HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-02-1989 Reg. Agenda .. ",,:", /L;~iA / )"../~ - t'/~ ~__ c !' -.(' L' '" J, / ~ ,/t' NOTICE: A meeting of the San Bernardino Joint Powers Financing Authority must be called to order prior to 9:00 a.m., to take action on the attached agenda items. (Please refer to green agenda). The purpose of this meeting is to review any changes to the documents which were adopted on September 25, 1989. * * * * * * AGENDA REGULAR MEETING MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OCTOBER 2, 1989 - 8:30 A.M. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: CLOSED SESSIONS 1. Request for Closed Session to discuss pending litigation. ~11OtD;;;''':')'J1at the Common Council recess to Closed Session -.-.- to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(1), as there is significant exposure to litigation. 2. Request for Closed Session to discuss pending litigation. ,,' ---""""~--'" ~otion:)l'hat the Common Council recess to Closed Session ..--.--- to confer with its attorney regarding pending li tigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c), so that Council may decide whether to initiate litigation. 3. Request for Closed Session to discuss personnel matters. .-._~~ (;Motion: T~at the Common Council recess to Closed Session "'--_____../to consider personnel matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. 4. Request for Closed Session to discuss pending litigation. ..- ........'-- (Motion: Tyat the Common Council recess to Closed Session / ______-/pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally to which the CIty is a party as follows: Ci ty of San Bernardino vs. California Construction Management. Inc.. et al - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 238755; Saldecke. et al vs. City of San Bernardino. et al San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 236836; Cable Lake Association vs. City of San Bernardino San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 239714 and Case No. 239649; City of San Bernardino vs. San Bernardino Baseball Club. Inc. - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 239193; , Stubblefield Construction Company. Bernardino. et al San Bernardino 232998; et al Superior vs. City of Court Case San No. Juan Manuel Sanchez vs. City of San Bernardino States District Court Case No. CV87-2291 AWT (Bx); United Charles H. Brown vs. City of San Bernardino - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 243087; Sock Dawson. et al vs. City of San Bernardino. et al- United States District Court - Case No. SA 88-461 AHS (RWRx); Barron/Alcarez vs. City of San Bernardino - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 241692; - 2 - 10/2/89 Barratt, Inc., vs. City of San Bernardino - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 242433; Reynolds vs. City of San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 248752; San Bernardino Dudley Brewster, et al vs. Southern Pacific Railroad, et al _ San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 249736; City of San Bernardino vs. Patel - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 250473; Save San Bernardino vs. City of San Bernardino San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 250425; Henry Harris vs. City of San Bernardino, et al States District Court Case No. CV-87-04882 JSL (Gx); united Arriaaa vs. City of San Bernardino - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 247466; Ruby Walker vs. City of San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 237618; - San Bernardino City of San Bernardino vs. Liberty T.V. Cable, Inc. - United States District Court - Case No. 82-6876 (Gx); , Hobbs vs. City of San Bernardino - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 250971; Perry Drago vs . City of San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 244095. San Bernardino Whittaker vs. City of San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 238417. San Bernardino END OF CLOSED SESSIONS - 3 - 10/2/89 RECONVENE MEETING - 9:30 A.M. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: INVOCATION PLEDGE 5. Announcements by Mayor ~~:e:~":~ k~~ 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA: A five-minute limitation shall apply to each member of the public who wishes to address the Mayor and Common Council on a matter not on the agenda. No member of the public shall be permitted to "share" his/her five minutes with any other member of the public. (Usually, any items received under this heading are referred to staff for further study, research, completion and/or future Council action.) 7. PRESENTATIONS: 8. APPOINTMENTS : ~/7!!]~1 .7./ / t[(.!'t"/-'ct... ./ CONSENT CALENDAR Motion: That the motions indicated by Consent Calendar Items 9 thro~h 42 be adopted, except for _, /1 " ,. /aZI-?~ 'Jr". "2" ././7 ,// l" /(,1' v /_ 4- j , ,r:.-eJ, ..;lL"', '71 , 0/<-- . t?O 9. Council Minutes /1'f&~hat the minutes of the following meetings of '--~__,_.-.-_/ the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino, be approved as submi tted in typewritten form: May 8, 1989 September IS, 1989 (Delivered Sept. 18, 1989) (Delivered Sept. 28, 1989) - 4 - 10/2/89 Council Committee Reports 10. Report from the Transportation Committee September 14, 1989 -- Chairperson Valerie pope-Ludlam. (See Attached) a. Proposed Harrison Canyon Freeway. b. Proposed Omnitrans Transit Mall/Downtown Bus Terminal. c. Proposed half-cent transportation sales tax. d. (Same as item "b"). e. Downtown parking needs. f. San Bernardino to Los Angeles commuter rail service. -,~~ <~Motio~~~hat the report from the Transportation . Committee, dated September 14, 1989, be received and filed. . 11. Approve in concept Transportation Committee's recommendation relative to a proposed transit mall on Fourth Street between Arrowhead Avenue and "F" Street. (See Attached) ". ::~"""'-- c.l1otion: '~hat the ----#-1 between approved proposed transit mall on Fourth Street Arrowhead Avenue and "F" Street be in concept. " f'i ,-('." ') i.. ; I C\' .--..~.,,,-_...,--- --. Motion: That Omnitrans be directed to install a prototype "___#2 bus bench prior to construction of the transit mall. /~'M;ti~""ii-:'1:'hat the City Administrator be directed to (, #3 coordinate implementation of the transit mall. '----..-<.....- 12. Report from the Personnel Committee -- September 21, 1989-- Chairman Jack Reilly. (See Attached) a. Proposed staffing change Parks, Recreation and Community Services Replacement of Community Services Representative with Community Employment Specialist position. b. proposed staffing change Replacement of Electrician Carpenter position. Public II with Buildings- Maintenance - 5 - 10/2/89 c. Proposed staffing Reclassify Account Clerk. change Purchasing Clerk II position to Division- Purchasing d. Public Services reclassification request - Methods and Standards Expeditor II to Public Services Project Coordinator. ~" ,~. otion :,,~hat the report from the Personnel Committee, ~~~- _----- dated September 21, 1989, be received and filed. 13. Deletion and addition of positions in Public Buildings, Purchasing, Public Services and Parks, Recreation and Community Services. (See Attached) ~~~hat one position of Electrician II be ~deleted from, and one position of Main- tenance Carpenter added to, the Public Buildings Division Budget. ~<?---"--"" ,~1fc;tion: ~hat one position of Account Clerk II be / C..#2----~ deleted from, and one position of Purchasing Clerk added to, the Purchasing Division Budget. f~i~:~~hat one position of Methods and Standards ~l_~Expeditor II be deleted from, and one position of Public Services Project Coordinator added to, the Public Services /.~___'" Department Budget. ( Mot.l.,.'.o~.~ '-..!f 4 / 'That one position of Community Services Representative be deleted from, and one position of Community Employment Repre- sentative be added to, the Parks and Recreation Budget. 14. Report from the Legislative Review Committee -- September 21, 1989 -- Chairperson Tom Minor. a. Resolution supporting the California Protection Act. b. Lien collection and methods of control. Desert (See next page) - 6 - 10/2/89 c. Request for waiver of requirement to underground utilities Expansion of Omnitrans facility northwest corner of Medical Center and 5th Street. d. Ordinance amending Section 2.64.050 of the Bernardino Municipal Code relating to fees appeals. e. Ordinance adding Section 19.50.080 to the code relating to Home Occupation Permits. Proposed bridge and thoroughfare fee. Adjustment in sewer connection fee. Temporary hires. i. Proposed ordinance for the collection of costs in investigation and prosecution of crimes. j. The issue of swearing in witnesses who testify before the Mayor and City Council. k. Refund of fees to non-profit organizations. ..--""',:=:-::_---... ~ ~~t_~at the report from the Legislative Review Committee, dated September 21, 1989, be received and filed. at San for f. g. h. , 15. Set Public Hearing 10:00 a.m. October 16, 1989- Verdemont Area Public Works Infrastructure Financing Plan. (See Attached) ,,~;--, 0otion:._!l'llat a public hearing on the proposed Verdemont ----- Area Public Works Infrastructure Financing Plan be set for 10:00 a.m. at the Council meeting on October 16, 1989. , 16. Set Special Council Meeting to consider allocation of bond refinancing revenue. (See Attached) ~tio~hat a Special Coun.cil Meeting be held on ----------Saturday, October ~, 1989, starting at ~ ,j"-rm7' ~, for the purpose of allocating bond /' refinancing revenue for various expenditure categories within the 1989/90 Budget. . 17. Report relative to vehicle pool costs. (See Attached) .~~.;~)?i/~~:~~hat the attached report relative to vehicle pool ~--'costs be received and filed. ~ -7-.j /' ''14/~d ~V c-,,;/ ,?J.I'<p [{ C/tfI-/7! 7'1" ':kt"u" - 7 - 10/2/89 18. Approve out-of-state travel - Schaumburg, Illinois - October 29 through November 3, 1989 - Microwave Concepts II training _ Timothy C. McCullough, CATV Division/Administrative Office. (See Attached) >-"'::?~ ( Motion:" That out-of-state travel to Schaumburg, Illinois, "-- ..' -'.- ... for Microwave Concepts II Training, from October 29 through November 3, 1989, for Timothy C. McCullough, Production Specialist II, Telecommunications Division, be approved. ~ 19. Receive and file report relative to Design Defect Immunity, Government Code Section 830.6; plans and testimony of Superintendent of Public Buildings and granting of immunity to City in Superior Court Case. (See Attached) ~~~..rhat the report relative to Design Defect "-_-/ Immuni ty, Government Code Section 830.6 testimony of Superintendent of Public Buildings and granting immunity to City in Superior Court case be received and filed. - .~! -. }." '.'1'''' 20. Approve request of the City of Roxas, Philippines, to become a Sister City to San Bernardino. (See Attached) ,-:;:::;~=~. (Mot1on~_~hat the request from the City of Roxas, -~-_.," Philippines, to become a Sister City to San Bernardino, be approved. , 21. Approval of plans and authorization to advertise for bids- Street Improvement - southeast corner of Gilbert Street and Waterman Avenue. (See Attached) (Ward 2) ----~---====--~~- / (/Motio"~~)That the plans for the improvement of the --,._-" southeast corner of Gilbert Street and Waterman Avenue, in accordance with Plan No. 7907, be approved; and the Director of Public Works/City Engineer be authorized to advertise for bids. - 8 - 10/2/89 22. Adoption of Negative Declaration & Finding of Consistency with the Utilities Element of the General Plan - construction of sewer main in Cajon Blvd. and Industrial Parkway, from Palm Avenue to Cable Creek and Wily Line of Cable Creek to Cajon B!.~, (See Attached) (Ward 6) "/~'\ ((Motion~/That the Negative Declaration for Public Works " '-- #1 /' Project No. 89-30, construction of a sewer main --- in Cajon Boulevard and Industrial Parkway, from Palm Avenue to Cable Creek and to Cajon "., Boulevard, be adopted. ,_<'". c"" (~~~tio~~ ~hat a finding be made that the construction of #2 /'a sewer main in Cajon Boulevard and Industrial "-___.....-/ Parkway from Palm Avenue to Cable Creek and to Cajon Boulevard, is consistent with the Utilities Element of the General Plan. ,. 23. Approval of the 1988-89 Continuing Appropriation and Encumbrance Carryovers. (See Attached) ,,---- ~~~ \' ," MotionUThat the listing of proposed 1988-89 Continuing ~_. ..' Appropriation and Encumbrance Carryovers as submitted by the Director of Finance be approved. 24. Authorization for application and administration of a $25,000 HU~F~~!h~~ts Club Grant. (See Attached) (Ward 6) (" M..O tion: T}!l~at the pa, rk,s, Re, crea~j.QD_"a. ,nd Community Services ""_ ".nepa tme,nt, Dire~.or-ne aut;rized to apply for ,/!7~ / _ fi2:.c" if /~ and adml.nl.steya $25,000 HU Youth Sports Club / M~- '1' 'J') Gr nt and ......-t:hat $25,000 fr c m CDBG contingency /j~:~'::--;'~ :::<:,c,o ~;~~ri~at:2;:;:e;.::e c~~/;;:~:~ft '~tf: "7t2'g~7 t;~v~--?!(~~ \'Ei8, (~~oe;"{or u~iform rental for Park Division employees in P~ks Division Budget FY 1989-90. (See Attached) '" '" "- Motion: That )S,500 for Fiscal Year 1989-90 Parks " ,l Division,. Budget, Line No. 001-382-53146 for ,.-fJ.v Uniform rental for all Parks Division General r)tlJJ Employees he approved. '{11 {Jp <<, Ii)} 4" u 0 - 9 - 10/2/89 26. Approval and acceptance of work - construction of lighting improvements for Soccer Field at Nunez Park Electro cons~~corporation. (See Attached) (Ward 1) ~~otio~ :~hat the work performed by Electro Construction ~ Corp. for the construction of lighting improvements for Soccer Field at Nunez Park, in accordance with Plan No. 7597, be approved and accepted; and that the final payment be authorized at the expiration of the lien period. 27. Approval of plans and authorization to advertise for bids- Installation of intercepting sewer along Cable Creek Channel, from Cajon Blvd. to Industrial Parkway. (Ward 6) (See Attached) /~~hat the transfer of $54,600, from Account No. . #1 //245-365-57729, "Intercepting Sewer from (__~ California Street and Porter Street to Cajon Boulevard and Devil's Canyon Channel," to Account No. 245-365-57728, "Intercepting Sewer along Cable Creek Channel, from Cajon Boulevard to / Industrial Parkway," be approved. /~at the plans for the installation of an i #2 ~ntercepting sewer along Cable Canyon Channel, ~~ from Cajon Blvd, to Industrial Parkway, in accordance with Plan No. 7822, be approved; and the Director of PW/City Engineer be authorized to advertise for bids. 28. Approval of Change Order No.4 and approval and acceptance of work Contract increase $12,562.59 Discovery of underground waterline, sewer lateral etc. during construction of relief sewer in Mill Street, east of Lytle Creek- Bon~~~~~cain, Inc. (See Attached) (Ward 3) / / ((Motion: . at Change Order No. Four to the contract with #.~l~onadiman-Mccain, Inc., for the construction of a _________~ relief sewer in Mill Street, east of Lytle Creek, in accordance with Plan No. 7305 be approved; at an increase in the contract price of $12,562.59, -;---------.from $436,998.48 to $449,561.07. I Motion: T~ the work performed, pursuant to plan No. \ #2 73,05, be approved and accepted, and final payment \,'----.._----/be authorized at the expiration of the lien period. - 10 - 10/2/89 29. Claims and Payroll (See Attached) ~.......-~, CMotion:~ihat the Claims and Payrolls, and the - authorization to issue warrants as listed on the memorandum from the Director of Finance, be approved. 30. Personnel Actions (See Attached) ~hat the Personnel Actions submitted by the Chief '--'- Examiner, in accordance with all administrative regulations of the City of San Bernardino, be approved. Motion: That further reading of the resolutions be waived and said resolutions be adopted. Finance &<l-.:Je'2f3 31. Resolution of the City of San Bernardino authorizing the Director of Finance to submit a claim of $290,080 for SB325 funds for construction of local streets and roads for the 1989-90 Fiscal Year. (See Attached) () Mayor I s Office .Ei#i:~!!? 32. Resolution of the City of San Bernardino authorizing execution of an agreement with the Sunset Group for promotion of Arts and Culture. (See Attached) df(1t.~ /t~ / ;#'&7' the the " Public Works /Engineering A.'y,,::>, -" .~7-"'~ ;/::; ~.~ .....~~ ... .=>/' '7 33. Resolution of the City of San Bernardino establishing parking restrictions for the Central City Mall area and the Five- Level Civic Center Parking Structure and rescinding Section One and Three-Quarters of Resolution No. 3985 and rescinding Section Two and One-Half of Resolution No. 8234. (See Attached) (Ward 1) - 11 - 10/2/89 ., 39. 34. t?#.- }3r67 Resolution of the City of San Bernardino assessing certain parcels of real property located within the City of San Bernardino for the costs of abatement of public nuisances on said properties. (VAP 212-05) (1818 N. Colorado St.) (See Attached) 35. Itf~l:.f:e;:n of the City of San Bernardino assessing certain parcels of real property located within the City of San Bernardino for the costs of abatement of public nuisances on said properties. (VAP-326-08) (1586 W. 7TH ST.) (See Attached) 36. ;39/ Resolution of the City of San Bernardino assessing certain parcels of real property located within the City of San Bernardino for the costs of abatement of public nuisances on said properties. (VAP-358-08) (1718 W. Virginia) (See Attached) 37. ?Cj ? ~/_.?/ Resolution of the City of San Bernardino assessing certain parcels of real property located within the City of San Bernardino for the costs of abatement of public nuisances on said properties. (VAP 361-08) (679 W. 14th St.) (See Attached) 38. ~37./j A Resolution of the City of San Bernardino reserving and setting aside a certain parcel of City owned land, located at Garner Avenue and Olive Street, for the City of San Bernardino Municipal Water Department use. (See Attached) (Ward 6) 3x?~. ..~;' Resolution of the City of San Bernardino awarding a contract to Fontana Paving, Inc., for pavement rehabilitation on South "E" Street, from Santa Ana River to Orange Show Road. (Document not available) (Ward 3) - 12 - 10/2/89 ~.-That the ------- ordinance laid over first reading of be waived and said for final passage. the following ordinance be 40. Ordinance of the City of San Bernardino amending Subsection 15.56.040 (a) (3) regarding the amount of park fees for mobile home lot construction. (See Attached) Motion: That the final reading of the following ordinances be waived and said ordinances be adopted. II 41. 7?//!.~ f h 'f d' d' b ' Orainance 0 t e Clty 0 San Bernar lno amen lng Su sectlon B, of Section 13.32.070 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code to require payment of a $500.00 administrative fee for processing requests for a waiver of the requirement to connect to the sewer system. (See Attached) ~ 42. An Ordinance of the City of San Bernardino amending section 5.36.060 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code relating to Bingo. (See Attached) ;:~&/ END OF CONSENT CALENDAR - 13 - 10/2/89 PUBLIC HEARINGS 43. CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 6, 1989 - TO BE HEARD Protest hearing - Street vacation - Frontage Waterman Avenue, south of Caroline Street. (See Attached) AT 10:00 A.M. road, west of Ward 3 Mayor to open the hearing Protests have been received. Motion: That the hearing be closed and the Findings of Fact as set forth in the Staff Report from Roger G. Hardgrave, Director of Public Works/City Engineer as to why the frontage road, west of Waterman Avenue, south of Caroline Street, is no longer necessary for street purposes, be adopted; that further reading of the following resolution be waived and said resolution be adopted. A resolution of the City of San Bernardino ordering the vacation of that certain frontage road, west of Waterman Avenue, south of Caroline Street, in the City of San Bernardino, and reserving easements therein. (See Attached) ?/~~V/1Z k1' &/ // y~-'7 44. CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 18, 1989 - TO BE HEARD AT 10:30 A.M. Appeal hearing - Board of Building Commission's decision regarding weed abatement charges on property located on Irwin Street, south of Rialto Avenue Richard A. Gonzalez. (See Attached) Ward 3 Mayor tE open the hearing . :~ -", Motion: "----.., < That the hearing be closed; that the decision the Board of Building Commissioners be upheld and the appeal be denied. of or Motion: That the hearing be closed; that the decision of the Board of Building Commissioners be reversed and the appeal be granted. - 14 - 10/2/89 45. CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 18. 1989 - TO BE HEARD AT 3:00 P.M. Public hearing - Discussion regarding development of Patton Park Property. (See Attached) Ward 7 Mayor to open the hearing . . . Resolution of the City of San Bernardino renewing the commitment to complete development of the Patton Park Property and to designate the Park Development Fee Fund, and the City's allocations through State and/or Federal Park Development Funds as potential sources for funding the completion. Motion: That the hearing be closed; that further reading of the resolution be waived, and that said resolution be adopted. 7JI/7W/J2/'./,\ >, //;P't2~) Z STAFF REPORTS 46. CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 18. 1989 Request for reconsideration of the Agreement with 235 Investments, Inc., for 360 spaces in the 5-Level Parking Structure. (See Attached) Ward 1 Motion: That the action of the Mayor and Council terminating the Agreement to allocating 360 parking spaces in the 5-Level Parking Structure for use by 235 Investments, Inc., be confirmed. or Motion: That the request for reconsideration of the termination of the Agreement allocating 360 parking spaces in the 5-Level Parking Structure for use by 235 Investments, Inc., be continued and that the matter be referred to the for possible amendments to the Agreement, pursuant to the discussion at this meeting. :.!'(Y / t;:,/P,.;-.;7 - 15 - 10/2/89 47. CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 18. 1989 Approve closure of the Area "A" Community Service Office at 645 N. Mt. Vernon Avenue. (See Attached) Ward 1 Motion: That the City Council approve the closure of the Area "A" Community Service Area "A" Community Service Office at 645 N. Mt. Vernon Avenue. .",?'l , tit. /2, Lj7 (4;& . U~f- .I" CONTINUED FROM SEPTEMBER 18. 1989 48. Resolution of the City of San Bernardino approving agreement with San Bernardino Baseball Club, Inc., regarding lease of Fiscalini Field. (Document being prepared) Motion: That further reading of said resolution be waived and said resolution be adopted. 6~.~?('.-& @crL /.0 49. Luncheon Workshop - Discussion of Main Street - 12: 00 Noon to 1:30 p.m. - Redevelopment Agency Board Room. ';Z.;,' i) /1. ~:l ~ /; , .' -0" .,//. /)t/. '-,.t/c:c/v' - 16 - 10/2/89 City Administrator 50. Consultant services with Simon & Company for services performed at Federal level. (See Attached) /' .,._ ",.,,'V, ~'~"." '::'-"'-'.'~'''~''''''''''''''''':;-:'''I ! "---- Motion:/That the City Attorney be directed to prepare a contract with Simon and Company for consultant services to the Water Department, Redevelopment Agency and City at a cost of $20,000 annually with each department paying one-third of the contract cost. Community Development 51. Selection of developer for Phase II of Orangewood Estates Project. (See Attached) Ward 6 Motion: That JMC Development Company, Inc., be selected as the developer for the Second Phase of Orangewood Estates. Further, that staff be authorized to enter into negotiations with JMC Development Company, Inc., for the purpose of developing a Joint Development Agreement for the completion of this project. Finance Department 52. Authorize lease purchase of Xerox duplicator for use by the Print Shop. (See Attached) --~'_.~.- .-::-:;M(;tTon'~/mthorize lease purchase of Xerox 5090 Duplicator for "-----/-use by the Print Shop and direct the City Attorney to review the lease document and prepare the necessary resolution. - 17 - 10/2/89 ~'. .: , ,:) I (,'; , RECONVENE PLANNING MATTERS 2:00 P.M. RECONVENE ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: 53. CONTINUED FROM AUGUST 21. 1989 Appeal: Certain Conditions of 11421 - To divide a 3.64 (See Attached) Approval for Parcel Map acre site into two parcels. Filed by: Guadalupe Homes Applicant: Guadalupe Homes Owner: Emma Janza Location: WARD 1. Located at the southwest corner of Sierra Way and Cluster Street. Staff recommendation: That the Mayor and Council deny the appeal and approve Parcel Map 11421 subject to the Standard Requirements and Conditions of Approval contained in the June 6, 1989, Planning Commission Staff Report and a finding of General Plan Consistency. Commission decision: Approved adoption of Negative Declaration and Request subject to the Findings of Fact, Conditions of Approval and Standard Requirements. vg~~~ Ayes: 5 Absent: 3. r ~ ~ ~'_ '\ .~ Motion:, That Parcel Map 11421 be continued to 2:00 p.m., Monday, November 20, 1989, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 300 North "D" Street, San Bernardino,California. END OF PLANNING MATTERS - 18 - 10/2/89 54. ADJOURNMENT Motion: That the meeting be adjourned. 8NOTICE: Any member of the public may address this meeting of the Mayor and Common Council on any item appearing on the agenda, by approaching the microphone in the Council Chambers when the item about which the member desires to speak is called, and by aSking to be recognized. Any member of the public desiring to speak to the Mayor and Common Council concerning any matter not on the agenda but which is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Mayor and Common Council, may address the body at the beginning of the meeting, during the period reserved for public comment, said total period for public comment shall not exceed forty-five (45) min- utes, unless such time limit is extended by the .Mayor and Common Council. A five minute limitation shall apply to each member of the public, unless such time limit is extended by the Mayor and Common Council. No member of the public shall be permitted to 8share- his/her five minutes with any other member of the public. The Mayor and Common Council may refer any items raised by the public to staff, or to any commission, board, bureau or committee for appropriate action or have the item placed on the next agenda of the Mayor and Common Council. However, no other action shall be taken nor discussion held by the Mayor and Common Council on any item which does not appear on the agenda unless the action is otherwise autho- rized in accordance with the provisions of subdivision (b) of Section 54954.2 of the Government Code.8 - 19 - 10/2/89 SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA October 2, 1989 Motion: That further reading of the following resolutions be waived and that said resolutions be adopted. S-1 ,:/;.. ~. ....1,. '. /' ..........,.L . Y'C/ ~. Re~o1ution of the City of San Bernardino authorizing and directing the execution of a Community Development Block Grant Funding Agreement between the City of San Bernardino and EQE Engineering for a survey identify- ing all unreinforced masonry buildings within the City. (Documentation being prepared) S-2 "'71:': yf,(7 dP~- Re~olution of the City of San Bernardino authorizing and directing the execution of an agreement with the Counseling Team for providing pre-employment psychological evaluation of applicants to the San Bernardino Police Department dispatch center. (Documentation being prepared) Motion: That first reading of the following ordinance be waived and that said ordinance be laid over for final passage. S-3 Ordinance of the City of San Bernardino amending Section 3.18.030(F), 3.18.050, 3.18.060 and 3.18.070 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code and establishing the requirements for a four (4) year review of the Enterprise Zone incentives and renewing,incentives to be granted in designated areas of the City. (See Attached) (Additional documentation being prepared) S-4 Appointment to Cemetery Commission - Ms. Geneva C. Woods - Council Member Norine Miller. (See Attached) " Motion: That the appointment of Ms. Geneva C. Woods to the Cemetery Commission, as requested by Council Member Norine Miller, be approved. '\ Motion: That further reading of the following resolution be waived and that said resolution be adopted. S-5 Resolution of the City of San Bernardino authorizing the execution of a lease with the Sedlak Family Trust for that certain office building commonly known as 646 N. Sierra Way and repealing Resolution No. 89-384. (See Attached) -' S-6 Authorization to direct extra services Redesign of entrance/exit ramps for 1-10 at Waterman Avenue - Boyle Engineering Corp. (See Attached) WARD 1 S-7 Request for Closed Session to discuss pending litigation. M6trc;~ ) ,"---"-------- That the Common Council recess to Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally to which the City is a party as follows: Giberson vs. City of San Bernardino - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 120331. - 2 - 10/2/89 AGE N D A ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION/REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OCTOBER 2, 1989 - 8:30 a.m. CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: PRESENT: ABSENT: PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA: 1. Approval of final form of financi.ng documents. (Resolutions to be distributed at meeting) Mayor and Common Council (Res. 89-386) Motion: A) Adopt a RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE FINAL FORM OF DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH CERTAIN FINANCINGS. Motion: B) Community Development Commission (Res. 5205) Adopt a RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOP}mNT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE FINAL FORM OF DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH CERTAIN FINDINGS. Motion: C) Joint Powers Financing Authority (Res. J-4) Adopt a RESOLUTION OF THE SAN BERNARDINO JOINT POWERS FINANCLNG AUTHORITY APPROVING THE FINAL FORM OF DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH CERTAIN FINANCINGS. 1 Motion: Motion: D) Mayor and Common Council (Res. 89-387) Adopt a RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO t CALIFORNIA APPROVING THE FINAL FORM OF DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH CERTAIN FINANCINGS. E) (Res. 5206) Community Development Commission Community Development Commission Adopt a RESOLUTION OF THE -+lM'~ Nm COUHva -cotJ1it.'"i-t; :OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA APPROVING THE FINAL FORM OF DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH CERTAIN FINANCINGS. 2 SBE00097-l30/3200S/nb 09/28/89 0930 CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA Supplemental Agenda Items for October 2, 1989 Community Development Commission RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO APPROVING THE FINAL FINANCING PLAN IN CONNECTION WITH CERTAIN TAX ALLOCATION REFUNDING BONDS Joint Powers Financing Autho~ity RESOLUTION OF THE SAN BERNARDINO JOINT POWERS FINANCING AUTHORITY APPROVING THE FINAL FINANCING PLAN IN CONNECTION WITH CERTAIN TAX ALLOCATION REFUNDING BONDS ( , J/,/,/I ( .' { , SBE00097C-129/3199S/1w 09/28/89 0315 RESOLUTION NO. J-5 RESOLUTION OF THE FINANCING AUTHORITY PLAN IN CONNECTION REFUNDING BONDS SAN BERNARDINO JOINT POWERS APPROVING THE FINAL FINANCING WITH CERTAIN TAX ALLOCATION WHEREAS, the Ci ty of San Bernardino ("Ci ty") and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Bernardino ("Agency") have heretofore entered into a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement establishing the San Bernardino Joint Powers Authority ("Authority") for the purpose of issuing its bonds to be used to make loans to any of its members to finance public capital improvements and refinance existing obligations of such members; and WHEREAS, the Authority, by adoption of its Resolution No. JPFA-3 on August 21, 1989 (the "Resolution") has previously authorized the issuance of the San Bernardino Joint Powers Financing Authority, Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds, 1989 Series A (State COllege Project NO.4) (the "Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds"); and WHEREAS, the Authority, by adoption of its Resolution No. JPFA-4 on September 25, 1989, has previously approved a financing plan in connection with the Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds as described herein as Exhibit "A". WHEREAS, certain Federal tax issues concerning the applicability of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the - 1 - "Code"), to the issuance of the Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds require the restructuring of the transaction as described in Exhibit "B" hereto. NOW, THEREFORE, THE SAN BERNARDINO JOINT POWERS FINANCING AUTHORITY DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Approval of Final Financinq Plan. The Board hereby approves the financing plan as attached hereto as Exhibit "B". The Board hereby approves the amendment of the Indenture and the Loan Agreement (as defined in the Resolution) and such other documents deemed necessary or advisable by Authority Counsel whose consent thereto shall be conclusive evidence of such approval. Section 2. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect from and after its passage and adoption. of The foregoing resolution is hereby approv. ~thiS / / 2nd day By; · / Powers Oc.tober 19~. ::~ro~al /Authority. ounsel content: SBE00097C-129/3199S - 2 - EXHIBIT itA" .APPLICATI05 OF PROCEEDS UNDER PIRANCI5G PLAN APPROVED SEPTEMBER 25, 1989 (A) Aooli~.tion of Pro~88d. of ~h8 T.~ Al1o~ation RefunrHnq Bonda. Upon delivery of the Tax Allocation a.funding Bonda, the proc..d. of the Taz Allocation a.funding BondI (.zclu.ive of accru.d intere.t and underwriter '. discount) wer. to b. uled a. follows: (1) '3,626,585.86 wa. to b. applied to the current refunding of the 1985 Certificates; (2) $4,440,200.00 WBS to be applied to the advance refunding of the 1981 Bonds; (3) '5,497,100 was to be appli.d to the advanc.d r.funding Of the 1983 Bonda; (4) '278,799.03 w.. to be appli.d for Costa of Issuance; (5) $1,545,800 was to be applied for the ....rv. Fund. (B) Application of 1981 Prior Pro~..d,. Th. 1981 Prior proc..ds in the amount of '774,842 were to b. paid to the Trustee and (i) '770,498.02 wa. to be applied to the advance refunding of the 1981 Bonds; (11) '4,343.98 was to b. applied for COlt. ot II.uanee. (C) Appli~ation of 1983 Prior Pro~..dll. 'the 1983 Prior Proceeds in the amount of '1,177,055 w.re to be paid to the Trustee and (i) '1,174,086.31 wa. to be applied to th. advance refunding of the 1983 Bondi; (ii) '2,968.69 waa to be applied for coata of ia.uanee. (D) A091ication of Amount. on napollit in ~he Tax Allocation SD.eial Fund. MOney. 1n the State College project No.4 Special Fund w.re to be paid to the Trustee 1n an amount equal to $7,144,512 and war. to be tranaferred to the Ag.ncy to be used for Bny lawful purpose of th. Agency. EXHIBIT -S- APPLICATION OF PROCEEDS URDU I'IITABCIRG PLAN TO BE APPROVED Appli~atlon of Prooeed.. (A) ADpli~atlon of Prooeed. of th. Boftd.. Upon delivery of the Bonda on the Cloling Date, the Trult.e aha11 depo.it the proceedl a. follows: (1) '.,018,381 i. to be applied to the advanced redemption of the 1981 Bonds; (2) '.,974,875.50 is to be applied to the advanced redemption of the 1983 Bonds; (3) '278,799.03 is to be applied for COlt. of Illuance; (4) 11,545,800 11 to be appl1ed to the .e.erve Fund; (5) '4,570,629.36 11 to be applied to the .ad.velopment Fund under the Loan Agreement. (8) AD011t!ation of 1911 Prior proe..d... The 1981 Prior PrOceeds in the amount of '774,842 are to be paid to the '1'rUlt.e and (1) '770,498.02 i. to ba applied to the advance refunding of the 1981 Bondi; (ii) '4,343.98 is to be applied for Cost. of I.auance (C) AO"'lieation of 19113 Prior Proetlltlld.. The 1983 Prior Proceeds in the amount of '1,177,055 are to be paid to the Trust.. anc! (i) '1,174,086.31 i. to be applied to the advance refunding of the 1983 Bondi; (ii) '2,968.69 is to be applied for coat. of i..uanoe. (D) ~li~ation of Amounts on D~p08it in the Ta~ A1looation So.etal J'un4. The State Colle;. Pro~.ct Ro. 4 Special Fund in the amount of '7,144,512 Shall be paid to the Trultee and applied a. follows: (i) '3,626,585.86 Ihall be uled to current refund the 1985 Certificate.. (ii) '421,819 Ihall be uled to advance refund the 19B1 Bonds. . (iii) '522,224.50 Ihall ba used to advance refund the 1983 Bondi. (iv) '2,573,882.64 .hall be tranaferracl to the Aqency to be used for any lawful purpo.a of the A;ancy including the repayment of a project area loan of $1911000. A '_J lAj H. '-J r ~ . AGENDA 10/2/89 -;:;D r) \ .J-i...' ,- i 1,: d~ From: City Attorney's Office Motion: 1) Request for Closed Session to discuss pending litigation. That the Common Council recess to Closed Session to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (b) (1), as there is significant exposure to litigation. Motion: 2) Request for Closed Session to discuss pending litigation. That the Common Council recess to Closed Session to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c), so that council may decide whether to initiate litigation. Motion: 3) Request for Closed Session to discuss personnel matters. That the Common Council recess to Closed Session to consider personnel matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. Motion: 4) Request for Closed Session to discuss pending litigation. That the Common Council recess to Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally to which the City is a party as follows: City of San Bernardino vs. California Construction Management, Inc., et al - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 238755; Saldecke, et al vs. City of San Bernardino, et al - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 236836; Cable Lake Association vs. City of San Bernardino - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 239714 and Case No. 239649; City of San Bernardino vs. San Bernardino Baseball Club, Inc.- San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 239193; 1 stubblefield Construction Company, et al vs. City of San Bernardino, et al - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 232998; Juan Manuel Sanchez vs. City of San Bernardino - United States District Court Case No. CV87-2291 AWT (Bx); Charles H. Brown vs. City of San Bernardino - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 243087; Sock Dawson, et al vs. City of San Bernardino, et al - United States District Court - Case No. SA 88-461 AHS (RWRx); Barron/Alcarez vs. City of San Bernardino - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 241692; Barratt, Inc., vs. City of San Bernardino - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 242433; Reynolds vs. City of San Bernardino - Court Case No. 248752; San Bernardino Superior Dudley Brewster, et al vs. Southern Pacific Railroad, et al- San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 249736; City of San Bernardino vs. Patel - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 250473; Save San Bernardino vs. City of San Bernardino - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 250425; Henry Harris vs. City of San Bernardino, et al - United States District Court Case No. CV-87-04882 JSL (Gx); Arriaga vs. City of San Bernardino - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 247466; Ruby Walker vs. City of San Bernardino - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 237618; City of San Bernardino vs. Liberty T.V. Cable, Inc. - United States District Court - Case No. 82-6876 (Gx); Hobbs vs. City of San Bernardino - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 250971; Perry Drago vs. City of San Bernardino - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 244095; Whittaker vs. City of San Bernardino - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 238417 2 ~QE;.N.Q~ October 2, 1989 ANNOUNCEMENTS BY MAYOR TO BE HEARD AT 8:30 A.M. ~ PLEASE SEE ATTACHED LIST FROM CITY ATTORNEY OFFICE FOR CLOSED SESSION ITEMS. CONSENT CALENDAR Motion: That the Items motions indicated by Consent Calendar through , be adopted, except for -,-, , and COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS ,.; Report 1989 from the Transportation Committee Chairperson Valerie Pope-Ludlam. September 14, a. Proposed Harrison Canyon Freeway. b. Proposed Omnitrans Transit Mall/Downtown Bus Terminal. c. Proposed half-cent transportation sales tax. d. (Same as item "b") e. Downtown parking needs. f. San Bernardino to Los Angeles commuter rail service. MOTION: That the report from the Transportation Committee, dated September 14, 1989, be received and filed. / vApprove in concept Transportation Committee's recommendation ( relative to a proposed transit mall on Fourth Steet between Arrowhead Avenue and "F" Street. L Report from the Personnel Committee -- September 21, 1989 -- Chairman Jack Reilly. a. Proposed staffing change Parks, Recreation and community Services Replacement of community Services Representative with Community Employment Specialist position. b. Proposea staffing change Publlc Buildings Replacement of Electrician II with Maintenance Carpenter position. c. Proposed staffing change Purchasing Division- Reclassify Account Clerk II position to Purchasing Clerk. d. Public Services reclassification request - Methods and Standards Expeditor II to Public Services Project Coordinator. MOTION: That the report from the Personnel Committee, dated September 21, 1989, be received and filed. vDeletion and addition of positions in Purchasing, Public Services and Parks, Community services. Public Buildings, Recreation and Report from the Legislative Review Committee -- September 21, 1989 -- Chairperson Tom Minor. a. Resolution supporting the California Desert Protection Act. b. Lien collection and methods of control. c. Request for waiver of requirement to underground utilities - Expansion of Omnitrans facility at northwest corner of Medical Center and 5th Street. d. Ordinance amending section 2.64.050 of the San Bernardino Municipal Code relating to Fees for Appeals. e. Ordinance adding section 19.50.080 to the code relating to Home Occupation Permits. f. Proposed bridge and thoroughfare fee. g. Adjustment in sewer connection fee. h. Temporary hires. i. Propose ordinance for the collection of costs in investigation and prosecution of crimes. j. The issue of swearing in witnesses who testify before the Mayor and City Council. k. Refund of fees to non-profit organizations. MOTION: That the Committee, and filed. report from the Legislative dated September 21, 1989, be Review received ~Set public hearing -- 10:00 a.m. -- October 16, 1989 Verdemont Area Public Works Infrastructure Financing Plan. /Set special Council Meeting to consider allocation of bond refinancing revenue. /Report relative to vehicle pool costs. '/~pprove out-of-state travel -- Schaumburg, Illinois --October 29 - November 3, 1989 -- Microwave Concepts II training -- Timothy C. McCullough, CATV Division/Administrative Office. ~~eceive and file report relative to Government Code section 830.6; Superintendent of Public Buildings to city in Superior Court Case. Design Defect Immunity, plans and testimony of and granting of immunity v VApprove request of the City of Roxas, Phillipines to become a Sister City to San Bernardino. "'Approval of plans and authorization to advertise for bids -- Street Improvement -- southeast corner of Gilbert Street and Waterman Avenue. (Ward 2) vAdoption of Negative Declaration & Finding of Consistency with the utilities element of the General Plan --construction of sewer main in Cajon Blvd. and Industrial Parkway, from Palm Avenue to Cable Creek and WIly Line of Cable Creek to Caj on Bld. (Ward 6) v Approval of the 1988-89 Encumbrance Carryovers. Continuing Appropriation and ~Authorization for application and administration of a $25,000 HUD Youth Sports Club Grant. (Ward 6) 'Approval of $8,500 for uniform rental for Park Division employees in Parks Division Budget FY 1989-90. ,/Approval and acceptance of work - Construction improvements for Soccer Field at Nunez Park Construction Corporation. (Ward 1) of lighting -- Electro v'Approval of plans and authorization to advertise for bids - Installation of intercepting sewer along Cable Creek Channel, from Cajon Blvd. to Industrial Parkway. (Ward 6) ,/ Approval of Change Order No. 4 and approval and acceptance of work contract increase $12,562.59 discovery of underground waterline, sewer lateral etc. during construction of relief sewer in Mill Street, east of Lytle Creek Bonadiman MCCain, Inc. (Ward 3) Claims and Payroll Personnel Actions. RESOLUTIONS Motion: That further reading of the resolutions be waived and said resolutions be adopted. Finance ,/. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TO FUNDS FOR CONSTRUCTION 1989-90 FISCAL YEAR. OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE SUBMIT A CLAIM OF $290,080 FOR SB325 OF LOCAL STREETS AND ROADS FOR THE Mayor's Office C/RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE SUNSET GROUP FOR THE PROMOTION OF ARTS AND CULTURE. Public Works/Enqineerinq \ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ESTABLISHING PARKING RESTRICTIONS FOR THE CENTRAL CITY MALL AREA AND THE FIVE- LEVEL CIVIC CENTER PARKING STRUCTURE AND RESCINDING SECTION ONE AND THREE-QUARTERS OF RESOLUTION NO. 3985 AND RESCINDING SECTION TWO AND ONE-HALF OF RESOLUTION NO. 8234. (Ward 1) 'RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ASSESSING CERTAIN PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR THE COSTS OF ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCES ON SAID PROPERTIES. (VAP 212-05) (1818 N. Colorado st.) ,/ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ASSESSING CERTAIN PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR THE COSTS OF ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCES ON SAID PROPERTIES. (VAP 326-08) (1586 W. 7th st.) v' RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ASSESSING CERTAIN PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR THE COSTS OF ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCES ON SAID PROPERTIES. (VAP 358-08) (1718 W. Virginia) i'RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ASSESSING CERTAIN PARCELS OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO FOR THE COSTS OF ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCES ON SAID PROPERTIES. (VAP 361-08) (679 W. 14th st.) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO RESERVING AND SETTING ASIDE A CERTAIN PARCEL OF CITY OWNED LAND, LOCATED AT GARNER AVENUE AND OLIVE STREET, FOR THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL WATER DEPARTMENT USE. (Ward 6) ~(RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AWARDING A CONTRACT TO FONTANA PAVING, INC. FOR PAVEMENT REHABILITATION ON SOUTH "E" STREET, FROM SANTA ANA RIVER TO ORANGE SHOW ROAD. (Ward 3). (Document not available) ORDINANCES FIRST READINGS Motion: That further reading of the following ordinances be waived and said ordinances be laid over for final passage. /ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING SUBSECTION 15.56.040 (A) (3) REGARDING THE AMOUNT OF PARK FEES FOR MOBILE HOME LOT CONSTRUCTION. END OF CONSENT CALENDAR ~~~N.!2~ October 2, 1989 ADDITIONAL ITEMS FOR ACTION STAFF REPORTS Luncheon Workshop -- Discussion of Main Street -- NOON - 1:30 p.m. -- Redevelopment Boardroom. CITY ADMINISTRATOR ;fonsultant Services with Simon performed at Federal level. & Company for services COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Selection of developer for Phase II of Orangewood Estates vproject. (Ward 6) FINANCE DEPARTMENT v~uthorize lease purchase of Xerox duplicator for use by Print Shop. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA OCTOBER 2, 1989 S-l RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION OF A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND EQE ENGINEERING FOR A SURVEY IDENTIFYING ALL UNREINFORCED MASONRY BUILDINGS WITHIN THE CITY. (Documentation being prepared) S-2 SAN BERNARDINO EXECUTION OF AN TEAM FOR PROVIDNG EVALUATION OF POLICE DEPARTMENT RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNSELING PRE-EMPLOYMENT PSYCHOLOGICAL APPLICANTS TO THE SAN BERNARDINO DISPATCH CENTER. (Documentation being prepared) ./ S-3 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AMENDING SECTION 3.18.030(F), 3.18.050, 3.18.060 AND 3.18.070 OF THE SAN BERNARDINO MUNICIPAL CODE AND ESTABLISHING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR A FOUR (4) YEAR REVIEW OF THE ENTERPRISE ZONE INCENTIVES AND RENEWING INCENTIVES TO BE GRANTED IN DESIGNATED AREAS OF THE CITY. (Additional documentation being prepared) v/ S-4 APPOINTMENT TO CEMETERY COMMISSION -- MS. GENEVA C. WOODS -- COUNCILWOMAN NORINE MILLER. c/ S-5 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A SEDLAK FAMILY TRUST FOR THAT BUILDING COMMONLY KNOWN AS 646 N. REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 89-384 SAN BERNARDINO LEASE WITH THE CERTAIN OFFICE SIERRA WAY AND \.-/"/S-6 Authorization to direct extra services -- redesign of Entrance/Exit Ramps for 1-10 at Waterman Avenue -- Boyle Engineering Corp. (Ward 1) R'EC<1~L" 1\n~n'\ OfF ~ Supplemental Agenda 10/2/89 st.? 28 t.. l f~ q. I U From: the City Attorney's Office: 1) Request for Closed Session to discuss pending litigation. Motion: That the Common Council recess to Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a) to confer with its attorney regarding pending litigation which has been initiated formally to which the City is a party as follows: Giberson vs. City of San Bernardino - San Bernardino Superior Court Case No. 120331 JAS-1 JAS-2 ADDENDUM TO SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA October 2, 1989 Approval of $82,605 for fiscal Division Budget, Line Item No. Professional and Contractual Patrol. year 1989-90 Parks 001-382-53150 for Services for Park Approval of $1,200 for fiscal year 1989-90 Parks Division Budget, Line Item No. 001-382-55716 for a high pressure waster with sandblaster attachment. . Item 24 25 39 43 46 47 48 51 53 S-l S-2 DISPOSITION OF CERTAIN ITEMS ON AGENDA October 2, 1989 REVISED MOTION.... "That the Parks, Recreation and Director be authorized to apply a $25,000 HUD Youth Sports Club $25,000 from CDBG Contingency 100% match criteria. Community services for and administer Grant and apply for Funds to meet the DELETE....funds for this purpose are included in the "Employee Benefits" amount already budgeted in 1989-90. Therefore, no action is necessary. DOCUMENTS will probably be available, but are not included in the backup. CONTINUE TO NOVEMBER 6, 1989....further negotia- tions are necessary. 235 INVESTMENTS....this item will be heard at 2:00 p.m., and Mr. Lew has been advised to be present with a Cashier's Check for $25,000, as evidence of good faith. CONTINUE TO OCTOBER 16, 1989. The paperwork will be finalized by that date. CONTINUE TO OCTOBER 16, 1989. Lease being final- ized. REQUEST TO CONTINUE....continuing this item would undoubtedly result in an expense to the city of approximately $85,000. CONTINUE TO NOVEMBER 20, 1989 at 2:00 p.m. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA ",;; ( ,J Documentation will probably be ready. Documentation will probably be ready In view of the fact that most patrons of the San Bernarc;;u,c City Community Garden will not be able to attend the public hearing concerning future utilization of Patton Park for development of a public park or the County Hospital proposal, we the undersigned current gardeners take this opportunity to present our views for consideration by the Mayor and Common Council: a. When the State made Patton Farms available to the City of San Bernardino, it seems there were some provisos, (1) that it be developed into a public park and (2) that development be started within (8) years. (Although Proposition 13 impacted on this timetable, it did not negate the spirit or intent of the state proposal). We ask this issue be clari- fied with the appropriate State agency. b. A federal grant was provided to install the water distribution system. It seems proper that this aspect be looked into for approval. c. It is conceded the County Hospital is a worthy civic activity, but it comes to mind that expansion on its present location (similar to St. Bernadines and the Community Hospital) is entirely feasible and desire- able to retain a homogeneous facility. d. A public park is also a worthy civic activity and co-located with a community garden, it can be of great morale benefit for east-end residents and senior citizens in an increasingly hectic paced society, which seems to have been the basic intent of the property transfer proposal. The current garden population is composed of middle aged fami- lies still in the work force and senior citizens who are retired - we appreciate the opportunity to work the soil. In due consideration of the history of Patton Farms and the basic intent, we strongly support the development of paragraph d., above. Respectfully submitted, ~_.~~t0V presi~t 'Of the Board L~M:f~~ ~e~~~ (J~ R rntr!~ Board ~1ember ! ! i ;; f\ j II A -/ D ( \.n 1 '.. L... L.l... ,. j -'-- " Board Member 22 Jl ~/ &f /lA~ ' A, 6.---J Board MernbV COMMUNITY GARDEN MEMBERS SIGNATURES NM1E ADDRESS PHONE i , , /.. - /' I ' I"i ) ('I,; 'f ":7:C.f " ,,~_'- _ ~ 1,..,tl...j........ f/ ~ l """.~ ...-_ .1,(),~ if' r)' f)J 1 I ~L/, L)~i.,.I},., \/'1.-1 ',X, ,.' :'1 l (~" , ;' i~ > .:/~,.. ;,.: " t. ,) ~/~..--." I" - -_/ y!i". - ;' J "Fr , J'" . 'f": l ", .7. ~)L'X' _'- j' -f"\ -f' ,/ , ,/ L. .;. <'! \,' d l y' ..': ;; ,: (," (, . '.. (," ;'.. ' _J. J< ~L-.., < - <. -' rf , </ .j, l/ (. I. I '" I ' it' j ('( f; ~, /,t", ;' ",' j /'" / " ~ f /- - ) . -... /.- .. .i .' . " 'I ,;'1 ,. . i 1.J' # ''\ ") .. ./' ,. -,' . ,.#- ('I " ,,'- / .. ". ~- ~ / ,"- ;;l"",";>.' };I.--:..,~ .' --"., ' .',' ...,- ,,:......- ;' " .. ~_ i' /' '. '", .,.. " /"', /. '-.,' I' , i \ \ 1/"1_/," ) )'/.' i ' ,,, - ).! ..I ~' .._ ~ >' ;.J ,._,.J . . / ; "( /. "'" < .b. <;! . . i. J, . . I " , ~ ~ 7o~9 ~2'I/' (M ~'~ ' ~ ~ ..; Bud, Q ~/ ;]';<2-. s. . 7-?;1A~/t-P!~ 707) 41L-~~,-- ,~ 115 f1. St1{/J1.(J~ ~Fb3 l10SCvf /1/:Z?--e :5.6 D \?-e-t--> fJ..! LLE/L bS b NGW Bv tL--( )jvi::: S P. jJ 4 /II/.1 ( t ;. / ,_ \~ \ ~ ..; "!- - / /' '/ .),., If';;:;I'? 3'.2 g g -0 --> 'd:::,g-- fey - o-.)w 8 ~ 1- J- (57 ~ (r ,(' rr r, /'t' /55~7- ('~ ~;Ooi2 rEA... ~ t". . , <z q 7 rt"? 2... 7 ~5-~ (~- 76 ~ ~ r:fe -- J. r;. 7 1; ~J-12-&t!J COMMUNITY GARDEN MEMBERS SIGNATURES NM1E ADDRESS PHONE /114 ( JCI f7 111 / [C/f Yo ~/t ~ loe. ~I!~ J-cJ /1 /d JI ~ IfftJJetv. , :J- Cfsh (o(VI AUe ;l3?6 detJ/~ me /7' I ') nc<..-',/' f ',~ z - )' () [, 2- ~ (, y,-S rf--7 I <.;,T y q __ ~": L/ / Y t:) u / ...../,' .,.:... _) 7 s: c - ~. L i~ -- c. 61 [_ . / --iC; C( b '5 D:) ;.:..:",,/ COMMUNITY GARDEN MEMBERS SIGNATURES NAME ADDRESS PHONE