HomeMy WebLinkAbout359 . .,', ' 1 2 3 4 ~ :) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0 III z 'Ei .. H ~ .B 15 ~Ili f/) '" U .ol . 16 " 0 /II ~ .E :>: 'g :Ii .. III 17 o = p., " .. ..d~ < = 18 ~ <1l 00 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 \ 'J .' <' .oRDINANCE ~5r · AN ORDINANCE CALLING A SPECIAL ELJETIOI TO :BI HELD IN THE FII5T AND FOmn'HWARDS or 'I'RI' GITTOF SAN , ' ~ ., BERNARDINO~ ON THURSSAY THE, lith~ DAY OF JUNE._ 1907 , ~. ~ ~ ~ FOR THE} PUIPOSE OF ELECTING ),. UgBg,OrTtI: CGDOH COUNe It moM IAOH OF SAID tAROS .' WHEREAS, her etofore petitions were filed wi th the City Cl erk of the Ci ty of San Bernardino demanding the el action of a member of the Common Council fran the 1irst ~rd of the City of San Bernardino J as successor to James C. Cole and demanding the election of a .memb er 0 f th e Common C o~ il; from th e fourth ~d. of the. City of San Bem~~JlO all euccessor to ~ . Wees ; and J 'f. WHEREAS on the Sixth day of May , 1907 J the City Clerk of said City submitted said petitions to.th , / Common Council / wi;~h his certificate attached.~ s~owing that he had examined and from the great rEgister had ascertainai that said petitions were signed by the requsite number of qualified electtrs of the said wards . , NOW,THEREFORE J the Y.ayor and Common Coumil of \ the City o~ San Bernardino do ordain as folloWs · , .,..-..~' ,- Section I. A spec ial elEl:; tion' is hereby crdered and (~lled to, '~e held in the''1irst and 1ourth~rds of the City of San Bernardino) on ThulSiay 1 the 19th. ~y of June J 1907 for the purpose of el ~ ting the following , ~ ' I:U 0 ffi cera of said Oi ty :J to wit: One m811ber of the Common council from the ).irst I aMard of said City tobe el<<:ted. by the qualified elect rs J .---.... .....---.......--. ..... ~ _.. ... 'c~----~ ,...u--"....._.~._~~,;_~.........,"""""-_..,... .~ ....,....,..,.. 1 2 0 f sai d ~i rst ""-rd ; 3 One mEmber of the Cqmmon Council from the j"ourtb 4 Ward of said City1,- to 'be el~~ed by the qualified. 1 5 electors of said ':fourth ~rd · 6 Section II. Jor tbeholding of said election the 7 said 1irst ani jourth "'rd. of said City shall each 8 constitute and be a separate municipal elect ion precinct 9 and. each of said precincts shall have but one polling 10 place therein · 11 That the following are the boundari aa and polling places of said municipal election.precincts and. the following persons' ar.hereby appointed officers of eleetrion in said 'electionprecincta) respectively: MUNICIPALELIDTION P1ECINCT NUMBER ONE, FIBST:WAlID. 12 13 14 0 II 'E z " 15 >-< ., oS ~j~ II) .. U .. . 16 . 0 '" ~ ~ z " :r: .. <ll 17 o I:l Il, '" " ..d~ < 1:1 18 ~ <II UJ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ).~unicipal elootion precinct number one shall con.. suat 01 alltbat portion of the City of Sen ~emardino J known as the 1irst ""rd and describ~d asfollows: Ccmnencing at the:Soutb..ea,stco mer of the City of San Bemai'd ino ~ and. rmning thence Weeterlyalong t,he southern boundary line of said city to the center line or "E"Street j thence North along the center line 0 "E" Street to the Center line of Fourth Street ; tbenc.e East . along the center line of Fourth street to the eastern boundary line of said City ;.tbence south along the east ern boundary line of sa.id city to th e place of beginning . tOhn Van Duerson's blacksmiths shop Polling place $i tu at ed on the lies t . sid e 0 f D Stre et · between Second ani Thlrd Street · InSnectors ... {Dailiel Weeks .~ . John E. Cl~k. ~...~ it ~ 1 2 3 4 .. ~ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ~ . iii: "E ... 15 .... ~ .2 r:: "";::; ~ . III ... () "" - 16 . 0 JIll ~ !1 :z: 'i! :c .. al 17 r:.. ~ E ~ ~ ~ -< g 18 . p: (/) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 \. - J~e8 (JObn L Ge~rg~ Me Call >> Sr.>> Tyler } Clerks {ll,snry Dewit i l J. G. Owen Wil iam J. Banford ~".lt MUNICIPAL ELECTION PR~INCT NUYBER FOUR · FOURrH wABD . Municipal election precinct' number four shall consist of all that port ion of the said Oi ty' of San Ber~ nardino . known as the fourth 'lard ~ dellCribai as fol- lows : Commencing at a point on the easterly boundary line of said City J where fue ext'ension of the center line of Eighth street j""_...-tt intersects said easterly boundary line of said city i thence running west along said cent<;r line of Eighth Street to a point where the center line of Eighth street intersects with the center line of "1" Street i thence North along the center line of "I" St,reet to a point where the center line of "1" street intersects with the Northern b'Oundar1 line of " eaid Oi ty i thence east along the northern bounda.ry line of said c1 ty to the no rtb-east c otti~r of ,ja,id. ci tl i thence south along the eastern bOuIldary line of said city toifpe point of beginning · Attbe blacksmiths.. shop situated on tbeS... O~\!!....w\'W~est corner of wnw an Base Line ..~ 'f . . ? ' POLLIllr PLACE ----~ ..----- ~~ t :~ .3 4, 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 " IS Z Oe ... ~ ~ 15 ~..:l'il Ill..!.) . <l Q 16 _= .s z "l! II: ~ ~ 17 Po. l" ... ...< ~ ~ < ~ 18, ~ fJ! 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 \ ....: "....,; ~ti" ,,i; *~ 4~' ,~~" J,~~~'1"" , 'j.l"'~' "~' q. Jn~R,t9r.: :.~ , Judges J. B. Tyler C I arks 1,.:_ Neff ..~ "\"'" Ballot C1 arks Marcus Annentrout . ~.' .~ Section III. Said eleoti,on. 8ha~l::~eh.I.i'j (\'4i'.: ducted J returned and the result thereof <made knee and 'declared in all respects as other city el~tionsJ and the City Clerk. is}1erfby ir:e.tf\\Q~~" to make all" necessa.ry 'a.rrangEln~ts ~anaprepatt'.:.til1 necessary ballots for the holding of said election. 't Section IV. The City Clerk ,ehall certify to the passage of this Ordiname and cause the saIfle to be publish daily for at least ten <lays , in Die San B~iardi.B.O Daily SUIl) prior to the said 13:~ l,~~L~ June. 19,0,7"" · Section V. This Ordina '. the publioa\1 as b ereila- fQn prOfi.~~~:~~.~~:T, am p roc];...,t_:.:d"f.j..~~..' " , This ordinaroe is ur'jgently req,uired for the 1m.. 'J<rliat~ presenatioll of the public peaoe . health ani safety ani the Oi ty Clerk shallc"r~ify to ita , ;1-.C:";Xi''':~<~>:-:::t,\ ... .,' .--'-"~..~- --~" --------------~ ------ _.._----~---..-,....._~ ,- 1 2 3 4- ,.. ::l 6 7 8 . 9 10 11 12 13 14- r) IS Z "g 15 ... l:: oS ~..;::; ... .. III ... (,) 16 .. . . 0 ..~~ z ... ... " ell 17 '" 0 ~ ~ f:-l \ol ...~~ <<: ~ 18 pi. (/) 19 20 21 22 23 24- 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 'oJ a two-thirds v ot e of th e C OIIl1llon C O\lll cil and caUse the S8IIIe to be publiahed for ten de.~ e.8 in section IV provided ani tberalpon and thereafter it, shall tslte effec and be in force · 1 hereby certifY that the whole number of tnEJllbers of the COlll1llon council of the city of san Bernardino i8 fiv e ani that 1M fc regoing ordinB.ro e!J-B adopt ed rfr ~ 4 ~-<'1' . ..' 'Dg- held on the ~de.Y of 1907, hy the followiUl vote · .-----.---.----- ') city Clerk · Approved this \~y o~907. .-1i~ llayor of the Ci ~ of San B' nardino ·