HomeMy WebLinkAbout438 > ,> >> c ,..'''''- ''''''"''' \ , "','l.l"Jii 'y o IIDllifAJJCE , ~y l:ru:MJ3ER ~ 1 2 3 An ORDllTAlTCE .ACCEPTlnG T:H:E RO.AJ:JWAY OF FOURTH STREET 4- }j'ROM TEE WEST LnrE OF D STREET TO TIm EAST LDm OF F 5 6 STP,RET . VlliEREAS , the roqdway of Fourth Street from - 7 the West line of D Street to the East line of F Street 8 has be~n fully constructed to the satisfactionof the 9 Superintendent of Str8ets of. the City of San Bernardino 10 and of the Mayor anct Common Council of said City and is 11 in good conai tioD throug'hou t and a sewer " gas pipes 12 an~ water pipes laid, therein; 13 14 o 'a z >- H ~ ~ 15 ~j~ r/) U 8 . W ;.s 16 ~'E :c '" ~ p.. ~ iJ 17 H!;;Pl -<: ~ P:i (A 18 lWVl,TJ:rEHEFOHE, The Mayor and Common Council ~ ~ of the City of San Bernardino do ordain as follows: Section I~ That the entire roadway of said Fourth Street inluding the curbing fram the West line of D Street to the East line of F Street be and the same 19 is hereby accepted in accordin03 wi th Section XX 20 of the Act entitled II An act to provide for work 21 upon st reets t lanes , alleys , Court s places and side- - - 22 walks, a.nd for the consir uction of sewers wi thin muni- - 23 cipalities", approved Mateh18, 1885. 24 - - Section II. This ordinance sball take effect and be 25 in force from and after thirty (30) days after its 26 adoption anc1 approval. 27 Section III. The City Clerk shall certify to the 2r\ passage of this for~going ordinance and cause the srume 29 to be published for three ronsecutive days in The Bvening 30 Index. 31 I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance 32 was adopted by the Mayor and Comnlon Counc il of the Ci ty of _I "h Ii" 1 - 14 " "2 z ... H tl: ~ 15 :;::-l"2 rJl ~ u. rzi ~.s 16 ;<l"" ~ Z ~ "" ~ <=1 1....' p.. ~ ~ ",l'<~ < < <=1 ~ :J, 18 1""" "'-' . ""I ,..."I the~ , to wi t : d~,y of '; '~ - -.. 1 San Bernardino, at its meeting held on , 19107, by the following vote 2 "l .) AYeB;~,\.~,LO~ ~a( U oe s : 4 ,., ;) ~~ Ci ty Clerk. 6 7 8 the~oregoing ordinance this ~ 1910. ;( /l~1 ff:.l3.-~ ~ ~~ 9 I hereby approve day o~ I 10 11 12 Mayor of the City of San Bernardino. 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2H 29 30 31 32 -