HomeMy WebLinkAbout541 ,/ " .i! 15 2'< e ...~o ~j:la tI} J,." If> . '1 tS falloJj := 1117 ~<~ < ; 18 ;.: rn ~---'-'--==--=-"~-'~ ^ --=-,-."_..'~-_,,- / 1...l . ~ " . ----.~--_.-----.~-.,.-------..,--.-~__.._. ________...L 1 ORDINAlTCE J:tO.W.... 2: AlT ORDINAlTCE PROVIDIUG FOR THE GRANTI1m OF' FRAlTCHISES,M.AKIlrG IT mrLA\1JFUL TO EXERCISE AllY FRAlTOlttS. WX!HotJ'l' AuTHORITY AND MAKING IT tiiTLA~ui'lTO:: "UY O~ l!Af~TA:t:J irlPES oi{ 3 5' 6 '-', ~ COIIDUITS, OR TO ERECT OR !1AINTAIN TELmGHAPH, 7 " TELEPHO}m OR ELECTRIC LIGHT OR POVmR POLES OR WIRES IN ANY OF TEE PUBLIC STREETS OR ALLEYS OF THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, WITH- OUT A FRANCHISE. 8 9 10 11 11 Section 1. It is hereby q,eola-red unlawful for any person, 13 firm or corporation to e~ercise any privilege orfranc1l1fJe to lay. or maintain any pipes or conduits in or under any public street, or alley in the City of San Bernardino,fo1,' the ;:.trans- mission of gas,wet~t"" h\'!l.~t. at-earn.. or other subeta.nce o.r~Q. exerciee any franehiseC)rpri vile.gef.or the ereetion or main. tenance, in or upon ~ny public street or alley in said City, . 14 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Secti~Xl 2. MY, PE!r,cu~,4es~ril1gt~ .;procure a franchise 27 for any ot the purposes mentioned in Section 1 hereof, shall 28 make.app~1c6i.t1on'th,r~f!,<in th" l1lann~r requ~r~Q1n and "Qy that certain act entitled; "An act providing for the sale of 29 30 street railroad and other franohises in counties and munici- 31 palities, and providing conditions for the g~anting.o~ ~uch franc~ise~ by legislative or oth~r governing bodies, and re- 32 '.,"",, \ . .... r\) ~ pealing co.f~1~t~~g ,-ql.. U A,pproved. Me-:rCIl, 22, 1'05, ;aeamen- , ;d.,~.. An"- t,hereupo:g. tile Mayor and CommonQC)un<;il.ehal1.1prO,,, 3 . 'f,.d~o the g~ant1ng of such franclliee in tn. rnannelusetcsforth .. t.~",,~~t..~as~ a~41::~~~9.$ a9111,;~nQ. .the a.me~~ent~ tber~tQ*,; so ,far :'I' ..'" .J 5 as applicabJ.., ;fah,a.tJ.fSi.'l',~nl'~theg~.~..1.niO't . :er8llchd,.S.8/w~tbi.n .. c , ,......!;."~ . "",-''''''''':'_ ;~~"_""'" '"" _:.' .....,..;.... .. ,iii, ,:.....,'.." '. "'-'0 ,,_ :' ,'.~" ," .",;,.,::0, '" ',,',:. (<\',.. '"," ',_ -." '~'''','' ,~",,,i...,..." ...". ".',".. -,.~.-". ~'. ".~..,.,.', -..,. -,-,."-,,,-,,/. ',-,,"', _w"'.'" ' 6 the s.ai,d City; prov,~.?-~,~! however, that the J'i1~YO.~ and Common 7 Council shall have the right to ref'Useanyfranchise for, any 8 of such purposes, when in their opinion the granting of any 9 such franchise wi~l not be for the best interests of the City 10 of San Bernardino or the inhabitan1l!Jthereof. u Section 3. The granting o~..i.t.n'y;rr'a.n.c1iiae for any-ot. the. 1~ purposes mentioned in Section 1 hereof, shall be subject to 13 such conditions and restrictions as said Mayor and Council 14 shall prescribe and impose. ~ .~ 15 Section 4. Any person, firm or corporation exere18ing or ;~~ ~1~ 16 attempting to exercise any franchise for any of such purposes ;11 17 or laying or maintaining any pipes or cronduits in or upon any -4"",~ "'" @ 18 street in the City of San Bernardino, for the transmission of ~ I7.l 19 gas, water, heat, steam or other substance, or erecting any 20 telephone, telegraph or electric light or power poles, wires, 21 or system, within the City of San Bernardino in violation of 22 this Ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and 23 upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceed- 24 ing Three hundred ('300.00) Dollars or by imprisonment in the 25 County Jail not exceeding six months or by b6th such fine and 26 imprisonment in the discretion of the Court. 27' Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in 28 force frOm and after thirty days after its adoption and appro- 29 val. 30 Seotion 6. The City Clerk Shall certify to the passage 31 of this Ordinance and cause the same to be published three 32 consecutive days in the San Bernardino Daily Sun. ~ 'y.- ... ,~ '.'" ..... ..,. ~'. '" -- -.- . ~ - .. ;' ~.~' 'T.t<.:' - . , ~:i ~ 1 I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordina.nce"as .'i 2 adopted and approved by the Mayor and Common Council of the 3 City of San Bernardino, at its regular meeting held on the ,.':t,~d..~,..Q.;.:}:l~'Y.~9~,~.,191~, '.. by.. the following vote, to-wit: 5 AYes:~jJ~(~,d~~~. 6 Noes ~ ' 7 ,d~~~. 8 9 The foregoing Ordinance is hereby approved this .L.i! day of November, 1913. ~ rnar- dino. 10 11 12 13 14 " oS z a 15 ... ~ l; ~ ~;a :Il ~ i!3 16 . '1 t$ :.:i ~ .S z 1: 17 :J::O:oS """~ e ....=;~ <ll a 18 ~ Ul 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32