HomeMy WebLinkAbout518 J"" l v, 2 I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 .. . ORDINANCE NO. S ~ Y__ ,------------ -------------~- -- - ------ -- ------- ----- --------- --- ---- --------- ORDINANCE OF TRF. ~lfAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN B'ERl-TARDINO ESTABLISHING THE GRADE OF PI1"E STREET, FROM THE WEST LINE OF L STREET TO THE EAST LINE OJifsTANFORD AVENUE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Mayor .nd Common Coun8i~ o~ the City o~ San Ber- nard.ino do orda.in as toll OWl', to-wit;, SECTION I. The officiaJ. grade of Pine Street from the West boundary~1ne,of LStnet to the East boundary line of Stant'ord ATenue is hereby es tab~i8hed and ~ixed to the. fo~~owing eleTatl'one aceord.1ng to the off1eia~ bench mark or datum p~ane of the City of San Bernardino, to-wit: At the top of the cUr~\~iAe at the Northwest corner of Pine Street and L Street, the grade sha~l be 1.~9. O. At the top of' the curb ~ine a,t ,the Southwest corner of Pine St"reet and L Street, the grade shall .be lQ:) 8.. 5. At the t,op of' the curb ~ine at the Northeast corner of' Pine Street and,. Ga.l"ner Stree-t, the grad:e anall. be 1104.2. At the top of. the cUrb, line at the Southeast corner of Pine Street and G,arne.rStreet, the .grade shall be 1103.8. At the top of' the curh line at the NorthWEU$t corner of Pine Street and Garner Street,.the gra.de shall be 1104.6. At the top of the curb line at the Southwest corner of P1neStreet and Garner Street, the grade shall be 1104.2. At the top ot the curb line at the Northeast corner of 'Pine Street and,Mt.Vernon ATenue, ,the grade shall be 1111.47. At the top of the curb line at the Southeast corner o~ Pine Street and'Mt"Verhon' AT8nUe;the gra.tle shallbtt 1"111.2. A.t the top of the curb line at t'he Northwest corner of Pine Street and lit Vernon ATenue, the grde sha11b'e 1111.8. At the top of the cur. line at the Southwest eorner ot Pine Street and Mt Vernon A.enue, th~ grade shall be 1111.4. At the top of the curb; line at the Northeast corner of ( 1) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 .~-'--_._.._-..__._~ ~-'------'-'" I - Pine Stree.t and StanfordA..-enue, the grade shal.l be 1118.4. 2 ~t the top of the curb line at the Southeast cornerq~ Pine Street and Stanford A.enue, the grade shall be l.11a.O. At all. points the grade of the center line of the street shall be 2-inehe,abOTe a straight line drawn at right angles to the center line of the street rrom top of the curb to top of the curb. The grade of the street between said described points running East and West shall be a straight line drawn between said desc:ribed points. All elevations rerer to top of curb, except where otherwise noted, are in :teet, and are above a plane which is 104-5.28 :teet below the City bench mark as established.by Or;' dinanee No.38'3 of the Y~.1~r~~ ~ . SEC'rION' II. The JIJItI.a.liJr'I'ndex is hereby des i gnated as the daily newspaper publi shed and circulated in the City of San Bernardino, in which this Ordinance shall be published. The City Clerk shall certiry to the passage of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published in the said 3 4 5... 6 1 8 9 ;t I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Ber- d /J' nardino at its meeting held on the } - day of 0(..7~j . , 1913, by the following Tote, to-wit: Ayes :---/~/~v:c// a~k~ ' e-z I No es : ~.-c..-e' -.. ~ ~- :J-:/'3:.~~L- ~~ C;i ty Clerk. Approved this ? day of ~<.-'J____~;' / , 19 13 . ~ t /'.A / ..-- . zu/-: )iayo~b t e~1 ~? San Bernardino. ( 2)