HomeMy WebLinkAbout527 .. 1 2 10 11 12 13 14 t:l IS Z 's 15 ...~o ~j~ rI.l ~ d 16 .11& .qQ'!! = 1117 ~<dl <lI ; 18 III rI.l * 01~T,) T'" r IT('T;' ;~o ~ "'7- ........1__.....1...._1V..;..:J _., .c/'<' . 1 I .. .i'\2T OP2IJ:1.lL~C~ f2GUT.J.A.TI:.TG. ~~I:= 7'EEP.. 3 Dm OF HORSI:~S ','T!TH!:r THE CITY OF 4 SAlT 3JJRlT.ARD lITO . 5 ,The I;~2.yor'";nd eloTIon C Dunc il of the C' i ty of :'an 6 7 3sr~ar1ina do l:Qreby orCaj.u as follo~s: Sectionl. It shall ::>e ":.ml9,wful for 8,ilY :')erson or 8 9 cor~or tion to keep a horse, ~Rre, mule, col~ or jenny in any c~t le, In,rn, :JT;~,,:C. or ot>.8r :.11s,ce les8 thrtn T'ifty (50) fr.oet (U~)t:;,;'lt fro;.l any hDuc:e or (v!cllinc occ:..:qiec, by }lu,nan I) .,: :. n0 c, it"'.tioi1, wit O\J.t first having obtc,ineQ from ...-, ro ~:'l I~.<v t}JG c'o'::.':'(} of :Iealt:l of the City of San :Berno.,l",1ino, a ')ernit so t.o :],,0. SECTIOlT II. It ,;,;')oJ.1 ()':; -"ll"','[fu1 for i:;,ny y::rson or c or'-'o rat i oil to j~la~rl':"l,il1 a:l~' st ',1)1 t:) or ~Jl8,c c:; Y!J.1ere or Sj CG, 1]8;1"~:e. , ":11.118 ;.:; c,=,.tt1-s o t '~211 J i v e ':.' toe \= is 0,'" . ~ ,] eil, n :L','!? , or or 1:el1t, '/~:"i t~::.i.(). 1-~:-;FJ t.,~;):y~ 7'iftj" (50) f-act of Et:1:;/ 110UCG 01'" 19 otlle:c ~Jtlil~.l.t:rlb ihllabj.tcd. b:," ).:-j.}l.,"'C, '::i thout"'irst 20 :.:1.:1.. vir1C 00 t qi11C'"\ fro',' 1 tJ1C ~~-j03. :~"'(i 0 f II 1'38.1 tl1 of t.l1e C t t~r of 21 Be,]; 3'311n",1',1 :::10, 8 ')::T,'~it 80 to do. 22 S1WTIOlI III. ::.ro perrli t 8110..J.J be ~rant813. by tlle ~~ . _.0 :,',j,'C, 23 of Heo.lt}l to any :)(::1'''.Oon, i'irTl or cor:por(1,'~ion to k('~ep any 24 1:OT('~8, In'ares, "lUJ.C"!C; or . . t..l en~-ll e G, or cattle or ot~er liv~- 25 st'ock ne1?rer t:lan I'ifty (50) feet c1.ist:::tl1t fro:",.} any hous'~ or 26 r'l.vT,~JJ.j'l::: OC c'X"1. "Y'. by 'lu:n12,n being~' ~.;R o. '1[,,1;it2.tion wit11in 27 tli0 City of San :Berna::c'lino exce:,1t:Lng lJ:lon th'" ':Jl'itten appli- 28 c~tion ~y the )Sr80~, fi~'~ or cor?or tioD desirG~~g such ?er- 29 ::li t, iC:l c.l.,:~):)lic t::.O'l sb~JJ "/: sicned 1)y th: applicant cmd J f 30 B:)eci:~~ t~--l.(; Joc.-~tiO}l of tIle ~-)l"CT.lis':;r:5 ~..l~-~Ol'l ~(7l=~ i C="~'. it i s'l)rO- 31 :t) 08<3(1 to l::c J,:-::') a.Y~jr~J t1..Cll ;:1.. l1 i:;'.lal ~ r..~;'lrl suell C!.J)~) J.. ic ~}! t i 011 8118.J..1 " 32 O:;-::'Jcify t,}li::: nU'1,oer of 3.nim2.1s to 1)'3 so leept 8:C such )lace t:l .!l 15 Z f ..~~ ~j- CI) ~ d 16 Iol~i ~ 1117 ..:I<dl : ~ 18 .~ " ,'.", ~ '..:.",i....;;;.I._~....-OiII;, .!,....J..~;:"'.liili..~:... ...... 1 '-,TV'. t'l~ nar,c of ?l1Y :}('r(~O:l ocr::'::"'~'::'l1S C:-'.ny ','lj,lr'.i 01" ::labi ts,- 2 ~..; 1.0:'1 \Iit:lii1 T"1"i~+.'T (GO) _.- ~J.. "'v v f'?;8t 'f:CO~<1 C:"'~~C~.I -')Jc'.(":"~', :f~.ll'1t~-'~~I' s.:.:,~-.t 3 t}-:.'~It ,1't1,7i::; 'J,:;\C:} ]. i (~ ~.:\:-l t ]. [;':.~.l (~: r;~ i 1 J. ::~ "', ~ ~: co', .... .:.., ",;......\...uJ.. '01 4 alJ 0:[ t~"18 Ol'''/':':]'.~,~-lC08 of t}~l.e ~~jnt:/ 0:;.... '-"';8.}'1 ~~'1"1'1r~>l~:.1.iY10 J.i 8 "'.1J1 e S in :;1,ny ;'l.8.nner ther'2t.o anct wi1l obey each and all or(;,ers a:'l(:C 6 r,::.:u18,tions of the :3oa:;:( of ~Ica1th f'.nd l1'?,",lth offic~"O::' of 8"td '1 .~.; i t ~l. LT:) 0 ;'1 t:~Lr.: fj. J. ii.l\..~; o~c S 1.,lC}l 8..~~):)]. i ('"~ ~:~ t i 0 1"1 t~- c =-: O_r'~, l~(~ of ~I ~~c\l tl'l 8 8J~J:.l1 :":ct:!.fy CtJ.J ~)1?I'~!OnS :"~8ir5.i~"<_~ '.~Jj.t~lirl =:'ift:{ (50) feet (:.L:l.s- 9 tant fro~ ~1e ?lace at ich it is )ro?osed to kee"J any such 10 nnim"',]~. or r~uch lic-:-)tion, '.ll11e:':5s (~:w:J.c11 Yli)tice ~J<; .....~...:,..i '":.r8cl, ~tJ1(1 11 ~,~, ,i:-l :'.':c,'],~l(~~ 8110.11 -;::'.c ;~:'I";:::~'~~.)Clll . , . l:l'":'-'" r:: ~c ::. . tc ~~~~;_,i'~~_ -")1"(::: i,28S 3~rlcl if 12 1~'1 'C~-~('~:ll" O~?~1.,(li i'l t:.~.~? L;rs:;:,-lt:L~l'lG of' e",:~c:';. ('l..}~)~Jlic ~t.,i~) V/i.II :10~~ -:Jt3 13 '::.etj::>~C.~'lt~'J to t::e lJUblic health and \velfare of said Oi ty, . 14 the 88;1e sJ:1all bp&iranted lJut -snaIl be sU1Jj ect to c3.neelJ.atia . .., ,:!:1,"t:'J.C!u-c notice U on such ap:,)J.icnnt 11~Gl'2Ctill[;' to IJbG21've any rule or regulation of the :Board of l1ealtll i:1. ::'ol8,tion t}l:;:rn"~o. SECTION IV. The board of health of the City of San Bern__:lr,:,ino is herc1)y f-J.'J,thori zed t') "8J::e sHe!!. ru108 anc:. 1'801.1- ]. o..~~ i::) 2/18 :-1 '-=:', i t ~,='li}.J~ J cle r~r'] ~"l ,~~c e s sar:-, i' 0 I' t~.',;,e ~)l~r::; s er\"'~~ t i 0"': 0 f 19 tJ.~.c ""J'LL";JJic i'lep..]~tJ.1 .~~]l:'~ '~'1elf,sJre o..nd~ l..l~)o~(} bl"'r-l~lti-:'lg: 8J1~'" ~'~)(?rJ";1.i6C 20 ,- <; lJ.':'110 i nb pf ore ~r()videcl, i;-:r")ose Ll'')on - , s}--:.g11 have aut~lol'i t~T to 21 ':'>0 :101''':'on 118ceiving ''Juch :J.';lrnit, 8UCll conrU,tionG as yrill in- 22 r.mre 8. sanit,'1,ry COiY11tioY1 inE;,nd rJJout tllG :1lace . .-C' . , SpeCl.L lee, 23 jl1 su.c11 J)crr:1it. 24 SEC'l'IOn V. kY1.Y y::rc1on vio1atinc t:11s Or('L~8,:lce or any 25 rule or regulation of the Board of Health adopted ~ursuant ~ h2reto, aha1], be de~ued cuilty of & niddeneanor and upon con.. 27 v1ction t:ler,:;of shall oe runiched. 'by a fine not to exceed One " 28 11"1"1"'1-"1 (4~lOO 00) T"olJ "1rc ...~. \..-l..., '........ .::. '. tt? . ":..' ..~" "...1,. or by iElprisonm'2ut in the r:;i ty ,Jail 29 :10t to exceed Thirty (30) Days, or rJj- both such :fine and 30 i.llIll'i ': OJElcnt. 31 Section VI. This Ordinanc'2 11 tsJce effect ,::']ld t'e 1n 32 ,"0""(' f""'")--" .",..,," ".oo!-"'r~ m"l'r.L.v f~O' \ .-- .....\J.. uJ........."- t..v~_.;.__... l....".L lJ..... J...I.J. V,,i ,..J J tl':.e due ;) l~b~J;:i C D.- ~,;::. --:~.O::IS ,g"ft 3r ,~: 2 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ~ 'i 15 ...~~ ~j- rll ~ d 16 . ~ 0 ~l.1.s '2' == ~ f 17 ~I::" ..:l<lXl <ll a 18 p: rll 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ill 27 28 ,29 \ \~ 3 h. tion of t~is Ordinanc~ S=~CT IO~'" VII. The City el1sr': csrtj_f~ to tile )2.S- 8[",2:8 of t:-::.is ')l'di':'.9:,:.ce:?,,]1". C-,U:38 tJ-~c ,::\'18 to ~)e 1ll.1.1)lish0d. for T:1ree ('7,) ,..,rl"'''''''C",.t-l'-T(>''"''~~''' ;'1 t'''1P C'",.., '__ \" "_ [",,_" .,:,. ,,~..:..; \; _,-, .,.>.c..-"';' ,_" ........ ~... ~ 1_'~1~... J. Bernardino ~aily Sun. I herel)y C; e:ct i:~l tr.l.8.t -l--'h~ '-'......, ~ . ! () 11 c~; O:L w:1C t"'~1"("~:r1..:JJ:'1C e VIas ~Of1..8~, '36 ~,-l_,~"'l ,,:~ ~,r1 !')~) t eC"'l by t}l8 I::,~1:;lrOl"1 'l"~ ,4 .__..... ~ .1. ~;Oj'^.c'10n COUDC 11 of t11C _. i t::/ 0: E)i.1.:1 J3ernal'dino, ~t ita }neeting held on the r-7 :d " .,L-::::. any Of~_---J 1913, by the followin2 vote. Mes~~~.44~~~. :tIoes I'. .Af~--: . . . ------:;:::::~~- .....-..--....._........... .. _"..... .......L ....-.----~----.. Cit.y Cler}::. M9rove<l this T <lay of ~ ~ 1913. /k~f_ ~r-Of t}18 CitY~ San J3 er~l:?,l:',Uno · I , r-~ IJ