HomeMy WebLinkAbout361 --r- - 5 8 9 ~" ....--' -. 10 11 12 13 14 ~ id Z .; ... 15 f-< ~ .B .. .~ ll:...<'ii fA !< C) .. . 16 . 0 ill ~ .E '" '8 ~ ~ 0:1 17 o ::l ~ !< ... ...<~&1 <rl ::l 18 ;>:i III if) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27, 28 29 30 31 32 . n .ct,.;%"---'- .......... " ...~ '" ~",,,' .P 1 . 2 ORDINANCE NO . 3 4 AN ORDINANCE OF THE., CITY OF SA1~ BERNARDINO J RELATING TCJ CONVERSING WITH MOTORMEN OF STREET CARS WHILE OPERATING STREET CABS IN SAID CITY . The Mayor and.,Uommon Council of the City of San t \ Bernardino, do ordain as follows : ~ Section I. It shall be unlawful . for any person y to talk unnecessarilt, to J or to engage in unnecessary conversation with any motorman J or other person operating any street railroad car J or inter-urban railway car in the Ci ty of San Bernardino, or for any such motorman to so talk unnecessarily to J or engage inunnece8sary conversat ion with any other person; provided I however J that nothing contaimd in this section shall be c:onstrued to apply to the necessary conversation of OJ pR..rr pwrs1lnllYT the motonnan J or to the necessary conversation of any oiher person operating such car , with other persons amplo od in the operation thereof or in the operation of the street rtlilroad or inter-urban railroad to which such car belongs ; and provi ded further' that nothing herein con- tained shall apply except whil e such cars are in motion. Section II. It shall be unlawful for any person j I, finn or corporation J to nm or operate J or cause to be run or operated J any street railroad n car or inter-urban railway car along any street in the City of San J3.ernardinoJ unless tlB re shall be displayed or placed over the station such car OCCUP1," ed by the IIIOto~ereof . a sign to the f:o effect that conversi~ Wth the motonnan is prohibited by law . 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12' 13 14 $ Ol Z .; ... 15 "' il: .s: .. .~ it: '"' OJ tAl .. () 16 .. . . 0 f;rl ~ .9 :z: '2 ::q .. ol 17 o r:l ... .. ... '"' ~ ~ < r:l 18 p:: I1l 00 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 t:- ~. 1 " .,- ~ ~ ~4~f.0.;;r;~i::"-~~;!",:,,:;,.t''::-'<'','~ .. ~ r~ .'" '- Section I II. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor , and upon conviction thereof I shall be punishable by a fine n~t exceeding$IOO.OO J o~ by imw prisonment in the City Jail for a period not exceeding 50 da~ J or by both stch fine' and impris onment . ,\~" .....r '$ection IV. The City Clerk shall certify to the ~0"- Jl passage,.of th;.1 Orq.i:nance and cause the same to be publisbi ,;;t;" '; ;~:9I ~~~e coGiJ'cutive days in The San Bernardino Daily ./ /' .~ s:-~. . / ;,,,Jj_ ,~.ection y. Tria. ordinance shall take effect and be' in ~.e . bQII ~~J<fter thirty days after its pasS~:b:~:::~ the foregoing or& nance was appr.oved by and Mayor and COllllllon Council of th~~. of San Il~..~ernardi 0 . at its meeting held on.. the I . "dayof -... !9071.by the fOllowi~ ~o. te: A!res:~.J?1~,W.(,. ~~q~ Noes : 0, ~ ~.. . ) . ~ . LA.. . ~ ...................... " City erk. Approved this ~ _day of ~ 1907. JJ~) -'" Mayor 0 f the Oi ty of San Bernardino.