HomeMy WebLinkAbout467 "~'. .0:-< ""-'.,,"2 /7 .~::":,7::';>, 5;~i-~'j~r::!,!~~\" .~ m,~:~,",,~ ~i~~,..,'."-; , c " (, , / -I ,it ./ ''''''''\ ......I ... ORDINANCE NO. .:/&7 '. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 28; OF THE CITY O:B' SAN BERNARDINO, ENTITLED NAN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE MANNFJi OF CONSTROCTION, ALTERING, REPAIRIUG, AIm MOVING OF BUILDINGS IN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUING OF PERMITS FOR THE SAME, FOR THE DISCONTINUATION OF BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES WHEN DANGEROUS TO PROPERTY, LIFE, OR LInN, QOJIlID THE 4TH DAY OF Au&UST, 1903. . . . . . . . . . . . The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernardino do ordain as follows: ~. Section I. Section I of Ordinance No. 289 of the City of San Bernardino, entitled "An ordinance regu~ting the manner ot construction, altering, repairing, and removing ot buildings in the City of San Bernardino; providing for the issuing of permits for the same, for the discontinuation ot buildings and other structures when da.ngerous to property, life, or limb., adopted the fourth day of August, 1903, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section I. No building of any kind except a concrete, brick, or stone building shall be erected, constructed or placed on any lot or parcel of ground in that portion ot the city ot San Bernat4ino lying and being within the following boundaries, to-wit: Commencing at the Southeast corner of Lot Seven (7), Block Fourteen (14), or the City ot San Bernardino, running thence along the East line or said Block 14, to the northeast corner ot said Lot 7; thence E~t to a point on the east line of Block. Fifteen (15), in said City, One Hundred and Fifty (150) teet south of the Northeast corner of said Block 15; thence North along the East lines of Blocks Fifteen (15) and Eighteen (18) to the northeast corner of Lot One, (1) in sa.id Block 18; thence. West' along the North lines of Lots One (1) and Two (2), in said -"~~~r.llniillTITJ[ J... .' :'.lIllI]J[ ",'.-- L l.'~__""~'f"~~w#.~.oi41<"-'""4I\"jW"",~-<"~""""_"",,,,,.,.,...,,-..;,' "~""'''''''t~~___;>~.",..c,,,,..''',-,,,,~,,,,,,,,;,,,, ~"",,,,('^:: 114 .._ ,....."....,..,',...;l"",l-'.,.'f,'.:,.....'_,-""."7' ."~'<c"'jFj~ ... 'C' ~\ . ~,.. /''''''IIJor\ .. I " I/{ :) ... Block 18, to the West line of said Block 18; thence North along the said West line of said Block 18 to the northwest corner thereof; thence .est along the south line of Fourth street to the northeast corner of Block 20; thence North along the West line of D Street to a point One Hundred and Fifty (150) feet North of the southeast corner of Block 29; thence West to a point in the East line of F Street One Hundred and Fifty (150) teet North of the southwest corner of Block 28; thence South along the East line of F Street to a point One Hundred and Fifty (150) feet North of the southwest corner of Block 21; thence West along a line parallel to and One Hundred and Fifty (150) teet North of the North line of Third Street to a point where said line inter- sects the East line of K Street extended North; thence South to a point on the East line of K Street, One Hundred aDd Fifty (160) feet South of the south line of Third Street; thence East along a line parallel to and One Hundred and Fifty (150) feet South of the south line of Third Street to a point in the East line of F Street One Hundred and Fifty (150) teet South of the Northwest corner of Baock 12; thence South to the southwest corner of Lot 4 of said Block 12; thence East along the center line of Blocks 12,13, and 14 of said City to the place of beginning; all according to the official map and plat of said City of record in the office of the County Recorder of San Bernardino County, State of California, in Book numbered 7, of Maps, at page 1 thereot. Section II. The boundaries and limits d,scribed and set torth in Section. One hereof shall be known as and called the fire limits of said City. Section III. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force trom and after thirty (30) days after its passage and approval. Seotion IV. The City Clerk shall oertify to the -2- n~. , ~~ "'''':''''m~'' <:',~":(",~'h"~_~~">J..._,,,:,.:.,, .,,,",,,,,,,,,.~.~~,,,,_, .",;.~ , ,.. II> " ) f' , c '- ~ .- passage of this Ordinance and cause the same to be printed and published for three (3) consecutive days in The Evening Index. I hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of San :Bel'nardino, a.t its meeting held on the ,;;;?' .1 day of (~~/r 1911, by the fOllowing vote: Ayes: ,f.; ". It..).:,) ,Jr't-;>, ~._ ,rj ,# , I /1 l (/,/~;~~>/./ J'"t. .If:;:- 1-<2.,.'), . K:)?x".L~ 4i~ Noe8: )l. (I~'~ "- ..... /~);~-ZD/{ ,I ~, /':> City Clerk. Approved this J... J day of September, 1911. (e~ ayor of the City of San Bernardino. - ....'lillH~n '.\UjJ J. M' .,n',1>...... '~l: ."""*-,;",...~..--""'-iM"~~_<~"._","';..*"'"':\tijl'lll(nk.It~~WlJ1f~!;I~~*''TW""""';;"+-""""-'-' "'."'--""""''''''"'''''''''''_;,t:'_~_~ . ~-"'.f4,ih,. nl' '.' 'I :41. ~Kn!J' ~.1 ~H . T4J"IHo~*",'~"""''''''''''~