HomeMy WebLinkAbout351 :f~~~~_ ~_,~., \, , .t ;,~ 1 ...~ 2 ORDINANCE NO~ . 3 AN ORDINANCE PB>HIBITING THE MAINTAINING OF PLACES TO 4 BE RESORl'ED TO BY OTHERS FOR THE PURPOSE OF SMOKING OPIUK, PRO- 5 HIBI'l'ING TEl VI SITING OR BEING AT SUCH PLACES AND REGULATING 6 THE SALE OF OPIUM WITHIN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO . 7 The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Ber- 8 nardino, do ordain as follows: 9 Section I. It is hereby declared unl8P1ful fOr any 10 person to open I mainta~n or have charce o~ ~ within the City 11 of San Bernardino I any place J other than those places prohibited 12 by Section 307 of the Penal COde of t.~A St.8.te of Cali fornia 'I to 13 be resorted to by other' persona for the purpose of smokine ~ 14 opium or any of its preparations. 15 Section II. It is hereby declared unlawful fOr any person 16 to visit Or be present at any DJd! place pro@ibited by section 17 One hereof. ... . Section III. It is hereby dec]arp,d unlawful for any person \ 19 t.o sell ,I furnish or give away J w~t,~in t~~ .city of San Bernardino 20 .,pipmor any of its preparations } \~ept upon a written pre.. 21 scription or order of a regularly Ii censed physician. Section IV Any person violating any of the provisions of this oniinanc e shall he deetiaed guilty of a misdemeanor and J 24 upon conviction thereof I "I.'Pf~l. be punished by a fine not ex- 25 ceedi~ $200\.100 or by impriBo'itent in the City jail not exceed- 26 ing 6O'days J Or by both such fine and imprisonment in the dis- cretion of the Court. 27 . , Section V. ~l'1: ~ rdi.nance shall take effect and be in force nfrom and after thi rty days after its passage and '"' app rev al . 30 18 22 23 28 29 31 32 i:\;f ..-~ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 4 Section IV. The City Clerk shall certify to the paaa~ of t.his ordinance and cause the same to be published for three consecutive days in !he San Bernardino Daily Sun . I hereby certify that the foregoing ordlnance wa~ ::YB:i::~nob~ ::ea~::k:.'~.iS..r;;. C.,I:.l" ::l:h:nC~: of day of MarCh;~01ibY ~~o~ vote: Ayes: .\,W~ ~~,~j)~~'~H.dVt~ No es: t)", ~. ,.J> <,> 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ), ;.~~ .~ ~ .~,JI1,~- y~ ", 13 Apr ~t!lld +,1'1; ~ day of March ~ 1907. - , i Mayor . -'~ ~ \