HomeMy WebLinkAbout448 .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 c:> .!J z ~ E 15 ~ood~ ~~';;j rf) U ~ ci 16 . l:l f:ll i><.~ 1>l'C Z ... ~ .. <II 17 o l:l ~ ~ t ~':;iXl ..: l:l 18 <II ~ rf) 19 20 21 22 23 24. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 o 1""", ~" () I ORDINANCE NO ..,~. 'f g . AN ORDINANCE PROVID BTG FOR AND CAI,LING A PR I:HARY ELECT ION TO :BE IillLD nr THE CITY UF SA1T BERlTAR~INO ~lID IN ?'t,./"v'''1h;.--V- TIm CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO SCHOOL DISTRICT ON TUESDAY, THE ~ ~A lith DAY OF C{tARell, 1911, Dlvrnnm' THE CITY INTO Mu:mCCIPAL J~L}!:CTIO:H PRECINCTS A1~1fiS]OF VLECTIOlT. It The MaYQr and CQnilllQn CQuncil Qf the City Qf San BernardinQ dQ Qrdain as fQI1Qws: SectiQn I. That a pr{mary electiQn shall be held in the city Qf San BernardinQ and in the city Qf San I B~rnardinQ SchQQl District Qn Tuesda'y, the 14th day of (,.t.~Z ,', ~;./::~c ..:/ i. ". M~rbh, 1911, for the purpose of nominating candidates fQr the following Qffices in said city, to-wit: 1st. Candidates fQr the Qffice Qf Mayor. /~;' 2nd. Candidates fQr the Qffice Qf City Clerk. 3rd. Candidates fQr the of ice Qf City AttQrney. 4th. Candidates fQr the Qffice Qf PQlice Judge, who shall be ex-officiQ City Treasurer. 5th. Candidates fQr the office of members Qf the City BQard of Education, to be nQminated by the electQrs of said city and the ~lectors of that portion Qf the city Qf San Bernardino School District lying outside the said city. 6th. Candidates for the Qffice Qf member Qf the Con1mon Council for the ~lird ward, to be nQminated by the eleZ1tor9.9f~sa~'dJlar e- ~~~ ~~~~,' <. ,. f ~~ a<.... ~ 04 L ~ f ~~"- ,,7 ;/.1-.) 'Y( r: f'th. (Ca idate~ i{;r ~ffice of member of the jJ (: Common Council for the lifth ward, to be nominated by the electors of said ward. ,~ . conventio s. f}'th. FQr the J!ie!iBilHltiRg tif delegates to the municipal SectiQn II. That for the holding Qf said primary electiQn the said city of San Bernardino shall be and re- main divided into twelve municipal election precincts, the "'J;;""'-''',',"__~_".4",..~.;,1;~lliUi'<;ii:;;.p,;~;.q-.::~'"I<~',""C..J",*,~,~_'iliH;...(",,,,,_""'_......._Cj,*",,,",;r~%,,;;;;;j;,,,:,C'ii''''''''''',_,;,;;;;,,,;',,,'.,,,,,,,;:;;"",;:-::.;:;':''', 'C..:-..'i-'.;_:':'''"'''''_~;~_!li'~~''':';:-''W-,';:'";^,:,,,:,; ;m;.r.;,~..~....;~"";*"..::,=",",';';;"".,:,;"".~:",:__:.:~."",""',,,,,,,:,,,,,':,:<'~ ,,,,,',W'~"";, Ffi' l>" '1, ;I!In":,-,"-'-,iUf,~-['.'" ,rll"_~,"""""_~__~,, "- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 c:> ~ z Il= ~ 15 l-4oel~ ==....~ I/) U ~ 0" 16 . ;:: r.tl ~.~ ~'O Z .. :x: '" oS 17 o <1 p.. f< .. ....~~ < ;:: 18 oS i:l: 00 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 .C... "__","-,..~~';;~'i,I(,:,_m:";\~.E~1'-~-_',,,,~ o .:') ~ ,) ..,. boundaries of which precincts shall be and remain as fixed for the election of state and County 6fficefs at the last general election, and that portion of the city of San Bernardino School District lying and being outside of the corporate limiCs of said city shall constituae and be one election precinct to be known as "Municipal Election Pre- cinct Number Thirteen". Section III. That the following are a description of the precincts and designation of the polling places the::ein, and the persons hereinafter named are appointed officers of election in said precincts, respectively, to-wtt: MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NUJ\ffiER .ONE. Municipal JUection Precinct number One shall con- c:LO , sist of and be what is known",and called San Bernardino Number One Voting Precinct, and the boundaries of said Precinct shall be and remain as they existed at and for the " election of State and County officers at the last general election. , Polling Place shall be at ~udJ0...4t\"" ~J~"~ Gj 1J~~~'t~~, . Inspectorsl ~ i!~ Judge: t1/':!:J':f' a:I~. Clerk: r w.g~ , Ballot Clerk: ~ tA/. ~ MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER TWO. M:unid.pal Election Preeinct Number Two shall con- sist of and be what is known~nd cal:l'~d San Bernardino Number One Voting Precinct, and the bourldaries of said Precinct shall be and remain as they existed at and for the election of State and County officers at the last general election. -2- ","1j!\' ,~' :":i'~'. ~'"Ujrf~,V'n''' ,:', --" 1ft." ,~,~"",'''~'''''''''-.'",,-,,,,-''''__'''~'_'~'''''~_''''~'~''< n ("'- - ~"",_""""~",,,,,~,",__,'-'~~__~,"C''''_:'':''''''''' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 o .~ Z Ii: E 15 oS 1-01 .olI.... ~~"2 tJJ U ~ -5 16 . s:: f4 i>< .~ lol'tl 0:: ~ ~ 17 o <l il< .. :; ~~P< < <l 18 al p:; rJJ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1.1"- IIliBli'I"II.lilI-.' '1 - '''"'-~'' o .~ ,--..,,,.,r ~ /C j? .rJ () ,JMh ; 3 7 t~ "h Polling Place shall be at V~ I~p?____ r AJ'-Z.~~A-<rU-~~~~ ,b.~ ~ ~~ Inspectors: c/)~ )R~~. .Judge: ~,If?)?~ /'J ~ ' Clerk: ~~ f3~J~ Ballot Clerk: ~ b, ~~, MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NillIDER TIllUllij. :Municipal Election Precinct Number Three shall con- sist of a ,d be what is known as and called San Bernardino Number Three Voting Precinct, and the boundaries of said Precinct shall be and remain as they existed at and for the . election of State and County officers at the last general election. Polling Place shall be at ~ ~~ oz.u ~~~~Z:Z::~~~~~ /Inspe6t'ors~ /I. ~tf . .Judge: ~ f: /AJ ~ Clerk: '/. E:. .:JJ ~t:J... Ballot CI erk: /5f~ -p. t' ~ ' U MUNICIPAL EIJl~CTION PRECINCT NID,8J~R FOUR. Municipal F,lection Precinct Numb er Four shall con- sist of and be what is known as and called San Bernardino Nmnber Four Voting Precinct, and the boundaries of said Precinct shall be and remain as they existed at and for the election of State and County officers at the last general election. Polling Place shall be at ~, fO~. ~ ~ ~T r~L/^~- ~ f r..-:f ~ S-~ \ t i!:- ~. , ., Inspectors: r (/3 {' l~ r' "udge: ;;:~;f:::;;;u C I e rk: rf urv!r vf; / c:J~ <--<-'J '-' Ballot Clerk: W~ (/ (!~ -3- 11:n t:.~"""_~_'~_"".l-":.l 'III~"","'- - ,,"'ltt " .n~1 ..____j;...,it__~\'Ji1~.~:.i;,..;,.",;,_"'~.,.,' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 " !! <= Z fl: 5 15 l-locl~ a:~'; IJJ () ~ 0 16 . <= w ~.~ III '0 0:: ~ ~ 17 o <I P.. ~ t ~-<lll -< <= 18 oj ~ IJJ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 >~ ~ o ~ MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT Nill,ffiER FI\~. ;'Iunicipal Election Precinct IJumber Five shall con- s1st of and be what is known as and called San Bernardino Number Five Voting Precinct, and the boundaries of said Precinct shall be and remain as they existed at and for the election of State and County officers at the last general election. .' ~ Polling Place shall be at~I~~~~~_~ liJ4a.:/~ ~ t".~ ~ ~~ or "3 -~. Inspectors: ~ J5, ~~ Judge: ~~. t1.L4~ Clerk: ~~. ~~.~ Ballot Clerk: -;t;2n W -4~ MUNICIPAL EJECTION PRECINCT NUMBER SIX. Municipal Election Precinct Number Six shall con- sist of and be what is known as and called San Bernardino Number Six Voting Precinct, and the boundaries of said Precinct shall be and remain as they existed at and for the election of State and County officers at the last general election. Poll in€: f 1 a c ~ sha 11 be at W ~~:t; l(~,,-.(\ c..,~\c..."'J 07A~~~~~ 3~~"~ Inspectors: 1.:1~c ~ g:.~~ Judge: ~ ;p ~ Clerk: ;jl~AAA1'i4. "/11/F {j~ Ballot Clerk: ~,> ' )/(/:..., , ~ A ~:1-- /J~~ ." 'G., MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NU'13ER SEVEN. 1,~unicipal IUection Precinct Number Seven shall conQ sist of and be what is known as and called San Bernardino Number Seven Voting Precinct, and the boundaries of said recinct shall be and remain as they existed at and for the election of State and County officers at the last general -4- 1m "Wijlll*-i.,"""!r,I''1, !i i~_____~ -. ,.q 1l! I.J. . .t__~"'i.""~_"";~""'-4,"'""'~"'~>-""" ,",........,.~~.".^',...,,,,.~"-,,,,.,,,';,'''''' .._.",._;.,-;'^"...,-....,"""'''_''..,.'''"..,.,..,>ii+F~*_.~.~_.I>c'',,;.-.,..~'~"~'f,'''" -,' '. I' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ~ !: z il: ~ 15 ~<ld~ ~..1" r/) U ~ 0 16 . <:: iJl ;.. .~ Iol'tl :r: ~ ~ 17 o <:: Il. ~ .. ..1-<~ -< <:: 18 ~ 01 r/) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 __"'~""_~"'.'~",,,._.;:l,,..,,,,!i,-\_ :1ol o ''I c~ ("2 election. Pollin~ Place shall be at ~''tA",t I ~'t(...'1.t ~ ~jv'," <L e-.A', r..\'.':.i,\:':~; .~:G, . Inspectors:~J' HVL ~G Judge: ~ ~ Il~..;,,,"lc' ~~,\..)- "" Clerk: (3,.<<. i~ .) (\ (L.jJ. Clerk: ..i'\. -,- ..~ .r...v:...-.~<__-,---y"'~ "> () Ballot MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NUMJ3ER EIGHT. Municipal Election Precinct Number Eight shall con- sist of and be what is known as and called San Bernardino Number Eight Voting Precinct, and the boundaries 'of said Precinct shall be and remain as they existed at and for the election of State and County off~cers at the last general election. ~(J"'~.\cx.~O ~\>,~ ~::;:l~~l: ~~ ~ ~~~., j~ .}'~vr).../\), ^> /!--,,- ( Inspectors: a., J-. /~ Judge : ?E. '- f. 1:1 ~ -~ Clerk: 1/J ,,::../V1--"_v Ballot Clerk: -"~'_JV"," )' y'~ ~,,;'.;. .. MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER NINE. Municipal Election Pfecinct Number Nine shall con~ sist of and be what is known as and called San Bernardino Number Nine Voting Precinct, and the boundaries of said Precinct shall be and remain as they existed at and for the election of State and County officers at the last general election. Polling Place shall be at ~ ~ ~_ ~ ;U~ '~KX-~.'\.. =Ef V /t. Inspectors: A, ~J. LA! ~, Judge: J}~~~ ~ Clerk: .,.- '. '" ,". A i',V J.....--c"""........-~"\...-\..-t .~.. tf':"\ ..1..- \~:'~2.:>-r~~--) \.,__, 15al. .LO 't /:J tr" ,AI ' -1 C.LerK: ~'':''''v',_ " ~ ...~-- -5- 1I__~_-..-,-YJ~!,', f'r,'1I' !iI<_1;I,ll.'t~Tll. -'I... ~~iW",,- ''''H)i.~'''''''~'''_4<''''~__'''_1 1'1', .. ~ nltl,TI 'IF'l1'1Ii ..4'".RIJi-;[i....~",; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 " 0:1 '1'1 zll=.8 15 H "Ill.... ?:;...<Oi rJl U ~ 0 16 . I'l fl:1 ~.~ r.:'O :I: ~ ~ 17 o I'l P. .. ... ...<;;;.l5 -< I'l 18 0:1 '>i U) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 "~- ~-.'~ o ."..~ ~.,;I CI .,.."',....\ ) ''<# MUNICIPAL FLECTION PRECINCT N~mER TEN. Municipal Election Precinct Number Ten shall con- sist of and be what is known as andcalled San Bernardino Number Ten Voting Precinct, and the boundaries of said Precinct shall be and remain as they existed at and for the election ofbState and County officers at the last general election. " ~~C;::;:J:;:;~:s';~J:ft~~~~ ~~U).~ Judge: -d~ cI~, Clerk: ~ d, ~;Jj' ' Ballot Clerk: )'t,~ l:;,;/,,~~ MIn~ICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER ELF:VEN. Municipal Election Precinct Number Eleven shall con- sist of and be what is known as and called San Bernardino Number Eleven Voting Precinct, and the boundaries of said Precinct shall be and remain as they existed at and for the election of State and County officers at the last general election. , ".' .............~..., '.. ..~,..~ ~~ Polling Place shall be at., ~~" 7j/:7- 4/L,-,'~}L., f!1/J ~~I /~ ,b~ .J- t t~ 4~Vo, -r~ {/~ ~ /}/<.~:/___.{J..~._-...:..... a~/~ ~ -,(,.';''-, ":"'-'...J rJ Inspecto'rs: "t!/7:!:! 5-. ~. Judge: A.t/C. W ~, Clerk: ~ d JelA/L-1__/iJ' Ballot Clerk: /$~/i"/9 .~..:,' '~VJ//-^-"-, U MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NID,ffiER TWELVE. .~~nicipal Election Precinct Number Twelve shall con- sist of and be wht::.t is known as and called San Bernardino Number Twelve Voting Precinct, and the boundaries of said Precinct shall be and remain as they existed at and for the election of State and County officers at the last general -6- I 1 ."<1.~I'""'____''''''''''''.iii;A.__","",,,,_-,,,,,,",,,_,,,,,,,-__,,,, . ll'.IiiI~':IIl..r-"~:'11r.' ',_ '<r ~.' :ll.'.n. ,~"'_"_~"''''''~~i~.,_>i.i>4_'''''''..d'~~",~ II ' ,lIP', ~ll . ,-f" ''IlIl'1IfIli' ';lI n' llm'"n " J!'l',~ ,t', ' ..,,~"...' ,';:.;ili"" . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 o .~ z ~ E 15 .8 looooI "l!..... ~...:l';ij <I) U .. . 16 ool 0 . ;: CIl ~ .~ r<I'C Z'N :z: " 01 17 o ;: Po< .. ... ...:l~~ <11 ;: 18 ~ 01 <I) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 '"""",., o "~ ~~! c .." election. ~ . Polling Place shall be at ~ ~...:;- ~-. ~ 1-J~t/~ tLrt... ~~ ~ ~ Inspectors: r.!, if. Js~. Judge: ~Vf.5)-.~ Clerk: ~l(,/J.l i '\<.!.-/~4. / f/ J Ballot Clerk' ,)/1,..'7, :':'J.t./du~ . ,/"/ ,'.... -/"-",-" ~-~ ; / MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT InThffiER THIRTEEN. (City of San Bernardino School District outside of the City) Municipal Election Precinct Number Thdrteen shall consist of all that portion of San Bernardino School District as the same is now established and exists, outside the boundaries of the City of San Bernardino, QS the boundaries of said city are now defined. , .+--r-.J J ~~ PoLing Place shall be at M-: ~ ~ ~ 7~~~~~' Inspectors: ~A7 4. 4:1(.,.t1'i'7el:::;-' Judge: ~~ ~J it~~ Clerk: ;;Ie I . .ll """' !_ ,'./ <'\ "-e./f~-"";-- Ballot Clerk: (\ . .r/ _;~ "'-L- -;"l;/~ , , V ., ? OJ ') l'-.: -{, //'1:../ Section IV. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice of said primary election in the manner and form and for the time required by law. Section V. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage mf this Ordinance and cause the same to be published for three days in The Evening Index. Section VI. This Ordinance is urgently required for the immediate preservation of the p8blic peace, health and safety and is hereby found and declared to be such urgency ordinance required for suc~ purpose and the City Clerk shall certify to its passage by a two-thirds vote and shall cause the same to be publised as hereinbefore -7- ~~ . .. t, , '> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 " .~ ;: zll:,E 15 !0001 "'ll ._ tl;.4<a rJ) U !< . 16 '" 0 r,i~.E Ill'" :J1 ~ ~ 17 o ;: il< ~ ~ '"''':~ ..: ;: 18 <'J ~ rn 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 . , ') .........' o o ''wJ provided and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect l'TJH . Ifi~" abd be in force. was adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance . San Bernardino at a regul~r meeting thereof held on the 20th day of February, 1911, by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: ~:) ,/ ('J ,~ -'- I c ' .' .. :;VU-v 7/:-ctJ :4.. ~~ / Ai /2_, 'r! 0/ '\,!-U-vrv ---<--'" I /l~ " 4 ;. ~-r.--<vv:'- tI' " Noes: yf.-.,.r'.-c..,.":'- ~ 3w:2.21 f -=--,..fJ, /_~ // I r ,/,,1 ,.'" /,,'~Gc ,'", ~:'" v..:::>',./~......-, CITY CLEEK. Approved this '-- ;. ~.:~ _.day of February, 1911. If"!," 't'~ ~j/y, /I}" C1>) 'V!/ttj MAYOR. -8- :. T . U!I J f..l_~_____