HomeMy WebLinkAbout364 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0 c:l z 'a .. 15 H ii: .g < .- ~"'tIl (/) f< U 16 < . . 0 fJl ~ .9 z 'B :Ii 0: c:l 17 o ;:I p. f< ... ,.< ~ &:i <I ;:I 18 Il:l " (/) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 .--- ~. .. ~, "...... " - -' ORDINANCE NO~ to I/-- . AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING CERTAIN MINORS FROlI BEING l -, UPON THE PUBLIC STREETS AT NIGHT . The Kayor and common Council of the Oi ty of San Ber- nardino do ordain as. follows : Section I;' It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any mdnor child under the age of sixteen years to be or appear in or upon any public street , square or other public place in the Oi,ty ,of S~n Bernardino betw8E1l the hours of eight o'clock p. M. of any day and daylight the following morning, unless such minor child be ac- companied by the par,ent ,guardian or other person havirg the lawful cbD.t,!:ol of such minor. child J or unless such minor child shall have the written per:aission of such parent J guardian or other person to be upon such pub- lic street, square or other public place between such hours . Section I I: Any person violating any of the provisiom of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be puhished h by a fine not exceeding $50.00 or by imprisonment in the City jail not exceeding 30 days>> or by both such fine and imprisonment. in the discretion of the Couft . Section I II. All Ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict her~with are hereby repealed. Section rv. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be pub. lished 'Ghre,e consecutive days in !he San Bernardino Daily Sun. Section IV. This ordinance shall take effect and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 " d z '<1 ... 15 H il: .8 ... ,- a=~d rn f< () 16 ... - . 0 III ~ .9 z 'E :0 0: d 17 o l:I p., f< ... ~ ~ ~ <I l:I 18 P:i d rn 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~;-- ~-~ " ~;"' ~ ""'" -~ be in force from and after thirty days after its pasaage and approval. I hereby certify that the foregoing olrdinance was passeq and. $,dopted by the Mayor and Common Council t of the Ci ~y.. .. J~ .1I.:;t. _ Bernard. ino a.t am.... eeting thereof held on th(~day o~ 1907 J by the following (,.e :~o wit~ AyeS~~~.~-~ . ..~:._--,~? / ./ -.;.- >,.., No es :'(D 'r~;/ ... "/ ~-- ,,<-;'~ ,f/'" .~- . JV .- /. . ) . . ark . . J' .". Approved this /0 day~, 1907. ~/ . .. -- llayo -. . c'''' ~ 'j - 11,.. ... l,A'