HomeMy WebLinkAbout457 'llllllll!N:~ '. ,.,1i. f .~ ~ \..,1 ", Of \ --) .... ORjIlTAITCl~ :TO. ~SZ AN ORJJIHA1;CE FIZIHG THE ~"JW}~GSARY A1.0Ui"JT 07 ;'.O:~EY 'ro ~,~.~ P.A.ISED l,Y TAXATION ON TEE TA.X.AJ3J~ PROP?R'::Y OT' TIm CITY OJl' ;:;11.1; I).lm1;ARJ)I;~O, ,.. c~ J.: ~O RII:VEmJE TO CARRY ON "T'm~ VARIOUS DEPARTi:E:"'TS OF I1"IC :..tmI (:I1)AL GOVERlnIENT OF THE SAID CITY, ::e'OR TE:~ CUPJm:'T YEAR, }\Ti) 'fO PAY T PRInCIPAL ANJJ INTEREST JJUE AN"D CaTlInG DUE upm~ THE :Bo~ml'::D I:TDEl3'rEI- NESS OF SAID CITY. ~ ............ ,r The U!;tyorand COJnTIJon Connci 1 of the C1 ty of San - I Berna~dino do ordain as follows: Section I. The amount of !:lone;r necenss.ry to 'be raised 'by taxation upon the taxable property wi thin the corporate li~'li tn of ti1e Oi ty of San Bernardino an 8 revenue to c8.rr~r on the vari ous dep8.rtments of suc'h '~"1uni ci:;'J 8. 1 corporati on for the current fiscal year not to exceed the lir1it fixed 'bJT law, 8nc'l to pay the -iJonded inde1)t edness or othe:r' i ndebted.ness of such I'1Uni cipsl oor"'0or- ation is hereby determin~d ~nd fixed US follows, to-wit: (a) The RDount of Money necessary to be raised for the general fund is here"by fixed at Tv!enty-Seven Thous8110. a.nd Sixty- Six Doll?rs ($27,066.00). (b) The Dmount of Mo~ey neceoR?ry to 'be raised for the street fund is hereby fixed at Twenty-Six Thousand '::hreA Ihlndr0d and Eiehty-T~o Dollars ($26,382.00). (c) Th" PBount of ..'lone:)' neceso8..ry to be J:,aised for the li brHry fund if; here-oy fixed at Three 1'hou68.nc1 Four Hundrer1 f'YJd Eleven Dollars ($3411.00). (d) 'rhe rU10uAt of :"loney necesflary to be raised. for the pa.rk improvement funcl is :pere1p fixed at Four Thou8cmd ],i ve Hundred and Forty-Eieht Dollars (~~L1548.00). (e) The m:1ount of Money ncces~ary to 1:Je rct!sr"d for the HubbArd water "j)ond fund is here"by fixed at Eie;ht Th~tisand Four Hundred nnd Fifteen Dolla-r8 ($8415.00). J :.'~ .....-~,...,~~"."",_.......~.."..."'.,..,'..."',.,,~';~."".,.., ...., '\ .... .... 1'; \..t. v "." '" '0 o (f) The amount of r1on~y nec~s8ary to be raised for the Antil bond fund is hereby fixed at Three Thou~8.nd Six Rund.....ed and Thirty lane Dolla.,rs ($3639.00). (g) The amount of money neCGS8ury to 1)e raised for the Muni cipa1 Improvement fund. is herel;,y fixed at Eight Thousand Four llilndred Rnd FiftepYJ Dollars ($8415.00). Section II. It is here'by found and declared that this is an ordinance for the imnediate preservation of the public peace, .. health 8n(; safety, and that this js an energency !"1easm~e, it 'being an ordinance provided by c':nd l'ldopted pursuant to Section 131 of the City Charter and by an 8.ct of the Legislature of the Str-lte of CE:llifornia., a,pproved March 27th, 1895, and referred to in said \ Section by its 1!itle, by the provisions' of which Act this OrcHnsnce must take effect before the third l'!onday in Septer-:ber, 1911, in order to levy any valid tax for rm.ni cip8.1 purposes ;?nd "'i tl'Out whi ell ordinance and tHX there will be ins~lffi cient revenues or funds on hand to defray the expenses., of the health department or 8n~r other department of the City. Section III. This ordinance sh8.1l be published fo]: three successive days in The Evening Index and shall take effect immediately thereafter and the City Clerk sh~? 11 certify to its passage by a t'\yo-thirds vote of :the Com""1on Council. I hereby certify that the whole number of p'erlbeTfJ of the Common Council of the City of S~ln Bernardino is five (5) nnc' that the foregoing ordinance was Bdopted by said Council ct ita ~eeting held on t21e '?t 7- day of ~~'., 1911, bJ' the followij::g vote, ,to-wit: ~r J ~ S~ .ry , _. _ _ "--", /:1 ' -'-----.. - ~"-----'-----'-'-'--"- Ayes: Noes: ,_....._._._-_.__._-'-~'*'.- -- J :5/~ ~~L~-n , ,....---.-- ",--_'~'--"'..~,--.,...' -.---.... City C10rk. Approved this 7 day of 1911. .:....... [~ll Ill,U_~ 11'1.. ,n.. . r'~ 1!!'1.,;,,~.'n",,"~'~---'-"i~-"'-"