HomeMy WebLinkAbout504 . 1 2 / 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .. 10' 13 14. 15";' 16\0 17 18 19 20" 21' . 22'" 23 24.; 25 26' 2s::e 29~,~: 30. 3L I 32 . ORDInANCE NO' Sf) if- i) '.;......,;'. -) ",: ' AN ORDH1ANCE ESTABLISHING THE GRADE O'F ~i:AvEmiE FROM THE WEST LINE'OF F STnEET TO T~ EAsTLIlm 'OFGSEREET . , r" ~, IN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. i ~', ,; ,'1 ~, -0- ~' 1 ~~'~ May~,;'r ~~d Common c~u~~'lf"of!'t~~~!"cf{~ ~6:t ~'~h":~)~~ritt~dIno : t ;' '. ~l c' t. do ordain as follows: V/? ,":-:~. ,j\- C. ""1.< '" -". .~., ,:. '..'/ Section 1. That the grade of Rd Avenue !trom the ';w~et +" !~j ," ,ttc:i ':.~- r;;,. ...~.!. . ..\ ,~." / . "" y.. . +i~~. of;FStreet to the East line 01' G .st:eet.c.unehM e'.tab\i~h~d'1n- ~ccl)r~oe ' ;~ ki . the 1'~ 10.;n~ ~lev..t io~ and gra~ee: At the southwest corner of Rex AV:!'JU~,an~ F Street the grade shall be 1057. 65"~" /' ; Nt the.; no,rthlV'eet' eor-p.r ,of R.xA'Ve,~u.e p.!Ui"!i:,Street . '-,r; ,.,....-' ..",:h:.',ic- ..~ .,~ .t'he::l!r.A.9:e...~AAlLl:>~:J.,OI'. 95 . At the southeast corner of Rex Avenue and G Street the grade -shall be 10E;1.15. At the northeaet corner of Rex A~~riue 'tiriiJ G Street the grade shall be 1061.45. And at all points between said designated points, the grae shall be and is hereby established so as to conform to a straight line drawn between said designated pointfl. All elevations refer to the top of the curb, except Where otherwise noted, are in feet, and are above a plane which is 1045.28 feet below City Bench Mark as established by Ordinance No. 383 ~ the city of San Bernardino. Section 2. All ordinances or parte of ordinances in con- flict herewi th are hereby repealed. Section 3. It is hereby found and declared that this Ordinance is urfgentlY required for the immediate preservation of thebpublic peace, health and safety of the City of San Bern ardino, ~~d the City Clerk .shall certify to its passage 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ....-','. ....-~ .-...... ,.~ ..'~.T ~ , * ':~. 1,;; ... ~.~ i.'3I:;'_-'~,1 t~~ lr,~:} ::_'1 :! ~ '~:.':{, 'i '() (:. ... ". "1"" ,~'. .,\ ... ,l,... ";..J}{:~~ \.; f::'~' ;f,\"r . ..<.~. "-" (\ 'ij 'rni;Jt, './J" "'Jr' 'r A "'t, "'l,)J- ,4,i~', ' -\ "U.";:''.i:'"l ~ C{;) 1 J: "t >,. ----..___ .JO'~, ,! ~7'-- ...~.."' -." -.....----........-,--. -,...._-,,'.. ,~._~.~ .,-'--,-~._--.,_.- --.......'...-.....~..._.,....... 1 2 3 4 by a two-thirds vote of the Common Council, and cause the same to be published for three consecutive days in The Evening Index, and thereupon and thereafter, it shall take effect and be in force. 5 6 I hereby certify that the whole l'1U!!1'ber of' the Common. Counci 1 of the City of San Bernardino is five and that the foregoing 7 8 Ordinance was passed and adopted by a two-thirds vote of the Cpmmon Council at its meeti ng held on the .y. t/.day of ~~ 1912, by the following vote: . j? '+/ &:-~ ~ ~es:~/~/ ,-' /"' noes: ~ 9 {!dd . (s ) (0 ) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ~-&-r- Ci ty Clerk I hereby approve the foregoing Ordinance this day of "rt.-,~-1 J..9."~ -41 t. /' Il t ,/l,~? A'~rf"~'P Mayor/of the .4 Y Gf San Bernardino 19