HomeMy WebLinkAbout354 _ ci z '8 ~ il: 5 15 ~ j ~ (/) .. (J . ., 0 16 (!l ~ ~ :Il ~ :- 0. ~ e 17 -1 ~ ~ -<: s:: :r:: ~ 18 -..~, 10 11 12 13 14 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 11 - , ~. ~n c c '\ r J c,t"';':'.'" \- '. l' 1 2 3 . ORDINANCE No:m . AN ORDINANCE ELECTING TO AVAIL THE CITY OF SAN' BERNARJINO OF THl PRIVILEGES OF AN ACT ENTITLED. AN ACT ' . . TO PROVIDE FOR THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF TAXES BY AND FOR THE USE OF MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS AN) CITIES INCORPOR; ATED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALTIi'FJRUA ,EXCEPT MUNI CIPAL CORPORATIONS or THE FIRST CLASS, AND TO PIDVIIE FOR THE CONSOLIDATION AND ABOLITION OF CERTAIN MUNICIPAL OFFICES J AND TO PROVIDE THAT THEIR DUTIES N~""BE PERFORMED BY CERTAIN OFFICERS OF THE CO'illITY J AND FIXING THE COMPEN- SATION TO BE ALLOWED FOR SUCH COUNTY OFFICEBS FOR THE SERVICES SO RENDERED TO SUCH MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS J · APPROVED MARCH 27th, 1895 ,AND OF ALL AMENDMENTS THEREO}f' · The mayor and common council of the City ~f San Ber- nardino do ordain as follows :- Section I: The City of San Bernardino hereby elects to avail itself of the privileges of an act, entitled · An Act tu pruvide for the levy and collection of taxes by and for the use of municipal corporations and cities incorporated under the laws of the State of .California, ,,". excep~ lIlimicipal corporations of the first C.8~J and to prOTide for the consolidation and abolition of certain municipal offices J and to provide that their duties may be performed by certain officers of the county:~ and fixing the compensation to be allowed for Bueb county officers f r the services- so rendered to such municiapl corporations , approTed March 27th, 1895 J and of all amendments there- of; and until further order the assessment of taxable property within said citY~J}~~the levy and collection of taxes fpr revenue for carrying on the various departments of said city J and to pay the bonded and 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 -- <II Z 'E M ~ ~ 15 ::: -l _ ..:l <il f./) f'I () -l . 16 . 0 ~ l>< = l>l .~ II!: 'E :l1 . .. 17 p., ~ e ..:l ~ ~ < = 18 J>: It rn 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 "~.....;..,--,... .~~-:;"- -. l' o c I:) ~ other indebtedness J shall be assessed J levied and collected as in said act provided J in so far as said . act is consistent with the provisions of the Charter of the said city. Section II. That hereafter J while the city of San Bernardino elects to avail itself of the privileges of the act referred to in Section I hereof , the mayor and common council shall meet ~ on the first day of August J of each year J ascertain and by ordinance fix the r ronount of money necessary to be raised by taxation upon the taxable property within said city J as a revenue to ~arry on the various departments of said ci~y and to pay the bonded and. other indebtedness for the current year Section III. That hereafter, while the city of San Bernardino elects to avail itself of the privileges of the act referred to in Section I hereof J the mayor and cOllmon caUIlIJ.iL. shall meet. on the first Monday of September J of each year J and fix the rate of tax and designate the same in the number of cents upon each one hundred dollars J using a.s a basis the value of the pro.. perty as assessed by the county assessor J as returned to the said mayor and. cQmmon council by the county auditor J as required by the aforesaid act; which rate of taxat- ion J so fixed. shall be sUfficient to raise the ronount necessary to carryon the various departments of said city J for the current year J as ascertained and fixed by the said mayor and cammon council and to pay the bonded and other indebtedness for said current year. The 6i ty clerk shall imnediately upon the fixing of... 8. such rate transmit a statement thereof , as so fixed by said mayor and comnon council , to tha auiii tor of San '" _ 01 Z "iii: ... a:.2 lS s:j:;; Ul ... U '" : g 16 ~ - :0; 1: :r: ~ .. 17 n. ~ ~ ~ <( ~ ~ ~ 18 n~. I.:. . ... c Cl ~ ",."...., 1 .-..1 10 11 12 13 14 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Bernardin~ County . Section IV. That hereafter J while the City of San Bernardino elects to avil itself of the privileges of the act heferred to in Section I hereof J all duties other than the assessing of property of sa~d city J reJ.ong to" the office of the cit.y assessor, not other- wise proTided for in the charter of said city , shall be performEd by the city clerk ; and all duti es 'I other than the collecting of tases , bel~ing to the office of city tax :collector J not otherwise provided for in the charter of said city J shall be performed by the chief of police. Section V. That the county auditor be , and he is hereby requested J when transmitting to the mayor and c~non council the statement provided for in Section III of the aforesaid act J to set forth in said statement ,the total 'falue of all property wi thin that portion of said city tenned and ordinarily called the .Old City. J being the original City of San Bernardino, as desingated upon the map thereof of record in the offi~e of the County recorder of Sa.tJ.,Bernardino county, in book 7 of maps at page one thereof J separa~e and apart frQm the total value of all property within corporate limits pf said City of San Bernardino as said city now eEists also that said auditor be, and he js hereby requested to furnish said mayor and comnon council J 8.t the same time J a statement of the value of all property within the City of San Bernardini school district 'J as said district now exists · Section VI. Upon the adopting of this ordinance the city clerk shall immediately file a certified ,~~.",;,..,~~-,.",_.." , "\< o ~ Z -= .... il= 5 15 ~ j ~ (}) l< (J . .. 0 16 Ul ~ ~ :I: : ~ p.. ~ E 17 ...l ~ ~ -< ~ ~ rJ) l> c (" ", ~' .. \ .... 1 '1 copy thereof with the auditor of the ccuntyof San BerQ 2 3 nardino . Section VII. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon lts adoption and approval. Section VIII. The City Glerk shall certify to the passage af this .Br(Hnanc~ and cause the same to 7 -, ..-" / . "', De (EUl>lishea.f'. three consecutive days in 'ilbtj ETening 8 ~./ /' " 1: ;. w:f~p:~.~:ec:t:y ~a:~:n :::~~~~o;~:ance 11.. 0 i ty ofi )~an iern~ino at its meeting held on the :: J ~ '.1 /-... :day,Q! ~u;) . , 190,1, by the folloWldg vote ;' . Ayes :~",l;I:)-ID.Dfll( <~~ ~~ @. ,~~ Noes: p ~~~ 4 5 6 14 18 , The 19 this \~ - 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 foregoing ordinance is hereby approved day Of~' 19Qr ~~~ " Mayor of the City of San Bernardino. "