HomeMy WebLinkAbout462 ( / " .. . t~'",d. : ,:i,~ !f'~!.i:'fF;J;r'f.H.H;;~ t;Q ~'!;;~,HH: , ,;;,: .;t-};;re:;~~~; lf~O":t" .ant1ipn "'0'" l,,"'t X"!\11r....,l . c ! An Ordinance grantIng to { ~ " q' ~ ".' $u,)h ~{V;J:'''5! ~,,iI.,l> '3 his nCM.sora ~ ..... .. pdl~" ..,"_...~~.'to i :,!;",.~ ''''1i.i '~<.rd~~ttt.r.;:,1 'N.:I t:t..lft ~l'r. 4 . con strUct, operate and mafnta1n for a,perted o~.ftftr ~e~r8 ! ' . j,,~) tJ.. .~~:;,* r; f Bai c_ ,~ji 1% l. "~1 i l'l ~J e. an t~, f ~c ~J..l1-Crl,1. ':,:~,! Sian electrio 87stem. oon8!~ting o~'P01.!I"~_.:r&.,, Wi!.., 6\, oond~11l"j'~ncl all o~~.~ a~~;tu8 &ll~o~~~~~=~~~~':~~_!T or '7 ',;'LHi ?>~. .' l",;j.;~j: ~~~ \llih~ltt>~~..t'i1:'.r:i,:t :''7''';~ oonvenlent for tr..amIt'~,eleotr10it7 t .1.ot.~~ __.~~, t;j ~ /:;'-~'+~'0 :''f;',' '~._~:,4~ ~j\.r~d. ":i: '::X'~~#: -1:.~~if -. 8 light, heat and pOwer ove'1".alonc. upOn and ,tuo.. all of !;:. '", :!\~ .r \~. ~ C \j11._~ l 1. 1r:1, ~k <"~lj r: t'~l"~""4~<" ~t.h:ttt~ 9 the pUblio roads. '. rireets, al18Jsanl high_,. :1a theOity j,;'<" ;~",'Z'f~ 't:\;~~.':;''':,\:!~lfJ~"f ,rrf',i:'~ h1~ th.1i."f.r!\!lJ!,~"h1:,*~.. 10 of San tJernardIno, for light, heat ani pow.~P\l:rpOtM. and for ~' .;t..{"J't'ii.) ':, C1 ~i::: f);CC .~ iltd. u.na.tii: titt. t'!"....,l:i,-~ e 11 any other purpose ~1> whIeh eleotr1clt7 -7"~ &pl>>lIea as '12 i a use, anJe~ui-~~giii:s~i~tffn~fi;ei~~~~1=i~, t'~~t.~i~i~. ~. .;: ::~- ..~ ,;~, ::~. ~:). J r' !)t':ti.k3::<.' ~,~f-~~ i,(:$ 'sr ,1:1 oo;:~t:r:'e~"" t"j{lt}::t"eo 'f j 13 'and sell to those d.sI~ingt.. ...., eleetr10itJancl electrloal 14 - eii;rgy''>1o~E}~1~~~f;;J.l\at~~a~~.i,:f1ri~t~:;.:.:.y t~h~;t ~lU'P08e ; ,,', '-;fl nt~"tj,'~:t i",;:~'!~i'~:h_:~~ret",~'f'Oj~ftl"~ n:;~' ll&~? };\i!:t~ea"f"~~iJ,~t"';j(Lr 1:'" 15 'to whioh electrioltl _Y be appllel a. a use; and ~o 001.180t 16 $'~1it~. 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""_\.)~Lo:.i~ J :) v":1J OT,rITl:JGJJGG RI.~'~.r-~rne ';.:r AU G I< G mJq ::;;.m;rG)f J3 e ~ 0 't';" G" · ~O - '\ ~",~-~\ \ ",,--;.-"':,--+ jJ.: c- an G G EHlrJ 0 J:. e 0'I)' q S' rm :r &l1 a '3 .. ~I f,' ~~,q,r1~J..~1 !It~t~.t~~~:~rti~l~' an~ to :~u..t r.nta, ~t~O~~:;,e~n~.:"r,tr,,~~~.~~' ;~~;"~~~,~::~~~~"SY 4 !~,;t~t11.hed and, t,~aai.ttect ..lt~aa14 01t7_' . .:. ,~,,:., .~,~),(', -f, t,':i ""\/1: "!"' .;.;;~. \"S :'.~;: .;t\; ,:~,r l;t:~'f~ e"f""',fil~~~ ~1:~ )';1[: i/~~1',t 1J~ e ;:;;.n.~-l' () S 8eo~lon2. ~a,put of .ald prlY~~.le ~d f'ra~ohl.e ,,\ "i~, ".".:\" ''! L" <~, C/.::},'~~~'I'.:r"j',::,:"::H~ 6 :~. made 19o.D th~ f'ol1OW~1l1 tena, and oondltlol18, ....171 ,'/ ' ~,,";\ ' '" 't;',,'~~' '" :r ;~: .}",," 'I - -, ,,';:t ,~ r,.l~t), ]., !lae ..i' ...t.. or hl. ..al... .hall b. requir.d to :",':0' .~> \. ~:::,:", ,( .._,/~.,:,.'::~ ",',,~,,) {l~:~d~, 8.fl1.. vi"" .,o.tano. of the '.na and ooa41'lona ur.of' ~~ ::" F" \.: ,':::.' :':;, .'~~:.. ' ,: ,:,:'.; (,',' .; :",~-, ,if;:! f,: :~" (~ " .~~, J ~, ,::;::,,",;, ,\:( 9 with 't1MCl.~~ of a~4 a...'n Couaol1 w1tU. thirty'~ atter :',: <,~ ';~';I~ ,", t. ;:',,/ -.~) :.,:' '.1",:'::;",': <, ,\1',.-;': :\,;':'.(': t~' 10 th...ae~.,...of' itU .rcU.aano."p...tl~ thl. fraaohla.. <, \, ,,' .,.', ,I, ',.' , " ".:~~t'" t:~" =,~', :~ 1 J .. ' .... ,. a-lpta to :b. ~.rolae4 8d.r thia fnno)Uae J _,) ,\".l rr.~:':"', ..::., 'j:; ,f":, ':~.t.,':"i ".s.~:(~,_.~~;.,'~J~j, '~. /\t,~ .. 'f, ';;, I/ :::,:i*~ 12 .,~~)~. ~cler 'h. 41reotlo~ and. ~UJ."la101l of the Superin- " . '_';/ . L":,.,, h '" ~ L::"'. ,~', ' 1 """,~ ~':' ~, "',\ r :s. :: (?" .~ .,'. 13 tendent of' Streets ,or ather otf'loer 1. ooatr.l '..reef', and (:;,,;,." 0'(' t,:," "'; : .~ '.~ ',( ~;::'" ,-;. 14 UJld.'" a~oll re..oD&.~"., le.er&1 rep1atlou aa the Clt1' of SaD ~. ,,' ',_ i;~ '~'~,~ '::" ;:,;{ J :;":" .<!. f ;-, ~ ,. 1 S :Be~cU... JI!&Y )aaye heretot,ore or -.y hereartel' pre.orlb. tor . c.: A:' d.,,'~;' '\" H \'~" ~,~,':\{~) ii" ,:'t, 16 d~pa ....d il&,.,.11;7 for clallal-, tor the er.otlo. of '01.. or :.~' '" '", ,I,; ", ',' i'i , i ~ I 'J ! 'i 11 i I t. ('l- ',~t r. .I':..J ~. ...... 1: I 7 towera anel wlr.. for tlut '1IQoa.;;~ for w2doh tlaia franohl.. 1. 18 cr~t.4t..4 \M rlpt tOJ,:r.ttp1ate th. o"~...a wlthin .&1d , l '0 ,{,.: y!> ""1:' '~~ '.' (f:';~ ,,<:, <' ";;t , ,19aulO,l.-J.,ltl tor ~. ItAt u4 ...-. ' ", '''',; .. ;'~:" ",' r-, '~: ' l' -1_, ";, " 't', ,-~- 20 AU ..1.. oa- t.....a ....,. a!.aU 1. ail 0.... be .et ;f.':':~~)IV'~ ,:"::~: ' ,\ .~. '"". ,'::6',:' .-; 21 lJl.~" ot aa4 flu1t. ,,1'11 Ule OUM where tlle atr.ata are ourbed ,!~." f 2l,u~.II,-t:P.rwl.. ord.r.4, ....4 t,~'" aaiel put.. orld: la.ooellor. ,,~, "/ '>~:'.',' .,~<;-,.,t~:,<', -~> >.If..'.... "'-,~,:r '_:,,~:,;"~~i:,ly':'iit..;~,>'~ ;','H"'~t:~'__~~'."',:->,,"",;,~'-,'V 23 or ....1_ 'D1l k.., tlut a14.alb &a,"' ati..'aucraiieya in , '~j' '~_' "" ^: .'.". ; : ~:,':",~.',t-.~:::,:~ ":"':::5~",\'lt&::e:';" }"<""~\:'",, ~ 24 "'epeL~~wlthlft a radl.. of thr.. f..t troe aQi" an' all..1... ,:' ' ., ,\ ::"1 :,~,,;, r~ ,;. :\, :d .. i~.i ." ':~'~' 25 b~l~Di~'" to and ,1aoed., b1' the .a14 P'Ut.., hla..ooe..or.' " " ,';, "" ;, ':, ::,;',.~^, f~:;.l'1, .' _~ '<) ';;\' 'h" 1-. ,>~: '<,1ft ;~.", ~~':i', " '::> -~., ,:'>,"i," 2601' !8..1,~'~ and>'~~on &1.1 ~tr.et. &Del a1leya aa1el pole. or' tower. , ~. c':'; " , :,; :': . '". 110;. ~;~;J ":~: ::'~11!: ~" ,~\ "~; .': ,',::' :-, '.:' ,': ' ;,1;, '. t;'" 27 1:p.11 b~_.o'e4 ~, .uoh ,01at. as -.:r 'b. .rctered by the .,.or .' ", ',', .' ,....,.-",',' 28and C~D Counol1 or other 1.ll.latl~.:<b.Cb- ot aaiel City, \~cl ,.' '" t, " .' ,1 29~,;rOT1.~~el t~t all ~!-1d ,~le8 or towera. wlr. aDd wlr.... there01f . '" ' , \ . , \ ' ~ " ,',',' .-'.ft, ' " ';". 30.ba11 be located wher..er, and .uch location ahallbe' changed !' j. ,:~ 31wh.ne....r and a8 otten a8 and to what.oe....r plaCe aria p1&b.~Cthe z 0( 1: 0( Z a: 0( u l' I l .J :1 'j '~ 1 l PAGE , -' . ..~. - ..,..J '(, :;;, t' fL';~ ~~ ''';, ,;,;~';'~' ,~l ,",':: : ,. :' ,..lel JIa70r &a4 0_. Co..oll or..'ur 1.Si.lat1.. "~ .ball W:"'''' ,.'. . . ,,". "~":"",,,,,\,,~,,",.;. :,1'/\(... ,'i~,*, ;.,.,,< ,,,",,:,,~,,.\:,,"I .,..'t~:"" 2~:,~f:" i~l~:~~f " ~~. all" 'ri~'r~~~~1;'r~pr4 Jio the r1p'. ot. ,Ia14 ........t.. ~, ........". ..... aNUM. ..4 4i:n$!n.:1d, C1't~('i ",:3.1. t~t Ja..tt ~I"S~:t~~t1.;:'1n.g ?~tw_.~'!h1r~ qroft4. Qa' ..s....., ....... ... ~l"'" '0 .. ..~&1ul aU of ': ,~. .~. '~?:.L,." ~~1t,~r;;~~' 'to l f~~:,.;,j. ;-'~:'(. ~11/ ~ ).ai4 >>01.. OJ" t..v. tor 'h. J11J"J4'.. ,ot >>1M1.. ~ oe.r~~~ .' ~ 'L,. ';,' ',{';; (, i' 'U~l~ ,,t L: :'~ .~: s. f! >', ;';., " "'~':(~ %)l'!,,'?, J.." ~H~ 6tlt.er..a wi1''' .... ..see te~ . ..u..or tlrl ;a1aWII. .~.. .. ...., .." '.. .' .4~." '.',(' ;~....Qt."'.. ".-,,0'11'" "'4'"",~-" .,.~,.1:,.,i,.". ";<1". }.- V' .'''' "I\~ '~.. ..",!"J15".1 t".' "l-', .~~ ~..{ J""l :O""fl..,<...'t-o",.' ,!~, ~'..'.~";- (,:C''';', '., ,...~"l;l;V .",:,'"A. ,t.\:c\J,;...,~';"'" '""u.1., }"", .",p"""""';,'""""" 7f~r ..14 r.:T'.,"~ .t .. ....P.... . ....4 ,~... tv- .~ ~i":' ",I i~~' ,~\'''' "r,(~ (~rkft('r~<l 1)'1;, e ;\, ';~~,;;;.~ -""". ~,:.::".;.:it fj:; :,.:: 't";r~;~,',':~::lt. .~~/le'~~'~k~~,J, -t'l ti""r ., ..,'" '. ," '.', " .,,~'" ,,' "'l. " '..', ..' " ~her t." ..i4 Jd. ... t... "11.\). ~-, 1. ..~- ~.', d..\ t /~ ,,;,)~:I)"',t~. r',,~ (i' 'i\'l'~!'>~i,~,f:~;? ,~,:;;" ':~fj ,;; ':\ ',:,jt tJ,G'!&ii~ :',: .It'r..t!~~,~.\, ~o., aM_'ll \). ,.s.neA. .....,.., ...-4 ,&11 . ..i4 WI1'~ .~~lDg ,..if.. ,. ",4" r. 'l.'~.'.' '.'I'~ "'."'.";""'.":." ),.", .'1'- ,;.,:"<,,,,', . '".~ ,',,1" 'i ,~''';.I\ ,'\.,". pi., ",nf. >."'~A"'{ T 1:'.1.. 'J, ..' ,'. ,\"~.;I, ,cf ',Al.,., ""." .,t,:, ,;', .. j. " "',. '. .". ,". " .." "~ ' . ."", \. .. ,',' ,,, '" ~, .."" ,I, ..,.... ,,, "" \(Jtvrm. .t ~..,'r101t7 .t . ct-t.. ...lk.. ~.- ..4:'e4 a,.~t oJ'.:';;';,'" !ei :~'Jj,\ ,', ",1\"\::<:" " .,i,;:,:t: .., t:f.) th~:! il t ~'~.:. ' ~', ;" g \1t'ol'., ~1Ia11'M ....-17 1,..:I..~...., an4 ,bat ad4 Ott1 r...rT" ,<( '~ :;~ ':~ l.:-~.6t, ;~~l :':,~; t;I.,:: Sl,~. ':~;." : ,.;, "A:,. ~-' I :the rlptc _....... r...lrecl lt7 :111\)110 .eo...l '7. 0,1" OO1\~enleDoe . L t:z,:: ,t~:i, ;~; (i::... ' :':"~h' ' \ 3 to~t or".i-~~o,.~.o' ~. of ,s,a~.~,,~,~~,~", ..aDd ~~~ A~~';~i~'i:r~in '. 1:c~ 'U";"'" .."...lit!, "J,~ e;, 0.,-, a. ..: ,i, ,,,,,,.,1., ""A,,{ .,.~ J 1, ,.f, '. ',,".,', ",.\. \.' ." "''';'''~ \4 out or cU........,.. t.. . >>_10" .." ....4U:.. .1Cht h01.U". at , ' 7',',i\l't;~:,:\"...., "':,...".:Jr:l'''t. ....~:,;;'.,..".) IS. t~.. r.,.iriDl ,he .... tr.. troa obara. or ..,e11.8. to sai4 <!~'n",:;'l11' :,,\ p~:...;T" .",J. '. ,?~', ,; ',\ ,.:~.r:<,;L 'j 16 ana'''. 1a1. .11.00...." an4 ...,1...., ~:.:;, (~_ ",;~ ~..'tI-;H ii:~;' :~{ Fe'; :~,~:'" '\ :!) .,..~.:'r,' ) ':,-'X'\J!i3:; 'Z ~ <l z :I IX. 0 <l .. z ::i 0( a: u <( .,j U 0 Iii .J II' III > 1: 0: \7 'Daat ad4 tnMJa'.. ..1). 'b. ..."..t to th. Jrior right. ~:,'!;l, ,~J;" :i'.;:;.,xt:':'t:,:I,!\I;'~b":'; :.,:[~,~~.'!;.:; .;1(;i)"" 'b{''r.;;~ft. f':: 180f all ralJ:N.. ... ., 1M,,_III&...,. J&" "f .... ,0110 roada f' 'l', :,;,:r :t'f' '''ii;,' ' liP,:,," ',;1 .;, .,', ;l n ;:{. ; i r" ,:. (:' ,l,:: i:: :0;:'. . \ 9.tr..t. or all.,. or w. .8 tor ..,...1. or, .the~~,.t an4 , ;::ir~f~' ~~} ",,',)J, i~ ;,:~;,'} "r'( ',,:,' . ';i, . .;~;:ig,; {' : ,1,,;~" r\!"'~U"J,'~" 20 tbat aU ..._ ..4 >>Jliyl1.... oonten.4 'b7 'hi. tr_ohi.. 2\ .ha1*-. .0 ..... \)~ the put.. ur.o' aa4111. ...lpa, tllat DO 221n3ury .1'811 b. oau04 '0 .1lO1l pr10r ...n an4 oooQut.. , 23 !hat wlthin tbO.. .ertaln ~t. of .tr..ts hereinafter 24 lD thi. paragraph >>artloularl7 4..orlb.4. all wlr.. aDel wirlllS 2S ...d lnt&i4 .~t_ eha11 'b. p1&0.4 .t 1....t two f.et lUlderground. 26wher. oro..las str.et. and .t lea.t 0.. too' beh..~ the plane 27 of the eatabl1.he4 .i4....1k wher. the ooaal t. ar. >>lao.4 In 28 the parkl.. .Jaoe or W'lder the sld...n. &ai4 part. of sa14 29.tre.'. to whioh refer.noe ls herelnbetor. ln thl. paracrap~ 300t thie .eotion is _de are })artloular17 4esorlb.4 as tollo.., 3\ to-wit: All that part o~ Third Street lying betw.en C 8treet PAGE las:rCJ JP':\.or.. <;:';J~ C .. ", .. ,p& I: 8'l.~ 'j~f1 Z).~~I~r~ '~lt.il"_F. 3~';~~~~"r\:, ' ",' .4*d~' _S.'!11~~t.!~:lr:" . " :,'1; rl t . 1._,.; fl: ~,.: i I': ,ili~ 58tree1; -,d ;~~~1;h1.~~~;;)~(~~:\C 6 ~t. t."M1:~to~~~';Pf ~~~~ ~1~ ",. 700l!lPJlo04 . '\hI II. ~~ =~ ~:r~;~".~^",~,I~1\WO fran- BOhio.. ,~ ~n ~,~~~.,~~l~~t~~.t!f" ~.~~or. ....4 it 1I.0t. '" ollllliQ.\t04 ... ....1ot.,.. ,0-.14 fr,~h100 .lIa11... " '(':n' ,.:;,<; '. J c~' '.~..i. . ,,*' ~': '~! "It;; t:c :..j.;-.u....':^ '~,' . IOf.~fo1t.04 ~...~l,~~;;,(~~^ ~\~10~ .~,~~,~~1 ;~. " 1\ ~OJltl,04~, ~ ~i. q",~~;\,~~ e~"'""~ ~, O~~~W", " ' '. '., ,. ..... .., .,. ,..' ....,," .". H". '" ."" ." .." . .' .,' ..' .' "., .... ,..... \2 1a.lI~oh o~~...~.:,~..~. ,~J.~~ '.'.',."'".b. \.....1.'\, .", ,... ...' ,..,"'" . .... ".'." ..,uJ L"'~"" ,.,.;. ,......... " . ;:,.:; (. """ ,1. 13 ~;~;~(ft.\~,;~1e.-~4!41,M,~\!' \AleM.U. ~ .~...l.Ul' . ~~"L, ..~~t,.y.!. ..... .',....,..,..... IS' .. ~~. .. ~..fIIIJJIaJJl!I.#"..... ." 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'M" hie'" sue"essors or assigns anriUlf:tlle'p".,oeditlg tk~..,e iaonthe for the f11rni~ anddistri b11*- '(ff"'iil!ect'tiei:t7 and e~eotrio81 energ7 through an7 part of said B7st8lll1lithin said oit7 of ., .. " '.' ." ' '. " .': c' ;.\ San ll<l%llara1ll.11;f<>t<h t1>.l!l' e~\!it'r1idtion andoperatiOll of whioh this ;'.' '.. fnJl.ohise is gran.a.. and .\Ii.t11in-,1;eD"'.lI'l'2We"'- ~.. . filing the aforesaid statellu,'&:'.{! t sb&l1. bJ the il.1iti o1't'll.'6' '~ft. gran~e..."ud itS!JllO(leseo;rs '1r assigns to pa7 to the Oit7 '." " ,;' I' ~ !1!ru8.liiii<l1" o'te!l.~lI! :Cl~ ~ili! 9'l'l 'BernardinO the aggregate sU of ,\." .... :'. '. "....:' > ! said p~reentsg. uPOJl the smount of ~}1e;:trfqs" ~1. re~e~~l\ a~~~~ii_~lii...t~~~!,e~~t~!, i~it~!~i;l,~;~f ;~.~i',:tiiC)ias.. all& ~"ifid~h.';:'a$OG.. . t tan ie~cort'~et~n,tl,e ~).'~~~~ ot,~,f:~tI;~A'.:,*:[~': ,.' .," . , ..........,............ oOlllIiim ,,"1IDan of safalli '6tq't :lW1"!;j-4a~..~~:;tq.I/,1.~.'fJ " . J ,,' " tc ~ .... <.. J. "...,.'" . t1l8 tpa~~t: "f)IO~8h;~.a.ti ~:I:~'-- .... 'tla81 -1 find d1l8 the .. . ...,.1' -..'... .. uder an&~.,...Bj!6_,_il!~~ '1iiB.7.k'-a41ll..Cl.tea. b7 1l111"- - ,'; ,.:n:d 1.",rm . ''', 't", v' ',." " " "p' .' . negleet...~~~.~~:~t;-t.,~1, "'67', ~CI..~.I~i'te~ :,"'~, W~. ., .,.,~." ..u.';:'," ..... . '~',:. '.',',' o~'a'~t.o...f;U.a..saia.~fied statement or to plIo7 th..an 'a.~~.'- ~ spa.,...U ;LPp.q g.p.G(L': i ""q J: 8~"&"; lU eo<1'1 '; H": \JT1 f'P"f blft.f o~ 1) ~ ~ r' . "...~.~. ..."'.-.-.......... I ! , --~- .~'t !BII<8ll it ilh811 'eU e -"1 of the grant ell ~f' sail!. freJi chi se ~ _a.,.,ot' ,hiSS1too'" s tl'H ll!i1!id "asDpt!l td":I'1'1 e with th.l "'o! iir:fdf!' ~ 'ehil~dr4Qlll1llOl11'..0-..f, d; 'at '1>1t<l,.f:t<<tton' Of8~;t"at~frOll (t ... ~:f.- pIn~lofi~~'8i-~ ~~H- 5 ti- C)i!\ee.ol1'alltLever7 1ear thereafter. a stalleJll8nt. verified p b1 the oath of said grante~ ~r ,.hi,IlIl:l}f1;~aaou:.p1:li\.~~s. or 1 b1 the oath of the JJI8,JJ.ll.ger or ;p.rell1AA"'-& o;f;fioer of hiS ll11eeeS80rs ~ 9 \0 \l \2 \3 \4 \ 5 16 \7 \8 \9 20 2\ 22 z < 23 0( z :E' 0: 0 0( "' 24 z J < II: <J 0( w 25 u. 0 ;;; 'J '" ut > 26 J: iI v 27 28 t ~ 'f"...Y \ \ \1 1,1 " " Ii , pe1:oentsge of said grosS 1I,Y'-eJ.. "....1P1;&. at thet__,~:b- , ' the manner hereinbefore prd'rl.:aiH. shalt iifSo fIl,etif,~:r~ forfeiture of said franohise and of 811 the rights th8r~ 29 to sail. oit1 of San "Bernard.ino. 30 3' PAGE "p~.~ ;LPt:lo<l B;"Gr,~ "" " ~ b~; o~ n 2~~~- i ."" It 11;..88; t" e\11'1; 1 ';'^: "'f1 ;,.-; I .'-'."'--1 I I ......__- ._. ....,.... r . I ". " . I: ',' _ """ ,',,',' !!be;l' it shall De ,the M.'lI1 of the grantee' o!i" sail :franchise 2 ..a.d,lhiS"'OO:"'S"'" 1 !S!il'astligtl.ll "-td.'1ffl.<I' with t'M "clih-i '~f1 · ~ :=="::t::~~=;~~~~ 1 8 " 9 \0 \l \2 \3 \4 \S 16 \7 \8 \9 20 2\ 22 z 23, 4: :E 4. 24 z It 4. W 2S u. 0 :ii ..l '" '" > 26 :t i 'V 27 28 PAGE . . ~. .. ;:, \ \\ ;1, II 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 z 23 <( :t <( 24 z II: <( 25 u .i :t 26 27 28 29 30 31 '. .~' ,'."'~ 1 1 ....1 .......... .....~."............._....' n ,....'.':1.L.'..':; Section 3. This ordinance shall be publiShed for three oonsecutive days, exolusive of holidays in the !!ening Index, a Dai1Ji newspaper printed and published in the Ci ty of Ian ::Bernardino,. and shall take ef~.ct u.pon. the comp1.et1on of' suoh publication. CBlDtOJl ComrOIL OF THE OITY alP Sll BERNABDIlIO. A!DST / {)' /" ~ ,<', ,ft-' ,'_ _ ~ ..-.:.~- ~- / -.::~ '::,~~"" <..- -., -'''' City Olerk of the Oity of (Seal) San Bernardino. The foregoing ordina:aoe is hereby approved. t~/J \ ,p Jfa)'o1' tr. the c"'Z of San Bernardino. STATE OF CALIFOHE'll COUliTY O! SAN :BERIABDIllO OITY OF SAW BElmABDI1IO ) ) 5S. ) I , ,I,.."f I v'-->>~) .' / the Oi ty Clerk of the said Oi ty of S8D :Bernardino. dd her8'67 oertify that the foregoing or41nanoe was a...'....~....-..~............g.~.aw passed anI. adopted by the Common Counoil of the saidJti ata r meeting of said oounoil duly held on the ".., . "" of 1911. and that the seme was thereafter apprG"ri 117 the " of said Oi ty t that said ordinan oe was adoptsa. \7 thei :feI vote. OOUlloi.J.man Cole voted \~~. · Oounoilman Irving voted.;J..-" .. ' Oouno~l.man Ohambers voted) "^ Jl.At ,0 .",1:;\ OOUllo~lman Smith voted '1(;"<1'-"" an4):<w:., .counoilman Holmes voted,c...;d" .......-7t . · '" .'11'\ / W;t:DS~ my hand and the seal of Bai d 01 t)' th~S. ,(,~~~7 of...,:.~~u,,,,,, :.-..;....~ t 1911.'''':'''' I , /-'".";. c; -= .... _c. e:-/." '. . ~.~ Olerk of the Oity of Ssn Bezaarltao. Is ('.{ PAGE J