HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 02 01/14/58 - 12/01/60 1 o The Annual Meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held on Tuesday, January 14, 1958 at 3:30 p.m., in Room 203, Profes- sional Building The meeting was called to order by the chairman at 4:00 p.m. Roll call showed the following present: Agency members, Chapman, Westbrook, and Carlisle. Also present were: William Ward, Agency Counsel, and John Berry, Member of the San Bernardino Real Estate Board. Carlisle moved and Westbrook seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of December 17, 1957. Roll call vote: Yes--Chapman, Carlisle, Westbrook. The following bills were submitted for approval: Jerome F. Sears Jr. - salary for the director for the month of December, 1~57 569.15 [ Mrs. Grace Connelly - salary for the secretary for the periods: 12/21/57 to 1/3/58 1/4/58 to 1/17/58 119.48 119.48 Miss Martha Gomez - salary for the stenographer for the periods: 1~/2l/57 to 1/3/58 1/4/58 to 1/17/58 93.95 93.95 W. A. Savage & A. L. Johnson - Final payment on contract dated November 1, 1957 6,250.00 Professional Building - rent for the month of January, 1958 150.00 San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District - 1. Rental of mimeograph machine for the month of December 2. Typing services 16i hrs. @ 81.74 5.00 28.71 Simon Eisner and Associates - second payment on contract dated August 20, 1957 1,995.00 o Western Real Estate Research Corporation - second payment on contract dated October 8, 1957 2,000.00 William E. Taylor - accounting services for the month of December 75.00 William J. Ward - legal services for the month of December 62.50 2 Travel expenses to HHFA Regional Office - December 18, 1957 1. Sunset Travel 68.90 a 2. William E. Taylor (Per Diem 15.00 (Expenses 18.40 3. Jerome F. Sears Jr. (Per Diem 15.00 (Expenses 2.40 Roy Davis Camera Shop 28.08 Sparkletts Water Corp. - rental of cooler for the month of January 4.75 74.16 20.54 36.48 39.18 Inland Printing Co. Lindenman Printing Co. Arrowhead Office Equipment Co. San Bernardino Blue Print Co. Jerome F. Sears, Jr. - postal expenses for Final Project Report 6.64 Fourth Quarter Taxes - 1957 - District Director of Internal Revenue Department of Employment State Retirement System 544.20 58.72 71.44 J Westbrook moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for approval of the bills as presented. Roll call vote: Yes--Chapman, Westbrook, and Carlisle. Survey and Planning: The director informed the Agency members the Final Project Report-- Part I of the Application for Loan and Grant was submitted to the HijFAJ~e~~~al.g:~e in ~,.n ~rancisco in four copies on January 3, 1958. A copy of the complete report was presented for the exami- nation of the Agency members, and after a discussion, the Final Project Report was approved. The Agency Members instructed the director to develop a policy in regard to the distribution of the Re-use and Marketability Report. The director read an extract from the minutes of the Council Meet- ing of December 31, 1957, in which the Common Council by motion set aside $26,000 to be used for the realignment of Warm Creek outside of ~~adowbrook Project Area No.1. "~ . i The Agency M'embers 'were adviaed that the repaving of "E" Street by the State would in no wa,y '-;effect _the~roposed future widening of "E" Street during the ex\ecution of the Meadowbrook Project Area No.1. o 3 [ Carlisle moved and Westbrook seconded a motion to establish a fiscal year for the Redevelopment Agency from July 1 to June 30 to coin- cide with city policy as requested by the HHFA Supervisory Auditor. Roll call vote: Yes--Chapman, Carlisle, Westbrook. Westbrook moved and Carlisle seconded a motion that the Agency join the Chamber of Commerce and directed the secretary to submit a check in the amount of $45 for dues for the year 1958. Roll call vote: Yes--Chapman, Westbrook, and Carlisle. Election of Officers: Carlisle nominated Roy Chapman for Chairman of the Agency for the year 1958. Westbrook seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Yes-- Chapman, Westbrook, and Carlisle. Carlisle nominated Truitt Westbrook for Vice-Chairman of the Agency for the year 1958. Chapman seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Yes--Chapman, Westbrook, and Carlisle. Westbrook moved the Executive Director be reappointed as Secretary- Treasurer for the year 1958. Carlisle seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Yes--Chapman, Carlisle, and Westbrook. [ There being no other business, Westbrook moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for adjour~ent. Roll call vote: Yes-- Chapman, Carlisle, and Westbrook. The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m. " Respectfully submitted, u Jerome F. Sears Jr. Executive Director - Secretary Minutes approved by absent members: o ~7~g/7S~ Date ~~~~ ~ ~ 2-cJ Date U I f rr- ~LJ~~<t - 4 Special Meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held onThursday, January 30, 1958 at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall J The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 7:30 p.m. The Chairman then explained to the public the purpose of this hearing and the manner in which the meeting would be conducted. He also advised them of their rights to speak and express their opinions regarding the Plan. The chairman informed all those present that the entire meeting was being recorded verbatum, and that any person wishing to speak would rise, give their name and address, and then proceed to make any remarks or ask any questions they so desired. The chairman then called upon the director to explain the Tenta- tive Plan to the Agency members and to the public. After a complete explanation of the Plan, the meeting was then thrown open to questions. All questions concerning the Plan and explanation of the various phases of the Plan were covered in detail by either the chairman, the director, the agency counsel, and/or Mr. Al Johnson of the appraisal firm of Savage and Johnson. J At the conclusion of the hearing, Wilson moved that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 49 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING THE TENTATIVE PLAN FOR PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-10 WHEREAS';' in Connection with an application of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California (hereinafter called the t1Local Public Agency") for financial assistance under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, the Local Public Agency's adoption of the tentati~e plan for the project area involved in such application is required by the Federal Government before it will enter into a contract for loan and grant with the Local Public Agency under said Title I; and WHEREAS, there was presented to this meeting of the Members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California (hereinafter called "Governing Body"), for its consideration and adoption, a copy of the tentative plan for said project area, dated December 16, 1957, which plan is entitled "Tentatiye Rede- velopment Plan-Meadowbrook Project Area No.1" and coraists of nineteen pages and three Exhibits made a part thereof (said plan being hereinafter called "The Tentative Plan") and supported by ...... -.J 5 o eight Exhibits (Maps) not a part of said Tentative Plan; and WHEREAS, the Tentative Plan was reviewed and considered at length at said meeting; WHEREAS, at said Agency's public hearing on said Tentative Plan on January 30, 1958, no alternative redevelopment plan or plans for said project area were presented to said agency, and no written communications with reference to any such alternative plan received by it; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body that the Tentative Plan be and it is hereby in all respects adopted; and the Secretary be and he is hereby directed to file said copy of Tentative Plan with the minu~es of this meeting. Sessions seconded the motion by stating that since the Agency had spent a great deal of money to develop the Plan, and had hired various consultants and staff members to detail the Plan, and that since the Agency had not received any written communications or any type of alternate plans, he strongly recommended the Agency adopt the Plan as presented. [ Roll call vote: Yes--Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, Wilson, and Sessions. Motion carried. . Sessions moved and Wilson seconded a motion for adjournment. Roll call vote: Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, and Wilson. The meeting was a~journed at 10:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jerome F. Exeoutive Secretary / A:, -j2 Sears Jr. Direotor - [ 6 Regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, held on Tuesday, February 11, 1958 at 3:30 p.m. in Room 201 of the Professional Building J The meeting was called to order by the chairman at 4:00 p.m. Roll call showed the following present: Agency members Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, Wilson, and Sessions. Also present: Agency Counsel, Mr. William J. Ward. Wilson moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the annual meeting of January 14, 1958, and on a roll call vote, the following voted tlyestl: Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, Wilson, and Sessions. The following bills were read for approval: Jerome F. Sears Jr. - salary for the director for the month of January, 1958 569.15 Mrs. Grace Connelly - salary for the secretary for the periods: 1/18/58 - 1/31/58 2/ 1/58 - 2/14/58 119.48 119.48 Miss Martha Gomez - salary for the stenographer for the periods:l/18/58 - 1/31/58 2/ 1/58 - 2/14/58 93.95 93.95 1 ......J Professional Building - rent for the month of February 150.00 William E. Taylor, C.P.A. - Accounting services for the month of January, 1958 75.00 San Bernardino Evening Telegram - Botice of hearing on Tentative Plan 119.06 General Telephone Company - telephone service charges for the periods: 11/16/57 - 12/15/57 33.40 12/16/57 - 1/15/58 64.74 InlandPrinting Company - Tentative Plan covers San Bernardino Chamber of Commerce - Dues for the year 1958 13.04 36.56 Stockwell and Binney - Office supplies 45.00 O'Ke1veny & Myers - Long distance call from Mr. Lindman at O'Melveny & Myers - November 15, 1957 Postmaster - Postage 5.23 15.00 --, ! -.J 7 [ CURO Meeting Expenses: 1. Sunset Travel 3. Grace Connelly Travel (Per Diem (Expenses (Per Diem (Expenses 53.40 15.00 18.60 15.00 2.60 2. Jerome P. Sears Mileage Sparkletts 4.75 San Bernardino Blue Print Co. 12.02 Stockwell & Binney 45.31 79.43 Arrowhead Office Equipment Co. Western Real Estate Research Corporation - Pinal payment on contract dated October 8, 1957 2,000~00 William J. Ward - Legal services for January, 1958 San Bernardino Valley Munioipal Water District - rental of mimeograph machine for the month of January, 1958 68.75 5.00 [ Westbrook moved and Wilson seconded a motion for approval of the bills as submitted and on a roll call vote the following voted "yes": Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, Wilson, and Sessions. Survey and Planning: The director reported to the Agency members on the recent visit of Mrs. Florence Conlin, Relocation Technician from HHFA Regional Office. Mrs. Conlin stated during her visit that the relocation section of the Final Project Report had been approved. She also visited the FHA 221 project in San Bernardino and commented on its unique development and interesting architecture. The director read a letter from HHFA Regional Office notifying this Agency of receipt of Park I of the Application for Loan and Grant. Other business: [ The director gave a report on the CURO (California Urban Renewal Organization) meeting in Fresno on January 31, 1958. As a result of the report from Fresno, there was a discussion as to what constitutes an alternative plan and when such plan must be submitted. It was tentatively determined by the Agency COUDsel, that since Section 33566 as amended, stated that all alternative plans may be submitted prior to the date set forth in the Notice of Publio Hearing published in aocordance with Section 33563 of the Health and Safety Code, it would be advisable to consider any plan submitted no matt,er how vague as an alternative plan in that the law in this case is not specific. The director reported that he had spoken to a joint meeti~g of the Executiv.Bp~d of the Downtown Businessmen's Association and the 8 San Bernardino Chamber of Commerce regarding the Meadowbrook Plan and was assured of the active support of their organizations. , ..J Mr. Earl Wilson, Agency member, stated that he felt the Redevelop- ment of the City was of vital interest to the Building Trades Union and felt they should have a definite voice in this matter. The director met with all three sections of the County Welfare Department reporting on the Redevelopment Plan with specific empha- sis on the relocation problem and its solution, and was assured the County Welfare Department would cooperate in every way possiple. In regard to the distribution of the Re-use and Marketability Study by Western Real Estate Research Corporation. the Agenoy director was advised to use his own discretion in the distribution of this docu- ment. It was tentatively determined that FHA 221 certificates could be issued to site occupants of the Meadowbrook Project Area at their request if the public hearing on the Tentative Plan was favoraple. Sessions moved and Wilson seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting to the Army Reserve Armory on Karch 4, 1958 at 11}0 p.m. Roll call vo~el Yes--Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, Wilson, and Sessions. The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m. .., -II Respectfully submitted, t~~ Jerome F. Sears Jr. Executive Directo~ - Secretary .., .J 9 [ Special Meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held on February 20, 1958 at 3130 p.m. in Room 201, Professional Building Special meeting was called to order at 4120 p.m. Roll call showed the following present: Chapman, WestbrOOk, Carlisle, Wilson, and Agency Counsel, William J. Ward. Upon the suggestion of HHFA Regional Office, Resolution No. 48, request- ing a Federal loan of 81,350,000.00 should be amended to read 83,339,144.00. As a result, the following resolution was read to the agency members. RESOLUTION NO. 50 RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 48 AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION FOR LOAN AND GRANT FOR PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-10 [ WHEREAS, on the 17th day of December, 1957, the members of the Redevelop- ment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California adopted Resolution No. 48 entitled"Resolution of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California authorizing the Filing of an Application for Loan and Grant for Project No. Calif. R-10"; and WHEREAS, at the suggestion of the Housing and Home Finance Agency, and in order to assure adequate loan funds to undertake and carry out the completed redevelopment project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Agency Members of the Redevelop- ment A~ency of the City of San Bernardino, California that Paragraph Three ~3) of Resolution No. 48 is hereby amended to read as follows: "NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Agency Members of the Redevelop- ment Agency of the eity of San Bernardino, California that an Application on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California for a loan under Section 102(a) of said Title I in the amount of 83,339,144.00 and for a Project Capital Grant and a Relocation Grant to the full amount available for undertaking_and financing the project is hereby approved, and that the Executive Director is hereby authorized and directed to execute and to file such Application with the Housing and Home Finance Agency, and to provide such additional information and to furnish such documents as may be required in behalf of said Agency, and to act as the authorized correspondent of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California." [ Carlisle moved and Wilson seconded a motion that Resolution Bo. 50 be adopted. Roll call vote: Yes--Chapman, Wilson, Carlisle, Weatbrook. 10 There being no further business to come before this meeting, Westbrook moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for adjournment: Roll call vote: Yes--Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, and Wilson. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Minutes approved by absent member: ?f'7 ~ //'?5 Date dr~/~A' ."...-:' .., Ii ...J Respectfully submitted, 7~ Jerome F. Sears Jr. Executive Director - Secretary ..., \ " \ '. ...,; ..,.,t \. --."'.'\ -.. . ! . '\~... ~ : ,J.... ~ ...... 11 [ Minutes of the Adjourned Re~lar Meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, held in the U.S. Army Reserve Armory, Karch 4, 1958 at 1:30 p.m. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at the conclusion of the public hearing on the Tentative Plan for the Meadowbrook Project before the Mayor and Common Council. Roll call showed the following present: Agency members, Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, and Sessions. Agency Director, Sears, and Agency Counsel, William J. Ward. There being no business to come before this meeting, Sessions moved and Carlisle seconded a motion to adjourn. Roll call vote: Yes-- Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, and Sessions. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m. [ Minutes approved by absent member: Respectfully submitted, 1IV\ It. ~ - 'l- U Dat~ ~ 1 f ';}- r- 7~ ~ LJ ~4'^- Sears Jr. Director [ 12 Regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held on Tuesday', March 11, 1958, at }:}O p.m. in Room 201 of the Professional Building J The meeting was called to order by the chairman at 4:30 p.m. Roll call showed the following present: Agency members, Chapman, Westbrook, Sessions and Agency Counsel, William Ward. Absent: Carlisle and Wilson. Sessions moved and Westbrook seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of February 11, 1958. Roll call vote: Yes--Chapman, Westbrook, and Sessions. Westbrook moved and Sessions seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the Special Meeting of February 20, 1958. Roll c~ll vote: Yes--Chapman, Westbrook, and Sessions. Sessions moved and Westbrook seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the adjourned meeting of March 4, 1958. Roll call vote: Yes--Chapman, Westbrook, and Sessions. The following bills were submitted for approval: ., Jerome F. Sears Jr. - salary for the director for the month of February , \ ....J 569.15 Mrs. Grace Connelly - salary for the secretary for the period 2/15/58 to 2/28/58 119.48 Miss Martha Gomez - salary for the stenographer for the period 2/15/58 to 2/28/58 93.95 Professional Building - rent for the month of March, 1958 150.00 William E. Taylor - accounting services for the month of February, 1958 15.00 William J. Ward - Legal services for February 50.00 San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District - rental of mimeograph machine for the month of February, 1958 5.00 State Employees' Retirement System - administrative cost 10.00 ,..... General Telephone Company - telephone service charges for the periods 1/16/58 to 2/15/58 21.85 .....- Mr. Joe D. Miller - Reporter's Transcript of Agency's Public Hearing 110.00 l' c Sparkletts 4.75 4.89 San Bernardino Blue Print Company Westbrook moved and Sessions seconded a motion for approval of the bills as submitted. Roll call vote: Yes--Chapman, Westbrook, and Sessions. Survey and Planning: The director reported on the recent visit of Mr. James Marlowe, Land Acquisition Techinician of HHFA Regional Office. Mr. Marlowe informed this Agency that the land acquisition section of ~he Final Project Report has been approved without exceptions. Mr. Marlowe also visited the FHA 221 Homes being built in San Bernardino and stated they were the best constructed he had seen in this region. The director informed the agency members the auditor from HHFA would be in this office next week to audit the accounting records of Project R-lO. [ After reviewing the list of items to be submitted in the Redevelop- ment Plan for Project R-lO, the Agency Members suggested the director draft the Redevelopment Plan and submit the Plan at the next regular meeting. The Property Management Plan to be submitted to HHFA was discussed, and it was decided by the agency members that the rent policy to be adopted should be established on a contract of month to month basis rather than a lease agreement. A schedule of salaries of comparable Redevelopment Agencies and city positions, together with a resolution determining staff posi- tions and salaries, was submitted to the agency members. After an explanation of the schedule was given by the director, Sessions moved to table the resolution until all of the members were pre- sent. Westbrook seconded the motion. Roll call vote: ~es-- Chapman, Westbrook, and Sessions. The chairman asked the direc- tor to send copies of the schedule and resolution to ~he agency members that were absent. Other business: [ The director asked the members to permit the agency to add an additional extension phone because of t~e increase of the agency business. Sessions moved that an extension be added when the Comaon Council has the first reading on the ordinance adopting the Tentative Plan. Westbrook seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Yes-- Chapman, Westbrook, and Sessions. Sessions moved and Westbrook seconded a motion for adjournement. Roll call vote: Yes--Chapman, Westbrook, and Sessions. Meeting was adjourned at 51,e p.m. 14 Minutes of March 11, 1958 approved by absent member: ~.... Date n-.~o._Oct ~ -- ~ Lf... I ~;-~-i z:~ W~ tIV- Respectfully submitted, :zL Jerome F. Sears Jr. Executive Director ] ~ j ~ I ...,.j 15 [ Regular Meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, held on Tuesday, April 8, 1958, at 3:30 p.m. in Room 201 of the Professional Building The meeting was called to order by the vice-chairman at 3:50 p.m. Roll call showed the following present: Westbrook, Carlisle, and Sessions. Also present was William J. Ward, Agency Counsel. Sessions moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of March 11, 1958, and on a roll call vote, the following voted "yes": Westbrook, Carlisle, Sessions. The following bills were submitted for approval: Jerome F. Sears Jr. - salary for the director for the Month of March, 1958 $569.15 Mrs. Grace Connelly - salary for the secretary for the periods 3/ 1/58 to 3/14/58 3/15/58 to 3 /28/58 119.48 119.48 [ Miss Martha Gomez - salary for the stenographer for the periods 3/ 1/58 to. 3/14/58 3/15/58 to 3/28/58 93.95 93.95 Professional Building - rent for the month of April, 1958 150.00 , William E. Taylor - accounting services for the month of March, 1958 15.00 William J. Ward - legal services for the month of March, 1958 131.50 San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District - rental of mimeograph machine for the month of March, 1958 5.00 Inland Printing 5.95 3.18 19.35 9.16 City of San Bernardino Arrowhead Office Equipment Company Stockwell & Binney [ First Quarter Taxes Internal Revenue Service Department of Employment State Employees' Retirement System 586.90 58.12 116.20 16 Postmaster - postage 25.00 Lindenman Printing Company 20.28 ] General Telephone Company - service for period: 2/16/58 to 3/15/58 41.20 Carlisle moved and Sessions seconded a motion for approval of the bills as submitted. Roll call vote: Yes--Westbrook, Carlisle, Sessions. Survey and Planning: The staff and salary schedule for the Agency was discussed and Sessions moved the matter be tabled until such time as all members of the Agency were present. Carlisle seconded the motion, and on a roll call vote; the following voted "yes": Westbrook, Carlisle, and Sessions. Carlisle moved and Sessions seconded a motion to authorize the executive director to travel to the HHFA Regional Office in San Francisco, April 10 and 11, 1958. Roll call vote: Yes--Westbrook, Carlisle and Sessions. With the arrival of the chairman, the vice-chairman turned the meeting over to the Chairman. The vice-chairman then asked to be excused because of a previous appointment. The chairman then asked to be brought up-to- date on the proceedings of the meeting. ~ I .j The executive director submitted the report from the HHFA auditor, which showed no exceptions taken on the records of the Agency. Agency Counsel reported on his visit to the counsel of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Los Angeles. The Owner Participation Agreements and rules to supplement these agreements were discussed and Sessions made a motion to direct Agency Counsel to draw up the rules and regulations and also a Declaration of Restrictions for submission at the next meeting. Carlisle seconded the motion and on a roll call vote the following voted "yes", Chapman, Carlisle, and Sessions. The executive director submitted a form to be used by this Agency to certify site occupants in the Meadowbrook Project Area No.1 as eligible for FHA 221 certificates from the Building Inspector of the City of San Bernardino. Agency members approved the form as submitted. Sessions moved to adjourn this meeting until 4:00 p.m., Thursday,. April 15, 1958. Carlisle seconded the motion, and on a roll call vote the following voted "yes", Chapman, Carlisle, and Sessions. The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 p.m. w~ "'.... ectfully submitted, U-(... Jerome F. Sears Jr. ~ Executive Director ,..., Minutes of March 11, 1958 approved by absent member: ~J~ Date ...... Lt~ '0 I 'f tr (j L 17 c Minutes of the Adjourned regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, held on Tuesday, April 15, 1958 at 4:00 p.m. in Room 201 of the Professional Building The meeting was called to order by the chairman at 4:30 p.m. Roll call showed the following present: Chapman, Carlisle, Sessions, and Agency Counsel, William J. Ward. ..' \ The Agency counsel informed the Agency members that a writ of mandate by Alexander Ruiz, an attorney representing Mrs. Charlotte Andrews, a property owner in Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, had been served the City of San Bernardino and the Agency, challenging among other things, the legality of the Agency. After a discussion regarding the steps to be taken in these proceedings, Sessions moved the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 51 [ RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING WILLIAM J. WARD TO REPRESENT THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA IN THE ACTION ANDREWS VS. THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, ET AL. WHEREAS, on April 15, 1958, William J. Ward, as attorney for the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino accepted service on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency of ah alternative writ of mandate by Alexander Ruiz acting on behalf of Mrs. Charlotte Andrews; and WHEREAS, William J. Ward as counsel for the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California accepted service for the writ on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency, its members, and executive director; and WHEREAS, said writ directed the Redevelopment Agency, its members, and executive director to appear before the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of San Bernardino at 10:00 a.m., Friday, April 18, 1958. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that William J. Ward is hereby autho- rized and directed as Agency attorney to appear in the action - Andrews vs. the City of San Bernardino, et ale on behalf of the Agency, its members, and executive director to do all things necessary and inci- dent to the defense of the action and conduct of litigation. c Carlisle seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the following voted "yes": Chapman, Sessions, and Carlisle. Sessions moved and Carlisle seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting ,until 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 22, 1958. The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m. + 18 Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of April 15, 1958 approved by absent members: iL~~ (u I fy d Dafj )~ Wr-.J..uv- Respectfully submitted, J ~ Sears Jr. Director J ~ I ] , ,1 ..... c Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, held on Tuesday, April 22, 1958 at 3:30 p.m~ in Room 201 of the Professional Building 19 There not being a quorum present, except the Secretary, the Secretary adjourned the meeting. c Respectfully submitted, c U Jerome F. Sears Jr. Executive Director - Secretary . --------.------ I 20 ] Minutes of the regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, held on Tuesday, May 13, 1958 at 3:30 p.m., in Room 201 of the Professional Building There not being a quorum present, except the Secretary, the Secretary adjourned the meeting to 3:30 p.m., May 20, 1958. ~ j 1 ~ Respectfully submitted, ~?LJ2 /' Jerome F. Sears Jrt // Executive Director / ~ ....J r '-' [ c -", 21 MINUTES Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CAJl.IFORNIA held May 20, 1958 at 3130 p.m. in Room 201, Professional Building ~he meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 3:55 p.m. Roll oall ~th. fOllowing present: Chapman, Westbrook, Wilson, and Sessions. Absent. Carlisle. Also present was William J. Ward, Agenoy Counsel. Westbrook moved and Wilson seoonded a motion for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of April 8, 1958 and the adjourned meetings of April 15, April 22, and May 13, 1958, as submitted. On a roll call vote~ the following voted "yes": Chapman, Westbrook, Wilson, and Sessions. The following bills were submitted for approval, Jerome F. Sears Jr. - salary for the direotor for the month of April, 1958 569.15 Mrs. Graoe Connelly - - periods- salarz for the seoretary 3/29/56 to 4/11/58 4/12/58 to 4/25/58 4/26/58 to 5/ 9/58 for the 119.48 119.48 119.48 Miss Martha Gomez - salary for the stenographer for periods - 3/29/58 to 4/11/58 4/12/58 to 4/25/58 4/26/58 to 5/ 9/58 93.95 93.95 93.95 Professional Building - rent for the month of May, 1958 150.00 William J. Ward - Legal services for the month ot April, 1958 - $437.00 5.00 $442.00 442.00 William E. Taylor - acoounting serv14.8 tor the month of Ap~11, 19'8 San Bernardino County Council of Communi~y Servioes _ Sparkletts - rental of water oooler for April and May and oharge for water 75.00 5.00 4.75 6.95 Travel expenses to HHFA Regional Office - San Franoisco Sunset Travel Jerome F. Sears Jr. 27.00 20,.90 22 Postmaster - printed stamped envelopes 19.80 13.92 24.00 J Redlands Audio Visual Sales California State Chamber of Commerce Registration for Statewide Urban Renewal Conference San Francisco - May 22, 1958 San Bernardino Blue Print Company Stockwell and Binney 2.98 ~ 125.00 99.13 30.40 61.84 Kenneth Kelly - Fidelity Bond General Telephone Company - service for period. 3/16/58 to 4/15/58 Arrowhead Office Eqaipment Company Wilson moved and Westbrook seconded a motion for approval of the bills, as submitted. Roll call vote. Yes--Chapman, Westbrook, Wilson, and Sessions. Survey and Planning. The director submitted an offer from HHFA to amend Contract Calif. J R-10(A) which would simplify the procedures for requisitioning monies · under said contract. After a discussion regarding the amendment, the following resolution was introduceda RESOLUTION 50. 52 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING AN OFFER OF THE UNITED STATES TO THE REDBVELOPMENT AGENCY OP THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, TO AMEND THAT CERTAIN CON- TRACT FOR PLANNING ADVANCE DESIGNATED CONTRACT NO. CALIF. R-10(A) , WHEREAS, under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended and supplemented, the United States of America (herein called the "Government") has tendered to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California (herein called the "Local Public Agency") an offer to amend Contract for Planning Advance No. Calif. R-10(A), effected the lOt~ day of December, 1956, by and between the parties thereto; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has given due consideration to said offer to amend said Contract. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGEBCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AS FOLLOWS. .~ ! ; Section 1. The offer of the Government to the Local Public Agency, dated April 15, 1958, to amend Contract for Planning Advance No. Calif. R-IO(A) effected the lOth day of December, 1956, by and between '....J 23 [ the Government and the Looal Public Agency, is hereby in all respects accepted. Seotion 2. The Local Public Agency agrees to abide by all of the prc- visions, terms and conditions of said offer to amend said Contract. Section 3. The Secretary of the Looal Public Agency is hereby authorized and directed forthwith to send to the Hou8~g and Home Finance Agency two certified oopies of the proceedings of the Local Public Agenoy in oonnection with the adoption of this Resolution, together with two certified copies of this Resolution, and such fur- ther documents or proofs in conneotion with the acceptance of said offer to amend said Contract as may be requested by the Government. Seotion 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. Wilson moved and Westbrook seconded a motion for adoption of Resolu- tion No. 52. Roll call vote: yes--Chapman, Westbrook, Wilson and Sessions. [ Mr. Ward, Agency COUDsel, submitted the Rules and Regulations for owner participation and explained the procedures that must be followed, as provided in the Health and Safety Code of the State of California. After a di_oussion by t~e members, Wilson moved the fol- lowing resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 53 RULES FOR OWlER PARTICIPATION IN THE REDEVELOPMENT OF MEADOWBROOK PROJECT AREA NO. 1 WHEREAS, the Jlayor and COUlon Counoil of the City of San Bernardino, California, have by ordinance approved the Tentative Plan of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino for Meadowbrook Project Area 10. 1; and WHEREAS, Section 33701 of tae California Health and Safety Code requires said Agency, within a reasonable time after the adoption of the Tentative Plan and before the adoption of the final plan, to adopt and make availa- ble for publio inspection rules for the participation in the redev.elop- ment of property in the project area by owners of all or part of such property in conformity with the Redevelopment Plan adopted by the Jlayor and Common Council. . NOW, THEREFORE, said Agency does hereby adopt the following rules oon- cerning owner participation in said projeot areal [ 1. A project area property owner who can participate in the redevelop- ment of his property, as provided in Section 33701 of the California Health and Safety Code, shall agree to so participate by executing an Owner Participation Agreement with the Redevelopment Agency of the City 24 of San Bernardino. J 2. Only an owner of the fee simple of a parcel or parcels of real pro- perty in the project area may participate in the redeve10p.e~t of his property. 3. An owner of property within the projeot area shall agree to parti- cipate with the redevelopment thereof in accordance with the Redevelop- ment Plan adopted by the Agency and Mayor and Coamon Council of the City of San Bernardino, and such owner shall agree to demolish, or to alter and improve, or to rehabilitate, the structures and improvements on his property, and to thereafter use and maintain the same in such manner as shall be required by said redevelopment plan and a Declaration of Restric- tions adopted by the Agency. 4. A participating owner shall agree to pay, when required by the said redevelopment plan, his proportionate share of the cost of repaving streets, the cost of installing streets, sidewalks, sewers and street lighting as may be attributable to his property. 5. A participating owner shall agree to remove or permit the Agency to remove any and all restrictions existing against his property which are contrary to those contained in said redevelopment plan or said declara- tion of restrictions, and to impose or permit the Agency to impose said declaration of restrictions on his property. 6. If a participating owner agrees to remove, demolish, alter, improve, or rehabilitate existing struotures and improvements on his property, he shall, also, agree to do such within reasonable time limits esta- blished by the Agency. If the partioipating owner agrees to construct new structures and improvements on his property, he shall agree to do so only after plans and specifications are presented to, and approved by, the Agency, and shall perform such constructions within rea.onab1e time limits set by the Agency. ~ J 7. All owner participants who may participate in the redevelopment of their property in the project area in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan shall enter into such owner participation agreements within the time limits specified in Section 33745 of the California Health and Safety Code. 8. All project area property owners who may participate in the Rede- velopment Plan shall have access to oopies of said plan, ino1uding alternate provisions as required by Section 33702 of the California Health and Safety Code, and to suoh other date, information and reoords on file in the Agency offioe as may be allowed by the Agenoy, at reasona- ble office hours, and, at the deoision of the Agency, at any reasonable, appointed time. Such property owners may meet with the Agency meabers, at any regular or special meeting of the Agency, to discuss the plan as it affects their property, providing such owners shall make a request ~ so to meet with the Agenoy members at least 48 hours prior, to the ti.e I set for suoh meeting. ~ 25 o Westbrook seconded the motion, and OD a roll call vote, the following voted "yes": Chapman, Westbrook, Wilson, and Sessions. The Relocation Plan and Report was submitted to the members and after reviewing the Plan and Report, Sessions moved the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 54 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERlIRDINO, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING THE RELOCATION PLAN AND REPORT FOR MEADOWBROOK PROJECT AREA NO. 1 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for Keadowbrook Project Area No. 1 provides for the permanent displaoement of occupants of housing faci- lities in the project area; and WHEREAS, the Kayor and Common Council shall not approve the Redevelop- ment Plan except upon the finding that adequate permanent housing faci- lities are or w1ll be made available in the community for such displaced occupants at rents comparable to those in the community at the time of their displacement; and c WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California has prepared a Relocation Plan and Report for Meadowbrook Project Area No. 1 in accordance with Sections 3318 and 33739 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California that the Relocation Plan and Report (EXhibit 16 of the Redevelopment Plan) for Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, the original of which is now, and hereafter shall be, on file in the office of said Agency, and which is made a part hereof by reference is hereby in all respects approved and adopted. Wilson seconded the motion for adoption of Resolution No. 54 and on a roll call vote the following voted"yestl; Chapman, Westbrook, Wilson, and Sessions. Mr. Ward, Agency Counsel, submitted to the members a final draft of the Declaration of Restrictions as had been previously discussed by the Agency at the meeting of April 8, 1958. Upon review of the declaration, Sessions moved the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 10. 55 Jj :V,'-" /--. [ .,J 1-" " I /~ /..-,c../ r;.., , \( /'" /7 . ,j:J ;)' c RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING THE DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS FOR MEADOWBROOK PROJECT AREA NO. 1 }o . 26 WHEREAS, Section 33141 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California provides that no Redevelopment Plan shall be approved unless it contains adequate safeguards that the work of redevelopment will be carried out pursuant to the Plan and pro- vides for the retention of controls and the establishment of any restrictions or covenants running with land sold or leased for private use for such periods of time and under such conditions as the legislative body deems neoessary to effectuate the purposes of redevelopment; and D WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency has prepared a Declaration of Restrictions and made such declaration a part of the Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Project Area No. 11 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California that the Declaration of Restric- tions for Meadowbrook Project Area No. 1 (Exhibit No. 12 of the Redevelopment Plan), the original of which is now, and hereafter shall be, on file in the office of said Agency, and which is made a part hereof by reference is hereby in all respects approved and adopted. Wilson seconded the motion for adoption of Resolution No. 55 and on a roll call vote the following voted "yes"l Chapman, Westbrook, Wilson, and Sessions. The Cooperation Agreement between the City of San Bernardino and the Redevelopment Agency was submitted to the Agency Members by the Agency Counsel. He informed the members that HHFA Regional Office had approved the agreement. Sessions moved that the agreement be approved by the Agency and forwarded to the Mayor and Common Council for their approval and execution. Westbrook seconded the motion, and on a roll call vote, the following voted "yes"l Chapman, Westbrook, Wilson, and Sessions. J The Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, together with the exhibits was submitted to the Agency Members for adoption. After a review and discussion by the Members, Sessions moved the following resolution be adopted and the Redevelopment Plan be for- warded to the Planning Commission and to the Mayor and Common Council. RESOLUTION NO. 56 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR MEADOWBROOK PROJECT AREA NO. 1 (CALIF. R-10) WHEREAS, in connection with an applioation of the Redevelopment A,.ncy of the City of San Bernardino, California (hereinafter called the ~ "Local Public Agency") for financial assistance under Ti tle I of the I Housing Act of 1949, as amended, the Local Publio Agency's adoption .-J of the Redevelopment Plan for the project area involved in such application is required by the Federal Government before it will enter into a contract for loan and grant with the Local Public Agency under said Title I; and 27 c WHEREAS, there was presented to this meeting of the Members of the Redevelopment Agenoy of the City ot San Bernardino, California (hereinafter called ttGoverning Bodytt), for its consideration and adoption, a copy of the Redevelopment Plan for said project area, dated May 19, 1958, which plan is entitled "Redevelopment P1an--Meadowbrook Project Area No.1" and consists of thirty (30) pages and eighteen (18) Exhibits made a part thereof (said plan being hereinafter called "The Redevelop- ment Plan"); and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan was reviewed and considered at length at said meeting; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body that the Redevelop- ment Plan be and it is hereby in all respects adopted; and the Secretary be and he is hereby directed to file said copy of the Redevelopment Plan with the minutes of this meeting. Wilson seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the following voted "Y8S": Chapman, Westbrook, Wilson, and Sessions. Other business: [ The director informed the Agency Members of the Statewide Urban Renewal Conference to be held in San Franoisco on May 22, 1958. He, also, stated that Mayor Kremer, Counoi1man Howard, and Mr. Leslie Barris had made reservations to attend. The direotor requested permission for Miss Martha G6mez, stenographer, to reoeive leave without pay. Wilson moved and Westbrook seconded a motion to grant her the leave without p~ not to exceed three weeks. Rollcall vote: Yes--Chapman, Westbrook, Wilson, and S..sions. There being no other business to oome before the members, Sessions moved and Westbrook seconded a motion to adjourn. Roll call vote: Yes-- Chapman, Westbrook, Wilson, and Sessions. The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, /~ ef y? / Seoretary [ Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of May 20, 1958 approved by absent member: '1 - ,0 - J-g Date. , ~~~ 28 KINUTES ,.., I I ~ I ~ '....Jj Regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, held on Tuesday, June 10, 1958 at 3:30 p.m., in Room 201, Profes- sional Building The meeting was oalled to order by the ohairman at 3:45 p.m. Roll call showed the following present: Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, Wilson, and Sessions. Also present was William J. Ward, Agenoy Counsel. Carlisle moved and Sessions seoonded a motion for approval of the minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of May 20 1958. On a roll oall vote, the following voted "yes": Chapman, Westbfook, Carlisle, Wilson, and Sessions. The following bills were submitted for approval: Jerome F. Sears Jr. - salary for the direotor for the month of May, 1958 574.40 Mrs. Graoe Connelly - salary for the seoretary for the periods 5/10/58 to 5/23/58 5/24/58 to 6/ 5/58 119.48 119.48 J Miss Martha Gomez periods - salary for the stenographer for the 5/10/58 to 5/23/58 5/24/58 to 6/ 6/58 6/ 7/58 to 6/20/58 (Annual Leave) 93.95 93.95 93.95 Professional Building - rent for the month of June, 1958 150.00 150.50 William J. Ward - legal services for the month of May, 1958 William E. Taylor - acoounting servioes for the month of May, 1958 75.00 Sparkletts - rental of water oooler for June and charge for water 5.85 T~avel expenses: 1. May 22, 1958 Statewide Urban Renewal Conference - San Franoisoo Jerome F. Sears, Jr. 30.00 4.90 2. May 29, 1958 Small Business Adminis- tration - L08 Angeles J Jerome F. Sears Jr. 14.45 General Telephone Company - servioe for period: 4/16/58 to 5/15/58 62!30 29 [ Jerome F. Sears Jr. - postage 34.57 8.32 11.44 1.89 Arrowhead Office Equipment Company Lindenman Printing Company San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District - rental of Mimeograph machine for April and May 10.00 Inland Printing Company - 171.13 Sessions moved and Wilson seconded approval of the bills as presented. Roll call vote: Yes--Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, Wilson, and $essions. Survey and Planning: [ The procedures to be fo11wed at the public hearing on the Redevelopment Plan to be held before the Mayor and Common Council in the Municipal Auditorium on July 1, 1958, were discussed at length. The following points were resolved, and Mr. Ward was asked to discuss these points with the City Attorney before the hearing: , 1. The director is to briefly cover the outline and purposes of the Redevelopment Plan 2. The director will introduce the department heads of the City and the various consultants involved in compiling the date of the Redevelopment Plan, who will in turn submit a written report outlining their duties and conclusions in regard to the Plan. 3. The director shall suggest to the City that police officers be present. 4. That all persons will give their name and address before speaking at the hearing. The Agency Counsel was asked to give t~ttatus of the Petition for Writ of Mandate filed in the Fourth District Court of Appeal by Mr. Ruiz on behalf of Mrs. Charlotte Andrews. Mr. Ward informed the members that the points and authDrities and demurrer to the petition by the AgenCy would be filed by the Appellate Court by the 16th of June, 1958. o In view of this new petition pending, Sessions moved the following resolution be adopted: 30 RESOLUTION NO. 57 l ....J RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING WILLIAM J. WARD TO APPEAR IN THE ACTION - ANDREWS VS THE CITY 0' SAN BERNARDINO ET AL, (4 CIV:rL tfO~ '5931) IN SAN ,DIEGO~ CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, Resolution No. 51 of the Redevelopment Agenoy of the City of San Bernardino, California authorized William J. Ward to appear in the aotion - Andrews vs the City of San Bernardino et al, Case No. 92497 of the Superior Court - on behalf of the Agenoy, its members, and executive director; and WHEREAS, on May 16, 1958 the Judge of the Superior Court ruled that the demurrer to the petition was sustained without leave to amend and the alternafive writ was thereby dissolved; and WHEREAS, on June 6, 1958, Mr. Ward, as attorney for the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, accepted service on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency of a petition for Writ of Mandate before the Fourth District Court of Appeal - 4 Civil No. 5931; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF J SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, that William J. Ward is hereby authorized . ... and directed as agency attorney to travel to San Diego, California to appear in action - Andrews vs City of San Bernardino et al, {4 Civil No. 5931), on behalf of the Agency, its members, and executive director, and to do all things necessary and incident to the defense of the action and conduct of litigation. Carlisle seconded the motion, and on a roll call vote, the following voted "yesf': Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, Wilson, Sessions. The director submitted a proposed Staff and Salary Schedule, which had been discussed at previous meetings. Mr. Sears explained it was necessary to adopt a schedule at this time, as HHFA Regional Office required suoh a schedule before a Loan and Grant Application could be signed. Sessions moved that the entire salary schedule for the City of San Bernardino be adopted, and that Mr. Sears be placed in Range 39, Mrs. Connelly in Range 22, and Miss G6mez in Range 17. The steps in each range that each staff member shall be placed in, shall be determined by the length of service of each member with full credit for past service. Sessions, also, moved that this schedule be effective as of June 1, 1958. Mr. Chapman seconded the motion, but, also, asked that the director submit a report at the next regular meeting as to the range each of the staff members should be placed on as comparable to positions now existing in the City. He, also, asked the directors to contact other agencies in California and requent infor- mation as to whether; ~ I -..J [ , [ [ 31 1. The Looal Publio Agenoy in the oommunity adopted the City sohedule, 2. Was the exeoutive direotor of the Looal Publio Agenoy plaoed in a range oomparable with the planning direotor of the oity, 3. If the oity sohedule was not adopted, what determination was ~Sed? On roll oall vote, the following voted "yes": Chapman, Westbrook, Sessions; No--Carlisle, Wilson. The ohairman announoed motion oarried. ~ The ourrent leave polioy of the Agenoy was disoussed, and Sessions moved that Resolution No. 42 be amended, and the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 58 RESOLUTION AMENDING SECTION ONE OF RESOLUTION NO. 42 CONCERNING ANNUAL LEAVE FOR THE EMPLOYEES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. 42, the Redevelopment Agenoy of the City of San Bernardino, California established a leave polioy for the annual leave and siok leave of its employees; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, that Seotion One of Resolution No. 42 of said Agenoy is hereby amended to read as follows: "SECTION ONE. Annual Leave: Employees of the Agenoy shall be entitled to one (1) working day of annual leave for eaoh full month of employment by the Agenoy; provided, however, that no employee shall take more than twelve (12) oonseoutive working days of annual leave in any twelve months period unless approved by the Agenoy members, nor shall any employee aooumulate leave in exoess of eighteen (18) working days. Westbrook seoonded the motion, and on a roll oall vote, the following voted "yes": Chapman, Carlisle Westbrook, Wilson, and Sessions. The direotor asked the Agenoymembers for permission to obtain a mimeo- graph maohine on a lease-purohase agreement. Carlisle moved and Sessions seoonded a motion to allow the direotor to purohase a mimeo- graph maohine as needed by the Agenoy. Roll oall vote: Yes--Chapman, Westbrook, Wilson, Carlisle, and Sessions. There being no other business to oome before this meeting, Sessions moved for adjourn~ent, and Carlisle seoonded the motion. Roll oall vote: Yes--Chapman, Carlisle, Wilson, Westbrook, and Sessions. 32 The meeting was adjourned at 6:05 p.m. ..... f ....J tfully submitted, ?4-{2 Sears, Jr. Director-Secretary -, ..J ...... ~ [ MINUTES Minutes of the regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, held on July 8, 1958, at 3:30 p.m., in Room 201, Professional Building 33 There not being a quorum present, except the Vice-6hairman, the Vice-Chairman adjourned the meeting to 4:00 p.m., July 10, 1958. Respectfully submitted, [ d~;J Truitt Wes brook Vice-Chairman [ 34 MINUTES Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, held in Room 201, Professional Building, On July 10, 1958 at 4:00 p.m. .., -J The meeting was oalled to order by the vice-ohairman at 4:00 p.m. Roll oall showed the following present: Westbrook, Wilson, and Sessions. Also present were William J. Ward, Agenoy oounsel, and Mr. Jaok Coyle. Jaok Coyle, who was appointed by the Mayor to serve the unexpired term of Roy E. Chapman, was informed that it had been disoovered his residenoy was outside of the oity limits, and by State law, he was, therefore, ineligible to beoome a member. Sessions moved that the Seoretary send Mr. Coyle a letter expressing the appreoiation of the members for his willingness to partioipate in the urban renewal pro- gram and the sinoere regret of the members that a legal teohnioality prohibits Mr. Coyle from beooming a member. Wilson seoonded the motion, and on a roll oall vote, the motion was oarried unanimously. Sessions moved and Wilson seoonded a motion for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of June 10 and the regular meeting of July 8. On a roll oall vote, the motion was oarried unanimously. J The following bills were submitted for approval: Jerome F. Sears Jr. - salary for the director for the month of June, 1958 Mrs. Grace Connelly - salary for the secretary for the periods - 6/ 7/58 6/20/58 6/21/58 7/ 4/58 Miss Martha Gomez periods - salary for the stenographer for the - 6/21/59 7/ 4/58 Professional Building - rent for the month of July, 1958 William J. Ward - legal servioes for the month of June, 1958 William E. Taylor - acoounting servioes for the month of June, 1958 Taxes for Seoond Quarter Internal Revenue Servioe Department of Employment State Employee's Retirement System 662.91 127.29 124.76 49.37 150.00 375.00 75.00 ,., >:: ...." 546.40 44.04 164.75 35 [ Simon Eisner and Associates - final payment on contract dated August 20, 1957 105.00 General Telephone Company service for period: 5/16/58 to 6/15/58 42.52 Photographs of relocation housing - Jerome F. Sears Jr. Grace Connelly 3.70 2.30 Sparkletts rental of water cooler for July, 1958 4.75 ACTION Evaluator Kit 10.00 San Bernardino Blue Print Company 14.00 25.00 15.00 NAHRO Pacific Southwest Regional dues Postmaster postage Wilson moved and Sessions seconded a motion for approval of the bills as presented. On a roll call vote, the motion was carried unanimously. r L Survey and Planning: Mr. Westbrook informed the members that the resignation of Roy E. Chapman was accepted by the Mayor and Common Council, July 7, 1958. Sessions moved that: 1. The Secretary send a letter to Mr. Chapman expressing the sincere appreciation of the many years of work he had given to the Agency, both as a member and as chairman since the inception of the Redevelopment Agency on September 8, 1952. 2. A resolution commending Mr. Chapman for his services to the Agency be drafted by the Agency counsel and placed in the minutes. Wilson seconded the motion, and on a roll call vote, the motion was carried unanimously. [ The vice chairman declared that this was the time and place to select a chairman to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Chapman or the balance of the term as a member, whichever applies. The vice chairman then declared the nominations open for chairman of the Agency. Wilson nominated Mr. Sessions. Westbrook seconded the nomination. Mr. Sessions was asked if he would accept the nomination. Sessions replied, "yes". Wilson moved and Westbrook seconded the motion that nominations be closed. The vice chair- man declared the nominations closed. On a roll call vote, Sessions was unanimously elected chairman of the Agency. 36 The vice chairman turned the meeting over to the newly elected chairman at 5:00 p.m. Other business: The Agency counsel informed the members of a conference sponsored by HHFA to be held in San Francisco, August 6, 7, and 8, and after dis- cussion, Wilson moved and Westbrook seconded a motion authorizing the Agency Counsel to attend this conference with travel and per diem expenses paid by the Agency. Westbrook moved the meeting be adjourned until Wednesday, July 16, 1958, at 7:00 p.m. at the Orange Bowl Press Room. Wilson seconded the motion, and on a roll call vote, the motion was carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 5:35 p.m. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of July 10, 1958 approved by absent member : ectfully submitted, Jerome P. ~j2 Executive Director r 1- /0 - .{"g Date ~@~ -, ....J , ...J ..., I I -J [ c [ 31 MINUTES Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of the REDEVELO~! AGUCY OJ' THE CITY OF S.AB BERNARDINO, CALlFORlUA, Held on July 16, 1958 at the Orange Bowl Press Room at 1100 p.m. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 1100 p.m. Roll call ahowed the following presentl Sessions, Carlisle, and Wilson, and Agency Counsel Ward. Also present were, past Chairman Chapman, MaJor Pro Tempore Howard, Councilmen Blair and Kirk, City Attorney Flory, and City Administrator Wood. Wilson moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of July 10, 1958, and on a . roll call vote, the motion was carried unanimously. The Chairman then requested the director to present to the past Chairman, Roy E. Chapman, a scroll signed by the agency members in token of their appreciation for past services rendered. The director then presented the scroll to 1Ir. Chapman. The scroll, as presented to Mr. Chapman, was pursuant to the following resolution adopted by the agency members at their adjourned regular meeting of July 10, 1958. RESOLUTION NO. 59 WHEREAS, Roy E. Chapman was appointed the first Chairman of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF S.AB BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, on September 8, 1952, and thereafter was annually re-elected and faith- fully served as such Chairman until July 7, 1958; and WHEREAS, the members and staff of said Agency desire to express their appreciation and gratitude to Roy E. Chapman for his tireless efforts and devotion to duty as Chairman of said Agency; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF S.AB BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, ~hat it express to Roy E. Chapman its appreciation and gratitude for his outstanding leadership, per- severance, and public service as Chairman of the Agency from September 8, 1952 to July 7, 1958. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a suitable memorial of this Resolution be prepared and presented to him on behalf ot the Agency, its members, and staff. The Chairman then called on the Mayor Pro Tem, Howard, to say a few words on behalf of the City ot San Bernardino. The Mayor then thanked 1Ir. Chapman for the services he had rendered to the Agency during the six years he had served as chairman. '8 The director then advised agenoy members and guests ot the Urban Renewal Conterence to be held August 18 and 19 at the Beverly Wilshire ~ Hotel in Los Angeles and suggested that the council members present give every consideration to attending it possible. -J The Agency members and the councilmen present were then advised by the director that the appointing ot a citizen'. oommittee in regard to the oarrying out ot the Workable Program and the Urban Renewal Program was one ot the basic requirements ot the Workable Program ot the City of San Bernardino. This requirement has not yet been complied with, and it is imperative that such a committee by appointed by the Mayor at the earliest possible date, not only to tultill the statement. made in the Workable Program, but such a oommittee must be appointed in order to have said Workable Program recertified. There being no turther business, Sessions called tor a motion to adjourn. Carlisle moved and Wilson seconded~a motion tor adjournment, and on a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. The meeting was adjourned at 91'0 p.m. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of July 16, 1958 approved by absent member: ctfully submitted, ~ M/~,N)/ ,., J Date Jerome F. Sears J . Executive Director -, ,.J1 [ [ [ 39 MINUTES Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, held on August 12, 1958, in Room 201 of the Professional Building at 3:30 p.m. The meeting was called to order by the chairman at 4:00 p.m. Roll call showed the following present: Sessions, Westbrook, Carlisle, Wilson, and Agency Counsel, Ward. Carlisle moved and Westbrook seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of July 16, 1958. On a roll call vote, the motion was carried unanimously. The following bills were submitted for approval. Jerome F. Sears Jr. - salary for the director for the month of July, 1958 664.60 Mrs. Grace Connelly - salary for the secretary for the periods 1/5 /58 to 1/18/58 1/19/58 to 8/ 1/58 124.16 124.16 Miss Martha Gomez periods - salary for the stenographer for the 1/5 /58 to 1/18/58 1/19/58 to 8/ 1/58 103.80 103.80 William J. Ward - legal services for the month of July, 1958 250.00 William E. Taylor - accounting services for the month of July, 1958 15.00 5.00 Postmaster - postage Sparkletts rental of water cooler for August, 1958 4.15 15..35 Stockwell and Binney office supplies Legal Conference - San Francisco, August 5, 6, 1, and 8 William J. Ward per diem 60.00 Westbrook moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for approval of the bills as presented and on a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. 40 Survey and Planning: ~ j , The Chairman declred this the time and place for the opening of the sealed proposals for the final appraisal of the Meadowbrook Project Area No.1. The director stated that all requirements had been met in the selection of the appraisers. The following proposals were then opened by the director and submitted to the agency members for for their consideration: * ...." 1. Western Real Estate Research Corporation Grigsby and Knorr Marshall and Stevens American Right-of-way and Appraisal Contractors $10,750 $11,500 $18,500 2. 3. 4. $14,500 After a review of the qualifications of the appraisers, Westbrook moved that the executive director be authorized to check the qualifi- cations and references of Grigsby and Knorr, and as an alternate, Western Real Estate Research Corporation. Further, that the director be authorized to negotiate a contract and submit it to the agency members for their approval at the next regular meeting. Carlisle seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the motion was unani- mously carried. The director informed the agency members that the time had come to proceed with the procuring of participation agreements with the owners of property scheduled to remain in the Meadowbrook Project Area. Wilson moved and Carlisle seconded a motion authorizing the executive director and the agency counsel to negotiate all agreements and submit these agreements to the agency members for their acceptance before execution. On a roll call vote, the motion was carried unanimously. J The director reminded the agency members of the Urban Renewal Conference to be held at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel, August 18 and 19. He informed the members that the Planning Commission of the City of San Bernardino had authorized the planning director to attend this conference and the Real Estate Board had authorized expenses for a delegate from the Real Estate Board. Wilson moved and Westbrook seconded a motion authorizing any agency members, staff or counsel to attend this conference. On a roll call vote, the motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Ward, agency counsel, gave a report on the current status of the litigation now pending in which the agency, agency members, and execu- tive director are co-defendants. Litigation how pending includes: 1. Original petition for Writ of Mandate from the Supreme Court of the State of California 2. Petition for hearing on the District Court of AppealJs denial of a Writ of Mandate before the Supreme Court. .., J 3. Appeal before the Fourth District Court of Appeals on the decision of the Superior Court on the original petition for a Writ of Mandate. 41 ( In view of the pending court action, Carlisle moved the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 60 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING WILLIAM J. WARD TO REPRESENT THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA IN THE PROCEEDINGS, ANDREWS VS CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ET AL, LA 25090 AND FOURTH CIVIL 5931 BEFORE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, Resolution No. 57 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California authorized William J. Ward to appear in the proceeding - Andrews vs the City of San Bernardino et aI, 4 Civil No. 5931 of the District Court of Appeal of the State of California, Fourth Appellate District - on behalf of the Agency, its members, and executive director; and WHEREAS, on July 18, 1958, the Justices of the Appellate Court ruled that the Petition for Writ of Mandate was denied; and [ WHEREAS, on July 24, 1958, Mr. Ward, as attorney for the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, accepted service on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, its members and executive director in the proceedings, Andrews vs City of San Bernardino, et aI, LA No. 25090 in the Supreme Court of the State of California; and Mr. Ward also accepted service on July 24, 1958 on behalf of said Agency, its members and executive director, of a peti- tionfor hearing before the Supreme Court of the State of California on the decision of the District Court of Appeal of the State of California, Fourth Appellate District, 4 Civil No. 5931; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, that William J. Ward is hereby autho- rized and directed as agency attorney, to do all things necessary and incident to the defense of said proceedings and the conduct of litiga- tion therein. Wilson seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the resolution was unani$ously adopted. D The agency counsel presented to the members, a draft of a proposed resolution for the issuance of the bond issue prepared by the bond oounsel, Mr. Ray Lindman. After some disoussion, Carlisle moved that the director, the agency counsel and the rinancial consultant prepare a final drart of the resolution for the issuance of the tax allocation bonds in accordance with Mr. Lindman's suggested form for presentation to the agency members at the next regular meeting. Westbrook seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the motion was carried unanimously. 42 Other business: ~ i ....J In accordance with insturctions from the chairman at the regular meeting of June 10, 1958, the director presented to the agency member, letters from ten similar redevelopment agencies regarding a staff and salary schedule. After discussion, Wilson moved for adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 61 RESOLUTION ADOPTING A PERSONNEL POLICY AND ESTABLISHING A ~ALARY SCHEDULE .I:<'OR AGENCY STAFF POSITIONS WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California has established certain staff positions and salary by various actions, namely agency Resolutions No. 13, 15, 16, and 19; and WHEREAS, it would appear desirable to consolidate all previous actions relative to staff positions and salaries and to establish specific step increases for said positions; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, desire that salaries of staff employees be comparable with salary ranges paid for similar positions in the community; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, as follows: J SECTION ONE. The salary schedule of this Agency be and is hereby identical to the salary schedule as adopted by the City of San Bernardino, California for all city employees. CITY SCHEDULE (See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof) SECTION TWO. As of the effective date set forth in this resolution, the salary range and steps for staff employees with full credit for past service are hereby established as follows: Position Salary Range Sa.lary Step Executive Director Administrative Assistant Steno-Clerk 40 24 17 C B B SECTION THREE. A new employee shall start at the first step in the salary range as determined by the Executive Director and approved by the Agency members. ~ ~ SECTION FOUR. New employees starting at the beginning step shall be advanced automatically to the second step of their salary range upon completion of six months probation period. CITY SCHEDULE 43 Exhibit "At! After After After Hourly Begin- After 1 yr. 1 yr. 1 yr. ;Ii...'" Equiva- ning 6 mo. 6 mo. Servioe Servioe Pay lent of Rate Servioe Servioe Step C Step D 1IIIIlw....__ Ra.nge A Ra.te Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E 1 .72 126 132 138 144 151 2 .75 132 138 144 151 158 3 ..79 138 144 151 158 165 4 .83 144 151 158 165 173 5 .87 151 158 165 17} 181 6 .91 158 165 173 181 189 7 .95 165 173 181 189 198 8 1.00 173 181 189 198 207 9 1.05 181 189 198 207 217 10 1.10 189 198 207 217 227 11 1.15 198 207 217 227 238 12 1.20 207 217 227 238 249 13 1.25 217 227 238 249 261 14 1.31 227 238 249 261 273 15 1.37 238 249 261 273 286 16 1.44 249 261 273 286 299 17 1.51 261 273 286 299 313 18 1.58 273 286 299 313 328 19 1.65 286 299 313 328 343 20 1.73 299 313 328 343 359 r 21 1.81 313 328 343 359 376 i 22 1.89 328 343 359 376 393 ..... 23 1.98 343 359 376 393 411 24 2.07 359 376 393 411 430 25 2.17 376 393 411 430 450 26 2.27 393 411 430 450 471 27 2.37 411 430 450 471 493 28 2.48 430 450 471 493 516 29 2.60 450 471 493 516 540 30 2.72 471 493 516 540 565 31 2.85 493 516 540 565 591 32 2.98 516 540 565 591 618 33 3.12 540 565 591 618 647 34 3.26 565 591 618 647 677 35 3.41 591 618 647 677 708 36 3.57 618 647 677 708 741 37 3.74 647 677 708 741 775 38 3.91 677 708 741 775 811 39 4.00 708 741 775 811 849 40 4.28 741 775 811 849 888 41 4.48 775 811 849 888 929 42 4.69 811 849 888 929 972 43 4.90 849 888 929 972 1017 44 5.12 888 929 972 1017 1064 .....- 45 5.;6 929 972 1017 1064 1113 ..... 44 SECTION FIVE. All step increments in salary, other than that provided for in Section Four, are merit steps and shall be availa- ble to employees upon the basis of a satisfactory service rating, as determined by the Executive Director and the Agency members. ~ -- SECTION SIX. There shall be a minimum of six months service between steps. However, when an employee's anniversary date is on other than the first day of the month, all increases, except as pro- vided in Section 3 shall be made effective on the pay period following the anniversary date. SECTION SEVEN. Salaried employees receiving a monthly salary shall not receive payment for overtime. SECTION EIGHT. Employees receiving monthly salaries may receive com- pensatory time ofr in lieu of overtime equal to the amount of overtime worked, when such overtime work is done at the request of administrative or supervisory personnel. SECTION NINE. An employee who desires to terminate his employment shall submit a written signed resignation two weeks before intended resigna- tion date. SECTION TEN. This resolution supersedes Resolutions 1" 15, 16, and 19, as regards to staff and salary schedules only. ., ,I SECTION ELEVEN. This resolution shall take effect as of August 1, 1958. -- Carlisle seconded the motion, and on a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Information regarding individual membership in NAHRO for the agency mem- bers was presented by the director. The chairman ruled that the ~aking of individual membership by agency members would be at the discretion of the individual members. The director presented a letter from the Better Business Bureau of San Bernardino, requesting the Agency to join. The chairman ruled it would be out of order for the Agency to join. The agency counsel presented the cooperation agreement between the Redevelopment Agency and the City of San Bernardino as approved by the agency members on May 20, 1958 and executed by W. P. Howard (Mayor Pro Tempore) on behalf of the City of San Bernardino and A. M. Sessions (Chairman) on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency on August 4, 1958. The agency counsel presented the following resolution which would ratify the signature of the chairman on this agreement: ....... ...... 45 [ RESOLUTION NO. 62 WHEREAS, on May 16, 1958 the Housing and Home Finance Administrator approved the Cooperation Agreement between the City of San Bernardino, and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California respecting the provision of the local cash grants-in-aid; and WHEREAS, at the adjourned regular meeting of the agency members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California held on May 20, 1958, the cooperation agreement between the City of San Bernardino and the Redevelopment Agency, was approved by the agency members, and the executive director was ordered to forward the agree- ment to the Mayor and Common Council for their approval and execution; and WHEREAS, on August 4, 1958, Mr. A. M. Sessions, as Chairman of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino executed said Cooperation Agreement on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency in order that it could be seasonably filed with HHFA. r I ....... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, that said act of A. M. Sessions, Chairman of said Agency be and the same is hereby ratified, approved, and con- firmed and the said Cooperation Agreement admitted to be the duly executed and delivered contract of said Agency and as of the same force and effect as if executed and delivered by him under direct authority of and instruction from the members of the Agency. Wilson moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for adoption of the reso- lution as presented. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. There was discussion regarding the changing of the day and time of the regular meeting of the agency members. The director requested permission to renew the membership of the agency in the National Housing Conference. Carlisle moved and Westbrook seconded a motion authorizing the executive director to renew the membership of the agency in NHC for the coming year. On a roll call vote, the motion was carried unanimously. The director presented several ways of producing inventory tags for all office furniture and equipment owned by the agency, which are required by HHFA. Wilson moved that the director order the tags from Addrewssgraph-Multigraph Corporation in sufficient quantity to lable all equipment owned by the agency. Carlisle seconded the motion, and on a roll call vote, the motion was carried unanimously. [ The director submitted the Annual Report of the Agency for 1957-1958. After review, Carlisle moved and Westbrook seconded a motion approving the Annual Report as submitted and requesting the director to distri- bute copies of this report to all interested parties. On a roll call vote, the motion was carried unanimously. 46 There being no other business to come before this meeting, Westbrook moved and Wilson seconded a motion for adjournment and on a roll call vote, the motion was carried unanimously. ,..., ..... The chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m. , .. ...... 1 -" 47 [ MINUTES Minutes of the special meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, held on August 22, 1958 in the Dining Room of the California Hotel at 12,00 p.m. The meeting was oalled to order by the ohairman at 12,00 p.m. Roll oall showed the following present, Sessions, Westbrook, Carlisle, Wilson, and agenoy oounsel, Ward. The Chairman informed the agenoy members that because of a suggested change in the Applioation for Loan and Grant for Meadowbrook Projeot Area No. 1 by HHFA Regional Offioe, this meeting was oalled in order to oonsider a resolution cha~ng the amount of the Temporary Loan on said projeot. The ohairman {lso stated, that as soon as the results of this .eeting were forwarded to HKPA Regional Offioe in San laancisoo, they would forward the Applioation to Washington for final review and approval. Sessions then introduoed the following resolu- tionl r ! RESOLUTION NO. 63 ........ RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTIOB NO. 50, AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION FOR LOAN AND GRANT FOR PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-10 WHElEAS. on the 20th day of February, 1958, the .e.bers of the Rede- velopm.~t Agenoy of the City ot San Bernardino, California adopted Resolution No. 50 entitled "Resolution Amending Resolution No. 48 authorizing the Filing of an Application for Loan and Grant for Project No. Calif. R-10"J and WHEREAS, at the suggestion of the Housing and Home Finanoe Agenoy, and in order to assure adequate loan funds to undertake and oar'1:Y out the oompleted Redevelopment projectJ [ NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Agency Members of the Redevelop- ment Agenoy of the City of San Bernardino, California that Paragraph Four (4) of Resolution No. 50 is hereby amended to read as follows, "NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Agency Members of the Redevelop- ment Agenoy of the City of San Bernardino, California that an Applioation on behalf of the Redevelopment Agenoy of the City of San Bernardino, California for a loan under Section 102 (a) of said Title I in the amount of $3,812,425.00 and for a Project Capital Grant and a Relooation Grant to the full amount available for undertaking and finanoing the projeot is hereby approved~ and that the Exeoutive Direotor is hereby authorized and directed to exeoute and to file suoh Applioation with the 48 Housing and Home rinance Agency, and to provide such additional informa- tion and to furnish such documents as may be required in behalf ot ~ said Agency, and to act as the authorized correspondent of the t Redevelopment Agency ot the City of San Bernardino, California." -J Wilson moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for adoption ot the reso- lution as presented. On a roll oall vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. The executive direotor reported that the qualifications of the appraisers, Grigsby and Knorr had been checked and all conditions as outlined in the LPA Manual in regard to the selection of the appraiser had been complied with. Mr. Sears informed the Agency Members a contract had been negotiated with Grigsby and Knorr and would be presented at the next regular meeting. There being no further business, Westbrook moved and Wilson seconded a lIlotion tor adjournment. On a rollcall vote, the motion was c"arried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 1:20 p.m. Minutes of the special meeting ot August 22, 1958 approved by absent member: ~6J1/,-eA.L..}tX Date . J ~ ! ....J 49 o r , Ii.- [ 50 MINUTES :~ Minutes of the regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, held on September l~, 1958 in Room 201 of the Professional Building at 3:30 p.m. ...." The meeting was called to order by the vice-chairman at 3:30 p.m. Roll call showed the following present: Sessions, Westbrook, Carlisle, Wilson and Agency counsel Ward. The vice-chairman announced that Mr. Sessions had been reappointed by the Mayor and Common Council as a member of the Redevelopment Agency to serve an additional four years commencing September 3, 1958. He then declared that this was the time and place for an election of a new chairman and that he would accept nominations for chairman of the Agency. Carlisle nominated Sessions, and Westbrook seconded the nomination. Mr. Sessions was asked if he would accept the nomination. Sessions replied "yes". Carlisle moved and Westbrook seconded the motion that nominations be closed. The vice-chairman deolared the nominations closed. On a roll call vote, Sessions was unanimously elected chairman of the Agency. The vice-chairman then turned the meeting over to Sessions, the new J ohairman. Carlisle moved and Westbrook seoonded a motion for approval . · of the minutes of the regular meeting of August 12, 1958 and the special meeting of August 22, 1958. On a roll call vote, the motion was unani- mously carried. The following bills were submitted for approval: Jerome F. Sears Jr. salary for the direotor for the month of August, 1958 693.40 Mrs. Grace Connelly periods salary for the secretary for the 8/2/58 to 8/15/58 8/16/58 to 8/29/58 136.60 136.60 Miss Martha Gomez periods salary for the stenographer for the 8/2/58 to 8/15/58 8/16/58 to 8/29/58 103.80 103.80 Professional Building - rental for the months of August and September, 1958 300.00 William E. Taylor accounting services for the month of August, 1958 75.00 William J. Ward - legal services for August, 1958 112.50 J Travel expenses for Legal Conference - August 6, 7, 8 18.40 51 , [ Urban Renewal Conference - August 18 and 19, 1958 Beverly Wilshire Hotel (1) Regents of University of California (Registration) (2) Jerome F. Sears Jr. - per diem (3) Jerome F. Sears Jr. - per diem (4) Grace Connelly - per diem 25.00 30.00 14.60 30.00 National Housing Conference - Membership for 1958-59 10.00 Arrowhead Office Equipment Company - (1) (2) Office Supplies Rental of mimeograph machine for period 6/19/58 to 9/19/58 40.86 93.60 27.50 1.98 Ball Advertising San Bernardino Blue Print - r L Jack Reilly - Relocation sketches 20.00 Orange Bowl - meeting of July 16, 1958 36.00 General Telephone Company - Telephone service charges for periods - 6/16/58 to 7/15/58 7/16/58 to 8/15/58 55.10 77.55 Sunset Travel - Travel for Mr. Ward to Legal Conference August 6, 7, and 8, 1958 30.10 City of San Bernardino - Travel for Mr. Sears to Urban Renewal Conference - San Francisco - May 22, 1958 42.90 State Employees Retirement - administration and basic assessment 30.00 State Compensation Insurance Fund - policy for 9/6/58 to 9/6/59 15.00 NAHRO - Binder for Journal of Housing 3.00 Wilson moved and Westbrook seconded a motion for approval of the bills as presented. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. [ 5~ Survey and Planning: ~ 4 The director informed the agency members that the Application for Loan and Grant had been approved in San Francisco and forwarded for Washington for final approval. He further stated that an offer from Washington of a contract could be expected the last part of September, 1958. ~ Report of Agency counsel: Mr. Ward informed the agency members that the clerk of the Superior Court would transmit the transcript of the original petition for Writ of Mandate (Case No. 92497) to the Appellate Court on or about September 11, 1958 as requested by counsel for the Plaintiff the appeal now pending in the Appel- late Court. Mr. Ward also discussed anticipated litigation regarding the judicial review and refusal of referendum with the members. Mr. W~rd read the provisions and requirements of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California in regard to owner participation. In view of the pending litigation, he thought it necesEary to request the Mayor and Common Council to extend the time limit by sixty (60) days in order to negotiate all agreements fairly. He then introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 66 J RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA REQUESTING THE il~YOR AND COW~ON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO TO EXTEND THE THIRTY DAY PERIOD FOR EXECUTION OF THE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENTS IN THE MEADOWBROOK PROJECT AREA NO. 1 BY AN ADDITIONAL SIXTY DAYS. WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino have heretofore duly enacted Ordinance No. 2233 of the City of San Bernardino, which ordinance became effective on August 22, 1958; and WHEREAS, said ordinance adopted a Redevelopment Plan for the Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, wherein said plan provides that some owners of property within the project area may participate in the redevelopment of their said properties; and WHEREAS, said Redevelopment Plan and Section 33745 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California provides that such owners enter into binding agreements for participation in accordance with the plan within thirty (30) days after its adoption which thirty day period may be extended an additional sixty (60) days by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino; and ~ j j WHEREAS, by virtue of certain legal action against the City of San -J Bernardino and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, the execution of such proposed agreements by and between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California and such owners cannot be completed within said thirty day period; 53 -- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, that the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino be requested to extend by appropriate action said thirty day period an additional sixty days up to and including the 19th day of November, 1958,. ~ Carlisle moved and Wilson seconded a motion for adoption of the Resolution as presented. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Report of Secretary: The director informed the agency members that he had contacted San Francisco regarding the Loan and Grant Contract and any financial res- ponsibility which the Agency of the City might assume when such contract was executed. He was verbally assured that the obligation of the Agency of the City under the Loan and Grant Contract prior to the date of actual purchase of project lands would virtually be the same as under the pre- sent contract for planning advance. Agency aotion: The direotor presented the contract for the final appraisal of the Meadowbrook Project Area No. 1 by and between the Redevelopment Agency and Grigsby and Knorr. Negotiators have been completed on said contraot based on the instructions of the agency members given at the regular meeting of August 12, 1958 and the special meeting of August 22, 1958. Approval on said contract received from HHFA on September 17, 1958. ~ Agency counsel then presented the following resolution: ""- RESOLUTION NO. 64 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRACT FOR FINAL APPRAISAL BETWEEN GRIGSBY AND KNORR, AND THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agenoy of the City of San Bernardino, California has heretofore invited the submission of bids from qualified professional appraisers for the amount of compensation to be charged in a personal ser- vice contract for a final planning appraisal of the prQperty situated in the Meadowbrook Park Project Area, Calif. R-IO, which contract is to be in conformity with the provisions contained in Part II, Chapter 7, Section 6 of the Manual of Policies and Requirements for Local Public Agencies; and WHEREAS, written bids were reoeived by the Agency for such contract from' the following named persons and in the following amounts for such services, to wit: American Right-Of-Way and Appraisal Contractors, $14,500; Grigsby and Knorr, $11,500; Marshall and Stevens, $18,500; and Western Real Estate Research Corporation, $10,750; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: ,",,~""""~ (1) That, subject to the approval of HHFA, and contingent upon execution of a contract for Loan and Grant with the Federal Government, said Agency accepts the offer of Grigsby and Knorr to perform said appraisal services for the sum of $11,500; '- 54 (a) That said Agency in accordance with the prov1s1ons of Part II, Chapter 7, Section 7 of said HHFA Manual hereby determines; (a) That said Grigsby and Knorr possess qualifications justifying an expectation that they will furnish appraisal reports on which said Agency and HHFA can act with confidence and that they will be able to support their conclusions capably in event of investi- gations or court proceedings; (b) That said Grigsby and Knorr have no interest, present or prospective which could impair their ability to furnish important reports or which could raise questions as to their impartiality or fairness; 'l I "",,,,,,,,,.1 Carlisle moved and Westbrook seconded a motion for adoption of the reso- lution as presented. On the roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Based on the conditions of the contract dated August 22, 1957 by and between the Redevelopment Agency and Land Title Company, the director informed the members the time has now come to execute the contract for the preliminary title reports of the property located within the Meadow- brook Project Area No.1. After discussing the conditions of said contract, agency counsel presented the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 65 ..... RESOLUTION AWARDING THE CONTRACT TO LAND TITLE COMPANY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR THE PRESENTATION OF PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORTS FOR MEADOWBROOK PROJECT AREA NO. 1 i I --' WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California on the 22nd day of August, 1957, executed a contract of Ownership Data Reports for properties located within the Meadowbrook Project Area No.1; and WHEREAS, said contract contained a stipulation that all monies paid under said contract for the preparation of Ownership Data Reports were to become a credit against the cost of the preparation of the preliminary reports of Title Insurance and be deducted from such costs if and when the preli- minary reports of Title Insurance were ordered from Land Title Company of San Bernardino; and WHEREAS, it is now necessary to obtain said preliminary reports of Title Insurance, in order that preparation for acquisition of land in Meadow- brook Project Area No. 1 may proceed in an orderly and economical manner. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION ONE. That subject to the execution of the Loan and Grant Contract by and between the Federal Government and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino for Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, the contract for personal services by and between the Land Title Company of San Bernar- dino and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino for the preparation of the preliminary reports of Title Insurance be approved. ] 55 D SECTION TWO. That the Chairman and Secretary of the Agency on behalf of the Agency are hereby authorized to execute a written contract with Land Title Company of San Bernardino for prepara- tion of the preliminary reports of Title Insurance in accordance with the terms and conditions as set forth under HHFA Form Contract No. H-621 (a) and No. H-621 (b) in the amount of $4,358.50. Wilson moved and Westbrook seconded a motion for adoption of the resolution as presented. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. There being no further business, Wilson moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for adjournment. The chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 5:20. Respeotfully submitted, [ erome F. Sears, Jr. Secretary-Executive Direotor o 56 Minutes of the special meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held on October 8, 1958 in the Antlers Hotel Dining Room at 12:00 p.m. r-IllI iJ i 0' U The meeting was called to order by the chairman at 12:00 p.m. Roll call showed the following present: Sessions, Westbrook, Carlisle, Agency counsel Ward, Director Sears, Administrative Assistant Connelly, Absent: Wilson. The chairman declared the meeting recessed until after luncheon. The chairman declared the meeting reconvened at 12:40 p.m. The chairman then informed the agency members that HHFA had forwarded to this Agency, an approved budget dated October 1, 1958 and given the Agency the authority "to incur costs which conform to this budget and to the provisions of the Loan and Grant Contract". Because the funds remaining in the Survey and Planning Account are insufficient to meet the current obligations, and the fact that the Agency will be unable to requisition Temporary Loan Funds from the Federal Govern- ment until after the execution of the Loan and Grant Contract, the chairman and the director had met with officers of the American oj' o. National Bank and requested issuance of a sixty (60) day note in the 0 000 amount of $2,500.00. Agency counsel Ward stated that since the Agency was corporate, it was legal for the Agency to secure a loan for any of its corporate purposes. The director explained that, in conformance with the provisions of the Loan and Grant Contract, any monies borrowed or disbursed at this time would be only for adminis- trative costs and overhead. Sessions then introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 67 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN AND THE SECRETARY TO EXECUTE A NOTE ON BEHALF OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,500 WITH THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK IN SAN BERNARDINO WHEREAS, the Housing and Home Finance Agency, an instrumentality of the United States Government has approved a $3,812,425--Temporary Loan and a $1,303,425 Capital Grant for the Meadowbrook Project Area No.1 (Calif. R-IO); and WHEREAS, the Housing and Home Finance Agency will offer the Redevelop- ment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California a Loan and Grant Contract authorizing the expenditure of said Loan and Grant funds in accordance with the approved budget; and n I I U 57 [ WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California has been authorized by the Housing and Home Finance Agency to inour administrative oosts in oonformanoe with the approved budget beginning the first day of October, 1958, and WHEREAS, available funds on deposit in the Survey and Planning Account--Advance Contract No. Calif. R-lO (A) are insufficient to meet administrative costs and overhead between the first day of October, 1958 and the date upon which loan funds will be received under the Loan and Grant Contract. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, that the chairman and the secre- tary, on behalf of the Agency, be authorized and directed to execute a sixty (60) day note in the amount of $2,500.00 with the American National Bank of San Bernardino: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proceeds from said Note be deposited in the American National Bank of San Bernardino to the account of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California and be disbursed only for administrative costs and overhead in accordance with the approved budget. r- ! L.. Carlisle moved the resolution as presented be adopted and the Secretary be directed to forward Resolution No. 67 to the American National Bank. Westbrook seconded the motioh. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Westbrook :then made amotion that the chairman and secretary be direoted to open a new acoount at the American National Bank to be designated "Redevelopment Agenoy of the City of San Bernardino, California - Projeot Expenditures Fund - Projeot No. Calif. R_IOIl, and that the monies received from the note as requested in Resolu- tion No. 67 be deposited in this acoount. Carlisle seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. There being no further business to come before this meeting, Carlisle moved and Westbrook seconded a motion for adjournment. Sessions declared the meeting adjourned at 1:20 p.m. ~ L ~i3 .., ~ Minutes of the special meeting of October 8, 1958 approved by absent member: ~~ /~/y~-r Date Z~ ! /1) :L-err '- ..,,--. . .,,_.,:, -~ \ \ Respectfully submitted, 7~.9- erome F. Sears, Jr. Secretary-Executive Director J ~ , .....J o MINUTES Minutes of the regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, held on October 14, 1958, at 3:30 p.m., in Room 201, Professional Building 59 There not being a quorom present, except the Secretary, the Secretary adjourned the meeting to 4:00 p.m., October 24, 1958. Sears Jr. - Executive Director [ o M .-.-.+-...-..-.- 60 Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held on the 24th day of October, 1958 at 4:00 p.m. in Room 201, Profes- sional Building. 1 ~ The meeting was called to order by the ohairman at 4:00 p.m. Roll call showed the following present: Sessions, Westbrook, and Wilson. Also present were Mr. Ward, Agency Counsel, Mr. Sears, Secretary and Executive Director and Mrs. Connelly, Administrative Assistant. Absent Mrs. Carlisle. Wilson moved and Westbrook seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of September 10, 1958 and the spe- cial meeting of October 8, 1958 as presented. On a roll call vote the motion was unanimously carried. The following bills were submitted for approval: Jerome F. Sears Jr. - salary for the director for the month of September, 1958 693.40 Mrs. Grace Connelly periods salary for the secretary for the - 8/30/58 to 9/12/68 9/13/58 to 9/26/58 9/27/58 to 10/10/58 148.91 142.71 142.71 J Miss Martha Gomez - salary for the stenographer for the periods - 8/30/58 to 9/12/58 9/13/58 to 9/26/58 9/27/58 to 10/10/58 103.80 103.80 103.80 William E. Taylor - accounting services for the month of September, 1958 75.00 William J. Ward - legal services for September, 1958 118.75 Third Quarter Taxes: Internal Revenue Service Department of Employment State Employees Retirement System 667.40 29.22 93.62 Jerome F. Sears Jr. - travel expenses to conference at UCLA - September 18, 1958 15.20 John Suverkrup Lumber Company 5.49 Lindenman Printing Company 20.28 Stockwell and Binney - office supplies 7.39 ~ ~ ! u 6tr ",.... L Conference in 1958 2.98 1;.00 12.78 San Bernardino Blue Print California Hotel - Special Meeting of August 22, 1958 Sparkletts - rental on water cooler for September, 1958 4.75 32.07 Arrowhead Office Equipment Company - Wilson moved and Westbrook seconded a motion for approval of the bills as presented. On a roll call vote the motion was unanimously carried. Report of Agency counsel on litigation: The Agency counsel reported that litigation now pending was in the following stages. 1. Appeal from Case No. 92497 in the Superior Court now pending in the Fourth District Court of Appeals. Plaintiff has until the 6th day of November, 1958 ~o file brief in Appellate Court. [ 2. Case No. 94346 - Hearing set for Friday, October ;1, 1958. Plaintiff has amended original request for Writ of Mandate to include only a request for the City Council to plan Ordinance No. 22;; on the ballot and refer same to the people at a general or special election. It is the opinion of Agency counsel that the Writ will be denied. The Director reported on a series of letters regarding the bond issue between the Agency, Mr. North, Counsel from Urban Renewal Administration and Mr. Lindman, Agency Bond Counsel. It is Mr. Lindman's firm conviction that work on the bond resolution and application to the Commissioner of Cor- porations, State of California should continue, but the bonds should not be offered for sale until all litigation had been cleared. Agency Action The chairman stated he would go out, order and proceed to item six on the agency, regarding extending the services of William J. Ward as agency counsel and William E. Taylor as accountant. The services of'William J. Ward were discussed at length and as compara- ble to rates as charged by other attorneys retained by public bodies. After review, Sessions introduced the following resolution: c RESOLUTION NO. 6a RESOLUTION DESIGNATING WILLIAM J. WARD AS LEGAL COUNSEL FOR THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, W;l..lliam J. Ward has been legal counsel for the Redevelopment Agency since December 1, 195;; and 62 WHEREAS, on the first day of October, 1958, the Project Expenditures Budget for Project No. Calif. R-IO was approved by the Housing and Home Finance Administrator; and ~ WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency desires to retain the services of William J. Ward as legal counsel for the duration of the execution stage of Project No. Calif. R-IO, ~ ~: ...; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA that William J. Ward is hereby designated as legal counsel for Project No. Calif. R-IO; and That Mr. Ward shall do all work of a legal nature, necessary and required by the Redevelopment Agenoy and Housing and Home Finance Agency for an amount of Twenty dollars ($20.00) per hour, not to exceed the aggre- gate sum of Nine Thousand dollars (19,000.00), which is the amount as approved in the Project Expenditures Budget dated October 1, 1958. Westbrook moved and Wilson seconded a motion for adoption of Resolution No. 68, as presented and to become effective as of the 1st day of October, 1958 subject to approval of the HHFA Regional Office. On a roll call vote the resolution was unanimously adopted. After review of the duties as general accountant of William E. Taylor, Sessions moved for adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 69 ,., ..J RESOLUTION DESIGNATING WILLIAM E. TAYLOR, C.P.A. AS ACCOUNTANT FOR THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, William E. Taylor, C.P.A. has been the accountant for all the ledgers and accounting records for Projeot No. Calif. R-10 since November 19, 1956; and WHEREAS, on the first day of October, 1958, the Project Expenditures Budget for Project No. Calif. R-10 was approved by the Housing and Home Finance Administrator;and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency wishes to retain the services of William E. Taylor as accountant for the duration of the execution stage of Project No. Calif. R-10, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO" CALIFORNIA that William E. Taylor is hereby designated as general accountant for all ledgers and records of Project No. Calif. R-10; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Mr. Taylor shall do all work of an account- -, ing nature, necessary and required by the Redevelopment Agency and the . ! Housing and Home Finance Agency in an amount not to exceed Two hundred -- and fifty dollars (1250.00) per month, not to exceed the aggregate sum of Fifteen thousand dollars (115,000), which is the amount as approved in the Project Expenditures Budget dated October 1, 1958. 63 c Westbrook seconded a motion for adoption of Resolution No. 69 as presented to become effective as of the 1st day of October, 1958 subject to approval of the HHFA Regional Office. On a roll call vote the resolution was unanimously adopted. The executive director then presented an offer from the United States of America to make a Project Temporary Loan, Project Definitive Loan and a Project Capital Grant to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California to aid in Financing the Meadowbrook Project Area No.1 (Project No. Calif. R-10). After the terms and conditions of the contract were reviewed and discussed, Sessions introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 70 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING AN OFFER OF THE UNITED STATES TO MAKE A PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN, PROJECT DEFINITIVE LOAN AND A PROJECT CAPITAL GRANT TO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA TO AID IN FINANCING URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-10 AND ESTABLISHING A PROJECT EXPENDITURES ACCOUNT WITH RESPECT TO SAID PROJECT, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES [ WHEREAS, under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended and supple- mented, the United States of America (herein called the "Government") has tendered to Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, Californ~a (herein called the ItLocal Public Agency") an offer, herein- after mentioned, to make a Project Temporary Loan, Project Definitive Loan, and a Project Capital Grant to the Local Public Agency to aid in financing an urban renewal project, designated Project No. Calif. R-lO, in the urban renewal area described therein; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has given due consideration to said offer; and WHEREAS, the Local Publio Agenoy is duly authorized, under and pursuant to the Constitution and laws of the State of California, to undertake and carry out said Projeot and to accept said offer; and WHEREAS, under said offer it would be required, among other things, that, with respect to said Projeot, the Local Public Agency promptly set up, and maintain in a bank or banks which are members of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, a separate and special fund designated "Project EXpenditures Account; Project No. Calif. R-10," into which shall be deposited certain funds described in said offer. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AS FOLLOWS: [ Section 1. The offer of the Government to the Local Public Agenoy, dated October 23, 1958, designated "Loan and Capital Grant Contract," Contract No. Calif. R-10 (LG), consisting of Part. I and II, under and subject to the provisions, terms and conditions of which, the Government would make a Project Temporary Loan, a Project Definitive Loan and a Project Capital 64 Grant under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended and supplemented, to the Local Public Agency to aid in financing an urban renewal project, designated Project No. Calif. R-10, situated in the City of San Bernardino, California, is hereby in all respects accepted. -, I 't ...,J Section 2. The Local Public Agency agrees to abide by all of the provisions, terms and conditions of said offer. Section 3. The Secretary of the Local Public Agency is hereby autho- riz~d and directed forthwith to send to the Housing and Home Finance Agency two certified copies of the proceedings of the Local Public Agency in connection with the adoption of this Resolution, together with two certified copies of this Resolution, and such further documents or proofs in connection with the acceptance of said offer as may be requested by the Government. Section 4. With respect to that certain Project of the Local Public Agency designated Project No. Calif. R-10, there is hereby established a separate and special fund, designated "Project Expenditures Account; Project No. Calif. R-10," which shall be maintained in a bank or banks whioh are members of the Federal Deposit Insuranoe Corporation. All funds whioh, by the terms of the Loan and Capital Grant Contract, are required to be deposited in said Acoount, shall be promptly deposited therein. J Seotion 5. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. Wilson moved and Westbrook seconded a motion for the adoption of the Resolution as introduoed and read. On a roll call vote the following voted "Aye"; Sessions, Westbrook, and Wilson, and the following voted. "Nay": None. The ohairman thereupon declared the motion carried and the Resolution adopted as introduced and read. The direotor was then asked by the chairman to release any information to the 100a1 newspaper regarding the action of the agenoy members in aooepting the oontract for loan and grant for Project No. R-10. The signs to be placed around the project area as required in the contract for Loan and Grant were discussed and the director was requested to pre- pare sample signs to be presented at the next regular meeting. Sessions introduoed the "Basic Note" resolution authorizing the issuance of certain projeot temporary loan notes in oonnection with Project No. Calif. R-10. Said resolution was then read in full and discussed.. RESOLUTION NO. 71 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF CERTAIN PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN NOTES IN CONNECTION WITH URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-10 AND PROVIDING FOR THE SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES .., , ~ ~ ...J 65 c WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California (herein sometimes called the "Local Public Agency") is duly authorized and proposes to undertake and carry out a certain urban renewal or rede- velopment project of the character authorized by law with financial aid by the United States of America (herein sometimes oalled the "Government") in the form of a Projeot Temporary Loan uDder Title I of the Housing Act of 1949 (Public Law 171 - 8lst Congress, approved July 15, 1949), as amended, whioh may be made by the Government to the Looal Publio Agency with respeot to the Projeot in aocordance with a Contract for a loan and grant by and between the Looal Public Agency and the Government; and WHEREAS, in order to enable the Looal Publio Agenoy~ obtain suoh finan- cial aid, it is neoessary for the Looal Public Agency to authorize and, from time to time, issue certain obligations as hereinafter provideds NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California as followss [ Section 1. That in order to provide funds to enable the Local Public Agenoy to defray expenses and oosts in connection with the undertaking and carrying out of the Projeot, and to refund, renew, extend, or substi- tute for any Project Temporary Loan Notes by this Resolution authorized to be issued, there are hereby authorized to be issued, from time to time, Project Temporary Loan Notes of the Looal Public Agenoy in an aggregate prinoipal amount outstanding at anyone time (whether authorized by this Resolution or any other resolution authorizing the issuance of Project Temporary Loan Notes in connection with the Project) of not to exceed Thr~e Million Eight Hundred Twelve Thousand Four Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($3,812,425.00). Section 2. That each such note shall be designated "Project Temporary Loan Note"; shall bear interest at the rate of Three and One-fourth per centum (3i%) per annum; shall be payable, as to the principal thereof together with the interest thereon, upon demand, but solely from the Project Temporary Loan Repayment Fund hereinafter mentioned and not otherwise; shall be payable at the principal office of the Local Public Agency in any coin or currency of the United States of America which, on the date of the payment of the prinoipal thereof and the interest thereon, is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts; shall be payable to the United States of America or oder; shall be signed in the name of the Local Public Agenoy by the Chairman; and shall have the offi- cial seal of the Local Public Agenoy impressed thereon and attested by the Secretary. Section 3. That each Project Temporary Loan Note, including a statement of the delivery thereof to the Government, shall be in substantially the following forms c REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN NOTE Projeot No. UR CALIF. R-IO Note No. $ (66 Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California ~ (herein called the "Local Public Agency"), for value received, hereby :1 promises to pay, but solely from the Project Temporary Loan Repayment ~ Fund hereinafter mentioned and not otherwise, upon demand, to the United States of America or order, the SUD of DOLLARS ($ ), and at such time to pay, but solely from said Fuad and not otherwise, interest on said sum, from the date of the acceptance of delivery of and the payment for this Note, at the rate of per centum ( %) per annum. Both the principal of and interest on this Note are payable at the principal office of the Local Public Agency in Room 201 Professional Building, San Bernardino, California, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which, on the date of the payment of the princi- pal of and interest on this Note, is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts. This Note is issued pursuant to the provisions of (a) the Constitution and laws of the State of California, including particularly Division 24, Part I, Section 33000-33954, California Health and Safety Code; (b) a Resolution duly adopted by the Local Public Agency on the 24th day of October, 195B, providing for the issuance of Project Temporary Loan Notes (herein called the "basic Note Resolution"); and (c) a Resolution like- wise adopted on the day of , 19____, providing for the issuance of this particular Note; and the proceeds hereof are to be used to defary expenses and costs involved in the Local Public Agency's undertaking and carrying out of a certain urban renewal or redevelopment Project of the character authorized by said laws and designated Project No. Calif. R-10, which is more fully identi- fied in the basic Note Resolution. Said Project for which this Note is issued is being assisted by the United States of America pursuant to Title I of the Housing Act of 1949 (Public Law 171 - Blst Congress, approved July 15, 1949, as amended and supplemented). j Under the basic Note Resolution, there is established a separate and special fund therein referred to as the "Project Temporary Loan Repay- ment Fund" in which are required to be deposited certain moneys, therein described, as and when the same are received by the Local Public Agency, and this Note, together with all other notes issued pursuant to the basic Note Resolution, constitute, as to both the principal thereof and the intere~ thereon, an exclusive first lien and charge upon said Fund after provision therefrom in accordance with the basic Note Resolution for only certain costs therein mentioned, and, subject only to the provision for such costs, said Fund is irrevocably pledged to the payment of the princi- pal of and interest on this Note and all other notes which are issued as aforesaid. This Note shall not constitute a debt or indebtedness of the State or of any town, city, county, municipality, or political entity or subdi- vision therein or thereof, within the meaning of any constitutional, statutory, local law, or charter provision, and neither the State nor any such town, city, county, municipality, or political entity or sub- division, other than the Local Public Agenoy, shall be liable hereon, ~ ....iJ 67 n '-J and, in nc event, shall either this Note or the interest thereon be payable from or out of any funds or properties other than those of the Local Public Agency. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, RECITED, AND DECLARED that all acts, conditions, and things required to exist, happen, and be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this Note do exist, have happened, and have been performed in due time, form, and manner as required by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Leca1 Public Agency has caused this Note to be signed in its name and its seal to be impressed hereon and attested, by its proper officers thereunto duly authorized, and this Note te be dated the day of , 19____. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA By (SEAL) ATTEST: [ Delivery of this Note was accepted and payment therefor made an the day .of , 19 . UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Hausing and Hame Finance Administrator By c Section 4. That there is hereby established a separate and special fund which is hereby designated the "Praject Temporary Loan Repayment Fund; Project Na. Calif. R-10", said Fund begin elsewhere herein referred to as the "Praject Temporary Loan Repayment Fund". Said Fund shall be maintained in a bank or banks which are members of the Federal Deposit Insurance Carparation. The following moneys shall be deposited in the Project Temporary Loan Repayment Funds as and when such moneys are received by the Local Public Agency: (a) The proceeds .of all sales .of Project Land by the Local Public Agency; (b) All payments which are made by the Government ta the Laca1 Public Agency on accaunt .of the Praject Capital Grant; (c) All lease praceeds which the Local Public Agency derives under leases by it .of Project Land, but nat beyond the date .of the establish- ment by the Local Public Agency of a fund to secure the payment .of a Project Definitive Laan which may be secured, in whole' ord:n,part, by a lien upan and pledge .of such lease praceeds: Provided, That 68 such lease proceeds shall not be deemed to include income derived by the Local Public Agency directly from its temporary operation of Pro- ject Land pending its preparation and ultimate sale, lease, or reten- tion of Project Land; (d) All moneys constituting compensation by the Looal Public Agency for Project Land whioh it retains instead of selling or leasing; (e) All moneys which may be provided by the Local Public Agency from sources other than the Government or from the proceeds of a Project Definitive Loan, if any, to compensate the Project Temporary Loan Repay- ment Fund for the fair value imputed to Project Land which is leased by the Local Public Agency rather than sold by it for cash; (f) All such Looal Grants-in-Aid in the form of deficiency cash grants as, after the Gross Project Cost and the Net Project Cost have been determined and the payment of all costs comprising Item I of Gross Project Cost has been duly made or provided for and all other Local Grants-in-Aid applicable to the Project which have been provided have been determined, are provided with respect to the Project to meet the deficiency, if any, in Local Grants-in-Aid in connection with the Pro- ject; o (g) All accrued interest, if any, which is paid to the Local Public Agency on Project Temporary Loan Notes at the time when the Government takes up and pays for such Project Temporary Loan Notes; and J (h) The unexpended balance, if any, remaining or belonging in the Project Expenditures Account after all costs constituting Item I of Gross Project Cost have been paid. Section 5. That if any Project Land is leased, instead of sold, by the Local Public Agency, the reasonable and proper costs incurred from time to time by the Local Public Agency during the period of such lease, which costs are for the Loeal Public Agenoy's maintenanoe, management, and administration during such period of Project Land so leased, may, to the extent necessary, be paid from those lease proceeds referred to as such in Section 4 hereof which are deposited in the Project Temporary Loan Repayment Fund, but from no other moneys therein. Section 6. That Project Temporary Loan Notes issued pursuant to the provisions of this Resolution shall, as to both the principal thereof and the interest thereon, constitute an exclusive first lien and charge upon the funds whioh, by the terms of this Resolution, comprise the Project Temporary Loan Repayment Fund after provision therefrom for only the costs mentioned in Section, hereof, which Funds subject only to provi- sion as aforesaid, is hereby irrevocably pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on such Project Temporary Loan Notes. Section 7. That the Secretary is hereby authorized to file requisitions, together with necessary supporting documents, with the Government, from time to time as Project Temporary Loan or Project Capital Grant funds are required, requesting payments to be made on account of the Project Temporary Loan or the Project Capital Grant provided for in the said .. ~ 69 [ Contract for loan and grant, and to do and perform all other things and acts required to be done or performed in order to obtain such payments. Section 8. That, when and as directed by further resolution or reso- lutions, the proper offioers of the Local Publio Agency shall prepare, execute, and deliver to the Government the Project Temporary Loan Notes hereby authorized and shall acoept payment therefor from the Govern- ment. Section 9. That the proceeds of the sale of all Projeot Temporary Loan Notes issued pursuant to this Resolution shall be deposited and disbursed only in accordance with the provisions of the Contraot for loan and grant, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Government. r L Seotion 10. That the Project (whioh is designated Project No. Calif. R-IO and is herein called the "Project") includes and consists of all undertakings and activities of the Local Publio Agency in the Project Area, in accordance with the Plan for the renewal or redevelopment of the Project Area, for the elimination and for the prevention of the development or spread of slums and blight, and to the extent contem- plated by said Plan involves slum clearanoe and redevelopment and the carrying out of plans for a program of voluntary repair and rehabilita- tion of buildings or other improvements in the Project Area; Provided, That the Project shall not include the construction or improvement of any buildings oontemplated by the Plan for the renewal or redevelopment of the Project Area. Section 11. That the land area of the Project (herein called the "Project Area") is situated within the City of San Bernardino, California, and the boundaries of the Project Area shall be as described in the Contract for loan and grant. Section 12. That each of the following terms, when so used in this Reso- lution, shall, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, have the meaning ascribed to it in this Section. (a) The term "Contract" means that oertain document, counterpart of which is now on file with the Local Public Agency, designated Contract No. Calif. R-IO (LG), naming the Local Public Agency and the Government as the parties thereto, and providing for a Project Temporary Loan, a Project Definitive Loan, and a Project Capital Grant to the Local Public Agency with respeot to the Project, (b) The term "Plan~ means the urban renewal or redevelopment plan referred to in said Contraot for loan and grant. [ (c) The terms "Local Grants-in-Aid", Gross Project Cost", Item I of Gross Project Cost", "Net Project Cost", "Project Land", "Project Temporary Loan ", "Project Definitive Loan", IlProject Capital Grant", "Project Expenditures Account", "fair value", 11 land" , and "redevelopment", and derivatives thereof, have the same meanings, respectively, attributed to said terms in the Contract for loan and grant. Seotion 13. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately. 10 Wilson then moved and Westbrook seconded a motion for adoption of the resolution as introduced and read. On a roll call vote, the following J voted "Aye": Sessions. Westbrook, and Wilson, and the following voted...., "Nay": none. The ohairman thereupon deolared the motion carried and the resolution adopted as introduced and read. Sessions then introduced the "Particular note" resolution providing for the issuance of the first preliminary note in the amount of $179,650.00. Said resolution was then read in full and discussed. RESOLUTION NO. 12 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A CERTAIN PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN NOTE IN CONNECTION WITH PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-lO WHEREAS, THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, (herein sometimes called the "Local Public Agency") has filed or is about to file a requisition, together with the necessary supporting documents, with the United States of America (herein called the "Government") requesting a payment on account of the Project Temporary Loan provided for in the Loan and Grant Contract and numbered Contract No. R-lO (LG), (which, together with all supplements, amendments, waivers, is herein called the "Loan and Grant Contract") by and between the Local Public I Agency and the Government, said Loan and Grant Contract being in connec- tion with a certain project of the Local Public Agency designated therein; and J WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has determined to issue its Project Temporary Loan Note as security for such payment: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of a Resolution entitled: "RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF CERTAIN PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN NOTES IN CONNECTION WITH URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-lO AND PROVIDING FOR THE SECURITY FOR THE PAYMEN'1l THEREOF, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES" duly adopted by the Local Public Agency on the 24th day of October, 1958, the Chairman and the Secretary of the Local Public Agency are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and execute a note, authorized by said Resolution, and in the principal amount of One hundred seventy nine thousand six hundred fifty dollars (1179,650.00), or, if the Government shall only approve said requisition for a lesser amount, in the lesser amount so approved by the Government. Such note shall bear interest from the date of the acceptance of the Local Public Agency's delivery thereof and the payment therefor by the Government; shall be dated the 29th day of October, 1958; shall be designated Project Temporary Loan Note No.1; shall bear a statement at the foot thereof in substantially the following form: --, ....,; 71 r "- "Delivery of this Note was accepted and payment therefor made on the day of , 19____. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Housing and Home Finance Administrator By II . , and shall not be valid until said statement is duly executed on behalf of the Government. The Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to delivery such note to and accept payment therefor from the Government, and the aforesaid officers are hereby authorized and directed to do all acts and things necessary for the execution, sale, and delivery of such note. 2. That the proceeds of such note shall be deposited and disbursed only in accordance with the provisions of the Loan and Grant Contract, unless otherwise approved by the Government. 3. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately. r L... Westbrook then moved and Wilson seconded a motion for adoption of the resolution as introduced and read. On a roll call vote, the following voted "Aye": Sessions, Westbrook, and Wilson; and the following voted "Nay": None. The chairman thereupon declared the motion carried and the resolution adopted as introduced and read. The Agency counsel then informed the members that HHFA Regional Office had requested minor corrections in the Declaration of Restrictions and the Cooperation Agreement between the Redevelopment Agency and the City of San Bernardino. Since neither correction involved a change in the Redevelopment Plan, he stated the changes could be made by resolution of the Agency. RESOLUTION NO. 73 "J-% j (,,' ~,' 6-/"" '--.>>-t/ Sessions then introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 55 ADOPTING THE DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS FOR MEADOWBROOK PROJECT AREA NO. 1 [ WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California by Resolution No. 55 adopted May 20, 1958 approved and adopted the Declaration of Restrictions for Meadowbrook Project Area No.1 (Exhibit No. 12 of the Redevelopment Plan); and WHEREAS, in the interest of greater clarity, the enacting 1anaguage of said Resolution No. 55 needs minor amendment: 72 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT said Resolution No. 55 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California and said Declaration of Restrictions be amended in the following particu- lars: , ~ '-'III 1. The second paragraph thereof shall read: "WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of that certain real property situated in the City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino, State of California, which real property is within the boundaries of Declarant's Meadowbrook Project Area No.1 (hereinafter called the "Project"), 2. That the fourth paragraph thereof shall read: "NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PREMISES, and for the uses and purposes herein set forth, said Declarant hereby declares that conveyances of all lots, parcels, and portions comprised in the above described real property shall be made and accepted upon conditions that said land be devoted to the use provided in the Redevelopment Plan of the Project, and the following express conditions, provisions, restrictions, and covenants hereinafter referred to as "conditions", which shall apply to and bind the par.ties thereto, their heirs, successors and assigns, imposed pur- suant to a general plan for the improvement, protection, maintenance, and development of the above described property and each and every lot, parcel or pbrtion thereof and each and every lot or parcel into which the same is subdivided, which plan has been devised anddengned and will be at all times hereafter maintained for the mutual benefit of the J. .......... owners of such land and of each and every part and parcel thereof and of . each and every lot into which the same is subdivided which conditions beging as follows, to-wit:" Wilson moved and Westbrook seconded a motion for adoption of the resolu- tion as introduced and read. On a roll call vote the following voted "Ayel1: Sessions, Westbrook, and Wilson; and the following voted "Nay": None. The Chairman thereupon deolared the motion carried and the reso- lution adopted as introduced and read. Sessions then introduoed the following resolution and explained that the change in the Cooperation Agreement as set forth in the resolution has already been passed by the Mayor and Common Council: RESOLUTION NO. 74 RESOLUTION AMENDING LOCAL GRANT-IN-AID AND COOPERATION AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, on the 4th day of August, 1958, a Local Grant-In-Aid and Coopera- tion Agreement was executed by and between the City of San Bernardino and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California; and .., i; ...J 73 r L- WHEREAS, owned 'by to-wit: the City the fee title to the real property hereinafter described is the City of San Bernardino, and is devoted to a public use, a pipe storage yard for the Municipal Water Department of of San Bernardino, and WHEREAS, said real property is situated within the boundaries of said Agency's Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, and the Redevelopment Plan thereof provides for the aoquisition of said real property by the Agency; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 33277 of the California Health and Safety Code said Agency may acquire by eminent domain the property of a public body only with the oonsent of such body; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, by Resolution No. 4984 have offered to amend said Cooperation Agree- in the following partiou1arsI by adding thereto the hereinafter set forth Section 101 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA that said LOCAL GRANT-IN-AID AND COOPERA- TION AGREEMENT, lated August 4, 1958, as aforesaid, is hereby amended by the addition thereto of the followingl [ "Seotion 10. The Local Government under the provision of Section 33277 of the California Health and Safety Code hereby consents that the following described real property now used by the Municipal Water Department of the City of San Bernardino as a pipe storage yard may be acquired by the Local Public Agency through eminent domain I Lots 3 and 4, BLOCK "D", THE PEPPERS as per plat thereof reoorded in Book 17 of Maps, page 8, records of said County." IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Agency is here'by autho- rized to execute and deliver on behalf of the Agency any further instru- ment or document necessary or convenient to evidence said amendment. Westbrook moved and Wilson seconded a motion for adoption of the resolu- tion as introduced and read. On a roll call vote, the following voted "Aye" I Sessions, Westbrook, and Wilson, and the following voted "Nay": None. The chairman thereupon declared the motion carried and the reso- lution adopted as introduced and read. Pursuant to a motion passed at the special meeting of October 8, 1958, agency counsel introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 75 [ WHEREAS, the Housing and Home Finance Agency has offered the Redevelop- ment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California a Loan and Grant Contract authorizing the expenditure of said Loan and 3rant funds in accordance with the approved budget therefor; and 14 WHEREAS, said Agency by motion, adopted at a special meeting on 6ctober 8, 1958, directed the chairman and secretary of said Agency to opern a new account with the AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK OF SAN BERNARDINO to be designated "Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California - Project Expenditures Account .l:'roject No. Calif. R-IO", and to deposit therein the money received from the note authorized by Resolution No. 61 of said Agency; and ., f4 ..., WHEREAS, Resolution No. 10 of said Agency authorized the ohairman and secretary to furnish from the then Survey and Planning Account, at the said AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, signatures for the withdrawals of funds until changed by resolution of the members of the Agency; and WHEREAS, said new account has been so opened, entitled, "Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California - Project Expenditures Account - Project No. Calif. R-IO" , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA that all monies received from said note and all monies hereafter reoeived by said Agency on account of said Loan and Grant Contraot be deposited in said account entitled "Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California - Project Expenditures Account - Project No. Calif. R-IO" BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the chairman, A. M. Sessions, and the Secre- tary, Jerome F. Sears Jr., are hereby authorized and directed to sign checks and/or vouchers on behalf of said Agency drawn on said account, J BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that until changed by resolution of the members of the Agency, the duly qualified and acting ohairman and secretary are hereby authorized and directed to furnish signatures for the withdrawal of funds from said aocount. Wilson moved and Westbrook seconded a motion for adoption of the reso- lution as introduced and read. On the roll oa11 vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. The director and Agency counsel informed the members that negotiations had started with the owner partioipants. The chairman asked the director to have as many of these agreements drawn up for the next regular meeting. The director explained to the agency members that when the contract for the final appraisal had been executed with W. A. Savage and A. L. Johnson, all parcels which were scheduled for owner partioipation were omitted. However, since that time the owners of several of these parcels have indicated their desire to be purchased and move their business to a new location. The director informed the agency members that he had spoken to Mr. Savage and Mr. Savage would submit an estimate for the appraisal of these additional parcels. After discussion, the ohairman asked the director to submit Mr. Savage's report at the next regular meeting. There being no further business to oome before this meeting, Westbrook moved and Wilson seoonded a motion for adjournment. On a roll oall vote, the motion was unanimously carried. -., ...... [ [ [ The chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 5:35 p.m. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of October 24, 1958 approved by absent member: , ,,- I I.. J-f' Respectfully submitted, Date ~_ ~~1.. 2L 75 Sears Jr. Director - Seoretary 16 MINUTES Minutes of the regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held on November 12, 1958 in Room 201 of the Professional Building The meeting was called to order by the chairman at 3.30 p.m. ., .....J Roll call showed the following present: Sessions, Westbrook, Carlisle, and Wilson. Also present were Mr. Ward, Agency Counsel, Mr. Sears, Secretary and Executive Director,and Mrs. Connelly, Administrative Assistant. Wilson moved and Westbrook seconded a motion for approval Q.:!--the------.. minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of OctQl)er-Z'4, 1958. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. The following bills were submitted for approval: Survey and Plannin~ Fund: Arrowhead Office Equipment Company - Addressograph-Multigraph Co. inventory plates General Telephone Company - telephone service charges from - ellS/58 to 9/15/58 Land Title Company - Project Expenditures Account: Jerome F. Sears Jr. - salary for the direotor for the month of October, 1958 Mrs. Grace Connelly - salary for the secretary for the periods - 10/11/58 to 10/24/58 10/25/58 to 11/ 1/58 Miss Martha Gomez - salary for the stenographer for the periods - 10/11{58 to 10/24/58 10/25/58 to 11/ 1/58 William E. Taylor - accounting services for the month of October, 1958 William J. Ward - legal servioes for October, 1958 for litigation only Sparkletts - rental on water cooler for October, 1958, and one bottle of water 10.40 8.32 J 60.78 15.00 693.40 142.71 142.71 103.80 103.80 85.00 605.00 ,., 5.90 -'" 17 r t ~ (Bills, continued) '"' Arrowhead Office Equipment Rental of BDC Duplicator for the period of 9/19/58 to 10/19/58 '1.20 Postmaster (1) (2) 500 printed stamped envelopes Postage 25.40 25.00 Carlisle mcved and Wilson seconded a motion for approval of the bills as presented and on a roll call vote the motion was unanimously oarried. Re~ort of Agency Counsel on Litigation: Agenoy Counsel advised the members that there has been no decision to date on Superior Court Case No. 94'46 regarding Referendum of City Ordinanoe No. 22" adopting the Final Redevelopment Plan for Meadow- brook Projeot Area No.1. Also, there has been no word OD the pend- ing case before the Fourth District Court of Appea.as to dat~.8 be has not been advised as to whether briefs had been filed by Attcrneys for Plaintiff. r- The Director reported on the ACTION meeting held in Berkeley, ~ California November 8, 1958 and advised the members that the services ~ of ACTION were available for oities who would like to take advantage of the use of the ACTION Evaluator. Agenoy Aotion: The direotor advised the agency members that one of the requirements of the contract for Loan and Grant were to place two billboard type signs in prominent places in the project area. He submitted a sketgh as proposed by the Planning Department of the City,and after discus- sion and modification of the sketch, the ohairman ordered the director to have bids submitted at the next meeting of the Agency for erection of four signs. As requested at the last meeting of the agency members, the director submitted a letter from the appraisal firm of Savage and Johnson offering to do the additional work as requested by the Agency for the sum of $1,500.00. Carlisle moved that a contract be drawn up for the additional work subject to the approval of the HHFA Regional office. Wilson seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. c Owner Partici~ation Agreements: The following owner participation agreements were read and disoussed by the agency members. The Chairman deolared that he would abstain 78 from voting or partioipating in a disoussion or exeoution of the Owner Partioipation Agreement with the Southern California Edison Company. (Chairman then left the meeting, Vice-Chairman then presided). Resolutions as hereinafter described were presented to the agency members now presentl J Resolution No. 76 - Southern California Gas Company Resolution No. 77 - Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Resolution No. 78 - Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company Resolution No. 79 - National Life and Acoident Insurance Company Resolution No. 80 - Marshall B. Cooley, Et Al. Resolution No. 81 - Reliable Bearing and Supply Resolution No. 82 - George and Lillia A. Voss Resolution No.8' - J. E. and Rose Spain Resolution No. 84 - Fredericks-Hansen Paint Company 'Wilson moved that the above numbered resolutions approving the respeo- tive owner participation agreements and authorizing execution ot same by the chairman and secretary be adopted. Carlisle seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, Resolutions 76 through 84 inclusive were unanimously adopted. The Owner Participation Agreement with Southern California with Southern California Edison Company was read and discussed intull. The Vice-Chairman then introduced the following resolution: Resolu- tion No. 85 - Southern California Edison Company. Wilson moved that Resolution No. 85 be adopted as read and that the vice-ohairman and secretary be authorized to execute such agreement. Carlisle seconded the motion and on a roll call vote the resolution was unanimously adopted. J Carlisle moved that the meeting be adjourned until Tuesday, lovember 18, 1958 at 4:'0 p.m. at the regular meeting place of the agenoy members. Wilson seconded the motion, and on a roll call vote, the motion wa. unanimously adopted. The vice-ohairman declared the meeting adjourned until TueSday, November 18, 1958 at 4130 p.m. in Room 201 of the Professional Buildina. The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ?::ff2 Director - Secretary -., -..J 79 r I I ......... RESOLUTION 10. 76 RBSOL1J!IOI 01' THE RBDEVELOPlIEBT AGUCY OF THE CITY 01 SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFO~IA, APPROVING THE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMDT WITH THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY r-: WHElEAS, the Re4evelopmentPlan for Meadowbrook Project Area Nc. 1 ot the Re4evelcpment Agency cf the City cf San Bernardino, California permits cwner participation as to certain parcels of real property therein, in accordance with Sections 33701 and 33745 of the California Health and Safety Code; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California has determined that it desiree to execute with th6 owner thereof an owner participation agreement for the improvement, alteration, maintenance and/or use of the real property describal! in the hereinafter referred to owner participation ,agreement: \ ..... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Secretary of said Agency be, and thiJ authorized on behalf of said Agency to The Southern California Gas Company Chairman and are hereby execute with, that certain owner participation agreement dated the 12th day of November, 1958. ",.. I -... 80 ] RESOLUTIOB NO. 11 RESOLlJ!IOI or THE RBDEft1,OPJIEB'l' AGUCY OF THE CITY or SA! :BERNARDINO, CALIFO~IA, APPROVING THE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGaEEMEIT WITH THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA, AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Project Area No. 1 of the Re4eve1opment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, Califo~nia permits cwner participation as tc certain parcels of real property therein, in accordance with Sections 33101 and 33145 ot.the California Health and Safety Code; and WIlEllSAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California has determined that it desires to execute with the owner thereof an owner participation agreement for the improvement, alteration, maintenance and/or use of the real property described in the hereinafter referred to owner participation agreement: ~ i i .~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, tbat the Chairman and Secretary of 8a1d Agency be, and they are hereby authorized on behalf of said Agency to execute with, _",_._ The Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Company that certain owner participation agreement dated the 12th day of November, 1958. ...... fIIIIII\ ! ....J 81 r- -.... RESOLUTION NO. 78 RESOLUTION or THE REDEVEJ,OPlIEft AGIICY OJ' TBil CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFO~IA, APPROVING THE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGRlilEMEIT WITH PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY "..-., WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Projeot Area 10. 1 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, Oalifornia permits owner participation as to certain parcels ot real property therein, in accordance with Sections 33701 and 33745 ot the California Health and Safety Code; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California has determined that it desires to execute with the owner thereof an owner participation agreement for the im~rovement, alteration, maintenanoe and/or use of the real property desoribed in the hereinafter referred to owner partiCipation agreements \ ........ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, tha t the Chairman and Seoretary of said Agency be, and they are hereby authorized on behalf ot said Agenoy to exeoute' with, Eaoific Telephone and Telegraph Company that certain owner participation agreement dated the 12th day of November, 1958. r-- '-' 82 ""'" RESOLUTION NO. 79 - RESOLtT'1'IOB or THE REDEVELOPMEB'l' AGENCY OF THE CITY OP SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFO~IA, APPROVING ~HE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREENEBT WITH NATIONAL LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY OF NASHVILLE,TENNESSEE WHEftEAS, the Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Projeot Area Noo 1 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, Oalifo~nia permit8 owner participation as to certain parcels of real property therein, in accordance with Sections 33701 and 33745 otthe California Health and Safety Code; and WBERSAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California haa determined that it desires to execute with the owner thereof an owner participation agreement for the improvement, alteration, maintenanoe and/or use of the real property desoribed in the hereinafter referred to owner partioipation agreement: ..... HOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, tba t the Chairman and SeeretarT of said Agency be, and th., are hereby authorized on behalf of said Agency to execute with, National Life and Aooident Insuranoe Company of Nashville, Tennessee that _cert&ia owner participation agreement dated the 12th d~ of November, 1958. ..... ~ ......, 83 "..... I I ....... RESOLUTION NO. 80 RESOLUTION or THE REDEVELOPJlEBT AGDCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFO~IA, APPROVING THE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT WITH MARSHALLB~.COOLEY, A. GR9VE~ COOLEY, DORA C.- MARTIN ..., WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Projeot Area No. 1 of the Redevelopment Agenoy of the City of San Bernardino, California permits owner partioipation as to certain parcels of real property therein, in aocordance with Sections 33701 and 33745 of the California Health and Safety Code; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California has determined that it desires to exeoute with the owner thereof an owner participation agreement for the improvement, alteration, maintenanoe and/or use of the real property described in the hereinafter referred to owner participation agreement: ...... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, tbat the Secretary of said Agency be, and thiJ authorized on behalf of said Agency to Chairmaa and are hereby execute with, Mar~hall B. Cooley.A. Grover CQQleYa and Dora C. Martin that oertaia owner partioipation agreement dated the 12t~ day of November, 1958. r ...... 84 .-.- I I RESOLUTIOB NO. 81 - RESOliftIOB or THE llEDEVELOPJlEBT AGUCY OF THE CXTY OP Sd :BERIURDIIO, CALIFO~IA, APPROVING THE OWNER PARTICIPATIOB AGUEMEIT WITH RELIABLE, BEARING, AND SUPPLY COMPANY - WBllIA8. the Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Projeot Ar~a No. 1 of the Rnevelopment Agenoy of the Ci t1 of San Bernardino, C~1tOJD1a permits owner participation a8 to certain par~,ls of r.al ~operty therein, in accordance with Sections 33101 and 33145 o~.th. California Health and Safety Code; and WBEIEAS, the Redevelopment Agenoy of the City of S~ Berna~dino, California haa determined that it de8ires to exeoq.t'. wi ththe owner thereof an owner participation agreement for the improvement, alteration, maintenance and/or U8e of the real property described ift the hereinafter referred to owner particip~ion agreement: ~ lOW, THEREFORE, BE. IT RESOLVED, tba t the Chairman and Searetary' of said Agenoy be, and they are he;eby authorized on behalf of 8a14 Agenoy to ex~oute with, ~eliab1eBearing and Supp1~ Com~anY ......, that certain owner participation agreement dated the 12t~ day of lovember, 1958. .., ......" 85 "... ....... RESOLUTION NO. 82 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPJIERT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFO~IA, APPROVING THE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT WITH GEORGE AND LILLIA A. VOSS ,...,,~ I WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Project Area No. 1 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California permits owner participation as to certain parcels of real property therein, in accordance with Sections 33701 and 33745 of the California Health and Safety Code; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California has determined that it desires to execute with the owner thereof an owner participation agreement for the improvement, alteration, maintenance and/or use of the real property described in the hereinafter referred to owner participation agreement: \ 10..,."; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency be, and they are hereby authorized on behalf of said Agency to exeoute with, George and Lillia A. Voss that certain owner participation agreement dated the 12th day of November, 1958. ,.,.. I '-- " 86 ~ I - RESOLUTION NO. 83 RESOLlJ'!IOB or THE REDEVEJ,OPJlERT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAB :BERNARDINO, CALIFO~IA, APPROVING THE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGftEEMEBT WITH J. E. AND ROSE SPAIN WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Projeot Area No. 1 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California permits owner participation as to certain parcels of real property therein, in accordance with Sections 33701 and 33745 ot .the California Health and Safety Code; and WBERSAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California has determined that it desires to execute with the owner thereof an owner participation agreement for the improvement, alteration, maintenance and/or use of the real property desoribed in the hereinafter referred to owner participation agreement: ... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, tha t the S_cretary of said Agency be, and they authorized on behalf of said Agency J. E. and Rose Spain Chairman and are hereby execute with, -- to that certain owner participation agreement dated the 12th day of November, 1958. ~ I ........ 87 r L- RESOLUTION NO. 84 RESOLU!IOBOP TBE RlDEVEJ,OPllElT AGUCT OF THE CITY or Sd BERNARDINO, CALIFO~IA, APPROVING 'tHE OWND PARTICIPATION AGUEMBIT WITH FREDERICKS-HANSEN PAINT CO~~ r WBERIAS, the Redevelopment Plan for Xeadowbrook Projeot Area No. 1 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, Califor.nia permits owner participation as to certain parcels of real property therein, in accordance with Sections '3701 and "745 of.the California Health and Safety Code; and WH~, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California has determined that it desires to execute with the owner thereot an owner participation agreement for tho improvement~ alteration, maintenance and/or use of the real property described in the hereinafter referred to owner participation agreementl NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chairman and Secretary of .a1d Agenoy be, and th~ &re hereby authorized on behalf ot s~id Agency to execute with, Fredericks-Hansen Paint Company _.___ \ f I ..... that certain owner participation agreement dated the 12th day ot November, 1958. [ 88 --. RESOLUTION NO. 85 ... RESOLU'1'IOIf OF THE REDEVELOPMEB'l' AGENCY OF THE OITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFO~IA, APPROVING THE OWNER PARTICI1ATION AGREEMENT WITH SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Project Area No. 1 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California permits owner participation as to certain parcels of real property therein, in accordance with Sections 33701 and 33745 otthe California Health and Safety Code; and \ WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California has determined that it desires to execute with the owner thereof an owner participation agreement for the improvement, alteration, maintenance and/or use of the real property described in the hereinafter referred to owner participation agreement: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Vioe-Chairman and Secretary of sa1d Agency be, and they are hereby authorized on behalf ot said Agency to execute with, Southern California Edison Company J that certain owner participation agreement dated the 12th day of November, 1958. ...., I ....Jj c [ [ 89 Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held on November 18, 1958 in Room 201 Professeional Building The meeting was called to order by the vice-chairman at 4:30 p.m. Roll call showed the following present: Westbrook, Carlisle, and Wilson. Also present were Director Sears and Administrative Assis- tant Mrs. Connelly. Absent: Sessions. The director presented the following bids for the signs to be placed in the Project Area: Not Erected Erected Bob Stirling Signs $376.00 $516.00 Samuel Kitay Signs 328.00 460.00 400.00 Sal Cruz Signs 565.50 Discussion followed regarding the specifications as submitted by each firm and the qualifications of the firm: Wilson then moved that the bid be awarded to Sal Cruz for the preparation of four signs and erection. The vice-chairman then introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 86 RESOLUTION AWARDING THE ERECTION OF THE PROJECT SIGNS TO SAL CRUZ ADVERTISING WHEREAS, the Agency is required by the provisions of Part II, Section 102 (B) of its loan and grant contract with the United States of America to cause signs to be erected along the project area boundaries; and WHEREAS, the Agency desires to comply with said Section 102 (B) and has obtained three bids for four such signs according to specifications pro- posed for the Agency: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Agency accept the bid of SAL CRUZ ADVERTISING in the amount of Five hundred sixty five dollars and fifty cents ($565.50) for the erection of four signs in accordance with said specifications to be erected upon property of the City of San Bernardino at such places along the project area boundaries as may hereafter be determined by the executive director of the Agency and the City. Carlisle seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. The following owner participation agreements were then presented by the director and read and discussed in full: 90 Marie B. Towle Schroeder Charles C. Towle City of San Bernardino American News Company City Auto Parks of San Bernardino John Suverkrup Lumber Company Ruth M. Foster Pacific Electric Company Dickson, Baumgaertner, and Hutton Nathan and Doris Rose Hanford Foundry 'Halsey Machine, Joris, and Lyle San Bernardino Steel and Machine Francis I. and David Cohn Arrowhead Land and Investment Robert LaVergne -, :j "1 ....J Westbrook then introduced the following resolutions pertaining to each of the named owner participants: Resolution No. 87 - Marie B. Towle Schroeder Resolution No. 88 - Charles C. Towle Resolution No. 89 - City of San Bernardino Resolution No. 90 - American News Company Resolution No. 91 - City Auto Parks of San Bernardino Resolution No. 92 - John Suverkrup Lumber Company Resolution No. 93 - Ruth M. Foster ~ Resolution No. 94 - Pacific Electric Company Resolution No. 95 - Dickson, Baumgaertner, and Hutton Resolution No. 96 _ Nathan and Doris Rose Resolution No. 97 - Hanford Foundry Resolution No. 98 - Halsey Machine, Joris, and Lyle Resolution No. 99 - San Bernardino Steel and Machine Resolution No. 100 - Francis I. and David Cohn Resolution No. 101 - Arrowhead Land and Investment Resolution No. 102 - Robert LaVergne Wilson moved and Carlisle seconded a motion that adopted as read and the chairman, vice-chairman, rized to execute the above-numbered resolutions, the resolutions were unanimously adopted. the resolutions be and secretary be autho- On a roll call vote, There being no further business to come before this meeting, Carlisle moved and Wilson seconded a motion for adjournment. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. The vice chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of November 18, 1958 approved by absent member: Respectfully submitted, Date " J ~ Jerome F.~~~ Executive Director-Secretary o ,.."" /" /' / ~...~ Y-~ -i)'--1 /"\ ~ ~ ( '"' I>' "... ~ \ ". ..-<~ 10..,...1 ,... i '- 91 RESOLUTION NO. 87 RESOLUTION or TBE REDEVELOPlIEHT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFO~IA, APPROVING THE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT WITH MARIE B. TOWLm SCHROEDER WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Projeot Area No. 1 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California permits owner participation as to certain parcels of real property therein, in accordance with Sections 33701 and 33745 of the California Health and Safety Code; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California has determined that it desires to execute with the owner thereof an owner participation agreement for the improvement, alteration, maintenance and/or use of the real property described in the hereinafter referred to owner participation agreement: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, tha t the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency be, and they are hereby authorized on behalf of said Agenoy to execute with, Marie B. Twwle Schroeder that certain owner participation agreement dated the l8th day of November, 1958. 92 .... ~ESOLUTIOH NO. 88 ~ RESOLUTION or THE BEDEVELOPJIEBT AGENCY OF THE CITY 0' SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFO~IA, APPROVING THE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT WITH _ ,PH.ARLE$d~ "j ~~E ,,: :, . WBElIAS, the Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Project Area Noo 1 ot the Re4evelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, C&11fo~la permits owner participation as to certain parcels of real property therein, in accordance with Sections 33701 and 33745 ot.the California Health and Safety Code; and " WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California has determined that it desires to execute with the owner thereof an owner participation agreement for the improvement, alteration, maintenance and/or use of the real property described iD the hereinafter referred to owner participation agreement: ~ lOW, TBQEFOREfl::BEI'J! RESOLVED, that the . Z' '".... __ ...... S.~r.tar.Jot said Agency be, and they authori_ea on behalf of said Agency Charles C. Towle Chairman and are here by to execute with, ....... ~ .,... ." --. . ,". ~ .- that certaie owner participation agreement dated the 18th 4., of November, 1958. .... i I ......" 93 "..... --- RESOLUTIOI NO. 89 RISOL1J!IOI or THE RBDEVELOPJIEft AGDCY OF THE CITY or SAI BERIURDIIO, CALIFO.IA, APPROVIBG ~ OWlfER PARTICIPATION AGRJEMRlfT WITH CITY OF SAN BERNA~INO WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Projeot Area Jo. 1 of the Redevelopment Asency of' the City of San Bernardino, California permits owner participation as to certain parcels of real property therein, in aocordance with Sections "701 and."745 of the California Health and Safety Code; and "".,.... WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Asency of the City of San Bernardino, California hal determined that it desiree to execute with the owner thereof an owner participation agreement for the improvement, alteration, maintenance and/or uee of the real property described in the hereinafter referred to owner participation asreementa "' ........... NOW, TH~EP'ORE, BE. IT RESOLVED, tba t the cAt>. Secretary of 8&id Asency be, and they authorized on behalf of sai4 AseDoy to City of San Bernardino Chairman and are hereby exeoute with, ~hat certain owner participation asreement dated the 18th day of November, 1958. r I ...... 94 .., RESOLUTION NO. 90 .....J RESOl.lJtIOB 0' THE REDEftt,OPJIEB'l' AGDCY OF THE CITY OF SAB BERNARDINO, CALIFO~IA, APPROVING ~E OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMEIT WITH AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY - WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Projeot Area No. 1 of the leievelopment Agenoy of the City of San Bernardino, C&11fo~1a permits owner participation as to certain parcels of real p~operty therein, in accordance with Sections 33701 and 33745 otthe California Health and Safety Code; and WBER&S, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardin.o, California has determined that it desires to execute with the owner thereof an owner participation agreement for the improvement, alteration, maintenance and/or use of the real property desoribed 1n the hereinafter referred to owner participation agreement: ..... lOW, 1J.'BEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, tha t the SeoJ"etary of sa1d Agency be, and they authorized on behalf of said Agenoy American News Company Chairman and are hereby exeoute with, ..... to ~t certain owner participation agreement dated the 18th day of November, 1958. ~ I ...."" L 95 r"'\ ~ \ ...... RESOLUTION NO. 91 RESOL1J!IOI or THE BBDEVIJ,OPlIEIT ABBCY OF THE CITY OP SAN BERNARDIlfO, CALIFO~IA, APPROVING ~HE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGUEMDT WITH CITY AUTO PARKS OF SAN BERNARDINO ",.- WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Project Area No. 1 of the Redevelopment Agenoy of the City of San Bernardino, California permits owner participation a8 to certain parcels ot real property therein, in accordance with Sections }}70l an~ }}745 of the California Health and Safety Code; and ' WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agenoy of the City of San Bernardino, California has determined that it desires to execute withtne owner thereof an owner participation agreement for the improvement, alteration, maintenance and/or use of the real property described in the hereinafter referred to owner participation agreement: '"- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Vice-Chairman and Secretaryot said Agency be, and they are hereby authorized on behalf of said Agenoy to execute with, City Auto Parks of San Beraazdino ... that oertain owner participation agreement dated the 18th day of November, 1958. ,.... L 96 RESOLUTION NO. 92 , ~ RESOLU!IOB OP THE REDEVELOPJlEBT AGENCY OF THE CITY OP SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFO~IA, APPROVING ~HE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGaEEMEBT WITH JOHN SUVERKRUP LUMBER COMPANY WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Projeot Area No. 1 ot the Re4eyelopment Agenoy of the City of San Bernardino, a.lifo~1a permits owner partioipation as to certain parcels of real property therein, in acoordance with Sections 33701 and 33745 of the California Health and Safety Code; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California has determined that it desires to execute with the owner thereof an owner participation agreement for the improvement, alteration, maintenance and/or use of the real property described in the hereinafter referred to owner participation agreement: NOW, THtREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, tba t the S8or~tary of said Agency be, and thiY authorized on behalf of said Agenoy to John Suverkrup Lumber Company Chunan and are hereby exeoute with, J ~hat certain owner participation agreement dated the 18th day of November, 1958. ... T t ..." 97 "..."~ """'-' RESOLUTION NO. 93 RESOLlJ'lIOB 0' THE REDEQI,OPJlEBT AGUCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALI'O~IA, APPROVING THE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT WITH RUTH M. FOSTER ,.,."..... WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Projeot Area No. 1 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California perm~t8 owner participation as to certain parcels of real property therein, in accordance with Sections 33701 and 33745 of the California Health and Safety Code; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California has determined that it desires to execute with the owner thereof an owner participation agreement for the impr9vement, alteration, maintenance and/or use of the real property described in the hereinafter referred to owner participation agreement: " """,,,..,. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chairman aDd Seoretary of 8a1d Agency be, and they are hereby authorized on behalf of said Agenoy to execute with, Ruth M. Foster that certain owner participation agreement dated the ~8th day of November, 1958. "..... ~ 98 RESOLUTION NO. 94 J RESOI.U!IOB or THE BBDEVELOPlIEB'l' AGDCY or THE CITY or SAN BERlfARDINO, CALIFO~IA, APPROVING ~HE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMEIT WITH PACIFIC ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY - 1BElIAS, the Redevelop.ent Plan for Meadowbrook Projeot Area No. 1 of the Rrievelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, Ca11fo~la permits owner partioipation as to oertain parcels of ~al p~operty therein, in accordance with Sections 33701 and 33745 of the California Health and Safety Code; and \ WBIIEAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California has determined that it desires to execute with the owner thereof an owner particiJation agreement for the improvement, alteration, maintenance and/or use of the real property described ie the hereinafter referred to owner partioipation agreement: lOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, tbat the Chairman and S.oretary of said Agency be, and they are hereby authorized on behalf of said Agenoy to execute with, Pacific Electric Railway Company ~ I ~ that oertain owner participation agreement dated the 18th day of November, 1958. ~ -...fIi r -..... ... ,..-.. ....J ".... ! '--' 99 RESOLUTION NO. 95, RESOLUTION 0' THE REDEVELOPJIEft AGDCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDIWO, CALIFO~IA, APPROVING THE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT WITH FRANKE. AND MELISSA K. DICKSON, MARGARET D. BAUMGAERTNER AND KATHRYN D. HUTTON WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Project Area 10. 1 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California permits owner participation as to certain parcels of real property therein, in accordance with Sections 33701 And 33745 of the California Health and Safety Code; and I .j. -r ., .J. WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California has determined that it desire.a1J&htxecute "i th the owner thereof an owner participationa<<~~ent for the improvem~t, al teration, ;ma,intenance and/or use..:.ofjrt1!h'~ real property described in the herEt:l;p.~ft.r referred ~~bo,ner'participation agreement: Chairman and are hereby to execute with, NOW, TBEREF'ORE, BE IT RESO~ 1Ji:D, tba t the Secretary ':-01--8&i4 Agency "be, and thij authorized on behalf' v;' of' said ABency Frank E. and Melissa K. Dick~on. Mar~~ret D. Baumgaertner and Kathryn D. Hutton that certain owner participation agreement dated the day of November, 1958. 18th 'J 100 ...., -"-~ RESOLUTION NO. ~6 RESOI.V!IOI. or THE llBDEVELOPlIDf MDCY OJ' THE CI'1'Y 0' SAI BERNARDINO, CALlFO~IA, APPROVING ':BE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGIE'-T WITH NATHAN H. AND DORIS ROSE - WBIIEA8. the Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Projeot Area No. 1 ot ~. Rrievelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, Q&11fo~1a permit. owner participation as to certain parcels of real p~opert7 therein, in accordance with Sections 33701 and 33745 ot.the California Health and Safety Code; and ., , WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California haa determined that it desiree to execute with the owner thereof an owner participation agreement for the improvement, alteration, maintenance and/or use of the real property described ia the hereinafter referred to owner participation agreement: .... 1011, THEREFORE, BE. IT RESOLVED, tbat the Jice-Chairman and S"l'etary of said Agency be, and they are hereby authorized on behalf of said Agenoy to execute with, Nathan H. and Doris ROBe ...... that certaia owner participation agreement dated the 18th 4~ of November, 1958. ~ , ....... 101 ",..,... I It...... RESOLUTION NO. 97 RESOL11!IOB 01 THE REDEVELOPJIElfT AGENCY OF THE CITY oP SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFO~IA, APPROVING THE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT WITH HANFORD FOUNDRY COMPANY ,..-.., WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Projeot Area No. 1 ot the Redevelopment Agenoy of the City of San Bernardino, California permits owner participation as to certain parcels ot real prop~rty therein, in accordance with Sections ~~70l aDd ~~745 ot the California Health and Safety Code; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California has determined that it desires to execute with the owner thereof an owner participation agreement for the improvement, alteration, maintenance and/or use of the real property desoribed in the hereinafter referred to owner participation agree~ent: ......... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the .4- Secretary of said Agency be, and they authorized on behalf of said Agenoy to Chairman and are hereby execute with, Hanford Foundry Com~~Y that oertain owner participation agreement dated the 18th day of November, 1958. ",... \.- 102 ....... , - RESOLUTION NO. 98 RESOLUTION or THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFO~IA, APPROVING THE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT WITH H~LSEY MACHINE AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY. CLARENCE F. JORIS, WILLIAM H. AND DELLA LYLE WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Project Area No. 1 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, C.lito~nia permits owner participation as to certain parcels of r.a1 property therein, in accordance with Sections 33701 and 33745 otthe Calitornia Health and Safety Code; and . WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California has determined that it desires to execute with the owner thereof an owner participation agreement for the improvement, alteration, maintenance and/or use of the real property described in the hereinafter referred to owner participation agreement: ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, tha t the Secretary of said Agency be, and they authorized on behalf of said Agency Chairman and are hereby execute with, , .... to ,Halsey Machine and ManufacturinR' Company. Clarence F. Horie. William H. and Della Lyle that certaift owner participation agreement dated the 18th day of November, 1958. ....... , ......., 103 ,...... ...... RESOLtJ'rIOB NO. 99 RBSOL1JtIOI or '!BE IBDBYBLOl'Dft MDCY or TO CITY or SAt BllUURDIlfO, C!LIro~IA, APPllOVDJG ~ OWNER PARTICIPATION AGRI~T WI!! A SAN BERNARDINO STEEL AN~ ~qHINi COMPANY ,.. WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Project Are. 10.1 of the Redevelopment Agency cf the City of San Bernardino, California permits owner participation a8 to certain parcels cf real property therein, in accordance w.ith Sections '3701 and '3745 of the California Bealt~ and Safety Code; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agenc,";" o~.. *~'.' C~;~y o~ i San Be.rnardino f California has determined that it 4e8i"8 to exeQute with the owner thereof an owner partic~~~1;~on ~'~ement' fo.r the improvement, al teration, maintenance and/or use of' .t~... real pro~erty deecribed in the hereinafter referred to~1lowrter participation agreement: '. ... I .."............. NOW, THEREFORE, BE. IT RESOLVED, tha~ the Jice-Chairun aDd.. Secretary of 8aid Agency be, and they are hereby authorized on behalf ot eaid Agenoy to execute with, SAN BERNARDINO STEEL AND MACHINE.. COMPANY ., ~ ), that certain owner participation agreement dated the 18th day of November, 1958. : ....... ..... 104 ~ - RESOLUTION NO. 100 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELQPJ4EB'l' AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFO~IA, APPROVING THE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT WITH FRANCIS IDA COHN, DAVID M. COHN. AND MIKE COD WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Project Area Noo 1 of the Redevelopment Agenoy of the City of San Bernardino, California permits owner participation as to certain parcels of real property therein, in accordance with Sections 33701 and 33745 of the California Health and Safety Code; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California has determined that it desires to execute with the owner thereof an owner participation agreement for the improvement, alteration, maintenance and/or use of the real property described in the hereinafter referred to owner participation agreement: ... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, tn.!tt the Chairman and Secretary of s~id Agenoy be, and the;y are hereby authorized on behalf of s~id Agenny to execute with, F:s::.~s Id!-",-,"~o>:!t.~~d M. Coh~.2'nd Mike Cohn .....J that certain o~~ex participation agreement dated the 18th day of November~ 19588 ~ ....." 105 ""...".. ...... RESOLUTIO' NO. 101 RBSOLftIOI or '1'B.E llBDEVILOPlIEB' AGUey or THE CITY or SA! BIRNARDIlfO, CALIrO~IA, APPROVIBG THE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGlEEMDT WITH ARROWHEAD LAND AND INVESTMENT COMPANY ".."" WHEREAS, the Reaevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Projeot Area 10. 1 of the a.developm~nt Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California permits owner participation as to certain parcels of real property therein, in accordance with Sections }}70l and }}745 of the Ca1iforni~ Health and Safety ~ode; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the ,City of San Bernardino, California has determined that it desiree to execute with the owner thereof an owner participation agreement for the improvement. alteration, maintenance and/or use of the real property described in the hereinafter referred to owner participation agreements -.. ....,.# NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency be, and they are hereby authorized on' behalf of said Agenoy to execute with, Arrowhead Land and Investment Company that certain owner participation .agreement dated the 18th day of November, 1958. ".... ...... 106 ..... RESOLUTIOI NO. 109 ...... RESOLUTIOB OP THE REDEVELOPJIElft ABBCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO t CALIPO~IA t APPROVING ~BE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMEIT WITH ROBERT J. LAVERGNE AND ELSIE BAKER WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Project Area No. 1 of the Red.velopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California permits owner participation as to certain parcels of real property therein, in accordance with Sections 33701 and 33745 of the California Health and Safety Code; and · WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California has determined that it desiree to execute with the owner thereof an owner participation agreement for the improvement, alteration, maintenance and/or use of the real property described in the hereinafter referred to owner participation agreement: ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Vice-Chairman and Secretary ot 8&id Agency be, and th'ij are " he~eby authorized on behalf of said Agenoy to execute with, ~<?bert J .",I;aVer~e and Elsie Baker ....... that eertail1 own~r participation agreement dated the 18th day of November, 1958. ..... --- c [ [ 101 Minutes of the Special Meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, held On December 18, 1958 at 3:30 p.m. in Room 201 of the Professional Building The meeting was called to order by the chairman at 4:00 p.m. Roll call showed the following present: Sessions, Wilson and Carlisle. Also pre~ntwere Mr. Sears, Secretary and Executive Director and Mrs. Connelly, Administrative Assistant. The chairman reported that this special meeting was convened pursuant to a duly dated and signed Notice of Special Meeting which was mailed each Member in due time, form, and manner as required by law. The Secretary read the original of the "Notice and Certificate" set forth below, and the same was ordered spread on the minutes, as follows: NOTICE AND CERTIFICATE 1. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING TO THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the Members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California will be held at Room 201 Professional Building in the City of San Bernardino, California, the regular meeting place thereof, at 4:00 o'clock P.M. on the 18th day of Deoember, 1958, for the purpose of considering and adopting (1) Resolution Approving and Providing for the Execution of a First ~mendatory Contract Amending Loan and Grant Contract No. Calif. R-IO (LG), by and between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, and the United States of America, and for the purpose of transacting any other business which may properly come before suoh meeting. Dated this 15th day of December, 1958. \ 2. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Jerome F. Sears, Jr., Secretary of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 15th day of December, 1958, I served a true copy of the foregoing Notice of Special Meeting on eaoh and every Member of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California in the following manner: by United States mail. Witness my hand this 18th day of Drier. 1958. " f / 108 Mr. Sessions then introduood the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 104 , ..,.j RESOLUTION APPROVING AND PROVIDING FOR THE EXECUTION OF A FIRST AMENDATORY CONTRACT AMENDING LOAN AND GRANT CONTRACT NO. CALIF. R-IO(LG), BY AND BETWEEN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The pending proposed First Amendatory Contract (herein called the "Amendatory Contract"), to amend that certain Loan and Grant Contract No. Calif. R-IO(LG), dated the 24th day of October, 1958, by and between the Redevelopment Agency of the "Local Public Agency") and the United States of America (herein called the "Government"), is hereby in all respects approved. SECTION 2. The Chairman is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Amendatory Contract in two counterparts on behalf of the Local Public Agency, and the Secreta~y is hereby authorized and directed to impress and attest the official seal of the Local Public Agency on each such counterpart and to forward such counterparts to the Housing and J.'. :..... Home Finance Agency, for execution on behalf of the Government, together . ... with such other documents relative to the approval and execution of such counterparts as may be required by the Government. SECTION 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. Said Resolution was then read in full and discussed and considered. Mr. Wilson then moved the adoption of the Resolution as introduced and read. Mrs. Carlisle seconded the motion, and, on roll call, the follow- ing vo$ed "Aye": Sessions, Wilson, and Carlisle; and the following voted "Nay": none. The Chairman thereupon declared the motion carried and the Resolution adopted as introduced and read. The Chairman then introduced the following resolution which would sub- stantiate his verbal approval for Mr. Sears' attendance at the NAHRO Redevelopment Committee meeting in Phoenix, Arizona on December 15, and 16, 1958. RESOLUTION NO. 103 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO ATTEND THE REDEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING IN PHOENIX, ARIZONA DECEMBER 15, and 16, 1958 ~ ....J WHEREAS, Resolution No. 40 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California requires that each trip made by the executive director to a destination outside of the State of California be specifically authorized by a resolution of the agency members; and 109 [ WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Committee of the Paoific Southwest Regional Council of IAHRO met in Phoenix, Arizona on December 15 and 16, 1958; and WHEREAS, the executive director is a member of the above named committee, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the executive director be and he was hereby authorized to attend the hereinabove referred to meeting in Phoenix, Arizona and his travel expenses and per diem be and are hereby approved in accordance with the provisions of Resolution No. 28 of the Agency. Wilson moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for adop~ion of the Resolu- tion as read. On a roll oall vote, Resolution No. 103 was unanimously adopted. The Chairman then introduoed the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 105 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A CERTAIN PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN NOTE IN CONNECTION WITH PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-10 WHEREAS, THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA r (herein sometimes called the "Local Public Agenoy") has filed or is about I . to file a requisition, together with the neoessary supporting documents, L with the United States of America (herein oalled the "Government") request- ing a payment on account of the Projeot Temporary Loan provided for in the Loan and Grant Contract and numbered Contraot No. R-10(LG), (which, together with all supplements, amendments, waivers, is herein called the "Loan and Grant Contraot") by and between the Local Public Agenoy and the Government, said Loan and Grant Contract being in oonnection with a certain project of the Local Public Agenoy designated therein; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has determined to issue its Project Temporary Loan Note as security for such payment: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of a Resolution entitled: "RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF CERTAIN PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN NOTES IN CONNECTION WITH URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-10 AND PROVIDING FOR THE SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES" [ duly adopted by the Local Publio Agency on the 18th day of Deoember, 1958, the Chairman and the Secretary of the Local Public Agency are hereby authorized and direoted to prepare and execute a note, authorized by said Resolution, in the principal amount of Nine thousand dollars ($9,000.00), or, if the Government shall only approved said requisition 110 for a lesser amount, in the lesser amount so approved by the Govern- ment, Such note shall bear interest from the date of the acceptance of the Local Public Agency's delivery thereof and the payment therefor by the Government; shall be dated the 23rd day of December, 1958; shall be designated Project Temporary Loan Note No.2; shall bear a statement at the foot thereof in substantially the following form: --, j , ....JI "Delivery of this Note was accepted and payment therefor made on the day of , 19____. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Housing and Home Finance Administrator By " . , and shall not be valid until said statement is duly executed on behalf of the Government. The Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to deliver such note to and accept payment therefor from the Government, and the aforesaid officers are hereby authorized and directed to do all acts and things necessary for the execution, sale, and delivery of such note. 2. That the proceeds of such note shall be deposited and dis- bursed only in accordance with the provisions of the Loan and Grant Contract, unless otherwise approved by the Government. J 3. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately. Said Resolution was then read in full and discussed and considered. Mrs. Carlisle then moved the adoption of the Resolution as introduced and read. Mr. Wilson seconded the motion, and, on roll call, the following voted "Aye": Sessions, Carlisle, and Wilson; and the follow- ing voted "Nay": None. The Chairman thereupon declared the motion carried and the Resolution adopted as introduced and read. Wilson moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for adjournment, and on a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the chairman declared the meeting adjourned. Minutes of the special meeting of December 18, 1958 approved by absent member: g.. ;''''--5'1 Date J~~_ '-...... ectfully submitted, 7Y:~ Sears Jr. Director-Secretary " ..J r- L ".-.. l... [ Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held on the 13th day of January, 1959 at 3'30 p.m. in Room 201 of the Professional Building, San Bernardino, California The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 3'30 p.m. 111 Roll call showed the following present. Sessions, Westbrook, Wilson and Carlisle. Also present were the Executive Director, Mr. Sears, and the Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Connelly. Carlisle moved and Wilson seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of November 12, 1958, the adjourned meeting of November 18, 1958, and the special meeting of December 18, 1958. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. The following bills were submitted for approval. December 9, 1958 Survey ~ Planning !!!!. Tr~er of funds from the Survey and Planning Account to the Project Expenditures Account ,." Projeot Expenditures Acoount. Jerome F. Sears Jr. salary for the direotor for the month of November, 1958 Mrs. Grace Connelly periods salary for the Adm. Assistant for the 11/ 8/58 to 11/21/58 11/22/58 to 12/ 5/58 . 11/ 8/58 to 11/21/58 11/22/58 to 12/ 5/58 Miss Martha Gomez periods William E. Taylor accounting services for the month of November, 1958 William J. Warcl legal services. October, 1958 November, 1958 Sparkletts rental on water cooler for November, 1'58 Arrowhead Office Equipment rental of BDC Duplicator for the period of 10/19/58 to 12/19/58 Postmaster --- (1) 500 printed stamped envelopes (2) Postage $186.27 693.40 145.67 144.52 103.80 103.80 ;0.00 200.00 195.00 5.90 62.40 24.80 25.00 112 Travel expenses: HHFA Regional Office in San Francisco ACTION Evaluator Conference in Berkeley November 1 and 8, 1958 Jerome F. Sears Jr. Sunset Travel Jerome F. Sears Jr. cost of registered mail for owner participation agreements General Telephone Company for the period - telephone service charges 9/16/58 to 10/15/58 American National Bank - repayment of 60-day loan note Antlers Hotel special meeting of agency members of October 8, 1958 Lindenman Printing Company - Letterhead stationery and voucher checks Inland Printing - reproduction of Redevelopment Plan reproduction of Maps BARRO - Renewal Information Service for the year ending November 1, 1959 - WORKING TOGETHER FOR URBAN RENEWAL Kenneth K. Kelly Insurance Professional Building rent for October and November, 1958 Bills for approval Supplement - January 13, 1959 Fight Blight, Inc. Travel Expenses: 1. Conference in Santa Monica Jerome F. Sears Jr. Mrs. Grace Connelly 2. NAHRO Conference - Phoenix, Arizona Jerome F. Sears Jr. Sunset Travel --, ....- 41.20 45.60 15.00 11.20 2,522.91 8.90 39.00 11.41 5.46 100.00 J 1.00 34.00 300.00 3.50 17.70 17.70 (60.00 ( 8.74 40.95 ., I ....J r L r j '-- c General Telephone Company the period telephone service charges for 10/16/58 to 11/15/58 11/16/58 to 12/15/58 Arrowhead Office Eq~ipment Company 1. Office supplies - November, 1958 December, 1958 2. Rental of BDC Duplicator for the period 12/19/58 to 1/19/59 Postmaster - 1. stamped envelopes 2. postage William J. Ward - legal services for the month of December, 1958 William E. Taylor - accounting services for the month of December, 1958 Professsiona1 Building - rent of December, 1958 and January, 1959 Mrs. Grace Connelly - cost of registered letters Jerome F. Sears, Jr. salary for the director for the month of December, 1958 Mrs. Grace Connelly - salary for the administrative assistant for the periods - 12/ 6/58 to 12/19/58 12/20/58 to 1 I 2/59 Miss Martha Gomez periods salary for the stenographer for the 12/ 6/58 to 12/19/58 12/20/58 to 1 / 2/59 Spark1etts Drinking Water Corporation - December, 1958 January, 1959 Stockwell and Binney - office supplies Fourth Qaurter, 1958 - taxes Internal Revenue Service State Employees' Retirement System Department of Employment 113 71.38 64.16 99.73 38.27 31.20 4.80 10.00 55,.00 250.00 300.00 8.24 693.40 141.86 142.71 103.80 103.80 5.90 4.75 11.35 775.80 80.32 15.41 114 The Chairman noted that the publication "Fight Blight, Inc." was incorrectly spelled and asked that this correction be made by the secretary. Westbrook then moved and Wilson seconded a motion for approval of the bills as submitted. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. ., j: ..."J Report of Agency Counsel on litigations Since Mr. Ward, agency counsel could not be present, he had instructed tlie director to give the following report: Judge Fogg denied the applioation for preliminary injunction filed by the opponents of the Plan, however, he also overruled the Demurrer submitted by the Agenoy and the City whioh means the Agency and the City will have to answer the oharges and the case will presumably go to trial. Opening briefs have been filed in Appellate Court by Attorneys Ruiz and Ruiz appealing the original decision rendered in favor of the Agency and the City in the Superior Court of the County of San Bernardino by Judge Curtis (Case No. 92497). Briefs from the City and the Agency are due February 3, 1959. Agency Counsel requested permission to have the briefs printed at an estimated cost of $110. The Chairman stated that only through pleadings of poverty would the court accept typewritten briefs, therefore, print- ing costs are a necessary expense and are thereby approved. Introduction of New A~ency Members J The chairman then introduced Dr. Glen L. Davis, who was appointed on January 5, 1959 by the Mayor to fill the unexpired term of Roy Chapman, said term expiring September 3, 1960. Agency Actio!!: 1. Owner Participation Agreementss (A) William A. AlIens The director read a letter from William A. Allen, speoial administrator for the estate of Byron Allen, owner of Parcel 8, Blook 1 of Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, requesting that they be offered an Owner Participation Agreement which would allow them to build an offioe building on their present site. Since the time allotted for execution of these agreements has elapsed, and the AlIens wish to rebuild for a use different than they now have, the agency members referred the matter to the agency counsel for a written opinion as to the legality of executing an agreement at this time, and as to whether they can rebuild with a different reuse. (b) City Auto Parks of San Bernardino: The Chairman stated that since Mr. John Lonergan, who was a senior partner in the law firm in which he was employed, owned a substan- tial portion of the stock in the City Auto Parks of San ,., ~ [ r- L [ 115 Bernardino, he would turn this portion of the meeting over to the Vice-Chairman, and wished the minutes to show he 4id not participate in the discussion. The director then read a letter from Mr. William Leonard, president of City Auto Parks in whioh Mr. Leonard requested several changes be made in his Owner Participation Agree- ment. After disoussion by the Agency members, the request was tabled until the next regular meeting and the director was asked to write to Mr. Leonard and invite him to the regular meeting to be held on February 10, 1959. The Vice-Chairman then turned the meeting back to the Chairman. (0) Hanford Foundry: The direotor informed the members that the Agreement with Hanford Foundry had been executed by their officers, however, a supplement had been drawn up at their request, which would allow the Foundry to keep part of the area which the Agency had requested them to pave with asphalt, in rough graded surface for use in disposal of slag, etc., from the Foundry. Carlisle moved and Westbrook seconded a motion approving the supplement to their agreement and authorized the chairman and secre- tary to execute the supplement and forward to Hanford Foundry. (D) Charles C. Towle: The director informed the Agenoy members that Mr. Towle had recently passed away and that his wife had been named special administrator. However, the estate is now in probate and is being contested by his former wife. The direotor has contacted the attorney for Mrs. Towle and has been told the agreement could not be signed. After some discussion, the chairman advised the direotor to have the agenoy counsel contact the attorney for the estate and obtain permission from the Court to allow Mrs. Towle as special administrator to sign the Agreement. (E) The direotor informed the members that the time has elapsed for some of the owner participants to sign their agreements or to request an extension of time. He wished a ruling from the members as to how to handle extension of time in these cases. It was suggested the director contact these persons by phone and find out the reason the agreements had not been executed. For the time being, no action would be taken in this matter. (F) David, Mike, and Francis Ida Cohn: The director read a letter from James Swing requesting a revision on Part Ten (10) of the Agreement. After some discussion, the Chairman referred the matter to Agency counsel for and opinion and ruling at the next regular meeting. 2. The Chairman then introduced the following resolution and stated the amendment was at the request of the Housing and Home Finance Agency and only involved the deletion with reference to the Project Expenditures: 116 RESOLUTION NO. 106 RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 68 DESIGNATING WILLIAM J. WARD AS LEGAL COUNSEL J WHEREAS, the Housing and Home Finance Agency has requested that we amend a portion of Resolution No. 68 designating William J. Ward as legal counsel for the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Paragraph Five of Resolution No. 68 be amended to read as followel "That lIr. Ward shall do all work of a legal nature, necessary and required by the Redevelopment Agency and the Housing and Home Finance Agency for an amount of Twenty dollars ($20.00) per hour, not to exceed the aggregate BUll of Nine Thousand dollars (19,000.00)." Wilson moved and Westbrook seconded a motion for adoption of the reso- lution as presented. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. 3. Salary Schedulel The director read a recent resolution of the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino which established a new oity salary schedule. After discussion by the agency members, the chairman stated that since the salary schedule for the staff positions J....... of the Agency as adopted by Resolution No. 61 states that the salary .. schedule of this Agency shall be identioal to the schedule of the City of San Bernardino, he introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 107 RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 61 ADOPTING A PERSONNEL POLICY AND ESTABLISHING A SALARY SCHEDULE FOR AGENCY STAFF POSITIONS WHEREAS, Resolution No. 61 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California adopted a personnel policy and established a salary schedule for agency staff positions; and WHEREAS, said Resolution declared that the salary schedule of said Agency was identical to the salary as adopted by the City of San Bernardino for all city employees; and WHEREAS, the City of San Bernardino amended their salary schedule on December 29, 19581 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA that said Resolution No. 61 is hereby amended as follows: ,.. i I ....., 1. The schedule as set forth in Section One of Resolution No. 61 is hereby amended to read as followSl (See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof) , tI,,,, 117 [ CITY-SC.BEDULE (Exhibit "A") Att.~ After Aftes:- HOU1'ly a,Cin- After 1 yr. 1 yr. 1 yr. Equ1va- n1ng 6 mo. 6 mo. Service Service Pay lent of Rate Service Service Step C Step D ~! A Rate Ste}) A Stel) B Ste~ C ;?tel) D ~.~ Stel) E ~- ..- ~.... --., 1 .15 1,2 1'8 144 1'1 151 2 .19 138 144 151 158 165 , .83 144 151 158 165 113 4 .81 151 158 165 113 181 5 .91 158 165 113 181 189 6 .95 165 173 181 189 198 7 1.00 113 181 189 198 201 8 1.05 181 189 198 201 211 , 1.10 189 198 201 217 221 10 1.15 198 207 211 221 238 11 1.20 207 211 221 238 249 12 1.25 211 221 238 249 261 l' 1.31 221 238 249 261 ~13 14 1.37 238 249 261 273 286 15 1.44 249 261 273 286 299 [ 16 1.51 261 213 286 299 313 17 1.58 ' 213 286 299 313 328 18 1.65 286 299 313 328 343 ..' 19 1.73 299 313 328 343 359 ,"W 20 1.81 313 328 343 359 376 21 1.89 328 343 359 376 393 22 1.98 343 359 376 393 411 r 2' 2.01 359 316 393 411 430 24 2.17 316 393 411 430 450 25 2.27 393 411 430 450 411 ~. 26 2.31 411 430 450 471 493 27 2.48 430 450 471 493 516 28 2.60 450 471 493 516 540' f.,. 29 2.72 471 493 516 540 565 30 2.85 493 516 540 565 591 .j '1 2.98 516 540 565 591 618 ,', 32 3.12 540 565 591 618 647 , 33 3.26 565 591 618 647 677 ~ 34 3.41 591 618 647 677 708 , 35 3.57 618 647 677 708 741 36 3.74 647 677 708 741 775 '7 3.91 677 708 741 775 811 .. ~ 38 4.00 708 741 775 811 849 ;If 39 4.28 741 775 811 849 888 ../ 40 4.48 775 811 849 888 929 0 41 4.69 811 849 888 929 972 42 4.90 849 888 929 972 1017 I, I 4' 5.12 888 929 972 1017 1064 I 44 5.36 929 972 1017 1064 1113 . ~, i' ., Il . ~ ,... f . 118 /l\ " 2. Section Two is hereby amended to read as followsl "Section Two": As of the effective date set forth in this resolu- ~, tion, the salary range and steps for staff employees with full I credit for past service are hereby established as followsl -~ Position Salary Range Salary Ste}) Executive Director 39 Administrative Assistant 24 Steno-Clerk 17 C C B 3. Section eleven is hereby amended to read as followsl "This Resolution shall take effect as of January 1, 1959". " Wilson moved and Davis seconded a motion for adoption of the resolution as read. On a roll oall vote Resolution 107 was unanimously adopted. The director then requested that in order to simplify the acoounting prooedures he would like to ohange the pay periods for the staff positions' other than the executive direotor to the fifteenth and last day of the month and for the executive direotor to the last day of the month. Westbrook moved and Carlisle seconded a motion to establish the pay periods as followsl Executive Director............Last day of the month Administrative Assistant......Bi-month1y - Fifteenth and last day of the month Steno-C1erk...................Bi-monthly - Fifteenth and last day of the month J On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. 4. Per diem expensesl The director informed the agency members that the majority of the public agencies had proved ,that the *15 that the Agenoy now allowed did not cover the cost of hotel rooms and meals at the various meetings and conferenoes which he was required to attend. After discussion, the Chairman introduced the following resolutionl RESOLUTION NO. 108 RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 28 ESTABLISHING CERTAIN POLICIES ON TRAVEL EXPENSES OF ITS MEMBERS, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, ATTORNEY AND OTHER OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. 28 as amended by its Resolution No. 40, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, established certain policies on travel expenses of its members, execu- tive director, attorney and other officers and employees traveling on authorized offioial business of the Agency outside of the City of San Bernardino; and ,~ --.J o [ o 119 WHEREAS, the Agency has determined that other governmental and public agencies in San Bernardino County are authorizing the payment of Twenty dollars (820.00) per day per diem for such travel, and has determined that said amount of Twenty dollars ($20.00) per day is required, fair and reasonable to meet such expenses. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, that Resolution No. 28 of said Agency (as amended by said Resolution No. 40) is amended to read as follows: A. That there be allowed to Agenoy members, executive Director, attorney, and other officers and employees traveling on authorized offioial business of the Agency outside of the city limits of the City of San Bernardino, California, mileage for the use of private automobile at the rate of ten (10) oents per mile, for miles actually traveled from said oity to and from the plaoe where said offioial business is to be transaoted, of the aotual amount of any railroad or airplane fare, less the Federal Tax, that there be allowed such person the further sum of $20.00 per day perdieD4 for any such travel which necessitates such person remaining overnight and away from the City of San Bernardino, California, or the aotual amount of per diem expenses if such person oan return to the City of San Bernardino, California, the same day said travel oommences, pro- viding said latter per diem expenses do not exceed the sum of $20.00. B. Be it resolved further that each trip of any agency member, exeoutive director, attorney, and other officers or employees of the Agency to a destination outside of the State of California whioh is charged wholly or in part to a Title I project be speoifically authorized by a resolu- tion of the Agency members approving a trip as essential to a Title I project. C. This Resolution shall take etfeot immediately. Wilson moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for adoption of the resolu- tion as read. On a roll oall vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. 5. Personal Service Contract with William J. Ward: The director informed the Agency members that although Resolution No. 69 authorized the fee of the agency oounsel, the HHFA Regional Office requested a third party con- traot be drawn up with Mr. Ward. He presented the contraot to the agenoy which had been drawn up by Mr. Ward and forwarded to HHFA for their approval. Wilson moved that the contract be aooepted and the Chairman and Secretary be authorized to execute the contract subject to approval by the HHFA Regional Office. Davis seconded the motion, and on a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously oarried. 6. The matter of changing the meeting time and day was discussed at some length by the agency members and was tabled for further suggestions and action until the next regular meeting. Other business: The director requested authorization to renew the membership of the Agency in the Chamber of Commerce for the year 1959. Since the membership had been approved last year, the ohairman felt it was not necessary to authorize the renewal of the membership each year. 120 The following oorrespondence was read by the directors 1. A letter from Mayor Kremer which requested the director to fill out a questionnarie on future plans for urban renewal in the City of San Bernardino. This information had been requeste. by the American Municipal Association and Council of Mayors. The director stated he had completed the questionnaire and returned it to the Mayor. ~1 '1 -..J 2. A letter from Mr. Lindman of OtMelveny and Myers was read regar.ing proposed legislative changes in the California Community Redevelopment Law. The director informed the members that he had written to Assemblymen Beaver and Nisbet and Senator Shaw and requested their support at such time this change was introduced. Election of officers for the year 1959& The Chairman declared that this was the time and place designated for the election of officers of the Redevelopment Agency for the year 1959. The Chairman then declared the nominations open for Chairman of the Agency. Wilson moved and Carlisle seconded the nomination for A. Merle Sessions for Chairman of the Agency. Carlisle then move. and Davis seconded a motion that nominations be closed. The Chairman there- upon declared the nominations olosed. On a roll call vote, A. Merle Sessions was unanimously elected Chairman of the Agency. The Chairman declare. the nominations open for Vice-Chairman. Carlisle moved and Davis seconded the nominations for N. Earl Wilson for Vice- Chairman of the Agency. Westbrook then moved and Davis seconded a motion that nominations be closed. The Chairman thereupon declared the nomina- tions closed. On a roll oall vote, N. Earl WilBon was unanimously elected Vice-Chairman of the Agency. J The Chairman declared the nominations open for Secretary. Carlisle moved and Wilson seconded the nomination for Jerome F. Sears Jr., for Secretary of the Agency. Westbrook:, then moved and Wilson seconded the motion that nominations be closed. The Chairman thereupon declared the nominations closed. On a roll call vote, Jerome F. Sears Jr., was unanimously elected Secretary of the Agency. Westbrook moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for adjournment. On a roll call vote the motion was unanimously adopted. There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 5s50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, J.ro.. il::f)2 Executive Director-Secretary ~ I ..J 121 [ Minutes of the regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, held on the lOth day of February, 1959 at 3:30 P.M. in Room 201 of the Professional Building The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 3:30 P.M. Roll call showed the following present: Sessions, Carlisle and Davis. Also present were agency counsel Ward, the executive directo~, Mr. Sears, the administrative assistant, Mrs. Connelly and guests, Mr. James Swing and Mr. Frank Culver. Absent were Wilson and Westbrook. Carlisle moved and Davis seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the annual meeting of January 13, 1959. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. The following bills were submitted for approval: Project Expenditures Account: [ San Bernardino Chamber of Commerce 45.00 Jerome F. Sears Jr. - salary for the direotor for the month of January, 1959 665.01 Mrs. Grace Connelly - salary for the adm. assistant for the periods - 1/ 2/59 to 1!-15/59 1/16/59 to 1/31/59 Miss Martha Gomez - 1/ 2/59 to 1/15/59 the periods - 1/16/59 to 1/31/59 161.40 161.40 117.39 117.39 Arrowhead Office Equipment Company - rental of BDC Duplicator for the period 1/19/59 to 2/19/59 31.20 Kenneth Kelly - comprehensive office equipment policy - 3 years 25.00 William J. Ward - legal services for January, 1959 311.25 Postmaster - postage 10.00 [ William E. Taylor - accounting for January, 1959 150.GO 120.00 Professional Building - rent for February, 1959 122 San Bernardino Blue Print Company - maps Stockwell and Binney - office supplies 11.13 86.06 ,., ~ ~ ~ Carlisle moved and Davis seconded a motion for approval of the bills as submitted. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. Owner Participation A~reement - Francis and David Cohn As a courtesy to a representative of an owner participant, the agenda was then rearranged in order to consider his case first. A discussion then followed ooncerning Seotion 10 of the owner participa- tion agreement between the agency and Cohn et al., and it was finally determined that the representative of the owner participant, Mr. James Swing, present a counter proposal in writing at the next regular meet- ing of the agency members. The matter was therefore tabled until the next regular meeting. The chairman noted that the time was late and requested the meeting be adjourned to a date certain. Carlisle moved and Davis seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting until Wednesday, February 18, 1959 at 4:30 P.M. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. The chairman declared the meeting adjourned at ;:35 P.M. J Minutes of the regular meeting of February 10, 1959 approved by absent members: Respectfully submitted, r'~ r- f7 Date ~. Jerome F. Sears Jr. Executive Director-Secretary z~ CJ;h~ .... i ...J 123 [ Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, held on the 18th day of February, 1959 in Room 201, Professional Bui1diDg at 4:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 4:30 P.M. Roll call showed the following present: Sessions, Carlisle and Wilson. Also present were agency oounse1 Ward, the executive direotor, Mr. Sears, and the administrative assistant, Mrs. Connelly. Absent were Westbrook and Davis. Amendment - Loan and Grant Contraot Sessions introduoed the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 109 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING AN OFFER OF THE UNITED STATES TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA TO AMEND THAT CERTAIN LOAN AND GRANT CONTRACT DESIGNATED CONTRACT NO. CALIF. R-10(LG) c WHEREAS, under Title I of the Housing Aot of 1949, as amended and supplemented, the United States of Amerioa (herein oa11ed the "Govern- ment") has tendered to the Redevelopment Agenoy of the City of San Bernardino, California (herein oa11ed the "Looal Pub1io Agency") an offer to amend Loan and Grant Contract No. Calif. R-10(LG), effeoted the 24th day of Ootober, 1958, by and between the parties thereto; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agenoy has given due consideration to said offer to amend said Contraot. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The offer of the Government to the Local Public Agency, dated February 5, 1959, to amend Loan and Grant Contract No. Calif. R-10(LG), effected the 24th day of October, 1958, by and between the Government and the Local Public Agency, is hereby in all respects accepted. Seotion 2. The Local Public Agency agrees to abide by all of the provisions, terms and conditions of said offer to amend said Contract. [ Section 3. The Secretary of the Local Public Agency is hereby autho- rized and directed forthwith to send to the Housing and Home Finance Agenoy two certified copies of the prooeedings of the Local Public Agenoy in oonneotion with the adoption of this Resolution, together with two oertified oopies of this Resolution, and suoh further doou- ments or proofs in connection with the acceptanoe of said offer to amend said Contract as may be requested by the Government. 124 Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. Said Resolution was then read in full and disoussed and considered. ..., 'H .~ ....J Mr. Wilson then moved the adoption of the Resolution as introduoed and read. Mrs. Carlisle seconded the motion, and on roll call, the following voted "Aye"; Sessions, Wilson and Carlisle; and the follow- ing voted I'Nay", none. The Chairman thereupon declared the motion oarried and the Resolution adopted as introduoed and read. Proposed Amendment to all Owner Participation Agreements The Chairman directed the agency counsel to prepare a draft of an amendment to the agency owner participation agreements regarding the terms and conditions under which the agency would exercise its option to purchase the property in the event of default by the owner partici- pant in carrying out the terms and conditions of his or her owner participation agreement. Such draft to be presented to the Agency for its consideration at the next regular meeting. The following points were to be included: (a) land value at the time of the exeoution of the agreement, (b) all improvements, if made in accordance with the Plan, at the time of breach of said agreement (c) that a clause be inserted providing for arbitration in the event of disagreement. Owner Partioipation Agreements Coe and Allen The agency oounse1 read his prepared opinion regarding the agency's J right to offer owner participation agreements to owners or property within the project area after the expiration of the time period as ..' set forth in Sections 33102 and 33745. It is his opinion that since Section 33145 oontains no express provision prohibiting the agency from entering into an owner participation agreement after the expira- tion of the period provided therein that appears to be no direct pro- hibition against an agency entering into owner participation agreements after the elapse of the specified time. A motion was made by Carlisle that the Agency consider owner participation agreements at any time when requested by owners of project properties who can develop their properties in accordance with the adopted redevelopment plan. Wilson seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adoptei. Waiver - Loan and Grant Contract Sessions introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 110 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA REQUESTING A WAIVER OF THE TERMS OF PART I, SECTION 14, PARAGRAPH 1 OF CONTRACT NO. CALIF. R-10(LG). WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California on the 24th day of October, 1958 approved Contract No. Calif. R-10(LG) by and between the United States of America and the Redevelop- ment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California; and :-, .J 125 [ WHEREAS, said Contract contained therein under Part I, Section 14, paragraph 1, a time limitation governing the period during which the Agency might request Temporary Loan funds from the United States of America for administrative purposes prior to the sale of its Tax Allocation Bond issue; and WHEREAS, said time limitation will expire prior to the date on which said Tax Allocation Bonds may be sold due to pending litigation; and WHEREAS, it has been estimated by competent legal Authorities that said litigation cannot be resolved in less than twelve (12) months from the expiration of said time limitation; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the United States of America and this Agency to continue the administrative func- tion of the Agency and contest and defend all litigation detri- mental to the adopted Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Project Area No.1: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the United States of America through the Housing and Home Finance Agency be and is hereby requested to amend Part I, Section 14, paragraph 1 of Contract Calif. R-IO(LG) as follows: r L Section 1. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this con- tract, the government shall be under no obligation to make any payment of the Project Temporary Loan or the Project Grant except such amounts as are determined by the Administrator to be neoes- sary to pay certain administrative overhead costs for a period of time not exceeding eighteen (18) months from the effective date of this contract, unless and until tax allocation bonds under California Law have been sold in the amount suffioient to finance the required cash local grant-in-aid and the proceeds of suoh sale deposited in the Project Expenditures Account. Said Resolution was then read in full and discussed and considered. Mr. Wilson then moved the adoption of the Resolution as intro- duced and read. Mrs. Carlisle seconded the motion, and on roll call, the following voted "Aye": Sessions, Wilson, and Carlisle, and the following voted "Nay": none. The chairman thereupon -declared the motion carried and the Resolution adopted as intro- duced and read. Wilson moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for adjournment, and on a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. c 126 The Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 5:45 P.M. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of February 18, 1959 approved by absent members: I/~ /3-5"1 J4;)dk.( 11- /0 -59 Date i; {' <--I ~ZtfA/i ,. v' I /1 {~r1 'C~"f!' Respectfully submitted, Jerome F. e:f ~ Executive Director-Secretary -.. --' J , ....J 127 c Minutes of the regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, held on the lOth day of March, 1959 at 3:30 P.M. in Room 201 of the Professional Building The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 4:15 P.M. Roll call showed the following present: Sessions, Carlisle, and Davis. Also present were Agency counsel Ward, Executive Director Sears, and Administrative Assistant Connelly. Absent: Wilson. Carlisle moved and Davis seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of February 10, 1959 and February 18, 1959. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. The following bills were submitted: Project Expenditures Account: Jerome F. Sears Jr. salary for the director for the month of February, 1959 665.01 Mrs. Grace Connelly salary for the adm. assistant for the periods: [ 2/1/59 2/16/59 to 2/15/59 to 2/28/59 161. 40 161. 40 Miss Martha Gomez salary for the stenographer for the periods: 2/1/59 to 2/15/59 2/16/59 to 2/28/59 117.39 117.39 Jerome F. Sears Jr. Travel expenses - Bakersfield, Calif. - NAHRO Conference - February 16, 17, 1959 12.00 General Telephone Company- Telephone service charges for the period - 12/16/58 to 1/15/59 Sparkletts 69.68 5.90 William J. Ward Legal services for February, 1959 580.00 Davis moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for approval of the bills as submitted. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. c Report of Agency counsel on litigation: Agency counsel reported that there were three cases now pending before the courts, two of which are to go before the Fourth District Court of Appeals, one before the Superior Court of the County of San Bernardino, California and stated that at this time the Clerk of the Superior Court 128 will not set a date for a hearing until a determination has been made in regard to the order in which these cases are to be heard. The attorney for the Plaintiff contends the appeal on the second cause of action should be adjudicated prior to the hearing of the first cause of action of Case No. 94346 before the Superior Court, County of San Bernardino, State of California. Counsel for the City and the Agency are presently researching this question to determine if the hearing on the first cause of action of Case No. 94346 before the Superior Court cannot be held at this time and appealed if filed then to include both first and second cause of action and be judged simultaneously. Agency counsel also stated that unless this type of remedy can be invoked that the litigation could well drag out for another 12 to 18 months. Declaration of Restrictions - The amendments to the Declaration of Restrictions for Meadowbrook Project Area No. 1 as suggested by HHFA Regional Office were incorporated within the now existing said Declara- tion and read to the agency members. After considerable discussion, it was determined that inasmuch as the modifications did in no way materially alter the Declaration of Restrictions as previously adopted, that said modifications could be included without causing the Plan to be considered changed under the terms and conditions of the Community Redevelopment Law of the State of California. Carlisle moved and Davis seconded a motion that the Agency counsel make the changes in the Declaration of Restrictions as requested by the HHFA Regional Office. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Owner Participation Agreement - Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company _ The director read a letter from the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company in which they requested an amendment to their owner participation agreement. This letter specifically requested the right of first refusal on all or part of Parcel No. 65 as shown on the General Development Plan of Meadowbrook Project Area No.1. This request is in accordance with the requirements of Section 6 of the owner participation agreement dated November 12, 1958 and requirements of the City Planning Commission esta- blished at the time the building permit was granted for the construction of their new facilities. The chairman authorized the director, the Agency counsel to prepare an amendment to the owner participation agreement granting their request for said right of first refusal. Proposed modification of agency purchase clause of Owner Participation Agreement - The Agency counsel presented a rough draft of the modifica- tion of the owner participation agreement as discussed at the meeting of February 18, 1959. After considerable discussion and certain minor amendments to the draft by the Agency members, Carlisle moved that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION NO. III RESOLUTION AMENDING THAT SECTION OF OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENTS PERTAINING TO PURCHASE BY THE AGENCY IN THE EVENT OF DEFAULT BY OWNER PARTICIPANT 1 -J J J c [ c 129 WHEREAS, on the 12th day of November, 1958 the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California adopted Resolution Nos. 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, and on the 18th day of November, 1958 adopted Resolution Nos. 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, all of which resolutions authorized the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency to execute certain owner participation agreements with therein named owners of property within the project area of Meadowbrook Project Area No.1 of the City of San Bernardino; and WHEREAS, the Agency has determined that an amendment is required of the following provision of said agreements, to-wit: "In the event or breach of this Agreement or any of its terms or conditions by the Participating Owner, the Participating Owner agrees to sell the property described herein to the Agency. The amount to be paid to said Participating Owner shall be the fair market value of the property as of the date of execu- tion of this Agreement.": NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA as follows: 1. That the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency be, and they are hereby, authorized on behalf of said Agenoy to execute with National Life and Aocident Insurance Company, Marshall B. Cooley, A. Grover Cooley and Dora C. Martin, Reliable Bearing and Supply Company, George and Lillia A. Voss, James E. Spain, Jr. and William D. Spain, Fredericks- Hansen Paint Company, Marie B. Towle Schroeder, Charles C. Towle, American News Company, City Auto Parks of San Bernardino, Suverkrup Lumber Company, Ruth M. Foster, Frank E. and Melissa Dickson, Margaret D. Baumgaertner and Kathyryn D. Hutton, Nathan H. and Doris Rose, Hanford Company, Halsey Machine and Manufacturing Company, Clarence F. Joris, William H. and Della Lyle, San Bernardino Steel and Machine Company, Francis I. Cohn, David M. Cohn, and Mike Cohn, Arrowhead Land and Investment Company, Robert J. LaVergne, and Elsie Baker, the hereinafter set forth amendment to said owner participation agreements with the above-named persons. 2. Said amendment shall read as follows: "Section . In addition to any other rights or reme- dies at law or in equity the Agency may have for a default or breach of this Agreement or any part thereof by the Participating Owner, in the event of default or breach of Section 5, or Section 6, or Section 7 herein, or any of the terms or conditions thereof, by the Participating Owner the Agency may elect to purchase, and the Participating Onwer hereby agrees to sell to the Agency at the latter's election, the real property and improvements thereon described herein, the amount to be paid to said Participating Owner in such event shall be as follows: (a) The fair market value of the real property or land as of the date of this Agreement; plus (b) The fair market value of improvements on said land as of the date of default or breach of said section or sections of this Agreement by the Participating Owner; less 130 (c) The amount of any unpaid taxes, liens, assess- ments, trust deed or mortgage balances, or other encumbrances on said land and improvements as of the date of acquisition thereof J. .. by the Agency. . . Prior to the Agency's declaration of default or breach of any or all of said sections of this Agreement by the Participating Owner, the Agency shall give written notice to the Participating Owner of the terms or covenants of any or all of said sections of this Agreement of which the Participating Owner is alleged to be in default or alleged to have breached. Such written notice shall be mailed to the Participating Owner at the mailing address herein prescribed for the serving of notices, and said notice shall set forth the time and place of the meeting of the Agency at which such declaration of default or breach of any or all of said sections of this Agreement shall be declared. After the Agency's declaration of a default or breach of Section 5, Section 6, or Section 1 herein, or any of the terms or conditions thereof, and after the Agency's election to purchase said land and improvements from the Participating Owner, and the Agency's deposit in a licensed and reputable escrow selected by it of the pur- chase price for said land and improvements as hereinabove established, the Participating Owner agrees, within five (5) days after receipt of a written demand therefor, to deposit in said escrow a Grant Deed in favor of the Agency, conveying to it a good and sufficient fee simple title to said land and improvements unencumbered by any unpaid taxes, liens, trust deeds or mortgages or assessments or other claims, except rights, rights of way, restrictions, and easements of record. J If the Agency so elects to purchase said land and improve- ments, in case of dispute between the Agency and the Participating Owner as to the fair market values of said land or improvements, or the amount of any indebtedness against them, the parties hereto agree to submit the same to arbitration, as follows: Each party shall appoint one arbitrator, who shall be a qualified real estate appraiser and a member of a recognized appraiser's institute or society, and the two arbitrators thus selected shall select a third who shall likewise be a qualified real estate appraiser and a member of a recognized appraiser's institute or society. In case the two arbitrators cannot agree, then such third arbitrator shall be appointed by a Judge of the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of San Bernardino. In case an arbitrator is selected by one of the parties hereto and the other party delays more than five (5) days after receiving notice in writing to appoint his arbitrator, then upon application by the party who has already made his selection, a Judge of said Superior Court may appoint the other two arbitrators, each of whom shall be a qualified real estate appraiser's institute or society. The three arbitrators when duly appointed as above, shall J meet and shall give opportunity to each party hereto to present his case ",' i' and witnesses, if any, in the presence of each other, and shall then make their award; and the award of the majority of the arbitrators shall be binding upon the parties hereto and judgment may be entered thereon in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of San Bernardino. Such award shall include the fixing of the expense of the arbitration and assessment of same against either or both of the parties." [ r I j i l- r '- 131 Davis seconded the motion and on roll call the resolution was unanimously adopted. The chairman then instructed the director to prepare the modi- fication as adopted and forward the required number of copies with a covering letter to all owner participants within the project area whether or not said owner participants had signed their owner participation agree- ments or still had them under considerauon. Owner Participation Agreement - Cohn - The Cohn Owner Participation Agree- ment was tabled until the next regular meeting since the Attorney for the Cohn family was unable to be present. Project Signs The director informed the agency members that the project signs as required by the Loan and Grant Contract would be erected on Friday, March 14, 1959, in locations approved by the Agency and the City Street Department. The chairman then requested that all agency members be present a 1:00 P.M. on the 14th day of March in front of Allen Iron Works on Third Street for publicity purposes. Resignation of Truitt Westbrook - resignation of Truitt Westbrook. be adopted: The Chairman then read a letter of Carlisle moved the following resolution RESOLUTION NO. 112 WHEREAS, Truitt Westbrook was appointed a member of the original REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, on September 8, 1952; WHEREAS, Mr. Westbrook was elected to the office of Vice-Chairman on September 22, 1952 and faithfully served in this capacity until January 14, 1959; WHEREAS, the members and staff of said Agency desire to express their appreciation and gratitude to Truitt Westbrook for his tire- less efforts and devotion to duty as a member and Vice-Chairman of said Agency: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA that it express to Truitt Westbrook its appreciation and gratitude for his outstanding leadership, perse- verance, and public service as a member and as Vice-Chairman of the Agency. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a suitable memorial of this Resolution be prepared and presented to him on behalf of the Agency, its mem- bers and staff. Davis seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Adjournment - Davis moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for adjournment. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. The Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 5:30 P.M. 132 Minutes of the regular meeting of March 10, 1959 approved by absent member: Date Respectuflly submitted, ?~ Sears Jr. Director ,., ....., Y< J ,., ..... c 133 Minutes of the regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, held on the 14th day of April 1959, at 3:30 P.M., in Room 201, Professional Building The meeting was called to order by the chairman and on a roll call, the following were present: Sessions, Wilson, Carlisle, Davis, and Cunningham. Also present were Agency counsel Ward, Mr. Sears, Executive Director, and Mrs. Connelly, Administrative Assistant. Guest: Mr. James Swing, Attorney. The chairman asked Mr. Sears to introduce the newly appointed member of the Agency. Mr. Leroy Cunningham, who was appointed by the Mayor on March 23, 1959 to fill the unexpired term of Truitt Westbrook, was then introduced and welcomed to the Agency. Carlisle moved and Davis seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of March 10, 1959. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. The following bills were submitted for approval: C Bills for approval. Project Expenditures Account: Jerome F. Sears Jr. Mrs. Grace Connelly Miss Martha Gomez General Telephone Gompany Sparkletts o William J. Ward Arrowhead Office Equipment Company - salary for the director for the month of March, 1959 694.47 - salary for the administrative assistant for the periods: 3/1/59 to 3/15/59 . 3/16/59 to 3/31/59 161. 40 161.40 - salary for the stenographer for the periods: 3/1/59 to 3/15/59 3/16/59 to 3/31/59 117.39 122.26 Telephone service charges for the period - 1/16/59 to 2/15/59 2/16/59 to 3/15/59 83.21 79.20 5.90 legal services for Maroh, 1959 220.00 - Office supplies - Rental on BDC Duplioator 64.70 62.40 134 O'Melveny & Myers Telephone charges 3.52 1 ';,."J Superintendent of Documents Urban Renewal Manual Inland Printing Legal printing 45.00 162.43 Travel expenses 3/4/59 p Urban Renewal Institute USC - Jerome F. Sears, Jr. 13.60 3/23/34/59 - Stockton - NAHRO Redevelopment Section Jerome F. Sears Jr. Sunset Travel 61.25 46.00 20.00 300.00 3.00 9.67 588.12 750.30 J 241. 68 91.84 90.00 20.00 10.00 Postmaster Postage Professional Building- rent for March and April, 1959 Sun Company photographs Redlands Audio Visual- Sal Cruz Advertising - Project Signs First Quarter Taxes - Internal Revenue Service State Employees Retirement System Department of Employment William E. Taylor Accounting for March, 1959 NAHRO Dues National Regional Wilson moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for approval of the bills as presented. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. Report of A~ency counsel on Litigation. Mr. Ward reported that the three cases which he reported on at the last regular meeting were still pending. As to the appeal on the original Curtis decision, he stated that Mr. Willhoft has written to the Appellate Court and asked for a preferential hearing in this matter. If this is denied, it could be next October when the Fourt District Court convenes in San Bernardino before this appeal can be heard. As to the appeal on the decision regarding the referendum issue, the Clerk of the Court forwarded the transcript on March 25, 1959 and the time for the Plain- tiff's submission of opening briefs is now running. Mr. Ward informed the Agency members that he had consulted with the counsel for the City and that they were in the process of preparing a motion to set the Petition for Judicial Review (which is now before the Superior Court) for a pre-trial conference and trial. ~ Owner Participation Agreement - Cohn Family 'j-' .~ After considerable discussion by Mr. Swing and the members of the Agency concerning the Agency purchase olause of the Owner Participation Agree- [ r L [ 135 ment as modified by Resolution No. 111 (3-10-59), it was decided to further modify said purchase clause to more clearly define the position of the Agency and the Owner Participant. The Chairman then introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 113 RESOLUTION AMENDING A PORTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 111 SETTING THE DATE OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FAIR MARKET VALUE WHEREAS, on the 12th day of November, 1958 the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California adopted Resolution Nos. 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, and on the 18th day of November, 1958 adopted Resolution Nos. 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, all of which resolutions authorized the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency to execute certain owner participation agreements with therein named owners of property within the project area of Meadowbrook Project Area No.1 of the City of San Bernardino; and WHEREAS, the Agency has determined that an amendment is required of the following provision of said agreements, to-wit: "In the event or breach of this Agreement or any of its terms or conditions by the Participating Owner, the Participating Owner agrees to sell the property described herein to the Agency. The amount to be paid to said Participating Owner shall be the fair market value of the property as of the date of execution of this Agreement.": NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA as follows: 1. That the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency be, and they are hereby, authorized on behalf of said Agency to execute with National Life and Accident Insurance Company, Marshall B. Cooley, A. Grover Cooley and Dora C. Martin, Reliable Bearing and Supply Company, George and Lillia A. Voss, James E. Spain, Jr. and William D. Spain, Fredericks- Hansen Paint Company, Marie B. Towle Schroeder, Kathleen C. Towle and Charles C. Towle, Jr., American News Company, City Auto Parks of San Bernardino, Suverkrup Lumber Company, Ruth M. Foster, Frank E. and Melissa Dickson, Margaret D. Baumgaertner and Kathryn D. Hutton, Nathan H. and Doris Rose, Hanford Company, Halsey Machine and Manu- facturing Company, Clarence F. Joris, William H. and Della Lyle, San Bernardino Steel and Machine Company, Frances I. Cohn, David M. Cohn, and Mike Cohn, Arrowhead Land and Investment Company, Robert J. LaVergne, and Elsie Baker, the hereinafter set forth amendment to said owner participation agreements with the above-named persons. 2. Said amendment shall read as follows: "Section In addition to any other rights or reme- dies at law or in equity the Agency may have for a default or breach of this Agreement or any part thereof by the Participating Owner, in event of default or breach of Section ____ herein, or any of the terms or conditions thereof, by the Participating Owner the Agency may elect to purchase, and the Participating Owner hereby agrees to sell to the 136 Agency at the latter's election, the real property and improvements thereon described herein, the amount to be paid to said Participat- ing Owner in such event shall be as follows: (a) The fair market value of the real property or land as of the date of the written notice from the Agency to the Partici-, pating Owner as provided in Section of this Agreement; plus (b) The fair market value of improvements on said land as of the date of default or breach of said section of this Agreement by the Participating Owner; less (c) The amount of any unpaid taxes, liens, assessments, trust deed or mortgage balances, or other encumbrances on said land and improvements as of the date of acquisition thereof by the Agency. Prior to the Agency's declaration of default or breach of any of the provisions of Section of this Agreement by the Parti- cipating Owner, the Agency shall give written notice to the Participat- ing Owner of the terms or covenants of said section of this Agreement of which the Participating Owner is alleged to be in default or alleged to have breached. Such written notice shall be mailed to the Partici- pating Owner at the mailing address herein prescribed for the serving of notices, and said notice shall set forth the time and place of the meeting of the Agency at which such declaration of default or breach of said section of this Agreement shall be declared. After the Agency's declaration of a default or breach of Section herein, or any of the terms or conditions thereof, and after the Agency's election to purchase said land and improvements from the Participating Owner, and the Agency's deposit in a licensed and reputable escrow selected by it of the purchase price for said land and improvements as hereinabove established, the Participating Owner agrees, within five (5) days after receipt of a written demand therefor, to deposit in said escrow a Grant Deed in favor of the Agency, conveying to it a good and sufficient fee simple title to said land and improve- ments, unencumbered by any unpaid taxes, liens, trust deeds or mortgages or assessments or other claims, except rights, rights of way, restric- tions and easements of record. If the Agency so elects to purchase said land and improve- ments, in case of dispute between the Agency and the Participating Owner as to the fair market values of said land or improvements, or the amount of any indebtedness against them, the parties hereto agree to submit the same to arbitration, as follows: Each party shall appoint one arbitrator, who shall be a qualified real estate appraiser and a member of a recognized appraiser's institute or society, and the two arbitrators thus selected shall select a third who shall likewise be a qualified real estate appraiser and a member of a recognized appraiser's institute or society. In case the two arbitrators cannot agree, then such third arbitrator shall be appointed by a Judge of the Superior Court of the State of California, ..... -- J ., if :5 .... c r w [ 137 in and for the County of San Bernardino. In case an arbitrator is selected by one of the parties hereto and the other party delays more than five (5) days after receiving notice in writing to appoint his arbitrator, then upon application by the party who has already made his selection, a Judge of said Superior Court may appoint the other two arbitrators, each of whom shall be a qualified real estate appraiser and a member of a recognized appraiser's intitute or society. The three arbitrators when duly appointed as above, shall meet and shall give opportunity to each party hereto to present his case and witnesses, if any, in the presence of each other, and'shall then make their award; and the award of the majority of the arbitrators shall be binding upon the parties hereto and judgment may be entered thereon in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of San Bernardino. Such award shall include the fixing of the expense of the arbitration and assessment of same against either or both of the parties." Wilson moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for adoption of the resolu- tion as read and presented. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. The chairman instructed the director to proceed with the modification of all Owner Participation Agreements in accordance with Resolution No. 113. Owner Participation Agreement - Roy and Helen Coe The Agency counsel presented the owner participation agreement drawn up after several conferences with Mr. Coe and the Executive Director. The provisions of the Agreement and its conformance with the Plan were dis- cussed by the members. The chairman then introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 114 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREE- ~~NT WITH ROY T. COE AND HELEN C. COE WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Project Area No.1 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California permits owner participation as to certain'parcels of real property therein, in accordance with Sections 33701 and 33745 of the California Health and Safety Code; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California has determined that it desires to execute with the owner thereof an owner participation agreement for the improvement, altera- tion, maintenance and/or use of the real property described in the hereinafter referred to owner participation agreement: 138 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency be, and they are hereby authorized on behalf of said Agency to execute with, Roy T. Coe and Helen C. Coe that certain owner parti- cipation agreement dated the 14th day of April, 1959. .~ ......J Davis moved and Wilson seconded a motion that Resolution No. 114 be adopted as read. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Waiver No.1 to Contract No. Calif. R-IO (LG) The director then read Waiver No. 1 to the Loan and Grant Contract for Project No. Calif. R-IO which extended the time period from six to twelve months in which HHFA would provide Temporary Loan funds for administrative costs. Annual NAHRO Conference - Fresno The director reminded the members of the Annual Pacific Southwest Regional NAHRO Conference to be held in Fresno on May 17, 18, and 19, 1959. He informed the members he had sent notices of this conference to all interested organizations and citizens. Any member who desires to attend this conference was asked to contact the Agency office so that reservations could be made. Change of Time of Regular Meeting The chairman then introduced the following resolution: J RESOLUTION NO. 115 RESOLUTION CHANGING THE TIME OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, that until otherwise provided by resolution, the members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, shall hold regular meetings at 4:00 P.M. on the second Tuesday of each month at the office of the Agency, Room 201, Professional Building, Church and E Streets, San Bernardino, California. Davis moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for adoption of the resolu- tion as read. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Project Temporary Loan Note No.3 The chairman introduced the following resolution which would authorize the issuance of Project Temporary Loan Note No. 3 in the amount of $10,550: ~ RESOLUTION NO. 116 -'I ....,.j RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A CERTAIN PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN NOTE IN CONNECTION WITH PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-IO [ r L [ 139 WHEREAS, THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA (herein sometimes called the "Local Public Agency") has filed or is about to file a requisition, together with the necessary supporting documents, with the United States of America (herein called the "Government") request- ing a payment on account of the Project Temporary Loan provided for in the Loan and Grant Contract and numbered Contract No. R-IO (LG), (which, together with all supplements, amendments, waivers, is herein called the "Loan and Grant Contract") by and between the Local Public Agenoy and the Government, said Loan and Grant Contraot being in connection with a certain project of the Local Public Agency designated therein; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agenoy has determined to issue its Projeot Temporary Loan Note as security for such payment: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of a Resolution entitled: "REDSOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF CERTAIN PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN NOTES IN CONNECTION WITH URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-IO AND PROVIDING FOR THE SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES" duly adopted by the Local Public Agency on the 24th day of October, 1958, the Chairman and the Secretary of the Local Public Agency are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and execute a note, authorized by said Resolution, in the principal amount of Ten thousand five hundred fifty dollars ($10,550.00), or, if the Government shall only approve said requisition for a lesser amount, in the lesser amount so approved by the Government. Such note shall bear interest from the date of the acceptance of the Local Public Agency's delivery thereof and the payment therefor by the Government; shall be dated the 17th day of April, 1959; shall be designated Project Temporary Loan Note No.3; shall bear a statement at the foot thereof in substantially the following form: ItDelivery of this Note was accepted and payment therefor made on the day of , 19 . UNITED STATE OF AMERICA Housing and Home Finance Administrator By " . , and shall not be valid until said statement is duly executed on behalf of the Government. The Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to delivery such note to and accept payment therefor from the Government, 140 and the aforesaid officers are hereby authorized and directed to do all acts and things necessary for the execution, sale, and delivery of such note. 2. That the proceeds of such note shall be deposited and disbursed only in accordance with the provisions of the Loan and Grant Contract, unless otherwise approved by the Government. 3. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately. Wilson moved and Cunningham seconded the motion for adoption of the resolution as read and presented. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. The chairman then adjourned the meeting until Wednesday, April 22, 1959 at 7:00 P.M. at The Cocky Cactus at which time the members will meet with the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino to dis- cuss the Urban Renewal Program. Respectfully submitted, JeromeF. Sears, Jr. Secretary-Executive Director ~ ........, .., .~~ '--' .' ~ '1 ...., 140-a o Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held on Wednesday, April 22, 1959 at 7:00 P.M., at the Cocky Cactus in San Bernardino, California The chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Roll call showed the following present: Sessions, Wilson, Davis, and Cunningham. Also present were Agency counsel Mr. Ward, Mr. Sears, Executive Director, and Mrs. Connelly, Administrative Assistant. Absent: Mrs. Carlisle. Guests included Councilmen Howard, Kirk, Joris and Blair, Councilman-elect Quimby, City Attorney-elect Prince, and former Agency member Westbrook. The chairman requested Agency counsel Ward to summarize the status of the litigation for the benefit of the councilmen. After a review of all litigation now pending, Mr. Ward answered the questions of the city officials and members. ",...... The chairman then asked the director to inform the guests of the steps the Agency had taken to secure the release of Temporary Loan Funds prior to the sale of the Tax Allocation Bonds. There was considerable discus- sion from all present, with all questions being answered by the chairman and the director. -- The chairman then thanked Mr. Truitt Westbrook, who had served as vice- chairman of the Agency for seven years, and pursuant to Resolution No. 112 (3-10-59) presented Mr. Westbrook with a plaque from the Agency for his outstanding contribution as a member and vice-chairman. Councilman Howard then stated, for the benefit of the newly elected city officials, that his impression was the city had adopted by ordinance the Redevelopment Plan, and that sa~d ordinance as adopted was official and now binding upon the City and the Agency, and that the newly elected councilman need not concern himself with individual pressure being brought to bear upon him by certain opponents of the Redevelopment Plan residing in his district. Councilman Blair reviewed the beginning of the Redevelopment program in the City of San Bernardino, how it was established and the part which he played in developing this program both as a member of the Citizens' Committee for Redevelopment, and as Mayor of the City of San Bernardino, and finally as councilman of the City of San Bernardino. r- , I \.. Mr. Wilson then spoke on his introduction to the Redevelopment Program way back in the early stages and his continued interest in the progress of the program up to the time when he was appointed to the Agency and reiterated his belief in the program now that he is taking an active part as an agency member. 140-b Councilman-elect John Quimby then asked several questions regarding the ~ entire Redevelopment Program and its affect upon the people living within the project area. He stated that during his campaign for office, __ he had been approached by numerous people demanding how he stood in regard to this issue and that he had received so many conflicting reports and stories that he had become quite confused. Mr. Quimby's questions were answered in detail by virtually all of those present, and he stated that he felt he now had a broader and more complete understanding of the true facts. After a general discussion of the project and when the Agency might actually proceed with land acquisition and demolition, it was unanimously agreed that meetings of this nature should be held periodically as they were of great value to all concerned. Wilson moved and Cunningham seconded a motion for adjournment. On a roll cail vote, the motion was unanimously carried. The chairman adjourned the meeting at 11:05 P.M. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of April 22, 1959 approved by absent member: Respectfully submitted, .... Date Jerome F. sears~~ Executive Director-Secretary .,.,. ~ ....,.j c ~ ! ~ r L MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, held on May 12, 1959 in Room 201 Professional Building at 4:00 P.M. 141 The vice-chairman called the meeting to order at 4:00 P.M., and on a roll call vote the following were present: Carlisle, Cunningham, Davis, and Wilson. Absent: Sessions. Also present were Mr. Sears, Executive Director and Mrs. Connelly, Administrative Assistant. Davis moved and Cunningham seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of April 14, 1959 and the adjourned meeting of . April 22, 1959, and on a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. The following bills were presented for approval: Project Expenditures Account: Jerome F. Sears Jr. salary for the director for the month of April, 1959 Mrs. Grace Connelly the periods salary for the adm. assistant for 4/1/59 to 4/15/59 4/16/59 to 4/30/59 Miss Martha Gomez the periods salary for the stenographer for 4/1/59 to 4/15/59 4/16/59 to 4/30/59 General Telephone Company Telephone service charges for the period - 3/16/59 to 4/15/59 Sparkletts William J. Ward legal services for April, 1959 Professional Building - rent for May, 1959 .William E. Taylor accounting for April, 1959 Harrison Sporting Goods plaque Kenneth K. Kelly Position Schedule Bond 694.47 161. 40 161.40 122.26 122.26 86.85 5.90 337.50 150.00 250.00 11. 58 125.00 Cunningham moved and Davis seconded a motion for approval of the bills as presented. On a roll call vote the following voted "Aye": Cunningham, Davis, and Wilson, "Noe"; Carlisle. 142 Report of Agency Counsel on Litigation: Because of the absence of the Agency counsel, the director reported on ~ the hearing before Judge Coughlin on May 8, 1959 for a motion to set Case No. 94346, Petition for Judicial Review, on the trial calendar. ~ The director reported that after attorneys for both Plaintiff and Defendant had stated their arguments, Judge Coughlin took the case under submission and would rule on said motion within thirty days. The direc- tor stated there had been no change in the status of the two cases on appeal since the counsel's last report. Agency Action: The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION NO. 117 RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 105 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A CERTAIN PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN NOTE IN'CONNECTION WITH PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-IO WHEREAS, on the 18th day of December, 1958, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California adopted its Resolution No. 105; and WHEFEAS, a clerical error was made in said Resolution No. 105 regarding the date of adoption of the "basic note" resolution (Resolution No. 71); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, as follows: J 1. That Section 1 of Resolution No. 105 of said Agency be amended to read as follows: "1. That pursuant to the provisions of a Resolution entitled: "RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF CERTAIN PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN NOTES IN CONNECTION WITH URBAN RENEWAL PRO- JECT NO. CALIF. R-IO AND PROVIDING FOR THE SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES" duly adopted by the Local Public Agency on the 24th day of October, 1958, the Chairman and the Secretary of the Local Public Agency are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and execute a note, autho- rized by said Resolution, in the principal amount of Nine Thousand dollars ($9,000.00), or, if the Government shall only approve said requisition for a lesser amount, in the lesser amount so approved by the Government. Such note shall bear interest from the date of the acceptance of the Local Public Agency's delivery thereof and the payment therefor by the Government; shall be dated the 23rd day of December, 1958; shall be designated Project Temporary Loan Note No.2; shall bear a statement at the foot thereof in substantially the following form: 'Delivery of this Note was accepted and payment therefor made on the day of , 19 ., f ~ ....J [ [ [ 143 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Housing and Home Finance Administrator By By I . , and shall not be valid until said statement is duly executed on behalf of the Government. The Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to deliver such note to and accept payment therefor from the Government, and the aforesaid officers are hereby authorized and directed to do all acts and things necessary for execution, Davis moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for adoption of the resolu- tion as read. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Owner Participation Agreement: Charles C. Towle The following resolution was presented and explanation of same made by the director: RESOLUTION NO. 118 RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 88 OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA APPROVING THE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT WITH CHARLES C. TOWLE WHEREAS, on the 18th day of November, 1958, by its Resolution No. 88, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino authorized the execution of an owner participation agreement by the Agency with Charles C. Towle; and WHEREAS, subsequent to the adoption of said Resolution No. 88, the Local Public Agency was notified that said Charles C. Towle was deceased: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA that paragraph 3 of Resolution No. 88 is hereby amended to read as follows: "NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency be, and they are hereby authorized on behalf of said Agency to execute with KATHLEEN C. TOWLE as Executrix and Beneficiary under the Last Will and Testament of CHARLES C. TOWLE, deceased, and Charles C. Towle, Jr., Beneficiary under the Last Will and Testament of Charles C. Towle, deceased, that certain owner participation agreement dated the 18th day of November, 1958." Davis moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for adoption of the resolution as read. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Owner Participation Agreement: J. E. and Rose Spain The following resolution was presented and explanation of same made by the director: 144 RESOLUTION NO. 119 RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 83 OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA APPROVING THE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT WITH J. E. AND ROSE SPAIN ..., ~ ....J WHEREAS, on the 12th day of November, 1958, by its Resolution No. 83, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino authorized the execution of an owner participation agreement by the Agency with J. E. and Rose Spain; and WHEREAS, subsequent to the adoption of said Resolution No. 83, the Local Public Agency ascertained that said J. E. and Rose Spain were not the then owners of the fee simple title to said real property, but that William D. Spain and James E. Spain, Jr. were such owners: NOW, THEREHORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA that paragraph 3 of Resolution No. 83 is hereby amended to read as follows: "NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency be, and they are hereby authorized on behalf of said Agency to execute with William D. Spain and James E. Spain, Jr., that certain owner participation agreement dated the 12th day of November, 1958." J Davis moved and Cunningham seconded a motion for adoption of the reso- lution as read. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Agency Procurement Policy The director read a letter from HHFA which stated "....practices being followed by your Agency represent an adequate control over procurements, and the only action required is the formal adoption of these practices". A discussion followed during which the Agency members stated certain provisions to be inserted in said policy. The vice-chairman then requested the director to confer with agency counsel and present a formal procurement policy at the next regular meeting. Establishment of a Notary Public The director stated that as requested by the members at the last regular meeting, he had contacted HHFA as to the eligibility of the cost of bonding a staff member as a notary public. The director then read from a letter from HHFA dated 5-5-59 which stated "....the cost may be allowed with the understanding that all receipts, if any, will be credited as other income to the project". The following resolution was then read: ] [ "...... ( ~ [ 145 RESOLUTION NO. 120 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING GRACE CONNELLY, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO SEEK HER APPOINTMENT AND QUALIFICATIONS AS NOTARY PUBLIC WHEREAS, the Agency members have found and determined that it would be to the financial benefit of the Agency to secure the appointment and qualifications of a staff member as a Notary Public of the State of California, in and for the County of San Bernardino, who would exercise such office in tne processing of Agency documents; and WHEREAS, HHFA, by letter dated May 5, 1959, has approved the cost of qualifying such Notary Public: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California that GRACE CONNELLY, Administrative Assistant, is hereby authorized to seek her appointment and qualifications as said Notary Public, all necessary costs incident thereto to be charged to said Agency; and that any and all receipts by her in such capacity shall be the income of, and belong to, the Agency. Carlisle moved and Davis seconded a motion for adoption of the resolu- tion as presented and read. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Other Business: Project Temporary Loan Funds: The director stated that the request for Project Temporary Loan Note No.3 in the amount of $10,550.00 was refused. Since a recent directive from HHFA, San Francisco, had stated that no work could be done except by Agency personnel, and the Agency does have $17,358 set aside for appraisal work and title policies, HHFA had requested the Agency use the money now on hand until such time as the third party contracts could be executed. Conferences: The director reported on the following conferences to be held: (1) NAHRO Annual Pacific Southwest Regional - Fresno, California, May 17-20, 1959 (2) Conference on Low Rent Private Housing Statler Hotel, Los Angeles May 26, 1959 (3) Home Builders Association June 11, 1959 - Azure Hills Country Club Contract with William E. Taylor The director stated that Resolution No. 69 now covered the services of the accountant, Mr. Taylor. However, HHFA has requested a third party contract 146 be drawn up to cover these services. The director then read the con- tract as drawn up by the agency counsel, and after discussion, Carlisle moved and Davis seconded a motion that the director forward said contract to HHFA for approval. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. Carlisle then moved and Davis seconded a motion for adjournment. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. There being no further business, the vice-chairman adjourned the meeting at 5:30 p.m. Minutes of Regular Meeting of May 12, 1959 approved by absent member: !! ~/6 --$-9 Date /' / ;/ \ / I-?;Y~~ ffr7LP .., -- ., :fi ~ -' ~ I ....J 147 :r , "'- Minutes of the REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO , CALIFORNIA, held on June 9, 1959 at 4:00 P.M., in Room 201 of the Professional Building The chairman called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Roll call showed the following present: Sessions and Cunningham. Also present were agency counsel Ward, Mr. Sears, Executive Director and Mrs. Connelly, Administrative Assistant, Absent: Wilson, Carlisle, and Davis. The chairman noted a quorum was not present. A general discussion followed regarding the hiring of a photographer to take pictures of "ealifornia Gardens", the local FHA 221 project. Pio- tures of said project had been requested by HHFA for a publication celebrating the tenth anniversary of the Housing Act of 1949. It was decided the pictures now on hand in the agency office would be sufficient to forward to the regional office. At 4:30 p.m., Mr. Wilson arrived and the Chairman declared a quorum present. "'"" ". Wilson moved and Cunningham seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of May 12, 1959, and on a roll call vote the motion was unanimously oarried. -...... The following bills were submitted for approval: Project Expenditures Account: Jerome F. Sears Jr. salary for the director for the month of May, 1959 700.17 Mrs. Grace Connelly the periods salary for the adm. assistant for 5/1/59 to 5/15/59 5/16/59 to 5/31/59 161.40 161. 40 Miss Martha Gomez the periods salary for the stenographer for 5/1/59 to 5/15/59 5/16/59 to 5/31/59 122.26 122.26 General Telephone Company Telephone service charges for the period - 4/16/59 to 5/15/59 72.40 7.05 Sparkletts William J. Ward legal services for May, 1959 255.00 150.00 ",.. Professional Building- rent for June, 1959 '-' Stockwell & Binney office supplies 15.33 San Bernardino Blue Print Company .6.64 148 Lindenman Printing stationery 21. 84 ~ Cocky Cactus adjourned regular meeting of April 22, 1959 Regents of U.C.L.A. Conference on Housing 63.61 7.50 ","..I NAHRO Annual Pacific Southwest Regional Conference Jerome F. Sears, Jr. - Travel Expenses Registration 135.60 8.50 Grace Connelly - Travel Expenses Registration 80.00 8.50 25.00 Postmaster postage American National Bank - Cashier's check for Notary Public Commission 5.25 Wilson moved and Cunningham seconded a motion for approval of the bills as submitted. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. Since there was nothing new to report on the current litigation, the chairman proceeded to the next item on the agenda. ~ Agency Procurement Policy ...... As requested at the last regular meeting, a formal procurement policy was presented to the agency members in the form of Resolution No. 121. (' r( t REOLUTION NO. 121 / " c--"" RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ESTABLISHING A POLICY FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE PROCUREMENT OF SUPPLIES, EQUIPMENT, AND SERVICES BY THE DIRECTOR WHEREAS, Resolution No. 29 authorizes the executive director to pay all normal monthly operating expenses of the Agency prior to approval of said expenses by the Agency members, subject to the approval of said expenses by the Agency members at the first meeting of the Agency following payment; and WHEREAS, the Regional Office of the Housing and Home Finance Agency has requested a definite procurement policy be adopted by this Agency authorizing certain actions by the director in regard to the procuring of supplies, equipment, and services; and WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Agency that a definite proce- dure is and will be in the best interest of the Agency and the Government; ""'*"l NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the director be and he is hereby authorized to interview and to enter into negotiations for the employ- ment of such engineers, planners, appraisers, negotiators, and other miscellaneous personnel, or independent contractors whose services ""_...~....,. 149 ....... may be required by the Agency with Redevelopment Projects under consi- deration or being undertaken by the Agency, but no contract or commitment shall be entered into be him on behalf of the Agency until he shall make a report thereon to the Agency and shall be authorized by said Agency to employ such personnel or independent contractor. ~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the director be and is hereby authorized to pay all normal monthly operating expenses of the Agency, including but not limited to office rent, rental of equipment, telephone bill, expendable office supplies, and printing when same become due and payable. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that it shall be the duty of the director to audit all vouchers for payment due under contract of the Agency includ- ing contracts with independent contractors and to approve such vouchers for payment before they are presented to the Agency for approval and authorization for payment. The approval of such demands by the director shall constitute a certificate by him that the contract, or portion of the contract for which payment has been demanded has been performed by the contractor in accordance with the terms of the contract, or that the contractual services, or portion of the contractual services for which payment has been demanded, have been performed by the contractor in accordance with the terms of the contract; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that when the Agency has approved the hiring and the salaries of any of the Agency personnel, the director is ~_ authorized and directed to audit any vouchers for the payment of said salaries and to approve the payment thereof when due; -- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the director be authorized to purchase or approve the expenditure for the purchase of minor office equipment and supplies and miscellaneous items of service the cost of which does not exceed the sum of $50.00 for each individual item or service rendered without prior approval of the Agency, but an itemized state- ment of all vouchers paid pursuant to this authority shall be presented to the Agency at the next regular meeting of the Agency following such paymen t ; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that with the exception of the items mentioned above, all proposed purchases of equipment supplies, services and miscellaneous items in excess of 350.00 each shall be presented to the Agency for authorization before such purchases are made or services contracted. Upon authorization and approval by the Agency to purchase such equipment, supplies, services and miscellaneous items, the director is authorized to approve vouchers for payment and to administer and consummate on behalf of the Agency such transactions. This resolution to take effect immediately. After discussion by the agency members, Wilson moved and Cunningham seconded a motion for adoption of the resolution as presented. On a roll ~ call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. ~ Owner Participation Agreements The following items were discussed at length by the members: 150 1. Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company: The supplemental agreement, which gives the telephone company first right of refusal on certain project area property for parking pur- poses, and executed by the telephone company was presented to the agency members for action. ,....,.". ~.~ 2. Roy and Helen Coe: The attorney for the Coe property has requested more latitutde in the development of the subject property. 3. San Bernardino Steel and Machine Company: Attorney for said company had requested deletion of Section 8 of said agreement. The following resolutions were read: RESOLUTION NO. 122 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO GRANTING THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY FIRST RIGHT OF REFUSAL ON CERTAIN PROJECT AREA PROPERTY FOR PARKING PURPOSES WHEREAS, the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company has executed an Owner Participation Agreement with the Agency; and WHEREAS, the City of San Bernardino has placed as a requirement for the construction of the new facilities for said company, the provi- sion of adequate off street parking in accordance with Ordinance No. 1991 of the City of San Bernardino; and .... ..."" WHEREAS, the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company has requested the first right of refusal to purchase certain parcels adjacent to their newly constructed building for the purpose of providing said required off street parking; and WHEREAS, the development of adequate off street parking for Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company at the location requested is in con- formance with the land uses and objectives of the adopted Redevelopment Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chairman and Secretary of the Agency be and are hereby authorized to execute that certain supplemental agreement by and between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino and the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, dated the lOth day of June, 1959, granting the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company first right of refusal to purchase that certain property des- cribed therein. RESOLUTION NO. 123 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AMENDING SECTION 4 OF THE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT WITH ROY T. COE AND HELEN C. COE APPROVED BY RESOLUTION NO. 114 ......... -- 151 (Resolution No. 123, continued) ~ iii... WHEREAS, the execution of an Owner Participation Agreement with Roy T. Coe and Helen C. Coe was approved by Agency Resolution No. 114; and WHEREAS, said proposed Owner Participation Agreement contained language specifying the re-use of the land to be for the exclusive use of an automobile service station; and WHEREAS, Roy T. Coe and Helen C. Coe have requested a modification of said re-use of the property to permit general use in conformity with the Plan; and WHEREAS, said modification will in no way adversely effect the rede- velopment of the property or the redevelopment of the Project: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Owner Participation Agree- ment to be offered to Roy T. Coe and Helen C. Coe shall permit said participating owners to develop the property in conformance with the general plan of the project area subject only to the terms and conditions of the Owner Participation Agreement. tIfF'>o AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman and the Secretary of the Agency by and they are hereby authorized on behalf of the Agency to execute with Roy T. Coe and Helen C. Coe, that certain Owner Participation Agreement dated the 14th day of April, 1959, as modi- fied in accordance with this resolution. - RESOLUTION NO. 124 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA APPROVING A SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT TO THE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT APPROVED BY RESOLUTION NO. 99 WHEREAS, the Agency by Resolution No. 99 approved an Owner Participa- tion Agreement with San Bernardino Steel and Machine Company; and WHEREAS, San Bernardino Steel and Machine Company has requested that Section 8 of said Owner Participation Agreement be deleted; and WHEREAS, the deletion of said Section 8 will not adversely effect the Redevelopment of the project area or the Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Agency by a supplemental agreement to said Owner Participation Agreement delete said Section 8. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Vice-Chairman and the Secretary be and are hereby authorized on behalf of the Agency to execute with ~_ San Bernardino Steel and Maohine Company, said supplemental agreement to that certain Owner Participation Agreement dated the 18th day of ~ November, 1958. 152 Wilson moved and Cunningham seconded a motion for adoption of Resolutions 122, 123, and 124 as read. On a roll call vote, the resolutions were unanimously adopted. "'''''ll\ Contract with William E. Taylor ti>.,:,!!:~ The contract by and between this Agency and Mr. Taylor was presented as approved by HHFA on May 19, 1959. Sessions introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 125 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A WRITTEN CONTRACT WITH WILLIAM E. TAYLOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS SET FORTH UNDER HHFA FORM CONTRACT NO. H-621 B WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. 69 the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California on October 24, 1958, designated William E. Taylor as general accountant of all ledgers and records of Project No. Calif. R-IO; and WHEREAS, HHFA has requested that a written contract be entered into for such services by and between said Agency and William E. Taylor: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman and Secretary of the Agency on behalf of the Agency are hereby authorized to execute a written contract with William E. Taylor for accounting, auditing and other services, as set forth in said contract, and in accordance with the terms and conditions as set forth under HHFA Form Contract No. H-621 B in the amount not to exceed $15,000.00. ~ ..... Wilson moved and Cunningham seconded a motion for adoption of the resolution as read. On a roll call vote Resolution No. 125 was unanimously adopted. At 4:45 p.m., Mrs. Carlisle arrived. Owner Participation A~reement - Santa Fe Railway Agency counsel informed the agency members that Santa Fe Railway had refused to sign the agreement as submitted by this Agency but had sub- mitted an alternate proposal. The chairman requested Agency counsel to render an opinion at the next regular meeting on the question of whether or not the proposed agreement would require the Santa Fe Rail- way to use subject property in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Project Area No.1. Wilson moved and Carlisle seconded a motion that the Director be authorized to offer Pacific Electric Rail- way an owner participation agreement similar to the one proposed by the Santa Fe Railway, if, in the opinion of agency counsel the latter agreement complies with Agency rules and requires future land use in accordance with the Plan. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. """"" ....."" ":w~~t~:.... Illiiliirlll -:~'<J-_t~.*~',,, fII""'l -..... ,.",~ ...... --- ...... 153 Cunningham moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for adjournment. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. There being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 5:15 p.m. Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 9, 1959 approved by absent member : Date Respectfully submitted, / ~-(~ erome F. Sears Jr. ~~ Executive Director-Secretary 154 Minutes of the regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held on July 14, 1959 at 4:00 P.M., in Room 201 of the Professional Building ,...... ~ The vice-chairman called the meeting to order at 4:00 P.M. Roll call showed the following present: Wilson, Davis, Carlisle and Cunningham. Absent: Sessions. Also present were the executive director, Mr. Sears and Mrs. Connelly, administrative assistant. Carlisle moved and Davis seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of June 9, 1959. On a roll call vote, the minutes were unanimously approved. The following expenditures incurred during the month of June were sub- mitting for approval: Jerome F. Sears Jr. Project Expenditures Account: Mrs. Grace Connelly the periods: Miss Martha Gomez the periods: General Telephone Company Sparkletts salary for the director for the m9nth of June, 1959 salary for the adm. assistant for 6/1/59 to 6/15/59 6/16/59 to 6/30/59 salary for the stenographer for 6/1/59 to 6/15/59 6/16/59 to 6/30/59 Telephone service charges for the period - 5/16/59 to 6/15/59 William J. Ward legal services for June, 1959 Professional Building- rent for July, 1959 Arrowhead Office Equipment Office supplies Travel expenses: Sacramento William E. Taylor: Redevelopment Legislation Jerome F. Sears Jr. Southern Pacific Company accounting services for: May, 1959 June, 1959 708.42 161.40 ... 161.40 ...... 122.26 122.26 89.60 5.90 695.00 150.00 82.01 55.30 33.83 100.00 680.76 ....... 155 ~ (expenditures, continued) ....... Kenneth K. Kelly Notary Public Bond Policy 10.00 Grace Connelly Recording of Notary Public Bond 6.00 Second Quarter Taxes: Internal Revenue Service Department of Employment State Employees' Retirement System 121.80 222.95 56.52 Davis moved and Cunningham seconded a motion for approval of the expendi- tures incurred for the month of June, 1959. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. At 4:15 p.m. the chairman arrived and the vice-chairman turned the meet- ing over to him. Owner Participation Agreements - Santa Fe and Pacific Electric Railway IfIlw...'" The director read the opinion of counsel as requested at the last regular meeting which stated that the alternate proposal for an owner participation agreement submitted by Santa Fe Railway complies with Agency rules and requies future land use in accordance with the Rede- velopment Plan. The director also presented the alternate agreement with Pacific Electric Railway similar to the one with Santa Fe Railway. After discussion on the two agreements the following resolutions were :read: -... RESOLUTION NO. 126 RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 11 OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA APPROVING THE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT WITH THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY WHEREAS:, on the 12th day of November, 1958, by its Resolution No. 11, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California authorized the execution of an owner participation agreement by the agency with the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway; and WHEREAS, subsequent to the approval of said agreement by the Local Public Agency, counsel for the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway submitted an alternate proposal; and WHEREAS, it is in the opinion of the Agency counsel that said alternate proposal complies with the terms and conditions of the Redevelopment Plan: ~ ...... NOW, THEREFORE, ~E IT RESOLVED that the Chairman and the Secretary of said Agency be, and they are hereby authorized to execute with the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway that certain owner participation agreement dated the 12th day of November, 1958. Davis moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for approval of Resolution No. 126 as read. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. 156 RESOLUTION NO. 127 ........ RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 94 OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA APPROVING THE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREE- MENT WITH THE PACIFIC ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY WHEREAS, on the 18th day of November, 1958, by its Resolution No. 94, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California submitted the execution of an owner participation agreement by the Agency with the Pacific Electric Railway Company; and WHEREAS, the participating owner has advised the Local Public Agency it would not accept said proposed agreement; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has prepared a proposed amended agree- ment, and it is the opinion of the Agency counsel that it complies with the terms and conditions of the Redevelopment Plan: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency be, and they are hereby authorized to execute with the Pacific Electric Railway Company that certain owner participation agreement dated the 18th day of November, 1958. Davis moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for approval of Resolutions 127 and on a roll call vote the resolution was unanimously adopted. .. Urban Renewal Workshop - Monterey ..... The director informed the agency members of the NAHRO Redevelopment Meeting to be held in Monterey in September. Also those wishing to attend this meeting should contact the Agency office no later than the next regular meeting so travel and hotel reservations can be made. Contract No. Calif. R-IO (LG) Waiver No. 2 dated July 10, 1959 was read by the director. This waiver operates to waive the present requirements of the Special Condition set forth in the first paragraph of Section 14 of Part I of the Loan and Grant Contract No. Calif. R-IO (LG) to the extent necessary to permit the Government to make payments on account of the Project Temporary Loan or Project Grant in such amounts as are determined by the HHFA Adminis- trator to be necessary and are legally authorized for the payment of proper project costs, provided that the entire amount of the cash grant- in-aid required by the financing plan and the approved budget under this contract shall be deposited in the Project Expenditures Account within 15 days after the sale of tax allocation bonds for that purpose under California law, and in any event prior to the completion of this project. Additional office space and increased personnel. P!i'~'__ Wilson moved the director be authorized to negotiate for new or addi- tional office space and a land agent and an engineer. Davis moved to '"""........~ 157 include negotiations for a relocation manager and additional clerical ~ personnel. Carlisle seconded the motion and on a roll call vote the motion was unanimously adopted. .... Appraisal contract - Albert L. Johnson The director informed the agency members that on the appraisal contract executed during the final planning stage with W. A. Savage and A. L. Johnson certain parcels were excluded in an effort to conserve planning costs. Since the time of this appraisal property owners excluded in the first appraisal and scheduled for owner participation have since, for various reasons, refused to sign owner participation agreements, and therefore appraisals are needed for these parcels. Since Mr. Savage is now State Real Estate Commissioner, a contract for appraisals on these additional parcels has been negotiated with Mr. Johnson. After discussion, Wilson moved the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 128 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRACT FOR FINAL APPRAISAL BETWEEN ALBERT JOHNSON AND THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA -...... WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, pur- suant to its Resolution No. 37, adopted June 28, 1957, entered into a personal service contract with Wynne A. Savage and Albert L. Johson dated November 1, 1957, for final planning appraisal of property situated in the Meadowbrook Project Area No.1. Project No. Calif. R-10, and certain parcels of property therein were not appraised at that time; and "...... WHEREAS, the Agency has determined that said omitted parcels should be appraised to comply with the provisions of the HHFA Manual; and WHEREAS, Mr. Wynne A. Savage of the said firm of Savage and Johnson is now the Real Estate Commissioner of the State of California, and is now inactive in the appraisal business; and WHEREAS, the Agency has determined that it would be to its benefit to have Mr. AlbertL. Johnson of Savage and Johnson make said additional appraisals, and has received an offer from him for such appraisals in the sum of $1,8501 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That subject to the approval of HHFA, said Agency accepts the offer of Albert L. Johnson; ""..... 2. That the Chairman and Secretary of the Agency on behalf of the Agency are hereby authorized to execute a written contract with Albert L. Johnson for said appraisal services in accordance with the terms and conditions of their proposal and in the amount of $1,850. ....... Carlisle seconded the motion and on a roll call vote the resolution was unanimously adopted. 158 Contracts with Grigsby and Knorr and Land Title Company: The contracts with Grigsby and Knorr,appraisers, and Land Title Company, as approved in the minutes of September 10, 1958 by Resolution Nos. 64 and 65 and subsequently approved by HHFA were sub- mitted for execution. After considerable discussion, Wilson moved the appraisers be notified to address their appraisals to the agency counsel in order to qualify for the attorney-client privilege. Davis seconded the motion and on a roll call vote the following voted "yes": Wilson, Carlisle, Davis and Cunningham. Noes: Sessions. The chairman declared the motion carried. ....... Owner Participation Agreements. Discussion on the cutoff date for the execution of all owner partici- pation agreements was tabled until the next regular meeting. Office furniture and equipment: Wilson moved that the director be authorized to negotiate for additional furniture and an electric typewriter and submit his recommendations at the next regular meeting. Davis seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. Carlisle moved and Wilson seconded a motion for adjournment. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. ,..... There being no further business, the chairman adjourned the meeting at 5:35 P.M. __ ectfully submitted, ~.. Jerome F. sear~ Executive Director-Secretary ........ lS8a #-- ~ ...... Minutes of the regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held on August 11, 1959 at 4:00 P.M., in Room 201 of the Professional Building The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Roll call showed the following present: Sessions, Carlisle and Davis. Also present were Agency counsel Ward, Mr. Sears, Executive Director, and Mrs. Connelly, Administrative Assistant. Absent: Wilson and Cunningham. Carlisle moved and Davis seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of July 14, 1959. On a roll call vote, the minutes were unanimously approved. The following expenditures for the month of July, 1959 were submitted for approval: Jerome F. Sears Jr. salary for the director for the month of July, 1959 708.42 Mrs. Grace Connelly salary for the adm. assistant for 7/1/59 to 7/15/59 7/16/59 to 7/31/59 161.40 161.40 ,..<-'~ ...,.... Miss Martha Gomez salary for the steno clerk for 7/1/59 to 7/15/59 7/16/59 to 7/31/59 122.26 122.26 Inland Printing 36 copies of briefs for Fourth Civil No. 6243, Andrews vs. City of San Bernardino, et ale 208.18 Spark1etts 7.15 Reproduction of Photographs Dick Jones Roy Davis Camera Shop Technitron Company 10.01 4.47 8.32 25.52 12.13 21. 93 Stockwell and Binney Office Supplies San Bernardino Blue Print - reproduction of maps Arrowhead Office Equipment- office supplies fII"'.... Travel Expenses: "'- HHFA Regional Office Jerome F. Sears Jr. Sunset Travel 40.00 18.50 47.90 159 Land Title Company Ownership Data Reports 82.50 ,,""" Urban Renewal Conference - UCLA 12.50 NAHRO - National dues for year ending August 1, 1960 12.00 William J. Ward legal services for the month of July, 1959 290.00 Carlisle moved and Davis seconded a motion for approval of the expendi- tures for the month of July, 1959. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Report of Agency Counsel on Litigation. Agency counsel reported on the recent memorandum issued by Judge Coughlin. Said memorandum denied Petitioner's motion for an order directing prepara- tion and transmittal of a record of proceedings by reason that said record may be obtained by the process of subpoena. Respondent's motion for an early hearing was denied on grounds that until earlier appeals are delivered on action now pending, it would be incongruous for the Court to set the present proceedings for an early hearing. Owner Participation Agreements The Cohn agreement and the agreement with the Southern California Gas Company executed by the owner participants were submitted by the director for acceptance by the Agency. lII!IIIl - A discussion was held by the Agency members regarding the cutoff date for execution of all outstanding owner participation agreements. Davis moved that the director notify all owner participants who had not executea their agreements that October 15, 1959 would be the cutoff date. All notices are to be sent by registered mail, return receipt requested. Carlisle seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Agency Office As requested at the last meeting, the director submitted rates from several office buildings in the City. After discussion, Davis moved and Carlisle seconded a motion that the Chairman and Secretary be authorized to execute a lease for Room 306 of the Blackstone Building with the terms and condi- tions as proposed by the Blackstone Building if approved by Agency counsel. On roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Agenoy Personnel The names and qualifications of applicants for the position of land agent, engineer and steno-clerk were presented to the Agency. Agency members authorized the hiring of Mrs. Ann Reynolds as steno-clerk effective October 1, 1959 and requested the director to continue negotiations for the position of land agent and engineer. ~ ......." 160 ,..... Office Furniture and Equipment .... Carlisle moved and Davis seconded a motion for the purchase of an IBM electric typewriter in the amount of $427.50 plus applicable taxes. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. The director submitted the bids received from Stockwell and Binney and Arrowhead Office Equipment Company for the office furniture. Because of the similarity of the bids the chairman suggested the order be divided between the two firms that had submitted bids. Davis moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for the director to purchase 3 desks, 3 chairs, one conference table, 6 arm chairs and one file cabinet. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Contract for Negotiations The director submitted the names and qualifications of the firms which had been interviewed for the contract for negotiations of the purchase of the property within the Meadowbrook Project Area No.1. After discussion the chairman tabled the award of said contract until the next regular meeting. Tax Deeded Lands. The director advised the Agency that steps were being taken to obtain tax deeded lands in the project area directly from the State of California. tfIP'.."'::.'llr, ......4 Carlisle moved and Davis seconded a motion for adjournment. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. There being no further business to come before this meeting, the chairman adjourned the meeting at 5:45 p.m. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 11, 1959 approved by absent members: Respectfully submitted, Date Date ~ -..... 161 Minutes of the REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held on September a, 1959 in Room 201 of the Professional Building at 4:00 P.M. ...'~ The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Roll call showed the following present: Sessions, Wilson, Carlisle, and Cunningham. Also present were Mr. Sears and Mrs. Connelly, staff members. Absent: Davis Carlisle moved and Cunningham seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of August 11, 1959. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. The following expenditures for the month of August, 1959 were submitted for approval: Jerome F. Sears Jr. salary for the director for the month of August, 1959 724.20 Mrs. Grace Connelly salary for the administrative assistant for: a/l/59 to a/15/59 a/16/59 to a/31/59 161.40 16a.77 ~ Miss Martha Gomez salary for the steno clerk for: a/l/59 to a/15/59 a/16/59 to a/31/59 --- 122.26 122.26 General Telephone Company 70.65 Professional Building - 150.00 60.00 Housing Yearbook State Compensation Insurance Fund 22.50 15.00 Land Title Company Sparkletts 4.75 William E. Taylor Stockwell and Binney 250.00 4.23 48.14 5.00 ....... Arrowhead Office Equipment Company San Bernardino County Council "'*'~ . 162 ".,.... Yale Law Journal 1.00 -...... State Employees' Retirement System 20.00 Mark Thomas Inn Jerome F. Sears Jr. 40.00 5.40 49.60 Postmaster Travel expenses: HHFA Relocation Workshop: Jerome F. Sears Jr. Grace Connelly 40.00 26.40 40.00 2.40 UCLA Urban Renewal Conference Jerome F. Sears Jr. 40.00 16.60 Carlisle moved and Wilson seconded a motion for approval of the expen- ditures as submitted. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. f""''' Since the Agency counsel was not present, a report on pending litigation was tabled until the next regular meeting. -.,.-.".. Agency Personnel Mr. Donald Hulbert, applicant for the position fo engineer with the Agency, was introduced to the members by Mr. Sears. Mr. Hulbert discussed his back- ground and qualificatiens with the Agency members. After discussion, the following resolution was introduced by Mr. Sessions: RESOLUTION NO. 129 RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 107 ADOPTING A PERSONNEL POLICY AND ESTABLISHING A SALARY SCHE- DULE FOR AGENCY STAFF POSITIONS WHEREAS, Resolution No. 107 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California adopted a personnel policy and established a salary schedule for agency staff positions; and WHEREAS, the Agency requires the addition of three staff positions: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF ,.... SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA that said Resolution No. 107 is hereby amended to read as follows: -...... 163 1. Section Two is hereby amended to read as follows: ,.,,"'" Section Two: As of the effective date set forth in this resolution, the salary range and steps for staff employees with full credit for past service are hereby established as follows: "'.....",...;J Position Salary Range Salary Step Executive Director Administrative Assistant Engineer Land Agent Steno-Clerk I Receptionist-Typist 39 24 38 35 17 17 D D C A C A 2. This resolution shall take effect as of October 1, 1959. Wilson moved and Cunningham seconded a motion for approval of the resolu- tion as read. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. The new staff positions will be filled as follows: (1) William A. Schuessler (2) Donald C. Hulbert (3) Mrs. Ann Reynolds .. Land Agent Engineer Receptionist-Typist ~ Contraot for Negotiators -- Proposals from the firms of Keans, Springman and Stipek, Harry Cook, Locke Land Service and Morrison and Hill (formerly Land Acquisition Assooiates) were presented by Mr. Sears. Mr. Edward Hill representing the firm of Morrison and Hill was introduced to the Agency members, After discussion of the qualifications of each firm and the requirements by the Housing and Home Finance Agency, Mr. Sessions introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 130 RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR ACQUISITION NEGOTIATIONS BY AND BETWEEN MORRISON AND HILL AND THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agenoy of the City of San Bernardino, California has heretofore invited the submission of proposals from qualified acquisi- tion negotiators for the amount of compensation to be charged in a personal servioe contract for the acquisition of property situated in the Meadow- brook Project Area No.1, Project No. Calif. R-IO, whioh contract is to be in conformity with provisions contained in Part IV, Chapter 4, Section 5 of the Manual of Policies and Requirements for the Local Public Agency; and ~ ""."';;....' 164 ~ WHEREAS, written proposals were received by the Agency for ,such contract from the following named persons to wit: Locke Land Service, Keans, ~ Springman and Stipek, Harry N. Cook Company, and Morrison and Hill; and WHEREAS, the said Agency made determinations governing the selection of such negotiators in conformity with the requirements of Part IV, Chapter 4, Section 5 of said HHFA Manual relating to the process of selecting nego- tiators: ....... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: (1) That subject to the approval of HHFa, said Agency accept the offer of Morrison and Hill to perform said acquisition negotiations for compensation in accordance with the published schedule of fees by HHFA: (2) That said Agency in accordance with the provisions of Part IV, Chap- ter 4, Section 5 of said HHFA Manual hereby determine: (a) That said Morrison and Hill possess qualifications justifying an expectation that they furnish required documents on which said Agency and HHFA can act with confidence and that they will be able to support their conclusions capably in event of investigations; (b) That said Morrison and Hill have no interest, present or pros- pective which could impair their ability to furnish important reports which could raise questions as to their impartiality or fairness; (c) That said Contract to be executed by and between said Agency and Morrison and Hill will best serve the interest of the Project; (3) That the Chairman and Secretary of the Agency on behalf of the Agency are hereby authorized to execute a written contract with Morrison and Hill for said negotiation services in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract and for the compensation as set forth in the 'published schedule of fees by HHFA. ,- Wilson moved and Cunningham seconded the motion for approval of the resolu- tion as read. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Temporary Loan Notes. A proposal from the firm of O'Melveny and Myers setting forth the fees for approval of preliminary loan notes from the Agency was read to the Agency mem- bers. The Chairman asked the Director to meet with Mr. Lindman of O'Melveny and Myers and Mr. Ward, Agency counsel, and report back at the next regular meeting. ,..- Pro~erty Mana~ement Plan -..... Since the property management plan was not completed at this time, it was tabled until the next regular meeting. 165 Agency office. ....... Sessions introduced the following resolution: ...,...1 RESOLUTION NO. 131 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA ESTABLISHING NEW AGENCY OFFICE WHEREAS, Section 3 of Article I of the By-Laws of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, provides that the office of the Agency shall be at such place in the City of San Bernardino, California, as may be designated by resolution: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA: (1) That until otherwise provided by resolution, the office of the Rede- velopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, shall be at Room 306, Blackstone Building, in the City of San Bernardino, California. (2) This resolution shall take effect as of September 15, 1959. Carlisle moved and Cunningham seconded a motion for approval of the resolutions as read. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. .... - Travel Policy The director requested clarification of the provisions of Resolution No. 108 regarding Mileage to be paid authorized persons for travel by a pri- vate vehicles outside the limits of the City of San Bernardino. After a thorough discussion of the matter the following resolution was intro- duced by Mr. Wilson: RESOLUTION NO. 132 RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 128 ESTABLISHING CERTAIN POLICIES ON TRAVEL EXPENSES OF ITS MEMBERS, EXECUTIVE DIREC- TOR, ATTORNEY AND OTHER OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. 28 as amended by its Resolution No. 40 and further amended by its Resolution No. 108, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, established certain policies on travel expenses of its members, executive director, attorney and other officers and employees traveling on authorized official business of the Agency out- side of the City of San Bernardino; and ...~ 166 ~. WHEREAS, the Agency has determined that the rate of ten (10) cents per mile for the use of privately owned automobiles on authorized official business __ outside the limits of the City of San Bernardino, is fair and equitable. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, that Resolution No. 28 of said Agency (as amended by said Resolution No. 40 and further amended by Resolution No. 108) is amended to read as follows: A. That there be allowed to Agency members, executive director, attorney, and other officers and employees traveling on authorized official business of the Agency outside of the city limits of the City of San Bernardino, California, mileage for the use of private automobiles at the rate of ten (10) cents per mile, for miles actually traveled from said city to and from the place where said official business is to be transacted the total mileage paid not to exceed the cost of first class transportation plus necessary taxi, bus, or private transportation and parking if private transp:lrtation is used, or of the actual amount of any railroad or airplane fare, less the Federal Tax; that there be allowed such person the further sum of $20.00 per day per diem, for any such travel which necessitates such person remain- ing overnight and away from the City of San Bernardino, California, or the actual amount of per diem expenses if such person can return to the City of San Bernardino, California, the same day said travel commences, providing said latter per diem expenses do not exoeed the sum of $20.00. ,~ B. Be it resolved further that eaoh trip of any agency member, executive director, attorney, and other officers or employees of the Agenoy to a destination outside of the State of California whioh is charged wholly or in part to a Title I projeot be specifioa11y authorized by a resolution of the Agenoy members approving a trip as essential to a Title I projeot. -... C. This Resolution shall take effeot immediately. Carlisle moved that Resolution No. 132 be adopted, and Wilson seconded the motion. On a roll oal1 vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Carlisle moved and Cunningham seconded a motion for adjournment. On a roll call vote the motion was unanimously adopted. There being no further business to come before this meeting, the chairman deo1ared the meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 8, 1959 approved by absent member: Respeotfully submitted, Date ."..... -- 167 Minutes of the REGULAR MEETING OF THE RED~\T8LOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFOffiiIA held on October 13, 1959 in Room 306 of the Blackstone Building, San Bernardino, California ~ ".'-'<"'^~ The chairman called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Roll call showed the following present: Sessions, Wilson, Carlisle, and Cunn- ingham. Absent: Dr. Davis, Also present were Agency counsel, Mr. Ward, Mr. Sears, and Y~s. Connelly, staff members, and }tr. George Black, Executive Director of the Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino. Wilson moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of September 8, 1959. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. Report of Agency counsel on Litigation Mr. Ward informed the agency members that the two cases now on appeal had been consolidated for oral argument and would be heard tomorrow morning, October 14, 1959, at 10:00 a.m. before the Fourth District Court of Appeals. After oral arguments, the appeals would be taken under submission by the Justices of the Appellate Court. If the decision is against the Plaintiff, Charlotte Andrews, she must petition for a rehearing before application to the California Supreme Court. Subsequent to a decision from the Appellate Court, the case now pending in the lower courts will be heard. ~ Expenditures - The following expenditures for the month of September were read for approval: Jerome F. Sears Jr. salary for the director for the month of September, 1959 724.20 Mrs. Grace Connelly salary for the administrative assistant for: 9/1/59 to 9/15/59 9/16/59 to 9/30/59 168. 77 171. 61 Miss Martha Gomez salary for the steno clerk for: 9/1/59 to 9/15/59 9/16/59 to 9/30/59 122.26 122.26 William J. Ward Legal services for September, 1959 150.00 William E. Taylor Accounting services for September, 1959 115.00 Professional Building - rent on Rooms 201 and 203 for September, 1959 ........ 150.00 Travel expenses: NAHRO Urban Renewal Workshop Monterey, California ...- r- ....... f/II'i'''".... ....... ,....... -..... 168 Dr. Glen L. Davis 131.70 10.00 Leroy Cunningham 131. 70 10.00 Jerome F. Sears Jr. 175.70 10.00 Grace Connelly 70.00 12.50 Travel expenses (continued): Sunset Travel Jerome F. Sears Jr. NAHRO 117.70 13.95 36.00 64.30 General Telephone Company Sparkletts 6.00 Arrowhead Office Equipment Company 6.43 25.00 Postmaster Grace Connelly - Registered letters 2.70 235.00 57.05 444. 61 35.00 Blackstone Building Westbrook Van and Storage Company IBM Corporation Wilson moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for the approval of the expendi- tures as submitted. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. Resolution No. 133 - Temporary Loan Note No.3 Mr. Sears presented the documents required by HHFA for processing of Tempor- ary Loan Note No. 3 in the amount of $43,000. At 4:30 p.m. Dr. Davis arrived. After discussion regarding Temporary Loan Note. No.3, Sessions introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 133 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A CERTAIN PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN NOTE IN CONNECTION WITH PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-IO WHEREAS, THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA (herein sometimes called the I1Local Public Agencyl1) has filed 169 or is about to file a requisition, together with the ne cessary supporti.ng documents, with the United States of America (herein called the "Govern- ment") requesting a payment on account of the Project Temporary Loan pro- vided for in the Loan and Grant Contract and numbered Contract No. R-lO (LG), (which, together with all supplements, amendments, waivers, is herein called the "Loan and Grant Contract") by and between the Local Public Agency and the Government, said Loan and Grant Contract being in connection with a certain project of the Local Public Agency designated therein; and ~ -...J WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has determined to issue its Project Temporary Loan Note as security for such payment: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPJV'.lENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of a Resolution entitled: "RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THZ ISSUANCE OF CERTAIN PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN NOTES IN CONNECTION WITH URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-IO AND PROVIDING FOR THE SECURITY FOR THE PAYHENT THEREOF, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES" duly adopted by the Local Public Agency on the 24th day of October, 1958, the Chairman and the Secretary of the Local Public Agency are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and execute a note, authorized by said Resolution, in the principal amount of Forty-three Thousand dollars ($43,000.00), or, if the Government shall only approve said requisition for a lesser amount, in the lesser amount so approved by the Government. Such note shall bear interest from the date of the acceptance of the Local Public Agency's delivery thereof and the payment therefor by the Government; shall be dated the 15th day of October, 1959; shall be designated Project Temporary Loan Note No.3; shall bear a statement at the foot thereof in substantially the following form: .. ..... "Delivery of this Note was accepted and payment therefor made on the day of , 19 . UNITED STATGS OF AMERICA Housing and Home Finance Administrator By " . , and shall not be valid until said statement is duly executed on behalf of the Government. The Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to deliver such note to and accept payment therefor from the Government, and the aforesaid officers are hereby authorized and directed to do all acts and things necessary for the execution, sale, and delivery of such note. 2. That the proceeds of such note shall be deposited and disbursed only in accordance with the provisions of the Loan and Grant Contract, unless otherwise approved by the Government. ..... -- 3. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately. 170 ",..... Cunningham moved and Wilson seconded a motion for approval of Resolution No. 133 as read and presented. On a roll call vote, the following vote "Aye": Sessions, Wilson, Carlisle and Cunningham. Dr. Davis refrained from voting since he had just arrived. The chairman announced Resolution No. 133 was unanimously adopted. -- Resolution No. 134 - NAHRO 1959 National Conference Sessions introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 134 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAI~~N AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO ATTEND THE NAHRO NATIONAL CONFERENCE IN CINCINNATI, OHIO OCTOBEH 17 THROUGH 21, 1959 WHEREAS, Resolution No. 132 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California requires that each trip made by an agency mem- ber or executive director to a destination outside of the State of California be specifically authorized by a resolution of the agency member; and WHEREAS, the members of NAHRO will hold their National Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio, October 17 through 21, 1959; and fIII""''*'' WHEREAS, the Chairman and executive director are members of NAHRO; and it is found to be essential to the Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, Calif R-IO, a Title I Project, that said chairman and executive director attend such meeting: ........ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the chairman and executive director be and are hereby authorized to attend the hereinabove referred to meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio and their travel expenses and per diem be and are here- by approved in accordance with the provisions of Resolution No. 132 of the Agency. It was explained at this time that the travel policy of the Agency states tbat any authorized trip made by an agency member or staff personnel outside of the State of California must be approved by Resolution of the Agency members. Carlisle moved and Davis seconded a motion for adoption of Resolu- tion No. 134 as read and presented. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Resolution No. 135.- Property Management Plan p""''''' Mr. Sears presented an outline of the property management plan and Mr. Ward explained the tenant lease which is included as a part of the Property Management Plan. One of the main items of discussion was the provision by which after all other remedies, as provided for in the Plan for collec- tion of delinquent rents, have been complied with, such accounts would be assigned to the San Bernardino Business Men's Association, the local credit bureau for collection. Mr. Ward presented the contract which had been pre- pared by the counsel for the credit association and approved by the Agency counsel. After discussion, Sessions introduced the following resolution: ...... RESOLUTION NO. 135 171 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE PROPERTY 11&NAGE- I<1ENT PLAN FOR HEADOWBRCOK P!tOJECI' AREA NO. 1 "'..... WHEREAS, the Meadowbrook Project Area No. 1 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California is a Title I Project under the provisions of HHFA Urban Redevelopment Program; and WHEREAS, the provisions of Part 3, Chapter 3 of said HHFA's LPA Manual requires this Agency, at least 45 days prior to the acquisition of pro- ject property, to submit to the HHFA Regional Office for approval its proposed property management plan for project properties acquired by the Agency; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California has prepared.a Propert~ Hanagement Plan for said project in accordance with the provisions of said LPA Manual: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of of San Bernardino, California that the Property Management Plan for Meadow- brook Project Area No.1, the original of which is now, and hereafter shall be, on file in the office of said Agency, and which is made a part hereof by reference, is hereby in all respects approved and adopted. Wilson moved and Cunningham seconded the motion for approval of Resolution No. 135 as read and presented. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. However, y~. Sessions went on record as opposing the use of a collection agency in collection of delinquent rents. ... - Lier Radio and Music Company Agency counsel presented a contract by and between the Agency and Lier Radio and Music Company for the installation of an inter-com systerr; in the Agency office. Wilson moved and Davis seconded a motion approving the installation of said system and authorizing the execution of the contract by the Chairman and Secretary of the Agency. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Preliminary Loan Notes. It was determined by the Agency inasmuch as bond counsel would be unable to render an opinion regarding the agency notes for private financing until the Fourth District Court of Appeals has rendered their decision on Case No. 5983 and 6243, that the Agency would request Temporary Loan Note No.3 covering anticipated expenses for the period November through January, at which time a decision from the Courts would be forthcomeing, and the Agency will seek funds from private lending institutions. Agency stationery and business cards A new letterhead for agency stationery was chosen by the agency members and the director was requested to order business cards for key personnel. ..""'" - Urban Renewal Workshop Monterey, California Dr. Davis and I"Ir. Cunningham reported on the recent Urban Renewal Workshop 172 sponsored by NAHRO in Monterey, California. They both felt they had gained r-- a great deal of information and a broader understanding of their position as commissioner of the Agency. ~ ,.-r~ ......... - '-' Wilson moved and Davis seconded a motion for adjournment, and on a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. There being no further business to come before this meeting, the chairman adjourned the meeting at 5:50 p.m. 113 Minutes of the REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held on November 10, 1959 in Room 306 of the Blackstone Building at 4:00 P.M. The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. ,...,.." """."j,MlI'" Roll call showed the following present: Sessions, Carlisle, Wilson and Cunningham. Absent: Dr. Davis. Also present were Agency counsel, Mr. Ward, Mr. Sears and Mrs. Connelly, staff members. Carlisle moved and Cunningham seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of October 13, 1959. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. Expenditures The following expenditures for the month of October were read for appro- val: Jerome F. Sears Jr. salary for the director for the month of October, 1959 Mrs. Grace Connelly salary for the administrative assistant for : 10/1/59 to 10/15/59 10/16/59 to 10/31/59 Martha Gomez salary for the steno-clerk for: 10/1/59 to 10/15/59 10/16/59 to 10/31/59 William A. Schuessler - salary for the land agent for: 10/1/59 to 10/15/59 10/16/59 to 10/31/59 Donald C. Hulbert salary for the engineer for: 10/1/59 to 10/15/59 10/16/59 to 10/31/59 Ann Reynolds salary for the receptionist for: 10/1/59 to 10/15/59 10/16/59 to 10/31/59 William J. Ward 124.20 ~ 170.92 170.92 .....tdiIiI 122.26 122.26 262.38 262.38 333.74 333.74 111.92 111.92 Legal services for September, 1959 240.00 Legal services for October, 1959 425.00 Accounting services for the month of September, 1959 180.00 Accounting services for the month of October, 1959 205.00 William E. Taylor ...... - ,._<.- ""... Third Quarter Tax Reports ........ Blackstone Building General Telephone Company Sparkletts Arrowhead Office Equipment Company Morr Floors R. D. McCumsey Travel expenses: ".',.,'" """J Renewal Information Service Internal Revenue Service State Employees' Retirement System Department of Employment Rent on Room 306 for the period 10/16/59 to 11/15/59 Signs for door of office and building directory 8/16/59 9/16/59 to 9/15/59 to 10/15/59 Office supplies Table for mimeo machine American Right of Way Seminar William A. Schuessler NAHRO 1959 National Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio: A. Merle Sessions Jerome F. Sears Jr. Sunset Travel Stockwell and Binney - Offioe Supplies Office Furniture National Housing Conference Martha Gomez ",,- fatty cash ....... "Impact of the Mall on Downtown" - registered letters 174 733.20 107.92 30.22 235.00 18.07 87.85 207.53 6.00 16.12 7.91 28.81 10.00 16.75 138.00 6.40 138.00 6.40 582.10 100.00 82.42 412.21 10.00 5.84 50.00 2.00 115 Cunningham moved and Wilson seconded a motion for approval of the expenditures as submitted. On a roll call vote, the motion was unani- mously carried. ""~ Report of A~ency counsel on liti~ation. Mr. Ward reported that no decision had been reached on the two cases which had been heard before the Fourth District Court of Appeal on October 14, 1959. Arrowhead Land and Investment Company Wilson moved and Cunningham seconded a motion approving the execution of the supplement to the owner participation agreement by the Chairman and Secretary. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. Fredericks-Hansen Company Wilson moved and Cunningham seconded a motion approving the execution of the supplement to the owner participation agreement by the Chairman and Secretary. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. Nathan H. and Doris Rose Sessions turned the meeting over to the Vice-chairman since he could not participate in the discussion or action on this agreement. Carlisle moved and Cunningham seconded a motion approving the execution of the supplement to the owner participation agreement by the Chairman and Secretary. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. ~ - The Vice-chairman turned the meeting back to Mr. Sessions. Photostate Machine Carlisle moved and Wilson seconded a motion to purchase an Apeco Photo- stat Machine at the price of $202.50. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. Plans and Specifications for Demolition and Site Clearance Contract Dr. Davis arrived at 4:45 p.m. The plans and specifications for the demolition and site clearance contract were submitted by the staff engineer, Mr. Hulbert. The contract was reviewed in detail by the Agency members and discussed in full. Suggestions were made to clear some of the details, namely that a penalty clause be inclu- ded on a parcel by parcel basis as well as a block by block basis. Carlisle moved and Cunningham seconded a motion for approval of the con- tract documents when the foregoing suggestions had been incorporated in the contract. On a roll callvote, the motion was unanimously carried. -.. ,~-,- ~ '-' """... ~-~ ".. -- 176 Southern California Edison Company Sessions turned the meeting over to the Vice-chairman since he could not participate. Mr. Ward explained in full the submission of the new owner participation agreement as drawn by the attorneys of the Southern California Edison Company. Carlisle moved and Davis seconded a motion for approval of the new agreement and authorization for the Vice-chairman and the Secretary to execute said agreement. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. The Vice-chairman then turned the meeting back to Mr. Sessions. Condemnation Attorneys The director submitted proposals from the following firms of attorneys who indicated their willingness to represent the Agency in the event of condem- nation on a fixed fee basis: Knauf, Henry and Farrell Surr and Hellyer Best, Best and Krieger After discussion, Wilson mcved and Davis seconded a motion to accept the .propcsal of the two San Bernardino firms, Knauf, Henry and Farrell, and Surr and Hellyer, and that all cases would be submitted to either firm on an individual basis. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously oarried. Mrs. Carlisle left at 5:45. NAHRO National Conferenoe Mr. Sessions discussed in detail the highlights of the recent NAHRO Con- ference held in Cincinnati. Wilson moved and Davis seconded a motion for adjournment. On a roll call vote the motion was unanimously carried. There being no further business to come before this meeting, the chairman adjourned the meeting at 6:20 p.m. 177 """""ill Minutes of the regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held on Deoember 8, 1959 in Room 306 of the Blackstone Building at "4 P.M. 'w,,,",,~ The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4 P.M. Roll call showed the following present: Sessions, Wilson and Cunningham. Absent: Mrs. Carlisle and Dr. Davis. Also present were Agency counsel, Mr. Ward, Mr. Sears and Mrs. Connelly, staff members. Six guests were also present. WilBon moved and Cunningham seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of November 10, 1959. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. Mrs. Carlisle arrived at 4:15 p.m. Expenditures The following expenditures for the month of November were read for approval: -- Jerome F. Sears Jr. salary for the director for the month of November, 1959 -.... 724.20 Mrs. Grace Connelly salary for the administrative assistant for: 11/1/59 to 11/15/59 11/16/59 to 11/30/59 170.92 110.92 Martha Gomez salary for the steno-clerk for: 11/1/59 to 11/15/59 11/16/59 to 11/30/59 122.26- 122.26 William A. Schuessler - salary for the land agent for: 11/1/59 to 11/15/59 11/16/59 to 11/30/59 262.38 262.38 Donald C. Hulbert salary for the engineer for: 11/1/59 to 11/15/59 11/16/59 to 11/30/59 333.74 333.74 Ann Reynolds salary for the receptionist for: 11/1/59 to 11/15/59 11/16/59 to 11/30/50 111.92 111.92 - "'-..:j-<flIiP r i I ....... "....,.. ...... ,...... ......, William J. Ward William E. Taylor Blackstone Building - General Telephone Oompany Sparkletts Arrowhead Offioe Equipment Oompany - Travel expenses: 'Office furniturel Oooley Hardware NAHRO Victor Gruen and Associates Logsdon Paint 00. De Nuccio's Legal services for November, 1959 Accounting services for the month of November, 1959 Rent on Room ~06 for the period 11/16/59 to 12/15/59 Rent on Room ~06 for the period 10/16/59 to 11/15/59 Office supplies NAHRO Regional Xeeting and Oonferenoe in HHFA Regional Offioe - San Francisco Jerome F. Sears Jr. Grace Oonnelly William A. Schuessler Sunset Travel 178 215.00 180.00 235.00 81.60 6.00 59.13 40.00 5.50 40.00 25.00 40.00 7.50 168.45 William A. Schuessler - Riverside 3.00 Jerome F. Sears Jr. - mileage Pavlian, Inoorporated Stookwell and Binney Arrowhead Office Equipment Oompany Pacific Southwest Regional dues 26.50 71.76 14.56 526.24 24.96 1.55 10.00 5.00 15.28 2.56 .. 179 Neumann Rubber Stamp Company 29.64 .... i ..".,.;I Roy Davis Camera Shop Clyde McKean Refinishing of chairs 18.72 15.00 33.80 Lindenman Printing Co. San Bernardino Blue Print Company 32.39 Tri-City Blue Print Company 2.08 Stockwell and Binney 29.00 27.00 Blackstone Building Lier RadiO and Musio Company Rental on interoom system 15.,95 Cunningham moved and Wilson seoonded a motion for approval of the expendi- tures as submitted. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously oarried. Report of Agenoy Counsel on Litigation ~ Mr. Ward advised the Ageno~ members that sinoe the November regular meeting, ~ the District Court of App~, Fourth Appellate District, had handed down on November 19, 1959, its unanimous opinions in oases numbered 4 Civil 5983 and 6243, upholding the judgments of the Superior Court. These appeals involved the legal creation of the Agency, the city oounoil's refusal to grant appellant a second oontinuanoe ~o the council's tentative plan hear- ing, the 1~a11ty of the tentative plan ordinance, and whether or not referen~um would lie against ~he final ~edeTelop.ent plan ordinance. The aotion of the agenoy and oity oouncil in all these matters was sustained. Counsel further advised the agenoy members that on Deoember 3, 1959, petit- tions for rehearing before the Distriot Court of Appeal had been filed by the appellant, that oounsel did not de.. it necessary fo file any answer to these petitions, since th~y only "rehashed" issues already deoided and considered. Counsel suggested that he inform the District Court of Appeal by letter that the Agenoy opposed the granting of the rehearing petitions, but would submit the question on the briefs heretofore filed and on the- answer of the City of San Bernardino filed in opposition thereto. After discussion of this matter, the agency .embers conourred in counsel's pro- posed action, and he was instructed by the ohairman to so advise the oourt. Supplements to Owner Participation Agreements Wilson moved and Cunningham seconded a motion approving the exeoution by the Chairman and Seoretary of supplements to the owner participation agree- ments with the followingl ~ - Marshall B. Cooley et al James E. Spain, Jr. and Riohard Spain Reliable Bearing and Supply Company 180 On a roll oall vote, the motion was unanimously oarried. ~ ~ The ohairman asked for a report on the status of the Preliminary Title Reports and the final acquisition appraisal. The director stated that the title reports were being delayed due to various problems whioh have developed over the past years resulting in numerous strips and goreethrough- out the project area whioh neoessitate extensive ~esearch in order to deter- mine the actual boundaries of the lots. The final appraisal has been del~e4, as it, of oourse, is contingent upon receipt of the Preliminary Title Reports. It is antioipated that the title reports and the final appraisal will be completed by January 15th, and aoqui- sition oan start in February. Dr. Davis arrived at 4;40 p.m. Personnel Staffing and Salary Schedule -..t A staffing and salary schedule based upon current salaries of four other redevelopment agencies in cities of like size or smaller was presented to the Agency for their oonsideration. After considerable discussion, it was .etermined that the salary of the Relocation Specialist should be set at this time, and the remaining sohedule tabled until the next regular meeting. The salary sohedule for the Relooation Speoialist was set at 1450-540 per month in a five step range by motion of Mr. Wilson. This motion was seconded by Davis and on a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously oarried. Mrs. Carlisle requested that because of the time between this meeting and start of acquisition, it was necessary to hire a Relooation Speoialist as soon as possible. Davis moved and Wilson seconded a motion that Mrs. Carlisle, Mr. Sessions and the direotor be given full authority to hire a relocation specialist. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. ~ The Chairman asked the guests if anyone wished to speak at this time. Mr. James Dixon of 170 South Waterman asked if the project extended as far south as Mill Street, as he had a business in that location and wished to know if he would be effected by the Redevelopment Plan. Mr. Dixon was assured that his business was not within the projeot area whereupon he thanked the Agency. Preliminary Loan Notes The director advised the Agency that he had contacted Dean Witter's Los Angeles bond office in order to obtain the current interest rate on 90 and 120-day treasury notes, and also estimated interest rate for Agency Preli- minary loan notes. He was informed that Agency Preliminary loan notes would in all probability carry an interest rate of 2.95% and that ninety- day treasury notes were currently 4.65% and 120-day treasury notes approximately 5%. Sessions introduced the following resolution: ~ RESOLUTION NO. 136 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAB BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZIBG THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO FILE AN APPLICATION WITH THE COMMISSIONER OF CORPORATIOBS FOR A PERMIT TO ISSUE PRELIMI- BARY LOAN NOTES "...... 181 WHEREAS, the United States of America, acting through its Housing and Home Finance Agency, has, entered into a Loan and Capital Grant Con~ract with the Redevelopment A~ency.of the City of San Bernardino, California whereby said United Stat~s of America will make to said Redevelopment Agency, ,to carry out its! Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, Project No. Calif. R-IO, a temporary, loan, including project definitive loans, in an aggregate amount outstanhing at an~ one time not to exceed $3,812,425.00; and ~ - WHEREAS, said Housing and Home Finance Agency, has agreed to authori.e the Redevelopment Agency to .ake and issue preliminary loan notes to private lendors, from time to ti.e up to said aggregate amount outstanding at any one time not to exceed ",812,425.00 including projeot definitive loans, and said Housing and Home Fi~ance Agency has agreed that in the event of the making of such preliminary loan notes by said RedeTelopment Agency and prior to the sale thereof, it will honor requisitions and issue in escrow temporary notes therefor against the United States of America pursuant to said project loan and capital grant cbntract in amounts equal to said preliminary loan notes drawn by said Rede,elopment Agency for the repayment of such prelimi- nary loan notes; and WHEREAS, said Redevelopm.nt Agenoy, acting through its Members, has deter- mined that it may borrow money on suoh preliminary loan notes from private lendors at interest rate~ lower than the three and one fourth per oentua (~) per annum provided, as the interest rate for said project temporary loan from the United Sta~es of America; and WHEREAS, said Redevelopment Agency prior to the making and issuing of suoh .. preliminary loan notes m~st secure a permit so ~o do from the Commissioner of Corporations of the State of Californiaa .. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment A~ency of the City of San Bernardino as follow'l 1. The Executive Direct~r of said RedeTelopment Agency is hereby authorized OD behalf of said AgencY,to file an application with the Commissioner ct Corporations of the Stat, of California for a permit authorizing said Agenoy to issue said Preliminary Loan Notes, in such series as may be determined by said Redevelopment Ag,ncy in an aggregate amount outstanding at anyone time not to exceed $3,300,000.00, during a period of time not to exceed five (5) years from the ~ate of said permit. 2. Said Exeoutive Direc~or is further authorized by said RedeTelopment Agency to do all things necessary or required to seouresuch permit fro. the Commissioner of Corporations of the State of California. Wilson moved and Davis seconded a motion for approval of the resolution as presented. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. -O'Melveny and Myers , Sessions then introduced, the following resolution. ~ RESOLUTION NO. 137 ...." RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA ACCEPTING tHE OFFER OF O'MELVENY AND MYERS TO ACT AS BOND COUNSEL FOR AGENCY PRILIMINARY LOAN NOTES r L ",..... - "..- -- 182 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agenoy of the City of San Bernardino, California by its Resolution No. 136 has authorized its executive director to file an application with the Coamissioner of Corporations of the State of California for a permit authorizing said Agency to issue Preliminary Loan Notes to private lendors; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that a legal opinion concerning said Preliminary Loan Notes be provided by recognized bond counsel at the time of delivery of said Preliminary Loan Notes; and WHEREAS, the law offices of O'Melveny and Myers by letter dated September 1, 1959 has offered to perform said services on the basis of a fee sohedule set forth in said letter. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAI BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA that said offer of O'Kelveny and Myers as contained in its letter of September 1, 1959 is aocepted and said law firm is employed by the Agency upon the teras stated therein. Wilson moved and Davis seoonded a motion approving the resolution as pre- &ented. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Condemnation Attorney The direotor notified the Agency members that letters had been written to all legal firms who had submitted proposals regarding their services in connection with possible condemnation aotion by the Agenoy during the aoquisition stage. Sale ot Project Land , After disoussion it was determined that projeot lands should be, if at all possible, sold to individual developers, however, any developer who wished to acquire the entire area for a master development plan should not be precluded. Wilson moved and Davis seconded a motion for adjournment. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. There being no further business to come before the Agency, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 6110 p.m. 183 Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held on January 12, 1960 in Room 306 of the Blackstone Building at 4:00 P.M. The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Roll call showed the following present: Absentl Mrs. Carlisle and Dr. Davis. Mr. Ward, Mr. Sears and Mrs. Connelly, also present. ,fI~e"'~ "'~'";<,~ Sessions, Wilson, and Cunningham. Also present were Agency counsel, staff members. Fifteen guests were Wilson moved and Cunningham seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of December 8, 1959. On a roll call vote the motion was unanimously carried. Mrs. Carlisle arrived at 4aD p.m. Expenditures The following expenditures for the month of December were read for appro- val: Accounting services for the month of December, 1959 120.00 Rent on Room 306 for the period 12/16/59 to 1/15/60 235.00 Jerome F. Sears Jr. salary for the director for the month of December, 1959 Mrs. Grace Connelly salary for the administrative assistant fori 12/1/59 to 12/15/59 12/16/59 to 12/31/59 Martha Gomez salary for the steno-c1erk for 12/1/59 to 12/15/59 12/16/59 to 12/31/59 William A. Schuessler _ salary for the land agent for: 12/1/59 to 12/15/59 12/16/59 to 12/31/59 Donald C. Hulbert salary for the engineer fort 12/1/59 to 12/15/59 12/16/59 to 12/31/59 Ann Reynolds salary for the receptionist for: 12/1/59 to 12/15/59 12/16/59 to 12/31/59 William J. Ward Legal services for December, 1959 William E. Taylor Blackstone Building Spark1etts 724.Z0 .... - 174.90 176.30 122.26 122.91 262.38 262.38 333.74 333.74 Ill. 92 111.92 310.00 .... - 7.25 184 ",... Jerome F. Sears Jr. Travel expenses Los Angeles 8.32 15.10 Bancroft-Whitney Revisions for Health and Safety Code ..... State Compensation Insurance Fund 1.51 San Bernardino Chamber of Commeroe Membership for 1960 O'Melveny & Myers Telephone oall 45.00 2.09 25.78 134.94 Stockwell and Binney Offioe supplies Conference table Lier Radio & Musio Company Rental on Interoom system 15.95 San Bernardino Blue Print 34.06 Inland Printing 15.08 Pavlian Inoorporated 9.53 fIII""'''''' Postmaster 25.00 - Carlisle moved and Wilson seoonded a motion for approval of the expendi- tures as submitted. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. Report of Agency Counsel on Litigation Agency counsel advised the members that the attorneys for Mrs. Andrews had petitioned the Supreme Court of the State of California for a hearing on the two cases (4th Civil Nos. 5983 and 6243) upon which the 4th District Court of Appeals had recently denied a rehearing and it is his opinion a decision will be reached not later than January 20, 1960. On recommendation of motion to table Item funds of the Agency. carried. Agency counsel, Wilson moved and Carlisle seconded a (5) of the Agenda regarding the investment of surplus On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously Dr. Davis arrived at 4:25 p.m. Documents of Acquisition Sessions introduced the following resolution: ~ RESOLUTION NO. 138 -- RESOLUTION APPROVING DOCUMENTS TO BE USED IN ACQUISITION OF PROJECT PROPERTIES AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF SAID DOCUMENTS BY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OR LAND AGENT 185 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agenoy of the City of San Bernardino, California, for use in the purohase and acquisition of real property in its Meadowbrook Projeot Area No.1, has prepared certain form documents for land acquisition, to wit: Agreement for Sale of Real Property, Buyer and Seller Escrow Instruotions, Grant Deed - Individ~al, Grant Deed Corporation, Quito1aim Deed--Individua1, and Quitclaim Deed Corporation, oopies of which are attached to this resolution marked "Exhibit A", and made a part hereof by referenoe; and ..... -... WHEREAS, it will be necessary for proper representatives of said Agency to execute said documents on behalf of the Agency in effeoting the pur- ohase and acquisition of real property in said project area upon the terms and for the consideration offered by said Agenoy: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California as follows: 1. Subject to approval of Housing and Home Finance Agency, the form doouments oomprising said "Exhibit A" hereof are hereby approved and adopted for use in the Agenoy's acquisition of projeot property. 2. The exeoutive direotor or the land agent of said Agenoy are hereby authorized, subjeot to the approval of Agenoy Counsel, to exeoute on behalf of the Redevelopment Agenoy of the City of San Bernardino, California, as Buyer and Grantee therein the following said documents or parts thereof: Agreement for Sale of Real Property, Buyers' Escrow Instructions and Buyers' Acceptanoe of Grant Deed or Quito1aim Deed; and to do all other things neoessary or required to effeot the purchase and acquisition of real property within the Meadowbrook Projeot Area No.1, pursuant to the Redevelopment Plan therefore. ..... - Agenoy Counsel explained all of the documents of aoquisition oovered by Resolution No. 138 and stated they had been prepared with the approval of the First Amerioan Title Company of San -Bernardino who will be handling all the esorows of the Agency. After disoussion, Davis moved and Cunningham seoonded a motion for approval of the resolution as presented. On a roll oa11 vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Sessions then introduoed the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 139 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE P; ,~r.,,' r.4J, I I I CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING Y:J.: '." '1 d-..l Y 0' THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND THE LAND AGENT ON ~~~_~\ BEHALF OF SAID AGENCY TO ACCEPT ANY DEED OR GRANT AND TO CONSENT TO THE RECORDATION THEREOF WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California a public body, corporate and politic, shall be aoquiring title to real property in the County of San Bernardino, State of California, for pub1io purposes; and """'II!Il - WHEREAS, Section 27281 of the Government Code of the State of California requires that Deeds or Grants to a government agency for public purposes 186 ".... shall not be accepted for recordation without the consent of the grantee evi- denced by its certificate of acceptance attaohed to or printed on the Deed or Grant; and ...... WHEREAS, said Section 27281 further provides that a governmental agency by general resolution may authorize an offioer or agent to aocept and consent to suoh Deeds or Grants and that a certified copy of such resolution shall be recorded with the County Recorder: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of Section 27281 of the Government Code of the State of California, the executive director or the land agent of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, a public body, corporate and politic, are hereby severally authorized as agents on behalf of the Agenoy to accept any Deed or Grant and to consent to recordation thereof, whereby an interest in or easement upon real estate is conveyed to the Agency as Grantee, for publio purposes; and eaoh such acceptance and consent shall be evidenced by a written certified signature by one of the above named persons and printed upon or attached to such Deed or Grant. After a brief explanation by Agenoy Counsel, Cunningham moved and Wilson seconded a motion for adoption of the Resolution as presented. On a roll call vote, the resolution wasuwunmously adopted. Election of Officers "".. The Chairman declared that this was the time and place designated for the election of officers of the Redevelopment Agency of the year 1960. ~.~,,,,,' The Chairman declared the nominations open for Chairman of the Agency. Wilson moved and Davis seconded the nomination of A. Merle Sessions for Chairman of the Agency. Carlisle then moved and Davis seconded a motion that nomina- tions be closed. The Chairman thereupon declared the nominations closed. On a roll call vote, A. Merle Sessions was unanimously elected Chairman of the Agenoy.- The Chairman declared nominations open for Vice-Chairman. Cunningham moved and Davis seoonded the nominations of N. Earl Wilson for Vioe-Chairman of the Agency. Carlisle then moved and Davis seconded a motion that nomina- tions be closed. The Chairman thereupon declared the nominations closed. On a roll call vote, N. Earl Wilson was unanimously e1eoted Vice-Chairman of the Agenoy. The Chairman declared the nominations open for Secretary-Treasurer. Davis moved and Carlisle seconded the nomination of Jerome F. Sears Jr. for Secretary-Treasurer of the Agency. Wilson then moved and Cunningham seconded the motions that nominations be olosed. The Chairman thereupon deolared the nominations closed. On a roll call vote, Jerome F. Sears Jr. was unanimously elected Secretary-Treasurer of the Agency. !II"""'" Wilson moved and Davis seoonded the motion that the Seoretary cast a unanimous ballot of the election of officers for the year 1960 and reoord suoh elections in the minutes of this meeting. -... 187 Openin~ of bids for De,olition and Site Clearance Contract The Chairman declared this to be the time and place for publicly opening bids for Demolition and Site Clearance for Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, Project No. Calif. R-lO - The Staff Engineer opened the bids and made the following tabulation of bids: Amount Estima- Bid No. Name Address of Bid ted Cost Security 1 A. S. Hubbs P.O. Box 63 867,300 $73,400 Bond l~ Colton, California 2 Cleveland Wrecking 3170 E. Washington Elvd. Company L08 Angeles 23, Clif. 79,036 95,036 Bond 10% 3 Pacific Demolition 1920 Missouri Street Bond Company Riverside, California 87,950 107,950 815,000 4 Bruce Sanger 2215 No. Rosemead Blvd. Bond El Monte, California Blank 71,110 8 8,500 5 Benton H. Prock 470 Cambridge Circle Bond Costa Mesa, California 54,400 62,000 8 6,000 .... 6 Presco Building 24181 Third Street Materials San Bernardino, Calif. 15,975 92,835 Bond l~ - 7 Hubbs Equipment 140 W. Valley Blvd. Co., Inc. Rialto, California 93,500 No Bid None The Engineer announced the apparent low bidder to be Benton H. Prock with a bid amount of 854,400.00. Wilson moved and Davis seconded a motion that the bids for Demolition and and Site Clearance be referred to the Agency COUDsel and Staff Engineer. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. After discussion, the Chairman announced the award of the Contract for Demolition and Site Clearance for Meadowbrook Project Area No. 1 would be made on Monday, January 25, 1960 at 5:00 p.m. in the offices of the Redevelopment Agency. Personnel Staffin~ and Salary Schedule The director explained in detail t~e personnel staffing and salary review of other Agencies in C~lifornia of like size and the suggested salary schedule for this Agency which had been mailed to all Agency members pre- vious to this meeting. After review, Sessions moved and Cunningham seconded a motion that the Agency retain the City Salary Schedule and the Executive Director be placed on Range 41, Step D - 8929 monthly effective January 1, ~ 1960. ~- ,...- .... ,..-. -..,."...., ".... -.... 188 On roll call vote, the following voted "yes" - Sessions, Carlisle, Davis and Cunningham, and the following voted "no" - Wilson. The Chairman declared the motion carried. Due to the lateness of the meeting, Sessions suggested any further discus- sions on the personnel staffing and salary schedule be tabled until the next regular meeting. Wilson objected and stated that inasmuch as we were discussing salary changes, he felt this matter should be determined at the earliest possible date out of fairness to the employee affected. The Chairman declared that any salary change adopted by the Agency effecting the salary of the Administrative Assistant would be retroactive to January 1, 1960. Davis suggested that some thought be given to the changing of the meeting day. The Chairman declared the matter would be decided upon at the next meeting of the Agency. Davi~ moved and Cunningham seconded a motion that this meeting be adjourned until Monday, January 25th at 5:00 p.m. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. The Chairman requested the Secretary to post the Order of Adjournment as required by law. The Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m. until Monday, January 25th at 5:00 p.m. in the offices of the Redevelopment Agency. ~ ,- 189 inutes of the Adjourned Meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF T E CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, C LIFORNIA held on January 25, 1960 i Room 306 of the Blackstone B ilding at 5:00 P.M. - The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. and declared this to be the time and place heretofore ordered for an adjourned regular meeting, by the members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, at this Annual Meeting, with a quorum present, held Tuesday, January 2, 1960, at 4:00 p.m. in the office of the Rede- velopment Agency. The Secretary has caus meeting held January 1 velopment Agency an af said order, which was d to be posted the Order of Adjournment of said , 1960, and has on file in the office of the Rede- idavit of said posting, together with a oopy of osted 12:00 p.m. Wednesday, January 13, 1960. Roll call showed the f llowing present: SeSSions, Wilson, Carlisle, and Cunningham. Absent: r. Davis. Also present were Agenoy Counsel, Mr. Ward, and Mr. Sear , Executive Director. Guests included Benton H. Prook and his attorney, Roy Chapman. arance Contraot Demolition and Agenoy Counsel reporte by Mr. Benton H. Prock Mr. Prock had in his p to his "A" license No. that in his opinion all bid documents submitted were adequate as to form and legality and that ssession, at this time, an SC 21 license attached 181469. .. ...... RESOLUTION NO. 140 RESOLUTION 0 THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNA DINO, CALIFORNIA AWARDING CONTRACT FOR DEMOLITION A D SITE CLEARANCE TO BENTON H. PROCK, AND INDIVIDU L, IN FURTHERANCE OF THE EXECUTION OF THE REDEVELO MENT PLAN FOR MEADOWBROOK PROJECT AREA NO. 1 WHEREAS, the Redevelop to the provisions of S Code, in furtherance 0 brook Project Area No. tion and Site Clearanc structures and site cl Contract to be in acco bidders; and ent Agency of the City of San Bernardino pursuant ction 33300 of the California Health and Safety the execution of the redevelopment plan for Meadow- 1, invited competitive, sealed bids for a Demoli- Contract for the demolition of buildings and arance of certain areas in said project, said dance with the contract documents furnished all I , I I I WHEREAS, an Invitationifor Bids therefor was duly published in the San Bernardino Evening Tel~gram, a newspaper of general cireulation in the County of San Bernardi 0 on the 24th and 31st days of December, 1959, and an affidavit showi g such publication is on file in the office of said Agency; and I ~ - 190 I .... WHEREAS, said invitation called for the receipt of such bids until 4:00 o'clock P.M. on the 12th day of January, 1960, at the office of said Agency located at 306 Blackstone Building, 362 North Arrowhead Avenue, San Bernardino, California; and ,..- WHEREAS, the lowest qualified such bid was offered by Benton H. Prock, an individual, of 470 Cambridge Circle, Costa Mesa, California, in the sum of 354,400.00, in addition to and above the value of salvage materials speci- fied to become the property of the Bidder; and WHEREAS, the Agency, by motion duly passed, adjourned said meeting to the 25th day of January, 1960, at the hour o~ 5:00 o'clock P.M., for the purpose of acceptance of said bid and awarding said Contract; and WHEREAS, said Benton H. Prock has been duly licensed by the State Contrac- tor's Board of California as a general engineering contractor and has been issued an "A" license and "C-2l" specialty classification by said board; and WHEREAS, it appears to said Agency and its counsel that said Benton H. Prock is otherwise qualified to be awarded said Contract and it appears to be to the best interests of said Agency to accept his bid: ".,'... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that said bid of Benton H. Prock in the sum of $54,400.00 be accepted, and the Executive Director of said Redevelopment Agency is hereby authorized and directed to execute the said Contract for Demolition and Site Clearance on behalf of said Agency. - Wilson moved and Cunningham seconded the motion that the resolution be adopted as read. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. A~ency Meeting Sessions introduced Resolution No. 141 regarding the changing of the day of the Agency meeting. RESOLUTION NO. 141 RESOLUTION CHANGING THE DATE OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA "..... BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that until otherwise provided by resolution, the members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, shall hold regular meetings at 4:00 o'clock P.M. on the first Thursday of each month at the office of the Agency, Room 306 - Blackstone Building, 362 North Arrow- head Avenue, San Bernardino, California. The next regular meeting will be held on February 4, 1960. -- After discussion, Carlisle moved and Cunningham seconded a motion for adoption of the resolution as presented. On a roll call vote, the resolution was ~ously adopted. 191 Cunningham moved. and Wrlson seconded a motion for adjournment. On a roll call vote, the motion as unanimously adopted. There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 5:25 p.m. I ..."'" -.,... .... ....... ~ .......- 192 '- Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held on February 4, 1960, in Room 306 of the Blackstone Building at 4:00 P.M. ".... The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 4:10 p.m. Roll call showed the following present: Sessions, Wilson, Carlisle, and Cunningham. Absent: Dr. Davis. Also present were Agency Director, Sears, and Agency Counsel, Ward. Approval of the minutes of the previous meetings was set aside until the next regular meeting. The Chairman then asked the Agency Counsel to report on the status of the litigation against the Agency. Report of A~ency Counsel on Liti~ation Mr. Ward advised the Agency Members that the final case now pending against the Agency which had to wait for the outcome of previous cases which had been submitted to the Supreme Court would be set for trial at the earliest possible date, probably sometime in April. ",.dr... Agency Action The following Resolution No. 140 awarding the Contraot for Demolition and ~~ Site Clearance to Mr. Benton H. Prock, which was adopted at the adjourned regular meeting of January 25th, was read in full. 'RESOLUTION NO. 140 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AWARDING CONTRACT FOR DEMOLITION AND SITE CLEARANCE TO BENTON H. PROCK, AN INDIVIDUAL, IN FURTHERANCE OF THE EXECUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR MEADOWBROOK PROJECT AREA NO. 1 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agenoy of the City of San Bernardino pursuant to the provisions of Section 33300 of the California Health and Safety Code, in furtherance of the exeoution of the redevelopment plan for Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, invited competitive, sealed bids for a Demolition and Site Clearanoe Contraot for the demolition of buildings and structures and site olearance of certain areas in said projeot, said Contract to be in accordance with the contract documents furnished all bidders; and ...... WHEREAS, an Invitation for Bids therefor was duly published in the San Bernardino Evening Telegram, a newspaper of general circulation in the County of San Bernardino on the 24th and 31st days of December, 1959, and an affidavit showing such publication is on file in the office of said Agency; and ....... r" 193 WHEREAS, said invitation called for the receipt of such bids until 4:00 o'clock P.M. on the 12th day of January, 1960, at the office of said Agency located at 306 Blackstone Building, 362 North Arrowhead Avenue, San Bernardino, California; and ~ WHEREAS, a number of such bids were received at the time and place above specified, and upon such bids being opened at a duly called public meeting of said Agency, at which time a quorum of members thereof were present; and WHEREAS, the lowest qualified such bid was offered by Benton H. Prock, an individual of 470 Cambridge Circle, Costa Mesa, California, in the sum of $54,400.00, in addition to and above the value of salvage materials specified to become the property of the Bidder; and WHEREAS, the Agency, by motion duly passed, adjourned said meeting to the 25th day of January, 1960, at the hour of 5:00 o'clock P.M., for the pur- pose of acceptance of said bid and awarding said Contract; and WHEREAS, said Benton H. Prock has been duly licensed by the State Contrac- tor's Board of California as a general engineering contractor and has been issued an "A" license and "C-2l" specialty classification by said board; and WHEREAS, it appears to said Agency and its counsel that said Benton H. Prock is otherwise qualified to be awarded said Contract and it appears to be to the best interests of said Agency to accept his bid: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that said bid of Benton H. Prock in the sum of 354,400.00 be accepted, and the Executive Director of said Redevelop- ment Agency is hereby authorized and directed to execute the said Contract for Demolition and Site Clearance on behalf of said Agency. ~ ...... Wilson moved and Carlisle seconded a motion that Resolution No. 140 be ratified as read. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. The following Resolution No. 141 changing the day of the regular meetings of the Agency adopted at the adjourned regular meeting of January 25th, was read in full: RESOLUTION NO. 141 RESOLUTION CHANGING THE DATE OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that until otherwise provided by resolution, the members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California shall hold regular meetings at 4:00 o'clOCk P.M. on the first Thursday of each month at the office of the Agency, Room 306 - Blackstone Building, 362 North Arrowhead Avenue, San Bernardino, California. The next regular meeting will be held on February 4, 1960. ...... ~ Carlisle moved and Cunningham seconded the motion that Resolution No. 141 be ratified as read. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. ""';;\~'i<""'-''''ii"~....~*lt'.''''f,-'''''',~""""""",~"""","~",,,~'"_""""~"""=.."_",",~"~~~ _ 'jil 194 ",... I Fixed Relocation Payments ..... Resolution No. 142, establishing a fixed amount of relocation payments based on the number of rooms to be moved was introduced by the Chairman: RESOLUTION NO. 142 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ESTABLISHING A FIXED AMOUNT OF RELOCATION PAYMENT BASED ON THE NUMBER OF ROOMS TO BE MOVED IF CLAIMANT REQUESTS THE FIXED PAYMENT PROCEDURE WHEREAS, the rules and regulations prescribed pursuant to Section 106 (f) of Title 1 by the Urban Renewal Commissioner on behalf of the Housing and Home Finance Administrator require that the conditions under which the Local Public Agency will make Fixed Relocation Payments to eligible individuals and families claiming such payments under the Fixed Relocation Payment Schedule be offi- cially approved by the governing. body of the Local Public Agency; and ""'--' WHEREAS, there was presented to this meeting of the governing body for its consideration and approval a set of conditions under which the Local Public Agency will make Fixed Relocation Payments which set of conditions is set forth in the Relocation Plan and a Fixed Relocation Schedule dated February 1, 1960; and WHEREAS, the rules and regulations prescribed to Section 106 (f) of Title 1 by the Urban Renewal Commissioner on behalf of the Housing and Home Finance Administrator make provisions for the designation by the governing body of the Local Public Agency of an officer of the Local Public Agency who shall approve claims for Relocation Payments. fJ//I"',.,,;~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the governing body, as follows: 1. That the conditions under which the Local Public Agency will make Relocation Payments be and it is hereby in all respects approved. 2. That the Fixed Relocation Payments Schedule be and it is hereby in all respects approved. 3. That the Secretary be and he is hereby designated to approve all claims for Relocation Payments. This resolution shall take effect immediately. Cunningham moved and Carlisle seconded the motion that Resolution No. 142 be adopted. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Temporary Loan Note No.4 ,....,. ...... \ .<J~~ ,,-"~ ,.' 195 RESOLUTION NO. 143 ........ RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A CERTAIN PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN NOTE IN CONNECTION WITH PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-lO · WHEREAS, THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA (herein sometimes called the "Local Public Agency") has filed or is about to file a requisition, together with the necessary supporting documents, with the United States of America (herein called the "Government") request- ing a payment on account of the Project Temporary Loan provided for in the Loan and Grant Contract and numbered Contract No. R-lO (LG), (which, together with all supplements, amendments, waivers, is herein called the "Loan and Grant Contract")by and between the Local Public Agency and the Government, said Loan and Grant Contract being in connection with a cer- tain project of the Local Public Agency designated therein; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has determined to issue its Project Tempo- rary Loan Note as security for such payment: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of a Resolution entitled: "RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF CERTAIN PROJECT TID~PORARY LOAN NOTES IN CONNECTION WITH URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-lO AND PROVIDING FOR THE SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES" .... ttIIltIIIIJ duly adopted by the Local Public Agency on the 24th day of October, 1958, the Chairman and the Secretary of the Local Public Agency are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and execute a note, authorized by said Resolution, in the principal amount of One Hundred and One Thousand and nO/lOO (101,000.00), or, if the Government shall only approve said requi- sitiqn for a lesser amount, in the lesser amount so approved by the Govern- ment. Such Note shall bear interest from the date of the acceptance of the Local Public Agency's delivery thereof and the payment therefor by the Government; shall be dated the 5th day of February, 1960; shall be desig- nated Project Temporary Loan Note No.4; shall bear a statement at the foot thereof in substantially the following form: "Delivery of this Note was accepted and payment therefor made on the day of , 19 . UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Housing and Home Finance Administrator By ~ II. , and shall not be valid until said statement is duly executed on behalf of the Government. The secretary is hereby authorized and directed to ...,.Ii 196 ,...... deliver suoh note to and aooept payment therefor from the Government, and the aforesaid offioers are hereby authorized and direoted to do all aots and things neoessary for the exeoution, sale, and delivery of suoh note. -..., 2. That the prooeeds of suoh note shall be deposited and disbursed only in aooordanoe with the provisions of the Loan and Grant Contraot, unless other- wise approved by the Government. 3. That this Resolution shall take effeot immediately. Wilson moved and Cunningham seoonded a motion that the resolution be adopted. The resolution was unanimously adopted on roll oall vote. Introduotion of New Agenoy Member Mrs. Edith Galatz, Relooation Speoialist for the Redevelopment Agenoy, was then introduoed to the Agenoy members by the direotor. The direotor then asked the Agenoy members if they would authorize a $50 government bond to be purohased by the Agenoy and put up aside as prize for a contest among the high school students of the City of San Bernardino to draw a cartoon character that would lend itself to animation to be oalled "Urbie", this character to be used as an identification on various signs and publications by this Agency. After considerable discussion, it was decided the contest would be authorized ~ and a $50 savings bond should be put up as prize for the winning contestant. __ Personnel Staffing and Salary Schedule The Chairman brought up the subject of Agenoy Salary Schedule, and after due discussion by all members of the Agency, it was determined that Mrs. Grace Connelly be promoted to "Grade 26" effeotive as of January 1, 1960, and that Miss Martha Gomez and Mrs. Ann Reynolds be promoted to "Grade 18" effeotive February 1, 1960. Wilson moved and Cunningham seoonded the motion that the promotions as determined by the board be adopted. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. Preliminary Loan Notes The director advised the Agency that Mr. Lindman of O'Melveny and Myers had been approved by regional office as bond oounsel for the A~ency in regard to Preliminary Loan Notes to be issued by the Agency and that the sohedule of charges previously submitted by Mr. Lindman adopted by the Agency and for- warded to Regional Office for approval had been approved. There being no further business to come before the Agenoy, Wilson moved and Carlis1eseoonded the motion that the meeting be adjourned. On roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. The Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 5:30 P.M. "... -- 191 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held on March 3, 1960, in Room 306 of the Blackstone Building at 4:00 P.M. tlI';'~:~ The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 4:00 P.M. Roll call showed the following present: Sessions, Wilson, Carlisle and Cunningham. Also present were Agency counsel, Mr. Ward, and Mr. Sears and Mrs. Connelly, staff members. Absent: Dr. Davis. Wilson moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the meetings of January 12, 1960, January 25, 1960, and February 4, 1960. On roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Expenditures The following expenditures for the month of January were read for approval: Jerome F. Sears Jr. salary for the director for the month of January, 1960 152.64 Grace Connelly salary for the administrative assistant for: 1/1/60 to 1/15/60 1/16/60 to 1/31/60 161.10 ....... 161.10 - 121.51 121.51 260.84 260.84 331.80 331.80 Ill. 23 Ill. 23 Martha Gomez salary for the steno-clerk for: 1/1/60 to 1/15/60 1/16/60 to 1/31/60 William A. Schuessler- salary for the land agent for: 1/1/60 to 1/15/60 1/16/60 to 1/31/60 Donald C. Hulbert salary for the engineer for: 1/1/60 to 1/15/60 1/16/60 to 1/31/60 Ann Reynolds salary for the receptionist for: 1/1/60 to 1/15/60 1/16/60 to 1/31/60 Fourth Quarter - 1959 Taxes Department of Employment State Employees' Retirement System District Director of Internal Revenue 105.39 34-0.56 1,313.40 William E. Taylor ~",..'''' Accounting services for the month of January, 1960 40.00 "",.... William J. Ward Legal services for the month of January, 1960 .... General Telephone Co. 11/16/59 to 12/15/59 Lier Radio and Music Company Rental on intercom system Contracts First American Title Company Albert L. Johnson Grigsby and Knorr Travel Expenses Jerome F. Sears Jr. - Subcommittee Hearings in Los Angeles Blackstone Building - Rent on Room 306 for the period 1/15/60 to 2/14/60 Sparkletts /tIP-'", San Bernardino Evening Telegram - Advertisement of Bids -... Kenneth K. Kelly - Comprehensive Genera1- Auto Liability 198 795.00 112.85 15.95 5,065.00 1,850.00 11,500.00 53.20 13.20 235.00 6.00 24.38 99.75 The following expenditures for the month of February were read for approval: Jerome F. Sears Jr. - salary for the director for the month of February, 1960 Grace Connelly - salary for the administrative. assistant for: 2/1/60 to 2/15/60 2/16/60 to 2/29/60 Martha Gomez - salary for the steno-clerk for: 2/1/60 to 2/15/60 2/16/60 to 2/29/60 William A. Schuessler- salary for the land agent for: 2/1/60 to 2/15/60 2/16/60 to 2/29/60 I"""'" Donald C. Hulbert - salary for the engineer for: 2/1/60 to 2/15/60 2/16/60 to 2/29/60 ......., 752.64 215.93 183.77 126.83 126.83 260.84 260.84 331. eo 331. 80 Ann Reynolds I ~ salary for the reoeptionist for: 2/1/60 to 2/15/60 2/16/60 to 2/29/60 ,...,.,.. 199 116.68 116.68 Edith Galatz for the Relocation Specialist salary for: 2/1/60 2/16/60 to 2/15/60 to 2/29/60 180.50 180.50 255.84 8.40 186.28 15.95 108.00 7.25 ....... 82.78 ~' 7.74 5.66 American Photocopy Photocopy machine and supplies Supervisor of Docu- ments Relocation brochures Arrowhead Office Equipment Company Office supplies Lier Radio and Music Company General Telephone Company Sparkletts Drinking Water Corporation San Bernardino Blue Print Western Sales Pavlian Incorporated Blackstone Building 235.00 10.99 Kenneth K. Kelly Cunningham moved and tures as submitted. adopted. ilson seconded a motion for approval of the expendi- n a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously el on Liti ation Agency counsel inform d the agency members that counsel for Plaintiff had filed an affidavi in opposition to the agency motion for a prefer- ential trial date on he first cause of action in Andrews vs. City of San Bernardino et al.:, No. 94346 in the San Bernardino COllnty Superior Said affidavit allegea that the 90-day period for Mrs. Andrews to per- fect an appeal to thei U.S. Supreme Court on the judgment of the second cause of action in sa[Od case and on the judgment in Case No. 92497 would not expire unti April 13, 1960, and therefore in view of the previous order of the Superior Court in an earlier application by the Agency for a preferen ial setting the current motion should be put I I i I I I I Court. .,.H~ 200 ",.... ....... over until April 15, 1960. Inasmuch as a portion of the first cause of action in Case No. 94346 involves activity of the agency and the city council in those cases heretofore processed to final judgment in the state courts, hearing on the motion was continued until April 15, 1960. Dr. Davis arrived at 4:20 p.m. Resolution No. 144 - Amendment to contract with Al Johnson Sessions introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 144 RESOLUTION AMENDING CONTRACT FOR FINAL APPRAISAL BETWEEN ALBERT L. JOHNSON AND THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, on the 3rd day of August, 1959 a contract for personal services was executed by and between ALBERT L. JOHNSON and the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, for a final planning appraisal of property situated in Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, Project No. Calif. R-lO; and certain heavy machinery and production equipment owned by the lessee and located on a certain parcel of property therein was not required to be appraised at that time; and ~.~ WHEREAS, the Agency has determined that said omitted property should be appraised to comply with the provisions of the Housing and Home Finance Agency Manual: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that said Contract with Albert L. Johnson dated August 3, 1959, as aforesaid, is hereby amended in the following particu- lars: "I. Paragraph 6 of said Contract of August 3, 1959, is hereby amended to read as follows: "It is understood and agreed that the Appraiser shall receive compen- sation, for services performed hereunder (except as provided in Paragraphs 5 and 8 hereof)in the total amount of Two Thousand Three Hundred Fifty dollars ($2,350) which services shall include reinspec- tion for additional or supplemental data as required under provisions of Paragraph 4 hereof, and which shall include such supplemental ser- vices as may be necessary or desirable to enable the appraiser to perform the services required under Paragraph 5 hereof (exclusive of payment for actual court appearances.) "...... "II. Paragraph 19 of said Contract of August 3, 1959, is hereby amended to include the following described property following Block 15, Parcel 2, 4, 136-051-40, American News Company thereof: -... 201 Local Public Agency Assessor Owner ........ Block 6 Parcel 9 (West) Heavy Machinery & Halsey Machine and Production Equipment Manufacturing Com- only pany" ~~ IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that subject to the approval of Housing and Home Finance Agency, the Chairman and Secretary of the Agency are hereby authorized on behalf of the Agency to execute said Amendments to Contract with Albert L. Johnson. Cunningham moved and Wilson seconded a motion for approval of Resolution No. 144 as read and presented. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Resolution No. 145 - Amendment to Contract with First American Title Company Sessions introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 145 RESOLUTION AMENDING CONTRACT FOR PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORTS FOR MEADOWBROOK PROJECT AREA NO. 1 WHEREAS, on the 14th day of July, 1959 a Contract for preliminary title .. reports on property located in Meadowbrook Project Area No. 1 was exe- cuted by and between the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN __ BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA and LAND TITLE COMPANY OF SAN BERNARDINO, a corporation now known as FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY OF SAN BERNARDINO, a corporation; and WHEREAS, said contract by mutual error of the parties did not set forth all of the Block and Parcel numbers within said Project Area nor the breakdown of charges for such additional Blocks and Parcels; and WHEREAS, the Agency could not proceed with the acquisition of land in said Project Area without such additional title reports and the breakdown of charges therefor: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that said Contract with Land Title Company of San Bernardino, a corporation, now known as First American Title Company of San Bernardino, Dated July 14, 1959 as aforesaid, is hereby amended in the following particulars: "I. Paragraph 3, Compensation, of said Contract of July 14, 1959, is hereby amended to read as follows: "Total compensation to be the sum of Eight Thousand Three Hundred Eighty-five dollars and 50/100 ($8,385.50) which fee includes the credit of One Thousand Three Hundred Twelve dollars and 50/100 ($1,312.50) for the Ownership Data Reports furnished pursuant to the terms of Contract by the parties hereto, dated August 22, 1957, breakdown of said charges being attached hereto and marked Exhibits "A", as amended, and made a part hereof. .%.... 202 ffII1'l"", "The above fees will be credited to the premiums of Policies of Title Insurance when written under the Contract to cover title insurance. ...... "II. Paragraph 4, Method of Payment, is hereby amended to read as follows: "The Local Public Agency will pay to the Contractor the amount of Eight Thousand Three Hundred Eighty-five dollars and 50/100 ($8,385.50) less any and all payments thereon to date, which sum shall constitute full and complete compensation for the Contractor's services hereunder. Such sum will be paid in the following manner, in every case subject to receipt of a requisiton for payment from the Contractor specifying that they have performed the work under this Contract in conformance with the Contract, and that they are entitled to receive the amount requisition under the terms of the Contract: "Five Thousand Sixty-five dollars ($5,065.00) - when the services covered by Section 1, Subsection "a", as to Blocks 1 through 10 of Exhibit "A", as amended, hereof, have been satisfactorily completed, as required hereunder, and as determined by the Local Public Agency. "Three Thousand Three Hundred Twenty dollars and 50/100 ($3,320.50) - when the remainder of the services required under this Contract, including said services as to Blocks 11 through 11 of Exhibit "A", as amended, hereof, have been satisfactorily completed, as required hereunder, and as determined by the Local Public Agency. "..'.... ..~"..~. "It is expressly understood and agreed that in no event will the total compensation and reimbursement, if any, to be paid hereunder exceed the maximum sum of Eight Thousand Three Hundred Eighty-five dollars and 50/100 ($8,385.50) for all of the services required. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, additional Preliminary Title reports on par- cels within the Project Area will be issued by the Contractor upon demand of the Agency. The fees for such reports will be one-half the premium of a Policy of Title Insurance, based on the fair market value of such parcels in accordance with the Contractor's published Schedule of Charges, with a minimum of Twenty-five dollars ($25.00), which fees will be applied to the premium of policies of tit1e insurance in accordance with sub-paragraph 2 of paragraph 3 hereof." IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that subject to the approval of Housing and Home Finance Agency, the Chairman and Secretary of the Agency are hereby autho- rized on behalf of the Agency to execute said Amendments to Contract with First American Title Company of San Bernardino(formerly Land Title Company of San Bernardino), a corporation. Davis moved and Wilson seconded a motion for approval of the resolution as read and presented. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. flIP";'. Resolution No. 146 and 141 - Tax Allocation Funds -....... The director read the letter from the County Auditor of San Bernardino in which she enclosed a check in the amount of $32,103.09 for the November and December payments on secured property taxes. Carlisle moved and Wilson 203 seconded a motion tha and the Chairman and on behalf of the Agen adopted. the check be deposited in a "Special Account" ecretary be authorized to sign checks or vouchers y. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously ,;r:+"", After a discussion re arding the expenditures of these funds,. Sessions introduced the follow'ng resolutions: RESOLUTION NO. 146 ESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN ND SECRETARY TO INVEST $30,056.25 F RECEIPTS FOR THE PURCHASE OF NITED STATES TREASURY BILLS WHEREAS, the Redevelo ment Plan of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, Ca ifornia for Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, which was duly adopted by 0 dinance No. 2233 of the City of San Bernardino, provides for the paym nt to said Agency of excess tax collections from property within said roject area after the adoption of said ordinance, as provided in Articl 4, Chapter 5 of the Community Redevelopment Law and Section 19 of Art'cle XIII of the California Constitution; and WHEREAS, the County A California on Februar the sum of $32,703.09 December, 1959 from s area property; and ditor of the County of San Bernardino, State of 25, 1960, forwarded to said Agency a warrant in for such excess tax collections for November and cured property tax receipts from said project .... ........ WHEREAS, Section 3327 California empowers s or sinking funds, or in property or securi money subject to thei of the Health and Safety Code of the State of id Agency to invest any money held in reserves ny money not required for immediate disbursement ies in which savings banks may legally invest control; and WHEREAS, the Redevelo~ment Agency of the City of San Bernardino has determined that the s m of $30,053.25 of said tax money is not required for immediate disburs ment and that said sum may be legally invested in United States Treasur Bills: NOW, THEREFORE, BE ITjRESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, Ca ifornia, that its Chairman and Secretary be autho- rized to invest $30,0 3.25 of said tax receipts for the purchase of United States Treasur Bills to mature January 15, 1961 at current mar- ket price. ! I I ! RESOLUTION NO. 147 I R~SOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE REPAYMENT TO THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE COUNTY OF S1N BERNARDINO OF $1,700 LOANED AND A VANCED TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF T E CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, on November ~' 1956 the Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino loaned and advanced the sum of $1,700.00 in lawful money of the United States f America to the Redevelopment Agency of the City I I I III!II!llt, ........J 204 ",.... of San Bernardino, California, so that said Agency might finance in part its Meadowbrook Project Area No.1; and I ..... WHEREAS, said loan and indebtedness in the sum of $1,700.00 cannot be repaid from funds advanced to said Agency by the Housing and Home Finance Agency, but by virtue of the provisions of Section 33950 (2) of the California Health and Safety Code can be repaid from taxes from said project area which have been allocated to and paid into a special fund of said Agency; and WHEREAS, said Agency has received sufficient tax allocation funds, which have been paid into an account known as its "Special Account", to repay said loan: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Chairman and Secretary repay to the Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino, out of the Agency's "Special Account", the sum of $1,700.00 principal loaned and advanced to said Agency and owed by it to the Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of said Agency acknowledge its appreciation of the courtesy and confidence extended in this transaction by said Housing Authority and Mr. George Black, the director thereof. fW-"'\ Carlisle moved and Wilson seconded a motion for adoption of Resolution Nos. 146 and 147 as read and presented. On a roll call vote, the resolutions were unanimously adopted. ,- Chapel Hill Urban Renewal Conference Information concerning the Chapel Hill Urban Renewal Conference was sub- mitted to the Agency members. Carlisle moved that the director be autho- rized to attend said conference. Motion was dropped for lack of a second. Resolution No. 148 - "Urbie" Contest The director announced the judges of the tlUrbie" contest had met on February 29, 1960 and the winner was Miss Merrie Kimberlin of San Bernardino High School. Sessions then introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 148 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF A $50 SAVINGS BOND TO BE AWARDED TO THE WINNER OF THE CARTOON CONTEST, MISS MERRIE KIMBERLIN ~ WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, atns regular meeting on February 4, 1960 authorized the executive director and relocation specialist to conduct a contest among high school students of the City of San Bernardino for a ca~toon character to be known as "Urbie", to represent the Urban Renewal program of HHFA, and further authorized the purchase of a $50 United States Savings Bond to be awarded the winner; and '- 205 WHEREAS, such a conte~t has been conducted and the judges of same, to wit: Jack Stratford, Harris Company, Fred Holland, San Bernardino City Schools - Jefferson D. Yohn, The Sun-Telegram- Edith Galatz, Redevelopment Agency, have selected Miss Merrie Kimberlin of San Bernardino High School as the winner of said contest, and her cartoon has become the property of the Agency. ~" """I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California that the Chairman and Secretary of the Agency on behalf of the Agency are hereby authorized to purchase and deliver to Miss Merrie Kimberlin a $50 United States Savings Bond as the winner of its cartoon contest. Wilson moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for approval of the resolu- tion as read and presented. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Office Furniture Carlisle moved and Wilson seconded a motion that the director be autho- rized to purchase a desk and chair for the Relocation Specialist. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. NAHRO - Legislative Committee The Chairman announced the appointment of Mr. Sears, the executive director of this Agency as Vice Chairman of the Legislative Committee of NAHRO. ~ ....... Section 106 of the Housing Act The director read Section 106 of the Housing Act which refers to the necessity of a separate study of the transient housing in a community when a redevelopment plan calls or allows for the placement of such housing in a project area. An amendment has been introduced in the Congress to delete this portion and all agencies have been asked to communicate with their representative endorsing said amendment. After discussion, the agency members suggested that the director write to our representative and endorse said amendment. NAHRO Annual Conference - Santa Barbara The director announced the Pacific Southwest Regional Conference of NAHRO would be held May 15 through 18 in Santa Barbara and any agency member who wished to attend should notify the agency as soon as possible so reservations could be made. Davise moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for adjournment. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. There being no further business to come before this meeting, the ohair- man adjourned the meeting at 5:45 p.m. ~ 206 ",.. Minutes of the Special Meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held March 21, 1960 in Room 306 - Blackstone Building at 5:00 P.M. ...., The Secretary reported that this special meeting was convened pursuant to a duly dated and signed Notice of Special Meeting which was mailed each agency member in due time, form, and manner as required by law. The Chairman read the original of the "Notice and Certificate" set forth below, and the same was ordered spread on the minutes, as follows: NOTICE AND CERTIFICATE 1. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING TO THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA ".,,. Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the members of the Rede- velopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California will be held at Room 306 - Blackstone Building in the City of San Bernardino, California, the regular meeting place thereof, at 5:00 o'clock P.M., on the 21st day of March, 1960, for the purpose of (1) Approving Escrow Contract with the First American Title Company of San Bernardino; (2) Authorization to pro- ceed with purchase of properties in the Project Area; (3) Approval of Temporary Loan Note No. 5 and for the purpose of transacting any other business which may properly come before such meeting. _... Dated this 18th day of March, 1960. A. M. Sessions Chairman 2. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Jerome F. Sears, Secretary of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 18th day of March, 1960, I served a true copy of the foregoing Notice of Special Meeting on each and every member of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino in the following manner: By United States Mail. Witness my hand this 21st day of March, 1960. Jerome F. Sears Jr. Secretary Roll call showed the following present: Sessions, Wilson, Carlisle, Cunningham and Davis. Also present were Mr. Ward, Agency Counsel and Mr. Sears and Mrs. Connelly, staff members. r- I ....... Resolution No. 149 - Escrow Contract I I I I I I I I I I The chairman introduc d the following resolution: 207 #",,,-._, RESOLUTION NO. 149 RESOLU ION APPROVING CONTRACT FOR ESCROW SERVIC S AND ISSUANCE OF POLICIES BETWEEN FIRST MERICAN TITLE COMPANY OF SAN BERNAR INO AND THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, the Redevelo California and First Land Title Company 0 contracts for ownersh suant to written cont respectively; and WHEREAS, said Contrac Title Company of San of policies of title brook Project Area No paid to said title co WHEREAS, said Agency Plan therefor, with t project area, and it of title insurance on WHEREAS, the terms of First American Title and the provisions of title insurance give tofore paid to said t preliminary title rep ment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, merican Title Company of San Bernardino, formerly San Bernardino, have heretofore executed certain p data reports and preliminary title reports, pur- acts dated August 22, 1957 and July 14, 1959, s contain a prov1s10n that said First American ernardino shall credit against the premium costs nsurance issued by it on real property in Meadow- 1 acquired by said Agency, the moneys heretofore pany pursuant to said contracts; and s ready to proceed, pursuant to the Redevelopment e acquisition of land and improvements in said s necessary to obtain escrow services and policies project properties to be acquired; and .... - a proposed written contract for said services with ompany of San Bernardino has been approved by HHFA said contract as to premium costs for policies of credit to said Agency for the moneys it has here- tle company for its ownership data reports and rts: NOW, THEREFORE, BE ITIRESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, catifornia that the Chairman and Secretary are hereby authorized on behalf f said Agency to execute said Contract for Policies of Title Insurance an Escrow Services with First American Title Company of San Bernardino, fo merly Land Title Company of San Bernardino, a corporation. I Wilson moved and Davif as read and presented adopted. I I seconded a motion for approval of the resolution On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously Resolution No. 150 - tpproval of Acquisition I The Chairman introduc~d the following resolution: I I I I ~ ......., 208 ",.-. RESOLUTION NO. 150 ...... RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OR LAND AGENT TO PURCHASE BY NEGOTIATED SALE ALL LAND AND IMPROVE- MENTS IN THE MEADOWBROOK PROJECT AREA NO. 1 WHEREAS, the Housing and Home Finance Agency, Regional Office, has approved all documentation and acquisition data concerning the acquisition of certain land and improvements of property located in the Meadowbrook Project Area No.1 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California and has authorized said Agency to proceed with the purchase and acquisition of said project area property: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that its Executive Director or Land Agent be, and either of them is hereby, authorized to purchase by negotiated sale, within the price limits, terms, and conditions heretofore established for individual parcels, all land and improvements in Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, required by the approved Redevelopment Plan therefor, to be acquire~ by said Agency from the owners thereof. """'''\ Carlisle moved and Cunningham seconded a motion for approval of the resolu- tion as read and presented. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unani- mously adopted. ...."...' Resolution No. 151 - Temporary Loan Note No.5 The Chairman introduced the following resolutio~: RESOLUTION NO. 151 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A CERTAIN PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN NOTE IN CONNECTION WITH PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-lO WHEREAS, THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA (herein sometimes called the "Local Public Agency") has filed or is about to file a requisition, together with the necessary supporting documents, with the United States of America (herein called the "GoveIrnment") request- ing a payment on account of the Project Temporary Loan provided for in the Loan and Grant Contract and numbered Contract No. R-lO (LG), (which, together with all supplements, amendments, waivers, is herein called the "Loan and Grant Contract") by and between the Local Public Agency and the Government, said Loan and Grant Contract being in connection with a certain project of the Local Public Agency designated therein; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has determined to issue its Project Tempo- ~ rary Loan Note as security for such payment: -..... 209 I I I I i I I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CA IFORNIA as follows: P"";~ 1. That pursuant to he provisions of a Resolution entitled: "RESOLUTION AUTHO LOAN NOTES IN CON AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER PURPOSES" IZING THE ISSUANCE OF CERTAIN PROJECT TEMPORARY ECTION WITH URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-IO THE SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF, AND FOR duly adopted by the L 1958, the Chairman an hereby authorized and rized by said Resolut Ninety-Two Thousand a only approve said req so approved by the Go date of the acceptanc and the payment there of March, 1960; shall shall bear a statemen form: cal Public Agency on the 24th day of October, the Secretary of the Local Public Agency are directed to prepare and execute a note, autho- on, in the principal amount of Three Hundred d 00/100 ($392,000.00), or, if the Government shall isition for a lesser amount, in the lesser amount ernment. Such note shall bear interest from the of the Local Public Agency's delivery thereof or by the Government; shall be dated the 22nd day be designated Project Temporary Loan Note No.5; at the foot thereof in substantially the following "Delivery of thiSI Note was accepted and payment therefor made on the r day of , 19 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Housing and Home Finance Administrator lIIIIII!II - By II. , and shall not be val~d until said statement is duly executed on behalf of the Government. The ISecretary is hereby authorized and directed to delivery such note tol and accept payment therefor from the Government, and the aforesaid of~licers are hereby authorized and directed to do all acts and things nece~sary for the execution, sale, and delivery of such note. I i 2. That the proceed~' of such note shall be deposited and disbursed only in accordance with t e provisions of the Loan and Grant Contract, unless otherwise approved b the Government. 3. That this Resolu ion shall take effect immediately. I I I The director explain~d the necessity of Temporary Loan Note No.5. Pending the outcome ~f current litigation, the Agency anticipates offer- in for sale its firs~ Preliminary Loan Note April 12, 1960. The receipt of Temporary Loan No~e No. 5 is requested at this time so that there will I I I I I I I I I I II!lII!IIIIIl ......", "",.. '- , ""-" """"" ...... 210 be no delay in the schedule of land acquisition. Cunningham moved and Wilson seconded a motion for approval of the resolution as read and presented. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. There being no further business to come before this special meeting, the chairman adjourned the meeting at 5:45 p.m. 211 inutes of the Regular Meeting of the EDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held on pril 7, 1960, in Room 306 of the lacks tone Building at 4:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 4:00 P.M. ...'~ Rollcall showed the f llowing present: Sessions, Wilson, Cunningham and Davis. Also prese t were Mr. Ward, agency counsel, and Mr. Sears and Mrs. Connelly, sta f members. Absent: Mrs. Carlisle. Wilson moved and Cunni gham seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of March 3, 1960 and the special meeting of March 21, 1960 as read and presented. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopte . The following expendit for approval: Jerome F. Sears Jr. Grace Connelly Martha Gomez William A. Schuessler Donald C. Hulbert Ann Reynolds Edith Ga1atz for the month of March, 1960 were presented ~ I I ~ I salary for the director for the month of March, 1960 salary for the administrative assistant for: 3/1/60 to 3/15/60 3/16/60 to 3/31/60 I i I .. I I t I t I I I I i I I I First Quarter - 1960 Tt~ Department of Emp~oyment State Employees' ~etirement System District Directoriof Internal Revenue I I I I I salary for the steno-clerk for: 3/1/60 to 3/15/60 3/16/20 to 3/31/60 salary for the land agent for: 3/1/60 to 3/15/60 3/16/60 to 3/31/60 salary for the engineer for: 3/1/60 to 3/15760 3/16/60 to 3/31/60 salary for the receptionist for: 3/1/60 to 3/15/60 3/16/60 to 3/31/60 salary for the relocation specialist for: 3/1/60 to 3/15/60 3/16/60 to 3/31/60 752.64 183.77 ...... 183.77 ....... 126.83 126.83 265.84 265.84 331.80 331.80 116.68 116.68 180.50 180.50 ..., 209.15 660.48 1,519.00 """"'~ 212 ",.... William E. Taylor Aooounting servioes for the month of February, 1960 120.00 -- Maroh, 1960 130.00 William J. Ward Legal servioes for the month of February, 1960 360.00 March, 1960 325.00 General Telephone 2/15/60 Company 1/16/60 to 89.85 2/16/60 to 3/15/60 93.10 Lier Radio and Musio Company Rental on intercom system 15.95 Travel Expenses Edith Galatz 1.05 Postmaster 30.00 Amerioan National Bank (Savings Bank)- 31.50 Barnum & Flagg repair of R. C. Allen Calculator 48.00 Inland Printing 51.11 !liP", Lindenman Printing - 6.16 ........ Associated General Contraotors 3.15 Contraots Albert L. Johnson First American Title Company 500.00 3,320.50 Morrison & Hill - Negotiator's Fees for the month of Maroh, 1960 1,126.50 . First American Title Company: Block Parcel Aoquisition Esorow Fee and Title Insuranoe 4 20 12,500 35.10 4 4 20,000 1.86 *;.- ~'... 9 24 10,000 83.50 9 22 12,000 91.00 - 16 11 6,150 14.50 (continued) 2l~ Block Parcel 5 4 17 5 19 ~ 11 20 Blaokstone Building American Photocopy Arrowhead Office Equipment Company Sparkletts Drinking Water Corporation San Bernardino Blue Print Ac uisition Escrow Fee and Title Insuranoe '."'"'111 5,000 7,000 6,500 - 43.00 - 7,200 *************** Rent on Room ~06 for the period ~/15/60 to 4/14/60 235.00 112.84 supplies offioe supplies 27.99 7.25 6.62 ..... Davis moved and Wils n seoonded a motion for approval of the expendi- tures as presented. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously ...... adopt ed. Si s for erties The director present d the agency members with a suggested poster type sign to be placed on all agency owned properties when vacated. Cunningham moved and I Wilson seconded a motion that a sufficient quantity of the sign as prese ted be purchased by the agency and placed on all agency owned propert es within the project area when vacated. On a roll call vote, the otion was unanimously adopted. The chairman turned would not participat OWNER PARTICIPATION he meeting over to the vice chairman and stated he in the discussion. GREEMENTS Nathan H. Rose The director submittl d a proposed supplement to the owner partioipat- tion agreement by an between this Agency and Nathan H. Rose. The pur- pose of the supplement request by Mr. Rose was to include properties adjacent to his own hich he reoently acquired. Davis moved and Cunningham seconded motion that the vice ohairman and secretary be authorized to execut the proposed supplement to the owner participa- tion agreement by an between this Agency and Nathan H. Rose. On a roll call vote, the otion was unanimously adopted. ~ - 214 Suverkrup and Halsey A~reements ".- -- The 'director requested that he be given a cutoff date for the execution of the owner participation agreements that had been offered to Suverkrup Lumber Company and Halsey Machine and Manufacturing Company. After dis- cussion, Davis moved and Cunningham seconded a motion that the director notify both companies that all owner participation agreements that were not executed by the close of business May 2nd would be revoked. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. The vice chairman turned the meeting back to the chairman. Telephone Facilities The director requested that he be authorized the purchase of additional telephone lines because of the increase of telephone business due to the acquisition and relocation programs. Wilson moved and Davis seconded a motion that th~ director be authorized to purchase the additional tele- phone facilities that are necessary for the proper execution of agency business. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Relocation Booklet (Informational) The director submitted a proposed booklet which would be for public distribution. This booklet would answer questions most frequently asked of the urban ren~wal program in general and especially the relocation program. Wilson moved and Cunningham seconded a motion that the director ~ purchase an initial order of 1,000. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. ...... Parkin~ Lot Policy The chairman turned the meeting over to the vice chairman. The director presented the offer of CITY AUTO PARKS DOWNTOWN, the former owner and occupant of an agency owned parcel to the agency members for their consideration. Said offer was that CITY AUTO PARKS DOWNTOWN would lease the land from the agency for S2.50 per parking stall per month, pro- vide all insurance coverage and operational expenses including maintenance to city standards. After considerable discussion, the agency determined that the rental rate should be S}.OO per parking stall per month. All other conditions of the offer presented by CITY AUTO PARKS DOWNTOWN to remain. Davis moved and Cunningham seconded a motion that the director be authorized to negotiate with and enter into a lease with CITY AUTO PARKS DOWNTOWN at $}.OO per parking stall per month. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. The chairman again took over the meeting. -.... BARRO Davis moved and Wilson seconded a motion that the Agency renew its National dues of BARRO for the year 1960-61 in the amount of $24. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. 1'" ..... 215 sel on Liti ation i!l""~"" The chairman asked f r the report of agency counsel at this time. Mr. Ward stated that there had been no new developments in the litiga- tion at this time. Procurement Policy ~~",,~ After a review of Resolution No. 121, Agency Procurement Policy, the agency members decid d that no change was necessary at this time. How- ever, the agency mem ers requested a copy of the monthly expenditures, be given to each mem er at the regular meetings and keptin a separate file. It would no 1 ger be necessary to record individual expenditures in the Journal of Mi utes of the Agency. Travel Policy The travel policy of the Agency was discussed at length by the members regarding mileage wi hin the City of San Bernardino and travel outside the city limits of S n Bernardino. Sessions then introduced' the follow- ing resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 152 R SOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 28' ESTABLISHING CERTAIN POLICIES ON TRAVEL PENSES OF ITS MEMBERS, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOa, TORNEY AND OTHER OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF' THE CITY SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA ...... - WHEREAS, by its' Resolution No. 28, as amended by its Resolutions Nos. 40, 108, and 132, Th Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California establish d certain policies on travel expenses of its members; executive director attorney and other officers and employees traveling on authori ed official business of the Agency outside of the City of San Bernardi oJ and . WHEREAS, the Agency as determined that the rate of ten (10) cents per mile for the use of rivately owned automobiles on authorized offioial business is fair and equitable: NOW, THEREFORE, BE I RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMEBT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, C LIFORNIA, that Resolution No. 28 of said Agency, as amended by said R solution Nos. 40, 108, and 132, is hereby amended to read as follows: A. That there be a110wed to Agency members, its executive director, attorney, and other l'fficers and employees traveling on authorized offi- cial business of the Agency mileage for the use of private automobiles at the rate of ten (10) cents per mile, for miles actually traveled from the Agency office to and from the place where said official business is to be transacted, the total mileage paid for travel outside of the City limits of the C ty of San Bernardino, California, not to exceed the cost of first cl ss transportation plus necessary taxi, bus, or pri- vate transportation nd parking if private transportation is used, or of the actual amount of any railroad or airplane fare, less the Federal -- - 216 ....., Tax; that there be allowed such person the further sum of $20.00 per day per diem for any travel outside of the city limits which necessitates such person remaining over night and away from the City of San Bernardino, California, or the actual amount of per diem expenses if such person can return to the City of San Bernardino, California, the same day said tra- vel commences, providing said latter per diem expenses do not exceed the sum of 120.00 """.. B. Be it resolved further that each trip of any agency member, its executive director, attorney, and other officers and employees of the Agency to a destination beyond a seventy-five (75) mile radius of the City of San Bernardino, California, which is charged wholly or in part to a Title I project, be specifially authorized by a resolution of the Agency members, or authorized in advance by the Chairman or Vice-Chairman of the Agency, approving such a trip as essential to a Title I project. C. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. Davis moved and Wilson seconded a motion adopting Resolution No. 152 as read and presented. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unani- mously adopted. NAHRO CONFERENCE - Santa Barbara ~""~1" The director read the call to the Annual Pacific Southwest Regional Conference of NAHRO to be held in Santa Barbara May 15 through 18th, 1960. 'til,;,.","" The chairman then introduced the following resolutionl RESOLUTION NO. 153 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ATTENDANCE OF AGENCY MEMBERS AND CERTAIN NAMED STAFF MEMBERS AT THE ANNUAL PACIFIC SOUTHWEST REGIONAL CONFERENCE OF NAHRO IN SANTA BARBARA WHEREAS, Resolution No. 152 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California requires that each trip made by an agency member or staff members to a destination beyond a seventy-five mile radius of the City of San Bernardino be specifically authorized by a resolution of the agency members; and WHEREAS, the members of NARRO will hold their annual Pacific Southwest Regional Conference in Santa Barbara, May 15 through 18, 1960; and WHEREAS, a preliminary meeting regarding said conference will be held in Santa Barbara April 18, 1960; and ,..... WHEREAS, the agency members and certain staff members are members of NARRO; and it is found to be essential to the Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, Calif. R-10, a Title I Project, that said agency members and staff members attend such meeting; -- 211 NOW, T~EREFORE, BE I is hereby authorized meeting in Santa Bar and per diem be and visions of Resolutio RESOLVED that the executive director be and to attend the hereinabove referred to preliminary ara on April 18, 1960 and his travel expenses re hereby approved in accordance with the pro- No. 152 of the Agenoy, . '~... BE IT FURTHER RESOLV D that the agenoy members, exeoutive director, administrative assis ant, land agent and staff engineer be and are hereby authorized to attend the hereinabove referred to conference in Santa Barbara, Calif rnia and their travel expenses and per diem be and are hereby approved n accordanoe with the provisions of Resolution No. 152 of the Ageno . Wilson moved and Dav s seoonded a motion that Resolution No. 153 be adopted as read and resented. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. There being no furth r business to come before this meeting, the ohairman adjourned the meetin at 6.10 p.m. Wilson moved and Dav s seconded a motion for adjournment. On a roll call vote the mtion was animously adopted. -- -~ IJerome F. Sears Seoretary ...... .......!II [ r- '-- ,.... L., 1 218 Minutes of the regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BEHNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held on May .5, 1960 in Room 306 of the Blackstone Building at 4:00 P.M. The agency members convened in regular session at 4:00P.M. and roll call showed the following present: Carlisle, Davis and Cunningham. Also pre- sent were Mr. Ward, agency counsel, and Mr. Sears and Mrs. Connelly, staff members. Absent: Sessions and Wilson. Since the chairman and vice-chairman were not present, Carlisle moved and Cunningham seconded a motion that Dr. Davis be appointed Chairman Pro Tempore until the Chairman arrived. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Cunningham moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of April 7, 1960 as read and presented. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Expenditures Expenditures (File No.1) for the month of April were presented to the members , for their approval. After review, Davis moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for approval of the expenditures as submitted. On a roll call vote,. the motion was unanimously adopted. Resolution No. 154 - Temporary Loan Note. No.6 Davis introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 154 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A CERTAIN PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN NOTE IN OONNECTION WITH PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-IO WHEREAS, THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA (herein sometimes called the "Local Public Agency") has filed or is about to file a requisition, together with the necessary supporting documents, with the United States of America (herein called the "Government") request- ing a payment on account of the Project Temporary Loan provided for in the Loan and Grant Contract and numbered Contract No. R-IO (LG), (which together with all supplements, amendments, waivers, is herein called the "Loan and Grant Contract") by and between the Local Public Agency and the Government, said Loan and Grant Contract being in connection with a certain project of the Local Public Agency designated therein; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has determined to issue its Project Tempo- rary Loan Note as security for such payment: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN 219 BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of a Resolution entitled: ..... "RESOLUTION AUTHOIUZING THE ISSUANDE OF CERTAIN PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN NOTES IN CONNECTION WITH URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT NO. CALIF. R~lOAND PROVIDING FOR THE SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT THEH.lOClF, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES" duly adopted by the Local Public Agency on the 24th day of October, 1958, the Chairman and the Secretary of -the Local Public Agency are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and execute a note, authorized by said Resolution, in the principal amount of One Million Three Hundred Three Thousand Dollars and 00/100 ($1,303,000.00), or, if the Government shall only approve said requisition for a lesser amount, in the lesser amount so approved by the Government. Such note shall bear interest from the date of the acceptance of the Local Public Agency's delivery thereof and the payment there- for by the Government; shall be dated the 6th day of May, 1960; shall be designated Project Temporary Loan Note No.6; shall bear a statement at the foot thereof in substantially the following form: ..." "Delivery of this Note was accepted and payment therefor made on the day of , 19_. UNITED STATES OF AMEIUCA Housing and Home Finance Administrator By ., fr ..."III " . , and shall not be valid until said statement is dUly executed on behalf of the Government. The Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to deliver such note to and accept payment therefor from the Government, and the aforesaid officers are hereby authorized and directed to do all acts and things necessary for the execution, sale, and delivery of such note. 2. That the proceeds of such note shall be deposited and disbursed only in accordance with the provisions of the Loan and Grant Contract, unless otherwise approved by the Government. 3. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately. After discussion, Carlisle moved and Cunningham seconded a motion for adoption of the resolution as read and presented. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Owner Participation Agreements Suverkrup Agreement ] The director informed the agenc,y members that the agency counsel had nego- [ r '-' r- I j '-- 220 tiated with the attorney for the Suverkrup Lumber Company regarding the supplement to the Owner Participation Agreement and it had been executed by said Company. Davis then.introduced the following resolution: WHEREAS, on the 13th day of November, 19.58, by its Resolution No. 92, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California authorized the execution of an owner parti.cipation agreement by the Agency with the John Suverkrup Lumber Company; and WHEREAS, subsequent to the approval of said agreement by the Local Public Agency, counsel for the John Suverkrup Lumber Company submitted an alter- nate proposal; and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the Agency counsel that said alternate pro- posal complies with the terms and conditions of the Redevelopment Plan: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency be and they are hereby authorized to execute with the Jolm Suverkrup Lumber Company that certain owner participation agreement as approved by agency counsel and counsel for the John Suverkrup Lumber Compa~. After discussion, Carlisle moved and Cunningham seconded a inci>tion for adoption of the resoluti(:>n as read and presented. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Mr. Sessions, the Chairman arrived at 4:4.5 P.M. and relieved Dr. Davis as Chairman. Halsey Machine and Manufacturing Company The director read a letter from Clarence Joris, a part owner of the property, and WaYne Ivans, representing the interests of Halsey Machine and Manufacturing Company. Both letters requested an extension of time on the execution of an owner participation agreement, since an appraiser had been hired. After con- siderable discussion, Cunningham moved that the owner participation agreement offered to Halsey Machine and Manufacturing Company be revoked. Motion dropped for lack of a second. Carlisle moved to grant an extension to ~ 20th. Cunningham seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the following voted "Aye": Carlisle, Davis and Cunningham. "Noes": None. .otice to Proceed Cunningham moved and Carlisle seconded a motion that the director send the "Notices to Proceed" to all owner participants. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. 221 Report of Agency Counsel on Litigation Agency counsel informed the members that the Agency had been named as a co-defendant in a suit by Manuel Ruiz, Jr. and Alexander Ruiz in propria pel"sona~wherein'thet'c4iiria'pridr~w;-itten'Ba.les agreement to' property in project area recently acquired by the Agency, and that appropriate pleadings were being filed in opposition thereto. Carlisle moved and Davis seconded a motion that agency counsel, William J. Ward, be authorized to appear as attorney for the Agency in said suit. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously approved. "'""" """"'" Condemnation Proceedings Agency Counsel informed the agency members that the acquisition prihgram had reached the stage where condemnation proceedings would be necessary on certain parcels. After discussion, Cunningham moved and Davis seconded a motion that the agency counsel proceed with the necessary steps on certain parcels in the Meadowbrook Project Area No. 1 in the ownership of the Estate of John Russo and AdolphLouis Hauer and William Edward Hauer and designated on the Property Map as Block 17, Parcel 2, Block 6, Parcels 18 and 23, Block 8, Parcel 5, Block 9, Parcels 14 and 19. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Property Management - Eviction Agency counsel informed the agency members that all steps had been taken as prescribed in the Property Management Plan for the collection of rent on 1 127 West Second Street (Claude and Goree Scott). Inasmuch as all steps have, been taken, Davis moved and Cunningham seconded a motion for agency counsel ~ to file an unlawful detainer and request judgment against the Scotts. On a roll call vote, the mQtion was unanimously adopted. Personnel - Resignation of Land Agent The Chairman read a letter from Mr. William A. Schuessler, land agent for the Agency_ Sessions moved that the resignation of Mr. Schuessler be accepted with regret and that the following resolution be adopted and presented to Mr. Schuessler upon his termination on May 31, 1960: RESOLUTION NO. 156 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEV~LOPm."NT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ACCEPTING THE RESIGNATION OF MR. WILLIAM A. SCHUESSLER AS LAND AGENT FOR SAID AGENCY AND EXPRESSING ITS APPRECIATION THEREOF WHEREAS, William A. Schuessler has faithfully and diligently served as Land Agent for the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, since October 1, 1959, and, in such capacity, has contributed in large measure toward the adoption and execution of a successful land acquisition program; ~ ~ .."J 22Z [ \fHEREAS, new opportunity and challenges have been presented to said William A. Schuessler and the Agency having read and accepted his letter of resignation, effective as of May 31, 1960, desires to express its appreciation to him for service as a member of its staff: NOli, TH8illiFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVElOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, that it convey to William A. Schuessler its appreciation and gratitude for his outstanding initiative, perserverance and service as Land Agent of the Agency from October 1, 1959 to lfuy 31, 1960. Cunningham seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. The director then submitted the qua,lifications of Mr. Robert Broadbelt, who had applied for the position of Land Agent. Davis moved and Cunningham seconded a motion that, subject to the approval of lffiFA Regional Office, Mr. Broadbelt be hired for the position of Land Agent commenping June 15, 1960 and that he be placed on Pay Range No. 36, step A. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Relocation Booklet The director informed the agency members that the relocation booklet had been completed and submitted to the printers. Davis moved and Cunningham seconded the motion that Merrie Kimberlin be given $50 for the work she had done in illustrating the booklet. On a roll call vote J the motion was unanimously ,..,-- adopted. ~_ Davis moved and Cunningham seconded a motion for adjournment. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. There being no further business to come before this meeting, the chairman ad- journed the meeting at 6:45 P.M. Jerome F. Sears Secretary ~, r ! '-- 225 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held on June 2, 1960 in Room 306 of the Black- stone Building at 4:00 P.M. --- .... The Agency members convened in regular se~Slon ~t 4:Uu P.M. and roll call showed the following present: Carlisle, Davis and Cunningham. Also present were Mr. Ward, agency counsel, and Mr. Sears and Mrs. Connelly, staff members. Absent: Sessions and Wilson. Also present were several guests including Mrs. Ethel Goodin and Mr. Roland Tornquist. Since the chairman and vice-chairman were not present, Cunningham moved and Carlisle seconded a motion that Dr. Davis be appointed Chairman Pro Tempore until the Vice Chairman arrived. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Cunningham moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of May 5, 1960 as read and presented. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Expenditures Expenditures (File No.2) for the month of May 19hO were presented to the members for their approval. After review, 'Carlisle moved and" Cunningham ., seconded a motion for approval of the expenditures as submitted. On a roll .J call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Report of Agency Counsel on Litigation (A) Andrews vs. City of San Bernardino et. al., U. S. Supreme Court Appeal: Agency counsel advised the Agency members that the sixty- v daty period which Ruiz and Ruiz, attorneys for Charlotte Andrews, have to file a Jurisdictional Statement in support of their Notice of Appeal to the U. S. Supreme Court from the decisions in Andrews vs. City of San Bernardino et. a1., 4th Civil 5983 and 4th Civil 6243 will expire June 13, 1960. The agency members were again informed that agency counsel is not admitted to practice before the U. S. Supreme Court, but that Waldo Willhoft, who has been special counsel for the City of San Bernardino in all litigation to date on the Meadow- brook Project, was in Washington D. C. on May 31, 1960 for admittance before that Court. A discussion followed regarding Agency representation in this appeal and agency counsel informed the members he could assist Mr. Willhoft in the preparation of a joint Motion to Dismiss this appeal to be filed on behalf of both the City and Agency, agency counsel being allowed to appear thereon "of counsel". The members then (1) autho- rized agency counsel, William J. Ward, to work with Mr. Willhoft in ~ ...."j 224 [ the preparation of such joint motion. (2) agreed to hold over the question of agency representation in this appeal should oral arguments be required before the Court in Washington D. C., and (3) approved payment of the Agency's share of printing costs for such motions. (B) Ruiz & Ruiz vs. Shell, et. al.: The members were informed that the plaintiffs in the above case had recorded a Lis Pendens regarding Mr. Shell's vacant lot, a few hours prior to recordation of Shell's deed of the same land to the Agency, and that undoubtedly a trial regarding Ruiz' asserted prior written agreement with Shell would be required. It was reported that the Agency's demurrer and motion to strike filed against the original Complaint did not come up for hearing because the Ruiz' filed a First Amended Complaint and a demurrer and motion to strike on behalf of the Agency will be filed against said First Amended Complaint. (c) Redevelopment Agency vs. Scott: Counsel advised the agency members that judgment had been entered in the above action in favor of the Agency, cancelling the Scott's rental agreement, for unpaid rent, court costs, and for possession of the rented premises. Inasmuch as the defendants moved out, it was not necessary to pay moving costs and it appeared the defendants have no known assets or earnings, out of which the money judgment can presently be collected. ,.- ! Mr. Wilson arrived at 4:30 P.M. and relieved Dr. Davis as chairman. L. Owner Participation Agreement - Ethel Goodin The director introduced Mrs. Ethel Goodin, an owner of property within the Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, and Mr. Roland Tornquist, who will act as her representative. Mr. Tornquist related the previous meetings held with the agency director in regard to the request of Mrs. Goodin that her property be considered for an owner participation agreement. (Property is located at the southeast corner of Rialto Avenue and E Street), generally referred to as Parcel 2 of Block lIon the Property Map). Mr. Tornquist stated that Mrs. Goodin was willing to comply with all provi- sions of owner participation, except the requirement of the Declaration of Restrictions which provides a setback of 50 feet from the center line of E Street. This provision would require approximately eight feet of the existing building to be torn down. Mr. Ward explained the necessity of this provision. Mrs. Goodin also spoke in her own behalf. After considerable discussion, Davis moved that the request for an owner parti- cipation agreement by Mrs. Goodin be tabled until the next ~egular meeting and that Mrs. Goodin notify the Agency by letter that Mr. Tornquist was her authorized rep~esentative. Carlisle seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. r-- Owner Participation Agreement - Towle Wilson introduced the following resolution: ...... 225 RESOLUTION NO. 157 ---- RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 118 APPROVING THE OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT WITH KATHLEEN C. TOWLE AS EXECUTRIX OF THE LAST WILL OF CHARLES C. TOWLE DECEASED AND CHARLES C. TOWLE, JR. ..... WHEREAS, on the )th day of December, 1959, by its Resolution No. 118, which amended its Resolution No. 88, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California authorized the execution of an owner participation agreement by the Agency with Kathleen C. Towle as Execu- trix of the Last Will of Charles C. Towle, deceased, and Charles C. Towle, Jr.; and WHEREAS, subsequ~nt to,theadoption of said Resolutions Nos. 88 and 118, the Agency ascertained that Kathleen C. Towle, individually, was required to execute said agreement as a person interested in the subject property under the terms of said Will; and WHEREAS, prior to the execution of said owner participation agreement with said Kathleen C. Towle, Executrix, it was necessary for her to peti- tion for and receive the authorization of the San Bernardino County Superior Court, which authorization was decreed by said Court; and WHEREAS, the date of said agreement was thereby required to be at a time subsequent to such Court approval and authorization: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA that paragraph 3 of RESOLUTION NO. 88, as amended by RESOLUTION NO. 118, be and it is hereby, amended to read as follows: ,.., I ....III "NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency be, and they are hereby authorized on behalf of said Agency to execute with KATHLEEN C. TOWLE as Executrix of the Last Will of CHARLES C. TOWLE, deceased, CHARLES C. TOWLE, JR., and KATHLEEN C. TOWLE, individually, that certain owner partici- pation agreement dated the L4th day of May, 1~60.tt Agency counsel explained the delay in the execution of this agreement, as it was necessary to obtain court approval for Kathleen C. Towle to sign as executrix of the Last Will of Charles C. Towle, deceased. Carlisle moved and Cunningham seconded a mo~ion for approval of the resolution as read and presented. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Owner Participation Agreement - Freeman and Foster The director informed the agency members that subsequent to the execution of an owner participation agreement with Foster Meat Company, a nex corpo- ration has been formed (Freeman and Foster) and said corporation has pur- chased property adjacent to the property referred to in the owner ., ...J 226 o participation agreement with Foster Meat Company. Freeman and Foster has requested an owner participation agreement for their property (referred to as Block 9, Parcels 9, 10, 11 and 12 of the Property Map. Davis then introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 158 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOBMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA APPROVING THE OWNER PARTI- CIPATION AGREEMENT WITH FOSTER MEAT COMPANY INCORPORATED WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Project Area No. 1 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California permits owner participation as to certain parcels of real property therein, in accordance with Section 33701 and 33745 of the California Health and Safety Code; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California has determined that it desires to execute with the owner thereof an owner participation agreement for the improvement, alteration, maintenance and/or use of the real property described in the hereinafter referred to owner participation agreement: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency be, and they are hereby authorized on behalf of said Agency to execute with Foster Meat Company Incorporated, a California Corporation, dba, Freeman ,- and Foster, that certain owner participation agreement dated the 2nd day of June, 1960. '- Davis moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for approval of the resolution as read and presented. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Owner Participation Agreement - Halsey Machine and Manufacturing Company At the last regular meeting of the agency members, an extension to May LOth had been granted to Halsey Machine and Manufacturing Company in regard to the execution of an owner participation agreement. Subsequent to this action, a letter from Halsey Machine has been received by this agency requesting an extension until June 20th at which time their (Halsey Machine) appraisers would have their report ready. The director had, upon receipt of this letter, received permission by telephone of the agency members to grant an extension until the regular meeting of the agency. After discussion regarding this request, Cunningham moved and Davis seconded a motion that an extension be granted to Halsey Machine that this would be the final date for the execu- tion of an owner participation agreement. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Condemnation Proceedings ".... I \..,., As directed by the Agency members at the regular meeting of May 5th, agency counsel explained the steps necessary for condemnation proceedings. Wilson then introduced the following resolutions: 227 RESOLUTION NO. 159 RESOLUT~ON OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE CON EMNATION OF CERTAIN PARCELS OF REAL PROPERT IN THE MEADOWBROOK PROJECT AREA NO. 1 PROJECT NO. R-IO BE IT RESOLVED that t sary for the public u the City of San Berna developing the area k adopted by this Agenc by the City Council 0 Ordinance No. 2233; """lII .....", e real property hereinafter described is neces- es and purposes of the Redevelopment Agency of dino, California to wit: For the purposes of own as Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, heretofore on May 20, 1958 by Resolution No. 56 and approved the City of San Bernardino on July 21, 1958 by I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that William J. Ward and Jerome F. Sears, Jr. be and they are hereby authorized to institute eminent domain proceedings in Superior Court of the tate of California in and for the County of San Bernardino in the name of this Agency, for the purpose of acquiring said properties in accordan e with the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure and the Community Rede elopment Law of the State of California; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said real properties are located within the boundaries of the Mead wbrook Project Area No.1, Project No. Calif. R-IO and in the City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and are de ignated as Block 17, Parcel 2, being more parti- cularly described in t"tle searches furnished by First American Title Company now on file in the records of the Agency. .., ....J I RESOLUTION NO. 160 RESOLLTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF TH~ CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AUTHO~IZING THE CONDEMNATION OF CERTAIN PARCEtS OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE MEADOWBROOK PROJE~T AREA NO. 1 - PROJECT NO. R-IO I BE IT RESOLVED that th' real property hereinafter described is necessary for the public uses an purposes of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, Cal fornia to wit: For the purposes of developing the area known as Mead wbrook Project Area No.1, heretofore adopted by this Agency on May 20, 1958 by Resolution No. 56 and approved by the City Council of the City of San Bernardino on July 21, 19)8 by Ordinance No. 2233; I I , BE IT RESOLVED that William J. Ward and Jerome F. Sears, Jr. be and they are hereby authorized 10 institute eminent domain proceedings in Superior Court of the State of ~alifornia in and for the County of San Bernardino in the name of this Ag1ncy, for the purpose of acquiring said properties in accordance with thelprovisions of the Code of Civil Procedure and the Community Redevelopment Law of the State of California; .., ....J [ [ ,... '-' 228 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said real properties are located within the boundaries of the Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, Project No. Calif. R-IO and in the City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and are designated as Block 6, Parcels 18 and 23, Block 8, Parcel 5, Block 9, Parcels 14 and 19, being more particularly described in title searches furnished by the First American Title Company now on file in the records of the Agency. Davis moved and Cunningham seconded a motion for adoption of Resolutions 159 and 160 as read and presented. On a roll call vote, the resolutions were unanimously adopted. Investment of Temporary Loan Funds The director informed the agency members that the agency was in receipt of the requisition from the Federal Government in the amount of $1,303,000.00. This requisition was for a 4t month period. . Because of the large amount, the director requested permission to invest a portion of the amount. Cunningham moved and Carlisle seconded a motion that the Secretary be authorized to invest an aggregate amount of $1,050,000.00 in Time deposits or U. S. Treasury Notes, whichever would be more advantageous to the agency. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Tour of Victor Gruen's Office The director informed the agency members that a tour of Victor Gruen's office in Beverly Hills was being arranged. All agency members were invited to attend. As final arrangements are made, all members would be notified. Personnel - Land Agent Due to the resignation of the Land Agent, agency counsel requested a land agent be appointed temporarily until such time as a permanent land agent is hired. Davis moved and Cunningham seconded a motion that Mrs. Grace Connelly be appointed land agent temporarily. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Condemnation Attorney The director read a proposal from the law offices of Donald S. Gillespie offering to represent the Agency in eminent domain proceedings. The vice chairman recommended the letter be filed and that any decision regarding the condemnation attorneys be tabled until the next regular meeting. Cunningham moved and Davis seconded a motion for adjournment. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. There being no further business to come before this meeting, the vice chairman adjourned the meeting at 7:05 p.m. I" .....,-- 229 Minutes of the regular meeting of June 2, 1960 approved by absent member: Date .!;'illlf ~J;q;lil,j'IT,f~~"'r..li ully submitted, ~ Sears Jr. Director-Secretary ., ,* ...; ] , ..J [ f"".... L [ 230 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA he I d on Ju I y 7, I 960, i n Room 306 of the Blackstone Bui Iding at 4:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Agency members was cal led to order by the Chairman at 4:00 P.M. Roll call. showed the following present: Sessions, Wi Ison, Carl isle and Davis. Absent: Cunningham. Also present were Mr. Ward, Agency counsel, and Mr. Sears and Mrs. Connelly, staff members, and several guests. Minutes a motion Wi Ison moved and Davis seconded/for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of June 2, 1960 as read and presented. On a roll cal I vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Expenditures Expenditures (Fi Ie No.3) for the month of June, 1960 were presented to the members for their approval. After review, Davis moved and Carl isle seconded a mot~on for approval of the expenditures as submitted. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Report of Aqency Counsel on Litiqation Mr. Ward, Agency counsel, reported that in the cases of Andrews vs. City of San Bernardino et. al., the City's and Agency's Motion to Dismiss or Affirm had been prepared in conjunction with Mr. Waldo Wi 1 Ihoft, representing the City, and 40 copies fi led with the Clerk of the United States Supreme Court. He further reported that the U. S. Supreme Court was now in its summer recess, and it was not likely that a decision ,would be forthcoming until fall, as to whe- ther or not it would grant a hearing for oral arguments. Agency counsel advised the members that in the case of Ruiz and Ruiz vs. Shell and the Agency, in the San Bernardino County Superior Court, he had fi led a demurrer and motion to strike as to plaintiff's First Amended Complaint, that a hearing had been had and the matter submitted to the court for decision. Owner Participation - Ethel Goodin Mr. Roland Tornquist presented a letter to the Agency members from Mrs. Ethel Goodin authorizing him to represent her. He stated he had been unable to locate Mrs. Goodin and request a continuance unti I the next regular meeting. Carl isle moved and Davis seconded a motion that the continuance be granted unti 1 the next regular meeting on August 4, 960. On a rol I cal I vote, the motion was unanimously aaopted. 231 Condemnation Proceedinqs Agency counse I i nfotmed t he members that pr i or to the f i ling of any condemnation actions involving project area properties, the consent of HHFA thereto must be obtained, and that as to par- c e Ish ere t 0 for e aut In 0 r i zed b y the Age nc y. for s u c hac t ion s aid consent has been re~uested. He further advised the members that regional counsel for HHFA did not at this time consent to a "blanket" approval as to al I property in the area for condemna- tion, but that such consent and approval would have to be secured on a parcel basis, ~robably block by block. It was brought out that the law firm of Kanuf, Henry and Farrel I had been dissolved since its trial service offer had been received by the Agency. The Executive Director read a letter from the firm of Gi I lespie, Flory and Hartley ot San Bernardino, requesting the Agency to consider it for legal services in connection with con- demnation. The mem~ers concurred in the approval of said firm for consideration in comnection with such work. A discussion was had by the members concerning the employement of Mr. Ward to prepare, fi Ie serve and appear in court on al I con- demnation cases up to the time of trial. Since Mr. Ward's present contract with the Agency was made at a time when the extent of subsequent litigation involving the project was not foreseen, and since said contract specifically excludes any condemnation work from his scope of services, Sessions introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 161 RESOLUTION AMENDING CONTRACT FOR LEGAL SERVICES BY AND BETWEEN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AND WILLIAM J. WARD W HER E AS, 0 nth e I 4 t h day 0 f Ap r ii, I 959 a con t r act for leg a I 5 e r- vices in connection with the planning and execution of Meadowbrook Project Area No. I was executed by and between THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA and WILLIAM J. WARD, attorney at law; and WHEREAS, said contract specifically excepted from the scope ot ser- vices to be performed by said attorney his representation of said Agency in connection with I itigation involving the condemnation of properties within said project area; and WHEREAS, said Agency desires said attorney to perform legal ser- vices in connection with the preparation, fi I ing, and servin9 of process in eminent domain proceedings for the condemnation ot pro- perties in said project area, and other such services necessary or required to bring such I itigation to trial, including court appearances on behalf of said Agency on demurrers, motions to strike, pre-trial conferences, and other proceedings prel iminary to trial, and further including any deposition or discovery pro- ~ j ...,J ] ~ i '-..; D ,..... ; i 1 '-... [ 232 ceedings involved in such litigation, and conferences with trial attorneys prt6r t6 trial, and association with trial attorneys during trial and any proceedings or appeals subsequent to the trial of such condemnation actions; and WHEREAS, since the execution of said contract of Apri I 14, 1959, certain lawsuits brought against said A~ency have been appealed through the courts of the State of California and are presently pending before the United States Supreme Court, which necessitated legal services by said attorney not reasonably, contemplated by him or said Agency at the time of execution of said contract, and which appeals have thus increased the hourly services of said attorney so that an amendment should be made as to the total com- pensation to be paid him pursuant to said contract; and WHEREAS, it wi I I be necessary to revise the present Project Expendi- tures Budget as to legal services in connection with said Project, which budget revision must be approved by the Housing and Home Finance Agency, and wi I I take some time to accompl ish; and WHEREAS, said A ency desires said contractor to immediately prepare and institute c~rtain condemnation actions involving real property in said project area, and to amend said contract of Apri I 14, 1959, which amendment as to compensation wi I I be within the current bud- get limitation as to legal services: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, that said contract with Wi 1 1 iam J. Ward, dated Apri I 14, 19':19, as aforesaid, is hereby amended in the f 0 I I ow i n g par tic u I a r s : I. Paragraph 1, subparagraph B. Scope of Services ot said contract of Apri I 14, 1959 is hereby amendeo to read as follows: "B. Represent the Local Publ ic Agency in all courts of the State of Cal ifornia and the Federal Courts in litigation brought by or against the Local Publ ic Agency, its members, officers, and staff employees concerning Local Public Agency business or said project, provided said contractor shal I perform such services in connection with condemnation I iti- gat ion only as to those parcels heretofore authorized by the Local Public Agency by its Resolutions 159, 160, and 163; provided, however, that other counsel may be associated with, or substituted in place of contractor at the discretion of the Local' Publ ic Agency and/or the Housing and Home Finance Administrator. AI I pleadings and other legal communications and writings incident to such services by contractor shal I be prepared at his expense." II. Paragraph 3. Com~ensat i on of sa i d contract of Apr i I 14, 1959 IS hereby amended to rea as fOTTows: t13. Compensation. The Local Publ ic Agency wi II pay to the con- tractor the amount of Twelve Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars ($12,700.00), which shall constitute full and complete compensa- 233 tion for the Contractor's services hereunder. Such sum wi I I be paid at the rate. of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) per hour, in every case subject or receipt of a requisition for payment from the -, Contractor specifying that he has performed the work under this Contract in conformance with the Contract and that he is entitled -J to receive the amount requisitioned under the terms of the Con- tract." IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that subject to the approval of the Hous- ing and Home Finance Agency, the Chairman and Secretary of the Agency are hereby authorized on behalf of the Agency to execute said Amendments to said Contract with Wi liam J. Ward. Wi Ison moved and Davis seconded a motion that Resolution No. 161 be ado p t e d as rea d and pre s e n t e d . On a r 0 I I c a I I v 0 t e, the resolution was unanimously adopted. The members further agreed that the firm of trial attorneys for any particular condemnation suit would be determined at a reasonable time prior to the actual tr~al date. Agency counsel then explained why it appeared appro- priate for the Agency members to authorize the fi I ing of condem- nation suits against remaining parcels in Block 4 ana that certain parcels covered by a deed of trust, now held by the Estate of John Russo, deceased. Sessions then introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 162 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE CONDEMNATION OF CERTAIN PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE MEADOWBROOK PROJECT AREA NO. I, PROJECT NO. R-Io ., j BE IT RESOLVED that the real property hereinafter described is necessary for the pub Ii c uses and purposes of The Redeve I opment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, Cal ifornia, to wit: For the purposes of developing the area known as Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, heretofore adopted by thi s Agency on May 20, 195(3 by Resolution No. 56 and approved by the Mayor and Common Counci I of the City of San Bernardino on July 21, 1958 by Ordinance No. 2233; BE IT RESOLVED, subject to the concurrence ot the Housing and Home Finance Agency, that Jerome F. Sears, Jr., as Secretary ot the Agency be, and he is hereby authorized on behalf of said Agency to institute eminent domain proceedings, through Agency counsel, in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of San Bernardino in the name of this Agency, for the purpose of acquiring said properties in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Civi I Procedure and the Community Rede- velopment Law ot the State of Cal ifornia; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said real properties are located within the boundaries of the Meadowbrook Project Area No. 1-- ., Project No. R-IO and in the City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino, State of Cal ifornia, and are designated as Block 4, .~ Parcels I, !J, 6, 7,8, 9, 10, 14b, 16, 17, and 18, Block 13 Par- cel 6, being more particularly described in the title searches ,... I ..... ...,;~ - ........ ....... 234 furnished by First American Title Company now on file in the records of the Agency. Wilson moved and Davis seconded a motion that Resolution No. 162 be adopted as read and presented. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Rental Adiustments The director submitted a request based on written findings that the following charge-offs of rent be made in accordance with Part 7 of Section 1 of the Property Management Plan: (1) John La Marr, 129 West Second Street - $5.35 to be charged off as uncollectable; (2) Raymond Valdivia, 178 South Arrowhead - $ 0.53 to be waived upon recommendation of Relocation Special ist and Executive Direc- tor. Carlisle moved and Davis seconded a motion that the charge- offs of rent be made as requested. On a roll call vo+e, the motion was unanimously adopted. Auditor's Report The director informed the Agency members that during the. recent audit of the Agency's records, $168.58 expended by the A~ency had been ru ed ineligible project cost. Mr. Sears stated he had answered all of the findings of the auditor and would inform the members of the final audit report from HHFA Regional Office. Annual Report to Governinq Body of Local ity After discussion as to the type of presentation of a report, the Chairman requested the director to prepare a mimeographed report for the Mayor and Common Counci I of the progress and status of the Meadowbrook Project Area No. I. Disposition Documents Agency counsel presented the form of disposition documents to be used in the sale of project properties after demol ition and completion of site improvements. After review of the documents, Wi Ison moved and Davis seconded a motion that the Agency forward the documents to HHFA Regional Office for their review and approval and upon receipt of said approval, the disposition documents be printed for use in the disposition of properties within +he Meadowbrook ProJec+ Area No. I. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Amended Contract with First American Title Company of San Bernardino Agency counsel explained that it was necessary to amend the existing contract with First American Title Company of San Bernardino to include the preparation of Litigation Guarantees on parcels autho- rized for condemnation by the Agency members. Sessions then intro- d u c e d the f 0 I I ow i n g res 0 I uti 0 n : 235 RESOLUTION NO. 163 ~ RESOLUTION AMEND NG CONTRACT FOR POLICIES OF TITLE INSURANCE AND ESCROW SERVI ES BY AND BETWEEN THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF S N BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AND FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY OF SAN BERNARDINO ll;;<.,,~J WHEREAS, on the 21st of title insurance a Meadowbrook Project REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE tion; and day of March, 1960 a Contract for policies d escrow services of property ocated in the rea No. I was executed by and between THE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA and INSURANCE COMPANY OF SAN BERNARDINO, a corpora- WHEREAS, said contra t did not require the Title Company to issue I itigation guarantee respecting properties in said project area against which condem ation proceedings are to be instituted; and WHEREAS, said Agency cannot proceed with the preparation and fi ling of such condemnation suits with such additional litigation guara- tees being furnished by said Title Company: NOW, THEREFORE, BE I RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDI 0, CALIFORNIA, that said Contract with First American Title Insur nce Company of San Bernardino, a corporation, dated March 21, 1960, as aforesaid, is hereby amended in the follow- """'" ing particulars: I. Paragraph 1. Sc 1960 is hereby amen Contract of March 21, - Se vices. The Contractor shall perform all the provi ed under this Contract in connection with f I lowing Project Area: I As per Exhi bi t "4" attached hereto, and made a part hereof, I . and shall do, perfor~ and carry out, in a satisfactory and proper man n e r, as de t e r m i n e ~ b y the L 0 c a I Pub I i c Age n c y the f 0 I I ow i n g : a . I s sue C a I i fori n i a Lan d Tit I e Ass 0 cia t ion S tan d a r d Co v era 9 e form Policies of Title Insurance, naming as insured the Local Publ ic Agency, the I iabi I ity of each such Pol icy being the value of the land only as specified by the Local Public Agency for parcels with~ln the Project Area described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto; provided, however, as directed by the Local Public Agency, were improvements will not be demolished, the Liabi Ii ty of certiain such Pol icies of Ti t Ie Insurance shall be the purchase pride paid by the Local Publ ic Agency for said parcels within tHe Project Area described in said Exhibit "A". On any parcels wilthin the Project Area, described in Exhibit "A" attached herelto, which are the subject of condemnation proceedings by t~e Local Public Agency, as directed by the "1. Sc 0 e 0 necessary services and respecting the ....... v.."_,,,~ [ r ..... ,.... ...., 236 Local Public Agency, the Contractor wi I I issue a Litigation Guaran- tee in I ieu of the Owners Pol icy of Title Insurance provided above, the liability of each such Guarantee to be the value of the land and improvements as specified by the Local Publ ic Agency for such parcels. At the time Decrees of Condemnation are rendered by the Court as to such parcels, the Contractor wi I I issue an Owners Pol icy of Title Insurance, as bove provided, naming as insured the Local Publ ic Agency, the liabi lity of each such Pol icy being the value of the land only as specified by the Local Publ ic Agency for such parce s; provided, how- ever, as directed by the Local Publ ic Agency, where improvements wi I I not be demol ished, the I iabi I ity of certain such Pol icies shall be the principal amount of the iudqment paid by the Local Publ ic Agency for such parcels. b. Act as Escrow Holder in transactions involving parcels within the Project Area as hereinabove defined, wherein the Local Publ ic Agency"is the Buyer and the Record Owners at the time of purchase by the Loca I Pub Ii c Agency are the Se II ers. (I) To perform the usual services and duties of an Escrow Holder, inc uding but not I imited to the following: (a) Prepare Escrow Instructions and obtain signatures of parties either by mai I or in person. (b) Order Preliminary Reports of Title brought to date, and deliver them to the Local Public Agency. (c) Have Prel iminary Reports of Title approved by the Local Publ ic Agency. (d) Obtain demands, release and reconveyance documents from holders of encumbrances and liens against the subject property. (e) Prepare documents necessary to put the record title to the subject property in the condition required by the escrow instructions. (f) Obtain the Sellers' approval of demands. (g) Keep escrow balance sheets showing purchase pr ice and a II charges and expend i tures. (h) Clear checks of parties before closing the escrows. (i) When escrow instructions have been complied with, obtain from the Local Publ ic Agency the necessary funds to close the escrows. (j) Record the necessary documents to show record title to the subject property as required by the escrow instructions, and obtain Pol icies of Title Insurance. (k) Disburse funds in accordance with escrow instructions. . The Local Public Agency shall furnish the following data and information to the Contractor: 237 a. Purchase Price b. Address of parties to the escrows. c. Terms and fu II deta i I s of sa I es, and documents and funds necessary to c ose the escrows. ~ --- ' ff. Paragraph 3. Compensation of said Contract of March 21, 1960, is hereby amended to read as fo II ows: 3. Com~ensation: Total compensation to the Contractor shal I not exceed t e sum of $12,000.00 for the premiums of Pol icies of Title Insurance, or in I ieu thereof litigation Guarantees, furnished the local Public Agency; provided, however in the event of the issuance by the Contractor to the Local Publ ic Agency, as insured, of a Litigation Guarantee on any parcel or parcels within the Pro- ject Area, as aforesaid, the Contractor shall receive from the Local Publ ic Agency, in addition to the compensation herein speci- fied, the sum of $25.00 per pol icy for Owners Pol icy of Title Insurance issued to the Local Publ ic Agency subsequent to the issu- ance of a Litigation Guarantee covering the same parcel. Total compensation to the Contractor shal I not exceed the sum of $8,000.00 in Escrow Fees. The above pol icy premiums include the credits due the Local Public Agency under Contracts dated July 4, 1959 and August 22, 1957, by and between the parties hereto. a. Escrow Fees are to be based on the purchase price of the parcels within the project area, in accordance with the hereinafter set out schedule. .., $25.00 for $1000.00 or less. $1.50 for each additional $1000.00 over $1000.00, to and including $25,000.00. $1.00 for each additional $1000.00 over $25,000.00, to and including $50,000.00. $ .50 for each additional $1000.00 over $50,000.00. ~ b. Premiums for the Policies of Title Insurance issued prior to the issuance of a litigation Guarantee covering the same parcel, with a liability equal to the value of land only as specified by the local Public Agency or equal to the purchase price paid by the Local Public Agency as the case may be, or premiums for the Litigation Guarantees issued in lieu of said Policies of Title Insurance with a liability equal to the value of the land and improvements as specified by the local Publ ic Agency, of the parcels within the project area wi I I be charged in accordance with the hereinafter set out schedule. L i a b i lit y : $0 .00 " $251.00 " $50 I .00 $250.00 $500.00 , $1000.00 Premiums: $20.00 " $22.50 " $30.00 $3.00 for each additional $500.00 liabi lity from $1001.00 to and including $10,000.00. $4.00 for each additional $1000.00 I iabi I ity from $10,001.00 to and including $25,000.00 $3.00 for each adoitional $1000.00 I iabi lity from $25,001.00 to an including $300,000.00. $2.00 for each additional $1000.00 I iabi I ity over $300,000.00. .., F .....I 238 ,.... t ... A c h a r g e 0 f $ 25 . 00 per pol icy s h a I I be c h a r g e d for each pol icy issued by Contractor subsequent to its issuance of a Litigation Guarantee covering the same parcel. It is expressly understood and agreed that in no event wi I I the total compensation and reimbursement, if any, to be paid hereunder exceed the maximum sum of $12,000.00 for all title pol icies and Liti- gation Guarantees required herein. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, following the issuance of a Litigation Guarantee in lieu of a Pol icy of Title Insurance, the Contractor, on demand, wi II issue to the Local Publ ic Agency, 04- $25.00 per pol icy, a Pol icy of Title Insurance covering the same parcel or parcels contained in such Litigation Guarantees." IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that subject to the approval of the Housing and Home Finance Agency, the Chairman and Secretary of the Agency are hereby authorized on behalf of the Agency to execute said Amend- ments to Contract with First American Title Insurance Company of San Bernardino, a corporation. Davis moved and Wi Ison seconded a motion for approval of Resolution No. 163 as read and presented. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. ~ Contract - Western Real Estate Research Corporation ! ~ The director informed the Agency members that HHFA Regional Office wil I require an updating of the re-use and marketabi lity study made by Western Real Estate Research Corporation dated January 6, 1958. S e s s ion s the n i n t rod u c e d the f 0 I I ow i n g res 0 I uti 0 n : RESOLUTION NO. 164 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND PROVIDING FOR EXECUTION OF CONTRACT WITH WESTERN REAL ESTATE RESEARCH CORPORATION FOR UPDATING OF RE-USE AND MARKETABILITY STUDY FOR MEADOWBROOK PROJECT AREA NO. I (CALIF. R-IO) WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California and Western Real Estate Research Corporation have heretofore entered into a personal service contract for a land re-use and marketabi I ity study for property situated in the Meadowbrook Project Area No. I, Cal if. R-IO, which study was sub- mi tted to the Agency on January 6, 1958; and WHEREAS, the Agency now requires an updating of said re-use and marketabi I ity study in order to comply with HHFA requirements regarding land disposition of property in said project area, and sold HHFA has heretofore indicated its approval of such an updating contract with Western Real Estate Research Corporation: ,...- ..... '<I.~~C;;::-:::-- 239 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That, subject to the approval of the Housing and Horn Finance Agency, the Chairman and Secretary of The Redevelopmen Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, are her by authorized to execute on behalf of said Agency a written co tract with Western Real Estate Research Corporation for sai updating of its re-use and marketabi I ity study, the compensa ion for which shall be a total amount of $3,000.00. .., ..... Davis moved and Car isle seconded a motion for approval of Reso- lution No. 164 as r ad and presented. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unan mously adopted. Contract - Ro Wenz ick and Com an The director inform by letter of June 6 St. Louis, Missouri Mr. Sears stated he and discussed the t and marketabi I i ty s resolution: d the agency members that HHFA Regional Office 1960 had designated Roy Wenzlick and Company, to make the second re-use appraisal. had met with representatives of said firm rms and conditions of a contract for are-use u d y . S e s s ion s the n i n t rod u c e d the f 0 I I ow i n g RESOLUTION NO. 165 RESOLUTION AP ROVING AND PROVIDNG FOR EXECUTION OF CONTRACT 1 WITH ROY WENZ ICK AND COMPANY FOR RE-USE AND MARKETABILITY 1 STUDY FOR MEA OWBROOK PROJECT AREA NO. I (CAL IF. R-IO) ...... WHEREAS, the Housi g and Home Finance Agency requIres The Rede- velopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino to secure and pro- vide it with two (2) re-use and marketabi I ity study reports and appraisals prior to the resale of property in the Meadowbrook Project Area No. I; and WHEREAS, the only previous such report was submitted by Western Real Estate Research Corporation, under date of January 6, 1958; and WHEREAS, the Housing and Home Finance Agency, pursuant to tis agreement with the Agency, has the right to designate, and has designated and approved Roy Wenzl ick and Company, a corporation, of St. Louis, Missouri, as the contractor with whom said second such study and report is to be made: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That, subject to the approval of the Housing and Home: Finance Agency, the Chairman and Secretary of The Redevelopmentl Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, are hereby authorize to execute on behalf of said Agency a written contract with Roy We zlick and Company for a re-use and marketa- ~ bi I ity study, the co pensation for which shall be a total amount of $6,000.00. ...... Davis moved and Carl sle seconded a motion for approval of the resolution as read a d presented. On a roll call vote, the reso- lution was unanimous y adopted. c ,... ! ~ r ~ 240 Aqency Meetinq Policy and Travel Policy The director informed the Agency members that several findlngs of the audiior C6u d be corrected by inclusion in resolutions adopted by the Agency members. After discussion by the Agency members, Sessions introduced the fol lowing resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 166 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING POLICY CONCERNING FOOD COSTS AT REGULAR AGENCY MEETINGS WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency ot' the City of San Bernardino, California by its Resolution No. 14 has designated the first Thursday of each month at the office of the Agency, Room 306, Blackstone Bui Iding, 362 North Arrowhead Avenue, San Bernardino, California, at the hour of 4:00 o'clock P.M., as the time and place of the regular meetings of its members; and WHEREAS, the business of the Agency's members may from time to time require the convening of their regular meetings, adjourned regular meetings, or special meetings at such times as food is required to be served to the members, officers, employees, and invited guests: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that it is the pol icy of the Rede- velopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, Cal ifornia that it incur reasonable food costs for its members, officers, employees and invited guests at any regular meeting, adjourned regular meet- ing or special meeting required to be convened at a time when food is normally served. Davis moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for approval of the resolution as read and presented. On a rol cal I vote, the reso- lution was unanimously adopted. Sessions then introduced the f 0 I I ow i n g res 0 I uti 0 n : RESOLUTION NO. 167 RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 28 ESTABLISHING CERTAIN POLICIES ON TRAVEL EXPENSES OF ITS MEMBERS, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, ATTORNEY AND OTHER OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, Cal ifornia that its Resolution No. 28, as amended, is hereby amended as follows: I . Paragraph A thereof is amended to read as fol lows: "A. That there be a II owed to Acaency members, its execut i ve director, attorney, and other otficers and employees travel- ing on authorized official business of the Acaency mi leage for the use of private automobiles at the rate ot ten (10) cents 241 per mi les, fo mi les actually traveled from the Agency office to and from the place where said official business is to be tran acted, the total mi leage paid for travel outside of th city I imits of the City of San Bernardino, California, n t to exceed the cost of first class trans- portation plu necessary taxi, bus, or private transporta- tion and parking if private transportation is used, or of the act.ual am un+ of any rai lroad or airplane fare, less the Federal T x; provided, however, if time and convenience necessitate t e use of privately owned automobiles on offi- cial business outside of the city limits of the City of San Bernardin, Cal ifornia then mi leage for the use of p r i vat e aut om b i I e s w i I I be a I I owed ins u c h eve n tat the rate of ten (10) cents per mi Ie as aforesaid irrespective of whether th amount thereof shall exceed the cost of first class t ansportation or the actual amount of rai 1- road or airpl ne fare, less the Federal Tax; that there be al lowed such pe~son the further sum of $20.00 per day per diem for any travel outside of the city I imits which neces- sitates such person remaining over night and away from the City of San Bernardino, Calitornia, or the actual amount of per diem expenses if such person can return to the City of San Bernardino, California, the same day said travel com- mences, providing said latter per diem expenses do not exceed the sum ot $20.00." Carl isle moved and i Ison seconded a motion for adoption of the res 0 I uti 0 n as rea d n d pre s en t e d . On a r 0 I I c a I I v 0 t e, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Contrac s The Staff Engineer resented to the Agency members the require- ments of the Redevelopment Plan and the Regional Office in regard to engineering services for site improvements. Mr. Hulbert then presented to the me bers the list of engineering firms that had submitted proposals for the preparation of Site Improvement Plans and the surveying f r resubdivision and staking for constructio~. After considerable iscussion, Wi Ison moved and Carl isle seconded a motion that the A ency engage the firm of Campbel I and Mi I ler for the above outli ed services. Sessions then moved the matt,er be tabled until the next regular meeting. Davis seconded the motion. On a roll all vote, the following voted "Aye" - Sessions and D a vis; and the 0 I I ow i n g v 0 t e d "N 0" - Wi Iso n and Car lis Ie. Motion not carried. The Chairman then called for a roll call vote on Mr. Wi Ison's mot on and the following voted "Aye" - Wi Ison and Carlisle; and the. f Ilowing voted "No" - Sessions and Davis. Motion not carried. The Chairman then requested the executive director and staff 1ngineer to invite a representative of all firms submitting proposalj to attend the next regular meeting. The Staff Engineer hen submitted the proposal of Pacific Materials laborat~ry for the inspection of site improvement construction and testing of soi Is an the materials used in construction. He stated that the abovementioned firm was the only local firm qual ified in t ~ i sty p e 0 f w 0 r k . S e s s ion s the n i n t rod u c e d the f 0 I I ow i n g res 0 I u- t Ion: ~ ~j .....IIIIJ , ...J ., .~ ...J c ,..... ! '-- r- ~ ~ 242 RESOLUTION NO. 168 RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR INSPECTION OF SITE IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION AND TESTING OF SOilS AND MATERIALS USED IN CONSTRUCTION WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardin?, California has heretofore prepared a plan for the Engagement ot Contractual Engineering Services for its Meadowbrook Project Area No. I, which plan provides for the execution of a personal ser- vice contract with a local Materials Testing and Inspection laboratory for inspection and soi I testing; and WHEREAS, a written proposal has been received from Pacific Materials Laboratory offering to perform such services in accordance with the proposed contract therefor, heretofore prepared by said Agency; and WHEREASf Pacific Materials Laboratory is the only local contractor avai lab e and qual ified to perform the services required of such a contract; and RESOLUTION NO. 169 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO TRAVEL TO THE HHFA REGIONAL OFFICE IN SAN FRANCISCO JULY 8, 1960 243 WHEREAS, Resolutio City of San Bernar by an agency membe beyond a seventy-f Bernardino, Cal ifo a Title I project, the Agency members No. 152 of the Redevelopment Agency of the ino, California requires that each trip made or executive director to a destination ve (75) mi Ie radius of the City of San nia, which is charged wholly or in part to be specifically authorized by a resolution of and WHEREAS, the execu ive director must meet with representatives of the HHFA Regional ffice in San Francisco; and WHEREAS, it is fou d to be essential to the Meadowbrook Project Area No. I, Calif. R-IO, a Title I project, that the executive director attend said meeting on July 8, 1960: NOW, THEREFORE, BE is hereby authoriz in San Francisco, be and are hereby Resolution No. /52 IT RESOLVED that the executive director be and d to attend the hereinabove referred to meeting al ifornia and his travel expenses and per diem pproved in accordance with the provisions of of the Agency. Wi Ison moved and D vis seconded a motion for approval of the resolution as read and presented. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Removal 0 Gas Services and Meters The director informed the Agency members that he had met with representatives of the Southern Cal ifornia Gas Company in regard to their request that the Agency pay for the removal of the g~s meters in the project area. The cost involved would be approxi- mately $7,486.80. He stated he had contacted other public agencies and !hat this practice was not followed. After discus- Sion, the Chairman requested the A~ency counsel to prepare an opinion for the next regular meeting as to the obi igation of the Agency to reimb rse the Southern Cal ifornia Gas Company. Mrs. ment d herself from the meeting at 6:35 P.M. Weed After considerable iscussion regarding a weed abatement with the City of San Bernardino for weed abatement of project area pro- perties, Wi Ison mov d and Davis seconded a motion that private contractors be enga ed for any weed abatement on project area properties and that the Agency not reimburse the City for any weed abatement and the City be so notified. On a rol I cal I vote, the motion was unantmously adopted. I Investment with the American National Bank I The director inform d the Agency members that the Regional Office required an agreeme t with fhe American National Bank in regard to the investment o' Temporary Loan Funds of the Agency. Agency cou~sel then eresen ed the agreement as approved by the Regional Office. SeSSIons t en introduced the fol lowing resolution. ..... -'" .. ~ci i -' ., ....,J 244 [ RESOLUTION NO. 170 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING AND AUTHORIZING JEROME F. SEARS JR. AS SECRETARY OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA TO ISSUE DIRECTIVES TO THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK OF SAN BERNARDINO IN RELATION TO INVESTMENTS OF PROJECT TEMPORARY LOAN FUNDS WHEREAS, in the execution of its redevelopment plan for Meadowbrook Project Area No. I, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, Cal ifornia, wi I 1 from time to time receive money borrowed from the United States of America, upon said Agency's execution and del ivery to HHFA of its Project Tempoary Loan Notes therefor; and WHEREAS, said HHFA's Urban Renewal Manual, 17-1, after obtaining prior HHFA consent for each proposed investment permits said Redevelopment Agency to invest excess cash, borrowed as afore- said which has been transferred to the Project Expenditure Account and is not required for said Agency's cash needs for the next three (3) months; and r- \.- WHEREAS, in accordance w1th said manual's provisions, the Rede- velopment Agency wi II enter into an agreement concerning such investments of excess cash with The American National Bank of San Bernardino, a national banking association, by the terms of which agreement the Agency shal I designate by resolution an offlcer thereof to issue on behalf of the Agency directives to said bank concerning the latter's purchase and conversion to cash of security investments as directed by said Agency; and WHEREAS, said Redevelopment Agency, by motion duly passed at its regular meeting held on June 2, 1960, authorized Jerome F. Sears, Jr. as Secretary, to invest $1,050,000.00 cash excess received on Project Temporary Loan Notes on a four and one-half (4t> months requisition of funds for said project, which money has heretofore been invested in U. S. Treasury Bills: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City ot San Bernardino, Cal ifornia as fol lows: I. That Jerome F. Sears, Jr., the Secretary of said Agency, is hereby designated and authorized to make and issue directives to the American National Bank of San Bernardino, (on behalf of said Agency) related to its Meadowbrook Proje'ct Area No. I, Calif. R-IO con- cerning said Bank's purchase or conversion to cash, through collec- tion on maturity or sale prior to maturity, of investment securities acquired on behalf of said Agency, and the deposit of proceeds from the conversion of such securities to cash. ....... 2. The investment of $1,045,714.93 in said U. S. Treasury Bi lis heretofore made by said Secretary on behalf of the Agency through said Bank is hereby ratified and approved. ".... 245 Wi Ison moved and Davis seconded a motion for approval of the reso- lution as read and p e~ented. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. concurred in rices b HHFA ., ~ 1 ...J Agency counsel presented a resolution whereby the executive direc- tor or land agent may request revision of concurred in prices whenever such request was necessary or justified. He explained that said authority y resolution was required by HHFA Regional Office. Sessions th n introduced the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 171 ENDING RESOLUTION NO. 150 AUTHORIZING THE ECTOR OR LAND AGENT TO PURCHASE BY NEGO- LL LAND AND IMPROVEMENTS IN THE MEADOWBROOK NO. I RESOLUTION A EXECUTIVE DI TIATED SALE PROJECT AREA WHEREAS, Resolution sale, within the pri blished for individu Meadowbrook Project o. I~O authorized the purchase by negotiated e I imits, terms and conditions heretofore esta- I parcels, all land and improvements in the rea NO. I; and WHEREAS, the HHFA Re ional Office has suggested that reference be made to the concurre ce of acquisition prices by HHFA; and WHEREAS, the Regiona 1960 concurred in th acquisition prices, any parce I, the max i forth in the schedul Administrator of HHFA under date of March 15, acquisition of properties by a schedule ot aid acquisition not to exceed, in the case of urn acquisition prices for each parcel as set ot acquisition prices: .., ....J NOW, THEREFORE, BE I RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City ot San Bernardi 0, Cal ifornia that paragraph two of Resolu- tion No. 150 be and s hereby amended to read as follows: "NOW, THERrFO E, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, eal ifornia, that its Executive Director or Land Agent be, and either of them is hereb , authorized to purchase by negotiated sale, within he schedule of acquisition prices as concurred in y HHFA, terms, and conditions heretofore established f r individual parcels, all land and improvements in Meadowbrook prol'ect Area No. I, required by the approv d Redevelopment ~ an therefore to be acquired by said Agenc from the owners thereof." ~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLV D that said Resolution NO. 150 be amended by add i n g the f 0 I I ow i n g : "BE IT FURTHE RESOLVED that the Agency's Executive Director or La~d Agent upon receipt of supplemental appraisals and there being proper justification there- for request a reconcurrence in acqui~ition prices for ..... r- L [ ~ ..... 246 individual parcels in said project area, when such request is necessary in the best interests of the property owner and the proper execution of the Rede- velopment plan for Meadowbrook Project Area No. I." Wi Ison moved and Davis seconded a motion for approval of the reso- lution as read and presented. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. At 7:25 P.M. the Chairman excused himself and the meeting was adjourned for lack of a quorum. 247 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA HELD ON AUGUST 4, 1960 IN ROOM 306, BLACKSTONE BUILDING AT 4.00 P.M. .... -..tIJ The regular meeting of the Agenoy members was oalled to order by the Chairman at 4.00 p.m. Roll oall showed the f Absent. Davis and Car Mr. Sears and Mrs. Co among the guests was M llowing present. Sessions, Wilson, and Cunningham. isle. Also present were Mr. Ward, Agenoy oounsel, elly, staff members, and several guests. Inoluded . Alexander Ruiz. Minutes Wilson moved and Cunni gham seoonde~ a motion for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of July 7, 1960 as read and presented. On a roll oall vote, the motion as unanimously adopted. Expenditures Expenditures (File No. the members for their seoonded a motion for roll oall vote, the mo 4) for the month of July, 1960 were presented to pproval. After review, Wilson moved and Cunningham pproval of the expenditures as submitted. On a ion was unanimously adopted. J At 4.20 p.m. Mrs. Carl sle arrived. Awardin Contraot Representatives from t e following engineering firms were interviewed individually by the me bers of the Agenoy. Joseph E. & Assooiates - Representatives, Mr. Joseph E. Bonadiman and Son Currie Engineering Arthur J. Sullivan oiates, as a joint ompany and nd Asso- enture Representatives, Messrs. David H. Currie and Walt Maxwell Neste and Brudin - Representative; Mr. Norman A. Neste The Chairman then requ'sted the Staff Engineer to give his reoommendation for the award of the 0 ntraot. The Staff Engineer gave Neste and !rudin as his first ohoioe an stated his reasons for reoommending said firm. The Chairman then turn d the meeting over to the Vioe Chairman and exoused ., himself from the meeti g. Discussion follows as to the qualifioations of eaoh engineering firm. , -J 248 [ At 4145 the Chairman returned and took over the meeting onoe more. Carlisle moved the engineering oontraot be awarded to the firm of Neste and Brudin. Disoussion followed. Motion dies for laok of seoond. Wilson moved the engineering contraot be awarded to Currie and Sullivan. Sessions seoonded the motion. The Chairman requested the Vioe Chairman take over the meeting at this point. Disoussion follows. Roll oall showed the following votel "Ayes" - Sessions and Wilson, ttNoes" - Cunningham and Carlisle. Motion dies for laok of a majority vote. Sessions again takes over as Chairman. Cunningham moved the engineering contraot be awarded to Joseph E. Bonadiman. Motion dies for laok of a seoond. r- ! Sessions turned the meeting over to the Vioe Chairman. Sessions then moved the engineering oontraot be awarded to Currie and Sullivan. The Vice Chair- man passed the ohairmanship to Mrs. Carlisle. Wilson seoonded the motion to award the contract to Currie and Sullivan. Roll call vote "Ayes" - Sessions and Wilson, "Noes" - Cunningham and Carlisle. Motion dies for lack of a majority vote. ..... Sessions moved the engineering oontract be awarded to Currie and Sullivan. Wilson seconded the motion. Disoussion followe". Roll call vote. "Ayes" - Sessions and Wilson, t~oes" - Cunningham and Carlisle. Mrs. Carlisle returned the ohairmanship to Mr. Sessions. The Chairman requested that the Staff Engineer state his order of recommendations as to eaoh engineering firm. Mr. Hulbert then stated that Joseph E. Bonadiman be his second ohoioe after first choioe of Neste and Brudin and stated his reasons. Wilson moved that the engineering contract be awarded to Currie and Sullivan. Motion dies for lack of a seoond. Since it seemed apparent the majority vote for the award of the engineering contract could not be obtained at this time, the Chairman requested the director to contact the absent board member, ~. Davis, and to set up a meeting for the award of this contraot. Personnel Polioy ,... m The Chairman directed the attention of the Agency members to the letter from the direotor in which Mr. Sears stated the reasons for oertain personnel policy changes and his recommendations in regard to certain changes in staff positions and salaries. Sessions then introduced the following resolution. l- 249 RESOLUTION NO. 112 RESOLUTION ADO TING A PERSONNEL POLICY AND ESTABLISHING A SALARY SCHEDULE FOR AGENCY STAFF POSITIONS WHEREAS, by Resolution the Redevelopment Agency a personnel policy and posi tionsJ and o. 61, as amended by Resolutions No. 101 and 129, of the City of San Bernardino, California adopted stablished a salary schedule for agency staff WHEREAS, it would appea desirable to consolidate all previous actions relative to staff posit ons and salaries and to establish additional person- nel policy procedured; nd WHEREAS, the City of S Bernardino, after a survey, amended the classifi- cation for certain posi ions within the City salary schedule; and IEEREAS, the Redevelopm nt Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, desire that salaries of staff employees be comparable with salary ranges paid for similar positi ns in the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R SOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, Ca1ifor ia as follows. SECTION ONE. The sa1ar to the salary schedule for all city employees. schedule of this Agency be and is hereby identical s adopted by the City of San Bernardino, California CITY SCHEDULE (S e Exhibit "A" attached hereto d made a part hereof) SECTION TWO. As of the effective date of this resolution, the salary range and steps for staff emp oyees with full credit for past service are hereby established as follows. I Executive Director 41 Administrative Assistan 29 Staff Engineer 38 Land Agent 36 Relocation Specialist 28 Senior Steno Clerk 21 Intermediate Steno C1er (Receptionist) I 18 Bookkeeper 21 SECTION THREE. A new lmployee shall start at the first step range as determined by ihe Executive Director and approved by members. I I Position Sa.lary Range . Salary Step D D C A A C B A in the salary the Agency ... J ....,j , ~ .., .~ n ~ 250 CITY SCHEDULE (Exhibi t "A") ri Af'ter After After L Hourly Begin- After lyre 1 yr. 1 yr. Equiva- ning 6 mo. 6 mo. Service Service Pay lent of Rate Service Service Step C Step D Ran~e A Rate Step A Step B Ste'P C Step ]) Step E 1 · 75 132 138 144 151 158 2 .19 138 144 151 158 165 3 .83 144 151 158 165 173 4 .81 151 158 165 173 181 5 .91 158 165 173 181 189 6 .95 165 173 181 189 198 7 1.00 173 181 189 198 207 8 1.05 181 189 198 207 217 9 1.10 189 198 207 217 227 10 1.15 198 207 217 227 238 11 1.20 207 217 227 238 249 12 1.25 217 . 227 238 249 261 13 1.31 227 238 249 261 213 14 1.37 238 249 261 273 286 15 1.44 249 261 273 286 299 16 1.51 261 273 286 299 313 17 1.58 273 286 299 313 328 18 1.65 286 299 313 328 343 19 1.73 299 313 328 343 359 "... 20 1.81 313 328 343 359 376 ~. 21 1.89 328 343 359 376 393 '-- 22 1.98 343 359 376 393 411 23 2.07 359 376 393 411 430 24 2.17 316 393 411 430 450 25 2.27 393 411 430 450 471 26 2.37 411 430 450 471 493 27 2.48 430 450 471 493 516 28 2.60 450 471 493 516 540 29 2.72 471 493 516 540 565 30 2.85 493 516 540 565 591 31 2.98 516 540 565 591 618 32 3.12 540 565 591 618 647 33 3.26 565 591 618 647 677 34 3.41 591 618 647 677 708 35 3.57 618 647 677 708 741 36 3.14 647 677 708 741 775 37 3.91 677 708 741 775 811 38 4.00 708 741 775 811 849 39 4.28 741 715 811 849 888 40 4.48 775 811 849 888 929 41 4.69 811 849 888 929 972 42 4.90 849 888 929 972 1017 43 5.12 888 929 972 1011 1064 r- 44 5.36 929 972 1017 1064 1113 L 45 5.61 912 1017 1064 1113 1164 46 5.87 1017 1064 1113 1164 1217 47 6.14 1064 1113 ll~ 1217 1275 48 6.42 1113 1164 1217 1275 1331 49 6.72 1164 1217 1275 1331 1392 50 7.02 1217 1275 1331 1392 1454 251 SECTION FOUR. New emp oyees starting at the beginning step shall be advanced automatically to the second step of their salary range upon completion of six mont s probation period. ...... ....J SECTION FIVE. for in Seotion upon the basis of a sa Executive Direotor and increments in salary, other than that provided e merit steps and shall be available to employees isfactory service rating, as determined by the the Agency members. SECTION SIX. There sh However, when an emp10 of the month, all incr made effective on the 11 be a minimum of six months service between steps. eels anniversary date is on other than the first day ases, except as provided in Section 3 shall be ay period following the anniversary date. SECTION SEVEN. receive payment d employees receiving a monthly salary shall not rtime. SECTION EIGHT. :Employ tory time off in lieu 0 when such overtime work visory personnel. es reoeiving monthly salaries may receive compensa- overtime equal to the amount of overtime worked, is done at the request of administrative or super- SECTION ELEVEN. 129. ee who desires to terminate his employment shall resignation two (2) weeks before intended resig- ., SECTION NINE. When fu 1 pay periods have not been worked, salaries will be computed on the bas's of a thirty (30) day month. SECTION TEN. An submit a written nation date. :J .J esolution supersedes Resolution Nos. 61, 107, and SECTION TWELVE. esolution shall take effeot as of JUly 1, 1960. Wilson moved and Carli le seoonded a motion for the adoption of Resolu- tion No. 172. Discussion followed. On roll oa11 vote the motion was unanimously adopted. Ethel Goodin The director read a letter from Mr. Roland Tornquist requesting an exten- sion on a hearing for s. Ethel Goodin in regard to her request for an Owner Participation Ag eement. Wilson moved that the earing for Mrs. Goodin be set for September 1st, at 4.00 p.m. and that Mrs. Goodin be notified. Cunningham seoonded the motion. Disoussion followed. a roll oa11 vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. William Finkle The director submitted request from a project Finkle) thata portion of hi~ property within the considered for an Owner articipation Agreement. the proposal of Mr. Finkle. Discussion followed. the following resolution. area property owner (William T. Meadowbrook Project Area be Mr. Sears outlined in detail Sessions then introduced l ...,j - _.~~~_~~~'T;;;'~;',~~ 252 c RESOLUTION NO. 173 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AN OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT WITH WILLIAM T. FINKLE WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Projeot Area No. 1 of the Redevelopment Agenoy of the City of San Bernardino, California permits owner partioipation as to oertain paroesof real property therein, in aooordanoe with Seotion 33701 and 33745 of the California Health and Safety CodeJ and WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Agenoy of the City of San Bernardino, California has determined that it desires to exeoute with the owner thereof an Owner Partioipation Agreement for the improvement, alteration, maintenanoe and/or use of the real property described in the hereinafter referred to owner partioipation agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chairman and Secretary of said Agency be, and they are hereby authorized on behalf of said Agency to exeoute with William T. Finkle, that oertain owner partioipation agreement. Carlisle moved and Cunningham seconded a motion for adoption of Resolution No. 173 as presented. On a roll call vote Resolution No. 173 was unanimously adopted. ,.. Owner Participation Agreement - Ruth:,M. Foster ~ ~ The director submitted a request from Mrs. Ruth M. Foster, an owner partioipant in the Meadowbrook Projeot Area No.1, that the Agenoy authorize a supplement to her Owner Partioipation Agreement giving her "first right of ret'usal" to adjaoent property. Cunningham moved that the Agenoy oounsel draw up a supplement to her Owner Partioipation Agreement granting her request and that the Chairman and Seore- tary be authorized to exeoute said supplement. Carlisle seoonded the motion. Discussion followed. On a roll oall vote the motion was unanimously adopted. Investment of Projeot Temporary Loan Funds The direotor informed the Agenoy members of the status of Agenoy investments and the interest earned thus far. Report of Agenoy Counsel on Litigation Ward reported that in the oases of Andrews vs City of San Bernardino, et. al., before the U. S. Supreme Court, appellant's reply brief had been filed, and the matter awaited the reoonvening of the oourt and its deoision as to a hearing. '-- Counsel advised the Agency members that in Ruiz VB Shell, et. al., demurrers and motion to strike had been filed as to the First Amended Complaint, and the demurrers sustained with 20 days to plaintiffs to amend. ".... 253 Members were informed that HHFA by letter had indioated its prior concur- .... rence on all condemnation proceedings was required to comply with the j HHFA Manual, and that such was being done as to those paroels in the -- Meadowbrook Projeot he~etofore authorized for oondemnation. However, Ward stated suoh ooncurrence had nothing to do with any pending litigation against the Agency. The Chairman asked Mr. Ruiz, a guest, if he wished to speak at this time before the Agenoy members. Mr. Ruiz requested that copies of the minutes and the agenda be made available to all interested parties. At this point Agency oounsel stated that the oopies of the minutes sent out to eaoh board member prior to eaoh regular meeting were not offioial until after adoption. After the adoption of these minutes they would be available to all interested parties at the offioe of the Agency. Award of Engineering Contract The Agency members again disoussed the award of the engineering oontraot and the qualifications of each firm submitting a proposal. Cunningham moved that the meeting be adjourned until Monday, August 8, 1960 at 4.00 p.m. in Room 306 - Blaokstone Building and that the proper notices be posted regarding this meeting. Wilson seoonded the motion. The Chair- man requested that the direotor contact the absent board member and request his presence at this meeting. On ~ roll call vote the motion was unani- mously adopted. The Chairman then declared the meeting adjourned until 4.00 p.m., August 8, 1960 in Room 306 - Blaokstone Building, San BernardinO, California .., \1 ~, ....;, Minutes of the regular meeting of August 4,1960 approved by absent mem'Derst Date Date ., ii ....J 254 c Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF TEE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held at 4.00 P.M., August 8,1960 in Room 306 - Blackstone Building The adjourned regular meeting of the Agency was called to order by the Chairman at 4.00 p.m. Roll call showed the following present. Sessions, Wilson, Carlisle, Davis and Cunningham. Also present were Agency counsel, William J. Ward, Mrs. Grace Connelly and Donald C. Hu1bert,.staff members. Considerable discussion was held among the Agency members regarding the award of the engineering contract. The Staff Engineer was questioned as to his recommendation and preference of the firms submitting proposals. The following resolution was then introduoed by Mrs. Carlisle. RESOLUTION NO. 114 RESOLUTION AWARDING ENG INEERING CONTRACT FOR TEE PREPARATION OF SITE IMPROVEMENT PLANS, RESUBDIVISION OF PROJECT AREA AND SURVEYING FOR CONSTRUCTION TO JOSEPH E. BONADIMAN & ASSOCIATES r- WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agenoy of the City of San Bernardino, California has heretofore prepared a Plan for the Engagement of Contractual Engineering Services tor its Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, which plan provides for the execution of a personal servioe contract with a 100a1 engineering firm for preparation of site improvement plans resubdivision of project area, and surveying for construction; and ~ , -.... WHEREAS, written proposals have been received from various such firms offering to perform such servioes in acoordanoe with the proposed contract thepefdr, heretofore'preparedbysaid Agenoy," and WHEREAS, Joseph E. Bonadiman & Associates submitted such a written pro- posal for such servioes and is qualified to perform the services required of such a contract; and WHEREAS, the said Agency has determined the compensation to be paid to said Joseph F. Bonadiman & Associates is Within the limits ot the approved budget and does not exoeed that customarily paid for services of equiva- lent scope and quality within the looa1ity; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino. r ..... (1) That subjeot to the approval of REFA said Agenoy acoept the offer of Joseph E. Bonadiman & Assooiates to perform the services required under said engineering contract. 255 (2) That the Chai rized to execu & Associates f condi tions of Carlisle moved and tion No. 174 as presen Carlisle, Cunningham Chairman declared Reso an and Secretary of the Agency are hereby autho- e a written contract with Joseph E. Bonadiman r such services in accordanoe with the terms and he proposed contract. ingham seconded the motion for adoption of Reso1u- ed. Roll call showed the following vote. tlAy-es"- d Davis. tlNoestl - Wilson and Sessions. The tion No. 174 adopted by majority vote. There being no further usiness to come before the meeting, the Chairman declared the meeting a journed at 4'32 p.m. ..., ...." ., ~ ....; " ~ ...J 256 r \.... Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held on September 1, 1960, in Room 306 of the Blackstone Building at 4100 P. M. The regular meeting of the Agency members was called to order by the Chairman at 4120 p.m. Roll call showed the following present. Sessions, Wilson, and Cunningham. Absent. Davis and Carlisle. Also present were Mr. Ward, Agency counsel, Mr. Sears, Executive Director, and several guests, including Mrs. Ethel Goodin, and her representative, Mr. Roland Tornquist, and Mr. and Mrs. G. Orona. Minutes Cunningham moved and Wilson seoonded a motion for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of September 4, 1960 and the minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of September 8, 1960. On a roll oall vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Expenditures ,.... Expenditures (File No.5) for the month of August, 1960 were presented to the members for their approval. After review, Cunningham moved for the approval of the expenditures for the month of August, and Wilson seconded the motion. On a roll oall vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. '- Owner Partioipation Agreement - Mrs. Ethel Goodin Mr. Roland Tornquist spoke on behalf of Mrs. Ethel Goodin and again requested that she be granted an owner partioipation agreement. The Chairman then requested the Secretary to prepare a resolution approving said owner parti- oipation agreement with Mrs. Goodin and be presented at the next regular meeting, and that an owner partioipation agreement be forwarded to her or her representative. With the understanding that these were to be the arrangements, Mrs. Ethel Goodin and her representative, Mr. Tornquist exoused themselves and left the meeting at 4'35 p.m. Report of Agenoy counsel on Liti~ation .... Mr. Ward related to the members that nothing further had been reoeived ooncerning the appeal to the U. S. Supreme Court in the oases of Andrews vs. City, et. al., and that perhaps by the first of November, 1960, the oourt would deoide whether or not to order a hearing for oral arguments. He explained that a default judgment in the oase of Ruiz and Ruiz vs. Shell, Agenoy, et.al., had been set aside on motion of plaintiffs, and that he was filing a demurrer and motion to strike on behalf of the Agenoy as to plaintiff's seoond amended oomplaint. Ward advised the Agenoy members that his fees in this Oase would henoeforth be payable by the title company, with possibility Agenoy would pay part beoause of oase's attaok on validity of the Agenoy1s aotivation. ,.... 257 - Contract for Extraordinar -, ..J Agency counsel explained hat in accordance with HHFA's present policy, which makes a distinction betw en general legal services (including condemnation) for a.project, and legal ervices in connection with extraordinary litigation, such as the Andrews cases that his contract of April 14, 1959 should be further revised to exclud litigation of the Andrews type and include condem- nation, and that the seco d contract cover extraordinary litigation (~other general legal services by him). Agency counsel then read esolution No. 1751 RESOLUTIDN OF SAN BERNARDINO CONTRACTS FOR SERVICES WITH RESOLUTION NO. 175 (On Separate Page) HE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF XTRAORDINARY LITIGATION AND GENERAL LEGAL ILLIAM J. WARD, AGENCY COUNSEL WHEREAS, the Redevelopmen Agency of the City of San Bernardino by its Resolution No. 161 author zed certain amendments to its contract for legal services with William J. ard; and WHEREAS, said Resolution rovided for the approval of the Housing and Home Finance Agency to said am ndment contraot prior to its execution by said Agency; and WHEREAS, said HHFA has re uested the Agency to execute two separate con- tracts with William J. Wa d amending his contract for legal services; and ., i ..J WHEREAS, said proposed am nded contracts have been presented to and oon- sidered by the Agency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RES LVED that, subjeot to the approval of HHFA, the Chairman and Secretary of the Agency are hereby authorized on behalf of the Agency to execute said ame ded contracts with William J. Ward. Wilson moved and Sessions seconded the motion that Resolution No. 175 be adopted, and on a roll call vote t e resolution was unanimously adopted. Conferences Resolution No. 176 - League of California Cities Committee on Urban Renewal The Director requested pe mission to attend the combined meeting of the League of California Cities Comm ttee on Urban Renewal and the Legislative Committee of NAHRO at Berkeley, Cal fornia on September 15, 1960, as this would be the meeting ~~axing the rev1sion of legislation on Redevelopment. Cunningham moved that the following esolution authorizing the Direotor to attend said conference be adopted. I RESOLUTION NO. 176 RESOLUTIO OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF S BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE EXECU IVE DIRECTOR TO TRAVEL TO BERKELEY, CALIFORNI SEPTEMBER 15, 1960 ..., -' 258 L.. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 152 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California requires that each trip made by an agency member or exeoutive direotor to a destination beyond a seventy-five (75) mile radius of the City of San Bernardino, California, which is charged wholly or in part to a Title 1 project be specifically authorized by a resolution of the agency members, and ,... ~j WHEREAS, the executive director is a member of the Legislative Committee of of the National Association of Redevelopment and Housing Officials, and WHEREAS, the Legislative Committee of NAHRO and the League of California Ci ties on Urban Renewal will hold:a joint meeting September 15, 1960,; in Berkeley, California, and WHEREAS, it is found to be essential to the Meadowbrook Projeot Area No.1, Calif. R-10, Title 1 projeot, that the executive direotor attend said meet- ing of September 15, 1960'1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the exeoutive direotor be and is hereby authorized to attend the hereinabove referred to meeting in Berkeley, California and his travel expenses and per diem be and are hereby approved in aocordanoe with the provisions of Resolution No. 152 of the Agenoy. r-- L., Wilson seoonded the motion, and on a roll oall vote, the resolution was unani- mously adopted. Resolution No. 171 - NAHRO National Conferenoe - Ootober 1 through 6 Detroit, Miohigan The NAHRO National Conference will be held in Detroit, Miohigan this year Ootober 1st through 6th, 1960. The direoto~ expressed his desire to attend and asked the Agenoy membe~s present if any of them wished to go. Sessions and Cunningham said they will be able to attend and aSked that the proper resolution authorizing Sessions, Cunningham and Sears be drawn up and designated as Resolution No. 111. RESOLUTION NO. 117 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING A. MERLE SESSIONS, LEROY CUNNINGHAM, AND JEROME F. SEARS, JR. TO TRAVEL TO THE NAHRO 1960 CONFERENCE IN DETROIT, MICHIGAN OCTOBER 1st THROUGH 6th, 1960 ,..... WHEREAS, Resolution No. 152 of the Redevelopment Agenoy of the City of San Bernardino, California requires that each trip made by an agenoy member or executive director to a destination beyond a seventy-five (75) mile radius of the City of San Bernardino, California, which is charged wholly or in part to a Title 1 projeot be specifioally authorized by a resolution of the agency members, and ....., 259 WHEREAS, the 1960 Nati nal Conference of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopm nt Officials will be held in Detroit, Michigan October 1st through 6t , 1960; and .., ...JJ WHEREAS, it is found t be essential to the Meadowbrook Project Area NO.1, Calif. R-10, a Title 1 project, that A. Merle Sessions, Leroy Cunningham, and Jerome F. Sears, J . attend said meetingl NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT Jerome F. Sears, Jr. b referred to meeting i diem be and are hereby tion No. 152 of the Ag ESOLVED that A. Merle Sessions, Leroy Cunningham, and and are hereby authorized to attend the hereinabove Detroit, Michigan and their travel expenses and per approved in accordance wi th the provisions of Resolu- ncy. Resolution No. 17 - NARRO Quarterly Meeting in San Jose, September 27, 1960 Wilson moved and Cunni gham seconded the motion that Resolution No. 177 be adopted. On a roll ca 1 vote the resolution was unanimously adopted. Again the Director ask meeting in San Jose, C proper authorization i to' attend said confere d for permission to attend the NARRO Quarterly lifornia, and as it is over a radius of 75 miles, needed. Wilson moved that the Director be authorized and that the following resolution be adoptedl RESOLUTION NO. 178 RESOLUTION OF THE R DEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN :BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO TRAVEL TO SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA SEPTEMB 27, 1960 ..., i ~ ...." WHEREAS, Resolution No. 152 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California equires that each trip made by an agency member or executive director to a destination beyond a seventy-five (75) mile radius of the City of San Bern rdino, California, which is charged wholly or in part to a Title 1 proje t be specifically authorized by a resolution of the agency members; and I WHEREAS, the members of National Association of Redevelopment and Housing Officials will hold the r quarterly meeting in San Jose, California September 27, 1960; and WHEREAS, it is found to be essential to the Meadowbrook Project Area NO.1, Calif. R-10, a Title 1 roject, that the executive director attend said meeting on September 27 1960 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R authorized to attend th California and his trav in accordance with the SOLVED that the executive director be and is hereby hereinabove referred to meeting in San Jose, 1 expenses and per diem be and are hereby approved rovisions of Resolution No. 152 of the Agency. .., a H ~ Sessions seconded the m tion, and on a roll call vote the resolution, designated as Resolutio No. 178 was unanimously adopted. r- f; r: '-- ,... ...... "... ....... 260 Audit Report The Director presented the Audit Report of the Agency made by BHFA Auditor and briefly read through some of the minor exceptions the federal auditor had made. The Idrector informed the Agency members that answers to all exceptions made had been forwarded to San Francisco with the proper documenta- tion. Other Business After having interviewed various applicants, Mr. Sears recommended that Mrs. Rosemary S. Whitney be hired for the position of Relocation Specialist. Mrs. Whitney was introduced to the Agency members and her employment was unanimously approved by the Agency mempers. Mr. Sears asked a guest, Mr. Orona, if he wished to speak at this time. Mr. Orona requested that he would like a copy of the minutes and the Agenda. At this time Mr. Ward referred to the Brown Act (Revised) and said we were not required to furnish any documents to anyone outside of the Agency members. The majority of the Agency members said that if anyone wanted any copies of these, they were weloomed to any copies on the table, after they had become official, and sort of as a "first come, first served" basis. Wilson moved and Cunningham seconded a motion for adjournment. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. TheIa.~ng no further business to come before the meeting, the Chairman deolared the meeting adjourned at 5a45 p.m. ~ 261 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held October 6, 1960 in Room 306 of the Blackstone Building at 4100 P. M. , ....J The regular meeting of Chairman at 4100 P. M. agency members was called to order by the Vice Roll call showed the fol owing presentl Wilson, Carlisle, Cunningham and Davis. Absentl Session. Also present were Mr. Ward, Agency counsel, Mr. Sears, Executive Dir ctor and Mrs. Connelly, Administrative Assistant. Minutes Cunningham moved and Dav's seconded a motion for approval of the minute. of the regular meeting of 1960. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Expenditures The director informed th agency members that some errors had been made on the Expenditures report (File No.5) for the month of August submitted and approved at the last regular meeti g. The agency members were given a copy of File No.5 AMENDED. Carlisle oved and Cunningham seconded that the expenditures for the month of August, as amended, be approved. On a roll oall vote, the motion was unanimously ap roved. ] Expenditures for the mont of September (File No.6) were presented to the members for their approv 1. Davis moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for approval of the expendit es for the month of September as submitted. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. ent - Pacific Electric Agency counsel submitted the owner participation agreement executed by both the Agency and the officers 0 Pacifio Eleotric Railway Company. However, the offi- cials of the Railway Comp y had made a deletion in the agreement and Mr. Ward suggested that the deletion be approved by motion of the Agenoy members. Davis moved and Carlisle seoond d a motion to approve the deletion in said agreement and that the chairman an secratary initial said agreement. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. ation Mr. Ward reported to the genoy members that nothing had been heard to date from the United States Su reme Court regarding the cases of Andrews vs. City of San Bernardino, et al.l; however, it was anticipated that a decision concern- ing oral arguments before'l that Court should be forthcoming on or about November 1, 1960. The members were informe that a Pre-Trial hearing date in Ootober, 1960 in Andrews vs. City of San ernardino, et al., Petition for Judicial Review .., a ....J 262 ,,- , f ..... pending in the local Superior Court, had been ordered off calendar on motion of Plaintiff on the ground of nodeoision regarding several issues now before the United States Supreme Court. Ward stated that upon reoeipt of a favorable opinion from the latter tribunal, the 100a1 action would be resent for Pre-trial and trial. The filing of condemnation aotion on Paroel 5-3, was related by oounse1, who advised the agency that several other eminent domain suits would be filed later this month, partiou1ar1y those involving projeot property ino1uded in the Estate of John Russo, deoeased. Counsel informed the members that an unlawful detainer against a projeot area tenant now residing in a property owned by the Agenoy had been settled shortly before this meeting, with the payment of unpaid rent and the tenant's exeoution of the standard rental agreement. Resolution No. 179 - Owner Partioi~ation Agreement with Ethel Goodin As requested at the last regular meeting, the direotor submitted the follow- ing resolution approving the execution of an owner partioipation agreement by and between this Agenoy and Mrs. Ethel Goodin (11-2). ,- RESOLUTION NO. 179 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AN OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT WITH MRS. ETHEL GOODIN ....... WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan for Meadowbrook Project Area No. 1 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California permits owner participation as to certain parcels of real property therein, in accordance with Section 33701 and 33745 of the California Health and Safety Code. and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agenoy of the City of San Bernardino, California has determined that it desires to execute with the owner thereof an owner participation agreement for the improvement alteration, maintenanoe and/or use of the real property desoribed in the hereinafter referred to owner participation agreements NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chairman and Seoretary of said Agency be, and they are hereby authorized on behalf of said Agency to exeoute with Mrs. E~hel Goodin, that certain owner participation agreement. Davis moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for approval of the resolution as submitted and read. On a roll oa11 vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Land Dis~osition ,,- Discussion was held regarding the method of land disposition of project area properties. Agency counsel informed the Agenoy members that the law provided for disposition either by bid or negotiation. It was generally agreed that negotiation would be the best method, however, either way oou1d and should be used by the Agency. Method of disposal should be determiD~d by individual parcel. ...... 263 Re a ent of Audit Exce tions The director read the f the Regional Office. NARRO, NHC, Chamber of Community Services and upon his resignation. used of the monies held seconded a motion that Special Account and dep roll call vote, the mot nal review on Audit Report No.4 received from ceptions in the amount of $157.00 for dues to ommerce and San Bernardino County Council of 11.58 for the plaque given to Truitt Westbrook ency counsel read his opinion in regard to the in the Special Account. Davis moved and Cunningham check in the amount of $157.00 be drawn from the sited in the Project Expenditures Account. On a on was unanimously adopted. ., J As to the $11.58, Davis moved and Cunningham seconded a motion that the Agenoy accept from and eposit in the Project Expenditures Acoount a gift from the Agenoy members $11.58 for the repayment of funds used to purohase the plaque for Truitt W stbrook. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously carried. Resolution No. 180 - M The director outlined t e agreement as proposed by the San Bernardino Muni- cipal Water Department n regard to certain work within the projeot area. After reviewing the pro osal, Wilson introduced the following resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 180 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACTS TH WATER DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNAR INO, CALIFORNIA J WHEREAS, the adopted Re eve10pment Plan for Meadowbrook Project Area No. 1 provides for the constr ction and installation of oertain water mains within the boundaries of said roject area, and WHEREAS, the Redevelopm relocation of certain water meters, fire hydr at the time of street w WHEREAS, the Water Depa structs and operates th Bernardino, and it can relocation of water fac nt Plan for said project area also provides for the ter faoi1ities within the project area, suoh as ts, servioes and appurtenanoes, baok of new ourb dening, and tment of the City of San Bernardino designs, oon- munioipally owned water system of the City of San ogioal1y and best perform such oonstruction and lit., and WHEREAS, written offers have been received by the Redevelopment Agenoy of the City of San Bernard no, California from said Water Department for suoh services. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R$SOLVED, by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, Califor ia. 1. That subject to th the Water Department 0 of water mains on Atho relocation of certain approval of HHFA said Agency accept the City of San Bernardino, for the Street and a portion of "D" Street, ater meters and fire hydrants. , ....J the offers of ins talla tion and for the ,.... L [ ,..... .... 264 2. That the Chairman and Secretary of the Agency are hereby authorized to execute written contracts with said Water Department for such services in accordance with the terms and oonditions of the proposed oontracts. Cunningham moved and Davis seconded a motion for approval of the resolution as read and presented. On a roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted. Rental Waiver The direotor submitted the request from the Relocation Specialist for a waiver of the rent for Teodora Gallegos in the amount of $8.19. Carlisle moved and Cunningham seoonded a motion for waiver of the rent for Mrs. Gallegos in the amount of 88.19. On a roll call vote the motion was unanimously adopted. Carlisle moved and Davis seoonded a motion for adjournment. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. There being no further business to come before this meeting, the Vice chairman adjourned the meeting at 5s20 p.m. Minutes of October 6, 1960 approved by absent members Date 265 Mi utes of the REGULAR ~~ETING OF THE EVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SA BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held on No ember 3, 1960 in Room 306 - Black- st ne Building at 4:00 P.M. , ~ The regular meeting of the Agency members was called to order by the Chairman at 4:15 p.m. Roll call showed the f llowing present: Sessions, Carlisle, and Davis. Also present were Mr. ard, Agency counsel, Mr. Sears, Executive Director and Mrs. Connelly, AdmOnistrative Assistant. Absent: Wilson and Cunningham. Minutes Carlisle moved and Dav"s seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of Oct ber 6, 1960. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Expenditures Expenditures for the m nth of October, 1960 (File No. 7 were presented to the Agency members for the" approval. Davis moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for approval of the ex enditures for the month of October as submitted. On a roll call vote, the otion was unanimously adopted. ] Mr. Ward advised members that in the case of Andrews vs. City of San Bernardino, et al., No. 137, Oct. Term, 1960, before the Supreme Court of the United States, otice of decision has been received together with a copy of same. He the read the decision of the Court, wherein the judgment of the state court was upheld and the appeal dismissed, with the further com- ment by the Court that treating the appeal as a writ of certiorari, certiorari also denied. Counsel then advised t e members that the appellant, Charlotte Andrews had filed a petition for rehearing of this case before the Supreme Court of the United States asking the Court to consider the reopening of the case. He advised the Agency th t it appeared extremely unlikely that a rehearing would be granted in view of the prior decision. In regard to P~drews vs. City of San Bernardino, et al., pending in the San Bernardino Superior Court, Mr. Ward informed the members that 355 written interrogatories had be:en served on the attorneys for both the City and the Agency, and that writtlen objections to all such interrogatories had been filed and a hearing would bel had before the Court. Objection was made to these interrogatories on se~ral grounds, such as immateriality, res adjudicata, irrelevancy, and mattj of public record. .... ~l fi * ...J 266 ~ l.. Counsel informed the Agency members that certain service and court costs had been incurred in connection with the giving of three day notices and the insti- tution of unlawful detainer actions. The members were asked if it was their desire to press for collection on these costs, when legal proceedings in con- nection therewith were no longer necessary. The Chairman, after a discussion among the members, instructed counsel not to take any further legal proceedings to collect the items involved, but to waive them pursuant to the Agency's property management plan. "... Weed Abatement The director submitted an invoice from the City of San Bernardino in the amount of $35 for weed abatement on Block 16, Parcel 16 together with a memo from the Staff Engineer stating the Agency had purchased the parcel prior to the weed abatement by the City. Agency counsel stated that the payment of this cost was eligible if the weed abatement had been performed after the Agency had title to the property. Sessions moved and Davis seconded a motion that the weed abatement on Block 16, Parcel 16 in the amount of $35 be paid. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Condemnation Proceedings: r- After reviewing the report of the negotiators and the legal status of the Agency, there was discussion by the Agency members regarding condemnation action on the remaining parcels not yet acquired by this Agency. Sessions then introduced the following resolution: ....... RESOLUTION NO. 181 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE CONDEMNATION OF CERTAIN PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE MEADOWBROOK PROJECT AREA NO. 1 PROJECT NO. CALIF. R-10 BE IT RESOLVED that the real property hereinafter described is necessary for the public uses and purposes of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California to wit: For the purposes of developing the area known as Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, heretofore adopted by this Agency on May 20, 1958 by Resolution No. 56 and approved by the City Cbuncilpf the City of San Bernardino on July 21, 1958 by Ordinance No. 2233; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that William J. Ward and Jerome F. Sears, Jr. be and they are hereby authorized to institute eminent domain proceedings in Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of SanBer.n~dino in the name of this Agency, for the purpose of acquiring said properties in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure and the Community Redevelopment Law of the State of California; "... BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said real properties are located within the boundaries of the Meadowbrook Project Area No.1, Project No. Calif. R-10 and in the City of San Bernardino, County of San Bernardino, State of California, .... 267 Default of .. '1 ...", by Carlisle moved and Davis seconded a motion for approval of the resolution as read and presented. 0 a roll call vote, Resolution No. 181 was unanimously adopted. The Director informed the Agency members that several owner participants in the Meadowbrook Project Ar a had notified the Agency they intended to default under the terms of theOr Owner Participation Agreement. Because of the value of the particular parc ls involved, the Director stated it was putting the Agency into a precario s position in regards to the real estate budget. Also, the Agency had entered into these agreements in good faith and if this was going to continue to h ppen, some decision would have to be reached by the Agency members as to tie steps they wished to take as the Plan had been writ- ten and the budget pre ared based on the execution of these Owner Participation Agreements. After dis ussion, Sessions moved and Davis seconded a motion to table any action until all Agency members were present. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimo sly adopted. ., ~ ....., Personnel - Land Agent The Director submitted tion of Land Agent. tion from his previous regarding the employme then introduced Mr. Ba a motion for approval effective November 1, adopted. the application of Mr. Frank J. Bagnor for the posi- . Sears stated he has received a letter of recommenda- employer and also approval from HHFA Regional Office t of Mr. Bagnor as Land Agent for this Agency. Mr. Sears nor to the Agency. Sessions moved and Carlisle seconded f the hiring of Mr. Frank J. Bagnor as Land Agent _960. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously 1911 Assessment The Director informed he Agency members that the assessment on a 1911 Act improvement on Sierra ay was now effective. The Agency members asked Agency counsel as to the lega ity of the payment of this assessment. Agency counsel requested the matter bf' tabled until the next regular meeting in order that he might further study th Agency's liability in regards to this assessment. The Chairman requested the Agency counsel to submit a written opinion prior to the next regular me ting so that some action may be taken at that time. .. ....J 268 ,...., ~ I .... Owner Participation Agreement - Kathleen C. Towle The Director informed the Agency members that Kathleen C. Towle had requested a six months extension for submission of her plans regarding the improvement of the bus company property. After discussion, Sessions moved and Davis seconded a motion for approval of the request of Mrs. Towle and that the Chairman and Secretary be authorized to execute a supplement to said Owner Participation Agreement allowing for said six months extension. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Medical Payments The Director requested permission to pay certain medical payments for the Relocation Specialist due to a recent development in the Project Area. Sessions moved and Davis seconded a motion that subject to the concurrence by Agency counsel, the Agency pay any medical payments necessary for the Relocation Specialist. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Carlisle moved and Davis seconded a motion for adjournment. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adoped. There being no further business to come before this meeting, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 5:25 p.m. Jerome F. Secretary ".... f -...... Minutes of No.vemher~, 1960 approved by absent members: Date Date r"'" , ~ 269 MINU ES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF T E REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE ITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALI ORNIA HELD ON DECEMBER 1, 1960 AT 4:00 P.M., ROOM 306, BLAC STONE BUILDING , -" The regular meeting of he Agency members was called to order by the Chairman at 4:20 p.m. Roll call showed the fo lowing present: Sessions, Davis and Cunningham. Absent: Carlisle and W lson. Also present were Mr. Ward, Agency Counsel, Mr. Sears, Executive Di ector and Mrs. Connelly, Administrative Assistant. Minutes Cunningham moved and Da' is seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting f November 3, 1960. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously dopted. Expenditures Expenditures for the mo members for their appro for approval of the exp On a roll call vote, t Counse The Agency members were United States had denie case of Andrews vs. Cit 1960, which concluded t 3,5 written interrogato vs. City of San Bernard objections to all of wh before Judge Jesse W. C matter under submission Agency Action: Default of Owner Partie th of November (File No.8) were presented to the ale Davis moved and Cunningham seconded a motion nditures for the month of November as submitted. e motion was unanimously adopted. J informed by counsel that the Supreme Court of the petitioner's petition for a rehearing in the of San Bernardino, et aI, Case No. 137, Oct. Term is appeal. Mr. Ward also informed the Agency that ies had been served on the City and Agency in Andrews no, et al., No. 94346 San Bernardino Superior Court, ch had been filed by the defendants and a hearing held rtis, Jr. on November 25, 1960, who had taken the for ruling. reements. As discussed at the las regular meeting, the problem of default of owner participants in the pro ect area was again outlined by the Director. In the case of Robert LaVergne deceased, the default was necessary because of minor children involved However, Arrowhead Land and Investment Company (Il- l) had notified the Agerlcy they were defaulting under the terms of the agreement and wished tolbe contacted for purchase by the Agency. After considerable discussion Cunningham moved and Davis seconded a motion authoriz- ing the Director to not'fy Mr. Stewart Metz, President of Arrowhead Land and Investment Company, tha the Agency had no intention of purchasing the 1 property and intended t use legal means, if necessary, to enforce the " terms and conditions of the owner participation agreement. On a roll call -J 210 vote, the motion w~s unanimously carried. ~ 1911 Assessment ~ Agency counsel submitted and read to the Agency members the legal opinion he had prepared in regard to the 1911 Assessment for curb and gutter work on Sierra Way Avenue: "November 14, 1960" Mr. Jerome F. Sears, Jr. Executive Director Redevelopment Agency of City of San Bernardino Blackstone BuiKlng San Bernardino, California RE: Sierra Way street assessments Dear Mr. Sears: ...... On April 20, 1960, pursuant to the provisions of the Street Iwprovement Act of 1911, the Common Council of the City of San Bernardino passed a Resolution of Intention, Resolution No. 5162, contemplating concrete curb and gutter construction along the frontage of certain properties on Sierra Way, a public street, which properties are in the project area of Meadowbrook froject Area No. 1 and were then held in private ownership. ".-. Thereafter said improvements were duly constructed in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. On October 28, 1960, the Street Superintendent filed with the City Clerk the assessment for such improvements against the individual properties effected, and a hearing on objections to such assessments was duly noticed by said clerk. Prior to the preparation and filing of such assessments, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino acquired title to a .umber of these parcels by voluntary purchase. The question now arises as to (1) the liability of the Agency for payment of the assessments, and (2) the validity of the payment of such assessments as a project expenditure. The 1911 Improvement Act is now codified in Sections 5000 et seq of the California Streets and Highways Code. Section 5301 thereof provides: ",... "If any lot or parcels of land belonging to the United States, or to the State, or to any county, city, public agent......, is in use in the performance of any public function, and frOnts upon the proposed work, .... the legislative body may, in the resolution of intention, declare that such lots or parcels of land, or any of them shall be omitted from the assessment thereafter to be made to cover the costs and expenses of the work." ...... Under this section it has been held that public property 271 is exempt from liabili y for assessment for public improvements only when it is actual appropriated to public use, City of Fresno V. Fresno Irr. Dist. C.A. o. ~ Further, it has b en ruled that property owned by a shcool district for the purpo e of erecting a school building but not used for any sohool fu ction would be subject to assessment, lOps. Atty. Gen. 435. ...", As a point of int rest, it has also been ruled that even if such lots or parcels of Ian are being used for a public function, such as a school, the school d strict is subject to payment of the assessment unless specifically ex luded pursuant to Section 5301, 23 Ops. Atty. Gen. 39. In view of the fa at the time of the ado doubt that the Common the assessment. This said Section 5301 can ~ agency at the time t that the Agency did not even own these parcels tion of the Resolution of Intention, there is no ouncil could ~ specifically exclude them from ower of exclusion is wholly statutory, and, thus, nly apply as to land actually owned by a governmen.- f ~doption of the Resolution 6f Intention. ( Furthermore, ther or not a Redevelopment as defined in Section to the Agency aI; the ti their use during the p the meaning of the sta app.ars to be considerable question as to whether Agency qualifies as the "State" or "public agent" 301. Additionally, assuming said parcels belonged e of adoption of said resolution, it would appear riod involved was not a "public function" within ute. , ...." Going on to the f llowing Section 5302.5, we find that in the absence of the legisla ive body failing to expressly exclude a lot or parcel of land &wned a d used as provided in Section 5301, then any assessment on said lot or parcel of land is an enforceable obligation against the owner of s ch property and shall be paid within 30 days after the date of recording he assessment. Section 5302.5 excludes from such liability any lot or p reel of land owned by the "State of California or any department thereof." What then is the eaning of the phrase "or any department thereof"? The Improvement Act it elf contains no such statutory definition. If we refer to particular codes we find that the term "department" means the Department of Moto Vehicles, Department of Public Works, Department of Education, etc. Pe haps the most meaningful definition of the wori, as particular applicable to said Section 5302.5, ij found in the Govern- ~~. Section 11150 the "It is the policy of this State to vest in the civil administration of the law8 of the State and for the purposes of aiding the Governor in the executio and administration of the laws to divide the executive an administrative work into departments as pro- vided by law." ~ Section 11151 pro ides: "Each department shall maintain an office and the director of each department who is a member of the Governor's c. cil shall reside at Sacramento......" ...." Based on the fore and on common definition, it is obvious said 212 r l..... Section 5302.5 of the Streets and Highways Code does not exempt the Rede- velopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino as a department of the State, from the payment of improvement assessments on its property. Since Resolution No. 5162 of the Common Council did not, pursuant to Section 5301, provide for the omission from assessment of any property owned by the Agency, such assessments are a legal liability of the Agenoy and payable within 30 days after-recording of the assessment. Turning to the second question, we now consider the eligibility of such assessments as a project expenditure under the terms of the Agency's contract with the Housing and Home Finance Agency and the latter's regula- tions. The properties subject to said assessment and now owned by the Agency were acquired through negotiated sale and for the amount of the confirmed prices. Such prices must be for clear and absolute title, free of any unpaid taxes, liens and encumbrances. All of these parcels of land were acquired prior to the preparation and filing of the assessments by the Street Superintendent and his recording of the assessments. When then do such assessments become a lien of record? r- I L.- Streets & Highways Code, Sections 5360, 5561, and 5362 set forth the steps to be followed by the Street Superintendent and City Clerk in making and filing the assessment, which is done after the completion of the improvement. Following a right to a hearing before the Common Council in favor of the contractor or property owner, it is provided in Section ~ that the assessment shall be recorded in the office of the superintend- ent of streets, and "when so recorded the several amounts assessed shall be a lien upon the lands, lots, or portions of lots assessed...." The cases have very clearly established that until the recording of such assessment, as described above, no lien arises against the subject property. In Thompson v. Clark, 6 C2d 285, 299, it was held the lien for assessment arises upon recordation of the assessment in the office of the superintendent of streets, and not before. In Cullinan v. Grey, 18 C2d 241, the court said: "An assessment is a charge made for the improvement of a certain piece of property and an assessment lien is the security for the payment of such charge. The assessment is ordinarily prepared by the street superintendent when the entire cost of the improvement is ascertained, but assessment liens are not created until the assessment roll is recorded in the office of the said official." r- That no such assessment lien arises prior to its recordation is further substantiated by Section 5582, which allows the City to pay for the whole of such improvement costs from city funds by resolution adopted any time prior to the confirmation of the assessment. Thus, in the instant situation, the City of San Bernardino has the power to eliminate any such assessment on the property owners and pay such curb and gutter improvements from city funds. ..... 273 It is thus conclud d that such assessments are a legal liability of the Agency and becau e the lien did not arise under after the Agency acquired title, payment is a lawful expenditure of project funds. After review of the above a motion that the Agency p nardino for the work done On a roll call vote, the m ~ ......J Respectfully submitted /s/ William J. Ward WILLIAM J. WARD Agency Counsel" pinion, Davis moved and Cunningham seconded y the 1911 Assessment to the City of San 'Ber- n Sierra Way in Meadowbrook Project Area No.1. tion was unanimously carried. Mr. Wilson arrived at 4:45 p.m. Recordation of Owner Parti Agency counsel suggested t supplements thereto be rec purchasers or mortgagees. to record all owner partie deemed advisable by Agency Meadowbrook Project Area N unanimously adopted. Indemnit A reement - Firs A reements and Redevelo ment Plan at all owner participation agreements and the rded so as to give record notice to any furture Davis moved and Cunningham seconded a motion pation agreements and supplements thereto and if counsel, to record the Redevelopment Plan for . 1. On a roll call vote, the motion was ] American Title Com an of San Bernardino Agency counsel submitted t e Indemnity Agreements as prepared by First American Title Company in egards to: Block 4, Parcel 20 - Purchase of this parcel was made after the curb and gutter was finished on Sierra Way but before the ass ssment was placed on the property. Block 5, Parcel 2 Block 6, Parcel 22 - rhere were delinquent taxes on both parc Is at the time of purchase. After discussion, Sessions introduced the following resolution: ESOLUTION NO. 182 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDIN , CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF INDEMNITY GREEMENTS WITH FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY OF SAN BERNAR INO WHEREAS, the Redeve~opment and First American ~itle C into a written contract fo of policies of title insur Area No. 1 acquired by sai Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California mpany of San Bernardino have heretofore entered the furnishing by said company to the Agency nce on real property in Meadowbrook Project Agency; and .... i ......, [ [ "... ...... 274 WHEREAS, it was agreed by and between said Agency and First American Title Company of San Bernardino that the latter would omit reference to certain notices of stre~t improvements and delinquent taxes in its policies of title insurance issued on the hereinafter described real property'and the Agency would execute indemnity agreements covering such deletions; and WHEREAS, such indemnity agreements have been prepared by said Company and approved by Agency counsel: NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California that the Chairman and Secretary be, and they are hereby, authorized on behalf of said Agency to execute said Indemnity Agreements covering the following described real property: Block 4, Parcel 20; Block 5, Parcel 2; Block 6, Parcel 22. Davis moved and Wilson seconded a motion for adoption of the resolution as presented. On a roll call vote, the resolutioh was unanimously adopted. Rental Waivers The director submitted the request for a rental w~iver in the amount of $35 for Evelyn Lakes as recommended by the Relocation Specialist and approved b,ythe Director. Wilson moved and Davis seconded a motion for approval of the rental waiver in the amount of $35. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Rail~ay Company The director read a request from the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company requesting that Parcel 5 of Block 11 be added to their owner participation agreement. Since this would be in conformance with the proposed resubdivision and the use would be in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan, Davis moved and Wilson seconded a motion that the Director prepare a supplement to said owner participation agreement and that the Chairman and Secretary be authorized to execute said supplement. On a roll call vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Appointment - Jerome F. Sear~ Jr, The Chairman informed the Agency members of the appointment of the director as Vice Chairman of the Redevelopment Section of NAHRO (Pacific Southwest Region). The Agency members congratulated Mr. Sears on his appointment and ordered it spread upon the minutes of this meeting. San Bernardino Central City Committee The Director informed the Agency members the' first meeting of the San Bernardino Central City Committee had met and that Mr. Warren Pe~se, President of Pioneer Title Insurance Company had accepted the Chairman- ship of said committee. He also informed the members the first meeting had been very successful with good representation from all of the businesses ,; 275 and institutions in San Bernardino. State Building The Director reported t State building. He sta and demolition was be in for the construction of criginal17 a part of Me of the proposed State b appear before the Publi to the relationship of Wilson moved and Cunnin authorized to travel to Committee. On a roll c .., ...iJJ the Agency members of the status of proposed ed that although the land had been purchased completed, the funds had not be appropriated the building. ~ince the parcels involved were dowbrook Project Area No. 1 and deleted because ilding, the Director had been contacted to Works Committee in Sacramento and testify as his new building to the Redevelopment Plan. ham seconded a motion that the Director be Sacramento and appear before the Public Works 11 vote, the motion was unanimously adopted. Governor's Housin The Director submitted from the Governor's Hou in Los Angeles. A copy who wished to review an Monthly Reports he final report together with all recommendations ing Conference held in June at the Statler-Hilton of the report would be available to all members report. The monthly status repo t for November, 1960 on acquisition, demolition, and relocation were sub itted to the Agency, members. ., i Preliminary Loan Notes ~ The Director informed t e Agency members that as a result of the latest decision of the United tates Supreme Court, the Agency was now preparing the documents to sell p eliminary loan notes to private institutions. Wilson moved and Davis vote, the motion was un to come before this mee (January 5, 1960) would would be held. The Cha econded a motion for adjournment. On a roll call nimously adopted. There being no further business ing, the Chairman announced the next meeting be the Annual Meeting and election of officers rman adjourned the meeting at 5:20 p.m. ~ ...."