HomeMy WebLinkAbout493 J;p 11_ 1,2.: 1~.> 1:4>; l~Q' 16" 17', 19 2~',5 24,,} 2&.'.:) 2e:'\" 2'l, 2S;;, 29:'1 3Q,_>) 3~',; 32':2 \ - I '" " 1 sa 3 . ORDINANCE ,HO.,-U1, AI{ ORI;JIllANC:E ESTABLISHDlG THE GRADE OF POPLAR STREET FR01[) ~, :~. C .~ $~~ ;. .' .' f.. -, ..t. '.' ,.' THE WEST S I:PE OF,~. VERnO~f ~~lfyE TO THE ,~~~T,LHHP O~.,tHE,(;,RtgHT Orf~1; O! THE~TC~f~?N~ !Q1~1 ~lTR~ ~ANTA P ~t~t~*Y q~~tW.,~, 6, !'P'i~ 1fay"0~' and Common eOUtldiI 'of theHC::ity 6f 3~ri :B~f~~~;;; ~ dfho o+dafh ~j'fol18w~:- .'.~ \" '" ;~ )~~1,'''~',~"''' J f"'.",;, ;t'-,_'~f 0 r- ";' 7t "Sedtion 1.;The 'gra.de or. PdPttir Street from the, weet side of Mt'~""':Verhott if'Avenueto the ~'ast lfn-e. df';~tRe-irf'gfit'o~ wa;jo~6f the .\:Atehls'€Jn, 'Tope~atfrtaianta:Fei1'Rai I\l\td5r;,eOmi5Einjf"fs hereby estaln idhed tn aceordane e'1tIftJ\ 'therol1owfV1~deitrvtit Ions 8;; Q! and~eA.. ~ .; ~ ' '. ,,~' ,', ~, "'."; -: "-f~ 4, ~4-, L .. 'At t1'i~ i!orthwest corner of Mt. Vernon Avenue al'l:d Poplar Street at 'he ~,uthwe.liJt co~~e;r. :ther~eof/J~5,.? feet. : J'. \ '. , , > ~"*,." .>_.~,::- /A.. l ,,' 'f ':,' _~,-' .,.." ..' .....,.,,'~j ',.1.-' . ~y the southeast corner of Poplar Stre~t and Grape ~'" ;fit: ..~ .,'!#' ",( t'- , (t '~' Street 106'8.4 feet; at the southwest eot:<<..r"ilt~reor,.1."06e.8 feet; . ,i. .c_;,:;.;;." "_"'/"..,<.~;(/: <: _';'"."/.' "_''', .,:,' at. the northwest corner thereof 1069.0 feet;'at"t-h~--:'rlorth'~a';'t~~" corner thereot ~068~5 fee~. , J. ,.- ,...;~...-. '-'-'-'11.'" ~ >"..". ...\"'..".,_'11. ,......_. . At a point in the south line of Poplar Street 1060 feet ': ',J ;, the west line of Mt. Vern~"A~~,~l.Cl~t"'1.s:".1:s.e.t-:" -' .. ;~:f",c tl ';_;j ':1<" ?: "<~' {\~ t. ,j ;!J ,f \". <~. ' At a point in the north IfH€S6f~oplar Street 1030 feet of the west line of Mt. Vernon Avenue 1072.76 feet. And at all paints between said designated points, the grade shallbe and is hereby,established so as to conform to a ISItraight line between said d'esignated points. All elevations refer to the top of the curb, are in f~et, and are above a plane ~mich is 1045.28 feet below City Bench Mark as established by Ordi~ance Number 383 of the City of San Bernardi no. -1..... r) L' ~) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 f"'" r52:" ~) I ()~~:.J --~~. ,,'\..~~~;.. -";~ -r~~',' ~1 ~i:; t~i~iJ"J }J) ()~, ',' '-V').;" Cli.; 1JI]1)- I' U \.A ,[,). j., 1.J . ... , ;.. .-~ .. .' ~ (""J:'SI'j'-'lV'~ ::~"I .\':.: ;:."~ , :i<:~jl; ,;' ) ::lrn .,' ~1. I!\' ',"a "... ,,_,,_,,_,","~'4__"""'""'~"_'_'.""'''''''' ... ...~-' .."".._~,""",," _ ....,,'~' ,. "~",,,,,,'~Ji..,,,,...~,..,_~...w,..,,,,,~..,,,, ...... 1 ~.i.etlon ~:. All ordirF:,,'(lC'?'S or l:Jarte 0:-" ordinance. in 2 oonflict ~.:.e.t'e'Ni ttl are hereby repealed. 3 4 5 ~fJction~. '1':iiordlnanoe shall t.akfi effect ana be in foroe from and ..fter thirty days a.fter i till p....age and a.pproval. Beotion 4. 'The City Clerk ehall cert.ify tt} the :pa..age 6 ot' this oroinan.oe and Oa.usa the flame to 1)e publi$hetl fQr thr.. 7 a on.e.l:1~ ive th~,Y8 l11fha E"'fI!nin~ Index. 8 1 hereby odrtify that ~b8 toreco1nc or41nanoe was 4ul7 pa..eel and adopted 'by tll1 Mllyor a.nc1 Oomm.n OOllnoil of the 01ty of SaD Bernarc1i no at. ~ relUlar lYu!!eth~1i tl1.ereof n.ld on the ? ,1,-- 'lay of ~' '" 1912, by the hUo,,- :1 t t^..-1t..' U ng vo . e . ".. 9 Aye.: ~> ~/ ~> J~. )10..1 ~ FVtA I &-& ' -~ 1..:1 erk.. Apo. roved this. 9 f _ --0"-'" dRV -....- .. .r.. ...a- ~..:;.;,::._::---