HomeMy WebLinkAbout436 o '6 n ~ k ~ rs:j~ (/) I.'< U. <l 0 e:i e< ,e ~"E ~ ~ ~ -~ ;.,. p., ~ t J., i ...<.;;rtl < '~ ~ (jJ "".... L ,r' , \..../ . 1 2 OBDIU.A1TCE ITtJ:fuffi};lR ~ ~ . ') .) 4- AU OPJH1JAlTC'E REGULATn\fG TEE ]1;PJWTIOJ:T AIID 1IAIUTElTAlTCE OF 5 ELEPHOlill , TELEGRAPH MID ELECTRIC WI HE$, C.A:BLES .A1ID APPLl- ernardino, do ordain as follows : 6 - l'1CES tiifITHIN TEE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO . 7 The Mayor and Com~on Council of the City of san 8 9 - Section I. No person, firm or corporation shall place, 10 - erect or maintain any telephone, telegraph or HE electric 11 .rire or cabJe p:t any kind , in the City of san, Bernardino, 1') .. than fifteen (15) inches to the center of the 13 ole carrying such wire or to which tile same is attached , center of any other 14 I~~_nearer than fifteen inches to the 15 ole whether connected with such wire or not; 16 provided, however , that this provision shall not apply - - to wi res or cables running from underground and placed 18 vertically , nor to biidle or jumper wires on such pole 19 attached to or connected _. with signal wires on the same 20 pole, nor to wires attached to or connected with aerial 21 cables, nor current nor circuit wires running to arc lights, 22 t nor to wires a tached to the top of' the pole · ro,'"" L,....1 Section II. No person, firm or corporation shall erect or maintain any pole, to be 'used for carrying telephone, 24 ')~ ~.:-:' - - or electric wires or cables, in such manner that telegraph -. the center of the same will be nearer than fifteen (15) ry- .'" I inches to any exaiting telephone, telegraph or electric 2H wires. 29 Section III. It is hereby declared Unlawful for any 30 person, firm or corporation to erect or maintain any primary 31 - or secondary wire or cable, in such a manner that the same 32 feet to any other primary or than four be nea:rer will 1 1 2 '"' .) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ro 14 0 'E z " ....~~ 15 ~"d oo....lu E- _ .. 0 16 ' I:l W i><'~ r>l'>l z ~ :0 '" ;: 17 o ~ p.. (.. t HE-' P=l <: <: " ~ d 18 if! 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 jif'<-"""- I......... "-,,-,_..... ~ ... secondary wire , except that primary wires. may be main- - tained nearer than four (4) feet to other primary wires '1 I attached to the same pole and secpndary wi res may be maintained nearer than four (4) feet to other secondary wires attached to the same pole; provided , however, that nothing herein contained shall apply to a secondary wire. attached to or connected with a transformer or to wires or cable,s within buildings or other structures, or to elect- ric wires or cables where t]~e same are run from underground and placed vertically on poles or to lead wires or cables entering buildings or structures. Section IV. lTo person, firm or corporation shall erect or ma.intain cmy primary wire or cable wi thou t causing each cross-arm or such other appliance to which said primary wire or cable are attached, to be and rernain , at all - - times , painted a bright yellow color, so as to give warn- '" '" ing of the fact tnat the wires thereon a,re primary wi res and are dangerous . Section V. No cross-arm or other appliance to which secondary wires are attached shall be striped or painted the same color hereinbefore providc'd for the painting of corss-arms or other appliances car~vinG primary wires . Section VI. No person, firm or corporation shall erect 26 - any guy wire or cable, attached to any pole or or maintain 27 '" carrying any electric wires, without causing such appliance 2r\ - guy wire or cable to be, at all times , .effectively 29 or ci.rtsulat'fad." at (~. distance, Of not.leBs ;thansi:;e feet more. 30 !t-han1 e-icrht.,feet 'f'rGm eaoh 31 . b 32 t made C' along tJi;' Ene of ..en d ::th ere'of .: ~f 'Etea.euremen t to '" such guy wire 0 r cable . (2 ) oj 14 (}) '" Z 3 H jl: ~ 15 ~j3 (/)., . (,i ~.13 16 14'" :r1 z ~ ~" 1>-,. ll. ~ ;; ...:1;;;Pl <>: " P<i ;J; 18 , 20 21 22 23 ') ~1 ~.' t 25 26 2i; 29 30 31 32 I~ "'- ,.",..J 1 2 Section VII. It sha].l be unlawful fir any person, firm or corporation to attach.. to any 191e .,. vertical " ..) ~ electric wires or cables without causing such wires 4- 5 or cable to be , at all times , wholly encased in a wood - 6 en casing, constructed of material of not less than one ~ and one-half inches in thickness . I" 8 Section VIII. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation. to attach any transformer. to any pole, cross-ar.m or other appliance, used to support I' 9 10 11 - or on which is placed or attached any arc light. Section VIII. No wire or cable used to carry at any 12 13 one time ~ 5000/or more, volts of electricity, shall - be erected or maintained less than forty (40) feet from the ground . Section X. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to attac}1-..: to any '" one pole, more than one transformer, except such - - additional transformer or t]~nsformers be placed 19 , I I ~ I I I npon the same cross-arm and all IlIaced on the S8"(ne side of the pol.e . Section Y..I. Primary wires c,-ssing or passing secondary wires must cross and pass at least four feet above such secondary wires . 0"'": 41 Section XII. Primary wires must , at all times, he so erected and mai~ained that the S~lle will be at a higher altitude than secondary wires attached to the same pole or corssed or passed thereby, and all such primary ~ and secondary wi res must at all times be kept at least fonr (4) feet apart , except as herein otherwL.;e provided . (3 ) 1 2 C) j 4- 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 al 14 0 -8 z ... H~~ 15 ;S:"? (/)>-l() f< . .. 0 16 - <= (Il ~-~ ~'" z ... :c " ~ 17 p.. 0 ... f< " >-l'"'~ ..: ..: <= ~ " 18 if) 19 20 21 22 23 24- 25 27 """ ... ~ Section XI1:I. No telepho~e , telegraph or electric - rewire shall be attached to any chimney or fire escape or so placed that the same will interfe+e with the fa38z ::;~ ~, free use of the fir e escape , nor shall any such wi re of any buil(Ung be placed nearer than seven feet to tb.e roof"or top' of any fire wall.;. when such wires ar e passing over or above any building . Section XIV. No wire of any kind shall be so erected or maintained 1. ...~ ..~ that it will in any wa1 prevent the free passage of linemen going up or down the poles . Section 'XV. All branch primary wires shall iD: have attached thereto at least one cut-out plug · Section XVI. !To steps of any kind shall be placed upon any p01e near than twelve (12) feet to the ground · Section XVII. All transformers that are banked together Shall have a notice stating such fact posted on workine ~~ about such iT ans- of the fact that the smae are 8m that all persons formers will have notice bamked , or otherwise marked so as to disclose such fact. SectionXVIII. The words It prir.flary wires" as *aed herein are to be construed as meaning electric wires maintained for the purpose of conveying , at one timet $00 v01ts v.f more of electricity. 2H The wom-as It secondary wires" as used herein are to be 29 30 31 construed as meaning , wires maintained for the purpose of - carrying, at one time, leRs than 600 volts of electricity. The words" electric - wire" as herein used, '311.2011 be con- .- 32 strued as meaning a wire carrying mlectricity for (4 ) '. '. 14 r.:J 'E Z " H ~,g 15 ?;:<C; rJ)..:lu .. . < 0 ] >Ii l>< .S J) f>1 ,"0 Z ,. ~ ~ ~ p. ~;; 17 ..:l~;:O P2 a 18 10 11 12 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 ')"" -;:) 26 ')~ 41 lr*'''' " ,,-. ) '- ... .. 1 2 c omrnercial use. 3 The words II pole" as herein used shall mean the poles l~ used for carrying, telephone, telegraph and electric 5 - wires. Words used .n the singular shall include the plural anD. those used in the plural s11a11 include the 6 7 singular . 8 Section XIX. NothinG in this ordinance contained () -,"# shal.1 be construed as applyine to trolley wires, or to wires used e"clusively for t.he purpose of carrying electricity 1Ex to be used in co~nection with street railways . Section XX. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published for three days in The Evening Index . Section XYJ. Any person violating any of the provisions of tili s ordina;nce shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be pubished by a fine not exceeding $300.00 or by im- prisonment for a period of not exceeding ninety q.ays ,or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Court · smction XXII. This ordinance shall take effect from and after and be in, force" thirty days after its adoption and approval . I hereby certify that the foregoing ordnance 2H was adopted and approved by the 1itayor and Common Council 29 30 31 ~') .....J..-/ of the City of (<an :Bernardino, at its meeting helD. on the o ~~, d~19l0~ -by the following vote, to \1ITi t: ~ .;1. W 10 12 13 14 o oa Z .. H ll: ~ 15 ~jd (/) f< u. ~ ; oS 16 ~ 'B. ~ ~ ~ p.. ~ 5 1'7 ~ ~ ~ < <: " ~ rZ 18 'I..,..... '"",," '. \,,--------------.--,---- .. 1 AYe.;~~-<Q~ ~~ 2 r, .) 4 lroe~ 5 '" ~::'1 ~~. l: ty Clerk~ 6 7 I hereby approve the foregoing ordinance this (::'~ day ~1910. h. ~~.4_ 8 9 Mayor of the City of ("tan Bernardino. 1.:> 11 ~o 17 20 21 "Y) ,..... 23 2+ ?'" -;:) 26 ?"" -, 2~; 29 30 31 32