HomeMy WebLinkAbout434 ~~"''''''''""~,,,^=~ "...." 1 2 , .:) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11" 12 13 14 C!I .~ z il: ~ 15 ~.od~ ~..:l~ <n U ~ 0 16 . <I (Il ><.~ r>l'C :I: ~ ; 17 o <I ~ ~ t ..:l~i:Q < <I 18 p:; oS 00 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 . . t"'., '- _,;f' ~ , v .-- 'j ~.. ~ ... ,- OBDINAlTCE lTO. J!.~JI _' J_ / MT ORDIlTAlTCE M.AKI:bTG :IT UNLAWFUL FOR MT'f IE RSON OWJ:UNG, HAVIlTG AN INTEREST IN, HARBORIl:TG , HAVING CHARGE,_ CARE , CUSTODY OR POSSESSImr OF AJIT DOG, TO ALLOW OR PERMIT - SUCH DOG TOGO FREE OR RUlIJ AT LARGE IN OR UPON PUBLID STREETS, ALIJrrS OR PLACES, EXCEPT SUCH DOG BE MUZZlLED j ~ - PROVImNG FOR TEE TAKING UP, KILLING MID DISPOSING OF - UlDro"ZZL1.ID DOGS MTD AUTHORIZING THE HEALTH OFFICER TO KILL DOGS HAVIID RABIES. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino do or dain as follows :~ Section I. It is hereby declared unlawfu~ for any person owning, having .)0.....,. an interest in t harboring, having - ~ ~ charge , care, custody or possession of any dog, to allow - - such dog to go free or run at large in or upon the pub- lic streets, alleys or places within the City of San Bernar- dino, except-such dog be so muzz~ as to prevent - him from biting any pe rs on 0 r animal · . Section 2 . It shill be the duty of the ~ealth officer to innnediately take up every dog not m~zza4ed, as required - by Section I hereof , found going free or running at large - in or upon any public street, alley or other pub1~ place, - or in or upon any':inclosed lot or premi ses wit hin the City of Sail Bernardino , and confibe the same in a pound, - ~ to be established by him for that purpose t and said Health officer, shall immediately notify the owner thereof t ~ if such owner can be ascertained, of the fact tbat such - dog is 50 confined and also imraediately post t at the ehtrancE - of suCh pound a description of every dog impounded therein. not All dogs~redeemed and muzzated wi tllin three days after notice of impounding and posting of description thereof shall ... I [,11;1-' .11LIlil;t~..._""",.,,,,......,,,,..."._~. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 " $! z ~ g 15 '-'-...:l~ E::...l01 </) C) ~ " 16 . I:: rzl ~ .~ ~'O Z .. ~ 0: oS 17 o I:: il< !< t ...l~"I < I:: 18 oS ~ f/J 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ., c .".'" '-' ........,.; .. " , be immediately Section III. ~ shot and killed by the Health Officer . I... It shall be the duty of the Health Officer to immediately take up and kill any dpg known to have rabies or known to have been bitten by any dog having rabies . Section IV. The Health Offic is hereby authorized and empowered to en-re r in and upon private property for the purpose of ascertaining and deter.mining whether any dog kept or harbored therepn is afflicted with rabie s . Section V. No person slmll oppose or resist the halth officer or his ai3sistan1:s while engaged in perfonnance of the duties prescribed by this ordinance. Section VI. The Health Officer is hereby empowered to employ such assistan~ as shall be necessary to carr,y out this ordinance and establish a public pound in wh~h to J impound dogs taken up hereunder . Section VII. The Mayor and Common Council hereby find and declare that the running at large of umnuzz.ted dogs is dangerous and is a menace to the health and safety of the citizen's of said City of San Bernardino and that , therefore thi s ordi nance is urgently required for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety . Section VIII. Thi s 0 rdi nance shall tt ke effe ct ailii be in force from and after its adoption and approval. Section IX. The City Clerk shall certify to the adopt- ion of this ordnance and cause the same to be publisbed three days in the Eve.ing Index . I hereby certify that the whole number of mernbe rs 30 of the Common Council of the Ci ty of San Bernardino is five ; 31 that the foregoing 0 rdinance was adop-re d by ay.twoi.itiiirltl.s 32:'v~teC!(}!~:"s.a~&1'Jls.y:Or. and Common Counc il at its meeti:rg held 1 2 3 4 5 6 ~ I 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 (.:J $l z e 15 '"'~~ ~..lOi tJJ () ~ 0 16 . ;: fl:l i><.~ 1ol'O :z: .. ~ '" <Il 17 o ;: p.. ,.. Ii ..l~~ -oj ;: 18 P:i <Il tJJ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 on the to wit: Ayes: :Hoes ~. ."".".., ......i...... '!. '. \0 day of ]~rch , 1910, vy the following 0ity Clerk. t he re by approve the f 0 reg oing Ord..'Tlan ce th i s , March, 1910. Mayor of the City of San Bernardino.