HomeMy WebLinkAbout534 . e e ' c' 9 10 11 12 13 14 ,d,)!" Ordlnan C~ ~.!2. S:J Y- 1 l / The'Mayo"i and Common Council of the city of S~~ Bernardino (.... .', J,; > ' ' .. I do ordain as follows: \"~'7 .... v , >. The grade of Fourth street from the East line of A Street ~.,'~ '(~)D t. :~.f;~' the West line of Waterman Avenue is hereby established as , 2 3 ~ ):, . ]. II ~ \i [) 'r"olloWB: f"' '_" :".. . 'i ", ~ [~ B'The grade at top of c\lrb line at the Northeast corner of 7 the 'in'tersection of Fourth Stre$t and A Street, shall be 1022.8 i3 ;.~ "" i~ L cr~:.....~ as established'. ..t. '" 'f ~8' :~; ;-') ;''''' t~,,':riN'f~fI c' ~;. '>t...I:,~,~r C:;i.. ~:".,'~ ~', c.\ . _ ~" '~ .(, ~_';:", :;;.." y ~)~, a _.";:; "(:, ~i ,'.< , At 'the' 'top of the curb line at the Southeast corner of the "':"'" .,'."',,' fnte"i's"Eict1on of Fourth Street and A Street, the grade shall ,I... ,., 0.; 1 ,.~... be 10'22.4, a"sc-:e s ta bl i shed. " , ~ ,.' " , At th'et:op of the curb i'in'e', a\ \he North~es\""corner of the '. , .: ;:. (1 , . inters'ectlon of Jpourth Street and Baldridge Avenue, the grade " J. ',_ :,;,:,,- .c,; ::'>/ shall be 1023.35. t. 'J 'r ,,\ ," , ",. f 5 At' the top oi'the c~~b 1 ine :~t 'the 'Northe~st cor.~e~r o~;:the 16 ihtei-secti'Oh of Fou~th and Baldridge Avenue, the grade shaLk be 17 18 19 20 21 22 ~, ',"'. (:', ~.: t 1023.44. 'At a'paint in' the North 1iQe of'Fourth street 1501~eet East ",., ,,"_: , '. ,:_ ,,:;:: ,_' ;. " t.- , .;. __ " ,"':', ." t~-"f, of the No~theaBt'corner of the intersection of Fourth Street anm !,~;;' !;: Baldridge A~enue~ the' grade shall be 1024.05. At the top (jf the curb :lihe<~t the}T~rthwest corner of the ~,' .;. ',' . . intersection of Fourth street and. :r:rY'rtle Avenue the .'.4. " grade shall 23 be 1024a~. 24 At the top 'of the curb l.ioe at th~ N~rtheas;;:,9C?rner of the j" ;_~:'t'r4. ',<'" -", ..., 25 intersection of 'Fourth Street and Myrtle Avenue, tK~'\~'~rade ':'Sh;ll 26 be 1024.8. , .'. \ !'::" 27 At the .,/toPO/f the" curb line at tne Southwe'st corner of the 28 inter8~dtf(hi ot"'l1l'burtli"stieet and All~J'l Street ,the grade ~h:ll 29 be 1026'~l. ." 30 At 'the top of the curb line at . theSatitheast corner of the 31 intersectiort of Fourth street arid Allen"St~eet, the grade shall 52 be Id26.3. ..r. '....' ,~ At the top of the curb line at the Northwest corner of the I I I J ~ ~, l intersection of Fourth Street and Interocean Avenue, the grade shall be 102'7.3. 1 At the top of t:le curb line [,t t.,c; l.'ortt,east corner of 2 t11€ intersection of .i;~our'c.L street and InteroceEw I\.venue t HIe 3 grade shall be 1029.6. 4 At the top of the curl line Et a. point in the '~::,outYi line 5 of Fourtl! c;treet opposite tile intersection of theL1orthv:cst 6 corner of :J?ourtl1 and Interocean Avenue, the grc\de shall be 7 10:(''7.0. 8 At the top of the curb line at the }'orthweet corner of 9 the iDiH'seetion of Fourtl', Street and Waterman Avenue the grade 10 shall be 1030.6; 11 At the top of the curb line at tile Southwest corner of 12 tne inter see tion of :;'ourth Street and Waterman Avenue, the 13 grade shall be 1030.2. 14 At all points at right angles with the curb line, the 15 grade at the property line sh,,:.ll l)e 3t inches higher than the 16 grade. at c.ab.he curb line; 17 ~\.t the curb .Line, the grade of the gutter l.ine shale.. be 18 at all points 10 inches below the top of th~ curb. 19 At 2.11 po ints the gr;~.de of the center line of' Ule street 20 sll.all be three-te;ths( 3/10) of a foot above c' met"..n betv'een 21 the top of the curbs t.al<en at right c,xlgles. ')') -... 'rhe grade of the street -between descri1)ed pointEl 811.,1.11 be 23 a str2ight line. 24 All elevations refer to the t01) of the cur1~t where otherwise noted, ar{-~ in feet and tenths, 2J1.d are ~ a plane 25 0h c.- c, of the city 'bench Jn8.rk v:hic1'1 i~1045.28, as est::lulished by 27 Ordinance No. 383 of t:~e Ci ty of San Lernardino. 28 The San Bernardino Daily Sun is here'uy designated 0.8 the 29 dcdly nev:spaper publi shed and circulated in the Ci ty of San 30 :Bernardino in which this ordinance sh;::'..11 be published. 31 The Ci t~l Cler:tc shall certify to the passage of this 32 Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published in said n -,::,- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 San Bernardino Daily Sun by insErtions thereof in three (3) consecutive issues of said San bernardino Daily Sun. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adoI\ted by the :..ayor and Com.mon Coune 11 of the C1 ty of San Bernardino at its meeting held on theLda~/ of 4.1.p: I ~~I.. I ~ J/''iL fJ~~'O"~'-7 ,.. , J1 1913, by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes:~-r. ~~, ./~, Noes: ~.~~ r~" /~-i .~~-c---~.. ,. City C1erl~ ,> \..>- .. , (j/ Approved this 6 day of -" (J .;{,' ..<.....,._, ~:L-12;/ ~ / 1913. /' ~ . /'/ .1/ . ' " ---iY /~ 4.?'7.?6C"7t' //(.J J ;1" J';Iayor of the Ci ty of San Bernardino. -3-