HomeMy WebLinkAbout523 .,.-- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 i j 18 1 't,j it' 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~. * omHNANCE NO. $' cZ..Zl..__ ------_.----~~-._._.._..._--- \ ---..-..----------------...- AIr OPJHNANC'F. ACC'EPTnT(~ T;:'~ HOATWIAY OJ', "F'" f,'1'R"F.T~T FHQlI~ TT'~ NORTH TJDT]i: OF ~F.co~m STREFtT TO T}."E f)OUTR I,DJ1l; OF TJi;~TTR STJ:l:}1::i'l', "'1)"' STP.ERT FRmr TJB NORTH J}I~ o}t' THIRD S'I'R"B;:F~T TO T1m SOUTH J,I1"E OF FIFTH STR];J~T, "'E" STREET FROM 'I':H:E SOUTH I,DIF. OF FIR~T STm.;:rj;T TO T1:ffi SOUTH LINE OF THIRD STREET, "'R" STREET FRmr TIm SOUTH TJI111J OF SECOJ\ID STREyjT TO THE SOUTH TJINE OF RIGHTJ{ STREET, VICTORIA AVE1il1.JE FR.o}r. TID~ EAST I,DjF, OF "'F" STREET TO TJill WEST TJI1TR OF "'E"'~ STREET, AND, EIGHTH STREET FRmC T}-ill EAST IJD1E OF "'(1;'" STREET TO THE WEST LI}1R OF ARROVJ1ffiAD AVENUE. . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . t' . . . . . . . . . . . · The JIr~r and Corn.Jnon Counci.l of the Ci ty of Ran P,er- nardino do ordcdn l:tS follows: SECT'! ON I; Tnat t.he roadway of, "'F'" Street, including curbs but ex.ceJ)ting sidewalks therein, from the North line of Seconrl street to tlle South line of Tenth street, "']')"' street from: the Nort.hline of Third Street to t.he Sout.h Ijne of Fifth Street, "E" Street from the South l.j.ne of. FLrst street to the South line of Third Street, "H" Street from the South line of Second ,c;treet to the Routh line of Eighth Street, Victoria A.venue froTY\ the East line of "F" street to tne West line of "E" street, and Eighth Street from tbe East line of "G" Street to the West line of Arrowhead. Avenue, have been fully constructed and sub,;;; s tantial1y paved in accordance vii th specificat.ions therefor here- tofore adopted 'hy the ~lrayor and Common Council, and to the sat- isfaction of the Street Superj,ntendent of saj.d ci t.y, and of salrl C'i ty Counc i1, and that t.he same are and each of them is in go ofl condition throughout and that sewer, gas pipes, and water pipes are latd therein under su.ch regulations as ..the Ci ty Council has heretofore adopt.ed, and the same are and each of them is hereby accepted (except the sidewalks therein) for all time, and here- at'ter t.he scd-d streets Clnd each of them shall 'he kept in repair and improved 1>~r the said municipali t.y, the expense thereof to- ( ..I)