HomeMy WebLinkAbout472 -.,.. ~~ ,.,- .. -Ie ORDINANCE NO. f/-?2/ AN 0:1DINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 322, ENTITLED - AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING OF BUSINESS, SHOWS, EXHIBITIONS,A ND GAi"mS CONDUCTED OR CAt"lRIED ON IN.,~THE CITY OF SAN. BERNARDINO, AND FIXING THE RATE OF LICENSE THEREFOR AlTD PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECT~ ION THEREOF.- . . . . . . . . . . . !he Kayor and Common Council o~ the efty otSan Bernard- ino do ordain as tollows: Section I. Sectfon34 ot Ordinanoe No. 322 ot the City of San Bernardino entitleq.. wAn ordinance providing tor .the lioensing of business, shows. exhibition.:, and 'game's oonduoted or oarried on in the City ot San Bernardino. add tl:x:ingthe rate ot lioense theretor and providing tor the oollection thereot-, . approved the 5th day ot 7ebruary, 1906, i. hereby amended so as to read as follow.: Section 34. 70r every person, tirm, or corporatioD ~ engaged in the business ot running any haok, ooaoh, oarriage, omnibus or automobile used in oarrying pas.engers for hire, .6.00 per quarter, tor eaoh .uch hack, ooaO~~iage. omnibus, or ~~~~~~~ auto14o'il~ :l8J3h 'such. haok, ooach, carriage, omnibus, or auto- mobile so used shall be de.ignated by a number, to be turnished by the Ci~yCl.rk. as herein provided, and shall carry at least two lamp. with the number ot sald vehicle painted thereon as in Section 6 hereof provided. Seotion 2. This ordinance shall take etfect and be in force trom and atter thirty day. atter its passage and , appro'.l. Seotion 3. !he City Clerk shall oertity to the paasage ot this ordinance and oause the same to be pUblished tor three conseoutive days in The Evening Index. I hereby certity that the toregoing ordinanoe was passed and adopted by the Kayor and Common Counoil ot the City of San Bernardino, at its meeting held on the! ,:S"' 'tiday ot January ---.. 1912, by the following vote: .Ayes: Boe8 :c Approved this " ._ ,"t"_,,"\,;_:,;:':j:~;;~'::,!i:c:,,:~;~t;:: 01 ti Ol.rk~ / ~-./ day of January, 1912. 4#/O~#'r ';"'if,~ of the C1{~ of San Bernardino.