HomeMy WebLinkAbout490 J ~ - ----. K AJ 1 cy 2 I I' '\ 9 :10 11 13 I I I " ,19 ,20 21 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 14 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 p' '- - OR>>utANCB: NO. . ~ 9 ~ AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE BRADB ~:':; 0 ~.' , , " THE nST SIIm OF MT. VERNON AVEHUE TO THE EAST LI O;'0~~~ ~;.::f~t A~diN~~!~~f:~~':A;;;' D ;;~I~~~ OF THE RIGHT ,~, "I:~..' v}:l, ,f ." " ' ''The !liayt)l." a nd,C otm'on C{)uncH'1 J!O t" ,~t h~ 01 t y :SEt rf ,Be rt'ifi~ d itH',) ,':dc., ,Q';r.idairi' 'f.l. if f'al ]fci W6 ii" ", :~ Be d't1'on:1 ~,J 1"1'h.J6. .gt:a.d:&" o,,f .,,\17 aT ~ittt:>&tiJie et' ~~. ',il,,'tihe" ,,_ .,.11.1 B XdtfJ f'~: Ift;{, v~t'udrt cA V1Jl1 UElL:t d ~ttie' e'se-t <i~~:b f~ ;;;e.:n.: fi ghto~; ....y. \' , 0 to Jt ri~:A ti'bhI'so ri , ~'1'.o pe'ke. an:ij,..s)ahtai'l :Pet :JTftl r"'.Y'IC:cimp+y f:e': h':ett~ by ea.taU!'l\hftd ".,in,,,.acd:o'rda'nc.e,_:w.Lth.i~t1';6.,::.o.l,l.ow!.ng :et,ev+fdtffJ Jartd-' - . t ! " .' ~ c>.t ,};it ~),V.:t:'n()Jl"'~v.;. ~',)tai1,:n~ t , grtlC!:egf:; t >.' ",~ i?;'; '/ ;.. t.. tohe S o,u th..,t;c"CJrney' ~:;; ~ ..._,',.~~.",;~I '/"'-'"';~-;l:"-_' ,..~',_,,_.,< .': ~ '_/ ,or' ", ' ... '. Street ~O€?I.2 teet; at thenorthweat corner there i, 10'66.0 feet. At the intersection of thf)~rtt(,t{n..:ot . :<:~ ",' ";". ,", " .if~f'''M'~' ~" ,::>~"'/ ,,_', '1>-''"'" . '.',_",,;__..........', "~'" ~.' -. ""'~ "*"".......,-'.-,'__ ".~~;:,' ,:."",,'~"'" ...."_.....j,M, with the ea.st line of Open Street 1069. 0 feet,~ '. ., ~., . ' .A:~ th~:[~.~lt,er.:s,~otion~of the norf.~~ ~.~).ne of ~lnut 8.~:;..."t \ll!li .' , ._..".,......,~".... . _..,.........~'.....1..."....,," .'. . ". with the we8t~ine of Open Street 1069.4 feet. 1 ' j At the interoection of the,:;.~~,~~h~ir'.'Of'r(~t".~r~:~t~t,:.. 'wi th the east 1 ine of Grape Street'~11(j,(r'J reet. , ! At the intereeotion of the eouth line ot tlnut Street with the weat line ot Qrape Street 1070.4 feet. At a point 1n the south line of Walnut Bt west from the west line of lIt. Vernon Avenue 1072.8 feet. At a point 1n the north line of Walnut It weat of the weet l1ne of Ut. Vernon Avenue 1072.1 feet And at all points between 8aid deeicnate4 to a feet oint., the cra4e Iball be and 11 hereby e.tablished 80 al to ttra1gnt 11n. between ea1d d.elcnated polnte. All elevat10ne refer to the top of the au and are above a plane which 1. 1045.28 feet below .Yark ae eetabIi,hed by Ordinance Number 383 of th San Bernal"clino. . are 1n feet, Ctty :Senoh Oity of ';"1. .. ~.,l ~.:;; ~f\ .~ ;~:r I ~~);-"J Cj ~') .. !; :"" "':'. {' ~- '~": ,,: ~, ,) "'_"'<;~~_~""""~ w. ~ . 1"- r, ~"" \r' ;: ,'-" 't-:i, rrT -; ~",? :,: ~.'~. ~'/:"_I 'j ..)i ~ .~) :;; S}~,}.~ ~H\"'!l-m '"," ,\rr' . 'J~)J~~~~;C'-B~~~; ".,." _, ", ,,'" r"', ."" 1,.. . I \..l " ' ~~ ;,-ij' ._-"....,.._~-.......~," .... ......" .-..........._-~ Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinanoes in confliot herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordina.nce shall take effeot B.nd be in force from and after thirty days after its paesage and approval. Section 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published for three consecutive d~ye in The Evening Index. 1 hereby cdrtify that the foregoing ordinance was duly passed and adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino at a regular meeting thereof held on the ~ ~ day of ,~ 1912, by the follow- ing vote, to-wit: ~ Aye.:~~' ~,~- aJ-&, Noes: ?1~. /~ 1ty lerK. APprtfl this .t 1 J.-- day of _ ' (' t /.,..l't " ), /~. / ./ 1912. - " ""If- f. ,f , i / I ' l' '---" uayift th: ~it/.2t:~ lrer:" na.rd' o. -2-