HomeMy WebLinkAbout507 21 ~~4 ~;2 ~ ~!J \~ 7 ~ ~J 8 ~. .. .. ~ ORDINANCE NO. S- 0 7 'I 1-------.-.,-----.---.-.---------- , 2 AN O.RPIJiAHCE AMJiUIDING SEC'~aOn 11 OF OlIDIllAJiCE :JItJJ.n:BJm 304, OJ' THE CITY OF SAn BE..~A..1IDINO r..UUTIBG TIm ]f(JJ.{.BJlllt OF SALOONS, BARS AnD BAR-ROOMS, OR TIPPLING HOtTSF..s WITRDl SAID CITY. 3 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . .: 4 . 5 !he "yot and Common Council. of the City of San Her- 6 I nardlno do ordaia as foliow:':' 7 SECnOl1 1. Sect.lon 11 ot Qrdinance No.304 of the City 8 of San B4Jrna.mlno, ia hereby amended. ao as t o read u follo_:- ,Seot-1oall. - -})ermisalQIl shall not b.' grante4 for the keeping of more .~ 18 aa.loon8. bare, oal"-l"OOJM C)'l" tippling hOllBut withm the City of San Be~ino. a.t a...vone time, and notmoft' t1tall twoot Intoh pla:oee .hall. be eonduc-t.d or earned on on t114 sa.rne aid. of an,.v one block; pX'Ovided that ineasea where the granting ota uch 1.1e.mut doea not ~ftcn'1t_e theJQlb.r of such l.1cena.. to More than bo on the 1I.;uq .. of' anyone block. pe1"l'1i8ftlotl! may be granted for th.e keeping of A bart or bar-room. I~Y hot.lln ^th.elty of San :Bernardino, which hotel keeps open and maintains :for the ree4iptlon and entertainment of' gueets, e1ghty (80) or more 1'0018 therein.. togethe1"wt'th a dlnlrtg room where the public are regularl." .erMel with l'ltta1.a. ,In MY such hotel a license l'18." be granted for t.besale of w1,nes Ci.nd l.iquoX'B, and the SalYl4 ehal.l not be 111111 ted by .aid res trictloJtl.I! to 18luL],oo_' 9 10 11 12 13 14 15, 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 ~n~4 .' e tl .'" 31 32 SEClfIOll 2. This ordlnanee B1lal.l talc.. atrect and be (1) -r r r.. ". .' I 1. :tOrcl! trot'll and atter thi rtT daY15 after i te pas_age and ap- 2 proTal. 3 SECfiOW 3. The 01 ty Clerk ahall certify to the 4 pasB&ge of th1. ordinAnce a.nd cause the same to be published tor 5 th:ree \'00. e.,l'tl .,.e ....,. 11'1 the BY_ing I_ex. 6 I hereby certity 'that the :tCf1"4tgolng o1"41n.ane4t If_ of' the City plUnutd and adopted by the V-,voX" and C01IJMOn Council 8 I or San :Bernardino at its Met1ng held O}\ the 2. s.....J j . T 9 I~ t lQn--- ot by the toU<!ff1>>g Tot., 10' Ayes:~<~, ~/ 7 da.y of ~ II ",-A:. 11 12 ~.' ~~ 13 14 L. Ii. 15 Cit)" Clerk. 16 17 Apprcma4 thl. ~J r 4a,y cd" 0 ./A'~ I'" 191 t..... '" · 18 19 ( " ,.~/~~ i ,,' __ Jla..vor ,t the ctty ().f San lhtrnardino, 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ( 2)