HomeMy WebLinkAbout530 o '@ u w g- 14 ii:~~ :r:: ...l g f-. f< t:i 15 :J..p< o III ;:: ~>-&'l en ~.!i 16 _ '" tJ .J 0 ::! ~ 17 ~<( 18 19 20 21 22 23 o ------'.-..-'----....--1 , ,- ".';~) \ 1 Ore1 illa.1Ice ~.Tc. ~:.-: ."-~ ."'.~ .. . 2 A2" Oi{J).L:':.ATCE }{IGGUI.Pl.' l~~'G 'IT}; LT2..L: (:}' vrnlc'.L'" O~ ;: j::AIL+ 3 F:OADS,~"'I) P1\CflIJ3IT r:(~ T'nc LJ SB C!? :3IOW-O}'1' co ~:~T:r';M' I,OCO- 4 ~I'O'i'IVE:f: Jl,"f) ,g"Gr'.E:S "PI'l'''{ TT~~ CITY UF 2_A~' 3::{f':,"'.WJ)IJTO. 5 6 T"he T.iayor 2nd Co'n'l"cn Council of t~'e City of San Bernardi,n:. 7 00 'l-lereby ordain a~ follcW8: 8 Sect ion 1. It shall "he unlavr.ful for any person to 9 blow or cause to be blo\ii.'l1 any whistle 011 any steam lcco!lwtive 10 or erwine Used on c:my railroad track, except as a danger signal 11 to avoid an i'TIpending acck1ent, witnin t'nat portion of the City 12 of San Bernardir~o, the exter ior bO'...llldaries of vlhich are a.s 13 folloW's, to-wit: Comr'lenCi1Jg at a point where t}~e center line of Fiftb street prolonged, intersects Viitb the westerly boundary line of t''le r,ity of San Bernardino, t1"]ence north along the westerly boundary line of said City, to a point wl1ere the center line of Base Id.ne Street intersects \vith the westerly boundary line of sadd City, thence east aleng the center line of Base Line Street, to a pOJIlt vv"ere tne center line of Base Line Street intersects wi th t",e easterly boundary 1 ine of said City; thence sout}] aleng the easterly bo undary line of said City to po int where the ea:.:;terly boundary line of sa io City .i:1tersects with the eel: te:c 24 1 ine of F iftll street; tl]ence west along the center line of 25 Fifth street, and the cent er line of :: ifth street prolonged 26 to the po int of beGinning. 27 28 29 30 Sect ion 11. It s'la11 be unlav.:ful fo r any 1=,erS011 to open any blow-off cock on a. LOCO!:lotj,ve or Etea~ en,rine used in that portio:'} of the City of San Bernardi 110 , particularly descrihed in Section One of t'nis Onhunance, for the Iiurpose of allowing stea. 31 to escape tIlerefrom so a.s to !!lake a loud, or unusual no ise. 11 12 13 14 11--- ----------------------------- II Sect ion 111. Any parson violati~g any of t :'Je pro vi s ion~l 2 of tills Ord inance shall "he ~uil ty of a mi :ode:"neancr am' 8'0 a,ll upon 3 cOI1Yiction thereof 1Ie puniHhar)le by a fine not exceeding One 4 HUl10rerl (:~~IOO. 00) T)oll;:u~s, or by i:mprison'llent in tile City .Jail 5 not excee(lil1G Tnirty (30) days, or .by bot:1 such fine and i:-1- 6 pr i sonment. 7 Section. IV. This Oro incmce s11 all t 6Jce effect and 'h e in 8 force fron and after thirty deWS after it s .cas sage and arr;roval 9 by t:'le ~fayor. Section V. llhe San l3erncl_r6ino Daily Sun is nere1)y deHip,nated a~3 the daily nevisIJc:1per :ulo1is'hed and circulated in the City of San J3ern8:cdinc), in which this Ordinance shall be y;ublished. The Ci ty Clerk s1'JaJ.l cert ify to t1'1e p2.ssage of this 15 ordim-1l1ce XAA and snaIl cause t~1e lm'1e to "oe IJublished in the 16 said San Be :CHard ine Daily SUn "ny ins ert ions tl..,ereof in three (3) 17 : consecutive issues of the said San :B!:~rn8_.i:~ino Daily Sun. 18 19 20 I D8r:3r)y certify that the foregoin;:: Ordinance was adopted by t:'le ~Tayor and Com,1'Ylon Council of tl:e City of San BerncLrdino at its "".tin" held on tne>L_,. d'o/ o7~ 1913, by the 21 I follo\Yin~ vote, to-wit;: AyeS~_dJ:L't/ ~~~A'c~,ry- Uoes: ~ ' 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 _.-. - - -- -- - - - - - ~- ....- ---- PJY~f~ - -- ,-- '- "~'c ff"/-Cle'rk.- '- -~ v - -Approved t>Jis _ ..:z.._ f,~day of -}'L( !:-r (/ ~ "-~ Ii · J ~:')n--:-----;;-" A/- - - - ~_ h_ "-- ~ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ !!a~"':r t "" C it" of can Eo ~ard ino. 0' 1913.