HomeMy WebLinkAbout473 (' tIlL" ... '- '. 'y * ORDINANCE NO. J/ 7 3 . AN ORDI!iANCE REGUI"ATING THl'J }U..NNl'~ OF PLATTING AND lAYING OUT INTO HTRi~F;T8, AVJmlJRS,AT"IAEYS, BLOCKS, AND LOTS. LAND WITHIN THH CORPORATE LIMITS 0.11' TIlE GITY OF SAN BJ~RNARDINO. . . . . . . . . . The Kayar and Common CO~l!Iell of the City of San Bernardino, do ordain a8 follows: Seo. 1. That. it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to plat or layout into streets, avenues, alleys, "blocks, and lots, any land within the corporate limits of the City of San Bernardino, and offer the same for sale, either publioly or pr1va~ely, unless it b~ platted ln striot conformity with the requirements of the charter and the ordinanoes of laid Clty, and the plat, thereof aooepted by the Mayor and Common Councll Seo.~ 2. All additions to the City of San Bernardino hereafter sought to be laid" out in lots, blocks, streets, avenues, and alley.., shall 'be surveyed as herein provided. Sec. 3. The surveys of such new ~ddition. shall define the lines of streets by means of stones not less than two feet long and four inches square, properly marked, or iron pipe not lees than two and one-half feet long, one and one-half to three inches in diameter, eet or driven one foot below the established grades of the streets ai all the points of inter- sections of streets and avenues, and "shall be identified by reference to at least two well defined objeots or land marks. Stones or new pipe sh.ll be planted at eaoh and every corner and angle of the outer boundarlee of addltiona laid out under thie ordinance. Levels shall be taken' over all the streets and avenues of such additions, and grades established upOn the .ame. Sec. 4. On completion of the survey. a map ehall ~', b. made, unitorm in etyle and sCflle with the ofrlc1a1 maps of the City, on which shall be shown all d1stano~ and angles, positioneot intereeation. stones or pipe, locations and elevations of bench marks, anda:l1 other data which may serve to p.ermaneatly establish and preee~v. the eun.. Sec. 5'. Profiles shall 81180 be made, uniform in style and scale with the offlcia1 proti1es of the aaid City, on which shall be shown the ground and glt&4.'elevatione of the center and 8ide lipes of all 8treets, avenues, and courts. Sec. 6. Said maps and profiles ehall be oertitied. by the City Ensineer, a. to the accuracy of the surveys and maps, and their conformity with the requirements of this ordinance. and shall be presented to the )layor and. Common CounQil for formAl aoceptance. When eo accepted, they shall be.endol..dae "Approved by the Mayor and Common~Counci1" and atte.ted by the City Clerk. The Oriiinal maps rmd profil.. shall be fileciwith the City Engineer, and shall be open to inspection at all reasonable hours; duplicates of said maps shall be filed wfth the City Clerk and the County tteoorder of I" the County of San Bernardi", State of California, as required by law. Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of the City Engineer to make such alterations upon .the official profiles of all tlae several divisions, and upon the duplicate. ,of s~id pr()f,iles that may from time to time beoome nec...ary to indioate any changes that may have been made by order of the Mayor and Common Counoil, or may hereafter ve ordered in the established irade of any street or any part of street. Sec. 8. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, unless duly authorized by the City Engineer. to ubcover. remove, displace, or mutilate any stones, pipe, or any other monument or mark plaoed or made pursuant to the provis10a-. of this ordinance. -2- - ;- 1 i ,- ~ -~ Sec. 9. ~ pereon violatins aq of the Jlrovieions of thie ordinanoe shall be deemed ~ilt7 of a mi.demeanor and upon conviction thereof shsll be punished by a fine not exceeding On. Hundred Dollers II!OO.OO). or by imprisonment not exeeedins tift7 (60) day., or b7 both suoh fine and imprisonment. Seo. 10. This ordinAnce shall take effeot and be in foroe from and after thirty \ 30) days after its adoption and approve 1. Seo. 11. 'the city Clerk shall oertify to the paBsage of this ordinance and oaUS. the same to be published for three con.ecuti_. day. in The Evening lndeX. 1 hereby osrtify that the forego ins ordinanoe ~a. adopted and approved by the vayor and common council of the cit~~ :Bernardino. at. its meetina .held on theAi..S"~ d.ay of J~' ~. 1912. by the following vote, to-wit: AYes: .J!MYP' ~k, -L;d ..tI../.....a.A I -")" Noes: ~(t,{rx--e ~- -..----- ,j li~ ~ -- ~:Z;:c-J~ -. ----- ---- Oi ty Clerk. )lifJ-rc;// Approved this " i-:.day of j~........y, 1912. San ~ernR['dino.