HomeMy WebLinkAbout456 .. .. c ) (~ '" /,. ",:\ '-' LJS~ .:J ORDINAnCE NO. AN ORDn,rANCE DELATING TO THE STORAGE OF HYDRO-CARBON LINQ,UIDS AND HIGH EXPLOSI"v"ES WITHIN TIIE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. ......... The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino do ordain as follows: Section I. It shall be unlawful for 8.ny person, firm, or corporation to store or permit the storage on premises kept, owned, or controlled by such person, firm, or corporation, or keep for sale within the fire limits of the City of San Bernardino, any of the following articles, except as herein provided, to-wit: Any petroleum, gasoline, distillate, benzine, or any product of petroleum or hydro-carbon liquids, other than refined kerosene oil, except the same 'be kept in a fireproof building detached from any other building at least twenty-five feet therefrom or nearer thereto than twenty-five feet, or the same be kept or stored in a tank constructed of galvanized steel of not less than . No. 12 gauge, riveted steel to steel joints, or of iron not less than three-sixteenths of I.U'1 inch in thi ckness, riveted iron to iron joints, all joints to be ca.u1ked tight and free from leaks, and all such t~.mks to be coated with tar or other equp..11y good rust-resist- ing material; all tanks to be buried beneath the ground and to be covered in t}~ following canner, to-wit: With a solid block or nmss of cement concrete, not less than four inches in thickness and extending from the outer edge, rim, or body of such tank on a.l1 :sides: thereof not less than four inches, provided that said covering may contain the necessary vent pipe or pipe connections from such tank through such cement concrete covering, said pipes to be cemented therein so as to prevent any leal{age therein; -or'vrith earth or other fireprOOf material at least two feet deep, anti surrounded on all -:2 sides with fireproof :ma.terialand not in larger quantities than one hundred gallons. provided that where crude oil or distillate, or other hydro-carbon liquids are to be used for fuel, the same to be ..i'-"'_'~'_"'~"'^"'\"',,_~ .'_"~~....._"..,,-i!<!ft4 'j(Iil!IiI.. .r._r;'~'..w.","'.."" " ..,.... .y.,.,.....~~..{c,;-..._,...' ,........,..'__;nj...:'.l.::. II .. ~ . "jL ~J___~~~~,'!1"'v'"'''''''''''c''''" 'r~ .;ii4!J' - - .. c ... "'-' ~' :J consumed on the premises where kept, quantities in excess of one~ hundred gallons may be ke~, provided it be kept in tanks construct- ed or reinforced concrete constructed in accordance with the approved methods of cement construct1~n, and approved by the build-- ing inspector of the City of San Bernardino, or of steel or iron constructed in accordance with the approve-d methods' of I steel and. iron construction and of suff.icient gauge, weight, and thickness to prevent breakage or rupture under ordinary conditions, the manner of construction thereof and the materials to be used,therein to be approved by the 1Juilding inspector of the City of San Bernard- ino, and buried beneath the ground and covered with earth or other fireproof material at least two feet six inches deep and surrounded on all sides with fireprOOf material. All vent pipes or connection. from tanks to place where oil is to be consumed or used, shall be provided with shut-off va.lves at a point thereon distant not more than five feet from the tank. The opening or pipe through Which tank is filled is to be securely closed except while tank is being filled. Tank shall have a vent pipe not less them three-fourths of an inch in diameter to be attached to tank and e4tenq. out of building and upward at least ten feet a~ove the ground, and to be covered at the top with copper gauze or close mesh. All coml"ct- ions to be made tight with well fitted joints and all pipes and' connections to be capable of resisting a pressure of not less than two hundred pounds per square inch. All connections from storage to buildings, furnace, or other place where oil from said tank is to be used, and the method of feeding, to be subject to the inspect- ion of the Chief ot tibe Fire TIepartment, provided that for ordinary domestic use, fuel oil or distillate may be stored in elevated metal tanln:~ ot not more than fifty gallons c?paci ty, placed upon a. foundation or structure vlhol1y constructed of fireprOOf mat~rial.~ Section II. It shall -be unlawful for a,ny person, firm, -2.. ":~.N..._ fl UU U I. I I .~IlfIl. . .1 .l t.; -....:..11. .1lIl.iIl~~i>,,,,~<;,,'"+""'.'.".'.~JJf"I,q,,,",+-~.*,,";..........,-",~-,,.""'~.".'_.,.~,~._~._~.,+_,._....~__,~.,,".,,,., - ... c .~ ,,-'"" (....i :) '-" or corp'oration to store or permit the storage on premises occupied, owned, or controlled by such person, firm, or corporation, or keep for sale wi thin the corporate limits of the City of San Bernardino any of the following articles, except as herein provided, to-wit: Any dynamite, giant powder, nitro-glycerine, or similar high explosives, e.xcept gun powder in quantities not exceeding t':venty-fi ve (25) pounds. " 'l.';/~i.'~\ ';;~,'>':,","'7:~';::;,,:,:: Section III. Any person, firm, or corporation ViOla.tr~if,.~~~~j any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty~~:> 'f '-:':"J~:"~'i~ misdemeanor and upon conviction' thereof shall be punished by a Jr.t":: not exceeding Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00), or by not exceeding ninety (90) days, or by both such fine ment in the discretion of the court; and every day during whi,ch violation of this ordinance shall continue, shall be considered consti tuting a ne\~r offense and be punished as in. this Section Section V. This ordinance shell ta.ke effect and provided. Section IV. All. ordi nances or parts of ordinancef;J conflict Merewith are hereby repealed. force from and after ten (10) days after its passage and apl')roval. The City Clerk shall cert'ty to the passage of the foregoing ordinance and cause the same to be published for three consecutive days in The Evening Index. . Aye s : €#{C1 ../ l.. 1'7>C~9.. t?/:-q '1:"/;' ~ \1-<,/ '~/ n.ffJ.-\...~ ( ../ p '>( ; ;n u':1"A' . ~'-1'>). rt-ev , _~. r _._._ Noes: ~/ t//:3 /?~ ~ A-e ..(.t1:lL.- City Clerk. ._-- - I hereby approve the foregoing ordinance this ~Vday of July,19l1. AA~~ (Ah'r "Mt:ty",f ;(" th;!C1tY of San Bernardino. ~..~~,~"~ Wf.. 1.ll1!jl1/!..., ..:tu .. Irll. ~'Ili~'.rr "._,..._""...,.."""",."',.'",H-ill>..,;',"""-;,.;";.....~....""';,,.~~~~..".'''''''-'- .,..1,"'";.Fr."F\l>#fi<#"~....._,.,...''''.,\,....;.....'..ii''';'.~..".......i.'~.'e..J~"".',..-"'..if~..."h..-.;;>i'''''".......''''.'..,,,.'}-+",.,"~,,,'H."'''~''''~''"'''''-'