham, seconded by Wilson and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned to December 19, 1966, at 4:00 p.m. / , ...J .., i"."j .. i' ...... 296 \ [ MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 1, 1966, OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD THE 19TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1966, IN ROOM 305, FIRST AMER- ICAN TITLE BUILDING, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA In the absence of the Chairman, Mr. Leroy Cunningham, Vice Chairman, called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Roll Call showed the following present: Webster, Cunningham and Wilson Abs ent : Sess ions Also Present: Mr. Sears, Mrs. Baxter, and representatives from Architectural and Real Estate firms. Upon the request of the Director, Real Estate proposals were tabled first on the Agenda, as a courtesy to the real estate representatives attending the meeting. REAL ESTATE PROPOSALS -R-79 Mr. Sears advised the Members that the Agency has received twelve proposals from Real Estate Agents and Brokers for the acquisition of our Central City Project. The following proposals were presented and their representatives introduced to the Members: 1. Charlton Real Estate Company "" 2. Marvin Casalina & Company i!. 3. Al Austin Real tor LJ 4. Dick Corwin and Partner 5. Gene Fiegener, Realtor, CMB 6. John A. Fiscalini, Realtor 7. Appraisal Research Corporation 8. George Shane, Andrew Malahan, William L. Huntley, Cruz Saenz and William S. Hubbard, all real estate brokers, acting jointly 9. Security Land Services 10. Leonard Realty & Building Company 11. Royal K. Huntley Realtors 12(, Robert L. Wells Realtor ,... J .... The Vice Chairman advised the various Realtors attending the Meeting that no decision could be reached at this time regarding the above proposals received. Time is needed for the staff and members to &tudy the proposals and determine which proposal is in the best interest of the project. The Members expressed their appreciation to the Realtors for submitting the proposals. Mr. Sears advised them that they would be in receipt of a letter inviting them to the next Regular Meeting of the Agency, to be held January 5, 1967. At this meet- ing they would be given an opportunity to present a ten minute presentation to the Agency Members. He suggested that at this meeting, other organizations submitting proposals wait in an adjoining room in order that each realtor may feel free to talk to the various Agency Members. Mr. Sears explained that this must be a voluntary procedure, as Agency Meetings are by law open public meetings and no one may be excluded. MINUTES Upon motion by Wilson, seconded by Webster and unanimously carried, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 1, 196&, were approved as submitted in type- written form. 297 ARCHITECT - ENGINEER PROPOSALS - R-79 ] Mr. Sears advised the Members that a letter was sent to the various Architects who submitted their proposals at the December 1, 1966 meeting. The letter invited them to attend todays meeting and gave them the opportunity to make a ten minute presentation to the Members at said meeting. He suggested in this letter, that by a voluntary procedure, other organizations submitting proposals wait in an adjoining room in order that each architect may feel free to talK to the Members. 4:25 - Mr. Sessions Arrives The Architects were advised that all of the Staff and Members of the Agency have over the past two weeks studied the proposals thoroughly. In the order in which their proposals were received by the Agency, the following Architects, excepting Richard & Dion Neutra, gave a presentation to the Agency Board: 1. Williams & Williams and John Porter Clark 2. Joseph E. Bonadiman & Associates 3. Richard & Dion Neutra, Architects & Associates 4. Victor Gruen & Associates 5. Garner, Tee, Tracadas & Troy 6. Campbell and Miller and Murton H. Willson & Associates 7. Esco International 8. Arrowhead Engineering &u.Davidson & Maurer Inc. .., Williams & Williams and John Porter Clark, arriving late because of another meeting, gave their presentation last. Richard & Dion Neutra, Architects & Associates, were unable to attend the meeting. I .... Mr. Webster expressed that he felt all of the firms were definitely qualified, and based upon this fact we should give careful consideration to one of the four firms in San Bernardino, Mr. Cunningham stated that of the San Bernardino firms, almost all are devleopers who associate themselves with architects, they are not architects themselves. Mr. Wilson felt that we should definitely contract a firm who has had experience in other enclosed malls, in this way we would be assured of an experts experience. He stated that Victor Gruen & Associates have built 15 malls and have 8 more now under way. Mr. Sessions stated that Victor Gruen and Associates have always done an excellent job in the past and although they are a large firm, we know from past experience that we do receive personal service from them. They have had experience with the Agency.and the Central City Project in that they did the designing for the Mall structure. After much discussion, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Cunningham that the Executive Director be instructed to notify Victor Gruen and Associates that their proposal has been accepted by the Agency and to draft an agreement for .., said Architect-Engineering Services. The following voted yes: Wilson, Cunningham and Sessions No: Webster .......J [ ",..., u r-, t , -....., 298 INSPECTION AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO - R-lO Mr. Sears read a communication from the Director of Engineering requesting authorization for the Executive Director to execute contracts with the City of San Bernardino for the inspection of Site Preparation work for Unit No. lA and Unit No.5. The Agency will reimburse the City for actual coats to the City incurred for inspection by City personnel and testing services used by the City. The total reimbursement shall not exceed $1,500.00 for each Unit. The follewing resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 462 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIAt AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS WITH THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, FOR THE INSPECTION OF SITE PREPARATION WORK ON UNIT NO. lA AND UNIT NO. 5 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, is in the process of execution of the Site Preparation work of the Redevelopment Plan provided for in Ordinance No. 2233, dated July 21, 1958; and WHEREAS, the City is willing to provide for the inspection of and intends to accept said Site Preparation Work on Unit No. lA and Unit No. 5 for Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, Calif. R-IO; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevleopnent Agency of the City of San Beranadino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary of the Agency are hereby authorized on behalf of the Agency to execute Contracts with the City of San Bernardino, California, for the inspection of Site Preparation Work for Unit No. lA and Unit No.5 in the Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, Calif. R-IO. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Agency will reimburse the City for actual costs to the City incurred for inspection by City personnel and testing services used by the City. The total reimbursement shall not exceed One Thousand and Five Hundred Dollars ($1,500.00) for each Unit. Upon motion by Cunningham, seoonded by Webster and unanimously carried, Resolu- tion No. 462 was adopted as requested. MORRISON AND HILL - Letter Mr. Sears read a letter from Morrison and Hill to the Agency Members. Mr. Sears advised the members that upon the advise of Mr. Ward, Agency Counsel, Morrison and Hill were instructed to write this letter to the Agency. Mr. Ward has requested that the letter be spread on our minutes in order to clear any misunderstanding regarding Morrison and Hill's interests with the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino~ Upon motion by Wilson, seconded by Cun- ningham, and unanimously carried the letter from Morrison and Hill was ordered to be spread on the Minutes. December 7, 1969 Mr. Jerome F. Sears Executive Director Redevelopment Agency City of San Bernardino 299 323 Court Street San Bernardino, California ] Dear Mr. Sears: We, the undersigned, were employed by the Redevelop~ent Agency of San Bern- ardino as outside consultants (Independent Land Acquisition Contractors) on the Meadowbrook Project during the approximate period between September, 1959, and December, 1963. Our employment status had no connection with, nor have we ever had anything to do with the setting of resale prices in this Project. Currently, we are under contrac~ with the Redevelopment Agency as independent appraisers on the Central City Project. This contract has an,effective date of May, 1965, and has nothing to do with the setting of resale prices in the Meadowbrook Project. Neither of us are, or ever have been, a staff employee of the Redevelopment Agency. Neither of us have served on City or Agency Boards or Commissions. In March of 1966, we acquired a two-ninths interest in the Plaza de Granada office building and property at 357 West Second Street. This property is located in the San Bernardino Meadowbrook Project. Since the date of our acquisition of an interest is this property, we have occupied a portion of the building as our office and place of business. Presently, as a part of a group of owners of the Plaza de Granada property, we have submitted a pro- posal to the Agency to purchase a Meadowbrook Project (resale) lot adjacent to the east side of the Plaza de Granada property. .., Very truly yours, i ~ MORRISON AND HILL sl Donald D. Morrison Donald D. Morrison sl Edward G. Hill, Jr. Edward G. Hill, Jr. dk ALLIED CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIES - Letter Mr. Sears read a letter to the Members from Allied Construction Industries in which they advise us of a Resolution passed by their Board of Directors urging the Agency in choosing Architects, Engineers, and others to perform services in the development of Central City, where other qualifications and factors are essentially equal, to give first consideration to those indivi- duals and organizations within San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. It further urges the Agency to give full consideration in the establishment of criteria for the employment of contractors and ob~aining of materials to those contractors and material supplies within the area of San Bernardino and Riverside County. ..., i I .....J NAHRO - Newsletter :vlr [ ,.... .....i .". ",.... ! ..... 300 Mr. Sears advised the Members of the following dates to remember. February 23, 1967 - Southern Calif. Chapter Renewal Workshop, Pasadena February 27, 1967,. --Executive Board Meeting, San Francisco Airport Area May 21-23, 1967 - Pacific Southwest Regional Conference, Hacienda Hotel, Fresno Mr. Sears advised the Members that Mr. Robert C. McCabe, formerly the Regional Director in San Francisco, has been appointed General Deputy of the Renewal Projects Administration, in Washington D. C. office ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Webster, seconded by Cunningham and unanimously carried the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. "" 301 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD THE 5TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1967, IN ROOM 305, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BUILDING, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA .] The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Roll Call showed the following present: Webster, Cunningham, Wilson, and Sess ions Absent: None I Also Present: Mr. Ward, Agency Counsel, Mr. Sears, Mrs. Baxter, Staff Members, \ and representatives from Construction and Real Estate Firms. MINUTES Upon motion by Cunningham, seconded by Webster and unanimously carried, the Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of December 1, 1966, held December 19, 1966, were approved as submitted in typewritten form. EXPENDITURES The expenditures for the month of December, 1966, (File No. 81) were sub- mitted to the Members for approval. Upon motion by Webster, seconded by Cunningham and unanimously carried the expenditures for the month of December, were approved as submitted. PUBLIC HEARING - Reuse Parcel 42, R-IO ,., l... The Chairman declared that this was the time and place for the Public Hearing on sale of Agency's Reuse Parcel No. 42 to Garner, Tee, Tracadas, Troy, Morrison and Hill. There being no objection to the sale of said property, the Public Hearing was closed and the meeting was reconvened at 4:10 p.m. GARNER, TEE, TRACADAS, TROY, MORRISON AND HILL - Reuse Parcel 42, R-IO The Director informed the members that the Notice of Public Hearing on said property was duly published in the paper in accordance with the Law, and that all documents were in order and the 5% option deposit check had been received. An office building much like Plaza de Granada will be built on this parcel with additional parking for both the new building and Plaza de Granada. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 463 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA ACCEPTING OFFER TO PURCHASE SUBMITTED BY GARNER, TEE, TRACADAS, TROY, MORRISON AND HILL , " --- $02 r '-- WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, desires to sell property located in its Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, Calif. R-10 to qualified redevelopers to develop the land in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan therefor; and WHEREAS, at a public hearing before said Agency on the 5th day of January, 1967, Notice of which hearing was duly given as required by law, the Agency examined the Offer to Purchase and related documents submitted by Garner, Tee, Tracadas, Troy, Morrison and Hill hereinafter called "Redeveloper", for the purchase of that certain real property described as follows: Reuse Parcel 42 The Northerly 176 feet of lot 7, Block 3, excepting therefrom the West 15 feet and the Northerly 176 feet of Lot 8, Block 3, excepting therefrom the East 144 feet of the CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, in the City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per plat recorded in Book 7 of Maps, page 1, reconds of said County. NOTE: Said land is also shown on Record of Surveys, Book 24 pages 51 to 54, inclusive, records of said County. And located in said project; and ,.... WHEREAS, at a Regular Meeting of said Agency of the 5th day of January, 1961., the Agency finds and determines all documents submitted by said Redevleoper for the purchase of said land are in order and in conformance with the rules and regulations as established by the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the disposition of project lands: i -..J NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Agency does determine that said Offer to Purchase and related documents, including the Statement for Public Disclosure of said Redeveloper, are satisfactory; that negotiation is the appropriate method for the disposal of said parcel; that the Redeveloper possesses the qualifications and financial resources necessary to acquire and develop said property in accordance with said plan; that the proposed price, THIRTY TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($32,000.00), is satisfactory, not less than the fai~ market value of land for uses in accordance with said Redevelopment Plan, and is not less than the resale price for said property as concurred in by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED by the Redevedopment Agency of the City of San Ber- nardino, California that the offer of said Redeveloper for the purchase of said land be accepted, and the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency~are hereby authorized and directed on behalf of said Agency to execute said Agreement of Sale, and all other documents necessary or convenient to carry out the terms of said Agreement. ".. Upon motion by Wilson, seconded by Webster and unanimously carried, Reso- lutionNo. 463 was adopted as submitted. '-- 303 ELECTION OF OFFICERS The Chairman declared this was the time and place designated for the election of officers of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino for .the year 1967. ., J ..J The Chairman declared the nominations open for Chairman. Wilsonnominated and Webster seconded the nomination for A. Merle Sessions forCbairman. Webster moved and Wilson seconded a motion that nominations for Chairman be closed. The motion was unanimously carried. The Chairman declared the nominations for Vice Chairman open. Cunningham moved and Webster seconded the nomination of Ray M. Wilson for Vice Chairman. Webster moved and Cunningham seconded a motion that nominations for Vice Chairman be closed. The motion was unanimously carried. Webster moved and Cunningham seconded a motion that the Secreta~ cast a unanimous ballot of those members present of the following officers for the year 1967 and to record said elections in the minutes of this meeting: A. Merle Sessions------------------Chairman Ray M. Wilson----------------------Vice Chairman The motion was unanimously carried. The Chairman declared the nominations open for the Appointive Office of Secretary-Treasurer. Cunningham moved, seconded by Webster and unanimously carried that Jerome F. Sears, Jr. be appointed Secreta~ Treasurer of the Agency. .... i: PUBLIC HEARING - Site Preparation Bids, Unit No. lA, R-IO :..,.j The Chairman declared that this was the time and place for the Public Hearing on Site Preparation Bids, Unit No. lA, Meadowbrook Project. Mr. John R. Johnson, Engineering Aide, opened and read aloud the bids. 1. Walker & Bates~-----------------------------------_$ 57,000.00 2. frank furman inc.---------------------------------- 78,766.00 3. Matthews Company----------------------------------- 78,000.00 4. R. A. Erwin------------------------------------____ 11,815.00 5. Fontana Paving Inc.-------------------------------- 59,948.00 6. E. L. Yeager Construction Co., Inc.---------------- 52,950.00 7. Triangle Construction Co., Inc.-------------------- 58,606.00 All bids were in order and the bid bond received. E. L. Yeager Construction Co., Inc. was declared the low bidder for $52,950.00. The following resolu- tion was introduced: ..... -..J [ [ [ 304 RESOLUTION NO. 464 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AND PROVID- ING FOR THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT FOR SITE PRE- PARATION UNIT NO~ lA, IN THE MEADOWBROOK PROJECT, CALIF. R-IO WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, pursuant to the provisions of Section 33300 of the California Health and Safety Code, in furtherance of the execution of the Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, invited competitive, sealed bids for the Site Preparation of Unit No. lA, Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, said Contract to be in accordance with the contract documents furnished all bidders; and WHEREAS, AN Invitation for Bids therefor was duly published in the paper on the 13th day of December, 1966, and on the 20th day of December, 1966, and an affidavit showing such publications is on file in the office of said Agency; and WHEREAS, said Invitation for Bids called for receipt of such bids until 4:00 p.m. on the 5th day of January, 1967, at the office of the Agency located at 323 Court Street, Room 308, San Bernardino, California; and WHEREAS, A Number of bids were received at the time and place above specified, and upon such bids being open at a duly called public meeting of said Agency, at which time a quorum of members thereof were present; and WHEREAS, the lowest qualified bid was offered by E. L. Yeager Construction Company, in the sum of $52,e50~00; and WHEREAS, it appears to be in the best interest of said Agency to accept said bid: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California that said bid of E. L. Yeager Construction eompany, ih fH~ su~ ef $52,950.00 be accepted, and the Chairman and Seceetary of said Agency are hereby authorized and Directed to execute the said Contract and Agreement for Site Preparation, Unit No. lA, on behalf of the Agency Upon motion by Webster, seconded by Wilson and unanimously carried, Reso- lution No. 464 was adopted as submitted, subject to the approval of the Agency Engineering Department and the Agency Counsel. REAL ESTATE PROBBSALS - R-79 Mr. Sears advised the Members teat a letter was sent to the various Real Estate Firms who submitted their proposals at the December 19, 1966 meeting. The letter invited them to attend todays meeting and offered them the opportunity to make a ten minute presentation to the Members at said meeting. He suggested in this letter that by a voluntary procedure, other organizations submitting proposals wait in an adjoining room in order that each firm may feel free to talk to the Members. 305 .,,. ~'j :" In the order in which their proposals were received by the Agency, the following Real Estate Firms, excepting Marvin Casalina &~Company, gave a presentation to the Agency Board: 1. Charlton Real Estate Company 2. Marvin Casalina & Company 3. Al Austin Realtor 4. Dick Corwin and Partner 5. Gene Fiegener, Realtor, CMB 6. John A. Fiscalini, Realtor 7. Appraisal Research Corporation 8. George Shane, Andrew Malahan, William L. Huntley, Sruz Saenz and William S. Hubbard, all real estate brokers, acting jointly 9. Security Land Services 10. Leonard Realty & Building Co. 11. Royal K. Huntley Realtors 12. Robert L. Wells, Realtor ,., 1 I -l Marvin Casalina & Company were unable to attend the meeting. Mr. Sears read their telegram to the members of the Board in which they w~ate their qualifi- cations and great interest in San Bernardino's project. 6:25 p.m. - a five minute recess was called. 6:30 p.m. - The Chairman reconvened the meeting The members discussed the qualifications of all the firms. Mr. Wilson expressed that Royal K. Huntley has had much experience in J negot iating services in eminent domain acquisition procedures and that he feels ~.. . ... his proposal is the best for the Central City Project. All members agreed that Royal K. Huntley Realtors are very well qualified for the job. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 465 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AND PROVID- ING FOR THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT FOR REAL ESTATE SERVICES WITH ROYAL K. HUNTLEY REALTORS FOR THE CENTRAL CITY PROJECT, R-79 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California proposes to acquire certain real property in the project area located in the City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino, State of California, for a project of the LPA known as "Central City No.1, Calif. R-79;" and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, in order to carry out its functions under the California Community Redevelopment Law, desires to engage an Agent to negotiate with the owners of property in Phase I of its Central City Project, as well as any additional parcels as assigned by the Agency necessary to carry out the initial stage of the project; and J [ [ [ 806 WHEREAS, a Notice of Public Hearing was published in the paper on the 7th day of December, 1966 and on the 14th day of December, 1966, inviting written proposals from qualified Realtors and Real Estate Brokers to contract with the Agency for personal services in connection with the aEquisition of real property located in its Central City Project; and WHEREAS, a number of proposals weee received at the Public Hearing held at 4:00 p.m. December 19, 1966, at the office of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, 323 Court Street, San Bernardino, California; and WHEREAS, fHe Agency at its Regular Meeting of January 5, 1967 determined that the written proposal as submitted by Royal K. Huntley Realtors, the compensa- ~ion therein being 64% of the maximum approved Compensation Schedule as stated in the Urban Renewal Manual, Land Acquisition Section 13-2-2, dated February 1, 1960, was in the best interest of the Central City Project: ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California that the proposal of Royal K. Huntley Realtors be accepted, and the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency are instructed to execute said Contract and Agreement for Real Estate Negotiation Services upon receipt of the Agency's Loan and Grant Contract with the Federal Govern- ment. Upon motion by Wilson, seconded by Webster and unanimously carried, Resolu- tion No. 465 was adopted, accepting the proposal for Real Estate Negotiation Services submitted by Royal K. Huntley Realtors. OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Sears presented to the Members a reorganized personnel chart of the Agency. Mr. Sears advised the Members that the Federal Office is in approval of this type of an organization chart for Agencies. Upon motion by Wilson, seconded by Cunningham and unanimously carried, the Reorganized Personneil ehart was approved as submitted. Mr. Sears also presented to the members a modified Staffing and Salary Schedule. He explained to the Members that this schedule is comparable to the City and County Schedules for like jobs. Mr. Sears requested authoriza- tion from the Board to adopt this schedule as of January 1, 1967. Mr. Sessions expressed that he would like to have more time to look over this schedule and to study it. Mr. Webster and Cunningham also stated that they would like to have more time to study the chart. Upon motion by Wilson, seconded by Cunningham, and unanimously carried, the matter of the new Staffing and Salary Schedule was tabled until the Adjourned Regular Meeting of January 5, 1967 to be held January 19, 1967. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Wilson, seconded by Webster and unanimously carried the meeting was adjourned until 4:00 p.m., January 19,1967. 307 1 ......J J ] 308 "... MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 5, 1967, OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDE- VELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNAR- DINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD THE 19TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1967, IN ROOM 305, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BLDG., SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA l L The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m. Roll Call showed the following present: Webster, Wilson, Wein, Cunningham and Sessions Absent: None Also present: Mr. Ward, AgaBcy Counsel, Mr. Sears, Mrs. Baxter, and Staff Members Mr. Sanford H. Wein who was appointed by the Mayor on January 9, 1967, to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Antone McEwen was introduced to the Agency Members. MINUTES The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 5, 1967, were presented to the Members for approval. Motion was made by Wilson, seconded by Cunningham that the minutes be approved as submitted in typewritten form. The Motion was adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Sessions, Webster, Cunningham, and Wilson Noes: None Abstention: Wein "",.., REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL --- Mr. Ward, Agency Counsel, advised the membess that in the case of ABC Parking vs. the Redevelopment Agency, Mr. Jew Wing has agreed to the sale of his property out of court, and that the acquisition documents are being prepared. Mr. Ward also stated that the Agency will proceed to acquire the remaining parcels in Meadowbrook as soon as appraisals are received and the prices concurred in by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. He will then move toward trial on these parcels as rapidly as possible. He also stated that in the case of the Downtown Businessmens Association vs. the Redevelopment Agency, the Plamtiffs have been given until the 27th of January, 1967, to prepare their openingnbriefs for the Appleate Court. CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT LAW "..., The Chairman read the fOllowing Section 33130 to the Agency Members: "No agency or community officer or employee who in the course of his duties is required to participate in the formulation of or to approve plans or policies for the redevelopment of a project area shall acquire any interest in any property included within a project area within the community. If any such officer or employee wwns or has any direct or indirect financial interest in such p~~erty, he shall immediately make a written disclosure of it to the Agency and the legislative body which shall be entered on their minutes. Failure to so dis- close constitutes misconduct in office." ...... The Chairman asked Mr. Wein if he has to date presented this written disclosure to the Agency. Mr. Wein stated that he has not prepared a written disclosure but has prepared his disclosure as a verbal presentation and would be glad to 309 state his interests in the project area of Central City. The following verval disclosure was presented to the Members by Mr. Wein: "I have a leasehold interest in a building located at 577 West Third Street, known as the St. Bernard Hotel, acquired in April of 1960. I further have a leasehold interest in a building at 592 West Third Street, known as the Sunset Hotel, such interest I acquired in March of 1958. These are my actual interests in the project area. I had an interest which I no longer have in the Augustine Hotel for a period of three months in 1965". II!IIiIIlIl I l -J The Chairman stated that he had no other alternative than to find Mr. Wein in misconduct of office because this disclosure was not presented prior, to the meeting in written form, as stated in the California Community Redevelopment Law, Section 33130. Mr. Wein stated that he did speak with Mr. Sears on the telephone prior to the meeting, at which time Mr. Sears advised him that he must have a disclosure prepared concerning his interests in the Central City Project Area to be qualified as a member of the Agency. Mr. Wein stated that he did not realize that this disclosure must be in writing. Mr. Ward, Agency Counsel, brought another matter before the Members regarding Mr. Wein's eligibility. Mr. Ward read the follwwing portion of Section 33110 of the California Community Redevelopment Law to the members: "When the legislative body adopts an ordinance declaring the need for an agency the mayor or chairman of the board of supervisors, with the approval of the legislative body, shall appoint five resident electors of the community as members of the agency." .... Mr. Ward stated that in a recent publication of San Bernardino's local paper, Fontana was given as Mr. Wein's residenc" which would conflict with this regulation. Mr. Ward stated that he in good conscience could not sign any "Opinion of Legal Counsel" stating that all the members who voted on an issue were resident electors if he was not certain of Mr. Wein's residence. Mr. Ward asked Mr. Wein if he would answer a few factual questions regarding his residency so that a determination could be made regarding his elegibility. Mr. Wein stated that he would rather not answer any questions until he was able to receive legal counsel. ...." The Chairman brought forth the issue that an adversary of the Central City Project. of seeing the Central City Project in San Urban Renewal. in the past Mr. Wein has been considered Mr. Wein stated that he is in favor Bernardino and that he is not against After much discussion, the members felt that the best procedure to determine Mr. Wein's eligibility would be to file a Declaratory Relief Action, placing the matterfbefore the court for adjudication. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Cunningham that this Agency file a Declaratory Relief Action to determine the elegibility of Mr. Sanford Wein to serve on the Agency Board. The Motion was adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Cunningham, Sessions, and Webster Noes: We in ~ Abstention: None ...... [ r @ ~ ",- l , '-- 310 COOLEY HARDWARE - Certificate of Compliance R-10 Mr. Sears advised the members that we have received from the City of San Bernardino a Certificate of Compliance for Cooley Hardware. Authorization was requested to have recorded with the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino a Certificate of Compliance in the form as approved b~ Reso- lution of this Agency on August 2, 1962. The following resolution was intro- duced: RESOLUTION NO. 466 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF REDEVELOPER~S CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE TO MARSHALL B. COOLEY WHEREAS, Marshall B. Cooley, hereinafter called the "Redeveloper", has entered into an Agreement and Grant Deed with the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California hereinafter called the "Agency~; and WHEREAS, said Agreement dated March 24, 1966, was recorded on May 6, 1966, in Book 8621 on Page 1 and rerecorded on December 9, 1966, in Book 6740 on Page 744 and said Grant Deed, dated March 30, 1966, was recorded on May 6, 1966, in Book 6621 on Page 996 and rerecorded on December 9, 1966, in Book 6740 on Page 763, both in the Official Records of the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino, State of California. WHEREAS, in Section 3 of said Agreement and in Section 3 of said Grant Deed, Redeveloper covenanted and agreed, for itself, its successors and assigns to construct certain improvements on the hereinafter described real property, within the time and in the manner set forth in said Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Agency agreed in Section 4 of said Agreement and Section 4 of said Grant Deed to furnish the Redeveloper with an instrument certifying com- pletion of said improvements in accordance with the provisions of said Agree- ment and Grant Deed upon Redeveloper's completion thereof upon the following described real property: The East 300 feet of Lots 17, 18 and 19, in Block "D!t THE PEPPERS, in the City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per plat recorded in Book 17, of Maps, page 8 records of said County. RESERVING unto the Grantor herein an easement for drainage and incidental purposed over the Westerly 30 feet of the property hereinabove described. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Agency does hereby determine, conclusively certifies, and gives notice that the Redeveloper has fully satisfied, termina- ted, and completed, for itself, its successors and assigns, all covenants and agreements with respect to the Obligation of Redeveloper for the Construction of Improvements and dates for the beginning and completion thereof, provided for in said Agreement and Grant Deed upon the hereinabove described real pro- perty.~ 311 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the Agency to execute and have recorded with the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino, the "Certificate of Compliance" in the form approved by Resolution 238 of this Agency on August 2, 1962. --.., -J Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 466. The motion was adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Sessions, Wilson, Webster, and Cunningham Noes: None Abstention: Wein CLEARED LAND RESOLUTION - R-IO Property Map Exhibit 13 Mr. Sears advised the members that the San Bernardino Medical Society would like to rent the north 20' of Block 1 Parcel 8 for temporary parking for their employ- ees for the sum of $10.00 a month. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 467 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA APPROVING THE EXECUTION OF TEMPORARY RENTAL AGREEMENTS FOR CLEARED LAND IN MEADOWBROOK PROJECT AREA NO.1, CALIF. R-IO WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California is the owner of cleared property within the project area for which firm offers to purchase have not yet been received; and ., T ...J WHEREAS, it is in the best interestsof the Agency and the Federal Government to put such land to a temporary use commensurate with its location until firm offers for the purchase thereof have been received; and WHEREAS, the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, now required the Governing Body of the Agency to by resolution approve the temporary leasing of cleared land for which final disposition cannot be accomplished promptly; and WHEREAS, said resolution shall approve the form and terms of any such reatal agreement; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA as follows: 1. The form and terms of the proposed temporary rental agreement by and between said Agency and San Bernardino Medical Society} Rental Agreement No. 43B} as lessee is hereby approved as is said lessee. 2. The Executive Director of said Agency is hereby authorized and directed to execute the proposed written temporary rental agreement on behalf of the Agency with said San Bernardino Medical Society. 3. Rental rate shall be $10.00 per month, property shall be used for Employee Parking. .... t BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution is adopted nunc pro tunc to date said rental agreement ......" 312 ,,- Motion was made by Cunningham and seconded by Webster of Resolution No. 467. The motion was adopted by the Ayes: Sessions, Webster, Cunningham, Wilson and Wein Abstention: None authorizing the adoption following vote, to wit: Noes: None ..... STARKEY SALES AGREEMENT - Reuse Parcel 89, 90, 94 and N. 1/2 of 95 (R-10) Mr. Sessions disqualified himself from any action regarding this property because he is the legal representative of one of the parties involved in this transaction in another legal matter. He turned the meeting over to Ray Wilson, Vice Chairman, excused himself from the meeting and left the room. Mr. Sears read a letter to the Members from John P. Starkey dated January 5, 1967. Mr. Starkey states in his letter that he has been unsuccessful in obtaining mort- gage financing on the terms satisfactory for improvements of this nature for the purchase of reuse parcels 89, 90~ 93, 94 and the north 1/2 of 95. He also states that Holiday Oldsmobile, the proposed tenant for this property, has been forced to execute new leases on their existing site because of the expiration of their existing lease and therefore they have withdrawn their agreement to lease. Based upon these factors Mr. Starkey requests that his Agreement of Sale be caDce~led and his deposit of $8,500.99 be returned. '-- The matter of returning the deposit was discussed in detail by the members. Mr. Cunningham expressed that it has been our procedure in the past to declare default on the sale and the Developer is thus obligated to forfeit the deposit under the terms and conditions of the Agreement of sale. He therefore felt that if we use this procedure in one case of this nature, we should use the same procedure in all such cases. Motion was made by Cunningham and seconded by Webster that the Director be instructed to advise Mr. John P. Starkey that we stand ready to convey upon a thirty day close of escrow, and if said escrow is not closed within the alloted thirty days the Developer must forfeit the option deposit check of $8,500.00. The Motion was adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Cunningham, Wilson and Wein Noes: None Abstention: Sessions r ~ Mr. Sessions returned to the meeting and resumed the Chair. KARST EXTENSION - Reuse Parcels 58, and the north 50' of 59 (R010) Mr. Sears read a letter from Mr. Forrest Karst dated January 16, 1967. In this letter Mr. Karst requests a 60 day extension of their Agreement and escrow closing date of parcels 58 and the north 50' of 59. Mr. Karst explains that his architect has had an accident and has been incapacitated for some time. He further explains that his plans are approximately 25% complete at this time. After much discussion, motion was made by Cunningham and seconded by Wilson that Mr. Karst be grnated his requested SO day extension of the Agreement of Sale and the escrow closing date for parcels 58 and the north 50' of 59. The Motion was adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Sessions, Webster, Cunningham, Wilson and Wein Noes: None Abstention: None ,.- STAFFING AND SALARY SCHEDULE , ....., 313 Mr. Sessions presented to the Members a sCQedule of proposed salary for the Agency Staff. The schedule also represented the salaries for like jobs in other Redevelopment Agencies compatible to our Agency. l ......., Mr. Webster expressed that he would like to wait until the Agency actually had the Central City money in hand before we revised the old salary schedule. Mr. Sears explained to Mr. Webster that our money has been alloted to us, but not received, as of January 12, 1967, but that the contract has not yet been signed. Mr. Wein commented that he did not approve of the salary schedule because he felt that the personnel affected should not undertake the survey for said revision of the old schedule. He did state that he was not critizing the staff involved, as he understood that the Agency Members had instructed the staff to take such a survey. He also stated that he was opposed to a salary schedule that was not a step-system schedule. The Chairman explained that the members felt that whenever it was necessary to revise current salary the matter could be brought before the monthly meeting. Mr. Wilson stated, in response to a question from Mr. Wein, that he had per- sonally reviewed the latest City and County salary schedules, as well as the salary schedules from other Agencies and found that the salaries proposed for this Agency were in line and perhaps a little low. After further discussion, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Cunningham that the Agency adopt said Salary Schedule as of January 1, 1967. The Motion was adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Sessions, Cunningham and Wilson Noes: Webster and Wein Abstention: None ., OTHER BUSINESS ....J The Director informed the members that Samuelsen and Bolson have complied with their Agreement in that they have submitted to the Agency their plans and specifications for the purchase of Reuse Parcel 18. The following requirement recommendations were read to the members from the Agency Engineering Depart- ment: 1. Construct a 5' high concrete block wall along east property line (about 102 feet) 2. Landscape area in front of building (9'X 90') Mr. Sears also advised the members that Samuelsen and Bolson had originally proposed an office building with Spanish motif. They have now changed their plans to a modern office building. A rendering of the new proposed building is not available as yet, but will be given to the Agency when completed. After much discussion, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Cunningham that the Agency table the matter of Samuelsen and Bolson until the February Regular Meeting in order that they could review the new rendering at that meeting. The Motion was adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Sessions, Webster, Cunningham, Wilson and Wein Noes: Kone Abstention: None .., j I -...J 314 [ ADJ OURNMENT Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Cunningham that we adjourn the meeting at 6:40 p.m. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Sessions, Webster, Cunningham, Wilson and Wein Noes: None Abstention: None Sears, Jr. Director r ..... [ 315 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA HELD THE 2ND DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1967, IN ROOM 305, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BLDG., SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA ] The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Roll call showed the following Agency Members present: Sessions, Webster, Wilson and Wein Agency Members Absent: Cunningham Also Present: Mr. Ward, Agency Counsel; Mr. Sears, Executive Director; Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary; Staff Members and representatives from Construction firms. MINUTES The Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of January 5, 1967, held January 19, 1967, were presented to the Members for approval. Mr. Webster brought page 4 of the Minutes to the attention of the Members. Under the heading of STAFFING AND SALARY SCHEDULE he requested that it be noted in Paragraph 2 that the actual money for our Central City Project has not yet been received. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wilson that the Minutes be approved subject to the modification to Page 4, Paragraph 2. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Sessions, Webster and Wilson Noes: None Abstention: Wein Absent: Cunningham 1 -" EXPENDITURES The expenditures for the month of January, 1967, (File No. 82) were submitted to the Members for approval. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wilson that the expenditures be approved as submitted in typewritten form. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Sessions, Webster, Wilson and Wein Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Cunningham PUBLIC HEARING - Site Preparation Bids, Unit No.5, R-IO The Chairman declared that this was the time and place for the Public Hearing on Site Preparation, Unit No.5, Meadowbrook Project. Mr. Don Hulbert, acting Agency Engineer in the absence of Mr. Kintner, opened and read aloud the bids. 1. Walker & Bates..................... .$34,670.00 2. E. L. Yeager Construction Co.... .... 30,717.70 3. Kruger Paving Co., Inc.............. 36,510.00 4. K. Kevari Contractor................ 36,787.20 5. Matthews Company.................... 42,850.00 6. Frank Furman, Inc................... 37,200.00 7. Triangle Construction Co., Inc...... 32,542.00 8. R. A. Erwin......... ................35,029.00 9. Fontana Paving...................... 30,848.00 All bids were in order and the bid bonds received. Company was declared the low bidder for $30,717.70. was introduced: E. L. Yeager Construction The following resolution ., ~ 316 RESOLUTION NO. 468 c RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AND PROVIDING FOR THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT FOR SITE PREPARATION UNIT NO.5, IN THE MEADOWBROOK PROJECT, CALIT. R~lO WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California pursuant to the provisions of Section 33300 of the California Health and Safety Code, in furtherance of the execution of the Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, invited competitive, sealed bids for the Site Preparation of Unit No.5, Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, said Contract to be in accordance with the contract documents furnished all bidders; and WHEREAS, an Invitation for Bids therefor was duly published in the paper on the 18th day of January, 1967, and on the 25th day of January, 1967, and an affidavit showing such publication is on file in the office of said Agency; and WHEREAS, said Invitation for Bids called for receipt of such bids until 4:00 p.m. on the 2nd day of February, 1967, at the office of the Agency located at 323 Court Street, Room 308, San Bernardino, California; and [ WHEREAS, a number of bids were received at the time and place above specified, and upon such bids being open at a duly called public meeting of said Agency, at which time a quorum of members thereof were present; and WHEREAS, the lowest qualified bid was offered by E.L. Yeager Construction Company, in the sum of $30,717.70; and WHEREAS, it appears to be in the best interest of said Agency to accept said bid: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California that said bid of E. L. Yeager Construction Company, in the sum of $30,717.70 be accepted, and the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency are hereby authorized and directed to execute the said Contract and Agreement for Site Preparation, Unit No. 5 on behalf of the Agency. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster that we adopt Resolution No. 468 awarding contract for Site Preparation of Unit No. 5 to E. L. Yeager Construction Company, subject to the approval of the Agency Engineering Department and the Agency Counsel. The Motion was adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Sessions, Webster, Wilson and Wein Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Cunningham REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL c Mr. Ward, Agency Counsel, advised the Members that in the case of the Downtown Businessmens Association vs. the Redevelopment Agency, the Plantiffs have been given an extention of 30 days to prepare their opening briefs. SAMUELSEN AND BOLSON, Reuse Parcel No. 18, R-lO .' I,~ m .~. ~,_.. 317 Mr. Sears presented to the Members the new plans and rendering for the newly proposed office building of Samuelsen and Bolson. Samuelsen and Bolson had originally proposed an, office building with Spanish motif having a building area of 80' X 100'. Their new plans call for a modern office building with a building area of 58' X 90'. The parking area will be in the rear of the building with access from both sides of the building. The parking area they plan is more than adequate for the size of building proposed. Mr. Sears advised the members that the reason for the large parking lot was that in approximately four years after construction of the proposed office building the developers plan to demolish the building and construct a larger building in its place, thus needing the additional parking. J Mr. Sessions stated that he did not like the idea of a temporary building being constructed in our Meadowbrook Project. Mr. Sears explained that the building would not be of temporary construction. It would have to meet with the same building codes as a permanent building. After much discussion, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster that the Plans and Rendering be accepted and the director instructed to advise Samuelsen and Bolson that escrow must close in not less than thirty days and construction start in not less than 60 days after close of escrow. The motion carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Sessions, Webster, Wilson and Wein Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Cunningham PURCHASES - one secretarial desk and five four drawer legal files Mr. Sears requested authorization from the Members to purchase one desk and five files for the Agency use. J The following bids were quoted for a #PL-6043 wood desk: Barnum and Flagg--------------------------------- $128.80 D & M Stationers--------------------------------- 135.00 Goforth & Marti---------------------------------- 145.36 The following bids were quoted for a #28-l84L file Barnum and Flagg--------------------------------- D & M Stationers--------------------------------- Goforth & Marti---------------------------------- 76.72 ea. 78.50 ea. 81.69 ea. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster that the desk and five files from the low bidder, Barnum and Flagg, price of $512.00. The Motion was carried by the following Ayes: Sessions, Webster, Wilson and Wein Noes:. None Absent: Cunningham Agency purchase the for a total purchase vote, to wit: Abstention: None GALLAHER BEAUTY AND BARBER SUPPLY - R-IO Mr. Sears advised the Members that Gallaher Beauty & Barber Supply closed escrow on Parcel 85 on January 25, 1967, and that he has been advised that construction on said property will start sometime next week. The Director advised the Members that a Certificate of Compliance should be issued to the estate of Charles C. Towle, deceased, Owner Participant of Block 8, Parcel 9, in that the heirs have complied with all of the terms and conditions of this Owner Participation Agreement. The following resolution was ~ J TOWLE - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Block 8, Parcel 9, R-IO 318 r-- introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 469 '-- RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF OWNER PARTICIPANTS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE TO THE ESTATE OF CHARLES C. TOWLE, deceased, BY KATHLEEN C. TOWLE AS EXECUTRIX OF AND BENEFICIARY UNDER THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF CHARLES C. TOWLE, AND TO CHARLES C. TOWLE, JR., BENEFI- CIARY UNDER THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF CHARLES C. TOWLE, deceased WHEREAS, the estate of Charles C. Towle, deceased, by KATHLEEN C. TOWLE, as executrix of the Last Will of Charles C. Towle, deceased, KATHLEEN C. TOWLE, beneficiary under the Last Will and Testament of Charles C. Towle, deceased, and CHARLES C. TOWLEI~JR., beneficiary under the Last Will and Testament of Charles C. Towle, deceased, hereinafter referred to as the Owner Participant, have entered into an Agreement with the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California hereinafter called the Agency; and WHEREAS, said Agreement, dated May 24, 1960 was recorded on January 3, 1961 in Book 5318 on Page 42, in the Official Records of the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino, State of California; and r- WHEREAS, letters of extension dated October 14, 1964, December 11, 1964, February 18, 1965, April 2, 1965, January 10, 1966, and February 7, 1966 were written to Owner Participant, extending period of completion of said Agreement; and '"'- WHEREAS, in Section 5 of said Agreement, Owner Participant agrees to build upon and improve said land and such construction and improvements shall be carried out in conformity with the fire, health, and building code require- ment of the City of San Bernardino, California and the State of California and the provisions of the Plan and the Declaration of Restrictions and in accordance with the final plans and specifications approved by the Agency on the hereinafter described real property, within the time and in the manner set forth in said Agreement; That portion of Block 3, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, in the City of San Ber- .nardino, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per plat recorded in Book 7 of Maps, page 1, records of said County, described as follows: ,... L BEGINNING at the Southeast corner of Lot 1, in said Block 3; thence West along the South line of said line of said Block 3, 159 feet; thence North 0 degrees 10' 20" East 100 feet; thence North 26 degrees 59' East 121.20 feet; thence Northeasterly in a direct line to a point on the South line of the property conveyed by Bard Livingstone, et. al., to Howard Bard and wife, by Deed dated June 18, 1945, and recorded June 19, 1945, in Book 1792 of Official Records, page 193, and 24 feet West of the East line of said Block 3; thence East 24 feet to the East line of said Block 3; thence South along said East line to the point of begin- ning. 319 SAVING AND EXCEPTING therefrom the south 100 feet thereof. ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Agency does hereby determine, conclu- sively certifies, and gives notice that the Owner Participant has fully satisfied, terminated, and completed, for itself, its successors, and assigns, all covenants and agreements with respect to the Obligation of Owner Partici- pant for the building upon and improvements to said land carried out in conformity with the fire, health, and building code requirement of the City of San Bernardino, California and the State of California and the provisions of the Plan and the Declaration of Restrictions and in accordance with the final plans and specifications approved by the Agency and dates for the beginning and completion thereof, provided for in said Agreement and letters of extension upon the hereinabove described real property. -J IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Ber- nardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the Agency to execute and have recorded with the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino a "Certificate of Compliance". Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wein and Wilson for the adoption of Resolution 469 authorizing the Director to issue an Owner Participants Certificate of Compliance - Motion was adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Sessions, Webster, Wilson and Wein' Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Cunningham DIXON WHEEL PLANS - Reuse Parcel 35, R-10 ., Mr. Sears presented to the Members the plans for Dixon Wheel, Reuse Parcel 35. He read a memo from the Engineering Department stating that the Plans are satisfactory to the Agency. The parcel was pointed out on the map and the plans discussed. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster that the Agency approve the plans as submitted by Dixon Wheel. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Sessions, Wilson, Webster and Wein Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Cunningham ..... CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES - Donald C. Hulbert Mr. Sears stated that in the absence due to illness of the Agency Engineer, Mr. Richard Kintner, the Agency would like to contract with Mr. Donald C. Hulbert for engineering services. Mr. Hulbert was previously employed by the Agency and is familiar with our activities. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 470 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AND. PROVIDING FOR THE EXECUTION OF CONTRACTS WITH DONALD C. HULBERT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES DURING THE ABSENCE OF THE AGENCY ENGINEER. ~ J WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino has hereto- fore entered into a Survey and Planning Contract with the United States of America for its project known as Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. 'Jnn .....JLv [ R-79, and has heretofore entered into a Loan and Grant Contract with the United States of America for its project known as Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, Calif. R-10, both Contracts providing for financial aid to the Local Public Ag~ncy under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended by all amendatory acts including the Housing Act of 1954; and WHEREAS, pursuant to such contracts the Local Public Agency is undertaking certain activities necessary for the execution of said projects; and WHEREAS, the employed civil engineer for the Local Public Agency is presently or indefinite, medical disability leave, and the Local Public Agency desires to engage Donald C. Hulbert to render certain technical advice and assistance in connection with such undertakings of the Local Public Agency: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby directed to execute contracts by and between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino and Mr. Donald C. Hulbert, in order that Mr. Donald C. Hulbert may act as technical adviser and assistant in engineering matters for the undertaking of the Central City Project to the maximum sum of $1,750.00 and for the Meadowbrook Project to the maximum sum of $750.00. r Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wilson that the Agency adopt Resolution No. 470. The Motion was adopted by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Sessions, Wilson, Webster and Wein Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Cunningham. ~ "-" Mr. Sears advised the Members that there will be a Southern California Chapter Renewal Workshop in Pasadena on February 23, 1967. He stated that any member who could attend this one-day workshop would profit highly from it, and that when the Agency received additional information regarding th~s workshop the Members will be notified. Mr. Sessions was advised of an Executive Board Meeting in the San Francisco Airport Area on February 27, 1967. The following Resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 471 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN TO ATTEND AN EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING IN SAN FRANCISCO FEBRUARY 27, 1967 WHEREAS, Resolution No. 302 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California requires that each trip made by an Agency Member or Staff Member to a destination outside of the City of San Bernardino to be specifically authorized by a resolution of the Agency Members; and WHEREAS, there will be a NAHRO Executive Board Meeting held February 27, 1967 in San Francisco, California; and r , '-- WHEREAS, it is found to be essential that the Chairman travel to San Francisco, California, to attend this NAHRO Executive Board Meeting: 321 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman is hereby authorized to travel to San Francisco, California, to attend the NAHRO Executive Board Meeting and his travel expenses be and are hereby approved in accordance with the provisions of Resolution No. 302 of the Agency. ,.., ~ ~ -' Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wilson that Resolution be adopted as submitted. The Motion was adopted by the following wit: Ayes: Sessions, Webster, Wilson and Wein Noes: None None Absent: Cunningham No. 471 vote, to Abstention: PHIL SHANEDLING EXTENSION - Reuse Parcels 10, 11, 12, 14 and portion of 13 - R-IO Mr. Sears advised the Members that he received a telephone call from Mr. Al Hall of Phil Shanedling Company requesting a sixty day extension of all dates of their Agreement of Sale. He explained to the members that Mr. Hall stated his 60 day extension is only an outside figure, and that every attempt will be made to reduce this time as much as possible. The extension was requested due to modification of the plans, for the Bank of California building, by the officials of the Bank of California. After much discussion, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster that the Director be instructed to advise Phil Shanedling Company that the Agency has approved their request for an extension of time as follows: Plans to be submitted to the Agency no later than April 6, 1967; ...., Escrow to close not later than May 6, 1967; and ") ....., Construction to commence not later than June 6, 1967. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Webster and We in Noes: None Abstention: None Ayes; Sessions, Wilson, Absent: Cunningham PROPOSED OFFER TO PURCHASE & DEVELOP - Bowler, Bowler & Veale - R-79 Mr. Sears advised the Members that Mr. Alex Bowler has requested authorization from the Agency to purchase a parcel of land on the perimeter of the Mall complex for the development of a two-story restaurant -- the first floor being a steak house and the second floor a banquet room. Mr. Wilson stated that the Official Redevelopment Plan has designated this area for parking only. He felt that the Agency would need time to study the modification of the plan before any action could be taken. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster that the Agency table the request of Mr. Bowler until such time as the outer Mall itself is built. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Sessions, Webster, Wilson and Wein Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Cunningham OTHER BUSINESS ..., Mr. Wein requested that the Agency send a copy of the approved Minutes to the City Clerks Office in order that they may have them on their files. Mr. Sears explained that the approved minutes are sent to the Mayor Office ........, 322 r I . , I ..... already but that we would in the future also send a copy to the City Clerks as requested. Mr. Joseph Rose, owner of Rose Auto Supply of San Bernardino, was presented to the Members. Mr. Rose IS business is within our Central City Project on the perimeter of the proposed Mall Complex. Mr. Rose stated that he would like to stay at this location and become an Owner Participant in our Central City Project. Mr. Sessions thanked Mr. Rose for his comments and stated that the Agency appreciated his interest, but could not make any decision on this matter at this time. He explained that the Redevelopment Plan has designated this area for parking only and the Plan would have to be modified if the Agency authorized any business on the perimeter of the Mall Complex. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wilson that the meeting be adjourned at 5:40 p.m. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Sessions, Webster, Wilson and Wein Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Cunningham ...... ",...., c 323 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON THE 2ND DAY OF MARCH, 1967, IN ROOM 305, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BUILDING, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA ~ ..... For lack of a quorum, the regular meeting of the members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, scheduled for 4:00 p.m., March 2, 1967 was not held. -.. I .~ ...J .., } 1 -J 324 r '-- MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON THE 10TH DAY OF MARCH, 1967, IN ROOM 305, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BUILDING, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA The Members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino met in Special Meeting at the offices of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, 323 Court Street, Room 305, in the City of San Bernardino, California, at 4:00 o'clock p.m., on the lOth day of March, 1967, the place, hour, and date duly established for the holding of such meeting. The Vice Chairman called the meeting to order and on roll call the fol- lowing answered present: Warner W. Hodgdon, E. George Webster, Sanford H. Wein, Ray M. Wilson, and the following were absent: Al M. Austin ",..... The Vice Chairman declared a quorum present. INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBER \".,.. The Vice Chairman introduced Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon to the Members. Mr. Hodgdon was appointed by the Mayor and Council on March 6, 1967, to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Leroy Cunningham. The Vice Chairman advised Mr. Hodgdon that there are two questions asked all new members, regarding their eligibility as an agency member, that he must answer for our agency records. First, was he a resident of the City of San Bernardino. Mr. Hodgdon answered that he is a resident of San Bernardino. Second, does he have any interest, direct or indirect, in any property within either redevelopment project area. Mr. Hodgdon stated that he has no such interest. The Director advised the Members that the Mayor and Council have also appoint- ed Mr. Al M. Austin a new member of the Agency. He further explained that Mr. Austin was unable to attend this special meeting because of a previously arranged appointment. Mr. Austin has been appointed to fill the expired term of Mr. A. Merle Sessions. MINUTES n ..... The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 2, 1967 was presented to the Members for approval. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Hodgdon that the minutes be approved as submitted in typewritten form. The Motion 325 was carried by the following vote, to wit: Wilson Noes: None Abstention: None Ayes: Webster, Hodgdon, Wein and Absent: Austin J The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 2, 1967 were presented to the Members for approval. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Hodgdon that the minutes be approved as submitted in typewritten form. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Hodgdon, Wein and Wilson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Austin EXPENDITURES The Expenditures for the month of February, 1967 (File No. 83) were presented to the Members for approval. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wein and Hodgdon that the expenditures be accepted as submitted. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Hodgdon, Wein and Wilson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Austin REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL Mr. Ward, Agency Counsel, advised the members that we have received the open- ing brief filed with the 4th District Court of Appeal from the Downtown Businessmen's Association, wherein the Agency's relocation plan is questioned about its sufficiency, and the Plaintiffs are seeking to have the ordinance No. 2649 adopting the Redevelopment Plan, Calif-. R-79, enjoined from enforce- ment or implementation. Mr. Ward also advised the Members that trial is set for April 3, 1967 in the case of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California vs. Sanford H. Wein, to determine Mr. Wein's eligibility to serve as an Agency Member. .., .....J SPECIAL ELECTION OF AGENCY OFFICERS Mr. Sears advised the members that because of the appointment of Mr. Al M. Austin to fill the expired term of Mr. A. Merle Sessions, serving at will as Member and Chairman of said Agency, it is necessary to hold a special election so that the office of Chairman may be filled. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Hodgdon that the matter of Special Election of Agency Officers be tabled until the next regular meeting to be held April 6, 1967. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Hodgdon, Wein and Wilson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Austin The Vice Chairman reported that this Special Meeting was convened pursuant to a duly dated and signed Notice of Special Meeting which was mailed each Member in due time, form, and manner as required by law. The Vice Chairman read the original of the "Notice and Certificate" set forth below, and the same was ordered spread on the minutes as follows: .., r ; f ......J 326 [ NOTICE AND CERTIFICATE 1. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING TO THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino will be held at the offices of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, 323 Court Street, Room 305 in the City of San Bernardino, California, the regular meeting place thereof, at 4:00 o'clock p.m. on the lOth day of March, 1967, for the purpose of considering and adopting (1) RESOLUTION APPROVING AND PROVIDING FOR THE EXECUTION OF A PROPOSED LOAN AND CAPITAL GRANT CONTRACT, NUMBERED CONTRACT NO. CALIF. R-79 (LG), BETWEEN REDEVELOP- MENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, PERTAINING TO A CERTAIN PROJECT DESIGNATED PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-79, AND ESTABLISHING A PROJECT EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT WITH RESPECT TO SAID PROJECT, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES and (2) RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF CERTAIN PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN NOTES IN CONNECTION WITH URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-79 AND PROVIDING FOR THE SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES and for the purposes of transacting any other business which may properly come before such meeting. Dated this 6th day of March, 1967. ,..., sl A. M. SESSIONS A. M. SESSIONS, Chairman ~ 2. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICES I, Jerome F. Sears, Jr., Secretary of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 6th day of March, 1967, I served a true copy of the foregoing Notice of Special Meeting on each and every member of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino in the following manner: BY UNITED STATES MAIL. Witness my hand this 6th day of March, 1967. sl JEROME F. SEARS, JR. JEROME F. SEARS, JR., Secretary A Resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 472 [ RESOLUTION APPROVING AND PROVIDING FOR THE EXECUTION OF A PROPOSED LOAN AND CAPITAL GRANT CONTRACT, NUMBERED CONTRACT NO. CALIF. R-79 (LG), BETWEEN REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, PERTAINING TO A CERTAIN PROJECT DESIGNATED PROJECT NO. CALIF. R~79, AND ESTABLISHING A PROJECT EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT WITH RESPECT TO SAID PROJECT, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES 327 WHEREAS, under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, the United States of America (herein called the "Government") has tendered to Redevelop- ment Agency of the City of San Bernardino (herein called the "Local Public Agency") a proposed Loan and Capital Grant Contract under which the Government agrees to make a Project Temporary Loan, a Project Definitive Loan, and a Project Capital Grant to the Local Public Agency to aid in financing an urban renewal project designated Project No. Calif. R-79, in the urban renewal area described therein; and .., J WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has given due consideration to said proposed Contract; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency is duly authorized, under and pursuant to the Constitution and Laws of the State of California to undertake and carry out said Project and to execute such proposed Contract; and WHEREAS, under said proposed Contract, it is required, among other things, that, with respect to said Project, the Local Public Agency shall promptly set up, and maintain in a bank or banks which are members of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, a separate and special fund designated "Project Expendi- tures Account; Project No. Calif. R-79", into which shall be deposited certain funds described in said proposed Contract: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The proposed Contract, designated "Loan and Capital Grant Contract, Contract No. Calif. R-79 (LG)", consisting of Parts I and II, under and subject to the provisions, terms, and conditions of which the Government will make a Project Temporary Loan, a Project Definitive Loan and a Project Capital Grant under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, to the Local Public Agency to aid in financing an urban renewal project, designated Project No. Calif. R-79, situated in the City of San Bernardino, California, is hereby in all respects approved. ~ .....J Section 2. The Vice Chairman is hereby authorized and directed to execute said proposed Contract in two counterparts on behalf of the Local Public Agency, and the Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to impress and attest the official seal of the Local Public Agency on each such counterpart and to forward such counterparts to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, together with such other documents relative to the approval and execution thereof as may be required by the Government. Section 3. The Local Public Agency agrees to abide by all of the provisions, terms, and conditions of said Contract. Section 4._ With respect to this Project of the Local Public Agency, designated Project No. Calif. R-79, there is hereby established a separate and special fund, designated "Project Expenditures Account; Project No. Calif. R-79~, which shall be maintained in a bank or banks which are members of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. All funds which, by the terms of the Loan and Capital Grant Contract, are required to be deposited in said Account shall be promptly deposited therein. . JIIIIIIlI ~ ~ .... Section 5. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. 328 n w was introduced by Mr. Wilson. Said Resolution was then read in full and discussed and considered. Mr. Webster then moved the adoption of the Resolution as introduced and read. Mr. Hodgdon seconded the motion, and, on roll call, the following voted "Aye": Warner W. Hodgdon; E. George Webster; Sanford H. Wein; and Ray M. Wilson, and the following voted "Nay'! None The Vice Chairman thereupon declared the motion carried and the Resolution adopted as introduced and read. A Resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 473 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF CERTAIN PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN NOTES IN CONNECTION WITH URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-79 AND PROVIDING FOR THE SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOFOF, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES [ WHEREAS, REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO (herein sometimes called the "Local Public Agency") is duly authorized and proposes to undertake and carry out a certain urban renewal or redevelop- ment project of the character authorized by law with financial aid by the united States of America (herein sometimes called the "Government") in the form of a Project Temporary Loan under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended (42 U.S.C. 1450 et seq.), which may be made by the the Government to the Local Public Agency with respect to the Project in accordance with a Contract for a loan and grant by and between the Local Public Agency and the Government; and WHEREAS, in order to enable the Local Public Agency to obtain such financial aid, it is necessary for the Local Public Agency to authorize and, from time to time, issue certain obligations as hereinafter provided: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino as follows: [ Section 1. That in order to provide funds to enable the Local Public Agency to defray expenses and costs in connection with the undertaking and carrying out of the Project, and to refund, rene~, extend, or substitute for any Project Temporary Loan Notes by this Resolution authorized to be issued there are hereby authorized to be issued, from time to time, Project Temporary Loan Notes of the Local Public Agency in an aggregate principal amount outstanding at anyone time (whether authorized by this Resolution or any other resolution authorizing the issuance of Project Temporary Loan Notes in connection with the Project) of not to exceed Twenty-four Million Six Hundred Thirty-four Thousand Thirty Dollars ($24,634,030). 329 Section 2. That each such note shall be designated "Project Temporary Loan Note"; shall be payable, as to the principal thereof together with the interest thereon, upon demand, but solely from the Project Temporary Loan Repayment Fund hereinafter mentioned and not otherwise; shall be payable at the principal office of the Local Public Agency in any coin or currency of the United States of America which, on the date of the payment of the principal thereof and the interest thereon, is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts; shall be payable to the United States of America or order; shall be signed in the name of the Local Public Agency by the Chairman or in his absence or incapacity by the Acting Chai~man; shall have the official seal of the Local Public Agency impressed thereon and attested by the Secretary, or in his absence or incapacity by the Acting Secretary; and shall bear interest at the rate or rates as follows: During the period from the date of the acceptance of delivery of and payment for each such Note through December 31, 1966 (herein called the "Initial Interest Period"), said principal sum shall bear interest on the unrepaid amount thereof at the rate of Four and Seven-Eights (4-7/8) per annum. From and after said date each such Note shall bear interest on the unrepaid principal amount thereof at a redetermined rate (to be duly noted on behalf of the United States of America on the reverse thereof), which shall be initially determined and become effective on the date immediately following the expiration of the Initial Interest Period and shall be successively redetermined at 6-month intervals thereafter on January 1 and July 1 of each year; and each such redetermined rate shall become effective, with respect to payments unrepaid on the date immediately preceding the effective date of such redetermined rate, in accordance with the following formula: The redetermined rate shall not exceed six per centum (6%) per annum, but otherwise shall be the higher of: (a) The "going Federal rate" determined pursuant to the provisions of Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, and effective on the effective date of such redetermined rate; or (b) A rate per annum equal to the average yield to maturity on all outstanding obligations of the United States having a maturity of approximately five years from the May 1 or November 1, as the case may be, next preceding the effective date of such redetermined rate, as determined by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development upon the advice of the Secretary of the Treasury, such average yield to be estimated on the basis of daily closing market bid quotations or prices for the month of Mayor November next preceding the effective date of such redetermined rate, and adjusted to the nearest 1/8 of 1 percent. Section 3. That each Project Temporary Loan Note issued, including a statement of the delivery thereof to the Government, shall be in substantially the following form: (a) When such Project Temporary Loan Note supports a requisition for a direct Federal Loan to finance the urban renewal or redevelopment project, such Note shall be in substantially the form of "Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof; provided that each such Project Temporary Loan Note bearing a date subsequent to the expiration of the "Initial Interest Period" shall state on its face the applicable interest rate and shall define therein the term "Initial Interest Period" by use of a date which shall be the end of the pertinent six-month period, both as authorized and as required by this Resolution; .., i ...J J ,.., J 330 r L. (b) When such Project Temporary Loan Note is to be held by the Government in escrow in connection with the issuance of obligations of the Local Public Agency to aid in financing the aforementioned urban renewal or redevelopment project, such Note shall be in substantially the form of "Exhibit B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 4. That there is hereby established a separate and special account on the book s of account of the Local Public Agency, wh ich is hereby designated the "Project Temporary Loan Repayment Fund; Project No. Calif: R-79," said account being elsewhere herein referred to as the "Project Temporary Loan Repayment Fund." The moneys of such account shall be maintained in a bank or banks which are members of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and may be deposited in a consolidated bank account or accounts limited to the moneys comprising the Project Temporary Loan Repayment Fund for this Project together with ~e moneys comprising the Project Temporary Loan Repayment Fund for any or all urban renewal projects carried out or to be carried out under Contracts for a Loan and Grant by and between the Local Public Agency and the Government. The following moneys shall be debited to said Project Temporary Loan Repayment Fund and deposited in the bank account or accounts authorized by this section as and when such moneys are received by the Local Public Agency: r (a) The proceeds of all sales of Project Land by the Local Public Agency, excluding such proceeds as may arise from the sale of Project Land after such Project Land has been leased; , \...... (b) All moneys constituting compensation by the Local Public Agency for Project Land which it retains instead of selling or leasing, excluding the moneys which may arise from the retention of Project Land after such Project Land has been leased; (c) All payments which are made by the Government to the Local Public Agency on account of the Project Capital Grant; (d) All moneys which may be provided by the Local Public Agency from sources other than the Government or from the proceeds of a Project Definitive Loan, if any, to compensate the Project Temporary Loan Repayment Fund for the fair value imputed to Project Land which is leased by the Local Public Agency rather than sold by it for cash; (e) All such Local Grants-in-Aid in the form of deficiency cash grants as, after the Gross Project Cost and the Net Project Cost have been determined and the payment of all costs comprising Item I of Gross Project Cost has been duly made or provided for and all other Local Grants-in-Aid applicable to the Project which have been provided have been determined, are provided with respect to the Project to meet the deficiency, if any, in Local Grants-in-Aid in connection with the Project; [ (f) All accrued interest, if any, which is paid to the Local Public Agency on Project Temporary Loan Notes at the time when the Govern- ment takes up and pays for such Project Temporary Loan Notes; 331 Section 5. That Project Temporary Loan Notes issued pursuant to the provisions of this Resolution shall, as to both the principal thereof and the interest thereon, constitute an exclusive first lien and charge upon the funds which, by the terms of this Resolution, comprise the Project Temporary Loan Repayment Fund; which Fund is hereby irrevocably pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on such Project Temporary Loan Notes. , ....J Section 6. That the Executive Director or in his absence or incapacity the Acting Executive Director is hereby authorized to file requisitions, together with necessary supporting documents, with the Government, from time to time as Project Temporary Loan or Project Capital Grant Furlds are required, requesting payments to be made on account of the Project Temporary Loan or the Project Capital Grant provided for in the said Contract for loan and grant, and to do and perform all other things and acts required to be done or performed in order to obtain such payments. Section 7. That, when and as directed by further resolution or resolu- tions, the proper officers of the Local Public Agency shall prepare, execute, and deliver to the Government the Project Temporary Loan Notes hereby auth- o~ized and shall accept payment therefor from the Government. Section 8. That the proceeds of the sale of all Project Temporary Loan Notes issued pursuant to this Resolution shall be deposited and disbursed only in accordance with the provisions of the Contract for loan and grant, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Government. ., ~ i! ..J Section 9. That the Project (which is designated Project No. Calif. R-79 and is herein called the "Project") includes and consists of all undertakings and activities of the Local Public Agency in the Urban Renewal Area, in accordance with the Plan for the renewal or redevelopment of the Urban Renewal Area, for the elimination and for the prevention of the develop- ment or spread of slums and blight, and, to the extent contemplated by said Plan, involves slum clearance and redevelopment, and the carrying out of plans for a program of repair and rehabilitation of buildings or other improvements. Section 10. That the land area of the Project (herein called the "Urban Renewal Area") is situated within the City of San Bernardino and the boundaries of the Urban Renewal Area shall be as described in the Contract for loan and grant. Section 11. That each of the following terms, when so used in this Resolution, shall, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, have the meaning ascribed to it in this Section: (a) The term "Contract" means that certain document, a counterpart of which is now on file with the Local Public Agency, designated Contract No. Calif. R-79 (LG), meaning the Local Public Agency and the Government as the parties thereto, and providing for a Project Temporary Loan, a Project Definitive Loan, and a Project Capital Grant to the Local Public Agency with respect to the Project. ..., ! I -J 332 r .... (b) The term "Plan" means the urban renewal or redevelopment plan referred to in said Contract for loan and grant. (c) The terms "Local Grants~in-Aid", "Gross Project Cost", "Item 1 of Gross Project Cost", "Net Project Cost", "Project Land", "Project Temporary Loan", "Project Definitive Loan", "Project Capital Grant", "Project Expenditures Account", "fair value", "land", and "redevelopment", and derivatives thereof, have the same meanings, respectively, attributed to said terms in the Contract for loan arid grant. Section 12. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN NOTE Project No. Calif. R-79 $2,800,000.00 Note No. 1 r- ! The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, (herein called the "Local Public Agency"), for value received, hereby promises to pay, but solely from the Project Temporary Loan Repayment Fund hereinafter mentioned and not otherwise, upon demand, to the United States of America or order, the sum of TWO MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,800,000.00), and at such time to pay, but solely from said Fund and not otherwise, interest on said sum, from the date of the acceptance of delivery of and the payment for this Note, at the rate or rates as follows: L During the period from the date of the acceptance of delivery of and payment for this Note through December 31, 1966 (herein called the "Initial Loan Period"), said principal sum shall bear interest on the unrepaid amount thereof at the rate of FOUR and SEVEN-EIGHTHS per centum (4-7/8%) per annum. From and after said date said principal sum shall bear interest on the unrepaid principal amount thereof at the rate per annum (to be duly noted on behalf of the United States of America on the reverse hereof) which shall be initially determined and become effective on the expiration of the Initial Loan Period, and shall be redetermined at 5-year intervals thereafter, and become effective, with respect to said unrepaid principal amount, in accordance with the following formula: The redetermined rate shall not exceed six per centum (6%) per annum, but otherwise shall be the higher of: [ (a) The "going Federal rate" determined pursuant to the provlslons of Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, which is in effect January 1 or July 1, as the case may be, following the expiration of the Initial Loan Period, or, in the case of subsequent redeterminations of the rate, the January 1, or July 1, as the case may be, constituting the fifth anniversary of the effective date of the latest redetermined rate; or 333 (b) A rate per annum equal to the average yield to maturity on all outstanding obligations of the United States having a maturity from the May 1 or November 1, as the case may be, next preceding the date of the expiration of the Initial Loan Period (or, in the case of subsequent redeterminations of the rate, from the May 1 or November 1, next preceding the January 1 or July 1, as the case may be, constituting the fifth anniversary of the latest redetermined rate), of approximately 5 years, as determined by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, upon the advice of the Secretary of the Treasury, such average yield to be estimated on the basis of daily closing market bid quotations or prices for the month of May or November, as the case may be, next preceding the date of the expiration of the Initial Loan Period (or, in the case of subsequent redeterminations of the rate, for the month of Mayor November, as the case may be, next preceding the January 1 or July 1, constituting the fifth anniversary of the latest redetermined rate), and adjusted to the nearest 1/8 of 1 percent. Both the principal of and interest on this Note are payable at the principal office of the Local Public Agency in San Bernardino, California, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which, on the date of the payment of the principal of and interest on this Note, is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts. This Note is issued pursuant to the provlslons of (a) the Constitution and laws of the State of California including particularly California Health and Safety Code, Division 24, Part I, Sections 33000 - 33673 (b) a Resolution duly adopted by the Local Public Agency on the lOth day of March, 1967, providing for the issuance of Project Temporary Loan Notes (herein called the "basic Note Resolution"); and (c) a Resolution likewise adopted on the 16th day of March, 1967, providing for the issuance of this particular Note; and the proceeds hereof are to be used to defray expenses and costs involved in the Local Public Agency's undertaking and carrying out of a certain urban renewal or redevelopment Project of the character authorized by said laws and designated Project No. Calif. R-79, which is more fully identified in the basic Note Resolution. Said Project for which this Note is issued is being assisted by the United States of America pursuant to Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended (42 U.S.C. 1450 et seq.). Under the basic Note Resolution, there is established a separate and special fund therein referred to as the "Proj ect Temporary Loan Repayment Fund" in which are required to be deposited certain moneys, therein described, as and when the same are received by the Local Public Agency, and this Note, together with all other notes issued pursuant to the basic Note Resolution, constitute, as to both the principal thereof and the interest thereon, an exclusive first lien and charge upon said Fund, which Fund is irrevocably pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on this Note and all other notes which are issued as aforesaid. This Note shall not constitute a debt or indebtedness of the State or of any town, city, county, municipality, or political entity or subdivision therein or thereof, within the meaning of any constitutional, statutory, local law, or charter provision. ~ -.J ., I ....,j ., j i ......J 334 [ IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, RECITED, AND DECLARED that all acts, conditions, and things required to exist, happen, and be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this Note do exist, have happened, and have been performed in due time, form, and manner as required by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Local Public Agency has caused this Note to be signed in its name and its seal to be impressed hereon and attested, by its proper officers thereunto duly authorized, and this Note to be dated the 16th day of March, 1967. ( Seal) Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California ATTEST: By s.l Ray M. Wilson Ray M. Wilson, Acting Chairman sl Jerome F. Sears, Jr., Jerome F. Sears, Jr., Secretary Delivery of this Note was accepted and payment therefor made on the day of , 19 ",..... I UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Secretary of Housing and Urban Development \....- By INTEREST RATES Initially: % through , 19 % through , 19 Thereafter: % through , 19 Thereafter: [ 335 was introduced by Mr. Wilson. Said Resolution was then read in full and discussed and considered. " ! -...J Mr. Webster then moved the adoption of the Resolution as introduced and read. Mr. Hodgdon seconded the motion, and, on roll call, the following voted "Aye": Warner W. Hodgdon; E. George Webster; Sanford H. Wein; and Ray M. Wilson. and the following voted "Nay": None The Vice Chairman thereupon declared the motion carried and the Resolution adopted as introduced and read~ JOHN P. STARKEY - Holiday Olds, Reuse Parcels 89, 90, 93, 94 and N. 1/2 of 95 Mr. Sears advised the Members that Mr. John P. Starkey has requested to speak to the Members of the Agency at their next regular meeting concerning his Agreement of Sale to purchase Reuse Parcels 89, 90, 93, 94 and the North 1/2 of 95. Mr. Starkey was advised of this Special Meeting today and invited to attend, but due to a previous appointment was unable to attend. Motion was made by Hodgdon and seconded by Webster that the Director be instructed to invite Mr. John P. Starkey to attend the next regular meeting to be held April 6, 1967. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Hodgdon, Webster, Wein and Wilson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Austin ... ~~ THE CHANCELLOR BUILDING - Extension, Reuse Parcels 2 and 3 .... Mr. Sears advised the Members that the Agency has received a letter from Marcus M. Kaufman, Attorney for the Chancellor Building, Inc. Mr. Kaufman has requested, in this letter, a 90 day extension in that their original plans called for a two story office building and now a six story office building is planned. As a result of the change in the structure, they have employed a new architect and are completely redesigning the building. The plans are now approximately 60% complete. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Hodgdon that the Executive Director be authorized to notify the Chancellor Building, Inc. that the Agency has authorized their 90 day extension of all dates of their Agreement of Sale. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Hodgdon, Wein and Wilson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Austin SIGNER FOR AGENCY CHECKS Mr. Sears advised the members that we must designate a new signer for Agency Checks because of the replacement of Mr. A. Merle Sessions,our previous signer. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 474 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING E. GEORGE WEBSTER AS SIGNER FOR AGENCY CHECKS AND VOUCHERS .., J 336 [ WHEREAS, Section 4 of Article II of the Bylaws of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, authorized the Treasurer to sign all orders and checks for the payment of money; and WHEREAS, said Agency by Resolution No. 308, adopted February 6, 1964, amended said Bylaws so as to permit the Treasurer to countersign checks and one of two other designated persons to sign all such orders and checks; ~d WHEREAS, it is now necessary to designate a signer for Agency checks: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California that Mr. E. George Webster be designated as signer for checks and orders for the payment of money for the Redevelop- ment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall take effect immediately. Motion was made by H.odgdon and seconded by Wilson that Mr. E. George Webster be designated as signer for agency checks. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Hodgdon, Wilson, Wein Noes: None Abstention: Webster Absent: Austin GLASER BROS. - Reuse Parcels 91 and 92, R-10 r L Mr. Sears requested authorization from the Members to notify Glaser Bros. that they must put up a fence on parcel 91 and treat the soil for the prevention of weeds. Glaser Bros. agreed to this stipulation in their Agreement of Sale and will be required to comply. Parcel 91 is not being used and unless fenced and treated for weeds will give the appearance of a vacant lot. Upon motion by Hodgdon, and seconded by Webster the Director was authorized to notify Glaser Bros. that they must fence Parcel 91 and treat the soil for the prevention of weeds. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Hodgdon, Webster, Wein, and Wilson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Austin GENERAL TELEPHONE AND EDISON COMPANY EASEMENTS [ Mr. Sears advised the Members that General Telephone Company and Edison Company have requested that we grant to them an easement of two feet on Athol Street. In accordance with our plans, Athol Street is now being widened and therefore their poles must be moved. The property on which the poles are to be put is now leased to Mr. Cohn. Mr. Cohn has been notified and is agreeable to this grant of easement. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Hodgdon that subject to the concurrence of the Agency Engineering Department and the Agency Counsel that the Agency grant to General Telephone Company and Edison Company an easement of two feet. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Hodgdon, Wein, and Wilson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Austin 337 OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Wein asked the Director if it is the policy of the Agency to reveal any appraisals. Mr. Sears informed him that no appraisals are revealed. The only persons who know of the appraisal values are the staff personnel directly dealing with them. He also advised him that the Agency Members may at any time change the Agency's policy in this matter if they so wish. The Members discussed holding a special meeting for the main purpose of briefing the newly appointed Agency Members as to the current status of the Meadowbrook Project Area and the Central City Project Area. A tentative date of March 23, 1967 at 9:00 o'clock a.m. was set for this meeting. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Hodgdon that the meeting be adjourned at 6:30 p.m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Hodgdon, Wein, and Wilson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Austin 1 I ......; J ..., 1 ..-J 338 [ MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON THE 16th DAY OF MARCH, 1967, in ROOM 305, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BUILDING, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA The Members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino met in Special Meeting at the offices of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, 323 Court Street, Room 305, in the City of San Bernardino, California, at 12:00 o'clock noon, on the 16th day of March, 1967, the place, hour, and date duly established for the holding of such meeting. The Vice Chairman called the meeting to order and on roll call the following answered present: E. George Webster Al Austin Sanford H. Wein Ray M. Wilson and the following were absent: r- Warner W. Hodgdon """- The Vice Chairman declared a quorum present Introduction of New Member The Vice Chairman, Mr. Wilson, introduced Mr. Al M. Austin to the Members. Mr. Austin was appointed by the Mayor on March 6, 1967 to fill the expired term of Mr. A. Merle Sessions. Mr. Sessions had been serving at will until such appointment. Mr. Wilson advised Mr. Austin that there are two questions he must answer in order that the Agency determine his eligibility. These questions are standard and must be asked of new members. First, was he a resident of the City of San Bernardino. Mr. Austin answered that he is a resident of San Bernardino. Second, does he have any interest, direct or indirect, in any property within a redevelopment project area. Mr. Austin answered that he has no such interest. [ The Vice Chairman reported that this Special Meeting was convened pursuant to a duly dated and signed Notice of Special Meeting which was mailed each Member in due time, form, and manner as required by law. The Vice Chairman read the original of the "Notice and Certificate" set forth below, and the same was ordered spread on the minutes, as follows: 339 NOTICE AND CERTIFICATE 1. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING TO THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino will be held at the offices of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, 323 Court Street, Room 305, in the City of San Bernardino, California, the regular meeting place thereof, at 12:00 o'clock noon, on the 16th day of March, 1967, for the purpose of considering and adopting RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A CERTAIN PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN NOTE IN CONNECTION WITH PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-79 IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $2,800-,000. Dated this 14th day of March, 1967. sl Ray M. Wilson Ray M. Wilson, Vice Chairman 2. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE. I, Jerome F. Sears, Jr., Secretary of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 14th day of March, 1967, I served a true copy of the foregoing Notice of Special Meeting on each and every member of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino in the following manner: BY UNITED STATES MAIL. Witness my hand this 14th day of March, 1967. sl Jerome F. Sears, Jr. Jerome F. Sears, Jr., Secretary A Resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 475 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A CERTAIN PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN NOTE IN CON- NECTION WITH PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-79 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California (herein sometimes called the "Local Public Agency") has filed or is about to file a requisition, together with the necessary supporting documents, with the United States of America (.herein called the "Government") requesting a payment on account of the Project Temporary Loan provided for in the Loan and Grant Contract and numbered Contract No. Calif. R-79 (LG), (which, together with all supplements, amendments, and waivers, is herein called the Government, said Loan and Grant Contract being in connection with a certain project of the Local Public Agency designated therein; and --, l 1 -J .., ! ! 't ..... ..., I I .......J 340 [ WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has determined to issue its Project Temporary Loan Note as security for such payment: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of a Resolution entitled: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF CERTAIN PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN NOTES IN CONNECTION WITH URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-79 AND PROVIDING FOR THE SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES duly adopted by the Local Public Agency on the 10th day of March, 1967, the Acting Chairman and the Secretary of the Local Public Agency are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and execute a note, authorized by said Resolution, in the principal amount of TWO MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,800,000), or, if the Government shall only approve said requisi- tion for a lesser amount, in the lesser amount so approved by the Government. Such note shall bear interest from the date of the acceptance of the Local Public Agency's delivery thereof and the payment therefor by the Government; shall be dated the 16th day of March, 1967; shall be designated Project Temporary Loan Note No.1; shall bear a statement at the foot thereof in substantially the following form: r- L "Deli very of this Note was accepted and payment therefor made on the day of , 19 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Department of Housing and Urban Development By II. and shall not be valid until said statement is duly executed on behalf of the Government. The Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to deliver such note to and accept payment therefor from the Government, and the afore- said officers are hereby authorized and directed to do all acts and things necessary for the execution, sale, and delivery of such note. 2. That the proceeds of such note shall be deposited and disbursed only in accordance with the provisions of the Loan and Grant Contract, unless otherwise approved by the Government. 3. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately. was introduced by Mr. Wilson. [ Said Resolution was then read in full and discussed and considered. Mr. Webster then moved the adoption of the Resolution as introduced and 341 read. Mr. Austin seconded the motion, and, on roll call, the following voted "Aye" : E. George Webster; Al M. Austin; Sanford H. Wein; Ray M. Wilson; l '-..J and the following voted "Nay" None. The Vice Chairman thereupon declared the motion carried and the Resolution adopted as introduced and read. ADJ OURNMENT : Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Austin that the meeting be adjourned at 12:30 p.m. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit; Ayes: Webster, Austin, Wein, Wilson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Hodgdon ] J 342 [ MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BER- NARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON THE 23RD DAY OF MARCH, 1967, IN ROOM 305, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BUILDING, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA The Vice Chairman reported that this special meeting was convened pursuant to a duly dated and signed Notice of Special Meeting which was mailed to each member in due time, form and manner as required by law. The Vice Chairman read the original of the Notice and Certificate set forth below, and the same was ordered spread on the Minutes as follows: 1. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING TO THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ,..... r Notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting of the Members of the Redevelop- ment Agency of the City of San Bernardino will be held at the Offices of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, 323 Court Street, Room 305,in the City of San Bernardino, California, the regular meeting place thereof, at 9:00 a.m., on the 23rd day of March, 1967 for the purpose of briefing the newly appointed Agency Members as to the current status of the Meadowbrook Project Area and the Central City Project Area and for the purpose of transacting any other business which may properly come before such meeting. --- Dated this 20th day of March, 1967. sl Ray M. Wilson (by JFS) Ray M. Wilson, Vice Chairman 2. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Jerome F. Sears, Jr., Secretary of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 20th day of March, 1967, I served a true copy of the foregoing Notice of Special Meeting on each and every mem- ber of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino in the following manner: BY UNITED STATES MAIL Witness my hand this 20th day of March, 1967. sl Jerome F. Sears, Jr. Jerome F. Sears, Jr., Secretary The Vice Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. [ Roll Call showed the following Agency Members present: Webster, Austin, Wein, Hodgdon and Wilson Agency Members Absent: None Also Present: Mr. Ward, Agency Counsel; Mr. Sears, Executive Director; Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary; and newspaper reporters. 31+3 MEADOWBROOK PROJECT AREA NO.1, CALIF. R-IO Mr. Sears presented to the Members a color-keyed map of the Meadowbrook Project Area. The map was explained and the current status of each parcel was thoroughly discussed. J The following subjects were discussed in detail regarding the Meadowbrook Project: William Leonard - Reuse Parcel No.4 Mr. Sears advised the Members that Mr. William Leonard has purchased Parcel No.4 from the Agency, but has agreed to sell this parcel of land back to the Agency, upon our request, for the same price as he paid for it. Pacific Electric Railway Company The Members discussed in detail the matter of Pacific Electric Railway Company. The Members directed Mr. Sears to make formal inquiry to Pacific Electric to determine what efforts could be made at the earliest possible date to encourage Pacific Electric to abandon this old Highland Line and sell Parcel 17 to the Agency. Robert O. Cooley and Willis Severson, Appraisers The Members were concerned about the remaining parcels in the Meadowbrook Project which the Agency has not yet acquired. Mr. Sears advised them that we must receive the appraisals on these remaining parcels from our Appraisers, Robert O. Cooley and Willis Severson, then they must be sent to San Francisco Regional Office, whereby San Francisco determines the concurred in price. After the Agency has received the con- curred in price from San Francisco, our Attorney, Mr. William J. Ward, can set trial dates for the condemnation proceedings. 1 ......I After much discussion and examination of the Contract with Messrs. Cooley and Severson, it was determined that the Appraiser has not complied to the terms and conditions of his Contract in that the 60 day completion date has not been met. Said Contract was executed September 15, 1967 with a completion date of November 15, 1967. As of the date of this meeting, March 23, 1967, appraisals have been received on only 8 parcels out of the 21 parcels designated to the Contractor. After further discussion, the Director was authorized to give written notice to Messrs. Cooley and Severson advising them that all remaining appraisals must be received by the Agency prior to its Regular Meeting of April 6, 1967. If appraisals are not received by said date, the Appraisers are to appear before the Agency Board to give reason why their contract should not be cancelled. John P. Starkey The sale to John P. Starkey of Reuse Parcels 93, 94, N. 1/2 of 95, 89, 90 and Congress Street was brought to the attention of the Members. Mr. Sears advised the Members that Mr. Starkey would appear before the Board at its regular meeting of April 6, 1967, in regard to his cancellation of Agreement of Sale on above . parcels. The Members felt that in order to better determine whether Mr. Starkey should be refunded his Option Deposit, they should be presented with a statement of expenses incurred because of this Agreement. Mr. Sears stated that such a statement would be presented at the April 6th meeting. '~ Ii . j $. ...." 344 CENTRAL CITY PROJECT NO.1, CALIF. R-79 c Mr. Sears explained to the Members the present status of the Central City Project. The four phases were explained. The Members were concerned as to whether the Agency has received any letters of intention from developers concerning the Mall. Mr. Sears explained that we do have on hand a few Proposed Disposition Agreements with developers and that we have correspond- ence with others regarding their interest in the mall. The Members were advised that at the Regular Meeting of April 6, 1967, a decision must be made as to an Engineering firm to do the Storm Drain Designing for the Central City Project. The proposals have been received by the Agency and are in the office now. Mr. Sears requested the members to come in and look over the documents before the meeting, so that they may more easily reach a decision at the next meeting. . OTHER BUSINESS "...... ! i '-- Mr. Austin made a motion that Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon be nominated as Chairman to the Agency Board. Mr. We in seconded the motion. Mr. Ward, Agency Counsel, read a portion of Article II, Section 7 to the Members. "Should the offices of Chairman or Vice-Chairman become vacant, the Agency shall elect a successor from its membership at the next regular meeting, and such election shall be for the unexpired term of said office." Mr . Ward recommended that the Agency table the matter until its Regular Meeting of April 6, 1967. Mr. Wein stated that it was his belief that by "next regular meeting" it was the intention of the By Laws to hold this election as soon as possible. Mr. Ward stated that he must stand firm on his recommendation to table the matter until the April 6th meeting, because of the refinancing of the Meadowbrook Project and the present new project in execution, Central City. He stated that any irre- gularity in the By Laws at this time, might cause some delay in the projects. The Vice Chairman, Mr. Wilson, declared the motion out of order. Mr. Ward was asked how the Chair could be over ruled in its declaration to call the motion out of order. Mr. Ward stated that he did not believe the Chair could be overruled because there is no provision in our By Laws for this procedure. Mr. Ward also stated that Roberts Rules would rule in this instance, but that he did not have a copy at this time, but would obtain a copy. Mr. Wilson, Vice Chairman, again declared the motion out of order and stated that the matter would be placed first on the Agenda for April 6, 1967. The Members were concerned as to whether the By Laws should be amended at this time. Mr. Ward, Agency Counsel, read Article IV, Section 1 to the Members. "The By Laws of the Agency should be amended only with the approval of at least three of the members of the Agency at a regular or special meeting, but no such amendment should be adopted unless at least seven days' written notice thereof has been previously given to all of the members of the Agency." The Members stated that they would like to be furnished with a copy of said By Laws and amendments. Mr. Sears advised them that such a copy would be mailed to each member. D' Mr. Sears requested authorization from the Members to purchase desks and chairs for agency staff and to hire new personnel. All members being in favor, the Executive Director was authorized to hire new personnel .and purchase the necessary furniture. Mr. E. George Webster presented to the Members a letter from Goodwill Industries stating his interests in said non-profit organization. The letter was accepted and ordered spread on the minutes as follows: 345 March 21, 1967 ~ I ' -J Mr. E. George Webster 3200 N. E. Street San Bernardino, California Dear George: I am sure you are aware of the fact that Goodwill owns property on the corner of 3rd and G Streets that is in a part of the San Ber- nardino Central City Redevelopment Project. Of course, Goodwill is a non-profit, charitable institution, autonomous in every respect, loosely belonging to a national organ- ization. We are controlled by a voluntary Board of Directors and, of course, you are one of these. I wanted to bring this to your attention, only because there might be some reference made to your association with Goodwill and the redevelopment agency. We certainly would not want anyone to make a charge that your position on both boards might create a con- flict of interests. If you desire any clarification on my point, please let me know. Very sincerely yours, 1 ....I sl Harold Harold Francis Executive Director HF:pp Mr. Wein stated that he would like to see the Agency submit a Statement of Progress every month at the meeting. Mr. Sears advised them that such a statement would be prepared. Mr. Sears requested authorization from the Members to attend a California Commission of Housing and Community Development Workshop. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 476 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO TRAVEL TO LOS ANGELES TO ATTEND A CALIFORNIA COMMISSION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP, APRIL 14, 1967. ~~ i ,f _.I WHEREAS, there will be a California Commission of Housing and Community Development Workshop in Los Angeles on April 14, 1967; and 346 [ WHEREAS, it is found to be essential that the Executive Director travel to Los Angeles to attend said California Commission of Housing and Community Development Workshop; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Executive Director is hereby authorized to travel to Los Angeles to attend said Workshop and his travel expenses are hereby approved in accordance with the provisions of Resolution No. 302 of the Agency. Motion was made by Hodgdon and seconded by Austin that Resolution No. 476 be adopted as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Hodgdon, Austin, Wein, Wilson and Webster Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None Mr. Wein asked if the Agency's By Laws contain a provision whereby they would reimburse him for his legal costs incurred due to his court case to determine his eligibility as an Agency Member. Mr. Ward stated that as far as he knew only travel expenses were reimbursable, but that he would check into the matter further and advise Mr. Wein at a later date. ADJOURNMENT r Motion was made by Hodgdon and seconded by Austin that the meeting be adjourned at 12:35 p.m. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Hodgdon, Austin, Wein, Webster and Wilson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None l.- [ ~. .-' 347 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA HELD ON THE 6TH DAY OF APRIL, 1967, IN ROOM 305, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BUILDING, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA. ] The Vice Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Roll Call showed the following Agency Members present: Hodgdon, Wein, Wilson Austin and Webster. Agency Members Absent: None Also present: Mr. Ward, Agency Counsel; Mr. Sears, Executive Director; Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary; and representatives from Architectural Engineering Firms regarding R-79 Storm Drain Design. MINUTES - March 10, 1967. The Minutes of the Special Meeting of March 10, 1967, were presented to the Members for approval. Mr. We in brought Page 2 of the Minutes to the attention of the Members. Under the Section entitled "Special Election of Agency Officers", Mr. Wein requested that the sentence IIMr. Ward advised the Members that the Bylaws provide for the Election to be at the next Regular Meeting" be struck from the Minutes. Mr. Wein stated that Mr. Ward did not advise the Members of this at the meeting of March 10, 1967, but did so at the Meeting of March 23, 1967. There was much discussion regarding the above. Mr. Webster made a motion that the Minutes of March 10, 1967, be approved with said omit- tance. Mr. Wein seconded the motion. ] Mr. Wilson, Vice Chairman, requested that we hear another second to the motion on the grounds that Mr. Wein's eligibility had not been settled in Court yet, and ruled Mr. Wein's second out of order. Mr. Hodgdon made a motion that the Agency appeal the Chairs 1I0ut of orderll. Austin seconded the motion. Mr. Ward was asked his opinion in this matter. Mr. Ward stated that in order to protect the Agency records it was his opinion that until Mr. Wein has been declared eligible as a member, the records show another name as seconding all motion:a. If we were to accept Mr. Wein's IIsecond", it might penalize the project in the future if he is declared ineligible to serve as an Agency Member. It was determined that according to Robert's Rules of Order the Chair can be overruled by motion. Mr. Hodgdon repeated his motion to overrule the Chair and grant to Mr. Wein authorization to I'first or second" a motion. Mr. Austin seconded the motion. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Hodgdon, Austin, Wein and Webster Noes: Wilson Abstention: None Absent: None ] 348 [ Again Mr. Webster stated his motion 1967, as corrected by the Members. Motion was carried by the following Austin, Hodgdon and Wilson Noes: None to approve the Minutes of March 10, Mr. Wein seconded the motion. The vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Webster, None Abstention: None Absent: MINUTES - March 16, 1967. The Minutes of the Special Meeting of March 16, 1967, were presented to the Members for approval. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Austin that the Minutes of March 16, 1967, be approved as submitted. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Hodgdon, Wein, Wilson and Austin Noes: None Abstention: None Abs ent : None MINUTES - March 23, 1967. The Minutes of the Special Meeting of March 23, 1967, were presented to the Members for approval. The following additions were discussed by the Members. Page 2 - Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, Calif. R-IO [ It should be stated that Mr. William Leonard has purchased Parcel No. 4 from the Agency, but has agreed to sell this parcel of land back to the Agency, upon our request, for the same price ashe paid for it. Page 2 - Robert O. Cooley and Willis Severson, Appraisers After the words" .... 60 day complet ion date has not been met", should be added "said contract was executed September 15, 1967, wi th a completion date of November 15, 1967". As of the date of this meeting, March 23, 1967, appraisals have been received on only 8 parcels out of the 21 parcels designated to the Contractor." Page 3 - Other Business It should be noted at the end of the first paragraph that Mr. Ward was asked how the Chair could be overruled in its declaration to call the motion to nominate Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon as Agency Chairman out of order. Mr. Ward stated that he did not believe the Chair could be overruled because there is no provision in the Bylaws for this procedure. Mr. Ward also stated that Robert's Rules of Orders would govern in this instance, but that he did not have a copy at this time, but would obtain one. c Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Hodgdon that the Minutes of March 23, 1967, be approved as corrected above. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Hodgdon, Austin, Webster and Wilson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None 349 EXPENDITURES The Expenditures for the month of March, 1967, were presented to the Members for approval. After discussion regarding said report, motion was made by Webster and seconded by Hodgdon that the expenditures for the Month of March, 1967, be approved as submitted in typewritten form. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Hodgdon, Wein, Wilson and Austin Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None :] REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL Mr. Ward advised the Members that we have received the opening brief from the Downtown Businessmen's Association and have filed our reply on March 31, 1967. The Plaintiffs then have 20 days from this date to file a reply. We are now in the process of compromising prices on the Voss property, and should be acquiring said property by the end of next week. Mr. Ward also advised the Members that we are now in the process of setting up trial dates for condemnation procedures. The appraisals have all been received from Messrs. Cooley and Severson, and are already being concurred in by San Francisco. Condemnation proceedings are still pending on 19 parcels. Pretrial date is set for April 10, 1967, regarding Mr. Wein's eligibility as an Agency Member. At this pretrial a date will be set for the trial. SPECIAL ELECTION OF AGENCY OFFICERS J The Members were concerned as to whether the Agency could use the Secret Ballot procedure in electing a new Chairman. Upon checking the Bylaws, Mr. Ward stated that this procedure was so accepted. Motion was made by Hodgdon and seconded by Wein that the Agency Members use the Secret Ballot Method of voting for a new Chairman. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Hodgdon, Wein, Austin and Webster Noes: Wilson Abstention: None Absent: None The Vice Chairman declared the nominations open for Chairman. Mr. Austin nominated Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon for the office of Chairman. Mr. Webster nominated Mr. Ray M. Wilson for the office of Chairman. Motion was made by Austin and seconded by Webster that the nominations for Chairman be closed. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Austin, Webster, Wein, Hodgdon and Wilson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None Upon secret written ballot the votes were counted and read aloud by the Secretary as follows: Warner W. Hodgdon - 3 votes Ray M. Wilson - 2 votes The Vice Chairman declared Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon Chairman of the Agency. J Mr. Hodgdon assumed the Chair. 350 [ Motion was made by Austin and seconded by Webster that the Members prepare a Resolution expressing their thanks to Mr. Wilson for his term of Acting Chairman. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 477 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HONORING AND EXPRESSING THANKS TO MR. RAY M. WILSON WHEREAS, Mr. Ray M. Wilson was appointed a Member of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, on May 9, 1966; and WHEREAS, upon the resignation of Mr. A. Merle Sessions on March 6, 1967, Mr. Ray M. Wilson, serving as Vice Chairman at this time, assumed the position of Acting Chairman of the Agency until a Special Election of Chairman was held on April 6, 1967; and WHEREAS, during his position as Acting Chairman, the Agency has entered into a Loan and Capital Grant Contract with the Federal Government for its Central City Project No.1 Calif. R-79; and WHEREAS, also during his position as Acting Chairman, he assisted in the preparation of Project Temporary Loan Note No. 1 for the financing of said Central City Project No. 1 Calif. R-79: r- I , t L... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, that this expression be given to Mr. Ray M. Wilson of its appreciation and gratitude for his services as Acting Chairman of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Austin, Webster, We in and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: Wilson Absent: None PRESENTATION FROM MR. W. H. WEDDELL, Attorney for Mr. Sanford H. Wein Mr. Wein requested that this item be struck from the Agenda. Mr. Weins attorney, Mr. W. H. Weddell, felt that he would be asking the Board to answer a legal question if he brought Mr. Wein's eligibility before them at this time. Mr. Wein explained that he felt it should be declared in Court so that there would not be any question as to his eligibility. JOHN P. STARKEY, Reuse Parcels 89, 90, 93, 94, N. 1/2 of 95 and Congress Street [ Mr. Sears explained the background of the Starkey Purchase to the Members. Escrow was opened on above property April 8, 1966, with a closing date of October 8, 1966. The first delays in closing this escrow were caused because all plans had to be approved by Holiday Oldsmobile and General Motors. 351 Mr. Sears presented to the Members a Memorandum listing the costs incurred by the Agency involving the Offer to Purchase on these properties. J Mr. Hodgdon read said Memorandum as follows: 1. Publication Costs $ 17.58 2. Sale of Agency sign on the property (cost of $297.00) sold to Holiday Olds- mobile for $25.00 and removed by them about March 1, 1967. 272.00 3. Cost of hiring tractor in December 1966 to keep water out of Cohn Plumbing Ware- house as a result of rain water diversion by dirt stockpiled on the property by Holiday Oldsmobile. 51. 25 4. Estimated Cost of setting aside material stockpiled on the property for Holiday Oldsmobile, compaction of site, moving back and compacting material, soils tests, and other costs to provide compliance with City Ordinance No. 2676 pertaining to cuts and fills. 1,500.00 J TOTAL $1,840.83 Mr. Starkey advised the Members that he too had gone to much expense in his endeavour to conform to the Agreement of Sale. He also stated that he had kept the Agency up to date on his progress with Holiday Oldsmobile. He wished to point out that he was not land-banking in any way. He had all intentions of complying with the Agreement and it was through no fault of his own that he was cancelling the Agreement at this date. The reasons for the cancellation were discussed by all Members. Reference , was made to Mr. Starkeys letter of January 5, 1967. The reasons so stated in said letter are as follows: 1. He has been unsuccessful in his efforts to obtain mortgage financing. 2. Holiday Oldsmobile, the proposed tenant for the property, has been forced into executing new leases on its existing site because of the expiration of its present leases and therefore has withdrawn its agreement to lease. 3. The Construction and Installation of all site improvements by the Agency has not been met. 4. In October, 1966, he was forwarded a new Agreement to be executed. Paragraphs 5 and 6 of the proposed new Agreement differ in material respects and he states that he can not accept the new Agreement. ~ ! f _Ii 352 [ Mr. Starkey explained to the Members that because of the tight mortgage lending market and the shortage of such funding at economically feasible cost, he has been unable to finance this project. This is the primary reason for his being unable to comply and close the escrow. He further explained that even if he could obtain the funds to deposit into escrow the Agency wouldn't be able to close escrow because he hasn't any tenant. The Agreement of Sale was executed on the basis of Holiday Oldsmobile leasing the building. Mr. Starkey stated that the site improvements had not been met prior to April 8, 1966. The Site Improvements are now under construction. Mr. Ward was asked if there was any real change in the revised Agreement of Sale sent to Mr. Starkey in October of 1966. Mr. Ward stated that between the time Mr. Starkey signed the original agreement and the escrow actually would close, the Department of Housing and Urban Development changed the wording in the Agreement of Sale regarding Race, Creed, and Color. The intent of the wording is the same, only the statement words change. It would be required that the revised Agreement be signed by Mr. Starkey as the Department of Housing and Urban Development would not approve of a sale, signed on the old Agreement. ",..... Mr. Starkey expressed to the Board that he would have definitely complied to the Agreement if at all possible. '-- Mr. Austin made a motion that the Agency cancel Mr. Starkey's Agreement of Sale and return to him his option deposit of $8,500.00. Mr. Webster motioned that the Agency return the deposit to Mr. Starkey minus reasonable deductions for the costs incurred by the Agency. The costs incurred by the Agency were reviewed by all Members. After much discussion, Mr. Webster withdrew his motion. Mr. Austin repeated his motion that the Agency cancel Mr. Starkey's Agreement of Sale and return to him his option deposit of $8,500.00. Mr. Webster seconded the motion. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Austin, Webster, Wein, Wilson and Hodgdon. Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ENGINEERING PROPOSALS FOR STORM DRAIN DESIGN - R-79 r ..... The Members were advised that a letter was sent to various engineering firms on March 2, 1967, inviting them to submit proposals for the Storm Drain Design for Central City. Proposals were to be received by the Agency by March 22, 1967. A follow-up letter was written to each firm on Ma~fi 17, 1967, informing them that their proposal should include information on their firms background and capability, a statement of ability to perform, a list of similar projects completed fee. On March 20, 1967, the Agency received a letter from the American Society 353 of Civil Engineers for San Bernardino-Riverside Counties. The letter advised Mr. Sears that the submission of a priced proposal is considered unethical practice by all professional engineering groups. They also requested in their letter that the Agency make a selection of an engineering firm solely on the basis of skill and esperience. Mr. Sears also had verbal phone conversations with the American Society of Civil Engineers and advised them that proposals were always based upon skill and qualifications, but that the Agency had to have a price figure also. As a result of his conversation, all the engineering firms who submitted proposals were phoned and invited to submit supplement proposals stating either a firm price or a percentage of the total construction cos t. " t -f, ...... The Chairman asked all the Engineering firms if they had been notified by phone and if anyone had not been notified of this supplement proposal please to advise the Board. There was no reply. The firms were advised that all the Members had prior to the meeting reviewed the proposals. Each firm was informed that they would be able to make a presentation to the Members to discuss their qualifications. It was suggested that by a voluntary procedure, other organizations submitting proposals wait in an adjoining room in order that each firm may feel free to talk to the Members. In the Order in which their proposals were received by the Agency, the following Engineering Firms, excepting Maxwell & King and William G. Dryden and Asso., gave a presentation to the Agency Board: 1. Neste, Brudin & Stone 2. Maxwell & King 3. Ludwig Engineering 4. Garner, Tee, Tracadas and Troy 5. William D. Dryden & Asso. 6. Currie Engineering Company 7. Campbell, Miller and Asso. 8. Joseph E. Bonadiman and Asso. 9. Arrowhead Engineering .., . i .....;. Maxwell & King and William G. Dryden & Associates were not present to speak to the Members. The Chairman reviewed their qualifications to the Members. The qualifications of all of the firms were discussed in detail. All Members agreed that all firms were very well qualified to perform the services on Central City. The Members were very much impressed with Arrowhead Engineering. Arrowhead Engineering proposed completion of their work within 75 days from date of Contract. Their proposed percentage was 5% of the total construction cost. After further discussion, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Austin that the Agency accept the proposal of Arrowhead Engineering and authorizing the Secretary to draw up a contract by and between Arrowhead Engineering and the Redevelopment Agency and to execute same on behalf of the Agency. The following resolution was introduced: ~ --J 354 [ RESOLUTION NO. 478 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND PROVIDING FOR THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT FOR STORM DRAIN DESIGN FOR CENTRAL CITY PROJECT AREA NO.1, CALIF. R-79 WITH ARROWHEAD ENGINEERING. WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has, under date of March 21, 1967, entered into a Loan and Capital Grant Contract for the Central City Project No.1, Calif. R-79, with the United States of America providing for financial aid to the Local Public Agency under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended by all amendatory Acts including the Housing Act of 1954; and WHEREAS, pursuant to such Contract, the Local Public Agency is undertaking certain activities necessary for the execution of said Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency desires to engage a Contractor to render certain technical advice and assistance in connection with designing a portion of the storm drain system for the Central City Project; and ",... WHEREAS, invitations requesting proposals for said engineering services to design a portion of the storm drain system for Central City Project, Calif. R-79, were sent to Engineering firms in the City of San Bernardino, California; and \...- WHEREAS, a number of proposals were reviewed at the Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Agency, held April 6, 1967, at 4:00 p.m., in Room 305 of the Offices of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, 323 Court Street, San Bernardino, California; and WHEREAS, the Agency at said Regular Meeting of April 6, 1967, determined that the written proposal of Arrowhead Engineering, the compensation therein being 5% of the total construction cost, was in the best interest of the Central City Project: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the proposal of Arrowhead Engineering be accepted, and the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency are instructed to execute said Contract for the designing of a portion of the storm drain system for the Central City Project, Calif. R-79. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Austin, Webster, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None SECURITY FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Proposed Disposition Agreement - R-79 [ Mr. Sears presented to the Members a Proposed Agreement between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino and the Security First National Bank. Security First National Bank wishes to purchase from the Agency that parcel of land on the Southwest corner of 3rd and "D" Streets. 1____ 355 They are agreeable to purchase said parcel provided the price concurred in for said parcel is within reason and acceptable by them. They also wish the Agency to commence negotiations to purchase their old bank building, which is in Phase 4 of the Central City Project, after they have started construction on the newly proposed parcel. ., .~ ! ~ ..... Mr. Sears explained that if the Agency did purchase the now occupied Security First National Bank Building in Phase 4 of Central City, they would not demolish this building until surrounding buildings were scheduled to be demolished. The Members were concerned as to whether this Agreement would stand fast if another developer proposed in the future to purchase that same parcel of land for another development which seemed to be more desirable to the Central City Project. The Members were advised that this Agreement would bind the Agency the same as any other agreement. Mr. Hodgdon stated time to study this agreements of this for their review. would be forwarded that he felt that the Agency Members should have further proposed agreement and suggested that, in the future, nature should be sent to the Members prior to the meeting Mr. Sears stated that in the future decisive material to the Members prior to the meeting concerning it. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wilson that the matter of the Proposed Disposition Agreement with Security First National Bank for property in the Central City Project be tabled until the next Regular Meeting. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wilson, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None. -, .~ ...J MR. A. MERLE SESSIONS The following Resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 479 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HONORING MR. A. MERLE SESSIONS WHEREAS, Mr. A. Merle Sessions was originally appointed a Member of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, on September 10, 1957; and WHEREAS, Mr. A. Merle Sessions was thereafter reappointed for two successive terms, and served until his resignation of March 6, 1967; and WHEREAS, Mr. A. Merle Sessions was elected Chairman of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, for nine successive years; and WHEREAS, Mr. A. Merle Sessions was elected to the Board of Directors of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials Pacific Southwest Region; and -, J 356 [ WHEREAS, the Members of the Redevelopment Agency and Staff of said Agency desire to express their appreciation and gratitude to Mr. A. Merle Sessions for his tireless efforts and devotion to duty as a Member and Chairman of said Agency; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, that this expression be given to Mr. A. Merle Sessions of its appreciation and gratitude for his outstanding participation, leadership, and public service as Member and Chairman of said Agency. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a suitable memorial of this Resolution be prepared and presented to him on behalf of the Agency, its Members and Staff. sl Warner Hodgdon sl Ray M. Wilson sl Sanford H. Wein sl A. M. Austin sl E. G. Webster r- '- sl Jerome F. Sears, Jr. Jerome F. Sears, Jr. Secretary - Treasurer Executive Director Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster that Resolution No. 479 be adopted as submitted. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None MR. LEROY CUNNINGHAM The following Resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 480 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HONORING MR. LEROY CUNNINGHAM WHEREAS, Mr. Leroy Cunningham was originally appointed a Member of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, on March 23, 1959; and [ WHEREAS, Mr. Leroy Cunningham was thereafter reappointed for two successive terms and has faithfully served as Member and Vice Chairman until his resignation of March 2, 1967; and 357 WHEREAS, the Members of the Redevelopment Agency and Staff of said Agency desire to express their appreciation and gratitude to Mr. Leroy Cunningham for his tireless efforts and devotion to duty as a Member and Vice Chairman of said Agency: ] NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, that this expression be given to Mr. Leroy Cunningham of its appreciation and gratitude for his outstanding participation, leadership, and public service as Member and Vice Chairman of said Agency. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that suitable memorial of this Resolution be prepared and presented to him on behalf of the Agency, its Members and Staff. sl Warner Hodgdon sl Ray M. Wilson sl Sanford H. Wein sl A. M. Austin sl E. G. Webster sl Jerome F. Sears, Jr. Jerome F. Sears, Jr. Secretary - Treasurer Executive Director , I ~ Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster that Resolution No. 480 be adopted as submitted. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None SIGNER FOR AGENCY CHECKS Mr. Sears advised the Members that a new signer must now be designated for Agency Checks and Vouchers. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 481 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING MR. WAR- NER W. HODGDON, AS SIGNER FOR AGENCY CHECKS AND VOUCHERS WHEREAS, Section 4 of ARticle II of the Bylaws of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, authorizes the Treasurer to sign all orders and checks for the payment of money; and WHEREAS, said Agency by Resolution No. 308, adopted February 6, 1964, amended said Bylaws so as to permit the Treasurer to countersign checks and one of two other designated persons to sign all such orders and checks; and .., I I ~ 358 [ WHEREAS, it is now necessary to designate two signers for Agency checks: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon be designated as signer for checks and orders for the payment of money of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall take effect immediately. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Austin that Resolution No. 481 be adopted as submitted designating Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon as signer for agency checks and vouchers. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Austin, Webster and Wein Noes: None Abstention: Hodgdon Absent: None LEGAL DISCRIPTION OF PROJECT NO. 4 REVISION ,.- Mr. Sears explained to the Members that the City of San Bernardino had sent to the Agency a revised legal discription of Project No.4. The Map was shown and the new boundaries shown. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster accepting the revised legal discription of Project No. 4 as submitted by the City of San Bernardino. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None --- FORREST S. KARST, Extension of Escrow - Reuse Parcels 58 and N. 50' of 59, R-10 Mr. Sears presented to the Members a letter from Mr. Forrest S. Karst, dated March 27, 1967, in which he has requested an extension of 45 to 60 days of all dates of his Agreement of Sale. He explains in his letter that he has been unable to apply and receive loan commitments due to the fact that contractors building bids were not received until today's date. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wilson that Mr. Karst be authorized a 60 day extension of his escrow and Agreement of Sale. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wilson, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None DONALD C. HULBERT - Contract Amendment R-79 [ Mr. Sears advised the Members that Mr. Richard Kinter, Agency Engineer, has recovered from his illness and has returned to the Agency. The Agency would like to retain the services of Mr. Donald C. Hulbert for the remainder of the month of April. In order to do this, his contract up set figure must be extended. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster that the Secretary be authorized to execute a contract amendment with Donald C. Hulbert, extending his contract period for another month's service and to increase the up set figure of his contract by $750.00. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None 359 LEGAL CONTRACT, Mr. William Ward, R-79 ,..., Mr. Sears explained to the Members that now that we are in the Execution Stage of the Central City Project, a new contract must be executed f~ Mr. Ward to cover this stage. Mr. Ward's present contract for Central City, General Legal, has come to a halt because it only covered the Survey and Planning Stage of the Project. ........J Mr. Ward's current contracts were reviewed by all Members, as follows: General Legal - R-lO Condemnation - R-lO Extraordinary - R-79 (Downtown Businessmen's Asso.) Mr. Ward explained that this contract for Central City would be only for General Legal Services. When we reach the point of condemnation for Central City we will need many attorneys. Mr. Wein asked the Members what procedure would be taken if we no longer requested the services of Mr. Ward. Mr. Ward answered that he would cancel his contracts with the Agency at any time the Agency requested him to do so. Mr. Wilson stated that it would be an extensive expense to the Agency, if we let a different contract for R-lO General Legal and R-79 General Legal. If this were the case, we would have to have two attorneys present at our Agency Meetings. All Members were agreeable to this statement. --,. ~ f After much discussion, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster that the Agency instruct the secretary to execute a Contract with William J. Ward for Legal Services for the Execution Stage of the Central City Proj ect. The motion was defeated by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson and Webster Noes: Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Abstention: None Absent: None ..... Mr. Austin stated that the Central City project will become quite a complexity, and he felt that Mr. Ward would be carrying quite a load if granted the R-79 Contract. He further expressed that he was sure that Mr. Ward was quite capable of performing the Contract and that the acting of the Members not to execute the R-79 Contract was definitely not one of incapability. He was only concerned about the work load that Mr. Ward would have. Mr. Ward advised Mr. Austin that General Legal for the Meadowbrook Project only consisted of approximately four hours a month. Mr. Wein stated that the Mayor and Council saw fit to appoint new directors on the Agency Board because they felt the Agency needed new blood. He further stated that he felt that the Agency now needed new blood in the field of legal counsel. Motion was made by Wein to ask Mr. Ward for the cancellation of his contracts with the Agency. The Chairman stated that he felt that this was not a wise move at this time. We would be completely without legal counsel. We in stated that he was sure that there would not be any delay in obtaining another legal counsel. ,..... -J 360 [ Mr. Sears stated that the field of Urban Renewal was quite unique and that the Department of Housing and Urban Development considered two attorney experts in this field. One being Mr. Eugene Jacobs and the other being Mr. William Ward. Again, Mr. Austin expressed that the decision of the Members was not based upon Mr. Ward's capability. Mr. Wein repeated his motion to ask Mr. Ward for the cancellation of his contracts with the Agency. There was no second to the motion -- Motion defeated. After further discussion, it was felt by all Members that the matter of Legal Counsel be tabled until the next meeting. A request was made that this meeting be adjourned to a certain date to consider the matter further. The Chairman stated that such action would be taken upon adjournment of today's meeting. Mr. Sears explained to the Members that now that we are in the Execution Stage of the Central City Project, Mr. John Gray, our Accountant, must execute a Contract for this Stage. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Austin that the Secretary be instructed to execute a contract with Mr. John Gray for Accounting Services for the execution stage of the Central City Project. The following Resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 482 ",..... ~ , RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND PRO- VIDING FOR THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT FOR FINANCIAL SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-79 WITH JOHN F. GRAY '- WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has, under date of March 21, 1967, entered into a Contract for Loan and Grant with the United States of America providing for financial aid to the Local Public Agency under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended by all amendatory acts including the Housing Act of 1954; and WHEREAS, pursuant to such Contract the Local Public Agency is undertaking certain activities necessary for the execution of a Project situated in the area known as Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency desires to engage John F. Gray to render certain financial advice and assistance in connection with such undertakings of the Local Public Agency: [ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, that the Agency execute a contract by and between John F. Gray and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino for the performance of all necessary financial services in connection and respecting Project No. Calif. R-79, said services commencing upon April B, 1967. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Austin, Wein, Hodgdon and Wilson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None 361 Mr. Sears advised the Members that we have not received our money for our Requisition for Central City as yet. Mr. John Gray, Agency Accountant, informed the Members that he had spoken to San Francisco and was advised that we should receive our check by the end of next week. ~ I i I , ......; OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Sears advised the Members that the Workshop on April 14, 1967, to the Commission of Housing and Community Development in Los Angeles must be cancelled by him, because he has been requested by the Department of Housing and Urban Development to moderate a Relocation Workshop in Redondo Beach for the same date. He requested the Members to authorize himself and two staff Members to travel to Redondo Beach to attend said Relocation Workshop to be held April 13 and 14, 1967. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 483 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE EX- ECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND TWO MEMBERS OF THE AGENCY STAFF TO TRAVEL TO REDONDO BEACH TO ATTEND A RELOCATION WORKSHOP TO BE HELD APRIL 13 and 14, 1967. 1 ...." WHEREAS, there will be a Relocation Workshop held in Redondo Beach on April 13 and 14, 1967; and WHEREAS, it is found to be essential to the Agency for the Executive Director and two Members of the Agency Staff to travel to said Relocation Workshop in Redondo Beach: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Executive Director and two Members of the Agency Staff are hereby authorized to travel to Redondo Beach to attend said Relocation Workshop and their travel expenses are hereby approved in accordance with the provisions of Resolution No. 302 of the Agency. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wilson for the adoption of Resolution No. 483. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wilson, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Austin that the Regular Meeting of April 6, 1967, be adjourned till 11:10 a.m. April 7, 1967. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: A Webster, Austin, Wein, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abste None Absent: None ] 362 r \- MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 6, 1967, OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVEL- OPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD THE 7TH DAY OF APRIL, 1967, IN ROOM 305, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BUILDING, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA The Chairman called the meeting to order at 11:15 a.m. Roll Call showed the following Agency Members present: Wilson, Austin, Webster, Hodgdon and Wein. Agency Members Absent: None Also present: Mr. Ward, Agency Counsel; Mr. Sears, Executive Director; Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary; and Newspaper Reporters. STORM DRAIN CONTRACT - R-79 r Mr. Hodgdon advised the Members that the evening of April 6, 1967, after the Agency had awarded the Engineering Contract for Storm Drain Design to Arrowhead Engineering for R-79, he received two phone calls from Engineering Firms who submitted proposals for said Storm Drain Design. The two Firms were Garner, Tee, Tracadas and Troy and Joseph Bonadiman and Asso. These two Firms advised Mr. Hodgdon that they were never contacted by telephone or otherwise regarding the supplement proposal discussed at the Regular Meeting of April 6, 1967. '- Mr. Sears stated that he did contact most of the firms and that Mr. Hulbert had contacted the remainder of them. The Members asked if they could speak to Mr. Hulbert regarding this matter. Mr. Hulbert stated that he had contacted Garner, Tee, Tracadas, and Troy and Joseph Bonadiman and Asso. and invited them to the meeting of April 6, 1967. It was his understanding that all Firms be advised to submit firm price bids or a percentage bid, and because of the fact that said two Firms had already submitted their firm price bid, he did not advise them of the supplement proposals. 11:40 a.m. - Mr. Wein was excused. 11:45 a.m. - Mr. Wein returned to the meeting. The Members felt that the award of the because seven of the Engineering Firms supplement proposals and two were not. following Resolution was introduced: contract should be rescinded were given a chance to submit All Members being in favor, the r '-- 363 RESOLUTION NO. 484 J RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 478, AWARDING ENGINEERING CONTRACT FOR STORM DRAIN DESIGN TO ARROWHEAD ENGINEERING, CALIF. R-79 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, by its Resolution No. 478, awarded Arrowhead Engineering a Contract for the designing of a portion of the storm drain system for the Central City Project, Calif. R-79; and WHEREAS, the Members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino at its Adjourned Regular Meeting of April 6,1967, held April 7, 1967, determined that equal opportunity was not given to all firms submitting proposals; and WHEREAS, said determination being made, Resolution No. 478 awarding such Contract was considered null and void: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that Resolution No. 478, awarding Contract for the designing of a portion of the Storm Drain System to Arrowhead Engineering, be and is hereby rescinded. BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Secretary is hereby instructed to invite sealed proposals for Storm Drain Design to be opened at an Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Agency to be held April 20, 1967. ., w..J Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster adopting Resolution No. 484 rescinding Resolution No. 478 on the grounds that the Agency Members felt that equal opportunity was not given to all firms submitting proposals to amend their previously submitted proposal prior to the Agency Meeting, and the Secretary is hereby authorized to notify all firms of this action and invite them to submit firm sealed proposals to be opened at an Adjourned Regular Meeting of the Agency for a date certain. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Wein, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None LEGAL CONTRACT FOR CENTRAL CITY - R-79 , The Members reviewed Mr. Ward's current contracts with the Agency, as follows: General Legal - R~lO Condemnation - R~lO Extraordinary - R-79 Mr. Ward stated at this time that he did not want to be considered for the General Legal Services for R-79. There was much discussion regarding the two General Legal Contracts. Because of the fact that it would be a duplication of expense for the Agency to hire a separate attorney for General Legal Services for both the Meadowbrook Project and the Central City Project, it was felt by all Members that the Agency hire one attorney for both projects. The termination of Mr. Ward's contract for Meadowbrook General Legal services was discussed. Mr. Ward stat~d that upon request, he would draft a cancellation for General Legal ,., ~ ''--ill - 364 ,.... Services for both the Meadowbrook and Central City Projects, in this way it would release both parties from all obligations. Upon further discussion, the following resolution was introduced: ...... RESOLUTION NO. 485 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 68 DESIG- NATING WILLIAM J. WARD AS LEGAL COUNSEL FOR THE REDEVELOP- MENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, by its Resolution No. 68, as amended by its Resolution No. 161, designated William J. Ward as legal counsel under Contract for Project Calif. R-IO, and established the hourly rate of compensation; and WHEREAS, the parties have decided to terminate said Contract by mutual agreement for services rendered through April 7, 1967, the date of Contract termination; NOW, BE IT RESOLVED that said Contract between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino and William J. Ward be and the same hereby is terminated as of April 7, 1967; 1"""""' -- NOW, BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER, that said Resolution No. 68 and said Resolution No. 161 be and the same are hereby amended by setting the aggregate sum of said Contract not to exceed $29,219.75. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Austin approving the adoption of Resolution No. 485 authorizing the Secretary and Chairman to enter into written Cancellation of Agreement with Mr. William J. Ward for General Legal Services for the Meadowbrook Project, pursuant to the payment thereof of any monies due Mr. Ward on account of services covered by said Contract between March 1, 1967, and April 7, 1967. Said Contract is to terminate upon the close of business April 7, 1967. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Austin, Wein, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None The Members were advised that Mr. Ward's services now exceed the up set figure in regard to the Central City Project General Legal Contract, and therefore a Resolution should be adopted to authorize the payment thereof of any monies due Mr. Ward on this Project with respect to the exceeded up set figure. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 486 ,.... RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 309 DESIGNATING WILLIAM J. WARD AS LEGAL COUNSEL FOR THE RE- DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF- ORNIA. -- 365 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, by its Resolution No. 309, as amended by its Resolution No. 458 designated William J. Ward as legal counsel under Contract for Project Calif. R-79, and established the hourly rate of compensation; and ~ j ........ WHEREAS, the parties have decided to terminate said Contract by mutual agreement and to establish an upset figure to compensate William J. Ward for services rendered through April 7, 1967, the date of Contract termination: NOW, BE IT RESOLVED that said Contract between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino and William J. Ward be and the same hereby is terminated as of April 7, 1967: NOW, BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER, that said Resolution No. 309 and said Resolution No. 458 be and the same are hereby amended by setting the aggregate sum of said Contract not to exceed $9,808.98. Motion was made by Austin and seconded by Webster authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 486 authorizing the Chairman and Secretary to enter into written Cancellation of Agreement with Mr. Ward for Central City Project, pursuant to the payment of all monies due upon said Contract. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Austin, Webster, Wein, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None The Chairman declared that he was open for any suggestions regarding a Legal Counsel for the Agency. --- Mr. Austin stated that he has spoken to Mr. Bruce D. Varner, an Associate with the Firm of Lonergan, Jordan and Gresham. Mr. Varner has advised him that he would be most interested in working with the Agency. Mr. Austin stated that Mr. Varner is a very capable attorney and is sure that he would work well with the Agency. ....... Mr. Webster advised the Members that he has spoken to Mr. Steve Franks, Federal Aid Coordinator for the City of San Bernardino. Mr. Franks has expressed a desire to work with the Agency on our Projects. Mr. Webster stated that Mr. Franks is also very well qualified to fill this position. Mr. Webster and Wilson expressed a desire to meet Mr. Varner and discuss his qualifications. Mr. Sears excused himself from the meeting in order to phone Mr. Varner and invite him to the meeting. 12:10 p.m. - Recess was called until Mr. Varner arrived at the Meeting. 12:25 p.m. - Mr. Varner arrived at the Meeting and was introduced to the Members. The Members spoke to Mr. Varner regarding his experience and qualifications. After further discussion, the following Resolutions were introduced: ..... ...... 366 [ RESOLUTION NO. 487 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRE- TARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT FOR GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES FOR THE MEADOWBROOK PROJECT, CALIF. R-IO, WITH MR. BRUCE D. VARNER. WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has, under date of October 24, 1958, entered into a Loan and Capital Grant Contract with the United States of America providing for financial aid to the Local Public Agency under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended by all amendatory acts including the Housing Act of 1954, for its Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, Calif. R-IO; and WHEREAS, pursuant to such Contract the Local Public Agency is undertaking certain activities necessary for the execution of said Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, Calif. R-IO; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency desires to engage Bruce D. Varner to render certain legal advice and assistance in connection with such undertakings of the Local Public Agency: ,,- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, that the Agency execute a Contract by and between Mr. Bruce D. Varner and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino for the performance of all necessary legal services in connection and respecting Project No. Calif. R-IO, said services commencing upon April 8, 1967. '"- Motion was made by Austin and seconded by Webster that Resolution No. 487 be adopted as submitted, authorizing the Chairman and Secretary to enter into contract with Bruce D. Varner for General Legal Services for Meadowbrook, R-IO. Said Contract will take effect as of April 8, 1967. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Austin, Webster, Wilson, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None RESOLUTION NO. 488 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT FOR GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES FOR THE CENTRAL CITY PROJECT, CALIF. R-79, WITH MR. BRUCE D. VARNER. r ,'1 WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has, under date of March 21, 1967, entered into a Loan and Capital Grant Contract with the United States of America providing for financial aid to the Local Public Agency under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended by all amendatory acts including the Housing Act of 1954, for its Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79; and '- 367 WHEREAS, pursuant to such Contract the Local Public Agency is undertaking certain activities necessary for the execution of said Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79; and J WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency desires to engage Mr. Bruce D. Varner to render certain legal advice and assistance in connection with such undertakings of the Local Public Agency: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, that the Agency execute a Contract by and between Mr. Bruce D. Varner and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino for the performance of all necessary legal services in connection and respecting Project No. Calif. R-79, said services commencing upon April 8, 1967. Motion was made by Austin and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adopting of Resolution No. 488, authorizing the Chairman and Secretary to enter into' contract with Mr. Bruce D. Varner for General Legal Services for the Central City Project. Said Contract shall have an up set figure of $10,000.00 with an hourly rate of $30.00. Said Contract shall take effect as of April 8, 1967. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Austin, Webster, Wilson, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None Mr. Sears was instructed to incorporate into each of the above contracts a provision whereby the contract may be terminated at any time by written notice by either party. ~ t ...J OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Austin stated that now that the execution stage of the Central City Project has been approved it would be quite advantageous to both parties concerned if the Agency would set up a meeting with the San Bernardino Central City Committee. Mr. Sears explained that Mr. Leslie Harris, President of the Central City Committee, is now on vacation. All Members felt that Mr. Harris should be present for such a meeting and instructed Mr. Sears to write a letter of invitation to the Central City Committee, inviting them to a joint meeting at a time convenient for them. Mr. Sears stated that he would write such a letter. PROGRESS REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH, 1967 Mr. Sears read the Progress Report for the month of March, 1967. The Members expressed that they would like a copy of this report sent to them. Mr. Sears stated that said report would be sent to them, and that in the future all such reports would be mailed to them prior to the Agency Meeting. 12:50 - Mr. Austin was excused from the Meeting. 12:55 - Mr. Austin returned to the Meeting. i ! ..-i 368 ,..., I "- Mr. Wein expressed that he would like to have a supply of Agency Business Cards. Mr. Sears stated that we would have said cards printed for him, and advised the other Members that if any of them found need for such cards to please notify him and he would have them printed. The other Members stated that they did not want such cards. ADJOURNMENT: Upon motion by Webster and seconded by Wilson the meeting was adjourned to 4:00 o'clock p.m., April 20, 1967. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wilson, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None A nt: None ".... L., [ 369 MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 6, 1967, OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD THE 20TH DAY OF APRIL, 1967, IN ROOM 305, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BUILDING, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA. ~ ......, The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:00 o'clock p.m. Roll Call showed the following Agency Members present: Hodgdon, Webster, Austin, Wein and Wilson Agency Members Absent: None Also present: Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel; Mr. Sears, Executive Director; Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary; and representative from Architectural Engineering Firms. STOffi~ DRAIN DESIGN - R-79 The Chairman explained to the various Architectural-Engineering Firms submitting sealed proposals for Storm Drain Design for Central City, that Resolution No. 478 awarding the Contract for above services, adopted by the Agency at its Meeting of April 6, 1967, has been rescinded because of a technical irregularity in the procedures of the Agency. The firms were also advised that the Agency determines the best suited for the Contract by qualifications and price. The following sealed proposals were opened and read aloud: ... ...",J 1. Ludwig Engineering 2. Dryden Associates 3. Arrowhead Engineering 4. Garner, Tee, Tracadas and Troy 5. Joseph E. Bonadiman 6. Campbell, Miller and Asso. 7. Maxwell and King 8. Currie Engineering 9. Neste, Brudin and Stone Neste, Brudin and Stone stated in their letter that they would like to withdraw from proposing because it is against their ethical code to state a price for services. The Chairman asked if there were any proposals which had not been read. There was no reply. The Chairman stated that Mr. Taylor, the engineer for Arrowhead Engineering, is leaving the employment of Arrowhead Engineering. Mr. Sullivan, President, was asked if he had obtained another engineer for this job. Mr. Sullivan stated that he does not have an engineer for this job at this time, but has two applications on file for the job. 1 -- 370 [ Mr. Webster stated that we should note the letter received from the American Society of Civil Engineers dated April 20, 1967. The letter again requests that we give proper consideration to qualifications of the firms and determine price on the negotiation basis. Mr. Hodgdon stated that the Agency does determine the best suited for the job according to qualifications but must also have a price quoted. Mr. Webster felt that the Agency should not make a determination today, but should familiarize themselves better with the qualifications of the firms before awarding a contract. Mr. Wilson expressed that he felt we should definitely make a determination today. The longer we put it off, the longer it will take the project to be completed. Mr. We in stated that the original proposal of Arrowhead Engineering was received on the basis of Mr. Taylor being the engineer. The qualifications studies were those of Mr. Taylors. Mr. Sullivan has informed us that Mr. Taylor will not be with Arrowhead Engineering to work on this job and at this time does not have an Engineer assigned to the job. It was felt by all Members that the Agency could not determine the qualifications of an Engineer that the Agency did not know. Mr. Sullivan, President of Arrowhead Engineering, stated that he wished to withdraw his proposal. "......., I After further discussion regarding the qualifications of the firms, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Austin that the Agency accept the proposal of Garner, Tee, Tracadas and Troy for a portion of the Storm Drain Design of the Central City Project. The following resolution was introduced: --- RESOLUTION NO. 489 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND GARNER, TEE, TRACADAS AND TROY FOR A PORTION OF THE STORM DRAIN DESIGN FOR CEN- TRAL CITY, CALIF. R-79 WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has, under date of March 21, 1967, entered into a Loan and Capital Grant Contract for the Central City Project No.1, Calif. R-79, with the United States of America providing for financial aid to the Local Public Agency under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended by all amendatory Acts including the Housing Act of 1954; and WHEREAS, pursuant to such Contract, the Local Public Agency is undertaking certain activities necessary for the execution of said Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79; and "...., WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency desires to engage a Contractor to render certain technical advice and assistance in connection with designing a portion of the storm drain system for the Central City Project; and ..... WHEREAS, invitations requesting proposals for said engineering services to design a portion of the storm drain system for Central City Project, Calif. R-79, were sent to Engineering Firms in the City of San Bernardino, California; and 371 WHEREAS, a number of proposals were reviewed at the Adjourned Regular Meeting of April 6, 1967, held April 20, 1967, at 4:00 o'clock p.m., in Room 305 of the Offices of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, 323 Court Street, San Bernardino, California; and ] WHEREAS, the Agency at said Adjourned Regular Meeting held April 20, 1967, determined that the written proposal of Garner, Tee, Tracadas and Troy, was in the best interest of the Central City Project: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the proposal of Garner, Tee, Tracadas and Troy be accepted for the designing of a portion of the storm drain system for the Central City Project, Calif. R-79. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency are hereby instructed to execute a contract by and between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, and Garner, Tee, Tracadas and Troy for said services. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Hodgdon, Wein, Webster, Wilson and Austin Noes: None Abstention: None Abs ent : None MALL SITE TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY - R-79 The Chairman read the letter dated April 13, 1967, which was sent to the San Bernardino Engineering Firms inviting proposals for Mall Site Survey, R-79. ~ I ...... The following proposals were opened and read: 1. Arrowhead Engineering, $1,750.00. 2. Joseph E. Bonadiman & Asso., $8,500.00. 3. Maxwell and King, upon negotiation. 4. Garner, Tee, Tracadas and Troy, $4,900.00. After much discussion regarding the qualifications of the above firms, motion was made by Austin and seconded by Wilson to accept the proposal of Arrowhead Engineering for the Mall Site Survey for the Central City Project, Calif. R-79. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 490 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND ARROWHEAD ENGINEERING FOR THE MALL SITE SURVEY WORK FOR THE CENTRAL CITY PROJECT, CALIF. R-79 rIlIIt i ......., 372 "... WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has, under date of March 21, 1967, entered into a Loan and Capital Grant Contract for the Central City Project No.1, Calif. R-79, with the United States of America pro- viding for financial aid to the Local Public Agency under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended by all amendatory Acts including the Housing Act of 1954; and ..... WHEREAS, pursuant to such Contract,the Local Public Agency is under- taking certain activities necessary for the execution of said Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency desires to engage a Contractor to render certain technical advice and assistance in connection with Mall Site Survey work for the Central City Project; and WHEREAS, invitations requesting proposals for said engineering services for the mall site survey for Central City Project, Calif. R-79, were sent to Engineering Firms in the City of San Bernardino, California; and WHEREAS, a number of proposals were reviewed at the Adjourned Regular Meeting of April 6, 1967, held April 20, 1967, at 4:00 o'clock p.m., in Room 305 of the Offices of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, 323 Court Street, San Bernardino, California; and IJIIS".'~- WHEREAS, the Agency at said Adjourned Regular Meeting held April 20, 1967, determined that the written proposal of Arrowhead Engineering was in the best interest of the Central City Project: - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the proposal of Arrowhead Engineering be accepted for the storm drain survey work for the Central City Project, Calif. R-79. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency are hereby instructed to execute a contract by and between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, and Arrowhead Engineering for said services. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Hodgdon, Wein and Webster Noes: None Abstention: None Austin, Wilson, None Absent: SOIL TESTS - R-79 A proposal from C.H.J. Materials Laboratory, Inc., was read to the Agency Members for the necessary soil borings and tests. The Chairman stated that C.H.J. Materials Laboratory is the only soil test laboratory of its kind known to the Agency in San Bernardino. The following resolution was introduced: ",...- -...., 373 RESOLUTION NO. 491 ~ j ....J RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SEC- RETARY TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE REDEVELOP- MENT AGENCY AND C.H.J. MATERIALS LABORATORY, INC., FOR SOIL TESTS FOR CENTRAL CITY PROJECT, CALIF. R-79 WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency, has, under date of March 21, 1967, entered into a Loan and Capital Grant Contract for the Central City Project No.1, Calif. R-79, with the United States of America providing for financial aid to the Local Public Agency under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended by all amendatory Acts including the Housing Act of 1954; and WHEREAS, pursuant to such Contract, the Local Public Agency is undertaking certain activities necessary for the execution of said Central City Project Area. No.1, Calif. R-79; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency desires to engage a Contractor to render certain technical advice and assistance in connection with a portion of the soil testing for the Central City Project; and WHEREAS, to the best of the Agency's knowledge, C.H.J. Materials Laboratory, Inc., is the only soil testing laboratory of its kind in the City of San Bernardino; and ~ WHEREAS, C.H.J. Materials Laboratory, Inc., has submitted a proposal to the Agency for said soil testing in the Central City Project; and ....." WHEREAS, the proposal of C.H.J. Materials Laboratory was reviewed at the Adjourned Regular Meeting of April 6,1967, held April 20, 1967, at 4:00 o'clock p.m. in Room 305 of the offices 'Of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, 323 Court Street, San Bernardino, California: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the proposal of C.H.J. Materials Laboratory be accepted for a portion of the soil testing for the Central City Project; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency are hereby instructed to execute a contract by and between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, and C.H.J. Materials Laboratory, Inc., for said services. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Austin adopting Resolution No. 491. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Austin, Webster, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None AGENCY MEETING TIME The following resolution was read to the Agency Members: ~ -... 374 [ RESOLUTION NO. 492 RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 141 AND CHANGING THE DATE OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA. BE IT RESOLVED that Resolution No. 141 pertaining to Regular Meetings of the Members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, be and is hereby rescinded; and BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER that until otherwise provided by resolution, Regular Meetings of the Members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, shall be held on the first and third Thursday of each month at the office of the Agency commencing at 4:00 o'clock, p.m. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Austin to adopt Resolution No. 492. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Austin, Wein, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None NAHRO MEMBERSHIP DUES - year ending April, 1968 ,.-. The Chairman submitted to the Members a statement for the National Association of housing and Redevelopment Officials for Membership dues for the year ending April, 1968. It was explained that the amount of the dues is determined by the size of an Agency's projects. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wilson authorizing the Secretary to continue the membership of NAHRO, and to pay for the year ending April, 1968 ($1,100). The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wilson, Wein, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ...... CONTRACT FOR LEGAL COUNSEL FOR CONDEMNATION, R-79 The Chairman advised the Members that he felt it was now the time to obtain a legal counsel for the condemnation proceedings in the Central City Project. We are now negotiating quite rapidly and will need legal counsel almost immediately. Mr. Varner, Legal Counsel, was asked his opinion on this matter. Mr. Varner stated that he is quite busy with the General Legal work on the Central City Project and that he will be unable to handle both General Legal and Condemnation for Central City. He further stated that in order to expedite the project, it will be necessary for the Agency to hire more than one attorney for the condem- nation proceedings, he agreed that it was now the time to let a contract with one of these attorneys. [ Mr. Varner stated that he had contacted Mr. Robert Bierschbach of Surr and Hellyer regarding this contract. Mr. Bierschbach stated that he must decline the invitation because of a conflict of interests. 375 Mr. Varner also contacted Mr. Allen B. Gresham, with the Firm of Lonergan, Jordan and Gresham. Mr. Gresham has no conflict of interest in the project area and would very much like to work with the Agency in our condemnation proceedings. Mr. Varner stated that Mr. Gresham is very qualified in condemnation proceedings and is available to speak to the Members if they so wish. The Members requested to speak to Mr. Gresham. -., i .....J Mr. Gresham was introduced to the Members. Mr. Wilson asked Mr. Gresham if he had any interest in the project area. Mr. Gresham stated that he had no such interest in the project area, only that he was on the Board of Directors for Goodwill Industries. He further stated that he would obtain a "Statement of Interests" from his partners, as it reflects to the Central City Project Area. Mr. Gresham stated that if such an interest should arise during his term of contract, he would be most willing to turn that certain parcel of land over to another attorney also contracted for condemnation proceedings. Mr. Varner stated that he contemplates small conflicts of interest from time to time from the various attorneys the Agency should hire for condemnation proceedings. He stated that when such an occasion should arise, the case would be turned over to an attorney having no interest in that property. After further discussion, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster authorizing the execution of a contract with Mr. Allen B. Gresham for the condemnation proceedings for the Central City Project. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 493 ., RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND MR. ALLEN B. GRESHA}! FOR CONDEMNATION SERVICES FOR PROJECT CALIF. R-79 ......J WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has, under date of March 21, 1967, entered into a Loan and Capital Grant Contract with the United States of America providing for financial aid to the Local Public Agency under Title I of :t.l1e ,Housing Act of 1949, as amended by all amendatory acts including the Housing Act of 1954, for its Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79; and WHEREAS, pursuant to such Contract the Local Public Agency is undertaking certain activities necessary for the execution of said Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency desires to engage Mr. Allen B. Gresham to render certain legal services to the Agency in the prosecution and litigation of eminent domain proceedings, wherein the Agency, as plaintiff, will seek to acquire certain parcels of real property in this project area: ,., : j 1 .......J 376 r- L NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, that the Agency execute a Contract by and between Mr. Allen B. Gresham and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, for the performance of all necessary legal services to the Agency in the prosecution and litigation of eminent domain proceedings for the Central City Project, Calif. R-79. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Wein asked when a Bylaw Meeting could be arranged. All Members felt that they should review the bylaws more thoroughly and then advise the Director if they desire such a meeting. The Chairman read a letter written to the Central City Committee requesting a joint meeting with them to discuss the Central City Project. Mr. Arthur W. Walker answered the letter stating that Mr. Leslie Harris, Chairman, was out of town until the middle of May, and that they would be most happy to set up a meeting soon after his return. He further stated that if we request an earlier meeting, Mr. Ernest Martin, Vice Chairman, would be available. The Members advised Mr. Sears that they would prefer to set the meeting up after Mr. Harris' return. f1""'.... ADJOURNMENT: ........ Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster to adjourn the meeting at 5:30 p.m. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None r L Ift..;- 377 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALI- FORNIA, HELD ON THE 4TH DAY OF MAY, 1967, IN ROOM 305, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BUILDING, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA ...... -1 ....; The Members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino met in regular meeting at the offices of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, 323 Court Street, Room 308, San Bernardino, California, at 4:00 o'clock p.m., on the 4th day of May, 1967, the place, hour, and date duly established for the holding of such meeting. The Chairman called the meeting to order and on roll call the following answered present: Ray M. Wilson; Al M. Austin; E. George Webster; and Warner W. Hodgdon and the following were absent: Sanford H. Wein. The Chairman declared a quorum present. MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 6, 1967 and the Adjourned Regular Meetings of April 6, 1967, held April 7, 1967 and April 20, 1967, were reviewed by the Members. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster that the Minutes for the month of April be accepted as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Austin, Webster and Hodgdon. Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wein .., ~ '. ....,j EXPENDITURES: The Expenditures for the month of April, 1967 were reviewed by the Members. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster that the Expenditures for the month of April, 1967 be approved as submitted. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Austin, Webster and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wein REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel, advised the Members that he has submitted his Points and Authorities regarding the Redevelopment Agency vs. Wein. Mr. Wein's attorney has until May 8, 1967 to submit his Points and Authorities. The Members were advised that a decision is hoped to be reached by next week. PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN NOTE NO.2, CALIF. R-79: A Resolution entitled: ..., 1 _J 378 o RESOLUTION NO. 494 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A CERTAIN PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN NOTE IN CONNECTION WITH PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-79 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, (herein sometimes called the "Local Public Agency") has filed or is about to file a requisition, together with the necessary supporting documents, with the United States of America (herein called the "Government") requesting a payment on account of the Project Temporary Loan provided for in the Loan and Grant Contract and numbered Contract no. Calif. R-79 (18), (which together with all supplements, amendments, and waivers, is herein called the "Loan and Grant Contract") by and between the Local Public Agency and the Government, said Loan and Grant Contract being in connection with a certain project of the Local Public Agency designated therein; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has determined to issue its Project Temporary Loan Note as security for such payment: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California as follows: r- i 1. That pursuant to the provisions of a Resolution entitled: '"-' RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF CERTAIN PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN NOTES IN CONNECTION WITH URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-79 AND PROVIDING FOR THE SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. duly adopted by the Local Public Agency on the lOth day of March, 1967, the Acting Chairman and the Secretary of the Local Public Agency are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and execute a note, authorized by said Resolution, in the principal amount of TWO MILLION ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,100,000), or, if the Government shall only approve said requisition for a lesser amount, in the lesser amount so approved by the Government. Such note shall bear interest from the date of the acceptance of the Local Public Agency's delivery thereof and the payment therefor by the Government; shall be dated the 4th day of May, 1967; shall be designated Project Temporary Loan Note No.2; shall bear a statement at the foot thereof in substantially the following form: "Delivery of this Note was accepted and payment therefor made on the __ day of , 19 [ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Department of Housing and Urban Development By " . , 379 and shall not be valid until said statement is duly executed on behalf of the Government. The Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to deliver such note to and accept payment therefor from the Government, and the afore- said officers are hereby authorized and directed to do all acts and things necessary for the execution, sale, and delivery of such note. o 2. That the proceeds of such note shall be deposited and dis- bursed only in accordance with the provisions of the Loan and Grant Contract, unless otherwise approved by the Government. 3. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately. was introduced by Mr. Hodgdon. Said Resolution was then read in full and discussed and considered. Mr. Wilson then moved the adoption of the Resolution as introduced and read. t<lr. Hebster seconded the motion, and, on roll call, the following voted "Aye':: Ray M. Wilson; Al M. Austin; E. George Webster; and Warner W. Hodgdon and the following voted I1Nayll: None The Chairman thereupon declared the motion carried and the Resolution adopted as introduced and read. " " U PRELIMINARY LOAN NOTE MASTER RESOLUTION, CALIF. R-79: The Chairman introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 495 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE, SALE, AND DELIVERY FROM TIME TO TIME OF PRELIMINARY LOAN NOTES, THE EXECUTION OF REQUISITION AGREEMENTS, AND THE EXECUTION OF PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN NOTES FOR DELIVERY PURSUANT TO REQUISITION AGREEMENTS, IN CONNECTION WITH URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-79. WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino (herein called the llLocal Public Agencyll), has entered into a contract dated as of the 21st day of March, 1967, numbered Contract No. Calif. R-79 (LG) (which,together with any supplements thereto or amendments, modifications, or waivers of any pro- visions thereof, is herein called the "Loan and Grant Contract"), with the United States of America (herein called the "Government"), which Loan and Grant Contract provides, in part, for a Project Temporary Loan by the Government to the Local Public Agency under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended (42 U.S.C. 1450 et seq.), in an amount outstanding at anyone time not to exceed $24,634,030, to aid the Local Public Agency in its undertaking and carrying out of a certain urban renewal or redevelopment project (herein called the "Proj ect") designated Proj ect No. Calif. R-79 and which is more fully identified in the Loan and Grant Contract; and , , ....... '>0'; v,_,."" r fi ... WHEREAS, the Loan and Grant Contract provides in connection with the financing financing of the Project that if the Local Public Agency can obtain loan funds from sources other than the Government at interest rates lower than the pertinent Project Temporary Loan Interest Rate or Rates it may do so with the prior written consent of the Government and, in any such case, if the Local Public Agency shall have complied with all conditions precedent to its obtaining a payment by the Government under the Loan and Grant Contract in a specified amount on account of the Project Temporary Loan, the Local Public Agency, with the prior written consent of the Government, may pledge its right under the Loan and Grant Contract to a sufficient amount of such particular payment as security for the repayment by the Local Public Agency of the principal of and interest on its obligations evidencing loan funds so obtained from sources other than the Government; and "........ I WHEREAS, it appears that obligations of the Local Public Agency, known and referred to in the Loan and Grant Contract as "Preliminary Loan Notes", issued for the purposes as hereinafter authorized, and of the details, description, and security as herein provided, are generally marketable at interest rates lower than the interest rate or rates which the Government is required to charge the Local Public Agency under the terms of the Loan and Grant Contract, and the Government is desirous of cooperating with the Local Public Agency in its endeavor to sell such obligations in order to reduce carrying charges and other costs of the Project and in order to encourage participation of private capital in the financing of the Project. --... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, as follows: [ SECTION 1. AMOUNT AND PURPOSES. The Local Public Agency hereby determines to borrow and there is hereby authorized to be borrowed a sum not to exceed the principal amount outstanding at anyone time of Twenty-four Million, Six Hundred Thirty-four Thousand and Thirty Dollars ($24,634,030), whether evidenced by outstanding Project Temporary Loan Obligations (hereinafter called "Project Temporary Loan Notesll), Preliminary Loan Notes, or Project Definitive Loan Obligations, as those terms are used in the Loan and Grant Contract: Provided that, for the purposes of this Resolution, said maximum principal amount shall be increased or decreased to a sum determined with certainty under the provisions of Section 12 hereof. To the extent feasible, and without limiting the powers of the Local Public Agency to borrow funds directly from the Government under the terms of the Loan and Grant Contract, such borrowings, exclusive of borrowings evidenced by Project Defini- tive Loan Obligations, shall be evidenced by obligations of the Local Public Agency issued, sold, and delivered pursuant to the authority of this Resolution, and the funds so borrowed shall be borrowed for and used to defray expenses and costs incurred or to be incurred in the Local Public Agency's undertaking and carrying out of the Project, or to retire, refund, renew or extend its outstanding Project Tem- po~ary Loan Notes, if any, and outstanding Preliminary Loan Notes, 381 if any, as hereinafter more fully provided. ] SECTION 2. AUTHORIZATION AND DETAILS OF NOTES. There shall be and hereby are authorized to be issued, sold, and delivered from time to time, as funds are needed for anyone or more of the aforesaid purposes, the negotiable, short- term special obligations (hereinafter called the "Notes") of the Local Public Agency payable to the bearer, each of which shall be designated "Preliminary Loan Notell, and each separate issue of the Notes shall be further identified by a series designation from "First Series!? upward in order of issuance and in relation to the Project and previous issues of Preliminary Loan Notes, if any, followed by the letter designation", "The Notes shall be issued in substantially the form of Preliminary Loan Note attached hereto and marked "Exhibit A", with the blank spaces therein completed as required by this Resolution and the facts surrounding each specified series of Notes, and the terms and conditions of said form of Preliminary Loan Note are hereby adopted as though the same were set forth in full in the text of this Resolution. Each of the Notes shall have endorsed thereon a payment agreement on behalf of the United States in substantially the form of the Payment Agreement appearing on the reVerSe of said "Exhibit A". SECTION 3. DETAILS OF SERIES OF NOTES. The Executive Director or in his absence or the Acting Executive Director of the Local Public Agency (herein respectively called the "Authorized Officer") is hereby authorized and directed to determine from time to time, and on the basis of estimates, the amount of Project Temporary Loan funds required to provide for the orderly financing of the Project, including funds to retire, refund, or extend in whole or in part, outstanding Project Temporary Loan Notes and outstanding Preliminary Loan Notes of the Local Public Agency, if any; and to requisition such funds, together with estimated interest thereon, from the Government under the Loan and Grant Contract: Provided, that, for the convenience of financing, said estimate shall be rounded upward to the next multiple of $1,000. Each such estimate shall cover a time period certain, which shall be not less than approximately 90 days and not more than approximately 380 days, in relation to a financing schedule otherwise mutually satisfactory to the Authorized Officer and the Government. Each series of the Notes shall bear the date of the commencement of said time period and shall mature on a date certain upon the expiration of such period under said financing schedule. The aggregate principal amount of the respective series of Notes shall equal the said estimate of loan funds required by the Local Public Agency, exclusive of said estimated interest, for the period from and including the date of such Notes to their maturity: Provided, that, for convenience of financing, in determining the principal amount of the respective series of Notes said estimate shall be rounded upward to the next multiple of $1,000. The Notes of the respective series of Notes shall be numbered from 1 upward in orderly sequence. ., ,t1 -..; SECTION 4. ADVERTISING OF NOTES. Upon receipt of the advice of or on behalf of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, indicating that the Government anticipates approving a payment to the Local Public Agency of funds on account of the Project Temporary Loan under the requisition described in Section 3 hereof and a Requisition Agreement hereinafter described, the Authorized Officer shall advertise a series of Notes, in the principal amount determined under said Section 3, for sale in accordance with the policies, terms, and conditions of 1 .....J 382 [ r- sale specified in the form of Notice of Sale of Preliminary Loan Notes attached hereto as llExhibi t B", with the blank spaces therein completed as required by this Resolution and the facts surrounding each series of Notes: Provided, that the date specified for the receipt of sealed proposals shall be mutually satisfactory to the Authorized Officer and the Government, but in no event earlier than the seventh day following the publication of the Notice of Sale nor later than the sixteenth day following such publication; Provided further, that the hour fixed for the public opening of bids shall be one o'clock p.m., lawful time in the City of New York, New York. Said Notice of Sale shall be published once in the Daily Bond Buyer, a financial newspaper of national circulation published in the City and State of New York, and, also, once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of San Bernardino, California. The Authorized Officer is hereby empowered to join with other local public bodies in offering Preliminary Loan Notes for sale under a consolidated Notice of Sale to be published in The Daily Bond Buyer pursuant to which the Local Public Agency and other local public bodies jointly advertise their respective series of Preliminary Loan Notes for sale pursuant to the policies, terms, and conditions substantially as provided by Exhibit B hereto. Said Notice of Sale shall be published on a date mutually satisfactory to the Authorized Officer and the Government, and under a predetermined financing schedule designed to provide to the Local Public Agency funds to assure the orderly financing or refinancing of the Project for the financing period determined pursuant to Section 3 hereof. The form of Proposal (Form HUD-3088 (12-65)) attached hereto and marked "Exhibit C" including the policies, terms and conditions thereof, is hereby adopted substantially as the form of proposal which shall be required of bidders pursuant to the Notice of Sale: Provid~d, that the Authorized Officer may consent to a request made by a successful bidder prior to the delivery of Notes to designate a paying agent, if qualified under the terms of the Notice of Sale, other than the paying agent named in the proposal, and, also, may consent to changes in the denominations of Notes as specified in the proposal. ....... r-' I ..... SECTION 5. AWARD OF NOTES. The Authorized Officer is hereby appointed as the awarding official on behalf of the Local Public Agency, and is hereby authorized and directed on each date specified in a Notice of Sale of a series of Notes, and at the time and place specified in such Notice of Sale,to receive, open, and review all proposals received for the purchase of the series of Notes. Proposals, including telegraphic proposals or instructions as to the completion of proposals, received after one o'clock p.m., the hour (New York time) specified in the Notice of Sale, shall not be opened but rather shall be returned by the Authorized Officer to the proposed bidder who shall be advised of the date and hour when his proposal or telegram was received. Any proposals which are incomplete in any substantial respect shall be forthwith rejected by the Authorized Officer. Upon completion of the review, 383 the contents of all proposals shall be communicated by telephone to counsel on behalf of the said Department of Housing and Urban Development with advice and recommendation for award or awards based on the conditions of award specified in the Notice of Sale, and proposals received pursuant to such Notice of Sale, and request concurrence in the proposed award or awards: Provided, that such award or awards shall be made at the lowest rate or rates specified in the proposals, but in no event at a rate which equals or exceeds the rate, or the lowest of any two or more interest rates, to be borne by the Project Temporary Loan Note or Notes authorized for delivery to the Government for purchase under the terms of a Requisition Agreement as herein provided. Upon receipt of the advice of or on behalf of the said Department of Housing and Urban Development, which advice may be formal or informal, to the effect that the Government has no objections to the proposed award or awards of the Notes, the Authorized Officer shall promptly notify each successful bidder by telegram of the award of all or a portion of the series of Notes to such bidder. Each such notice of award shall be unqualified and shall be confirmed by letter from the Authorized Officer to each successful bidder. SECTION 6. PREPARATION AND EXECUTION OF NOTES. Promptly following the award of a series of Notes, the Authorized Officer shall have the same prepared, in accordance with recognized municipal financing practices, for execution and delivery to the purchaser or purchasers. The Notes shall be signed in the name of the Local Public Agency by and through the manual or the duly authorized facsimile signature of the Chairman, or in his absence the Acting Chairman and shall have the corporate seal of the Local Public Agency impressed thereon and attested by the Secretary or the Acting Secretary of the Local Public Agency; and said officers are hereby authorized and directed to cause said Notes to be properly executed. SECTION 7. SECURITY AND EXECUTION OF REQUISITION AGREEMENTS. Each series of Notes shall be payable as to both principal and interest solely from funds provided by the United States of America pursuant to a requisition agreement: Provided, that the Local Public Agency hereby consents to the Payment Agreement of the United States of America to be endorsed on each Note. Each such requisition agreement shall be in substantially the form of either Form HUD-3079a (3-66) or Form HOD-3079b (3-66), as required by the facts, a copy of each of which forms of "Requisition Agreement" has been examined by the Chairman, on behalf of the Local Public Agency, and are hereby ordered to be filed as a part of the official records of the Local Public Agency. The Secretary shall endorse on each copy of said forms of tlRequisition Agreementtl a statement identifying such forms as the forms of requisition agreement approved by this Resolution, and shall furnish the said Department of Housing and Urban Development and bond counsel engaged by the purchaser to render the approving opinion respecting the series of Notes, defined in a specific Requisition Agreement as the "New Preliminary Loan Notes", each a certified copy of said forms of "Requisition Agreement!' as hereby approved. The officer or officers executing the said New Preliminary Loan Notes are hereby authorized and directed to execute the specific Requisition Agreement designed to secure their payment. Without limiting the general terms and conditions of such Requisition Agreement, when executed by the Government the same is hereby declared to be and is hereby assigned by the Local Public Agency J ~ U -, . t ~ 384 [ for the benefit of the holder or holders from time to time of the New Preliminary Loan Notes described therein, and the proceeds of the Project Temporary Loan Note or Notes executed pursuant to Section 8 hereof and deposited with the Government for purchase pursuant to such Requisition Agreement are hereby irrevocably pledged first, to the payment at maturity of the principal and interest on said New Pre- liminary Loan Notes. [ SECTION 8. EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN NOTES. The Chairman or in his absence or incapacity the Acting Chairman of the Local Public Agency are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Project Temporary Loan Note(s), as described and defined in the Requisition Agreement as the "Escrow Project Temporary Loan Note" (the issuance of which has heretofore been authorized by a Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Certain Project Temporary Loan Notes in Connection With Project No. Calif. R-79, and Providing for the Security for the Payment Thereof, and for Other Purposes, duly adopted by the Local Public Agency on the 10th day of March, 1967, as amended). Each such Escrow Project Temporary Loan Note shall have the corporate seal of the Local Public Agency impressed thereon and attested by the Secretary or the Acting Secretary. The Escrow Project Temporary Loan Note or the aggregate principal amount of any two or more notes constituting the Escrow Project Temporary Loan Note under the Requisi- tion Agreement shall equal the principal amount of the New Preliminary Loan Notes described in the Requisition Agreement plus estimated interest thereon determined on the basis of the requisition and in accordance with Section 3 hereof, and, also, shall equal the amount of the Requisitioned Payment described in the Requisition Agreement. Project Temporary Loan Notes, whether purchased by the Government through direct purchase under the Loan and Grant Contract, or through operations under a Requisition Agreement, or deposited with the Government for purchase pursuant to a Requisition Agreement, shall be numbered from 1 upward in orderly sequence; and each such Project Temporary Loan Note (a) shall bear interest from date of delivery thereof and the payment therefor by the Government at a rate or rates determined in accordance with the Loan and Grant Contract; (b) shall bear a statement at the foot thereof in substantially the following form: "Delivery of this note was accepted and payment therefor made on the day of 19 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Secretary of Housing and Urban Development By_. Ii. , [ (T itle) and (c) shall not be valid until said statement is duly executed on behalf 385 of the Government. The Escrow Project Temporary Loan Note, as described in a specific Requisition Agreement, shall be delivered by the Authorized Officer to the Government to be held and paid for by the Government in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in such Requisition Agreement. J SECTION 9. DISPOSITION OF PROCEEDS. The Proceeds of each issue of Preliminary Loan Notes issued pursuant to the authority of this Resolution shall be applied for the authorized purposes of this Resolution and as may be required by pro- visions of the Requisition Agreement securing the respective issues of such Notes. SECTION 10. DELIVERY OF NOTES. Each Note of each issue of Notes authorized pursuant to this Resolution shall be payable on the maturity date thereof at the incorporated Bank having trust powers or the incorporated Trust Company, as the purchaser thereof shall designate in the pvoposal. Such Bank or Trust Company is hereby designated as the Paying Agent for each such Note, and the Notes shall be delivered to the purchaser in accordance with the provisions of a Letter of Instructions (Urban Renewal Program), being substantially in the form of Form HUD--3084 (3-66), a copy of which has been examined on behalf of the Local Public Agency and is hereby approved. A copy of said Form HUD-3084 (3-66) is hereby ordered to be filed as a part of the official records of the Local Public Agency. The Secretary shall endorse on such copy a statement identifying the same as the form of Letter of Instructions approved by this Resolution, and shall furnish the said Department of Housing and Urban Development and said bond counsel, each a certified copy of said Form HUD-3084 (3-66) as hereby approved. Following the execution of an issue of Notes, the Authorized Officer shall prepare and execute said Letter of Instructions and forward each such Letter of Instruc- J tions, together with the Notes and Signature Certificate and Receipt describedi therein, to the said Department of Housing and Urban Development with the request . that the same be approved and forwarded to the designated Paying Agent. SECTION 11. TRANSCRIPTS AND PROCEEDINGS. The officers of the Local Public Agency, including the Authorized Officer and attorneys for the Local Public Agency, are hereby authorized to furnish to the Government, bond counsel engaged to render the approving opinion on the respective issues of Preliminary Loan Notes authorized to be issued hereunder, and to the purchasers of Preliminary Loan Notes such information data, certificates and transcripts of proceedings as they may reason- ably request pertaining to the Local Public Agency, the Project, and the financing of the Project. SECTION 12. CHANGES IN AUTHORIZED AMOUNT. In the event the Local Public Agency and the Government shall enter into one or more amendments to the Loan and Grant Contract on a date or dates subsequent to the adoption of this Resolution whereby the maximum amount of the Project Temporary Loan outstanding at anyone time, referred to in the first preamble and in Section 1 of this Resolution, is either increased or decreased, the maximum amount of the Project Temporary Loan stated in terms of dollars in said preamble and in Section 1 shall automatically be increased or decreased to the maximum limitation specified in terms of stated dollars in the latest of any such amendment: Provided, that no such increase or decrease shall operate to modify in any manner the terms of payment on account of the Project Temporary Loan under any outstanding Requisition Agreement. ] 825 a (GUIDE FORM) EXHIBIT "A" [ PRELIMINARY LOAN NOTE HUD-3081 (1-66) ( SERIES,) Project No. $ No. (herein called the "Local Public Agency"), a body politic and corporate, for value received, hereby promises to pay to the bearer, but solely from the funds provided by the United States of America pursuant to the Requisition Agreement hereinafter described, the principal sum of this Note, with interest thereon from the date of issue to the maturity date, at the interest rate per annum, and at the office of the Paying Agent, all as specified herein. Both the principal of and interest on this Note are payable in any coin or currency of the United States of America which on the date of payment thereof is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts. The date of issue, maturity date, principal sum, authorized issue, interest rate per annum, the paying agent of and with respect to this Note, and the description of said Requisition Agreement and citations of authority for and pertaining to this Note are as follows: Date of Issue: Maturity Date: r- , Principal Amount: , -- Interest Rate Per Annum: Paying Agent: Requisition Agreement No. dated Authorized Issue: $ State and Statute: Resolution(s) Adopted: This Note is issued pursuant to the constitution or organic law of said State and said Statute, as amended and supplemented, to aid in financing an urban renewal or redevelopment project of the character authorized thereunder and described in said Resolution(s). Said project is being assisted pursuant to Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended (42 U.S.C. 1441 and 1450 et seq.), under a loan contract between the Local Public Agency and the United States of America. "..- !i ~ !i ..... Pursuant to said loan contract, and in furtherance of the financing of the project, the Local Public Agency and the United States have entered into the above-identified Requisition Agreement under which the latter has agreed, without limiting in any manner the unqualified Payment Agreement of the United States endorsed on the reverse of this Note, to make a specific loan payment to the Local Public Agency on or prior 825 b to said Maturity Date in an amount sufficient to pay the principal of and interest to maturity on this Note and said Authorized Issue of which this Note is one, and to cause to be deposited with the Paying Agent, for the benefit of the holder of this Note, an amount sufficient to pay such principal and interest to maturity. Under the terms of said Resolution(s) the proceeds of said loan are irrevocably pledged first to such payments; and under the terms of said Requisition Agreement, the full faith and credit of the United States of America is pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on this Note as evidenced by said Payment Agreement. This Note shall not constitute a debt or indebtedness of the State or of any town, city, county, municipality, or political entity or subdivision therein or thereof, within the meaning of any constitutional, statutory, local law, or charter provision, and neither the State nor any such town, city, county, municipality, or political entity or subdivision, other than the Local Public Agency, shall be liable hereon, and, in no event, shall either this Note or the interest thereon be payable from or out of any funds or properties other than those of the Local Public Agency or those of the United States. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, RECITED, AND DECLARED that all conditions, acts, and things required to exist, happen, and be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this Note do exist, have happened, and have been performed in due time, form, and manner as required by law: Provided, That this Note shall not be valid until the Paying Agent shall have executed the agreement, appearing below, to act as such Paying Agent. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Local Public Agency has caused this Note to be signed in its name and its seal to be impressed hereon and attested, by its proper officers thereunto duly authorized, and this Note to be dated as of the Date of Issue above specified. By AGREEMENT OF PAYING AGENT We hereby agree to act as Paying Agent of this Note as above indicated. ATTEST: By PAYMENT AGREEMENT Pursuant to section 102 (c) of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended (42 U.S.C. 1452 the United States hereby unconditionally agrees that on the Maturity Date of the within Preliminary Loan Note it will payor cause to be paid to the bearer thereof the principal of and interest thereon, upon the presentation and surrender of such Note to the Paying Agent designated therein, and the full faith and credit of the United States is pledged to such payment. Under section 102(c) of the Act, this Agreement shall be construed separate and apart from the loan ] .., ~ ...J (c)), ~ . ~ I I .-I 825 c [ contract referred to in the within Note and shall be incontestable in the hands of a bearer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed on behalf of the United States by the duly authorized facsimile signature of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, as of the Date of Issue of the within Note. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA By Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Instructions to the Printer: r 1. NOTICE: If the printer has been furnished a signature card for such purpose, the facsimile signature of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development should be printed in the space provided for such purpose in the signature format of the above Payment Agreement. In the absence of such a signature card, the printer should leave the space blank, making certain that the space in the signature format is not less than as shown by said form of Payment Agreement. ....... 2. The underscored words appearing in two places in the form of Payment Agreement appearing above should be printed in italics. 3. The proposed notes should be prepared on good but not necessarily the best paper of the type generally available from stock to printers and stationery houses who prepare or furnish forms for the preparation of certificates of stock, or bonds, notes, warrants, etc., and as specified by or upon behalf of the Local Public Agency. 4. Only proposed notes should be prepared for execution, and they should be numbered consecutively from 1 upward. 5. The interest rate specified in the second paragraph of the text of the notes should be expressed in both words and figures; for example, One and Fifty-Two One-Hundredths Per Centum (1.52%). 6. The denomination of the respective notes should be expressed in figures in the heading and in words following the term "Principal Amount" in the second paragraph. 7. The denominations, names of the Paying Agent(s), and the interest rate(s) pertaining to the respective notes, all in relation to the note numbers, are as follows: ,.... I ...... Numbers (Inclusive) Denominations Interest Rates(s) Paying Agent(s) 8. Remarks: 825 d EXHIBIT "B" $ NOTICE OF SALE OF Preliminary Loan Notes OF HUD-3087 (12-65 ) ,19 SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by the above-identified local public body corporate (hereinafter called the "Local Public Agency") at in the City of , until, and publicly opened at, one o'clock P.M., Eastern Time, on , 19 , for the purchase of $ of notes of the Local Public Agency to be known as "Preliminary Loan Notes ( Series )," being issued to aid in financing its Urban Renewsl Project, designated Project No. The United States of America has agreed to make a loan under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended (42 U.S.C. 1450 et seq.), to the Local Public Agency to assist the latter in undertaking and carrying out such Project. By authority of said Act and with the agreement of the Local Public Agency, the said Notes are to be unconditionally secured as to the payment of both principal and interest by the United States of America. The full faith and credit of the United States will be pledged to such payment under an unqualified payment agreement endorsed on each of the Notes. Under said Act, such agreement is required to be construed by all officers of the United States separate and apart from said loan agreement and is uncontestable in the hands of a bearer thereof. THE NOTES will be dated , 19 , will be payable to bearer on , 19____, will bear interest from their date to their maturity at the rate or rates per annum fixed in the proposal or proposals accepted for the purchase of such Notes, will be issued in such denominations, and both principal and interest thereof will be payable at such incorporated Bank having trust powers or incorporated Trust Company, as the purchaser designates in the proposal. Such Bank or Trust Company must be a member of the Federal Reserve System, or of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and must have an unimpaired capital and surplus of not less than the aggregate principal amount of Notes designated in the proposal or proposals submitted by the purchaser; provided, however, that such unimpaired capital and surplus need not exceed One Million Dollars. The Notes will provide that they are not valid until after such Bank or Trust Company has signed the agreement, appearing on each Note, to act as paying agent. The Notes will be transmitted to such Bank or Trust Company for delivery to the purchaser upon receipt and disbursement by such Bank or Trust Company of the purchase price thereof in accordance with instructions from the Local Public Agency. After taking delivery of the Notes, the purchaser shall obtain the signature of such Bank or Trust Company upon the Notes as aforesaid. All fees or charges, if any, of such Bank or Trust Company shall be paid by such purchaser. SAID NOTES will be special obligations of the Local Public Agency and will be secured by a requisition agreement between the Local Public Agency and the United States of America under the terms of which agreement the United States of America agrees to lend the Local Public Agency prior to the maturity of said Notes an amount sufficient to pay the principal and interest of all said Notes and agrees to cause so much of the proceeds of such loan as shall be sufficient to pay the principal of and interest upon any of said Notes to be deposited at the respective l .......Ii , """'" ..... i ! --' 825 e [ Bank or Trust Company at which said Notes are payable for the benefit of the holder or holders thereof. Under the proceedings authorizing said Notes, the proceeds of such loan payment will be irrevocably pledged first to the payment, at maturity, of the principal of and interest on said Notes. THE VALIDITY of the Notes and said requisition agreement shall be subject to approval by attorneys designated by the purchaser in the Proposal. Complete certified transcripts of proceedings, including organization transcript as required, evidencing the validity of the Notes and of said requisition agreement will be furnished such attorneys at least 5 days prior to the date of the Notes. The fees or charges of the attorneys shall be paid by the purchaser. [ ALL PROPOSALS for the purchase of any of said Notes shall be submitted in a form approved by the Local Public Agency and shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed to the Local Public Agency, which should be marked on the outside "Proposal for Preliminary Loan Notes." Copies of such form of proposal may be obtained from the Local Public Agency at the address indicated above. Proposals may be submitted subject to completion pursuant to telegraphic instructions or proposals may be submitted in their entirety by telegram. Tele- graphic instructions or proposals must be received by the Local Public Agency at or before the time above specified for the opening of pro- posals. A telegraphic proposal should identify and be made pursuant to the Notice of Sale, identify the Notes, and specify the principal amount, interest rate, premium, denominations, name of said attorneys, and place of payment of the Notes covered by the proposal. In view of certain statutory and policy limitations, no award of the Notes will be made at an interest rate per annum which is not less than per centum ( %). [ PROPOSALS may be for all or any part of the Notes, and separate proposals will be required for each part of said Notes for which a separate interest rate is bid. The interest rate specified for each part of said Notes shall be a multiple of one-hundredth (1/100) of one percent (1%). Said Notes will be awarded at the lowest interest rate or rates offered in the proposals, without reference to premium; provided, however, that, as among proposals specifying the same lowest interest rate, award will be made on the basis of the highest premium per dollar principal amount of Notes specified in such proposals. No bid for less than $50,000 principal amount of said Notes or for less than par and accrued interest (which interest shall be computed on a 360-day basis) will be entertained, and the Local Public Agency reserves the right to award to any bidder all or any part of the Notes which such bidder offers to purchase in his proposal, upon the basis of such proposal; provided, that if less than $50,000 principal amount of Notes is to be awarded to any bidder, such bidder will be relieved of the obligation to purchase such Notes upon written notice to the Local Public Agency within two days after notification of such proposed award. If only a part of the Notes bid for in a proposal are awarded by the Local Public Agency, the premium, if any, offered in such proposal shall be prorated, and said Notes will be issued in denominations in the order of the lowest 825 f denominations specified in such proposal; provided that one Note may be issued in a smaller denomination than is otherwise specified. The further right is reserved to reject any or all proposals. SECTION l02(g) of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended (42 U.S.C. 1452), provides as follows: "Obligations, including interest thereon, issued by local public agencies for projects assisted pursuant to this title, and income derived by such agencies from such projects, shall be exempt from all taxation now or hereafter imposed by the United States." In the event that prior to the delivery of any of the Notes to the successful bidder therefor the income received by private holders from obligations of the same type and character shall be taxable by the terms of any Federal income tax law here- after enacted, the successful bidder may, at his election, be relieved of his obligations under the contract to purchase said Notes. By EXHIBIT HC" HUD-3088 (12-65) FORM OF PROPOSAL (Preliminary Loan Notes , 19 Gentlemen: For your Preliminary Loan Notes ( Series) in the principal amount of $ , and being (all)(a part of ) the Notes of said series described in the Notice of Sale published in The Daily Bond Buyer on , 19 , which notice of Sale is incorpor- ated herein by reference and is hereby made-a part of this proposal, we will pay you par and accrued interest to date of delivery plus a premium of $ Said Notes shall bear interest at the rate of per centum per annum payable at the maturity thereof and both the principal of and interest thereon shall be payable at (herein called the "Bank") in the City of and State of same shall be issued in denomination as follows: , and the ~ i I ...... J J 825 g [ It is understood and agreed by the undersigned that you may award all of any part of the Notes bid in this proposal upon the basis of the above bid, and if only part of the Notes bid for in this proposal are awarded by you the specified above shall be prorated and the Notes so awarded shall be issued in denominations in the order of the lowest denominations specified above, except that one of such Notes may be issued in a smaller denomination than otherwise specified. The undersigned hereby agrees to accept delivery of and make payment for said Notes at the Bank on the date thereof or as soon thereafter as the same may be prepared and ready for delivery by you. This proposal is subject to our being furnished; at our own expense, with an opinion of approving the validity of said Notes and the validity of the requisition agreement described in the aforesaid Notice of Sale. "..... By ....., [ ..., ~ ~ --- ~ ;; ~ I~ ) J ,1 I ' -J 386 c SECTION 13. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. It was explained to the Members that this Resolution is needed in order for the Agency to borrow money from private sources for the financing of the Central City Project, Calif. R-79. After further discussion regarding the procedures of the Agency in regard to the financing of a project, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster authorizing the Secretary and Chairman to adopt Resolution No. 495. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Austin, Webster, and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wein OFFER TO PURCHASE, REUSE PARCEL 63, CALIF. R-79 The Members were advised that the Agency is in receipt of two offers to purchase Reuse Parcel No. 63. Mr. Jack Greenwood is proposing to develop a retail store "Greenwood Uniforms". He submitted his pro- posal to the Agency on March 19, 1967. Mr. Leonard Koren is proposing to develop a dry cleaning plant and office IlEconomy Cleaners". Mr. Koren's proposal was submitted April 28, 1967. [ The Chairman explained to the Members that both developments are equal in all respects. Both developments will cover an approximate area of 7,000 sq. ft. and both developers are presently located in our Central City Project. The Members discussed the possibility of another parcel of land in the same vicinity which might be desirable to either Mr. Greenwood or Mr. Koren. Mr. Sears explained that Parcel 93 is now available for sale. Said parcel is larger than Parcel 63 but a portion of it can be sold if desired. Mr. Koren stated that if Parcel 93 could be sold with the approximate same dimensions as Parcel 63 (100 x 300) this parcel would be satisfactory to him. Mr. Sears stated that this could be done. Mr. Koren was advised to submit an Offer to Purchase for Reuse Parcel 93 to the Agency,said Offer to be submitted at the next Regular Meeting. All Members being in favor, motion was made by Webster and seconded by Austin instructing the Secretary to publish the Notice of Public Hearing in the paper for the sale of Reuse Parcel No. 63 to Mr. Jack Greenwood. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Austin, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wein HENRY HENSCHEL, CFA 202 HOUSING, PREDISPOSITION AGREEMENT, CALIF. R-79: [ Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel, presented to the Members a draft of a Predisposition Agreement by and between the Agency and Mr. Henry Henschel. Mr. Henschel desires to purchase from the Agency, upon our acquisition and the availability of the property, Reuse Parcels 27 and 28, for the purpose of constructing a senior citizen's residential structure, containing approximately 150 units (high-rise apartments for the elderly). The Members felt that if such an Agreement was executed, an Option Deposit should be required. Mr. Sears statec that such a clause would be incorporated in the Agreement. After much discussion, the following resolution was introduced: 387 RESOLUTION NO. 496 1 .....J RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO A PREDISPOSITION AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND MR. HENRY HENSCHEL FOR THE PURCHASE OF REUSE PARCELS 27 AND 28 IN THE CENTRAL CITY PROJECT, CALIF. R-79. WHEREAS, by its Ordinance No. 2649, the City of San Bernardino, California, adopted an Official Redevelopment Plan for Central City Project No.1, Calif. R-79 and vested the Agency with the responsibility for carrying out said Redevelopment Project; and WHEREAS, The Agency has, under date of March 21, 1967, entered into a contract for loan and grant with the United States of America providing for financial aid to the local public agency under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended by all amendatory acts, including the Housing Act of 1954; and WHEREAS, that certain parcel of real property hereinafter referred to as Parcels 27 and 28, and more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, is situated within the boundaries of said Redevelopment Project; and WHEREAS, said Redevelopment Plan provides, on the proposed land use map, for a general residential section between "H" Street and the freeway (U.S. 395), and between Fourth and Second Street, consisting primarily of high rise structures; and J WHEREAS, said Redevelopment Plan and all applicable laws provide for the Agency to acquire by purchase or condemnation all real property located within the boundary of said project area, except those properties designated for possible Owner Participation, and requires the Agency to dispose of said acquired land to qualified developers, after site clearance by the Agency as set forth in the Redevelopment Plan; and WHEREAS, Mr. Henry Henschel desires to purchase from the Agency parcels 27 and 28 for the purpose of constructing certain improvements thereon, which improve- ments will comply with and be compatible with the contemplated residential re- development by said Redevelopment Plan; and WHEREAS, the Members of the Agency at a Regular Meeting held the 4th day of May, 1967, determined that said purchase would be to the best interest of the Central City Project Area: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute a Predisposition Agreement with Mr. Henry Henschel for the purchase of Reuse Parcels 27 and 28 in the Central City Project Area. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 496. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Hein .., I -J 388 r ...... OMNIMETRICS The Members were advised that OMNIMETRICS has proposed a system for the planning and control of the Central City Project through the use of computers. The Chairman stated that he did not think a computer system was necessary in our Agency. All Members were in favor of tabling the proposal from OMNIMETRICS until such time as it might seem necessary. COpy MACHINE Mr. Sears requested authorization from the Members to rent a Bruning 2000 Copy Machine. The rent for this machine is $75.00 per month which includes all maintenance and service calls, with a 30 day cancellation at any time. The cost of the machine is approximately $4,000. All Members being in favor, Mr. Sears was authorized to rent said copy machine. CHRESTEN M. KNUDSEN, OWNER PARTICIPATION, CALIF. R-IO: r L The Chairman presented to the Members a letter from Mr. Chresten M. Knudsen. Mr. Knudsen explains in his letter that in June, 1966, a group of people including himself, purchased from Southern California Gas Company a piece of property situated on the South side of Rialto Avenue between Arrowhead Avenue and "D" Streets, in the Meadowbrook Project Area. Said property was under Owner Participation Agreement with the Agency. Mr. Knudsen stated that they were fully aware of the Owner Participation Agreement on the property, however, they were not aware that a supplemental agreement had been made between Southern California Gas Company and the Agency. This supplemental Agreement contains a requirement that construction of improvements be completed within two years after sale of the property by the Gas Company. Mr. Knudsen stated that he and his partners did purchase the property for speculation. It had been their intention, after their purchase, to resell the property to another party for development. He further stated that his Policy of Title Insurance did not disclose this Supplemental Agreement, and they are unable to comply to this Agreement. Mr. Hodgdon informed Mr. Knudsen that they should contact the Title Company in order to have their Policy of Title Insurance amended to include this Supplemental Agreement. He further stated that Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel, would have to look into the matter to determine what procedure the Agency should take regarding this matter. After further discussion, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster that Mr. Bruce Varner be instructed to look into the matter and contact Mr. Knudsen to discuss his findings. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wilson, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wein [ JOHN F. GRAY, CONTRACT AMENDMENT, CALIF. R-IO 389 The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 497 1 ..... RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, A1'1ENDING CONTRACT FOR ACCOUNTING SERVICES WITH JOHN F. GRAY WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. 271, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, on March 8, 1963, designated John F. Gray as general accountant for all ledgers and records of Project No. Calif. R-IO. WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. 271, adopted March 8, 1963, the Agency Members authorized the execution of a written contract with John F. Gray for accounting, auditing and other services, as set forth in said contract, in an amount not to exceed the aggregate sum of Nine Thousand One Hundred Dollars ($9,100.00); and WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. 362, said Contract total amount was increased by $2,500.00 amending the Contract to read liThe Local Public Agency will pay to the Contractor not to exceed the amount of Eleven Thousand Six Hundred Dollars ($11,600.00), which shall constitute full and complete compensation for the Contractor's services hereunder"; and WHEREAS, it is now necessary to increase the total amount of said Contract by $4,000 to provide said accounting and consulting services for the time of the Project: ., .J NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that Section 3 of the Contract with John F. Gray dated March 8, 1963, be amended to read as follows: "3. Compensation. The Local Public Agency will pay to the Contractor notto exceed the amount of FIFTEEN THOUSAND AND SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS ($15,600), which shall constitute full and complete compensation for the Contractor's services hereunder. Such sum will be paid at the rate of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) per hour, in every case subject to receipt of a requisition for payment from the Contractor specifying that he has performed the work under this Contract in conformance with the Contract and that he is entitled to receive the amount requisitioned under the terms of the Contract. In addition to the compensation provided above, the Local Public Agency will reimburse the Contractor for travel and subsistence expenses when said travel is specifically requested by the Local Public Agency. The limitations on cost of transportation and subsistence expenses shall be the same as those which currently prevail for staff members of the Local Public Agency. It is expressly understood and agreed that in no event will the total com- pensation; and reimbursement, if any, to be paid hereunder exceed the maximum sum of FIFTEEN THOUSAND AND SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS ($15,600) for all services required. II ...... , ! I -J 390 [ Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Austin for the adoption of Resolution No. 497, to increase John Gray's contract for accounting services to increase the upset figure to $15,600. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Austin, Webster and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wein RESIGNATION, MRS. MAXINE M. VISSER, RELOCATION AND PROPERTY MANAGER: The Chairman read a letter of resignation from Maxine M. Visser to the Board. Motion was made by Austin and seconded by Wilson accepting Mrs. Visser's resignation. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Austin, Wilson, Webster and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wein OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Sears informed the Members that the relocation and acquisition of the Central City Project is progressing satisfactorily. ,,- The Members were concerned as to when the Agency would be demolishing some of the buildings in the Central City Project. Mr. Sears explained that most of the buildings in the Project Area are connected by common walls and in order to demolish any of them we must acquire a solid section, in this way we will group the buildings for demolition. It was anticipated that some demolition would start within 60 days. ~ ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wilson that the meeting be adjourned at 5:15 p.m. The Motion was carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wilson, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wein [ 391 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON THE 18th DAY OF MAY, 1967, IN ROOM 305, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BUILDING, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA J The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Roll Call showed the following Agency Members present: Hodgdon, Webster, Austin, Wein and Wilson. Agency Members Absent: None Also present: Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel; Mr. Sears, Executive Director; Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary; and Newspaper reporters. MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 4, 1967, were presented to the Members. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster that the Minutes be approved as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: Wein Absent: None PREDISPOSITION AGREEMENTS: J The Chairman entertained a motion from the Board setting forth a provision whereby all Predisposition Agreements will require a 5% deposit of the pur- chase price. Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Wilson directing the Secretary to incorporate a clause requiring a 5% deposit of the purchase price to be stipulated in all Predisposition Agreements. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Wilson, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL: Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel, advised the Members that Superior Court Judge Fogg has ruled that Sanford H. Wein is a legal resident-elector of the City of San Bernardino and thus qualified to serve as an Agency Member. OFFER TO PURCHASE, PARCEL 93A - Leonard Koren, R-IO: The Chairman stated that Mr. Koren had previously submitted an Offer to Purchase Parcel 63 at the Regular Meeting of May 4, 1967. At this meeting, Mr. Jack Greenwood also submitted an Offer to Purchase Parcel 63. Upon mutual consent, Mr. Koren withdrew his offer and resubmitted an Offer to Purchase Reuse Parcel 93A (north 100 feet of Parcel 93). This new offer is for basically the same structure as proposed at the meeting of May 4, 1967. The parcel was pointed out on the map and the plot plan shown. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Austin authorizing the Secretary to advertise for Public Hearing ~ -f 'I -J 392 [ on the sale of Parcel 93A to Mr. Leonard Koren for the development of "Economy Cleaners". The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Austin, Wein, Webster and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None PACIFIC SOUTHWEST REGIONAL NAHRO CONFERENCE - Fresno: The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 498 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND AGENCY MEMBERS TO TRAVEL TO FRESNO MAY 21, 22 and 23, 1967. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 302 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, requires that each trip made by an Agency Member or Staff Member to a destination outside of the City of San Bernardino be specifically authorized by a resolution of the Agency Members; and WHEREAS, there will be a NAHRO Conference in Fresno on May 21, 22 and 23, 1967; and r- I I , I ~ WHEREAS, it is found to be essential that the Executive Director and Agency Members travel to said NAHRO Conference in Fresno: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Executive Director and Agency Members be and are hereby authorized to attend the hereinabove referred to meeting in Fresno, California, and their travel expenses be and are hereby approved in accordance with the provisions of Resolution No. 302 of the Agency. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Austin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 498. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Webster, Austin, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None LETTER, CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, REGARDING BUD AMMONS: The Chairman stated that the Agency is in receipt of a letter from Mr. Jack Felton, City Clerk, City of San Bernardino, dated May 2, 1967. Mr. Felton's letter transmits to us a letter from Mr. Bud Ammons of Bud Ammons-Electric Shavers addressed to the Honorable Congressman Jerry L. Pettis. Mr. Felton states in his letter that he wishes the Agency to report back to the Mayor and Council as to the contents of Mr.Am.mons' letter. [ 393 The Chairman stated that Mr. Varner has prepared a reply addressed to the Mayor and Council. A copy of this proposed reply was sent to all Members for their examination. All Members stated that they have examined said reply. The Chairman requested authorization from the Members to have this letter sent to the Mayor and Council in answer to Mr. Ammons' letter. Mr. Austin suggested that the first sentence in the first paragraph on page 2 be deleted. Mr. Wein felt that Mr. Ammons made some very serious accusations and we should not let the matter rest with simply answering the City's letter. The Chairman stated that the City did not ask us to investigate, only to answer the letter and that he believes the Agency hasn't any right to take this upon themselves. After further discussion, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster approving the letter as drafted by Mr. Varner, with the deletion of the above mentioned sentence. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: Wein Abstention: None Absent: None , .~ PREDISPOSITION AGREEMENT, PHIL SHANEDLING COMPANY, R-IO The Chairman stated that the Phil Shanedling Company, which is building the Bank of California building at the southeast corner of "D" and 3rd Streets has requested to purchase the remainder of the property in that particular block. They desire this additional space to build another office tower as will be developed on the property they now have title to. The parcels involved are a portion of parcels 13, 15, 16, all of parcel 17, and a portion of parcel 18. The Agency is not in a position, at this time, to sell this property to Phil Shanedling Company because Parcel 17 is under Owner Participation Agreement with Southern Pacific Railway Company. The Agency has had verbal negotiations with Southern Pacific and we have been informed that they plan to abandon this property from Rialto Avenue to Waterman Avenue. At this time, there seem to be no obstacles in the way of us acquiring this parcel. J The Chairman asked the Members for authorization to enter into a Pre- disposition Agreement with Phil Shanedling Company for said parcels of land, for a price of $2.50 per square foot - total price of $140,000 with a 5% deposit of $7,000.00. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Austin authorizing the Chairman and Secretary to execute a Predisposition Agree- ment with Phil Shanedling Company. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit" Ayes: Wilson, Austin, Webster, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None CONTRACT DELMANN HEIGHTS CODE ENFORCEMENT PROJECT E-5: The Chairman presented to the Members a draft of an Agreement between the Agency and the City of San Bernardino for administrative management services in connection with the Delmann Heights Program E-5. This Project is a Code Enforcement Program between the Federal Government and the City of San Bernardino. Because of the Agency's experience in Urban Renewal, the City has requested our services for the administrative management of this project. The Agency will be reimbursed for all expenses incurred involving this project. New personnel will be hired for this project so that the Agency will not be required to usetheir own personnel for this project. This project will also :1 ....J 394 [ have their own office in the project area. Said office space will be paid for by the City. After discussion regarding the purpose of this project, the fOllowing,resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 499 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR THE DELMANN HEIGHTS PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City of San Bernardino, under date of March 23, 1967, entered into a Grant Contract for Code Enforcement Program with the United States of America, providing for financial aid to the City under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949 as amended; and WHEREAS, pursuant to such Contract the City shall undertake certain activities necessary for the conduct of the Code Enforcement Program in the area described in the Contract and more commonly known as "Delmann Heights"; and r WHEREAS, the City desires to engage the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino to act as Contractor to provide administrative management services in connection with such undertakings of the City. ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized on behalf of the Agency to execute said Contract with the City of San Bernardino for Administrative Management Services for the Delmann Heights Program. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wein for the adoption of Resolution No. 499. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wein, Austin, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None CONTRACT FOR STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING SERVICES & ALLIED COORDINATION, R-79: ~. ....... It was explain~d to the Members that the Agency wishes to let a contract for Structural Engineering Work for the inspection and investigation of the buildings south of Woolworths on "E" Street to the Andreson Building, excluding Montgomery Wards. The Department of Housing and Urban Development has stated that they feel these buildings should become Owner Participants of the Central City Project. We are in doubt of their structural sufficiency and therefore request the authorization of the Members to execute a contract for this inspection work. The Chairman stated that Victor Gruen Associates are familiar with the area and the methods of the Department of Housing and Urban Development because of their prior experience with Urban Renewal Pro- jects. After further discussion, the following resolution was introduced: ,..... 395 RESOLUTION NO. 500 ] RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY OF THE AGENCY TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND VICTOR GRUEN ASSOCIATES FOR STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AND ALLIED COORDINATION WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, has, under date of March 21, 1967, entered into a Loan and Capital Grant Contract for the Central City Project No.1, Calif. R-79, with the United States of America providing for financial aid to the Local Public Agency under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended by all amendatory acts including the Housing Act of 1954; and WHEREAS, pursuant to such Contract, the Redevelopment Agency is undertaking certain activities necessary for the planning and execution of said Project; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to engage the services of Victor Gruen Associates to render certain technical advice for the inspection and investigation of certain parcels within the Central City Project Area in order to determine their structural sufficiency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, that the Chairman and Secretary of the Agency are hereby authorized on behalf of the Agency to execute a Contract with Victor Gruen Associates for Structural Engineering Services and Allied Coordination. J Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 500. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None THE CHANCELLOR BUILDING, PARCELS 2 & 3 EXTENTION, R-IO: The Chairman explained to the Members that we are in receipt of a letter from Mr. Marcus M. Kaufman, Attorney at Law, for the Chancellor Building. This letter, dated May 18, 1967, requests authorization from the Agency to extend their escrow until June 30, 1967. The reason for this extension is due to the fact that they are not able to obtain their financing until June. A letter from Southern California Mortgage & Loan Corporation was also presented. This letter stated that they plan to place a loan for the Chancellor Building in the month of June. They anticipate that they will be able to close escrow before June 30th, but request this date as the official closing date. After further discussion, motion was made by Austin and seconded by Webster authorizing the extention of escrow of the Chancellor Building until June 30, 1967. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Austin, Webster, Wein, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ~ J 396 [ LEASE WITH FIRST AMERICAN TITLE B~ILDING,OFFICE SPACE: The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 501 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND THE FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY OF SAN BERNARDINO WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, now occupy office space in Room 305, 306, 307 and 308, in the First American Title Company Building; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to continue said occupancy upon a Lease Agreement for a period of three years commencing May 1, 1967, and ending April 30, 1970. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Secretary is authorized to enter into a Lease Agreement with the First American Title Company of San Bernardino for a three year period. r I I I........ Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 501 authorizing the execution of a lease with First American Title Company for a three year period. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wilson, Wein, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None GARNER, TEE, TRACADAS AND TROY, CONTRACT AMENDMENT, R-79: It was explained to the Members that the final alignment of the "H" Street Storm Drain has been determined, and now we can include the Storm Drain Main on 2nd Street in our contract. Because Garner, Tee, Tracadas and Troy are now under contract with the Agency for the Storm Drain Design of the Central City, it is desired by the Agency to amend their present contract to include said work. After further discussion, motion was made by Wein and seconded by Wilson authorizing an amendment to Garner, Tee, Tracadas and Troy's contract for Storm Drain Design. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Austin, Webster, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: Austin Absent: None JOSEPH E. BONADIMAN, WARM CREEK CONTRACT AMENDMENT, R-10: ,..... It was explained to the Members that various storm water diversions have been made by the City of San Bernardino and the County Flood Control of San Bernardino. These diversions have changed the volume of water in the Warm Creek Channel since the original design. It is now possible to use a smaller concrete lined ditch which will require ...... 397 at least 40' less right-of-way. The Chairman asked the authorization of the Members to amend the Contract with Joseph E. Bonadiman to indicate these changes. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster authorizing an amendment to Joseph E. Bonadiman and Associates contract. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ~ 6 -.... OTHER BUSINESS: The Members were concerned about the status of the Security First National Bank Predisposition Agreement. Mr. Sears explained that Security First National Bank has been contacted and representatives will be in our offices next week to speak with himself and Mr. Hodgdon. Mr. Sears advised the Members that we have received a letter from Mr. Fred Sanford of the Continental Service Company, in which Mr. Sanford advises us that the Bank of America should be completed for occupancy by December of next year. Mr. Hodgdon explained to the Members that Mr. Henry Henschel is not interested at this time in entering into the Predisposition Agreement previously discussed and authorized at the May 4th, 1967, Regular Meeting. The acquisition of the Central City Project is moving along very rapidly. --, ~ ,~ .....J Mr. Sears advised the Members that Mr. Bob Richardson of the Department of Housing and Urban Development has advised us that we will be in receipt of the concurred in prices on the remainder of appraised parcels next week. Demolition of properties in the Central City Project area will begin as soon as possible. It is estimated that the first demolition date will be within 60 days. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wilson that the meeting be adjourned at 5:30 p.m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wilson, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ., J 398 c MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA HELD THE 1ST DAY OF JUNE, 1967, IN ROOM 305, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BUILDING, 323 COURT STREET, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:10 p.m. Roll call showed the following Agency Members present: Hodgdon, Webster, Austin, Wein and Wilson Absent: None Also present: Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel; Mr. Sears, Executive Director; Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary; and Newspaper Reporters. MINUTES: ~ L The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 18, 1967, were presented to the Members for approval. Mr. Austin stated that under the section entitled GARNER, TEE, TRACADAS AND TROY, CONTRACT AMENDMENT, R-79, at the top of page 5, the minutes read "After further discussion, motion was made by Wein and seconded by Austin authorizing an amendment to Garner, Tee, Tracadas and Troy's contract for Storm Drain Design." Hr. Austin stated that he did not second the motion. He abstained from voting on this issue. The Chairman called for the motion to be remade. Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Wilson authorizing an amendment to Garner, Tee, Tracadas and Troy's contract for Storm Drain Design. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wein, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: Austin Absent: None Hotion was made by Wilson and seconded by Austin approving the minutes of. the Regular Meeting of May 18, 1967, as corrected. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Austin, Webster, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None EXPENDITURES: The expenditures for the month of May, 1967, were presented to the Members. After discussion, motion was made by Wein and seconded by Austin approving the expenditures for the month of May, 1967, as submitted in typewritten form. The motion was carried by the fOllowing vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Austin, Wilson, Webster and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None PUBLIC HEARING, REUSE PARCEL NO. 63, JACK GREENWOOD - R-10: ~ J Ii ..... The Chairman recessed the meeting at 4:20 p.m. for the Public Hearing on the sale of Reuse Parcel No. 63 to Jack Greenwood in the Meadowbrook Project Area, R-10. The original rendering and plot plan were shown and the parcel pointed out on the map. There being no objection to the sale of said property, the Public Hearing was closed and the meeting was reconvened at 4:25 p.m. 399 SALE OF REUSE PARCEL NO. 63 TO JACK GREENWOOD - R-IO: RESOLUTION NO. 502 J The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF- ORNIA ACCEPTING OFFER TO PURCHASE SUB- MITTED BY JACK GREENWOOD WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, desires to sell property located in its Meadowbrook Project to qualified redevelopers to develop the land in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan therefor; and WHEREAS, at a public hearing before said Agency on the 1st day of June, 1967, Notice of which hearing was duly given as required by law, the Agency examined the Offer to Purchase and related documents submitted by Jack Greenwood herein- after called lIRedeveloper", for the purchase of that certain real property described as follows: Reuse Parcel No. 63 Lots 7,8,9,10, and 11, Block "All, F. J. HALLS SUBDIVISION, in the City of San Bernardino, State of California, as per plat recorded in Book 6 of Maps, page 45, records of said County. Together with the west half of the alley closed, adjoining on the east, by Resolution of Mayor and Common Council of said City on January 10, 1927, recorded January 5, 1946, in Book 1851 of Official Records, page 385. J And located in said project; and WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of said Agency on the 1st day of June, 1967, the Agency finds and determines all documents submitted by said Redeveloper for the purchase of said land are in order and in conformance with the rules and regulations as established by the Department of Housing and Urban Redevelopment for the disposition of project lands: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Agency does determine that said Offer to Purchase and related documents, including the Statement for Public Disclosure of said Redeveloper, are satisfactory; that negotiation is the appropriate method for the disposal of said parcel; that the Redeveloper possesses the qualifications and financial resources necessary to acquire and develop said property in accord- ance with said plan; that the proposed price, FORTY-ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($41,500.00), is satisfactory, not less than the fair market value of land for uses in accordance with said Redevelopment Plan, and is not less than the resale price for said property as concurred in by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED by The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the offer of said Redeveloper for the purchase of said land be accepted, and the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency are hereby authorized and directed on behalf of said Agency to execute said Agreement of Sale, and all other documents necessary or convenient to carry out the terms of said Agreement. J 400 c Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wein authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 502 approving the sale of Reuse Parcel No. 63 to Mr. Jack Greenwood. Escrow on this purchase being for 60 days. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wein, Austin, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None RENTAL AGRE&"1ENT FORM: The Members were presented with a revised Rental Agreement form as prepared by Bruce Varner. Mr. Varner explained that this revised Rental Agreement form is basically the same as the previously used Agreement. On page 1, paragraph III, a clause has been incorporated whereby if the Tenant fails to vacate the premises on the date specified by the Agency, the Agency may collect triple rent until he vacates said premises. This provision is actually a State Law but the Agency felt it desirable to incorporate it into their Rental Agreements. After further discussion, motion was made by Austin and seconded by Webster approving the revised form of Rental Agreement as prepared by the Agency Counsel, Bruce Varner. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Austin, Webster, Wein, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None AGENCY TENANT RENTAL POLICY: [ The Chairman presented to the Members an Agency Tenant Rental Policy for their approval. Said policy was tabled until later on the agenda. GLASER BROS., REUSE PARCEL NO. 91 & 92 - R-lO: The Chairman presented to the Members a letter from Glaser Bros. stating that construction will start on Parcels 91 and 92 approximately July 15, 1967. APPROVAL OF RENTAL OF SITE OFFICES The Chairman requested authorization from the Members to enter into lease agreements for the rental of site offices. The Agency wishes to rent office space at the corner of "H" and 4th Streets for the Central City Site Office. The rental of this space will be $125.00 per month. The Agency also wishes to rent office space at 1708 West Highland for the Delmann Heights Program site office. Rental on this space is $175.00 per month. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wilson authorizing the Agency to enter into lease agreements for these two site offices. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wilson, Wein, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None DONALD C. HULBERT,CONTRACT, PROJECT NO.4: c The Chairman informed the Members that Project No.4 still requires a few more hours work for its completion. Mr. Donald C. Hulbert had originally prepared the data for this project. The upset figure on his contract now needs to be increased in order that he may continue working on this project until its completion. After discussion, motion 401 was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster authorizing an amendment to Mr. Hulbert's contract changing the upset figure to $2tOOO.00. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None J ....J JEROME F. SEARS, JR. RESIGNATION: The Chairman read a letter of r~signation from Jerome F. Sears, Jr., Executive Director of the Agency. The Members expressed their thanks and stated that Mr. Sears had done a very fine job as Executive Director of the Agency. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster honoring Mr. Sears' resignation. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: . Abstention: None Absen t : None DEMOLITION BIDSt R-79: The Chairman informed the Members that the Agency is now in a position to advertise for Demolition Bids for the Central City Project. It was explained that the bid will cover several parcels of land. The demolition will then be done in series. The first area to be demolished will be a portion of the parcels on Court Street between fIG" and "F" Streets. Mr. Harper explained . to the Members the Central City Map, pointing out the parcels to be demolished. J.......... The Agency must advertise for two weeks. Bids will be opened July 6, 1967. . The estimated date of actual demolition is July 15, 1967. After further discussion, motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wilson authorizing the Secretary to advertise for demolition bids to be opened July 6, 1967. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wilson, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None FURNI1URE AND EQUIPMENT: The Chairman presented to the Members a recapitulation of office furniture and machine bids for the accounting and relocation departments of the Agency. Authorization was requested to purchase this needed furniture and equipment. The bid of Barnum and Flagg Company was low bid on the furniture needed by the Agency. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wilson authorizing the Executive Director to accept the bid of Barnum and Flagg for the office furniture needed. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wilson, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None The Chairman stated that Mr. John Gray, Agency Accountant, has recommended that the Agency accept the bid of Stockwell & Binney for the Printing Calculator needed. Motion was made by Austin and seconded by Webster authorizing the Executive Director to accept the bid of Stockwell & Binney for the Prin~ing Victor ... Calculator. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: 1 Austin, Webster, Wein, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None ..J Absent: None 402 [ BUD ~10NS LETTER: The Chairman presented to the Members a letter from Mr. Bud Ammons to Congressman Pettis. This letter was presented for the information of all Members. AGENCY TENANT RENTAL POLICY: . The Members reviewed the Agency Tenant Rental Policy presented to them. Mr. Wein felt that a clause shoulu be incorporated into said policy whereby in the case of an extreme hardship case, duly documented, the Agency by Board Approval and the approval of HUD may waive the 25% rental reduction to a greater percentage of reduction. After further discussion the following resolution was introduced: t ,r .' . \ " ~'~ PI RESOLUTION NO. 504 ('( " '(,. (, . _' ;J RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE r CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE AGENCY'S TENANT RENTAL POLICY WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, is in the process of acquiring land in certain approved Redevelopment Project Areas; and r""""1 L WHEREAS, after such acquisition is complete, the Local Public Agency is required to relocate prior property owners and/or occupants; and WHEREAS, until such time as said relocation can take place, the Local Public Agency desires to enter into Rental Agreements with said property owners and/or occupants; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency must establish and adopt an Agency Tenant Rental Policy to govern in setting the rental rates and procedures; and WHEREAS, at a Regular Meeting of the Agency, held June 1, 1967, the Agency Members approved and adopted said Agency Tenant Rental Policy: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Agency Tenant Rental Policy is hereby approved and adopted by the Members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino to govern in setting the rental rates and procedures for all Rental Agreements of the Agency. {PQlicy ~ttached at end of m1nuteS} Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Webster authorizing the adoption of Resolution 504 authorizing the approval of the Agency Tenant Rental Policy as herein amended. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Webster, Austin, Wilson & Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ~ ! ...... 403 REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL: J The Members asked if there was any indication yet that the Agency would have to acquire any properties in R-79 through condemnation. Mr. Varner explained that by the next regular meeting he should be able to report on this matter. It does appear that one parcel, so far, will have to be handled through condemnation, but this has not been definitely determined. If at any time there are any parcels that cannot be acquired through negotiations, Mr. Gresham will be notified to take all the necessary steps to acquire said properties. Mr. Varner also advised the Members that he is now in the process of rev1s1ng the Agency's Disposition Agreement for R-79. The new Agreement will require a 6% interest charge on the purchase price of the property if the developer fails to close escrow after the close of escrow date. It is hoped that this clause will help to accelerate the project. OTHER BUSINESS: THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WERE DISCUSSED: William Leonard, Parcel No.4, R-IO The Members were concerned about the action that has been taken with Mr. William Leonard regarding Parcel No.4, R-IO. The Chairman advised them that Mr. Sears wrote a letter to Mr. Leonard requesting him to sign a statement whereby he agrees ~j....... to sell back to the Agency Parcel No. 4 should the Agency request such a sale, . for the same price as he paid when purchased from the Agency. Mr. Varner stated that Mr. Leonard said that the letter was not acceptable to him as written. Mr. Varner further stated that Mr. Leonard has prepared a letter on this matter, said letter will be presented at the next meeting for the Members review. Executive Director Position The Members discussed the procedures to be used in hiring a new Executive Direc tor for the Agency. Hr. Hodgdon informed the Members that he has received two resumes, to date, for the position. He suggested that if any Members are contacted regarding the position, they advise these persons to submit a resume for review to the Agency Board. Mr. Sears stated that a notice may be published in the NAHRO Journal of Housing if so desired. The Chairman advised the Members that he has asked Mr. John Gray to "spread the word" because of his vast contacts with urban renewal experienced personnel. All Members felt that a personnel meeting should be held in order to discuss this matter further. The Chairman stated that a personnel conference will be held following the adjournment of this meeting. The Chancellor Building, Reuse Parcels 2 & 3, R-lO The Chairman advised the Members that the bids received by the Chancellor Building for their development were considerably over their budget. The building is now being redesigned to bring the costs within their capabilities. The Chairman ~ '.....J 404 [ stated that they are doing everything possible to close their escrow by the end of June, but because of this delay, an extention might be requested. Central City Committee Meeting The Chairman informed the Members that he has been in contact with Mr. Harris regarding a joint meeting with the Central City Committee and the Members of the Agency. Mr. Harris has advised us that he must contact all the Members of his committee and advise us as to a date certain. Acquisition of Central City Properties The Chairman advised the Members that, to date, the Agency has acquired 20 parcels of land in the Central City Area. These purchases amount to $726,000. Twenty parcels are now in escrow, representing another $1,130,000. Our negotiators, Huntley Realtors, have in their hands the necessary documents to acquire 57 more parcels, representing $3,500,000. To summarize we have approximately 5.5 million dollars "in the mill". This is 25% of our anticipated property acquisition for the project. Preliminary Loan Note No.2. ,......." -..... The Members were advised that the bid opening for Preliminary Loan Note No.2 for the Central City Project will be July 15, 1967. The amount of this Loan Note is $12,500,000. Concurred in Reuse Prices In order for the Agency to enter into Disposition Agreements for properties in Central City, we must receive concurred in reuse prices from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Chairman explained that the Agency sent to HUD a request for concurred in prices on 49 parcels of land. HUD approved only 11 of these parcels. Mr. Richardson of the Regional Office of HUD met with Mr. Hodgdon and Mr. Harper in the Agency office to discuss this matter. After much dis- cussion, the Agency received the concurred in prices on all parcels except three. These three parcels will have to be reappraised. We should receive the appraisals on all remaining parcels of land from Morrison and Hill within 90 days. Structural Survey, R-79 The Chairman informed the Members that the Structural Survey has been taken by Victor Gruen Associates for Central City, as authorized at the meeting of May 18, 1967. ~ t \..., Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, Calif. R-lO The Chairman informed the Members that in the Meadowbrook project there 405 are 4,300,000 sq. ft. of land. Of this land, 1,300,000 sq. ft. was designated for streets; 1,000,000 for Owner Participants; and 2,000,000 sq. ft. available for sale and development. This 2,000,000 sq. ft. for sale represents 65% of the total land originally approved for sale. The amount of land unsold to date amounts to 1,130,000 sq. ft. -, ...J Pacific Electric Railway Company, Parcel 17, R-lO The Chairman stated that he has been in contact with Pacific Electric Railway Company and they plan to abandon their property as soon as possible. Phil Shanedling, Predisposition, R-lO The rendering was shown to the Members of the newly proposed office tower that is under Predisposition Agreement, involving a portion of parcels 13, 15, 16, and all of parcel 17, and a portion of parcel 18. Central City Disposition The Chairman stated that it is very important at this time to accelerate disposition on the mall area. He further stated that if acquisition of R-79 properties keeps up at the rate it is going now, we should have complete disposition of R-79 properties within 24 months. !1all Parking The Hembers were advised that the parking area of the Inland Center is 5~ parking spaces per every 1,000 sq. ft. of mall area. The Central City Hall will have a ratio of 3 parking spaces per every 1,000 sq. ft. The Chairman stated that if the mall had multi parking the ratio would then change to 4 parking spaces per every 1,000 sq. ft. This would put the Central City ~mll on a competative basis with the Inland Center. ~ . ~ -J Bank of America, Parcels No.5, 6, and 7, R-lQ The Hembers vlere concerned as to the status of the Bank of America. They were advised that the Bank of America should start construction by November 13, 1967. Victor Gruen, Hall Design The Hembers were informed that the Gruen contract is coming along very well. \~e should receive the plans by December. Construction is anticipated to start in Harch of 1968. The topography and soil tests have been completed. ~ity Hall Appraisa~ The Hembers were advised that the original contract with Horrison and Hill did not include the appraising of the City Hall. It is now necessary that we have San Bernardino City Hall appraised. After further discussion, motion was made by Austin and seconded by Wein authorizing the Executive Director to instruct Morrison and lIill to include City Hall in their appraisal contract. The motion was carried by. the follovling vote, to wit: Ayes: Austin, Wein, vJilson, and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ~ :..-J 406 ,.... L San Bernardino Municipal Water Department The San Bernardino Municipal Water Department now owns land in the Meadowbrook Project. There was much discussion regarding the purchase of this land for the Agency's future disposition. The Chairman asked authorization from the Members to have this land appraised. After further discussion, motion was made by Austin and seconded by Wein authorizing the appraisal of this property. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Austin, Wein, Webster, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None Street Alignment R-79 The Members were informed that the Agency Engineering Department is in receipt of the approved street alignment map for the Central City Project. Harrison Freeway The Chairman presented to the Members a map showing the proposed Harrison Freeway which is anticipated to be completed in 8 years. The Agency should support the City in its attempt to develop an interchange with the Harrison Freeway and the 4th and 2nd street extentions. R-79 Owner Participation Agreements ~ The Members were concerned about the perspective Owner Participants of the Central City Project. The Chairman explained that the Harris Company, Andreson Building and possibly the International House of Pancakes would enter into Owner Participation Agreements. F. W. Woolworth Company has contacted us regarding relocating their business into the mall area. If they later decide that they do not wish to be relocated into the mall, they will in all probability become Owner Participants. "..... Arrowhead Engineering Contract, R-79 The Members were advised that originally it had not been planned for the Harris Company to keep their men's store area. It is now anticipated that they may be able to retain this store area. This area must then be included in our Mall Site Survey Contract. Authorization was requested to issue a Change Order to Arrowhead Engineering Corporation's contract to include this area. Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Wilson authorizing the Chairman and Secretary to execute a Change Order to Arrowhead Engineering Corporation to include the Harris Men's Store. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Wilson, Austin, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None Agency Personnel Policies & Bylaws ,.. i. l., The Chairman stated that he believed it was necessary for the Members to review the policies of the Agency regarding personnel. He suggested that Mr. Wilson and Mr. Wein study the Agency's Salary and Comparability Schedule. ~lr. Austin and Mr. Webster were assigned to review the Agency's Personnel Policy including the retirement system and vacation policy. 407 a It was also suggested that the Bylaws of the Agency be reviewed. This would include a study of the duties of the Executive Director and the Chairman of the Agency. --. . I ~ .....J After much discussion, it was felt by all Members that a date certain should be set for a working session regarding the Bylaws and Personnel Policies. A date was set for Wednesday, June 7, 1967, at 8:00 a.m. in Mr. Bruce D. Varner's office to discuss these matters. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by Austin and seconded by Wein that the meeting be adjourned at 6:30 p.m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Austin, Wein, Wilson, Webster and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ifkCd/ ~ Warner W. Hodgdon -~:-/ - - Chairman ..' . ~ j ~ -..J [ [ [ 407b AGENCY TENANT RENTAL POLICY (Adopted by Resolution No 504) When applicable, Rental Agreements will be executed and rental periods shall commence upon the day after the date the Agency acquires title and the right to possession of the property. Rental rates will be com- mensurate with the fair market value of the property which the tenant occupi es in accordance wi th the terms of the Rental Agreement whi ch is to be on a month to month basis. All rents will be due and payable on the first day of each month, pursuant to the terms of the Rental Agreement. The delinquent rental notice and eviction acti08s will be in accordance with Tenant HUD procedures as contained in Urban Renewal Manual and Letter provisions. All reported and economic rents, as the case may be, will be reduced by 25% during the rental period. This percentage has been determined as being the fair rental value because of the anticipated limited period of tenancy, caused by detriment to the property during project execution activities. Upon request of the tenant, the 25% reduction of rental may be increased in cases of extreme hardship as determined by the Agency and approved by HUD. ,-/! , '. ( .lQ. (,l '-1"") ) '-'/ f/ - /;- C- ? t, ' ...;;- ft,. C." 'I .., I CL"-'/H_L~J.{ . ~~ C, ;;:J / ........; l-c>i..L() -.., 1 ~ --J ] .1 I -J 408 c tHNUTES OF THE REGULAR l'1EET ING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON THE 15TH DAY OF JUNE, 1967, IN ROOM 305, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BUILDING, 323 COURT STREET, SAN BERNARDINO, CAL- IFORNIA The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Roll Call showed the following Agency Members present: Hodgdon, Webster, Austin, Wein and Wilson. Absent: None Also present: Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel; Mr. Sears, Executive Director; and t1rs. Baxter, Executive Secretary. t'IINU TE S : [ The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 1, 1967, were presented to the Members for approval. Mr. Austin stated that on Page 3 of the Minutes he was not aware that the Members passed a Resolution honoring Mr. Sears. He stated that a motion was made but a Resolution was not. The Nembers asked if it would be in order at this meeting to pass such a resolution. Such a motion was in order. Notion was made by Webster and seconded by Wilson adopting the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 505 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPNENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HONORING NR. JEROME F. SEARS, JR. WHEREAS, Mr. Jerome F. Sears, Jr. was employed by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, as Executive Directar on August 28, 1956, and has served continuously in this capacity to the date of his resignation effective June 16, 1967; and WHEREAS, Nr. Jerome F. Sears was appointed Secretary of the Redevelopment Agency on May 9,1957, and was successively reappointed each year thereafter; and WHEREAS, the planning, preparation, and execution of both the Meadowbrook Project and the Central City Project were administered under the direction of Mr. Jerome F. Sears, Jr; and c WHEREAS, Mr. Jerome F. Sears, Jr. has served the Agency through his mem- bership and participation in the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials,an organization in which he has held the following offices: Vice President of West Coast Region, Member of National Committee, President of Southern California Chapter and Chairmanship of various seminars and conferences; and 409 WHEREAS, Mr. Jerome F. Sears, Jr. has served and participated in our community activities and boards, such as Chamber of Commerce, United Fund, Council for Community Services and others; and ~ J WHEREAS, the Members of the Redevelopment Agency and the Staff of said Agency desire to express their appreciation and gratitude to Mr. Jerome F. Sears, Jr. for his tireless efforts and devotion to duty as Executive Director of said Agency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that it express to Mr. Jerome F. Sears, Jr. its appreciation and gratitude for his outstanding ability, devotion to duty and leadership as Executive Director of said Agency. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a suitable memorial of this resolution be prepared and presented to him on behalf of the Agency, its Members and Staff. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: Ayes: None Wilson, Webster, Absent: None Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster approving the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 1, 1967 as corrected. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None PUBLIC HEARING, REUSE PARCEL 93A, R-10: J The Chairman declared that this was the time and place for the Public Hearing on the sale of Reuse Parcel No. 93A to Leonard Koren, dba. Economy Cleaners. There being no objections to the sale of said property, the Public Hearing was closed and the meeting was reconvened. LEONARD KOREN, REUSE PARCEL 93A, R-10: The Members were informed that the deposit for the sale of Reuse Parcel 93A has been received by the Agency and all documents are in order. The following reso- lution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 506 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING OFFER TO PURCHASE SUBMITTED BY LEONARD KOREN WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, desires to sell property located in its Meadowbrook Project to qualified redevelopers to develop the land in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan therefor; and WHEREAS, at a public hearing before said Agency on the 15th day of June, 1967, Notice of which hearing was duly given as required by law, the Agency examined the Offer to Purchase and related documents submitted by Leonard Koren ~ I . i;' I :, -..II 410 c hereinafter called "Redeveloper", for the purchase of that certain real property described as follows: Reuse Parcel No. 93-A Parcel No.1: Lots 14, 15, 16,35, 36 and 37, Block "A", F. J. HALL's SUBDIVISION, in the City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per plat recorded in Book 6 of Maps, page 45, records of said County. Together with the vacated alley lying between said lots and the west half of the vacated portion of Stoddard Avenue adjoining on the east. Parcel No.2: The north 25 feet of Lots 1 and 24, Block "All, THE PEPPERS, in the City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per plat recorded in Book 17 of Maps, page 8, records of said County. Together with the west half of the vacated portion of Stoddard Avenue adjoining on the east. [ And located in said project; and WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of said Agency on the 15th day of June, 1967, the Agency finds and determines all documents submitted by said Redeveloper for the purchase of said land are in order and in conformance with the rules and regulations as established by the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the disposition of project lands: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Agency does determine that said Offer to Purchase and related documents, including the Statement for Public Disclosure of said Redeveloper, are satisfactory; that negotiation is the appropriate method for the disposal of said parcel; that the Redeveloper possesses the qualifications and financial resources necessary to acquire and develop said property in accordance with said plan; that the proposed price, FORTY-THREE THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($43,500.00), is satisfactory, not less than the fair market value of land for uses in accordance with said Redevelopment Plan, and is not less than the resale price for said property as con- curred in by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. c IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED by The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the offer of said Redeveloper for the purchase of said land be accepted, and the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency are hereby authorized and directed on behalf of said Agency to execute said Agreement of Sale, and all other documents necessary or convenient to carry out the terms of said Agreement. 411 Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Webster authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 506. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Webster, Austin, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ~ ~ ~ c"...J ROBERT O. COOLEY & WILLIS SEVERSON, ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT: The following Resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 507 RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 438 TO RESTORE PROVISION INADVERTENTLY OMITTED IN CONTRACT WITH ROBERT O. COOLEY & WILLIS SEVERSON FOR APPRAISAL SERVICES FOR MEADOWBROOK PROJECT AREA NO.1, CALIF. R-IO WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, by Resolution No. 438, adopted September 15, 1966, approved and provided for exe- cution of Contract for appraisal services with Robert O. Cooley and Willis Severson for appraisal services for the Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, Calif. R-IO; and WHEREAS, in the preparation of said Contract, an inadvertent omission of a con- tract provision was committed; and WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to the performance of the services to be rendered to the Agency under the terms of said Contract, that an addendum correcting this omission be attached thereto: ] BE IT RESOLVED that the following prov1s10n 5.a be incorporated as an addendum to said Contract, amending page 3, paragraph 5 thereof: 5.a The Appraiser agrees to reasonable conference time at the request of the trial attorney for the Local Public Agency and agrees that the fair and reasonable compensation for such conference time shall be the sum of $18.75 per hour or $150.00 per day or $75.00 per half day. BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER that the Contractor shall be compensated for services heretofore and hereafter rendered to the Agency under this Contract Amendment. Mr. Varner explained to the Members that a provision whereby the Appraiser will be compensated for his services if he is required, at our request, to confer with Agency counsel regarding the condemnation of any of the parcels he has appraised, must be incorporated into our Contract with Robert o. Cooley and Willis Severson. It was decided that the fair and reasonable compensation for said services would be $18.75 per hour or $150.00 per day or $75.00 per half day. Hotion was made by Hilson and seconded by Wein authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 507. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: \"}ilson, Hein, Austin, Vlebster and Hodgdon Hoes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ~ . I :.....", 412 c MORRISON & HILL, ADDENDUM TO AGRELMENT: The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 508 RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 366 TO RESTORE PROVISION INADVERTENTLY OMITTED IN CONTRACT vIITH MORRISON & HILL FOR APPRAISAL SERVICES FOR CENTRAL CITY NO.1, PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-79 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, by Resolution No. 366, adopted June 3, 1965, approved and provided for execution of contract for appraisal services with Morrison & Hill for appraisal services for Central City No.1, Project No. Calif. R-79; and WHEREAS, in the preparation of said Contract, an inadvertent omission of a contract provision was committed; and WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to the performance of the services to be rendered to the Agency under the terms of said Contract, that an addendum correcting this omission be attached thereto: BE IT RESOLVED that the following provision 5.a be incorporated as an addendum to said Contract, amending page 3, paragraph 5 thereof: [ 5.a. The Appraiser agrees to reasonable conference time at the request of the trial attorney for the Local Public Agency and agrees that the fair and reasonable compensation for such conference time shall be the sum of $18.75 per hour or $150.00 per day or $75.00 per half day. BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER that the Contractor shall be compensated for services heretofore and hereafter rendered to the Agency under this Contract Amendment. Mr. Varner explained to the Members that this resolution will enable Morrison and Hill to be compensated for their services in the event they should be required to appear in Court in connection with a condemnation case. They will be compensated $18.75 per hour or $150.00 per day or $75.00 per half day. Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 508 whereby the Agency may execute an Addendum to l'lorrison [, Hill's Contract. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Wilson, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None FORREST S. KARST, REUSE PARCEL 58 [, N. 50' of 59, R-10: ~ The Chairman explained to the Members that Mr. Forrest S. Karst has requested an extension on his escrow for the purchase of Reuse Parcels 58 and the N. 50' of 59, R-IO. The Agency is now in the process of purchasing Mr. Karst's property in the Central City Project. Mr. Karst is in need of the funds he will receive from the sale of this property in order to close escrow on the property that he is now buying from us. Also, Standard Insurance Company of Portland, Oregon, has requested an additional economic survey of the proposed building before they can I; L., i' 413 approve the building loan on the new project. After further discussion, motion was made by Wein and seconded by Wilson authorizing an extension of Mr. Karst's escrow. Escrow closing date to be scheduled for July 1, 1967. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Wilson, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ., -J JOSEPH E. BONADIMAN, R-IO: The Chairman explained to the Members that certain improvements must be met in the way of curbs, gutters, sidewalks and a small bridge along the property sold to Gallaher Beauty & Barber Supply. Authorization was requested to amend Bondi- man's Contract to include said improvements. After further discussion, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster authorizing the Chairman and Secretary to enter into a Contract Amendment with Joseph E. Bonadiman and Associates for said improvements. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: Austin Absent: None SIGNATURE FOR REAL ESTATE DOCUMENTS: The following Resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 509 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING MR. BOYCE J. HARPER, JR. TO SIGN ON AND IN THE BEHALF OF THE AGENCY FOR ALL REAL ESTATE DOCUMENTS J WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, by its Resolution No. 138, adopted January 5, 1960, designated the Executive Director and the Land Agent to execute all real estate documents of the Agency; and WHEREAS, the position of t1land Agent" has been deleted from the Agency's staffing schedule; and WHEREAS, it is now necessary to designate someone other than the Executive Director to sign all Real Estate Documents on behalf of the Agency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that Mr. Boyce J. Harper, Jr. be designated to sign on and in the behalf of the Agency for all real estate documents. After discussion, motion was made by Austin and seconded by Webster authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 509. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Austin, Webster, Wein, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ~ ......" 414 c CHANCELLOR BUILDING, REUSE PARCELS 2 & 3, R-IO: The Chairman informed the Members that we are in receipt of a letter dated June 12, 1967, from Mr. Kaufman, Attorney for the Chancellor Building. This letter is requesting a 60 day extension of their escrow. The Chancellor Building has already had two previous extensions of their escrow. The circumstances on these extensions were discussed. Mr. Varner advised the Members that he could negotiate with the Chancellor Building Inc., explaining to them that we fully understand their cir- cumstances but that an extension could only be made on the provision of a waive of the 30 day notice, as stated in the Agreement. A 6% interest charge would then be incorporated into such an extension, whereby interest would start on July 1, 1967. After further discussion, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Austin authorizing the Chairman and Attorney to negotiate with the Chancellor Building, Inc. for an extension of escrow based upon a 6% interest charge to start July 1, 1967. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Austin, Webster, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None GLASER BROS., REUSE PARCELS 91 & 92, R-IO: r ~ Mr. Sears advised the Members that he received a phone call from Mr. Glaser requesting authorization to add 2,000 sq. feet to their building. He also requested an extension of his eSCrOW stating that construction would start by July 5, 1967. After further discussion, the Secretary was authorized to correspond with Mr. Glaser advising him that the Agency has authorized his request to add 2,000 sq. ft. to his building; also advising him that the Members have authorized an extension of his escrow, however, that any further extensions of this escrow will incur a 6% interest charge on the balance price of the property. Construction is now scheduled for July 5, 1967. MORRISON & HILL: The Chairman presented a letter to the Members from Morrison and Hill, Appraisers. Said letter stated their estimated appraisal fees for the appraising of the City Hall and Water Department. Authorization was requested to amend Morrison and Hill's present contract to include these properties. After discussion, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 510 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING AN AMEND- MENT TO MORRISON AND HILL'S CONTRACT FOR APPRAISAL SERVICES ~ ~ WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. 366 the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, on June 3, 1965, designated Morrison and Hill as Appraisers for the Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79; and 415 WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. 366 the Agency Members authorized the execution of a written contract with Morrison and Hill for said appraisal services, as set forth in said contract; and J WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency desires to increase the services of the Appraiser to include additional appraisal work as follows: a. Appraise the City Hall of the City of San Bernardino, exclusive of the rear alleyway and parking which front Court Street. Said property is located in the Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79. (Block 2, Parcels 20, 21 and 22) b. Appraise the City of San Bernardino Water Department, Reuse Parcels 45, 46 and 47, located in the Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, Calif. R-IO, exclusive of electrical power plant facilities located on a small portion leased to the Southern California Edison Company. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to amend Morrison and Hill's Contract for appraisal services to include additional appraisal services as hereinabove described. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Austin authorizing the adoption or Resolution No. 510. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Austin, Wein, Hilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None GARNER, TEE, TRACADAS, TROY, MORRISON [, HILL, REUSE PARCEL 42, R-IO: J A letter was presented to the Members from Morrison and Hill requesting authori- zation to extend their escrow on Reuse Parcel No. 42, R-IO. This letter stated that their escrow could be closed by August 1, 1967. After discussion, motion was made by Wein and seconded by Webster authorizing Garner, Tee, Tracadas, Troy, Morrison and Hill's extension of escrow on the sale of Reuse Parcel No. 42. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Webster, Austin, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None GALLAHER BEAUTY [, BARBER SUPPLY, REUSE PARCEL NO. 85, R-IO: The following Resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 511 P~SOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF P~DEVELOPER' S CERT IrrCATE OF C0I1PLIAl'1"CE TO GALLAHER BEAUTY AND BARBER SUPPLY, INC. HHEREAS, Gallaher Beauty [, Barber Supply, Inc., hereinafter called the ';Redeveloper", has entered into an Agreement and Grant Deed with the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, hereinafter called the 1!Agency"; and ~ ,j ....,J 416 [ HHEREAS, said Agreement dated July 9, 1965, was recorded on January 25, 1967, in Book 6762 on Page 581 and re-recorded on February 1, 1967, in Book 6766 on Page 504 and said Grant Deed dated September 13, 1965, was recorded on January 25, 1967, in Book 6762 on Page 595 and re-recorded on February 1, 1967, in Book 6766 on Page 529, both in the Official Records of the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino, State of California; and vJHEREAS, in Section 3 of said Agreement and in Section 3 of said Grant Deed, the Redeveloper covenanted and agreed, for itself, its successors and assigns to construct certain improvements on the hereinafter described real property, within the time and in the manner set forth in said Agree- ment; and HHEREAS, the Agency agreed in Section 4 of said Agreement and Section 4 of said Grant Deed to furnish the Redeveloper with an instrument certifying completion of said improvements in accordance with the provisions of said Agreement and Grant Deed upon Redeveloper's completion thereof upon the following described real property: The East 300 feet of Lots 14, 15 and 16, in Block "D", Trill PEPPERS, in the City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per plat recorded in Book 17 of Maps, page 8 records of said County. [ RESERVING unto the Grantor herein an easement for drainage and incidental purposes over the Westerly 30 feet of the property hereinabove described. NOH, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Agency does hereby determine, con- clusively certifies, and gives notice that the Redeveloper has fully satisfied, terminated, and completed, for itself, its successors and assigns, all covenants and agreements with respect to the Obligation of Redeveloper for the Construction of Improvements and dates for the beginning and completion thereof, provided for in said Agreement and Grant Deed upon the hereinabove described real property. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the Agency to execute and have recorded with the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino, the "Certificate of Compliance" in the form approved by Resolution 238 of this Agency on August 2, 1962. "..., L The Director explained to the Members that our Agreement of Sale and Grant Deed require the Agency to furnish the Redeveloper with an instrument certifying completion of the improvements in his Agreement. Gallaher Beauty and Barber Supply have complied to their Agreement and their improvements are complete. Motion was made by Hebster and seconded by Austin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 511, 417 authorizing the Chairman and Secretary to execute a Certificate of Compliance to Gallaher Beauty & Barber Supply. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Austin, Wein, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None J TEMPORARY SECRETARY-TREASURER: The Chairman suggested that Mr. James P. Widerstrom, Deputy Director for Admin- istration, be designated as Temporary Secretary Treasurer of the Agency until a new Executive Director is hired. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster designating Mr. James P. Widerstrom as temporary Secretary-Treasurer. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Wein, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None 4:45 p.m. Mr. Austin is excused from the Meeting. AGENCY SUPPLIES: The Chairman requested authorization to purchase a combination bulletin and chalk board for the board room and a four door standard legal file for the real estate department. Three bids were presented for this equipment. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wilson authorizing the Agency to purchase the above items from the low bidder, Stockwell & Binney. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wilson, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Austin CHECK COUNTERSIGNER J The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 512 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING JAMES P.WIDERSTROM TO COUNTERSIGN AGENCY CHECKS AND VOUCHERS WHEREAS, Section 4, Article II of the Bylaws of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, requires that the designation of a counter- signer of Agency Checks, other than the Chairman, be by resolution of the Agency; and WHEREAS, it is now necessary to designate one additional countersigner for Agency checks; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that Mr. James P. Widerstrom be designated as countersigner: NOH, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Mr. James P. Widerstrom be designated as a countersigner for checks and vouchers of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, and that his name be added to the Position Fidelity Bond of the Local Public Agency. ~ I .....,.; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall take effect immediately. 418 [ Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 512. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Austin 5:00 p.m. Mr. Austin returned to the Meeting. PROPOSALS FOR STREET DESIGN, R-79: Mr. Kintner, Agency Engineer, explained to the Members the map of the Street Design for the Central City Project. He informed the Members that the Agency invited proposals for this Street Design work to three local firms. Garner, Tee, Tracadas and Troy were the low proposer for $35,500. Mr. Kintner stated that it was his recommendation to accept the proposal of Garner, Tee, Tracadas and Troy for this work. After further discussion, motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wein authorizing the adoption of the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 513 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH GARNER, TEE, TRACADAS AND TROY FOR THE STREET DESIGN OF THE CENTRAL CITY PROJECT. r '-- WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has, under date of March 21, 1967, entered into a Loan and Capital Grant Contract for the Central City Project No.1, Calif. R-79, with the United States of America providing for financial aid to the Local Public Agency under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended by all Amendatory Acts including the Housing Act of 1954; and WHEREAS, pursuant to such Contract, the Local Public Agency is under- taking certain activities necessary for the execution of said Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency desires to engage a Contractor to render certain technical advice and assistance in connection with street design for the Central City Project; and WHEREAS, invitations requesting proposals for said street design services were sent to Engineering firms in the City of San Bernardino, California; and WHEREAS, at a Regular Meeting of the Agency, held June 15, 1967, at 4:00 p.m., in Room 305 of the Offices of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, said proposals were reviewed; and ",... I ..... WHEREAS, the Agency determined at said Regular Meeting that the proposal of Garner, Tee, Tracadas and Troy was in the best interest of the Project Area. L+lg NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the proposal of Garner, Tee, Tracadas and Troy be accepted, and the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency are hereby instructed to execute said Contract for the street designing of the Central City Project. J The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Austin, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Webster, Wein, Absent: None OTHER BUSINESS: The following items were discussed: William Leonard, Reuse Parcel No. 4 Mr. Wein asked Mr. Varner if he was in receipt of a letter from Mr. Leonard regarding the resale of Parcel No. 4 to the Agency. Mr. Varner stated that this letter has not yet been prepared, however, the Agency is trying to negotiate the actual sale of this property with Mr. Leonard. Project No. 4 The Chairman reported that the Redevelopment Plan and the Report to accompany this Plan for Project No.4 has been completed and is in the finalizing stage. This report should be ready by the next meeting to be presented to the Members. ~alary Schedule , -J Hr. Hein and 11r. vlilson presented to the Members the Salary Schedule they prepared. This schedule was based on the schedule used by the City of San Bernardino. Hr. Vlein explained the schedule to the 1,lembers. The Members felt that a new position should be incorporated into this schedule for a Real Estate Manager. After discussion, motion was made by \'lein and seconded by \Hlson adopting the Salary Schedule as presented with the addition of a position for Real Estate !vlanager. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Hein, vlilson, hebster, Austin, and Hodgdon Hoes: None Abstention: None Absent: None Retirement and Personnel Policy Mr. Austin and Mr. Webster presented to the Members their findings on the Agency's present Retirement and Personnel Policy. Mr. Austin explained the present retirement system to the /ilembers and recommended that said policy remain in effect. Mr. Austin did recommend that the Agency review the City of San Bernardino's Personnel Policy. He stated that the Agency's present policy should be altered to comply with the City's policy. The Ivlembers felt that the City of San Bernardino's Personnel Policy should Le reviewed at the next meeting. !.lr. Austin stated that he would obtain said policy for the Agency's review. Executive Director The Chairman stated that he has received three applications to date for the position of Executive Director. ~ - 420 c ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster to adjourn the meeting. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None [ [ 421 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARD- INO, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON THE 6TH DAY OF JULY, 1967, IN ROOM 305, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BUILDING, 323 COURT STREET, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF- ORN IA ~ '!! -..,J The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Roll Call showed the fOllowing Agency Members present: Hodgdon, Webster, Austin, Wein and Wilson. Agency Members Absent: None Also Present: Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel; Mr. Widerstrom, Secretary-Treasurer; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary. MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 15, 1967 were presented to the Members for approval. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Austin approving the Minutes of June 15, 1967 as submitted. The motion was carried by the fol- lowing vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Austin, Webster, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None , ~ ....J EXPENDITURES: The Expenditures for the month of June, 1967 were submitted to the Members. Mr. Austin requested that the expenditures for Delmann Heights be separately noted on all future expenditures. Mr. Widerstrom stated that this would be done in the future. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein approving the Expenditures for the month of July 1967 as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Wein, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL: Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel, advised the Members that Mr. William Leonard has agreed to sell back to the Agency Reuse Parcel No.4, (R-79) for the same price as he originally paid the Agency for it. The documents for this transaction are now being prepared. Mr. Varner further advised the Members that David Earle Jordan has filed a threatening litigation against the Agency, the City of San Bernardino, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, City Attorney, Ralph Prince, and Dr. Weaver. This case is in the form of an action for Declaratory Relief to declare the ordinance creating the Redevelopment Agency unconstitutional; to declare the Federal Housing Act of 1965 unconstitutional; and for injunctive ~ and other equitable relief. Mr. Varner stated that he has not yet been served --'" 422 ,... t I '-- with the documents but that he has copies of them. He further stated that it was his opinion that this action is not meritorious. Mr. Varner explained that the case of the Downtown Businessmen's Association vs. the Agency and the City of San Bernardino is set for argument before the Appellate Court on July 12, 1967. DEMOLITION UNIT NO.1, R-79: The Bids for Demolition of Unit No.1, Central City Project, R-79, were opened and read aloud. The Members expressed that they felt the Agency should not give the job to the lowest bidder until all qualifications were studied. Mr. Kintner stated that it is his belief that the Federal Government requires the Agency to accept the lowest qualified bidder. Mr. Varner stated that this also is his belief. Mr. Wein stated that price should not be the number one consideration. After further discussion, motion was made by Wein and seconded by Austin directing Mr. Kintner and Mr. Varner to review the bids regarding financial qualifications, equipment and other qualifications and to notify the Members within ten days of their findings. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Austin, Webster, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: Non~. Absent: None (TabulatiQn of said bids is attached hereto marked Exh~b~t A and made a part hereof). BANK OF AMERICA, PRE-DISPOSITION AGREEMENT, R-79: f"'"""'" The Chairman presented to the Members a draft of a Predisposition Agreement between the Agency and the Bank of America for a parcel of land in the Central City Project. Said parcel is 13,310 sq. ft. for a sum of $4.50 per square foot, or a total sum of $59,895.00. This Agreement will require a deposit of $2,994.75. The parcel was pointed out on the map and the plot plan shown. After further discussion, motion was made by Webster and seconded by Austin authorizing the Chairman and Secretary to sign a Predisposition Agreement with the Bank of America for a parcel of land in the Central City Project Area. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Austin, Wein, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None I.- CONTRACT FOR ADDITIONAL UNDERTAKINGS OF THE LOCAL PUBLIC AGENCY: The Chairman explained that the Agency Accounting Services and Mr. Varner for additional undertakings of the Agency. Heights Code Enforcement Program E-5. duced: must sign a contract with Mr. Gray for Legal Services in connection with This contract would cover the Delmann The following resolutions were intro- RESOLUTION NO.5l4 r '-- RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT AGREEMENT WITH BRUCE D. VARNER FOR ADDITIONAL UNDERTAKINGS OF THE AGENCY 423 WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency is planning and conducting various redevelop- ment activities pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Law of the State of California; and .., ?; --- WHEREAS, such redevelopment activities include the planning and development of projects and programs situated in the City of San Bernardino, in addition to those being conducted under contracts for Loan and Grant with the United States of America providing for financial aid to the Local Public Agency under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency desires to engage the services of Mr. Bruce D. Varner to render certain legal advice and assistance in connection with such additional undertakings of the Local Public Agency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Agency execute a Contract by and between Mr. Bruce D. Varner and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino for the performance of all necessary legal services in connection with such additional undertakings of the Local Public Agency. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wilson authorizing the execution of a contract with Bruce D. Varner for additional undertakings of the Agency and adopting Resolution No.514. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wilson, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None RESOLUTION NO. 515 ., RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT AGREEMENT WITH JOHN F. GRAY FOR ADDITIONAL UNDERTAKINGS OF THE AGENCY ...,J WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency is planning and conducting various redevelopment activities pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Law of the State of California; and WHEREAS, such redevelopment activities include the planning and development of projects and programs situated in the City of San Bernardino, in addition to those being conducted under contracts for Loan and Grant with the United States of America providing for financial aid to the Local Public Agency under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency desires to engage the services of Mr. John F. Gray to render certain technical advice and assistance in connection with such additional undertakings of the Local Public Agency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Agency execute a Contract by and between Mr. John F. Gray and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino for the performance of all necessary technical accounting advice and services in connection ~ with such additional undertakings of the Local Public Agency. -- 424 r- I j ...... Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wilson authorizing the execution of a Contract with John F. Gray for additional undertakings of the Agency and adopting Resolution No. 515. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wilson, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None CONTRACT FOR SURVEY SERVICES, R-79: Mr. Kintner, Agency Engiqeer, explained to the has requested additional survey services to be services would include the Andreson Building. authorization to let a contract with Arrowhead services not to exceed $500.00. After further resolution was introduced: Members that Victor Gruen done on R-79. These survey' Mr. Kintner requested Engineering for said discussion, the following RESOLUTION NO. 516 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH ARROW- HEAD ENGINEERING FOR SURVEY SERVICES ",.- WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency 'has, under date of March 21,1967, entered into a Loan and Capital Grant Contract for the Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79, with the United States of America providing for financial aid to the Local Public Agency under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended by all amendatory Acts including the Housing Act of 1954; and ...... WHEREAS, pursuant to such Contract, the Local Public Agency is undertaking certain activities necessary for the planning or execution of its Central City Project Area Ho. 1, Calif. R-79; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency desires to engage the services of a contractor to render certain technical advice and assistance in connection with survey services for the Central City Project; and WHEREAS, at a Regular Meeting of the Agency held the 6th day of July, 1967 the Members found and determined that Arrowhead Engineering Corporation was best qualified to perform the services so desired by the Agency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Agency execute a contract by and between Arrowhead Engineering Corporation for the performance of certain technical advice and assistance in connection with survey work for the Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79. "... Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 516. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Wein, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ..... 425 JACK GREENWOOD, REUSE PARCEL No. 63, R-IO: .., The Chairman explained to the Members that Reuse Parcel No. 63, which was pur- chased by Mr. Jack Greenwood, was once the site of an old service station, and that there are gas odors coming from the soil. As a result of soil tests, it is now required that 6 feet of the soil be taken up and recompacted. Mr. Kintner stated that this is not an unusual condition for this area. The question of the responsible party was discussed. Mr. Greenwood felt that the Agency should make good the money he will have to spend for this recompaction of soil because he did not know this condition existed when he purchased the property. After much discussion with Mr. & Mrs. Greenwood, the Agency felt that the matter should be turned over to our Attorney, Mr. Varner, for his review. Said matter will be brought up at the next meeting. ,~ '@ ..." AGENCY PERSONNEL POLICY: The Members were presented with a Proposed Personnel Policy. Mr. Austin stated that this policy is a duplication of the City of San Bernardino's policy with the only slight revisions for our Agency. The Secretary was directed to present said policy to the staff for their review and comments. Said policy would be presented at the next meeting giving the Members and staff an opportunity to study it. PARKING STRUCTURE STUDY: The Chairman presented to the Members a letter dated June 26, 1967 from Victor Gruen Associates, Inc. It was explained to the Members that in order for our mall to be competitive with the Inland Center we will need additional parking. The most critical area of the mall will be the eastern sector where the retail stores are more concentrated and the space available for surface parking is at a minimum. In order to provide this additional parking it will be necessary to build a multi-level parking garage. The Chairman requested authorization to execute a contract with Victor Gruen Associates to determine the layout, size, cost, function and operation of a parking structure for the mall. After further discussion, the following resolution was introduced: ... -"" RESOLUTION NO. 517 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH VICTOR GRUEN ASSO- CIATES FOR A PARKING STUDY, R-79 WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has, under date of March 21, 1967 entered a Loan and Capital Grant Contract for the Central City Project Area No.1, R-79, with the United States of America providing for financial aid to the Public Agency under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended and all atory Acts including the Housing Act of 1954; and into Calif. Local amend- WHEREAS, pursuant to such Contract, the Local Public Agency is undertaking certain activities necessary for the planning and execution of its Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79; and ~ l I I l -..J 426 c WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency desires to engage the services of a contractor to render certain technical advice and assistance in con- nection with a parking study to determine the layout, size, cost, function and operation of a parking structure for the Central City Project Mall; and WHEREAS, at a Regular Meeting of the Agency held the 6th day of July, 1967 the Members found and determined that Victor Gruen Associates, Inc. was best qualified to perform the services so desired by the Agency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Agency execute a contract by and between Victor Gruen Associates for the performance of certain technical advice and assistance in connection with a parking study for the Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein adopting Resolution No. 517 authorizing the Chairman and Secretary to execute a contract with Victor Gruen Associates for a parking structure study as outlined in Victor Gruen's letter of June 26, 1967. The motion was carried by the following vote, to Wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None MODEL OF MALL: ~ ! The Chairman requested authorization from the Members to have a model of the mall built so the public can become better acquainted with the Central City Project. The model will be 4' x B' and will cost approximately $2,BOO.00. A letter was presented from Victor Gruen Associates wherein they recommended the services of Butler Models with whom they have done business with in the past and have found them satisfactory. After further discussion, the following resolution was introduced: I....... RESOLUTION NO. 51B RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH BUTLER MODELS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MODEL OF THE CENTRAL CITY PROJECT MALL WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has, under date of March 21, 1967, entered into a Loan and Capital Grant Contract for the Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79, with the United States of America providing for the financial aid to the Local Public Agency under Title I of the HOusing Act of 1945, as amended and all amendatory Acts including the Housing Act of 1954; and f""r WHEREAS, pursuant to such Contract, the Local Public Agency desires to engage a contractor to construct a scale model of the Central City Project Mall Area; and , ...., 427 WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency at a Regular Meeting held the 6th day of July, 1967 found and determined that Butler Models was best qualified to perform said service. J NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino,California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized on behalf of the Agency to purchase from Butler Models a scale model of the Central City Project Mall Area and to execute said contract for this purchase. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein adopting Resolution No. 518. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Wein, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ARCHITECTS FOR LANDSCAPING, R-79; Mr. Hodgdon requested authorization to negotiate for landscape architecture for the mall. He presented a letter dated June 29, 1967, from Victor Gruen Associates. Victor Gruen Associates recommend in this letter the services of Eckbo, Dean, Austin and Williams. They state that they have had exper- ience with this organization in both educational and professional fields for the past 17 years. A letter was also presented from Eckbo, Dean, Austin and Williams stating their interest in this service. After further discussion, motion was made by Wein and seconded by Wilson authorizing the Agency to negotiate with Eckbo, Dean, Austin and Williams for landscape architecture for the Central City Project Area. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Wilson, Austin, Webster and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None J PHIL SHANEDLING PREDISPOSITION AGREEMENT, R-lO: The Chairman stated that the Agency had authorized a Predisposition Agreement at the Regular Meeting of May 18, 1967, with Phil Shanedling Company for the purchase of a portion of Parcels 13, 15, 16 and all of Parcel 17, and a portion of Parcel 18, R-lO. These parcels were pointed out on the map. The Chairman explained that the Agency would now like authorization to change the legal description on this Agreement. Phil Shanedling Company would like to enter Predisposition Agreement on a portion of Parcel 13 (13b) and all of Parcels 15, 16 and 17. Parcels l3c, l4b and l8b are available for sale under the Agency's regular Agreement of Sale. The Members felt that the two Agreements should be signed coherently. After further discussi0n, the following reso- lution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 519 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE EXE- CUTION OF A PREDISPOSITION AGREEMENT WITH PHIL SHANEDLING COMPANY FOR THE SALE OF REUSE PARCELS 15, 16 and 17 AND A PORTION OF PARCEL 13 (13b), R-lO ~ ~ '-till 428 ..... WHEREAS, by its Ordinance No. 2233 the City of San Bernardino, California, adopted an Official Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, Calif. R-10 and vested the Agency with the responsibility of carrying out said Redevelopment Project; and ",... WHEREAS, the Agency has, under date of October 24, 1958, entered into a contract for Loan and Grant with the United States of America providing for financial aid to the Agency under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended by all Amendatory Acts, including the Housing Act of 1954; and WHEREAS, those certain parcels of real property hereinafter referred to as a portion of Parcel 13 (13b), and all of Parcels 15, 16 and 17 are situated within the boundaries of said Redevelopment Project; and WHEREAS, said Redevelopment Plan and all applicable laws provide for the Agency to acquire by purchase or condemnation all real property located within the boundary of said project area, except those properties designated for possible Owner Participation and requires the Agency to dispose of said acquired land to qualified developers, after site clearance by the Agency as set forth in the Redevelopment Plan; and WHEREAS, Phil Shanedling Company desires to purchase from the Agency said real property for the purpose of constructing certain improvements thereon, which improvements will comply with and be compatible with the contemplated land use as set forth in said Redevelopment Plan. "...... ...... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the offer of the Developer, Phil Shanedling Company, for the purchase of said land be accepted and the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency are hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the Agency to execute said Predisposition Agreement and all other documents necessary or convenient to carry out the terms of said Agreement. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Austin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 519. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Austin, Wein, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None PHIL SHANEDLING FINANCING LETTER, R-10: ,..... The Chairman presented to the Members a letter from Phil Shanedling Company dated July 3, 1967. Said letter stated that the interim financing for the Bank of California is being provided by the United Califounia Bank, Beverly Hills, California. The permanent financing is being done by the Continental Assurance Company, Chicago, Illinois. Mr. Shanedling requests in his letter the Agency's approval of the above. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wilson authorizing the Chairman and Secretary to approve Mr. Shanedling's request. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wilson, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None LETTER FROM MAYOR BALLARD, INDUSTRIAL AIRPORT: ..... 429 The Chairman presented to the Members a letter from Mayor Al C. Ballard dated June 26, 1967. Mayor Ballard in his letter requests the Agency to determine the potentials for an Industrial Air Park through Urban Renewal and to report its findings to the Mayor and Common Council. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Austin authorizing the Chairman to look into the matter to determine the possibilities of an Industrial Air Park through Urban Renewal either in State or Federal Laws. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Austin, Wein, Webster and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ~ -...II PROJECT NO.4: The Members were presented with copies of the Proposed Redevelopment Plan and the Report to accompany the Proposed Redevelopment Plan for the College Industrial Park Project. The letter from Mr. John F. Gray, Agency Accountant, regarding the financial feasibility of the College Industrial Park was read. Said letter is affixed to each copy of the Report to accompany the Plan. Mr. Gray states in his letter that it is his opinion that the Plan is not financially feasible. The Tax Allocation bond market would not, under normal circumstances, in his opinion, support the required $4,500,000, 26 year issue. After further discussion, motion was made by Austin and seconded by Wein authorizing the Secretary to send copies of the Proposed Redevelopment Plan and the Report to accompany the Proposed Redevelopment Plan to REDCO, the City Council and to the land developer, The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Austin, Wein, Webster, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None --.. OTHER BUSINESS: .....", The following items were discussed: Acquisition to date, R-79 The Chairman informed the Members that to date, 57 parcels have been completed in acquisition of Central City for a total amount of $2,623,400; 24 parcels are in escrow for a total of $925,490; and 71 parcels are in the hands of our real estate negotiators, Royal Huntley Realtors, for a total of $5,445,335. Charles DeLao, Real Estate Manager The Members discussed the hiring of Mr. Charles De~ao as Real Estate Manager for the Agency. Mr. Varner explained that Mr. Harper was acting under the Agency's present personnel policy in his hiring of Mr. DeLao. Resolutions of Intention by the City of San Bernardino The Chairman presented to the Members two resolutions prepared by Bruce Varner and Ralph Prince, City Attorney. These resolutions state the intention of the City of San Bernardino to accept and maintain the parking facilities adjacent to the proposed mall and the maintaining of the pDoposed mall proper. After further discussion, motion was made by Webster and seconded by Austin authorizing the Chairman and Attorney to present said resolutions to the Common Council for their approval. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Austin, Wilson, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ~ -- 430 r-' [ -.... Personnel Meeting The Members felt that a personnel meeting should be held at the earliest possible date to review the resumes received by the Agency for the position of Executive Director. Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Wilson to waive any required notice for a special meeting and to establish a date certain to hold said personnel meeting. Said meeting to be set for Monday, July 10, 1967, at 4:00 p.m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Wilson, Austin, Webster and Hodgdon Noes: None Legal Fees for Mr. Wein Mr. Varner advised the Members that in the op~n~on of Mr. John Gray and himself, the legal fees incurred by Mr. Wein could be paid by the Agency if it was determined by the Members that said fees were justified. Said fees could be paid out of Tax Allocation funds. After further discussion, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Austin that said legal fees be de- termined as a necessary expense and eligible for payment by the Agency. Said fees being $1,265. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Austin, Webster and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: Wein Absent: None Purchase, Site Office, R-79 r-' I Mr. Hodgdon requested authorization from the Members to purchase venetian blinds for the Central City site office. Two bids were received. After further discussion, motion was made by Wein and seconded by Austin to accept the bid of Arrowhead Blind Company for $182.00 for venetian blinds for the Central City Site Office. The motion was carried by the fOllowing vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Austin, Wilson, Webster and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None L Delmann Heights Code Enforcement Program E-5 The Chairman advised the Members that the Inspections are being made in the Delmann Heights Project and compliance letters are being mailed out. The Members requested that Mr. Gary Van Osdel, Director of the Delmann Heights Project, a.tend the next regular meeting to report on the progress of Delmann Heights. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster that the meeting be adjourned at 6:10 p.m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ,.. ..... 431 EXHIBIT "A" BID NAME AND ADDRESS SI GNED BOND AMOUNT SALAVAGE TOTAL Cullen & Son, Inc. yes yes 26,447 26,447 ., 4284 Mission Boulevard Pomona, California J A. S. Hubbs yes yes 32 ,822 32,822 Box 63 Colton, California Self Wrecking & Supply Inc. yes yes 26,873 26,873 2109 Lee Avenue South El Monte, California Presco Building Materials yes cashiers 31,040 2,300 28,740 24181 Third Street che ck San Bernardino, California W. F. Hathaway yes yes 22,893 22,893 Box 42 Chin 0 , California L. B. Penhall Co. Inc. yes yes 54,390 54,390 1408 West Center Street Anahiem, California Charlie Ray Gann yes yes 29,500 29,500 2422 West 256th Street ~ La Mita, California I....J ..., , , i, .....J 432 [ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON THE 20TH DAY OF JULY ,1967, IN ROOM 305, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BUILDING, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA. The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Roll Call showed the following Agency Members present: Hodgdon, Webster, Austin, Wein and Wilson Absent: None Also present: Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel; Mr. Widerstrom, Secretary- Treasurer; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 6, 1967 were presented to the Members for approval. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster approving the Minutes of July 6, 1967 as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None . Absent: None [ REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL: Mr. Varner advised the Members that the Downtown Businessmen's Association case had been decided. The Plaintiffs now have 80 days to petition for a hearing. If they are denied, the case will rest. VICTOR GRUEN ASSOCIATES: The Chairman introduced to the Members Mr. Dan Branigan and Mr. Mel Gooch from Victor Gruen Associates. Victor Gruen Associates have just completed Step 2 "Preliminary Plan" of their Contract for Architectural Services. Mr. Branigan explained to the Members what Step 2 consisted of and answered all questions. The Members expressed their appreciation to Mr. Branigan and Mr. Gooch for their time and explanations. PHIL SHANEDLING PREDISPOSITION AGREEMENT: The Chairman advised the Members that Phil Shanedling has signed the Predis- position Agreement authorized at the Regular Meeting of July 6, 1967 for the purchase of Parcels 13b, 15, 16 and 17, R-10. PHIL SHANEDLING OFFER TO PURCHASE: [ The Chairman advised the Members that Phil Shanedling has submitted an Offer to Purchase Parcels 13c, 14b and lab as explained at the Regular Meeting of July 6, 1967. The Secretary was authorized to advertise for Public Hearing. 433 DEMOLITION UNIT NO.1, R-79: The Members discussed the Demolition Bids that were opened at the Regular Meeting of July 6, 1967. They were advised that W. F. Hathaway had requested withdrawal of their bid. After discussion, motion was made by Wein and seconded by Wilson accepting the withdrawal of W. F. Hathaway's bid for demolition. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Wilson, Austin, Webster and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None J With the withdrawal of W. F. Hathaway's bid, Cullen & Son became the low bidder. Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel, advised the Members that it was his legal opinion that the Agency must accept the lowest qualified bidder. If they did not accept the lowest bidder, they would have to make a definite finding that this bidder was not qualified. Mr. Wilson stated that the bid of Cullen & Son, as submitted, was not totally responsive. They did not complete the section listing their previous experience compatible to this job and their equipment available. They did however state that they would submit this information upon request as low bidder. Mr. Varner advised the Members that Cullen & Son, after hearing of the withdrawal of W. F. Hathaway, contacted Mr. Kintner. Mr. Kintner was then supplied with all the additional information needed to complete the bid. Mr. Varner further stated that it was his opinion that this deficiency has now been remedied. After further discussion, the following resolution was introduced": RESOLUTION NO. 520 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AWARDING CONTRACT FOR DEMOLITION AND SITE CLEARANCE UNIT NO. 1 TO CULLEN & SON IN FURTHERANCE OF THE EXECUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL CITY PROJECT, CALIF. R-79 J WHEREAS, the Agency has, under date of March 21, 1967, entered into a Contract for Loan and Capital Grant with the United States of America providing for financial aid to the Agency for its Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79, under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, and pursuant to that Contract the Agency is undertaking certain activities necessary for the execution of the Central City Project Area No.1; and WHEREAS, the Agency invited competitive sealed bids for Demolition and Site Clearance, Contract, Unit No. l,for the demolition of buildings and structures and site clearance of certain areas in said project and said contract to be in accordance with the Contract Documents furnished all bidders; and WHEREAS, an invitation for bids therefor was duly published in the San Bernardino Sun Telegram, a newspaper of general circulation in the County of San Bernardino on the 9th and 16th days of June, 1967 and an Affidavit showing such publication is on file in the office of said Agency; and WHEREAS, said invitation called for the receipt of such bids until 4:00 p.m. on the 6th day of July, 1967 at the office of said Agency located at 323 Court Street, ]... Room 308, San Bernardino, California; and . 434 [ WHEREAS, a number of such bids were received a't the time and place above specified, and upon such bids being opened at a duly called public meeting of said Agency, at which time a quorum of Members thereof were present; and WHEREAS, the lowest qualified bid was offered by Cullen & Son in the sum of $26,447; and WHEREAS, it appears to said Agency that said Cullen & Son is qualified to be awarded said Contract and it appears to be to the best interest of said Agency to accept their bid: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that subject to approval of Contractor and bid by Agency Counsel and the Department of Housing and Urban Development, said bid of Cullen & Son in the sum of $26,447 be accepted and the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute the said Contract for Unit No. 1 on behalf of the Agency. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Austin adopting Resolution No. 502 accepting the bid of Cullen and Son for Demolition of Unit No.1, Calif. R-79. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Austin, and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: Wein and Wilson Absent: None AGENCY PERSONNEL POLICY: [ Mr. Austin presen'ted to the Members the revised personnel policy. He advised 'the Members that the Agency staff had reviewed the policy presen'ted a't the Regular Meeting of July 6, 1967, and had submitted 'their comments as requested. The policy had been rev is ed by Mr. Varner to better sui't the needs of the Agency. The Members discussed the revisions and suggested further revisions. The following resolutions were introduced: . RESOLUTION NO. 521 C2.A,. /" r,.(J 3 U ,,", CI ':.&,..' __c...",^~, "'" <,.,,- , .; - tft. :;i 1 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELGPMENT AGENCY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING OFFICIAL PERSONNEL POLICIES RESOLVED: The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, hereby adopts the following official personnel policies: 1. Hiring of Employees. All employees employed by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino shall be in accordance with the job classifications set forth in the Recommended Pay Schedule adopted by the Agency on June 15, 1967. [ The Executive.Director shall be hired by the Agency. The Deputy Director for Administration and the Deputy Director for Operations shall be hired by the Executive Director, with approval of the Agency. All other employees shall be hired by the Executive Director. 435 Each new employee shall be hired at the salary set forth for the appropriate job classification in the Recommended Pay Schedule adopted by the Agency on June 15, 1967, unless otherwise approved by the Agency. All salary increases shall be in accordance with said Recommended Pay Schedule. No new job classification shall be created without Agency approval. 2. Compensation for Overtime. Salaried employees receiving an annual salary shall not receive payment for overtime work. Employees receiving annual salaries may receive compensatory time off in lieu of overtime equal to the amount of overtime worked, when such overtime work is done at the request of the department head and approved by the Executive Director. All such compensatory time must be taken within sixty days from the date of said overtime worked. However, in the event that the Agency's work load will not permit the taking of such compensatory time within the required sixty day period, com- pensatory time may be taken at a later date by special permission of the Executive Director. In no event shall compensatory time be accrued as annual leave at the termination of employment. 3. Sick Leave. All sick leave shall be in accordance with the policy adopted by the Agency at its regular meeting on July 20, 1967 (Resolution No. 522). 4. Vacation Leave. All vacation leave shall be in accordance with the policy adopted by the Agency at its regular meeting on July 20, 1967 (Resolution No. 524). 5. Holidays. All holidays taken by Agency employees shall be in accordance with the policy adopted by the Agency at its regular meeting on July 20, 1967 (Resolution No. 523). 6. Working Hours. The official work day for the Agency staff shall be from 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. each Monday through Friday of each week. A fifteen minute rest period in the morning and a fifteen minute rest period in the afternoon hours will be allowed each employee, with one hour lunch period. All time worked by an employee in excess of 40 hours will be considered overtime. 7. Resignation. J ] An employee who desires to terminate his employment shall submit a written, signed resignation to his supervisor two weeks before intended resignation date. Failure to submit such a signed resignation shall result in immediate discharge with prejUdice.' -' 436 [ 8. Dismissal The Executive Director may, upon his own volition or upon recommendation from a department head, dismiss or terminate the employment of any employee of this Agency, except the Deputy Director for Administration and the Deputy Director for Operations. Any employee dismissed by the Executive Director shall have the right to have his dismissal reviewed by the Agency, and the decision of the Agency with respect to such dismissal shall be final. RESOLVED FURTHER: This resolution shall be effective as of the 20th day of July 1967. RESOLUTION NO. 522 \,; ;; , '-(It I , - J iI-Ii ~U::? RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING POLICY FOR SICK LEAVE, AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE RESOLVED: The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino hereby adopts the following policy with respect to paid sick leave and leaves of absence for its employees: 1. For the purposes of this resolution: [ (a) Sick leave means the absence from duty of an Officer or employee because of illness or injury, exposure to contagious disease, attendance upon a member of his immediate family who is seriously ill and requires the care of or attendance of the officer or employee, or death in the immediate family of the officer or employee. (b) Immediate family means: Husband, wife, grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, sister, brother, son or daughter, providing he or she lives in the same household. [ 2. All appointive officers and all employees of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino who are actively on duty in any calendar year, have been in the service of said Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino for ninety (90) days or more continuously, and who are compelled to be absent from their work on account of illness or injury, other than that caused by or arising from their own moral tur- pitude, or that which is compensable, shall be entitled, after ninety (90) days of continuous service, to receive their full salary, wages or com- pensation for a period of three (3) working days and thereafter shall be entitled to receive their full salary, wages or compensation for a period of one day for each month of continuous service, provided, that sick leave shall not accumulate while said employees or officers are being compensated. Time off with pay for sick leave shall be considered as time worked and no deduction shall be made therefor. Any legal holiday occurring while an employee is on sick leave, as provided herein, shall be treated as a paid holiday, and not as a day of sick leave. Such legal holidays shall be as defined in Resolution No. 523, adopted by the Agency on July 20, 1967. Sick leave may be accumulated without limit from January 1, 1964. 437 3. Compensation for sick leave shall be allowed only upon submission by the employee of statement to the Executive Director setting forth the period of absence and nature of illness. J 4. Not more than five days of sick leave within any calendar year may be granted to an officer or employee for the care of or attendance upon mem- bers of his immediate family. Not more than five days of sick leave may be granted to an officer or employee for each absence due to death of a member of his immediate family as defined above, or his mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, daughter-in-law or son-in-law. 5. No absence due to illness or injury in excess of five working days will be approved except after satisfactory evidence of illness or injury, and a certificate from a practicing physician may be required by the Executive Director and shall be subject to his acceptance covering said absence. The Executive Director shall have the right to require a certificate from a practicing physician stating than an officer or employee is able to return and perform his work and duties satisfactorily before an officer or employee who has been on sick leave shall be allowed to return to work. 6. When an employee is off the payroll on pay because of sick leave or injury and has not had a vacation at the end of the current year, he shall be allowed to take his vacation in the next calendar year, but must take said vacation prior to the time he returns to work after his illness or injury. 7. Any employee or officer of the Agency may be granted a leave of absence without pay for reasonable periods of time by the Agency upon the recommendation of the Executive Director. J RESOLVED, FURTHER: This resolution shall be effective as of July 20, 1967. RESOLUTION NO. 523 - r, ),"' ,- /"'- tf,~ f 3 (l C 9 i:-lf-i7 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING PAID HOLIDAYS RESOLVED: The redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino hereby adopts the following policy with respect to paid holidays for its employees: 1. The following days shall be holidays for the purpose of this resolution: New Year's Day Lincoln's Birthday Washington's Birthday Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Admission Day Columbus Day Veteran's Day (Armistice Day) Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Good Friday (Three Hours) 2. All employees shall be allowed the above holidays at full pay when such holidays occur within the regular assigned working period. If it becomes necessary for an employee to work on any of the above-mentioned days, then he shall be allowed another day off of equal time and pay as approved by the Exec- utive Director. o 438 [ 3. Holidays, as listed above, shall be allowed on a Monday if any such holiday falls on Sunday. 4. Holidays earned in any twelve-month period are not accum- ulative beyond the total number of holidays allowed each year by this resolution. RESOLVED, FURTHER: This resolution shall be effective as of July 20, 1967. RESOLUTION NO. 524 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING VACATION POLICY RESOLVED: The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino hereby adopts the following policy with respect to paid vacations for its employees: 1. Every employee of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino shall be allowed a paid vacation as follows: [ (a) After the completion of one (1) year of continuous full time employment with the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, and thereafter up to and including nine (9) years of cont inuous full time employment, every employee shall be allowed vacation equivalent to two (2) calendar weeks with pay per year. Vacation shall accrue at the rate of 1.166 calendar days per month, and shall not exceed two (2) calendar weeks in anyone year. (b) After completion of ten (10) years of continuous full time employment with the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, and thereafter up to and including nineteen (19) years of continuous full time employment, every employee shall be allowed vacation equivalent to three (3) calendar weeks with pay per year. Vacation shall accrue at the rate of 1.75 calendar days per month, and shall not exceed three (3) calendar weeks in anyone year. (c) After the coapletion of twenty (20) years of cont inuous full time employment with the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, and thereafter, every employee shall be allowed vacation equivalent to four (4) calendar weeks with pay each year. Vacation shall accrue at the rate of 2.33 calendar days per month and shall not exceed four (4) calendar weeks in anyone year. 2. Compensation for the above vacation other than payment for earned vacation at time of termination of employment shall be for the amount normally earned for regular assigned working time, other than overtime. r L.. 439 3. Wherever the terms "year or years of employment" appear herein, it shall be deemed to include all service for the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. J 4. No vacation or portion thereof from anyone year shall run conse- cutively with the vacation of the preceding year. A period of three or more months must elapse between the expiration of one year's vacation and the commencement of the next following year's vacation. 5. Employees shall not be permitted to work in their position in lieu of taking vacations in order to receive additional compensation from the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. 6. Vacations shall not be taken until earned, as provided herein. When so earned, vacations shall be taken annually, and shall not be accumulated or carried over to the next year, unless otherwise approved by the Agency. Unless otherwise approved by the Agency, vacations not taken as provided herein, shall be lost. 7. When a holiday, as specified in accordance with the policy adopted by the Agency at its regular meeting on July 20, 1967, occurs within the vacation of an employee, then such employee shall receive an additional day of vacation with pay. 8. When an employee resigns or otherwise leaves the service of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino and has not had his earned vacation since his last anniversary date, then payment shall be made to the employee for the earned portion of his vacation. J 9. Calculation of payment for earned vacation, or deduction for unearned vacation upon termination, shall be made on the basis of the annual salary of such employee. The annual salary shall be computed at twelve (12) times the monthly rate for monthly employees; 261 time the established daily rate for 5-day week employees; 313 time the established daily rate for 6-day week employees. The annual salary divided by the number of earned or unearned vacation days will result in the amount ~o be paid respectively for earned vacation due the employee or for unearned vacation due the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino by the employee. 10. When an employee returns to work after a break in continuous service, and when such break in continuous service shall have been by leave of absence with the approval of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, vacation time shall accrue monthly from the date of return to service from such approved leave of absence, based upon the total length of service of the officer and/or employee. RESOLVED, FURTHER: This resolution shall be effective as of July 20, 1967. Motion was made by Resolution Numbers Personnel Policies was carried by the Wein and Hodgdon Austin and seconded by Webster authorizing the adoption of 521, 522, 523 and 524, setting forth the Agency's Official as revised by Mr. Varner and the Agency Members. The motion following vote, to wit: Ayes: Austin, Webster, Wilson, Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None l ......,. 440 [ The Members expressed their appreciation to Mr. Austin and Mr. Webster for their preparation and review of the Agency's Personnel Policies. NEW BANK ACCOUNTS FOR R-79: The following resolutions were introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 525 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A BANK ACCOUNT AT UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK WHEREAS, the Department of Housing and Urban Development has offered the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, a Loan and Grant Contract authorizing the expenditure of said Loan and Grant funds in accordance with the approved budget therefor~ and WHEREAS, said Agency, at a Regular Meeting held the 20th day of July, 1967, directed the Chairman and Secretary to open a new account with United California Bank to be designated "Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, Project Expenditures Account Project No. Calif. R-79"; [ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized on behalf of the Agency to open a new account with the United California Bank to be designated "Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, Project Expenditures Account Project No. Calif. R-79". Said account shall be retroactively opened as of the 6th day of July, 1967. RESOLUTION NO. 526 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A BANK ACCOUNT AT CROCKER CITIZENS BANK WHEREAS, the Department of Housing and Urban Development has offered the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, a Loan and Grant Contract authorizing the expenditure of said Loan and Grant funds in accordance with the approved budget therefor; and WHEREAS, said Agency, at a Regular Meeting held the 20th day of July, 1967, directed the Chairman and Secretary to open a new account with Crocker-Citizens Bank to be designated "Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, Project Expenditures Account Project No. Calif. R-79": [ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are here- by authorized on behalf of the Agency to open a new account with the Crocker-Citizens Bank to be designated "Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, Project Expenditures Account Project No. Calif. R-79". Said account shall be retroactively opened as of the 6th day of July, 1967. 441 Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein authorizing the adoption of Resolution Nos. 525 and 526. The motion was carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Wein, Webster, Austin & Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None PETER W. QUINN, JR: Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein that the personnel action of the Personnel Meeting held July 12, 1967 be entered into the Minutes of today's meeting. Said action being the hiring of Mr. Peter W. Quinn, Jr., under contract, as Executive Director of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California. Said Contract shall be for the sum of $18,000 per year, with increases at any time, at the discretion of the Agency Board. This Contract shall stipulate the duties of the Executive Director. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Wein, Austin, Webster and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None AGENCY CHECK COUNTERSIGNER: The following Resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 527 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING MR. PETER W. QUINN, JR. TO COUNTERSIGN AGENCY CHECKS AND VOUCHERS WHEREAS, Section 4, Article II of the Bylaws of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, requires that the designation of a countersigner of Agency Checks, other than the Chairman, be by resolution of the Agency; and WHEREAS, it is now necessary to designate one additional countersigner for Agency checks; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that Mr. Peter W. Quinn, Jr. be designated as countersigner as of August 1, 1967. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Mr. Peter W. Quinn, Jr. be designated as a countersigner for checks and vouchers of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, effective August 1, 1967, and that his name be added to the Position Fidelity Bond of the Local Public Agency, Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 527, authorizing Mr. Peter W. Quinn, Jr. to sign Agency checks and vouchers effective August 1, 1967. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wilson, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None -, I ....J J ] 442 [ APPOINTMENT OF SECRETARY-TREASURER OF AGENCY: Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Austin appointing Mr. Peter W. Quinn, Jr. as Secretary-Treasurer of the Agency starting August 1, 1967. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Austin, Wein, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None OTHER BUSINESS: The following items were discussed: Victor Gruen Associates The Chairman requested authorization to approve Step 2 "Preliminary Plan" of the contract for Architectural Services by and between Victor Gruen Associates and the Agency. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein approving Step 2 of the Contract with Victor Gruen Associates and authorizing payment of said services. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Wein, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstent ion: None Absent: None Public Relations r ! ..... The Chairman requested authorization to have a three page Public Relations article on the Central City Project published in the Sun Telegram. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Austin authorizing the Chairman to publish Public &elations material in the Sun Telegram. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Austin, Webster, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None The Members felt that this same opportunity should be given to the Free Press. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Austin authorizing the publication of Public Relations material in the Free Press. Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Austin, Webster, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None Resumes for Executive Director The Chairman informed the Members that letters have been written to all persons who submitted resumes for the position of Executive Director of the Agency. Jack Greenwood, Reuse Parcel No. 63, R-10 r w Mr. Varner advised the Members that he has reviewed the matter of Jack Greenwood. Mr. Greenwood purchased Reuse Parcel No. 63 from the Agency. The soil test revealed that the top 6' of soil on said property would have to be taken up and recompacted. Mr. Greenwood felt that the Agency should be responsible for this recompaction. Mr. Varner further stated that after his review, it was his opinion that it is not the Agency's responsibility to pay for this recompaction, because this is a normal condition for this area. The Members directed Mr. Varner to write a letter to Mr. Jack Greenwood advising him of this finding. 443 -Purchase The Chairman requested authorization for the purchase of a secretarial desk for the Agency's operations department. The desk was purchased from D & M Stationers for $119.50. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein authorizing the purchase of a secretarial desk from D & M Stationers for $119.50. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Wein, Hodgdon, Austin and Webster Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None 5:30 p.m.: Mr. Wilson was excused from the meeting Delmann Heights Code Enforcement Program, Calif. E-5 Mr. Gary Van Osdel, Director of the Delmann Heights Program, was presented to the Members. Mr. Van Osdel advised the Members on the progress of the Delmann Heights Program and answered all questions. Treasury Report Mr. Austin requested a Treasury Report be presented to the Members. Mr. Widerstrom stated that the Treasury Report would be mailed to each Member. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Austin to adjourn the meeting at 5:45 p.m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson 5:46 p.m.: The Chairman called the meeting back to order. The following Agency Members were present: Webster, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Agency Members absent: Wilson VICTOR GRUEN CONTRACT AMENDMENT: The Chairman requested authorization from the Members to enter into a Contract Amendment with Victor Gruen Associates to include a scale model of the mall from Butler Models. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wein authorizing a Contract Amendment with Victor Gruen Associates. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wein, Austin, and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Austin to adjourn the meeting at 5:50 p.m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson Warner W. Hodgdon Chairman J J n --' 444 ....... MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON THE 3RD DAY OF AUGUST, 1967, IN ROOM 305, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BUILDING, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA ,- The Members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, met in a Regular Meeting at 323 Court Street, Room 305, in the City of San Ber- nardino, California, at 4:00 o'clock p.m., on the 3rd day of August, 1967, the place, hour, and date duly established for the holding of such meeting. The Chairman called the meeting to order and on roll call the following answered present: Austin, Wein, Wilson and Hodgdon and the following were absent: Webster The Chairman declared a quorum present. MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 20, 1967 were presented to the Board for approval. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Austin approving the Minutes as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Webster ~Il FIRST AMENDATORY CONTRACT, HUD: ......11 A resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 528 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND PROVIDING FOR THE EXECUTION OF A FIRST AMENDATORY CONTRACT AMENDING LOAN AND GRANT CONTRACT NO. CALIF. R-79 (LG), BY AND BETWEEN REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BE IT RESOLVED BY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The pending proposed First Amendatory Contract (herein called the "Amendatory Contract"), to amend that certain Loan and Grant Contract No. Calif. R-79 (LG), dated March 21, 1967, and by and between Redevelop- ment Agency of the City of San Bernardino (herein called the "Local Public Agency") and the United States of America (herein called the "Government"), is hereby in all respects approved. .......". SECTION 2. The Chairman is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Amendatory Contract in two counterparts on behalf of the Local Public Agency and the Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to impress and attest the official seal of the Local Public Agency on each such counterpart and to forward such counterparts to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, for execution on behalf of the Government, together with such other documents relative to the approval and execution of such counterparts as may be re- quired by the Government. 11/11."'" 445 SECTION 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. ., ~ .....,; was introduced by Mr. Quinn. Said Resolution was then read in full and discussed and considered. Mr. Wilson then moved the adoption of the Resolution as introduced and read. Mr. Wein seconded the motion, and, on roll call, the following voted "Aye": Wilson, Wein, Austin and Hodgdon and the following voted "Nay": None The Chairman thereupon declared the motion carried and the Resolution adopted as introduced and read. FOR SALE SIGNS, R-lO Mr. Quinn explained to the Members that the Agency would like to purchase ten "For Sale" signs for the available property in the Meadowbrook Project. These signs will also be able to be used for future disposition of the Central City Project. The Members were further advised that Mr. Chuck De Lao requested bids from several sign companies. Sal Cruz Advertising was the only responsive company. Ten signs will cost the Agency $530.00. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein authorizing the purchase of 10 signs from Sal Cruz Advertising Company. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Austin, Wein, and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Webster ..... The Members requested that the old Redevelopment Agency signs that are posted during construction be changed to indicate the names of the new Board Members and Executive Director. Mr. Quinn advised the members that this would be done. -- REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL: Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel, advised the Members that Mr. William Ward will submit a Progress Report of the parcels of land in the Meadowbrook Project which are involved in condemnation. This report will be presented at the next regular meeting. SIGNER FOR REAL ESTATE DOCUMENTS: The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 529 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 509 AND DESIGNATION MR. CHARLES DE LAO TO SIGN ON AND IN THE BEHALF OF THE AGENCY FOR ALL REAL ESTATE DOCUMENTS WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, by its Resolution No. 509, adopted June 15, 1967, designated Mr. Boyce J. Harper, Jr. --, to sign on and in the behalf of the Agency for all real estate documents; and '--' 446 r ....., WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency has hired Mr. Charles De Lao as Real Estate Manager of the Agency and desires Mr. De Lao to sign all real estate docu- ments on behalf of the Agency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino that Resolution No. 509 be rescinded and Mr. Charles De Lao is hereby authorized to sign on and in the behalf of the Agency for all real estate documents, effective retroactively as of July 10, 1967. Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Austin adopting Resolution No. 529. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Austin, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Webster CONTRACT AMENDMENT FOR INSPECTION SERVICES, R-lO: Mr. Quinn presented to the members a letter from Mr. PI L. Hicks, City Engineer, City of San Bernardino. Mr. Hicks in his letter that the Agency issue Amendments to those Agreements between the Agency and the City for Inspec- tion Services for Unit No. lA and Unit No.5. Said Amendments will change the upset figure of the contracts. Mr. Quinn explained that the additional work that the City performed was necessary and the bill is proper. The fol- lowing resolutions were introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 530 ",... RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BER- NARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR INSPECTION SERVICES OF UNIT NO. lA, R-lO .......' WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of SAn Bernardino, California, by its Resolution No. 462, adopted December 1, 1966, authorized the execution of an Agreement with the City of San Bernardino for Inspection Services of Unit No. lA, in the Meadowbrook Project Area, Calif. R-lO; and WHEREAS, at a Regular Meeting of the Agency, held the 3rd day of August, 1967 the Agency found and determined that said Contract should be amended, increas- ing the upset figure to $2,311.86. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California that Paragraph 3 of said Contract be amended to read as follows: "3. Total Compensation: It is expressly understood and agreed that in no event will the total reimbursement, if any, to be paid hereunder exceed the max- imum sum of Two Thousand, Three Hundred Eleven Dollars and Eighty Six Cents ($2,311.86) for all services required. Said compensation will be subject to a requisition for payment from the City specifying they have performed the ser- vices under this Agreement." ".... Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 530. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Wilson, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Webster '-'OIl 447 RESOLUTION NO. 531 ., fi M ....J RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BER- NARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH.THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR INSPECTION SERVICES OF UNIT NO.5, R-lO WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, by its Resolution No. 462, adopted December 1, 1966, authorizing the execution of an Agreement with the City of San Bernardino for Inspection Services of Unit No.5, in the Meadowbrook Project Area, Calif. R-lO; and WHEREAS, at a Regular Meeting of the Agency, held the 3rd day of August, 1967, the Agency found and determined that said Contract should be amended, increas- ing the upset figure to $1,935.48. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California that Paragraph 3 of said Contract be amended to read as follows: "3. Total Compensation: It is expressly understood and agreed that in no event will the total reimbursement, if any, to be paid hereunder exceed the maximum sum of One Thousand, Nine Hundred Thirty Five Dollars and Forty Eight Cents ($1,935.48) for all services required. Said compensation will be subject to a requisition for payment from the City specifying they have performed the services under this Agreement." .... Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 531. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Wilson Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Webster ...., EXPENDITURES: The Expenditures for the month of July, 1967 were presented to the Members for approval. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Austin authorizing the approval of the Expenditures for the month of July, 1967. The motion was car- ried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Webster FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The Members reviewed the Agency's Financial Statement as of July 18, 1967. They were conserned as to the Agency's investments. Mr. Quinn and Mr. Hodgdon explained to the Members the procedure of the Agency regarding investments. The Members requested that Mr. Quinn study the Agency's investments in order to determine that the Agency is receiving the best percentage of interest for the money invested. OTHER BUSINESS: The following items were discussed: -1 .~ ......, 448 Demolition R-79 ,... ..... The Members were advised that Cullen & Son should start demolition approxi- mately July 14th. Mr. Hodgdon requested that the Agency Members be notified when the exact date of demolition will start in order that they and the Mayor may be on the site. Mr. Quinn stated that they would be so advised. Acquisition. R-79 The Members were advised that Morrison & Hill should have all their remain- ing appraisals submitted to the Agency within 30 days. These appraisals will then be sent to San Francisco. HUD. for concurrence. MsIl 'Ieftsftt:-EliS!;ibilitv Several Members stated that they have been contacted by businessmen of San Bernardino regarding possible occupancy in the mall proper and property adjacent to the mall on "E" Street. These businessmen wanted to know the pro- cedure necessary to "put their name on the list" as possible developers. The Members were imformed that they should advise any interested parties to contact the Agency so that our files will indicate their interest. Start of Construction. R-79 The Chairman informed the Members that construction on the Mall is estimated to start in 18 to 24 months. ~II ADJOURNMENT: Io0....o" Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein that the meeting be adjourned at 4:40 p.m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson Wein. Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Webster ".... ....,.. 449 ...., MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON THE 17TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1967 IN ROOM 305. FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BLDG. SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA -- The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Roll Call showed the following Agency Members present: Hodgdon, Webster, Austin, Wein and Wilson Agency Members Absent: None Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary MINUTES The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 3, 1967 were presented to the Members for approval. Motion was made by Austin and seconded by Wilson approving the minutes as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Austin, Wilson, Webster, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None .... . PUBLIC HEARING, REUSE PARCEL NO. l8c, l3c and l4b, R-10: ...." The Chairman declared that this was the time and the place for the Public Hearing on the sale of Reuse Parcels No. l8c, l3c and l4b to Phil Shanedling Company. There being no objections to the sale of said property, the Public Hearing was closed and the meeting was reconvened. PHIL SHANEDLING COMPANY, REUSE PARCELS NO. l8c, 13c and l4b, R-lO: All documents being in order for the above sale, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 532 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA ACCEPTING OFFER TO PURCHASE SUBM JlIITTED BY PHIL SHANEDLING COMPANY WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California desires to sell property loaated in its Meadowbrook Project R-lO to qualified redevelopers to develop the land in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan therefor; and WHEREAS, at a public hearing before said Agency on the 17 day of August, 1967, Notice of which hearing was duly given as required by law, the Agency examined the .., 6ffer to Purchase and related documents submitted by Phil Shanedling Company here- ~ inafter called -Redeveloper", for the purchase of that certain real property --J described as follows: [ "... '-' ".... I i.-, 450 13C and 14B, R-10 That portion of Lot 3, Block 14, City of San Bernardino, in the City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per plat recorded in Book 7 of Maps, page 1, records of said County, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of said Lot 3, 167 feet North of the South line of Lot 2; Thence West 73 feet, more or less, to the Easterly line of the right-of-way easement of Ihe Pacific Electric Company now in use across said Lot 3; Thence Northeasterly along said right-of-way easement to a point 187 feet North of the South line of said Lot 2; Thence East 55 feet, more ore less, to the East line of said Lot 3; Thence South 20 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel 18C, R-10 That portion of Lot 2, Block 14, City of San Bernardino, in the City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per plat rec- orded in Book 7 Maps, page 1, records of said County, described as follows: Beginning at tbe Southeast corner of said Lot 2, Thence West along the Southerly line of said Lot 2, 48.5 feet , more or less, to a point 248.5 feet East of the Best line of said Lot 2; Thence North 127.5 feet; Thence East 8.5 feet, more or less, to a line 40 feet West of the East line of said Lot 2; Thence North along said 40 feet line 13 feet; Thence East 40 feet to the Bast line of said ~ot 2; Thence South along said East line of Lot 2 140.5 feet, more or less to the point of beginning. And located in said project; and WHEREAS, at a Regular meeting of said Agency on the 17 day of August, 1967, the Agency finds and setermines all documents submitted by said Redeveloper for the purchase of said land are in order and in conformance with the rules and regu- lations as established by the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the disposition of project lands: BOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Agency does determine that said Offer to Pur- chase and related documents, including the Statement for Public Disclosure of said Redeveloper, are satisfactory; that negotiation is the appropriate method for the disposal of said parcel; that the Redeveloper possesses the qualifica- tions and financial resources necessary to acquire and develop said property in accordance with said plan; that the proposed, Nineteen thousand nine hundred sixty and no/OO ($19,960.00), is satisfactory, not less than the fair market value of land for uses in accordance with said Red"'lopment Plan, and is not less than the resale priue for said property as concurred in by the Department of Housing and Urban Deve1op..uu. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED by The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, 451 Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 532. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Wilson, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ] JACK GREENWOOD, REUSE PARCEL NO. 63, R-10, EXTENSION: A letter was presented to the Members from Mr. Jack Greenwood requesting an extension of his escrow on Reuse Parcel No. 63, R-10. Mr. Greenwood stated in his letter that he is now applying for a Small Business Loan and he will need this extra tmme for the loan to be processed. Mr. Greenwood requested a 90 day extension. After considerable discussion the members fel. that Mr. Green- wood should be given a 60 day extension. This would give Mr. Greenwood a total of 120 days for his escrow, the normal period allowed by the Agency. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wilson authorizing the Director to notify Mr. Greenwood that the Agency has authorized a 60 day extension on his escrow. Also informing him that it is Agency procedure that any further extensions will incur a 6% interest charge on the balance price of the property. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wilson, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon No~s: None Abstention: None Absent: None DISPOSITION SALES AGREEMENT, R-10: The Chairman stated that he felt the Agency Counsel should be directed to incorp~ orate into the present Meadowbrook Project Disposition Sales Agreements a provis- J ion whereby any extensions longer than the determined escrow period, incur a 6% . ; interest charge on the unpaid balance of the property. Motion was made by Wilson , and seconded by Wein authorizing the Agency Couns.el to incorporate said provision into the present Meadowbrook Disposition Agreement. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Wein, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None NEW BANK ACCOUNTS: The following resolutions were introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 533 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A BANK ACCOUNT AT BANK OF CALIFORNIA FOR PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN REPAYMElIl' FUND, R-79 WHEREAS, the Department of Housing and Urban Development has offered the Re- development Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, a Loan and Grant Contract authorizing the expenditure of said Loan and Brant funds in accordance with the approved budget therefor; and -~ WHEREAS, said Agency, at a Regular Meeting held the 17th day of August, 1967 directed the Chairman and Secretary to open a new account with United California Bank to be designated "Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, Calif- ornia, - Project Temporary Loan Repayment Fund, R-79": " .J 452 r- ~ .... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby auth- orized on behalf of the Agency to open a new account with the United Calif- ornia Bank to be designated "Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernar- dino, California - Project Temporary Loan Repayment Fund, R-79"J Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Austin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 533. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Austin, Wein, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None RESOLUTION NO. 534 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A BANK ACCOUNT AT UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK FOR OPTION DEPOSIT, CALIF.R-79 WHEREAS, the Department of Housing and Urban Development has offered the Re- development Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, a Loan and Grant Contract authorizing the expenditure of said Loan and Grant Funds in accordance with the approved budget therefor; and "",.. " [ , WHEREAS, said Agency, at a Regular Meeting held the 17th day of August, 1967 directed the Chairman and Secretary to open a new account with United Calif- orniallank to be designated "Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernar- dino, California, - Option Deposit, R-79"; -..." NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby autherized on behalf of the Agency to open a new account with the United California Bank to be designated "Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardi.o, Calif- orni. - Option Deposit, R-79." Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Austin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 534. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Austin, Wein, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None NAHRO 31ST NATIONAL CONFERENCE: Mr. Quinn advised the Members that there will be a National Conference in Portland Oreg.n, October 8 thru 11, 1967. The following resolution was intro- heeci : RESOLUTION NO. 535 ".... RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING ATTENDANCE AT NAHRO'S 31ST NATIONAL CONFERENCE, PORTLAND OREGON, OCTOBER 8 THRU 11, 1967 \-; WHEREAS, Resolution No. 302 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, requires that each trip made by an Agency Member or Staff Member to a destination outside of the City of San Bernardino be specif- ically authorized by a resolution of the Agency Members: and 453 ...... WHEREAS, there will be a NAHRO National Conference in Portland, Oregon on October 8 thru 11, 1967; and ...... WHEREAS, it is found to be essential that certain Agency Memeers and Agency Staff travel to said NADRO Conference in Portland. NOW, THEREFORE, BIl IT RESOLVED that the Agency Members and the Agency Staff are hereby authorized to attend the hereinabove referred to 31st National Conference in Portland, Oregon, and their travel expenses be and are hereby approved in accordance with the provisions of Resolution No. 302 of the Agency Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Webster authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 535. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Webster, Austin, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None SURVEY SERVICES, R-79: The Members were advised that the Agency should invite proposals for Survey Services in connection with Project No. Calif. R-79. This survey would include the staking of lots as sold by the Agency and would provide a record of survey of the project area. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster dir- ecting the Agency Engineer and the Executive Director to secure proposals for survey services for R-79. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: Noaa Absent: Noaa , U CONDEMNATION PROGRESS REPORT, R-lO: Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel, presented to the Members a Report on Condemnation prepared by Mr. William Ward, R-lO Condemnation Attorney for the Agency. The report was explained to the Members. Mr. Varner stated that he believes all parcels under condemnation proceedings should be acquired by the end of this year. RELOCATION OF OUTDOOR ADVERTISING SIGNS: Mr. Quinn advised the Members that the Agency is in receipt of a Memo from the Department of Housing and Urban Development regarding relocation payments for the moving of outdoor advertising signs. Said Memo advised us that concerns engaged in the outdoor advertising display business, generally perfer to move their own signs rather than have their competitors do so. Consequently it is often impossible to obtain bona fide bids as required under the Relocation Pay- ments Regulations, The Memo also included a list of Reimbursement Rates recom- mended for said moves. Mr. Quinn stated that said schedule of reimbursement rates should be approved by resolution. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 536 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A FIXED RELOCATION PAy...... MENT SCHEDULE FOR THE RELOCATION OF OUTDOOR ADVERTISING SIGNS ., ;~ ...J 454 r'.. \ '-- WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, Calif- ornia, is in the process of acquiring land in certain approved Redevel- opment Project Areas; and WHEREAS, after such acquisition is complete, the Local Public Agency is required to relocate prior property owners and/or occupants; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency is required to reimburse owners of out- door advertising signs for relocation of their own signs; and WHEREAS, concersa engaged in the outdoor advertising display business choose to move their own signs; and WHEREAS, circumstances in the City of San Bernardino preclude the obtain- ing of bids to relocate outdoor advertising signs as required by Section 3.l06(a) of the Relocation Payments Regulation (30 FR 439, January 13,1966) and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency maat establish and adopt a Fixed Reloca- tion Payment Schedule for the relocation of outdoor advertising signs; and r \..-, WHEREAS, at a regu.}.ar meeting of the Agency held August 17, 1967, the Agency Members approved and adopted a Fixed Relocation Payment Schedule for the relocation of outdoor advertising signs and have waived the requirements of Section 3.l06(a) of the Regulation: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said Fixed Relocation Payment Schedule for the relocation of outdoor advertising signs is hereby approved and adopted by the Members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, to govern the payments for the relocation of outdoor adver- tising signs. VICTOR GRUEN, TRAFFIC STUDY, R-79: The traffic pattern of the Central City Project was discussed by the Mem- bers. The Chairman advised the Members that the Agency wished to let a con- tract with Victor Gruen Associates, Inc. for a traffic study which is neces- sary to provide for anticipated traffic flows both to the south and to the east of the project. This contract shall @ave an upset figure of $2,500.00. After further discussion, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 537 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR- MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH VICTOR GRUEN ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR A TRAFFIC STUDY FOR THE CENTRAL CITY PROJECT, CALIF. R-79 r L WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has, under the date of March 21, 1967, en- tered into a Loan and Capital Grant Contract for the Central ctty Project No.1 Calif. R-79, with the United States of America providing for financial aid to the Local Public Agency under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended by all Amendatory Acts including the Housing Act of 1954; and 455 WHEREAS, pursuant to such Contract, the Local Public Agency is undertaking certain activities necessary for the planning or ex- ecution of a Project, situated in the Project Area described below; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency desires to e8gage a contractor to eander certain technical advice and assistance in connection with such undertakings of the Local Public Agency for a traffic study; and WHEREAS, at a Regular Meeting of said Agency on the 17th day of August, 1967, the Agency Members found and determined that Victor Gruen Associates, Inc. was qualified for,perform said service. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, hereby authorized its Chairman and Secretary to enter into a contract with Vjttor Gruea Associates for Professional Services in connection with a tBaffic study for the Central City Projecti R-79. Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 537. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Wilson, Webster, Aust'a and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None AERIAL PHOTO'S FOR R-79: Mr. Quinn stated that in order for Victor Gruen Associates, Inc. to prepare the traffic study, the Agency must submit to the~ an Aerial Photo of the Project Area. Motion was made by Wein and Seconded by' Wilson authorizing the purchase of aerial photos. The motion was car- ried by the following vote, to wit; Ayes; Wein, Wilson, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None VICTOR GRUEN, CONTRACT AMENDMENT, R-79: Mr. Quinn explained that due to the modification of the Plan involv- ing the repositioning of the pedes trial overpass at the easterly end of the mall area, it will be necessary for the Agency to obtain addit- ional perspective sketches looking aOrthwester1y and southwesterly from "E" Street into the open court located at the easterly end of the mall. These eenderings can be obtained through a Contract Amendment to Victor Gruen's present contract. The following Resolution was intro- duced: RBSOLUTION NO. 538 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIR::. MAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT AMENDMENT WITH VICTOR GRUEN ASSOCIATES TO THEIR CONTRACT FOR ARCHIT- ECTURAL SERVICES DATED MARCH 22, 1967 ~ i! I .....J .., M ~ ..." J 456 [ WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, has under date of March 22, 1967, entered into a Con- tract for Architectural Services in connection with Project No. Calif. R-79; and WHEREAS, said Contract for Architectural Services was amended by Contract AmendmeAA No.1, dated July 24, 1967 because of addit- ional services required; WHEREAS, it is now necessary to execute Contract Amendment No. 2 to provide for additional perspective sketches looking northwesterly and southwesterly from "E" Street into the open coutt located at the easterly end of the mall. WHEREAS, the Agency Members found and determined at a Regular Me- eting held the 17th day of August, 1967 that said Contract Amend- meatRo. 2 was necessary and should be executed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby directed on behalf of the Agency to enter into a Cont- ract Amendment No.2 with Victor Gruen Associates. r L Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by As.tin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 538. The motion was carried by the fol- lowing vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Austin, Webster, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None AGENCY TENANT RENTAL POLICY: The Members were presented with a revised Tenant Rental Policy. They were informed that the Agency. present Tenant Rental Policy was discussed with representative from HUD and some of the word- ing was believed necessary to change. Mr. Varner stated that basic1y the policy was the same only changed in wording. Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Wilson to adopt the revised Agency Tenant Rental Policy. The motion was carried by the fol- lowing vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Wilson, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Abs~: Noaa (Revised policy attached at end of Minutes) LANDSCAPE SERVICES, R-79: "... The Members were advised that Eckbo, Dean, Austin and Williams, Landscape Architects, have submitted a proposal for the Lands- caping Services for the Central City Project. Victor Gruen Ass. have recommended the services of this firm because of their past experience with them. The Members felf that perhaps the Agency should invite proposals from additional firms. After further discussion, the Director vas instructed to obtain two additional proposals, The Director stated that this would be done. ~ DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY: The Director stated that it has been the procedure of the Agency 457 to hold Public Hearing on wach parcel of land sold. The Urban Renewal Manual states that we can, if so desired, run a legal add in the local paper advertising the parcels of land to be sold. This procedure elim- inates the Public Hearing on each and every parcel of land sold. Mr. Quinn requested authorization to run such an add. After further dis- cussion, the following resolution was introduced: ] RESOLUTION NO. 539 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDING FOR THE DISPOSAL OF LAND IN THE MEADOWBROOK PROJECT AREA THROUGH A PREDETERMINED PRICE OFFERING WHEREAS, the Urkan Renewal Manual, Section 14-3-4, provides for a pre- ferred disposal method of offering by public notices and advertisements of the availability of land; and WHEREAS, Section 14-3-4 of said manual provides that all parcels in the offering shall be placed on market simutaneously; and WHEREAS, the Members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Ber- nardino, California, at a regular meeting held August 17, 1967, approved and provided for the disposal of land in the Meadowbrook Project area through a predetermined price offering; , .J NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Agency dispose of land in the Meadow- brook Project Area through a predetermined price offering by impliment- ation of the preferred disposal method in Section 14-3-4 of the Urban Renewal Manual. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster authorizing the adop- tion of Resolution No. 538. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None OTHER BUSINESS: The following items were discussed: - , -\.. Letter from Christian Industrial Lea~e. Inc. Mr. Hodgdon read a letter from Mr. J. R. Saucier. Treasurer & Proper- tiesCChairman of the Christian Industrial League, Inc. Motion was made by Austin and seconded by Wein that said letter be spread on the minutes. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Austin, Wein, Webster, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None .., ......tI 458 August 9, 1967 [ Mr. Warner Hodgdon, Chairman, and Board of Directors Urban Redevelopment Agency of San Bernardino 323 Court Street San Bernardino, CA. 92401 Gentlemen: We, the Board of Directors of the Christian Industrial League, Inc., wish to congratulate you on your selection of two fine men to be the working backbone of your Agency. They recently closed an escrow on our property in record time so we could enter into an escrow to purchase other property. They came to the office on Saturday to answer our questions and to get the paperwork started. These two men are Mr. P. W. Quinn and Mr. C. E. DeLao. We wish to thank them for their extra efforts and considerations in performing this service. If they deal with the rest of your ,clients as they did with us, and I am sure they will, you will have very few prop1ems to solve in your capacity of Board Members in the scope of their endeavor. Sincerely yours, r \".,. s/J. R. Saucier J. R. Saucier Treasurer & Properties Chairman JRS:bgk Christian Industrial League, Inc. 227 North "H" Street San Bernardino, California Bud Ammons Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel, advised the Members that Mr. Bud Ammons has requested that the Agency reappraise the property which he has an inter- est in , in the Central City Project. The Members considered the Pos- sibilities of this reappraisal. After considera'le discussion, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster determining that the sit- uation does not warrant such a reappraising of the property rights involved. The motion was carried by the following vote, to witb Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None "..- Purchase of SiKns ........ Mr. Quinn advised the members that we have received a bid from Bill Sinn Signs for the ~rchase of five signs, two signs for R-10 and three for R-79. Total price of the signs is $665.00. Authorization was requested for the purchase of these signs from Bill Sinn. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wein authorizing the purchase of five signs from Bill Sinn. 459 a The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Austin and Hodgdon Noes: Wilson Abstention: None Ayes: Webster, Wein, Absent: None --, .J ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wilson to adjourn the meeting at 5:35 p. m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wilson, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ~ , .~:! iJ -, i '1 --' 459 b .-r [ AGENCY TENANT RENTAL POLICY ( Revised per motion made by Wein and seconded by Wilson to adopt the revised Agency Tenant Rental Policy. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Wilson, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ) When applicable, Rental Agreements will be executed and rental periods shall commence upon the day -after the date the Agency acquires title and the right to possession of the property. Rental rates will be com- mensurate with the fair market value of the property which the tenant occupies in accordance with the terms of the Rental Agreement which is to be on a month ~~ month basis. [ All rents will be due and payable on the first day of each month, pursuant to the terms of the Rental Agreement. The delinquent rental notice and eviction actioRB will be in accordance with Tenant HUD procedures as contained in Urban Renewal Manual and Letter provisions. All reported and economic rents, as the case may be, may be reduced by 25% during the rental period~ This percentage has been determined to be the fair reduced rental value due to the anticipated limited period of occupancy available, as well as the inconvenience and disruption occasioned the property during project execution activities. In case of extreme hardship, when requested by the tenant, and upon proper documentation, the Agency may further reduce rental rates subject to con- currence by HUD. [ J ., )1 ~ ....J J 460 r ~ ~ MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON THE 23RD MY OF AUGUST, 1967, AT 398 WEST FOURTH STREET,SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA The Chairman reported that this special meeting was convened pursuant to a WAIVER OF NOTICE AND CONSENT TO HOLDING A SPECIAL MEETING so required. The same was ordered spread on the Minutes as follows: WAIVER OF NOTICE AND CONSENT TO HOLDING OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA We, the undersigned, being all the Direetors of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, and 4esiring to hold a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of said Agency, do hereby waive notice of said meeting and consent to the holding thereof at 398 West Fourth Street, San Bernardino, California, on the 23rd day of August, 1967, at the hour of 8:00 o.clock a.m. of said day for the following purposes: ",... f (1) Approval of the location of the proposed San Ber- nardino Airport Project and the acceptance of the proposal submitted to the Agency from Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Brier for said airport property. -..... (2) Approval of the execution of a Predisposition Agree- ment with John S. Griffith & Co. and Curci-Turner Company for R-79. (3) To transact such other b~siness as may properly come before said meeting. WITNESS our hands this 23rd day of August, 1967 s/ Warner W. HodKdon Warner W. Hodgdon, Chairman s/ Ray M. Wilson Ray M. Wilson, Vict Chairman sl E. GeorKe Webster E. George Webster "..... , ~ s/ Sanford H. Wein Sanford H. Wein ......, s/ Al M. Austin Al M. Austin 461 The Chairman called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. Roll Call showed the following Agency Members present: Wilson, Webster, Wein & Hodgdon Absent: Austin Also Present: Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel; Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; Al C. Ballard, City of San Bernardino Mayor; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary. .., ~ ....J PROPOSED SAN BERNARDINO AIRPARK PROJECT: At the regular meeting of the Agency held July 6, 1967 the Members were pres- ented with a lefter from Mayor Al C. Ballard, requesting the Agency to deter- mine the potentials for an Industrial Airpark through Urban Renewal and to report its findings to the City Counail. The Chairman was directed by the Board to look into the matter to determine the possibilities. Mr. Hodgdon explained to the Members that after much study a proposed site has been selected. This site is the Tri-City Airport property in the County of San Bernardino. In order for this property to be acquired through Urban Renewal procedures, it must first be annexed into the City of San Bernardino. Mr. Hodgdon explained that this property is uninhabited and therefore can be annexed without election. Renderings of the proposed property were shown to the Members and discussed. It was further explained that this area was an ideal location because of the possibility of also acquiring the surrounding properties. The Airport itself has easy access to transportation. 8:15 Mr. Austin arrived at the meeting. -, ~l Mr. Hodgdon read the following letter from Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Brier: ...... AUGUST 22, 1967 Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon, Chairman Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino 323 Court Street San Bernardino, California Dear Mr. Hodgdon: This will confirm our oral understanding with respect to the sale of cer- tain real property owned by us in San Bernardino County generally known as the Tri-City Airport 'roperty. We are willing to sell our Tri-City Airport prop- erty to the Redevelopment Agency of San Bernardino on the following conditions: 1. PROPERTY: The subject real property is known as the Tri-City Air- port Property, including the residual parcel between Interstate 10 and Redlands Avenue, County of San Bernardino, and is more particularly set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof. The subject real property shall not include a parcel of approximately five acres, to be used by us for the Tri- City operation at the proposed new airport, which five-acre parcel is tent- atively set forth on said Exhibit "A". It is agreed that the location of such J. five-acre parcel may be changed by our mutual agreement of each of us, which agreement shall not be unreasonably withheld by either of us. .. ' 462 ",..., ..... 2. COMPENSATION: The purchase price for said property shall be $5.500,000.00 cash to be paid at the ttme the property is transferred to the Agency. Our agreement to accept this compensation is with the express understanding that the Agency has statutory authority to take the subject real property by condemnation proceedings after said prop- erty is annexed into the City of San Bernardino and that you will do so if we do not voluntarily sell the property to you. At the time of the transfer of title you will, at our option, proceed to condemn the property by customary legal proceedings, with both parties, immed- iately thereafter entering into a consent judgment in accordance with the terms of this letter. 3. CmoMISSIONS: It is agreed that any commissions payable as a result of this transaction shall be our sole responsibility, and that the Agency shall have no responsibility for payment of any such commissions. """"'" 4. AIRPORT OPERATION AND GONSTRUCTION: You are aware that we are conducting an airport operation, including an air taxi business and that our willingness to accept the compensation set forth here- in is on the express understanding that you will: (a) proceed di1i- quent1y and as quickly as possible to aarry out all necessary steps to construct and place into operation a Public Airport Facility at the Tri-City Location, as set forth in Exhibit "A"; and (b) between the date of your acceptance of this proposal and the date the Public Air~ port Facility is fully operational you will maintain the existing facilities at the Tri-City Aitport in satisfactory operating con- dition so that at no time will the operations, as currently being car- ried on, be delayed, interrupted, i~peded'in anyway, or will there be any increased hazard of operation. You will furnish Unicom operations on a full ttme basis from the date of the transfer of title to the subject real property. ,..... 5. SUBSEQUENT TRI-CITY OPERATION: As partial compensation for the property, which you propose to acquire, you will take all steps necessary to insure that we, or a company which we organize and aon- trol, wi~l have full access to and operating privileges at the new Public Airport Facility without the need of paying any form of fee or charge whatsoever for any of its operations. This right shall terminate upon the deaths of Joseph A. and Evelyn P. Brier. For the purposes of this paragraph, "control" shall mean ownership of 51% of the total capital stock. --- The Tri-City operation will be conducted froa said five-acre par- cel to be withheld from the subject property and be'transferred to you. The specific property shall be selected by us and you will be respon- sible for satisfactory public approach roads, both from the public high- ways and the new airport, and the furnishing of normal utility service to parcel. This will be done, whenever possible, prior to the commen- cement of construction of the new airport so that we can move our exis- ting facilities from their existing location, and in any event Agency will coordinate its construction to allow continous operation of the Tri- City operations as set forth herein. ".... 463 6. MUNICIPAL AIRPORT: Recognizing the unique knowledge and background of Evelyn P. Brier with respect to airport operations and the general air transport business. the Agency will agree to use its best efforts to have Evelyn P. Brier selected as a member of any governing body established to direct and control the proposed public airport. should such a governing body be established. ~ .....J 7. ANNEXATION: We will agree that the subject property be annexed to the City of San Bernardino. provided. however. that if you have not purchased the property within 15 months from the date hereof. it will be agreed that the City of San Bernardino will Be-annex the subject property. In addition. we agree that the subject real property will be included within the boundaries of a proposed urban re-development area. as shown on said Exhibit "A". 8. ACQUIRING DATE: If all the requirements set forth herein have not been satisfied within 15 months from the date hereof. it is agreed that neither party will bave any further responsiblities hereunder. 9. CITY APPROVAL: The reference to "you" applies to the Redevelopment Agency and/or the City of San Bernardino. as applicable. and it is contem- plated that City approval of this proposal will be received within 90 days from the date hereof. or this proposal wil~ be deemed terminated. It is understood that the signature of the Chairman of the Agency to this proposal is subject to requisite approval by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. It is agreed that such approval will be obtained within one week from the date bareof. or this proposal shall be null and void. ~ i1 "' :1 .....IIiJ s/ Joseph A. Brier JOSEPH A. BRIER s/ Evelyn P. Brier EVELYN P. BRIER ACCEPTED: Redevelopment Agency of the Ctty of San Bernardino By s / Warner W. Hodgdon WARNER W. HODGDON. CHAIRMAN Mr. Hodgdon explained that he accepted the letter upon the approval of the Agency Board. Mr. Hodgdon further explained that Mr. and Mrs. Brier would not enter into this proposed agreement unless some arrangements were mad~for pay- '-, ment of real property taxes. The following letter was read: ~" August 22. 1967 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Brier 10123 Waterman Avenue San Bernardino. California ..., 5 I .....J 464 o Dear Mr. and Mrs. Brier: Your have advised me that you will not enter into the proposed agre- ement between the San Bernardino Redevelopment Agency and yourself, which proposal is set forth in a letter dated AUlUst 22, 1967, unless some ar- rangements are made for payment to you of the real property taxes on the subject real property during the term of the proposal. I have advised you that neither the Agency nor the City of San Ber- nardino is legally able tp "y such real property taxes on your behalf during the term of the proposal. However, in order to induce you to execute and submit to the Agency the said proposal dated August 22, 1961, I personally will agree to pay to you the sum of $1,000.00 per month for said real property taxes, payable on the first day of each month, com- mencing September 1, 1967, during the term of said proposal, said pay- ments to cease upon acquisition of said real property by the Agency, or termination of the proposal, in accordance with the terms thereof, which- ever is sooner. It is agreed that in the event the Agency acquires the subject prop- erty, pursuant to said proposal, that you will reimburse me for all sums paid pursuant hereto. r f , U It is understood that this undertaking by me i8 made solely to induce you to execute said proposal, and that no personal gain will be recognized by me as a result of this undertaking. This letter fully sets forth our entire understanding and agreement between us individually. If the foregoing constitutes your understanding of our agreement, please execute a copy of this letter as indicated and return the same to me. Very truly yours, s/ Warner W. HodRdon WARNER W. HODGDON Accepted and approved this 22nd day of August, 1967 s/ Joseph A. Brier JOSEPH A. BRIER s/ Evelvn P. Brier EVELYN P. BRIER [ 465 After much discussion regarding the abov9, motion was made by Wein and seconded by Wilson that the proposed location be approved, subject to fut.ae studies; the Chairman be directed to sign the proposal submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Brier on behalf of the Agency; and the Chair- man be directed to present the Agency's findings to the Mayor and City Council. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Wilson, Webster, Asstin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention:None Absent: None o Mayor Ballard thanked the members and stated that this will be one of the greatest steps in the history of San Bernardino. It will create more jobs and better our community. PREDISPOSITION AGREEMENT, JOHN S. GRIFFITH & CO. AND CURCI TURNER CO., R-79: The Chairman advised the Members that we are in receipt of an Offer to Pur- chase from a developer for the entire mall property. This developer is Joh. S. Griffith and Co. and Curci-Turner Company. The purchase price for this property, totalling approximately 387,034 Sq. ft., is approximately $2,499-, 964.00. Because of the need for simultaneous development for the mall, the apparent ideal situation would be for one developer to handle the entire commercial complex. This developer would have to be capable of handling a project of this magnitude and also be willing to have an amount of money set aside for a 0 period of approximately two years while the Agency is able to comply with their , ....... part of the Agreement. Mr. Hodgdon explained to the Members that the devel- . oper has the financial qualifications to develope a project of this size and his past experience more than qualified him. A Biographical Sketch of John S. Grif- fith was read to the members. The past experience of the developers was dis- cussed. The Chairman stated that the Department of Housing and Urban Development has verballj approved this sale, and if a resolution providing for this Preais- position Agreement is approved today, Mr. Varner and Mr. Quinn will fly to HUD to obtain written approval. After further discussion, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 540 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING EXECUTION OF PREDISPOSITION AGREEMENT WITH JOHN S. GRIFFITH & CO. AND CURCI-TURNER CO. WHEREAS, by its Ordinance No. 2649 the City of San Bernardino, California, adopted an Official Redevelopment Plan for Central City Project No.1, Calif. R-79, and vested the San Bernardino Redevelopment Agency with the responsi- bility for carrying out said Redevelopment Project; and J WHEREAS, the Agency has, under date of March 21, 1967, entered into a eon- tract for Loan and Grant with the United States of America providing for financial aid to the Agency under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, including the Housing Act of 1954; and 466 [ WHEREAS, pursuant to said Redevelopment Plan, the Agency has been attempting to dispose of that certain parcel of real property decribed in Exhibit "1" attached hereto and made a part hereof, to a qualified developer. A summary of the Agency.s attempts to dispose of said property is attached hereto as Exhibit "2", and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, JOHN S. GRIFFITH & CO. and Curci-Turner Co. have offered to purchase aaid land pursuant to the terms of the Predisposition Agreement, attached hereto as Exhibit "3" and made a part hereof; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: The Agency hereby finds that disposal of the real property in question by negotiation is the most appropriate method for making said real property available for redevelopment, and such method of dis- posal is consistent with said Redevelopment Plan.' Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein authorizing the adoption of Res6- lution No. 540. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson Wein, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention Motion was made by Austin and: seconded by Wilson directing the Executive Dir- ector to advertise this sale and take all necessary steps to comply with Sec- tion 33431 of the California Health and Safety Code. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Austin, Wilson, Wein, Webster, and Hodgdon Noes: None Abtsention: None Absent: None [ The Chairman advised the Members that Dr. Weaver has invited him to Washing- ton, D. C. to meet with him. Authorization was requested for this trip. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 541 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING WARNER W. HODGDON TO TRAVEL TO WASHINGTON, D. C., TO MEET WITH SECRETARY ROBERT C. WEAVER, HUD WHEREAS, Resolution No. 302 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Ber- nardino, California, requires that each trip made by an Agency Member or Staff Member to a destination outside of the City of San Bernardino be specifically authoriaed by a resolution of the Agency Members; and WHEREAS, it is found to be essential that the Chairman of the Agency Board travel to Washington D. C. to meet with Secretary Robert C. Weaver, of the Dep- artment of Housing and Urban Development, at Secretary Robert C. Weaver's request. [ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, that the Chairman is hereby authorized to travel to Washington, D. C. to meet with Secretary Weaver and his expenses are hereby approved in accordance with the provisions of Resolution No. 302 of the Agency Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Reso- lution No. 541. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Wilson, Austin, Webster and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absan t : None 467 ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein to adjourn the Special Meeting. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wjlson, Wein, Austin, Webster and Hodgdon Noes: NOB8 Abstention: None Absent: None ~ ~ J ] o 468 [ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON THE 7TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1967, IN ROOM 305, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BUILDING, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. Roll Call showed the following Agency Members present: Hodgdon, Webster, Austin, Wein and Wilson Agency Members absent: None Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; Mr. Verner, Agency Counsel; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 17, 1967 were presented to the members for approval. Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Wilson approv- ing the minutes as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Wilson, Austin, Webster and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None [ The Minutes of the Special Meeting of August 23, 1967 were presented to the Members for approval. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein Author- izing the approval of the minutes as sub~itted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Wein, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None EXPENDITURES: The Expenditures for the month of August, 1967 were presented to the Members. After much discussion regarding the itemized deductions, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein authorizing the expenditures as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Wein, W~bster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL: Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel, advised the Members that the Agency has been served with a summons in connection with Civil Case No. 67-851-14, David Earl Jordan vs the San Bernardino Redevelopment Agency, the City of San Bernardino, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development and Ralph Prince and Dr. Robert A. Weaver. The Agency has 20 days in whkch to answer this com- plaint. [ OFFER TO PURCHASE REUSE PARCELS 93b, 94 & 95b, D. L. DEVELOPMENTS, R-IO: Mr. Quinn advised the members that we are in receipt of an Offer to Purchase Reuse Parcels 93b, 94 and 95b from D. L. Developments. The proposed development for this property is for a restaurant. The Plot Plan was shown to the Members. 469 The Chairman explained that the restaurant size is less than 8% of the parcels ] desired by D. L. Developments. Mr. Vanvoorhis, President of D. L. Developments, explained to the Members that the restaurant will require quite a large parking . , area. He further explained that the larger lot is also desired for future development. Mr. Hodgdon explained to Mr. Vanvoorhis that the Agency must ap- prove the total development to be built on any land that it sells. Mr. Vanvoorhis stated that he does not have any definite development in mind at the present. The Chairman suggested that the matter be tabled until the first meeting in October. This additional time would enable Mr. Vanvoorhis to submit plans for the total parcels involved. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wilson to table the Offer to Purchase, submitted by D. L. Developments, until the October 5th meeting. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wilson, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None DIXON WHEEL SERVICE, CANCELLATION, REUSE PARCEL NO. 35, R-IO: Mr. Quinn presented to the Members a letter from Mr. Harold J. Dixon, Owner of Dixon Wheel Service. Mr. Dixon states in his letter that he is unable to com- ply with the provisions of his Agreement of Sale, due to inability to obtain proper financing for construction. He further states that he feels that his type of operation would be out of place if constructed on Parcel No. 35, and it would be to the benefit of the area and the Agency if he would relocate his business in a different section of the City. In view of these facts, Mr. Dixon requests that the Agreement of Sale and escrow for the sale of Parcel No. 35 be cancelled. ] He further requests that the Agency return his option deposit of $1,450.00. Mr. .. .... Quinn stated that the Agency has deposited $90.87 in escrow for this sale. . Mr. Hodgdon stated that there are three factors that the Agency should consider regarding this cancellation. They are as follows: 1. The area is properly zoned for a development such as Mr. Dixon's (Dixon Wheel) 2. The property has been tied up for 28 months. During these 28 months there have been numerous requests for this property. 3. Mr. Dixon is a displacee of the Central City Project, and therefore should be given special consideration. After much consideration of the above, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein that the Agreement of Sale and the escrow for the sale of Reuse Parcel No. 35 be cancelled, and that the Agency refund to Mr. Dixon his option deposit of $1,450.00 less $90.87 incurred by the Agency for escrow charges. This deposit to be refunded on the basis that the property can be used for more compatible use. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Wein, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None Al C. Ballard, Mayor of the City of San Bernardino arrived at the meeting and was welcomed by the members. WARNER W. HODGDON, DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST: ] 470 [ The following letter of Disclosure of Interests in the proposed San Bernardino Airpark Project was read by Mr. Hodgdon: September 7, 1967 Mr. Ray M. Wilson Mr. Al M. Austin Mr. E. George Webster Mr. Sanford H. Wein Gentlemen: As you know, since the formal adoption by the Ma10r and eommon Council on August 28, 1967 of a study and survey area for the proposed air,ark facility, under the Urban Renewal Act, as presented to you by myself on August 23, 1967, today is the Agency's first regular meeting since that time. Therefore, I am further presenting the enclosed sum- mary of facts pertaining to my investigation of the above as authorized by yourselves in the Agency meeting of July 6, 1967. ,..... I L.. During the early part of June, 1967, as Chairman of the San Bernardino Redevelopment Agency, I had been discussing various airport proposals for the City of San Bernardino with Mayor Al C. Ballard. Subsequent to these discussions, the Redevelopment Agency received a letter from Mayor Ballard, dated June 26, 1967, requesting that the Agency investigate original proposals for an industrial airpark, which suggested an urban renewal project and alternate findings for methods of making an airpark facility a reality. On July 6, 1967, at a regular meeting of the Agency, the letter from Mayor Ballard was read. Agency counsel, Bruce D. Varner, advised the members of the Agency that no Agency funds were available nor could Agency personnel be utilized at Agency expense for investigating the alternate possibilities as requested by Mayor Ballard. Over and above this, the City had not advanced any funds for such a project to the Agency. The Agency then authorized me to investigate the various pos- sibilities, at my own expense, and report back to the Agency for authorization to present findings to the Mayor and Common Council. r '-' At a special meeting of the Agency held on August 23, 1967, attended by Mayor Ballard, I presented a proposal under the title of the SAN BERNARDINO AIRPARK, with the proposed location comprising of 1,000 acres encompassing the existing Tri-City Airport, and recommended the further investigation of an urban renewal program. The Agency accepted my report and authorized me to present the same to the Mayor and Common Council, which was done at a special budget meeting of the Mayor and Common Council on August 23, 1967. At the Agency's meeting, the members authorized me, as Chairman of the Agency, to execute an agreement with Joseph and Evelyn Brier covering a proposal by t~em to sell certain real property owned by them to the City of San Bernardino or to the Agency for use in establishing an airpark facility. 471 Prior to this presentation to the Agency, and after discussing the matter with Agency counsel, Bruce D. Barner, and Mayor Al C. Ballard, we felt it would be prudent from a business standpoint and in the best interests of the City to obtain agreements from the surrounding property owners to co- operate with the City and/or the Agency for annexation of the necessary real property for an airpark facility, and for establishing an urban renewal area, should these events become feasible. Also, in order to be in a position upon presenting the SAN BERNARDINO AIRPARK proposal, to assure the City of the availability of the property for annexation and a possible urban renewal program, we felt it was absolutely necessary to either obtain agreements from the property owners or to initiate steps to make the property available for acquisition. J' In this connection, agreements were obtained from Joseph and Evelyn Brier, as stated above, and from San Bernardino Industrial Park, a California corporation, the principal stockholders of which are Guy Pearson and Glenn Pearson, along with Ryland Thomason. I also entered into agreements in my own name for the purchase of two intricate key parcels of property necessary to the overall proposal, as follows: One 10-acre parcel fronting on Waterman Avenue and one parcel of approximately 50 acres fronting on Mt. View. These parcels were placed in escrow in my personal name, and my personal funds were used, since no Agency, City or other public funds were available at this time. I was advised by Agency counsel, Bruce D. Varner, that there was no guarantee that any of these funds could be repaid to me, but I felt it was vital to the success of the overall project to obtain such agreements with the property owners at this time. J At the time of completing these agreements, I advised Agency counsel, Bruce D. Varner, and Mayor Al C. Ballard of these steps, and advised them that I was obtaining this property for the benefit of the City of San Bernardino, the Redevelopment Agency or any public agency which would develop an airpark facility in the Tri-City area. As early as July 3, 1967, letters were sent to the Agency counsel and the Mayor confirming this and advising them that these parcels of property would be turned over to such public agency on exactly the same terms set forth in said agreements. I also advised the Agency's Executive Director, Peter W. Quinn, Jr. of the airpark proposal and of these steps taken to obtain agreements covering the real property in the Tri-City area, and prior to that these steps were discussed with several of the Agency members. Over and above the use of my personal funds in obtaining the two agree- ments mentioned for the benefit of the public, I have expended my personal time and money for travel, airport consultant, and for the preparation of aerial photographs and architectural renderings of the SAN BERNARDINO AIRPARK. It should be noted that these expenditures do not include the preparation of engineering plans donated as a public service by Garner, Tee, Tracadas & Troy, a local engineering firm. Again, Agency counsel has advised me that there is no guarantee that I will be reimbursed for my personal expenditures. As you know, the State law requires a member of an urban renewal agency to make a disclosure of any property interest in an urban renewal area, and although there has been as yet no official adoption of an urban renewal ] 472 -c plan for the Tri-City area, I feel this overall outline covering the above public facts is proper at this time, since this is the first regular meeting of the Agency following the regular meeting of the City Council held on August 28, 1967, at which the Council authorized a survey and planning study for the initiation of an urban renewal area in the Tri-City vicinity. Thank you for your cooperation in your unanimous Board actions enabling me to take the necessary steps to bring the SAN BERNARDINO AIRPARK proposal under consideration by the Mayor and Common Council. Sincerely yours, s/Warner W. Hodgdon Warner W. Hodgdon Chairman WWH:js cc: Mayor Al C. Ballard Mr. Varner stated that he has read the letter and confirms the accuracy of its contents. [ Several of the Members stated that they have discussed this matter with Mr. Hodgdon and have been informed of the happenings as stated in Mr. Hodgdon's letter. Mayor Ballard stated that the Chairman should be commended for his fine work and patriotism to the City of San Bernardino and because of his efforts San Bernardino is on the threshold of greater industry. The following resolution was introduced by Mr. Wilson: RESOLUTION NO. 542 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, COMMENDING MR. WARNER W. HODGDON FOR HIS OUTSTANDING PROGRESSIVE MOVES TO- WARD THE BETTERMENT OF SAN BERNARDINO THROUGH NEGO- TIATIONS FOR A SAN BERNARDINO AIRPARK PROJECT WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, has been requested by the City of San Bernardino, by letter dated June 26, 1967, to investigate the potentials of an Industrial Airpark for the City of San Ber- nardino through Urban Renewal Procedures; and [ WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, has no available funds nor could Agency personnel be utilized at Agency expense for investigating the possibilities of such a project, as requested by the City of San Bernardino; and 473 WHEREAS, Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon, Chairman of the Agency, through his aggressive endeavors and personal funds obtained agreements for the acquisition of certain properties for the establishment of an airpark facility, should such an event become feasible; and J WHEREAS, for the benefit of the City of San Bernardino, the Redevelopment Agency, or any public agency which would develop an airpark facility in this area, Mr. Hodgdon, with his personal funds, entered into agreements for the purchase of two key parcels of property necessary to the overall proposed project, with no guarantee that any of these funds could be repaid; and WHEREAS, Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon, by letter to the Agency Counsel and the City of San Bernardino, stated that these parcels of property so purchased, would be turned over to such public agency on exactly the same terms set forth in said agreement; and WHEREAS, the Members of said Agency wish to commend Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon for his personal efforts and progressive moves toward the commencement of an Industrial Airpark Project for the City of San Bernardino NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that it express to Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon its apprecia- tion and gratitude for his outstanding efforts and progressive moves toward the betterment of San Bernardino through negotiations for an Industrial Airpark Project. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Austin adopting Resolution No. 542. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Austin, Wein and Webster Noes: None Abstention: Hodgdon Absent: None J GAVINS GARAGE, EXTENSION OF RENTAL AGREEMENT, R-79: Mr. Quinn p~esented to the Members a letter from Gavins Garage requesting an extension of their Rental Agreement until the end of this year. The Members were informed that this parcel does not interfere with our demolition program. Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Wilson authorizing the extension of this Rental Agreement until December 31, 1967. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Wilson Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None The Members felt that matters of this nature could be handled directly through the Executive Director. Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Wilson author- izing the determination of extensions of Rental Agreements to be handled by the Executive Director. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Wilson, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None LANDSCAPE PROPOSALS, R-79: The Members were presented with three proposals for Landscape Services for the Central City Project. Mr. Quinn stated that all three firms are equally qualified and all are able to perform the work within the time limit specified. After further discussion, the following resolution was introduced: J 474 [ RESOLeTION NO. 543 f RESOLUTTON OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AWARDING CONTRACT FOR LANDSCAPE SERVICES TO LINESCH AND REYNOLDS FOR PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-79 WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has, under date of March 21, 1967 entered into a Loan and Capital Grant Contract for the Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79, with the United States of America providing for the financial aid to the Local Public Agency under Title I of the Housing Act of 1945, as amended by all amendatory acts including the Housing Act of 1954; and WHEREAS, pursuant to such Contract, the Local Public Agency desires to engage a contractor to render certain technical advice and assistance in connection with landscape services for the Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency at a Regular Meeting held the 7th day of September, 1967 found and determined that Linesch and Reynolds was best quali- fied to perform said Landscape Services. [ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secreta~y are hereby authorized on behalf of the Agency to enter into a contract with Linesch and Reynolds to provide for Landscape Services for the Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79. Motion was made by Austin and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 543. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Austin, Wilson, Wein, Webster and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None WEED ABATEMENT CONTRACT, R-79: Authorization was requested to advertise for bids for Weed Abatement for the Centnal City Project. This contract will be on a continuing basis. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Austin authorizing the advertising for bids for R-79 Weed Abatement. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Austin, Wein, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None DEMOLITION CONTRACT, R-79 and R-IO: ,... f r, !it ...., Authorization was requested to advertise for bids for Demolition of parcels in R-10 (Andrew's property) and R-79 (various). Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein authorizing the advertising for bids for Demolition of parcels in R-79 and R-IO. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Austin, Wein, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None 475 P. W. QUINN, JR., EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT: Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Austin approving the Contract by and between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino and Mr. P. W. Quinn, Jr. for employment as Executive Director. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Austin, Wein, Webster and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None JAMES P. WIDERSTROM, RESIGNATION: The Members were presented with a letter of resignation from Mr. James P. Widerstrom, effective 'September 15, 1967. The following resolution was intro- duced: RESO~UTION NO. 544 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HONORING MR. JAMES P. WIDERSTROM WHEREAS, Mr. James P. Widerstrom was employed by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, as Administrative Assistant on February 1, 1964; and WHEREAS, Mr. James P. Widerstrom was promoted to Assistant to the Director of the Agency on July 1, 1965, and promoted to Deputy Director for Administration on June 15, 1965, as a result of his exceptional ability and unselfish devotion to the duties of the Agency, which position he held until his resignation of September 15, 1967; and WHEREAS, the Members of the Redevelopment Agency and Staff of said Agency de- sire to express their appreciation and gratitude to Mr. James P. Widerstrom for his tireless efforts and devotion to duty as a member of the Staff through- out the execution of the Meadowbrook Project and the planning, preparation, and execution of the Central City Project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that it express to Mr. James P. Widerstrom its appre- ciation and gratitude for his outstanding ability, devotion to duty, and public spirit as a member of the staff of said Agency. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a suitable memorial of this resolution be prepared and presented to him on behalf of the Agency, its Members and Staff. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 544. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None SIGNAL STUDY, R-79: The Members were presented with three proposals for the Traffic Signal Study for R-79. Mr. Quinn stated that all three firms are qualified to perform the services required. After further discussion and review of the proposals, the following resolution was introduced: J J ..., t I ..-J 476 [ RESOLUTION NO. 545 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AWARDING CONTRACT FOR TRAFFIC SIG- NAL STUDY TO KRUEPER AND WEDDLE FOR PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-79 WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has, under date of March 21, 1967 entered into a Loan and Capital Grant Contract for the Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79, with the United States of America providing for the financial aid to the Local Public Agency under Title I of the Housing Act of 1945, as amended by all amendatory acts including the Housing Act of 1954; and WHEREAS, pursuant to such Contract, the Local Public Agency desires to engage a contractor to render certain technical advice and assistance in connection with a traffic signal study for the Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency at a Regular Meeting held the 7th day of Sep- tember, 1967 found and determined that Krueper and Weddle was best qualified to perform said Traffic Signal Study. r L NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized on behalf of the Agency to enter into a Contract with Krueper and Weddle to provide for a Traffic Signal Study for the Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79. Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 545. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Wilson, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None JUVENILE RECREATION COMMISSION, REQUEST FOR RENTAL: Mr. Quinn advised the Members that he has been contacted by the City of San Bernardino regarding the possibility of the Juvenile Recreation Commission renting a vacant building from the Agency for USO purposes for a period of approximately one year. They were further advised that no particular build- ing has been requested at this time. The Members felt that the matter should be tabled until such time as the Juvenile Recreation Commission has requested rental of a particular building. The Executive Director was directed to ad- vise the City of its finding and to extend to them our cooperation. LUM S. L. HONG, EXTENSION OF RENTAL AGREEMENT: In view of the previously made motion, Mr. Quinn stated that he will inform Mr. Hong that his extension is granted. NAHRO REGIONAL DUES: ~ L Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster authorizing the expenditure of dues to NAHRO Regional in the amount of $110.00. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None 477 BANK OF AMERICA, BANK ACCOUNT: ] The following Resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 546 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, OPENING A BANK ACCOUNT WITH BANK OF AMERICA ENTITLED "REHABILITATION ESCROW ACCOUNT OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALI- FORNIA" WHEREASj~theDepart1leJ:lt-of Housing and (:J:rbaB1>Development has offered the Redevelop- ment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, a Loan and Grant Contract authorizing the expenditure of said Loan and Grant funds in accordance with the approved budget therefor; and WHEREAS, said Agency, at a Regular Meeting held the 7th day of September, 1967, directed the Chairman and Secretary to open a new account with Bank of America to be designated "Rehabilitation Escrow Account of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized on behalf of the Agency to open a new account with Bank of America to be desig- nated "Rehabilitation Escrow Account of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California". ... I ......, Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 546. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None OTHER BUSINESS: Mr. Wilson stated that he plans to attend the Portland, Oregon Conference. Real Estate Negotiation Services The Members were concerned as to whether or not to continue negotiation services through contract negotiators. Royal Huntley Realtors are now under contract for Phase I of the Mall and any additional parcels of land so designated by the Agency for early acquisition. The service of Royal Huntley Realtors was dis- cussed by all Members. It was believed that if the Agency could resume this negotiating by use of staff in a more effective manner, we should terminate the contract with Royal Huntley Realtors. After further discussion, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein directing the Executive Director to review this matter and report to the Members his finding as to whether or not the Agency Staff could handle the negotiating services in a more effective manner. The mo- tion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Wein, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Noes: None ~ . I ~ [ [ c /f 478 ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster that the meeting adjourn at 6:00 p.m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None 479 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDE- VELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON THE 21ST DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1967, IN ROOM 305, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BUILDING, 323 COURT STREET, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Roll Call showed the following Agency Members Present: Hodgdon, Austin, Wein and Wilson Agency Members Absent: Webster Also Present: Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel; Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary MINUTES: The Minutes Members for approved by Noes: None of the Regular Meeting of September 7, 1967 were presented to the approval. After motion duly made and seconded, the Minutes were the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Hodgdon, Austin, Wein and Wilson Abstention: None Absent: Webster PUBLIC HEARING, PREDISPOSITION AGREEMENT, JOHN GRIFFITH & CO AND CURCI-TURNER COMPANY, R-79: The Chairman declared that this was the time and place for the Public Hearing on the Predisposition of property in the Central City Project to John Griffith Company and Curci-Turner Company. There being no objections to the sale of said property, the Public Hearing was closed and the meeting was reconvened. Mr. Varner stated that it should be of record that the Agency has complied with the provision of the Public Hearing. REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL: Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel, advised the Members that he has filed a Motion to Dismiss, in the case of David Earl Jordan vs the Redevelopment Agency et al. Said Motion was filed on the grounds of insufficient facts. The case is set for hearing on October 9, 1967 in Los Angeles. We should receive the decision shortly after this hearing. WARM CREEK CHANNEL: Mr. Wilson asked if the engineering work under contract with Joseph Bonadiman & Associates for Warm Creek Channel has been completed. Mr. Kintner, Agency Engineer, stated that he has been informed by Contractor that said work will be completed by October 1, 1967. The members asked whether Warm Creek Channel would have any effect on the disposition of Reuse Parcel No. 69. They were informed that it would not. The disposition of the parcels surrounding Warm Creek were discussed. J J ] 480 [ THE CHANCELLOR BUILDING, REUSE PARCELS NO. 2 & 3, R-IO: Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel, advised the Members that the Chancellor Building is having some title problems. He stated that he would write a letter to them requesting the possible starting date of their development, and report his findings to the Members at the next Regular Meeting. SOIL REPORT ON REUSE RARCELS FACING WARM CREEK CHANNEL, R-IO: Mr. Hodgdon suggested that the Agency have a soil analysis ppocessed on Reuse Parcel No. 69 in order for disposition to take place at the earliest possible date, with no delays for soil recompaction being necessary at that time. The Members felt that all parcels facing Warm Creek Channel should have a soil analysis because of the effect the Channel has upon the soil. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein that the Agency take all steps necessary to insure early disposition of Reuse Parcels facing Warm Creek Channel, R-IO and the Executive Director be instructed to contact the necessary persons regarding a soil analysis on said parcels. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Wein, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Webster OFFER TO PURCHASE, REUSE PARCEL NO. 72, NATHAN ROSE, R-IO: [ Mr. Quinn presented to the Members an Offer to Purchase Reuse Parcel No. 72 from Mr. Nathan Rose. The proposed use for this parcel of land is for a park- ing facility and future expansion of Mr. Rose's present business. Mr. Rose is an Owner Participant on parcels 65 and 71. Parcel No. 72 would provide additional parking for his business. Mr. Lou Blank was presented to the Members. The Chairman asked Mr. Blank if he is the Realtor whm had initiated the initial contact with Mr. Rose for the sale of this parcel of land, and if he as Realtor will be participating in the 5% finders fee. Mr. Blank stated that this was correct. The Chairman stated that it was his opinion that the present Owner Participation Agreement should be looked into to discover whether Mr. Rose has complied with all of the terms and conditions therein. Mr. Wilson stated that because Mr. Rose has had his Offer to Purchase filed with the Agency for a month and his Option Deposit has been received by the Agency for said length of time, that the Agency should approve the sale of Reuse Parcel No. 72 to Mr. Rose, contingent upon the compliance of the Owner Participation Agreement. Mr. Varner stated that if the Agency did approve the sale, contingent upon the compliance of the Owner Participation Agreement, we would in fact be tabling the matter, to give the Agency an opportunity to look into the Owner Participation Agreement. [ Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Austin that the Agency table the matter of the sale of Reuse Parcel No. 72 to Mr. Nathan Rose, and the Executive Director be instructed to look into the OWner Participation Agreement between Mr. Rose and the Agency, to determine if all of the terms and conditions therein have been complied with. Said findings shall be reported at the next regular meeting. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: Wilson Abstention: None Absent: Webster 481 SPECIAL LITIGATION CONTRACT, BRUCE D. VARNER, R-79: o The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 547 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SEC- RETARY TO SIGN A CONTRACT WITH BRUCE D. VARNER FOR SPECIAL LITIGATION, R-79 WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has, under date of March 21, 1967, entered into a Loan and Capital Grant Contract with the United States of America providing for financial aid to the Local Public Agency under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended by all amendatory acts including the Housing Act of 1954 for its Centpal City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79; and WHEREAS, pursuant to such Contract the Local Public Agency is undertaking cer- tain activities necessary for the execution of said Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency desires to engage Bruce D. Varner to render certain legal advice and assistance in connection with such undertakings of the Local Public Agency with respect to Special Litigation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Agency execute a Contract by and between Mr. Bruce D. Varner and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino for the performance of all necessary legal services in connection and respecting Special Litigation for Project No.1, Calif. R-79. J Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Austin approving the adoption of Resolution No. 547. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Webster REAL ESTATE NEGOTIATIONS, R-79: At the Regular Meeting of September 7, 1967, the Members stated that if the Agency Staff could resume the negotiating services in a more effective manner than Royal K. Huntley Realtors, the Agency should terminate the Contract with Huntley Realtors, and resume by staff negotiations. The Members directed Mr. Quinn to look into the matter and report his findings at the next regular meeting. Mr. Quinn stated that after review of ' the above, it was his recommendation that the Agency give to Huntley Realtors the remaining parcels, compelled by the Contract, allowing them the usual 60-day running period. After said 60 days, all parcels not completed will be retracted by the Agency and the contract will be considered concluded. ] Mr. Hodgdon stated that the Agency would be taking on a large responsibility if Staff Negotiations were used. We would not only have the responsibility of relocating the displacee but also acquiring the property on schedule, which 482 [ involves a large volume of funds and square footage. We would be in the public eye in all phases. There was much discussion regarding Huntley Realtors and the proper procedure the Agency should take regarding negotiations. After much consideration by all Members, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein that the Agency give the remaining parcels, compelled by the Contract, to Huntley Realtors. After the 50-day running period, all parcels not compelled will be retracted by the Agency, and the Contract will be considered concluded. The Director shall be instructed to write a letter to Huntley's informing them of this Board decision. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Webster SPECIAL MEETING: All members felt the need for a Special Meeting to be held to discuss Agency Staff Reorganization and recommendations regarding future negotiations for R-79. Mr. Quinn said that said Special Meeting would be set up and all Members notified by required "Notice of Special Meeting". APPRAISALS, R-IO: [ Authorization was requested to obtain two appraisals, as required .~ HUD, for the acquisition of the railway property. Southern Pacific Railway were Owner Participants in our Meadowbrook Project Area. We are now going to acquire their property and will need two independent appraisals to do so. Mr. Quinn stated that we would like to obtain the services of Willis Severson and Morrison & Hill for these two appraisals. Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Austin authorizing the Chairman and Secretary to obtain the services of Willis Severson and Morrison & Hill for the appraisal 6f the Southern Pacific Railway Company in the Meadowbrook Project Area, R-IO. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Austin, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Webster SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX: Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein for Mrs. Roxie Crooks to sign for the Agency's Safe Deposit Box. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Wein, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Webster MORRISON & HILL -- GARNER, TEE, TRACADAS & TROY; REUSE PARCEL NO. 42, R-IO: A letter was presented to the Members from Morrison & Hill and Garner, Tee, Tracadas & Troy regarding additional partners in the purchase of Reuse Parcel No. 42 from the Agency. According to the Agreement of Sale, the Agency must consent to the transfer of any portion of the ownership prior to the construction of improvements. The letter requests the Agency's approval of a transfer of one half ofFtheir interest. [ The Members were concerned as to when the Developer plans to close escrow and start construction. All Members felt the matter should be looked into. Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Wilson directing the Executive Director to look into the matter of the purchase of Reuse Parcel No. ~2 by Morrison & Hill 483 and Garner, Tee, Tracadas & Troy and report his findings at the next regular meeting. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Wilson, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Webster OTHER BUSINESS: Mr. Varner advised the members that the Agency is in receipt of the approved form of Owner Participation Agreement from HUD. The Members were informed that the International House of Pancakes will not be an Owner Participant. Mr. Quinn advised the members that Mr. ~oseph Rose of Rose Auto has requested the Agency's consideration for his business to stay where it is located now and become an 6wner Participant of the Central City Project. Our Redevelopment Plan has designated this location for parking area for our Project. After dis- cussion, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Austin that Mr. Rose's letter regarding Owner Participation?be put on the Agenda for the next regular meeting and said letter be sent to all members for their review. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Webster Mr. Wein suggested that the Delmann Heights Progress Report reflect the progress for the month only instead of the progress to date. Mr. Quinn stated that it would be done in this manner in the future. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Austin to adjourn the meeting at 5:50 p.m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Austin Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Webster J J J 484 [ MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BER- NARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON THE 29TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1967, IN ROOM 305, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BUILDING, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA The Chairman reported that this Special Meeting was convened pursuant to a duly dated and signed Notice of Special Meeting which was mailed to each member in due time, form and manner as required by law. Said Notice is as follows: 1. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING TO THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA NOTICE is hereby given that a Special Meeting of the Members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, will be held at the offices of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, 323 Court Street, Room 305, in the City of San Bernardino, California, the regular meeting place thereof, at 4:00 p.m., on the 29th day of September, 1967, for the purpose of discussing Agency Staff Reorganization, and for the purpose of transacting any other business which may come before such meeting. Dated this 26th day of September, 1967. [ sl Warner W. Hodgdon Warner W. Hodgdon, Chairman 2. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, P. W. QUINN, JR., Secretary of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 26th day of September, 1967, I served a true copy of the foregoing Notice of Special Meeting on each and every member of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, in the follow- ing manner: BY UNITED STATES MAIL Witness my hand this 26th day of September, 1967. sl P. W. Quinn, Jr. P. W. Quinn, Jr., Secretary The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. r ~ Roll Call showed the following: Present: Hodgdon, Webster, Austin and Wein Absent: Wilson Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director, and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary REORGANIZATION OF AGENCY STAFF: The Chairman presented to the Members a Staff Reorganization Schedule. Said schedule was explained and discussed. 485 The following motion was made by Austin and seconded by Webster: Motion to: Delete the positions of Deputy Director for Administration and Deputy Director for Operations from the Agency's Organization Chart. Said positions to be in- corporated into one position entitled Deputy Director; and Add the position of Personnel and Finance Officer - Step A of Range 38; and Add the position of Administrative Assistant - Step A of Range 38. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Ayes: Austin, Webster, Absent: Wilson ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wein to adjourn the meeting at 4:17 p.m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: WEbster, Wein, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson --, J J 1 -I 486 [ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON THE 5TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1967, IN ROOM 305, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BUILDING, SAN BERNAR- DINO, CALIFORNIA The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Hodgdon, Webster, Austin and Wein Agency Members Absent: Wilson Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel; and representatives from the League of Women Voters. MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 21, 1967 were presented to the Members for approval. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Austin approving the Minutes of September 21, 1967 as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson [ The Minutes of the Special Meeting of September 29, 1967 were presented to the Members for approval. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wein approv- ing the Minutes of September 29, 1967 as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Austin,Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson EXPENDITURES: The Expenditures for the month of September, 1967 were presented to the Members for approval. Motion was made by Austin and seconded by Webster approving the Expenditures for the month of September, 1967. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Austin, Webster, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson NATHAN ROSE, OFFER TO PURCHASE REUSE PARCEL NO. 72, R-IO: Mr. Wein stated that at the request of Mr. Rose, he moved that this item be tabled until the next Regular Meeting. Mr. Webster seconded the motion. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson DEMOLITION UNIT NO. 10, R-IO: [ Mr. Quinn read the results of the opening of the Demolition Bids to the Members. Cullen & Son was declared the apparent low bidder. Mr. Varner stated that he has examined the bids and found that there are no irregularities in said bids. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 548 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRE- 486 TARY TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH CULLEN & SON FOR DEMOLITION AND SITE CLEARANCE OF UNIT NO. 10, MEADOW- BROOK PROJECT, R-IO ] WHEREAS, the Agency has, under date of October 24, 1958 entered into a Contract for Loan and Capital Grant with the United States of America providing for Finan- cial aid to the Agency for its Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, Calif. R-IO under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, and pursuant to that Contract the Agency is undertaking certain activities necessary for the execution of the Meadowbrook Project Area No.1; and WHEREAS, the Agency invited competitive sealed bids for Demolition and Site Clearance, Contract, Unit No. 10, for the demolition of buildings and structures and site clearance of certain areas in said project and said contract to be in accordance with the Contract Documents furnished all bidders; and WHEREAS, an invitation for bids therefor was duly published in the San Bernardino Telegram, a newspaper of general circulation in the County of San Bernardino on the 14th and 21st days of September, 1967 and an Affidavit showing such publication is on file in the office of said Agency; and WHEREAS, said invitation called for the receipt of such bids until 4:00 p.m. on the 2nd day of October, 1967, at the office of the Agency located at 323 Court Street, San Bernardino, California; and ] WHEREAS, a number of such bids were received at the time and place above specified and upon such bids being opened at a duly called public meeting of said Agency, the lowest qualified bid was offered by Cullen & Son in the sum of $3,974; and WHEREAS, it appears to said Agency that said Cullen & Son is qualified to be awarded said Contract and it appears to be in the best interest of said Agency to accept their bid: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Ber- nardino, California, that subject to approval of Contractor and bid by Agency Counsel and the Department of Housing and Urban Development, said bid of Cullen & Son in the sum of $3,974 be accepted and the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute the said Contract for Unit No. 10 on behalf of the Agency. Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Austin authorizing the adoption of Resolu- tion No. 548, pursuant to the approval of the low bidder, Cullen and Son, by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The motion was carried by the fol- lowing vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Austin, Webster, and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson JOSEPH ROSE, R-79: Mr. Wein stated that he had been in error in moving for the tabling of the matter of Nathan Rose until the next Regular Meeting. Mr. Joseph Rose wished that his matter be tabled. The Chairman stated that inasmuch as Lou Blanc, broker for Nathan Rose, had already dismissed himself from the meeting, he felt the matter should be tabled as previously moved and carried. All members were in favor. Motion J 487 [ was made by Wein and seconded by Austin that the matter of Joseph Rose be tabled until the next Regular Meeting. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Austin, Webster and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson MORRISON & HILL GARNER, TEE, TRACADAS & TROY, -- REUSE PARCEL 42, R-IO: Mr. Quinn explained to the Members that at the last Regular Meeting, Morrison and Hill presented a letter requesting authority to transfer one half of their interest in the purchase of Reuse Parcel 42~ At said meeting the Executive Director was instructed to look into the matter of this purchase to determine when escrow would close and-when construction will start. A letter was presented to the Members from Morrison and Hill in answer to the Agency's request as stated above. Morrison and Hill stated that the escrow would be closed upon the Agency's approval for the transfer or their interests. The new partners would deposit the remaining monies in escrow. Mr. Warner stated that the Agency, from a legal standpoint, should obtain written notice from the proposed new partners, that they agree to the terms and conditions of the executed Agreement of Sale between the Agency and Morrison and Hill - Garner, Tee, Tracadas and Troy and agree to be bound by same. c Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Webster approving the transfer of one half interest of ownership for the purchase of Reuse Parcel No. 42, pursuant to written notice from the new partners, agreeing to be bound by the terms and eonditions of the present executed Agreement of Sale. SAN BERNARDINO DOWNTOWN ASSOCIATES, LETTER REGARDING R-79: A letter was presented to the Members from the San Bernardino Downtown Associates dated September 22, 1967. This letter was in the form of a questionnaire re- garding the Central City Project. Mr. Quinn presented his letter in answer to their letter to the Members for approval. The Members felt that the main concern of the San Bernardino Downtown Asso- ciates was whether or not they would be given preferential consideration as redevelopers in the mall proper. Mr. Quinn explained that they would be given preferential consideration, if qualified, as tenants in the mall. The members discussed this matter thoroughly. Mr. Wein felt that the problem was one of Public Relations, and should be resolved by thorough explanations to the Members. Mr. Hodgdon stated that it was his recommendation that the Agency submit the letter written by Mr. Quinn to the Downtown Associates, and if they have any further questions or desire any further explanation to their questions, they can feel free to contact us. [ After further discussion, motion was made by Austin and seconded by Wein ap- proving the letter in answer to San Bernardino Downtown Associates inquiry, and authorizing the Executive Director to send said letter to them. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Austin, Wein, Webster and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson 488 LETTER OF THANKS, FRANK L. HOPE & ASSOCIATES: -, .J The Members were presented with a letter of thanks from Frank L. Hope and Asso- ciates to Mr. Boyce J. Harper, Jr. The Members acknowledged receipt thereof. CHANCELLOR BUILDING, INTEREST: Mr. Varner presented the Members with a letter dated October 3, 1967 from Marcus M. Kaufman, Attorney for the Chancellor Building, Inc. This letter was written pursuant to the Boards decision of June 15, 1967, whereby the Chancellor Building would be charged 6% interest on the unpaid balance as of July 1, 1967, because of their failureto close escrow. Said escrow was originally scheduled to close on February 22, 1967, and was extended to June 30, 1967. Mr. Kaufman explained the reasons for the delay in the closing of this escrow. He further stated that it was his understanding that the Agency was not in a position to deliver immediate clear title at the time escrow was originally to close, and that to date it will still be several days before the Agency acquires the property necessary for clear title. On this basis, Mr. Kaufman requests the Boards consideration regarding interest due from July 1, 1967. He stated that he felt it was unfair to be charged interest when the Agency was not in a position to deliver title. The Chairman explained to the Members that the Agency has cooperated with the Chancellor Building in every way possible. The Agency will have clear title to the property in a few days. If the Chancellor Building had been ready to close escrow, at any time, the Agency would have been able to deliver clear title, by a mere letter to the title company, thus, the matter of the Agency not being in a position to give clear title should not be considered reason for the dele- tion of the interest accrued. J The matter was discussed thoroughly. After careful consideration, motion was made by Austin and seconded by Wein instructing the Agency Counsel, Bruce Varner, to answer Mr. Kaufman's letter. The answer would advise Mr. Kaufman that the Agency has reviewed the circumstances and has determined that all interest ac- crued since July 1, 1967 is just and payable to the Agency. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Austin, Wein, Webster and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson THE MARTIN PROPERTY, BLOCK 20 -- PARCEL 2, R-79: Mr. Varner stated that the Agency is having some difficulty in purchasing Block 20, Parcel 2 from Mrs. Martin. Mrs. Martin wants to sell the property to the Agency but she is having problems with the lessee and sub-lessee, Mr. Winstead and Mr. Libman. The Members discussed the matter, and after careful consideration, Mr. Varner was instructed to write a letter to Mr. Bierschbach, attorney for Mrs. Martin, advising him that the Agency does not have any authority governing this matter, but we will, if so desired, meet with Mrs. Martin, Mr. Winstead and Mr. Libman to discuss alternative methods of settling their disagreements. DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY: .., 1 ..J Mr. Hodgdon suggested that the Agency, prior to entering escrow for the sale of land, obtain a written statement from the proposed developer approving the.' 489 [ Preliminary Title Report and the conditions of title to be conveyed. Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Webster instructing the Agency to obtain from every proposed developer, prior to entering escrow, a written statement approving the Preliminary Title Report on said land and the conditions of title to be conveyed. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wein to adjourn the meeting at 5:10 p.m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wein, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Wilson ~ L [ 490 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON THE 19TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1967, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BUILDING, 323 COURT STREET, ROOM 305, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA J The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members present: Webster, Austin, Wein, Wilson and Hodgdon Agency Members absent: None Also Present: Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel; Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 5, 1967 were presented to the Members for approval. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wein for the approval of the Minutes as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wein, Wilson, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None OFFER TO PURCHASE, NATHAN ROSE, REUSE PARCEL NO. 72, R-IO: Mr. Quinn read a memo from the Agency's Real Estate Department. Said memo stated that the Master Plan of the City of San Bernardino is to extend "D" Street southerly across the railroad tracks. It has not yet been determined by the City whether or not it intends to construct an overhead bridge or an undercrossing structure. J The Chairman stated that inasmuch as this area is in our Meadowbrook Project it is the Agency's responsibility to correct this street. Our main objective as an Urban Renewal Agency is for the betterment of San Bernardino, thus ex- tending "D" Street. The Chairman further stated that it was his recommendation that the Agency should obtain a feasibility study to determine methods for extending "D" Street across the railroad tracts, prior to the conveyance of any portion of this property to Mr. Rose.' Mr. Wilson and Mr. Austin felt that the Agency should sell Reuse Parcel No. 72 to Mr. Rose contingent upon the City continuing "D" Street. At such time, the Agency could buy back the necessary land to construct this continuation. The pros and cons were discussed regarding the disposition of this parcel of property to Mr. Rose at this time. Mr. Blanc, Realtor for Mr. Rose, stated that Mr. Rose could not use the land as is, he would have to fence and pave it, thus eliminating any rental method before disposition. , . --" 491 [ Motion was made by Webster to authorize the Executive Director to obtain an Engineering Firm to conduct a Feasibility Study in order to determine the proper method of correcting "D" Street -- The motion died for lack of a second. There was much discussion regarding this motion. The Chairman again stated that it is the responsibility of the Agency to obtain this study and to con- tinue "D" Street. He further stated that it would be to the advantage of all parties involved to have this study conducted before the disposition of Reuse Parcel No. 72. Mr. Webster again stated his motion. Motion to authorize the Executive Director to obtain an Engineering Firm to conduct a Feasibility Study in order to determine the proper method of continuing "D" Street. The motion was seconded by Wein. Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: Austin and Wilson Abstention: None Absent: None Motion was made by Austin and seconded by Wilson that the Agency accept the Offer to Purchase of Nathan Rose for Reuse Parcel No. 72. The motion was denied by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Austin and Wilson Noes: Webster Wein and Hodgdon Abstention: None Absent: None [ Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Webster that the matter of the Offer to Purchase of Nathan Rose of Reuse Parcel No. 72 be tabled until such time as the Agency has received the Feasibility Study. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: Austin and Wilson Abstention: None Absent: None Motion was made by Austin and seconded by Wilson t~at toe abpve autoorized Feasibility Study be given a time limit of two weeks. Said Feasibility Study to be presented before the members at the next regular meeting to be held November 2, 1967. The motion died by the following lack of a majority vote: Ayes: Austin and Wilson Noes: Wein and Hodgdon Abstention: Webster Absent: None Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Webster that the autho~ized Feasibility Study be completed and presented to the members by the Regular Meeting of November 16, 1967. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wein, and Hodgdon Noes: 'Austin and Wilson Abstention: None Absent: None The Executive Director was instructed to write a letter to Mr. Blanc regarding Nathan Rose, explaining the action of the Members regarding the disposition of Reuse Parcel No. 72. MR. JOSEPH ROSE, CALIF. R-79: r .... Mr. Joseph Rose was introduced to the Members. Mr. Rose is the owner and a partner of Rose Auto Supply at the corner of Third and "E" Streets. He re- quested that he be authorized to continue his business at his present loca- tion in our Central City Project. Mr. Rose stated that he would build a new building to the specifications of the Agency if so desired. The Redevelopment Plan designates this area for parking for the Mall Complex. The Members were concerned as to whether the parking area could be sacrifieed in this area for this structure. 492 Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel, advised the members that if the Agency authorized the request of Mr. Rose, the Predisposition Agreement with Griffith & Co and Curci-Turner Company would have to be changed. If Griffith & Co. and Curci- Turner Company so desired, they could terminate the Predisposition Agreement on these terms. J After further discussion, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster that the request of Mr. Joseph Rose be denied and that Mr. Rose be given preferential treatment as far as any other property if so desired, consistent with the Redevelopment Plan. DEMOLITION AND SITE CLEARANCE, UNIT NO.2, R-79: Mr. Quinn presented to the Members a tabulation of bids for Demolition and Site Clearance, Unit No.2, R-79. Said bids were opened on October 16, 1967. Presco Building Materials was declared the low bidder with a bid of $8,640.00. Mr. Varner stated that there is no irregularity in the bid. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 549 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SEC- RETARY TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH PRESCO BUILDING MATER- IALS FOR DEMOLITION AND SITE CLEARANCE OF UNIT NO.2, CEN- TRAL CITY PROJECT AREA NO.1, CALIF. R-79 , ..... WHEREAS, the Agency has, under date of March 21, 1967 entered into a Contract for Loan and Capital Grant with the United States of America providing for financial aid to the Agency for its Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79, under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, and pursuant to that Contract the Agency is undertaking certain activities necessary for the execution of the Central City Project Area No.1; and WHEREAS, the Agency invited competitive sealed bids for Demolition and Site Clearance, Contract, Unit No.2, for the demolition of buildings and structures and site clearance of certain areas in said project and said contract to be in accordance with the Contract Documents furnished all bidders; and WHEREAS, an invitation for bids therefor was duly published in the San Bernardino Telegram, a newspaper of general circulation in the County of San Bernardino on the 21st and 28th days of September, 1967 and an Affidavit showing such publication is on file in the Office of said Agency; and WHEREAS, said invitation called for the receipt of such bids until 4:00 p.m. on the 16th day of October, 1967, at the office of the Agency at 323 Court Street, San Bernardino, California; and WHEREAS, a number of such bids were received at the time and place above speci- fied and upon such bids being opened at a duly called public meeting of said Agency, the lowest qualified bid was offered by Presco Building Materials in the sum of $8,640. , ....J 493 [ WHEREAS, it appears to said Agency that said Presco Building Materials is qualified to be awarded said Contract and it appears to be in the best interest of said Agency to accept their bid: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that subject to approval of Contractor and bid by Agency Counsel and the Department of Housing and Urban Development, said bid of Presco Building Materials in the sum of $8,640.00 be accepted and the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute the said Contract for Unit No. 2 on behalf of the Agency. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein approving the adoption of Resolution No. 549. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Wein, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ASSISTANCE LEAGUE, R-79: r L.. Mr. Quinn presented to the Members a request from the Assistance League requesting the use of the Southern Service Center building for their annual dinner dance the night of November 11, 1967. It will be used at no expense of the Agency and they will obtain the proper insurance coverage to further protect the Agency from any liability due to this use. Motion was made by Austin and seconded by Wein authorizing the Assistance League to use the Southern Service Center Building for the night of November 11, 1967~ The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Austin, Wein, Webster, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE, SMART & FINAL, REUSE PARCEL NO. 36, R-10: The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 550 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF REDEVELOPER'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE TO THRIFTIMART INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION DOING BUSINESS AS SMART AND FINAL IRIS COMPANY. WHEREAS, Thriftimart Inc., a California Corporation, doing business as Smart and Final Iris Company, hereinafter called the "Redeveloper", has entered into andAgreement and Grant Deed with Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Ber- nardino, California hereinafter called the "Agency"; and WHEREAS, said Agreement dated August 9, 1966 was recorded on March 27, 1967 in Book 6793 Page 226, and said Grant Deed dated August 8, 1966 was recorded on March 27, 1967 in Book 6793 Page 251, both in the Official Records of the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino, State of California; and r '-' WHEREAS, in Section 3 of said Agreement and in Section 3 of said Grant Deed the Redeveloper covenanted and agreed, for itself, its successors and assigns to construct certain improvements on the hereinafter described real property within the time and in the manner set forth in said Agreement; and ~ 494 WHEREAS, the Agency agreed in Section 4 of said Agreement and Section 4 of said Grant Deed to furnish the Redeveloper with an instrument certifying completion of said improvements in accordance with the provisions of said Agreement and Grant Deed upon Redeveloper's completion thereof upon the following described real property: J Lots 9, 10, 11 and 12, in Block 3, BEDFORD BROS. SUBDIVISION, in the City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino, as per plat recorded in Book 8 of Maps, page 30, records of said County, and the South half of the vacated alley lying to the north of said lots. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Agency does hereby determine, conclusively certifies, and gives notice that the Redeveloper has fully satisfied, terminated and completed, for itself, its successors and assigns, all covenants and agree- ments with respect to the Obligation of Redeveloper for the Construction of Improvements and dates for the beginning and completion thereof, provided for in said Agreement and Grant Deed upon the hereinabove described real property. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the Agency to execute and have recorded with the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino, the "Certificate of Compliance" in the form approved by Resolution No: 238 of this Agency dated August 2, 1962. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 550. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Wein, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None. , -J OTHER BUSINESS: Chancellor Building, Reuse Parcels 2 & 3, R-IO: The Members were concerned about when the Chancellor Building will close escrow. Said escrow was originally to close February 22, 1967, and was extended to June 30, 1967. At the Regular Meeting of June 15, 1967, the Board passed a motion whereby the Chancellor Building would be charged 6% interest on the unpaid balance as of July 1, 1967 because of their failure to close escrow. At the Regular Meeting of October 5, 1967, motion was passed instructing the Agency Counsel to write a letter to Chancellor Building notifying them that the Board has determined that the 6% interest charge is just and payable to the Agency. Mr. Varner stated that he has written said letter but to date has not received an answer. After much discussion, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Austin in- structing that a letter be written to Chancellor Building informing them that escrow on Reuse Parcels 2 & 3, R-IO, must be closed within 30 days, and any failure to do so will be just cause for termination of this Agreement of Sale by the Agency. The motion was car~ied by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: Wein and Webster Abstention: None Absent: None ] 495 [ Garner, Tee, Tracadas and Troy, Reuse Parcel 42, R-10: Mr. Quinn explained that the Agency has not yet obtained the transfer of partial ownership for the Agreement of Sale for Reuse Parcel No. 42, R-10. This will be accomplished very shortly. Agency Invested Funds Mr. Quinn explained to the Members that the Agency invests its money propor- tionate with the actual money deposited in each bank. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made journed at 5:40 Ayes: Webster, None Absent: by Webster and seconded by Wilson that the meeting be ad- p.m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Wilson, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None ""..., ; I j '-- r '-- 496 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON THE 24TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1967, IN ROOM 305, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BUILDING, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA ~ it M wJ The Vice Chairman reported that this Special Meeting was convened pursuant to a duly dated and signed Notice of Special Meeting which was mailed to each and every member in due time, form and manner as required by law. Said notice is as follows: 1. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING TO THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA NOTICE is hereby given that a Special Meeting of the Members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California will be held at the offices of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Ber- nardino, 323 Court Street, Room 305, in the City of San Bernardino, Cali- fornia, the regular meeting place thereof, at 4:00 p.m., on the 24th day of October, 1967, for the purpose of determining real estate acquisition policies and procedures, and for any other transactions of business which may properly come before it. Dated this 20th day of October, 1967. , .~ ..." sl Warner W. Hodgdon Warner W. Hodgdon, Chairman 2. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I. P. W. QUINN, JR., Secretary of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 20th day of October, 1967, I served a true copy of the foregoing Notice of Special Meeting on each and every member of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, Cali- fornia, in the following manner; BY UNITED STATES MAIL Witness my hand this 20th day of October, 1967 sl P. W. Quinn, Jr. P. W. Quinn, Jr., Secretary The Vice Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Wilson, Wein and Austin Agency Members Absent: Webster and Hodgdon Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary o 497 [ The Agency Counsel stated that a proper quorum was present. REAL ESTATE ACQUISITION POLICIES AND PROCEDURES, R-79: Mr. Quinn advised the Members of the five procedures for real estate acquisition. They are as follows: 1. Retain Present Broker, Huntley Realtors 2. Obtain a General Real Estate Broker 3. Obtain Specialists in Acquisition Procedures 4. Staff Negotiations' 5. Any combination of the Above The Vice Chairman stated that at the time proposals were received for the negotiations services now under contract, the Agency received proposals from three out-of-town specialists and also from many local firms. The Agency wanted a local man to have this contract because of the local sen- timent at this time. All members felt that a specialist was not necessary. Huntley Realtors were chosen because of their previous experience in nego- tiation services and condemnation proceedings. [ He further stated that in his opinion time has been wasted, and the project is being delayed because the acquisition is not progressing rapidly enough. He suggested that in order to pick up speed the Agency should hire special- ists in acquisition. A time schedule was discussed. All members agreed that the acquisition of the parcels in the Mall area should be acquired within a year. Mr. Quinn advised that there were approximately 80 parcels remaining to be acquired in the Mall area. 50 of these are new, and 30 are parcels which Huntley Realtors have returned to us. Huntley's contract will be in effect until the edd of December, We should start a new contract in January. Staff negotiations were discussed. The members determined that it would be more expensive to handle the negotiations through staff than to hire a specialized firm. Specialists would be paid only for the parcels that they acquired. The Agency staff would be required to spend more time on acquisi- tion and more staff would be needed. The restrictions of this contract were determined as follows: 1. 75% of the real estate purchases. 2. Mall complex area, plus right-of-ways. 3. Southern Pacific to be handled by Agency Staff. r ~ After carefull consideration, motion was made by Wein and seconded by Austin that the Agency be authorized to obtain proposals for acquisition for the parcels remaining in the Mall complex area, 75% of the real estate purchases, less the Southern Pacific property and any other properties that the Executive Director feels might be better handled by Staff Negotiations. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Austin and Wilson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Webster and Hodgdon 498 OTHER BUSINESS: The Executive Director requested authorization to purchase a new calculator for the Accounting Department. Mrs. Crooks, Personnel and Finance Officer, recommended a Monroe at approximately $660. Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Austin Authorizing the purchase of a new Monroe Calculator. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Austin, Wein and Wilson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Webster and Hodgdon ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Austin and seconded by Wein to adjourn the meeting. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Austin, Wein and Wilson Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Webster and Hodgdon NOTE: Mr. Warner W. Hodgdon was absent for this meeting due to a meeting with John S. Griffith Company. ~ J , ....J ;] ,iIio.. ". '~- .. :ft': c [ C. .~ ... .". -~ ...~~ ~. . 499 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BER- NARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON THE 2ND DAY OF NOVEM- BER, 1967, IN ROOM 305, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BUILD- ING, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA The Meeting was called to order at 4:05 p.m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Webster, Austin, Wein, Wilson and Hodgdon Agency Members Absent: None Also Present: Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel; Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 19, 1967 were presented to the Members for approval. Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Wilson approv- ing the minutes as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes~ Wein, Wilson, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None The Minutes of the Special Meeting of October 24, 1967 were presented to the Members for approval. Motion was made by Austin and seconded by Wein approv- ing the minutes as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Wilson, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None EXPENDITURES: The Expenditures for the month of October, 1967 were presented to the Members for approval. Said expenditures were discussed and some items corrected. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein approving the Expenditures for the month of October, 1967 as corrected. The motion was carried by the fol- lowing vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Wilson, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None LEONARD KOREN, REUSE PARCEL NO. 93a, R-lO: A letter was presented to the Members from Mr. Leonard Koren requesting a 60 day extension of escrow for the purchase or Reuse Parcel No. 93a. This extension is needed to complete his loan application with the Small Business Administration. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein authorizing the 60 day extension requested by Mr. Leonard Koren for the purchase of Reuse Parcel No. 93a, R-lO. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Wein, Webster Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None REQUEST FOR EARLY CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS, MR. & MRS. GEORGE KANTOR: A letter of request for early condemnation proceedings for Mr. & Mrs. George Kantor (Block 3, Parcel 7) was presented to the Members for review. 500 Mr. Wein stated that inasmuch as he is the tenant in this case, he will refrain from discussion and voting. He further stated that he will answer any questions the Members have from a tenant standpoint. J Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel, suggested that a meeting should be arranged be- tween the landlord and tenant and himself to review the possibility of a set- tlement. If that meeting is not successful, the parties involved will be in- vited to attend the Agency's next regular meeting, and at such time Mr. Greshem, the Agency Condemnation Attorney, will be present. After further discussion, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster instructing the Agency Counsel to arrange a meeting with all parties involved, and if necessary, placing this item on the Agenda for the next regular meeting. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: Wein Absent: None REQUEST FOR REDUCTION IN RENT, MRS. ETHYL DAVIS, R-79: A letter of request for reduction in rent for Mrs. Ethyl Davis, owner of the Clayton Hotel, was presented to the Members for review. The letter stated that Mrs. Davis' rent is presently $185 per month and because of the reduction in her tenancy she is requesting that her rent be reduced to $100 per month. The Chairman stated that he could see no reason why her rent should not be reduced. After discussion, motion was made by Wein and seconded by Austin authorizing Mrs. Ehtyl Davis' rent to be reduced from $185 per month to $100 per month. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Austin, Webster, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ., ,I ~ .....,j REQUEST FOR EARLY CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS, PROPERTY OF GEORGE CARLTON: A letter of request for early condemnation proceedings for the property of Mr. George Carlton was presented to the members for review. Mr. Carlton is the fee owner of this property. Mr. Greenestone is the Sub-Lessee and National Dollar Stores Ltd is the Lessee. Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel, suggested that a meeting be arranged between himself and the attorneys for all parties involved to review the possibility of a settlement. If no settlement can be arranged the parties should attend the next regular meeting and said item can be placed on the Agenda. After further discussion, motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein ins- tructing the Agency Counsel to arrange a meeting between all parties involved and if necessary, place the item on the agenda for the next regular meeting. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Wein, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None CERTIFICATES OF COMPLIANCE: The following resolutions were introduced: , -J 501 [ RESOLUTION NO. 551 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO~ CALIFORNIA~ AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF REDEVELOPER'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE TO THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY WHEREAS~ The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company~ hereinafter called the "Redeveloper"~ has entered into an Agreement and Grant Deed with the Redevelop- ment Agency of the Ctiy of San Bernardino~ California hereinafter called the "Agency"; and WHEREAS~ said Agreement dated March 23~ 1962 was recorded on April 17~ 1962 in Book 5682 Page 684~ and said Grant Deed dated March 23~ 1962 was recorded in April 17~ 1962~ in Book 5682 Page 679~ both in the Official Records of the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino~ State of California; and WHEREAS~ in Section 3 of said Agreement and in Section 3 of said Grant Deed~ the Redeveloper covenanted and agreed~ for itself~ its successors and assigns to construct certain improvements on the hereinafter described real property~ within the time and in the manner set forth in said Agreement; and r '-- WHEREAS~ the Agency agreed in Section 4 of said Agreement and Section 4 of said Grant Deed to furnish the Redeveloper with an instrument certifying completion of said improvements in accordance with the provisions of said Agreement and Grant Deed upon Redeveloper's completion thereof upon the fol- lowing described real property: PARCEL NO. 1 That portion of Lot 6~ Block 4~ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO~ in the City of San Bernardino~ County of San Bernardino~ State of California~ as per plat recorded in Book 7 of Maps~ page l~ records of said County described as follows: Beginning on the East line of said Lot 6 at a point located 133 feet South of the Northeast corner thereof; thence South 15.5 feet more or less along said East line to the Southeast corner of said Lot; thence West along the South line of said Lot a distance of 270 feet more or less to the East line of Stoddard Avenue; thence North along said East line of Stoddard Avenue a distance of 15.5 feet more or less to a point located 133 feet South of the South line of Second Street; thence East 270 feet more or less to the point of beginning. (The above-named Stoddard Avenue is that same street shown as Rousseau Street in Book 4 of Maps~ page 5~ records of said County) r L PARCEL NO. 2 All of Lots 12~ 13 and 14 as per plat showing Subdivision of Block 4~ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO~ in the City of San Bernardino~ County of San Bernardino~ Also known as the County Hospital Track~ according to plat recorded in Book 4 of Maps~ page 5~ records of said County. 502 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Agency does hereby determine, conclusively certifies, and gives notice that the Redeveloper has fully satisfied, terminated and completed, for itself, its successors and assigns, all covenants and agree- ments with respect to the Obligation of Redeveloper for the Construction of improvements and dates for the beginning and completion thereof, provided for in said Agreement and Grant Deed upon the hereinabove described real property. J BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the Agency to execute and have recorded with the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino, the "Certificate of Compliance" in the form approved by Resolution No. 238 of this Agency dated August 2, 1962. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster approving the adoption of Resolution No. 551. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None RESOLUTION NO. 552 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF OWNER PARTICIPANTS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, A CORPORATION WHEREAS, Southern California Edison Company, a Corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Owner Participant", has entered into an Agreement with the Redevelop- ment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, hereinafter called the "Agency"; and J WHEREAS, said Agreement, dated November 10, 1959, was recorded on July 6, 1960, in Book 5179 Page 38, in the Official Records of the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino, State of California; and WHEREAS, in Section 3 of said Agreement, the Owner Participant covenanted for itself, its successors and assigns, that the said property will be devoted to public utility uses, to wit: electrical substation purposes and related uses, and as such are necessary in supplying electric energy to persons, firms and corporations with- in the area served by the Owner Participant, both within and outside of the Pro- ject Area; or to such other use or uses as may be permitted in the Zone applicable to said property from time to time under the Zoning Ordinance of the City of San Bernardino, and that said property or any part thereof will not be devoted to any other use, for the hereinafter described real property: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Block F, of F. J. Hall's Subdivision, in the City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino, State of Cali- fornia, as per plat recorded in Book 6, page 45, of Maps, records of said County NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Ber- nardino, California, that the Agency does hereby determine, conclusively certifies,].. and gives notice that the Owner Participant has fully satisfied, terminated, and .. completed, for itself, its successors and assigns all covenants and agreements with respect to the obligation of the Owner Participant provided for in said Agreement. 503 [ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernar- dino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the Agency to execute and have recorded with the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino a "Certificate of Compliance". Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Wilson approving the adoption of Resolution No. 552. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None RESOLUTION NO. 553 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF OWNER PARTICIPANTS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE TO PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELE- GRAPH COMPANY, A CORPORATION WHEREAS, Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, a Corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Owner Participant", has entered into an Agreement with the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, herein- after called the "Agency"; and ,.... WHEREAS, said Agreement, dated November 12, 1958, was recorded on July 6, 1960 in Book 5179 Page 33, and Supplemental Owner Participation Agreement, dated June 10, 1959, was recorded July 6, 1960 in Book 5179 Page 37, both in the Official Records of the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino, State of California; 'and ~ I ~ WHEREAS, in said Agreement and said Supplemental Owner Participation Agreement, the Owner Participant covenanted and agreed, for itself, its successors and assigns to construct certain improvements on the hereinafter described real property, within the manner set forth in said Agreements, and agrees that said property shall be devoted to the uses specified in the Plan and that said pro- perty or any part thereof will not be devoted to any other use or be used for any other purpose. In the records of the Tax Assessor, County of San Bernardino, California - City North 7 feet east 185.16 feet Lot 4 Block 4 - subdivision of Block 4 City of San Bernardino Lots 1 to 4 and 7 to 19 Lot 11 - subdivision of Block 4 City of San Bernardino Lots 1 to 4 and 7 to 19 Lot 10 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Agency does hereby determine, conclusively cer- tifies and gives notice that the Owner Participant has fully satisfied, terminated, and completed, for itself, its successors and assigns all covenants and agree- ments with respect to the obligation of the Owner Participant provided for in said Agreement and Supplement Owner Participation Agreement. [ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the Agency to execute and have recorded with the County Recorder of the County of San Bernardino a "Certificate of Compliance". 504 Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Webster approving the adoption of Resolution No. 553. The Motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None .., I .... PROPOSALS FOR SURVEY SERVICES, R-79: The Executive Director presented three proposals for Survey Services for the Central City Project to the Members. The survey services will be on a con- tinuing basis and will furnish legal descriptions and other survey services for the Project. The proposals were based on an hourly rate. Arrowhead Engineering was the low proposer. The Chairman stated that all firms are equally qualified to perform the work involved. After further discussion, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 554 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BER- NARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH ARROWHEAD ENGINEERING FOR SURVEY SERVICES FOR THE CENTRAL CITY PROJECT, CALIF. R-79 WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has, under date of March 21, 1967, entered into a Loan and Capital Grant Contract for the Central City Project Area, No.1, Calif. R-79, with the United States of America providing for the fi- nancial aid to the Local Public Agency under Title I of the Housing Act of 1945, as amended by all amendatory acts including the Housing Act of 1954; and ..., :~ ~ ....J WHEREAS, pursuant to such Contract, the Local Public Agency desires to engage a contractor to render certain technical advice and assistance in connection survey services for the Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79: and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency at a Regular Meeting held the 2nd day of November, 1967, found and determined that Arrowhead Engineering was best qualified to perform said survey services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized on behalf of the Agency to enter into a Contract with Arrowhead Engineering to provide for the Survey Services needed for the Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 554. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Wein, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: none GENERAL AUTHORIZATION - DEMOLITION BIDS: ] The Executive Director requested the general authorization of the Members to solicit for Demolition Bids whenever necessary. Motion was made by Wilson 505 ~ L and seconded by ever necessary, following vote, Noes: None Austin authorizing the Executive Director to solicit, when- for Demolition Contracts. The motion was carried by the to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Austin, Webster, Wein and Hodgdon Abstention: None Absent: None OTHER BUSINESS: The Agency's Demolition Policy was discussed. Mr. Quinn advised the Members that it is the policy of the Agency only to demolish those buildings without common walls. The demolition of the Litras property was discussed. Mr. Quinn stated that he would look into this matter and report his findings at a later date. Mr. Varner advised the Members that Mr. Ward, R-IO Condemnation Attorney, has reported that condemnation should be accomplished on all remaining parcels in Meadowbrook by the end of this year. The Members instructed Mr. Varner to follow up Mr. Ward's condemnation report and report his findings at the next meeting. The Members requestsd, that in the future, the Relocation Progress Report distinguish the number of businesses actually relocated and the number of businesses that have gone out of business. Mr. Quinn stated that this would be done. r--, ADJOURNMENT: ...... Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wilson to adjourn the meeting. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wilson, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None [ 506 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON THE 7TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1967, IN ROOM 305, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE BUILDING, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA ~ g ...... The Chairman reported that this Special Meeting was convened pursuant to a Notice of Special Meeting so required. The same is as follows: 1. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING TO THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA NOTICE is hereby given that a Special Meeting of the Members of the Redevelop- ment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, will be held at the offices of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, 323 Court Street, Room 305, in the City of San Bernardino, California, the regular meet- ing place thereof, at 4:00 p.m., on the 7th day of November, 1967, for the pur- pose of reviewing a Project Status Report and for transacting any other business which may properly come before it. Dated this 3rd day of November, 1967 sl P. W. Quinn, Jr. P. W. Quinn, Jr., Secretary ., 2. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ,i-I -J I, P. W. Quinn, Jr., Secretary of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, Hereby Certify that on the 3rd day of November, 1967, I served a true copy of the foregoing Notice of Special Meeting on each and every member of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, in the following manner: BY UNITED STATES MAIL Witness my hand this 3rd day of November, 1967. sl P. W. Quinn, Jr. P. W. Quinn, Jr., Secretary The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:10 p.m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Webster, Austin, Wein, Wilson and Hodgdon Agency Members Absent: None Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary PROJECT STATUS REPORT: A Project Status Report, prepared by Mr. Quinn, Mr. Hodgdon and Mr. Varner, was presented to the Members for review and approval. The Members discussed all aspects of the Project. Mr. Hodgdon explained that this report will be sent to J 507 [ the newspapers for release. We should keep the public advised on the status of our project. All members felt that from time to time we should prepare re- ports of this nature for the press. After further discussion, motion was made by Austin and seconded by Wein approving the Project Status Report as prepared and submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Austin, Wein, Wilson, Webster and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None Said Project Status Report is as follows: PROJECT STATUS REPORT At the time the planning for the Central City Project No. 1 was conceived, the project contemplated a real estate acquisition cost expen- diture in excess of $19,000,000. Complete execution of this project was scheduled over a ten year period of time and initial funds for acquisition of real estate were received from the Department of Housing and Urban Devel- opment March 21, 1967. As originally contemplated, acquisition of property involved in the project was staged through a series of four phases, and the total time allocated for this acquisition was approximately four years. "..., I L.. The present Agency Board did not believe that the phasing concept of real estate acquisition was a proper one, and in fact felt the timing was unrealistic from a practical standpoint, and with the discarding of the phas- ing proposal, has accelerated the program to the extent that at present in excess of $5,000,000 has been obligated during the last 7 months for real estate purchases in the Central City Project. The Board believed that the timing involved through a phase approach to the development of the Central City Project would be burdensome to the local businessmen due to the turmoil that would be created through an extended con- struction period concentrated in the downtown area, together with adverse con- ditions greatly aggravated by the existence to the south of the Inland Shopping Center establishment, as well as the influence of other local commercial complexes on the downtown business district market. The staged development concept was also believed to be unrealistic due to the proposed construction of the mall on a segmented basis, which would in essence create an impractical situation involving segmented approaches to the mall construction, the air-conditioning requirement for the mall complex, bonding requirements necessary for the Agency to provide, as well as inherent engineering problems which would be created by this type of concept. r L... The total land area involved comprises 93 acres in the Central City Project, of which approximately 21 acres include streets, alleys, and public rights-of-ways, resulting in a net area to be developed of approxi- mately 72 acres. The Predisposition Agreement, including parking and mall area, entered into between the Redevelopment Agency and the John S. Griffith Company represents approximately 40 acres of the 72 developable net acres in- cluded within the project area. 508 Inasmuch as the current Board realizes that the key to success of the overall Central City Project is the shopping center mall complex~ it is believed mandatory that the Agency concentrate on this area for acquisition to the effect that of the $5~000~000 presently invested by the Agency in real estate purchases~ $4~350~000 has been expended within this area~ which repre- sents an accumulation~ including streets to be vacated~ of 25 acres of the total Shopping Center Mall Complex of 40 acres. J All appraisals of real property required for the total Central City Project are now completed; Whereas~ under the previous phasing concept~ ap- praisals would not achieve completion until well into the acquisition stage or subsequent to the years 1970 through 1972. At present the Agency~ pursuant to understandings from HUn representatives~ anticipates the final concurred in acquisition prices from HUn by February l~ 1968 as to the entire Central City Project~ the larger percentage of which being completed prior to this date. The John S. Griffith Company~ through the Predisposition Agreement~ has agreed to buy~ and the Agency has Agreed to sell~ a total area of 387~000 sq. ft. for a purchase price of $2~500~000 which represents an average unit value of approximately $283~000 per acre. The company has deposited the sum of $125~000 with the Agency and among other things~ the Predisposition Agree- ment provides that the developer~ excluding investments by the Harris Company~ the Andreson Building and Woolworth Building~ Owner Participants~ will develop approximately 600~000 sq. ft. of building~ which would represent an estimated investment of $13~000~000 plus $2~500~000 for land. This expenditure would be required for the basic building only and would~ of course~ exclude finish work and necessary fixtures included within the ultimate shopping center devel- opment. , -J Public Hearings regarding the proposed agreement were publicly ad- vertized on September 9th and 16th in the San Bernardino Evening Telegram and the Public Hearing regarding the Predisposition Agreement was duly held on the 21st day of September~ 1967~ at which no other offers or cash deposits to the Agency were rendered. The Redevelopment Agency obtained Hun approval as to the form of the Predisposition Agreement and as to the method of disposal of the mall complex by letter dated August 23~ 1967 from Richard G. Mitchell~ Assistant Regional Administrator for Renewal Assistance. The terms of the Predisposition Agreement provide that prior to transfer of title to the cleared property involved by January of 1970~ the Agency must be in a position to do the following: 1. Have completed all necessary acquisition within the Shopping Center Mall Complex. 2. Complete the parking and mall agreements~ as outlined in the resolution of intent~ executed by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino~ July 18~ 1967. 3. Provide for the commitment of the underwriting of tax allocation bonds which is the source of the City's required share of participation. The total amount of bonds is estimated to be $10~000~000. , ..~ ...... 509 [ 4. Obtain an amendatory to the existing Loan and Grant Contract from HUD for an increased in the Grant from an estimated $12,000,000 to $20,000,000: A total increase of $8,000,000. 5. Complete Owner Participation Agreements with the Harris Company, the Woolworth Building and the Andreson Building. Upon completion of the above conditions, title to the property will be transferred to the developer enabling immediate commencement of construction. The basis of the Predisposition Agreement with the Griffith Company was discussed with HUD at a meeting in the San Francisco Office of HUD attended by Warner W. Hodgdon, Bruce D. Varner, P. W. Quinn, Jr., and Richard G. Mitchell, prior to final drafting and approval by the Redevelopment Agency, the Developer, and HUD. r I ~ A meeting concerning the Central City Project, attended by Warner W. Hodgdon, Chairman of the Board; Bruce D. Varner, Agency Counsel; Walter Slattery, Area Coordinator; and Richard G. Mitchell, Assistant Regional Administrator for Renewal Assistance, was held in June of 1967. At this meeting a finite outline for the consumation of the project was thoroughly discussed, including the necessity of the Loan and Grant Amendatory for an estimated additional $8,000,000. The basic requirement for the amendatory, represented increased project construction cost, a practicable method of handling the public mall, parking area and parking deficiency, which requires the construction of a 1,100 car parking structure. It was also understood that the Agency must have the under- writing of bonds committed, as a contingency for actual funding of the Federal Amendatory. The basic understandings outlined at this meeting were the necleus of the Predisposition Agreement subsequently reviewed and approved by Mr. Richard G. Mitchell, Assistant Regional Administrator for Renewal Assistance of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, on August 23, 1967. The Agency anticipates that steps necessary for the finalizing of the Amendatory and forwarding to HUD for final approval will be completed in the near future. REAL ESTATE NEGOTIATIONS, R-79: At the Special Meeting of the Agency, held October 24, 1967, the Members authorized the Executive Director to obtain proposals for acquisition for the parcels remaining in the mall complex area, 75% of the rea estate purchases, less the Southern Pacific property and any other properties that he felt might be better handled by staff negotiations. r ~ Mr. Quinn advised the Members that a letter has been sent to the San Bernardino Board of Realtors inviting professionals in Urban Renewal Acquisition Procedures to submit proposals for said services, on or before November 10, 1967, to this Agency. He further stated that two out-of-town Specialists have expressed an interest in a joint venture of their firms for this project. The Chairman requested that the Executive Director be authorized to review the proposals and determine which firm is best qualified for this contract. 510 After further discussion, motion was made by We in and seconded by Wilson that the Executive Director be authorized to determine the firm best qualified to perform the services of Real Estate Negotiations for the Central City Pro- ject. Said determination should be made on November 13, 1967, allowing all local Real Estate Brokers time to submit proposals. The motion further author- ized the Chairman and Secretary to execute a contract by and between the Agency and determined firm for the Negotiation Services for R-79 as authorized a~ the Special Meeting of October 24, 1967. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Wilson Webster, Austin, and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ., .~ ...... D. L. DEVELOPMENTS, R-IO: A letter was presented to the Members from D. L. Developments regarding can- cellation of their Offer to Purchase Reuse Parcels 93b, 94 & 95b in the Meadow- brook Project, and requesting the refund of their Deposit. Motion was made by Austin and seconded by Webster cancelling the Offer to Purchase and refunding D. L. Developments the deposit of Reuse Parcels No. 93b, 94 & 95b. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Austin, Wilson, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wein to adjourn the meeting. The_ motion was carried by the following vote to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wein, Wilson, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None 1 .J -, ~ , ....J 511 [ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MEM- BERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD THE 20TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1967, IN ROOM 305, 323 COURT STREET, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Hodgdon, Wilson, Wein, Austin and Webster Agency Members Absent: None Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary It was noted that the Regular Meeting scheduled for November 16, 1967 was post- poned to November 20, 1967 pursuant to the following Notice which was sent to all Members on November 13, 1967: [ NOTICE is hereby given that the Regular Meeting of the Members of the Redevelop- ment Agency of the City of San Bernardino scheduled for November 16, 1967, is hereby postponed until Monday, November 20, 1967, at 4:00 o'clock p.m., 323 Court Street, Room 305, in the City of San Bernardino, California, the regular meeting place thereof. Dated this 13th day of November, 1967. s/Warner W. Hodgdon Warner W. Hodgdon, Chairman MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 2, 1967 were presented to the Members for approval. Mr. Wein stated that on Page 2 of said Minutes, second paragraph, Mr. George Kantor was not present at said meeting. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Austin approving the Minutes of November 2, 1967 as corrected. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Austin, Wilson, Webster and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None The Minutes of the Special Meeting of November 7, 1967 were presented to the Members for approval. Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Austin approving the Minutes of November 7, 1967 as submitted. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Austin, Wl1son, Webster and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None REPORT OF AGENCY COUNSEL: o Mr. Varner presented to the Members a Report of R-IO Condemnation, prepared and submitted by Mr. Ward, R-IO Condemnation Attorney. Mr. Varner stated that the Report does not indicate the anticipated trial dates. The Members instructed Mr. Varner to look into this and report the anticipated trial dates to the Mem- bers at their next regular meeting. 512 EXTENSION OF ESCROW, CHANCELLOR BUILDING, PARCEL 2 & 3, R-10: J Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel, explained to the Members that Mr. Quinn, Mr. Hodgdon and himself met ~ith representatives of the Chancellor Building regarding their request for an extension of escrow and came up with a Letter Agreement to their Agreement of Sale. Said Letter Agreement was pre- sented to the Members for approval. This letter grants to the Chancellor Building an additional extension of 60 days from November 16, 1967 to and including January 15, 1968, for the Corporation to arrange its financing and close of escrow. This extension is made without interest, nor will interest on any prior extensions of escrow be charged. Upon expiration of the 60 day period of extension, the Agreement of Sale will terminate without further notice and the deposit of $6,500 will be refunded to the Chanceller Building. Hr. Varner explained that the Chancellor Building has agreed to the terms and conditions of this Letter Agreement and have executed same. He further ex- plained that this letter was prepared pursuant to further study of the R-10 Agreement of Sale. After careful study of this Agreement of Sale it can be interpreted that the Deposit on the property and the Performance Bond are one and the same. In this respect the Chancellor Building is entitled to receive their extension and also refund of their deposit if they cannot comply. Hr. Varner stated that he has drafted new Agreements of Sale for R-79 property and now believes that new Agreements must be prepared for all future R-10 sales. All Members agreed. J After careful consideration, motion was made by Wein and seconded by Webster approving the terms and conditions of the Letter Agreement of November 10, 1967, prepared by Mr. Varner for the Chancellor Building, and the Executive Director was instructed to notify the Chancellor Building of the Agency's approval. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Webster, Wilson, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None REQUEST FOR EARLY CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS, MR. & MRS. GEORGE KANTOR, BLOCK 3, PARCEL 7, R-79: Mr. Wein stated that inasmuch as he is the tenant in this case he will refrain from discussion and voting. Mr. Varner stated that he talked with all parties involved on the above pro- perty. He further stated that at the present time there is an action pending between Hr. Kantor and Mr. Wein. Hr. Varner recommended that this matter of early condemnation proceedings be deferred until such time as the present action is determined. Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Austin concurring with Agency Counsel's recommendation to defer the matter of early condemnation proceedings for the pro- perty owned by Hr. & Mrs. George Kantor until such time as the present action between tenant and landloJfC is determined. The motion was carried by the follow- ~ 1,~t:~~~~n ~o W:~~: Ar::~n~~s~~; Webster. Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None j 513 [ REQUEST FOR EARLY CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS, PROPERTY OWNED BY MR. GEORGE CARLTON, R-79: Mr. Varner stated that he talked with all parties concerned on the above matter. Mr. George Carlton is the fee owner of this property. Mr. Greenestone is the Sub-lessee and National Dollar Stores Ltd is the Leesee. Mr. Varner explained that after discussing the matter with the above persons and/or their attorneys, it has been determined that little has been done by the parties to arrive at a settlement. In effect, Mr. Varner, through his discussions with the parties, got the file moving. All parties indicated that they would do their best to arrive at a settlement and report their results at the next meeting. After further discussion, motion was made by Webster and seconded by Wilson tabling the matter of early condemnation proceedings for the property owned by Mr. George Carlton until the next r~gular meeting. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Webster, Wilson, Wein, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None CONTRACT AMENDMENT, WILLIS SEVERSON, R-IO APPRAISAL SERVICES: [ Mr. Hodgdon explained that we must obtain a second appraisal for the Water Department in R-IO. Morrison and Hill have submitted the first appraisal. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 555 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE SECRETARY AND CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT AMENDMENT TO WILLIS SEVERSON'S CONTRACT FOR APPRAISAL SERVICES KHEiBAS~~the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, designated Willis Severson as its Appraiser for certain properties in the Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, R-IO; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to increase the services of the Appraiser to include the appraisal of the San Bernardino Water Department. Said property is located in the Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, Calif. R-IO, and is described as Reuse Parcels ~5, ~6, ~7 and 50; and WHEREAS, at a Regular Meeting of said Agency held the 20th day of Novemb2r, 1967, the members agreed to execute a Change Order to Willis Severson's present contract of September 21, 1967. r , I U NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to amend Willis Severson's Contract for appraisal services to include addition- al appraisal services as hereinabove described. Motion wa~1made by Wilson and seconded by Webster authorizing the adopting of Resolution No. 555. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Webster, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None 514 "D" STREET FEASIBILITY STUDY, R-IO, JOSEPH E. BONADIMAN ~ ASSOCIATES: -, ...J The Chairman presented the Feasibility Study of "D" Street to the Members for approval. The study was explained to the Members. It will cost $200,000 for an overpass or underpass to be built to continue "D" Street. It will cost $35,000 to build a grade crossing over "D" Street. Mr. Rose and the City have approved the design prepared by Bonadiman & Associates. After much discussion, motion was made by Wein and seconded by Webster approving the realignment of "D" Street by the method of a grade crossing. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Webster, Wilson, Austin, and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None MEADOWBROOK PROJECT, REMAINING ENGINEERING WORK: The Chairman explained that the engineering has been completed for the realign- ment of Warm Creek Channel, and has been approved by the City Engineer. Bonadiman and Associates have proposed an engineering cost of $3,250.00 to realign "D" Street as set forth in their Feasibility Study. Mr. Hodgdon explained that the City has suggested that the Agency design and build a storm drain at Athol Street and Arrowhead Avenue. The approximate construction cost for this storm drain is $12,000. Bonadiman and Associates have proposed an engineering cost of $1,480 for this work. Mr. Hodgdon suggested that the Agency do something about the present bridge across warm creek channel on Rialto Avenue. The bridge is in poor condition and very narrow. The approximate construction cost for widening of this bridge is $26,000. A new concrete bridge would cost approximately $24,000. Bonadiman & Associates have proposed an engineering cost of $3,060.00 for the survey work. All members agreed that a new bridge would be the best reso- lution. ., ..J The Chairman explained that after completion of the above, all the engineering work will be done on the Meadowbrook Project. The Members discussed the work to be done and the proposals from Bonadiman and Associates. Mr. Austin stated that he believed the Agency should receive pro- posals from additional firms for the above work. After careful consideration, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 556 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SEC- RETARY TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT AMENDMENT WITH JOSEPH E. BONADIMAN AND ASSOCIATES FOR (a) STORM DRAIN ENGINEERING AT ATHOL AND ARROWHEAD AND (b) ENGINEERING FOR A NEW CONCRETE BRIDGE ACROSS WARM CREEK CHANNEL ON RIALTO AVENUE, IN THE MEADOWBROOK PROJECT AREA CALIF. R-IO n '...J 515 [ WHEREAS. the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. California. has under date of August 22. 1960 entered into a Contract with Joseph E. Bonadiman and Associates; and WHEREAS. said Contract dated August 22. 1960 was amended by Contract Amend- ment No.1. dated May 7. 1964. Contract Amendment No.2. dated November 8. 1966. Contract Amendment No.3. dated May 19, 1967. and Contract Amendment No.4, dated June 19. 1967; and WHEREAS. the Redevelopment Agency desires to increase the services of the Contractor to include Storm Drain Engineering at Athol and Arrowhead and engineering for a new concrete bridge across Warm Creek Channel on Rialto Avenue; and WHEREAS. at a Regular Meeting of said Agen", held November 20. 1967, the members agreed to execute a Contract Amendment to Joseph E. Bonadiman and Associates Contract to include said services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute Contract Amendment No. 5 by and between the Agency and Joseph E. Bonadiman and Associates for the services set forth in said Contract Amend- ment No.5. [ Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 556. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson. Wein, Webster and Hodgdon Noes: Austin Abstention: None Absent: None Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein instructing the Executive Director to invite at least three proposals from engineering firms for the engineering woi!k on the "D" Street overcrossing between Rialto Avenue and Athol Streets. The motion was carried by the following vote. to wit: Ayes: Wilson. Wein. Webster, Austin and Hodgdon, Noes: None Abstention: NOne Absent: None PREDISPOSITION AGREEMENT, HENRY HENSCHEL, R-IO: A Predisposition Agreement was presented to the members. submitted by Mr. Henry Henschel and Mr. Robert J. Erwin. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein that the matter be deferred until the next meeting. The motion was carried by the following vote. to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Wein. Webster. Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None EXTENSION OF ESCROW, MR. GREENWOOD, REUSE PARCEL NO. 63. R-IO: [ A letter from Mr. Jack Greenwood was presented to the Members for approval. Mr. Greenwood requests that his escrow be extended until January 20. 1968, in order that he may have time to obtain a Small Business Administration Loan. This will be Mr. Greenwood's second extension. After discussion. motion was made by Austin gna seconded by Wilson instructing the Agency Counsel to direct a letter of agreement to Mr. Greenwood in the same form as the one directed to the Chancellor Building. 516 The Members determined during discussion that the circumstances were not the same in this matter as they are in the Chancellor purchase. The above motion died. o The Motion was amended by Austin and seconded by Wilson as follows: The Agency Counsel be instructed to prepare a Letter Agreement to Mr. Greenwood, for his approval and signature, stating that the Agency has approved the exten- sion of his excrow until January 20, 1968, in order that he may have time to obtain a Small Business Administration Loan. In the event he is still trying to obtain a SBA Loan on 1-20-68, further exten- sions will be granted interest free. If private financing is being obtained on 1-20-68, the extension will be granted but will incur a 6% interest charge on the unpaid balance and will also have a definite termination date beyond which entire transaction will be terminated. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Austin, Wilson, Wein, Webster and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None RETRO-ACTIVE APPROVAL OF TRIP TO NEW YORK AND WASHINGTON, D.C.: The following Resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 557 ] RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND AGENCY COUNSEL TO TRAVEL TO NEW YORK AND WASHINGTON D. C. TO DEVELOP OUTSIDE FINANCING FOR R-79 WHEREAS, Resolution No. 302 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, requires that each trip made by an Agency Member or Staff Member to a destination outside of the City of San Bernardino be speci- fically authorized by a resolution of the Agency Members; and WHEREAS, it is found to be essential that the Agency Chairman and Agency Counsel travel to New York and Washington D. C. To develop outside financing for the Central City Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Agency Counsel are hereby authorized to travel to New York and Washington D. C. and their travel ex- penses be and are hereby approved in accordance with the provisions of Resolu- tion No. 302 of this Agency. Motion was made by Weln and seconded by Austin authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 557. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Austin, Webster, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None 1 ~ 517 [ OFFER TO PURCHASE, REBSE PARCEL 90, ~UERTH: An Offer to Purchase Reuse Parcel No. 90 was presented to the Members. The Plot plan was shown and the parcel pointed out on the map. Said land will be used for service use. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 558 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF REUSE PARCEL NO. 90, R-lO, TO WILLIAM H. GUERTH, TRUST: HENRY GUERTH, TRUSTEE WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, desires to sell property located in its Meadowbrook Project to qualified redevelopers to develop the land in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan therefor; and WHEREAS, said property was advertised in the Sun Telegram under Notice of Reuse Parcels for Sale in the Meadowbrook Project, on September 5, 6, 7 and 8 on the week of September 25 through 29, 1967; and [ WHEREAS, at the Regular Meeting of the Agency held November 20, 1967, the Agency Members examined the Offer to Purchase and related documents submitted by William H. Guerth, Trust, and Henry Guerth, Trustee hereinafter called the "Redeveloper", for the purchase of that certain real property described as follows: Reuse Parcel No. 90 The West 368.33 feet of Lots 5, 6, and of the North 20 feet of Lot 8, all in Block "D", THE PEPPERS, in the City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per plat recorded in Book 17 of Maps, page 8, records of said County. WHEREAS, at said Regular Meeting of the Agency held November 20, 1967, the Agency finds and determines all documents submitted by said Redeveloper for the purchase of said land areain order and in conformance with the rules and regulations as established by the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the disposition of project lands. o NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Agency does determine that said Offer to Purchase and related documents, including the Statement for Public dis- closure of said Redeveloper, are satisfactory; that negotiation is the appro- priate method for the disposal of said parcel; that the Redeveloper possesses the qualifications and financial resources necessary to acquire and develop said property in accordance with said plan; that the proposed price, TWENTY SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS ($26,000/00) is satisfactory, not less than the fair market value of land for uses in accordance with said Redevelopment Plan and is not less than the resale price for said property as concurred in by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. 5+8 IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the offer of said Redeveloper for the purchase of said land be accepted, and the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency are hereby authorized and directed on behalf of said Agency to execute said Agreement of Sale. and all other documents necessary or convenient to carry out the terms of said Agreement. J Motion was made by Wein and seconded by Wilson authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 558. The motion,'was carried by the following vote. to wit: Ayes: Wein. Wilson, Webster, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None APPROVAL OF NEGOTIATION CONTRACT, R-79: Pursuant to the Agency's approval of November 7, 1967 authorizing the Executive Director to determine the firm best qualified for the negotiation services for R-79. the following resolution was introduced by Mr. Quinn: RESOLUTION NO. 559 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SEC- RETARY TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND GARDNER-PIERCY ~ CO AND MARVIN CASALINA & CO. FOR NEGOTIA- TION SERVICES FOR R-79 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California proposes to acquire certain real property in the project area located in the City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino, State of California, for a project of the LPA known as "Central City Project Area No. I, Calif. R-79; and J WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, in order to carry out its functions under the California Community Redevelopment Law, de- sires to engage an Agent to negotiate with the owners of property remaining in the Mall Complex area, 75% of the real estate purchases, less the Southern Pacific property and any other properties that the Executive Director feels might be better handled by Staff Negotiations; and WHEREAS, after careful consideration, the Members at a Regular Meeting of the Agency, held November 20, 1967, found and determined that Gardner-Piercy & Co. and Marvin Casalina ~ Co., as a joint venture. were the best qualified firms to complete this acquisition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. California, that the proposal of Gardner-Piercy & Co. and Marvin Casalina & Co. for Negotiation Services for R-79. be accepted and the Chairman and Secretary are hereby instructed to execute a Contract Agreement for said Real Estate Negotiation Services. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 559. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Wein, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: Webster Abstention: None Absent: None o 519 [ 5:45 Mr. Webster was excused from the meeting. VICTOR GRUEN, CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING OF R-79 PARKING LOT: Mr. Hodgdon stated that Griffith Co. and Curci-Turner Co. have approved the basic design of the Central City Mall as prepared by Victor Gruen and Asso- ciates, and they have agreed to hire Victor Gruen for the actual construction of the buildings making up the mall complex. The Agency must now contract for the engineering of the parking lot. It must be started immediately so that it will coordinate with the rest of the mall. The approximate construction cost for the parking lot is $830,000. Victor Gruen has proposed an engineering fee of $39,500 fo~ his total work. Mr. Hodgdon recommended that we contract Victor Gruen for this engineering work. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 560 ElfG IE RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SEC- RETARY TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH VICTOR GRUEN ASSO. FOR ENGINEERING WORK FOR THE PARKING LOT FOR THE CENTRAL CITY PROJECT, CALIF. R-79 [ WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has, under date of March 21, 1967, entered into a Loan and Capital Grant Contract for the Central City Project Area No. 1, Calif. R-79, with the United States of America providing for the financial aid to the Local Public Agency under Title I of the Housing Act of 1945, as amended by all amendatory acts including the Housing Act of 1954; and WHEREAS, pursuant to such Contract, the Local Pbblic Agency desires to engage a Contractor to render certain technical advice and assistance in connection with Engineering Services for the Central City Project, Calif. R-79, Parking Area; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency at a Regular Meeting held November 20, 1967, found and determined that Victor Gruen Associates was best qualified to perform said engineering services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized on behalf of the Agency to enter into a Contract with Victor Gruen Associates to provide for the Engineering Services needed for the Central City Project, Calif. R-79, Parking Area. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Austin adopting Res~lution No. 560. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Austin, We in and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Webster r .... REQUEST FOR SOIL TEST CONTRACT FOR R-79 PARKING LOT: Mr. Hodgdon introduced the following resolution: 520 RESOLUTION NO. 561 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SEC- RETARY TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH C.H.J. MATERIALS LAB- ORATORY FOR THE SOIL TESTS FOR R-79 PARKING LOT. WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has, under date of March 21, 1967, entered into a Loan and Capital Grant Contract for the Central City Project Area No. 1, Calif. R-79, with the United States of America providing for the financial aid to the Local Public Agency under Title I of the Housing Act of 1945, as amended by all amendatory acts including the Housing Act of 1954; and WHEREAS, pursuant to such Contract, the Local Public Agency desires to engage a Contractor to render certain technical advice and assistance in connection with soil testing for the Central City Project, Calif. R-79, Parking Area; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency at a Regular Meeting held November 20, 1967, found and determined that C.H.J. Materials Laboratory was best qualified to perform said soil tests. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized on behalf of the Agency to enter into a Contract with C. H. J. Materials Laboratory for the Soil Tests for the Central City Project, Calif. R-79, Park- ing Area. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by We in authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 561. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Austin, Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Webster ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Wein adjourning the meeting at 6:00 p.m. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wilson, Wein, Austin and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: Webster J , l" ..., J 520 [ MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOP~ENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BER- NARDINO, CALIFORNIA, .HELD ON THE 27TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1967 IN ROOM 305, 323 COURT STREET, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA The Chairman stated that this Special Meeting was convened pursuant to a Notice of Special Meeting so required. The same is as follows: 1. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING TO THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA NOTICE is hereby given that a Special Meeting of the Members of the Redevel- opment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, will be held at the offices of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, 323 Court Street, Room 305, in the City of San Bernardino, California, the regular meeting place thereof, at 4:00 p.m., on the 27th day of November, 1967, for the purpose of reviewing Offer to Purchase submitted by Mr. David Cohn for Reuse Parcels 97b and 98, Meadowbrook Project Area, and for transacting any other business which may properly come before it. DATED this 24th day of November, 1967. c s/Warner W. Hodgdon Warner W. Hodgdon, Chairman 2. CERTIFICATE OF SECRETARY I, P. W. QUINN, JR., Secretary of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, HEREBY CERTIFY, that on the 24th day of November, 1967, I served a true copy of the foregoing Notice of Special Meeting on each and every member of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, in the following manner: BY UNITED STATES MAIL WITNESS my hand this 24th day of November, 1967. siP. W. Quinn, Jr. P. W. Quinn, Jr., Secretary The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. Roll Call showed the following: Agency Members Present: Hodgdon, Wilson, Webster, Austin and Wein Agency Members Absent: None Also Present: Mr. Quinn, Executive Director; Mr. Varner, Agency Counsel; and Mrs. Baxter, Executive Secretary ,...- , I . W 521 OFFER TO PURCHASE REUSE PARCELS 97b and 98, R-IO: J Mr. Hodgdon presented a letter from Mr. David Cohn constituting an Offer to Purchase for Reuse Parcels 97b and 98 in the Meadowbrook Project Area. The plot plan was shown and the parcels pointed out on the map. Mr. Cohn is now renting this property from the Agency on a month-to-month tenancy. Mr. Cohn is very anxious to open escrow and close as soon as possible. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 562 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF REUSE PARCELS 97b and 98, R-IO, TO DAVID M. COHN AND MICHAEL D. COHN WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California desires to sell property located in its Meadowbrook Project to qualified redevelopers to develop the land in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan therefor; and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing for the sale of said property was held on the 22nd day of March, 1967; and WHEREAS, at a Special Meeting of the Agency held November 27, 1967, the Agency Members examined the Offer to Purchase and related documents sub- mitted by David M. Cohn and Michael D. Cohn, hereinafter called the "Rede- veloper", for the purchase of that certain property describes as follows: , IattiII Reuse Parcels 97b and 98 Lots 11, 12 and 13, Block "A", THE PEPPERS, in the City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino, State of California, as per plat recorded in Book 17 of Maps, page 8, records of said County. WHEREAS, at said Special Meeting of the Agency held November 27, 1967, the Agency finds and determines all documents submitted by said Redeveloper for the purchase of said land are in order and in conformance with the rules and regulations as established by the Department of Housing and Urban~evel- opment for the disposition of project lands. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Agency does determine that said Offer to Purchase and related documents, including the Statement for Public Dis- closure of said Redeveloper, are satisfactory; that negotiation is the appro- priate method for the disposal of said parcels; that th~cRedeieloper possesses the qualifications and financial resources necessary to acquire and develop said property in accordance with said plan; that the proposed price, THIRTY THOUSAND AND SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS ($30,700.00) is satisfactory, not less than the fair market value of land for uses in accordance with said Redevelopment Plan, and is not less than the resale price for said property as concurred in by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. o 522 [ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the offer of said Redeveloper for the purchase of said land be accepted, and the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency are hereby authorized and directed on behalf of the Agency to execute said Agreement of Sale, and all other documents necessary or convenient to carry out the terms of said Agreement. Motion was made by We in and seconded by Austin adopting Resolution No. 562 and authorizing the Chairman and Secretary to execute the Letter Agreement submitted by Mr. Cohn constituting our approval of the Offer to Purchase. Said sale is to open and close escrow at the earliest possible date. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Wein, Austin, Webster, Wilson and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None CHANGE ORDER, CULLEN & SON, R-IO: Mr. Hodgdon requested authorization to execute a Change Order to Cullen & Son's contract for Demolition and Site Clearance, Unit No. 10, R-IO, in order to include the Tatsu Abe property. The following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 563 c RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE A CHANGE ORDER TO CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND CULLEN & SON FOR DEMOLI- TION AND SITE CLEARANCE, UNIT NO. 10, R-10 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California by its Resolution No. 5~B entered into a Contract for Demolition and Site Clearance of Unit No. 10 in the Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, Calif. R-79; and WHEREAS, said Contract was executed on the 12th day of October, 1967; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino desires to increase the services of the Contractor to include the Southeast corner of Mt. View Avenue and King Street, Block 5, Parcel l~; and WHEREAS, at a Special Meeting held the 27th day of November, 1967 the Members approved the execution of said Change Order to Cullen & Son. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized to execute a Change Order by and between the Agency and Cullen & Son for Demoli- tion and Site Clearance, Unit No. 10, R-IO. Motion was made by Austin and seconded by Wein authorizing the adoption of Resolution No. 563. The motion was carried by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Austin, Wein, Webster, and Hodgdon Noes: Wilson Abstention: None Absent: None o 523 TAPE REeORDER: ~ I i I , "-ii The Chairman requested authorization to purchase a tape recorder. Motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Austin authorizing the purchase of a tape recorder for Agency use. The motion was carried by the following vote. to wit: Ayes: Austin. Wilson. Webster. Hodgdon and We in Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Webster and seconded by Austin that the meeting adjourn at 4:25 p.m. The motion was carried by the following vote. to wit: Ayes: Webster. Austin. Wilson. Wein and Hodgdon Noes: None Abstention: None Absent: None o o