HomeMy WebLinkAbout533 T o 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 r ~..".,," o ~ ~- - -- -~--------- --- -----~-- ------ -----~ --- 0'":'\ T' !"r:',~ ""c~-1? ~._!,--'-!.- .. /111 C:c1 i ~:F: :'2 "!,-'J:: j, (:1' ~.~.-_r:~~ }~8,t t~ cl.~~](;.; 1-3"\7'""1 i .~" ~l T~'''C}- :~;r.t~{ Tax f (, l' + '-'1 ,~) ~I I \..... ~'J.1Tetft T isc81 Year .,:C C :t' ("1' . ..: ,!--'", ., ".l. \,. 1".1 t}1e Ii.} C :'1 1'.11 CiGy cj Pa::~ ~':;J~'n(:,{'(~ilJc, fer 1:,"1-3 ')Cl'O';e c~' 'Taintcci1;ll" 1: ,~"un- ic i:;:.D,l Gcvern>r:ent cf 88 id City and Pay Lne the :Pr inci}Cll an.d Interest Due UPO:l t'-e Tiu"h"hard Water "Ponds, t'18 Antil Via,ter "BonoR, and t118 etreet ImiJ.o ve'nent Be nd d, D1Jr iN")" the rU1Tect T'iscal year. T"ne 1iT2yor a,no CC'l1"rJcn Ceune 11 (1' t1--'e City of Sa11 'Bernardino do erdajn as fclJows: Section 1. T'~ere js ''''ereby l2.vied fCT t',e ITesent fiscal year en all rrc~~rty wit~in the ccrporate li~its of the City of pan 'BenlHn1ine a rrOrel"ty tax c;f tV: ulon each one 1-1,;11(lr30 de lIars of t!le as~)essed vc1luation of suc'h p-or~erty as as;:;essed "y tbe County Assessor c,nd rr"tm"ned 'hy t'he Ceunty Auditor, and the tax so l'jvied and to be collected is here1Jy arrrcpriated as follows: Ge D era, 1 Fll r,d. . . . . . . . . . . · · · . . · · · · · · · · · · · · · . · . . $ st reet Fund................................... 1.0 11 i bra ry Fu nd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · I __L Park IYnprove~'qent Fund......................... Sect ion 2. 'I'nere is also V1ere'hy levied fOI' t'le yresent fiscal vear on HIl ~rererty ~itbin t~e corporate li~its of t~e OJ' e .. ( . LL, 1/" ~a,(Y GdljOUJ,d /,' lil9 Jj ,la'l ~I JuL, ICf,q, Cit.y of San Be~"I1a'roino'I\C1 sI,ecial rrorerty tax of(t 'c. q 4JW/c' U:p~ 11 each ene 1~uJ1i l'eo (JolJers of tbe assessed vE,luation ct' such prCI;erty, as assessed lW the County ,t\ssessor an0. njtuTned lJY 27 the raunty ~Urlit(;r, a,nd the tax so levied an(l to De collected 28 is 11er8"hy 8} pro:;;,riated as follows: 29 Hubl,ard ~Nater Bond Fund....................... 30 ..Antil iTiater ?cnd r,nd......................... .0.1 31 alW i:"e tax se lev jeo ani; tc 'Y1e ccllected s'hall r,e and is 'er' 32 I, 1,:-/ s et <;lL(>,.r.:L [1 }2cl.2 lITcrrl.,3t e c. fer t h-~ S I.::_~i 8 1 llJl:LQ..9~uQ f_ 1a.:"-,':,, - _.___1 II~~~-~~~---~---'------'~-- -~ .---.. .~----------------.-~------~~-'----- I 2 I ::: ::: i:r ~:: ::~e:C ~:::;, i::,:r:: t t:n,,::: ,,,:":::::'" C~:P:: r 8:::::' 9 10 i 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 f 18 19 t 20 21 22 23 3 4 5 6 7 8 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 and 6urin- t~~ lresent fiscsl year. f'ect ic n 3. There is alse h~~e~y le~ied for t~e T~e8ent fisc8l year en ~ll rrcr0rty wit~in t~e corporate li~its of t~e ,'0 If, ,~,1{.-I 0,<t'J I.'\L-lLcc"'c' r-I..~ l.Ji..Ja.^-1 "J ju!'1, !(!e:) J,' ..I} ct City cf f'on B?I"~2,nHnc^2. 61>?oi81 lrcrerty tax Of.el t;... ~. upon eac~ one ~undred rlcl]crs of t~e assessed valuation cf such lrC}~erty as E::tjSeSSed "y t'ne Ccunty Asses~)cr and returned ')y the Ccunty ftuditor, anrl t~e tax so 19vied an~ ~c ~e cllected s~all '1)-9 2.2:'0 is :~erel!:,>r set c,y;art 221(1 2Tyrclriated fel' the srecisl ]::vn:ose c:f' layirw t'-1e lrinciral 8,n(' interest on t'v,e ;::treet I~prc veYl'ent bond s dt1e and to 1!ecc'ne due, or to accrlle durinrr tne l,re sent (3b ect 1 ye8r. Section 4. Tne Taxes net"e"ny lel/ien 8"81] l)e ccllected at t'~e sa~':e ti':;e 8.nd in t1-'e S8.T.e 'YI3.1mer 8.S 2tate and Ccunty taxes and w'nen collected snaIl lie laid t.o tne Tre8svrer of tn City of ~aJ1 B'lrnard iro. Sect ion 5. The re~pective amcunts herein~efc~e design- a ted as be ine t'''e a:T:cunt of ta:~e s le -"ied c n eacl, 011e 1r-tund l:"ed dollars 0 f the a.s se s sed '.'alv8t ic n of all :prc perty ''''ere ineefor referred +.0, <'8 aSE;essed ",-'Y t'he County '~sseSf)Cl' and ret.vrned by t1'le CC1.mty~uditcr, axe 'ner'3D:,r fixed 9.8 the resrec+ive rates T' 0... tax for the rresent fiscal year for tne rt.'r:r'c ~)e ''''t~n; in:lefore de 8 i;:--na t ed. Sectien 6. T1-:e City Clerk is ~~rer~! (lirected to i",r1::diate- ly trans'~:it to t~e Ccnnty t\pd He!" a c2rt if led copy of t'-1is Ordin:'nce. See tiC:l '7. It is 'hereby found and cecl:-:':l"ed tnat t'nis (J rd ina,nee i::.; urgently requ ired fc;' the iWoY!sd iate Ire servc~t ion of V-'ep'blic reace, '0e81t~ arlC~ safety, t'"2t t'-1is c"c1 inance is provided by, ~nd 3dopted ~ursuant tc t~e lrcvisions of 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 I 25 Ii ,_._----------~-~--------_._~--_._---~--~-~-~-- Pection 130 of t~~ ~ity C~~rter of t~e City cf P~n ~ernRrdino 2 StYlQ an Pet of t""e Ler::'is12:tvr-'~ oi' t":e ~trte cf C2.lif"Cl'nia, 3 CJ.}:]rcved ;'Tare1r, 27th, 1895, 8l1(: refer:'ec to in sald sectien of 4 se-dd City Cl~2rter"by its title, a:')c1 ll~l th~ J:rd.'iiisicl1s cf sa.id 5 act t!1L Crdir.anee :'YIUst ta~{:e effect "h3fcre t}'e t~i~'d '7cndr:;;y () of 2epte~1'el', 1913, in crder to 1eV:'l (?,nd valid tax fer "l'Junicipal 7 I-'L'~-ICSes, and v:it'hcut w'~icn crclinR,:'lce 8,r:.d tax t~8re V/il} "he 8 ir,suf icient revenues or funds en f';and in t"'e 'l'ressvry of 9 S8 id City to defrc,y t1-,e eXrel1.ses of t':3 health deI-2rt-:;ent Cl~ ar" "".f ctner derart"l'Jent of said City. Tne City Clerk shall certify to t~e ra~8ape of this Ol-d ir18nce I":'; a t\:c-t,'hir(s vete of t:~e 1"0"1']'''1cn Ccu.ncil, 2nd cause the same to be lu'hlisned in t~e San ~epn~rdi~c Daily PUD, ( a newerayer he 'e~y desi~nated as t~e daily news:r:aper published a:1C1 circulated in Pe ("it.y of ~an Bernanlinc, in 'ii"~ic'r t'-'is erdinance sha 1 he pu~lis~ed.) by insertions tnerecf in t~ree conseCl't iv-e issl'es of tre sair' ~an 'Rer~T'u'r< jnc Daily ~ur,;e I nere'hy cert if-,r t1r:cit t"'e w'hcle nvvn"er of YI1e'1']l)ers cf' t,'-'e rC'n'~10Y1 Counci] of P.,e rity of f'a:1 Bern21'(UnC is five (5) and tl-iat t"e fc;:'c ~c inc:' cY"dinal'Jce ':ms (lr'crted ';y rJaid CO~;':lcil at its ';Je 8 tin c' 1~ e 1 d c 1'1 t lie 8 + l~ (1 a~r 0 f' C!::> y + ,0:",,,',-"1- 19] 3 '~'T + 'he 'oJ _,' "'..1 ..... '-~.....,.!'-' oJ _ - , v'" ,. . , :.1.; u - ' fc,l]c,'\IjYJ(' vete, to-witf Aye'.:;: Gansner, Boswell, Hansen, Davic1son lTc e S , no nee Irvin;;:'; /) _~:ft;(/~~i> ,r ~_-:-Clt~~Cle.r:k: -_.-~,_.._- 26 f:pI-roved t'-1is 8tn day of 2e:r:te'1'J1Jer, 1913. 27 / J {j~. ---f:/i} '7/ I ' ^ ~ ~,{} ~ '"" / 'Ll /Y:[,.J .~ ~ _ . IA (/ 28 !' ;;://<(1 (( I 29 I ! Hayor of t',e City of S:-,n 'Bernardino. 30 31 32 i --- ------~------- --_.'._---- ._-----------------------._-_..._-,.~_._--~--._-_._-_..