HomeMy WebLinkAbout458 .,. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 , I~ .... ORDIN~~CE No 458 ~ 1 AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING REGULATIONS FOR STORES AND MARKETS, AND TO PREVENT CERrAIN ABUSES OF SANITARY AND HEALTH REQUIREMENTS. 2 3 I 4 5 111e Mayor and Corrnnon Council of the city of San Bernardino do ordain as follows: Section 1. Every person owning, maintaining, controlling or operating any fiSh, fowl, game, meat, vegetable, produce, or prOVision market or store, or otherwise have in his possession or under his control any perishable food, products within the city of San Bernardino, shall so conduct said business or market and store and shall take such care of the contents thereof and of such periBhable food products as not to permit the same to create any offensive odor or taint the air so as to render the same unwholesome or disagreeable. Every such person 1s required to keep such place in a cleanly and wholesome condition at all times, and to remove and carry away, and properly dispose of all putrid, decayed or tainted matter before the same shall become offensive. Section II. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer to inspect from time to time all markets and stores described in this section, for the p~rpose of ascertaining if the provisions of this ordinance is being violated; and it shall be lawful for the Health Officer to enter into such premises for such purpose at all reasonable times. Section III. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer, ascornplainant, to property prosecute in the proper court all violations of the provisions 6 7 8 9 '>, " .. -', , 1 of this ordinance. 2 Section IV.. No person shall, wi thin the l1m1 ts 3 of the city of San Bernardino, slaughter any meat 4 cattle, sheep or swine. 5 Section V. No person shall. within the limits 6 of the city of San Bernardino, burn any bone, 7 feathers, offal, flesh. hair or other substance in a such manner as to distribute or allow to be dis- 9 tributed smoke or gas offensive to the smell, where 10 the same shall interfere with pUblic comfort. 11 Section VI. No person. shall. w1 thin the lim1 ts 12 of the city of Ban Bernardino. engage in the 13 business' of rendering fat, or of steaming, boiling, 14 reducing or rendering of any animal substance. 15 Section VII. No person shall, wi thin or about 16 any market or store or any other place within said 17 city, render any fat or lard or tallow or any 18 product of animal fats by means of cooking, steaming 19 or boiling, excepting freSh fat for human 20 consumption. 21 Section VIII. No person within the limits of 22 the city of San Bernardino, shall throw or place 23 upon any sidewalk. any rind or skin of any fru1 t 24 or vegetable. 25 Section IX. Any person violating any of the 26 provisions of this ordinance and any person failing 27 to comply with any of the requirements hereof, 28 shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. and upon 29 conviction thereof, shall be punislled by a fine 30 not exceeding one hundred dollars, or by imprison- 31 ment for 8. period not exceeding thirty days. or 32 both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion ~...."._._"-".,~.,'.,+-,,,,,~ - r , I I -' ,.. ~. '. ,. 1 of the court. 2 Section X. All ordinances or parts of ordinances 3 in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. 4 Section XI. This ordinance shall take effect 5 and be in force from and after its adoption and 6 approval and publication as required by law. 7 I hereby certify tha.t the foregoing ordinance 8 was adopted and approved by the Mayor and Common 9 Council of the City at San Berna.rdino t at ita 10 meeting held on the .... day of . . 1911 t 11 by the following vote, to-wit: 12 AYES; 13 14 NOES; 15 16 17 I hereby approve the foregoing this 18 day of ..~, 1911. 19 20 21 Mayor of the City of San Bernardino. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 - , 'I ", c '\ ' C';~'~""~""_'_'"_'_''''''''''~~ \\ ",,,,,, ~' :::; 1$08. DISTRICTI~G SAID CITY: PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUAllam OF PERMITS IN C:,mTAIN HISTAlICES: REQUIRING HORNS, 13ELLs, GONGS, AIm JJ!1Fli'IJms TC RE ATTACHED TO CERTAIN VEHICLES, PJm l"IxnrG A PJelTALTY FOR A VIOLATION TllllREOF" , ADOPT1ilD ArUl AI'PROV1!:D TRE 17th DAY OF FEBRU.A1lY, TRE STRElETS AlUl OTHER PUBLIC I'LACES OF TRJi; CITY OF SAlT BERl'J\RDIJIO: ArT OIlDnl.A1lCE AMElmn1G OIlDINAlICE NO. 373, EllTITLED "AlT ORDINANCE OF TllJ!: CITy OF SAN BElL.'I.A.llDao REGUT,ATIClG TRAVEL A'Cl:> TR!J;'FIC UPON ~~ J-9. ORDIN.AJ:TCE 1W. -, - , Bernardino do ordain as fOllows: The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San --..--------.. Section I. Section 21 of Ordinance ~. 373 of the said City; providing for the issuance of permits in certain Bernardino regulating travel and traffic upon the streets and other pUblic places of the City of San Eernardino; districting Ci~ of San Bernardino, entitled "~ ordinance of the Ci~ of San is hereby emended to read as fOllows: attached to certain vehicles, and fixing a penalty for a violation thereof", adoPted and approved on the 17th day of February, 1908,_ insta.nces; reqUiring horns, bells, gcngs, and mUfflers to be miles per hour, upon or along any of those certain streets or ride, driVe, or propel, or cause or permit to be ridden, drivem, or propelled, any vehicle at a rate of speed greater than twelve (12) "Section XXI" It shall be.unlaWful for .any person to t'Ollows, to-Wit: portions of str ets in the City of San Berna~ino, described as B Street from Third Street to Sixth 8treet. C Street from Seco~ Street to Sixth Street, D Street from Second Street to Sixtn Street. E Street from Second Street to Sixth Street. F Street from Second Street to Sixth Street. G Street from Second Street to Sixth Street. H Street from Second Street to Sixth Street. Second Street from B Street to H Street. Third Street from B Street to K Street. Fourtb Street trom B Street to B Street Fit'th Street from Il Street to H Street //A "r " , ,. . ",-"........ '~ ,-,. ,~, \..... "~" '----- Church Street from D Street to E Street. Court street from D Street to H street. Sixth Street from B Street to H street. Provided that the speed limit at street intersections within such district, shall not exceed eight (8) miles per hour, and these speed limits shall be as much slower than twelve (12) and eight (8) miles per hour respectively as herein stated, as the necessity of the travel at any particular time so requires, having due regard to the travel on such highway and'Lto the safety of the travelling public. Section II. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. , Section III. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication as required by law. Section IV. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause tJle same to be 'cul)lislled for three (3) consecutive days in The Evening Index, a daily newspaper printed, published, and ciremlated in the City of San Bernardino. I hereby certify that the fo~egoing ordinance was passed and adopted by the ,~w,ayor and Cornman Council of the Oi ty of San Bernardino at its meeting held on the ~' day of August, 1911, by the following vote: Ayes: (,/--tJ-({ /, , I', " (''Ad})1 z:rr ,~, /. 4.177-1-t,/A ' ...-..- ~ ,/ , ~ , ' " iI' "j! Noes: _.~--.- _..-_.._-..-,-~-",,-"-"" ..~.' ;'-~/- -( , ~ _,.... .___..._,._-_...c_.__ __ ~J'c9z)/~ 7~-,4'L~4 ~ ,_.__ City Clerk. Approved this day of August, 1911. L~ J San Bernardino. . 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