HomeMy WebLinkAbout540 ~ i 15 ...il~ ~j3 C/J ~. . 16 r.l~j := ~ ]17 :l. I:: _~ ...:l<1ZI "" ; 18 :xl rJJ '0---..._ .~ -- --------- I.; r .. 10 . i ; \ \ ! . ~ 1 ORDINANCE No.f}!1J '. 2 .AN OJp)INANCE REGULATING THE CUTTING OF PUBLIC STllEETS, ALLEYS, COURTS OR PLA- CES WITHIN THE CITY, OF S4N ~~~INQ. OR MAKING .A!\Tf KIND OF E~CAVATIONS THEB.E~." lIf. 3 ... 5 6 7 8 The l!ayor and Cormnon Council of the city of San 9 Bernardino. do ordain as follows: 10 'Section 1. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person, 11 - . firm or corpora.tion to cut 01" open any public street, alley, court or place within the City of San Bernardino, or to make any excavation of any kind whatsoever therein, for 'any purpose, without first obtairiing permission,in writing, from 'the Super~ intendent of streets of said. ,City so to do. Seot'lon 2. Before the Superintendent of streets shall, grant any permit fo'r : 'any of the purpo~es ~~n'€ioned in section I hereof,' he :must require the applicant to 'state, in writing. the purpose :tor whic~ such cutting or excavation is to be made and such applicant shall, before any permission isgssued, shew that he has a legal right and authority to occupy and uee the 12 13 14 19 20 21 22 'street for the purpose mentioned in such applicHtion. 23 Section 3. WheneiTer any such 's,pplicatioh is filed with 24 the street superintendent and suchap~licaht has a legal right . ' " ~ 25 to occupy and use the st:rPeete, a,lIeys"arid:plaees w1thinthe 26 City, for the purpoe-e therein mentiohed. . such streetSuperin- i 27 tendent Shall estimate the cost and eXpense of repairing the 28, street, alley" orplabe' s~ to be cut or eSc.cavated. so as to " .., 29 place the same in as good order and conditIon as it was there- 30 tofore and shall thereupon cause snoh applicant to deposit such 31 sum of money with him before 'any per.mission is issued hereunder, , 32 and Upon the depositing of such sum of money, and not before, ) . ~--- ~." -----------'_.,~--_."...........-.~-~"'_._-- 1 2 3 \ 4 i I 5 I I I 6 7 Ii 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 " .!I 15 ~~~ ~~~ tll t 16 . '1 Ii IN ti.s :1:1 ~ 1 17 :..~j ....<< <l ~ 18 ill 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I' ,I ."~~- ..,..-. .' . ': j ._o~-., ~",",......' said street Superintendent shall issue a permit to such appli- ca,nt for the purpose mentioned in said applicn.tion. Section 4. .The person to whom such permit is granted shall, at the end of each d,ay,. notify, in writing, the it K S~~erintendent of streets the condition of the cut or opening and shall also protect the publi~ by proper barriers and lights, from inju:z:y by reason thereof, and shall immediately notify the street Superintendent, in wtiting, when such cut or excavation is ready to be repaired; whereupon the street Superintendent shall proceed to repair the same and pay there- for out of the money so deposited by such. applicant. If after such repair is made by such Superintendent of streets there still remains in his hands any portion of such deposit the same shall be tetained for a period of six months to pro- tect the City against expense of further repairs by.reaeon of . . v'.,l.., such cut or excavation and at the end of such six months, if no rurther repairs are necessary, such surplus money shall be returned to the depositor, or in the event an insufficient amount is aeposited by the applicant to cover cost of repairs J which shall occur during six months, such applicant shall dn demand, pay to the street Superintendent such additional sum as said street Superintendent shall expend in making the.re- pairs occasioned by the said cut or excavation within a period ef six months from the date of such permit. Section I. Any persoD,v161ating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and " upon conviction thereot' shall be plin'ished by a fine note;&:ce@d ng Three hundred <$300.00) Dollars or by imprisonment in the County Jail not exceeding Ninety days, or DY both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the Court. Section 6. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after thirty days a~ter its adoption and ap- ~-_.- ----......~ 1 2 3 4 ~ .~ 15 ... ~ 0 ~<li:';l :ntd 16 . ~ 0 f>l ~ .s z 11 17 :I: Ill" :l. ~ e ...~&l -< ; 18 :>: rn. 1 Section jf. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and caUse the same to be pUblished three 5 condecutive days in the San Bernardino Daily Sun. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted and approved by the Mayor and Common council of the city of San Bernardino, at its regular meeting held on the t.fd..!:!. day of 'November, 1913~ by the following vote, to-wit: :::~/J~,~'~~~' - --~~~ city Clerk. 6 7 8 9 10 11 The foregoing ordinance ie hereby approved this ~t' 12 13 _"". day of November, 1913. 14 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 t