HomeMy WebLinkAbout525 . (j''1' ' n (:2'f~-1t~'V"---o.-// ~ " rsr -2 .r ORDINANCE NO. 1__.'...__.... -.-.-..-.-..-.-------- .--- ._n-n_.m' _'__n______ - ____un..__.___... -----.----------- ..._- ..- .______n_ ....______._n._______.__ AN ORDINANCE ELEC'TING TO AVAIL THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO 2 OF THE PRIVILEGES OF AN" Act ENTITLED -AN AC'T TO PROVIDE FOR THE 3 LEVY ANDCOLIJEttTIONOF TAXES BY AND FOR THE USE OF ]IDNICIPAL 4 CORPORATIONS AND dI!IES INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE 5 OF CALIFORNIA, EXcrEPT MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS OF THE FIRST CLASS, 6 AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSOLIDATION AND ABOLITION OF CERTAIN 7 MUNICIPAL OFFICES, AND TO PRO" IDE THATTKEIR DUTIES MAY BE PER- i FOBMED BY ctERTAI:N OJ'FICERS OF THE COUNTY, AND FIXING THE COM- g PENsAnbN tr'd':airmoWED FOR SUCH COUNTY OFFICERS FOR THE SERVICES l' SO RENDERED TO SUCH:MU:flICIPAL CORPORATIONS,. APPROv:B'tt) MARCH 11 2'?'th, ~.83 5, AND ALIJ AlmNDMENTS THF..REOF. /~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 13 !he Mayor and Common Counci~ of the ci'ty of San J3'er- 14 Bardino do ordain 88' follows: U SEC~nOEr I. The City of San Bernardino he'reby elects to 16 ava.il itself" of the privileges of a.a act eati t'1.ed "An Act to 17 provide for the levy and col1.ec'tioll' of taxes by and for the use 18 of municipal corporations andci ties incorporated UDder the 19 laws of the State of California, except municipal corpora.tions 20 of the first class, and to provide for the consolldatiolt and 21 adoption of certain municipal offices, and to provide that their 22 duties may be performed by certai. officers of the county, and 23 :fixing the eO!IfPeuation to be allowed for such county officers 24 for the se !"Tices so rendered to such mUJliclpal corporations," 25 approved March 27th, 1~'5, and of all amendments thereof; and 26 lJJlItil further order the use.a_.t. .of taxable property withi. 27 said city, and the levy an.d collectioll,ot"_,t.&X8a for ra...aue for ca.rrying on the various departments ofaaid City, aad to' pay the 28 29 bonded and other inde'kt;edness, shall be usessed, levied and collected as in said act provided, in so far &8 said act is 30 consistent with the provisions of the Charter of said City. 31 SECTIONT II. That all assessments shall be made and taxes 32 (1) collect-ad by the t.ax collector of the cCounty of San :Bernardino. 2 SEC'TION III. The County Auditor on or before the second 3 !4:onday in August shall transmit to the :Mayor and City Council 4 of the City of San Bernardino a statement in writing showing 5 the total value of all property wi thill the City of San :Ber- 6 nardilto ascertained f'rom the assessment books of the County of 7 San Berna.rdino as equalized and corrected. by the Board of 8 SuperTisore of' such COU1'1lty. 9 tIP"l a)btD%. 10 SECTIO~ IT. Upon the adoption of this Ordinance the City 11 C1erk shall immediately file a certified copy thereof with the 12 Auditor of the County of San Bernardino. 13 SECTION V. This Ordina.nce shall take effect and be i. 14 force immediately upon its adoption and approval. 15 SEC'TIO:Nl VI. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage 16 of this Ordinance and cause the same to be published three COlt- secutive days in the San Bernardino Daily SUR. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was 17 18 19 adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Ber- the I/' lj' day of r' I lit 18, 20 .ardino, at its meeting held on by- the following vote: 21 22 Aye~'7~..L~n<j'6j!~E'-A~~ :t/an/AU'fr? f ~7~;1 Noes: /Z,{J-Yr.-R. 23 24 25 At'test: ;;/ v/ ,/J ~~~;;;:: d-~/L,,-~-r- City Clerk. 26 27 / (, day of T"--"'-7. ,lg1.3. ( ~ (! ~he~~~ino. 28 Approved this 29 30 31 32 ( 2) /'" \ I ,... 1 col.lec'tad by the 'tax col.lector of the - County of San Bernardino. 2 SEC:TION' III. The County Auditor on or before the second 3 }I[onday in August shall. transmit to the Mayor and City Council. 4 of the City of San Bernardino a statement in writing showing 5 the tota1 val.ue of 8ol.1 property wi thill the City of San Ber- 6 nardil'lo ascertained f'rom the assessmeat books of the County of 7 San Bernardino as equal.iz:ed and corrected by the Board of 8 SuperTisore of' such CouJ'tty. 9 "~Ialfv"mm. 10 SECTIOlf IY. Upon the adoption of this Ordinance the City 11 C1erk sha11 i~diate1y file a certified copy thereof with the 12 Auditor of the County of San BernardiRo. 13 SECTIONV. This Ordinance shall take effec~ and be iD 14 force immedis:te1Y upon its adoption and approva1. 15 s.Ee'TIONi VI. The City C1erk sha11 certify to the passage 17 of this Ordinance and cause the same to be pub1ished three COl't- secutive days in the San Bernardino Daily SUR. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was 16 18 19 adopted by the Mayor and Common nardino, at its meeting held on bY' the following vote: Couneil. of the City of San Ber- the rt!:l day of Ju~' I ~:J115, 20 21 23 Aye~~..L-~dl:~~~~~ 4nd~~7 L ~~~~ /' 22 24 Woes: n~t..-R. 25 Att.est: /;7 /) ~/) ~.;;;: d--Z:c./~ City Clerk. 26 27 28 Approved this / ~ day of S1~Z-~7. ,19 l.3. (/ ~ ~he~(~ino. 29 30 31 32 ( 2) /.... \ I