HomeMy WebLinkAboutBook 01 09/08/52 - 12/17/571 MINUTES OF TF~ ORGANIZATION MEETING OF TFTi REDEAELOPMBNT AGENCY OF' THE CITY OF SaN HE3tSA_4DIN0, CAhI's'ORNIA, held in Room 200 of the City Hall, Monday, September 8, 19j2 ^a 7:_?0 Y.'!. J^.cr ! . L`.^.1ton, Oity Clerlc of th~vity o'f Sr=n BcrnerCti no, ~~+as present o,nd auninietared the o~.th of ofliee to each m=_r.~ber, to .:'it: Roy E. Chapman, Mrs. Nola Carlisle, Cruz E. Navarez, Truitt 4lestbrook and J~m~s F. b"c Dill. Chairman Chapman then called the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M. He appointed James F. McDill as Acting Secretary of the Agency. Chairman Chapman then announced that the meeting for the transaction for such business as may be legally acted upon at this first meeting. Mrs. ftola Carlisle introduced Resolution Number One as follows, and moved for its adoption. WHEREAS, under authority o£ the Following Resolutions of the Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, the first meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino was duly called by the Chairman and held in Room 200, City Hall, on September S, 1972 at 7:30 p.m. (1) Resolution No. 2361, adopted June 23, 19j2 de clsring a need for a redevelopment agency in the City of San Bernardino and activating such agency under the provisions of the California Community Redevelopment Law; (2) Resolution No. 2419. adopted September 2, 19j2 appointing five resident electors of the City of San Bernardino as members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San 2 Bernardino and deaigaating the first Chairman, under the provisions of Sections 33230, 33231, 33232 and 33233 of the California Community Redevelopment Law; and WH~tEAS, Jack T. Felton, City Clark of the City of San Bernardino, was present at the first meeting and informed the Chairman of the Agency that he had administered the oath of office to each member and that said oaths are on file in his office. SE IT RESOLVED, that the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, is duly constituted and authorized to transact business and exercise its pourers. This motion seconded by Truitt Westbrook. Chairman Chapman asked that the Secretary call roll. Mrs. Nola Carlisle Yes Truitt Westbrook Yes Cruz E. Navarez Yee James F. McDill Yes Roy E. Chapmaa Yea Chairman Chapman announced that Resolution No. 1 was uneaimously passed. Truitt Westbrook then introduced Resolution No. 2 and moved for its adoption. The Resolution follows: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA: That the following by-laws be and they are hereby adopted and approved as and for the by-laws of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California. 3 BY-LAWS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BE.RNARDINO, CALIFORNIA ARTICLE I - THE AGENCY Section 1. Name of Aeencv. The name of the Agency shall be the "Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California.° in accordance with City Council Resolution No. 2361. 3ectioa 2. Seal of Agency. The seal of the Agency shall be in the form of a circle and shall bear the name of the Agency and the year of its organization. Section 3. Office of Aeencv. The office of the Agency shall be at such place in the City of Sep Bernardino, California, as the Agency say from time to time designate by resolution. ARTICLE II - OFFICERS Section 1. Officers. The officers of the Agency shall be a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman and a Secretary who may be Executive Director. Section 2. Chairman.. The Chairman shall be elected ae provided by statute. He or she shall preside at all meetings of the Agency. Except as otherwise authorized by resolution of the Agency, the Chairman shall sign all contracts, deeds and other instruments made by the Agency. At each meeting the Chairman shall submit such recome~endations and information as he may consider proper concerning the 6usinese, affairs and policies of the Agency. Section 3• Vice-Chairman. The Vice-Chairman shall perform the duties of the Chairman in the absence or incapacity of the Chairman; and in case of the resignation or death o£ the Chairman, the Vice- Chairman shall perform such duties as are imposed on the Chairman until such time ae the Agency shall elect a new Chen rman. Section 4. Secreta~. The Secretary m:iy be the Executive Director of the Agency, and, as Executive Director, he shall have general saperviaion over the administration of its business and affalrs, aub,ject to the direction of the Agency. The Secretary shall keep the records of the Agency, shall act as secretary of the meetings o£ the Agency and record all votes, and shall keep a record of the proceedings of the Agency in a ,journal of proceed- ings to be kept for such purpose, and shall perform all duties incident to his office. He shall keep Sa safe custody the seal of the Agency and shall have power to affix such seal to all contracts and inatru- meats authorized to be executed by the Agency. The Secretary shall also be the Treasurer of the Agency. As Treasurer he shall have the care and custody of all fonds of the Agency and shall deposit the same in the name of the Agency in such bank or banks as the Agency may select. He shall sign all orders and checks for the payment of money and shall pay out and disburse such moneys under the direction of the Agency. Except as otherwise authorized by resolution of the Agency, all such orders and checks shall be counteraigaed by the Chairman. He shall keep regular books of accounts shmaing receipts and expenditures and shall render to the Agency, at each regular meeting (or oftener when requested), an account of hie transactions and also of the financial condition o£ the Agency. He shall give such bond for the faithful performance of his duties as the Agency may determine. The compensation of the Secretary shall 'ne determined by the Agency s provided that a temporary appointee selected from among the members of '~ -- the Agency shall serve without compensation (other the the payment of necessary expenses). Section j. Additional Axtie~,. -The officers of the Agency shall perform such other duties and functions as may from time to time be required by the Agency or the by-laws or rules and regulations of the Agency. Section 6. Election or ADAOintment. The Chairman and Vice- Chairman shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Agency from among the members of the Agency, and shall hold office for one year or ~~intil their successors are elected and cuiified; except that the first Chairman appointed by the Mayor and Council shall hold office until the first annual meeting of the Agency. The Secretary shall be appointed by the Agency. Any person appointed to fill the office of Secretary, or any vacancy therein, shall have such term as the Agency fines, but no member of the Agency shall be eligible to this office except as a temporary appointee. Section 7• Vacancies. Should the offices o£ Chairman or Vice- Chairman become vacant, the Agency shall elect a successor from its membership at the next regular meeting, and such election shall be for the unexpired term of said office. When the office of the Secretary becomes vacant, the Agency shall appoint a successor ae provided in Section 6 of this Article. Section 8. d~ditional Personnel. Ths Agency may from time to time employ such personnel as it deems necessary to exercise its powers, duties and functions as prescribed by the Community Redevelopment Law, 6 as amended, of California end all other laws of the State of California appllicable thereto. The selection and compensation of such personnel (including the Secretary) shall be determined by the.Agency subject to the laws of the State of California. A'.2TICL5 III - MEETI2dGS Section 1. Annual Meet. The annual meeting of the Agency shall be held on the3rd day of January at 2:00 o'clock p.m. in the regular meeting place of the Agency. (In the event such data shall fall on a Sunday or a legal holiday, the annual meeting shall be held on the next succeeding secular day.) Section 2. Regular Meetines. Regular meetings shall be held with- out official notice at such time and place ae may from time to time be determined by resolution of the Agency. In the event a day of regular - meeting shall be a legal holiday, said meeting shall be held on the next succeeding secular day. Section 3. SneCi_al_Meetings. The Chairman o£ the Agency may, .,lien iie deem i+, ex~~>edi~~nt, ^nd sh=-.;.1, u;;on t;~e orr itten recuest of two ;:ambers of the Agency, call a special meeting of the Agency for the purpose of trans.ac ting any ousi ness designated in the call. The call for a special meeting may be delivered to each member of the Agency or may be mailed to the business or home address of each member of the Agency at least two days prior to the date of such special meeting. Transactions of any special meeting of the Agency, however noticed, shall be as valid as a special mseting duly held after such regular two days' notice if a quorum be present, and if neither before or after the meeting each of the members of the Agency not present sign a written 7 waiver of notice of consent to holding such special meeting or an ap- proval of the minutes thereof. All such waivers, canaenta or approvals shall be filed in the journal of proceedings of the Agency or made a part of the minutes of the special meeting. At such special meeting no business shall ba considered other the ae designated in the call, but if all the members of the Agency not present sign a written ap- proval of the minutes thereof, any and all business may be transacted at such special meeting. All such approvals shall be filed in the journal of proceedings of the Agency or made a part of the minutes of the special meeting. Section 4. orum. The powers of the Agency shall be vested in the members thereof in office from time to time. Three members shall -constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting its business and exercising its powers and for all other purposes, but a smaller number may adjourn from time to time until a quorum is obtalned. Action may be taken by the Agency anon a vote of a majority of the full membership of the Agency. Section j. Order of Business. At the regular meetings of the Agency the following shall be the order of business: 1. Roll call. 2. Approval of the minutes o£ the previous meeting. 9. Bills and communications. 4. Report of Secretary. j. Reports of Committees. 6. [Jnfinished business. ']. $ew business. 8. Adjournment. 8 All resolutions shall be in writing and shall he copied in a journal of the proceedings of the Agency. - Section 6.' Manner o£ Votive. The voting oa formal resolutions, matters to any federal, state, county or city agency and oa such other matters as may be requested by a majority of the Agency members, shall be by roll call, and the ayes and noes and members present and not voting shall be entered upon the minutes of such meeting, except on the election of o££icers which mzq~' be by ballot. Section 7• Roberta Rules. All rules of order not herein provided for shall be determined in accordance with "Roberta Rules of Order." ARTICLE IV - AMENiR~7ENTS Section 1. Amendments to B!r-Laws. The by~lawa of the Agency shall be amended only with tha approval of at least three of the members of the Agency at a regular or a special meeting, trot no such amendment shall be adopted unless at least seven days' written notice thereof has been previously given to :x11 of the members of the Agency. This motlon seconded by Mra. Nola Carlisle. Chairman Chapman asked that the Secretary call roll. Truitt Westbrook Yes Mrs. Nola Carlisle Yes Cruz E. Navarez Yes James F. McDill Yea Roy E. Chapman Yes Chairman Chapman announced that Resolution No. 2 was unanimously passed. 9 Cruz E. Navarez then introduced Resolution No. 3 and ruled for its adoption. S, by authority of Resolution No. 1 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, adopted on September 8, 192, said Agency was declared to be duly created and constituted to transact business and exercise Sts powers. BE IT EiESOLUED: That the seal of the Agency shall ba established and adopted; that it shall be in the form of a circle; and shall bear the name of the Agency, the year of its organization and an appropriate insignia inside of the circle. This motion was seconded by James F. McDill. Chairman Chapman asked that the Secretary call roll. Cruz E. Navarez Yes Mra. Nola Carlisle Yes Truitt Westbrook Yes James F. McDill Yes Roy E. Chapman Yes Chairman Chapman announced that Resolution No. 3 was unanimously passed. James F. McDi11 then introduced Resolution No. 4 and moved for its adoption. The Resolution follows: WHEREAS, Section 3 of Article I of the Hy--Laws of the Redevelop- ment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California provides that the of £ice of the Agsncy shall be at such place in tho City of San Bernardino, California, as may be designated by resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED HY TR73 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE 10 CITY OF SAN BERNAItDINO, CALIFORNIA: That until otherwise provided by resolutlon, the office of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California ahallbe at Room Z00 of the City Hall is the City of San Bernardino, California. This motion was seconded by Mrs. Nola Carlisle. Chairman Chapman ae;ced that the Secretary call the roll. James F. McDill Yes Mrs. Nola Carlisle Yes Truitt Westbrook Yea Cruz E. Navarez Yea Roy E. Chapman Yes Chairman Chapman announced that Resolution No. 4 was unanimously passed. Cruz E. Navarez then introduced Resolution No. j sad moved for its adoption. The Resolution follows: WHEREAS, Section 2 of Article III of the By-Laws of the Redevelop- ment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California provides that regular meetings maybe held without notice at such time and place as may be determined by resolution of the Agency; NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE RED3VdLOFh:ENT AGEPdCY OF TIL CITY OF SAN BERIdA.RDINO, CALIFORNIA: That until otherwise provided by resolution, the Members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California shall hold regular meetings at 7:30 o~clock p.m., on the first and third Thursdays of each month at the office pf the Agency. This motion seconded by Truitt Westbrook. 11 Chairman Chapman asked that the Secretary call the roll. Cruz E. Navarez Yea Truitt Westbrook Yes Mrs. Nola Carlisle Yes James F. McDill Yea Roy F.. Chapman Yea Chairman Chapman announced that Resolution No. j was unanimously passed. Chairman Chapman expressed the thanks of the members of the Agency to Mr. Herman D. Ruth and Mr. Jay Homan for their help in attending to the details of this organization meeting. Mr. Chapman then presented the written applications of Mr. W. - Conrad McKelvey and Mr. J. Homan for the position of Director of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, and asked the Secretary to file same for future reference. Chairman Chapman then asked if there was any further bueineas to come before this meeting. Hearing none, he stated the meeting was ad,~ouraed at 9:3o P.M. to meet again at the same place Saturday, September 13, 1972 at 9:00 A.1d. Respectfully submitted, J es F. McDill, Acting Secretary ~~~~ ~" ~ 13 COIdSl;":IT TO ?IOLDLtiG i<~BTIP~ OF P.?CfI3ERS OF TIC i2L';)EV:.IAPf,Cc.IT AGr dCY OF T.*~ CITY OR SAPI fSERI1ARDISIO ode, the undersigned, duly ap~;ointed members o£ The Redevelopment Agency of the City o£ Sin 3ernardino, do hereby consent to the holding of a meeting of the members of said Agency at 7.30 P.Li. on iionday, the 8th day of September, 1952, in Room 200 of tho City Hall of the City of San Dernardino, San Bernardino, C,lifornia. 4ated: September E, 1952 / ) ~ '/ /~ ~~/y ~L ,~ ~~~~ ' ~/~~ ~2 /~l c~~~ ~vl.~-ea, c a,.~.~.~.e.~.. Il5 COPdS~TJT TO EOLDI;IG P.fEETIIiG OF P:~J'I3ER5 OF THE REDL'VEIAPP~IT AGEI;CY OF TILE CITY OF SOPS BEftIIAI2DI}IO "deg the undersigned duly appointed members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Pernardino~ do herekr,~ consent to the holding of a meeting of the members o£ said :\Ce:~y at 9 A.;!. on Saturdays the 13th <1~,/ of Septembers 1)>2~ in Room 200 of the City hall o£ the City of San 3ernzrdino~ San _~ornardino~ California. Dated: September (l~ 19$2 ~, ~~ ~ ///C777; - ///JJJ `' ~- 4 {'VVVQ / w ~iw l 17 }1II?UTES OP A SPECIAL Ce~LLED I.Ti.uTItIG Or^ TIIE ~,DL'VEIA~t 2P1' AGEPICY OF T1}c CITY OF SAID HEFtiilu'tDLT?0 IIELI) AT ROOI.? 200 of TPIi CITY HALL, SI:d3TF".'[fl;.i"t 13, 1952 at 9 A.I.;. The-minutes of the meeting of September IIth, 19$2 read and approved as - read. Roll Call showed the folloyring members present, P.oy E. Chapmanr Truitt '~iiestbrook, btra Nola Carlisle, Cruz E. Navarez and James F. Ida Dill. TMe matier of the selection of aVice-Chairman and Secretary was discussed and eras laid over to the next regular meeting. It was moved by James F. P+ic Dill and seconded by Cruz Navarez that a committee be appointed by the Chairman to revise the Preliminary Request for flmds deleting therefrom an3* roference to t: he County f?ousing Authority. :his motion carried, all present voting yes. Chairman Chapman then appointed }umself and J~~'zes F. }ic Dill as a comrittee to redraft the Preliminary P.equest £or Iluids, The Secretary then submitted a sketch fluxiished by the Engineering Dept. of the City skwwing a design for the Seal of the Agency. A motion rns Wade by Ih~s Ilola Carlisle and seconded by Ts~uitt';lestbrook that the design for the Agecy Seal as submitted be approved, that the same become the Official Seal of the Agency and that the Secretary be instructed to order s>me mach at once. Roll Calh tars itola Carlisle, yes, Truitt Tiestbrook, yes, Cruz Navarez, yes, ?toy Chapman, yes and James F. ].Pc Dill, yes. P,fotion carried and so ordered. Cruz E« idavarez then presented his resignation as a member mf the Agency and was informed by the Cha~*m+~~ that he resignation would have to be presented to the T?ayor of the City. P.?eeting adjurned at 10.30 P.Il?. to meet again at 5.15 P}.f A?onday Se¢ftember ]$~ 1952. Pespectflilly submitted es F. I}c Dill, Acting Secretary. 18 t.SS1Uii;.i OI' T1li ADJ;.:2I ~D i.T%F.TTiiG OF THE PSi~EVL'LCPI.LIiT AGGSICY OF TIL; CITY OF SASI DT..E't1LIRDIIiO IIEIr7 SEPI~I,ID-;R 15, 1952 at 5.15 P.E.1. All members of the Agency plw^ Jay Haman medst in front of the City Hall on Tliix'd Street £or the purpose of making the trip by Automobile over Areas 1 and 2 so that the members might know the boundaries and conditions in these two Areas. This trip took about two hours. Roll Call shorosed the follrnni.ng members present, Truitt Plestbrook, Tars YSola Carlisle, Cruz ~. Ilavarez, Roy. Chapman and James F. Itc Dill A motion was made by Irs. iiola Carlisle and seconded by Cruz Idavarez that the reeding o£ the minutes of the meeting of September 13,.1952 be put over to our next regular meeting. This motion carried, all present voting yes. A motion ~rras made by Truitt ilestbrook and seconded by E.`ss Ilola Carlisle that the boundaries as set forth in our Preliminary Request For Funds be approved. Poll Calk Truitt lfestbrook, yes, Lars Hola Carlisle, yes, Cruz I7avarez, yes, Roy E. Chapman, yes and James F. Eric Dill, yes. Chairman Chapman then announced that the boudaries as set forth were approved. There v.2s some tall; abut the enlargement of the Areas but it was decided that if we Trish to change at>,y boundaries this could be done at a later date. Crf¢z 3. Havarez moved that the Prelunin.azy Request for funds asread be approved and that the Chairrti~ut present same to the City .Council £or approval and the adoption of the enabling ordi.rtvnce. This motion was seconded by i"rs ;Iola Czrlislc. 'toll Call shorreci, Cruz iiav~.rez, .yes, E:rs iiola Carlisle, yes, Truitt ':Iestbrook, yes, Roy Chapman, yes anct James F. ,',c Dill, yes. ?.otion carried and so ordered. Lirs ;Iola Carlisle moved that the reCular meeting of thr_ Agnecy be changed from Thursd<1y, September 10, 1952 to Septmmber 2~h 1952 at 0.30 P.F3. at Room 200 0£ tha City IIall. She state that the rasen for this motion v2s that we had already held Ii meeting ro~rithin the last two weeks and that there was no further business that rare could transact until after the adoption of the Resolution by the Common Council ®£ the City, which could be done before Setember 2Ath 1952. This motion was seconded by Truitt 'oV~stbrook and carried. It was agreed among the members that no notice would be required. Edeeting adjurned 10 P.E'. Respectfully submitted C n p ,~ ~~ ~w es F. ESc Di11, Acting Secretary. 19 CONSF.tdT TO ;?OLDI;dG P,ff; TRIG OF ]A:P73'r',RS OF TE}~I AGliSJCY OF T]-~ CITY OF SASI }4;Rt;ARDINO 'rre, the undersigned, duly ap,~ointed members o£ the Redevelopment A};ency of the City of San Bernardino, do hereby consent to the holding of a meeting of the members of said ACency at ,~, I~f' p~ on N~ 0 M U F! tr the 1~ T~ d1y of _~EP?cJ11.~ ~J~ 19>2, in Roon 200 of the City Hall of the City of Snn I3ernarclino, San Dernaxciino, California. Dated ,s'EP'TE~1~'1 B ~/~ ~3., 1952. ~~~~ 20 COIIS;IIT TO i'I~' CII:"u~~_T_'iG OIL' TII~s DATE ATID TP*: OIP TIL Pu.GU7~2 T.ilsTST?^i CF T{{G FuiVliLGFiL:'_Ii AGI£ICl' Or^ Tk`_i CITF OF SATI BT.TL'TIIftDIlIO FI20ti September 13, 1952 to Septxaoer ?~, 1952 at 3.30 P.TI. :'ie, t:,e undcrsi:Cned, duly appointed members of the iiedevelopment ACency of the City of San 3ernardino, do hereby consent to +,he changinS o£ the date of the reSu7.:r meetinS Septe:ti~er 13, 1952, to Sep'~mber 2~,. 1952 at 8.30 P.'. in itoom 200 of thcs City Hall o£ the City o£ San I3ernardine, San Bernardino, California. Dated September , 2 }1U 1952 ~~ _-- ~~ J ~~ LfildUTa"S OF T?T:3 IC'sIIT1;1G OF TITI ITT},'VliLCP,.L:I;T AGL'I1CY OF TIT':. CITY OF SAI1 BERiTAItDIISO ?L~,LD SEPT:7:a3;Tt. 22, 1952 p;~ RC011 2dd Cl:"i TL1?:L, SAIi BF:7I,'.'L'tDIIIO, CALIPORI;IA AT 6.3G P.?'. I.~~TI?:G c~vled to orc'.er by Chairman Chapman at G.1:5 P.'.". Ro]1 Call shone' ttie follo:+ing present, Chapman, Ilavarez, ';lestbrool., Carlisle and i c Dill. ine L;inutes of the netting o£ September 13th 1952 vrere read and apurovod as presented, The T.?inutes of the meeting o£ Septmber 15, 1952 vrerc read and approved as read. The rather length letter o£ George L. DJ'ack eras read. Dated September 17th and complaining o£ the treatment accoxdi3lg him and tha County IIousing Authority by some members of this agency. A very lenthy discussion eras had regarding this letter and it ryas agreed that the members of the Agency should meet vrith George L. 31ack with the I.Iayor present to iron out the matters complained of in the letter. Chairman Chapman stated that he would arrange such a meeting and see that all members were notified. Two sug~°ested dates vreae Friday September 26th and ISonday September 29th. T e matter of aVice-Chairman was discussed and on motion o£ Mrs S1ola Carlisle and seconded by'James P. 1.Ic Dill the nme of Truitt'~Ye,^,tbrook was p33ced in nomination. A i\u•ther motion ryas made by James F. I.4c Dill and seconded by 1.rs bola Carlisle that the noninations be clo.^,ed. Roll Call on the last motiom shorrcd; Chapxtari, yes; Carlisle,. yes; Ilavarez, yes; Iic Dill, yes and lfestbrool:, yes. i4~ui.tt ',lestbrook eras then declared elected as Vice-Chairman b~ Chairman Chaork~n. A motion eras taade by Truitt ilestbrook and seconded by Cruz E. Ilavarez that James F. LIc Dill be ap,~ointed Secretary. troll call showed Chapman, yes; Carlisle, yes; Ilavarez, yes; 'destbrook, yes and LIc Dill, yes. Chairman Chapman then a.nnounccd that James F. tfc Dill vra^, elected Secretary. A motion ~.-vas made by festbrook and seonded by Carlisle t}kat in our Preliminary request £or funds that the proposed boundaries o£ study Area fl 2 be changed to exculde ti_e pro, erty Facing on Tliird Street between Arirorrhead Ave., and °D° Street on the South side. This motion carried without a dissenting wte. A motion was n~,de by I:rs Ilola CarTisle.'and seconded by Cruz E. Siavarez that the Secretary be instructed to get all the bills For supplies used to date in proper form to present to the CorL*An Council at our joint meeting with them October 2, 1952 and the Chaum.n be authorized to p present sane to the Council at this meeting. 1;otion car_•ied no dissenting wte. ~ ~? Iainutes of the meeting of September 22, 192, continued The meeting adjurned at 10.30 P.l, to meet ag<vn Ilond~y September 29, 19$2 at G i.I.°.. in front of the City Fall for the purpose of meeting tirith i:ix. Black o£ the County housing authority. Respecti1117y submitted cs r . '.:fc Dill, Secretary i~.Ti7U^1i~S OF TIC: Ri';;.I"r1.R ":;^:IiTI:iG 0' Tlii; P;D~V:.'I,CPI.:;:T ."iIU.'~:CY Oi ^1f I3 CITY OF Soli ilI'u;lII2D1i?0, I~LD AT R00}l, 200 of the City Hall at 7.30 P::f. October 2, 1952 Roll Call showed all members present except Gruz 3. Zlavarez. A .motion vas madetar Truitt 17estbrook and seconded by t.irs. Mola Carlisle that the minutes of the meeting be read at our next regular meeting Tni^, motion carried. The Secretary anncunced that he had nothing to report at this time. IIo communications to be read. F.!eeting adjurned at x.30 ?.i:. to ricct again with the members of the Common Council 1,iond<•!,f October 6, 192 in ?loom 200 of the City hall at 7 r.... P.espectihlly submitted ~~ ~~ .es r^^. I:ic Dill, Secretary. ;.IIIIL'T3S OF TIL: lu7Jli?I°r~D ii:-;::T I:iS OF OCTOD~P 2y 19j2 I~hD 71I ROOT. 200 Oi" I'fi'~; CIT`i '.L1LL i'.T 7 P.:.;, OCTOD;.R 6, 1952 ?Tl TII'.: R~D::v::LO'r'?:i<l,i AG31dCY OF T;I3 CITY OI' S;L; 3l' l:',~.DIlIO. icfore the meeti~ig '..as called to order by CilaiZ^.n2n Chn.pm~ the members of the Agency meet arith the members of the Co~'on Council of the City of San 3ernardino, for the purpose of agreeing with them as to the boundaries of the Stud Area ,,'E 2. fll members of the Council and the I,iayor were present and it wasagreed by all parties that the bounflc-xie^> should be enlarCed to include all property facing Third Stre:at on both side betvreen "D" Street aid Arrowhead Avenue. After this meetinC Chairmatl Chsnman called the meeting of the Agency members at G P.; , 2:3 tSinutes of the Iteatevelo,~mtent Agency erecting o£ October 6, 1952, continued .11.1 members present. The readin,^, of the minutes o` the meeting of September 22 and October 2, i~~2 vras >~._t over to our next regular meetixtg. motion rns made by ;rs l;o]a Carlislo and secondod by Cruz ~. Ilavarez that the botmdarics of 5ttu~~:trea '2 be changed to in elude the property on bot?t side of i ~ird Street betvreen "tl° Street and PxrorBzead Avc:rae. ~oll call vote showed the following voting Yes, Carlisle, ilavarez, °lestbrook, Chapr;~an anc? I[c Dill. Iiotion crtrricd, '_?elorr are outlined tl:e nesr description o° Sturay Area -` 2. ~g-u~ing at the intersectior. of Third Street and "D° Street; thence "!orth on "D" Street to a point approximately 1~0 feet north of Third Street; t`+en~:e :ast,,al.btig this lire to Arrowhead Avc:tue; thence South along Arrovrnev3 Avenue to Second Street; thence mast along Second Street to Lugo avenue, thence North along Lugo Avenue to ihird Street; thence past along Thrd Street to ';fatorman Avenue; thence South along ';Yatermar. svenue to a point which woulu be the; easterly extension of Jv1i: Street; thence ';lest on said extension to the intersection o£ Juli~s Street and Sierra'tlr~y; thence Following along t'te branch line of tale Santa re right-o£-gray to a point rraich ~~ro~,tld 'ce the extension of '1t. View Avenue as it vmuld intersect vrith said right--of-Tray; thence i?orth along thi^ line to p.ialto Avenue; thence :,est aloof; itialto Avenue ~to Arrowha=.d Avenue; thence Soutit on Arrovrhead avenue to AtP:ol Street; thence 'hest along Athol Street to "3° Street;. Vence north on "S" Strer;t +..o a point approxvnately 1~0 fec;t Soutit of the intersection of "3" Street and Second Street; thence 3ast along this line to Sted_ard Avenue; Lhence north along Stoddard Avenue and as it rmuli ertencl to a point approxinltely 1$0 ;forth of Second Street; thence mast along t,tis line to "D" S'Srest; thence lrortit ^loug "-" Street to the~ioint of begimZing. "~~ here :~rs.^ ao Further busi-tees to come before tits Agency the meeting adjttrned at 9 ','_. to meet agin on our ne;a re gulag meeting date, October 1fi, 1?~2 ,':csper_t:?ltlly submitted ~ n' /' `~~ es ^, l.;c Di]1, Secretary. :z ~ i:;I:IUTES OF TIIT i2::GlJTgI2 iit;~"PIl;G OP Tffii R1auVliLOPP.".;i1T AGL,i1CY 0r' T'.?S CITY Oh' 9AN 73r~1.'7~:~R1)IiIO FRL7~ L" I10t1T 200 of TH!? CIT IL4LL~ Ou":'OI3r112 1S, 1952 AT The meeting :gas cnl.'.erl to vrder by Chairman Channsn at Fi.ls P.7~'. i2o:L1 call sho:ad; Chapman, Camlisic and Iic Till present. ';lestbrooY, and 'lavarez absent. The :;:mutes o£ the nectiry; of ~ ptember 22, 1952 vrere read and approved. The mimltes of the neeting of October 2, 1952 mere read and approved as read. T''re minute.^, of tl:e ac3,iru:ied ner:ting of October G, 1)52 ~rcrc read and approved. 'i`:,e Secretar,/ repotrd that there yrerc no bills or cocmmnications. :,e mere honored by having present is. i;. Tarl Tievrlcirk of the Slim Clearance Agency present. and is Tiernan i2uth £rom tha San bY~ancisco Of°ice. T e,' explained in great detail thr, r;orki :g o` the Agency and ho•:r for us to proceed vrith tha fill=G of ore pre].iru.ras,~ requeat £or fr>a-rls ron'~.Iashington. Tl:e Chairman th,anlcs both gentlem::n for their izel? vri th t',r.~ =aorY, so f.•ir. As t`:ereeras no further businesstc come before this: m-eting we ad.jurned to meet again October 20th at 7.30 P. L1. Ttespectfully sulmittcd J. _s y. TIc Dill~cretarv ` ~,. -"I:;u1;S 0~ .rJ~b:2:; J i.G;;TL?G 0'' CiCY.O.-ill, 1G i'._;'~D III i'-.00?.. 200 Cis' TTI<i CITY .';?.Ly CCT01~31.R 20, 1`J52 at 7.30 P; ;. The neeting of t`_ie :?edeveloru-innt ~'lgency o£ San Ternardino .ns called to order 1"T Cl:airman C:v~pm_s at II.i?o Id.'. '.'-e runutes of the neeting of October 1G, 1952 vrere real and approved. Doll Call showed all members present. Chairman Chapman announced th=.t the final rearing Pry the Corunon Council of the City of San Bernardinc o£ tir Resolution approv!ng our preliminary application for an acivonce o_° funds iiad 'peen ap?roved any. t..".~.t vre coul:i novr proceed vrith the preparation of the application vrith all its sup;,orting docu:ecnts. - The following Resolution knom as our Resole+,ion I.o. G, aras introduced by Truitt ;festbrook rrhe moved that it he adopted. 2h i;dnutes o£ the meeting of October 20, 1952, Contd. Section 2. T`.at it is fury cognizant of the foregoing obligatiors and responsibilities imposed by Title I and it is the sense of this body that such obligations and responsibilities can and Trill be fulfilled; and Section 3. That an application on behalf o£ the Redevelornnent Agency of the City of San '?ernasdino, California. for a ~'re]intinary Advance of Finds in the anount of 33,915.00 for surveys and other activities in prepaaation of projects to lie assuried under Title I is hereby approved and that the execution and filing of an application frith the :lousing and Ilome finance Administrator by 11r. Roy i. Ch~.pm.n, Agency Chirn.n, is hereby approved. Said Chirman is hereby authorized and directed to provide such additional information and furnish such documonts as may be required by said Administrator and to act as the authorized representative of the Redevelopment agency of the Citj of San Rernrsc'ino, California. This motion rras seconded by Carlisle Ro11 Call vote; ;Iestbrool:, yes; Carlisle, yes; ??avariz, yes; 1.?c Dill, yes And Chapm-ui,. yes. A motion :vas Wade by llavarez and seconded by Carlisle that the Agency Secretary prepare and submit to the Common Council of the City of San 5ernardino a. resolution outlining the boundaries of the propsed Stu~r Areas I?o. 1 and :lo. 2 for their approval. Roll Call vote; ?lavarez, yes; Carlisle, yes; Flestbrook, yes; EIC Dill, yes and Chapman, yes. motion carried. As there :vas no further business to come before the Agency, Carlisle moved and Ilavarez seconded that rte adjurn to moot again on our next regu3~r meetinC date itovember G, 1952 and that all members be notified in rritiag that we intend to amend the ~3y-L;::vs at our nest regtil.ar meeting. ItespectllLLLy submittad ' es I'. ]Ic Dill~ecret.~,xy. `, "1 ?dlliUTES OF TIIe. REGULAit S~i;TIIIG OE'' T".I;i REDEVEIAPI.IliI7T AGEi7CY OF TIi CITY OF SAIS B);RIIARDITlO, IIeld in Room 200 of the City fIa7.J., ISovember 6, 19$2. T~le meeting ryas called to order by the C~{airman at 4 P.LR. Roll Call showed the following members present. Chapman, Carlisle, 1'lestbrook and Lic Dill. Cruz ISavarez Absent. Tho minutes of the meeting of October 16th were read and approved. The Secretary repoted that there were no bills or communications to be presented. The Secretary then made a report on the progress of the application for a. preliminax^f advance of fluids. Chairman Chapman then announced that each member had been notified in reritting that the SY-:,aws were to be amended at this meeting. A motion was made by Carlisle and seconded by Westbrook that the last paragraph of Section k be amended to read as follows; The compensation of the Secretary shall be determined by the Agency provided that an appointee selected from among the members of the Agency shall serve without co~pensation (other than payment of necessary travel expenses). end that the secand;.paragrlaph of Section 6 be amended to read as follows; The Secretary shall be appointed by the Agency A~yV person appointed to fill the office of Secretary, or an_v vacancy therein, shall have such term as the Agency fixes. T_he Chairman called for a roll call vote. YE'S Carlisle, Westbrook, tic Dill and Chapman. :TOES Ilone Absent ISavarez. A motion was made that the Age~y ad~urn, Westbrook made the motion and same was seconded by Carlisle. Liotion carried. Respectfully submitted. ~ James F. L4c Dill, Secretary. J 28 ::ffttUTES OF TIfE REGULAR t~7EF.TIlIG OF TFIE RIDEiIELOPLficSST AGEIICY OF THi; CITY OF SAIL 13E7PIlA9DT1I0, held in Room 200 of the City Hall. November 20, 1952 tweeting was called to order by the Chaiirtian at 4 P.t,l. 9.011 Ca11 showed the folloving present, Carlisle, Chapman and Pdc Dill. Absent, Slestbrook and Itavarez. Tf{e reading of the minutes was carried over to the next regular meeting. 3erman Ruth of the Division of Slvm Clearnace and Urban redevelopment of San Francisco yaws present and went over vrlth the members of the Agency on the progress on the preparation of the request for the preliminary advance of funds. As there vras no SUrther business to come before the Agency the meeting adjurned. at 9 P.t~. Respectfully submitted J es F. Mc Dill, Secretary. Ae2t1UTES OF T13F: t~~ETI".iG OF TffE REDEVEIAPP.uiNT AGL'YCY OF T1IL' CITY OF SAN 13ERN8F?DI:IO, held in Room 200 of the City Hall. December IF, 1952 Meeting called to order by Chairman Chapman at 7.45 PYM. Roll call showed the following members present, Carlisle, ;7estbrook, Chapman and tic Di11. Ilavarez Absent. The minutes of the meeting of November 6th vrere read and approved. ,. The minutes of the aeeting of tovember 20th vrere read and approved. ho communications. The folloi°ring bills were sutenitted by the Secretary for approval; Stockvrell and I3inney 5.59. Caroline. Gates ~ 16.00 Ltc Dill moved and 1'7estbrook seconded a motion that the above listed bills be approved and submitted to the Common Council for payment. Pwotion carried The Secretary was instructed to vrrite to Flashington for 3 copies of the Manuel for Agency use. The Secretary was instructed to write to 1`1. Conrad Pdc Kelvey advising him that the Agency would conduct interviews for the purpose of filling the position of Director-Redevelopment Planner. ~ j (} There being no flu~ther business to come before the Agency same adjurned at 9 P.I:I. Respectfully submitted. es F. Lic D~1 Secre LffNUTES OF THE REGULAR L~UTIIG OF TfC: TLEDEVEIDPL;ET?T AG.L.T?CY OF THE CITY CF SAPI }3IItfIARD1t10, CALIFCIRTFlA, held in Room 200 of the City FIall, December 1E3, 1952 Meeting called to order at 7.55 PP:1 by Chairman Chapman. Roll Gall shovred the follovring members present, Chapman, 7lestbrook and L?c Dill. Absent Ilavarez and C<tirlisle. T`le minutes of the meeting of Decemor LtTi wee read and approved. A letter from T?. v. I.cith, Director, Division of Slum Clearance and Urban Redovelopment read and ordered filed. A letter aclmowledging receipt of our application £or flmds read from Charles J. IToran, APea Supervisor eras read and ordered filed. There vrere no bills for approval. Dr Roger Vargas talked to the Agency meribers about including a certain area around the old ball park at Seventh and 1dt. Vernon £or the purpose of construction a Mexican P7.azm in that area. Flestbrook moved and LIc Dill seconded a motion that the boudaries of Study Area T?o. 1 be chnaged with the approval of the Comron Council to include the Area boundaries from .Sixth Street to Vine to Garner Avenue within Area IIo. 1. P.Iotion carried. As there was no further business the meeting adjurned to meet again fSonday December 22nd at 7.15 Pfd Respectfully submitted '~~" James F. L4c Dill Secretary 3Q I+RNUTES OF TIk; ADJOURt!r.D L~ETIIiG OF TffE REDEVELOPI+IINT AGEI]CY OF THE CITY OF SAIL BEF,TIARDIIIO, CALIFOR:iL4, he1H in Room 200 of the City Hall, December 22, 1952 k;?eeting called to order by Chairman Chapman at a.15 PL° after the members of the Agency had meet with the members of the Corm:on Council. The Common Council approved. the inclusion witY,in the boundaries of Study Area TIo. 1. of the property bounded by T?t. Vernon Avenue, Vine Street, Garner Avenue and Sixth Street. Roll Call showed the follovring members present, Chapman, Viestbrook and Idc Dill. Navarez and Carlisle absent. The minutes of the meeting of December lath weee read and approved. 9s the Common Council could not approve officially the resolution defining the boudaries of the Study Areas until their Jcntk~.ry 5th meeting there was no business to come before the Agency. meeting adjuorned at u.55 PLI Respectfully submitted ?S~'~ es F. PAc Dill ecretary. C0IlSP:iIT TG THL; CAIICELLATIOIi OF TIF. R;iGUI.AR LfEETIIIG OF TIII's REDEVfiLGPb,'E:213' AGEIlCY OF Tk~ CITY OF wit! 13L'RIIAR,DIIdO~ CALIFOR!lIA, OF JAIlUARY lst, 1953, A":SD TO TI)i; CHASIGE OF TFL: DATE Or^ TIII. AIP.NAL L7EETD G OF JA2SAURY 3rd, 1953. TTe, the undersigned, duly appointed and acting members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Dernardino, California, do hereby consent to the cancellation of the regular meeting of the Agency January 1st, 19I and to the pestponment of the Annusl meeting that should be held on January 3rd, 1953, to a later date at the call of the Chai.x'uian. The reason for this postponment is that Agency L4ember Navarez has resigned and that the appointment of his sucessor has not been made and will not be made until the 5th d~Y of January, 1953 Da anu~agxy 2nd, 1953 G ~~ ~N,, rbQo, ~ o,..~L...ok,~, ~~ 31 I:IISiU%',S 0? %%. A:?;iU1L .'.P.,,.TII?G OF: TIT:i °.~L~~^sLOI'I.C'"a.i aG~?CY OP TIC CITY OP' S~`Ct ?3::TL':lIP.D^?0, CALI'_'CPi11^., held. in P.oora 200 of the City IIall January 13, 19;3 at 7.30 PP.I i?eeti •,g c111ed to order by Chairman Chapman at 7.l~0 Pf.I Roll Call slrovrecl £hc follorrinr,'me,~ibers present, Ctkaprkan, Vlestbrook, Crrlisle, :.tunoz and IIc I;i]1. Absent none. ?'first order of business }ras the election of'o£ficers for the coming year. Carlisle nominated Roy Chapneur for'Chairman, seconded by Vfes)'brook. ;",ere being no further no;:.inations, Carlisle moved and 17estbrook seconded a motion that the nominations be closed and tila.t the Secretary be instructed to cast the ballot for Chapman. Yes, SlacDill, Carlisle, 17estbrook and "unoz. Chapir<a~n not voting. Lotion carried and Chapman elected Chairman for the co:aiag 'fP.ar Lic Dill nominated ;Yestbrook for Vice Chairman. C~.rlisle moved that nominations be clo>ed and the-the Secretar^,~ be instructed to bast the-ballot for FfLStbrook for Vice Chairmmn. Seconded by I.Tunoz. yes hic D312, Chapman, t.tunoz and Carlisle Vlestbrook not voting. P"otion carried and 1Vestbrrok elected `li.ce Chairman for the coming year. -. The Ckkzirman then appointed IIc Dill as Secretary for the coming year. Carlisle moved and ?7estlmook seconded a motion ratifying the appointment of he Dill as Secret<~sy. Potion carried all present voting yes. ISo Sills. Chairman Ch<irnaan a^inovnced that fie-had presented a resolution to the Corson Council outlining the :seas for study. t~ letter from iI. S. Leith regarding our application r~ras read and talked about. I O ':e57 biL^]1re53. I:eeting adjurned at '~ I'!„ to neet agin ebxvF~ry sth at same tine and place and that the meeting of January Isth rroulc be cr.zcelled. RespectfU.Uy suaraitted (~.~ , ~j~,~ es ~ . 7.4c Di11, Secretary ;~ 2 NIIdUTES OF A SPECIAL CALLED ??3;;TIAiG OF TILE REDEVELOPLffiI!T AGEIICY OF TII3 CITY OF SAIL HERIIARD1tI0, CALIFORIIIA, held in Room 200 of the City Hall, January 29th 1953 at 7.30 P1a. t.teetl.ng called to order by Chairman Chapman at 7.1t0 PL1. The toiztutes of the meeting of December 22nd 1953 mere redd and approved as read. She minutes of the Annual meeting postponed until Janu<^sy 13th 1913 were read end annroved as read. Ido bills. Considerable discussion teas entered into about the letter received from ';,ashington about our plans and it ryas agreed that rre could do nothing further wntil after the second reading of the P.esolution by the Common Council of the City of San Dernardino setting forth the boundaries of the tyro study areas. hs there xas no flu'ther business to come before the meeting same eras adjourned upon the motion of Carlisle and eeconded by t;unoz. Added: Roll' Call sho•,aed the following members present. Chapm<u~t, I'.unoz, Carlisle cmd LIc Dill. Absent aestbrook. Respectfully submitted ~'~ v V~t- es F. Nc Dill, Secretary. I~;',1T::S Oi--' T;L::,:.:G'LA?: III:::TI^G 0?. T'rL:~P^L"_-;LCPi.L;:IT AG~ICY 0'T:P~ CIT° OF u.';i :1~?::"~..^JLiO, CALIFOP1:1:1, held. ~n Room 200 of the City t:a71, cebrvas^,T 5th 1953 at 7.30 PII ;.:eating called to order by Chairnan Chapman at 7.30 PI.±. Poll Ca11 showec: tho following present; Ilestbrook, I;unoz, Chapman and Ific Dill,. Carlisle absent on accownt of sickness. The minutes of the meeting c° January 29th, 1953 read and approved. 1'.c Dill moved and ~:;estbroolc seconded a motion that the re~,il.ar order o£ business be suspended. f:fotion carried. TUe Chairman then celled on fir. Simon Eisner to explain the details of the lfaster Pl:xn for the City of San Dernardino. ;~'r Eisner then Barre a very clear explianation of all the features of the I;taster Plan which will be of very F;reat help to the nembers of this Agency. 33 I'r Jack (osier, Director of the City Plsnning Commission talked further on the plan and extended to the Agency all the help and records that the P~.nning Com-~ission :as h_td prepared in comzection i~rith the vrork of preparing the ".:aster Plan. 1'r. Itic:nard Garrod, Pl~.ruiing Associate, filed in .. fer: itom;. ]:s. Eisner epl..ined th..t the Original draft of the Easter Pa1n raa^, adopted but with .~.liout 1'~ sn.ll ch,inges that cli.cl not ef`_'ect the plan in ary }ray, change of r^rording only. Jad; ;;osier spoke on the qualiiYcations for our Directos^~rPlanner and gave some nune^ and addresses where zre could make innuiria;s. The Chairman then thanked I"r.>;isner, Jack 1.Sosier and Richard Garrod for taking the titre to attend our :zeeting and give ti.^, the information about the }:faster Plan. The Agency alember.^, then Trent back to their regulax order o£ business. 'io bills.. iio con:.anications. Chairman Chapman then read Resolution IIo. 7 0£ the Agency, t"unoz moved and Y7estbrook seonded the adoption of the Resolution. Poll call Test. 1:unoa, Piestbrook, Chapt!tan and '.c Dill Absent; Carlisle. I'eret^rith i:; the resolution.. RhSOLUTIO?I 7IO. 7 Resolutior. amendin~ a~,>Iicatior. for preliminary adv..nce }r,,~ redefining boundaries of stud areas I;o. 1 and Iio. 2 to conform to boudaries of Re- develonmcrit areas Iio. 1 and I;o. 2, desiptated by the .San Bernardino Conmon resolution I;o. 2;33. - ::;L'3:::"~S, -the Redevelopment Agency o£ the City o£ Gan ;?ernarc'_ino, California heretofore on or about December 1, 19>2 submitted its application for nrelimincxy advtu:ce o£ funds to th^, RI'dISI(?II OF SLU.i CL;AivAI;C ~ AIID iII?~1II P=:1A;VEhO?'I-L:;;T, and ICIl;R'~'.S, s^.id apnlication de Ines- certain propsed study areas; and ~- L^I:-:SL::.:,, since said application .;as submitted, the Convnon Council of the City of Sen Bernasclisw has duly adopted a resolution design::ting redev- opment areas and boudcssics which are slightly different from those previously defined by this Agency. P;C°f TIIi:RhF'CIL., be it resolved by tho Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California that said application for preliminary advance be and the same is hereby amended by changing the boundaries of study areas IIo. 1 and llo. 2 to read as folloti~rs: GTIJDP AT'Ur: IiO. 1 Beginning at the Southeast corner of tt~e Intersection of I!It. Vernon ;~ 4 Avenue and ljth -treat: t`.ence "fast along the Southern boundar,~,r of kth Street to the ?7esj:er>,y side of Tia Jua_+u~: Street; thence Ilorth along the ;'testers line of Tin Jug: Street to the Southerly line of 5th Street; thence ;rest along the Southerly line o£'Sth Street to the l7ester]y line of the limits of the City of S•ui Bernardino; thence Ilor~h along the line of the westerly City ]dmi.ts to the Iiortherly lixie of 7th :,treat; thence East alone, the Ilortherly line o£ 7th Street to a point 150 feet Ea t of the Easterly line of Gardena Street;. thence South andpar^uIlel =ritfi the Easterl~c line of Gardena Street to the Ilortherly 3cundaxR,T of Gth Street; thence East along the ?dorth line of 6th Street to a point vrhich is 150 feet ;rest of the ;7esterly line: of Pvnona Avenue; thence Ilorth parallel to the resterly line of P.amona Avenue to the Ilortherly line of `7th Street; thence East along tho Ilorther7y line of 7th Street to the ';7esterly line of ~,Testern Avanue; thence Ilorth along thhe }7ester]y line of ;restern Avenue to the Ilortherlyr line of 9th Street; thence ?last along the Ilortherly line of 9th Street to the .sisterly lire of :'_t. Vernon Avenue; thence South along the Easterly line of ;'t. Vernon Avenue to the Ilortherl;* line of Vine Strect~ thence mast along the I?ortherlyr line of Vine Street to the Easterly line of Garner Avenue;.. thence South along the Easter]y line of Garner Avenue to the Southerly line of 6th Street; thence }^fest along the Southerly line of 6th Street to the Easterly line of Ia. Vernon Avenue; thence South along the Easterly line of IIt. Vernon Avenue to the point of beginning. STU-Y AREA ?I0. 2. Beginning at the ?Sorthwesterly corner of the intersection of 3rd and 8 Streets; thence Korth along the 'i:'esterly line o' D Street to a point 150 feet Ilorth of-the Ilorth'erly line of 3rd Street; thence 3ast and Parallel with the Ilortherly line of 3r<I Street to the Easterly line of Arrrnvhead Avenue; thence South along the Dasterly line of 'lrrovrhe~ad Avenue to the Tlortherly line of Cnd ,Street; tIi~ce mast along-the Eortcrl;,~ line of 2nd Street to the 'westerly line of Lugo Avenue; thence :forth along the Ffesterly line of Lugo Avenue to the horther~y Line of 3rd Street; thence :ast along the Tiortherly line of 3rd Street to the Easterly line of -the Lvti.ts of the City of San Bernardino;. thence South along the BasterJ,y line of the City li^eits to a point vrhmch rroulcl be the :;astcrly-evtensi on of the Southerly line of Julia Street; thence ;(cst along said extension of the Southerly line of Julia Street and along the Southerly line ofJulia Streot to its intersection with the Ilortknzesterly boundary to the Santa Fe branch line right-of-vray at the intersection of Julia Street and Sierra. Pray; thence Ilorttn'resterly along the Ilortherly bowidary of the Sata Fe right-of-Tray to ~a point rhiich vroulcl be the extension of the Vesterly line of 2;t. View i.venue; thence :forth along the extension of the 77est line of L*t. View; Avenue to the Southerly line of Rialto Avenue; thence '^lest along the Southerly line pf Rialto Avenue to the ?;.lsterly line of Arrowneaci Avenue; thence South along ta'1c Easterly line of Psrovrhead Avenue to the Southerly line of Athol Street; thence 'hest along the Southerly line of Athol Street to the 1'festerly line of E Street; thence Tlorth along the }festerly line of E Street to a point 150 feet South of the Southerly line of 2nd Street; thenco East and Parallel with the Souther]y line of 2nd Street to the '~~esterly,line of Stoddard Avenue: thence tlorth along the 7esterly lire of Stoddard Avenue and as it woulc: extend to a point 150 feet Ilorth of the Ilortherly line of 2nd Street; thence Ea,,^,t parallel to the Idorther]y line of 2nd Streot, tD the titester]y line of D Street; thence ltorth along the 'resterly line of D Street to the point o£ beginning. :35 The Secretary vtas instructed to vrrite letters to the folloving about obtaining a planning director. ';;alter Dluciier, ~ecutive Director Fmericzn Soniety of Punning OfS'icials 1313 ast both Street, Chicago 3&, Illinois Jarios~:. T,tis'.:, D;:ecutive Darector- San Trazcisco Dedevelopnent Agency Joseph x.11, ;y:ecutive Director S.;cr.uleato Zedevelopnent Agency As there ryas no further business to cone before the agency, the meeting adju~^*±e;.i at 10 PI.t. ZespectiliLly subndtted//{~~,~ mes F. ',.`.~ll, Secr . 1;IIILi';S CF Ti L. .TC-'~L't 1.~..'~T~:G~O. TL. .~,D~.3IFiPIL,1T AGDi?CY OF T?li CITY"OF SAI? .D..:dl: L^~LIO, CP.LIPORIILI, he]r: in Roon 200 of the City i{all, r^ebruary 1~, 1953 at 7.3a T".c. Chairn,n Clk2pru~n called the nectiag to order at 7.35 PIT. 'to11 Call shoi~red the following present, Chanrum, Carlisle, Tfestbrook and iIC Dill.:.unoz absent. The minutes of the neeting of .^ebrua.[^,,• 5th mre read and approved. T e Agency eras honored }nr~the presence of Phillip „oreland of Troop 34, Del Rosa, Doy Scout troop. - G letter ins read iron ;'r. ituth about a visit from him for rera~ry 2ti. Carlisle moved that the Chairman and Secretary be authorized to to sui®¢t the necessary papers to e~rashington to complete out preliminary request for funds. Seconded by :7estbrook and passed. I.'otion i~ras Wade by Tfestbrook and seconded by Carlisle that ire adjure to poet again at a tine set by th~^ Clairman on I'e'oruax^j 26th. I.'.eeting acljournec? at 9.30 P:.'. Respecti~x7.ly sub:,tii.tted n' Q, ~w !YW' //1 J~c Dill, Secretary 3f lSi?UTES CF TILL R=:GL'S~1P P.,^'~TIi1C; OF TiL'~' REDF,4ELCF']tilitlT AOI:PIC° OF TILE CITY OF SAIL RrPrIAP.DlitO, CALIFGitiIIA helr'. in noon 200 of the City Hall, I+iarch 5s 1953 at 7.3G P.',. The :;oll Call. shorrcd all ambers present. The meeting •a.s cal'_ed to order by the; Chairrkin at 7.35 PIi. T}:e ninutes of the meeting o£ ?ebruary 19th rrere read and approved. TSe bill of Gsoline Gates in the amow-:t of 5.00 for typing rras read. Carlisle moved end ;.!:uioz sccoded a notion that the bill be approved azd re- ferred to the Cori;.;on Council for Pay:aent. i.fotion carried. A letter from ;A21ter :?. 3loucher regarding J'imes Drought as person recomended lye Sim for the position Director-Redevelopment Planxer. This letter will be ansi^rcred by tho Chaixlaan and Secretary. The secretary Wade a report on the progress of our ap,>lication to date. The follo~ring miterial :ras mailed to 'idashington on I;iarch 2nd; Exhibit `Io. J.1, Cony of the }'aster Plan c£ the City of San Bernardino Exhibit ','o. 12, Four certified copies o£ resolution ?Io. 2586 of the Common Council. Exhibit ?to. 13, Four certified copies of Resolution ?Io. 2503 of the Common Council. :;xhibit ?fo. ].j~, Foru• certified copies of our Resolution L Pio. 7. Etihibit';Io. 15, One copy of the popul;rr printing of the ?&~rster Pan. Exhibit };o. 1G, Four certified copies o£ th>.~ By-Lams as amended Ilovember Cth. Exhibit '10. 17, Four certified copies o£ the "{ihutes of the Annual fleeting of the Agency, shoiring the election of officers. ~.,r.iLibit Ito. 16, Four certified copios of the appointment and Oath of office of Salvador C. T.fvnoz~. I;Xhibit ;?o. 19, Fo:ir codes of the preliminaxg survey o° the additions to 3 tlidv~ area 1}O. 1. :'r ~^Srn~ond .~. Voirt spoke on"the progress: t}t.~t ire h..ve made to date. T:tat our application -aas all in order, in fact that it errs one of the outstanding apnlicatione submitted to date bee :use of t}u, detail and arrangment. T,,at it ~•ras pos-~.ible thr:t rre ::light receive our contract vrit::in in ten days. Thare 'using ao lmther business to come before the Agency at this time. .;estbrock moved rnd ILUnoz seconded a notion that the: raectir:g Adjourn. This motion c~rriect, i'ecting ad~journe at 8 P.}I. nesnectilully submitted s F. P!c Di~ Se~ to 37 [.'T"'~TT.S OF T?L; :''~GiT?~.I2 1~.:I•G Oi' i :-; PwD1,V"LC:';~;1 BG;:1CY OF Til.s CIi° OP~'SAII ?k,R:uli'71::0, C:.L1FO:w?IA helr', in Noon 282 of the City hall, ;.'arch 19, 1>53 ¢t 7.30 P,'.;. . ,'keeting called to order trf Chairntn Chap.^li=n at 7, t~0 P.'.. *?oll call shovrecl the foLo•ring present, C'hag^tan, C•crlisl.e, 1,unoz and ?Ic Dill. ;,'estbrool: ab^,ent. L",inutes of the meeting of :;arch 5th read and approved. 11o bills £or approval. Leger from '7alter lI. 3lucher ryas read and the Secretary ~:~s instructed to vrrite to hime about an item in the .Seasletter about our need for a 12edevelopnent Planner. A letter ryas read from JacY, t.eltzer applying for the position of Director Redevelopment Planner. Secretary to ans~,ver this letter. A let~er from Simon Disney recomending that sre hove a tallc with "uilliax7 Clair about filling ti:e vacant position. Secretary to write hilliar.~t Clair. T, e Secretary vraa instnucted to write ~to Jay !komr~n anal invite him to present his gt><alifications to the A,raq-cy for the vacant position. kTo fort: er business to come before the Agency, C'ts'lisle moved and P,unoz seconded a motion to adjourn at f3.20 P.Y. klotion carrial. especil~l'y svfortitted ~' '/// 7~'~"'l. rx~s I'. ''c Di11, 3ecretlry. ud('Tli8 0;' Tk!~ IL.CrUle!Ft i-w'dTL]Ck OP i P' NaDi: _L~~21~:;:.'i 9C~.ICY OP il~ CITY 0;~ 5::".~:~""^iI;IC,'C.":LI?C3-'L _=L` "1 nC•^_'.4 2'_'2 of th° Cib,/:ia , Apri .. ?, 1"53 at 7.30 3;. 1"eetir:g called to order 'aJ Chairman Cha.pmrm at 7.30 P;.~ ??011 Call sho~tcc tln'1.'ollo,ring neriber.^. presentq Chapaln, llestbroot, "unoz, C^.r1is1^ and i..'c ')i11. bse__^.t i?one, The l>ill of Caxolinc Goes vrapresonted for ap,~rov:.l _:: tine nmott;t of ',' E~.50, "unoz moved and -'estbrool: seconded a r.±otion that the bil7_ be approved and raferred ~w th~, L'ovr?on Council for pa;Pnant.:Iotion carried. *~+tiserf~rora '.:alter ?1 Ilducher reg sling ;:r. ;.ieltzcr and a leti,er from ??ajorie S. ::ergo Asst. to Dloucher giving us the nvaes and histories of o.rtics trnt uir'~ ; consider t?t^. job of Dire^tor-Reclevrelopment Planner. .! confidential letter iros:^. P.~•^^.on:'. A, 'Joi;;t a^' .. letter .prom -°.erm_~.n D. i2uth applying for the position. Case ktistorics of `Iilli,^.n :I. Ludlovz, ',-IiLi.M I. OoocL~.v:n, Jr¢tca J.:'urpiy anri Devil r~lexander :la.llace -~xere received from tLc Society ...: Seeret'-:ry recd ,n;rts of thr Julletin of Commerce s}wwing the grosth of San -ernazcliro County and Son 3ernardino City. 38 The Clk~irm-m then asl:sc. fora ..^uspension of the repril.ar order of business so that ive could take up the matter of changing our meeting time and dato. T?xe foll_orring resolution era^, then read by the Secretary: RSOLUTIOII 110 r3 RiiSOLDTIOii DSIGATIIIG T?-°? TI?.L; Ai;D PIu'~C.', 0 Pu.GULhF? I:.~~TI:':GS OI' Tl£> ituDliV1;LOP1f;?1T AGisIICY OF Tllli CITY OF S&ti BP:HII1ftDIS?0, CALIFOlf.QL4. ;;lxereas , Section 2 ^sticlc III o£ the ~'v-Iara~ of the ;tedevelorrient Ggency of tho City Of a^,~n 3ern.~rdino, California, provi<les~ that regular meetinEs :~,,rbe helc'_ y~rithout notice as such time and place as'?nay-be determined >r~ resolution, of t}:e Agency; and _nr ~-~a . _:,, Our present neetir;g dues conflict with the r.~ecting dates of ~:rotlxer govern*rent.21 agency; ?;C%!, TimPP,b•0?_ , _ , 7i :I:GOL!,".:D 3Y 2I:,i it Di;~^.~hCPIIi.."1 AG3;ICY C? °.: CI'T'Y-OP ,S.1I. J;',r^,P~II;C, C.'.LI,^OIL:I:1; Tat until otnen~rise provided ay resolution,'t::.:Ien5err, of the T.:c~levelo~m~=,nt. P.gency of the City of S,.n Pernrrdino, C+xlifoisi.a shall hole reCular meetings at 1y.00 P.1S on the'second and fourth inursdcxys o£ each rsonth at the'offYce of the Agency. The ne,:t regular meetinG; being held on April 23, 1953. A notion ~1~s Wade by I'unoz and seconded Ca lisle that the' above resolution be'adopted. ?LOLL CALL, ??unoz yes,. Csrlisle yos, T:estbrook yes, ?.:c Dill yes .nu Ch,:rpn::n yes. i;oes, none. Absent :'one. xe rseeti-;g adjourned to meet mt the call of- tha Cllairm-m upon receipt o£ Contract pagers to be signed a.nd ap?roved, at 0.3G P.*~. respectfully submitted ~'~~~"", ~,~_ _. ?ic Dill, Secretary ,'; Q v0 ali° iC _ . :'.C .J?'C C' ' aY;~^T_". 'L~J.^,~5'~ 7 ,.,_:-,L C ~-' ..:I::: i?S;D:"';'L(~li :i .G~:~i C:' ::L; CI:l 0 ~": .C~ !;L°.Ti~:O, C rT.i ~:;I,1st 1l °.... :~id.2y ,lpril 10, 1; 73 '.le, the unders5.gned, dvly appointed and acting members of the Redevelo;rrs^nt hgenc-,/ of the City of San Bernardino, California, do '.~~ereby consent to the holc'ing of a special adjourned meetip~ o£ the Agencyr2~iday April 1C, 19 r? for the purpo^e of approving the contracts submitted lry the l7as'.ZinCton Cf'ice of the Division o£ Slvn Clearance and IIrb~n 2edevelopmont in Foom 200 of tiie City It~.ll of ttxa Cit;r of Scn °erne.rc? no, California at ~+ i .`.. Dated ".pril G, 193 ~ p L -•---~ _ ?oy ;.. ,,nrpmrn, Cn~.ix^.:~a..n ~/ ~ ~ ~ ;"~~ ~' rw.t ~ ;lest roo , lice G iairnan .LLL ~"" " J~u _ , 1Ic Di~ Secretary Pars i,o5.a Carlisle S vador C. P.'.unoa ~~ 4 (1 'TeL"PDS CF A SP3CIAL (...?.T.,..7 ?.,:...1L.'G Ole' ^'. L, 3:.J:,`,~OP?f3IIT Affi:?;CY OF"T?Ii3 CITY OF SAl? ~y :'.'~2DIli0, C:~I.IF03.;IL, held in Room 200, o£ tlra City I?all, April lo, 1953 at'~ P.1°. T'.:c ;edovelonment Ag^ncy c^ tiic City o_` S-n _ler::usaino, California, met in a;:,~ecio.l Called :.'acting a.t poom 200 of t:a~ City IIc.ll,. in the City of Snn ^ern~~rcin6, CnSi°ornia at 1} o ~ clo cL ' :.. on the 10th da;r o£ April, 1953 t}:e nlr.ce, ::our a-~d d.~.te duly este;~lished for the hold`uzC of such mectinC. The Ciia2rnar_ galled t'i^_ meeting to ordor s-s1 on ro17. en71_ the follo~ung answered prosent: Chs*Sm<ui, 1.tunoz, CrxLisl<~ rvnd ;.,c Dill, ~d the follorrizg :rore absent: '.;estbrool:, The Ch,irran daclcsed a quorun nrasent. '. e C?lairm~.n re:,orted vly rl.~ted a^trl signc;l on each menber in due re:=ari the oriGinal of vn<s ordered sereac~. on that tA~s special neetin~ :vas convened pursuant to a ?otiae of Specs. 1 meeting erhich rns personnally served time, forri ~vnd ran-er a^, rcc;uired ',~ lavr. The Secretary ;he "'?otice-S:nd Certific.^to° set forth boloti~r, and the sa~nc the ninutes, ~~., follo;rs: "0TIC3 :1'ID C:1.°.TIFIC:~.T": T - °"' I"~L T "' "~,~ '~ ~ 'i:. n,;Dll.liLCPt .T AG'IC OF T'r3 CI"_7' C' SAI? 3: 'ivRDI':'0, CALIFOiL',IA. :?ctice if hereby C,iven that a special meeting o£ the Redelopment AC,ency of the City* OS Srst "ernardino, California, ~:rillbe hehl at P.oom 200 of the City ??a.ll, tnc regulzr meeting place thereof, at 1F o~clock P. Ir, on the 10th d^.y of April, 1953, for t?~: purpose of considering cumd adopted a resolutior. ap?rovi.ng v.d nrovirling for the excution 6f a proposed Contract for Adv--:ce uncicr Titls I of th~~ '?ousi*g Act'of 191;9, nvnbered Contract l?o. UI?. Calif.:. 9 and dated J<~muaxy i9, 1953, lry and betvreen the P.edelopment Agency 6f tl:c. Oit,~ of ,Sr;n ;3ernarclino~ '1^.liforni.-:.:s.<? the iTni tad St::tes o£ ;eria-~., anQ for t;v~ par-~ox of tr.::nsacting ~.^~,* ot'.:er vusineas rr?iich may properly cone before suer. +__~ec'airg. D,~.tsed the 7th dy of ;pri1. 7.953. SiCr:ed J.~re~ _. ;:c Di11, Secratr~_ry I, Jeriea ? :;e";1i11., Secretc;r,* of the Redevelopment Agency of the City 6f S~~n !3ernardino, C"'.lifornia, ?I~'?':~i C-:;i'.^_T:rl that on the Utz day o_° April, 1953, I served ~. true copy of the foreroinr, ?;otice of Spedal 'ieeting on arch aa8 e4ey .,ember of the Redeveonment Arene;,~ of the City of Srn _;ernc'..rdino, C'lifornie, in ti:^ follo~.2ng manner: ;~j deli*rering to each member pcrsonnaly r. copy of the aix~ve notice. ;7itness my hand t:zir=. 8th day of .`1nri1, 19$3 S:'.A?. Signed J:vnes P. Ye Dill, Secretary 4f .~ nesolution enti.tlF=~', "?Lesolution _^,I?~roving and Provi.de~stg for the ,xecution o£ a @ontra¢t"Sot ;ldvance under ~itL? I o£ the housing :4ct of 19x9, Date as of Janaary 19, 19;3, and I!umbored Contract ?;o. U° Calif. 3-p, 3y artd 13etvreen th? :;eclevelo?mont Agency o£ the City of Sn.n '.3ern%irdino, Ca1i£ornia anti the United States o£ !~merica" rras introduced byCarlisle. Said itesolutior. 5ei.g our :;o. 9 and tlic prosed contract for 1dvtnce described t:-:crein ?-'ere then rear; in full .an<i discw^sed and considered. Car].i sle then moved the ~:Coptibn o£??esolutibn :io. 9 as introduced a-td read. Iit¢ioz seconded the motion, end, on roll call, the £oLovring voted "14~e": Carlisle, I'unoz, ':c Di71 zv-td Chapmen; and tin? £ollovrirr; noted '^?ay": Pone. Absent, ;!estbrook. Phe Chairr.>F~.rt,t`:ereu^on~decl.~.red the r.=.otion carried and t'rte Ztesoluti_on adopted as introduced and read. 'i~.,e i,?ency Bien reverted to their regular order of business. ,he minutes of tit^ recu7.a.r nec,-ing of "G7ril 2r~ 1953 ~~-'e read end approved as read. ?do bi11s. Conmtuiications iY^om thy, folloerinr vrcre redd and acted uaon as noted. Letter f2•om Charles J i?oran submitting contract £or our a~nrrov_^.l, acted on above. Letter ii•om Jack taeltzer declining position o£ Director, odered £ileri. 7,et'~~er from ;;ri: g. Claire in repl;/ to our.^, of !,arch ?nth recd vid Secretary to write to 'a. Clair about appearing £or inter•,rio~.^r. It si^ moved 1ay~ 'Stnoz and seconded by Carlisle thzt the L'^nair^:an and Secretary Ue instructed and empovaered to file our requisition.^ for the first p:`~ment on Advance of ~¢tds at they snmr, time th^..t the Contract is submitted leaving sane tv:d^.ted rutrt advise 'Srr;Li_^_rton to mire dr.te to u; for confirnn.tion. ^.hir rotio~a carried. It ;:rs novod that the first request for Funds be in the'rmount of ;, 10,825.OC vnd that "aIl documents in supaort't::ereo£ be authorized. I'ill.9 motion :rs m„ade by Ceslisle aryl seconded by ILLROZ• t:otion c.~rrie~l. _ 'C::ere being no fur ;her business to coma before the Agency meeting -ryas adjourned at 5 ;'.. . i'.esnectfltlly submitted A,enroved b~,j absent member I`ruitt ;testbrnok. rate /~ ICY (~ J .. .. ';c Till, ~ecrct^.xy 9 `~ RESOLUTIOII I30. 9 RESOLUTIOtd APPROVING ARID PROVIDIPSG FOR TIIE EXECUTION CF A C023TRACT FOR ADVANCE {R{DER TITLE I OF TIC HOUSING ACT OF 1949,'DATID AS OF JANUARY i'9, 1953, AIdD 2RILIHERED COIITRACT 210. UR CALIF. A-9, HY AI7D HET6'tEEN TFiE REDEVELOPifEP1T AGErdCY OF TI{E CITY OF SAIi BEItiU~RDIDiO, CALIFORIIIA AND TIIE UfIITED STATE OF AA.IERICA. BE IT RESOLVED HY TF~ RIDEVELOPPS~TIT AGEIICY OF THE: CITY OF SAId BERIdARDINO, CALIFOR2IIA, as follows: SECTIOId S. Ths pending proposed Contract for Advance under Title i of the Housir~ Act of 1949, dated as of the 19th day of Januafy, 1953, and numbered Contract No. CR 'Calif. A-1, in the amount of ~ 33r915.00 and ' relating to plans and surveys of the nature contemplated by siad Title I, by and between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San F3ernardino, California (herein called the "Local Public Agency") and the U,~ited 5ta.tesnbf America~(herein Called the "Government"0, is hereby in all respects approved. SECTIOPI 2. The Chairm:;n, Roy E. Chapman is hereby authorized and directed to execute the said Contract for Advance ih two counterparts on behd7if of the Local Public Agency, and the Secretary, James F. P.ic Dill is hereby Authorized and directed to impress and attest the official seal of the Local Public Agency on each countePpart and to foward such counterparts to the Office of the Administrator,.Ii6using and home Finance Agency, for execution on behalf bf the Government, together with such other documants relative to the approval and execution of such counterparts and to this Resolution as may be required by the Government. SECTION 3. The Secretary, James F. Mc Dill is hereby authorized to fYle requisitionsr together with necessary suporting documents, with the Government, in accordance with the Contract for Advance, requesting payments to be made 6n account of the Advance provided far in the Contract for Advance, and to do and perform all other things and acts required to be dome or performed in order to obtain such payments. SECTION 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediate]y. ~z MIPIUTES OF THE REGULAR D.~ETIP7G OF THE REDEVEIAPMQIT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAPI 3ERIIARDINO, CALIFORPIIA, held in Room 200 of the City Hall„ April 23rd 1953 The meeting was called to order at !<.05 P. 1~i. by ChnS..nnn Chapman. Roll Cali showed the following members present, Chapman, 1"lestbrook, Carlisle P.4unoz and t:fc Dill. Absent None. The minutes pf the meeting of April 10, 1953 were read and approved. The Chairman and the ;,ecretary explained in great detail the papers novr ready £or maili.ng to t°ta~hin~ton and announced that the Contract for Advance plus necessary supporting documents would be mailed AIIi Ltail in the morning. IPo bills. The matter of funds to bring applicants out for interviews was talked about but no action taken. T`ie following applications were read for the position of Director- Redevelopment Planner; George J: )§~enrier, Jon Richard Larson, Earl D. Froser, Salvatore G. Lardiere~ Allen LLtchelson, R. A. Larrabee and TTilliam I. Goodman. The Secretary was instructed to aclmowledge all letters and advise them that they would hear from the Agency later. There being no ilu~ther business do come before the Agency, Munoz moved and Nestbrook secoAded a motion that we adjourn at 5 P.M. to meet agi:i.~ at ~t P.P.i. April 30, 1953 £or the purpose of interviewkng Herman D. Ruth for the position of Director-Redevelopment Planner. Motion carried Meeting adjourned at 5 P. P.4. RespectfLIIly submitted~~"/~ es F. P:Pc Di~ ~ etary. qq P.IT.I'Ji;iS OF TH:: ADJOUit;,..D i.IIr.TIIIG OF TIDS R.SDE7I;IAPILTiT AGEIICY OF TIIl~ CITY OF SAN D~LIRDIIIO; CALIFOR?IIA~ held in itoom 200 of the City fiall~ April 30th ~ ].953 at 1y o ~ clock P. '.'.. i,feeting called to order by Chairman Chapman at 11.10 P. Ii. Roll Ca11 slirnved the following members present: Chapman 1"iestbrook~ Pfimoz and t?e Dill. Absent Carlisle. The minutes of the meeting of April 23rd were read and approved. No bills. All of the papers prepared by the Secretary to obtain the Advance payment of fiords were read and discussed at length. N'o action necessaig because of the previous anrthorization given the Secretary to prepare same. Applications for the position of Director-Redevelopment Planner were read from the follotiring; H: H. 17aechter, Richard E. Arms Chx lss R. Darv7~on, °~ Geirge S"Ialker Sicmaons~ Jr.~ Sinclair Powell~aatd Thomas R. Burleigh." The Secret.~uy was inatructed~to have prepared copies of a7.1 applications for each member of the Agency. Frank Dastone, Area Pl.ariners for all states 1'lest of the P.tissipppi River for~the Division of SIum~Clearance and Urban Revelopment Bras present and intrndued to the members. The Agency when i.riterrnietired Herman Ruth for the position of Director- Redevelopment Planner. T!ze meeting then adjourned at 5.20 P.TS. to meet again liay 7th at our regular time. Respectfully suonitted es F. Plc Dill, Secretary Approved by absent member P,Trs Idol/ayeCa~/rlinslne p Da-t^E'~pt1R. 1r1~ rd 1~~ ' I n~~ y~.l `V p~hhY 1 .Ml Signor ure: ~:) t°IIIUTES Os^ T?~ ADJOLT.::D ?.~:,::TI'IG OF TIE's REDEViLOPt:~:?~i AGi'IICY OF THE CITY OF SAPf II~I'utAIZDIltO, CALIFl7R?[L1, held in Room 200 Of the City Hall, tSay 7, 19$3 at 4 P. 1:4 The meeting eras called to order by Chairman Chapmzn at ly.20 P.?d. there not being a quorum present until that time. Roll Call showed the following members present, Carlisle, Chapr.~an and Pc Dill. Absent Westbrool: and Llunoz. PIo Bills. The following Resolution being our No. 10 was introduced by Pdc Dill who moved its adoption. Carlisle senonded this motion. Roll call vote showed Chapman Yes, P9c Dill Yes, and Carlisle yes. Absent Westbrook and munoz. Motion carried. the Resolution follows. Sd IT RESOLVED that the Secretary itf hereby authorized and directed to opea an account with the AP,1ERICA21 PIATIONAL H4HK OF SAPt'BERPIARDINO and to deposit therein amy and all moneys received by the Agency. BE IT FIIR'Mf~f?. RESOLVED that ally moneys so deposiidd be withdranvn only on the order of the Agency members-at.a regular or special meeting and~that a1S checks or vouchers must be signed by the Chairman and Secretary. Bu IT FORTI~R PtESOLL^.:D that the Chairman, Roy E. Chapman and the Secretary, James I~'. ,'.tc Dill are hereby authorized to sign checks or vouchers on behalf o£ the Agency."The Chairman and Secretary are hereby directed to furnish the D<2xilc with sigtature 'oards. These siepatvres v~i.11 be the only authorized signatures £or thr. rrj,the2x"avrel of funds until changed by resolution of the members of the Agency. P: l~tteP was'read from Raymond Voight recomemding applicant George l°7alker Simmonsr Jr., for the position of Director. The applications of Harry G. Halatyn, Fred Ctevslq. and ;rank J. ~.lls vrere read. A motion that the meeting adjourn and that because of the absence of members the meeting og P:iay ]1[th'be cancelled eras Wade by Oarlisle and Seconded by P,ic Dill, P.Sotion carried. Respectfully submitted ~/G ~ V~ es F. Idc Dill, Secretary Approved by absent members Date N~LY C~- /q73 C... ~ ~fi t117NTES OF T;~ REGULAR ?.7EETItSG OF THE REDEVELOPtIEfIT AGE?SCY OF T?~' CITY OF SAN BER?SARDI170, CALIFOR?IlA, held in Room 200 of the City Ha11, May 28th 195' at ~t P. ?f. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Chapman at 4.20 P. ?:f. Poll Call showed the folloY~zng menbers present, Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle and tic Dill. Absent Iatmoz. The ninutes of the adjourned meeting of hay 7th mere read and approved as read. The regular order of business tivas suspended to permit :7illiam H. Claire of the Corntmi.ty Redevelopment Agency of the City of Los Angeles to explain about their projects and the methods of handling the phases of the redevelopment work. tir. Claire went into great detail to explain to the Agency ?.tembers hour all matters should be handled and after he had finished the Chairman thanked him for taking the trouble and time to appear before the Agency and help"us in our work. 1.;r Claire eras then excused and the regular order of business was resumed. TI?e bill of Kenneth Y.. Ke11y for the bond for the officers handling fluids of the Agency was read in the amount of ~ 67.50 for the year commencing B4ay 1, 1953. The bill of Caroline Gates for Steno work in the amount of ~ 6,50 was read. Carlisle moved and Westbrook seconded a motion the the above bills be approved and that the Chairman and Secretary be authorized to sign checks on the Agency Funds in the amounts requested. Rodl Call voted, Chapman, 7leetbrook, Carlisle and tic Dill voted Yes Absent Pdunoz. notion carried. There being no~further business to come before the Agency meeting was adjourned at 5.20 P. i[. P,espectfully.,~ submitted ~~ ~V_~ J ~ F. fSc Dill, Secretary AFproved by absent members Date U.,, / - ~~j; 3 Signed _ ~ • ~~i_~c.t~-r, 17 I:fIINT°S 0 T?iv REGULAR I:ivTP,IG OF T?IL' REDEVELOPI,[EIIT AGEII:Y OF TFIF: CITY OF SAIL DEIiiIARDIIIO, CALIFORITIA, Ueld in Room 200 of the City Ball, June 11, 19,3 at 11. P: I.I. Iteeting called to order by Chairman Chapman at 11.10 P. I:I. Roll Call showed the follo;iin~ members present, Chapman, i[unoz, 'Gfestbrook and ;:c Dill. Absent Carlisle. A motioh vras Wade that the reading of the minttes of the meeting of Liay 2fl, 193 be set over until our next regular meeting rras made trimoB and seconded by I.Sc Di11. Roll Call vote, Chapman, 'Ilestbrook, ffitmoz and Iac Dill voting Yes. Absent Carlisle. A letter eras read from the ~lashizgton office notifying the Agenct that Herman D. Ruth had resigned and that iri the future all business would be handled direct from SfashLngton. The £ollorring applications for the position of Director were read. r'rom Stuart Ihu~man. A letter was read from Wm. ?I. Claire thanking us for the courtesies shown hip upon his recent visit to our Ageny~q. The bill of the State Compensation Insurance Fund in the P.'faovnt of "~ 39.111 for compensation insurance of the employees of the Agency was read. b.[unoz moved and Pic Dill second a motion that the bill be approved for payment and that the Chairman aid Secretary be instructed to issue a check oh the 4gency Nlmds in payment~of same. Roll Call vote, Chapman ';destbrook, Ilanoz and 1".c Dill voted Yes. Absent Carlisle. klotion carried. T e Chairmazt t'ren announced than he had located office space for the Agency and the members present then went to inspect this property. After inspection a motion eras made by 1.Iunoz and seponded by ~'Iestbrpok that vre reant the office space tovrlt P.oom 202 located at 362 ~'D'r Street an a month to month basis nt a iionfihly rental of Y~' 60.00 per month. T?iisrent to include j~itor service, lights, ureter, heati.fsg and pooling. The rent to start July 1, 19$3. Roll gall vote, Chapman, ;"estbrook, lSUnoz and L`c Dill voted Yes. Absent Car lisle. P_ motion vns made by I.ic Dill and seconded by I:fwnoz that we adjourn and that the meeting of June 2~tki be cancelled on account of the Chai.nnan and Secretary being avuay attending the Convention of the American Society of Planning Official in .San Francisco on that date. Rorlal Call vote, Chapman 'IestbrooY., Ltunoz and lac Di71 voting Yos. Absent Carlisle. !.lotion carried and meetir~ adjourne3 at >.115 P. .'.l. Respectfully submitted Wes F. '..o I?'ill,' Secretary &finutes approve by absent member Date .~ u ~Y q ?~ 7 9 Ss . Signed ~Vlo~'e-'-- ~`-0-~^-11-`-tA-'~- 4~s IIIIIIPT'.:S OF TIC ItEGiJL.'+R 21E,'::TIl?G OF Till ItEDE~,/ELOPP:CLIT AG~tCY OF TFffi CITY OF SAIL BERIARDIliOr CALIFOIt;IIA, held at the residence of the Secretary 12;y2 Iligh].and Ave., San Dernardino on Ju]y 9, 1953 at Iy.20 P.P".. Pieeting called to order at x.20 P.II. by Chairrian Chapman who announced that the meeting place +ras changed for this one time because o£ the illness of the Secretary, who had just returned from the hoapi_tal. Roll Ca11 showed the follov+ing present, Chapman, ~lestbrook, Carlisle and LIc Dill. INnox absent at the start of meeting but anstirered later. P.'Snutea of the meeting of LTay 2IIth read and approved as read. L',i.rtutes of the meeting of June llth.rcad and approved as read. Resolution Ido. 11 was introduced by Carlisle who moved its adoption. This motion was seconded by "r7estbrook. Roll call vote showed Chapman 7restbrook, Crlisle, I,'auios and LSc Dill. voting Yea. Absent none. RESOLUTION PIO.ll RESOLUTIOII DESIGIIATIIIG TIIE TIDE APID PL9CE OF TIII: REGUTAR LIEETIPiG OF THE REDEVELOPf.II7T AGEPICY OF TIL CIT'i OF SAPI T3vItItARD1:I0, CALIFORIIIA 'd'?~tL,AS, Section 2 of Article III of t$e $9'-Laws of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, provides that regular meetings may be held without notice of such time and place as may be determined by resolution of the Agency;. and IVIi.,'ftEAS, the Agency has rented offices at Room 202, 362 "D° Street, San Bernardino; ?70'77, TIWREFOR?:, I3^^; IT RESOLVr'.D DY TIC REDL'VELCPP.~1'f AGEPICY OF THE CITY OF S+Il7 BERIIARDIl`70~ CALIFORIITA: That until othex7rlse provided by reaolution~ the PSeiabers-of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino; California sliail hold regular meetings at Room 202 at 362 "D" Street, San Bernardino, California at'4.00 o'clock P. ti. on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month. lIo bills The repe>rt of the cer~itte selected to look over the applications for the position of Director was read shovring the following applicants selected and their'positions~placed by the conmittee; Fraser of Ka]atnazoo, Utevsky of Dayton, Powell of Cincinnati, Sawyer of Norfolk, Larson of Iafayette and Goodman of Iiartfvrd. Letter weee wrmtten to each of th:: above and no action taken until they }}eve time to reply. Se ta]l; vvas~had about setting up so rules about expense accounts but no action taken. A motion was made by Carlisle and seconded by Pitmox that the Chairman and Secretary be authorized to make the necessary arrangement to ihrnish the office, have phone installed, sign on door and get office operating as soon as possible. 49 Carlisle moved and l'Jestbrook seconded a motion that the meeting adjourn subject to call by the Chairman. P.2eeting adjurned at 5.30 P.I:f. PF,otion carried. Respecfully submitted? ~~Qf J ~ `"" ~ J e^ r^. Iic Di71, Secretary i:iIIIUT?:S OF T?~ RFAULAR PtvETI?IG Or^ T21u REDEVGUJPI.Si:TIT AGEIICY OF T?Ls CITY OF SAI1 D~."~II&2DP,f0, CALIFORIIIA FjsLD IfI T?i':' OP _TCES CF C??AP'1.?,ild ~ SPRAGUE 392 Court Street, San I3eraardin6, July 23, 1953 at 4.15 P. ."f. Pdceting called to order by Chairman Chapman at h.15 P.1.?. Roll Call shored the~fellowing members preaentp Chapman, YJestbrook, Carlisle and flic Dill. Absent t~iunoz. A motion was made by 1'Jestbrook seconded by Carlislr, that xhen Iyman presented a bill £or the July office rent that the Chairman and Secretary be authorized to drawn'a check m the Agency fluids to pay same. Roll Call vote Chapman, 1'Jestbrook, Carlisle and Pdc Dill Yes. Absent Munoz. The reading of the minutes of the meeting o£ July 11th was passed until the next meeting of the Agency. A motion was made 'FJestbreok and seonded by Carlisle that the Secretary be authorized and directed to hire Glac~s Oerburg half time for the salary of '~ 125.00 per month. This emnloyement to be temporary until such time as the business •rarrdnts the hif~ing of"full time help. ' Roll Call Chapman, ~lestbrook, Carlisle and ?:k Dill Yes. lfunoz Absent. The tweeting adjourned at 5.15 ?. ;+. to meet again at the call of the Chairman. Respectfully submitted Approved by absent member 2unez `~ v ` es F. Plc Dill, Secretary Date /p _ ~ 1953 ~It MINUTES OF TAE SPECIAL MEETING~OF TBE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, held in our rogular offices, Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, California, August 4, 1953 at 4:15 P.M. Meeting called to order by Chairman Chapman at 4:15 P.M. Roll call showed the following members present: Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle and McDill. Absent, LSzaoz. The minutes of the regular meeting of July 9, 1953 were road and approved as read. The minutes of the meeting of July 23, 1953 wero read and approved as read. Letters wero read from applicants for tle position of Dirootor, which had been received since the Committee had taken over the selection of a director for us. It was the consensus of opinion of the members present that these applications received should be ignored. The Chair was instructed to send to Mr. Uteveky etelegram advising him that the Agency would be willing to meet xith him at any time at his convenience. The following bills wero presented for payment: Ruth Holmes`- secretarial aork $ 20.00 C. J. Lyman - July and August rant of office 120.00 Roy Chapman - expenses of trip to attend the convention of the American Societyof Planning Officlels, in the amount of 83.89 Carlisle moved, and Westbrook seaonded, the motion that the above bills be approved and that the Secretary and Chairman be authorized and in- atruotad to drax ohbcka on the Rwds of the Agency for the above nmounts. A motion was made by Westbrook, seconded by Carlisle, that the Agency set up as a guide, certain limits on expense accounts for membero of the Agency travelling on official business; that the per diem allowed members be in the amount of $1b .00 per day; that mileage for use of care be the amount of 7~ per mile; that railroad and plane fare be the actual amount of the published tariff, less the Federal tax. The Chair called fora roll call vote, with the following results Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, McDill, yea. Absent, Munoz. Motion carried and the Chairman so ordered. A motion was made by Carlisle, seconded by Westbrook, that the meeting adjourn at the asll of the Chairman, to meet on a day suitable to same of the candidates for the position of diroctor. This motion was carried and the meeting adjourned at 5:15 P.M. Minutes ap~~pyyroved by absent member Dat 1. •• ~,~ ,J, ~6'~~~~ S fined ,// `+` "/~ _... Respeetfhlly nsu'bmitted, 7 C J es F. McT~ll - ec C) I bffNUTES OF TI3E SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF TfiE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY of the CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, held at the residence of the Secretary, 1242 Highland Avenue, San Bernardino, California on August 24, 1953 at 4:E0 P.M. Meeting called to order by Chairman Chapman at 4:20 P.M, and Mr. Chapman announced at that time that the reason for holding the meeting in the residence of the Secretary wen because of the illness of the Secretary and that he was unable to climb the stairs to the office. Roll call showed the following members present: Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle and McDill. Absent, Munoz. Earl D. Fraser appeared before the Agenoy members and there was oonsider- able and lengthy discussion about his peat xork and his ability to fill the requirements For the position we have open. He xas questioned by the Chairman, particularly ae to his willingnasa to sign a non-Communist oath and, if he were subpoenaed before an investigating body, if he xould be Trilling to testify. Mr. Fraser agreed that he would do this. Carlisle moved, and Westbrook seconded, a motion authorizing the Secretary and the Chairman to sign a check to pay Gladys Verburg for her work for the month of August. This motion carried. The Chairman announoed that he had contacted IItevsky and that Utevsky would appear before the Agency at a special meeting to be held on August 31, 1953. Westbrook moved, and Carlisle seconded, a motion that the meeting adjourn, subject to the call of the Chairman. This motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 5:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted ^ n ' /' `711 s ~. Mc ill - Secretary Minutes approved by absent member Date /o - ~- ,f,~ Signed ~ ~ • ~`Y~~i.f.~1/ / ~ ,, 2 MINUTES OF A SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY of the CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, held in our regular offices, Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, California, on August 31, 1953 at 4:20 PM. Meeting aalled to order by Chairman Chapman at 4:20 P.M. Roll call showed the following members present: Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle and McDill. Absent, Munoz. Regular order of business was dispensed with to allow the Agency members to interview Fred Utevsky, who had made the trip out from the east for the purpose of interviewing the Agency members regarding his employment sa Director. The interview lasted approximately one hour, all members present asking questions and Mr. IItevsky going into quite a lengt}tiy history giving us his background and qualifiaatione for the job. There was no Further business to come before the Agency at this Board meeting, so the meeting adjourned at 5:10 P.M., at the call of the Chair, pending a date to interview Mr. Jon Larson for the position of Director. Respectfully submitted, s F. McDill -Secretary Minutes approved by abse~ me er Date 0 I S' Signs _ MINUTES OF A SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY of the CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, held in our regular offices, Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, California, on September 8, 1953 at 3:25 P.M. Meeting called to order by Chairman Chapman at 3:25 P.M. Roll call showed the following members present: Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle and McDill. Absent, Munoz. Mr. Jon Larson appeared before the Board and gave a resume' of his experience and qualifications for the job as Director. The interviex lasted approximately 45 minutes and then the Board resumed its regular order of business. A motion was made by Westbrook, seconded by Carlisle, after a poll was taken of the members, which showed that Fraser was the unanimous choice of the four members present, that the Chairman be authorized and directed to call Mr. Fraser on the telephone and advise him of his se- lection for the position. This motion carried. J.~ Chairman Qhapman then placed a telephone call on the office phone to Mr. Fraser, outlining to him the conditions of the employment. Mr. Frafler said he would have to talk the matter over with his wife and he would advise ua by telegram. There being no further business to come before the Agency, the meeting was adjourned at 5:20 P.M. Reapeotfully submitted/~,,,~J~y~''t~~t~~/\ J McDill ~ecietary Minutes approved by absent member Date N 0 /, t l f-f'3 wi Signs MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF TAE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY of the CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, held in our regular oPficaa, Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, California on September 24, 1953 at 4:20 P.M. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Chapman at 4:20 P.M. Roll call showed the following members present: Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle sad McDill. Absent, Munoa. Minutes of the meeting of August 4, 1953 were read sad approved as read. Minutes of the meeting of August 24, 1953 were read and approved as read. The following bills were presented for approval: General Telephone Company ~ 20.70 C. J. Lyman - rent Por month of September 60.00 Gladys Verburg - salary for September 125.00 Motion was made by Westbrook, seconded by Carlisle, that the above bills ba paid and that the secretary and the chairman be authorized to sign checks on the funds of the Agency to pay the same. Roll call showed Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle sad McDill voting - yea. Absent, Munoz. Mr. Chapman - On September 8, 1953 I called Mr. Fraser by telephone and asked him, if we decided to reco~send his name to the Council for approval, if he would be willing to accept the position of Executive Director at full time and compensation of $7500.00. He said he xould send a telegram ea to what his decision would be. 5 4 On September 10 I reoeived a telegram from him stating kne would be pleased to have his name recommended, and on the beais of that I called the mayor and arranged a meeting with the City Council For September 11, 1953 at 4 P.M. At that meeting the mayor wsa present, also Counoilman Rex Duncan and Councilman Clarence F. Joris, Secretary McDill and myself. We gave a complete report of the situation and advised them that we had received 37 applications, had gone to the Bousing Coaferenoe in San Francisco in June, had talked to the Directors in Sacramento, San Francisco and Los Angeles Agencies, representatives of the Richmond Agency and officials of the Federal Agency. Aa a result of that meet- ing Mr. James Lash, Executive Director of the San Francisco Agency, Mr. Wm. Claire, Acting Director of Los Angeles sad Mr. C, Bennett, Planning Director of Los Angeles, agreed to screen all of our applicants. They would take the appliaations, go over them and come up with recommead- ationa for six people and grade them in order. We wrote each of the six to see if they were still interested, and sub- sequently interviewed three. Mr. Fraser was decided to be the best choice. We discussed with the Council at some length the personality, qualifi- cations of Mr. Fraser and generally what his training and background and experience had been and what hie position currently wen back there. Tha Council asked a few questions and both councilman and the mayor concurred heartily in our procedure and they approved our selection. Inasmuch as nothing in the law requires approval of the whole council, they said for us to go ahead, advise Mr. Fraser of his appointment and proceed with the appointment. Oa that the Board Chairman seat the telegram to Mr. Fraser on September 14, stating hie appointment had been approved by the Ageaoy and the City Council and that ihll details would Follow in a few days. The meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.M., to meet again on our next regular meeting date, October 8, 1953. Rea ctfully su~bm'it~t//ey/d,/~, ~~q~(~f//~ s Mc ill - Sdcx'etary Minutes approved by absent mem MINUTES OF TBE REGULAR kEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY of the CITY OF SAN BE RNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, HELD AT ITS REGULAR PLACE of business, Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, Califomie, on October 8, 1953 at 4:15 P.k, keeting called to order by Chairmen Chapman at 4:15 P,M, Roll call shoxred all members present. - Minutes of meeting of August 31, 1953 were read and approved as read. kinutea of meeting of September 8, 1953 were read and approved as read. Minutes of meeting of September 24, 1953 were read and approved as read. Letter of acceptance from Earl D. Fraser was read to the Agency members stating he would probably be able to report for work about November 9, 1953, but that he would advise us later. The following bills were presented for payment: Bob Stirling, signs and paint ~ 15.06 C. J. Lyman, rent for October 60.00 Neumann Rubber Stamp Company, robber stamp 3.49 Carlisle moved and Munoz seconded, that bills be approved as read and that Chairman sad Secretary be authorised to sign checks on the funds of the Agency to pay same. Roll call vote showed the following - Chapman, yes; Carlisle, yes; Westbrook, yes; Munoz, yes; McDill, yea. Absent, non. There being no Further business to come before the Agenoy, the meet- ing was adjourned at 5:15 P.k., to meet on the nett regular meeting date, October 22, 1953. Respectflzlly submitt/e~(d/,~1, ,`l~~SQ' s F, kcDil~ Secretary r~ F~ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY of the CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, held at tha regular place oP business, San Bernardino, California, on October 22, 1953 at 4:15 P.M. Meeting called to order by Chairman Chapman at 4:15 P.M. Roll call showed the following members present: Chapman, Carlisle, Munoz, McDill, Absent, Westbrook. btinut es of meeting of October 6, 1953 were read and approved as read, There were no conm:unications. The following bills were presented for payment: Gladys Verburg, postage to Fred IItevsky $ 1,47 General Telephone Company 12.31 W. X, Davis Company 113.82 Motion was made by Carlisle, seconded by Munoz, that the above bills be paid and that Chairman and Secretan, be authorized to aiga checks on the funds of the Agency to pay same. Roll call vote showed the Following - Chapman, Carlisle, Munoz and McDill, yek. Absent, Westbrook, As there was no Yurther business to come before the Agency, meeting was adjourned at 4:45 P.h~. to meet on the next regular meeting date, November 12, 1953. Respectfully submitted, J s F, McDill - Secretary ~~ ~- ~ c ~ Minutes approved by absent member Date NvU - ~3 Signed ~ N 5i ivfIVUTES OF THE REGULA F, P+`~'ETING OF THE REDEVELOPt~'NT AGENCY of the CITY OF SAN B?RNA RDINO, CALIFORNIA, held November 12, 1953 at 4 P.M,, at the regular place of business, San Bernardino, California 15eeting called to order by Chairman Chapman at 4:15 P.N. Roll call showed the following members present: Chapman, P+estbrook, Carlisle and bICDill, Absent, Munoz. Minutes of the meeting of October 22, 1953 were read and approved as read. The Following bills are re presented for payment: C, J. Lyman - rent for November, 1953 $ 60.00 San Bernardino Blue Print Company 5.75 Stockwell & Binney 336.81 Moved by Vestbrook, seconded by Carlisle, that the above bills be paid and that Chairman and Secretary be authorized to draw checks on the fluids o£ the Agency to pay same. Roll call vote showed the follo-,vi.ng - Westbrook, Carlisle, R~ICDill and Chapman, yes. Absent, L~'unoz . A letter was read from Earl D. Fraser stating that he was on the road and hoped to arrive in San Bernardino about the 14th o£ November. Some talk was held ae to whether the Agency should pay return postage or express charges on material sent to us by applicants for the position of Director. It was agreed that such material should be returned with charges prepaid. There being no further business to come before the Agency, and because the next meeting date falls on a holiday, a motion was made by Carlisle, seconded by Westbrook,that we adjourn to meet again on November 19, 1953 and that the meeting of November 26, 1953 be cancelled, Roll call vote showed the following voting yea: Carlisle, V~'estbrook, McDill and Chapman. Absent, Munoz. Respectfully submitted, Minutes approvded by absent member Date ~' ~' O ~~ _/~ Signed ` - ~ ,es F, McDill - Secretary i )h RiINUTES OF A SPECIAL PdEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMiENT AGENCY of the CITY OF SAN BF RNA RDINO, CALIFORNIA, held at the regular place of business, San Bernardino, California, November 19, 1953 at 4 P.A^.. Sleeting called to order by Chairman Chapman at 4:05 P.A'.. Roll call showed the following members present: Chapman, Westbrook, Munoz, Carlisle and McDill. Absent, none. Director D'a rl D, Fraser was present. Aa the minutes of the regular meeting of November 12, 1953 had not been prepared, the reading of same was carried over until our next regular meeting. The following bill was presented £or pa:,~nent: Railway Express Agency ~d 2.63 Notion was made by Munoz, seconded by Carlisle, that this bill be paid and that Chairman and Secretary be instructed to draw a check on Ageacv funds to pay same. Roll call vote showed the following: Chapman, ~~e stbrook, Munoz, Carlisle and Mcllill, yes. Absent, none. No communications. A motion was made by Munoz, seconded by Carlisle, that all regular and proper bills and salaries be paid and the Chairman and Secretary in- structed to draw checks on the funds for such expenses as they come due without any further action by the Agency, except to report such payment at the following Agency meeting. Roll call vote - Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, Munoz and McDill, ,yes. Absent, none. The matter of a bond for the Director was taken up. A motion was made by Westbrook, seconded by Munoz, that the Director be authorized to investigate the bond matter and that the Director have authority to make a deal about the bond, reporting back to our next meeting. Roll call vote - Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, Munoz and McDill, yea. Absent, none. motion was made by Carlisle, seconded by f:":unoz, that the Director be authorized to subscribe to the service of the National Association of Housing Officials, coating about x100.00 per year. Roll call vote - Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, Munoz and McDili, yes. Absent, none. A motion was made by ~+estbrook, seconded by A4unoz, that the meeting adjourn. Roll call vote showed all present voting yes. Absent, none. Meeting adjourned at 5:30 P.M, Respectfully submitted, ames F. A!c Dill - Secretary 5 ;~ Il~iIIIUTES C`F T-IE 1L GLiLAE i.^_4F.'T ING of the REDEVF.LOPETr.'NT AGENCY o£ the C::.TY CF SAD? B': Rirf. Ri%INO, CA LIFOi}S;IA, held in fioom 202, 362 D Street, San 5erna rdino, California on December 10, 1953 at 4 ?.,.. Pile eting called to order by Chairman Chapman at 4:10 P.ie:. i?c 11 call shrnved the following members present: Chapman, Ple stb rook, !'•.'.unoz, Carlisle and P:cDill. Absent, none. The minutes of the meeting of November 12, 1953 were read s.nd approved as read. The minutes of the meeting of November 19, 1953 were read and approved as read. The Sec ratarv reported to the Agency that under the blanket authorization two checks had been issued, No. 124 in the amount o£ ~~„107.77 to Gladys +erbu rg, and check Ito. 125 in the an!cunt o£ X253.77 issued to Earl D. Fraser, check for Glad-.s Ve rbu rg being the salary- for the month of Iovember and the check to Iv'r. Fraser being for the last half of the month of November. Some discussion was he ].d about da+.ing the Sala nr checks for the month o£ -December, iuir. Fraser sta t=d ne would li. ice to have his ehe cY, da.ted %e cer.ber 31, 1953. The other employees agreed with this, so the Secre- tary vras instructed to issue the checks as of December 31, 1553. The £01.7. ovring 'oi lls were su'~!itted for approval by the moire ctor: Stockwell %~- Binney -d 15.08 Arrowhead Oifice Equipment Company 360.59 IJat Tonal Associa+, ion of Housing C£fic is is 100.00 C, J, Lyman, rent for Decem:er 60.00 San 3e rna rd ino Blue Print Cor,~nany, maps 8.24 1C, K. Kelly, for balance due on bond premium 62.95 University of Chicago Press 7.66 Carlisle moved, and :unoz seconded, a motion that the above bills be paid. -011 call vote showed the following voting yes: Chapnnr., +'Jestbrook, Iunoz, Ca rl :i.s le and ;ecllil7.. Absent, none. The Director explained to the members of t'ne Agenc ~; that in order to have the employees of the ~'-gency covered by Social Security it would be nec- essan, for the Doard to pass a resolution. This information was contained in a letter from the ,;e pa rtment o£ Employment at Sacramento de tad De- cemba:r 23, 1953 and was read by 1: r. Fraser, who then read esolution Wo. 12 as follows: RF;S OLUTI ON No. 12 "'~+'he rays, a majority of the eligible employees for whom cove re ge is requested by the Ee development Agency of the Cit}r of San Bernardino, California, hereinafter designated as "Public Agency," at an election or elections, voted in favor o£ the Public Agency ti I I making a formal application to the State Director of Finance, hereinafter designated as the State, for inc luaion of the said eligible employees o£ said Rxbl is Agency in an agreement between the Ste to and the Federal Security Administrator for the cover- age o£ such eligible employees under the insurance system es- tablished by Title II of the Federal Social Security Act, as amended and implesented b' Chapter 46, Statutes of 1950, 3rd Extra Session; and "Fdhe re as, the Pub lit Age ncv desires to file such an application with the State and to enter into an agreement with the State containing terms and conditions whe rehy the State will take the necessa r~~ steps to extend tc such eligible employees cover- age under the said insurance sy~s tem on behalf of thePublic Agency; and "'ddhe reas, a form of application and agreement between the State and the Public Agency containing the terms and conditions for the inclusion by the State o£ said eligible employees under the coverage of said insurance system on behalf of the Rxblic Agency has been submitted to this body for consideration and action; "N(7.'c, T~!ERJ'FORE, BE IT r~S OLVEll that the Public Agency execute the aforesaid application and agreement and submit t're same to the State for acceptance and that the State be, and it is hereby requested to include all said eligible employees of the Riblic Agency- in an agreement between the State and the Federal Security Administrator for the coverage of said employees under the in- surance system established by 'S itle II of the Federal Social Security Act, as amended or as may hereafter be amended; and "BE IT FU RTH3R ORES OL ~D,-that for the purpose of said application and agreement, Earl U, i~rase r, Executive Director, 362 D Street, San ?e rnard ino, California, be, and he hereby is, designated as the Authorized Agent of the Public Agency and is hereby author- ized and directed to execute said application and agreement, as submi tted, on behalf' of Public Agency and to forward the same to the State for acts ntance and further action; and "BE IT '[7 RTB7R RESCLVEJ, that said ~uthori.zed Age ncv is further authorized and directed as the representative of the Rib lit Agency to conduct all negotiations, conclude all arrangements and sign all agreements and instruments which may be necessary to cars. out the letter and intent of the aforesaid appli.ce.tion and agreement and in conformity with all applicable Federal and State laws, rules and regulations." Vre stbrook moved and Carlisle seconded a motion that Resolution No. 12, as read, be approved and that it be spread upon the ft:inutes o£ the Agency. Roll call vote showed the following voting yes: Chapman, PJe stbrook, ftiunoz, Carlisle and Ie.cDil.l, Absent, none. fil The Director then requested that he be allovmd to purchase from the Documents Section of the State Printing Office certain books to the amount of x2.06. Carlisle moved and LSunoz seconded the motion that the Li rector be authorized to order the books desired. Roll call vote showed the follovri ng voting yes: Cha lsnan, -rvestbrook, ivunoz, Ca. rl is le and -!c lli11. Absent, none. Chairman then called attention of the board members that, pursuant to instructions of the Agency members, the Chairman and Secretary had discussed with dif£e rent attorneys in the community regarding repre- senting the Agency and P::r. Chapman presented P:~r. i"Fm. J. :'lard as the selection of the committee. Carlisle moved and P+lunoz seconded a motion that Nir. 1vm. J. '~la rd be employed as attorney for the Agency as a part time employee at the rate of x100.00 per month, effective December 1, 1953, and that he also come under the Social Security provisions of the Agency. Roll call. vote showed the following voting yes: Chalnnan, YVestb rook, P~unoz, Carlisle and I_cuill. - Absent, none. A motion was made by Piunoz and seconded by YVe stbrook that the meeting of December 24, 1953 be cancelled and that the Agency members meet at the call o£ the Chai. rman. Roll. call voting showed the following members voting ~~es: Chapman, Yde stb rook, •unoz, Carlisle and L-:clli11. Absent, none. lYeeting adjou med at 5:45 P.P;. Respe ctftzl L~ submitted, es F. I:-c Dill - aec retary~ 6 `~ CONScNT TC P.DJCli?~Iv7i'~NT CF TeE' ANNUP.L b~;F;TING OF JA WAR' 4, 1954 oi~e, the undersigned, duly appointed Redevelopment Agsncy of the City o£ do hereby consent to th~atd_j Z'~~'~Y 1 should be held on Janua ~"~~ 1 quorum on the first mentioned date. Janua r,~:~ 13, 1954 and acting members o£ the San Be rna sdino, California, ~ of~„t e+Annual T."eeting that ~~cause .,o ~'0t}eN`].ack o£ a ~~r~ p DJDURNEP /ANNVAI I+iI?v'UTES OF ~r-nvrna-c=.rr~ S:-liTI°?G of the iL'D`r:41:LCPi:::,T AGU 3CY o£ the CIT'i OF SAi] B~RiaA!-`DINO, CALIrOF4IA, F.oom 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, California, Jan ua r,~ 13, 1954, 4'ei~.'r;i. Annual meeting scheduled for January 4, 1954 adjourned £or lack o£ quorum. Because o£ inability o£ part of the Agenev members to attend on that date, meeting called for January 13, 1954. ~-"eeting called to order by Chairman Cha on an at 4:15 :`.:.. Roll call showed the following prosent: Chapman, '.`.e stb rook, Carlisle and ?LCDill; Lv. J, r'+a rd, attorney; D. D. Fraser, Director. Absent member, ">-unoz . ':inutes of meeting of December 10, 1953 were read. After corrections, were approved as read. Annual Rreeting then called to order by Chainran Chapman for election of A~enc~ officers an~3 a~o'ntment of secre_bar~~. Discussion £ollor~sd as to the election of new officers. "icllill moved, Carlisle seconded motion that same officers be elected for another term. Roll call vote showed those voting yes: Chapman, ,"lestb rook, Carlisle, "'cilill. Absent, ~=unoz. ~;. After discussion vrith the members, Chairman Oha pman recors_ended James ~. '..c llill as :,e cretary for the ensuing ,year, or for the balance of his term as Agency member, which exni yes in September, 1954. Carlisle moved, 'Westbrook seconded motion, the recomanend- ation o£ the Chairman, tint ,lr. I:IcDill be re-appointed as Secretary for balance of his term as Board member. °oll call vote shovred the following, voting yes: Chapman, '..°estbrook, Carlisle, '.;:cDill. Absent, Iunoz. ^t he £ollowi eg ..°.c counts Pa~•ab le were presented: Director of Internal Revenue w 285.58 Cali £o rnia State Department of yn~:ployment 61.30 '~ Stoclrvrell ?< Bi.nney 12.36 General helephone Cora?any of California 7.70 T{, K. Davis Company 5.57 Paige Electric Company 1.81 Inland Printing 6; Engraving Company 44.00 Arrowhead Office Equipment Company 76.50 i".m. E. Taylor 75.00 C. J. Lvma.n 60.00 Barnum €: Flagg 2,74 Total ~;~778.42 Plotion by hestbrook, seconded by Ce rl isle, that above bills be allovred and the Treasurer be oath oriaed to draw checks on Hinds of Agency to pad; same. Roll call vote showed folloxing members voting yes: Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, ?,1cDi11. Absent, i•:unoz. 'ilea~e Allovrance: ',Lonthl-j allowance for the Director's use o£ his ovm c:zr was discussed. After discussion of whether tae budgeted monthly allovra nee or a mileage allowance should be provided for local travel, Chairman Chapman sur.,geated that the travel allovaances be considered aPa in at a later date e.rd a definite policy be established. P,~rs. Cerlis le suggested thst if budget allowance for local use of car is net sufficient it be revised to cover necessa r; use. Comn~,unic<:bons; Letter ado ressed to l.a~-or for signature o£ Chai n~an read by Director, covr. yin ~; coc'e enforcer~~ent. C_or_thl~; i;e port: :..or.th 1•e financial re a.crt and narrative report to the S }F.'S. was read 'oy the Director. Lan d_ use rr~a ~~s of Study Areas 3lumbo rs 1 and 2, prepared by the Director, eve re en dis pla•r. The Director was instructed to prepare copies oi' his future monthly reports for each member of the Agenc;,•. r'.nnual keno rt: - to the i_'ayor and Common L'ouncil. =:ach member vras ;;fiver a copy of suggestions prepared by the staff for the annual re- port of the Agency to the :a;,yor and Corrmon Council. Chairr.~an Chaprcan sugr;e ste:9 that these be taken home bt• each one and studied ovc r. Proposed Project 2-re as: The -iro ctor gave an eaplauction of three proposed roject Areas developed b,r the Cite Planning Co~,n fission stat'f, indias.tintt the bourdaries, possrole ch?.nges etc. There teas a discussion oC the Projoct ^rea boundaries desired b,?• the et.gency. The r; ~~ Director explained that if the Agene-•; vrishes chances or does not spree vrith plans proposed, it should su~c;~est then to the 0.F.C. Chairman Chanmer, expressed thz desire to talk with the staff o£ the City Planning Conmission before the meeting. to be held on January 14, 1954, and, i£ ne cessa r^, to he.ve consideration of the project boundaries postponed in order 'to give the ?-gency members more time £or cons_deration o£ the proposed projects. The :~i rector arcs instructed to make an appoint:::ert for r. Chapman to meet vrith the sta££ o£ the City Planning Corr fission on Jaua r- 14, 1954. IText regular meetin(^ to be held on Janus r'.' 2&, 1954. i,!cDill moved, -~~estbrook seconded tae motion that the meeting schedr.led for Janus r}' 14 bo cancelled and that the meeting be adjourned until the next re gully meeting on January 2S, 1954. l.ieetin, adjourned at 5:45 .., . respectfull^ submitted, Ja . F. ;:~cDill - Seta ~!inutes approved by absent member Este ~ .. , -,-~ Signed <<,~~1 J~~~ .%/~ .. - MINUTES OF TfiE REGULAR MEETING of the REDEVE;L OPt+'~NT AGENCY of the City of San Bernardino, California, Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, California, January 28, 1954, 4:00 P.Lt. Meeting called to order by Chairman Chapman at 4:15 P.;1;. Roll call showed the following present: Members Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Munos, Westbrook; Attorney Ward, Director Fraser. Minutes of meeting of January 13, 1954 read, corrected and approved. The following bills were certified for payment: General Telephone Company $ 7.15 K. K. Kelly, Insurance premium covering auto non-ownership and tenant's liability 34_00 Total ~ 41.15 e5 h?rs. Carli.ale moved, bleDill seconded motion that these bills be allowed and Secretary instructed to draw checks on funds of the Agency for payment. Roll call vote showed voting yes: Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Munoz, Westbrook. Absent, none. Communications: Director read letter fr~n Charles J. Horan, Area Supervisor, DSCIIR, dated January 13, 1954, suggesting proceeding with only one project area at thin time. There followed a discussion of the project erase and the inter-relationships between the proposed Projects No. 1 and No. 2. It was suggested that the Director reply to Mr. Horan, ezplainiag that it would be desirable to carry both projects, at least through the tentative plan stage, as it may be de- sirable to move a few sound structures from the area to be redeveloped For industrial uses to the area being redeveloped for residential uses. McDill so moved, and Munoz seconded. Roll call vote shaded Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Munoz, Westbrook voting yes. Absent, none. The balance sheet as o£ December 31, 1953, prepared by Mr. Wm. E. Taylor, was presented. It should be included in the annual report to the Mayor and Common Council. The revised boundary, linen for Project Areas 1 and 2 were diecuased by the Director. He reported that consideration of Preliminary Plan for the projects will be on the agenda for the City Planning Cosanission at its meting tonight. The Chairman and Director will attend that meeting. Annual Re Port to the Mayor and Co:mnon Council: There was a discussion as to the make-up and contents desirable For the annual report and whether the Agency should report annually, quarterly, or even monthly. McDill moved and Carlisle seconded that the annual report be diecuased further at the next meeting. Roll call vote showed voting yes: Carlisle, Chapman, Mcllill, Munoz, Westbrook. Absent, none. Outline of tentative plans: The Director proaented an outline of the contents of and procedure to adopt "tentative" redevelopment plans under the State law. This will be expanded to include the additional requirements For use of Federal funds to indicate atop by atop the things to be done after receipt of the "preliminary plans" from the City Plan- ning Commission. Current non-cash grants-in-aid: The Director reported that the Agency has overlooked sending in requests for "prior approval" of the capital improvement projects that have been recently undertaken in the redevel- opment study areas. He will secure the necessary data from the con- struction departments and request Federal approval of the expenditures as possible non-cash grants-in-aid. Code enforcement: the Director has been working with the Mayor, Admini- strative Officer and Department Heads to secure the reports of what each department is doing to prevent blight and to eliminate the bad aoaditions that already exist. Thera was some discussion of what the Agency members Ei fi can do to see that the applicable laws are enforced. A good enforce- ment program would not only lower the purchase price of properties in the redevelopment areas, but would improve conditions in the whole neighborhood. Adjournment: blrs. Carlisle moved, Westbrook seconded, that meeting be adjourned. Roll call vote showed voting yes: Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Munoz, Westbrook. Absent, none. Meeting adjourned at 5:05 P.M. to meet nest on February 11, 1954. Respectflilly submitted, ~~ //~~ ea F, McDill - Secretary MINUTES of the REGULAR DIETING of the REDEVELOPb~ENT AGENCY of the City of San Bernardino, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, February 11, 1954 at 4:00 P.tJ. Meeting called to order by the Chairman at 4:05 P.M. Roll call showed the following present: Members Carlisle, Chapman, D.cDill, Munoz, Westbrooki Attorney Ward, Director Fraser. Minutes of the meeting of January 28, 1954 were read and approved. Bills: The following bills were approved for payment: C, J, Lyman, rent, February ~ 60.00 Stockwell & Binney, typewriter rent, February 5.15 San Bernardino Blue Print Company, supplies and equipment 45.66 Arrowhead Office Equipment Company, supplies 17.57 American National Bank withholding tax 112.70 E. D. Fraser, travelling and mileage expense 46.19 Total ~ 287,27 There was a discussion of Mr. Fraser's trip to Santa Barbara to attend the annual meeting of the Calchapter of the American Institute of Planners. hicDill moved, Carlisle seconded, that the above bills be paid and the Treasurer authorized to draw checks on the funds of the Agency for pay- ment. Roll call vote showed the following ayes: Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Divnoz, 'Nestbrook. Absent, none. sz Travelling Allowances: Mr. McDill stated that he will have a report regarding the State's mileage allowances for the next meeting. The Monthly Progress Report for January was presented by the Director. He also reported that the Planning Cormnissioa has adopted Preliminary Plans and Reports for Project Areas 1 and 2, and has instructed its staff to prepare the necessary information to define a "study area" south of Del Rosa, including the "Mexican Village." The Director presented tabulations of the existing land uses in Projects 1 and 2 and discussed their significance is connection with the use of Title I funds. Annual Report: The proposed annual report was discussed in detail sad various additions and changes suggested by members o£ the Agency. The Director wee instructed to redraft the report, making the changes. The revised report is to be reviewed by the Chairman and Secretary and then dittoed for presentation to the Mayor and Conmon Council. The question of how the report is to be presented to the Mayor and Council was discussed. It was decided that the report should be presented by members of the Agency at a Council meeting, to allow for any questions that might be asked. Mr. Chapman suggested that the Chairman and as many other members of the Agency as possible should attend that Council meeting. Noa-cash Grants-in-aid: The Director explained that DSCUR approval as local contributions will be requested of some local capital improvements made in or near the projects during the fiscal year 1952-53. The amount eligible is not yet known. Code enforcement: The Director reported on the progress being made in helping the various departments to prepare their reports on code enforce- ment and improvement. An outline of the Contents and Procedure for preparation and adoption of tentative plans is now being typed, including both the State law sad DSCUR requirements. Publicity: Mr. Chapman suggested that the newspaper be oslled after each meeting and informed as to what had transpired at the meeting. Mr. M.cDill suggested that an item be put in the paper about what the Agency is doing. Mestbrook moved, Munoz seconded, motion that meeting be adjourned. Ayes: Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Munoz, -Pestbrook. Absent, none. Meeting adjourned at 5:05 P.T.,!, until next regular meeting, to be held on February 25, 1954. Respectfully submitted, ~/~`~ es F. McDill - Secretary fiR MINUTES OF THE REGULAR b~ETING of the REDEVELOPSu~NT AGENCY of the City of San Bernardino, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, on February 25, 1954 at 4:00 P.'+S In the absence of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman Westbrook called the meeting to order at 4:10 P.li. Roll call showed the following present: Members McDill, Munoz, Westbrook; Attorne~,~ Ward, Director Fraser, Absent members, Carlisle and Chapman. Minutes o£ the meeting of February 11, 1954 were read and approved. Bills: The following bills were authorized for pa }anent. Department of Employment, State o£Califo m ia, Social Security taxes for 1953 ~ 49.74 General Telephone Company, rebruarv, 1954 7,00 ~~ Total ~ 56,74 1':!oti on made by Ioc Dill, seconded by Munoz, that Treasurer be author- ized to draw checks on funds of the Agency for payment of above bills, Roll call vote showed the following ayes: b;cDi 11, b!unoz, Westbrook. Absent, Carlisle, Chapman. Communications: The Director read the resolutions received from the City Planning Commission establishing Project Areas 1 and 2. He re- ported that a tabulation of the existing land uses and structures in the tyro project areas is under wa,y, This work is part of the analysis of the Planning Co:mni ssion plans, the next step in the preparation of "tentative plans" according to the State law, and the data has been requested by DS C'JR. A cornnunicat ion from P:;r. Horan indicates that HHFA prefers that no inspection work be done on the interior o£ buildings at this time. However, without such an investigation it will be difficult to deter- mine the at ructures wnich should be demolished, those which ahoul3 be rehabilitated and those which are worth moving. It was decided that when the Agency is ready to let a contract for a structural survey it may request approval of the proposed contract from tiJa shington and await the result. An announcement of a Conference on Urban Problems, to be held in San Diego on March 4 and 5, 1954, was read, The Director reported that it should be a very worth while conference for members of the Agency to attend, Mr. McDill suggested that b4rs, Carlisle be notified of the conference, The Director read letters from DSCUR regarding tentative plans and noncash grants-in-aid, and his reply. The Annual Report was presented for signature by the Agency members. l/ 7 Report on Local Plans and Programs, the subject report which is re- q_uired by DSCUR, was presented by the Director. bSCDill moved, Westbrook seconded motion to adjourn at 5:00 P.M, until next regular meeting to be held on March 11, 1954. Roll call vote: Ayes, McDill, Niunoz, Westbrook. Absent, Carlisle, Chapman. Res pe ctflal ly /s,Ju~bm/i~~t"~t'e ~d,~ ~ ~~ J es F. P:icDill - Sec re ar Minutes approved by absent members Data 8 - s 9 Signed Signed ~-~-- ~~ hSiQUTES of the REGULF.t PIEBTSN!* of the REDEVELOPI~~~NT AGE°v`C7 OE the City pf San Bernardino, California, held in Rcom 202, 362 D Street, San Ber- nardino, California; A~arch 11, 19>11 at 4:00 P.H. ?fleeting called to order by the Chairman at x:15 P•=4• Rpll call showed the following present: Members Carlisle, Chapman, I-ScDill, 1+Iestbrook; Attorney 15ard, Director Fraser. Absent, Member iunoz. ",nutes of meetin,~,~ of 'February 25, 1954 read and approved. Bills: The follo.oing bills were authorized for payment: American National Bank, w?thholdinc_ taxes ;v 112.70 Arrowhead Office Equipment Company, supplies 7.!~3 C. J. hymen, rent, Hiareh 60.00 J. F. A_cDi11, traveling expense and postage 70.11 San Bernardino Blue Print Co., map prints 19.63 Stockwell-Binney, typewriter rent, Warch y.13 Total :~ 275.02 Carlisle moved, .'°cllill seconded motion that Treasurer be authorized to draw checks on funds o£ Agency to pay above bills. Ro?.7. call vote showed: Ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, 'ECDill, ~:Sestbrook. Absent, p:unoz. There was a discussion on an error in the minutes covering the annual meeting for 1954. TdcDill moved, Carlisle seconded motion that "to i0 Ja^-LLary 13, 1y51i at 4000 P.Af." be ins?rted after "Januaz-y 4, 1954" in. the record o£ the CONSENT TO ADJOURT.~riT'NT OF TIC Aid!VU AL MEETSi4C OF JA?~iUP.RY 4, 1954 and that the caption o£ the adjourned meeting, be corrected to read, "?ITNTES OF ADJOU.tTr'ED A:JAIJAL T?EETIIQG of the REDE- DB'VELO°i?'ENT AGEIJCY o£ the CITY OF SAiu BERSARDP_Q0, CALI^~ORNIA, Room 202, 302 D Street, San Bernardino, California, January 13, 1954, 4`00 P.4^'." Annual Report: T4.ro copies of the Annual Report for 1953 were distributed to each member o£ the Agency. The re°~ort is to be presented at the next meeting pf the I~fayor and Common Council to be held :•;onday, March 15, at 7:30 P.:". It was suggested that the Director be prepared to report on the progress made since January first. Monthly Report: Copies of the Director's monthly report to DSCUR were dis- tributed. Local Grants-in-aid: A letter from i1r. Horan regarding local non-cash grants-in-aid was read. This letter indicated that the Agency may be able to secure credit for certain improvements which benefit the project areas even though it was not requested as a "prior" approval. The Director has secured data on the folloTndng completed projects from the City's Admini- strative 0££ice: Fifth Street paving; between Tia Juana Street and the west city limits, Second Street paving between Arrowhead and I~?t. View Avenues, and traffic signals and safety lighting at Third Street and Waterman Avenue. Preliminary Plans: Tile Director presented the tabulation, requested by DSCUR, of the land use areas, condition o_` structures and occupancy of daellin_; units in the C; ty Planning Commission's Preliminary Hedevel epment Plans of Project Areas 1 and 2. Since hired car insurance has been added to the Agency's auto non-ownership policy at no cost unless rented cars are actually used, the Director re- quested that reports be made of any autos rented fcr Agency use. The Outline of Contents and Procedures for the Preparation and Adoption of a Tentative Plan was discussed. The Director presented a checklist of the work to be performed and the documentaticn required for a Tentative Plan under the California Community aedevelopment Law gad for a Preliminary Project Report to DSCGR. A preliminary list of work which may- be better done by con;,ract and that which may be better done by the staff was also discussed. Also in prelimi- nary form, was an outline of work to be done by the contractor for the structural survey. It was indicated that this work has top priority. The Director was instructed to obtain suitable contract farms from HI-IF'A and to request 4r. Simon Eisner to attend the next meeting of the Agency. P-icLill moved, Carlisle seconded motion that meeting be adjourned to next regular meeting t,o be held on :9arch 25, 1554. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, i~?cUill, `alestbrook. Absent, Niunoz. Meeting adjourned at 5: z5 P..=r. R e s p e c t f u/ l~J 1. y `(/s ,~u ~ 1 b ~m /i~ t' ,t/' , e~ /~d' , ames F. I^,cDill - Secretary Minutes approved by absent member t /1 r Date S- i 3• J'f Signe w i~ h1IiJUTES of the REGULAR MYrTIISG of the REllEVELOPNt~:ivT AGEP2CY of the City of San 3ernardino, California, held in Room 202, 302 D Street, San Bernardino, California, ?March 27, 1974 at 11:00 P.??. tdo meeting was held because of the lack of a quorum. C1ext regular meeting will be Thu-*sday, Aoril S, 1974 at x:00 P.I`. NiTt~yJTES of the RE':JL.' P'~. ~Tl?1, of the a ~,VGS,CPL- T AaI~CY of the City of San Lern ardi,no, CaliFOmia, held in Room 202, 362 ll Street, San Lrernardino, California, A^r l 8, 1954 at ~i:00 P.i'. 1'eetin; called to order by Chairman at 4:10 P."'. Roll call showed the follonain-. present: :embers Chapman, '-clii11, i-:unoz; Attorney 'lard, Lirector Fraser. Absent ISembers, Carlisle and =,estbrc ok.. P!inutes o_° me etin zs of Piarch 11 and !earth 27, 197Lt read and anprcved. Bi17_s: The fo1]-ou*inC bills wore a~zthorized for pa,;,~nte nt: Arrowhead Office ~~.quipment Co., supplies .S 1Lt.01 County Surveyor, San aernardino County 1.30 C. J. Lyman., .4^ril rent 60.00 lie~-~artment of mploynient., Cta~-e ~f i'alif orn9 a, 5oci al 'security 7.02.40 Unemploy:Tent Insurance ^kl~, j_~: Distri.ci; ii rector of .Internal .Cevenue 62.96 General 'leleohone Co. of Calif. ?"arch ~, :162 San 9ernardine Ybae °rint Co., nr~nts 4,78 'total ,~ 316.20 I'icDill moved, 1unoz seconded motion that Treasurer be au ishor iz ed to draw checks on funds of A~^enc~~ to nay above bills. 'oll call vote showed: Ate; es, Chapman, Iiclii.ll, i:ur.oz. Absent, Carlisle, '~:estbrook. Co_*nmuni-nations: 3otr~, 1~SCU:T. and the City have amrroved haein,; a structural suxve;l mace by t?ie. 3ui.ldin;r lnsne ctior. Lenartmcnt of the City. 9 schedule o£ cosies will. be s~xbmitted in the near Enture. Field wort: will probably be„in in Fia;~. A proposal was received fros Si.r~on Eisner rer~ardinr the work which his orsan- ization would like to do for the A~_ency. I~:cDill moved, ':uroz seconded motion tr.at tree iiirector and the Attcrney be instructed to draft a contract to be submitted to I~r. c~isner and to DSCU3 for work proposed. Holl call vote showed: Ales, Chapman, i~'.cD;_11, 14unoz. Absent, Carlisle, i;estbrock. Letter ~trom 5 and S Engineering Company offerin;:~ their services for work of the Agency. After disecsion of the needs for van"ous types of services and the time at which they vrill he req~yired, the Chairman s~.x -..gested that the ;rector acknaw].ed;-e the letter, ~~rith thanks. ~.nr ~ e. t ` ,, __ _ A .~ :.otter from DS~.CUit reg;ar rtinrc the Preliminary Plans for Project Fseas ?Jos. 7. and 2 adopted by the Plannz n~ Oonmissi on: The Director repor to u. on the reasons °or eaC~andinr; the narrative in the resolutions establish- ine Pro;;e ct Areas 1 and 2. "e rez.d rough drafts of the suggested amend- ments which were rant to llSCJP. and to the City Planning 0-five for revi e*a before being~_~ submitted to the Planni.n}q Co,Taz:i..s s: ori. A list eras presented. c£ the local construction projects and ertacen or completed since danuar;- 19, 193, fbr whiff anprcval haribeen requested as loc a7_ non-vas': grants-in-mid. 5o for 7ettnrs o£ "approval as io time" have been received from lSCUB. for the ='ifth Street ^avinp, ~„10,163.14, and the Second Street "avinC, '5,638.60, projects. The Diireetor states that so far as is known, a rP~gnnsi• "or "prier a,rroval" has been filed for every eligible project up tc date. The Secretary reported en the purchase o~ a new typeT~rriter during; '•]a.r ch to take advantage of the discount allowance *.rr5ch dropped at bhe end. p£ the -rn th. "_onthly report: The monthly report was distributed. Tt includes the post of the new tyoewri.ter in the costs incurred. ''r. ::cDill su,;gested that "Ir. -tugh Holmes of t'`:e Industrial Cor>>ittee of the Chamber of Commerce be invited to attend Agency meetirT;s. The Chairman in- strncted the Director to eater. c'~ an invitation to r. .°.plmes to a+tend tha meetir~s of t"re Agency. T'_:e quarterly balance sheet was distributed. The Director also mentioned that a progress report for the ner~.od from January 1, 195! through 1~:az'ch 1y, 1954, was sent to the I?ayor to supplement the Annual Report for 1953. The ori~~inal o£ the ;Mayor's statement, on the City's Code ~?~nf er cement Prc- gram was received from the i~:ayor's o°f ice. It is now bein,c charlicatul for distribution. This answers the first part of ;^s. iiora.z'~ L'~ter of October 2S, 153. i'he second part outlines r•he rem-irements ~.zF the state- ment to be made by the Agency regardin:~ t}~,e FeasiUility o£ rehabilitation o` the present dwellin-a in the ::~roject areas. The data from the structural surve;,- must be available before This latter statement can be prepared. Conference: The UDirector invited the A•ency's attention to the annual Con- ference of the Pacific Southwest He~ional Council o` the Piational Association of Housing, and 3edevelopment Of°icials to be held. ir. Santa isarbara Nap 23-26. Cormnunity Redevelopmen t, ~•sill be dis sus sod at the session Tuesday mernin;', '~~ay 25, between ft:00 A.?1, and 9-):5 A.1;. '.ior:c Outlines and Contracts: The liireetor presented copies o;' a the d~clist of -rork to he done, 1,'_sts er work wh; ch may be dcne by the staf_° or by con- tract; a t~bulatinn of the current bud~st; a rc*u'n draft of min~um struct- nral and occupancy standards, an outline of work to be dove in ±~he structural survey, and first drafts of survey inventory car-Is. "here was a. discussion o° the need for the various cia.ta and how 5b is to be obta?ned. :"r. i'unoz aaill try to locate a suitable Spanish speal=inr:, person for tkre lnf,crview work of tha survoy. ~3 `'cPi 11 mewed, ?`anon seconded motion brat meo+,in.; be adjourned to next regu- lar meeting to be Held on ~lpri.l 22, 1954. Moll oal7. ,rote saoh*ed: A,ves, Chapman, '~cDill, Iiunoz. Absent, Carlisle, `fie s£orook. ?:eetin~~, adjourned at K:10 P.i-. Respectfully submitted, J es r', r:eDill - Sacretary ?i notes an?roved by absent members Date /~ //~~5~ -- Signed Yt1-{,,t„ l~ A~~~ /J Si.~nedd °~Ii.nutes of the liep^zlar lieetine of the - 1:'IEhCP r ,m A^_-s,iC`l o£ the City o:" Ban Bernardino, ~a.Ll£Ornia, held in Room 202, 362 li Street, 5a~ 5ernard~.no, April 22, 1951a at L:00 P.7-.. ;vo meeting; ;aas 1~.eld because of the lack of a quorum. ?members Carlisle and icL=.17. mere the on~;~ members -~,~resent. 7iotico of Special Peestin7~, mailed on Anri1 23, 19511, to: "R. E. Chax,man, I~ss, biola Carlsls, J. 5. -shill, Salvador C. Lunoa, Truitt '~.destbrook, members of the edevc;lopment Agency o° the City of San '3ern ardino, Ca1i1'ornia, anr`. 'i'he Sun Ccmn any, San Bernardino, Cali£or~ia. "Too, and each of you, Krill please take notice that a special meeting o£ the dedeveloomeirb Agency o'_' the City of Sar. ernard~no, Oa1i£ornia, wi11 be hale at 4: 3C R•'!• on'dednesda}r, Anri1 20, 7951.;, at +.he o£fic? of the Agency in tioCT_ 202, 362 D Street, San Uarnardino, California. The regular order of basincss wi l7. be considered. 3y ~s~ ~?oy J Chapman __ _ a. L.•Cnarnnan - ~nainnan '~ 74 :~:inutes oS a special meetinc_ of he r '-i'_ ~ i Of ~1~1Y ~ E..P`~ o` the Cit~r of San Bernardino, ~alifor~iia, held in 3ooi;i 202, 363 L Street, San Bernardino, Anri1 2p, lpl~ at 4: ,C '.~. 'r_eetin;, called tc order by `_he Chair.man at 1::35 -'. _.. X011 call showed the £011o~~ai.ng present: ''~;e*noers Ccrlisle, Chapman, '~;cDill, ~:7esthroo7:; Attorney 'gar d; Director .^'raser. Absent, 1"~xncz. iinutes of the mooting o` &ri1 8 read and an~rrovec. Hills: The `ollc=any bills ?-;ere aatliorizsd fcr na-:~ment. Sto cl:well tt Kinney, tt~pewri ter .;; 146.78 General Telephone Co. o£ Calif., April 7.70 Tdcal :i~ l~'.ri. fit; PlcDill moved, CarLsle seconded motion tha'.; ^treas.~rer be antt:orized to draw checks on funds of Agency to pay above bills and to renew the Fidelity Korr3 throueh the K. '.. Kelly Agenc~~. ito11 call vote showed: Aics, Carlisle, Chapman, ',cll'_11, =:estbrook. Absent, I~:unoz. Cocununications: Director read letter Srom James E. Lash dated April E, 14 , o`tcrinr his services to the ~tedevelop*aent A~ene~r as consultant and adviser. As his services ^,re not rn=eded at t?iis time, tt:e letter was ordered `i.lzd. A letter -From C. J. Horan dated April f;, 1°5~t was read re;:-arding' approval of the structural survey. 9 letter ;tom J. '; `. Fo11in dated April S, 195E was read disar~provi:ap the freeryaa;,r as a local grant-S.n-aid on the oasis that it would be o_° ;general benefit to the comrr.~n7 ter. A letter frcm C, v, noon dated Apri'_ 13, 197 was read indicat:n; that the Mager ant' Council l:ad authorized the Ku;_lriin;_^ I;isoection Le*~artr~.ent to ma;~ the req-tested struotural survey. A letter it om Alfred Shapiro dated A-~ril 22, lp$14 was read requesting- work for anpro~ mately two months duri_nl*, the summer. It was decided thatthere ?,rnuld he no need fcm his services this summer. Contract for preparing Tentative -'laps: 'Phe orpnosed con+ract for xork to be dons by Simon ~i_snernas outlined by the Directcl^. I-:caill moved, t:'est- brook seconded motion That ccntract be annro-,red and submitted to I-s. Eisner and to BSC1J.? °or approval. ii,oll cal7_ vote showed: Ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, ?'cDi.ll, i'o stbrook. Absent, 1`nnoz. Structural and Occupancy Survey: -lmplohment c` a suitable ne~rson to rake the population a_nd oocup an c,y survey in conjunction ?sith the structural sur- vey was diso~ssed. idrs. Isabel 4alencia ?ass introduced ae an a~>plir_ant ;. or this work, recomnonded b5r i:r, i~iunoz, Ti:ere was a discussion rep~ardin 75 r~rether the caork should be done bzr contract or as an e-~lo}rce of fire A~-a1 c;~. ?t was cecided that ]ss. OaC.enci.a would be employed as apart tune erployee at a rate o~,C 1.77 per hoar. -iestbrcok moved, ~arlis].e seconded motion that Si~s. ~i al encia be hired on this 'oasis. _?oll cal_ vote shoiaed: Ayes, CtL*'lisle, Chapman, ~"cliill, `.~estbrook. Absent, i~-mioz. A letter from the City Administrative C"ficer a?as read by the Director, statin_~~"';e proposed rates at whti ch the costs of the structar al survey would be billed. hicDill moved, `:estbrook seconded motion that the pro- posal by the City Administrative 0`fic~r ooverin; the rate of chrsres Ycr the structural survey be a?proved, subject co concurrence by DSCUti. itoIl call ~~ote showed: Ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, LeDi l7., 'sTestbrook. Absent, Munoz . ;rant-ire-aid creclit for the Fr_ee_*.va?: TP~:e Director resorted on Federal di.san prc~~al of £he Freetrav as a loyal :mint--i.n-aid., on the basis that it was o° reneral_ benefit. He su rested t~.zt the local benefit parts oT tl~ rro,ject, be iden=:,_fied and re~abmitted as a Clain for locl sraurLs-i.n-aid. 4te Chairman instructed tre Director to proceed as outlined. Pro Tess renortc 'Pne Director reported on: (1j the work under wag to de- £i'ie the mininum standards ~wz~a required by laws (2) the prover ations ~°or the struct~.u'a1 and occupancy s~.irvey; and (3) the securin~~ o'_~ a top o;gra~~hic map suitable For use 9n ire.^ar anon of the tentati~~e p1en. iestbreac moved, 7.ci~i11 seconded mot; on that meetin:~ be azjo~.i rne~ to the next re~~ula.r rneetin,~~ to be held on .. 13, 1~7~~. iioll call vo'tie snowed: A~.es, ('arlis]e, Chs~ma~i, rsoi~il], Fdestbrcok. Absent, -a~noz. F~eeti.a~_~. ad mourned at >: h r Respect FUlly submitted, •" °"ll~f/~~ J 's P. ?'~cI7il.1 - secretary Nlimites a~~ oved b: absent me;rber ~/~N Late- --'-~_-_e~~t• /-- ~;, ed a-y~ - f~ 76 ..~ LE9 e£ ti,,, t.,, _~m i eetin-~ ,f t?:e !:. .~ ,,9 .1.rp] i ra ;S..C _ i" _, 'ITY of Si^' 3 ''~~I7U, ~F'.''Yi„S(1, held in i.ocm 202, 362 I Streets van ;rr.7~~dine, r_a~r 13, 19j11 at I~:G!) .. . ,~a e±. .z~- called !e ordcr'~;; tt~e Chair~maa at 1y:2;) =._.. oll call shewad the £ollowinr• present a r'embers C~lisle, Chapman, 3~ unoz, ;iestbrwk; f.itorneti ~~'rd~ Director "raser. Abseni., '.clii11. ~;inutc o£ meetin ~'s eF April 22 and Apr 1 2i: here read, iioved bye Carlisle, seconded by Liz?^z t7:at r.z_nutes be arrprp~rd as read. 1LO11 call. vote ~pi~ted: kaes, Carlisl "naoran., _ano~, -~~esttrc ~!c. Al; r~L~ '-dill. __ - ... ~ ollot-,d n._ gills c; r.re as+i. or~r~ed £er ~ ,m ent: lir.erican National i+ar~;r U J v;it ~lio'd nor taxes, Ar.ril ;r _112.;0 0. _ . yT~ar!~ ret:t, L.a~~ 60. a~ 32n Bernardi np ?1ue Print Cc.~ prints ^~ o„ li roc ?d 0`£~ce lquin gent C~+., ,up>>lies ~.2G Total .; ic' '9 ''estbrooec moved, ::arlisle seconded motion that Treasurer oe uuthoriz ed to dray checks nn funds o 1~r ;,,c to pav aoc~re bi17.s. Ro]1 call vote s"or*ed~ A~,-es~ Carl'_slo~ ~haaman, _-unoz, estLro~4. Absen , _eLi L, Co. rr_un c.tio7s: iiz•ectcr read letter a£ 3.. Ls~.t; en for er._ploJrnent from I"art-aret Shy ,'atvins ds ec i_a;r 7, ]95t. It was ordereU Filed °or Future reference. tenthly report: Copies c° tno -_on+,:..1„= report "or ls~~ri1 were di str~buted to the members. Contracts- T e DirecT,cr read a letter _'rc*c :, d. 1'pr an datPC vial ]l~ hy~~., indicatinc tt.at 8C'.fd cannot :S,z-~t a^r~roval tc t nronos~c 'vrork ender =or tt:e strrct~sal survey until ar. overall hn it;.ti o , '' the r ;, _c-t's rbli~ation is in^or:,crnt c-d into it. Follou,~in- rece'.nt o~ t ~ tter ~a l: it c:cr dis- ¢sr,cd the r~at+-rr -.ri th rT. %~orar~ ey tele !;core cnC xw~s_y~ t ,cork u-rder as su -r ~+ec try ~ .,._ -e~ised or :r was rsad ann Lhe ~h.a'rrr-n instructed t'ne Direc ter Lc "or~~r~rd it io t c ;it;;/~r ~ nl. a. s!-?~.t've C i~r ,-;asr ~~ J i.,. a~crov 1. ~'.?p1 me Marv 'e ~olutio rs f'or Pr el .il_r_ax ~1 ~n3~ ?^e liir,.ctr~r reported that at the meetin, of ~t,;- E i. nniry; o r.~ csio-~ on .c, rr. •ca;: ni ht~ , ~.a..j- 12, t'~e Plemm~ Jc^mis~ion adopted the tv ~ sun>>1rr ;ta.r- r~-a olu do rs to the Prelir~:i- -~ar;~ Flans for ~'roect Areas 1 and 2, a, authorzze,3 'she Acretarp to tyre 'omm9_ssi_on to cert`rFtr +r_-_t the ecnstructi on r,rnjccts Pon - '_ch r/e eve re- quested crecLt, as local grants-in-aid axe in eo~:rcrmity ra_t.i~ -L'~e Gity Plan. puferencese "he ~' .erector invitee tiro F r~cy~3 a ^~;. on r~ 61-sce c,~,t e.rrnces cc re k eld &rx inrr ~.-a~, a'c June' .[a_. ]c t; 20, _:. _c::al /n Pcrenet p£ itmeri can Plaznin-- and (.~~vic lssec2.,1en st ~e1=~uncv-~ ~;a~~; ~ 2 to 26, P i t_c• Soot?: r ~dest re:.onal ~,`~rrone~ ~° t'ne ~_w.cnal .. arc-a-~,o ~f rnt~s in~an r-.~r~-LcC- r.ee~i. Fficials t man to .D -^_ra, ;i;i or n;.a; srn me 13 tc '_~, In s.r ~., a1 77 Lwel.orment '.:orkshon to be Leld at tLe Cniverst;l o£ aanta Clara, Santa Clara, Cx iforn~z There. was a msctssion e£ the des9rab hty oS members of rht n micy a+teain the :;or:erences i£ the5° fvna is conv..nient, especially the desirabiLty of having scneone from San ~?eraar Jinn, w'ao is interested i. ied~zstr9-al. si to r,evelon ent an<. mti! ~ be sv?+_lable to he1^ fee A-enc-~ ~n de- velopin and r~irketin" sues in ~r o,te ct ~iraa Rio. 1, attenU tr e. "or~c .^.or, ex. .':.e Un°ersdt~ _" manta Jlara. :'ne Director was instructed to contact the 9hasbcr ~af Oprscsce t, detcrrr.';.re i£ spore r?emi,er o~. ~t:; lndvstrial Conrittee ~;ht be plannin~~ to attend this'.iort<si~on. =r. T:~~no~ moves:, ',estLrcok secondea ¢~ot,o. tr~.at, *r- _irector be aut?:~or~zed to attend {.;h .: sche d~rled mcetin.- of the -~?ecievelopn_eat ~'cr~ ~ ttee o'' the Calehn~ter o'F the America.- In sti tut e~ "f P=tanners a:.d t're ?aci!'ic Couthuest :te,:i ona]- Jouncil of ~:A ~C~, rr'r_et~er it be held `ten conjunction rrS.th the t--av Jonf erence of _iAR:iO at Santa .H arb ara or later on in sore otier commun;.t~ in southern :;alif ornva. i~.o]_1 call rote sho:~~ed• A~'es, CarLsle, iJi~auman, I.unoz, ~+estbroo'•<. Absent, S: ci~il7.. djournmert: -estbrook *:~oved, ':~.rlisle seconded moti nn t 1~ TMeetin_ 7~e N';otits•ned to ne ct re;-,c~-ar m<otin~ date, ~~~3; 2j, i:1~~.. iLoll pall vcte snowed: A~*es, _r~isl_, :barman., ="unez, ~"es£orao%. Ai~sent, _-cl?11. L:e~e't in;' ad,?ourned at !~:~0 F. -. - desna et£n173~ submitted, `.mutes a~~.>rcved b-~ absent e_enioer r«te Jv_~Y ~-1.9sy_ _ ---- Minutes of the 3egular meeting of the REDEVELOPN~cuT A~3E;SCY o£ the CITY of SAN BERYIA.RDINO, CALIFORNIA, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, May 27, 1954 at 4:00 P.M. h]eeting called to order by Churman at 4:10 P. M. Roll call showed the following present: Members Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, ASunoz,~Testbrook; Attorney Ward, Director Fraser. Absent, none. Minutes of meeting of May 13 were read. Westbrook moved, P4unoz seconded motion that the minutes be approved as read. Roll call vote showed: Ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, t4unoz, lestbrook; absent, none. 7 Bills: The following bills were certif ied for payment: The General Telephone Co, of Califarnia ,~ 7.15 State Compensation Insurance Fund 3'],p~ Barnum & Flagg Company 3.61 Total ~ 117,80 McDill moved, Carlisle seconded motion that the Treasurer be authorized to draw checks on funds of Agency to pay the above bills. Roll call vote showed: Ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Mcliill, Munoz, l~lestbrook; absent, none. Contracts: The Director reported that the proposed contract with A1r. Eisner had been revised in accordance with the suggestions received from Air. C. J. Horan and that 2 copy had been sent to DSCUR. He also reported that because of the federal specifications for the struct- ural survey work order it was changed to contract form. This contract was given first reading by City Council May 21 and is due for approval by the Council at its next meeting. Carlisle moved, Munoz seconded motion that the Chairman and Secretary be authorized to sign the contract on behalf of the Agency. Roll call vote showed: Ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Munoz, ?r7estbrook; absent, none. Budget: The Director presented a proposed revision of the current budget. The members read the budget forms submitted and discussed the suggested changes. McDill moved, Carlisle seconded motion that the following reso- lution be adooted: RESOLUTION Plo. 13 of the RED`EVELOPi+~^IT AGENCY CF THE CITY OF SAN BERu NARUr;JO, CALIT'O'.7NIA. °1fTaREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, has determined that there is a need to adjust its budget, filed with its application for preliminary advance from the Housing and Home Finance Agency, Division of Slum Clearance and Urban Redevelopment, to provide for the following transfers: Budget Classification Amount la Administrative Overhead & Services d~ + 1,1 0 2 Office Furniture & Equipment + (?Op 3 Legal Services lOp 4 Survey R Planning - 1,650 And ?il?EREAS, these adjustments are necessary and desirable because of the extension of the budgetary period from twelve (12} to twenty- four (24) months, and because it has been determined that it is mare economical to purchase rather than rent various items of office furniture and equipment; and WH-nREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City o£ San Bernardino, California has determined that the expenses of the survey and planning work will be less during this budgetary period than the original estimate; and (~ GE',EREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California has determined that it is desirable to establish the personnel and rates for compensation shown in the staffing and salary schedule of the proposed revision of the budgets; and 'dHEREAS, it has been determined that said schedule is comparable with local practices for similar organizations, work and responsi- bility; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGEIICY OF THE CITY OF SAPI BERiARDINO, CALIFONIdIA, that the foregoing budget changes and personnel and compensation policies are hereby approved and adopted, subject to the concurrence of Housing and Home Finance Agency, Division of Slum Clearance and Urban Redevelopment. Roll call vote showed: Ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Munoz, lestbrook; absent, none. Minimum standards: The Director presented a list of "Suggested Standards of open space, occupancy, structural soundness, and maintenance of structures and grounds in San Bernardino, California" based upon the state laws, local ordinances and uniform codes adopted by reference. There was a discussion of the desirability of having an informal public meet- ing at the start of the census and structural survey to explain the purpose and confidential nature of the survey, and to introduce the enumerators to representative local leaders, such as P•fonsignor Nunez and Mr. John A:orris. Because of the time element, the staff was instructe~. to secure a feature story with photographs in the newspaper instead of a~,meeting. McDill moved, riunoz seconded motion that meeting be adjourned to next regular meeting date, June 10, 195b. Roll call vote showed: Ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, I.lunoz, 4estbrook; absent, none. Meeting adjoiu~ned at 5:05 P.A=• Respectfully submitted es F, iicDi~ ~cretar~ Minutes of the Regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGEtv`CY of the City of SAIS BERIIARDII40, CALL.^ORI4IA, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, June 10, 1954 at L:00 P.id. i~'eeting called to order by Chairman at 11:10 P.;~'. Roll call showed the following present: Members Carlisle, Chapman, Westbrook; Attorney Ward, Director Fraser. Absent members, McDill, A;unoz. 80 Minutes of meeting of May 27 were held over to be read at next meeting. f~suggested that the minutes of meetings be sent to members of the Agency on the Monday preceding each meeting. Bills: The following bills were certified for payment: Kenneth K. Kelly - annual premium on fidelity bond ~ 137.50 i~Tilliam E. Taylor - accounting services, January through May, 1954 50.00 Arrowhead Office Equipment Co., - supplies, May 11.56 Earl D. Fraser, expenses, Feb. 1-June 2, 19511 111.71 Barnum & Flagg, supplies 9.89 Total ~ 216.66 Carlisle moved, Westbrook seconded motion that Treasurer be authorized to draw checks on funds of Agency to pay above bills. Roll call vote showed: Ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Westbrook; absent, McDill, Munoz. Contracts: The Director reported that the proposed contract with Simon Eisner, for preliminary planning and survey work, has been approved by DSCUR and is ready for signature. Westbrook moved, Carlisle seconded motion that the contract be accepted and sigled by the Chairman and Secretary on behalf of the Agency. Roll call vote showed: Ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Westbrook; absent, Y4eDill, Munoz. The Director reported that the contract with the City for the structural survey was approved by the City on June 7. The population and housing census in Project Area 1 was started June 9. Requisition for additional funds: The Director presented the documentation required for a requisition of funds sufficient for the necessary expenses through September 30, 19511. It was suggested that the papers be prepared as of June 15, 19511. Carlisle moved, Westbrook seconded motion to instruct the Director and Attorney to prepare and submit a requisition forv'~6,800 to cover the expected expenses of the Agency for the period from July 1 to September 30, 19511. Roll call vote showed: Ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Westbrook; absent, MoDill, Munoz. Monthly report: Copies of the report to DSCUR for the month of May, 19511 were distributed. Local Grant-in-Aid: The Director reported that DSCUR has accepted "notifi- cation as to time' that the Agency may claim parts of the Freeway project as local grants-in-aid for various future projects. At its meeting June 9, the Ci'Ly Planning Commission certified that the projects, which DSCUR has so far accepted for consideration as local grants-in-aid, conform to the City plan. U. ~. Housing Act of 19714: The desirability of having the Housing Act of 19 passed by Congress substantially as originally drafted, was discussed. Carlisle moved, Westbrook seconded motion that letters be sent to the proper Senators and Representatives supporting passage of the Rousing Act. Roll call vote showed: Ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Westbrook; absent, i°ScDill, N:unoz. 8d Conferences: The industrial and economic conferences to be held in June, at Santa Clara University and at the University of California at Los Angeles, were discussed. The Chairman suggested that the Director attend meeting at the Los Angeles Conference on Friday and Saturday, June 18 and 19, if he felt it would be of benefit. Carlisle moved, 'destbrook seconded motion that meeting be adjourned to next regular meeting to be held on June 211, 1954. Roll call vote showed: Ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Westbrook, absent, T%:cDill, Munoz. P:eeting adjourned at 4:30 P.i@. Respectfully submitted, J s F. McDill~ Secretary Minutes approved by absent members Date ,lsaus-r ~2- 7Hh~ Signed ~ 1 ` Signed ~ //J/~// ~ ~. !L(//M ifl. f4IidUTisS of the R.GULAR hIF.3TIiVG of the B.7DFVELCPhli iiT AGIs'!Cv of the City of San Bernardino, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Ber- nardino, California, June 24, 1954 at 4:00 P.i~~. IIo meeting was held because of the lack of a quorum. Next regular meeting will be held Thursday, July 8, 1954 at 4:00 P.I~i. R2 I~"inutes of the Regular Y~Seeting of the REDiVcLOPN:EhiT AGE:JCY of the City of San Bernardino, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, July 8, 1954, at 4:00 P.Y•1. Pteeting called to order by the Vice-Chairman at 4:10 P.?~i Roll call showed the following present: Y•iembers Carlisls, hicDill, Munoz, a~brook; Director Fraser. Absent member, Chapman. AlcDill moved, Carlisle seconded motion that the minutes of meetings of I+fay 27 and June 10, 1954 be approved as distributed.~oll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, McDill, A:unoz, Westbrook; absent, Chapman. Bills: The Following bills were authorized for p~}rn;ent: U. S. District Director of Internal Revenue t°1ay and June withholding taaces ~p 266.10 Department of Employment, State of California Second quarter of social security 104.96 Department of Employment, State of California Second quarter payroll taxes 74.89 C. J. Lyman - June and July rent 120.00 General Telephone Co, of California - June 211.80 San Bernardino Blue Print Co. - map prints 1.96 tJ. 3. Davis Co. - office supplies 1.29 Earl D. 'r'raser - expenses June 3 - July 7 1{0.41} Total Ii 634.4!, Carlisle moved, 14cDi11 seconded motion that Treasurer be authorized to draw checks on funds of Agency to pay above bills. Holl call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, McDill, Piunoz, Westbrook; absent, Chapman. There was a discussion as to whether standing approval should be given to fixed items such as rent, payroll taxes, etc., as has been done for the payroll. It was decided to continue the present system of having the bills approved by the Agency before payment. Budget: A letter from DSCUR was received indicating their approval of the revised budget as submitted June 1, 1954. Pry oject Reservations: A letter was received from "r?SIFFA that the present locality reservations are being discontinued, and requesting that "project" reservations be submitted. YSr. Eisner and Y-Sr. rFraser presented very rough estimates of the probable net costs for the currently proposed projects: ~J Project Area No. 1 ~Y 1,800,000 Project Area ?Jo. 2 S 300,000 As Project Area Number 1 is so large and may be so expensive to rede- velop, the consultant and staff sur;gested that a reservation request be made for an amount which could be expected to be matched by local grants- in aid for the first project to be undertaken in the area. After some dis- cussion of the costs and the financing of the proposed projects, P9cDi11 moved, P~9unoz seconded motion that the Director write a letter to -dashington requesting Federal Capital Grant Reservations of :2600,000 far Project Area Ido. 1, and X300,000 for Project Area No. 2. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, AIcDill, Dlunoz, '~,+estbrook; absent, Chapman. Copies of the monthly report were distributed. Copies of the quarterly balance sheet were distributed. Rough drafts of a proposed semi-annual report to the Niayor and Common Council had been mailed to the members in advance. After discussion, Piunoz moved, Carlisle seconded motion that the report be approved as written and that copies be sent to the Pryor and Common Council. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, h?cDill, htunoy, r7estbrook; absent, Chapma7. Calculator: There was a discussion regarding purchase or rent of a calcu- ati~machine. It was decided to continue consideration of this item at the next meeting. Field Survey: The Director reported that the field crew has completed about 7 the of its work in Project Area Number 1 on the census of population and structux•es. The owners and tenants have given the enumerator and building inspector goodcooperation on the whole. The field crew is securing nearly complete coverage as they go. They report that the average occupant of a substandard dwelling who has volunteered a comment is not too resentful of the idea that he m~ be required to move to an acceptable building. McDill moved, Aiunoz seconded motion that the meeting be adjourned to the next regular meeting date, July 22, 19511. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, I•tcDill, Niunoz, 'rdestbrook; absent, Chapman. Pieeting adjourned at 4:50 P.i~i. Respectfully submitted, es F. DScDil~ secretary r]inutes approved by absent member Date ~L /~S~ Signed 84 Minutes of the Regular :`eeting, o£ the i?EDEU-i~,OPP4;AIT AGEi:CY of the City o£ San Bernardino, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Der- nar.^:ino, July 22, 1954 at 1:00 P.I'. S9eeting called to order by Chairman at 4:15 P.iQ. Roll call showed the following present: I~:embers Carlisle, Chapman, Westbrook; Attorney li ard, Director Fraser. Absent, Plembers McDill, I.lunoz. Carlisle movedr lestbrook seconded motion that the minutes of the meeting of July 8, l9$µ, be approved as distributed. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, ~+Iestbrook. Absent, T4cDill, Munoz. Dills: The following bills were authorized for payment: General `telephone Company of California - Ju]y d 7,90 Barnum & Flagg Company - paper 2,47 Total 6 10.37 Carlisle moved, lestbrook seconded motion that Treasurer be authorized to draw checks on funds of Agency to pay above bills. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Westbrook; absent, ?"icDill, i•Iunoz. Receipts: Director announced that the following receipts had been re- ceived: State Compensation Insurance Fund - E?e£und on 1953 policy 10.77 Housing and Home Finance Agency Preliminary PlanninE; loan 6,(100.00 Total ;;6,Fi10.77 Semi-annual Report: The Director reported that the Beni-annual report of the~gency has been delivered to the Mayor's office. The Chairman and Director will plan to be present when the report is brought up at the City Council meeting. Grants-in-Aid: The Director outlined the Capital Improvements program of the City, included in the City's 1954-55 budget, which would be of direct benefit to various parts of redevelopment study areas. These projects are: 1 - Modernization of street lighting on Third Street between Arrowhead andrit, Vernon Avenues, Redevelopment Study Area ;Jo. 2, Project Area :io, l; Redevelopment Study Area Fdo, 4; and Redevelopment Study Area '.'do, 5. Estimated cost - ~>38,000. 2 - Improvement of street intersection lighting, ia. Vernon at King Street, Study Area ;Jo. 5. Estimated cost - .332. ~~ 3 -Landscape street improvements on Foothill Boulevard,-Fifth Street, %rom Lytle Creek to Gateway Park, Study Area '10. 1, Project Area PSo. 2. Estimated cost - `x6,000. 1~ - t+lidening and resurfacing of Arrowhead Avenue from Rialto Avenue to Third Street, Study Area ".10. 2, Project Area So. 1. Estimated cost - 120,000. DSCOH has been requested to give its "prior approval" to these projects as possible local non-cash grants-in-aid. Heal Estate Appraisals: There was a discussion of the need and method of securing the services of an appraiser to make "guide estimates of the real estate acquisition costs" in Project Areas Numbers 1 and 2. The Director was instructed to contact some of the local appraisers and present a pre- li~tinary report at the next meeting. Field Survey: The Lirector reported that the census of population and housin; in Project Areas 'rSumbers 1 and 2 would be completed Friday, July 23, except for a very few "call backs". Excellent coverage taas reported. Edith nearly 500 places to call on, the forms were completed on better titan 99 out of 100. It was agreed that letters of commendation be sent to i~%rs. Valencia and to T~s. Erkel for their fine vrork in ma?•:in;_ the survey faith such good coverage and public relations, and that a letter be sent to the i•?ayor and Common Council thankiq; them for makin;i'r. F.rkel's services available to the Agency. Calculator: T?tcre taas a discussion of the most suitable calculator tahich could be secured for the office within the budgetary allowance. eaestbrook moved, Carlisle seconded motion that the machine now on loan from the Arrowhead Office Equipment Company be purchased. Roll call vote showed: ales, Carlisle, Chapman, ldestbrook; absent, i~IcDill, Munoz. Carlisle moved, 17estbrook seconded motion that meeting be adjourned to the next regular meeting date, August 12, 1954. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Chapman, Carlisle, .destbreok; absent, ?'.cDill, P'iunoz. ?•ieeting adjourned at 4:16 P. i~?. Respectfully slu~hnitte~d~~ fl,~ J ~ ~"~" C s F. "cDill - Secretary i4inutes approved by absent members . 9~ N;inutes of the regular meeting of the ii ci~EVI:LOYS:IS ~;T AC3i4 CY of the City of San Bernardino, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, August 12, 1954 at 11:00 P.i1. The meetin~;caas called to order by the Secretary at 4:20 P.I~[., in the absence of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, who arrived immediately there- after. Roll call showed the followin3 present: 1~iembers Carlisle, Chapman, S§cLill, I°:unoz~estbrook; Attorney 6dard, Uirectar Fraser. Absent, none. Carlisle moved, I~`unoz seconded motion that the minutes of the meeting of July 22, 1954, be approved as distributed. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, ~~cUill, Piunoz, ltiestbrook. Absent, none. -ills: The following bills were certif ied for payment: American Qational Sank - U S withholding taxes, July :,6 149,10 City of San Bernardino - buildinC. inspections 573.97 Arrourhead 0££ice Equipment Co - calculator & supplies 156.72 Simon Eisner - preparation of tentative plan, First 2qa of work on contract of June 10,'54 700.00 C, J. ~ymian - August rent 60.00 San Bernardino Flue Print Co - prints 3,77 Total 1,643.56 ;4cDil1 moved, Carlisle seconded motion that the Treasurer be authorized to draw checks on funds of Agency to pay above bills. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, i~'cDill, :Munoz, Westbrook, Absent, none. Communications and Reports: The llirector read a letter from C. J. Koran date~ust 2, 19 , commending the Agency on preparing a semi-annual progress report and presenting it to the Playor and City Council. The monthly report for July, 1954, which had been distributed to the members, was approved. Field Survey: The Director reported that the census of population and housing in the two proposed project areas was completed on Friday, July 23, 1954. The interior inspection remains to be done on only three buildings and only two families are still to be enumerated. Copies of tabulations showing number of buildings, population, etc., in the project areas were distributed. Grants-in-Aid: The Director reported that DSCUR. has acknowledged receipt of the Agency's letter indicating that parts of the City's current capital improvement program may be claimed as non-cash local grants-in-aid toward redevelopment projects. He also reported that the City Planning; Commission has adopted a motion certif~~ing that the subject projects are located in conformity wi-th the City Plan. t~ luide Estimates of Real Estate Acquisition Cost: Director reported that most of the local professional real estate appraisers had been contacted advising them that the Agency was izrterested in receiving proposals for making the guide estimates of the acquisition costs of the project areas. Appraisers Bernard Evans and ,.^lynne Savage were present and stated that they prefer to work out a joint proposal for the appraisals. S4r. Evans asked about the exclusion of any properties in either project area. There was a general discussion regardinr, this question and the purpose of the appraisals. The appraisers asked how much time would be allot-red for the appraisals. The Director replied that it was hoped that the work could be completed within four months from the time a contract is signed. The accurac- of the building sizes reported by the building inspection was discussed. It was felt that the maps being in 'zir. Eisner's office should be satisfactory for the use of the appraisers. After having, travelled the area by car, the appraisers roughly estimated t!-.e total appraisal cost fran 11200 to cp1500 to cover area ido. 2, and ip3500 for Area ;..o, 1. ^t his may include some pieces of property which can be left out of the area to be appraised. The budget allowance is ~3j00, for both areas combined. IcDill moved, i~:unoz seconded the motion that the Director meet with the appraisers to work out a solution in line with the Agency's desir es, which will accomplish the needs irithin the amount of money on hand, and >f necessary to ask Far' a transfer of funds. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, i~'cDill, P`unoz, ',destbrook. Absent, none. Personnel Policies: The Director discussed the salary schedules of the City for a senim^ stenographic clerk, whidZ is comparable to the Agency's secretarial position, also the City's schedules for annual leave, sick leave and holidays. After discussion, Carlisle moved, ":lestbrook second- ed motion that the administrative secretary's salary be equalized with that of similar ranking item in the city, from ~p125 to +,1133 per month fcr half time work, and that the leave and holiday schedule presented by the Director be approved. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, C'r.apman, L'cDill, i~lnnoz, Westbrook. Absent, none. ';Sestbrook moved, I~?cDill seconded motion that meeting be adjourned to t're next regular meeting date, P.u„ust 26, 1,"54. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, "'cLill, hiunoa, ':•eestbrook. Absent, none. _:e:eting adjourned at $:10 P.I~I. B.espectfully submitted, /', ~ ~ ~" es r. NicUill - Secretary ~i T'inutes of the regular meeting of the .24;i.~VS'LOPPi~tiT Auc:;CY G'r the City of San Bernardino, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San 3ernardino, AuY;ust 26, 19711 at 11:00 P."i. The meetin„ was called to order by the Chairman at 11:10 F. Ai. X011 call showed the folloUrin, present: i3embers Carlisle, Chapman, hcDill, AAttorney hard, Director Fraser. Absent, i~iembers ?:unoz, `?estbrook. A?cDill moved, Carlisle seconded motion that the minutes o£ the meet- ing of Au~•ust 12, 1S54 be approved as distributed. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, °:cliill. Absent, i:unoz, ?lestbrook. Bills: The fcLloerin.,~, accounts were certified for na5finent: General Telephone Co of California - telephone, August ~,i 7.110 Department of Employment, State of California, Administrative cost assessment, Social Security, first half o` 1974 5.26 Earl D. Fraser - ehpenses July 9 to Au{,ust 25, 19511 12.88 Total ;r 25.56 Carlisle moved, ~~:cliill seconded motion that the Treasurer be authorized to draw chec:<s on funds of the AF;ency to pay the a'oove bills. Roll call vote showed: ayes, C,xlisle, Chapman, :cDill. Absent, Piunoz, idestbroolc. flousin~ Survey Pictures: The T~irector shoe-red the pictures made by the Ci- ty 3~uildinh Inspection Department in Project Areas iuo. 1 and IQo. 2, under the City's contract, with comments by the Director and i;r. Erkel. Contract with Appraisers: The Director read a letter dated August 27, 19~ from Evazis and Savage reY;ardinE, the proposed contract `or guide estimates o£ real estate acquisition cost indicatin,.~, that the contract is satisfactory to them, with renw-xeration to be ;>3,500. It taas de- cided to brim the contract uu £or fornal approval at the next meetiry after hearin~~from D~JUrc regar dinE3 the proposed contract. Progress ieport: lr. Lyle Stewart, representing Simon 3isner, gave a report on the ti:~ork done so far by their office under t'reir contract. 'naps showin.-; the existing; buildings in Project Areas '.+umbers 1 a-rd 2 and the parcels beinf; excepted £rom the appraisal contract :were on dLsplay. The A~,ency accepted the report as read. i~icliill moved, Ca lisle seconded motion that the Chairman be authorized to accept and sir T"r. Eisner's letter presenting this progress report, ~~ahen and if ..t is approved by the Agency's attorney. Code Erxforcement Program: The Director read a letter addressed to i. C. J. :-loran concernirk~--; the mariner in which the Cit; is stepnin~; up its code enforcement program. The Director asYed DSCiT.--: whether or not the cost of an intensive ei:£orcemei;t oro,;ra,;. awned at the e1i._ination o£ unsound structures in the proposed project areas could be credited as a non-cash local grant-in-aid if the City undert:es such a selective program. ~! Conferences: The iiirect,or read notices or two national Conferences to be held. in Philadelphia, oae September 26-30 by the :unerican :iociety o£ Rlannin;; Officials, a.d the other October 11-14 by tkte 1ational Association of 1?onsin~, and Zedeveloprsent officials. They were re- ccmmended as good conferences for the Age;:cy members to attend if any member is close to Philadelphia at that time. i~?cliill moved, Chapman seconded motion that meeting be adjourned to the next re-ular meetin„ date. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, i-:cDi11. Absent, -~:unoz, ".7estbrooL. I9eesin;; adjourned at $ P.3S. Respectfully submitted, .es F. :.cilill - Secre Minutes approved by absent ::-:embers: Date~n/ ~ / ~ 5 '~ Si;ne~~Z~c/~ i timed -"`~ :'.inutes of the regular meeting of the RsliEV}sLOPPir]IdT AOli`;~DY of the City of San Bern21^dino, Cali.forrLi.a, held in Loom 202, 302 D Street, San Dernarcino, September 9, 19j4. Ido meeting was held on September 9, 1954 as i.t was a legal holiday, "Admission Day." Sdo meeting eras "held on the next succeeding; secular day" September 10, 174, because o£ the lack of a quorwn. q(A ::inutes of the gel, ula~ eet in of the :i-_ a L.: P"a P A]r.-:.'CY of tl:~e City of San :eruardino, Caii.fornia, held in iioom 202, 362 D Street, San ~~ern~sdno, September 23, 197u at 1.r:00 P.>:. The meeting ~.ras called to order by the Chairman at ~i:05 'P. 3011 call shared the followint; proseut: f%embcrs C'hapmar., b'.cliill, ''-?estbroo;c; Attorney Gard, L~i.rector Fraser, Plannin~y Consultant "r',isner. Absent, i?en,bsrs Carlisle, !:unoz. IicDill moved, `.fest'oroos seconded motion that the minutes of the meetinffof August 26 and September ~, l~$!; be approved as distributed. Holl call vote showed: ayes, Chapman, .'•Icliill, `7estbrook. Absent, Carlisle, ?•]unoz. 3illsc The follor~rin,_; accounts were certified for ra~m:ent: American T`ational Sank - L'.S. 'Iithheldir><~ taxes - Angast ;;11t~.10 . J. L3cnan -rent, September 60.00 General ?elephone Co of Calif., telephone, 5eptepber 7.00 Arrowhead Office ~qui.pment 'moo -supplies 16.52 itoy liavis Camera Slxop - photoq;rachic sunolies 12.21: 0`fice of the County Surveyor -reaps 2.76 'Sri Color Laboratories - pi:otosranhs 30.39 Si~oa li:isner -second papTnert on contract dated 6-10-54 700.00 Total r 9!+3.01 :iestbrook moved, i;cLill seconded motion that the treas~,xrer• be authorized to araw c:%ecks on funds of the A:~ency to pay the above bills. doll call vote skroared: a,,res, Chanrran, i-'cli]:1, ~lestbrook. A'osent, Cslisle, iunoz. Cot~r1',urications: The liirector readn letter sent to i.Si;Ut in reply to their £elenhone call rerardin... the code enforeer~ent nro~ram of tk:e city in the proposed project areas a-rd whether or not any of its expenses could Le credited as local. non-cash ~ra:as-in-aid. 'cne birector re-~orted tizat a»oroval of the contract with the Ap_sraisers, eras received by tele~nhone frog ,o' Gait. ? cliill moved, ?des£orook seconded motion that the contract '0e approved an.c that the Chairman and Secretary be authorized to si-rn it on behalf o_` the Avency. 3c11 call vote shot-red: ayes, Chapman, ?~cLill, es£orook. Absent, Carlisle, L.unoz. Progress lte~oort: 1. kSisner reported thet more than fifty percent of the work under his contract has been completed. re stated that he had received fine cooperation from the liirector and the ~ity offices, and that by another thirty days the bulk cr the n:ap dra_`tia~; ?^riil have been completed, after E-rhi. ch z^ror:.t on reports can be }3elun. ::cLiil movoc, -:est~orook seconded motion t;:aC the repcrt be accented. doll call vote s't:ot•;ed: ayes, Chapman, Tscliill, 7iestbrook. Absent, Carlisle, __unoz. "'i naaci ~1 Plan: A discussicn :~ras }rely! on a report that the I'ayor a:rd City Admi^.istrator believed that the Burn of ,~LIOO,000 was to be requested by the AOency for inclusion in the ';ity's buffet For the ner_t fi.~ca1 yew. ^t his :31 figure had been mentioned to 1'~;r, :-food as an "outside" fii;ure to be included in the City's six year capital i~:,nrovement nrorram, bnt the rr:ethod of fina:xcin„; had not beer: discus sect A financial plan is to be z~~or:{ed out as soon as a tentative ~~lm~. cesi,~~.n Y:a;: been agreed upon by the agency. A hood issue may or ma;r not 'oe necessary to be included in the City's pro;;ra;~, but there is nothing definite at the present time. P'ne Chairman directed r, eraser to wake a:: appointment orith the IFavor and the City Ac.inistratar~ for some tir:e in the ersui.rr; week ,Then the Chairman, the Secretary and the i)irector can discuss arith the officials the :"uture needs of the ;edevelonment Pro,;ram. 5~.:.rvey: `ihe Director re?orted on the prozress bei=:~ made i*: the scoring of the survey data for both Project areas. Conferences: the Aensa listed the national Co_L erences to be l:eid. derin;; benternber aad October which wculd be of interest to the A;e~acy re:~;P,ers. 'he tirect~^ sa;:p;ested that the Conference of the ':ationaL Association of aous:in;.~ and 7.edevelonme:,t C~i'ficials, s;}:ich sill be held in Philadelphia, Cctcb er ll-14, is the best annual ecn>'erence fcr ~1~;ency ;.;crioers. 'icUial ;coved, 'Jestbrool: seconded notion that :aeetin~; be adjourned to ne.a re;ular meetin^; date. 3011 call vote sho4;ed: apes, Chap:aan, :cuill, '::estbrco}:. Alise:nt, ::arlisle, 'r:unoz. i~~eeting adjourned at Lt: LO P.I . ;:[espectfully submitted Ja:: s P. chip Secret s~,~ t~-inutes approved by absent rr,embers: Date d~ ~ ,, / `%~J ~.','r Si~~ned ~~ Si{rne~ yl-r2..- ~ w~R~4.k-C.. ~~ i3nutes of the regular meeting of the a., T',i,OPi1. ~,-r~.lC1 of the City of van Bernardino, Cali.~'or:Zia, held in ticom 202, 302 B Street, San ~~crnasdino, Cetober 1;~, 1954 at 4c00 f.-... The meetin;. was called to order b~% the Chairman at 1,:1'y P. } . ;oll Call sho:aeci t~-:e _rcllo~aing present: I-~embcrs Chapman, fcBill, ~:esbbroocg Attorre;- ''+ard, ;Director T~'rascr. ,lbsent, ;dembers Ceslisle, 7 unoz. "cBill moved, -ostbrook seconded motion that the ;^:inutes of the meeting of September 23, 19511 be a:mroved as distributed. doll ca7.1 vote stowed: ayes, Chapn!a:, cliill, `iesthroo'c. Absent, Carlisle, :.unoz. ~ls: T'ne `ollo~~n accounts vrere certified for -~a~m~crt: Li strict ;]is•ector of Internal .revenue - U S 4iithholding Tas. fcr Jul;;', Au;_;ust, Scotem'ner, 19;11 :a 1111.10 State of Calif ern i.a, k!epart;~ent of lrnloym:e!it - Uner:ploymeut Insurance, cuarter endin,; Sect. 3U, 1951; 33.Od - Social Security 35.76 ... J. L;,~;1an -rent, C~ctoC er, 19511 60.00 Arreorhead Cr'fice :quip-e2nt Co - sup~:~lies 2.1t1y 91 ?ancock '%arera Sucnly -slide file 2.58 lctal ;> 2117.90 i;estbrook moved, _clill seconded notion that the 'Preasurer be authorised to c~saw checks on fu_-?ds of the Agenoy to pay the above bills. -toll cal'1 vote showed: ayes, Cha~~man, I-:c[;ill, "estbroe's. Absent, Cs lisle, ::anon. Co;rr•,unicr!tions: i'here ~:ras a eiscussion of the contract presentee to 't?:e appraisers, which the;;r have roquested be cha,r~;ed to delete the anoraisal of the railroad severance dwra;;e, etc. "he ::hector reverted oa his con~euricetion to %SCu~3 aid the Joard of liqualization in Seerarnento. 1'he liirector reconw•^endc;d modification o£ the contract as reouosted, subject to concurrence by :%SC:t. F'cLiL moved, "::estbrook seconded motion twat the contract be so modified sad arroroved, sub je.et to concurrence by DSCCR. 3.011 call. vote shouted: ayes, !lha,oman, ]cL,iL, '.`estbrook. Absent, Cslisle, _:unoz. Shortly after the aoove discussion ?~essrs. -:;ri;sbv and Johnson cf the a-~araisers' o,'fices arrived to ans:rer aay cuestions about tk:e reque;a for modification o° the proposed contract. The Chairman advised the;: that the contract had been approved by the Agency pending approval from GJashinYjton, and that they should wa9.t until such aonroval is received before proceeding; w:i.th the ;acrk. :he Lirector cLscussed a latter beinz se_it to ~SC,I~ re,~-:ardin-, the code enforcement pro,-;raz° bein;; carried on by tb.e city. J3 -quarterly -'~egort: bliill moved, -.:est'eroo'.~: seconded motion that t^e quarbrrl~.~ report to the ;;ayor and :%ouncil be aporoaed as cLstributed and tiia.t conies be pre^~u^ed and sent to the Clayor aad Com7cil. 30.--'_1 call vote si;oyaed: ayes, C?unman, ::chill, '~estbrook. Absent, J.aLsle, }anon. 'Cl-~e ::hector reported to the Agency that an '?!?vA .ltiditor had audited the hocks o° the Agency, Septe;r:'oer 27 to 29. There eras a discussion of tae next contracts krsich :+rill need to be let -cr the preparation of a tentative nla.n and a project report to ii60c~1. Perscznel Policies: Liscassion of personnel ooiicies =,;as held over until the neat meeting hen all r4eniocrs of the 3oard are present. L'cDiT1 moved, aestbrook seconded notion ti:at the meetin„ be adjourned to the next re~;u7.x neetis~_ date. Roll call vote shot-red: ayes, Chapman, ?:c:.il'1, liestbrool:. A'osent, 7:;.rlisle, Iimioz. IIeeti.2C adjourned at µv ju P. Ph:inutes a~;pxo=red by absent members: S~*te ~ ~ ~i~ ~- 2espectf.aly submitted, ~... ~ cd'ti~ J es ',-1c~ill -Secretary ~) ~. -mutes of t'ne nebular meet; n_ o ahe ~i., ]"';lt t AU:;S~' of the ::ity of San 5errvardi.no, ::ati_forni.a, '~.teld in Goon 2J2, 302 D dtreet, San lsernardino, October 2s, 1~5k at k:UO P.:-. she meetin;r t*as called to orcer ' ~ the :hairman at 11:07 ; . 3011 call shotaed the following nresente i.enbers L'arlisle, Chaorran, ~cliill~ ?lestbrods; Attorney -.:and, lrector Praser, F'lar~tin!. Consultant 3isner. absent, I.e:~bsr i~unoz. L'ciIl r:~oved, ;,catbrook seconded reoti.on t;tat t'r:e ;::;notes of ttte ?neeting o` ilctober 1>r, 1S~4 be approved as distributed. !.oll call vote shorred: ayes, Carlisle, Ghan-aan, i';cui'l, '-:estbroac. Absent, ~"nnoz. ~'~1~s ate follo-;nine acceun!s :;ere certified for ;err%e:~.t: ~in:oa ::isrter, tnird ~~ayment on contract dated. 6-10-~Li ,.~ 700. G0 general Telephone Co of California -October, 19~L< 9.kj ;~axl D. '"raser - er~enses, 3~r_ust 20 -October 27, 19;4 1.82 ota1 r 72t~.27 Carlisle moved, ':cDill seconded motion that t''-te ~roas~,mer be authorized to draw checks on £nrtds of the A~encv to pay the above bills. _to11 tail vote showed: ayes, Carlislo, Chavman, Lcii11, -iestbrodc. Absent, '2anoz. Co~~rruri_ec~.ti.oas: Phe Lirecter reported taaC tae contract c:ith ~Gce land a,~,ra.isers }gad been dated October 19, 1Sg~. an<; a s:i._nefl cop~r sent to n~CU1, ai:d t?tat a lat~cr o` a°~~roval had been received from 1;o is indicating their a,~~^soval of our let to u-rin~--rn, t'!c data on tl!e code en£or content »ro~;ram un to date. "he ::hector re~:rorted en t?:e correspondence :+~.tit t;re tiree coasultin~ er.- :~;~neers ratio had been recov:mended for rile railroad ar.oraisal ':nor c, It is e",ected t':at one or more. of then. 1=ri7.1 visit ttte City duri'n~; ?dovernber and submit a pro;oosal fcr the appraisal. There o.as a ,,eneral di.scassiou of vn1~ae of the subject sour line a.nd wir.en, ho!;r, and r,nether i.t should be an;:raised. Soil -subsoil-foundation concitions: ~_'here rt as a ;~eneral discassion o£ the ____ _ - char°acter o t~.:, sci LS -o~'.;ui~~lr.-. ~~..at Log r the ro~,~sed asc,s in boy h -.rrolect areas. Area .io. 2 a~ year -o haves c .oe1::.e _ -~nci:-tr ca con- ,... o ___ e t,, o!, c=. uses oronosed. ~he soil sb: uc'crre in .`~-ea ;o. 1 is ~:'e~_rerally pct Favorable far' intense, honey loads. 'rte birector reported t'nat he had c.,..,e,tcc ~'te Fir or A]:u::rt a. c ,. std Ass;ru.tes, i.n aivtr- sine, to ;re-~:are a stgtement or trc ~-ener2l ec ~ :,.o.rs ! .,.~ -ro~:;ec areas ... .co.rre-:rc 'ac,t n . ;;-ran. r:epu s~t~i_on -.o. 3: ~ae u=roc-ter retorted tc t' c .-pnc~~ on the c .:. on 'ia~-rd r-xa~;et 1-: al~tces acrd reco! .e:ed t c scu_ 4i. o;t --t. 3 oe a -roved ~!d fort?seed ~'~:,o v -4~n;: tort. rc: ! r=over., :estbroo~: sego, - n node t'_!at r~ v ah1 i?ec ~sit~ion -`o. 3 for ,7,~OG for 'L.^e sex ~o: '_~ovo^)~cr 1, h~Lt-Jnnuarr 31, 1`~i be a-~-xrovod as t.at t},e oiricials of ne h,;c ic, '~e a:xthori zed to ea~ca'te { e forms o~, '.>ehal° n. ~c:+e r+., ,na~~i. ~~li c,~.ll. vote s'i >:red: ~oe~~ Carlis_e~ 7haori+a r~ ~ ci7-_1, 'stbrooL. '~~~out, ~,n2ca. ?ro~ress ~enorta . r '.inner sese_i~ed e. repor~ r.n file ro<ress of -~l~ uorl< col z eo ~::~ .: _s coatrac ~. _., 2~s ~.?~_ ch. had b e + -+rcuared to date ~:rere c~.s- p1 ~ ,. ~'e e LSnateu gat a'routi bQ~ a" the -orlc ;:~ his coxrtract ?l~.d ~oecn cosri_e Led. A sketc%: o° ti ,p rlan o t'a^ redevelo„n•r;t o'' project area :o. 2 i an d_i s- „_,.,sed is detail. 'pro bireotor ex~lainod. the Scorin;: sa~sta~. zahi ch i~ras ap-lied to the aata in the housin,? survey and rrointed out the hihli_~hts of the conditions in Area 'ao. 2 on the maps. The data shorored that over q0';; of the dwelling and store units etc., wire unfit £or use, repair or rehabilitation and that 9 of tare vaca~rt parcels were ecn±.ributi:>> to tP:e substandard conditions in tl:e area. Date of newt meeting-: 1-"will moved, '^(estbrooic seconded +`totion teat tine rneetir;-~ 'oe adjourned to Cie JO i'.1~. ~.~erLnesda;;, -love bcr 10, 171„ because ';'te aext re„ is meet i :.;'.e `ails a~~ le?gal holida^. -:oil call vote s',o1:~ed- a~~ ~~ ,~=rLsle~ (,par r~a~~ cl~,_~ ~ astbrook. s' ae.rt, - unoz. .~:e t`,. n,= adjn`.u-ned a.t ~t'> ;.. :es.~~ectful_ly s~.rhmi_*ted, ,es ~ . ;:a..il~- S~.:C-ret~r~~ _nutes a;,.°,rot;ed by abscnL me^ber- L,.te ~ z~ ~ Qrv ~.~.- _ ` .~u-_N~ digneri / _._~~ (~ ~s..._- _. _.. 96 :'mutes cr the adjourned meettn-- of the ;/LUP , iT 9'_:: ~_ " tic ~i t:~ o? oaci . er :c',.~~o, -, ii.`ornia, ]field ra ~~ooi. 202, 352 i~ o~reet, jai ~r~_iro'.~o, .o~e•4cer 10, l~'~u, at _F:00 r.'. 'he :ar et_in.-- ~.ras called to order by ~.~e ~' a~rr:aa at .:J7 P._ . :io11 call showed the follo~.cin, present: 1!embers Sarlisl~., Cl:aprcan, ':.dill, ;~estbroolr At;tc_ae;, =-as d: L~'ector eraser. Absent, F.er:,er Munoz. l:inutesc --chill roves, ~~estbrook seconded a motion t?rat the minutes of the M_eetinr- o` i'ctcbcr 2°~, 1~~~71+ be a~.r~roved as cistributed. doll call vote showed: alms, lar•lislc, Civanman, f;cl:-Ll, ~-iestbroolc. Absent, -.`uv.oz. sills: _,.~ ~ellooiinl-, acc~.-:aats z~ere certif. -_ed £or na~ane:it: ". J. ,yr.az -rent, :<ov~ her c;74 a ~O.UO o.an ~~ra sdino -flue Yr.'uit Co., prints, Gccob er 1C'~4 1.77 Arre~rl ca: ~ 'fi_ce ~uinme:?t Oo., supnlie s, Cctcber 1p74 `73 `ctal r X1.2° :`estbrooi< move, :.chill. secs nded the :notion that t?ie trea ,ur er be authcrized to draw checks on Funds o£ the At'ency to nay the above bills, ao11 call vote showed: ayes, ::arlisle, Ohapman, P:cbill, ~SFatbrook. Absent, i:unoz. Annoint.cents Chaixnan ~-hanman recorvmended the anointment o£ ;r. F.cLill as 3ecretar;~ o° the A;`enay- Yor the balance o£ his term zs a meriner o£ th.e Agency. C Aisle moved, estbrool< seconded the motion, t!;at Jarr,es ~~. YcLill. ~oe aunointed as Secretary for his terra as member of the Agency from sentemuer 3, 14>1~ to SepteirCOer 3, 19>F.. :toll call vote s;.otiaed: a;~es, Jrslisle, ~%'_lapman, estbroclc. Abstained, c;;il1. Absent, :,unoz. Arrowhead ocrin;.s deurliuev 'fne Lirector reported that one o£ the utility apnra..se;rs had ;.-one ever the route o£ ti:e snux• line and said that he ~: ould submit a recosmnended outline e'' procedi:r•e for sec~.;rinp: an csti~rate oS the value o"" the sn ar li~:e and and, severance daunaE'e if it eras to be ect o{_f as Hart o£ a nroje rt. Site Clearance: TFiere '.ras a ciiscassion o£ the need f'or securia, estimates o` the cost o£ cer~olition acid site cLaraace aid of secnrin- ti.e remes c£ i~crsons rrao mi-ht be interested in ..^.a.?iin. such estir-^_ates. Personnel Policies: L'i.scussion a= ~.~ersonnel r.oli ties Baas a;;ain ^estponed until b!xe ne t meson,, "ith t c none .,hzt al. ::ernoers q£ the A e ,cy i-~i,;nt 'oe present at t!~:at tae. Adlour-aient• Carlisle moved, :iestbroo':, seconded the mctio_, that tine ma;etin=; be adjourned to '=''.2ux'sda~', Le comber 2, 1974 at L1e00 P.:. doll call vote shotaed: ayes, '-arlisle, sapman, lci11, l,`estbrooh. Absent, i.unoz. ~P!eetin=_ adjourned at 4:27 i?.esoectfully su'om`_tteri, Minutes anpx~oved by absent memY,er: vate Y - 0 - ~f~ ~_ ~i„nod , ~ies°. cLi/l~l. - "secretary ~' '/'~ r ~,(~ sr `'-i:rntes v" the raeulas~ rr et_.a; s of the a~ 4.f CPT- A J:.iCY o~ the i%ity oS aan :~r.iar~iino, Oali"ornia, held in icoom 202, 3G2 L otreet, oai er~arcino, ~al!fornia, -overrd;er Il and ^o t~eetin°.s „ire 'weld osr over~~oer 11, ,,~~i, detr ns' lia~~, a:rd o_i ovc;;bcr 25, h;1t, 'n~us=;ivi.n; lad, as they were legal hohcia~: s. :o - ~etirl s or ~. i~,elc: i t~:e n ~~.v ,acc~ec_n~.. secaai dais, ?.ovember 12 aad 6:ovFr:~er 26, "J.~~~ft., hecase a^ lac'< ~" a qu cr cre, the r~~eetlnF-;s Leinr ren~ace~3 by 2djourned r etirz--s on :ave*:uer 1'J, 19~Lt and .ccni.~er ', i~~a. ::e5 e<;tr~tlly- ~~t,~i'rtec:, t~ Ja -d!r.',ll - ~ecretarg~ Minutes of the adjourned meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY of tha City of San Bernardino, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, December 2, 1954 at 4:00 P.D?. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 4:05 P. M. Roll call showed the following present: Members Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Munoz; Attorney Ward, Director Fraser, Mr. Lyle Stewart representing Planning Consultant Simon Eisner. Absent, Member Westbrook. Minutes: McDill moved, Munoz seconded a motion that the minutes of the adjourned meeting of November 10 and the regular meetings of November 11 and 25, 1954, be approved as distributed. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Munoz. Absent, Westbrook. Bills: The following accou~s were certified for payment when funds are available: General Telephone Co of California -November ffi 13.93 Roy Davis Camara Shop -supplies 5.52 American National Bank -withholding taxes, October salaries 114.10 Kenneth K. Kelly 34.00 Insurance on office space $14.50 Insurance on use of autos 19.50 Redevelopment Information Service - s~scription 100.00 Total $ 267.55 ~; McDill moved, Munoz seconded the motion that the treasurer be authorized to drax checks on funds of the Agency, when they are available, to pay the above bills. Roll call vote shoaled: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Munoz. Absent, Westbrook. Co~mnunications: There was a discussion of the letters received from the consulting engineers regarding proposals for making the desired appraisal of the railroad spur line in D and Third Streets of Project Area No. 1. The Director was advised to continue his discussions with the Mayor on the subject. The Director presented a communication from P7r. James Lash regarding amend- ments to the state enabling act and an invitation to attend a meeting in the offices of the League of California Cities in Berkeley, December 10, to discuss the proposed legislation with representatives from other cities and the state and federal governments. A general discussion followed as to whether or not the Director should attend. McDill moved, Carlisle seconded a motion that the Director be authorized to attend the meeting with an allow- ance of not over $100 for the necessary expenses. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Munoz. Absent, Westbrook. Month Progress Report: Copies of the Direct~'s monthly progress repast to DSCUR were distributed to the Agency members. Personnel Policies: A general discussion xas held regarding the policies covering office personnel. McDill moved, Munoz sewnded a motion that the Director's salary be i~reased by $50.00 per month, that the secretary's salary be increased to X135.00 per month, both effective Lecember 1, 19511, and that the following leave schedule be adopted far full time employment and pro-rata for part time xork: annual leave, one day for each month of service; sick leave, one day for each month of service. A doct~'s certi- ficate may be required in case of doubt on a long or repeating illness; in wry on the fob, full pay for any initial period not covered by xorkmen's compensation insurance; holiddaayys, the same as official State holidays. Roll call vote showed: ayes lisle, Chapman, McDill, Munoz. Absent, Westbrook. Tentative Plan: Sketches for the tentative redevelopment plans in Project Areas Nos.-wand 2 were exhibited and discussed. The Director stated that he believed that the plan £or Area No. 2 is satisfactory as to design in this area. The planning consultant will refine the sketch f~ Area No. 1 which was shown for the purpose of discussing the basic concept only. Mr. Stewart discussed the meeting held in Mr. Eisner's office xith the Federal representatives, Mr. Batstone and P2r. Scott and the Director. Messrs. Bat- stone and Scott clarified sane of the specifications for the information required by the b7ashington office. Mr. Stewart reported that because of additional data now required for DSCUR review, the work by the Planning Consultant has been set back, increased over that originally contemplated, but it will be completed shortly. Adjournment: There was a discussion regarding dates for the next meeting. :) ~3 McDill moved, Carlisle seconded motion that the meeting be adjourned to Thursday, December 16, 19$lt at 1t: 00 P. M. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Munoz. Absent, Westbrook. Meeting adjourned at 1yc55 P. M. Respectfully submitted, J //I ~/1•~~` s F. McDill - Secretary Minutes pproved by absent member: Date Signed Minutes o£ the regular meeting of the REDEVEIAPMINT AGENCY of the City of San Bernardino, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, December 9, 19$4 at li:00 P. M. No meeting was held because of the lack o£ a quorum, the meeting being replaced by adjourned meetings on December 2 and 16, 19511. Respectful]y submitted, J s F. McDil~- Secra~ IUU Minutes of the adjourned meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY of the City of San Bernardino, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, December 16, 1954 at 4:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at L: 10 P.i•i. Roll call showed the following present: Members Chapman, McDill, West- brook; absent, Member Carlisle; one vacancy. Also present, Attorney ta'ard, Director Fraser, Ns. Lyle Stewart, representing Planning Consult- ant Simon Eisner. Minutes-. McDill moved, destbrook seconded a motion that the minutes of the adjourned meeting of December 2 be corrected to show that holiday leave be allowed f or official state holidays; that the minutes of the adjourned meeting of December 2 be approved as corrected; and that the minutes of the meeting of December 9, 1954 be approved as distributed. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Chapman, McDi]1, Westbrook. Absent, Carlisle. Bills: The following accounts were certified for p~ment: Simon Eisner -fourth payment on contract `~ 700.00 C. J. Lyman - rent, December 60.00 Western Union - telegram, tJovember l.li2 Earl D. Fraser - expenses Oct. 28 - Dec. 14 90.29 Total k 8$1.71 Westbrook moved, McDill seconded a motion that the treastrer be author- ized to draw checks on Hinds of the Agency to pay the above bills. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Chapman, McDill, Westbrook. Absent, Carlisle. Reports: Planning Consultant Eisner's pr ogressn=.port of December 2 was given, showing progress o£ work to date. PicDill moved, Westbrook seconded a motion that the report be accepted. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Chapman, PlcDill, Westbrook. Absent, Carlisle. A sketch for a tentative plan o£ Project Area No. 1 was exhibited and discussed in detail by the Director and i'lr. Stewart. Policy Statement: There was a discussion of a statement of policies which might be suggested to the Mayor and Council, that had been prepared by the Director at the request of the Chairman. The matter was laid over to the next meeting so that each member of the Agency might consider the rough draft carefully. Munoz res' nation: The Secretary reported that he had been advised by the Fayor hat, alvador Munoz has resigned as a member of the Redevelop- ment Agency. Selection of a successor was discussed. ~ { 1 f H~ laws: Date of the Annual Meeting. A suggestion that the by-laws be amended to have the annual meeting held on the first regular meet- ing date in January was discussed. ~r7estbrook moved, McDill seconded the motion that the Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary notices to change the date of the annual meeting. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Chapman, McDill, Westbrook. Absent, Carlisle. Adjournment: McDill moved, Westbrook seconded a motion that the meet- ing be adjourned to meet on January 6, 1955 at 11:00 P. M. and that there be no meeting on December 23, 19511. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Chapman, McDill, Westbrook. Absent, Carlisle. Meeting adjourned at 4:50 P.t4. Respectfully submitt~edn,~~-- 00""`~~`~~ es F. McD~1~Secretary Minutes approved by absent member: Date i - a ~ - b r;t~ Signed ~'Q.a. Minutes of the regular meeting of the REDEVEIAPMENT AGEdCY of the City of San Bernardino, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, December 23, 19511 at L:00 P.i4. No meeting was held because of the lads of a quorun, the meeting being replaced by the adjourned meeting on January 6, 1955. Respectfully submitted, J es F. McDill - Secretary 1 t~ 2 CONSENT TO ADJOURNMENT OF TES ANNUAL MEETING CF JANUARY 3, 1955 We, the undersigned, duly appointed and acting members of the Rede- velopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, do hereby consent to the adjournment of the Annual Meeting which should be held on January 3, 1955, to January 6, 1955 at 4:00 P. M. because of the lack of a quorum on the first mentioned date. January 6, 1955 ~- Minutes of the adjourned meeting of the REDEVELOPN~NT AGENCY of the City of San Bernardino, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, January 6, 1955 at 4:00 P. M. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 4:15 P.Pi. Roll Call showed the following present: Members Carlisle, Chapman, M~ilh~Sestbrook; one vacancy; Attorney Ward, Director Fraser. I•iinutes: AlcDill moved, Carlisle seconded motion that the minutes of e~cember 16, December 23, 1954 and January 3, 1955 be approved as dis- tributed. i?oll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, S3cDill, Westbrook. bills: The following accounts were certified for payme:xt: Director of Internal Revenue - withholding taxes November and December, 1954 a 235.40 State of California - Department of Employment Unemployment insurance 25.94 Social Security 2&.04 Wm. E. Taylor - accounting services to December 31, 1954 100.00 -tea. Lw~Q,.A9.,,- ~i;j C. J. Lyman - rent, January, 195$ ~~ 60.00 General Telephone Company of California - December services 10.90 Arrowhead Office Equipment Co - supplies, December 7.54 Total m 467.82 Carlisle moved, 1~'estbrook seconded the motion that the treasurer be authorized to draw checks on funds of the Agency to pay the above bills. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, i:destbrook. Annual rieeting: Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman. P1cDi11 nomi- nated boy E.~hapman for chairman. Carlisle moved that the nominations be closed and that Roy E. Chapman be elected chairman. 'restbrook second- ed the motion. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, ?IcDill, ~~iestbrook; pass Chapman. Carlisle nominated Truitt i~?estbrook for Vice-Chairman. PicDill moved that the nominations be closed and that Truitt Westbrook be elected vice-chairman. Carlisle seconded the motion. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, P:cDill; pass destbrook. Communications: A letter from DSCUR indicating their approval of project reservations of `600,000 for UR Calif. 1-1 and ~u200,000 for iTR Calif. 1-2, in place of the former locality reservation was received. A letter from the Regional Administrator of HHFA regarding special finan- cing or public housing that may be available to the community for taking care of families idxo may be displaced by public projects was received. Amendment to the B ~} lavas: i~icliill moved, L'arSisle seconded the following resolution !tESOLUTIO?d N0, lla BE 'CT :3ES7LVED BY T!D~ i2EDEVELOPCs?~IT AOEIJC:Y Ol' THE CITY OF SAT.1 BEHI'ARDIVO, CAL?^OR[vIA, that Article III, Section 1 of the by-laws be amended as follows: "Section 1. Annual meeting. The annual meeting of the Agency shall be held, without special notice, at the time and place of the first regular meeting of the Agency in January of each year beginning with the year 1956." Roll call vote showed: a~,res, Carlisle, Chapman, ?4cDi11, !^Iestbrook. T?xe monthly report to the Urban Renetaal Administration was discussed. 1'he Director explained the need for a budget revision before the next requisition of funds. ^the balance sheet for December 31, 1954 was distributed. Annual report to the Ma~vor and. Council: There was a discussion of the contents, format and distribution of the annual report to the Mayor and Council. It was suggested by the Chairman that instead of distributing ~ ~i .~ copies of the annual report to all occupants of the area, that they be notified in some way that the report is available in the Agency office for anyone who cares for a copy. Policy Statement: Revised copies of the proposed Policy Statement were distributed and a general discussion held. There was a general agreement that when the Statement is finally approved a condensed statement also be prepaxed with a Spanish translation for distribution to the occupants of the project areas, including a notice that copies of tha annual report are available for anyone who cares to have a copy, and an outline of the redevelopment procedure. Tentative Plan Area #l: A drawing showing the ctsrent sketch for a tentative plan for Area #1 was explained by the Director. Vacancy: The Director was instructed to contact various persons to obtain suggestions £or anew member of the Agency. Ad_~ourrunent: It was decided that the Agenda for the next meeting on 7anuary 13 at 1:00 P.P1., include only the Annual l:enort and the Policy Statement, if possible. Carlisle moved, Westbrook seconded the motion that the meeting be adjourned to January 13, 1955 at 1t: 00 P.M. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, tiC~estbrook. Meeting adjourned at 5:20 P. M. Respectfully submitted, es I', McDill - Secretary Minutes of the regulaz~ meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGEP]CY of the City of San Bernardino, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, January 13, 1p55 at L:00 P.^. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 5:10 P.M. Roll call sheered the following present: 14embers Carlisle, Chapman, Westbrook, absent McDill; one vacancy; Attorney `~dard, Director Fraser. Annual Report: Ptembers read and discussed at length various sections and items in the Second Annual Report. Carlisle moved, Westbrook seconded motion that the Director be instructed to prepare a sufficient number of copies o£ the report for the purpose of discussion with the Mayor and Council. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Westbrook. Absent, P1cDi11. i ~ ~:) Policy Statement: Discussion of the policy statement u*as held over until the next meeting. Member Vacant: The Director aresented a short report on the names o£ persons who had been suggested to date for membership on the Agency. Adjournment: Westbrook moved, Carlisle seconded motion that the meet- ing be adjourned to the next regular meeting date, January 27, 195$ at L:00 P.M. Poll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Westbrook. Absent, PicDill. Meeting adjourned at 5:20 P.:~;. Respectfully submitted, T '/~~ J s F. FicDill - Secretary linutes approved by absent member: Signed / TTR.LQ~{ Pinutes of the regular meetin@; of the itedevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, January 27, 1055 at L:00 P..4. The meetind~ was called to order by the Chairman at 1:10 P.I~:. Po7.1 call showed the Following present: Members Carlisle, Chapman, IcDi11, '^Iestbrook, one vacancy, Attorney `.~dard, Director Fraser, Lyle Stewart, representin ~_ Simon 3isner, plannin„ consultant. I'inutes: Carlisle moved, LcDill seconded a motion that the minutes of the seetings of January 6 and 13, 1955, be approved as distributed. 3011 call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, LeDill, ';;estbrook. Bills: The follot~rinl; accounts were certified for pa3~nent: General Te7.ephone Conmany -January ~~ 7.1j Earl 5. Fraser -expenses December 15, 1954 - January 2~, 1?55 33.3 Total ,040.1:5 A1~'r i4cDill moved, Carlisle seconded a motion that the treas•.r er be authorized to draw checks on funds of the Agency to pay these bills. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, C}:apman, T"clii11, '+destbrook. Ann°ual 3enort: Tile rou~~h draft o` t}:e annual. snort and its informal presentation to the Mayor and Council were dis msssed. The Director was instructed to ask the i€ayor for the suggestions of the S-layor and Council regardinf^ its contents and pablic presentation. Policy Statement: The proposed policy statement was discussed at length. It was agreed that the Ohairman emd Secretary should prepare a shorter, simpli.f5.ed version. It is to be consir.ered for futare publicity at the next meetim-~. Vacancy- on the Board: The Director reported the names of four persons in the community who have been recommended for the vacancy on t'.-:e Board and who would be willing to serve. It was su^gested that the Secretar~r contact the councilmen concerned and the matter be taker. un f~~s ther at the rext meetinD. Budz~et Revision: i'he Director discussed the need to requisition additional ferns after the bill is received from the appraisers and to revise the budget before a requisition is placed. ^t he suggested bud?set revision was discussed fully by the members and the Director. idcLill moved, Carlisle seconded a motion that the following; resolution be adopted: t,.DSCLU'I20ti .JO. 15 of the :7L~DEVr-'C.,CPNE'iT AEr.~:`~;Y of the CITY OF SA.~i BER'}li3DI20, CALIF'OR"~i71s k'1-'i'RP,AS, The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, has determined that there is a need to adjust the budget, filed *aith the Horsing and home Finance Agency, Division of Slum Clearance and Urban 3e- development, to provide for the folloirin;~ transfers: Budget Classification Amou-nt la Administrative Overhead and Services 4: +3,6E~7 lb Travel - 6D0 1c Publications - 250 2 OFf ice Furniture and 5quipment - !t7 3 Legal Services ~ 600 !~ Survey and Plannin7{ -1,990 5 Land Surveys and Appraisals -` 295 S Contingencies -1,615 And ~:";it:R:.:AS, these adjustments are neceseasy and desirable because of the extension of the bud;;etary period from twenty-four (24j to thirty (30~ months and ".:?iF;RDAs, the .Ledevelonrnent Agency of the City of San uernardino, Jali~crr_ia has determined that it is desirable to establish the personnel and rates for compensation shown in the staffinr~ and salary sc'rednle o° the pr op esed revision o-? tie bud;;-ets; and ] t) 7~ .=:~53'r'A5, it has been determined that said schedule is comparable with local practices for 8 similar orr,anizations, =.,rork and responsibility; n~;'~r ?;t~='l c'Y 31' I`i 3T.,a"LVYL 3'e `PrG~; '~iir,'~i';;LOPt~ i.'m AG;I::C'r C^ TI?.; CITY 0" SA' 13',i?dFul.L']7~?0, 91 C?i'IA, that t}?e foregoinl_ budget changes and personnel and compensation policies are hereby approved and adopted, subject to the concurrence of Housin€; and Home Finance Agency, IIrban '3eacwal Administration. 3017. call vote shots*ed: a,;res, Carlisle, Chapn?an, Lici:ill, liestbreok. Report on Soils: The Director repcu•ted that a fine report cn soils anr. other factors affecti.n; Foundation conditions in the pro~,ect areas had been received from the Albert A. `.Jebb Associates of Riverside, evidently without cost to the Agency. It appears that nothing fart??er re;cardin~~. soils conditions vrill be required by the Ar;ency at this tis±e. Jarlisle roved, 'iestbrook seconded a motion that the Agency express its sincere a^rreczation to Alpert A. '~.iebb Associates for the rercrt on Foundations which they prepared. Roll call vote eh0?aed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, P:cliill, ':estbrook. A^^raisal o£ Reilroad Spur Line: The Lv ector reported on the correspond- ence 'between the Piayor's 0offce and the Pacific Electric .iailrray re_~'at-d- ine the cronoseu abandonment of the mater spur line throu:=rh Can 3ernardino. Pacific i?lectric indicates that they Trill coonerte fully"in preparing an appraisal o" the line. The Director sug*g~ested that a menioer of the Afeucy er the Attor nets and the Director shoal c. call on the ,eneral manarjer 9f tiie Paci_f is 'a'le ctric. ':'estbrook moved, '.'eDi_l7. seconded a motier. that t:':e Director cnc the Attorney (and the Chaincan, if pos:=ible) maho such an ar pointnc°nt. Roll call vote showed: a}~es, Carlisle, C'?apman, I"cu_].1, `.'e stbroeL. Project %irea Aio. 1 Plan: The Lirector discussed a letter received from h~ e :~°anic~pal 'dater Lenartment re__arcin, their pipe storage y~~rd located in Project Area 1. The Director read a letter from Sin?on liisner, plannin.- consultant, .request- i'ib a~ extensior. of time on his contract completion. The Lirector recommend- ed that a. extension be granted.. ,i,°tcr discupsior., I;cDill moved, Carlisle seconder. a m0t.ion that the com^l.eti.on time For t'ze contract be extended to '•".arcl: 10, 195. doll call. vote sh0.aec. aces, Carlisle, C?,,apman, ia'eDill, -Westbrook. Con,°ere-^.ces- The Lirector called t?ie Ai;ency"'s attention to the annual. reetn_~ of the ^alchapter oY t'~e Ar~erica.n Institute of Planners in °resno on Januasg 2;', and 29, 155, and requested *~ermission to attend. Carlisle moved, "estbro0k seconded a motion that the Director I-e allaaed to attend ti?e conFererce with an allowance for usual expenses. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, ?:cLi7_'., 'estbro0k. Ct'~^r :ius ~u=^,^,: It was suggested that the name of the Agency should now he placed on the doorway of the entrance t0 the buildint.. S_eDil1 moved, 1~~~ ":?estbrook seconded a motion teat the Lirector be instructed to ;lave a prover sign placed on the street door.~rag. Roll call vote s!iowedv a;.res, C?rlislc, Chapman, '?eDill, ?~Iestbroolc. Ad;rr~:rar~entr '"cLill moved, Carlisle seconded a motien that the meetin4 5e adjourned to tre nest rei;ular rreet'.n:- Sate, "ebrnarv 10, 1955 at 4:00 P.;;. Roll ca11 vote shoeredc ales, Cslisle, Chapman, ?-cii_ll, '.Testbrook. :`eetin~.~, adjcurrefi ~. 5:0; P. . 'es^ec t`~all~• sut:-.itted, J :~cUill ~ crc :<inutes eF tt:e regular meetings of the R ~~I~Lt'pI ~,C;~~pv of the City o° San Ber~aardixro, Cali^om ia, hold in Room 20?, 362 i Street, .San '>ernardi.no, Cali^orn_a, F'ebruar~~ 10 a^.d 24 1955. T.do meetings worn held on tY~e se dates 'aecause or the lack oi' a quormn. The nwa regular meotini date wi7.l be `Phursday, :'arch 10, 1955. '-~esnect£ulll su'.;mitted, Ja, s -~?. ?!cP;ll ~~.cretary ~r~s Minutes of the regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY of the City of San Bernardino, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, March 10, 1955 at 4:00 P. M. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 4:15 P. M. Roll call showed the following present: Members Carlisle, Chapman, McDill; absent,~Gestbrook; one vacancy; Attc¢~ney Ward, Simon Eisner, Planning Consultant, Lyle Stewart, Assistant to Simon Eisner, and Director Fraser. Minutes: The minutes of meeting of January 27, 1955 were reviewed by the hector. McDil1 moved, Carlisle seconded motion that the minutes of the meetings of January 27, February 10 and February 24, 1955 be approved as distributed. Roll call vote showed: fives, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill. Absent, Westbrook. Bills: The following accounts were certified for payment: C. J. Lyman, rent for March City of San Bernardino, final payment on contract of June 10, 1954 Lindenman Printing Co., printing exrvelopes General Telephone Co. - telephone for February San Bernardino Blue Print Co. - printing & supplies State of Califar~nia, Dept. of Employment OASI Administrative assessment Hob Stirling, Signs - door sign Earl D. Fraser, expense Jan. 26-Feb. 9, 1955 William J. Ward, expenses Feb. 17, 19$5 to Los Angeles meeting of attorneys of the California Redevelopment Agencies 60.00 45.98 6.70 9.80 31.37 4.00 10.00 70.55 8.40 Total q 246.80 McDill moved, Carlisle sem nded the motion that the treasurer be author- ized to draw checks on funds of the Agency to pay the above bills. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill. Absent, Westbrook. Chairman asked if Attorney Ward had received salary for February. Director e~lai.ned that allowance for attorney was not approved in tte budget to cover balance of year. Salary for February and part of March may be paid by using the allowable lOp overage on specif is budget items. McDill moved, Carlisle seconded motion that A;r. Ward be paid X100 for his services during February and Pfarch. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, P?eDill. Absent, Westbrook. Publications Annual report: Director discussed the status of the annual report, report- ing that the Mayer said to go ahead with it. After further discussion McDill moved, Carlisle seconded the motion that the annual report be approved and published. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill. Absent, Westbrook. ]1(~ Letter to the Occupants and Owners: The Director then discussed the matter of taking extracts from the annual report fdr a letter to be printed in both Spanish and English to be sent to all occupants and owners in the project areas. After discussion of re-arrangement of the paragraphs, Carlisle moved, McDill seconded a motion that the letter be approved and sent to the occupants and residents. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill. Absent, Westbrook. It was agreed that about 100 copies of the annual report and 300 copies of the Spanish-English letter are to be prepared. Distribution to be made as soon after the primary election as possib]e. Policg Statement: Tk~ proposed policy statement was discussed and tabled for three months, or until needed, because of the publication of the annual report and the letter to the occupants at this time. Letter to the Ci 's Administrative Officer: The Director discussed a e~ttar sent to the ity- dmi~ive Z'fficer, at his request, giving in- formation regarding the program arri procedure on redevelopment. Member Westbrook arrived at 11:40 P.Bi. Vacancy on the Hoard: There was a discussion of the names of persons to fill the vacancy on the Hoard. The Director recommended a bi-lingual per- son who lives close to the project No. 2 area and is interested in the affairs o£ his people. Westbrook moved, Carlisle seconded motion that the proper councilmen be contacted by the Secretary regarding the recommend- ation to the Mayor of an individual to be appointed to the vacancy. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Westbrook. Budget No. 3: The Director reported that budget number 3 had been approved by TiR as requested, except fa~ the attorney's salary, which was deleted. McDill moved, Westbrook seconded a motion that the Chairman prepare a letter to be sent to the Urban Renewal Administration regarding the budget item. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Westbrook. The Chairman also requested that the Mayor and Council be advised of the status of the projects and the gratuitous work being given to the Agency by the Attorney and others. Meeting of Redewelo me~nt Agency Attorneys: The Attorney reported on the meeting ~ edevei~ lopment Agency attorneys held in Los Angeles on February l7, 1955. Plannin Contractor's Final Report: Mr. Eisner read his letter of trans- mi al to the~S~o~f his Tentative Plan Report. He also read a statement of Facts regarding the actual cost of preparation o£ his report as compared to his original bid For the work. The contents of the report were reviewed by Pir. Eisner and the members of the Agency. Railroad urs: The Director discussed the trip which he and the Attorney made to discuss the water spur line with Pacific Electric Railway officials. iii He reported that the railroad hopes to be able to arrange for the aband- onment of this line in the near future. He also reported that the Santa Fe is willing to instill the new spurs suggested for project area number 1 when they are warranted. Final Payment on Contract with Mr. Eisner: McDill moved, Carlisle second- ~motion that the report of ",rF-. 3i~Eisner be accepted and that the final payment of 56733.32 under his contract of June 10, 1954 be approved. Poll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Westbrook. Ad ournment: McDill moved, Westbrook seconded a motion that the meeting be a journed to the next regular meeting date, Alarch 21}, 1955. Roll ca]1 vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Westbrook. Meetin;; adjourned at 5:35 P.P?. Respectfully submitted, ~~lu_ ~ ~1>> .Lu.~~ J es F. McDill - Secretary Minutes of the regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY of the City of San Bernardino, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, March 211, 1955 at 11:00 P.I4. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 4:15 P. M. Roll call showed the following present: Members Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Y~estbrook, one vacancy; Director Fraser. Md.nutes: McDill moved, Westbrook seconded a motion that minutes of Marc]; 10 be approved as distributed. Roll call note showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Westbrook. Bills: The follova ng accounts were certif ied for payment: A. A. Vanes - translation of letter to occupants ~ 2.$0 General Telephone Co. - telephone, March 7.70 Total X10.20 NIcDill moved, Carlisle seconded a motion that the treasurer be authorized to draw checks on the funds of the Agency to pay the above bills. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Westbrook. ~i` Publications Annual Report: The Director advised the Agency that the annual report has been distributed, and read the names of those who received copies to date. The possible need and cost of additional copies was discussed. McDill moved, 1estbrook seconded a motion that an additional fifty copies be printed if it is found that they will be needed. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Westbrook. The Director reported on the proposed "Letter to Occupants and Owners." A Spanish translation has been secured.-'the members agreed that the letter is ready to be sent out at the proper time. A proposed letter to the candidates fcrc I vor and Council was discussed. Since each member had not received a draft of the letter, the Chairman suggested that further discussion of it be held over until the neat meeting. Westbrook moved, Carlisle seconded a motion that the Chairman and Director be authorized to prepare and send such a letter to the candidates and the otBer members of the Council. Roll call vote sl~xed: ayes, Carlisle Chap- man, McDi71, Westbrook. Bu etet: Letters received from URA regarding the need for legal services which had been deleted from the budget request were discussed. The Chairman suggested that in the next revision of the budget that legal services be indicated at a specified hourly rate with an over all limit to the number of hours. Requisition No. ~i: McDi]1 moved, Carlisle seconded a motion that Requisi- tion ,dc. for $x,700 for the period April 1 - May 31, 1955 be approved and that the officials of the Agency be authorized to execute the forms on be- half of the Agency. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Westbrook. Vac~anc~ on the Board: There was a discussion of the vacancy on the board. FfoUill moved ~+estbrook seconded a motion that Rodolfo Gomez be suggested to the Mayor. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapaan, McDill, Westbrook. Appraisers' Report: The Director reviewed the report received from the appraisers on the guide estimate of the acquisition cost £or the property in area #2. He indicated that the report meets the requirements of the contract. The appraisers advise that the report for area #1 will be ready in about two weeks. Estimate of the aceuisition cost is near]y double what it was first believed the property would cost. Financial Plan: There was a discussion of the first draft which the Direct- or had prepared of a financial plan for project area :10. 2. Although $200,000 in federal funds has been reserved, because of the higher cost price of purchase, it appears that about X3$0,000 in federal funds will be needed. There was a discussion of the further information needed top:e- pare an accurate financial plan. S ~ `~ Annual AIP Conference: The Director mentioned the annual AIP Conference to be held in Kansas City P2arch 31 through April 2. Although it would be a very worthwhile conference, he felt that because of the present status of Agency affairs as to time and finances, he would not ask for permission to attend. The Chairman stated that if the Director feels it desirable to attend the conference it should be permissible for him to do so and keep his expenses within budgetary limitations. Federal Documentation: The Director discussed correspondence over the past two years with the Federal agency and the kind of differences between the earlier and later instructions. The more recent instructions seem to be more reasonable for use by the Agency and are the ones to be followed, which simplifies some of the documentation. The Director read a letter to and the reply from URA regardir~; time sched- ules of the Agency. There was a general discussion of the sequence of work and the time scheduling to be met. The Director stated that arrangements should be made for guide estimates of the sale value of the land in the project areas. ?destbrook moved, McDill seconded a motion that the meeting be adjourned to the next regular meeting date, April ]Ji, 19y""$. Roll call vote shooed: dyes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDil1, 'aestbrook. Pleetin€; adjourned at 5:15 P.I".. Respectfully submitted, i !/~,I~,I ~ v v v ~I s F~ T cD~l -Secretary t? Notice of Special Meeting, mailed on April 7, 1955 to: "Pfrs. Nola Carlisle, R. E. Chapman, Rodolfo Gomez, J. F. McDill, Truitt Westbrook, Members of the Agency Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, and the Sun Company, San Bernardino, California. "You, and each of you, will please take notice that a special meeting of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, will be held at 11 o'clock A.N., on Mond, April l.l, 1955, at the office of said Agency in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, Calif- ornia. The regular cy der of business will be considered. cc-KCSH KFi~ KITO KRNO By /s/ Roy E. Chapman . Chapman -Chairman" p^.inutes of t} ~ special meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY of the City of man :sex•.iardino, California. held i_n Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, April 11, 195$ at 11:00 A. M. The meeting was called to or der by the Chairman at 11:10 A. M. Roll call showed the following present: Members Carlisle, Chapman, Gomez, McDill, Westbrook; Attorney Ward, Director r^raser. IQew member of the Agency Rodolfo Gomez, was introduced and welcomed. Resignation cd the Director: Chairman gave the reason for calling the meeting as the resignation n£ the Director, and outlined the work nec- essary to be done before his service ends with the Agency. The Director outlined the status o£ the work at this stage, the condition of the budget, and so forth. Available funds will carry through the end of June, by which time a tentative plan and report should be ready for sub- mission to the URA and for public hearings. The process of holding the hearings by the Agency and the Ifayor aryl Council was discussed. There next was a discussion of working arrargements until the Director leaves and then of the personnel necessary to staff the office afterwards. It was suggested that an engineer qualified in municipal or subdivision work, and a part time executive secretary be obtained. The possibilities of securing an appropriate staff were discussed. After further discussion it was agreed that the services of Mr. '.dm. J. l~dard be secured for the necessary admini- strative and executive duties during the transition period. Westbrook moved, Carlisle seconded a motion that tte Secretary be author- 1 :) ized to locate some one to take the director's place upon his termination of service. Ro11 call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Gomez, McDill, jestbrook. Budget: The Director discussed the need for the Agency to consider an adjustment in the budget. McDill moved, Carlisle seconded the motion than the following resolution be adopted. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Gomez, McDill, Westbrook. RESOLUTION N0. 16 'v1HEREA5, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, has determined that there is a need to adjust the budget, as approved by the Housing and Home Finance Agency, Urban Renewal Administration, to pro- vide for the following transfers: Bu et Classification Amount 3 Legal Services ,'~ ' L00 !~ Survey and Planning + 100 8 Contingencies - 500 And ld?IF;REAS, these adjustments are necessary and desirable to provide for the essential legal services and preliminary planning costs: and 'r11fi'REAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, Calif~nia, has determined that it is desirable to establish the personnel and rates for compensation shown in the staffing and salary schedule of the proposed re- visi on of the budgets; and ?dELREAS, it has been determined that said schedule is comparable with local practices for similar organizations, work a:d responsibility: NOSd THFJ?EFG2E BE IT RESOL•UED BY TI-E REDEVELOPI~M' AGfiIICY OF T?->E CITY OF SAtd BF,RNARD'rNO, CALIFOR"IIA, that the foregoing budget changes and personnel and compensation policies are hereby approved and adopted, subject to the con- currence o£ Housing and Home Finance Agency, Urban Renewal Administration. testbrook moved, Carlisle seconded a motion that the meeting be adjourned to meet again on Thursday, April 21, 1955 at 4:00 P. PL Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Gomez, i4cDi11, 3estbrook. I~;eeting adjourned at 11:55 A. M. Respectfully submitted, Jam F. McDill - SecretazyC~ S t 4r ?':inutes of the adjourned meeting of the REDn,IEL('PP"'!3VT AGS2ICY of the City of San Bernardino, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, April 21, 19$5 at 4:00 P.i•i. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 4:00 P.I•_. Roll Call shooed the follom2ni' present: t~;embers Carlisle, Chaaman, Oomez, *icuil~; -Attorney: hard, Director ^raser.Absent, -:destbrook. I:inutes: 1^cDill moved, Carlisle seconded a motion that the minutes of the meetings of F'.arcy 24, April 11 and Anri.l 14, 195$, be approved as distributed. Roll call vote shaaed: ayes, Carlisle, Chaaman, Gomez, ?•~cDill. Absent, `.:'estbrook. Bills : The f ollowin;_- accounts vrere certif ie d f or payment : J. Ly:ran, April rent ~3 60.00 San Bernardino Blue Print Co., supplies and "Cpen Letter" 26.13 Arrpiahead Office Equipment Co., supplies for I'ebruarJ and S~:arch 18.,ri0 Stoclnrell c": Dinney, service on type:,rriter l~,00 Fairchild Aerial Surveys, prints of air photos 21.63 Albert A. ~-ebb Associates, report on soils 250.00 Evans and SavaEe, oae half of arpraisal work on contract dated October 19, 1954 1,7$0.00 Total 2,130.56 Carlisle moved, icUill seconded a motion that the treasurer be authorized to draw checks on the funds of the Agency to nay the above bills. Hall call vote sA,ewed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Gomez, P;cDill. Absent, ':destbrook. Advance authorizations: After discssion regardint• authorized stenographic services, and the need for advance authorization far purchase of government sta:•,ped, printed retarn envelopes, b=cDi11 moved, Gomez seconded a motion that compensation for the services of the stenographer ersployed in the mornings be allot-red at the rate of ~W1.25 per hour. 3011 call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chaaman, Gomez, ?9cDill. Absent, Hestbrook. Carlisle moved, Gomez seconded a motion that the treas~.r er be authorized to pay in advance for government printed envelopes from funds of the Agency. Roll call vote showed: a~•es, Carlisle, Chapman, Gomez, ticPill. Absent, 6Jestbrcek. Communications: The Director reported on a letter received from Leslie I. ~arri~ s regardin-g the possibility of anew state effice buildin bein;; erected in Project 1 Area. {I`r. `:'estbrepk arrived at this pointj. The Director then discussed correspondence between Earl. Beach and the office of U1'tA, and. related cpzrespondence between uHA and the staff. ___ E ~ '~ A copy of the notice from the !`layor's office o~: the appointment of ,r^.odelio Gomez ss a member of. the F.gency oard was received. Contracts: A letter received from vans and Savap;e requesting extension cf ti*re for estimate of acquisition costs coverir~3 Project Area 1 was discussed. P:cDill moved,Carlisle seconded a motion that, the contractors be granted an extension of tirre until !;ay ly"", 1955, ;. or completion o_^ tA.e work under the contract. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Gomez, 1:ciiill, ?destbrook. Attorney ',~ard presented a proposed ar.~endrnent to the orir,inal contract with tin, isisner 'c provide for consultant services °ar conferences, k:eari.rigs and possib:Le chap€>es at ,~1C0 per day. la was alsr:~~sugrvested that ,'v800 be allover' for the endineerin~; work doix in excess of that agreed upon at the time the cri,_inal contract was sinned. ';iestbrook moved, Gomez seconded a motion that this amendment be approved, subject tc concurrence by ?~'r. Sisner and the fed- eral agency. Roll call vote shv~red: ayes, '~arlisle, Chapm.ui, Comez, Sc".;ill, '~iestbrook. The director discussed the recent visit of T"r. Frice, the federal, real. estate representative, partioilarly the need for guide estimates for re-use value o£ the land. to be ace~rsed in Project ,1rea Fdo. 1. It was sta?:ed that it should be advertised about town that such a market analysis will. be needed and those ih~o might be interested is such wor'.r should ,-et in touch with the A€:::ency. Tertatcwe Plan -Area #2 There taus a heneral disc~.ission of t}~ ^roposed application far a contract for supnlen:entaz~; preliminary planning funds and for final planning. funds For Project; iTR Calif. 1-2 and the financial plan for that i~rest side project, it was a,~;reed that the n;ayor and councilra-i-elect, as we].1 as the City Planning Com fission and the P'.ayror and Council should be contacted regardii>!; the appli- cai;ioa for advance, t;:e tentative plan and the preparation For hearings. 'cDill moved, Carlisle seconded a motion that the fcll.owin~; resolution. be adopted by the AE;enc~-. Holl call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, C}iapman, Gomez, ".cliill, :+estb`rooY.. HcsOLUTI^N 'V0. 17 l~iliHi3AS, it is necessary and in the public interest that the ledevelopment Agency of tt~e City c£ San !'~crnar dino, California, avail itself of the finan- cial assistance provided by Title I of the 4cusing Act of 191;9 tc assist local slum clearance and urban redevelopment projects; and `.;1i3aEAS, it is necessary that surve;as be r:ade grid other activities be per- farmed preparatory to undertaking such projects; and 1ddr~L;AS, it is recognized that Title I of t!~ Housirk; Act cf 191ip requires that ecntracts for financial assistance thereunder impose certain obli}ations and rem onsi~ilities upon local public aY;encies availing themselves of such l 1 ~< financial assistance, inclndi.s„ amonE:; other things: (1) the approval of the redevelopment plan by the governing body of the locality in whisk the project is situated, with anpro~~riate findinE,s (a) that financial aid b~- the Federal Government is necessary, (b) that the redevelopment plans for the redevelopment areas in the locality :rill afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for t:he rede- velopment of such areas by private enterprise, and (c) that the redeveloo- ment plan conforms to a general plan for the development of the locality as a whole; (2) the provision of local grants-in-aid; (3) the development o£ a feasible method for the relocation of families displaced from the project area; and (4) the several other local obligations and responsibilities that are imposed pursuant to Title I of the Housing Act of 1949 in connection with the undertaking; and carrying out of slum cleaz•ance and urban redevelop- ment projects; and '~C' ~3BAS, pursuant to Title Z every contract for a Federal capital grant will require local r,rants-in-aid in connection faith the project which, together orith the local grants-in-aid tc be provided in co:mect5.on :~rith all other pro- jects o` t:~e local public agency on v.*'nich contracts for F'ec:eral capital grants have b eon made, will be at least equal to cne-third of the ag;~gregate net prp- ject costs involved in such projects; and 'ii•:RF,.9S, such local „rants-in-aid mzy he provided by a state, municipality or other public body, or by any other entity, anri may consist of donations of cash, larrl, demolition or removal work, and streets, utilities, or other site improvements, and the provision of parks, playgrounds, and other public build- ings or f atilities rd~ich (1) are primarily of direct benefit to the project and are necessary to serve or support the new uses of land in the project area or (2) are of direct and substantial benefit both to the project and to other areas in the cormyunity. D1CF,7, TIl1Rr~FO~',Y:, -ii T_T' RisSUL~ED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San -ernardino, Calif ornia: Section 1. That the Financial assistance providedby Title I of the 'Mousing Act of 1949 to assist local slum clearance and urbar. redevelopment projects is necessary; and Section 2. That it is fully cognizant of the foregoing; obligations and re- sponsibilities that are imposed under contracts for financial assistance pur- suant to Title I and it is in the sense of this body that such 6oligations and responsibilities can aad will be fulfilled; and Section 3• That an application for approval to incur costs on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino in the amount of ~3L,000.00 far• s~sveys a:ul plans for the followin~° area: De,•inning; at the southlaest corner of. Tract Ido. 31120, Carverdale Unit No. 1, thence east alonp~ the south line of said tract to the west line of r:uscott St•, thence north alone the west line of ?:uscott St. to the westerly prolongation of the north line of Sirth St., thence 3 ! 7f east along; the westerly prolongation of the north line of Sixth St. and the north line of Sixth St. to the center line of Tia Juana St., thence south along the center line of Tia Juana St. to the south line of Fifth St., thence westerly, southerly and southwesterly along the southern line of Fifth St. and State Highway Route 9 to tke corporate limits of tke City of San Ber- nardino, thence north along said city limits to the north line of Seventh St., thence east along; the north line of Seventh St. to the northerly prolongation of the :nest line of Tract P;o. 3420, thence southerly alone; the northerly prolongation of tYe west line of Tract iPo. 3420 and the west line of Tract 3120 to the point of beginnir~, in preparation of a project to be assisted under Title I is hereby approved, and that the Secretary of the Agency is hereby authorized and directed to execute aryl to file such application with the Housing and Home Finance Ad- ministrator, and to provide such additional information and to furnish such documents as may be required by said Administrator, and to act as the authorized representative of the aedevelopment Agency of tte City of San Bernardino, Calif ornia. Gomez moved, ;Pestbrook seconded. the motion that the following resolution be adopted. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Gomez, AkDill, svestbrook. iiESOLUT10P1 N0, lp N}~REAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, has authorized a filing of an application for advance with the Housing and Home Finance Agency, Jrban Renewal Administration, to provide for the sur- vey and planning funds necessary to complete the preliminary and final planniry' phases of Redevelopment Project ;do. UR Calif. 1-2; and `.![Ia'RE.4S, the Redevelopment Agency has detemined that it is desirable to have the project continue in accordance with the provisions of Title I of the Housing Act of 19L9, in force im^iediately prior to August 2, 19511; ilT.~? T?LTREF6E BE IT RLSGLVr:D F,Y ':'}1; Rc.L,4.sLOPP~PPYT AG&ICY OF Iis, CTTY OF San Bernardino, California, that the Jrban Renewal Administration Y-e re- quested to approve the subject application for survey and planning funds for the Redevelopment Project knvan as JR Calif. 1-2 under the provisions of the "old act," Title I of the dousing Act of 191x9, as authorized ander Section 312 of the ;sousing Act of 19~1a. Carlisle moved and Comez seconded a motion that the follo~ainF:, resolution be adopted by the Ag?ency. Roll call vote showed: ayes, 7arlisle, Chapman, Gomez, :icLill, L?estbrook. RESOL'J'LTOPI N0. 19 ?<?'P3R13AS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San P,ernardino, California, has determined that it is desirable to establish the personnel and rates of l ? ~~ compensation shown in the staffin and salary> schedule of the proposed budget contained in the survey and n1ann5.nl:; application to the Rousing and Home ?''finance Agency, Urban Renewal Administration for Project UR Calif. 1-2; and ':'A'REAS, it has been deternined that said schedule is comparable with local practices for similar organizations, work and responsibility; N6,^1 T'r.~REFCRE Eli TT P4,SC~4^sD by the Redevelopment Xgency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that above mentioned budget and personnel compensation policies are hereby approved and adopted subject to the con- currence of the Rousin;; and :dome finance A~~ency, Urban Nenewal Admini- stration. Carlisle mwed~ PicDi.ll seconded a motion that tke P'.ayor and Council be requested to adopt the approving resolution for the application and that tl~ officers of the Agency be authorized to sign the necessary documenta- tion for the application on behalf of the Agency. Roll call vote sha'wed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Comez,ricDill, l.estbrook. Tl:e staff necessary for the Agency d~~sin,_ the transition period after the resi;[natien of the present Director becomes effective and before the N:ayor and Council adopt the Tentative Plan h., or dirance Baas ^iscussed. A rough c's~>t of the, tentative pleui for UR Cal i° 1-2 prepared'oy the Di- rector i~ras dis?ributed and discussed. It. eras regcested that tYie netnbers peruse the report and be read;, to consider any desired ehanr-es at the next meeting. gomez moved, Carlisle seconded a motion that tk~e meetin,- 'oe adjourned to meet again on ':7ednesda;;~, April 2',', 19>j at 1y:00 P.'~-. Roll call vote shrnaed: ages, Carlisle:, Chapman, Comez, idcDill, ~.estbrook. P'.eeting adjo:..ir red at S:Cj P. Respectfully- s/u~bmit/t~ed,nlDl T /~/~~"' J s r. S7cDil1 - Secretary ~,?j hIinutes of tk:e Adjourned "looting of the RnilEVELOPN~IT AGENCY o£ the C,_ty of San i3ernardino, Calif crnia, held ir. the Council Chambers of the San Jernardiao City Council, City Hall, !~26 Third Street, San 3en~ardi.no, Aprii 27, 195 at !y:00 P.;. The ;nett:-ng was called to order by the Chairman at 4:1>' P..i. .~.oll call showed. the folloNdn present: t',embersCarlisle, Chapman, Gomez, '.lc:iill; Att~ney `:zrd, Lirector iraser. Absent, Iiernber 'restbrook, Also rresent ~.7ere Piaycu~ ~:ecm~je ?z. 31air, Councilmen 'tex 'J, i:unca~, ~'%illi.ar.; P. Howard, Clarence F, Joris, °_en !{irk and :.. );. Rreraer, and CounciLman- elect Courtney '., Short. The Chairman opened a general discussion of the pro:~oseri survey aad plann- in,> application to ii}TA for Project U:2 Calif, 1-2 to pr:nride .J1;, 000 for the remainin„ work to be done on the ~.-reliminaxy n].anaing, p'nase after the funds in the present contract Urt CrIli.`. 9-9 are exhausted, and a reserve of ~~30, 000 for i;he nr eparati on o£ a final elan Tor the rro ~e ct., if an ord~_ narce ~establishin~. a tentative redeveloprent plan is adoptefi b;i the ;~:ayor and Council. The AJency Director outlined the financial and tentative ;Mans "or to project to the 1~'ayor and members of the Council. There eras a F;eneral disc~~issien of the ~^.ropesed pla: rnd financial arran~e- ments, ,kith particular attention bein; E;iven to possible difficult re- loc~tion pro'olems and the financial restrictions on public aid and wzlfare of var'~-eus t~r?es. It appears that there was eneral agreement that it would be desirable nor the ?!a~~or and Council to adopt t1:c necessar3 resolution au^roring the sur- vc:_ and planning; application for U3 Ca1i-t. 1-2, A sketch £cm t%ie tentative pla^^, of Project Area 1-1 eras also d~snlayed and ew7ained to the b`.ayor and Council, The balance sheet of the Agency as of ;;arch 31, 19~> was distributed. to the T=ayor, Council and Agency members. ?':eetinE; aci journed at 6:00 P.'i. Pespectful]U~ submit~~••t}}''(e,,''d, es "". I"cDil~ Secret 1 `? 2 minutes of the regular meeting of the lt~~;3`J]L(. Pi~?;L1cT A:}E"CY of the City of San !ernardin0, California, helc in boom 202, 362 D street, San 3ernardino, California, tiny 12, 157 at LG:00 P. N:. The meet; n~ .aas called to order by the Chairman at 4:30 P.I;. Roll Call showed the follo*.-rind present: l~iembers Carlisle, Chapman, Oomez, 'destbrook; Attctt•ney `.~dard, former Executive Director eraser. Absent, ";ember S•icDill. i~'inutes: Carlisle moved, Oomez seconded a motion that the minutes of the meetings of April 21 and April 27, 19j5 be approved as distributed. Roll ca11 vote shared: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Bomez, "estbroe's. Absent, cliill. Bills: The follo?~an accounts were certified for pa~.nnent: sun Bernardino Blue Print Co - photostats of tentative plans of Project Area ilo. 2 i 33.33 ideno J. Spa{;na, drafti.ng services, l1 hrs ~ .3.00 per ~s. 12.00 Earl D. Fraser, travel, use of ei~m car 2-10-j5 throu;~h -~-j5, 122 miles '< 07; ?per .:ile ~ i?.711 Postage ~ a. 19 12.73 a. J. ;Ward, legal services, April 1j55 77.00 '":eneral 'telephone Co -services, April X1.50 Arrcn*^0 ad ('~a'fice 3q•a p~en~t Co -supplies 9.!y2 C. d. L3rn:a-:, ?:ay rent 60.00 'Pot al ,> 21P.9~ T`r. 'lard advsed the AS~ency he is now cl;ar;ing at hourly rate for his services. `.dest'orook moved, Gomez seconded a ?Notion that the treasurer be autha^ized to dra:a cheer on t_he funds of the A,tency to p,y ':Pie above bills. 3.011 call vote s;:ared: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Uomez, `Iestbrock. Corm~unic ations~ ~leneral discussion cf letter received from ;ii chard Ives „wing approval to proposed distribution of co^ies n£ Tentative Plan and Tentative Plan iteport to oamers and tenants in Project .1rea h3-^,alS 1-2 on t?•.e *rest site of the cit;,~. Contracts: Contract fbr Prelir;inary :ie-•_ise aid ]tar}:etabili tj- :ippr ai sal 0f lane. in Project Area 1 was xu esert ed, but P:s t.her disc assicn postponed un- til next mcetinC c_` t'~ A;;ency. Amendments tc '.'r. Simon lisner's ccntract were also brou;;ht up for discussion, Lut further action costponed tc the i:oxt meotinp of t1~ A[_ency r~hen 1"s. Ives will be present from San Francisco. Personnel: '.sere taus a :•encral discussion reyardi,~; ti7e appointment 0f a successor to "r. eraser, funds are availa?;le to zilcw payment of ~,:57~ uer mont?~.. The attcrra;.~ stated he cculd carry 0n the ac~r!i.nistrative duties of 9 :.. the agency fcs t!p next severa:L r-onths until after public hearings be- fore the i~Iay~ and City Council. ~r. Fraser stated that most of the planninC wori-_ is done and the a'u~inistrativr_ duties can be handled en a psrt t.-ime basis. :%arlisle moves, Gomez seconded a motion that ':,'s:. J. `axd'ce a:,ppinted as adm'nistrative Orfiicer for the agency at a salary of 0;250 per month. Roll call vote shared: acres, Carlisla, Chapman, uornez, F`estY;roolc, i~bse*,a, '..cliill. ~'r. 'Prascr then ~i.scussed the crocedure fcr remittance pf reports and plans t,o ~~3A, order of business at Agency's public hearing, ar;d nrepar- atior. of ',~relvninar,~ plan report for the federal govern;rent. ":'here Maas a disciLSSicn among; the r,emcers present a~o~ut: a change in time for retular eetings.FurtYier cLscussion ~:us mut over to the next meetir>L;. :`e stbroo}: moved, ~onoz seconded a notion t~a;'k, the meeti n;; ce ac;jo,rrned to 't^e ne.zt re.,-_tla.r meer.~i,; date, i:ay 26, 1-5 at L:00 P.'". oll call vote snared: a~~es, Carlisle, Chapman, Oonez, '.'cstbrcok. :~psent, ",:cli~iil. I-:eetir~, adjourned at 5:25 P. Respectfully submitted, _ . t:c i11 - 6ecretas^,,~ ` ':inutes approved by ao seat menber: c S~;ned ~ ___ 1?4 '.`inutes o£ the regular meetin,; of t}~ ,K'1Si['PrL'P A".3:;CY (p' TIIF City of San Bernardino, Cali''ornia, held in Room 202, 362 L Strut, San 3ernaraino, "'.qy 26, 1455 at 11:00 P.i4. iheetinc called to order by the Chairman at !a:10 Moll Call showed the £ellowinp; present: l-'.embers ",arlisle, Chapman, Gomez IfcLill, ;Iestbrook; Administrative 0ff;cer ldard. Also present were 3ichard Ives and i%arl `~'vewkirk, both of the Jrban renewal Admini- stration office in San Francisco. i;inutes: (%arlisle moved, ':~~iestbrook seconded a motion that the minutes of the meeting of I:ay 12, 1955 be approved, after correction in paragraph under Contracts, to show Project Area 1 instead. of 2, as typed. Roll call vote shaaerf; ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Gomez, }~'cDi.ll, ~:Iestbrook. Bills: The £ollowinpt accounts were certif ied for payment: San `sernardino Blue Pr_.nt Co - nhotostating of mans for 'rroject Area 2 3 ~j.22 R 3C Kelly -premium on bond 12j.00 General Telephor~ Oo of California, services, ;-!ay 7.45 Arericau ':iationaltank - rv*ithholdin;~ de??os::t 117.?0 "cliill moved, Gomez seconded a motion that the treasurer be authorized to draw checks en t?~ funds of the AKeacy to pay the above bills. Roll call shrnaed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, 3omez, b1c~i11, 4(estbrook. Communicstions: Administrative Officer read a letter received from the ;?ousin;~ and "ore?ina~ce Agency attorney requesting; certif ied copies of oaths of c`fice am resolution of appointment of Plember Gomez and re- appointment of Yiemb^,r ','dill. Administrative Officer advised members he had requested such documents from the City C].erk and they will be farwarded to iii-eA as soon as completed. ;iousit>E; and Horn °inance attorney had also requested certified copies of the resolution anrointin the ne*,a Administrative Gfficer, =-embers and l:r, Ives discussed t};e fact that no resolution ha6 been furnished at the time of t?.e appointment of the former director. _s. Ives explained that tiro Leeal De_o2rtment of has a};ency was bei_nt-~ very careful about obtaining information concernin:; a,opointmeats and oaths o` office by members and directors of local afencies. .'dcDill moved, Gomez seconded a motion that the fcllowin~: resolution be adopted. Roll call vote shaaed; ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, '~omea, I/}cLill, ':destbrook. -.:?E3s.AS, Section F. of Article II'. of t}:e By-laws of the i'.edevelopment A-ency o£ the City o£ San Bernardino, California, provides that the AE,ency may, from time to time, employ such personnel as it deems neces- ary to exercise its pagers, duties ar;r. functions; ',° 'i0,', L-"'~h:.r(73'r: B3 If T.~SC'IVdD 35" THE icctiEVEL(`P4:'.,'T A::^~...~° Cl' T:i'•.' CITi ^F' SA°; BEHPdARDINO, CA:.I?O?1dIA: That `7i.lliam J. 4lard be, and he is hereby, appointed Administrative Officer of said Agency, a-rd. he is hereby authorized and empoc:ered to act f~ and on behalf of said A~eney in carrying out the puaers, duties and functions granted him by said Agency, and in representing said Agency in its negotiations and trans- actions with I:I-k''A and UaA. Administrative Officer also read Hart of letter fram ?'r. Ives regarding the exclusion of certain properties from Project Area 1, and stated a simple explanation will be made and fororarded for ite=s not understood by the San rrancisco office. Contracts: Administrative 6"fiver advised members of receipt of Meal Estate Guide Estimate -`~rom Evans and Saca~;e for Project Area ,',`l, also thair statement in the sum of ,r17~0 coverin.balance o° cayment due on contract. After discussion the matter r?as held over until members and Achninistrative Officer have had time to check contract. !?egardin,^ the contract for re-use and marketability of lazed in Project 1, Ac6ninistrative Officer advised that I°r. Savage had indicated he did not believe it would be possible to make such a survey for the ~i500 as originally t}sought, it mi.-;ht be twice that amount. The Chairman advised the Administrative Officer to keep in touch with is. Savage and with ts•. Willard '~hite regarding the appraisals. (t~'r. 'r~hite had appeared in t}e office be~:ore t'se meetirf~ oral called and. had discussed ori.th ';r. Chapman the matter of an appraisal). Tentative Plan tteport: Administrative 0^ficer advised he had not gone over the reaort in detail, which had been prepared by the f oraser director just prior to his leavin,~~. ;~Sr. ?ves suggests that it be submitted to his of five _`or review before the psinlic hearirk's. Administrative Officer stated that the Tentative Plan, the Tentative Flan 3enort and t:~ ?Notice of Public Eearin,> will be se.a to :(r. Ives' office prior to the public hearing. '.~!r. sues discussed in detail the lengthy procedure involved by state law in holclin!- the public he ar;_ry-s. Other"ousiness: It had b een suggested that the re~-ular meetin3 time of t}~ Agency be changed, either as to ti:e day er the hour. After discnssi.on it was d'~sly moved and seconded that the followi n,_- resolat ion be adopted. 'tcll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, =omez, ;~icliill, ~.%estbrook. B_: ri (:3S!7ULL BY ~ ~t[.,)EULhr P-'1 ~i As^~.:CY '_I Tf~ C1T1 T SA'i ' :vtliIDi~~, CALIT~'OR"IA: That until otherwise provided by x•esolution, the ?;embers of t%e l:edevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernasscliao, California, shall hold re{ular meetin„s at 14:00 P.ii. on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each !eonth at the office of the Agency. The next regular meeting will be helr on June °,, 19j5. 1 `~ E Simon sisner's contract and amendments: Chairman advised '.~:.. Ives at length regarding the backprownd and the mai<in~; of the original contract 'ai.th '`r. Eisner, and the loss to i'r. Eisner by his mistaken offer. The Agency felt the survey had been a verp good one and if possible would like to reimburse him For apart o^ his loss. The :hairman stated that the Agency Brill go over t'.re ratter fm•ther to see if anythinF~ can be done to assist 'ir. Eisner. i:cDill meved~ '.'estbrook seconded a motion that the meet~n:• he adj~u•ncd to the next regular meetirk; date, which vriL. be on 'dednesday: ~ June &~ l~'S5 at 4 ?.t'. o'cloc};. teetin;~ adjourned. at 5:00 i'.i-~:. Respectfully submitted J es cDill - Secretvar~y~~ imates aF the re;;ular meeting of the ~ :'T~i,cP ,i ASE.~C`I of t'.-~ City of San ''sernarcLino~ Cali.Fornia~ June .`,~ 1~5$ at x:00 P.''. There was no meeting held on tlis date because of the lads of a quorum. Tae next regular meeting date will be 'dednesday~ June 22, 19;5. Resoectf~ally submitted, e (~~/J ~, J ~ s F. Idclirll - Secretary `~I Ptinutes of the relula.r meetirT; of the :~i;1r'JGiL~UPl:~al' AGED: CY .m Cit~* of E,an I'sernrdino, California, held in :Room, 202, 362,E Street, San C)E:rnardino, June 22, 19y5 'a 1;:00 F.:.. The mee~in;3 *.~ras called to order by t'ae Chairman at 4:1~ R.!. Loll call shaaed the fol'_os,rinF:: present: Tie mbcrs Oy~rlisle, "hapman, Gomez, ':'estbreok, F.dministrative C~ffic er '. hrd. Absent, ;'e;:L er i°.ci;ill. Minutes - !}omez moved, Carlisle seco::ded a moticn that the r~inutes of the meeting of Play 26, 19y5 be acproved as distributed. 301]_ call vote sho*~red: ayes, 7ar].isle, C::ar man, Goraez, ~'°lestbrocl:. Absent, '-'chill. Bills - :"ne folloiriq; account s ~;*ere certi''iaa for ^a;;rer:t: .. J. Lyman, rent, June -,~ 00.00 State Oomoensaticn Insurance Func? 1'rerr.5.ur 2r '2 i~~rric an ~::ational Sank - ~;2 t;!:;;ol din:- de^c ~~it 121. FO ^IeLal ;2~'3 ':"7aslisle mm~ed, 'iestbroek seconced a moti on that the treasures 'oe a~,tiror- ized to dray checks on the funny of {. he An;e=ycy to nay the abovs bills. !Zell call vote showed: a52s, Carlisle, '~hanr:an, ::omez, '.:estl;rook. Absent, 1'cHill. Contracts -Administrative C`ficer "ard discus red the real estate acq~.isi- tion cost a-y7raisal made by Savab^e and L`vans for °rojeci. 1, and stated he believed the report is sub stsntially as it s}rould be and that it has been complied rorith in .;7.1 phases legally, out ~.ould like morn brie to ~;o over t';e re~~ort before finally approvinv to the A€;ency. TYye Adr*Snistrative QFfic er awised members t?vt. iir. ~.iillard White had con- tacted kyim and advised that he could not bid on a_,!;raisal for re-use pf land in quost~.on for less than ~~~1500. 'r. Savage has not recently been contacted, but previously also did not feel it, coulci'oe done for lea than .;1P(y0,, Chairman requested r.cministrative 0^°-"cer to follow throe;:-.'r, znd to cc?i~tac~ !'`r. Savage. Ad'2inisl:rative CPficer advised that there has not yet been any contact witL r. .~isner, I:e believes i~ir. 3icner's statemont of additional ti;ork performed. is substanC Tally satisfactory atiid ma;r only need. more detailed explanation. Chairraai suE,gested that a special meetia;; be devoted to the Tentative °lan 'deport. notice of Gearing -General discussion was held repardi.-d; the preparation of the 21ot:ice of Hearing. Admdnistrative 0°ficer ex7lained the federzl and state re„ulations regaz`dit},: such a notice :a!iich must be published. The -pur- pose n" the notice is tq r;ivc ever; one t?-:e. o~yportunity to ?»ticipate in the hearin... ?ou;;h draft o.` a notir_e was distr;_o°ated to the ,=_embers for t'veir perusal and cons-ideration. The Chairman believes ishe rouih draft no'ti.ce is toed as it stands and will be s~:tisf actos-y erce??t fcu^ a four minor chv~~;es. ' ), ~? Chairman inquired oi' Adninistrative 0"fi.cer re~ardirti; the imresti~;aticn into t?ie problem pf relocation o£ residents o`tdze area and man;ier in ediich fire ::ounty `.:el£as`e Division assists. Administrative Cr'ficer will be able to repcu•t on his invest~;eti.on orthin t;te nest week. equisiticn - £?~re was a ferera]. d'~.scu:,sion re:~a.rdinti; tl_e final requi- sition to be r~laced fcr the balance of ;x2905 still on the ordinal loan from the'Pederal sovex?:merst. Administrative 0".£icer advised the Agency that it is necessary that he have authm~izaticn to act as the official rearesentative cf the Ai;ency in a•?y dealing=s rdth the state regardiia: Social. Security etc. rriestbrook moved, Gomez seconded a motion that the Acbninis trative Officer be so a~.thorized. -toll call vote shooed: ayes, !%ariisle, Cha?man, Gomez, '.ie stbrook. A'ose: rt., b`.cLiil. „eneral. discussion was held regarding t?•:e calliry%', of a special meeting within a week to consicer the 'tentative Plan !teport and the '.`otice o£ rieas`.ng onl;,~~. Tt pas finally decided teat an early morning meetin~t be held, and radio stations, newspaper, Planning' Comrcission and `'r. Fiugh icLmes of the Pioneer Land and 'iitle Company all 'oe notified of tk>e special meeting. Carlisle moved, 'destbrook seconded a motion that the meeting, be adjourned tp the special called meeting on ~.:'ednesday, June 29, 1955 at 7:00 A.A', o'clock. Roll call vote shared- ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Come z, •festbroek. Absent, P!cDill. ~`:inutes approved 'oy assent membere Date .~" sls7SD /.- ~~1 C I~ :?espectftil.ly snbrnittod, J .es "'. :c 'ill - yecretasy- 1 `? g .- ., ,ee or ~ ., .:cal ,.-~i...,,. ;.~r. ~.. .-. -....,,,.: . ~. „__ ~ ., .. _ + _ ~ ~. .,.._. ~.x rcY..7c~ ,1.-.,..-,r > ,a _~ is ~:rc,1 °C2, 3 ~ ~ `tl t, ^~.rlr ' .~di. dame ° ~ -. ._ at ~v0~~ S. . =oll esll s rn*nd t`ic _'ohar. rese:,,t. :?:;ers %_rlis'' ~ apn ~ 2_c~> ?.c~i Ll, `, es+,rcoltg 1 ~.inistr 'vc _ :er 'ar'', qty h.~_. gar J~ -o.. ier as .ar l,es ~. _cc~:or rc^. t.~e a;,~l ~-r_ r . ~o :. ~ :~>r. a:.. -., ~, rtta - ~ , ~51e rov ,:.~ -,r t n^k e• c ~.. a .c -~.,.i i. _,t t~,e rriu~~es qC . ~ ~ ., ter r^r ~i-*._ n!' J~.uie "o~ r _ .,. d as ~.., ~ u.,_~ .oL ~ ll vo Ce .~.. ndc clirs~ ...-rlis Lei ~-.2a ..i> do,~.,~_e .»_~ n<. ...aclt~ -cLi'J. _ ~ ..s , t t-~ =1,u~ •r-~.ctrt -ina_ 1 ze reet _~ c~~.11ed es ~~ _~ ~ to c.c ^s .ice or eo+ra±.ive ='lan ? r.ort wic :`~r of e ^, ;~~e sir_.> 't're ~~a ;::;_ entered in` ;c~~s>yon ^° * n 'tenon a,t once. e _'o~~s 'hart t^e re^oi~t i _:.ct cne e~:ce~~'t t t ~rart ~_r,-. i~as to ro ~ `.he ~r-~-co-~ticn oP resi . Its in ,~, t?~.e ni r.ect area. ~~e ~__~.~._ n asked t`e d.'_,.i i ~crativ `.F1eer laat .'c Sac 1--~rned "''^an h-_s ^ont act a i ^. ~~~e :hector r" i'ee b ,~i 'ern,,r' _no Ce~z°zty '31'•.^T'e ]__x'.51011. °he d_. ~n~ str~ti.ve C ''ic or xe ~erte at lEr.-th oncerusn ~`~.e i ors 1 _ aes r,' re1i';xc sue. ea eeedy resc.eni,s: _ to nee - l;lad - ai.- 1 ~ ^.eed~ c?li .ar en - ~ i ~ ^~ it end ~°, ±o ne~c~ s,,cc. '' ,ai:'r ~, ~.e~lsc ~e`a'`- se+. ,.. i~~^ `rv~~ t'::e Sun-Pele,_.r~., r,.~rir those a7ica reside^ts -.izo ase h _. !' _.'~. L •at noC ~~ ~ i}~le .) . ~ im ,trativo ~ -- ~.. r~ _ ,,,,. _ ~~ co r~ „_ ~ .,._ _ic. t.o £:,c n,c.:: 'o 1, ct is nd ^enkrc-] ~ ,*~r'„~- ~.^ rs '_ Lr~e rec inients~ ,-ardle ~ .._, the ,e of .. ... Ll 1 ^nb aid .. ;urre cr less t~ :;or ,,r^,~,^ ,ticn ?ac ~ _ ,.. .: non- citi z,ens. C'1. 3;e A;.d is only alle>rred to citizens over 6~ ,-ears c- -;_ e. °nch citizens are •rro>>~~rt.,, ol~r.:ers and t'aeir rroo:art; nux~cha_ed :. nc tY.e r~>T Chase ar~.ce e~:ceecs tze rcin~inu:. allaaance, t~e;- sre esentl•, rcruirec.'e be iaion ^ +,e air -,n$1 the~.r o,-n 'ua~;.s '^-cz~~ h on ,.=e .-~ ?nd they are -gain at {;`e level a7lo~rin=' "or iu;~lic i~'.. 7: a -_:,i;a zoard cf' '.-~~crviscr .i__'.~.t po5s ~ ra'-a sort c -e ._. ..e ~a~ese.>i, nolic _n sicn ca ~_.> _, -,17oaa ^ r ~ tt•t;;r oo.ners rC rpl ~;n~ olr ae ..,.a+r: re t;o rc ~a~ est ale rrcc .a r..~1.. -,r e~ .idea c , ~. to o-. a, tar-,,inat i:~.- ~1d ~ ent:. loci-mil Sec lrit~' a~a7_ies to res dent. ~hels~ a~;n - t ,:a~: r~e~ t s a;•~ ce.l+ ~ n;_ent cpo.: ear,:ed i-~co'ae~ i or _renert~r v, _' a_ i~ions no ,ale -~roceecs. ,.~~ ry .~~i.en _.' hrnt + E~_ __ _o.mr~ rrr.>^ns li-rin,° ~lon, tre ''re-. ..u~. teen cared + os _*^s t r.,.. '_-rt~ u^. Jit~ :'].amier '__o, iar rs^orted tha i is in,~'c~'a~. a.t;on `rom s >tai.e r 't-o£..: .> ^.-~n -.stn t~~c e""ect th t u;ile req-ael:tl ^ara^ns s,•, ? cc^rlai t' :.~ -~.~rox.rt•> o mers are not 11e c' ~~,°fi^ient *or t',~'r ^ro,ert,~ bui ners~ns ro `snla ~d had beE. .,.>sisted in ^in.~n~ .~or~es zs . ood, alr. o`tentirt~s l~et,t~r t' an -- ~.e _i-'. l:o~~e am~ et rise- thin tbo rte- ~r t'~C ~ nrener.,~, _ :in* to-<o-1 ~er ~ :'..~ ats,te _~-o`-. ~v~ :~r ~at reloc :t-ono sti ah rE. '-ce~tits te„E ~:t; ~_r^r sl ..t ..r~:L=;:.°. 1;~~t '~e Jhax'::an s: ~ests that, ,~ ,?.,ni~trativc -~;'icer :-~cet again ^th + r _~.. teeter e£ the '7ounty ';eL"are wisicn emu? t7;ea *.ith the ':3o~sd of Cn~erviscrs +,o consi::er. '.he foci-;oin;:. s•oLlem. )`_e Whet '1cLi11 enbered at this rcint. several pales of t .e enta':ive Pl. ax ~a~or± mere gone over br t!~ Chair- -an axd the ACenry r~~:en:bers a:d questicns as':e' re~;aruin-. cert;~^ hems. "ie Chairr:mx -ri~1 atternt to see the :a~*or, and ccpyr o° tl~ ,Lenort is to '_~ for~axded tc '.:~ '.ayror, i~' he dces net alre dy'xace ene. -. ''hair a._ .,ta'_ec he fce1> t?-at a,rrov~ o" 1, -~ .?o sire ,:.i' ?lear ing: s ~o~,11d be held ov ,~r an+il _, ^e~;t ;~alax :. etin- ^r F :;:- .. ity Planner :.osier innaired a-s to ~-.E actice cf heexi.z-: to be urlisheQ prior to tYe ~=te;xcy's adoption o` the Tentative Plat. for Project 1-2. +e tae advised that t'.e d<~: c; Trill nail a co - o° t;~ `IOt ice of i:earinr-- to eac!- ira visual ^ro-~:rty o;r~er aid resident r't'^~in the Troject area. ~..-u:ish s ~~l:in. rember o` tre i:E:en ,~~ :_odol s ~ n:cez, su -csted and o"feted ni-~se1f t.o :elivnr sash ne` ic,es oor ~~.11;;- to 'ro -~_;rsors in tl•.e esea, axd at '.,g ^. :,-re r. .bald ?~ uulr.; to -~s-ac~r ,-a: st,-,.,ns --.at i,~: .F,.o °asi- denla. . T:ie :'?~aix•n-:an inquired. i= tip i1a:.niry; ~~er~mission :~?ould care to have a :eetir,_, ~ri~th t!-:~= ~.,renc~. 0ity Flanner 'osier stated tl~:at i'' one cf the .>t;ency trrcup could attend a snort meeting c^i t?: the Pla.mind CoL.issicn ard. advise the Wes n•:e^iners cf t"at Oo;n;xissisn of tiw ai..as axr intent of +_:~ A,_;erc;r, it *.;:muld be vcr~:- helpful. amity Planner su~;ested t;~at .'~Jency T:z^bzr cr :nc^bers ^eet ~:rit'_: th= Pla:~nin~, ~c~c,;ission :"er half an hour ahead of that Cor~r^ission's reular meeting date on 'i`aesd2,y, Jul;; 19, 19 at 7 o'clod< t"., tha'-e to be co:xfn..e ~ _. i"osier by Jul;,- ~. '.asturocic moves, 3onez seccnded a rroti on tt:at. the meet in,- be adjourned to tree next raJul.ar r:eetin~ date of the A_;ency, July 13, li>S at 4: C0 °.... Rol]. call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Uh apman, Gomez, '_:cDill, `.iestbr2e_:. P'_eetin... adjcar•ned at 8-1~ d. +.esnectful7y subratted, J ,es r. _ c;~il~ Soeretary .5 ~ --,.nutos o the reCul~r , :et n„ cT he ~... _ _ ~ .._ the C;t o" San fer~_:ard:-~o, !a1..... mia, belt. is Soar 202, 3d D Street, San 3ernerdi rto, du:Ly 13, 15:5 at L:00 Y.'_. Phe aeetinr :;ras called to order by the Chairman at x:20 F.'. . ~c11 call s'~aaed th~~ folloi~riar; present: '::erai~ers Carlisle, Chaprcan, 3ome•~, 'fcDiL~ `'iesthro.^?c; ._,'mi.;x-istrative ["ficer '•:esd, absent, none. '~inut=s -'.'dill :-loved., to^ez seconced a riot; en t!u~t t':e rinutes a" f::e neetw; of Jz~re 22, 19j$ Le approved as c_stx•ib at ed, ,td1 call vote sher:ed: a}, ate, ~;rl3sle, Chapm4n, ~ioricz, ~_c il~ ;stl:r:,ok. d'nsen~., none. 3i11s - ::x frllo~ai~~ sccoants Caere presented aad certi°ied £or _x~,ment: ll:irectcr of lntereal ievr-.Hue 6!a.~0 lent. o; smnl.o~-ment -State Jne--ple;,~eaent In s•,x ante 71,2E ire'nt. o;P Cmnlo~:ment - nICA .`~~.62 Savage ::E~:vans, balaa~ce ,;,~ en contract 10-19-~1~ 1~y0.00 :aadys 'derbur~, prepaid _~,ostz.;;e 2.L,E .,, ', li;,m:an, rent, Jal~~ X0.00 '!'otal a 20: Carlisle rr,oaec, !-cDii1 secen<ied a r~.otion that the traasnrer be authorized tc draw checks on t'^e `»nds of the .al;enc,r to p~~ the abrn•e '~ni11s. !toll call vote sho:ced: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, :omez, ::dill, '.~estarook. Abserr+.,, none. Cer~unications - Administrative Cfficcr adatsed the Ar-une- of t-~ re.:aipt of x290`;, the balance on Contract 'Tft Ca1iP. A-9. Other bast-Hess - 'The Chairmar_ disc~~sed t'~,e conference he anri the Aduini- strative Officer had txd i~ritkx the ::ayor, n.t :ra.etx time the situation on °ro e et Area 2 was t.;one over nth t:e Lay or in detail. '!'i~:c Ct:a_s•.~..._. ,."elf ter-, the!':a~~or, a^ter heari.r><.~ the trn:; facts re^;ardir.: `~t:e gore ec~;~roject, _s favorable ta.-tards the rnoject, t:is cht.ef concern being the relocat on of t?:c rer..deats `..n t!:e -yrea. ::erber A:d~x11 ~-scussed a me~tin:- he had atte:.ded this date c;itL the d- partncnt Lead pf t~re City Yar; ]ecax`tr!ent, Jo ancilrar. 'tort and v. s9_oas r,~~rc`~snts nn ., 'ler „e Aven~:e. It i.s their idea ant -pro:~osal ghat proper- t,j* at eleventh Ctreet anri ::i,. Vernon Avenue be xndafl.^ ~n '::rojoca tiroa 2 r3ra! ire tr ansf or nvd into a rlaza par's area as an annroact: +,o the tit-, and t'xF- -~esire the ~~eln of '~Y~e -sedevelo?ment 1-;ency ir.::a cgs; t_~:is a realit~r, i;er b.:: "'~cG_ ~1 dvvL^:d the ce.~..ittee t, rt there is ~ZOthln ~ha k-en c.- can do to help thec in such a -:ronos al. .~. ,. ,. . ~.: nt7x.s ~•.-.ra~ ve .. .er u. sc~.. sed h1s cetin;~ nth r. as :ei•car'.~, =•ho c. Ilea ,at t'~ cf "ice of tlx~ .>~en c;,° on Julxr t,, t r'.id:~. cu„e the ,e:rt dive Plan ~:urd t,Ye tentative Plat ,.e?;ort more ~;orin, ovor :in dtail. 'r. iewicir?c ~..n cxr:ed ire 4,u~l;Zistx•~tive (`t`iter t.at -.Y.e 're1~~-i.zarr Frdect ..~rort r,1s+. he ar~nrove~'. befpre ax1~. ~.,t..tve la-: :.c_~ox• t is s ~,b _-, fed, the f or:ner ,r<eeutivc L"s•ector had felt tr ~: Jae ~ ci. ir~.in ar~ Ii-o je..t c?ort , old !:;: ~.~ .; ., a.rre':ec t J'.iA .at ^.e sane, r.e the ;-i?~lic b _~. ns _re 'oc~n.; 1:e1~ lor.ll~~~ b t c: -n- n„tile ^~.^,t^• is .d:cis %r.' 'r e'r'' t?'~°~t urtit~el' this cm i- not `.~.. de~~~e. _ "~r-n~_ ; ectnr ~.s ,rc_ared nr ,t ,_ ,. •~~ iateri.~ n-cess i'c' c c~~ a rernrt a-id ` ~ c.,-~;~s~ t ,alra -. r er ,~;i ~ ~ ,!-n ovc ' [^e r .- _.ri ~7- on .~/! ± n i .. r_. a -,_~, i.onal '~ ~- lcm _i.on ^.ecessar,,~ _°or~ it:, ec r:,7 _..... _ ~_ ,.,; cis geed _n detail 'nz- i_ .1:;e,~~ _ ^o~:_ , ~ u ..- , ~ ni.-, ~_r. __ i ~r sestet t, ascert,. n "r^m t e '~~r-per `ire~t~ so.^i ;-r• co-al c -.-le~~ t',e re-,o_t. m' P ~.^',.i nist.r atb~e ^ficer Fhrn Yron ~~'_ io £ e -tent- n - n:' t':P .~.+erc~,- ii~. a't it. is nece5 s,-; th- a 7euci r ^erti°er 'oe e ,oi^ted '~'Eie Soh er hrec to ~a:''o eea so ,-ar~ec, t'.ie. r„~F ~_,~„ i „ c,.,t_ns ;: as .u_u a`tor ~..s res;.~- _~;t__nTl. ~t',roc!; o.~~'~ :o -..c,-.cam'. a n.r L~~. ~_at T -.. ~ - '"cr ll., - _ retar ~~ ,noiitad as t e 'o.,c: r :rti' .,r "-- z. s ene~,. _'.cll Ball v*` .~.. a~~s, ,~,.~sle~ ._ ~ ..:<e z, '.11., ,+,'orool a:,~aat, -~P ?~ r ;zr ,_,7.e's ter-, r.,, a r,~-',~er o ~ ~~lr -. _ n 3c'>t o-cbor, 7 'tie '.y;. :cxi ~-:ester. to the 1c,r 2n_s tr. ~;.vc (.`+, ,.. er the ~ :.e acvise tie Lacor' o~'''ico o +ue c~ it _ on in nr r:er t%rt a nei T»~oirtnert or r .al ~ ^a cow;-„ ter, 'L-,' •^e cafe n e.9~r ,-rl-is7 's a_n~c, ...e_^t,~s e '_nn~ ..cC~ ~~tn~.,.er ,~ it .,_ ~,~ a,:,~, .,_ "o'r ~-es.rs s z.zrt r.'.': °'c er 2 car a_ r c. ~_; ,~}.~. " the -'ai`,er c ..e -ronc 1'.- ssv -e a,d ,r~r_s "or .:~n +'_e~..^~:ralsal.. o t _ la~:~r 1 _ _t. ea 1. - ~ e :.n' .-1,..__. ~ ,a~o ira _n~'. r. -- 31._ _: IC _pP ti,._ t_ npy __ __..~ i. a~ r~ _.._ tz_ ~„ ..,o„ ~~~:, .„^ .tom. ~F• ^ + _'_c~ -cl , n_ +r - ~ . ~.e. t~ t ^n 11~ .~~.. 1~ ~RZ-~ A °1 ~. 1]1 ~ f. Jr~ ~ .: ~7 ..-~ ~~ ,__ ~.. ..~ -_.. °c ~i ~'ed '. .,-.. ^~.isle r~ ~_= ~~ .e3 a ^:r ~cn a't ~ _ t?~ ..ne~~~ '~n her ~.^~ s' ,i: l .~c .3 Sn -:rr~ acc^an ~ .d at ~. t' + +~,~. ~ ?t i., to e f~ecide~ ,~thar it ,ai 1.7. be -.,-. ced in the sane barek_ a ~- L'e-ent hr ~~~cii~ nr ,~ dif P~ ^nt ba.. ci'_ call vcu.; .,;.o,d ec: ~~1 ~.;;~ %cr. ._2~ ~,^„°.^'t~ clcZ~ .._ 11, ~•rnoL. _r' •tcae. ':~ _..1 °o•.~a ~~ ~.'asth _., sec~i ,ec ,. ~~e ti c^ _. .~ r;ec _,i 'ro ..~~.,at nec tr ,e newt re ,alar uu tirl ~ +.o, ~_ c ~~i7.1 a :'mil ~"~ l;: ~'= at !x:00 _ t', co_;. ,wc, ...,. ~=yin_~ -~ Yrl . ,- - r-: _ -. ~_-.. _- - _. ~t,~ l r l c~ ', t ~~$; a _. lr-r ,? no 1~1.., 'ial~. L ccrt ~QZ, ?~.2 _,r~et, ~_n 'ors ~iinc, ~ 2?, ~~_ :.t.~ ^~! ; .:". • r ,otin -as c-f sc to ~. ,_r ~ -,: ~ :~~..:~.:: ~ ".~.c1~ '. .. . +.oll 717. ', c red t'~.e follocri~. esen -er-w x Ch.a?r.-n, '.cii71, ':est- hroo};; Ad.S.nistrat :~e ""leer `xd, cLSent, r~iocr ~~a~is7.e. zte-s - tlftor e~.rrections to t'ie rams es o' ys '.~, "'~~, ~. c~il1 _oved, do-iez secun~'ed the r:otion ti the ni.c.,~., .~ ~,oJ:.c ~-~rrectec?. ':07.1 cu~1 vote ,i,r-cdc a~'es, ihai~::~.:, moo: ~z, _c~-iil,~7est?~xcol:. A'o.^,eat, ^ri~16. s ~~_ - "'~u, '017_ol-rin, ,~.]s rcr _ .s ~7 ~e.,; any c^rti{~i~ r, °or -ca„r~~rt~ -~. ter s7. '.'e7 t. hone ~c r, G~12` .':•~.ia - crvice ~L'3C a.~. ~T ~L.' '>5 i 22.1;1 Ssraa ~ _... ~1 ;;~; - su r,.lics, JnR- ^7 .cstbrork rove d, Goriea secrnded a motion that the treasta er U~e a-!ti~arie ec to ~sa*a c?~octs or. ~_ fan3s o_ tie .., eac"-- to zap t`~e above bills. ]loll call vote st~cred: ~~es, Shat ~3n, 3orcz, -.cLi~i, 'aesthrcok, Ausent, %as'1 i s l.e . moo:^_raniaations - Correspondence i~ias rrosented rrem I r. °'red Ctevsl:jr, a ~~,revions applicant Por tk~e position of Directcr ; or the At~esc~ , i~:iio is wain arr,:nrin:~ for file nos~t,.on ,.., airn:a~ s°.y:_.ested that t.e hr~iri- str tive O'ficer adv-~ .: i'T, +cv~r_y"t: t onl? r;.rt ti:~. ~loyment is av ,. ~.laele i '1•' ; tir?r?-~d h. anrl.i; ~td..on rod77 .e i:61~: i^. t~,e file _:;,:, ~..... .',.ztu-. e. TLe `or:aer lirector's regcest that the 19;1 annual repot•t a tic A~;enc be n?esentec t~ ?~.e ~a7cnai .9ssociatian ~: !:oa=- ;::.c 3 evelon- n' __,.7.ci.als a- an cntrz~ into ccaetition ;=it`. other annual regcu-ts aeu;,~hcut idv nation, -ra '~rna~; ~;t wi far di:, cus Sion. 7::e Cha'u^r~an .~;-,-ested t>, at t?re~ o_.:,s c." the ra~~c-'t '.e artered into the xr,°~etiti on. P~anninC Cor~rissa.on _eatinU -The Adrrinis trative Uf£icor renorted on the „,PCti ~tS cahic'r, the dhair c:aa :~nC he ham... has ~ai.t'~ t',~c Ci t~ rl anrfin„ o.,v-d ssicn on Tnl_~~ lp, 19». It had evicentl~r L~-~.7 assamed by some reside-its £ro.:: the ?-*eFt side n t'za; ci* tht~.t t'~-s ,~eeti_rk; erculc] tic in t:~ nat,ure o~. vu''rl it heari::><;, tri:ereas it -rn_s only to ac,~naint the nea members of the o ...fission °t*, t'~e c~~ect_;es arr' the ai~es of t~e 3edevelcprient ".~,en cy. is i~~as ex- elain~d to the audience asser~blod. is coon or the .;i;ency''s Tentative P1ai; ';eT~t, minas the telocation Soation n^ t`ie ti~~~ar't, was ~x•esented to eac%~ aember o" the :%oc: ~. Sion. ^ire Actr2inistrative Cf£icer renorted or. his latest con`ererce ~~rLt1: the pirec-tca^ o` San !er^~ r~no Cn~nt~, `:e].eare relief and save the d c c~ "fie hreP-do-,m o` the various ~-inr's o` a;d _~'rinistered.'"he nun_ner of~''a:ri2.ies in dire need c£ relocertion in °roject _.rea 2 is not nearly- sc ;-reet as ^t first, believe d, and theref er- .Lt is net ~. elt +; i; tLe ni oa lea. o- e.~.,ut lnr- t' -c r^si~. ents ~-ri P_ nrwent ton -reet .i ~'~~'f:.cu i. t~~. j ;; !: ~., ~d~^inic'.ra±ive --car ~ .cassec _'.,'.~ t'~e a_enc3~ -enbers ~~~ tune c~ednle for i':~,a ~ ~ntz.*,inn c'" the 'roject cr. orts and!:etice o" .ev^in~ as he ai:~. s. :~ez~r1_irh fro:^ t~ e ~.~. ,r.~ c3sco office had re- ce~•:tl;y done ever it, an r. it i~ fe7_t t'~,„t to Fate evcryti:in;; is c.acti- cally on s .ho6ale. axe ~i~.ar_ c~. sa . Stec. t tl:e eloeation 'cetics: of the Tentative Plan 3e~ort ne'.; be re-v*ri;te~; in orcer ti at the Teu- ,,,tiv~ ;'lan `teaort can'.:e _ -.~~{<-c. a general discussion ~:=ar ?~:elc rear;~n~~. the completion oS t'.ze Prelimi- nas~j Project deport, i~d:ich is requ=sed'~;,r the fedoral ~_overa~^.ent, *Pisereas t'.xe Tentative Plan '.c~ort is a si,ate regairer_ent. T_:e Chair- na-; su~T.;ested that the Adru.nistrati.ve C."ficer ";et in touch ?-*ith the scr-:er P;irr,ctx re ardin;; cc~;pleticn o` and,os*~s nece~sar; for the ?reli?ninar,; Projec~ 'epor* in order that it, +o.-flier r=?itY: the :otice o` 7earin; n~ be ar;zroved :or actor _oa by i,cc. 1c.enc~ at L'2e next re,_u.ls meeting date, *.-i_ii ch ~~ill be~ A:>i; ust l.), l^5$. ~c>tLrook -cr~ec, :c.:ill seccnded a notion t%~ -axe neetin~ be adjourned { tt~e ;xe~a, re„alar .actin,- date, Aar~st 10, 1;"<7. 'cll ca7.l veto sho;aed: ayes, S~xapman, !:omen, :'cdill, `:esthroo?:. .'sbsent, Carliale. ;.'e,et;_ni'. ..njonrred at '; •!.rj °..-.. . cr,2 ct£~~11~, su.;a:a.tted ~x;s ". ".c_.i1i_ _ Secretas•~.• B"mutes anoroved b-r absent r^ember: i vnte ~- ~~- S J _ 'r....^iscu, ,.r' r~o „_ x~-^~tl:e ~."less ~ .:i _ _:;.i,_ Jos-.- ,.:.ion. -:;n'.., .. ., ,le ... ~ ..,':n•no'<, ~i.z..t es - c,ilJ. ~ r.~,, ::c cz secc. _. _. z *xo~ _- -~'.^2. n=.~-~~ o~° ti~.e ~ ~.5 . ~et~ ~c:~ o. nl: 27, '. ;~ ~~:~~ sscve~ ..mss t2 i ntt ec. U, ca] ~- votc - - ,'_1^~•:~n ;il..s .*^re -re..c. ~ed~ r c _ __~ e~, . or - >Itr IL ',lead ' ,. _ _ , -o•~t c ., "~ ie s, .h0_-- lr~, h o Pc. tru 2° ,'- ,, 7 r i..1 ;~',o ~ , -.-, ~ -..-- --o cdrn ~ -~- .c_.: ~.;_ ~r l~e ~_..' ~~i^ec +n .ra=~: c ... ~ _.. . r"r's _._ : c ,~ t.o - ._ ,i1' ':ail ,_:.~ vote ~ C i=:1• ~.5, '..~ ., .. ., -~...' .i.~^ n --.. ~1:, ~sti:ron!<. (o :ri o.a .~. -~^ - Cor e^~:ond~~ce "r o;' fcr ;er .,i?'ect or „ter -._ ,,, _.. ,,_ - r,i det.i~ c ",;!-~ Ia -,_, -cr-s ~. c^v u:_ent. cicrz c w „ar~ r ~,-lc tc 1 ~ i~'~~iLn *. ?'s• e t ~e~o' L ='or ~, c e.t~=.t?.on to S'~.;. ',', tieno ~~~a-~na, i ~.~ i;^e :°fice n" L'~e ~i-h* llva yin ~:: ,_.aie , had b :;.. xeco e`iced, to c nrla~te ' ,e re~rort ~ ~e;c: '.he fc>t'r-er director. ~~ hair ~.an, , r. `: e'-r- v r .: ar2c. r. ~-,~~_-i . ~~~. ...,sec at 1.e„ t',„o ..,,, c nee^e.'. a.Y'',r a.,- - kL~~ 'i ~I.,y to a ., ,, u o ~ ., F 1. -:c 6 .osi_; ~,e -.116~a~ ~-~~1. c < c ~ ~ Ji+- 7 ,_~i, o ~ z. ~,r, ~,~ ~ ~ ,2 eEC .o aor ~ he ~cr;; f~ „rn ,r }ro~wr. r. __ '' e>J~1,~, :ed ir. ., ,;c;. ::~".e2 ~.i~.`„ ~~ t, >>r in~7ne~ 'n ''r rely ter,. Fx ojec~ 'eC o t as to l~~? re ~ ;e etc.. u + vt t ~ '}acs ~. .•atr.:ee ., °cr t "-xectcr and ~ ose n: t ~ °l:;x'rsi _s•' t.-. i _ ant .':.~st 'oo -~~ Ftsnt cc r;',^,~ re~~ort r _2r ~-rsxco i -o t C:1. :.s. -_ t~~~irh erects to visit t}: c:ze-:' - n. S.`u:e on~aa~ust. 1~ tc ti ? L'ae c +~ or h,~ r '.•ith 2 ~-ra-,,, ,mac ~:e't r.i:~e ju ~ t•.;at a c:.,_~s:r: to cep'=- "~ .`, n_ .. 1~LiR, I'Yr j~ct :_~~ort. __. _.3' ~r~lc a'so °.~v^ci ~ oa1:: < ~. r ti, ~.evc2.1 ~a;;'s 2 e ,~,;sz ~ ' _ ~.-na .~ assec':ble t!=:e re~~~r~d r'.a_ t rials. >ecaese o t,e le o`' 'b c ,~ici~r as `crr-r ,tires+a 'eels ~-- ~~ 'ra !2c cssar;; -fn co.o7.c ,he ra r,•'+, +~,~ traval r ae: i..olrc~, ana ~t t.' cn,, . n_ , ~s serc.~ces, w ..~:~, vex, c~;i it ~ '.^.c-eta a !~oti or +z^t +an .for ie.r i~;~rec-,;cr's 7:.'ter be `a' 1<~d a'~ :i~:rc rr-.. ¢, .v-. :~st Sn= -~,-. - . 'ci,'r3;; at .3 ~~ rer i^_our tso c~ ,'_etc ' ~~~~ i ; na2;,~ Pry c ~. ~. _ _. 3011' ;,s. call vo ;,e a;ece zr ,, .,. •s;,, :;o 'z, :c.'_t ~.. .~ ~ , r:L: ~ -.r~'. _..., aC:."rit, _Stra~ t LC-:2 'as ..^.~'V-. `! t0 lr7t .1~" ~ ~ Ja": "=r .1:i C]s CO r' I'r. ~}'dJ~pa.~s flJ^O'l'"L .', (-1I1 ~. 4te~ ~^.st b~~ :':ionwt .ci..at~ on o^ '}casing- rrr .~~de-.rloor^r,7t 0: 'i.cisls -re- n~ t,i.;~- ;~? ~ticnal co»ies ~" he An ~u~1 .»rrt for co.retiticn, ,°as 'wS'- :: is..: c ;han ^an s ,rested t_ ,, if the necessar-- cenios s~e ati a~,ilable, 1 1~2 ~n ore o.=,• fai t~ ;'~i file, v °ru~-a..rd. '.'re*~ frit':,e ce. •etiti.rn,., u + no add ''~. opal c ,o~ s=c to be grin r?d. r'_ ais ra' ~ r "-°i er rd t -.o:•ted t ~ t.;_e ~a e~ - t'~ci, t::e '.ie1 are Lepart- ~ad r, ed hi, a c} ~ `-i i,he n~~her o°~fvrltcs reoe~in. aia ci e^. kz.n^' o notner - ~ pro j„ct area 2, this ci an r..e bein: fror.: $ to I~, -. c ~- 3or~ea c.-res•t `.:ct '~~ r ~'-oree t',.cre as e onl;;' 3 '~eerle _. tr•e area __ - _r "' ';.^-.: ', r''at ~not;!ier ~ i,~ ;~_ c tsi~.e t~. ~~ :.rea.. ;~ Fz ,, r,:m~ _rcr. ~ .- { e .. c' ro,.i re-r'~ o" s "„ .'?rea ..r:?., ~.~zs c," t _~., ::e _`e_ove'_o'n ~ i ~_ t t1.. ='. ',~ -:. _ `en °_~c ,1, ._ s _J.;e' r_£ - rr'~c r'a lv, ~ . ^r:ez .~'„txs -,n „ c^e ~ cias +o ~ c~ ~c-sari. r '~-1c1rv c trl=.e_ ~_J t' ~ 1 nc-- ~ ? .., 1~i n,~ o' the relocai.~c~t c,l^:^ - `i sdi* _ tl:c snr `ion'.~~ 2' r.';e 7.~ar^ :~ctnaL~; ~ "tears , ; i-sol". - .=- ti, ,;±._i-~_ t:__± t ,'~~r ; ~~.:5.'. i e ~o-~cer^. _ cairt7.-. ~$~~ +J..a _lo_ ,Li~.. -° t'~e .._~1 _.. c. r.e ~u . ~ _ °' n , ial ,~ ...._ e^avc ,TM -bers eat rtrir o -~ ~ ' e ~~~rove t .ent edavclo . . ~.. ~ ,. . _ . . , , o' rs c.., rnL cor-.-u` tlensalv~s si; L ., .... .. r1e~s -~src ~sc~~s~c: to ncr :raF;e 'r~j ec`. x s;deu7_s ~et~o a1'^ in i'avo s '" tl:e r~~evel ogre nt Man t~?e ~.:csent et t -~ablic ~~ _y . c ill rac.~c, om, ~ ~. c..z~~rc a neti..~~ ±?~-at t},e .~.eati~,~'~e adjourned to rr _E ~~ _., re~~ilar - aLin, ~' `e, d.~ s. ~~~, 1° 'i. :cL call vote s:_mieda ,~ _h n`a'.i, .cr,_a~ ~ _ apse. , ~. ~.rL.,~~ ~_. tbrcck. Jec~,tir.~; ac?,-;~tsne:_ at 1~:-t0 .. .' nui,ea u i ~. cd. i... a~ s_~:t 1~crs: -=~ 2a~~~~~u ~{I. n,U,/;/~ Minutes of the regular meeting of the REDEVELOPM~dT AGIIVCY of the City of San Bernardino, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino on A,~gust 24, 1955 at 4:0o P.'i. The meeting was called to coder by the Chairman at 4:10 P. M. Roll 8a11 shared the following present: Members Chapman, McDill, Gomez, ~e bbroof; Administrative Officer Ward, Neno Spagna. Absent, Me~rber Carlisle. Minutes - McDill moved, Gomez seconded a motion that the minutes of the meeting of August 10 be approved as distributed. Roll call vote shared: ayes, Chapman, Gomez, McDill, Westbrook. Absent, Carlisle. aic~ Bills - The following bills were presented and certified for payment: C. J. Lyman - rent, August ~ 60.00 State Employees' Retirement System, Administrative Cost Assessment 4.00 Wm. E. Taylor - services thru July 31, 1955 150.00 General Telephone Co of Calif., services, August 16.45 Total ~~ 230.45 Westbrook moved, McDill seconded a motion that the treasurer be author- ized to draw checks on the funds of the Agency to pay the above bills. Poll call vote showed: ayes, Chapman, Gomez, McDill, Westbrook. Absent, Carlisle. Coimnunications - The Administrative Officer discussed the correspond- ence with t regarding the appointment of Salvador Munoz and the re- appointment of P'ss. Nola Carlisle, which was made and approved by the Mayor and City Council effective September 3, 1955 fcrc a period of Pour years. Relocation Section of the Tentative Plan Report - The Chairman and members discussed the location Section as re-written, and suggested the elimi- nation of certain sentences and parts of the section, and that it be again re-written with the deletions as suggested. The Chairman felt that formal action on the Relocation Section should be taken by the Agency this date. McDill moved, Gomez seconded a motion that the Tentative Plan, the Tenta- tive Plan Report, including the corrected version of the Relocation Sect- ion, and the Notice of Hearing as presented to the Agency members on June 22, 1955, be aoproved. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Chapman, Gomez, McDill, Westbrook. Absent, Carlisle. The Chairman raised the question as to whether or not an invitation should now be extended to the Mayor and Council to advise them as to the present status of affairs of the Agency. After discussion it was decided to wait until the Preliminary Project Report is completed, probably about the middle of September. The meeting should be held at a time most suitable to the convenience of the Mayor and Council. There was a discussion regarding the Notice of Hearing and whether it should be sent to the property owners and the tenants or the property owners only. It was decided that only the property owners should receive the Notice of Hearing, the addresses to be checked with the latest records in the Assessor's office. Mr. Neno Spagna, who is completing the Preliminary Project Report from un- finished papers and forms left by the former director, presented to the Agency members in great detail just what he has accomplished to date and what yet remains to be done. He is to confer again with Mr. Earl Newkirk of URA when he calls upon the Agency and from him will get as much help Y3~s and information as possible tarard the completion of the report. He discussed the necessity for obtaining additional maps and photographs which are necessary for the report, which the Agency approved his se- curing for its completion. McDill moved, Gomez seconded a motion that the meeting be adjourned to the nest regular meeting date, September 14, 1955. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Chapman, Gomez, McDill, :destbrook. Absent, Carlisle. Meeting adjourned at 4:45 P. M. Respectfully submitted, JA~s F. McDi11 - Secretary Minutes approved by absent member: Date ~ f~ l ~~~„~ `~ ~,~ G-~ _ Signed ~~,L~e ~v ~f, -- •S <5 Minutes of the regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMESdT AGEtdCY of the City of San Bernardino, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino on September 14, 1955 at 4:00 P. hi. The meeting was called to order by the Chair man at 4:20 P. M. Roll Call showed the following present: Members Carlisle, Chapman, Gomez~stbrook; Administrative Officer Ward. Absent, PRember McDill. Minutes - Gomez moved, ;Jestbrook seconded a motion that the minutes of the meeting of August 24, 1955 be approved as distributed. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Gomez, Westbrook. Ab- sent, McDi]1. Bills - The following bills were presented for payment: Arrowhead Office Equipment Company - supplies ~ 5.29 Barnum & Flagg - Ditto paper 2,59 C..J. Lyman - rent, September 60.00 Gladys Verburg - postage, July and August 3.99 Total 71 ~7 V a7 Carlisle moved, Gomez seconded a motion that the treasurer be author- ized to draw checks on the funds of the Agency to pay the above bills. Roll call vote shared: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Gomez, Westbrook. Absent, McDill. Communications - The Administrative Officer discussed a letter received from the URA Regional Director advising that the new contract appli- cation iJH Calif, 1-2, was not approved by Washington, D. C, However, ~p4,000 will be allowed on an amendatory contract under Contract A-9 so that final preliminary planning can be completed in Project Area 2, which ].eaves the Agency without the requested reserve of X30,000 for final planning. The Administrative Officer introduced and read a proposed resolution entitled - RESOLUTION Approving and Providing for the Execution of a First Amendatory Contract Amending Contract for Advance No, UR Calif. A-9, by and between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California acd the United States of America. Following a discussion, Carlisle moved, Gomez seconded a motion that the following Resolution be adopted. Roll call vote showed: des, Carlisle, Chapman, Gomez, Westbrook. Absent, McDill. The Chairman thereupon de- clared the motion carried and the Resolution adopted as introduced and read. RESOLUTION N0. 22 BE IT RESOLVED by th=. Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, as follows: Section 1. The pending proposed first Amendatory Contract (herein called the "Amendatory Contract"), to amend that certain Contract fcs Advance Ido. UR Calif, A-9, dated the 19th day cS January, 1953, by and between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California (here- in called the "Local Public Agency") and the United States of America (herein called the "Government"), is hereby in all respects approved. Section 2. The Chairman is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Amendatory Contract in tyro counterparts on behalf of the Local Public Agency, axd the Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to impress and attest the official seal of the Local Public Agency on each such counterpart, and to forward such counterparts to the Housing and Home Finance Agency, fcr execution on behalf of the Government together with such other documents relative to the approval and execution of such counterparts as may be required by the Government. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. Preliminary Project Report - Ph~. Earl Newkirk visited the Agency on i ~~4 September 1 and requested additional information from the Agency to accompany the Prelicrdnary Project Report. It appears the majority of the remaining work will be in the prepar- ation of exhibits which will also have to be provided URA staff to substantiate material in the Tentative Plan and Tentative Plan Report heretofore forwarded. The Administrative Officer informed the members that the Preliminary Project Report may possibly be completed by the end of September and that tfr. Spagna will make a Hill report to the Agency at the next meeting, at which time a definite completion date will be given. Car lisle moved, Westbrook seconded a motion that the meeting be adjourned to the next regular meeting date, September 28, 1955. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Gomez, testbrook. Ab- sent, McDill. Meeting adjourned at 5:20 P.I~5. Respectfully submitted, J s McDill -Secretary minutes approved by absent member: ~ Date lb'1L-5'i SI~iID ~' Minutes of the regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMINT AGENCY OP' THE CITY of San Bernardino, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, on September 28, 1955 at Ii:00 P. M. The meeting was called to ~ der by the Chairman at 4:15 P. M. Roll Call showed the following present: Members Carlisle, Chapman, +(( m z,, McDill, Westbrook; Mr. Neno Sprague from the City Planning Commission. Absent, Administrative Officer Ward. Minutes -Westbrook moved, Gomez seconded a motion that the minutes of the meeting of September ]la, 1955 be approved as distributed. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Gomez, Westbrook. Sills -The following bills were presented fca~ payment: General Telephone Co of Calif., September service "~ 7.15 A. A. Webb Associates - 2 copies Soils report 5.00 Total m12~ Gomez moved, Carlisle seconded a motion that the treasurer be author- ized to draw checks on the funds of the Agency to pay the above bills. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Gomez, Westbrook. Member McDill entered at this point. Communications -The Chairman read a letter from the fm^mer director advising the fcrcwarding of copies of the Agency Manual, which completes the return of all materials held by him. Mr. Spafma discussed the telephone conversation the Administrative Offi- cer had had with ,ir. Earl Newkirk of Urban Renewal Administration on September 20 regarding several additional requests made at that time by URA for completion of the Tentative Plan a~ Tentative Plan Report. The Agency was informed that all maps and information requested were Forwarded to URA on September 23rd. The Chairman and Ns. Spagna discussed with the members at length regard- ing the URA suggestion that present lat coverage allowance in R-2 zone area of ltOm be lowered to 30%. The Chairman feels that such a change should have more study and consideration before such a change is re- quested. Such a change would in no way affect the amount of federal help received by the Agency. The Chairman suggested that Mr. Spagna obtain more information concerning such a change and when secured the Agency will advise URA. Mr. Spagna reports that everything will probably be ready for Agency approval at the next meeting. He has made good progress in obtaining necessary maps and reports to he submitted with the Report. The Financial information necessary is being prepared by the Administrative Officer. A 'letter of intention' from the City Council is still to be obtained, in which they will state their willingness to participate in payments of non- cash grants-in-aid for the project, which will involve improvements by the city. Other business -The Chairman stated to the Agency manbers that it is going to be necessary for him to be in Chicago on October 12 and on October 13 there is to be a conference of the NAHRO in Cleveland, which, he feels, will have sessions o£ considerable interest and benefit to the Agency. If possible, and the Agency has funds to allow his attendance, he requests permission of the Agency to attend certain sessions. Carlisle moved, West- brook seconded a motion that, i1' possible physically for the Chairman and financially by the Agency, the Chairman be permitted to attend the sessions of the NAHRO conference he feels would be of benefit to t!~e Agency. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Gomez, McDill, Sestbrook. ~~2 The question was brought up as to whether or not the Agency should be soliciting some of the service clubs and women's organizations, radix and other means of publicity regarding the coming public hearings on the redevelopment project. Lengthy discussion followed on good and bad aspects of any suds publicity. The question was rail ed as to when the Agency will be ready to hire a technical man upon approval of the Preliminary Project Plan and whether the Chairman should attempt to contact such a person, if possible, if he atterrls the NAHEtO conference in C]eveland. It was decided to pass this question f~^ the time. McDill moved, Gomez seconded a motion that the meeting be adjourned to meet on Tuesday, October ll, 19SS at 4:00 P. M., inasmuch as the regular meeting date Falls on October 12, which is a holid~ for city and state offices. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Gomez, McDill, tiestbrook. Meeting adjourned at 5:10 P. M. Respectfhlly submitted, J McDill ~ecreta~ Piinutes e° the adjourned meeting of the REDEVr~LOPAIENT AGEiCY of the City of San Uernardino, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, October 11, 1955 at 4:0o P.s. The meeting- was called to order by the Chairman at 4:30 F. AI. Roll Call - shaaed the following present: ;:embers Caarlisle, Chapman, Gomez estbrook; Administrative Officer t^Iard, ~enc Spa~;na from the City Plannirk.~ Commission. Absent, Member 7?cliill. Comez moved, Carlisle seconded a motion that the minutes of the meeting of September 28, 1955 be approved as distributed. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Gomez, !-iestbrook. Absent, I:eDill. Sills - The following bills were presented for payment: General Telephone Co of California - September service a 7.15 A. A. ',ebb Associates-2 copies of Soils ctenort 5.00 Total X12.1 Carlisle moved, •:estbrook seconded a motion that the treasurer be author- ized to draw checks on the funds of the Agency to pay the above bills. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Gomez, ~.^`estbrook. Absent, ~1cDi11. 143 Communications -Administrative Cfficer discwssed the correction re- quested by UHA on the First Amendatory Contract to Contract UR Calif A-9 as to date shown at signatures. URA requested this be omitted, which was :':ene and Contract has nrna been received by the Agency with URA aprroval. Administrative Officer advised the A~-ency that requisition for the bal- ance of ;"u'1~,000 for completion of Glans for Project Area 2 shorxld now be prepared. ';destbrook moved, Comez seconded a motion that the nec- essary requisition and s'mporting information be prepared and forwarded to UHA. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Gomez, ~a'est- brook. Absent, idcDill. Administrative Cfficer discussed his telephone conversation as of this date with i4r. Ives regarding necessary forms and information to be subnti.t ted for the x30,000 reserve for final planning. The Agency members had a general discussion regarding date for public hearing-„ which can be held before the Prelie~inary Project 1 epart is approved by UHA. 7ne Chairman suggested that the Agency meet again within one week instead of two weeks hence, at which time it can be definitely decided on a date for the hearin€-, as well as the place and time of day. Preliminary Project Report - I~;r. Snagna reports that everything trill be in readiness to forward to URA this week on the Preliminary Project Report. Again the question of k0',o land coverage was brought up and the Chairman su;.[*ests that this might better be done by letter to U3A. The Chairman sugested that Ptr. Disner and "s. Fraser be present at the public hearim;; and the date set should be convenient to both. Gomez moved, Carlisle seconded a motion that the Preliminary Project :Report be naa forwarded to URA. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Gomez, Westbrook. Absent, hicDill. Other business - On Ilovember 1, 19SS the Agency's subscription to the t~edevelopment Information Service e~ires. Its cost is c12S per year. After discussion regarding tk~ renewal, further consideration was post- poned to a later date. Gomez moved, Carlisle seconded a motion that the meeting be adjourned to meet again on l^Iedre sday, October 19, 19 SS at 4:00 P.P?. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Gomez, `•+estbrook. Absent, PlcDill. ~ieetin;; adjourned at 5:15 P.II. Respectfully submitted, 7 lii cL77°~' J s F. McDill - Secretary Minutes approved /by abserrt, member: Date _ `n~ G~,~ I ~+ ~;yZ_ i h~--,,((~~/__g~~S;S- Signed (/~^'~ ~~ (TU~ Plinutes of the adjourned meeting of the N.E.DE4EifPNfa'iVT AGE:CY of the City of San Bernardino, Cali°ornia, held in Room 202, 362 ll Street, San uernard=.no, October 19, 1955 at 4:00 P.'~. No meeting. was held on this date for lack of a quorum. The next meet- ing will be held on the regular meeting date, Flednesd~y, Cctober 26, 1955 at 4:GO P.". Respectfull;;: submitted, J s F. P4cDi ~- Secretary I~iinutes of the regular meeting of the REDE"~IEItJPt,'E:d^t AGE'JCY of the City of San Bernardino, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, October 26, 1955 at 4:00 P. M. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 4:25 P. h'. Roll Call - showed the following present: I~"embers Chapman, Gomez, i•.~11~ ?v~estbrook; Administrative Officer Ldard. Absent, Member Carlisle. Ptinutes - The Chairman suggested that appr oval of the minutes of the meeting held on OctolEr 11, 1955 be postponed to the next meeting date, pending further perusal by members. Bills - The following bills were presented and certified for payment: Davis Camera Shop - prints d1 p,7o Director of Internal Revenue - withholding tax 163.50 Gen. Telephone Co,, - October service 7,30 Pfeno Spagna - planning services 196.50 State o£ California - Unemployment insurance 42.74 State Employees' Retirement System 46.20 Stockwell & Binney - supplies 4,53 Wm. J. Ward- prepaid. Xpress on Prel. Proj. <teport 3,82 'Total ~v 467.29 1_cDill moved, Gomez seconded a motion that the treas~¢~er be authorized to draw checks on funds of the Agency to pay the above bills. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Chapman, Gomez, NIcDi11, Ciestbrook. Absent, Carlisle. Chairman Chapman discussed the meeting he and the Administrative Officer had had with the Mayor since the last meeting of the Agency, when the financial situation of the redevelopment project was exalained in de- tail to tY~e Iayor, The question was left opal as to whether financing for the project would be done by bond issue or from the general fund o£ the city. The T".ayor was informed in detail as to the number o£ resi- dents in the area and ho•.r they might be affected if a resident's house is purchased by the Agency. ~j 1 - The P9ayor wants the Sedevelopment Agency to hold a briefing session with responsible officers of the various city departments to give them general information about the program and why the program is better for the city and why the "operation clean-up" will not do a complete job. 2 - The tlayor also feels a need far an independent citizens' cormnittee who should be acquainted with the problem of housing independent of the Redevelopment Agency or any city department. In fact, the Mayor has already appointed such a committee. At the same time the Chairman also reported on another meeting he had had with the Building Inspector, a Deputy Building Inspector and the -irector of the County housing Authority, also attended by the City Planning Commissioner. It is believed that the Chief Building Inspect- or now feels that his "Operation Clean-up" is not going to be sufficient in some areas, in view of his operations on Kingman Street. County Housing Authority Director agreed too that "operation clean-up" will not by itself do the job. T?,e Agency members discussed at length the problems connected with closer coordination between the various de;~artments of the city and this Agency at the time of public heaxin;.~s on the Tentative Plan. The Chairman suggests that the Administrative Officer arrange a meeting o£ the Agency with the heads and assistant heads of the various city de- partments affected by redevelopment. The question as to whether a hearing date should be set at this time :aas brour,ht up. 'The Chairman feels that a letter should be addressed to the Regional Administrator advising: him the reasons for the delay for a hear- im~; date, and report to him that preliminary steps are being ta!cen with the mayror, city council and newly created citizens' cornn;ittee, after which a date will be set. The Chairman also feels that the Mayor should be a~:vised o£ the receipt of the letter from the Re~j. opal AP.minis trator advisin? this Agency to step up its program. It is felt that there has been considerable renewed interest in the acti- vities o£ the Agency recently. At the hearinres, some prominent citizens sh,.-.ile 'oe secured to make short statements in favor of the re-.levelopment b'; the Agency. 14r. Domes reported he had talked with one of the council- men, part of whose district lies within the project area, aryl it was felt that anoti:er short postponement of the Agency's public hearing would give the councilmen an opportunity to give r:ore study t.e the situation. 'alestbrook moved, I=cDi11 seconded a motion that the meeting be adjourned to the next regular meeting date, -ilovember 9, 1955. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Ohapman, Gomez, ?icDill, '::'estbm ok. Absent, Carlisle. P_eeting adjourned. at 5:20 ?.,". he s~rectfully s°,~b r~titted, S P:eDill - secretary ;!inutes approved by absent member: Date / 1 - 02 ~( - S" Signature ~'W'~-~ U 1 ~~ ?•Sinutes of the reCular meeting of the iiLZ'-~cP:~.OPP~N4' AO.,tdCY of the City o£ San 3ernardi.no, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, i:ovember 9, 1955 at 4:00 P.;*.. The meeting, was called to order by the Chairman at l;:15 P.Pi. Roll Ca11 -shocaed the follofring present: :•Iembers Carlisle, Chapman, Gomez,, PScDill; i~ir. Neno Soagna from the City Planning Commission. Absent, iderrber 'Westbrook, Administrative Cfficer S3ard. Minutes - TicDill moved, ~.~omez seconded a motion that the minutes of meetinErs for October 11, 1955 be approved as distributed, and for 9ctober 26, 1955 approved after chagr;e made by Chairman Chapman. Roll call vote shocaed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Gomez, P:cliill. Absent, 'restbrook. Sills -The following, bills e~rere presented and certified for payment: Arrowhead Q`fice Equipment Conmary -supplies c 3.70 C. J. Lyman -rent, Noverrt~er 60.00 San Bernardino Blue Print, Company -maps, etc. 83.611 Pleno Spagna -planning services, October 36.00 Total '~ 1L13T2 1:cDill moved, Carlisle seconded a motion that the treasurer be autha~ized to draw checks on the .funds of the Agancy to pay the above bills. Holl call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Gomez, I°icliill. Absent, '~?estbrook. Communications -Chairman read to the members a letter sent to b'r. Rich- ard Sves by the Administrative Officer explaining reascns for not re- ducing percentage of lot coverage of properties in the project area, as suggested by URA for Project Area do. 2. Chairman read a letter addressed 'to the president of the local real estate board by the Administrative Officer offering tk~ services of the members of the Agency to acquaint local realtors of the plans and aims o£ the `.redevelopment Agency. Chairman read a letter to the 1?egional Director by the Administrative Officer regarding project deadlines to be met b;; this A_-enc:T. The Chairman reported to the members that T"s. Oliver 'werett, Acting i?e?;;; opal Director at San Francisco had called him on the telephone re- garding the setting of date for the AF;ency's public hearing. Nlr. Everett informedthe Chairman that I:r.. Ives erected to~call upon this Agency within the next week or ten days, and sugCests that setting of the hearing date be nostnoned until after t1r. Ives' visit. ^i-. Everett had had a call from the director of the San Bernardino County Housing Authority who, it was believed, felt that the Agency is proceedin;; too fast toward the hear- in . X47 F?ember Carlisle inquired regarding the membership of the newly appointed Citizens' Committee, with whom the Agency is to have a meeting on Novem- ber 10, 1955. At this tine it is not knozm ~,d1o all the members are, but it is understood that November 10th is the earliest date all me^b:;rs of the committee could attend such a moetii~g~. The Citizens' Committee is ca_llir~_. the meeting and the Agency members will attend at thus invi- tation. There tans a general discussion regarding the Agency meeting held with the "ayor and heads of the city departments on ;dovember f3, 1955. The general concensus of opinion is that it was a good meeting; - there were questions asked by various city employees. Pire Chief stated that if Tales and regulations a1]. were f o1lQwed, about 30' of the buildin~-s in the proposed project area should be condemned. The ~nairman feels that someone from each of the city departments sh eald be called. upon at t?ie A1-,ency's hearing on its Tentative Plan, to relate tdr,at each department's functions are ss reg,ards to law and code en`arcement and its current opinion as to project conditions applicable. 'S'he Chau•man feels that a certain outline should perhaps be follo*~*ed at Cne t5 me of the hearing. '_'irst, t!-:e tir:e should be limited for each sneak- er v*ho wishes to talk. Second, those favorable to the :ro;ject sLeuld t:e alternated ~:~.th those speakers r~no ma,,~ be unfavorable; and ti1iT'd, no speak- er sr!ould be allrnred to talk a second tirre until aster each >>erson who wishes to be heard has had an opportunity. Let it be known and understood that the hearing is a public one azid viewpoints on all sides of the question are wanted. Agency members agreed that the plan as outlined is a good one and should be followed at the herring. ?£cDill moved, Comez seconded a motion tt•:at. the meeting be adjourned to the ne:ct regular meetirkq date, ?7ovember 23, 1975. Chairman suggested that, if it sheule' become necessary, a meeting can be called before that date. Ro7.l call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, ~Comez, hclii7.1. Absent, ~r.'est- broek. ?~'eetinY; adjourned at 4e47 P.'•:. "espectfully submitted, JaawEs :~. ."•'cLi~ - Secretary ?'inutes znprwed by absent member: Date ~~ _ / S - ~~ l 4 ~'- -iinu+,es of the regul2s r~:eetin~; of the ~DE`P.I,CFiy-:T AC-~;:C' of the City of San i~ernardino, California, held. in Room 202, 362 D Street, San ?ernardino, 2ovember 23, 1955 at 4:0o F.rl. A?o meetin;~ was held on this date for lack of a quorur.. The next re,,=,ular meeting date is `~7ednesday, December 14, 1955, at 14:00 P.IC. 3espectfulh* s^^ubmittednn,~~'',, S s F. ~~,'cDill - Secretary tHnutes of a special, called meeting of the ;t,liE~T'IfF;~??r'ST AG&;dCi of the City of San '~ernarchnc, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San 3ernarrino, idoverler 2?, 1975 at 4:00 F.;~". 'Phe meeting ;a as called to order by the Chairman at 11:15 F Roll call - shrnaed the following present: Member Carlisle, Chapman, ~onez~ Dill, Iriestbrook; i--r. George Sweeney from the Sun Company. Absent, Administrative Officer l+ard. ~finutes -Carlisle moved, I'~cDill seconder a motion that the min'ates of tk~ meeti_ng of ?ovent,er 9, 1955 he a~~proved as distributed. doll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, 2omez, ?'.cDill, `.destbroolc. Bills - T'ie follosrin; bill c.*as presented and certified far' n~~ment: General 'elephone Co. of Galif or pia - Plovemb er service ,$ 13.00 i'fcPill moved, ('omez seconded a motion that the treasurer 'oe authorized to draw cheeks on the funds of the Agency to pay the anove bi1L 3011 call vote shoo*ed: ayes, Carlislx:, Chapman, 3omez, ;~_c;;ill, '~;estbrook. Cor;munications -The Chairman informed the members that Acting ?egional Director ;werett had replied to the AF3enc~- letter of .doveml;er 3 re;_-ard- ing maximu.~r building ccvera~e in Froject Area 1-2, and he believes that further consideration and. discussion can be ~.iven this matter at the t imc of final planning for the oro je ct. Other business - "lhe Chairman informed the mc~~bers that he and tip Ad- ministrative Officer will appear at a luncheon r..eetin;; of t; ;e local ;P.eal Sstate !3oard on _-ecerioer y, 1°55. 'w it T?xe nairman advised the r:embers of t',e 1c±t.ers sent to vari ous city de- nartment heads invitin}~ them tc sit on the panel at the public r.eetirk' to be belt', on ::e comb er 1, 19 ~. Also advised that. N:r. Ives grill arrive in San lernardi.no :~n the mornin•, cf i-ecen~ter 1 ar~d be in attencance at the briefirz-•. session in the afternoon and at the meetin; in the evening. It should be made !;Hewn that the meeting, or, Lecert~cr 7. is not tie:ia~. called by the Redevelopment Agency, but is bei.rg called by the P:ayor and the Citizens' Committee. It is to be a Hanel discussior: on tl:e redevelop- rent of tF.e project area. :'ember Carlisle *'eels that some prepared questi.cns and answers should be brought out at the meeting; on Lecember 1. The Chairman and members disc~ossed the meetir~ held b5- the zrierds' Organi- ~~tion on :iovemb er 1P, 1955. T'.1e neoole present have been mis~i of or mod and do not understand the aims o" ne Agency as they truly an?, particulxly the question of the care for those residents of the ar©a who maW~ be ~s- r>laced gad tahc are not on a federal pension 'ott on a s~ension from a nr'i.vate soft ce. The ".'.ayor called the Chairman about i-,P:e possibility c£ se?.t;.ng a definite date °or the publio hean_ng in order that the cafe may be announced at the meeting° on ~-ecembcr 1. After a igeneral discussion as to such a date, Carlisle moved, -~cDill seconded a motion that January 17, 195o be tenta- t;,rel~r set as the sate for the -public hearing, the ti,~,ie orobably to be at 7:3o P.° T7•e Chairman advised tYse me,.ibers of receiot of ;275 £rom the liS ireas~.rry to earxyr out the balance o` the nla_inine for Project Area 1-2. The Chairman brou^ht up the question of havir.~ an intern: director £or the A,~-.ency to handle mataers at this time, not a technical person, but a local man tivho may be familiar %r_th tine situation a-~d willi.ng and able to take Deer the duties of a director on a part brae basis and ;rive tines to file affairs of the A};ency. The ~+d:::inistrative C"fiver does not have the tune to e~ive to Agency matters as they will develop Frera this tirr~ on. A };echni cal man is not required at this time, who mi;~ht Zvish to further his own interests by devel oni!~; the ~•rork o£ the A(;en C,J, but a oe rson who is o-ublic relati ons minded and can }-rase the rudiments of the program in a short time. :"i~, Ives feels t};.at this ;-rould be the best solution for the A};ency- at this tine. After cernral and lengthy discussion, it was decided that tl;e Chairman should make nqu.iry~ concernin°, persons idno :ri};.ht be in- terested and qualified in ta:cir~; such a position on a part tir,~ basis and on a temporary basis also. 'Phe Chairman sul-gested that the other rnenk,ers alsc should keep t'ie thouY~ht of such a person in tn].nr,. Y:cL'ill mrn~ed, '•estbrook seconded a mota on that the meetigr; be adjourned to the petit rer~ular meetinr*, date, i:ecerioer ].L~, 1955. Roll call vote shom~ed: ayes, Carlisle, Chaoman, =omez, 7cllill, '~~estbrook. iCeetirc~ adjo~u~ned at 5:10 P.?9. Resn ectfully s°ab r!itted, 'o AD ~/~ J s e. '"cL-~ 'ecretary ri I 1 iinutes of the regular meetine. o_` the ::c,:at7?J.,;:~PcuidT A;'s:~CY of the City of San 3ernardino, ';olifomia, held in doom 202, 362 D Street, San ernarcli_no on Decer~nber ]1~, 195$ at 11:00 P.Ai. The meeting was called to orcer b~ the chairman at LA:20 P.';. ?toll call shared t're "ollowin~ presents i•:embers Carlisle, Chapman, '.,o^.ez, ;IcD911~ ~^1~ estbroo'.T; Administrative Officer 'lard; Hal f-"cClure from the Szn-Telegram; tieno Sp agna from the mar. license lino City °larvnir~ Comn;iss- ioa; Arth~.e• Tirado, ormer a" the Aztec Theater; Arthur ?'. ''"ownsent, resir?eet of Pro~e.^t Area 1-2, and A. A. 4a11es, also a local resident. "inutes - somez *r:6Jed, .,arlisle seconded a motion th,t the minutes of the *x.etin^ of ;ovembcr 29, 19~y be a-;_nroved as c:istributed, troll tail vote shorn-od: a~,'es, ~~:r'_is1e, Chapnan, =omez, FcLill, J+estbrook. Sills -The follos;i_n_? bills mere presented and cert-Pied for pv,}*me nt: .. '~Jellel, Owner, Landlord ~ Tenant liabili.t,- _nsrar,ce ;~ 111.50 J Ly:_an, rent, ~ecemtier 1955 60.00 3toc'_aaell " Cinne~-, s`<ipplies, hctoher x.16 Totai ;u 77.E Carlisle moved, somez seconded a motion that tco treasser be authorised to draw checks on tLe funds of the A-:ency to pay the above bibs. Holl call. vote s'~ rn~rede are s, C~,lis ie, :;' anman, '.-o ez, :;cLz.ll., `!e stbroci:. Comi~;u:nications - T_he Chair!*ar. read lettar o'_' resi~aatipn. from tte Agency acdressed to the Pia~~or t- :?ember 3odo1:`o somez. Inasn,ach as there has net yet '-~cen a;n- ac+~ on +a~en upon the r sij;nation 'c~; -he ?-ayor, ?:r. son:ez st,-ll remains active as a merbor of thhe A«e~cy. I~-~e^bcr Ca: lisle e~ressed rer:ret at 'r some,' resl:nnti. on, st. red stye believed his =.rork w2th tt-_e Agency hrd been most helpful, The Chairman then conunenten also uron i-.r, somez' work ant assistar~e both to the A,gencv and the area *~nile a menber, and stated he feels sure he spe a's also fnr~the other members of the Aren car. -tent nn 'i o[*-- _all eetinc~ he i nn lecember l~ 1=[S - 'Pte Chairman asked for co^.ments °ror^: all those present, a*anted to ',:nau if' it t~*as :Felt that the meeti_nr; hat' served its purpose or z-*as pf an-:~ real help. It was commented that the incler^ent weather on the ai;-ht o`' the meetir~; was un- Sor~tnnate, and it was felt that the meeting; was ;iot held in the best glace for the resicents in +he area who az~e interested .in the proicct. ±:oncern was felt because a ;treat many of those present d;_d not understand ~n:aish and therefore did not reall~r knoi,* orhat *.~aas ~-.oinir on at the meoting. T~tember Gomez felt that the rneetin;_., r;as handled ver~~ well; every question nut to the r.;oderat~ ~-gas answered b-; sores indivicua~-. :?r. 'Pie ado sta yen that the meetin;° ~~; as well ~.ar.~le d, a;_d he realizes that the meeti n;z *aas iielri to exslain to t}p aeonle z~_ at the '~tede-eloo~;ent A.^ency has done ant i-;Y at rr_11 be done, but the exr,lanation went over the heads of the people. '.s. Tirado states that the people a:e afraid of the Redevelop- ?Si ment, Ar~enc,:. There have been some orevi.ous attempts to ex^lair, the sit- uati.on~tc 4':.'.:e Hoopla, but w'netk;er they -were badly cu•esent ed, ar whether there was a lack of understandings of the problems of the people involved, hw does not know. lie said some errors have occux•red, reeardless o` who was at fa~1t, but from here on a Hera aoproach sheulc', be mac?e tc the nrob- ler,1. i[e believes that the people should be approached individually and asked. what it is the;,- :cant, because their ideas and clans and those of the A~enc:~ are not too Par apart. ^_he Chairman asked for other comments on the meetin^.. 'x. Townsend stot,ed he had attended the meeting, which he thout:_ht P~.ad been very well carried tl:rough, but one c.` the main prd~lems was the misunderstancin~~ b}- 1,1,e neoale of the area. `.l:e location of the meet ing itself could or coa~_d not have been a disadvantage, because the people in the area rao~~ild normally o'oject t~o such a-'ro,~~ram although they are i.nterestee in i.t. ;'r. Tirado then stated that he hari attended on this date a meetirs~ :Held at btl: and ;Streets, T~rhere i.t was tiros-ht out that the people of the area raoald not li_':e to attend mother meetinn- like the one cn ' ~ecemoer 1, .~ahere the, panel seemed to ~~ave the attitude that they '.Knew it al.l. Tae ansraers to the questions were made too rn.ickly and the people at ttLe meeiinr; Felt that tae attitude o^ t!>z panel eras not friendlk*. 'r. ~paena at th4s point asked i'' it is lmotm rr;ro ;y to coordinate the new; meeting, i'' one is to L•a halt'. T-,e i'.a=ror had not made it definite whet},er the itizens' Conleittee or the A-•ency mould coordinate the pert mez{;i n-. Tyre Chairman stater. that 'it is the responsibility oP the :~?edevelopn;ent °~>.clr to see that word "oes out about the meeting. The meet5_n,k held on December 1 ~-ass not an official meeting of the A,k;ency, but a meeting o° the F"ayor's committee. This A,-~,ency has a responsibility to "ne rity as a whole, not just to one area alone. The oro:ram must be for tl:e bene- fit o% tl~ i,r.:o7e community. Thc- Ar:;en cy will try to hold future meeti_nes i.n t?ie area. The Town Hall meeting; was aessi;ned as a public meetinE; for t'•.e ci.ty as a zahole. '_h i;he past the meetin-s in the area have not been saccessFUl because they may not have been properly organized, because members o£ the A~[wzcy did not have su°ficient understanding o` tip problems involved, there- Pare hel^ is needed *rom others in t},e community. It is unfortunate that any one has the idea that tl:e AE~.~ency is in a position to adept the plan; it _s only k-iven tkn responsibility of maki.n;- recor:mendations, and is bound to explain the reasons ;-rh•=, and reads conclusions. Tae nest important thing; r~tiich is a basic misunderstaiding is tY:at the people apparently base the idea that the 'Pentative ?lan is the final plan, *,r:Mich is not „rue. It is only a tentative clan; ii' it is approved by tire .^.it~r Council, then it comes bat:: to the Ak:ency far a final plan, at ro7hich tine the actual. arr,raisals will 'oe rade uefore ar_y work is cone. The ado'=lion o" i;!,e 'L'ent alive Plan does not nut the work into action. All *hat is propcwed at this time i.s a tentative^lan on w':ich to base the final. elan. Q'aner nartic ipati on is a regnir ement o" the stake lave if M A onerati_on clean-ua i.s follrn,*ed out ~:ritheut a _olan, no compensation i-toulc be Wald. to t~ residents at all. ?;r. Mci~ill stated that each step is outlined in i;he lau: and must be followed by tine : edevelopment A~~enc}~~. :=s. 'lard stated that it is a Cali- £arnia law that a tentative plan is necessary; tt:e '~ederal law dces not reouire it. :tesardinr an interim directcm - azi at;termt is help" made to ;Vet some per- son :rho is orimarily concerned ti,rith public relations and o` ;-etti.ng the idea across, particularly to t}~e people in t;~e area. There is only ;600 available in the budret fan that purpose. A tennorary employee has been considered, or possibly a local business firm could loan an employee who *ti~rht be available to t'~ :+cen cy- after the boll rays. the Chairman at the last meeting; of the Agency tans authorized to ta1:.c to cersons red=ardiny apnlicati ons ,,°or the position. Lr. yard at th'.s point read the letters of application by Artnar P. Totansend a.nd A. A. Valles. The Chasman stated that the person employed ;~ri 11 be ma.:e a temporary employee of the Agency at ':300 ~r month. Y~r. Tirado asked whether the person might be civic minded enou;h to decline the salary. Chairman feels that this ~ uld be too much to ask of anyone; monthly overhead expense ~~"'or the Agency continues and the r:an who iuilllE ~plo~red should be willin.~ to devote four or five hours per nay to the work of the A.-ency. 'Phe Chasman states that bhe Agency norr has two definite a?nlications £or tk~e job. 7t was decided to call a special meeting of tiie Ag;eney to consider action on the employment of apart time director and public relations employree. .report on Conterer~ce at San Prarcisco -Chairman Chapmar. rer_~orts that it Baas lzarned that almost every-..e~ development A.nency over the co~mtrv en- counters the same oroolems as this Agency is notr having. Redevelopment is more or less anew mo-aement and people any place are afraid of what re- development trill do. People's rights must be nrntected, and it must be made sure that neon]r, are to he helped and rot hart, and i+, must be ex- plai:-led in such a way that they t*ill not be afraid. Carlisle moved, 3omez seconded a motion that a so vial meeting be called for Thursday, Lecember 15, 1955 at 4 o'clock °.i?. 'doll call vote showed: eyes, Carlisle, Chapman, '~=omez, ?-ld=i11, '.'est~rock. ?Sooting adjourned at 5:20 P. "_. Respectfully submittedpp, l /yy~,r ~ ` ~~1~ J~ es 1'. ':c zll - secretary J,; h:inutes of a special, called meetinC o£ the -.EDE4DL('PfTJhIT .S~JCs~C° of the City of Dan PernaxcLno, Dan liernarcLno, Cali orn ia, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San ~-%ernardino on Deceri~er 1~, 1°5$ at 4:00 P.?-:. The meetin}~ r~ras called to order by the C}raisman at ly:20 P.&'.. Roll iii~l shaaed th:e follororin,~ present: S;embers Carlisle, Chapman, ~7omez, ::-'cell, ~~estbrook; Adt~.inistrative Officer '.Marc. Ad,^rir_istrative O''ficer -'.ard discttiaed with the Ar<ency merhers a proposed amendment to the orif;inal ccntract made with 3i. on Eisner, Plannin,.' Con- sultant. ~Sr. Eisner had req~.xested ,3150 per day for consultations, attend- irkq meetings aad changes ir. the elan necessar~~ for him to nerfarm. ,Also, he reoaested ;3350 for extra work in preparing the report that was not contemplated at the time t'ee ori,;~.nal contract was pre~.,ared. ihe Ad- mi.nistrative Officer was instructed totrepare such a conitract a-nendment. Appointment of Interim Director - i~iember :~IcDill feels that it is not nec- essary to hire any person at this time. He believes it is up to the City Council to make it knarn that they exe backin}; the nroceedins of the Redevelopment Aktency. The Chairman feels t}sere shculd be someone to calm the fears of the people in the area. i-r, I•_cDill also states that the Agency has not ;,ret reached the point where the peop7r can be tole :chat they 1•rill be a1lo.aed £or their homes. It is un to the City Council to help the 9gency reach that stage, 't'he Oha;r man states that an interim director could advise the residents of the axea that the A~;encv has net yet readied that print. ;'s. -Scilill states it is only a matter of ~,ettin the Council to act on the Tenta- tive P7.an, later i£ they wish to refuse the clan they may do so. It is up to the Council to proceed. 'fhe Chairman Feels that the AF.ency shculd hold a meetir>f~ privately frith the Council at a definite, early date. The strongest ar,~.ument wit;: the councilmen is - wha'~ is the alternative. '?re the peop7.e r-oin;=, to be better off havin^, the Cpera.tion Clean-up £ollora the code enforcement:' I£ that i.s follmred, houses e,r9.11 be mnsenned. and ^eoole will :'et nothinC. for them. 'Phe alter:~r.-tive is to let the _2ede~~eloprzent A~-ency £ollew thsoarh to a -°inal n1an, at ~,r}c.~ ti~r:e it r~r'~ll be del: i. rite'_y 1-noz.n just r;hat the plans are and questions can be answerer intellihenti~-. 1£ a meetinP is not held with the Council an til after January 1, 1956, it trill not be possible to have the hearing; date before ?ebruary 10, 1956. It is felt ti.at 1;'re hear~in~; c.ate s'n o'ald not'oa definitel; set until after ii~e n°.eetin- t,,ith the Council. p-:ernocr 4omez Feels that the As~ency s;rould wait until later be°oie cie- cid=r~ to hire any one. ;'emi;er "-~.ciIl feels that the Council meet; n~;- should come fist to lear:r hour they stand Toward the pro=~ress o° t]-~e A,.~enc before a-rt,- hirin~~. is done. Project Area lieetina - fembrr Comez is in favor of havi.n~ a meeting of ~ , ~. a small group, about ten pronert5~ o„rers, e*iik; everyone present English speaking. Six persons night'oe su°fi.cient. This ~ranF;ement trould be getter than going from house to house. 'i'he su;E;estion was made also +,c have a dinner _°or some o` the property o,rners, tc be held in a private dining room, nossib ly ~sithin the sea. -e:ober :;omez feels that it would be beiaer to hold a meeting; of a srna7l k_-ro-ap of property a~mers in a •~rir~te hor^e, t,-it`z o:rltr a vcr~r-light refresn-ient o"fered raf^os~ than ha:~inlt a dinner. the .'nairman sa~~ested that -'r. =omez !'o into the ^tatter. It is a~'reed that nothing- will 'oe done this date about irin;; .=ay one nor settin; a date for the nu~lic hearing. ICecio er Carlisle asks i£ i"r. T_ves snoiff c; be i.n_f ormed about Thanes ir, dates of time for the public heariru' and proposed meetir~r; -frith the Council. :he Chairn.an S'ar.~gests that the P.dministrative Officer in`ormally advise I~r. Ives o` such cham,-es in plans. The !':.a:irman advised he l:ad. been ir. contact tiaith the Citizens' Committee. They are havi;t,. some film on redavelcpne~:t "urnis--ed them and Drill Hake the 'ousin~, Authority projection equipment available to the 3edeveleprnent AF:enc~=, if the Ai~.enc;;~ ~:ris hes to use i.t. The shot.*in m" the film nay be of some value to the Arend. Toe question is asi:ed as to hour soon a reuse meetinE; Faith arot~erty ot,^:ers ,fro:.: tl-.e Brea will be held. It is felt that such a ^eeting would not be held until the early part of January. -- It is believed that i;'~-.e Oitizens' Coi~ittee s`ould be told that the biTpest favor they can do is £or each memo er to ta1.k to his councilman about re- develcoi~ent. The 4do cle city of San ~ernasdino ;s interested, not just one little section cf tbE c_t'r. i:cL'i11 moved, °-estbrook: so~onded a motion that the meeti n- be adjourned. 'oll call vote shrnaed.: des, ~e.r.'_isle, Chaprar., :7omez, :-;cLill, ':-estbrock. :eeting adjourned at ~c25 i'.;-. --'.esne ct£a11a sub rotted, 3 vil„ /id J yes M', ':c!~'ill ~~ ~te"cr~etary ,.. a_ t3 ~ inures o£ the rep;ular meet-,'n~ o` the - '9131C~P ::-lQCi oS the City o° dam 3ern a:°dino, Cali!'orui a, he7_d i13 Zoom 202, 3G? D street, se~~ Yern~sdine, '_iecerber 2t!, 1°:>j nt a:00 ?'.;i, The -"eetin- ••as ca ii er', to or dcr ',~~ thr sir.°:an at a:l ~.?!. =toll 0:311 sho:aed the £ollo*.:*iri`~ present: "craters Carlisle, Cna^ma.n, Korea, =cDi11; Absent, ':ember `iestbrook, Ad:~3nistrative Of£i_cer :yard, ;~,inutes - ]-will moved, ~arlis7.~ seconded a mebion that the minutes o£ the meetinFS of Lecember 11:, 1Q55 and December 1$, 19S> be apm•rn ed as distri- buted. P.o11 call vote showed: ayes, Oerlisle, Chant.~an, ~~omez, _"cDill. Absent, -?est~orook. ~3i11s -The `ollowin~ bill was presented ,and certified'or p~~ment: ~~ieneral -elephone Co of California - Dece:rber service ~i 7.55 Gomez rsoved, Carl sle seconded a motion that the treast¢•er be authorized tc draw checks on the funds of the A€;ency to pay the above 'Dill. Roll call vote shaaed: a;;~e s, Carlisle, Chapman, Ueme z, :-c)ill. Abserrc, ~.ies£crooY.. Coramunications - 'he Chsirman advised the members that the Administrative CP£ic er had written letters to "r, A. P. Totansend arr. :'r. A. }., ' al1Q~a to the e£_"'ect that tP~e appointment of a ter:^orary employee would not be *nade at this ti:ce . Survey a.nd Plannin~~ - °roposed amenc'v~ent to the Simon ~i sner coiatract °or personal services was discussed by- the Chain~~n and members. ._.,.eil1 moved, "arlis].e seconded a motion that the ar?eadnent, as nreaared, be approved for payment. x.011 call vote shot~aed: ayes, ~;rlisle, Chapman, %omez, ?-cDill, Absent, `destbrook. The Crairrsan and members then discussed a nossi'o le date Fcu• the public hear- i~, w'•ich I:he Jhairman believes should be set as nearly the first o~ yeb- ruary as possTule. Proposed ir''ormal meetinra twit?: the Citizens' Com~aittee and i;he 5iayor and douncil have. not get 'peen arran,_ed. After disc-cession, P"sil;.'1 moved, Gomez se eorded a -toti on ~ hat. th© uubl.c ]x riot; be held on '~'ebru.az~l~ 1~, 196. _toll call vote s:•.oured: ayes, Jarlisle, Char_m~an, :~omez, i"cLill. Assent, ~+estbroek. The members then discussed whether or not a person shm~ld be hired to call from door to door upon the residents oS the area. It •.ras decided this is not a Food thin;; to do. Fkmber ?-icDi11 believes that it should be learned t~?bother or not the Oity Council vrill ao~3ro+-e the Tentative Plan beS ere the heariru., so that the people may be definitely told just what thE~y will re- ceive 1'or their ~?roperties, and after such approval oP the Tentative Flan i_t w^..11 be ncssi'ole to ~;.ive the residents o:P the area de£iaite answers to their Questions. ;.`ember i;;n•lisle bey-loves the mer:bers of t'~e citizens' Co~: ~ttee shoul.c talk to the service clubs to tah,ich the var;ots o T-it?.ee members belorr-, and also to the members o£ t'.ze City Council abo•~„ hoer the t~i _c _ievelo~me: rt, o~ this particular area w~iil 'oenefit t'ne city. =cDi71 novel, Carl :isle seconded a !notion that tte imeeti.n~ be adjourr.~d, .°.011 cal]. vote slowed: ayes, CarLsle, Chapman, Cor:oz, -eDi11. n,- sent, '.'estbrook. Ii^etinR adjourned at Lt:~-45 :'._. iespe ctfully s~~mit ter'., J- es ". V~_cL;.ll - Secretar-% :~znutes of the regular axtd. the Annual i~]eeting of the °LLL^9LC-FI`.~.-'P &:,L1dCY of the City o£ San 2ernardino, California, held in Itoon 202, 362 D Street, San Ber- nardino, January 11, 1456 at 1A:00 P. , Tee rneetinB was called to ceder by the Chairman at 11:10 F.}i. Poll Call s`:a~rer tt~e following, nresento '~:erlbers Carlisle, C-~:apman, 3omez, -icDi11; Acministrative 0='firer lard. Absent, ?iem'^er 'lestbrook. r~.'inutes -Carlisle move';, "-omen seconded a meticn that the minutes o£ the meetir>i of Lecember 2P:, 1955 be approved as distributed. Roll call vote sno'~red: ayes, Carlisle, Chapsian, ,Gomez, :'cL'ill. Absent, F'estbrook. Annual 1-eetin~ -:erection aF' Chairman a!~d 7ice Chairman. P:eni6er Carlisle nominated boy- 1. .",hann!a.n _°or Chair n:an a~er :rui tt '~iest>^colr £or 7i ce-Chair- man. Ca11s Caere Wade for other nominat i.ons~ there t~aere none, Caeez r?cued, ::arli_sle seconder. a motion that the noninations be closed and these >aee e£`ic ers be :^e-ele ctc~~ to tree rzs;.,edive e`^;ces cr :airn!an anr.. 9i_ce- Chairman. Poll call vote sh~,ed: a;-es, Csh 1~, :aF^~an, aomcz, ::cLi.ll. Absent, :aestbroek. Sills -The follot.?in;' bills were Iu'esented azd certified for nzF«nent: Barnum and Fla;-F - L'itto caner C. J. Lyman -rent, Januas~;~ State of Calif,, tax on quarterly wakes cai:i State of Cali°., 4th quarter uner~,nloy^.ne~:t insurance List, Director Internal ~.evenue, 11th quarter ~~ 3.~3 6C.oo 5!a. 06 50.00 213.1.0 Total a 3`:1.29 :---cDill moved, Gomez seconded a. motion that the treastrer be authorized to 157 craw chec';s on the funds of the A;ency to pay tt%e above bills. poll call. vote shaaed: a;;~ee, Carlisle, Chapman, 3omez, L'cDill. Absent, ~.'estbrcok. ~or-r;unications - T_,e Cisairman read a letter dated January- 6, 19j6 from . ?-_c~T hid Ives, :ref-~ional Director, adr'sessed t o the hk•ency, in ?rnicc he states it is felt t;xat some questions vui ?rdolems should be cleare:l ir. the '.entati~~e Plan andnencu't before holdim;; a »ti;lic hear in,", and su:;--ester t?:at °lannin~; Consultant liisner 'oe -.present at a meetin,- to be arran}:,ed with the Ap-ency and a stagy.°" men~.ber frcm tie office o° the Re~~ion- al Director. The Chair~ran stiiq:°ested that _9r. %isner be contacted by tele- nhone at once, which was done by the AcLrtn9strati~*e 0"ficer. A meeting was tentatively scheduled for Cannary~ 20, 1p~5 salt%% ~_ . Ives to be ac:v;sed accerdi.n~-1y by letter. 'i ent a..ive Plan [te arin~; - =icDi11 moved, Gomez seco ndcd: a motion that action taaen on :;~ecember 25r, ~19~5 settin= ~'ebruaryr lj, 1956 as tae date °or tY%e oub lic hear in,;, be resci.nc'.ed. Roll call vote shot,*ed: aynrs, Carl.-1eae, '~~'napman, =omen, ',:cD~_].1. Absent, '.~estbrook. O-:.P%er Business - ?`-eetin~; en Jarms~.•j~ 9, 156 with ti:e 1[aycr and Council eras cis cussed. A17_ members "..eli.eved the meeting -sras a snccessf~a one and the inPonnati on re,~ardinf redeveloprent sas well received b-: tFe Council nc~nbers. ibe Chairman and the AcSninistr twe r{~Fieer mrere nressnt at a -~c~tj.ng of £-ie tilc~~n:~ Contractors' Associat.on on T.nrr~'~' 10, 1°j6, c~~xsre: £:a '~.airn~an spoke to zha ~rcun ^resent. It ~s fel~ t'~a.t _nost o` these attz din;- the meet i%t^ °avar rcdevE~onment ' nt do not eri sh to conx%it t emselves ope-~l;y. "rtt*zver, a me-beg o t':e ~~rc~%n ::Gels t~.at emrty land should not be con- s,d.r.-d; i` a ~rroject is to , developer, it s -:~.~dbe con^ with full land covzr age. So-e e~' the members of t'~,e Ass ociat~ on had +elie ved ~.~at the iie- dc~el ^nmcs_t &-ency t:as conr ected in sc^,e w~, %-r~th public housin E;, to which they ere ver -each. o7uos~~c. ` :a'a, c in''orr%e t:%at there is no ec-xre cti on wY%aever 'oct.ceen the two. ':he ratter o` smaller ~ro~.ip ^:eetn:~a in hones t~rithi.n ti~:e ~as'c=a i~ras d;cas seg.. ?!emir Gomez be~_eves that abort "iv otie„s of wall ,nouns in the differ- ent blocks of the area would be of benefit. 'Phe Chairman `eels tt;at one -reap meets nom. should 'ce held at this time wit}% the opponents of the pro- posed project, acd possibly a fc;x~r of?_ers. He requested 'Ienioer ,=omez to con- tact a rro',ro of t'xose in t'.e area "or such a meetint^.. .domber *omez asked w"en ap-?raisers will ,~.o into the area to Co over the v-r o~.~_s '^ro:..-roes. "?'.~ Chair^:an stated that noth in=~ o~" the ]ring :~~11 be c~ e unt'~~l after t:~e Council a.-orovea t!,e Tentat.-vc Plan and the he ari.n,*. ;:cLill -.cved, in_rlisla secoeded a notion that the meetinv be acjouxnec. .Lo_ll call voto snoo-red: ayes, Carlisle, Chaps%:an, Gomez, ''.cii~ill. Absent, 'Scstbrook. i_eetin adjournec' at L~:L~O °.:_ - 'esnec tf-.%11,:- suomitted, ..-% a-- s a^ rc-e ; 1.;; o. e:nt r e :b^x . ~e /-t ~ ~~, ~~IJ~ der _ci-Ll i. - oecretaxy /~ i ~ ;; Minutes of the regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY oP the City of San Bernardino, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, January 25, 1956, at !<:00 P.M. There xas ao meeting held on this date f~ lack of a quorum. Notices xere sent to members for a special meeting to be held on January 26, 1956. Respectfull_p submitted ~~~ ~ ~ e~LQ-Q J es F, McDill -Secretary Minutes of special, called meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY of the Cif of San Bernardino, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, January 26, 1956 at ls:00 P. M. There xaa no meeting held on this date fa' lack ~ a quorum, (eery inclement xeather,) Notices rare send to members to a special meet- ing to be he]d on January 31, 1956. Respectfully submitted s F. McDill - ~cretary Minutes of special, called meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY oP the City d San Bernardino, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, January 31, 1956 at 11:00 P. M. The meeting xas called to order by the Chairman at 4:05 P. M. n Roll Call shared the folloxing present: Members Carlisle, Chapman, Gomes, FfcD~l'I~estbrookg Administrative Officer Ward and Nero Spagna from the City Planning Commission. Also presexb xere three residents from the area of the proposed redevelopmeat prosect area 1-2. Minutes -Carlisle moved, McDili seconded s motion that the minutes of the mee ing as January ]1, 1956 be approved as distributed. Roll call vote shaved: spree, Carlisle, Chapman, Gomea, McDill, Westbrook. B311s -The folloxing bills xere presented and certified fcc p~vmants General Telephone Co of California-January service ~ 7.00 Wm. E, T~lrr-Accounting Services thru 12-31_55 150,00 Neno Spagna-planning advisory service 60.00 $ 7.00 V .il McDill moved, Westbrook seconded a motion that the treasurer be author- ised to drax checks on the funds of the Agency to p~ tke above bills. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Gomes, McDill, Westbrook. Communications -The Chairman read a letter of application by Frasier roster for the position ~ directar with the Agency. The Chairman also read a letter from the Director of the Planning Board of Alameda, California, regarding formation of a Redevelopment Agency. Tentative Plan and Tentative Plan Re art -The Chairman requested the Admin trative fficer 1 orm those preaeut of the detai]a of the meeting held on January 26, 1956 xith Mesas. J. D. Marlwe and H. C. Hoganaon oP the HI~'A office, also atteIded by Mr. Simon Eisner, Plnnnin-v Consultant, his assistant Ly]e Stexart, the Chairman and the Admini- strative Officer of this Agency, aid Neao Spagna from the City Planning Coamiiasion. The Tentative Plan and Report is nw under study by the HHFA and has been referred by HHFA to FHA far eligibility u:rier the FHA program. With the ezceptioa of items mentioned belw, the report appears to be suitable to FHA and it xill be xllli.ng to go along xith the residential development, except those spaces xhidi face anon-residential nee: 1 -FHA does not subscribe to moving in any houses from outside the area. Any houses within the area xhich do meet the code requirements and appear to be in confarmity xlth the Redevelopment Plan xould be approved. They want the Agency to state clearly in the Tentative Plan that no houses shall be moved in Prom ontside the area. 2 -Warding in the repart was not clear as to xhere arty duplexes in the area xould be located. It should be determined in the Tenta- tive Plan xhere duplexes may be erected. FHA does not xant then to be spotted xitLin the area in hit and mica fashion. The Agency should decide xhat areas, from a planning standpoint, shall be marlo3d defi- nitely far R-2 sons. 3 - On the question of duplexes, there xas some hesitation about any duplezea xithin the area and FHA xants s statement from the Agency that the Agency Peale there is a need for some duplezea within the area. FHA questions xhether there xould be a market far duplexes. h -FHA xants a mare definite statement regarding land xithin the area under the pwar line xhich rill be set aside far use by the Flood Control District or the City Park Department. The Flood Control Dis- trict and the City should be contacted as to whether or not they x111 take title to this land and maintain it, 5 -FHA xanta it made certain that there xould be minimum set-back lines whidi xould include any garages. i f~ ~' 6 - Re economic feasibility of shopping center -the FHA vacrts to knox if there is sufficient demand for that sine shopping center, a~ vents definite information regarding feasibility of having auc3i a cer:ter. Ras aqy market made atZy studies for swch a center? FHA xaata more information in that regard. Menber McDili suggests that Mr. Rob- ert Ringhola, 436 Court Street and Mr. Stephen P. Rehwald, Professional Bldg., both is Sort Heraardino, be contacted, inasmuch a8 they investi- gate audi matters. Administrative Officer advised he is inquiring from Mr. Milton Sage regarding the possibility of his baring cmducted such a survey. ~ -FHA does not believe that the proposed garden apartment is feasible. Suggested this should be changed to M-1 sons of light in- dustrial use. If nom change could be made there xould be no obfection to taking the proposed garden apartment corner and change it to M-1, C-2 or C-3. 8 -FHA requests that gravel trucks be restrained, by ordinance, from going through the residential areas. Muacott is a secondary high- x~ and could be used. The Chairman informed members that Mr. Eisner is to change the maps and draft ate changes necessary to comply xith FHA requests. If C-2 for shopping center does not go through, it might be used as residential. The Chairman than inf<amed those present that this is still only the Tentative Plan. The Agency cannot do any nark at this tim. If the City Council approves the plan, money trill be availab]e for final planning; then statements rill be made as to the enact uses far each parcel of land and decide on each condition. L~erything rill be de- cided and moat be submitted to the Conned at that time. Carlisle moved, Westbrook seconded a motion that Mr. Eisner, Mr. Ward and Mr. Spagna proceed and make any corrections and changes necessary in the Tentative Plan and Report. Roll call vote shared: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Goma, McDill, Westbrook. It may be posaib]e to have it ready f~ the next meeting, but if not, by the close of February. It rill be transmitted to San Freocisoo, then faa~xarded to Washington. Other business -The continuation of the office and help xas discussed, inssmu as ency funds are law. The Administrative Officer suggested certain transfers of finis xithin the budget in order to carry on the xoric. MrMll moved, Westbrook seconded a motion that the chafes, ae suggested, be made. Roll call vote shared: spree, Carlisle, Chapman, Gomez, McDill, Westbrook. The Administrative Officer then advised the mmbera that he rill nor contimre in the xork of the Agency but without compensation. The secretary td.ll. xork on an hourly basis, on meeting daps and the day folloxing, or at any tim necessary, but net on continuous half time i 7)i service. The question of conttnuing telephone use was also brought up and it xas decided to investigate charges ani manner of handling phone calla by an answering aerrice c¢' telephone extension to the office of the Chairman. This information xill be gathered and pre- senxted at the next Heating. The Chairman asked those visitors present whether or not they had questions to ask ~ state®enta to make, but none had anything to say. C~lisle moved, McDill seconded a motion that the Heating be adjourned. Roll call vote foxed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, Gomez, McDill, West- brook. Meeting adjourned at 1y:50 P. M. Respectfully aubHitted, arv~ ~~ ~ll `~z ~-( s F. McDi -Secretary Minutes of the regular meeting of the REDEVII,OPMENP AGENCY of the City of San Bernardino, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, S~ Bernardino, February 8, 1956 at 4:00 P. M. Tha meetSag was called to order by the Chairman at 4:30 P. M. Roll Call showed the folla~ng present: Members Carlisle, Chapman, Mc~1~Aestbrook. Absent, Member Gomez and Administrative Officer Ward. Mimitea -Carlisle moved, Westbrook seconded a motion that the minutes oY the meeting of January 31, 1956 be approved as distributed. Roll call vote shored: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Westbrook. Absent, Gomez. Bills -The following bills were presented and certified f or pryment: Arrowhead Office Equipment Co -repairs to calculator $ 10.00 Simon Eisner-Consulting Services, January 26, 1956 150.00 C. J. Itiyman -rent, February Total ~ McDill moved, Car]3sle seconded a motion that tie treasiser be authorized to draw checks on the funds of tie Agency to pay the above bills. Roll call vote ahawed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Westbrook. Absent, Gomez. 1 fi `% Tentative Plan and Report -The changes and corrections in the Tenta- iv~P'~ and Hepcrt, as prepared by Mr. Spagna, xere mentioned by the Chairman, who felt they should be held over until the next meet- ing, inasmuch as corrections to the corresponding maps have not yet bean received from the Planning Consultant. Continuation c2' Office -There was a general discussion regarding pro- pose~e epTiox~e extension cr ~sorering service for the office until action by the City Council on the Tentative Plan. It xas decided to have an extension line of the present phone to the office of the Chairman, sixrce that is the least exp~aive arrangement to be made. M_cDill monad, Westbrook seconded a motion that the extension thus be in9talled in the Chairman's office. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Westbrook. Absent, Gomez. Date fay Public Hear -The math was discussed at length; the ZT airman dal a with the Mayor and others :h o feel that the soon- er the better Yor time of the hearing. Notice of such hearing must be published Your xeeks in advance d the date set a~ first publi- cation in the newspaper will probably be on Monday, February 13, 1956. It was decided that the Coundl Chambers in the City Hall would be the best place for the hearing, and after contacti~ the Administrative Office of the City it was learned that March 13, 1956 will be a date available for use for the hearing. McDill moved, Westbrook secomled a motion therefore, that a public hearing be scheduled for March 13, 1956 in the Coundl Chambers of the City Hall at 7:30 P. M. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Westbrook. Absent, Gomez. Other Huatiness -The Chairman suggested that a typed notice be placed on the o~ om ~2 doa~xay, directing axpT visitors who might call upon the Agency to call either at the office of the Chairman m• the Administrative Officer. McDill moved, Carlisle secorded a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Roll call vote shared: ayes, Carlis]e, Chapman, McDil1, Westbrook. Absent, Gomez. Meetigg adjourned at 4:50 P. M. Resp~e, c~tyfully~s'ubmitted, Ja~~'i#" F~2 cDill ~Secr to ~ Minutes approved by ab/sent member: Date `~' ~/ _ <5 Signed ,`J ~~u 1 6', 3 Minutes of the regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCi of the City of San Bernardim, California, held in Roam 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, February 23, 1956, at 11:00 P.H. The regular meeting date of February 22, 1956, being a legal holidayy~ by virtue of the Hy-Laxa of Ilse agency, the meeting xas to be held on this date. Those xas no meeting held on thin date for lack of a quorum. Reapectfu].],y submitted i J es F. McDill -Secretary Minutes oY the regular meeting of the REDEVETOPMENT AGENCY of the City of San Bernardino, California, held in Roam 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, March 14, 1956, at 4:00 P.K. The meeting xas called to order by the Chairman at 4:15 P. M. Roll Call showed the folloxing present: Members Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, T~etbrook; Neno Spagna from the City Planning Coimniasion, Robert Olmus from The gun Compas~q and Dr. H.K. Bockrath of the City Health Department. Absent, Member Gomez and Administrative Officer Ward. Minutes - McDill moved, Carlisle seconded a motion that the minutes of the meeting of February 8, 1956 be approved as distributed. Roll call vote ahoxed: ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Westbrook. Absent, Comez. Bills -The folloxing bills xere presented and certified for ptCrmasts Arroxhead Office Equipmesst Co. - typexrlter ribbon ~ 1.03 General Telephone Co. of Calif. -February service 7,8$ Inland Printing & Engraving Co. -Hearing prints 11,28 C.J. Lgman -March rent 60,00 San Bernardino Hlue Print Co. -map prints 11.02 San Bernardino Telegram -Publishing Notice of Hearing 64.69 Neno J. 3pagna -services Feb, 1, 1956 to Mar. lit, 1956 90.00 State Empl. Retirement System -Adm. assessment 5.00 Total 0. McDill moved, Carlisle seconded a motion that the treasurer be authorized to drax checks on the funds of the Agengr to pay the above bills. Roll Call vote ahovedt ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Westbrook. Absent, Gomez. Communications -The Chairman read coimnunications fry various individuals concerning properties and conditions in the proposed ProSect Area 2, includ- ing ane from the Flood Control District and one from the City Park Depart- ment, both declining title to ]and in the area under the power lines, this question to be folloxed through at a later date. Public Hearing, March 13, 1956 -The Chairman advised the meabere that under •:~iax~ f any a~ e~t~ve pSana for redevelopment are offered at the public ~, fi hearing of the Agency, they must be considered by the Agency and presented to the City Coundl at the time the Tentative Plan is presented to the Council for its consideration. The Chairman called upon Mr. Spagna to present the suggestions offered andhs discussed first that offered by Mr. A.E. Bemis, Jr. Mr. Spagna believes that for the purpose of the Tentative Plan as it now stands, Mr. Hemis' plan would have no effect whatever. Mr. Bemis contends that sewer and utility lines should remain xhere the are nov, sdxereaa Mr. Spagna believes the present Tentative Plan, as proposed by the Agency should be alloxed to stand. The Tentative Plan moat be con- sidered as a unit in its entirety and one or two streets in the area cannot be re-arranged xithout disrupting the whole plan. The Chairman Peels the .plan as proposed by Mr. Bemis would not comply with the require- ments of the law, inasmuch as it would throx the entire Tentative Plan nox proposed out of focus. The other alternative plan proposed by Attorney Ruiz is, in reality, not a proposed redevelopment plan which xould require property ovttera to come up to,current standards. The work as described in the plan xas done by a building inspector and a survey in one small area was made. It recommends that buildings be rehabilitated instead of redeveloped in the area. It does not relieve aqy municipality of an obligation to correct substandard buildings. It is not a substitute redevelopment plan, but is more of an "operation clean-up."' Dr. Bothrath at this point entered the meeting. The Chairman asked the members their wishes in the matter of the alter- native plans submitted at the public hearing. McDill moved, Westbrook seconded a motion that the following Resolution be adopted. Roll call vote showed: §yes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Westbrook. Absent, Gores. RESOLUTION N0. 23 Y~iEREAS, the Redevelopment Agengy of the City of San Bernardino, Califor- nia, has held a public hearing March 13, 1956 on its Tentative Plan far the redevelopment of Unit One of the. Gatexey Project, end WHEREAS, two written communications xere filed xith said Agency at such public hearing as alternative plena by Ruiz & Ruiz, Attorneys at Law, for and on behalf of the Community Improvement & Development Association, and by Mr. E.A. Bennis, Jr., respectively, gnd FhIERE6S, said Agency reconmrends against exp. swch changes in its said Tentative Plan as proposed by said two written communications; NCW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that the Tentative Plan proposed by said Agency and presented at its public hearing of March 13, 1956, for the redevelopmrent of Unit One of the Gateway Project, be, and the same is hereby, approved and adopted, and the said two written communications be forwarded to the City Planning Commdssion and the Mayor and Common Council with a recoimmendation of this Agency against their proposed amendments and modifications of said Tentative Plan. : ~)J The Chairman believes that HHFA in San Francisco a Los Angeles should be called upon to assist in drafting the report to the Council on the txo written co:mnunicationa. The Planning C.saion will consider the plan on March 20, 1956, after xhich it rill be presented to the Council. Dr. Bockrath then discussed vital statistics being kept in both pro3ect areas under consideration. The Chairmsn asked if any evaluation is being made by the Health Department concerning conditions of the dwellings in Area 2 which fail to comply with the laxs. Dr. Bocl¢~ath advised that the situation had been gone into two ~ three years ago by the Building Department on substandard housing. Records of communicable diseases in the areas are kept as a special set-of records bq the Health Departme~. There have been fine cases of minor conmmnicable diseases in one of the areas (period of time not stated) and five deaths in one area, all elderly people. Carlisle moved, Westbrook seconded a motion that the meeting be ad3ourned. Roll call vote showeds ayes, Carlisle, Chapman, McDill, Westbrook. Absent, Ganes. Meeting adjourned at 4:55 P. M. Respectfully submitted, J~~a F. McDi11 /- Secretary Minutes approved by absent members // Date ~ MA~~ ~,,3-ia~'~°~`~_'',~~J Minutes of the regular meeting of the REDEQELOPMENT AGENCY of the City of San Bernardino, California, held in Roan 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, March 28, 1956, at 4:00 P.M. There was no meeting held on this date for lack of a quorum. Notices were sent to members for a special meeting to be held on April 4, 1956. Reaps tfully submitted, ~, ~~ ,_, ~~ Il~;~r r, James F. McDill -Secretary Minutes of the special meeting of the REDEOELOPMENT AGENCY of the City of San Bernardino, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, April 4, 1956 at 4:00 P. M. The meeting xas called to order by the Chairman at 4:30 P. M. a f~ (' Roll Call showed the following presents Members Carlisle, Chapman, Gomez and Westbrook; A>ebginiatrative Officer Ward, Mr. Harvey Feit from The Sun Cce<pauy, Absent, Member McDill. Minutes - Gomez moved, Carlisle seconded a motion that the minutes of the meeting of March lly 19$6 be approved as distributed. Roll call vote shooed: ayes, Games, Carlisle, Westbrook and Chapman. Absent, McDill. Survey & Planning - Westbrook moved, Carlisle seconded a motion that the nded~betxeen the Agency and Simon Eisner be approved and that the Chairman and Secretary be authorized to execute 1t on behalf of the Agency. Roll call vote shored: ayes, Gomez, Carlisle, Chapman and Westbrook. Absent, McDill. Bills - The following bills were presented and certified for payment: C.J. Lyman - April rent ~ 60,00 General Telephone Co. - March service T.75 Simon Eisner - services to date under Amended Contract 1000.00 Total 0 Gomez moved, Westbrook seconded a motion that the treasurer be authorised to draw checks on the fhnds of the Agency to pay the above bills. Roll call vote ahoweds ayes, Gomez, Carlisle, Westbrook and Chapman, Absent, McDi11. Comm~snications - The Chairman read a letter dated Harch 23, 1956 and one dam 3, 1956 from Ruiz & Ruiz, Attorneys at Lax, rho represent certain property oxners in the Gateway Project Area. These gentlemen express and request an opportunity to confer wlth the Agency about the proposed pro3ect in that area. Budget revision approval as requested from HHFA was noted by the Chairman. Letter from Mr. Mosier of the City Planning Commission stating that said body ,had approved the Tentative.Plan for Unit One of the Gateway Project Area was read by the Chairman. Public Hearing by Mayor & Council - Chairman informed agengr members that t ayor an Common ouncil of the City of San Bernardino rill hold a public hearing, April 26, 1956, on this agency's Tentative Plan for the Gateway Project. The Administrative Officer is preparing an ordinance approving and adopting said plan to be submitted to the Mayor and Gammon Council at .the earliest opportunity following this hearing. Public Relations - The Chairman advised the members that he and the i~fficer had appeared on the Metroplex program on Urban Redevelopment, Part I, and that Mr. Ward xould also be a panelist on Part II. The Administrative Officer xas asked to write a letter of thanks aad appreciation to Mr. John Harder and Dr. L.K.MeLaaghlin under whose direction the programs are presented. A V Ganez moved, Westbrook seconded a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Roll call vote shooed: ayes, Carlisle, Gomez, Westbrook and Chapman. Absent, McDill. Meeting adjourned at 5:10 P.M. Minutes approved by absent member: Respect 1il'),y submitted, i ~v-~_ fi`r' /„'~ ~ /~ Date 1Y /F Y I-~j - 101 y 1 J. a"s ~. McDill -'Secretary Signed ~ Minutes of the regular meeting of the REDEVEIAPMNNT AGENCY of the City of San Bernardino, Caltfomia, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, April 11, 1956, at 4:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 4:20 P.M. Roll Call showed the following present: Mm~bera Carlisle, Gomez, McDill and Chapman; Administrative Officer Ward, Mr. Rarvey Feit Prom the Sun Company, Manuel Ruiz, Jr. and Alexander Ruiz, Attorreya at I~aw, Abssant, Westbrook. Minutes - McDill moved, Carlisle seconded a motion that the minutes of the spec "1 meeting of April 4, 1956 be approved as distributed. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Gomez, Carlisle, McD111 and Chapman. Abse:rt, Westbrook. 4;25 P. M. Mr. Westbrook entered the meeting at this time. The Chairman tabled the balance of the agenda and asked Mr. Manuel Ruiz, Jr. mid Mr. Alexander Ruiz to speak to the agency. Mr. Manuel Ruiz, Jr. stated that the alternative plan preae~ed at the agency's public hearing by him on behalf of the Community Improvement & Development Association is not legally sufficient. Re related hie studies made in the area on the subject of crime, health and traffics and concluded that the area's only problem appears to be substandard housing. He objected to the agency relocation plan as set forth in its Tentative Plan Report on the basis that area residents of Mexican descent cannot get housing in this city and the relocation is unrealistic as to the number of rentals available to them. Mr. Ruiz requested that the Agency postpone further action on its Tentative Plan for the Gateway area to glue the residents an opportunity to bring their houses up to standard. Mr. Chapman welcomed the two attomeys and commented on their suggestions and the Tentative Plan. He stated that the council had assigned the area to the agency for study as a redevelopment project, and its jab wa;s to determine i1' such a plan was feasible. The Chairman further replied that the agency is bound by the law as to bonding requirements, that the residents do not have the present opportunity to live in descent housing, that it is act economic- ally feasible to bring most of the present housing up to building standards, and that the existence of the power lines requires re-subdividing in the opinion of consultants which cannot be accomplished without redevelopment. The attorneys then stated that they feel the only way to oppose the proposed project is to submit a brief of statistics on the area to the f ~ n., Mayor and Common Council at their public hearing: At this time they thanked tha agency members for allowing them to meet with the agency and left the meeting. Office - McDill stated that the San Bernardino Metropolitan Water Df`~ct, of which he is a member, is xilling to share office space with this agency. The agency's rental plus me-quarter time secre- tarial services xould be $165.00 per mmth, plus the agency's tele- phone service. The matter was discussed by the members, who decided to take it under advisement. After further discussion, Gomez moved, Westbrook seconded a motion that the agency go on record as approving removal of the agency office to the water district's office as stated above by McDill. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Gomez, McDill, Westbrook and Chapman Bills - The following bills were presented and certified for payment: San Bernardino Blus Print Co. X13.79 State Employees Retirement System 13.68 Department of Employment 12.65 Internal Revenue Service Li2.20 Kenneth K. Kelly (Insurance, 1956) .00 Ta $l1b.32 McDill moved, Carlisle seconded a motion that the treasurer be author- ized to draw checks on the funds of the agency to pay the above bills. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Gomea, Carlisle, McDill and Chapman. Absent, Westbrook, (Member Westbrook absent at time of note). Agency Report on Alternative Plans - McDill moved, Gomez seconded a mot on that the agency adopt report to tha Mayor and Common Council prepared by the Administrative Officer on the two written communications filed with the agency at its public hearing by the Crnrmtunity Improvement & Development Association and by Mr. D.A. Bemis, Jr. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Gomez, Carlisle, McDill, Westbrook, and Chapman. Westbrook moved, Carlisle seconded a motion that the meeting be adfaurned. Roll call vote shared: ayes, Carlisle, Gomez, McDill, Westbrook, and Chapman. Meeting adjourned at 5:20 P.N.. Respectfully~y/submitted, J ~~~IcDill Mimxtes approved by absent mew Date ~ . Si - ~~ ~e ~~~ Minutes of the regular meeting of the RIDEVEI,OPMENT AGENCY of the C1ty of San Bernardino, California, held in Raom 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, April 25, 1956, at 4s00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 4:30 P.M. Roll Call ahorred the follo~3ng present: Members, Carlisle, Gomez, 4Tes~broT and Chapman; Absent, McDi11. Carlisle moved, Westbrook seconded a motion to postpone the approval of the minutes of the meeting of April 11, 1956 until the next agency meeting. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Carlisle, Gomez, Westbrook and Chapman. Absent, McDill. Rousi Standards in 7bntative Plan - The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Everett, Acting gion Director of UR, requesting that the Tentative Plan for Unit One of the Gateway project be modified as to Section P-4, Subsection 1, Item 1, as to certain housing standards. Mr. Everett suggested that the agency present these modifications to the Mawr and Common Council at their public hearing of April 26, ~$6 and ask them to accept and approve the changes. Gomez moved, Carlisle seconded a motion that the agency adopt the modifications requested by UR in the Tentative Plan for Unit One of the Gateway project and that the agency recommend approval of the changes to the Mayor and Common Council. Roll call vote ahoweds dyes, Carlisle, Gomez, Westbrook and Chapman. Absent, McDill. A ~lications for Director - The Chairman reported on the applications received to da from various persons applying for the position of Executive Director of the agency. Westbrook moved, Gomez seconded a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Roll call vote showed: des, Carlisle, Gomez, Westbrook and Chapman. Absent, McDill. Meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.M. Minutes approved by absent member: Date ~ r Signed .~ Q/ Re//~~~pe~~ctfully submitted, J'9~,~McDS~ ~Se~ ~~q i 7 ~` Minutes of the regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY of the City of San Bernardino, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, on May 9, 1956, at 4:00 P, M. The meeting was called to order by. the Chairman at 4:20 F, M, Roll Call showed the following present: Members Chapman, Mc Dill and Westbrook; Administrative Officer ldard. Absent, Carlisle and Gomez. Minutes - McDi11 moved, 'rlestbrook seconded a motion that the minutes of the meeting of April 11, 1956 be approved as distributed, Roll call vote showed: ayes, McDill, Westbrook and Chapman. Absent, Carlisle and Gomez. Westbrook moved, McDill seconded a motion that the minutes of the meeting of April 25, 1956 be approved as distributed. Roll call vote si:owed: ayes, Mc Dill, Westbrook and Chapman. Absent, Carlisle and Gomez, Bills - The following bills were presented and certified for nayment: General Telephone Co. - April service $ 7,Go Steele's Photo Service - photostats 5.36 C. J. Lyman - May rent 60,00 Sunset Travel - Airplane fares ~ 99.60 Simon Eisner -Attendance Hearing of 4-26-56 150.00 Total $322.16 Mc Dill moved, Westbrook seconded a motion that the treasurer be authorized to draw checks on the funds of the agency to pay the above bills. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Me Dill, Westbrook and Chapman, Absent, Carlisle and Gomez, - Budget £or Final Planning - The Administrative Officer discussed financial data compiled by Mr. Hogenson of URA cn funds needed to complete final plans for Unit One of the Gateway Project (UR CALIF 1-2), Mc Dill moved, 'rlestbrook seconded a motion that the Agency adopt the following Resolution: Resolution No. 24 W}iEREAS, By Resolution No. 17 of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, the Secretary of the agency was authorized and directed to execute and file an application }vith the Housing and Home Finance Administrator to secure approval to incur costs on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, in the sum of $34,000,00 for surveys and plans for the redevelopment project UR Calif. 1-2, under provisions of Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, and WHEREAS, By Resolution No. 18 0£ the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, approval of such an application was requested X71 of the Urban Renewal Administration by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, and WHEREAS, the Urban Renewal Administration advanced only the sum of $4,000.00 on said application, and WHf'sREAS,the further sum of $29,568.00 is necessary to complete the final plans and surveys for said project area, NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California: that an application for approval to incur costs on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, in the amount of $29,568.00 for surveys and plans for Unit One of the Gateway Project (UR Calif. 1-2) in the preparation of a project to be assisted under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949 is hereby approved, and that the Secretary of the Agency is hereby authorized and directed to execute and file such application with the Housing and Home Finance Admin- istrator, and to provide such additional information and to furnish such documents as may be required by said Administrator, and to act as the authorized representative of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California. Roll call vote showed: ayes, McDill, Westbrook and Chapman. Absent, Carlisle and Gomez. Written Communications at Council Hearing - Written communications filed with Mayor and Common Council at public hearing of April 26, 1956, which have been referred for report and recommendation were discussed. The Chairman stated that said communications were only criticisms of the Tentative Plan for redevelopment of Unit One of the Gateway Project as adopted by the agency, and that they were not alternative redevelopment plans within the meaning of the Community Redevelopment Law. Mc Dill moved, Westbrook seconded a motion that the Administrative Officer be instructed to advise the Mayor and Common Council to this effect and that said communications and their proposals would not meet the needs of the area and are not economically feasible and that they be recommended for denial. Roll call vote showed: ayes, McI}ill, Westbrook and Chapman; absent, Carlisle and Gomez. Office - After discussion, Chairman requested Administrative Officer to give Mr. C. J. Lyman 30 days notice that Agency will quit the premises at 202, 362 D Street, present agency office. Westbrook moved, McDill seconded a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Mc Dill, Westbrook and Chapman; absent, Carlisle and Comez. Meeting adjourned at 5:00 P. M. Res ectfully submitted, J es F. McDill - Secretary Minutes approved by absent members: ~ Date ~ Signed '. 1C{,c., C-an~uk:- ?, ~ Minutes of the regular meeting of the HEllEVE;LOPML:NT AGENCY of the City of San Bernardino, California, held in Room 202, 362 D Street, San Bernardino, on May 23, 1956 at 4:00 P. M. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 4:20 P. M. Roll Call showed the following present: Members Chapman, McDill, Westbrook, Carlisle and Gomez. Minutes - Mc Dill moved, Gomez seconded, the motion that the minutes of the meeting of May 9th be approved as distributed. Roll call vote showed: ayes, McI}ill, Westbrook, Chapman, Carlisle and Gomez. Absent, None. Bills - The following bills were presented and certified for payment: Gladys Verberg - 24z hrs. work in March, 1956 ~61.5g per hour $ 38.71 Gladys Verberg - Prepaid postage 1.7 TOTAL 40.48 Carlisle moved and Westbrook seconded that the above bills be paid. Roll call vote showed Chapman, Westbrook, :4c Dill, Carlisle and Gomez voting yes. Absent, none. The Agency members then took up the discussion of the Council's action on N:ay 17th and the Administrative Officer was ordered to get legal opinion re the Council's action and report back to the Agency. Mr. Ives of the HHFA office then discussed with the Board members alternate plans and procedures that could be used, providing the City Council authorized such action. Upon the motion of Gomez, seconded by 1estbrook, the meeting adjourned at 5:25 P. M. Respectfully submitted, J es F. Mc Dill, Secre ary 1 yZ Minutes of the regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AG'r:NCY o£ the City of San Bernardino, California, held in Room 311, Professional Bldg., San Bernardino, California, on June 13, 1956. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 4 P. M. Roll Call showed the following present: i4embers Chapman, McDill, 'rlestbrook and Carlisle; absent, Comez. Minutes - Mc Dill moved, Carlisle seconded, the motion that the minutes of the meeting of May 23rd be approved as distributed. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Mc Dill, Carlisle, 4Jestbrook, Chapman. Absent, Gomez. Bills - The following bills were presented and certified for payment: General Telephone Co. May Bill 324.69 i9cDi11 moved and Carlisle seconded that the above bill be paid. Roll call vote showed Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle and i~icDi 11 voting yes; absent, Gomez. The Agency members then took up the discussion of the Council's action on June 13th, being the first reading of a resolution by the Council reinstating the Redevelopment Agency and that the second reading of this resolution would be held on June 25th, The Chairman mentioned that a legal opinion had been furnished by the City Attorney and the Administrative Officer of the Agency that the method used by the Council in disbanding the Agency was illegal and of no effect, The following resolution was read to the members of the Board: RESOLUTION N0. 25 WHEREAS, Section 3 0£ Article I of the By-Laws of the Redevelopment Agency of the City o£ San Bernardino, California, provides that the office of the Agency shall be at such place in the City of San Ber- nardino, California, as may be designated by resolution; NOW THEHE;FORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFGHSJIA: That until otherwise provided by resolution, the office of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San ;3rnardino, California, shall be at Room 311, Professional Building, in the City of San Bernardino, California. McDill moved and Carlisle seconded the motion adopting this resolutior: and on a roll. call vote, Chapman, Carlisle, hlcDil.1 and ';!estbrook voted yes; absent, Gomez. Discussion was had about interviewing job applicants and the Secretary was instructed to write to Sears and ';latkins re interviewing the above for employment. 17~ McDill moved and lJestbrook seconded that the meeting adjourn at 5:45 P. M. Roll call vote showed Chapman, Carlisle, '.~Iestbrook and McDill voting yes; absent, Gomez. Respectfully submitted, J sDill~e~ta"ry" Minutes approved by absent member: Date ~ - ~ /` SignecL %~/ / ~ ~ ~ " - YL ~ C~/`f~ =5 Minutes of the regular meeting of the RL,llEVF~LCPI~^F:NT AGPNCY of the City o£ San Bernardino, California, held in Rocm 311, Professional Building, San Bernardino, California, on July 25, 1956. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 4:30 P. M• Roll Ca11 showed the following pre scent: S•?embers Chapman, Carlisle, P4cllill; absent, 1;'estbrook and Gomez. Minutes: The minutes of the regular meeting o£ June 13, 1956, were approved as read upon the motion of Carlisle and second by P4cUi11. Roll call vote showed: ayes, Cahpman, Carlisle and T9cDill; absent, Westbrook and Gomez. Bills - The following bills were presented for payment: San De rnardi no Dlue Print Co. jp 13.96 San Bernardino Var. and Storage Co., moving. 30.90 San Bernardino Valley M1?uni deal 'dater District, Office rent and clerical for June, and July phone 170.45 Kenneth K. Ke11y, Bond premium 125.00 Total ~? 240.31 McDill moved and Carlisle seconded that all bills be paid when funds are available from requisition for X1,215.00. Chapman, Carlisle and Mc Uill voted yes; absent, 'rie stbrook and Gomez. McDi11 moved and Carlisle seconded that the application for advance for the Meadowbrook Project be approved and that Requisition No. 7 under Contract A-9, in the sum of jp1,215.00, be forwarded. Chapman, Carlisle and Mcllill voted yes; absent, '.^de stbrook and. Gomez. After some discussion, the Agency agreed to ask Mr. Swanson to appear for an interview for the position of Director. There being no further business, Plc Uill moved and Carlisle seconded that the meeting adjourn at 4:5C P. h?. Roll call vote showed Chapman, Carlisle and blc Dill voting yes; absent, ?de stbrook and Gomez. Respectfully submitted, Jam F. P1cDil1, Secretary P~linutes approved by absent membex~~ Date: Signedr-': Z is ; ~ ~T Signed: ?: d Minutes of the regular meeting o£ the RIaEVELOPP•1FNT AGENCY of the City of San Bernardino, California, held in Room 311., Professional Bldg., San Bernardino, California, on Au-ust 8, 1955. There not beinn a Quorum present, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, 1 Jam/~ F. A:cDill, Secretary /' ~' , -.'Minutes of the regular meeting of the 17.itll'~VELOP'.~;NT kOt~i;CY Gr' THE, CITY of San 3ernardino, California, held in Room 311, Professional B1dg., San Bernardino, Cal.i£o rnia, on Auk-ust 22, 1956. There not being a quorum present, except the Secretary, the Secretary adjourned the meeting to 5:00 p.m., August 24, 1y56. Respectfully submitted, Jv~hes F. Mcllill, Secretar'Y i~ Minutes of the adjourned meetir.~; o` the R`r]U;;V:iOPh~SNT AGENCY OF T4tl CITY OF SAN AERNAi-:DING, California held in Room 311, Professional 5uilding, San 3ernardino, California, on August 24, 1956, The meeting ~.aas called to order by the Chairman at 5:20 p, m. Roli Call showed the following present: Members Chapman, :'1c Di11, ~.Je st'orook; absent, Carlisle and Gomez. Minutes - hic llill moved and !;estbrook seconded that the minutes o£ the previous meetings that had not been approved be put over to thc; next regular meeting. Roll call vote shoo-red the following voting yes: Chapman, McDill and Stiestbrook; absent, Carlisle and Gomez. It was moved by Mc llill and seconded by Ylestbrook that Jerome F, Sears, Jr., be hired as lli rector effective Monday, August 2'], 1950, at a starting salary of :i7,500.G0 per year on a mcnth to month basis. Rcll call vote showed the following voting yes: Chapman, I~Qc Di11 and rJe stbre ok; absent, Carlisle and Gomez. 'iestbrook moved and tdc llill seconded a motion that the meeting adjourn at 5:30 p. m., and Hall Ca11 vote showed the following voting yes: Chapman, hic Di11 and SJestbrook; absent, Carlisle and Gomez. ktespect£ully submitted, Jam F. ,'`.c L'i ].l~ec~ ar N[inut es approved 'oy absent members: Date: Signed: `J~o--~-<..~ l~' ra >~ k,v --~S.~ Signed: "' a :4inutes of the rcguL.r rneetin- o: the i2n11~~1/LGr~i~VT ADL`2CY of the City o£ San 3ernard_no, Cali£ornia, held in Room 311, Professional Building, San Bernardino, California, on August 3G, 1y55. The meeting was called Uo order by the Chai c^nan at 4:45 F• 'n• Roll Ca.ll_ showed the followinr> present: S!embers Chapman, Mc 1)i 11, .estbrook absent, Carli.sl e, Gornez. Minutes - Nc Dill moved and :~iestbrook seconded that the minutes o£ the previous meetings on July 25, August 8, August 22, and August 21~, 195, be approved as presented. Roll ca11 vote showed the following voting yes: Chapman, 1~~4c Di L, and rde stbrook - absent, Carlislo and Gomez. 8i11s - 'Phe following bills were presented for payment: San Bernardino Blue Print Co. '~ 6.24 Arrowhead Cf£ice F:cu iprnent Co. 2.60 General Telephone Co. 18.96 San Bernardino Valley i4unici pal 'Dater llist rict, C££ice rent and clerical £or the aianth of auly, 1y56 165.00 State );mplofces' Teti rement Fund 5.00 17i rector's Salary 112.02 ,,"otal p jG9.H? '"lestbro ok moved and b;c Uill seconded that all bills be paid. Roll call vote sh ovred the following voting yes: Chapman, ~4c Dill, and .'e stb ro ok; absent: Carlisle and Gomez. Ce rti£icate of Appointment as a t$ember et the Board of the rtedevelolanent Agency o£ the City of San Bernardino was presented to i1r. Truitt Je stbrook. It was decided that J4r. Chapman roaould contact P~:ayor Gregory regarding the resignation of i~Ir. F.udo1£o C,omez from the Board of Directors o£ the dedevelopment Agency of the City o£ San be rnardino, California, and ascertain the I4ayor's desires as to the appointment of another member. isle Dili mov ed and '~Je stb rook seconded that tihc subscription to the National Association o£ Housing and Redevelopment Service not be renewed at ti.is time. Roll call. vctir.^ s'~osaed Chapman, iKc Lill and ~.Je st6 rook - yes; absent: Carlisle and Gom az. Mc Dill moved and Westbrook seconded tYiat Mr. Ta;,'lor be authorized to audit the books of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Be, rnardino, California, and to bring all reco rcis to date as of September 1, 1956, £er an amount not to exceed ti~250.0G. Ho11 Call vote showed the following, voting yes: Chapman, P4c Dill, lie stbrook; Absent, Carlisle and (-omez. ~S E;~ 1Jestbrook movea and A.c Dill seconded that suitable ring binders be purchased for official publications. Roll Ca11 vote st-sowed the following voting yes: Chapman, Plc Dill, '.e stbrook ; Absent, Carlisle, Gomez. Summary of Operation Clean-up for Jure and July, 1956, eras presented to the Board and it was moved by ;Ve stbrook and seconded by Mc Di it that a fLle be maintained ir, the Agency showing the progress of said operation. Roll call vote showed the following voting yes: Chapman, P.c Ci11, ~~s'estbrook. Absent: Carlisle, Gomez. There was an informal discussion regarding the time and place o£ the future regular meetings o£ the 3oard of the Redevelopment 9gency of the City of San Bernardino, California. No action ryas taken as it was decided to ~;~rait until. all regular members could be present to vote or. any change o£ the re ~ular meeting date. There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion for adjcurnment s~as made by Mc Di11 and seconded by Dlestbrook. Roll call vote showed the following voting yres: Chapman, A1c Diil, liestbrook. Absent: Carlisle, Gomez. Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p. m., August 30, 195b. Respectfully submitted, J /" r V" Ja F. Plc lli11, S etary t•'.inutes approved by absent members: Dat e: Signed Signed ant ;~:irut es of the regular ;reefing of the Itiil VJ.iCFr!i,itlT AG~;ICY of the Citf of San 3e rnardino, California, held in lio om 31i, Professional Bldg., San Bernardino, Cal ifo rrti a, on September 26, 1956. The :neet ing was called to orxler by Lhe Chairman at 4:45 p. :n. Ro 11 Call: sF.o wed the £011o~.ring pr•c sent: Me.~bers Chapman, ~e stbrock, e.c 3ill Carlisle. ::bscnt: ':+ilson. V.in-rtes: ,''9c lli11 moved and 'rie,tbrook seconded that the minutes of the previous meeting of August 3G, 1950, be approved as presented. Holt Cell vote showed tcc _`olo.aing vot ng ;,°rs: Cha Penan, ?Ic lli~.l, 'arlicle, :~estb rodn. :ib sent: liS_lsor.. Bills: The followi n,• 'oi lls °.vere pre, ented for t;ayment: ilr ro•.ah cad Office `,c?ui anent Cc. ,k 3.30 S.bb City of San lie rrla rdmo, Caiif. 2.42 San Bernardino Valley :4unicipal ;;ester llist rice, Office rent and clerical help for the month ofAAu;;., '90 162.OC S-.;atc :::np'~o;/cos' F.eti ^ement S-y st cls 5.43 h?c llill :roved and Carlisle seconded that all bills be oaid when f°ands become available. Roll call vote showed the following voting yes: Chaprnan, Carlisle, }%c lli l1, ~tde stbrc o':~c. 7~bsent: ',Gilson. Survey and Plarnin,~: The Board m~as advised that the earliest Sate approval could be expected For the PAe adowbrook Project •./as Octobar 30, 1956. The 3oard was also advised that a ;neetini; had been arranged with Simon Eisner :lsso cities tc discuss a contract to up-dato all information in regard to th^ _eadowbrook Project in pre„a rat ion of the Tentative Flan Report a.nd Preliminar;/ Project Re port. '.yo rkable roUr a:n: The Soa rd was advised that a meting had been arran god for Goober c, 1455, ~ditF the department heads of the City o£ San 3e rnardiro to discuss the preparation of t?.e ~:dorkablc Program. Other Business: Mc ll~11 moved and Carlisle seconded that awl in `o.^.nation Sor the pcblic crimating From this office :rill be passed on b~ a member of tho Board be_`cre release. Holl call vote showed the following voting des: C ;adman, Carlisle, '.-ic Di11, .destbroo:~. Nbse~7t: ~~dilsor.. It °aae dec i_de'i to arr nr,e a meet in;; some time in thz £ir st 1 4 .~ Meek in November betiaeer, the members of the Goarri e£ the f~cdevelopment Agency, the merroers of the City Council o£ Sa^ 3erna rdi no, end a group of the representative businessmen of the corc~n.xnity to discuss redevelopment problems and the possible e£Fect the eomint; election may have on the program. Adjournment: ihcre being no further business to cone before the 3oard, a motion for adjou rnmert was :^~sde by Plc Dill and seconded by pie stbrook. Roll call vote showed the £ellozving voting yes: Chapman, i'c Ji 11~ .Ie stbrook~ Carlisle. Absent - 4lilson. 1~`e eting adjou rued at 5:45 p. ni.~ September 26, 1955. lte spectfully sub;nitt ed ~-,~~~~ J• es F. :~Ic Jill, rotary ;~:in utes approved by absent -cambers: Date: ~~ ~ I / L ~ ~1 i'4inutes o£ the regllar meeting of tie RED&VL'LOPi~ff~;CiT nGi~NCY o£ the City o£ Sar Bernardino, Calico rnia, held in Itoor. 311, Pro _`easional D1dg.~ San Be rn arcli:~o, Califo rnia~ on October 1.0, 1956. Tk~e re nct be ing a q~orurn presc*~t, the meeting was adjourn ed. Heapectfally submitted, J~ es 1'. !c iiii~ ~ 7~ ~~cru`ary ~ y <~, =iinute ~£ the ite~u LEer ;.~etin~~ oi' Lhe }iL!;P?l.~Ii,uY}.-~,iJT :L~:~..i?Cl o£ tre Sity oi' va^ 3Crnari:inJ, rai1l'Grn'_:1, head ifl 3oo~n X11, Professional Boil-;lin:_, San Rernardirc, California, on Octobc 21~, 1756 '''e :nee*ir~ ~., - wed to order b,~ .,h' Chas rs3n aL 4 ';5 e. -:.. toll Call: shcr~re-: the fo lo;in- present: c l.:ers l.h _i ea~x,, Je stbro:,;., .:c Dili, darlisie. Ahscrt: _.lson. fimxtcs: is Ji L ~2o',red a. -desLO aol: seconded tk r.t the :2 r.utes o£ the pre'/i ons .a~..tin"s a.. Se tember <o, 1.'756, and October 1i;, 195E, be a}.?;roved r~ presented. itol s.l vo ,.Gwed tha following votir,. ycs: Chagnan, .c ~i1.1., `o tbrco , Carlisle. Absent •iilson. Rills: 'Phe £ollo~:rin_- bills 'sere presr-nted for payrtcrt; State ::a rtes _[epor` o.` };e•r F;'Lid a SJ~~ State IJr.csplo;y:aent lnsurance 5.50 'r'cderal lnco!ne Taz C~uarterly ie~arr. 19.75 Sar. Pe rnar•aine ?7alley iunici eal 'ester i:ist ra.ct, OFf;.ce ,[r..nt a^.3 Glericta 't'el~ for t'r,c ^rcr.th of :;ept ~:;ni;er 142..~J4 .;ork:aens' i;oranen::aiion insurance (ai `d.'d!12L E- "Ci:OLntj 15•Vli General l Fi 6yJhOP.G ~e;pi)=Sf lv. GS Wl`i' . 17 i1c Dill moved sr_d '.Iestbrook seconded that the following bills be oai . and pay~rent o£ all rena ninl arnour:~.,s cmz as shorm bc; •,dit hhel:i ti=!11in~ rcc ~ipt of additional `u~:ds. State 6;;~.a.rteriy~ iieport o£ Ja„es Paid 5 ; StcLc tine:,+~~o~^ent Insurmec 5.55 i•ederal Ir;eoste "Pa;c iluarteriy Return 1:7.75 ro r:nnens' Ccmpens.t ion Lnsarance (^._nroria+atc mnountj 15.5• "Pot&.l w+[r5.(;=. ?oll ea11 wte snowed the £011o~..rin{" vob nl yes: Cha-le;an, i{e Inll,~.~estbro cz, .,_rlisle. r"iosent: :ailson. oarvey ten:: Planninz: T4^ .io .rd ?,ate ,-. ,sod o£ a L~7~_act dmeroisent and n.d ,et ',ieviio. a„pli ca±.on r ceded to obtain c ',Cx:a1 funds to :acct cnrrenc ob1i1;_,i ons of t}:e Agency. Fo nns }: ':r H62'7, I:o30, H6t y, •;rere itspecie p'°oved. d ~~ :~ Th=; £0110 d~-. to solut ion °caa / LY:c i'~ u~.er; o£ t ~, ,,_cr,cy. itesolutiori id:;. 2L ~tesol-~.iion ~.~.. ~6, of Lhc :i. J J _10Y'~ _ a ~.d:C_ G. I: -. ~~iT 0?o~ .!t:~. lIidG, ¢.AS, a is n%;cessar;; and in ',ne public interest 'ghat the Re3evelop!nenC ~.;;cncy of the City o£ Gan ?e_nardino, Gahfornia, ;vai1 it s,;l_ 0` the £i.iar_c~rl -~s.,istemce c^ovidea by Title I ~£ the nousir;,: :iet c" ].949 to assist local slur clr ;r r.~., ^nd .: rt-sn rede-velop~r.:nt projects; and Hr ?AS, '.t is neee`v•,ar;T tLat surv •a~ be :c. _ an:i o* er activ t~~e; be .~c £or:.cd nr paratc°y' ~c un.isrta'~cinp ~uch n--°o,]ects; ~^_d y :i~:+5, ii, is rF CO-nized thct 1t1e I 0£ the F!ous n„ Act o° 1y1~9 re«iires that contracts for £inan, ial c t=nee thereunder impose certain o~..~;at_o;i°a and resrons--b ilities a?on local public aga:neies availin_~ themselves o£ such Financial assistance, includin„ among otshe:° thing; s: (1) approval o£ the redevelopanent clan ~oy the ~ovc. ^ni-i:- Lolly- o£ the localty in .;hieh the -oj~et i sitcstec', aiti: y r~,i cpraa~..e ~indin~s (a) that £i ra ;c.-.a1 aid 'oy the i'edertQ G vern :ent is necee sr; ry, (~o~ th^ ~ the red -.rclopmcn f, _a ar.s f r the redevelopment areas in thr. io ,lY~,t wi11 a££o rd ~a~;i;oum oopo rtunity, consist.;nt ~n~ith the sound needs of t'-c Iocal~U,y u~ .~ :.hole, for the rc 'wclopraent of such aret~ ~ u'7 privy c ot:Let^prisc, anti (c) `,~ at t..,: r-development plan coat"orms to a ,enera _ pl?n =or the development o£ the 1 calit~ Gs 3 .Thole; (2j the provl sien o£ lot 1 -;runts-in-a~a; (~j tl_e develoPr ~c;t ::£ a f~a si plc r2 .<;~;oc', for the rclocr., L.r: ~_ ,,::.ilr ~s displac ell £ron the nro ~,ECt area; and (4~ the several. other loc~a7' ohli .~_ions a.it res,cons ibilitic„ t.ha~ s, ~, zm.~sed lurssant '.;o 'Pule I o£ the }ious_na bet o£ '_949 in connection with the undertakini- and carrying cut o£ slum clsar:~::c~ and urban re:evelo~~*;~ent pro j~.ct;; and Ir .~}.Aa, ~ ~ _s:;t to ': it1e I every centraet or a Pe3er.a ca.atal ~man1 vi11 r< ;ulre lceal c-r3i t-3n-e.id in cony?eeticr< ~ith the project which, toEether i~rith the local rent s-in-aid to oe arcvided in conn~.ction ~::ith all other arojeets o£ the local puo~.ic zcr_cy o; J:ich contracts For Fellers capi',. 1 !>runts have oeen made, 1 oe at iea.st eri,21 tc onr-th i^~ o" tt,0- a, r-cafe nut, project wets invol.vcd is si,AC~ project ~?td ~ -!AG=, suci: IocaT ;runts-in aid r. / be provided ':;~ ,. state, '1u.IciF:alit„ cr other public b0n~;, or b~ any other entit , and ma- ..onsi.sL o£ .i 0nations o£ cas ;, land, de n0lition or removal ~~~ork, and streets, ut,~itic s, or other rite imj rovc;nents, and ~~:- ;:°ov_~icr of parks, p1 T. ,rounds, and oth=r public built-it-.: oa £ailitics ~~:-'..ich (L) are ;rrt -~il„ bP .ii reel ~ene£ir. to th:F> ~ro~cct aid are ne e~..,a.y re se~we or „u7,~.ort ,,.a. .re..~ u,. ,i li;] *_n th.e project area or (<, :.r~, o ~.'ireet ,,n~s snb~.t .~,;ia7. h~r~cfit root t'. to tt ~rrcjcc.; an.i to o c.r a°ea> zn tYu co:m~auni ty. .~ , _!-: I,FO,'_', i. I ~_::;ui.; ..ll 'by the. ~~';eveloo~lent ~ --nc~- o~ ue GiL, 0. :;an }e rnard~no, (;ai_I£0rn ia: Se<.ti_cr - . i' et the £ir.anc~a i sint ante prc-ided 'oy Title 1 0, tl's i_ouslm~~ Act o£ 1'4y to as _„t local ,l. v;a c1~`z ranee ~ is urLTn ^e ]e--elo}zne.rt prc~. c'.;c ie n~,cescary; szid Sec-won 2. 'hat it is fuyi~ ~o;;nizant o_` the £~ egoin~ ob-'.~g&t.oi.; anH r•E ;ponsioil c__~ ~. .~~ are imse sell urr:er con r-.cts For £inancl 1 assi stanbe ~~ pursuant to Pitie i end zi s in t-e sense of this u~, ±,,y thet :::xc l; oo r-at _ons :.... e-ponsi~r.ities c_n ~.r.d ~-i~i oc 1t ihi ed; an3 v coon ..hat ::n amend:aent tc Cen .-ict Do. Ux Ca].i_ornia di-~ ,eto-.eer. the r~rdrve.:oment :ai;errcy of the Cit ~~ ct' :;an Derr°r<iino, Cali£orni a, and the: United States of A::eric;., acti ty any ~rou~ h t..,. F_,:as r and i- me I inane ': L.dni..'eratcr, br a:.r., reu to incu. coats cn ~ t':alf c,' bhe i;~ncvelogac ',gent; ai :;he Cit;,~ v£ San ~ernardinc, Ls1 i_crnia, 'n rn mount e£ +„Sl, ~~G.00, _ .+:.ti~:l.t being in ~rcess cf the mot, rac entl- ~:-~r•ovta nr_i=et yn the a^~oar~t c£ ,, 7,:15.(,x, Suomi tr •i to>ether .rich '~ca_cition :~,,. 7 ft:• t},~ ,rc.•io.i ilece•cber , _, ly5„ .o _,ec:;.nber 31, ~ o, £o: a.rrini- strrtion costs any o/erh ead £or ti--: £c lio~: rin =rea: - .an.ins~ `te: :.: ^tir,:.~e ster i~ corner o' thy; r to u;c alcn o£ r, r:i ~LreeL a r, ~'D° St ee L; tl -.ce itortr s1cn~; , ~ .este ' : Lire of ~ Stiree„ ~o a p~irrt 15C _ec~ :V cri,.: o: ~,;h;: lo.°L~~.eriy line cf :;±rcet; tie.tec ~e.st and F _rallel :~.r th c,e Pt t:_c~°iy line of 'ri itr~et io th; r,teriy pine of A _., ::..:ad venue; uence S.,a~.: ,1on .~ rly "__..:. o° :trro .ht ul "venue to '-,a '.or`~`..,.r1y--~ e o_' 2n~r ..: yet; ace ..., ~.1 ..._; e r:er t~,rly line oY 2nd Ste v:, Uo Lh ~s'c-_r_,y line or r~x~;c ,venue; eitiut l:oeth 3torpj tike ?+t cr1~; line of Lu o -rern:e io t};e - crly r :ne vP ~ Nt root; .,::once 1 isti along k_ ::;rtr :. _ -.- lin = c Sri Strr.et tc, t re '~.t crly li r.~ o£ she liaits o£ +hc City ~ ..ar. B,rnar.iino, .,'o ~.ne<. ~. ~. ;;h '~:.~^u- tine ~.,.._iy line c£ rr e Ci y ~~:rits tc r.:oL-t ~.rhi cki ~eild be 'h ~ }+ret: •_y eat.ert'ion of ~_ Lr, ocuts:erl;, 'L.:; ~-~li ;. ~`,ree+; thence _.,. id exte;ntsior. o£ t :.outfit line o. ~; a._i~~ ,art 2n= :1oa:- h: oi.utlc ~1,U iiaF of Ja_ia iit root to t= ntei ,.: tion i. L'n Lhe o v. ~c sttr l~ 'oonr~d*:,.~r tc .,re ~ ;ta Fe 'or - ch lin ~ - a;nt-a. „r_y ~-t r:, into .-, char ~ lice t .:a '_- _.._ _ r. ~~; t.. ~.cc `ortn ~ ~', or;= ` crth r; Lo~:- i , cf t'i ,seta _ _ inc ~ra- cr -.y :~ point :c e.u=~ ., `.'r.e: ,. ~cr. ~zior c._` the ~ ~eriy lire ~... ;;na _,, ..in ~'i r,r rvenuc: thsr_cP f;or ~h lo._, '~.a.r er •n~s `::. ;,~ _;., cs~ line o~ o~u;~tiain Ci:°: dv :. -~ '..c t..... d~u'.,h,.l~ fir. ~. o" 'ialto .revue; t,._n^ ''=t t ~~cn-; .,he gout _.r ; iin o: ?ial ~,o :,ve: ra. ,.,e Ti_ l.. rly iir„ of sr . e ~~eao ~_:;rce; t~.:r.c~ :;~ i .,r: a.ron . _ ...., ~'iT 7 i±ic c~ !.rr~ ..,c '.venue to the soetE-c 1f In , o£ :;tk~ 1 ~t:-eet t}; once tit z- orr t: 3ov _riy line of r"rthdl :iLieet to ., .e est r line o~ ~ 2pr^-: i:; ;;hc ice &:ert `_!,:e . ..t crly 1 ,~ o£ ~.; Strv ~[, to ~ Lcira `0 feet 'ar ah o_ tn. So'.. '.: _y~lina of . ,~, ar:et; t7_tr .t ._,, :, r r rara]1 .ritr` i t c ScuC c r1y line o' 2nd 5Lr e: to t icstc 1„ Line todd a dveuar, thcnc crth ri[ tshe :e -r7y line of St, and :c: t..., ___ _~ ~...1 _~_t o ., a pc n-.. 15c fc~eL JorbF. .,. ...... .a ., .trl~ i r, :, .,_ .._u~r_t ...,_ ~ct; tk. r c . ..~cL .-..i] cl -i o-~n3 .,t root ~ tk:e .c ,,, r_'- l~,r ~ of .: tree t~ t. :::der Lr.aril~. ~ ,, ,.~ ~. `; ti ..tc -:ar :. ..r:U r< .~ste l~ i-.:.~ .. Ctr _.. ~~._ ocint , e~ ... .ns: r n>'epa^ation o_ ajecr .. ~. -oa -~ ,.._,,.,~G u.. a. 'Lit le I is i ~ _c'cy <+ni.rove:z, .d :,~.a'c ht Seer t ~,r~ ~_ ~] r .~*:.n^y ~ hxr_r,i ::utYw:i.. .. an: ,__ ~ts~d .,., .;_,c oc Le ...u~ ~:,_ _l~e :ouch r rl-._~~~.;,icn pith t.__ l.~ks_n, r.J ilo- .r.'x.cc r..;.inl s„r2.tc r, aac to p~vide sue .rditi r ai info .nit ~_tn .. ..., .~u~oi~ such :o..umcnt~ ~~;; may be regvi e_. by sai~ .die inistra;Lor, ~.nd !,o a t ':s the v'~~~. ~c riz~d repro .en .,atzve of ;,l:e H_ evclopmc rl , dr:nc~ o` the City o£ r. l.,r.ia line, Ct.l_ ~ :ri i_a. G `.20~ ' . apman Ch;-_: racer. ~.-. iti:,lc moved ana c~tcr°ce~ ~cc0:r~ J nc :~o ~_c._ ado 'n~ to 3ccclut ion. o l Cra'1 1;~I" r..c~ .,~~~ .1 __: r., :dc Ji ~_, :estPr~;.c, am a.. Tislc v;,t,in~; des. absent: :il sor.. T e folio .in ., resolution ~: i Corr; L; Lm ic~..b :~s c~ ~ c ;anc; ptesoluti.:n 27 :iesolutien ie uc.ac:~ng Continuance o£ For iroject Pao. U3 Ca;._ifo:-nia 1-9 - sions £or 'Pit-^ I o_` the ilcusino .vet im.E:iatel~~ Prior to .,u;ust %, 19LF5, Ezplanatcry L~tat es~~.. ,,. - r anci.21 s l;tance L-1, under the Provi.- of iyy9, in Force an 3upule r~•rtary .:GLUTiCIS lib. LJ Or' °H ~: ~;P :L~C _.. ~ .:;cY cr ~_ ..~.. ~ r, ., _. _ ,.:,Irdv, c:~.I c ~I~I,t 1 -.;°, ch B.edevelopnent tiYency o£ the City o'?' San errr,rdinc, Ca.li£m~nia, h~.~ authorized the filing o" an ap;.lrc.:.tion to~nend ~.;ontract :. .,.'„ Calif. .;-9, bet~.!een the iedevelopment ~Sency o£ '.he City o_` San :lernardino, Oali£om;l a, and the United States of .`~-~ericr, to provide for ~~'riini stration aid overhead flsnds to preserve and protect survey and plazini nr~ data for ttedeveloir.nent Pr•ojcet .`lc I~a Cr. ii ":. rn i.a -1, in the nest _n~r •est o: the ~ iced Mates c£ 4a eri ca, and r aS, hs iZedeveloernent .,ter,e~ o'' ale City~o£ San erarcli.rro, Cal iforn_.a, } -~ dete^ rc•; tt~..~~ it is d=sirabl~_ to have the Project continue ir. decor-zrnce _th th-, r ~sions o£ Title i o' t~e I'.ousinr acb of lj)+9, in force imncdl ~.t,;ly prior to Hu ;ust 2, i9i~, (,: , •PHFk rC' s; B~ i cSO.,~.D by 'PHA u,llE UL,liGt -•.f•iT ti~ ~ i~'t U'r' ci: CITY OF r ;did i~lid0, C.,Llr~ Ji Li, 'L':Ii1'1' the Urban Rcne~,ra Aiministration, act in ; for and in bchal£ o£ tte United States o: ,'vnerica, be requested to approve the subject appLcation to amend Contract No. UR California d-;), for the Rcdevelopmen', Project knoa~m ac Uii California 1-1, rnaer the provisions of the °cId act", Title I of the Housiar i;et of I94q, as authorized under Cection 31? of the Ho.xsin„ ;',ct of 1554. Supplementary explanatory ~tatemeni; This applicatSon requests a Contract ~~mendment for one distinct project, UP. California 1-.L. It r~re uld provide for the extersior, o£ ;ands necessary to cover needed ad.•ni ni st r^.i.:ion expenses for t:e protection o£ data and er_u~pment eddy obtained and on hand, pro•9nced at. a cost o£ r~rroximately x3'7,915.50, until t!:e approval. of anew apnlia°.tioa for tt.e subject Yre jeer under the "',ew ",et" is rc eeived. 'Phis appli cat..ion covers onlg c. two :r.onth irtervenin;; peel nd. Janes r. ;~c hill. ., - Secretary esth,rook -loved and Carii sle seconded thic action sdo,,tin,q this :e solute n. 3011. call vote shop„ ,apnan, '~.c Dill, JestbrooF: aid Carlisle von.*.-; a Irbse_~t. i-Lson. ~~ T:~ egeneg "_c?nbers ~erc adv;.sed of a liesolntion to be presented to th- aayor and Corrrt,on Council of t`~e City of San 3ernardino, California. It ~~~. s decided to present tl-c Resolution to the i+layor on Cctoter 25, 1)56, anti seek iru~~. hate action on the ,after. -cr~cabl.e Prorran: ~.:e A_e icy ':embo rs :;arc =3v_sed that almost, all o£ the ^~ateri al for the `+orkable Pro ;ra;n has been received £ro;n the City Depa ~ °nt aeads and that tn:; rocgh draft ryas approxi.-natcly one-third ccmpl.eted. Gther 3usiness: the agency ;-ienbers decried on a =nenu o£ roast beef at a cost o£ ;p2.50 per plate for the dinner meeting, to be held or. Iiove:nber C, 1956, in the corfore-nee r~o:n of _e San Pa Fe 3er ~1 Sav~n;s and Loan a„ocietion, ~1: 7:0. ~•r }iogenson exc~rr nd i:is ~1e-s~,:, e, `~~-°eugF tl~, llireotor, f:-~ :.Lo fi ~c ~~tendance of the meetin:; he13 on Octo P!er 2, 195c, :in regard to tiie :;oricsble Pro~rr_rc~. dd,journment: :here 'oeing no i-arther business to cone 'oefore the Ageacf, a motion for a:ljournment •ras :wade by Carlisle and seconded by sfestdrook. Ro11 call vote showed t'.:~ foll ci•rin„ votir.~; ;; es: Cr.apman, L^"c DiJ.i, restbroo;c a:ri Crarli sle. tibscnt: 7~tlson. 'rne r^.cating eras adjourned at 6: G0 p. :;;., Gcto'oer 24, 1056. Respectfully submi teed, ~~~~ ies F. :.c Dili ;, cretary [•Iinutes arnroved by absent nonbers: Date• ~ if 3:ignsd• ~ ~ ./ir 1,~~ f£inutes of ;oe:ci~ J , nrr ::ac bin= of '.;he iusu J.,ICFt;?. ~ ,. 'aCY c •„ne C>-+;1_.of San L-crnar•i no, a:ii°c.-r ci s., hrLi;l in the C;or.`e-._ en~c -:c o;t. o^~t Y. Gant tc _.. -1 ;:av'r,~-s cad Lo ~_ ..~ coi.~.ti or, ~.'en~e^ ', lti; i .. PY;e ~ne tir .,.r c; L7 ed to order oy ~-e Ch Un.:at ?':OC p. _i. ao'1 c 11: ~'-~o-. c~' .,he f ~otrin,- p°°c scr.t: A,_~ency er.~be rs ~ -.:ap:aan, ,~ic J~11~ -rl_s1e, .n5 : i_.son. .ucct_ o_,ncl7m~;n 5t-:ort, Jeris, -_. ::r. i eslie I«t-ri •,, :: Georr~e Slack. "inuLea. P':c Ji: t n ~..._ ..rd C,._rli ,.e ceconael that tm rc_din- e£ the nutes o the °eviouc < ,in0 0" Get rber %lyn 1;; ~, oe. pcti ovc-r until the ._,t ,-t1 az• ,eetir ~ ".. '.cvt ~ttcr 7L, !'y5o. Survey n~: Plermin~r: Pn enc;l .. .,crs n3 ~t:e sts ~.re ao~i~~__~ b,~ t. c .il_•ector tr_~,± t~ e • :-,licvtior. `o .ieaao~.~nrook Fro jec', A._d been .t ._: roved- L _c ;ien Franci ~ o O~fit of FF:Fa _.i: .tzd been £or arned to nit-iugtor. Lo ..hc .orinyyton `~££9 ce o£ ~I"trR on th:- 15t?~ of Octote^, 1956. J1r. ;~ichard lie.,, .cg>_onal Sirector o.f U rbnn ~~ x;l - pan rancisco~ hs3 con>=acted the 'aehington C££ice by te'_ephone in the earl.; ~ ar., or ,~ ~orek reque in- than tha office give t~ ~ r:ot:d -brook i'ro;,ect _..°tion ac u.te: nref- er.Lial atsent ~ts poe:;siblo. ine re .:, a i-et .;ral. its u.;~ion `.:~ all pre -.-a cr. the .~.:sda-..rook rro~ect ana :_~..:z Vest c t .... ,,, :;,roach to the p oh_e °.; it~:n t'cc project ~~':.o e.re tc ~ ~f;'r,c Ged. ~o.~l:ab ~e Yro?rra i. Pk':e .w~cncy :.e:•wer~ sn:: ue sts ~-rc.e ndv icul ~A..C the ~o~,~;h dra_'t o tree ~-ic K~..ic F o~,:..:, is ~lmcst tot leh,e rt 'phis t i and i atpected that tie :.ra_t iyl be ad;l for rt ~tronr~i oy the s~,ror :rnc Common G un:, it by .;_~. end of .cz~c nber. lnforrt *--on i"or c_t~ia tort ions of t'r.E ',o~n ~:1<: k .,,, .~~ _.~ net ;let :.ce,t r_..~.ved `r,.:, ea. to r_ e'. t; d<; rtaen*_s, thus c usin„ to intici,.atr.d a e's~. Other ;§ incss: P~.e Di sector in£^rrae~i tht . +.tcf ~-~trs s_t '. ~.t..~~s .,; tic ere ., ~ll be _., V. cen ?..ne,da -e~.t*>>'..o runb::r 15, 1.9>v, ~... one .,_~. ertont Fot e>' in -.c rke]cj-, California, Lo iscues .c,ntc,apl tt _:. .-~.cn<. t.=rLs to ~h Jc1 urri.~. °,t1th _.. G..°et~ Code, c%tior a~in~ :rith Utou -Ce!tetaal. .ts. ': llsen move:: an:l _.. ~:~ ]',le secct :~.! LY'.S :_r.~ ~, the 'erect or, un :;.. .-,rd, i• 1 acunsel, __tc~t:: .,_ , reet i7:~. Rcll e4i1 v., ..~ s ~oa•e 1 r ., ., ., - ,.. .;:, .'c _~- '. ', _. ___ .. ,;eii ._~ i;s;er. o .u prn o e:~. Inc tu.; a. coi~: .. ct ~~ fry::; e:a. ,. c^,,_o ~ -:ert. ~., ,~. .w tc _c::a t.^-„a-n oortior_:- o° t: ~tJ al„acai.t to but ~ a t~_ a :.'nc ., irL{;_ ,: a., in crag Lrn .,'-.;; _; _.~ ~ec~ r_..>a.;; <v .,._~_. _„ c ve: ctF,a into cc-r.-.er~>_~.l and _7~ni< a,.t~ i~t :i~tr let. 'Pho~ e ...~ 1~0 .;miner=tl iscus_i..7, , s to °..'.e e£ ct that tru re~:er<' ,pmcnt „_~i ';. /~ .,z t -~_tp~rt, ~ ...,~.~ tr_Lhin ~.. ;~~_a, ,'o ;P a u:c_~tz1 ..._ .tea-~-.i;_si, _rt. .rhea ~c,s < ~..e ~.;~:r to .~oter„ the it e opt ~~ o .:.osc pt~c nle. 'here r_ir i1o t~ t..__ ,Stcss .,., t.,:.ie ce "one. th_ ',-tnc,;, -.,.oaicn ~~ t:;a ... r.~.n~ ~. ~~ ~p --~a :1, de „i l'c Ir~Lt spd ,;econcLe~ `.il~ ~... i~o~~ ,='_1 vo _~ae,] I_! ic~1 c,:'r, ~. votin: „es - i_n prtt n, Lc ~i?1, Ca li ele, nd ~;il:o :ios< L ..est ~^oo%. Fesac.~ct£ni't.;y suori~ted, ~ ~v cretar~ :din°at e+s s:}~. rc"ed b;~- absent !r.erbe::~s: ~5 ~~ Date ° ~7 1_ /` ~ // nn S " d ~G~Z4' // ~ W //~/ ~J '/ G~LYfj/` ~ ~e ~ l ~~ I LLnuto, o, .,ho It ui ~^ ~.:ect n; o£ the Sar! sernar~a ne, Ga~ifcrrtia., h~~:Li in oot ~:L~, Yro£ess rc -] ?.~il_Aini, San i3ernardino, Cali Grnia., on 7;ove~aber 11{, 1SSo. _... .~,~ .Any, ::as -~~__.c to order o; he Ch ~. r;n~m at 4:3V .' ,... Lrl1 C, _.A.: eho~,..:d the `~~lo.~'ing rr~ ent. - ,,; ency F:nbers C up~.!'An, :~:e Ui11, C rli sle, -2i_1son. Nbsent: dent ~. .,..._. „i o prese.a: ill Lity~ J. ., ', Legal -cunse L, Director J. .. oeare, .: r, .:mutes: ac D~11 rnoveu and Corr ~_~ aecu t~.cd that the I:inut es oi' r :~;u _ar :fleet ir.~; of Oct te° ?_4> I`; -"6, cn! o~' ~~~._ ~ ~eciai ilAnner '~:eetin,r, of rove rer ':., i`i>o, :;e ~ :~orr.~l ., presented. ';11s: ?Le + LOt:in- b_11s ~~~ o yrese.t ~er',_ £or 1. aym ant: =oneral Tc1e;~t.or.~ ;ctn;,ar:y - ~ i:,ont%s ,r'-l~.!i0 ''?he 'ellowin~ :ecla ti ~ ~:~ucher:: f'or ut 1 ;rnrovel ril r, °~evious cteetin ~- ,.,. present `or r_ ~c~.x_e: Arro :.cad Gf: c' icuip ~~nt Cor, _v _g -.?2 Cit; ,_ Sar! erruruino 2.h<' San e^r!.rdinc ii~.;g tr~icp-l ., ... i ,trier U£t_~c ~acr= A :, r;erial he~~ for the non Ut of :~u~ai st 1:<. GJ Jan kr!r:ra'_ro ~..~icy ~..u:,ici prl aer i'l.,tric~- C££lc., sr:r.ce r~ cler~r:..L hoer £os• tFe ,Month of ..15510n Travel JCr vA.ee - rOlAIIU Lr_G £Or t'/JO - 2:A1'':)~'!l t0 Gad{1.~lC.CA iz I.9 urvey sn~.'. c rrnrln-: 'i tt~ hr.'rru.~.n r „d a ~.-ire Lo _,k c. ,;encg ~ ..arcs ..rt.,u r.ovember 11, ~$~, _°ro~t i. L. Steiner, t~ ^~~., ;as]-ing;ton, -. C., noii,~iu„ Vi:• ~;genc;p o£ the al loontion o£ al;J,31~'.00, Funds to cover curr=y aad L,r.inv- costs of i-:,e La d °.oroc ._ .rjeet. 'r ne li-~ec~or a''/i'ed Lh ozri th t ~nc ct n hail Jc _n arra ged : ith osnon ;asrer on e-tc s~; a;,~ to mtin,,, . vent ;.r 21, 1'jd, to prepsre a ro^t race Sor Simon ~-ar:?r .;iut es' ;.ortior. o£ thr ::o.^~ on the '.b:,ado~,rbrook. Project. =•k_L~e rrc~rarc T'Ye iiror,-„or r-,A Vinod cCc 'card :'-:!'oers tr;.t al'i in c 7,t`_on .,_s n~+~seen r c-AVed iron 'Lh~r various c~o,J departs u~ws an3 t.t.at tits rcurh r,'~ ... t`,, aeri~ible Pro, a~ ci17. be cr_7piated ;i thin thc- naar r l j. future. _ . ,li' son ^tove and ;c llill secoz-. eel that i4r. wears anu :._. ,'lard be autho^.~zed ~c £ly to 3erk.F l.;y to a tend the ~~dove~aber 16, ly$ , n:cetin on ~mendrnents to oe surfed to the lied vclou?nent l!na to be held at tre Claremont der el, via Cal-Central ei_rl:i ;c s, a., a cost of ;;39.3;x. Phe Di: ector a. ~scd the A~encf iat he Lis been ~n~~i,ea to apea;c before the r i~rrber o£ Co!:~^~., ,.s cn Jece~ber %, 1!, G, .,~ its neon meet irk in tn:- Ci~r'c_^nia Hot e1, ~.+,h re^r^ Lo ~ `i~-adoivoro oh. Yro~ect, an' * a.t ne h,..; etecepted tt~e. invitation. ':here being no ur t`,~_r,r ous:ine sc; ~~ ~. o:ne te.-ore the rer. c,l, a iaocion £or adjournment i+as naae by i~~~c ,ill znd seconder by ~filson. Potl c~11 -rote showed tl~, £ollc,ring vot in,r ,; cs: Cha~nar., _'.e Lill, C r'•lisle, '. ilsor.. absent: ectbrooic. ?:eetin. =.djourrtri ~=.t 5:'U p. :., ru :rnrenfoer Iii, ]';56. :e;;;cetf~ally sub ;;fitted, ~~~~ u yes F, b:c llill cretary .+li.nutes a;z coved by absent members: Date //f .~ 1 ~'~ ~'~nut a-, o: ~r~~ -:e~;a .ieet in o' t~:e roo~~~ ~~ 1, t ~ o~at_ aai1'-rr„ o ~rn:,x ~.;, _._ .,__._+., nn .;-rc ..... , i'.~~. -.. 9 ,- .,-. ~ ~'.- .. .~~ .~ ._et ,~._ l . _ ~., ._ - ~ .a_, _ .... ...c7 _ - ~. i. .Jet_.s __. _~ ute~ .,, Jti.t .i ',re : nr. ._... „-nue, ... .~ Lhc r_as u.-. ~. t~.ie _cus -„ i ~,._.. _._ ~ .,. ~_ ....,_. ~~.., z, ,:~7~ ,:~..;. .~l i , ... _a _ tea. , .~i::~ :. .. a~.= .. /. ..__ _ ... ,, ., _ ~.. y . ,.,_ .. ,,. ,.. -._ ~- .r -. _, _.., .___, _., . ., .. ... m-'y it _:~ .,._ _.. t,o ... .... .. ... .._ , ;'j ~, _ .,~~.. .._ _.. . ~r ,_.~ t _.,._ ~ , _.- „_ ~.. .. .. -. ~ ,_~ _ , ...~..c~., ., _~. .. .. _..__ _ ... _ . _ tiL ._., _... ~. _.. ,.... .,_ ._ ,._., '~. ..._. „sic, __ __... ._ ..., _. ~._. _~__.-- ., , .- _~ _.. _ _~__~..~ _ c~ _ ~__ i_ ~, llLL ~_ .. .' .. .. l..'. .. .. .'. .` .1 r .. . _~ __. .,.o a ___ .. ,, ..~_.._ _ , t ~ l', .. ~_ _ _~- _ ,_,-,~ bC _. .. .._. _..,U1'J i, .._. ~,~ .. _ ., . _.y .. . _ _.,_ ~, i .. ... ,.., L... .. __ .,,. ~_ ~ ., ~ ... ..~i .. i. .. ~. .. r ,. ,. ~ .. ,. i .., . .. ~ : L. '.. ar , ..... . _... I .~, _. ~: „ _.. 'l~ __.. ~.- ~, L ... ~ _~_~. ~ ~ i., J~ i l.~ .,. ~ 1 _ .. ~i ~ ~ ~~, j ~..~. , u__ _ ~ ~_. ~_ _. 1 .' -._ n ~ ._. ~ ~~ -~ ~, ~, ~,. - - _ - . ',.- ~s _.. ~:._ ,___, ~.~.~ _.._ ~ ~. n. _„_ i;~_~ ca ~,_ _.... ~__C _ -`~ --~ rr~ ~_ ..._~~ on ~'f:' of L _.,r. ~., .. i .., `_cr. .o: c~ +t .., ~'.,ic „n ~ ~. 4, ~ ._> ~..., ~_ i;rc-.'. ce_„ ri. ly:~its n eap en ,~. _ce.a.. .,_ :_~~° .i,,.:: ., i<: ~,,,~cyt°:r~ _i, on '£ieial 3-ine:;s; cr.d . ~'c : ;:, _ -gcn~y ..~~~i c ~ ~., cP: _ i.aion ~.. bo .,., ~.._ _~_. ~ y_cd t n ~ ^a vel ~ ;,1.;~e: rr.~~- nr ~:._ i~ia1 ?:~ :u.;, _ ;~xic,k, :iD .',,. .I C. ._A.g '. ~hc _ _llc. Lu to ,~,; iie.. rte, __;:c cw 'va ~ ec, o:'> '-~.~: ~:~:,, ~ _i;i oth~;r ~~!'f£c ., and io,;~c_ t ,'re_ic .. a~ut.~~i iced ;, r;y .= L, ~ces.; the ;~io~ cc~~~:,. ~._ nc ibd~ 'ails c .,..~ C_',, ~ ,sn c rclir __ ~ £or e~-~ h~ use ~ p:~s~~, .~u.,n.r_cJil.~~at. ~ •xtewr. (_ .:r~Le liar nile~ c~lcs ~i,:a11~ ~r'_vele~ £rot¢ ~_ c£t~ ~~ -ad ~i _ ~, ~~}:er «_. ~` i ~:~] o_=mess re ;o c ,.,;c`.,.,~, ~_ -, ~. ~.,.~_a~ ,~i~un~ ~ _iy _. ' o::.r .. ,1 a.n, _-.r~e, .~ t-~e ... _ ~. ,. ¢3<sal - t'r t _,c~c ~e ~1o.r ..~ s~;.cii ~. ~., .,~ ., ,.. 'irther ;, u. o :;y17 '.;0 Her .s;j, .iie.y -..r ar.~ suck- tr^re.L -k~~. n -es cif .~ ~~ Y. ~~_rsc* r~ riri ov-. rnirht i n .o? 3~t: ci ,,y o; .,a~ 7~s.._~uiau, <,r t.iu ac ~,, 1 :r-,~u L o: ;ter ~.~~ ea,.c~scs s.~h r~erson c,', etur:7 .,: the icy o' z:'n 'c rna^'~.,,~ „_. „_ ._ :a~ .,~u~d travel Hence :~ urovi Ari a_a l~at°r .iua <,~cnses a„t el._~cd '~~.i:c .; ~... ~£ a ~...... ~,,. aleou r.. r-d for ., ado,~bi.or of .e..cluts.cr .,,,. _.., ~_iz. t;u, „ie cr.c~, c: t,_~ -.c Lion. ._ ..a~i ~rcte: ~ £-r~_L, -ie7: c, ~u~o~~~ ~a:i ::e __ a^tci ale. l-~cat: `~E L'o ro o~. 'c_~ un-~ yy c _'_a3. '''Oli 11' ~c C_'~~en ~., TB&:. .,~E L_ e)1'o O£ CIS: ~r:!TiC;J: .C.~UL~i C.~ ^:L. 29, lutieo~i.ir:_ r i%-.;~r< o£ [c ~.] ~crthl;~ ..: j ~~ ' ~... -~ Geer it ~_ ~ ~i _ .,t +,,., ",~c -,tier ~ .. ..J-- cP' th ~~cncy _1, ~.b,a_ _ . `'~ ~e~i uae=~' c-.cy < <e ~i~r ,,,~ .r. ors ~ ~ .,:1 as rn~a~ .y c.,cikLi~n ~ 21, . o~:a r ,ul~r ;. .,~.i;;a t ,_C, _ .., on s-co~~ i.~ £b ~rth ~ i es'.~; ,f oath r..;li ~.., .,.._ cfl ~e ~_ ~ ,,cncy; ;_ru _.5, t'.:a r,or:i3.i .i.:nLk.1~ opcraid c_~;o~::r-cs of c ~ s.uuc;, ueco.x: ~ e z. _. u_,y=able it L__ _ ...::; 2 t ul~ i~ 1L~. ::~ L] ..__... .n.A;,, „, cr ~ .~ :;c.. r .i.:;u i.; ,,,, .c sirabl .,_ „~ _ os~: i~itr:°est ~. tte ~ erati<~n o-~ t}~e au.,_s.ess of i,ne .vim. ...,k~.co ,...y ..~_id _i:nontkl,L or_.atin; j r,sse ~ic°~~ .c ^sr~._ ;~ t:^a a. .ic;; ac goers: it ~ __ .i'i:. i~.~ .~.5~.~~ ~ ~_ ,:J J.. ~ni~1. .~,~ .~..,Y- ~ i.~_ Cis C~ o~ii~ ~:.caDl . ~ Cdi.i i ~:Li~ t ,. .. r.s i ~r. + ~. ,. ... .... .. [ .,.._ ~- ...,;iv.. ~ _ ew.,, ~ ..c. ab ~ccri~ - tc I ~}~D a:e :,es ~~ ' c~n c,, e .,_.~:.~ .u`_.,; c, w •.:he •ov~; 1. .'iia i. .~__ ~ ~,.-e A,g-7 c,, ~:...::r~ .. .. the z. :; ., m ~t r.,;; ~_ ,`,t n.;cn~ °01'.0: ,ajr':ent, .,c:rl~~~__ .acv.. ~ f.or it ;ioiL for o~ ~7eeol_u lion '; <. :,rig .,. :,i1i c~~n .cri ti;c ~:~ot ~.~. !, -_ .. _- roL~ eSo ~,ed ~,.c~.ann~ _i s1e, ;i1sa., n.: ..., _ ~,..,, ,,-... .,.,.,._._~. Ic::'~'~rook. °h e. e..cy __ .r rye ~~ lvie~ a t, n~ t~ .,_e-'.uc vn by ih_ ~ uaon ~ ~ ~r. c-1 reir '.,ir.~ ie rR~ro ~ r~ojccc in':c L i..,: ~.~~ [.~ ~cr:.ir ~s n ., .u .. ,c a _~~.:i . i has 'peen a4 ~ ro~~c 5, -.nd tt:.t she bud;et _nen~la i ..,;; ccr traei; ~e/r ,:n can ~c fo^<<.r c~:: co ~L~H for ~, o/~a1 _ eoou + ~ the ap,.~rov=:c copy c~ .,.._ ,.F _.._~ ~. .~.: iv~.~ in .,:. ~;.~. Tha c:~s~ r_-rl a ,p., .,.,r fro 1lia~i __. ~crl<, -:i rcrn ~~° ~;-~u c.~:~elOF-net~t 3-=:..c/ ~i .~~h-pond, ':, _: ~rni- , awr_d .w__~cer i3, :' 7~, inv`_tin~ she vircctor ~_ .. ., .. ..,~.,.,- ~ 1::roci .ioa o~ ~ ~.~: .r,s ~-r :ed wci,>.: z,t ~ ~.~~n,{s tc ,,, E a. CYc ,,.:. ,ryi^: .ac! ~_~ 1.;~~, nz~ ~~c_ cn r ~ -. iay '_. ;,, .~aert=.;<.r . ~ _ ..,.. 'ra5r, „t e ;iirecL~r ..~ . __. ., ~~ ..., .i'~~~ea en rrh c ~...> > :enL. I:!e ~, sic: c retirc~r _usina_c t' co;:~ ,/t/~i ~~ t.,c "<, t.`.e ;i~;r t'~i :~c:;; .r ~~: ci ... i:'~ ._ ~ "u11,; . ate:«i:. .. cis ~:~~~:y i=:inu1 , .~.. cv E;i h~ d u ,~uL ~~ze.~tber ~r t E ~ ~- ~~ ,_~EU~-:~ [.t -Ce ~~ one is ~~ ~. Minutes of a Special Meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN HER- NARDINO, CALIFORNIA, held in Room 311, Profess- ional Building, San Bernardino, California, on December 10, 1956 The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 1:00 p. m. Roll Call shored the following present: Members Chapman, Mc Dill, Carlisle. Absent: Westbrook and Wilson. Also Present: J. F. Sears, Jr., L. Stexart and Margaret Hernandez Martinez. Minutes: Mc Dill moved and Carlisle seconded that the minutes of the previous meeting of November 28, 1956, be approved as presented. Roll call vote showed the following voting yea: Hills: The following bills were presented for payment: Travel expense - 14m. Ward, Legal Counsel $30.00 Travel expense - J. F. Sears, Jr. Director 30.00 General Telephone Compagy - Bill for services - 10-15-56 to 11-15-56 28.50 $BB.50 Carlisle moved and Mc Dill seconded that the above bills be paid as presented. Roll call vote showed the following voting yea: Chapman, Mc Dill, Carlisle. Absent: Wilson and Westbrook. Survey and Planning: Resolution No. 30, accepting an offer of the United States to make an advance of Federal Funds to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, to aid in Financing the cost of certain surveys and plans for Urban Renewal Project Calif. No. R-10, as follows, xas presented to the Board Members and it was moved by Carlisle that it be adopted and seconded by Mc Dill. Resolution No. 30 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING AN OFFNR OF THE UNTTED STATES TO MAKE AN ADVANCE OF FEDERAL FUNDS TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN HERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, TO AID IN FINANCING THE COST OF CERTAIN SURVEYS AND PLANS FOR URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT N0. CALIF. R-10. WHERFIIS, under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended and supple- mented, the United States of America (herein called the "Government") has tendered to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, (herein called the "Local Public Agency") an offer, hereinafter mentioned, to make an Advance of Federal Funds to the Local Public Agency to aid in financing certain surveys and plans for an urban renewal project, designated Project No. Calif. R-10, s t) 7 in the urban renewal area described therein; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has given due consideration to said offer. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THc CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The offer of the Government to the Local Public Agency, dated November 29, 1956, designated "Contract for Planning Advance," Contract No. Calif. R-10, consisting of Parts I and II, under and subject to the provisions, terms, and conditions of which the Government would make an advance of Federal funds to the Local Public Agency to aid in financing the cost of certain surveys and plans for an urban renewal project, designated Project No. 1, situated in the City of San Hemaxdino, California, is hereby in all respects accepted. Section 2. The Local Public Agency agrees to abide by all of the provisions, terms, and conditions of said offer. Section 3. The Secretary of the Local Public Agency is hereby authorized and directed forthwith to send to the Housing and Home Finance Agency, two certified copies of the proceedings of the Local Public Agency in connection with the adoption of this Resolution, together with two certified copies of this Resolution, and such further documents or proofs in connection with the acceptance of said offer as may be requested by the Government. Section 4. The Executive Director is hereby authorized to file requisitions, together with necessary supporting documents, with the Government, from time to time, as Advance Funds are required, requesting payments to be made to the Local Public Agency on account of the Advance provided for in said offer, and to do and perform all other things and acts required to be done or performed in order to obtain such payments. Section 5. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. Roll call vote showed the following voting yea: Chapman, Mc Dill, Carlisle. Absent: Wilson and Westbrook. It was moved by Mc Dill and seconded by Carlisle that the Contract Amendment and Budget Revision be forwarded, together with supporting documents, to HHFA Office, Region 6, San Francisco, California, for approval. Roll Call vote showed the following voting yes: Chapman, Mc Dill, Carlisle. Absent: Wilson and Westbrook. The personal services contract for the Enumerator, Miss Margaret Hernandez, was presented to the Board by the Director, and after discussion as to the merits of employing the enumerator on an hourly basis versus a Contract, a motion was made by Mc Dill and seconded by Carlisle that the Contract as presented be accepted by the Agency and presented to the Contractor for signature. Roll call vote showed the following voting yes: Chapman, Mc Dill, Carlisle. Absent: Wilson and Westbrook. ? f 1 `n The Simon Eisner 6ssociates Contract for Personal Services was presented to the Agency Members and after due consideration, it was moved by Carlisle and seconded by Mc Dill that this contract be accepted and presented to the Contractor. Roll call vote showed the following voting yes: Chapman, Mc Dill, Carlisle. Absent: Wilson and Westbrook. Other business: Miss Hernandez was introduced to the Agency Members by the Director. There was same discussion about a motion made by Mc Dill and seconded by Carlisle that a letter be mailed to all Agency Members to ascertain their desires as to changing the date and time of the regular meetings. Roll call vote showed the following voting yes: Carlisle, Chapman, Mc Dill. Absent: Wilson and Westbrook. There being no further business to come before the Hoard, the meeting was adjourned at 2:00 p. m. Respectfully submitted, ~' ~ ~~et James Mc Dill Secretary 4~ Idinutes of the regular meeting of the 33"r'.L:i:V~LOP:~F,idT AuEiiC'I Ox' Tk? C"f T? (~ 9A'~S CFT."ARliL~10~ CALIF C3:-IAA held in !toom 311, Professional Building, San Bernar dino~ Oali_°ornia~ on January 4~ 1957. There not being a quorum nresent~ the meeting; eras adjourned. tesre ctfully submitted, /~~~Y~~_ ~ ~ ~~~C Ja^:es F. T'a~ill, S~rretary 1,}~~ ;Minutes of the A'd7.iP.I, 14eeting c£ th:. ~~ dMDEV1I~C'PP',... AL!~;';^7' f!?' 7':". CTT: ~.- ~A: sERfdA .,,T~'0, CALZF'CR;TA lie7d :.n Room 311, Pro£essi.onal 3uilding, San ~~erc!ar~dino, Californi a, on J3lzcary 10, 1957. The meeti n~, z*as walled to ord~m by the chairr~an at 2:00 n.m. 'oll call showed the following present: Members chap^.ar., "estbroo?c, P°,cD;ll Carlisle, `~iilson, and Director Sears. '~Pimrtes: "cL 77. xo~red ,-n~, previous mee'.-.i-~g doll. ca7.l sho!.*ed #BU~sY~Gt~~ !dest'eroo Pli lscn seconded of =ecenber 10, ±he fol].owinr, v~ c, !~'ilsor,. Jote t'-.e metirn~. t'~at the minutes of the 1956 'oe approved a presented. rte '_'es• i;napmaz!, `ar~7.'.sle, t-IcLi11. nn animpnsly carried. Bills: The pollovri.n^ h;_lls wore presented for aapro~~al of naNnent: Salarti- of t'.-:e mire etor for the montl: of December, 19;0 ,,72.:.65 Seneral Telephone Company Services from 11-16-56 to 12-7.5-j6 17.11 Arreer~ead 0£fice F.a~,:i.pment Company 19.0? Jeroce ~. Sears, Jr. -Office suon~__ies and Hostage S.~tO Industrial Indemnity ~.omn any Pers~~ al L; abilit}~ Pcli cy - 12-i_!~_y6 t.o 12-1}i-~ 7 1Q .50 -JCDill mcved a.nd :Iestbrook aecpeded the .,~,ti on that the Dills be said. Ro11 call sho!•?ed `he folic*.~;n:~ vote ;: es- ':hapmap, ''estbreok, ~:cDill, Carlisle, ?~.'ilson. `Tote unanimously carried. Survey and Planni_n{*: The Director read. a letter frpr~ Administrator of Jrban Renewal, between Simon '~isner Associates Agency of the city of San fern Lecenioer 10, 1956. lir. Ives, Re~;ip^:al ap-?rovi n~- the con'~ract and the Redevelopment ardino, Oalif prnia, dated The con+,ract £or .4ppraisers between ''s. B. [7. T-vas a~~d P`r;-l. A. Savage, and the Redevelopment Agency of the city of San Bernard:':^ was nresente to the agency mem-ers for apnmval. I-°cDill i^pved and Carlisle secalded the motion that the contract as presented he exeo:+.ed by the Redevelopment Agency and Alr. `''vans and 1'ir. Sava~-e. Poll call showed the £01.1o!,r,'ng vote yesc Chapman, '~?est.brook, McLi11, ~]arlisle, !~+ils~n. Mote unanimously carried. zol The agency members *.aes e '."nf ~x~med +,hat the bou-:dare chances for the A:ead_msbrod~c Project California 3-10 had been approved by the Planning ~'ommission and referred to t'ce t"a~-or and Common Council for action t~Irs.Carlisle moved to va thdraw the motion of August 30, 1956 aut"prizing i`1r.'~+illian Ta~,~lor, C,P.A, to audit the books of the agency and bring all postings un to date for a flat fee o_° ~s:;250.OC of lose and further moved that I~Ir;:'il7iam Taylor be retained at a fee of ~r50.p0 nor .r~,onth to verf orm the accounting services of the Redevelopment Agency of the city of San Bernardino for a n_eriod of fo~ir mont'~s. ';iilson seconded the motion. Roll call showed the following votinC ,yes: Chapman, ~destbrook, PlcDi ll, Carlisle, Wilson. Vota unanimously carried. The agency members were informed that all the work required under contract dated December 10, 1950 between I'iarE*aret M, i-Iernandez and tP+e Redevelopment Agency of the city of Saz Box-:ar din n, !'aliforci_a had been satisfactorily completed, ldilson moved that Alargaret N, 3ernandez sh.~u15 be oai.d her fae of :5300.00. !^Ie stbrook seconded the motion. ?oll callsho~aed the °ellowing vote ,yes: Chapman, ':^,'estbroo~c, I•icDill, Jarl.i sle, :ikon. ~~~+,~ ,.nay m., "sl;- c -r~,.; ... ~e ....enc °-pmb~~rs nzestipnrd the Pisector r ^di.ng t?.e general attitde o£ tho neo~le t~it?~,n ~qe pro ^'~~~n=a and +~rere tole t~i, at to d~rte t-were aone ars co be no diffic~,lty of a serious nature and that those reonle contacted to dat. are very roenerative. ~%ther Business; "ils~n moved teat Chapman be elected Chairman of the Agency for the year L"57 and that `+estbrook be elected Vice Chairman of the aeon cy for the year 157. Both officers to roatinne until the first annual meetimo pf 19511. Carlisle seconded the mpti~n. Roll call showed the following vote yes: Chapman, ';Jestbrook, I~1cDi11, Carlisle, ';?ikon. Vote unanimo~~isly carried, The following resolution was read tc the agency members: R~~soLumro_a . o. 31 B4'~ TT RF.SOL`.~u,D, BY THE '2EDEVEZOPI~EVT A:,E;JCY OF TI%R CITY OF SA~V BER!iARDI:dO, CALLF'OaiJIA, that, until otherwise oro~R ded by resolution, the members of the Redevelonrt:ent AE;ency of the city of San Bernardino, California, shall hold regular meetings at 2:00 o'clock n,m, on the second Thursday pf each mpnth at the office of the Agency, itoom 311, Professional Building, Church and E Streets, San Bernardino, Calif cr ni -.. ?!~~ ]•:cDill mrn~ed teat Resohrbion 'v'o. 31 be ado^ted as read, Glilson seconded the mnti on. doll call showed the follow~'.ng vote pes: Ohapman, ':.'estbrodc, ""cDill, Carlisle, S+Iilson, Vote unaaimo.~sl~~ ca_rr_ed. There being no fl.rther bus.ness eq come before the Agency members a motion was heaz^d for adjounment. '%arlisle moved to adjoun and "estbrook second=.d the motion. Roll call showed tt:e ''olloori.m~ vote ~;es: Chapman, `~7e stbrook, hfd-il7., Carlisle, tdilson. Vote unanina~ASly carried. Meeting -~ras adjo~.~.rned at 3:00 p.m, Hespectfuily submitted, ames P'icllill Secretary ~, , .., L '-- i .3 "`;nc+,es oS tt~~ re~;nls ~?ocm all, ProFession^] 3ernar di ~~o, r~n Fe oruaxy neetinF; 01 t"ie P.-. i._ (n' a .~ nr,] in Lt~ 197. 'Phe r ;tier- ras r_llcc to orcor 1-~~- the -~_r~a•e a 220 n.m. ;fall c~11 S~YOt eo 1he llpt^.n nrosc'a+• 17ir P,~L(T .r::dT ,~ 1 ti~E ~~ '.l7'Y•t O` ~' C'I ~' •~'131r .?~ Q: '~~ ^l-.~, ~, 3r^:'1Ce ~n1ln,l tte , ~7 .J Y.c.i gyn. 1 ~ .. i ~str ~ o•~_rc, Ai;sent ?em:•;ers e st?~r^~, e Lers Chzp~nn~ ~: r'!a s7.2~ any? ;: ~:i iill.~ '~.. <t.+, •.n ^i t' :,8n ~rY•Y', ffi•CS 'lC `In~~ .. ''ils ~n. T~inn'es: C~s1 slc mote r~ ~: nb P~cL~i7.l seco i'rc c. *noti. rnl that +n~- mgeutes of the meot.in~^ of Jannarv 10, 1~~? be an^rrn-cc as ~li.stributed. Roll call .ten+r~.d tk^_ °^7_l ~,i:Lv vouv °es: ~^_;,-:any arli. sl.c~ nd ''chill. :,b c,~,t: 'est ~roo:--: and ilson. `:rote unanimously c2rrie ri. Bills: 1'he Pollcz S.n^ ci'~s sere cresented for ap~reval ~- o~;y n~ent: 5a7.ar~ of the Lireoter rer the month e° Jai ~i~ry~ 197 ;S=L;.65 dent Fnr ^f£ice s°~ aco an r, cl~rict~.l heln_ for the months of: Octcber, 1956 165,00 7Qo~ember 1956 li,-,,Oil ~ 1+e cernber~ 1°-~6 2j0.00 14'7 Jan°,ary 2';0.00 , 9rro°.*'~ead Office ° Ouioraent romnaz~5• B.Oh General ?eleohone ~mm~ an}~ 13.06 `.lilli.am ~. 1'aY1or~ C.P.A. Aceo _mt~n?- >~erv ce s: Flovemher 14 to :dover~h r 30 156 1F,~,5 , Lecember, l~>6 ~;O.OO January, 1957 ~C.00 Linde-ann ?ri:ar ,~.. ~omnaay 3;x.60 Gilliam .' ":.?ar ~=, A ttornec at La :r Lesal dervi ces - Liov. 7.° to Decesber 11, J~SaOn ~15.19r nd a SSOC ate., One third n*' se rvices rendered under crmntra:~t dsteri Decer~ner 10, 1~-56 2,033.33 ~1l F .... arp~t _ :`. r!CZ ~. n.ltrz ~ at,ce ,ccr2',er 10~ l~ is X00.00 ~Cncustr~ a. T..ce*:z`+„ :^nam• C.,,~,.~^'s, L ncl.o~ r. i _... i ~ __ 'r.,.nsfer .. "ands frv,. c~utr _rt C^755. -10 -^ crn+ra~t '-^~`.FOrnir a_c +,o corer a'.`, r~, :~ n° r~•st,, c'•,,-; ;~. month r' o. e~^,:,,-,r~1r~J end ^rrrzi-.i_on o" .-_th',r1.~ .~,.- a'~ s For °nnrth -- vt. r ^^ lcr~ ?n5.3a Sur.•a-- r'ir Flanri n;': 'le 3tcl*art. <. ^F r -e r! the a~enr}' ?^.~. gibers `, ~;.{. tho ..ror;- o~ 1.'-.0 - ~~+ *.~ra;c ~ : ccm-~~ c. ,end the re~nrt was 'S.~ r n,.~7.e to r~, He said thn- rcrni•t multi he e~e-r+pfl ;.n `tro .^e'cs. arlisle r•wed ~.n 'rPi-_1 seco,~.ded ti.e r~oti_cn that in -~. ^acb ~s over 2~?. o_^ the worn of the centrac't Bad been s nrnnleted '..~e d+reetor --. ~~thor-wed to na`r the second 1~3 of ~t'Zr wrtract ~~ ern rc-c2i rt of a nrorer staten!ent, 3011 ca7.l sho ;ad t,-~°s °olhtir' a,- yr nd ' c~ , G~:a°,r~.an~ Carlisle, ] r~ i1, 9bsent: sth~roo' and `.`i7.s n. ''he hai rman then re^aested tLat ea ~.^~},er ~-~e, se:;+, -~ ;~ rf 'his rent in order '. ~+ `hez n.p have .fiance to stuq}- i~ aefcre the nezrt r=_~;ul.^." ^•.est~ n; l~~.rectos = , e-:t.~ 1 r -;_ser. ~ .ate se e.~ tra^t °- r, and '.~li oic er t-; -.doers +, et S.t hid ~.,een found ar_centai;la +,~ al] 'art-cs ~. ~- r,xr directi^n of L+~o a~.:.nr;; ~nem~>ers e-Ale be fortrardcd in HI-D~;'1 Por re~ce~:* prior to esec~: ti on. -.el)i'.~ *-oce8 °nd .,arh sle °ecorc'.ed the ^o+,i on +.ha+, the con:rart be. accepted and foria rde@ In e~9. 'cll ^211 vo±e: 'es - i:ha ~man~ ~,arlislo~ n' ?-cDil7.. Absent,: ,~astbre~- and ?;; is^n. Abe _icr me-~bera ~~,ere in "n,-red the ~nrkab le Prndr;,:r. had b~=.en ar ^roved b the city council by resoh~ai cn 2nd sent to San Francisco. It is ex-~ectad that ~!}~e city *~rlll receive certification o^ the ~+dorkeble Prorrzn. ,.rithi n sg ~±.r da;,-s at whi ch tine the ':daynr rr 11 ~:rz•ite a letter to wuq and [','r!F:1 rernes+,i.iti: ti.et San .rear ~?; ne be certifier. for a. s~ccifi ed mrrber o!' °HA 221 loans, Personal].: The aaencv numbers rave the'r ao-~reva.l to Director Soars to h. _ a se^rei.ar-- f't11 `tne a` ' ?;0.00 per month. Other Bus_ness: T)frector Soars read nortiors of the 196 3enort from the Urbrn '?^nct~Tal Committee not ntlna opt that, 3iverst re has a. rerlevelo»~-.ent rrorr~~m vror]~n; bct^ zs a r°~t,~° °~ ' _..~ _, c^rnt*+. vi~:3 There Baas a o~scussi nn re"ar•d ne a "5.00 fee to become a host ri t}; as t'^~ S"~ ~~ rnnfer cues ~n =%sn ,r a~~cisco , 19°. Tt ~-gas d^ci&ad t.o h^7.d a de ~'si on o>, "pis !r~^+ter ~,"nti.l the ne rt re~~il.+er me ~ti np. P'clsill ;?oved anal '.7arl_ e~la seconded t?;e ~-n+„ on to -~ur chase 11^e Annual 3erort, of H-{T'.~ at s cost of :>1.50. `doll call. vote: Yes - ~hanman~ C~r7.,_e).e~ and ' nl:ill. "L,ent a'est.bro^1: a a '-.'ikon. ~. ~I;I?30 r m'~er&}ti_n, ?-"r, '1sc "gas a,kxl to ,mite to p""RQ den~r'_ng rc .ns~~o~1. ,~ o` tie bill d.ie £or tt,~ ,, ;^r of 19SG-, 'here *a~s ^i , rssi nn re~~ar d~nr rEmber>:-ip for the --ear o` 1n~7 at a cost e£ :7.00.00. It ~ras decided to scstnpne the decis_.on in t?.~ ratter -.mtil t„e next rc~„ular Mc et,;.n,_;. 't'he wrenCy oa~_an ce s'.-e ~ts of t'~.e 196 mere rec~eraed by the boa rr., 'Phe liirector real a fetter to agency members from .i'r. ~iugene ~~ord, 'li r' =resident of :'rederick `sere°~a~ .. _. ~^rt". a~;e ri r~-- to^a`~._ le^ Fork .ii~ty, in orr9. n6 "'1~'A of the-_r desire to rarchase T'??l~l t.,,,~, "krl 1^a,is. Li re ctor ~e acs rrar? z. 7.ctter to ag'ene-~ ^~embers frc^ :'??''"_ eac~la9.n inC that t':e dnazmentat. ~.~ ^eci~~rs7.~r rec•..~ired in sunoort of the Pre~_i rn~na^r~ Prn sect 2rnort had been radically mrd;fi2d an"'. +?-s report it,el" cm-~lifzed; r7n $hat to^'-,_._..;..,, frem * ~ San "r .rri_sco tiffce ri ~1 ^_'r~,ro~ e the *.*ssi ^,s ~r2 scr ^f ttn rc^rrt vrhen ~ri e - _~,>s o_°°: re. !'e also -i. ~+~s:.x r~~~ *},~ ,.err r.; r' m.,. =~.rs t air. ~'.=,r~ ;r; a °~r r; l.~t.;,' "r~ t ~_ .`e ad rn~•:,ro~~'r '^r'- i'ro!ect ec~sld be in the loand 3~c: "rant stare bra Tunr '0~ 1k-~'. ~. liirector Sears i.irforred members cr the members of a ;Ll'?n0 meeting s ehecttl.ed for P'resne on "elir a2s'7.~ 1.6 and 7.j~ lo~;''. t'he !^.e^bers n£ the ,ency ?~~^re inf termed n° th_, nrc,;res~ bein' made 2.t. th'~o tim~ to ;-star .st va„rims leading ingti tutirns ~n~ b~.iildi-^~ contre ^tnrs in th° F"S. 221 loam. There be_ng no £crtiier business to r. otae befi nr~c thr 2,enctr ^ie'nbur.=, a notion +~ae. heard for ^.d,',^srnme at, ~ a~]isle moved to ~:'jn ;rn nc '~.c! ill se cr. ~.ded £^.e !~,ot:ion. i.oll call. vote: ~[es - Cha~~ma.n~ CarlislP~ na 'ri~i.ll. Absent:7estoro-~' and ~~iiison. _e~tin~~ rags ~.dje°.'sned ^- I :00 n.m. I-_i~.~.teS o,. r^~ e, ?~ ,P,,~ t _ ,"srs: i_ c l r7 P ~ I i ice,, J ~ ~~~~ Res;ect£_l-y suhmitt^:'., i..l! D~ es '"~:cLill. Seeretar~, ~~i~; Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the REDEVELOP[~NT AGENCY OF THE CITY CF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held in Room 311 Professional Building March llt, 1957. The meeting was called to order by the chairman at 2:30 p.m. Roll call showed the following present: Agency members Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, and McDill. Absent - Wilson. Guests - William J. Ward, Attorney, Lyle Stewart of Simon Eisner and Associates, and Jerry Pollak, Assistant to the Planning Director of the city of S~ Bernardino, California. Minutes: Carlisle moved and Mcdill seconded a motion that the minutes of t§e meeting of February llt, 1957 be approved as presented. Roll call vote: Yes - Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, and McDill. Absent -Wilson. The folloxing bills were presented for p~*ments Salary for secretary from 2/7/57 to 2/15/57 62,51 Simon Eisner and Associates Second one third of services rendered umHer contract dated 12/10/56 2,033.33 Stockwell and Binney Gleam and Service Royal typewriter 4,00 Postmaster -San Bernardino - postage for agency 9,00 State Employees' Retirement System Administration Costs 7.50 General Telephone :,ompar~p 18.lt0 Superintendent of Documents "The Ninth Annual Report of the Housing and Home Finance Agency" 1.50 Salary foe secretary from 2/18/57 to 3/1/57 89.19 Salary for director for the month of February, 1957 $21.53 Sunset Travel Round trip transportation to San Francisco for NAHRO meeting 27.00 Arrowhead Office Equipment Cpapagy 23,03 William E. Taylor, C.P.A. February - Feafor services rendered 50.00 Westbrook moved and Carlisle seconded a motion that the move bills be approved. Roll call vote: Yes - Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, and McDill Absent - Wilson L Survey and Planning: The agency members were shown the 20 maps aumitted by Simon Eisner and Associates and the accompanying report. However, because of some necessary changes in the report, it was necessary to withdraw these reports and release them at the next board meeting. The agency members gave tenative approval to proposed Project Area No, 2 of the area south of the Meadowbaook Project if requested by the Mayor and Common Council of the city of San Bemardino. Mr, Jerry Pollak, assistant to the Planning Director of the city of San Bernardino advised the agency members of the effect the on and off ramps of the new Federal and State Highway 395 will have on the Meadowbrook Project. The questionaires that were mailed to all licensed boarding houses and rooming houses in the city of San Bernardino to determine vacancy factors were shown to the agency members. Mr. Sears informed them that of the present, we have received 13 out of the 43 that were sent. The Director also informed the agency members of a resolution pending in Public Housing regarding income of persons displaced in the project eligilbe for public housing. The expected resolution will permit families to be eligible for n ublic housing even though their intone exceeds the maximum income (allowable) for enta~ce under their category provided it doss not exceed the maximum income limitations for continued occupancy. The Director informed the members that he had received notice from San Francisco that the contract between ~sasrs. Savage and Evans and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, had been approved and that Savage and Evans were proceeding with the work as called for in the new ~ntract. Other Business: The Director reported on the conference held in San Francisco on March $, 1957 sponsored by the Builders Contractors Association and Housing and Home Finance Agnecy regarding FHA 220 and 221 loans. Regarding the citzen reaction in the Meadowbrook Project Area, the Director reported to the agency members that there had been a minor show of citzen opposition brought on by the pending election, however, it is felt that this oppostion will die out of its own volition after the election. The meeting requested by residents of the Meadowbrook Project Area Will be held in Jefferson Elementary School Auditorium March 22, 1957 at 7:00 p.m. to explain Redevelopment and Relocation. It xill be attended by Floyd Covington, Racial Relation Officer of FHA, Mr. James Berrp, Service Office Supervisor, and William Temple, Deputy Chief Appraiser and William McAvoy, Insurance Programs Representative of Los ~geles. ~1~~ The Dirac$or informed the members that he had already held a meeting with some members of the area and that they had set up committees for the meeting of the 22nd for publidty etc. He extended an imritation to all members to attend this meeting.. The agency members decided against becoming a host city for the N AHRO Conferences in San Francisco in 1958. . Mr, Ward read a letter to members of the agency disclaiming indebtness for the year 1956 for NAHRO membership/ He told them as yeat xe had a received no reply. Carlisle moved to renew membership for the year 1957 in NAHRO and Westbrook seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Yes - Chapman, Westbrook Carlisle.. No. - McDill. Absent -Wilson. Motion carried. Notion for rental of water cooler in Redevelopment Agency's office to be placdd an agenda for next reguAar meeting, The following resolution was read by the agency members: Resolution No. 32 RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION N0. 7 AND REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF STUDY AREA. N0. 2 NOW THEREFORE be it resolved by 'the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that Stud Area No. 2 as outlined in Resolution No. 7 be amended and redefined to read as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the intersection of 3rd Street and D Street; thence North along the tleaterly line of D Street to a point 166.116 feet more or less to a point North of the Northerly line of 3rd Street; thence East and parallel with the Northerly line of 3rd Street a distance of 166.48 feet more oP less to a point; thence Northm and parallel with the Westerly line of D Street a distance of 32.81 feet more or less to a point; thence East and parallel with the Northerly line of 3rd Street a distance of 32,34 feet mere or less to a point; thence North and parallel with the Westerly line of D Street a distance of 28.35 feet more or less to a point; thence East and parallel with the Northerlyy line of 3rd Street a distance of 44.00 feet more or lase to a point; thence South and parallel with the Westerly line of D Street, a distance of 29.75 feet more or less to a point; thence East and parallel with the Northerly line of 3rd Street a distance oP 70.583 feet more or less toe poin~~ thence South and parallel with the Westerly line of D Street a distance of 69.67 feet more or less toe point; thence East and parallel with the Northerly line of 3rd Street a distance of 39.66 feet more or less toapoint; thence North and parallel with the Westerly line of D Streets a distance or 45.00 feet more or less to a point; thence East and parallel with the Northerly line of 3rd Street 37.66 feet more or ]e sa to a point; thence South and parallel with the Westerly line of D Streets a distaneb of 45.00 feet more or leas to a point; thence East andpnrallel with the Northerly line of 3rd Stre a distance of 175.50 feet more or leas to a point; .thence South and parallel with the Westerly line of D Street a distance of 25.13 feet more or leas to a point; thence Esat and parallel with the Northerly line of 3rd Street to the East line of Arrowhead Avenue; thence Sod:th along the East line of Arrowhead Avenue to the North line of __.;~? 2nd Street; thence East along the North line of 2nd Street to the center line of Sierra Way; thence South along the center line of Sierra Way to the Northeast line of the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad branch line right-of-way; thence Northwester]y along the North line of said right-af-way to a point in +.k-,e Southerly extension of the Weat line oP Mountain View Avenue; thence North along said extension to the South line of Rialto Avenue; thence West along the South line of Rialto Avenue to the East line of Arrowhead Avenue thence South along the East trine of Arrowhead Avenue to the South line of Athol Street; thence Weat along the South line of Athol Street to the West line of E Street; thence North along the West line of E Street to a point 150 feet South of the South line of 2nd Street; thence East and patella with the South line of 2nd Street to the West line of Stoddard Avenue; thence North along the Weat line of Stoddard Avenue and ite extension to the Northerly line of 2nd Street; thence East and parallel to the Northerly line of 2nd Street 160.10 feet more or less to a point; thence North and parallel to the Westerly line of D Street 253.15 Peet mare or less to point; thence East and parallel tothe Northerly line of 2nd Street to the Westerly line of D Street; thence North along the Westerly line of D Street to the point of beginning. McDill moved for adoption of Resoltuion No. 38 and Carlisle seconded t}e motion. Rool call vote: Yess Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, and McDill. Absent - Wilson. The Director informed the members that he and the secretary of the agency had made e trip to the Redevelopment Agency in "oa Angeles to study the accounting procedures, The Director informed the members that the next regular meeting would be held on Thursday, May 9, 1957. There being no further business to come before the agency members a motion was heard for ad~o•,u~nment. Carlisle moved to ad~orun and Westbrook seconded the motion. Rool call vote. Yes Chapma:, Westbrook, Carlisle, and McDill. Absent - Wilson. Meetin:; was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, J a McDi]~1 ~ ~vV" cretary Minutes approved_by absent member: Date ~, ~' ~' Signed C~ W J.,Q,~ aL ~1~.(@ Minutes of the Regular Meeting; o£ the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF TBE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFGRNL9, held in Room 311 Professional Building April 11, 1957 The meeting was called to order by the chairman at 2:15 p.m. Roll call showed the following present: Agency nsmbers Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, Wilson, and McDill. Guests included: Lyle Stewart of Simon Eisner and Associates, William J. Ward, attorney, and Barry F. Graney, who was representing John Berry of the San Bernardino Real Estate Board Slum Clearance Coauoittee. Minutes: Wilson moved and Carlisle seconded a motion that the minutes of the meeting of March 1$, 1957 be approved as presented. Roll call vote: Yes - Chapman, Westbrook, McDill, Carlisle, and idilson. The following bills were presented for payment: William J. Ward, attorney 75.00 Salary for secretary for 3/1/57 to 3/15/57 89.35 Jerome F. Sears Jr. Travel Expenses to L.A. 12.40 General Telephone Co, 20.62 Arroxhead Office Equipment Co, 19.80 Salary for secretary for 3/15/57 to 3/29/57 89.52 Jerome F. Sears Jr. Salary for director for the month of March 521.53 Director of Internal Revenue 319.90 State Employees Retirement 103.25 Department of Employment 84.88 Postmaster - printed stamped envelopes 19.60 Bob Stirling -sign on door 26.00 Postmaster - postage 2.31 Rental of auditorium from Board of Education for 3/22/57 ,meeting. 14,59 r~ 5 Carlisle moved and Westbrook seconded a motion that the above bills be approved. Roll call vote - Yes: Chapman, Westbrook, Wilson, Cazlisle, McLill. Survey and Planning: Mr. iyle Stewart of Simon Eisner's office explained the tenative plan map to the agency members stressing the treatment of lower D Street and the realignment of the iQarm Creek Chgnnel as being the two major items of change in the street layout and drainage plans. Mr. Stewart also informed the agency r,:embers that all work to be performed under their contract had been completed. He assured them however, that he would make himself available to the director when necessary and attend and participate in the public hearings at no additional cost to the agency. At the conclusion of P'!r. Stewart's report to the agency members instructed the director to issue a check for the third and final ppyment. The director informed the agency members that the contract waiver and budget revision requesting an extension of time and increase in funds for the submission of the Preliminary Project Report had been forwarded on PSazch 29, 1957 to HNFA Regional Office in San Francisco. The agency members were advised that the r'relininary Project Report was now approximately 20~ completed in rough draft. It was the concensus of opinion of the agency members that the preliminary project report should be prepared on stencils in order that numerous copies could be prepared for distribution. The city council in conjunction with the uoazd of Public Works at a meeting held on April 8, 1957 decided to withhold application for Meadowbrook Park Project No. 2 until Meadowbrook Park Project No. 1 had been more of an established fact. The agency members were advised that the city attorney had assured the city administrative officer, Councilmen Kirk and Joris that the provision in the Health and Saftey Code authorizing the city to pay to the Redevelopment Agency fund a portion of the taxes collected from the project area in order to liquidate a bond fissure xhich had been sold by the agency in order to defray the agency's rnrtion of the net cost of the Redevelopment Project was a constitutional amdndment and that there were no legal obstacles contained within the city charter that would in a1Zy way obstruct the proration of these taxes between the city of San Bernardino and that special fund of the Redevelopment Agency established to liquidate said bond issue. '~ ~ '7 Other Business: The agency members were advised that: 1. The Chanber of Commerce have gone on record disapproving ACA. 14 and SB1bb0 bills currently before the legislature and will contact various Washington officials regarding budget cuts currently proposed in regard to the urban renewal program. 2, Mayor Gregory has wired United State Mayors Conference opposing Urban Renewal budget reductions. 3. The FHA 221 program has been accepted by the Building Contractors Association and financing for these low income homes will be available from our]ocal lending institutions. 11, That excellent cooperation has bean received from the Slum Clearance and Urban Renewal Committee of the San Bernardino Real Estate Hoard. 5. That the Conference at the Lisnayland Rotel April 9, 1957, was attended by John Bangle, president of the BCA, Mr. William Savage, representative from Santa Fe Federal Savings and Loan, Mr. Jack Mosier, Planning Lirector of the city of San Bernardino, Mr. Bob Roberts, State president of the BCA, and the director of this agency. 6.Thatthe meeting held on March 22, 1977 at the Jefferson Elementary School Auditorium is reported to have been a success, in that a better understanding of the organ redevelopment program is now held by the people in the area who will be affected. 7. That the director had talked with ~"~r. games 3uthrie, publisher of the Sun and Telegram in regard to the Meaiowbrook Park Redevelopment Area and was assured that the paper is all for the progrart,. Carlisle moved and Westbrook seconded a motion that the agency be permitted to rant a watercooler from the Sparkletts Water Corp. at the~rate of X4.75 per - month. Roll call vote: Yes - Chapman, Westbrook, Wilson, Carlisle. No - McDill. Motion carried. The fPregoing motion contained a provision that the rental is to be on a month to month basis for an undetermined period. Wilson moved and 6arlisle seconded a motion that the agency's secretary's salary be increased from y~2$0 per month to X275 per month effective April 13, 1957 on a month to month oasis for an undetermined period. Holl call vote: Yes - Chapman, lestbrook, Carlisle, and Wilson. Mr. McDill declined to vote. Chairman announced motion carried. There was discussion in regard to trading in the Allen Calculator for a ten key adding machine that would produce a tape. Three machines were considered and the Victor Multimatic xas tenatively chosen however final decision in this matter was p..t over until the next meeting at which time it was hoped that funds woulu be available so that positive action might be taken. There was a discussion in regard to the formation of a citzens committee, however it was decided that since such a committee was nox being formed by another group, that an additional committee would be superflous at this time. :~: i ;3 The Chairman informed the agency members that he wished now to take up a matter xhich pained him greatly thereupon read a letter addressed to Mayor Gregory from Mr. James F. McDill, secretary-treasurer of the agency, in which Mr. McDill rendered his resignation from the agency to pe effective upon the appointment of a new member. The other members of the agency expressed their thanks for the services which Mr. McDill had rendered to tt~ agency an the past and wished home the best of luck for the future. There being no further business to coma before the agency a motion was heard for adjournment. Westbrook moved and Wilson seconded a motion for adjournment. Roll call vote: Yes-CHapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, Mcllill and Wilson. Meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 7~'" ~" es F. McDill cretary 2 ? `_ Minutes of a Special Meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BEHNARDINO, CALIF03NIA, held in Room 311 Professional Euilding on Thursday, April 18, 1957. The meeting was called to order by the chairman at 2:45 p.m. Roll call vote showed the following present: Agency members Chapman, Wilson, and Carlisle. Absent - Westbrook. The new member of the agency, Mr. Harry Phelan, who was appointed by the Mayor of the city of San Bernardino and whose appointment was confirmed by the Common Council at the regular meeting of the Common Council held in the Council Chambers of the City Hallthe 15th day of April, 1957, was introduced to those agency members present. The resignation of Nir. James F. Mcliill caused t~~e position of Secretary-Treasurer to become vacant. A. motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Carlisle that the Director of the agency be appointed Secretary- Treasurer for a term effective this date to the next annual meeting of the agency. Roll call vote: Yes- Chaprcan, Wilson, and Carlisle. Motion carried. This procedure is in full accord with the duly adopted by-laws of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California. The newly appointed secretary-treasurer was then advised of his responsi- bilities by the chairman of the agency and was instructed to take any and all steps necessary to effect this chabge where required. Since the newly appointed member of the agency had not taken his oath of office he could rot take an active part in the foregoing procedings. Carlisle moved and Wilson seconded a motion for adjournment. Roll call vote: Yes - C}lapman, Carlisle, and Wilson. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~~ ~% Jerome F. Seara Jr. '" Secretary Minutes approved by absent members: Date ~~-S Sign ` ~~~L~~~ .... Pfinutes of the 3egular Pieetir~ o}' the a1lir:+i,.Li'LT; ,,,:i~ ~ ,~ fa C:' i;"r: ~a"i r,~. t13L'1? ~ CsL-'Ga.~aA, held on Thursday, f~iay o 1957 in doom 311 Professional Luilciing 1'he meetinz; was called to order b,, the chairman at 2:00 p.m. itoll call shoa~red the following present: Agency e~embers Chapm~an~ Carlisle and Phelan. Absent: sdestbrook and +~ilson. Cuests included John iserry of the Slum Clearance Comrcitte of the Sazi Bernardi¢~ teal instate hoard and Tr. Sidney Hock of :;tone and Youn~berg~ financial ccnsultants. Carlisle moved and Phelan seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of April 11~ 1957 as nreserited. Roll call vote: Yes - Chapman Carlisle :helan. .Motion carried. The following bills iaer•e presented for approval: Salary for secretary for 3~29~57 to 1~~26~5'7 187.19 Jerome F. Sears Jr. 'Travel es.~enses to Lisneyland Conference 10.00 Simon Eisner and Associates Final Payment on contract 2,033.34 San ~sernardino valley f~lunicipal 'riater Listrict Gent: Plonth of February 100.00 i~ionth of March 100.00 Arrowhead iffice Equipment Company 13.91 Stockwell and i3imiey 1;.27 Sparkletts '.dater Corporation 17.25 Jercme F. Sears Jr. 'Travel menses to L.:`.. Bond Coancil 11+.110 Jerome F. Sears Jr. Salary £or director for the month of April. 523.09 ':1, il. Savage and 13.0. swans Pull payment en appraiser's contract 2000.00 San Bernardino :glue r'r int Company 7.b0 Roy i5avis Camera Shop 33.113 General 'Pelenhone Company 51.48 Kenneth Kell.y~ Fidelity iiond 125.00 '~ ~ o-: Phelan moved and Carlisle seconded a motion that the bills be approved as presented. 3011 call vote: Yes - Chaoman, Carlisle, and Phelan. I§otion carried. Survey and Planning: The director informed the agency members that the Preliminary Project N.eport would be forwarded to San }''rancisco on _~s~~ 10, 1957. dir. Hidney Hook of Stone and Youngberg presented a brief discussion on the advisability of hiring a financial consultant to assist in the ,creparation of the anticipated bond issue in that a bond issue of this type being untried would require a firm financial foundation in order to readily be saleable. The chairman advised Is. Hook that there would be no funds available in the survey and plarm.ng oudget "cr -~}:e fee for tike fig:~a ncial consultant, acrd that all such fees :aauld have to lie rnet from. the proceeds c£ the bond issue therefore any study which they entered into with this agency must be on a contingency basis. The director reported that the bond issue for the city's one third net cost could be approximately w~225,00 to ~2j0,000. `Phis estimate was based on the preliminary appraiser's report and marketac~ility study. 'Phe actual issue itself would be a approxiaately twice this amount to cover anticipated expenses of the issue itself and a fund sufficient enough to meet 'nterest payments until such time as the increased tax from t the area wouL: start to actually pay the interest and retire the principal of the Load. The budget for the final planr:ing stage of the "eadowbrcok Park Project i1o. 1 was reviewed and a motion was made by Carlisle and seconded by Phelan for approval of this budget. toll call vote: Yes - Chapman, Carlisle, and Phelan. h!etion carried. Phe agency members were advised that the director had contacted }°s. Lindeman of O'19e1veny znd t9yers (bond counsel) for prelimiary talks in regard to the anticipated forth- coming agency bond issue. 1•s. iindeman stated that he would look in to the matter and advise us by mail as to the extent of their services and estimated fee. `Phis work being done on a ccntin;ency basis fee to be mid from the proceeds of the 'pond issue. Other business: Pins. Herrington, a representative from Pir. I_cCreary's office who is an economist of H1~'A, visited this agency in regard to the justification for requesting Fi?1: Section 221 saecial assistance loans for the city of San Bernardino. I~as. Herrington stated that additional information would be necessary to order to obtain certification. 'Phis information has been provided. .f ~ The Director spoke before the Y's miens Club o_` San Bernardino, on April 25, 1957 regarding the l~ieadowbrook. 3edevelopment Project. 'Phe members o£ this club ap~~eared to be extre~uely interested in this project and offered their complete support. The chairr..an, I•s. Chapman, introduced the £ollocaing resolutions: i?5Gi.c TSOh: iVO. 'viiili _t1,:1d, the ;?e development ~`.gency of the Ciiy of San rernardino, Oalif ornia by 3esolution iGo. 25 adopted June 13, 195o resolve, in accordance with Section 3 of Article 1 0£ the uy-laws of t}ie Agency, t}~at until otherwise provided by resolution, the office of said agency shall be in :?ocm 311 of the Professioal duildin; in the city of San Gernard:.no, California; and .<HE3F;Ad, said resca.ution made no provision for an amount nor the term of occupancy: N04i I'. d ~~0:;s, di T ar,oCiVis Fl lit: 31a~U Lv P1:.iIT AvI:vCY" iii' T:I?. CITY OF :iAir' BER:QS.?llI NO, CA1.II'0 ~?AS1A: that until otherwise provided by re r:1t ti o._ ..~.` the r :.__ of the o£fi.ce of the :?edevelopment .agency of the City of dap Bernardino, Jali£ornia in 3oom 311 of the Professional Building shall be N100 per month and said occupancy s!:all be oa a xonth to month basis. 'r&Ili3f;Ad, the itedovelopment Agency of the City of dap Bernardino, California b;, c?csclution No. 10 adopted :°lay 'j, 1953 resolved that the secretary of said agency open an account at the American `vational rank and deposit any and all moneys of said a;;ency; and ';JH.i,.3r'.Ad, said ;?esolation further provides that the Chairman, toy li. Chapman, and the secretary, Janes F'. Nicllill are authorized to sign checks on behalf o£ said agency ar.d are directed to furnish signatures for withdrawal of funds by direction of said agency; and .,.'.131:15, said Jar:es F. t:cLill pas heretofore resigned as secretary and at a spec:a;. meotinB on .+nril &, 1957, Jerome P. dears Jr. was appointed secretary of said agency upon :motion made and adopted in accordance with the By-laws cf said Agency; NCii TiIlz2i.i'u3E La 1T 3GSOLVIll that said 3esolwtion No. 10 of the .kedevelop~~,t regency of t;;e City of San i>ernardino~ California be amended to read as follor,s: that the Chairman Soy F.. Chapman, and the secretary Jerome r. dears Jr. be a uthoriaed to sign checks on behalf of the .3edevelopment agency of the City of dan Bernardino, California. Carlisle c?ca~ ed and Phelan seconded a motion that the foregoing, resoluaions be aYnroved as read. 1?0ll call vote: Ies -Chapman, Carlisle, and Phelan. Piotion carried. ~_~~. i'helan taoved. that 1~'s. Connelly be authorized to sign purchase orders for any, item -previously authorized for purchase bar tk~e agency at a regular or special meeting. Carlisle seconded the motion. 3011 call vote: Yes- Chapman, Carlsle, and Phelan. 'This rmotion is subject to review ~by the agency rrembers at the next regular meeting. Carlisle moved and and Phelan seconded a motion that the director and any agency Re;mber is authorized to attend the iGAiI30 Conference on Play 20, 21,22 in Scaramento, California. 3011 call vote: Yes - Chapman, Carlisle, and Phelan. Plotion carried. Copies of a letter to senator Cunr;in-ham advising hirre of certain bills to came before the senate together with the senator's letter acknowledging receipt and expressing his desire for unimpeded progress of the redevelcnrnent nro~rar: were read to tihe agency members. 'The board was inforred that tentative steps had been taken through Fs. Hosgood o` the .dater Department of the Cit;; of San iernardino to acquire certain property belonging to the city water department which lies scuth of the manta Fe 3ailroad tracks and to sell them a certain piece of property adajacent to the City ,ater Department office building and repair shoe, It was unofficially determined that this transfer cculd he rcade, however, tdr. riosgood could not give a definite arswer until the problem izad been presented to and accepted by the:later Department hoard. The agency members inspected new office facilities, 3ooms 201 and 203 of the +'r ofessional Building which sere offered for consideration for the new location of the rtedevelopnent agency of the Cite of San Bernardino, California as anticipated expanding operations would ree.re more space tYan that now available at our present location. Phelan made a motion that the agency avail itself of 3ooms 201 and 203 at its earliest possible convenience. The following resolution was then adopied by the n;embers of the agency: Lb30Lu1^1C'dd :J0. 3j )T:Cd3E43, Section 3 of d.x~ticle 1 of the By-laws of the dedevelopment rlgercy of the City of man iiernardi..o, California, provides that the office of the dgency shall be at such place in the City of San Bernardino, California as tray be designated by resolction: NC^Z 'ik"3LFU:~;, BL~ ~_T d~pU;.'~B'D izY t ~ itr;D J.r,CP;~w',IT ?.03iJCY OP TH;; CiTY Oi' d.^u~; I3EIftIJ~tDI;SU, C-'iLli'G.$1LA: that until otherwise provided by resolution, the office of the dedevelopmeut agency of the City of San Bernardino California sahll be in 3ooms 201 and 203, Pr cfessional building in the City cf Ja.n Bernardino Celiforria at •alj0 per month on a month to month basis to begin on June 1, 19y7. 219 3011 call vote: Yes - Chapman, Carlisle, and Phelan. desolutioa adopted. Phelan made a notion and Carlisle seconded it for adjourn:rent. :3011 ca11 vote: Yes - Chapnu,n, Carlisle, axld Phelan. Potion carried. the meeting was adjo_sned at 1+:70 p.m. :3espectfully submitted, Jerome ''. wears Jr. 3ecretar~ Minutes approved by absent members: _Bate i Z~-c, . ,t ~~,> Late «o Minutes of the Regular ffieeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, held on Thursday, Jnne 13, 1957 in Room 201 Professional Building The meeting was called to order by the chairman at 2:00. Roll call showed the following present: Agency members Chapman, Westbrook, and Wilson. Absent: Carlisle and Phelan. Also present were William J. Ward, Agenay counsel and Mr. Glen Mead of Mead Wrecking Company. A discussion was held regarding the awarding of bids for the demolition of properties located in the Meadowbrook Park ProSect. It was decided by the Agency members std the satisfaction of the contractors present that the acceptance of actual bide at this time would be premature and the contractors agreed to provide estimates of coat for this demolition to be used ae a guide in preparing coat estimates and that actual bidding should be withheld until 3ust prior to project execution. Bids previously sub- mitted were returned unopened to the bidders. Wilson moved for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of May 9, 1957 as corrected (in regard to Resolution No. 35 and 36). Westbrook aeaonded the motion. Roll call vote: Yea - Chapman, Westbrook, and Wilson. Potion carried. The following bills were read for approval: Kenneth Kelly, Insurance - renewal on Fidelity Bond 125.00 William E, Taylor - accounting services for April and May 100.00 Arrowhead Office Equipment 13.72 Jerome F. Sears Jr. - travel expenses 102.05 General Telephone Company 14.65 San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District Rent for April 100.00 Postmaster 6.00 Jerome F, Sears Jr. Postage for Preliminary rro3ect Report 12.20 Jerome F. Sears Jr. - Salary for the month of May 523.09 Grace Connelly - salary i'or secretary from 4/27/57 to b/7/57 293.75 William J. 4Yard - Legal services for March, April, and May 112.50 San Bernardino Van and Storage 20.70 San Bernardino Blue Print Company 68.69 Bob Stirling Signs 3,12 Sparkletts Water Corporation 4.75 Stockwell and Binney 38.20 NAHRO - Renewal for 1957 100.00 Westbrook moved and Wilson seconded a motion for approval of the bills submitted and on a roll call vote Chapman, Wilson, and Westbrook voted yes. Absent - Cabliele and Phelan. Motion carried. ~~i The public hearings of the legislative body will be held on October 28 in the Council Chambers. The agency members then instructed the director and agency counabl to select a date for the agency public hearings four weeks in advance of the legislative body public hearings in order that sufficient time might be permitted for required publication in the local newspapers. Wilson than made a motion that the public hearing notices beplaced in both the San Bernardino Sun-Telegram and San Bernardino Poat in accordance with the requirements as net forth in the Health and Saftey Code of the State of California. Westbrook seconded the motion and on a roll call vote Chapman, Westbrook and Wilson voted yea. Absent: Carlisle and Phelan. Motion carried. A motion was mde by Wilson to retain O~melveny and Myers as bond counsels and Stone and Youngberg as financial consultants in regard to the anticipated Redevelopment Agency Taz Increment bond issue contingent upon approval of the Preliminary Project Report. Fees for such sonsultanta services are to be met from the proceeds of the bond issue only. The director then submitted the contract with Simon Eisner and Associates to the agency members for their approval. The agency members then instructed the director to send copies of said contract to HHFA for their approval prior to execution. Copies of the Tentative Plan and Tentative Plaa Report were then submitted to the Agency members for their review. The director advised agency members that he had a tentative meeting arranged with a prospective redeveloper from Palm Springs. There was considerable 8iacnasion among the agency members as to the advisability of selling the majority of the property in the redevelopment area to one developer. It was decided that further discussion on this sub3ect should be put over until such time as the members could give this matter further consideration and study. OTHER BIISINESS: The agency members ware advised that the letters to HHFA and FHA requesting Section 221 FHA loans for the city of San Bernardino had been mailed on May 10, 1957 and certification is expected momemtarily. The motion made at the regular meeting of May 9, 1957 authorizing Mrs. Grace Connelly to alga purchase orders was rescinded and anew motion by Westbrook was made and seconded by Wilson to authorize the director to sign all purchase orders aub~ect to review by the agency members at the neat regular meeting. On a roll call vote Chapman, Westbrook, and Wilson voted yea. Absents Phelan and Carlisle. Motion carried. The director gave a short report on the actions and proceedings at the NAHRO conference in Sacramento on May 20, 21,22. Agency members authorized the purchase of the following items: clock, storage cabinet, postage scale, waste paper baskets, adding machine rental for five months, and relocation file system. /l (~ (R Agency members authorized the hiring of s new secretary and purchase. of additional furniture and office equipment as requested in the budget for the final planning stage contingent upon approval of the rreliminary Pro3ect Report, provided satisfactory rental arrangements could not be made. The agency members decided that publicity should be held to a minimum until after the agency hearings. Westbrook moved and Wilson seconded a motion to increase the salary of the director 1096 effective as of June 1, 1957• On a roll call vote Chapman, Wilson, and Westbrook voted yes. Absent: Cailfale and Phelan. Motion carried. The following resolution was read to the agency members: RESOLIITION N0.36 WHEREAS, by its Resolution No. 20 the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California pursuant to Section 8 of Article 1 of its By-lawn, appointed William J. Ward the administrative officer of said agenay and authorized and empowered him to act for and on behalf of said agency in carrying out the powers, dntiea, and functions granted him by said agency and in representing said agency in tie negotiations and trana- actiona with Housing and Home Finance Agency and IIrban Renewal Administra- tion; and WHEREAS, said Agency has heretofore employed Jerome F. Sears Jr. as its Executive Director, who has been empowered to represent said Agency and the exercise of its powers and functions, and there is no longer a need for said Administrative Officer to act on behalf of said Agency; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPIQENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA: That the position of Administrative Officer is hereby terminated, and William J. Ward be, and he is hereby, relieved Prom any further duties, powers, or acts on behalf of said Agency in that capacity. Westbrook moved and Wilson seconded a motion for adoption of this resolution and on a roll call vote Chapman, Westbrook, Wilson voted yea. Motion carried. A motion was made bj+ Wilson to thank Mr. Ward for the excellent Job that he had done sa Administrative Officer for the Agency in carrying out the Agency's program during the period when there was no director without compensation. Westbrook seconded the motion and on a roll call vote Chapman, Westbrook, and Wilson noted yea. The Director advised the agency members that the detrimental action that had been taken by the local chapter of the NCACP has been nullified through action of Mr. Wiggington and Mr. Johnson, local members of the NAACP through the National IIrban League and the legal offices of the NAACP in Los Angeles. _~'. The following letter was read to the agency members and the chairman lnatructed the director to record the letter in the minutes. Redevelopment Agency San Bernardino, California Re: Redevelopment Area #1 This is to advise you, ae I am a member of our legislative body, I am required by the lava of the Redevelopment Agency to make a declaration as to my holdings in 'the above area, which is sa follows: 1. President and Stock holder in the San Bernardino Steel and Machine located at 115 Rialto Ave., San Bernardino, California. 2. One half owner of all property and buildings, located at 133-135 Arrowhead Avenue, Lots #10, 11,12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 of the Bedfor Brothers Subdivision. Very truly yours, ~s~ C, F, Joris C. F. Joris Wilson moved and Westbrook seconded a motion for adjournment. Roll call votes Yea - Chapman, Westbrook, and Wilson. Meeting wsa adjourned at 4:55• Respectfully submitted, ~~~.e%~ Jerome F. Sears Jr. Secretary Minutes approved by absent members: `~~~~,_ d /9. ~ Date Date `f w-A ~ L. e .,V,,,~ ~' n n ~ ~ ~' Minutes of the Speeial Meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDZNO, CALIFORNIA held on Friday, June 'LS, 1957 at 1:30 p.m. in Room 201 Professional Building The chairman called the meeting to order at 1:Q5 p.m, Roll call showed the following present: Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, and Phelan; Agency counsel - William J. Ward. Also present: W. A. Savage, A. N. Grosling of American Right of Way and Appraisal Contractors, and V. Almon Lockabey, reporter from the Sun Telegram. Phelan made a motion that the driector read the bide Yor the appraisal contract for the final stage of the Meadowbrook Park Pro3ect. Carlisle seconded the motion and the following noted yea on a roll call vote: Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle and Phelan. The following sealed bids were opened and read: Evans, Griegby, and Knorr .......................$17,500 John Swing ......................................$20,000 Savage and Johnson ..............................$12,500 American Right of Way ...........................$23x750 The Agency members were advised as to the required qualifications that must be presented by the successful bidder. The director was requested to read the qualifications as submitted by the low bidder. The qualifications as read were discussed by the agency members and it was decided that they met the requirements for appraiaera as set forth in the Manual of Policies and Requirements for Local Public Agency. The qualifications for the remaining bidders were filed together with their bide in the Agency files. The chairman then instructed the director to draw up a report outlining the steps that were taken in procuring the information in regard to the appraiaera whose bide were submitted in conformance with Part II, .Chapter 7, Seotion 7 of the LPA Manual. i The following resolution was then introduced: RESOLIITIOH H0. 37 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, Callforaie has heretofore invited the submission of bids from qualified professional appraisers for the amonnt of compensation to be charged in a personal service contract for a final planning appraisal of the property situated in the Meadowbrook Park Project Area, IIH Calif. R-10, which contract ie to be in conformity with the proviaiona of HHFA rules and regulations governing said contract particularly those proviaiona contained in Part II Chapter 7, Section 6 of the Manual of Policies and Requirmenta for Local Public Agencies; and WHEREAS written bide were received by the Agency for such contract from the following named persons and in the following amounts fer ouch services, to wit: Evans, Grigsby, and Rnorr, $17,500; John Swing, $20,000; Savage and Johnson, $12,500; and American Right of Way and Appraisal Contractors, $23,750; and WHEREAS the said Agency made determinations governing the selection of such an appraiser in conformity with the requirements of cart II, Chapter 7, Section 7 of said HHFB Manual relating to the process of selecting appraisers and determining compensation; HOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: (1) That, subject to the approval of HHFA, said Agency aocepts the offer of Savage and Johnson to perform said appraisal aervicee for the sum of $12,500; (2) That said Agency in accordance with the proviaiona of Part II, Chapter 7, Section 7 of said HHFA Manual hereby determines: (a) That said Savage and Johnson possess qualifications justifying an inspection that they will furnish appraisal reports on which said Agency and HHFA can act with confidence and that they will be able to support their conclusions capably in event of inveetigatione or court proceedings; (b) That said Savage sad Johnson have no interest, present or prospective which could impair their ability to furnish important reports or which could raise questions as to their impartiality or fairmesa; (c) The sum of $12,500 being the lowest bid negotiated for by said Agency, is fair and proper compensation under all circumstances and is at a rate which does not exceed that usually paid in the locality for equivalent services based on the compensation that has been and is being paid by others for similar aervicee; n ~c~ 1. L. (d) That the contract to be exeouted by and between said Agency and Savage and Johnson will beet serve the interest of the project, said Agency having determined that said bid of 512,500 is the lowest and best obtainable; (3) That the Chairman and Secretary of the Agency on behalf of the Agency are hereby authorized to exeoute a written contract with Savage and Johnson for said appraisal services in accordance with the terms and conditions of their bid and in the amount of =12,500. Phelan moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for ap~,roval of this resolution and on a roll call vote the following voted yes: Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, and Phelan. Motion carried. Westbrook moved for adjournment and Phelan seconded the motion. On a 1 roll call vote Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, and Phelan voted yea. The meeting was adjo,irned at 3:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jerome F. Sears Jr. Secretary Minutes approved by absent member: ~L~W-L ~l ~~S Date ' ~cl 7 ~~ / i (, VZ-~ Minutes of the regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held on Thursday, July 11, 1957 in Room 201 Professional Building. The meeting wsa called to order by the vice-chairman at 2:30 Roll call showed the following present: Agency members Westbrook, Carlisle, Wilson, and Phelan. Also present was William J. Ward, agency counsel; and Florence Conlin, Relocation Technician from San Francisco. Carlisle moved and Phelan seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of June 13, 1957 and on a roll call vote the following noted yeas Westbrook, Carlisle, Phelan, and Wilson. Phelan moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the special meeting of June 28, 1957 and on a roll call vote the following voted yea: Westbrook, Carlisle, Wilson, and Phelan. The following bills were read £or approval: Schweitzers~ - clock for office 10.38 Inland Printing 27.30 Sunset Travel - transportation to Sacramento for director 39.15 San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District Rent for May 100.00 Professional Building - rent for June 150.00 Stockwell and Binney - rent on adding machine 104.00 office supplies 9e.e5 Jerome F. Sears Jr. - Travel to L.A. 14.40 Jerome F. Sears Jr. - salary for the month of June 569.15 Mra. Grace Connelly - salary for the secretary from 6/s/57 to 7/5/57 195.70 Internal Revenue Service - Withholding Tax Second Quarter 378.60 State Employeea~ Retirement System 117.61 Department of Employment 68.87 Wilson moved and Phelan aedonded a motion for approval of the bills submitted and on a roll call vote the following voted yeas Westbrook, Carlisle, Wilson and Phelan. SIIRVEY AND PLANNING: The propsed contract with O~Melveny and Myers in regard to the anticipated bond issue was submitted to the Agency members. It was decided to withhold any action in regard to this contract until the arrival of the chairman. i{~' The director advised the agency members that he had contacted two of the local Title companies in regard to preparation of the owner- ship data reports, and outlined the conditions presented by each company. The conditions propaed by Pioneer Title and Trust Company appeared to be the moat advantageous to the Agency. Wilson moved and Phelan seconded a motion that the director be authorized to negotiate s contract with Pioneer Title and Trust Company for the preparation of the ownership data reports. On a roll call vote Westbrook, Carlisley Wilson, and Phelan voted yea. Motion carried. With the arrival of the chairman, the vice-chairman turned the meeting over to the chairman. The chairman then Baked to be brought up to date on the proceedings of the meeting. The propaed contract with O~Melveny and Myers, bond sounael, together with a legal opinion fromthe Agency Counsel, ae to the scope of services contained within the contract, was presented to the chairman for consideration and action. After a general diacuseion, a motion was made by Wilson and seconded b~ Carlisle authorizing the chairman and the secretary to eaecute the contract aub3ect to co~:cnrrence of the legal department of HHFA. Roll call vote: Yes- Chapman, Westbrook, Wilson, Carlisle, and Phelan. Motion carried. The agency members, after further consideration regarding the ownership data reports, suggested that the director contact Land Title Company in order to obtain an additional estimate. Wilson then amended hie previous motion regarding negotiations for an ownership data contract to be sa follows: that the director be authorized to negotiate a contract with the company whose charge and credit schedule would be most advantageous to the agency. Carlisle seconded this motion and on a roll call vote Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, Wilson, and Phelan voted yes. Potion carried. The director presented the revised schedule for the final planning stage. The chairman then suggested that the director attempt to hold the publio hearings at the earliest possible date practical after diseueaiona regarding timing with the HHFA Regional office, and to report back to the agency at the neat regular meeting. OTE:ER BIISIRESS: A resolution was introduced regarding a change of procedure in the method for authorization for the payment of agency obligations. After a diacuseion, Wilson moved that the resolution be tabled. Phelan seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, Wilson, and Phelan voted yea. Motion carried. The director was authorized to proceed to San Francisco for two days as requested by Mr. Richard Ives, Regional Director of IIrban Renewal, in order to reconcile the differences in the Preliminary Pro3ect Report. The agency members were advised that San Bernardino had received certification for 225 Section FHA 221 special assistance loans. Tie Annual Report for 1956 was presented to the Agency members i'or approval and the director -as instructed to for-ard copies to the Mayor and Common Council -ith a balance sheet for the Agency ae of December 31, 1956. There was a diacuasion regarding rental for a partial month due to the San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District for the period Novemberl to November 18, 1956 -hich was chargeable to IIR Calif. A-9 and has not yet been paid due to lack of funds, i'or this period. After a brief diacuasion, Wilson moved for adoption of the following resolution: ' RESOLDTION N0. 38 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, That uptil other-iae provided by resolution, the members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, shall hold regular meetings at 3:30 p.m. on the second Tneeday of each month at the office of the Agency, Room 201, Professional Building, Church and E Streets, San Bernardino, California. The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 13, 1957. Carlisle seconded the motion and on a roll call vote the following voted yes: Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, Wilson, and Phelan. Motion carried. The director notified the agency members that satisfactory rental arrangements for the new furniture could not be made, therefore the Agency would purchase the furniture as authorized in the June 13, 1957 regular meeting. Wilson moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for ad3ournment and on a roll call vote the following voted yes - Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, Wilson, and Phelan. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 4:;5 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~~~~ Jerome F. Sears Jr. Secretary ,, C J P1IidUTES degular meeting of the dEDi,VELOPI•iENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARllI[d0, CALIFORNIA held on Tuesday August 13, 1957 at 3:30 p.m. in Room 201 of the Professional Building. The meeting was called to order by the chairman at 3:45 p. m. Roll call shorted the following present: Agency members Chapman, Carlisle, and Wilson. Mr. Westbrook arrived at the regular meeting time and asked to be excused because of the press of urgent bssiness. Also present was William Ward, agency counsel. Carlisle moved and Wilson seconded a motion for approval of tk:e minutes of the regular meeting of July 11, 19j7 and on a roll call vote the following voted yes: Chapman, Carlisle, and Wilson. Nilson moved for approval of the following bills: Professional Building - rent for the months of July and August ~ X150 390.00 Sparkletts Drinking Water Corporation - bill for July and August 11.60 Arrowhead Office Equipment 10.8Q Sunset Travel - transportation to San Francisco for director 27.00 Lindman Printing Company 34.84 General Telephone Company - bill for June and July 90.26 Stockwell and Binney 45.12 Jerome F. Sears Jr. - salary for the director for the month of July 569.1$ Jerome F. Sears Jr. - travel expenses for the month of July 77.80 Mrs. Grace Connelly - salary for the secretary for the period from 7/6/57 to &/16/57 293.$5 William J. Sdard - bill for the months of June and July 56.25 William E. Taylor -bill for the months of June and July 100.00 Carlisle seconded the motion for approval of the bills and on a roll call vote the following voted yes: Chapman, Carlisle, and Wilson. 231 Survey and Planning: The proposed contract with the Land Title Company was reviewed by the Agency members and the Agency counsel, and was deemed acceptable provided additional language was added to paragraph 7 which would assure the Agency that all charges for ownership data reports and Preliminary Title reports would be applied as a credit against those charges for the Final policy of Title Insurance. A motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Carlisle approving this contract as amended and authorizing the secretary and the chairman to execute same when prepared. Roll call votes: Yes- Chapman, Wilson, and Carlisle. The director then informed the members he had contacted Henry A. Babcock and Western Real Estate Research Corporation with regard to the reuse and marketability study. He read the scope of services, fee, and qualifications as submitted by each concern. The chairman asked the director to contact Western Real Estate Corporation again as to the exact extent of their financial study. The director was asked to then prepare a comparative analysis of these two companies as to their scope of services and to submit this at the nest meeting. Overlays of the proposed site for the new State Building and State parking lot as received from the Department of Finance, State of California were submitted to the Agency members and they were advised that since these areas were located within the boundaries of the Meadowbrook Park Project that it would be necessary to amend the boundary lines excluding these properties as soon as their acquisition becomes official. Other Business: The telegram from Mr. M. Justin Herman, Regional Administrator of HHFA congratulating San Bernardino on being the first city in the Western United States to start construction on homes under the FHA Section 221 program, was then read to the members. The director informed the members that he and the chairman attended the ground breaking ceremonies on July 29, 19$7 and that the ceremonies were well attended by public officials, representa- tives from FHA o££ices in San Bernardino and Los Angeles, and representatives from the financial institutions, the Building Contractors Association, and representatives from HfLz'A and their guests. A letter which had been submitted to the Mayor and Common Council which suggested a procedure to be used in regard to the relocation of those persons to be displaced be all governmental action whithin the city of San Bernardino was read to the agency members. A letter from the city Administrator was then read which notified the Agency that the Nayor and Common Council had approved the recommendations as made by the Agency in total. Details and charges for the proposed services must be determined and put into the form of a resolution to be adopted by the Mayor and Common Council at a later date if the Agency so desires. A letter received from Oliver Everett of HHFA regarding Florence Conlin's recent visit to this Agency and the timing for submission of our Tentative Plan and Part I of the Loan and Orant application was discussed. 232 The director read a letter from NAHRO regarding the Regional Agency dues and after a brief discussion a motion was made by Wilson and seconded by Carlisle that the director be instructed to forward a check for $10.00 to NAHRO for the Regional dues. Roll call vote: Yes - Chapman, Carlisle, and Wilson. The following resolution was read to the Agency members: Resolution No. 39 i1HEREAS Section 8 of Article 2 of the By-laws of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California provides that the Agency may from time to time employ such personnel as it deems necessary: WHEREAS Part IV, Chapter 4, Section 4 of the Local Public Agency Manual of the Housing and Home Finance Agency provides that the Local Public Agency in the case of an independent local agency, by a resolution of its governing body shall establish a policy for the salary of its employees; and WHEREAS the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California by motion made at a regular meeting May 9, 19$7 approved the staffing and salary schedule of its employees contained in the proposed final planning budget filed with the Housing and Home Finance Agency, Urban Renewal Administration, for Project Calif. R-10, and WHEREAS the Agency determined at the adoption of said budget that the staffing and salary schedule was comparable to local practice for similar organizations work and responsibility; NOW TH%.REFORE BE IT RESOL?QED BY THE REDEVELOPNLL,NT AGENCY OF THE CITYOF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA THAT UNTIL AMr'NDED by a resolution of said agency, the above mentioned staffing and salary schedule is hereby approved and adopted subject to the concurrence of the Housing and Home Finance Agency, Urban Renewal Administration. Wilson moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for adoption of this resolution and on a roll call vote the following voted yes: Chapman, Carlisle, and Wilson. The following resolution was then read to the Agency members: Resolution No. 40 WHEREAS by its Resolution No. 28 the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California established a policy on travel expenses of its members, executive director, attorney, and other officers or employees traveling on official business of the Agency; and ~3? WHEREAS Part ZV~ Chapter u, Section 4 of the Local Public Agency Manual of the Housing and Home Finance Agency provides that travel necessary by the Agency shall require that each trip to a destination outside of the State of California be specifically authorized by a resolution of the Agency, NCi+] THEN~'ORE BE IT R,SOI,~'ED fiY THE .~?:EllEVEI,OPAL;NT AGENCY OF Ti1E CITY GF SAN Bis2N:;2DIN0 that Resolution No. 28 of said Agency is hereby amended by adding thereto the following: "Be it resolved further that each trip of any agency member, executive directory attorneys and other officers or employees of the agency to a destination outside of the State of California which is charged whollw er in part to a Title I project be specifically nut:^orized by a resolution of the a,-ency members approving a trip as essential to ^. Title I project." Carlisle moved and Wilson seconr~ed a motion for adoption of this resolution Ord on a roll call vote the following voted yes: Chapman, Cariisle~ and ~rJ.ilson. The Ggency members were informed by the director of the "ACTION" Urban Renewal Clinic to be held in Berkeley, California on October 17 and 19~ 1957. After a brief discussion, dilson moved and Carlisle seconded a motion auEnerizing the agency members and staff to attend this clinic. 2011 call vote: Yes - Chapman, C=irlisle~ and 'r;ilscn. The following items were submitted to the Agency members: The Housing Yearbook for 1957 as received by I74Hi7.0 The balance sheet for the F:gency as of June j0~ 1957 A letter from Harry C. Phelan submitting his resignation as an agency member to become effective August 1, 1957. A letter from T^r. J. C. Sloane vice-president and manager 0f the Bank of America expressing interest in the proposed Acen cy bonds. A letter from Cliver Everett of HHFA stating that membership in the Local Public Agency does not preclude such member from engaging in the normal business activities within the 2edevelonmcnt area provided he does not participate in any way in reviewing claims against the Agency submitted by persons with whom he has had business dealings. The director reported that during his meeting with the technicians at the H}N'A Regional Office in San Francisco on July lo, and 17, 1957, that all questions raised in regard. to the Preliminary Project Report had been satisfactorily answered. 234 After a discussion by the agency members, the following resolution was introduced; Resolution Ne. 41 L•~HEREAS, it is necessary- and in tha public interest that the Redevelopment Agency of the Oity of San Bernardino, California, avail itself of the financial assistance provided by Title I of the Housing Act of 19119 as amended and the Housing Act of 1974 to assist local slum clearnace and urban redevelopment projects; and ?^!}IE;.4EAS, it is necessary that surveys be made and other activities be per- formed preparatory to undertaking such projects; and '.~k;^.3EAS, it is recognized that Title I of the Horsing Act of 1949 as amended and the Housing Act of 1974 requires that contracts for financial assistance thereunder impose certain obligations and responsibilities upon local public agencies availing themselves of such financial assistance, including among other things: (1) the approval of the redevelopment plant by the governing body of the locality in which the project is situated, with appropriate findings (a) that financial aid by the Federal Government is necessary. (b) that the redevelopment plans for the redevelopment areas in the locality will afford maximum opportunity consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the redevelopment of such areas by private enterprise, and (c) that the redevelopment plan con£crms to a general plan for the development o° the locality as a whole; (2) the pro- vision of local grants-in-aid; (?) the development of a feasible method for the relocation of families desplaced from the project area; and (4) the several other obligations and responsibilities that are imposed rnssuant to Title I of the Housing Act of 1949 as amended and the N.ousing Act of 1954 in connection with the undertaking and carrying out of sl•s: clearance and urban redevelopment projects; and '.lH,:9.AS, nursuaat to Title I every contract for a .Federal. capital grant will require local grants-in-aid in cernection with the project which, together with the local grants-in-aid to be provided in connection with all other projects of the local public agency on which contracts for Federal capital grants have been made, will. be at least equal to one-third of the aggregate net project costs involved in such projects; and ?•1?-~REAS, such local grants-in-aid may be provided by a state, municipality, or other public body, or by any ether entity, and n:ay consist of donations o_` cash, land, demolition, or removal aork~and streets, utulities, or ether site improvements, and the provision pf narks, playgrounds, and. other public buildings or facilities •ahich (1) are primarily of direct benefit to the project and are neeessary to serve or support the new uses of land in the project are or (2) of direct and substantial benefit both to the project a_nd to ether areas 9. n. the cp..mmunity. NQ,J T~r~dEiO~' -'~ IT 3a0hU~D BY TH3 3~T' •r-.LOP%~c,~T 4"~iJCY OF THE L'ITY OF S:~N B.w4NA3LIN0, CAL~FGRNIA: 235 Section 1. That the Following assistance provided by 'title 1 of the Housing Act of 1949 as amended and the Housing Act of 19511 to assist local slum clearance and urban redevelopment projects is necessary; and Section 2. That it is fully cognizant of the foregoing obligations and responsibilities that are imposed under contracts for financial assis- tance pursuant to Title 1 and it is in the sense of this body that such obligations and responsibilities can well be fulfilled; and Section 3. That an amendment to Contract No. California R-10 between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino California and the United States of America, acting by and through the Housing and Home Finance Administrator, be approved to incur costs on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardi.n0>California, in an amount of {~1i1~921.00~ of rV40~312.00 for the following areas Description of Study Area Beginning at the Northwest cornerof the intersection of 3rd Street and D Street; thence North along .the Westerly line of D Street to a point 168.116 feet more or less to a point North of the fortherly line of 3rd Street; thence East and parallel with the Northerly line of 3rd Street a distance of 166.118 feet more or less to a point; thence North and parallel with the Westerly line of D Street a distance of 32.81 feet more or less to a point; thence East and parallel with the Northerly line of 3rd Street a distance of 22.34 feet more or less to a point; thence North and parallel with the Westerly line of ll Street a distance of 28.35 feet more or less to a point; thence East and parallel with the Northerly line of 3rd Street a distance cf 44.00 feet more or less to a point; thence South and parallel with the Westerly line of D Street, a distance of 29.75 feet more or less to a point; thence East and parallel with the Northerly line of 3rd Street a distance of 70.583 feet more or less to a point; thence South and parallel with the Westerly line of D Street a distance of 69.87 feet more er less to a point; thence East and parallel with the Northerly line of 3rd Street a distance of 39.66 feet more or less to a point; thence North and parallel with the ?Jesterly line of D Street, a distance of 45.00 feet more or less to a point; thence East and parallel with the Portherly line of 3rd Street 37.66 feet e,ore or less to a point; thence South and parallel with the :de=terly line of D Street, a distance of 45.00 feet more or less to a point; thence Bast and parallel with the Northerly line of 3rd Street, a distance of 175.50 feet more or less to a point; thence South and parallel with the 3Jesterly line of D Street a distance of 25.13 feet more or less to a point; thence East and parallel with the Northerly line o£ 3rd Street to the East line of Arrowhead Avenue; thence South along the East line of Arrow- head Avenue to the North line of 2nd Street; thence East along the North line of 2nd Street to the center line of Sierra ~~day; thence South along the center line of Sierra Way to the Northwest line of the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad branch line right-of-way; thence Northwesterly along the 1Vorth line of said right- of-way to a point in the Southerly extension of the 'nest line o£ Piountain view Avenue; thence North along said extensicn to the South line of 3ialto Avenue; thence Llest along the South line of 3ialto Avenue to the East line of Arrowhead Avenue; thence South along the East line of Arrowhead Avenue to the South line of f.thol Street; thence 'n'est along the South line of Athol Street to the :rest line of E Street; thence North along the West line of E Street to a point 1$0 feet South of the South line of 2nd Street; thence East and parallel with the South line of 2nd Street to the blest line of Stoddard Avenue; thence North along the ldest line of Stoddard :venue and its extension to the Northerly line of 2nd Street; thence East X36 and parallel with the South line of 2nd Street to the West line of Stoddard Avenue; thence North along the 41est line of Stoddard Avenue and its extension to the Northerly line of 2nd Street; thence East and parallel to the Northerly line of 2nd Street 160,00 feet more or less to a point; thence North and parallel to the 'westerly line of D Street 2y3.15 feet more or less to a point; thence East and parallel to the Northerly line of 2nd Street to the Westerly line of D Street; thence North alone the ;Wsterly line of D Street to the point of beginning. In preparation of a project to be assisted under Title 1 is hereby approved, and that the Secretary of the Agency is hereby authorized and directed to execute and to file such amended application with the Housing and Home Finance Administrator, and to provide such additional information and to furnish such documents as may be required by said Administrator, and to actas the authorized representative of the dedevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California. 'Filson moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for adoption of this resolution and on a roll call vote the following voted yes: Chapman, Wilson and Carlisle. Carlisle made a motion for adjournment and klilson seconded the motion. doll Call vote: Yes - Chapman, Carlisle and Wilson. The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. despectfully submitted Jerome F, Sears Jr. Secretary Minutes approved by absent member: ~Eg, / // Date ~f~/~ ~~~ 237 MINUTES Special Meeting of the itedevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California held on Tuesday, August 20, 19$7 at 4:00 p. m. in Room 201 Professional Building, San Bernardino, California The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 1t: 10 p. m. Roll call showed the following present: Agency members Chapman, Wilson, Westbrook, and Carlisle. Also present was William J. Ward, agency counsel. The chairman noted that the vacancy in the membership had not been filled as yet. The director submitted to the agency members a chart of comparative analysis of Henry A. Babcock, consulting engineer and Western Real Estate Research Corporation. After a discussion by the agency members, Wilson made a motion that the director negotiate a contract for the reuse and marketability appraisal with Western Real Estate Research Corporation. Westbrook seconded the motion and on a roll call vote the following voted yes: Chapman, Westbrook, Wilson, and Carlisle. Motion carried. The policy schedule for the staff of the agency was discussed at length particularly in regard to the appointment of the secretary to the position of executlve secretary and it was determined that the new position should coincide with city administration with automatic step increases. Salaries are to be automatically reviewed by the agency members every six months. A motion was made by Carlisle and seconded by Wilson that the secretary should be promoted to executive secretary with a starting salary of $328 per month. Rol'1 call vote: Yes- Chapman, Westbrook, Wilson, and Carlisle. Westbrook moved and Wilson seconded a motion for adjournment. Roll call vote: Chapman, 'Westbrook, Wilson, and Carlisle. Meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, /~ /f Jerome F. sears Jr. Secretary 238 MINIITES Regular Meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF TAE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held on Tuesday September 10, 1957. at 3:3o p.m. in Room 201 of the Professional Building. The meeting was called to order by the Vice-Chairman at Q:00 p.m. Roll call showed the following present: Agency members Westbrook, Carlisle, and Wilson. The new agency member appointed by the Mayor, Mr. Alfred Merle Sessions, was introduced to the members, Since hie appolntment was to be confirmed in the evening of September 10, 1957 by the Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, California, Mr. Sessions' position, +herefore, was one of an interested spectator in that he had no vote at this time. Wilson moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of August 13, 1957• Roll call vote: Yes - Westbrook, Carlisle, and Wilson. Wilson moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the special meeting of August 20, 1957. Roll call vote: Yes - Westbrook, Carlisle, and Wilson. The following bills were submitted for approval: Jerome F. Sears Jr._ - salary for the director for the month of August 591.50 Mrs. Crace Connelly - salary for the secretary for the period from 8/17/57 to 8/30/57 97.85 Professional Building - rent for the month of September 150.00 William E. Taylor - accounting services for the month of August 75.00 William J. Ward - Legal services for the month of August 50.00 Arrowhead Office Equipment Company - Office furniture 338.00 Office supplies 16.07 State Employees' Retirement System - administration costa 7.50 239 State Compensation Insurance Fund 15.00 NAHRO - Regional Agency dues 10.00 Stockwell and Binney - office supplies 8.01 General Telephone Company - telephone service charges for the period from 7/16/57 to 8/15/57 52.30 Simon Eisner and Associates - First half due on personal services con- tract dated 8/20/57 2,100.00 Sparkletts Water Corporation 5•a5 Carlisle moved and Wilson seconded a motion for approval of the bills as presented. Roll call vote: Yes - 'Aeatbrook, Carlisle, and Wilson. Survey and Planning: The director informed the agency members that the contracts with Simon Eisner and Associates and Land Title Company had been approved by the Regional HHFA Office and both contracts had been executed. 'Kith the arrival of the chairman, the vice-chairman turned the meeting over to the chairman. The chairman then asked to be brought up to date on the proceedings of the meeting. The director then informed the agency members that negotiations had been completed with Western Real Estate Research Corporation and the contract was in the process of being prepared and will be sub- mitted to the Regional office upon receipt. Other Business: The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION N0. 42 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California by motion adopted at a regular meeting on August 12, 1954 established certain leave policies for the annual leave and sick leave of its employees; WHEREAS, Part 4, Chapter 4, Section 4 of the Local Public Agency Manual of the Housing and Home Finance Agency provides in the case of a local independent agency a resolution of its governing body shall be adopted to cover such annual leave and sick leave of its employees; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency had determined that its policy 240 covering said leave of its employees, as set forth in said motion, is comparable with local public practice, particularly with the leave policies of the City of San Bernardino: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY TAE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, as follows: 1. ANNUAL LEAVE: Employees of the Agency shall be entitled to one 1 working day of annual leave for each full month of employ- ment by the Agency; provided, however, that no employee shall take more than twelve (12) days of annual leave in any twelve months period, nor shall any employee accumulate leave for longer than a period of twelve months after it is acquired; 2. SICK LEAVE: Employees of the Agency shall be entitled to one (1) working day of sick leave for each full month of employment. A doctor's certificate may be required by the Agency of any employee in case of doubt of such employee's long or repeated illness; 3. INJURY ON THE JOB: In case of injury to any employee of the Agency while acting within the scope of his or her employment, such employee shall be entitled to full pay currently being re- ceived from the Agency for any intitial period of disability, on account of such injury, not covered by Workmen's Compensation; 4. HOLIDAYS: All employees of the Agency are entitled to be absent from work on those holidays designated by the State of California as legal State holidays as respects the transaction of business in the public offices of the City of San Dernardino. 'Gilson moved and Westbrook seconded a motion for adoption of this resolution. Roll call vote: Yes - Chapman, Westbrook, 'Nilson, and Carlisle. The following resolution was then read to the Agency members: RESOLUTION N0. 43 RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT TO WESTERN REAL ESTATE RESEARCH CORPORATION FOR REIISE AND R~RKETABILITY STUDY FOR PROJECT CALIF. R-10 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California has heretofore invited the submission of estimates from qualified professional appraisers for the amount of compensation to be charged in a personal service contract for the land reuse and marketability study for the property situated in the R4eadow- brook Park Project No. 1, Calif. R-10, in relation to the proposed redevelopment plan'and the economic conditons of the surrounding area in conformity with those conditions and provisions as set forth in the suggested form of contract HHFA Forms No. H-324 and in conformity with the provisionsof HHFA rules and regulations governing said contract, particularly those provisions contained in i ~. Part 2, Chapter '], Section 6 of the Manual of Policies and Require- ments for the Local Public Agencies; and WHEREAS, written firm estimates were received from the following named firms and in the following amounts for such services, to wit: 1. Henry A. Rabcock, Consulting Engineers - $7,500 plus an estimated $600 for the cost of printing 2. Western Real Estate Research Corporation - $6,000 includ- ing the cost of printing WHEREAS, the said Agency made determinations governing the selection of such an appraiser in conformity with the requirements of Yart 2, Chapter ~, Section 7 of said HHFA Manual relating to the process of selecting appraisers and determining compensation; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: (1) That, subject to the approval of the Housing and Home Finance Agency, said Agency accepts the offer of Western Real Estate Research Corporation to perform such studies for the sum of $6,000; (2) That said Agency in accordance with the provisions of Part 2, Chapter 7, Section ~ of said Housing and Home Finance Agency Manual hereby determines; (a) That Western Real Estate Research Corporation possess qualifications justifying an expectation that they will furnish studies and reports on which said Agency and HAFA can act with confidence and that they will be able to support their conclusions capably in the event of investigations or court proceedings. (b) The appraiser does not-have any interest, present or prospective that could impair his ability to furnish impartial reports or raise questions as to his impar- tiality or fairness (c) The compensation to be paid is fair and proper under sll the circumstances and is a rate that does not exceed what typically would be paid in the locality for equivalent servies, based on the compensation that has been and is being paid by others for similar services (d) The contract with the selected appraiser will beat serve the interest of the project, with due regard for, but not primary consideration of the objective of holding the expense to a minimum. (3) That the Chairman and Secretary of the Agency on behalf of the Agency are hereby authorized to execute a written contract with Western Real Estate Corporation for said studies and appraisal services in accordance with the terms and conditions ~ ~. as set forth under RRFA Form Contract No. R-324 and in the amount of $6,000. Carlisle moved and Westbrook seconded a motion for approval of this resolution, Roll call vote: Yes - Chapman, 'Nestbrook, Carlisle, and Wilson. A discussion followed regarding the ACTION Urban Renewal Clinic in Berkeley on October 17 and 18, 1957• The director requested that all members who wished to attend this conference to make it known by Friday, September 13 so that reservations might be made. The following letters were submitted to the agency members: 1. Letter from the Relocation Section of the Rousing Authority of the City of Oancouver requesting copies of our relocation plan as suggested by Mra. Florence Conlin. 2. Letter from Mr. Richard Ives informing this Agency that the Capital Grant reservation for the Meadowbrook Park Project had been approved by the Administrator in the amount of $1,034,917. 3. Minutes of the meeting of the Coordinating Committee of Operation Cleanup of which the director and ex. secretary are members, and which meets each week at the City Rall by request of the Mayor. The chairman requested the director to have copies sent to each member when there was information pertinent to the Agency contained. A discussion followed by the Agency members with regard to the following items which must be resolved in final planning stage: 1. Lease of property 2. Deed restrictions 3. Owner participant agreement 4. Taxes 5. Date restrictions on improvements The chairman asked the director to obtain suggestions from the plan- ning consultant and other agencies and submit a report to the Agency members before any decisions are made. Carlisle moved and Wilson seconded a motion for adjournment. Roll call vote Yes - Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, and Wilson. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Minutes approved by absent member: ~ Q HE Date Respectfully submitted, Jerome F. Sears Jr, Secretary 243 Regular Meeting of the REDEVELOP1vLNT AGENCY OF THE CITY GF SAN Bc;RNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held on Tuesday, October B, 1957 at 3:30 p.m. in Room 201 of the Professional Building The meeting was cal l.ed to order by the chairman at 3:45 p.m. Roll call vote showed the following present: Agency members, Chapman, Wilson, Carlisle, and Sessions. Also, Agency Counsel, Mr. William J. Ward was present. Wilson moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of September 10, 1957. Roll call vote: Yes - Chapman, Wilson, Carlisle, and Sessions. The following bills were submitted for approval: Jerome F. Sears Jr. - salary for the director for the month of September 591. 50 Mrs. Grace Connelly - salary for the secretary for the peridd from 9/1/57 tr. 9/27/57 z3a.96 Miss 1~Gartha Gomez - salary for the stenographer for the period £rom 9/16/57 to 9,27/57 93.95 Stockwell & Binney - Victcrmultomatic 391.40 " - office supplies 9.99 Dexter & Company - Lettering on door 12.50 Third Quarter Taxes Internal Revenue Service 471.20 Department of Employment 38.46 State Employees' Retirement System 67.01 Prof cssional Building - rent for the month of October 150.00 William E. Taylor - ac;ounting services for the month of September 75.00 Ar^owhead Office l:qui pment Company - office suppliea 16.71 Land Title Company - full payment on contract dated August z2, 1957 1,132.50 General Telephone Company - Telephone service charges £or the period from 8/16/57 to 9/15/57 38.40 244 San Bernardino Blue Print Company - property maps 24.49 Sparkletts - Rental of water cooler for the :~onth of October 4.75 Sessions moved at:d Carlisle seconded a motion for approval of the bills as presetted. Roll call vote: Yes - Carlisle, Chapman, Wilson, and Sessions. Survey and Planning: The Director informed the Agency members that Western Real Estate Research Corporation had executed the contract for the reuse and marketability study of the NIeadowbrook Fark Project. The chair- man and secretary then signed the contract on behalf of this Agency. The following resolution was read: (Boundary change necessitated by purchase of portion of project area by the State of California) RESOLUTION NO. 44 RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION N0. 32 AND REDEFINING THE BOUNDARIES CF STUDY AREA N0. 2 Now THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California, that Study Area No. 2 as out- lined in Resolution No. 28 b=_ amended and redefined to read as i'cllows: Description of Study Area Beginning at the intersection of the resterly prolongation of the South line of Athol Street with the West line of "E" Street; thence Nor tl:erly along said West line of "E" Street to a point 196.75 feet South of the center line of Second Street; thence Easterly and para- llel to t::e center line of Second Street to the West line of Stoddard Avenue; thence Northerly along the'Nest line of 5tbddardAvenue and the Northerly proglongation of the 7Jest line of Stoddard Avenue to the North line of Second Street; thence Easterly along the North line of Second Street to the 'Nest line of Lot 1, Block 13 of the City of San Bernardinq as per plat recorded in Book 7 of Maps at Page 7., Records of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County; thence Northerly along the '~7est ling; of said Lot 1 z distance of 253.15 feet; thence Easterly and parallel to the North line of Second Street a distance of 150 feet to the 'Nest line of "D" Street; thence Northerly along the Nest line of "D" Street to the 'Westerly prolong~:,tion of tY~.e Nor En line of Lots 7 and B of the Y.eir's Subdivision as per plat _ ;~ recorded in Book 13 of ""aps, at page 14, Records of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County; thence Easterly along the 'Nesterly prolongation of the North line of said Lots 7 and 8, the North line o£ said Lots ~ and 8, and the Easterly prolongation of the North line of said Lots 7 and 8, to the East line of Keir Place or Common Alley Way as shown on the map of said Keir's Subdivision; thence Northerly along the East line of said Keir Place or Common Alley 1Yay to a point 6 feet South of the North line of said Keir's Subdivision; thence Easterly and parallel to the North line of said Keir's Sub- division, 21 feet, to a point 43.02 feet West o£ the East line o£ Lot 4> Block 19 of said City of San Bernardino; thence Northerly and parallel to the East line of said Lot 4 to a point 66.10 feet South of the center line of Court Street; thence Easterly and parallel to the center line of Court Street 43.02 feet to the East line of said Lot 4; thence Southerly along the East line of said Lot 4 to a point 55 feet South of the South line of Court Street; thence Easterly and parallel to the South line of Court Street to a point 77.33 feet West of the East line of Lot 3 0£ said Block 19; thence Southerly and parallel to the East line of said Lot 3 to a point 130 feet North of the North line of Third Street; thence Easterly and parallel to the North line of Third Street a distance of 39.66 feet; thence Northerly and parallel to the Eaet line of said Lot 3 to a point 175 feet North of the North line of Third Street; thence Easterly and parallel to the North line of Third Street to the Nest line of Lot 2 of said Block 19; thence Southerly along the 'Nest line of said Lot 2 to a point 1.30 feet North of the ,dorth line of Third Street; thence Easterly and parallelto the North line o£ Third Street to a point 27 feet East of the SYest line of Lot 1 of said Block 19; thence Southerly and parallel to the Nest line of said Lot 1 to a point 150 feet South of the South line of Court Street; thence Easterly and parallel to the South line of Court Street to the East line of Arrowhead Avenue; thence Southerly along the East line of Arrowhead Avenue to the South line of Third Street; thence 'Nesterly along the South line of Third Street to a point 101.25 feet East of the Northwest corner of Lot 5, -lock 14, of the said Ci t,y of San Bernardino; thence Southerly and parallel to the East line o£ "D" Street to a point 7 inches South of the South line of said Lot 5; thence Easterly and parallel to the South line of said Lot 5 to a point 117.71 feet '.Vest of the East line o!' Lot 4 of said -lock 14; thence South to a point 1.8 feet South of the South line of said Lot 5; thence Easterly and paral.l el to the Smith line of said Lot 5 to a point 8L feet Nest of the Ea^,t line of said Lot 4; thence N~~rth 1.8 feet to the South line of said Lot 5; thence Easterly along the South line of said Lot 5 to the Southeast corner of said Lot 5; thence Southerly a.l ong the 'Nest line of Let 7 of said Block 14 to a point 25 feet P7orth of the Southwest corner of said Lot 7, said point being on the North line of the Pacific Electric Railway Compa.ny's Right of Way; thence Easterly along the North line of the Pacific Electric Raili^a'. Company's Right of 'Nay to the East line o£ Arrowhead Avenue; thence Southerly along the East line of Arrowhead Avenue to the North line of Second Street; thence Easterly alon the North line of Second Street a distance of 300 feet; thence Southerly to a point on the South line of Second Street 300 feet East of the Northwest corner of Lot 5, Block 4 0£ the said City of San Bernardino; thence Southwesterly 2~F to a point lying 50 feet South of the South line Qf Second Street and 184 Feet East of the East line of Arrowhead Avenua; thence Southwesterly to a point on the East line of Arrowhead Avenue 225 feet South of the Northwest corner of said Lot 5; thence Southerly along the East line o` Arrowhead Avenue to the North line of King Street; thence Easterly along the North line of Kin; Street to the West line of Lountain View Avenue; thence Northerly along the West line of L'.ountain View Avenue to the North line of Second Street; thence Easterly along the North line of Second Street to the center line of Sierra Way; thence Southerly along the center line: of Sierra Way to the North line of The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company's Right of Way; thence Westerly along the North line of said Right of Way to the 'Nest line of Mountain View Avenue (closed by City of San Bernardino, Resolution No. 1099); thence Northerly along the West line of said Mountain View Avenue to the South line of Rialto Avem:e; thence 'Nesterly along the South line of Rialto Avenue to the East line of Arrowhead Avenue: thence Southerly along the East line of Arrowhead Avenue to the Easterly prolongation of the South line of Athol Street; thence Westerly along the Easterly prolongation o£ the South line, the South line and the Westerly prolongaion o£ the South line of Athol Street, to the point of beginning. Sessions moved and 'Nilson secended a motion for approval of this resolution. Roll call vote: Yes - Chapman, Carlisle, Wilson, and Sessions. A discussion regarding participation agreements then followed. Agency counsel, 'Hard, then gave his opinion regarding San Francisco and Los Angeles participation agreements. After a lengthy discus- sion, Nilson moved and Sessions seconded a motion authorizing agency legal counsel to draw up agreements similar to San Francisco agreements, including clause to strengthen agreement to bind beneficiary of trust deed on properties also. Ro'1 call vote: Yes - Chapman, Carlis:.=, Wilson, and Sessions. A summary was given by the director on deed restrictions as brought up by the planning oonsultants and Agency director at a previous maeting. After a discussion on dee3 restrictions as-such it'wae determined by the Agency members that it would be more desirable to obtain from the consultants, cop?.es of those restrictions which had been previously placed upon other industrial tracts of this nature and not to rely to heavily upon restrictions presently incorpor aed in the City's zoning ordinances as zoning ordinances are often subject to variance permits and~or modi£ica`ions. There ~xas a discussion regardin-~ l.esse of p.-.roject lands by the Agency which would require a definitive type loan authorized under Title I of the HousingAct. It was not determined at this time as to whether the Agency would inc li-.de the leasing provision in the Redevelopment Plan or not, as information received from v~t~-ious other agencies as well as the RPgienal Office indicate that his provision has never been previously used to their knowledge. The Agency members were advised that LPA Letter No. 101 requires Part I of the Application for Loan and Grant to be submitted to the Eegional Office in acceptable £orm not later than January 15, 1958. This latest change will require our program to be greatly accelerated. All consultants have been informed of the change and are cooperating to the fullest extent. A letter from Mr. Havenar, District rr^reight Agent of the Santa Fe Railroad, regarding proposed spur lines in the project area was read to the Agency members. A letter from the San Bernardino City 'aVater Commission was read to the Agency, which letter stated tha+. the City water Department may be interested in purchasing the remainder of the land of the block which they now occupy. Mrs. Connelly reported that the information regarding relocation of site families was progressing satisfactorily and that there appears to be very little animosity among the site occupants. A relocation pamphlet is being prepared by the Agency. The balance sheets were submitted to the Agency members for the Third Quarter of 1957• The Agency ffiembers were informed that the NAACP would in the future be taking an active part in promoting the Redevelopment Program. Final arrangements were made in regard to personnel to attend the ACTION Orban Renewal Clinic at Berkeley, October 17 and. 18, 1957• Sessions moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for adjournment. Roll call vote: Yes - Chapman, Carlisle, 'Nilson, Sessions. The meeting was adjourned at 5:35 P•m• Respectfully submitted, ~~~"'~ Jerome F. Sears Jr. Secretary Minutes approved by absent member: ~~. ~ ~~ ~ ~~J~ Date ~ ' "~ ~ ~~~~.~C~r J.~~' _ __ ,, >: Special Meeting of the REDEVELOPIAE?IT AGENCY OF THE CITY CF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held on Thursday, October 24, 1957, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 201 of the Professional Building The meeting was called to order by the chairman at 4:15 p.m. Roll call showed the following present: Agency members Chapman, IVestbrook, Wilson, and Sessions. The Director read letters from Schwabacher and Company and Stone and Youngber, setting forth their positions in regard to acting as consultants for the proposed Redevelopment Agency bond issue. The Agency was also advised ~+ir. Nilli.am E. Taylor, Cert'fied Public Accountant, of San Bernardino would be interested in acting as consultant. Stone & Youngberg quoted a tentative price of $7,500 excluding printing to prepare the prospectus and the bond issue; Schwabacher and Company, from the tenure of their letter did not appear interested, and Willia:a E. Taylor set a price of $6,000, including printing for his services. After considerable discussions in which the board weighed the merits o£ the various firms, it was determined that 54illiam E. Taylor would be given the contract for consulting services only. Cost of print- ing is to be billed separately and the cost borne by the City of San Bernardino, California. The following resolution was then prepared: RESOLUTION N0, G5 RESOLUTION A';9A RDING CONTRACT TO VJILLSAP% E. TAYLOR FGR PREPARA- TION OF TAX ALLOCdT10N BOND ISSUE 'AHEREAS, the Redevelopment Agency of the Ci by of San Bernardino, California has heretofore invited the submission of estimates from qualified personnel for a contract cri th the i.gen e' for the prepara- tion of the bond prospectus and the actual bond certificate for the sale of Redevelopment Agency Tax Allocation Bonds for the i•Seadow- brook Park Project No. 1, California 3-10; 71HEREAS, firm estimates were received from the following named firms and in the following amc~.zr.t for such services to wit: 1. Stone & Youngberg - ;;?,500 excl~~diag cost of printing of the bonds. Z. 'JJilliam E. Taylor - $5,000 including cost of printing of the bonds; or 34,000 not inc'uding cost of printing of the bonds, which cost shall be separately billed; Now THEREFORE, be it resolved as follows: y :.1 . (1) t;~at said Agency accepts the offer of tidilliam E. Taylor to perform such services in the amount o£ $Q,000, the cost of printing to be billed separately. (2) tY.at said contract contain language in regard to a time schedule under which certain portions of the contract shall be completed. (3) that the Chairman and Secretary of the Agency, on behalf of the Agency, are hereby authorized to execute a written contract with ',Yilliam E. Taylor for said services in accordance with the terms and conditions of said agreement. (4) this Resolution shall take effect immediately. Wilson moved for approval and Westbrook seconded a motion for approval. of this resolution. Roll call vote: Yes - Chapman, Westbrook, 'ddilson, and Sessions. Sessions moved and Westbrook seconded a motion for adjournment. Roll Call vote: Yes - Chapman, 5estbrook, Wilson, and Sessions. IJeeting was adjourned at 5:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted/~ J rome F. Sears Jr. xeuctive Secretary Special minutes approved by absent m emb e,' YEA-'C.ar-- ~ O.~Q~A 'C9.~ Date `~/rs""~ S'8 r, r~ Regular Meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA held on Tuesday, November 12, 1957 at 3s30 p.m. in Room 201 of the Professional Building The meeting was called to order by the chairman at 4:00 p.m. Roll call showed the following presents Agency Members, Chapman, Wilson, and Carlisle. Also present were Agency Counsel, William J. Ward, and Mr. John Berry, Chairman of the Slum Clearance and Redevelopment Committee of the San Bernardino Real Estate Board. Carlisle moved and Nilson seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of October 8, 1957• Roll call vote: Yea-Chapman, Carlisle and Nilson. The following bills were submitted for approval: Jerome F. Sears Jr. - salary for the director for the month of October _ 591.50 Mra. Grace Connelly - salary for the secretary for the period from 9/28/57 to 11/8/57 358.44 Mica Martha Gomes - salary for the stenographer for 1 the period from 9/28/57 to 11/8/57 281.85 ~ Professional Building - rent for the month of November 150.00 ACTION, Inc. - registration for ACTION IIrban Renewal Clinic, Berkeley, California, October 17 and 18, 1957-Four members ~$3oea 120.00 Jerome F. Sears Jr. Per diem travel 45.00 Mra. Nola Carlisle for ACTION Clinic 45.00 Mra. Grace Connelly 3 days ®S15ea 45.00 Sparklette - rental of cooler for month of November 4.75 Jerome F. Sears Jr. 22.40 Travel Expenses Truitt Neatbrook 90.40 for ACTION Clinic Mrs. Grace Connelly 16.40 Redlands Audio Viauel - Verifax photostat paper 13.47 Postmaster - Printed stamped envelopes 19.80 General Telephone Company - telephone service charges for the period from 9/16/57 to 10/15/57 36.87 NAHRO - annual dues 100.00 251 San Bernardino Blue Print Co. 10.00 Sunset Travel - airline tickets to San Francisco for three 81.00 Stockwell & Binney - office supplies 7.86 William E. Taylor - accounting services for the month of October 75.00 William J. Ward - legal services for the months of September and October, 1957 75.00 Arrowhead Office Equipment Company 15.56 San Bernar dino Valley Municipal Water Di strict - (A-9) Secretarial services for the month of November, 1956 30.28 Lindenman Printing Company 6.76 Carlisle moved and Wilson seconded a motion for approval of the bills as presented. Roll call vote: Yes-Chapman, Carlisle, and Wilson. Survey and Planning: The following resolution was then introduced by the Chairman RESOLIITION N0. 46 RESOLIITION ACCEPTING AA OFFER OF THE DNITED STATES TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA TO AMEND THAT CERTAIN CON- TRACT FOR PLANNING ADVANCE DESIGNATED CONTRACT N0. CALIF. R-10 (A) WHEREAS, under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, ae amended and supplemented, the IInited States of America (herein called the "Government") has tendered to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California (herein called the "Local Public Agency") an offer to amend Contract for Planning Advance No. Calif. R-10 (A), effected the 10th day of December, 1956, by and between the parties thereto; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has given due consideration to said offer to amend said Contract. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The offer of the Government to the Local Public Agency, dated October 25, 1957, to amend Contract for Planning Advance No. Calif. R-10 (A) effected the 10th day of December, 1956, by and between 252 the Government and the Local Public Agency, is hereby in all res- pects accepted. Section 2. The Local Public Agency agrees to abide by all of the provisions, terms and c®nditiona of said offer to amend said Contract. Section 3. The Secretary of the Local Public Agency is hereby autho- rized and directed forthwith to send to the Housing and Rome Finance Agency in connection with the adoption of this Resolution, together with two certified copies of this Resolution, and such further docu- ments or proofs in connection with the acceptance of said offer to amend said Contract as may be requested by the Government. Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. Said resolution was discussed and conaid~ed. Wilson then moved the adoption of the Resolution as introduced and read. Carlisle seconded the motion and, on roll call, the following voted yea: Chapman, Wilson and Carlisle, and the following voted No: None. The chairman there- upon declared the motion carried and the Reaolutioa adopted as intro- duced and read. The contract between the Redevelopment Agency and Mr. William E. Taylor for the preparation of the bond prospectus was submitted by the director. It was read by the members, and after a diacusaion, Wilson moved and Carlisle seconded a motion authorizing the Chairman and Secretary to execute the contract contingent upon the approval of the Mayor and Com- mon Council to assume the cost of printing of the prospectus and the bond certificatee. Mr. Sessions arrived and was brought up to date on the proceedings of the meeting by the chairman. The director then proposed a meeting be held with local leaders of finan- cial institutions regarding purchase of agency bonds. After considerable diacusaion, the members authorized the director ~~o schedule such a meet- ing in the near future. ~~ The Owner Participation Agreements were submitted in final form, and Mr. Ward explained to the Agency Members that his suggeati,gn was to file s "Request for Notice of Default" with the Cdunty $ecordeF~upon the exe- cution of each agreement. After a discuadion;'$easions moved and Wilson seconded a motion accepting the agreements as presented. Roll call vote: Yea-Chapman, Carlisle, Wilson, Sessions. After a lengthy diacusaion regarding lease of property, Sesaiona moved that the provision be made in the Redevelopment Plan to be used only in case of necessity. Wilson seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Yea-Chapman, Carlisle, Wilson, Sesaiona. Other business: Regarding Citizens Committee, it was suggested by the members that Mr.> James Guthrie be contacted as soon as the Arrowhead Dnited Fund Drive was completed and that Mr. Leslie Rarris be contacted as soon as practical. 253 Seeaiona moved and Carlisle seconded a motion to purchase an additional file cabinet for the Agency office. Roll call vote: Yea -Chapman, Carlisle, Wilson, and Sessions. Wilson moved and Seeaiona seconded a motion approving the rental of a mimeograph machine not to exceed ~5 per month. Roll call vote: Yea- Chapman, Carlisle, Wilson, and Seeaiona. The director then read to the agency members a legal opinion submitted by the Agency Counsel regarding: (1) IIae of bond monies for improvement outside of the property area (2) May the City purchase bonds from tetirement funds (3 May increase revenue from the Redevelopment Area be pledged to retire general obligation bonds Mr. Ward~a opinion on these questions was: 1. No, 2. Yea, 3. No The Agency Members were notified that a copy of the Redevelopment Plan would be sent to them for their review before the next regular meeting. Sessions moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for adjournment. Roll call notes Yea- Chapman, Carlisle, Wilson, and Sessions. The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m. Minutes approved by absent member: S- z~ _ S3~ Date ~' Respectfully submitted, -~ _ .~~~. Jerome F. Sears Jr. Executive Director 254 Minutes of the regular meeting of the REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, held in Room 201, Professional Building, San Bernardino, Cal ifornie, on December 10, 1957 There not being a quorum present, except the Secretary, the Secretary adjourned the meeting to 3:30 p.m., December 17, 1957. Respectfully submitted, ~~ ~~ ti_. Jerome F. Sears Jr. Secretary 255 Adjourned Regular Meeting of the REDE- VELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, held on Tuesday, December 17, 1957 at 3:30 p.m. in Room 201 of the Professional Building The meeting was called to order by the chairman at 3:45 p.m. Roll call showed the following present: Agency members Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, Wilson, and Sessions. Also present were William Ward, Agency Counsel, and Lyle Stewart, Planning Consult ant. Wilson moved and Carlisle seconded a motion for approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of November 12, 1957• Roll call vote: Yes- Chapman, Wilson, Carlisle, Westbrook, and Sessions. Carlisle moved and Wilson seconded a motion for approval of the adjourned regular meeting of December 10, 1957. Roll call vote: ' Yes-Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, Wilson, and Sessions. The following bills were submitted for approval: Jerome F. Sears Jr. - salary for the director for the month of November 591.50 - Mrs. Grace Connelly - salary for the secretary for the period from 11/9/57 to 12/6/57 239.96 idisa Martha Gomez - salary for the stenographer for the period from 11/9/57 to 12/6/57 187.90 Mra. No1aCarlisle - travel expenses for ACTION Clinic 8.40 Professional Building - rent for the month of December 150.00 General Telephone Company - telephone service charges for the period from 10/16/57 to 11/15/57 33.50 Sparkletta Water Co. - rental of cooler for the month of November 4.75 W. K. Davis and Company - file cabinet 141.67 Bancroft-Whitney - Health and Safety Code 23.18 Kenneth Kelly - Insurance 34.00 Postmaster - postage 15.00 Arrowhead Office Equipment - 24.88 Stockwell & Binney 24.79 256 Roy Davis Camera Shop - 47.74 San Bernardino Blue Print Co. - 84.55 Inland Printing Co. - 1.63 Western Real Estate Research Corporation - 1/3 payment on personal service contract 2,000.00 William E. Taylor - accounting aervicea for the month of November 75.00 William J. Ward - Legal aervicea for the month of November 60.00 San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District - rental of mimeograph machine for the month of November 5.00 Sparkletta - rental of water cooler for the month of December 4.75 W. A. Savage + A. L. Johnson - payment on contract for appraisal 6,250.00 Martha Gomez - salary for the stenographer for the period 12/7/57/ to 12/20/57 93.95 Grace Connelly - salary for the secretary for the period 12/7/57 to 12/20/57 119.48 Grace Connelly - relocation ezpenaes 10.00 Sessions moved and Wilson seconded a motion for approval of the bills as presented. Roll call vote: Yee-Chapman, Wilson, Carlisle, Westbrook, and Sessions. Survey and Planning: The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION N0.~47 RESOLUTION OF TAE REDEVELOPfSENT AGENCY OF TAE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AN URBAN RENEWAL PLAN FOR PROJECT N0. CALIFORNIA R-10 WHEREAS, in connection with an application of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino (hereinafter called "Local Public Agency") for financial assistance under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, the Local Public Ageney's appro- val of an urban renewal plan for the project area involved in such application is required by the Federal Government before it will enter into s contract for loan or grant with the Local Public Agency under said Title I, and 257 WHEREAS, there was presented to this meeting of the members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California (here- inafter called "Governing Body"), for its consideration and approval, a copy o£ an urban renewal plan for said project area, dated December 16, 1957, which plan is entitled "Tentative Redevelopment Plan-Meadowbrook Project Area No. 1" and consists of nineteen pages and three Exhibits made a part thereof (said plan being hereinafter called "Urban Renewal Plan"), and supported by eight Exhibits (Napa) not a part of said Urban Renewal Plan; and WHEREAS, the Urban Renewal Plan was reviewed and considered at length at said meeting; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body that the IIrban Renewal Plan be and it is hereby in all respects approved; and the Secretary be and he is hereby directed to file said copy of the IIrban Renewal Plan with the minutes of this meeting. Mr. Lyle Stewart and the director diacussad with the Agency Members the Tentative Plan of Meadowbrook Park Project, together with the exhibits, ae presented. Sessions moved and Wilson seconded a motion for adoption of Resolution No. 47, as read. Roll call vote: Yes- Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, Wilson, and Sessions. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION N0. 48 RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA AIITHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICA- TION FOR LOAN AND GRANT FOR PROJECT N0. CALIF. R-10 WHEREAS, it is necessary and in the public interest that the Redevelop- ment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California avail itself of the financial assistance provided by Title I of the Rousing Act of 1949, as amended, to carry out the urban renewal project described as Meadowbrook Park and bounded generally by (See Exhibit A attached to and made a part thereof), hereinafter referred to as the "Project"; and WHEREAS, it is recognized that the Federal contract for such financial assistance pursuant to said Title I will impose certain obligations and responsibilities upon the Local Public Agency and will require among other things: (1) the provision of local grants-in-aid; (2) a feasi- ble method for the relocation of families displaced from the project area; and (3) other local obligations and responaiblitiea in connection with the undertaking and carrying out of urban renewal projects; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Agency Members of the Redevelop- ment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California that an Applica- tion on behalf of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California for a loan under Section 102 (a) of said Title I in the amount of $1,350,000.00 and for a Project Capital Grant and a Relocation Grant to the full amount available for undertaking and financing the project is hereby approved, and that the Executive Director 258 is hereby authorized and directed to execute and to file such Application with the Housing and Home Finance Agency, and to provide such additional information and to furnish such docu- ments as may be required in behalf of said Agency, and to act __ as the authorized correspondent of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino, California. The director explained to the Agency members how the $1,350,000 loan amount was developed. After discussion, Sessions moved and Westbrook seconded a motion that Resolution. No. Q8, as read, should be adopted. Roll call vote: Yes-Chapman, Wilson, Carlisle, Westbrook, and Sessions. Other business: The date for the Agency Public Hearing on the Tentative Plan for the Meadowbrook Park Project was tentatively set for Thursday, January 30, 195a, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The director was instructed to start publication of Notice of the Public Hearings in the Sun-Telegram, a paper of general circula- tion in the community, not later than December 31,1957• The director was also instructed to send a Notice of the Public Hearing to the last known address of the owner of each parcel as recorded on the rolls of the County Tax Assessor. The director requested approval of the Agency Members for Mr. Taylor, financial consultant,and himself to travel to the Regional Office of ftHFA. to discuss the presentation of the antici- pated bond issue. Carlisle moved and Westbrook seconded a motion for approval of the travel expenses as requested. Roll call vote: Yes-Chapman, Wilson, Carlisle, Westbrook, and Sessions. Sessions moved and Wilson seconded a motion for adjournment. Roll call vote: Yes-Chapman, Westbrook, Carlisle, 'Ailson,and Sessions. The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 p.m. tfully submitted, Jerome F. Sears Jr. lS,~- Executive Director - Secretary