HomeMy WebLinkAbout526 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ...: ~ W 0 14 - ~..~ Ct: 0( a :t oJ . 15 ~..~~ Ct =- 08~c8 16 . bI . cnz'" - II: ~ ';os d ~-.!l 17 ~<~ ~ ~ 1S ~ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ". .. \ -<,- '7 ' ORDI""T A"'CE N 'lj"-<: ca .' .l\j rU'! . o. . . . . . . . . . . . An Ordirance ca.lling 8. specie,l election to be held in the Third Vlard of the City of Pan ~ernardino, on Tuesday, the 22nd day cf JUly, 1913, for the purpose of' elect ing a member of the Common Council of said City i'roJ411 said Ward. WHEREAS, her-et of ore on the 12th day of June, 1913, petitionB were filed with the City Clerk of the City of San Bern- ardino demanding the election of a "l1ember of the CO!1'l.'11on Council from the Third Ward of the City of San 13erna.rdino aesuccessor to George E. Chambers; and WHEREAS, on the 16thday of June, 1913, the City Clerk of said City of San :Bernardino submitted Baid petitions to the Conmton Counc il-witb his cart if icate, attached, dated' June 16th, 1913', showing that he had examined and from the great regti.ster hac asoertained that said :petitions were eignedby the requ.isite numbenm of qua. 1 if ied e1eetors of s'atd ward. NOW Tb'EREFORE, tne ~!a.yor andCommcn Council of. the City of San ~rnardino do ordain' as follows: ; Sect ion One. A special election is hereby ordered and called to be held in the Third Ward of the City of San Bern- ardino on Tuesday, the 22nd day-of jUly, 1913, for the purpose of electing the f<>ll&wing offioers pf said City, to.wit: One member of the CeMmon Counc il from the Third Ward of sa.idCityof San B'ernardino. to be elected by the quali- f ied electors of said Third Ward.'. Section Two. For the h~lding of said election, the said Third Ward of said City, s"hall beam remain divided into two munictpal election precincts to be knownas: Munfcipal E1ection Precinct Number One; and Municipal Election Precinct Numb e rTwo. The exterior boundaries of each of sa.id municipa':l 1 2 3 ,4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 3 w 8 14 -~:a ll::oC~ X...l ....f<~ 15 ::> c \,:).- olI>-rZ 16 .. - CIlz.w -~~ ..J 0 d~.!l 17 ~ocC~ :;l 18 ... ~ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 "" ,. ", ...-......-.".. .... - are hereby established, created and designated as follows: Municipal Elect ion Precinct Number One. (:Being a consolida;tion of Election Precincts designated as San J3ernardinoNo. '12, a.nd 21, as the same existed at the last prem-eeding :~eneral stateiEleotlon) Munic1:pal Election PreCinct Number One sm,II consist of all that portion of said Tnird Ward of said City described as follows, to-Wit: Com!l8ncing at a point where the center line ofK' street intersects with the southerly boundary lineoi' the City of San Bernardino, and running thence due west along said southerly boundary line to the western boundary line of said City; thence 'aloq, said. western boundary line in a northerly direction to' the centerline of Third Street; Where the said center line of. Third at.reet iIite:rsects with the westerly boundary line of said City; thence east along the center 'line of Third street to a point where t he center line 'of Third street intersects with the center line of K stre.et, thence south along the center line of K. Street to the ,oint of bepinning. Municipal Elect ion Precinct Number Two. (Be irig aC<:1nsol idat ion of' Election :Precincts desi,:nated a.e san Bernardi!lO No.5, 6, am 20 .as the SB.."ne existed at the last preceeding ~eneral st ate Eleot ion) Municapa1 Election Preet:nct Number Two shall eons ist of all that portion &f said Third Ward of said City described as ! .. , ' ~ :. ~ ~'".., -,,~; I , ~'~ '., t> ,,1' t:. ." "' ~~-....a.' 1 '"ort.h "long the center li"e of K. street to " point ..r"'~ 2 c~"ter line of X street intersect. with the center line of 3 'Tl'>ird street.; thence ea.t along the center line of Third street 4 to a :><>int wberethe center line of Third street fntereecto with 5 the ,~nt.r UIlS'of :II street; thence north a10ng the """tor line 6 of 'F street, 'too. ]!IO i nt 1ft1e re the oe nt e r line c f:II St. r eet. 7 intereecto wit l1 the cent e r line of Fo urt h st reet; t l1e nc e eaot. S. along the center line of Fotirtl1 street to a point. Where tM certt.er lirte of' FOurt.h st.reet. irtt.ersects witl1 the center line of B street.; thence oout.h a10ng t.he cente~ line of E street to the :po int of be ginning. 9 10 11 12 ~' 13 liIo 14 ii:~~ :c<Cld .......le 15 ::>~&i C) '1:1 ~tal 16 III - IIlZ'" -o:g ..lOiQ d~~ 17 ~<~ .., ;i; 18 r.: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ' 26 27 28 29 30 31 Sect ionT'hree. That the ~oard of Election for each Of'''' aaid JoIuniCipo.1 Blect. ion Precincts in said Cit.y for .aid "lect ion, the 1ns pect.or 8, ~u d ge., cl erks and ballot clerks, and polling placesthersfor, shall Qe a. follows, to-wit: Municipal Election Precinct NUlnber One. . .-, Inspector. .~ John T. Lee. Judge. John McCarter. Clerk Pearl Rockoff. :Ballot Cle rk. Mary E. Lee. :?7~t-; yi" ~. 1Torth side Rialto Avenue Pol1int: Place. 150 feet East of. Mt. Vernon Avenue. Municipal Election Precinct Number Two. Inspector. Anson We st. Judge. Manuel Preciado. C le rk. A. 1\ Rowell. ",Ballot Clerk. eMS. 'Flack. Po lling Place. August ine Garage, south side of Thirl'l street, between G and 11.. streets. section 'Four. said election shall be held, conducte ret.urned ani the results thereof made known and declared in all