HomeMy WebLinkAbout457 (2) .. -"..";:;~.; ,11. h '4 ~ ,~ \.., , "" ....J .... OR"')I1TA}TCI~ =ro. .L/S7 AN OP.IJIHAH'jE FIXI1TG THE ~'JWI~;:)SARY A;~OTJ?JT 07 ;~O=;]~Y '.La l~~-' PAISED loY TAXATIOJ~ on TEE TAXA13J..E PROP:?R~Y OF THE CITY OJ7' 3AH m~R~"ARDI;;O, l,G REVEliUE TO CARP.Y OU TIm VARIOUS DEPART;:.E:~TS OF ."rr-' :ma (~n)j\.L GOVERHl'iImlf.r OF THE SAID CITY, :r:'OR 'l'EI~ CUP.RE~TT YEAR, AnI) TO PAY T1L, PRINCIPAL AN]) INTEREST DUE AJTD CmrrNG DUE UPOJJ TIm po:mlI:D rmE:~j1'EI- NESS OF SAID CITY. ; ............ The !;l9.,yorand ComMon Connell Berna~dino do ordain as follows: of the City of San .1 Section I. The amount of Y'1one~r necessary to be raised -by taxation upon the taxable property wi thin the (:orpor8te li;,li ts of the City of San Be!'nardino as a revenue to carr~r on the vari OUB departments of SU('h~>1uni cipal corporati on for the current fiscal year not to exceed the lh1it fixed by law, Dna to pay the bonded indebtedne~s or other indebtedness of such Municipel corpor- ation is hereby determinid rnd fixed ns follors, to-wit: (a) The Rmount of ~oney necennary to be raised for the general fund is herelJY fixed at Tyrenty-Seven Thous811Ct a.nd Sixty-'\ Six Dollprs ($27,066.00). (b) The "'mount of ~"loY1e~r necess8.ry to bp. raised for the street fund is hereby fixed at Twenty-Six Thousand Three Ihlndr0d and Eighty-T~o Dollars ($26,382.00). (c) Thp amount of ~oney necennary to be raised for the Ii brary fund i;-; hererJY fixed at Three ThousHnc1 Four Hundred o:r;cl Eleven Dollars ($3411.00). (d) 'rhe HElOUJt of ,'Doney necessary to l)e raised for the , pa,rk improvement fund is ",erelY'" fixed at Four Thousand Pi ve Hunc:.r(~d and Forty-EiGht Dollars ($.1548.00). (e) The nr:lount of Mone;.:r ncceosnry to be rais0d for the HubrJArd water lJond fund is here"t)y fixed at Eieht Thrittsand Four Hundred r,nd Fift een :Dol18.rs ($8415.00). '~.~,4Nr.1 L J JjPtl~l .. ...l. U 1l!HlIi ."f'~r'''';-";' '."'."'."".".~'!!""Ii~:'~.""'+-':~_-__...- -", ,....~_.: .-".".'""'''''~:~;''t~~~,__~_",,,,,,,,,,,~..,, " , ., .... A '" .; \,.,' ,.' ~ ......... i-..) ,~ ....~ \ v (f) The amount of Money neces8ary to be raised for the Anti1 bond fund is here-bY fixed at Three Thousand Six Hund""'ed and Thirty Nine Dollars ($3639.00). (g) The Hmount of money neceC8Etry to 1Je raised for the Muni cipal Irnprovement fund is hereby fixed at Eight Thouo8.nd Four Hundred and Fifteen Dollars (#8415.00). Section II. It is hereb~r found and declared that this is an ordinance for the im:l"1ediate preservation of the public peace, health [?,nc; safety, and that this js an emergency measure, it being an ordina.nce provided by Dnd pdopted pursuant to Section 131 of the Ci ty Ch:~rter and by an act of thC" Legi slature of the St8te of California, e,pprov,ed March 27th, 1895, B.nd referred to in said I Section by its -title, by the provisions'of which Act thifJ OrcUnsDce must take effect before the third IJronday in Septe:(1ber, 191J., in order to levy any valid tax for rnmi cipnl purposes [lno '''i tl'1out whi c11 ordinance and tnx there wi 11 be ins:.lffi ci ent revenues or funds on hand to defray the expensea-. of t:(le health department or any other department of the City. Section III. This ordinance 01'1811 be published fOl" three successive da,ys in The Evening Index and sh811 take effect immediately thereafter and the City Clerk sh~)ll certify to its passage by a tyro-thirds vote of the COITi!'1on Council. I hereby certifJr that t::1e vThole number of r1eribers of the Common Counc! 1 of the Ci ty of Sa.Y1 Bernardino is f'i ve (5) 8.nd th8t the foregoing ordinance was ~dopted by said Council Ft itc mppting held on t:1e ?:I: 7- day of h~>., 1911, bjr the follovrij";,('; vote J , to-vd t: ~ (' Ayes: o. .' /8 /' . ~"" l7 \ J/1 ( ~~/ /'0.?~~__._ ~~--_...._-_.._-_._._-,-_. Noes: ~J ..:J(~ cL/~~~r}_~__ City Clf'rk. Approved this , day of ~~ 1911. JIllDUL 1;I1l,.u Ci, v~r 0:2' S f'~, 11 I~ e r 112~rcli j ~ () .. ~ ll.J .1 ...IMIJl Il!Ll .. ! ..~"'"'"''~'-<-''-''' "....._.."......"._"_..e-.__"",,"".~~.: '1IliO .1I\..[~f!:.:.OOii;l'II~eo!...~.;..,-..'''..i,'~..lI"j...~~'''''........,~.j--''''-,.,';,.'''..,...._-'''-.'4''''*~'~.~,~F>',.M''='...,'".'''''','' """,' ".,.,,_..,',"'-..~'._w.l.. - (iU; ~-\.rlS J'l.llI'I'