HomeMy WebLinkAbout357 (2) 1 ') .... 3 4 '"' ;:) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 o .~ z E 15 H ~ ~ ~ j ~ (/) ... () . .; <5 16 ~ ~ .S :z: 'E tl1 ~ ~ 17 Il< ... '" H ~ P:l ~ <l 8 ><: r2 1 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 (/: .- '\ ' - "_/ i ORDINANCE NO · AN ORDINANCE ORDERING AND CALLING A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECT I ON TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO AND IN THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO SCHOOL DISTRICT ;tON MONDAY THE 8th. DAY OF APRIL J 1907 J DIVIDING THE CITY INTO MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCTS J APPOINTING POLLING PLACES AND BOARDS OF ELIDTION J AND SUBMI'ITING TO THE ELECTORS OF SAID CITY J CERTAIN PROPOSED AND ALTERNATE PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENTS J AND SUBMITTING ORDINANCE NO. 352 TO THE QUALIFIFJ1 ELECTORS OF SAID CITY. The Mayor and Common Council of the City of San Bernar... din~ J do ordain as follows : Section I. 'l'hat a general municipal election shal~ be beld in the City of Sam Bernardino ~on Monday/the 8th. day of April J 1907 J for the purpose of electing the follow... ing officers of said City J to wit: A mayor J A city attorney J A city clerk , A police judge, who shall be ex-officio city treasurer , One mElIlber of the common council frem the third ward of said City J to be elected by the electors of said thin! ward ; One mEmber of the common counc il from the fifth ward of said City, to be elected by the elect ors of said fifth ward ; Two members of the city board of education J to be elected at large J by the electors of said City and the e1ee tora of that portion of the City of San Bernardino school district J lying outside of said City. 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 Section II. That at said elECtion there shall be submitted to the qualified electors of said City :I .proposed charter amendments number one, twoJ three, four) fiveJ .ix J seven J eigpt I nine.. ten J eleven J twelve J thirteen J fourteen and fifteen and alternate proposed charter amendments number two and eleven, proposed by ordinance number 355 of the City of San Bernardino 'I enti tIed · An ordinance providing for the submi esion tct- the qualified electors of the City of San Be~ardino at a general election to be held in said City of San BerI'l..ardino on Monday the 8th. day of April) 1907 J of certain proposals and alternate proposals to amend the Charter of the City of San Bernardino. approved the fi ftb day of February, 1907 I and the ballots used at said election shall have printed thereon.. in addi tb>>n to the matters required by law.. the following questions 'I to wit:... Shall proposed ch~rter amendment ~ber 4Jne , providing for the creation of a. bonded indebtedness and the issuance and disposal of municipal bonds in certain instances and limi~' ing the amount of such bonded indebtedness .. be ratified? Shall proposed charter amendment number two J relating to the board of water cammissioners and their qualifieatione J powers J duti as J compensation, and terms of 0 ffice of the members of said comnission J and providing for the maintenance of the water system and the payment of water bonds from the moneys derived from the sale of water J be ratified? Shall pxa alternate proposed charter amendment number:J . two relating to the "ard of water comnissioners and pro.. yiding for 3. ~Aduction in water rates, and for the payment fk.- extensions to the ~ater system and the tpquieition of dd' t' ) reservo.],rj a 1 lona. > ~~1t~ J welle ~ water mains and other extra... . 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 . ordinary expenditures ~ith moneys derived frem a tax upon propeety of the City ... from moneys derived from the issuanoe and sale of municipal bonds :I be ratified ? Shall proposed oharter amendment numb ar three, relating to the dividing of the Ci ty into seven wards and providing for seven oouncilmen, relating to the qualifications I term of office I powers and duties of oity officials and fixing the salaries to be paid said oity officials and providing / for eleotions ) be ratified , Shall proposed oharter ,amendment number four, relating to the powers and duti f.f5 of the Mayor and Comnon Council fIld relating to the assessment J levy and oollection of oity taxes and fixing the maxium rate ,f taxation for anyone year J be ratified , Shall proposed charter amendment ~umber ~ive J to t~ adoption of orders I resolutions ~nd ordinances J providing for a referendum J be ratified ~ Shall proposed oharter amendment numb ar six I fixing the salaries to be paid to city officials J te ratified? Shall proposed oharter amendment numb ar seven,relating to the adoption of oertain general laws of the State of Ualifor./ nia J be ratified ? 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 relating and 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Shall proposed oharter amendment number eight J provid- ing for a Board of Park Comnissioners J fixing their powers J duties and term of offioe J and providing for a park improve.. ment fund J be ratified ? Shall proposed charter amendment number nine ;J relating to eJl~~r printing J advertising and job printing and providing for the awarding of a contract for such printing) be ratifi- ed ? 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Shall proposed charter amendment number to the powers and duties of the Board of EducatioJ) :I t# .. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 '. ~ ',. - <.~.,.. ., 1 2 ratified ? Sball proposed ebarter amendment number eleven J relati to the Board of Health , be ratified? Shall alternate proposed charter amendment number eleven relating to the Board of Health J be ratified? Shall proposed charter amendment number ~;t.w.tUv;e 1 pro.. l'idingthe manner and tiBie for the presentation of claim8 against the City, be ratified? Shall proposed charter amendment thirteen J providing that bids submitted and contracts entered into pursuant to any collusion 'I conspiracy or fraudulent agreement sball be void J and prov iding for th e recovery of moneys paid on any such void contract J be ratified ? Shall proposed charter amendment number fourteen J pro~ viding for tbe appointment of the chief of police by the incoming mayor and fixing his powers and duti as J be ratified? Shall proposed charter amendment number fifteen J relatw ing to the assessment/, levy and collection of city taxes by city officials J and providing for the pppointment of a city assessor and fixing bis powers and duties 1 be ratified ? 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Section III. That at said election there shall be sub.. mitted to the qualified electors of said City J ordinance Number 3&2 J entitled J ;J!:=." An Ordinance providing for an outfall sewer for the City of San Bernardino ani for the disposal of the sewage of said City and for the entering into a contract with Arthur Gregory and J.D. Langford in relation thereto." approved. the 31st. day of January J 1907} and the ballots used at said election shall have printed thereon in .. addition to the other matters required by law and by Section ~. . .,. , II of thi a 0 rdinance . the following : .' ~ For the Ordinancel providing for an outfall 'a ewer r 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ~-,~, 1 2 the City of San Bernardino and for the disposal of the sewage of said City and for the entering into a contract with Arthur Gregory and J. D. Langford in relation th ereto. 3 4 5 Against the Ordinance providing for an outfall sewer / for the Citv of San Bernardino and for the disposal of the w . sewage of said City and for the entering into a contract wi tb Arthur Gregory and J. D. Langford in relation thereto · 6 7 8 9 Section IV. That for the holding of said election each ward in said City shall constitute and be a separate municipal election precinct . 1 and each of said el ECtion pre- cincts shall have but one polling place therein. That the following are the boundaries and the polling places of said municipal election precincts J and the following persone are hereby appointed officers of election in said precillcts >> respectively.: . 32 t." . ,. . . 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 2 3 MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER ONE · FIRST WARD . 4 Municipal election precinct number one shall consist of all that portion of the said City of San Bernardino J known as the first ward and described as follows : Commencing at the south-east conner of the City of San Bernardino J and running thence westerly along the southern boundary line of said city to the center line of -E- Street; thence north along the center line of wEw Street to the center line of Fourth street; thence east along the center line of Fourth street to the eastern boundary line of 8~id city j thence B01~h along the eastern boundary li~e of said city to the place of sng · Polling place' h"'\. Inspectors ( 5 6 7 8 9 Judges C 1 e rks 24 Ballot Clerks 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 OJ 32 MUNICIPAL ELECTION PiECINCT NUMBER TWO. SECOND WARD . Municipal election precinct number two shall consist of all that portion of the City of San Bernardino I known as the s d ward and described as follows : encing at a pointl where the center line of Fourth ~,. .... -'''''''''''''''''''''~~''''......~ j" . _...~j:ii;~'\,iJ' 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 \ 1 2 3 street intersects the eastern boundary of said City j thence rinning westerly along the center line of Fourth street to a place where the center li~e of Fourth Street intersects the center line of .,. street i thence north along the center line of .F. Street to a point where the center line of .,. Street intersects the center line of Eigpth street; thence easterly along the center line of Eighth street to a point wk;re the extension of said center line of Eigpth street interN sects with the eastern bOlmdary line of said city ; thence southerly to the place of beginning . 4 5 6 7 8 9 18 19 . Judges 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Clerks t Ba.llot Clerks ELECTION PiECINCT NmlBER THREE . THI RD WARD. Municipal election precinct number three shall consist of all tha.t . portion of the City of San Bernardino k th :I nown as e third -+:. and deseribed as follows : . . l\ \. 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 .32 \ 1 COl!lJlencing at a point where the center line of 'E' Street intersects with the southerly bounda.ry line of the City of San Bernardino ,and running thence due west alomg said southern boundary line to the western boundary line of sa.id city ; thence along the western boundary line in a northerly di ~ection to the center line of Thi rd Street J where the said center line of !hird Street intersects the westerly boundaryl~ne of said city ; thence east alo~ the cent ar line of !hi rd St~eet to anoint wher e the center line of ... Third Street intersects the c~nter lineff IF' Street ; thence north along the center line of 'F' Street to a point where the center line of 'F' Street intersects the ce~ter line of . Fourth street ; thence east along the cebier liBe of Fourth street to a poirit where the center ~ line of Fourth street in- tersects the center line of ,'E' Street ; thence south along the center line Of.. E Street to the point of be~i~~, '~~~~ Polling place. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 In ~spectorE' - J d f ~ -- ~ ---1~}-L/ u ges - ~ 31 . I Clerks ~~ 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 L_ . . 1 2 3 MUNICIPAL ELEmTION PRECINCT NUMBER FOUR . 4 FOURrH WARD . 5 Municipal election precinct number four shall consist of all that portion of the said City of San Bernardino;, known as the fourth ward and described a8 follows : Commencing at a point on the easterly boundary line of said city, where the extension of the center line of Eighth street intersects said easterly boundary line of said city i thence running west along said center line of Eighth street to a point where the center line of Eighth stre_t interseots wi th the center line of -I - Street ; thence North a.long the center line of -1- street to a point where the center line of wI8 street intersects with the northern boundary line of said city ; thence east along the northern boundary line of said city to the north-east corner of said city; thence south along the eastern boundary line of said E city to the point of beginning . 'd?~~~\ ' Polling place QA... i~ ~ ~ t---v- &6- L.~ ~-~ {fj JM,~ InspectOl'll1: ~ ~ Judges a:k /~ ~ _.m Clerke{- ~~ 6 7 8 9 ~ 8 Ballo" C I arks 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ~ 1 2 MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER FIVE . 3 4 5 FIFTH WARD. 6 Municipal eleJtion precinct number five sball consist of all that portion of the said City of San Bernardino :J known as the tifth ward and desoribed. as follows : Comencing at a point where the oenter line of -F- street interseots with the center line of Third Street; thence running westerly along the oenter line of Thi rd street to a point where the center line of Thi ni street intersects the westerly boundary line of said city; thence running north along the westerly boundary line of said city to the north-west corner of said city; thence east along the northern boundary line of said city to a point where said boundary line intersects the center line of -1- street ; thence south along the ceri,.r line of -I- street to a point where the center line of -I- street inters_ts with the oenter line of Eighth street ; thence At... east along the center line of Eighth street to a point where the center line of Eighth Street intersects with the center line of .F- street.; thence south along the center line of -F. street to the point of beginning . tJri ~ ~. 4- :- ~ rbaA/ ~ ~7' Pollingpla.ce ~~~~ Insp eo tore {~~~d, d Jud8es /1.).. . ~-U- {ea/~ Clerks ~/1; /7.Y::) ~/ 7/2-&"4 ~~ L 7 8 9 27 28 29 30 31 32 Ballot Clerks q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ;':>it..~_ $ - ~ And , it is further ordered, that an election be held on the said Monday J the said 8th. day of April J 1907 J in that portion of the City tif San Bernardino school district J lying outside of the boundaries of the said City of San Ber- nardino J for the purpose of electin~ two members of the City ~ Board of Education J said members of the said City Bo~r1 of Education to be elected by the electors of said City of San Bernardino and by the electors of that portion of the said City of San Bernardino school district lying out- side of the boundaries of said City. That for the purpose of holding said election in said outlying district.. that portion of the said City of San BAr!l9.rdino school di st.rict flying 'outside of th e boundaries of the said City of San Bernardino ~ shall constitute and. be a sepe.rate election II" ecinct by itself I and shall be designat- ed Municipal Election Precinct Number Six · That the following are the boundaries a.nd the polling place for said mQnicipal election precinct J and the following persons are hereby appointed officers of election for said precinct . MUNICIPAL ELECTION PRECINCT NUMBER SIX. (City of San Bernardino School District outside of City) 30 Municipal election precinct number six .. shall con... sist gf all that portion of the City of San Bernardino school dsitrict o11t(jde of the boundaries of the said Citv of San .I Bernardino J de8cri~ed as follows :- Beginning at the Northweast corner of the South~east quarter (S.E. 1/4) of Section 36 J Township I North Range 5 West S. B. B. M. ;. thence East, to the North -west corner of the City of San Bernardino ; thence southerly !.llowin~ 10 31 32 1 2 '3 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 - - ~ 5 . the west bOQ~dary line of the said City of San Bernardino to the North...east corner of Lot one (1) of the Colton Land and Water Company's lands ; thence West to the North-west corner of Section 18 J Township I South ,Bange 4 West ;) S. B. M. ; thence North to the extension of Seventh Street of the City of San Bernardino ; thenc e East to Lytle Creek .j thence North~long Lytle Creek to th e inte rsection of the no rth line of the City district on the south line of lot 184 Semi Tropic Land and Water Company's Survey. Also. commencing at th e nortb-east. corner of the City of San Bernardino i thence North to the north-west corner of Lot 3 Block 40 of the Rancho of San Bernardino i illmll ~ thence east to the North-east cor~r of Lot I of said Block 40 ; thence North to the north-wast corner of south half of lot 6 I Block 52 9f said Rancho j thence east to the east line of said Lot 6, Block 52; th~nr.e South to the S011th...west corner of Lot seven Block 51 of said Rancho; thence West to the North-west corner of Lot 18 in Block 43Jof said Rancho; thence South to the south-west corner of Lot 3 Block 43 of said Rancho; thence West to the south"'W8st corner of Lot 8 of said Block 43; thence South to the South-west " corner of lot 8 ~ Block 44 of the said Rancho i thence East to the North... east corner of Lot 24 Block 45 of said Rancho; thence South to the south-east corner of Lot 19 of said Block 45; thence West. to the s outh"'west corner of Lot 21 said J Block 45 thence North along the east boundary line of the City of San Bernardino to the point of beginning . Also J commenciqg it the north-west corner of Lot 8 Block 30 of the Rancho San Bernard.ino; thence south to the south-west corner of Lot 45 Block 54 of said Rancho j thence West to the North-east corner of Lot 22 of said Block 54.; thence south to the south-east comer of said Lot 22 ; 6 7 8 9 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 #t :;','",;;;i _ . .. .' 1 2 thence West to the south...west corner of,.said lot 22; thence 3 south to the south..west corner of Lot 15 8P; d 'block 54 ; 4 thence West to th e south..west comer of Lot 18 8~dd. Block 5 54~thence north to the north..east corner lot.9 of Colton , 6 Land am Water Company's lands; thence West to the north... 7 /West co mer of said lot 9 ; thence north to the no rth-east 8 corner of lot I of said Colton Land and Water Company's land ; 9 thence east along the south boundary line of the City of 10 'San Bernardino to the point of begin.ning . 11 19 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 f (, ) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I/L 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 " 1. ~~J Polling PlfW~ . v.l - n.c. "'if.. ~ a'~ ~~ A ~ a~. l8-LA'k ~~~ g~q~ ~allot Clerks ~~f0 Judges Clerks , Section W. The city clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be published for at least ten days in The San Bernafdino Daily Sun . and such pub lication shall consijtute the notice and proclamation of said election . This ordinance is uregently requirfd for the imnediate preservation of the public peace . health and safety and the I city Clerk. shall c'ertify to its passage by a two...thirds vote ,,\1 and shall cause the same to be published for ten days as in section IV provided and thereupon and thereafter it s:Qall take effect and be in force . J " l '.. 1 2 3 I hereby certify that the whole number of members of the Common Council of the City of San Bernardino is five and that that foregoing oniinance was adopted by a ~...thirds v ote of said Council at its meeting of March ..3 - . ~ 4 5 6 7 ~-f ~~\\~ City Clerk 9 10 11 " ~d~', ,,' .,' 12 13 , " /' "/ /~,.,~" ;-AP~~~hiS ..J:tL day of lfaroh . 1907 . "L, \ 14 16 ~Jf{~ 15 17 18 Mayo r . 19 20 21 22 \ , " 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I-Ef