HomeMy WebLinkAbout440 ..; .' ! r "/ .. 14 " .~ z .. >-< fl: 5 15 ~j8 U). E-- ~ r,j ~.s 16 [;<'0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E 17 ...l~Pl "" ~ P:i /J; 18 29 \~: 32 c ,~ '- -,---~-,-'- 1 2 3 ORDInAlTCE l1Ul.ffiER ':1-'-1-0 . J.JJ ORDn~AHCE ArOOIDIJSfG OPJ)INAHCE lru1ffiJm 373 OF :i1IE 4 CITY OF SM! BERNARDINO ENTI TrnD II Al:T OnDIN.AJiCE OF Tlm 5 CITY OF SAU BERNA...1IDINO REGULATING TRAVEL MID TRAFJ?IC UPON 6 TIm STREETS MID OT1-mR PUBLIC PLACES OF TIm CITY OJ!' SAN- 7 BERUARDnm; DISTPJCTI1TG SAID CITY; PROVIDInG FOR TIIE JB SUAlTCE 8 OF PERMIT S III CERTAIN IliB TAtrCES: BEQ,UIRIJ:.TG ROIDIS" BELLS, ~ 9 GONDS MID MUJj'FLERS TO BE ATTACEED TO CERTAur VEHICLES MID 10 FI]IIJG A PIDIALTY FOR A VIOLATION THEREOF; ADOPT}{:D MID 11 ~ XPPROVED TEE 17th day of February , 1908 . 12 13 The Mayor and Common Council of the Ci ty of San Bernardino, do ordain a s follows : - Section I. Section 21 bf Ordinance Number 373 of the City of san Bernardino, entitled II An .~nance of the City 19 ~ of San Bernardino regulatine travel and traffic upon the streets and other public pJa ces of the City of San Bernardino f districting said City; providing for the issuance of permits in certain instances ; requiring horns , bells, 20 '. -.- gongs and mufflers to be attach~~ to certain vehicles and fixine a penalty for a violation .thereof", adopted and approved the 17th day of February , 1908,~is hereby a~mended j 21 22 2_' .:"l so as, to read as follows : 24 25 Section 21: It shall be un1aw:f'ul for any person to ri(l~ drive or propel any vehicle at a rate of speed greater than ten miles per hour upon or along any of those cer- ?" ~U 27 2H tain streets or portions of streets in the City of San Bernardino, described as foll.ows , to wit: 1~1; t, ,. ~! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . 9 10 11 12 P ,J '" 14 0 'E z .. H~~ 15 e;j"2 (f) () f< _ "'i 0 16 ' " rzl ;.< ,~ ~'tl :Jj Z ~ 0: " 17 p.. 0 .. f< " H~~ < " ~ oj 18 (f) 19 20 21 22 23 24 l 1" \- --, .....,,# \'~-,,"," 'It }II> ~./ .//.~.. B Street from Thi rd Street 1:,0 Sixth Street . J C Street :Prom Second Street to Sixth Street D S t re e t from Sec ond Street to Sixth Stree t E Str'3e t from Second Street to Sixth Street F Street from Second Street to Sixth S t re e t . J G Street from Second Street to Sixth Street . J H Street from Second Street to Sixth Street Second Street from :s S t re e t to H Street Third Street from B Street to H Street ; ~ Fourth Street from B Street to H Street ; Fifth Street from B Street to H Street j ChDr~ Street from D Street to E Street j Court Street from D Street to E Street j Sixth Street from B Street to H Street j Section II. A new section is hereby added to said Ordinance 373 to be known as Section 22t and to read as follows, i to vii t: Section 22t: It is hereby declared unlawful for any person, to ride , drive or propell any autom$bile, motor- .. eyc+e or-bycy<H,eupon any of the public streets of '-he Ci ty cei San Bernardino between the period from one-half 25 hour after sunset to one-htlf hour before sunrise , wi th- - 26 out having attached theyeto lichted l~ps showing white ~~ lights visible within a reasonab~ ...,1 distance, in the - 2~; direction toward which said vehicle is proceeding, which 29 30 31 - lamps shall be kept constantly lighted duri.,. such time 'J Section IV. A new Section is hereby added to said ordnance . 23t Numbe r 373 to be lmovm as Section and to read as 32 I follows ~ to wit: ,~~"- . .. / 14 " 'a Z ... .... ~ g 15 :s:jOJ 00",,": ~ ;.5 16 ~"" .... z @ ... ".: ,.., Po. ~ ~ 1 f ~"'I'l -< -< .: Il:i ;), 18 -' ",J' .. .. .-----..... /- ~ . , 1 2 ! sha11 3 Section 23~- . Every owner 'of a motor-cycle ~ 4 for ever.f s1\tch motor-cycle ~ owned by him lid: j file with the Chief of Police of said City a Statement of 6 his name ani address wi t...l-J. a brief 00 scription of ih e 7 motor-cycle M' ..i.:r~, including he name of the maker , 8 - the factory ,style and numoo r , - on a blank to be pre- - - \I pared and furni she d by said Chief of Police for tl:la t 10 purpose . The filing fee for so doi~ shall be ~$2 .00 , 11 which shall thereupon be paid to t.he said Chief of Polic e . 12 Th~t ilmnediately upon the filing of such statement and the 13 paying of said fee to said Chief of Police t he shall enter said statement in a register to be kept 1ax by him for that purpose, and he shall ~ 1h ereupon is sue to said person so filing said statement a Number t together vIi th - followin2 words thereon . a certificate havirm the I I I I at all . . I ~~L' of said-""l...ig:lel I , 19 II Regi stered lrotor-cycle .1 Berna rdino, California , , City of San Number - wit~ the registration .umber 20 inserted therein , whi~h said number sh~ll 21 - times thereafter be displ.a~ed on the baok 22 in such manner as to be plainly visible at all times . Said 23 numbers to be Arabic numbers , black on white back-ground, 2+ - each numeral to be not less than two inches in heighth I and each stroke to be of a width not less than one:1alf~1 and also shalJ_ ha.ve as a part of said number the ~ I ab:lu-'evia ted ~ of the City of san Bernardino lltX 25 26 n,1-; L,I 2:-\ in black upon white baCkground, said abreviation to be - 29 II S.}3." and no motor-cycle ~r'~)ie-y~ 1tlDall be used 30 or operated upon any of t.he publiC streets of -the Ci"tv 31 'of San Bernardino, after this ordinance takes effect, with- - ~ 32 out having been registered as aforesaid and having display- ,... ~ 1 2 '"' .) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 oj 14 " 'E z .. Hi!:~ 15 e:j" rn U .. - <l 0 16 . <i (il i><'- 1<1'0 !Il Z ; ~ <:: 17 il. 0 .. .. 0) ....1..~ ..t, < <:: ~ oj 18 if] 19 20 21 22 ')~ ....0('---' 24 ')- ....:) 26 27 2~; 29 30 31 32 tf' '"'" '- - -'~~ , . --------~-.~ ~''--.., ed thereon the registration Number in the manner afore- said . Section v. Section 25rof'Otdinance number 373 of the said City of San Be rnardino is he re by a mend.ed so as to read as follows to wit . , . - Sec'ti on 25: It . shalJ. be unl:lwful for any person, to drive orpropel any bicycle, automobile, or - ~ motor-cycle or other riding machine or horseless En vehicle within the limits ofehe City of San Bernardino, ~ without having attached to such bycycle, ~ , motor- ~ cycle or autamobile or other diding machire -. or horse- less K~~~ vehicle, a bell, gong or horn in good - working order , and suffici ent to give warnirg of the approach of such vehicle and to persons entering or leav- ing the street cars, . Said bell, gong or horn shall be ~ of such size only as may be necessary to give such warn- ing , and shall not be sounded except when re cessary to give warning . J..,n"jr ordinance or part of ordinance in con-flict herewi th is hereby repealed . . Section VI Any person violating any of the terms of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, men t . Section VII. This ocp.inance shall take effect and be in force from and after fhirty days af~r its adoption and approval. Section VIII. The City Clerk shall certify to the ; \,... I 14 o 'a Z b .... il: ~ 1 e;<O; .5 (/)~<-: w ~.s 16 ~"" :0 ~ ~ c.. ~ E 17 ...If-<I:Q <: ""' " >::i ~ 18 , " "-" "'- - :.) . . ~ ~ was adopted and 8I>proved by the Mayor and Co:rmn.Oll Coum i1 of I ,\ the.ftity o~ San Bernardino~ at its meeti~ held on the I I ~ day of , 1910, by the following TotB , to wit: 1 2 ~ .:) passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be pub- lished for three (3) consecutive daus in The Evening 4 "" J Index . 6 7 I hereby certify XR that 'the foregoi~g ordilmnce 8 t) 10 11 ~~~~ 12 AyeS;~~\.~' 13 1Toe~. "0 1./ ! · ~ C '\"A A ,.1 . Approved this ~day of -, ,,"""Nt"O ~ 1910. A11.~ 20 21 22 ~yor of the City of Sm1 Bernardino. r-,r, 4,) 24 25 26 '),.., .:.1 2.{~ 29 30 31 32 ..