HomeMy WebLinkAbout379 1 2 :3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ;:;' 19 20 21 22 23 ,. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 \ ODINANO:l ..:IlL- AN OBDIBABOB PROVIDIlIG FOR THB. ISSUANCE OF BONDS OF !HI OITY 0' lAB BJRNARDIBO IN THE AMOUNT OF .110,000.00 POR '!D ACQUISITION AlID CONSTRUCTION BY SAID GIft OJ' CO- !AI. XUBIeIPAL IKPROv..YXITS CONSISTING OJ' IT~ WORK, THK COBSt.VO!IO! 0' BBIDGIS. !RB ACQUISITION AID CONSTRUCTIO. OJ' .l JIUltICIPAL PLAIlT FOR TIll nKING AD KlINTIIANC. OF stRllts t .dD TO COllSTRUCTION OJ' OROSRALlCS. Whena. the 1.Jrotaos1t'on to 1ne\11' a beJ14ed indebtedness .f' said 'I.ty of' san Berna~1n. in the .. o~ tIIO,OOO.oo ]tr1":t.~ sum, with intere.t thereon l1et to .soeed. 'bile rate of' fGWU:!'and a hal~ lJ_ oeJ.tt per annum, 1ntere.t lNlyablesem1- annue.J.lY, pr1n81])al and 1nterest pa"able in lawfUl _ney of the lJn1ted states of Amerioa, tor the .aequ1a:1.ti.onaD4 con- .tnotion of .ena1n mun:t.o1))al 1mprove.nts 00.18t111l .~ .beet ..k, the .0nA1'Uot1on of bridle. .tu a.q,U181ti.on and ..natruot1on of a munio1pal ~lant ~or the mak1nc aa4'ma1Dte- ",11.e of' streets, and the oenstruot1on of' ........caa t Ute total estilated .ost of' the same belD, tIIO,.'O.OO, as af'ore- said , bas been submitted to the qualified Y'-\- of' said 01 ty at a sPeeial .1..'1on held "he"'ter, aDd ...r. than ,.... tlilin.e .~ all the ve'era votine at suoh ~lttOtien have been in 'ta....r of' and ha...e authorized the i..uafioe of' the ben'- afoH8814; and. Whereas, the aoquisition and oonst~,'.1.n .f' said muni- o11>al i_..evoment. lJ.eninbe-rer. mentiened .......,f.rth is f'or the ob j eotl anel lJIU"Peeel of' fU1'D1.h1nc to said 01 ty caf' san ..:mardino, an4 the inhabi tant. tb..:re.~ t better and 8&fer a114 ..~. permanent :read.ays therein f.r publi. uae and trav-. e~ noW' there..re:re: !he Mayor and Common ceuno11 e..r the City of San Bernar- dino do ordain aa f'oll".:- Seotion I. That the bends of the City of' ,san Berna:rdino in the aDlGunt of' One Huncl:red aad !en ne....-( IIG.GOO.OO) nelle., be isned in aooorclanoe with the previsions of the Ao' cat the Ler;i.latueef the state of' Califern1a( whioh b_ oame a 1.. under Consti tlltional pro"1.81en .1 thout the GeV- e&'1'l8Z"8 appreval, '.braarr 25, 19(1) and. ef' all aots or parts .'t aot8 ..,Dda'.1'V there.~ er supplementa1 thereto, and in aooe:rdanoo with the oharter of' sa14 01ty and the ordinanoes 'hereof' and. the la.. of the state of' Cali'tornia, said bonds te be ,.. huDCI.red in number, of the deneminat1en of f'ive hun41*l aDd. f'1fty dollars eaoh, f'ive bonds. or 'we thousand .even huI14red and f'1f'tY dollars, t8 be pa1. the first year, and a like ameunt to be paid eaoh and everr year thereafter unt11 the whole bas been :paid, said bonds elaall be substan- tiallY in the f'ell.wine form: -" 'T: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 \ .,:resentation and surrender of the respeotive and proper ooupons heretG attaohecl, prinoipal and interest payable in la~ money of the United Stat88 .'t A:menoa. ~s "'.nd is one of two hundred bends of even date here- wi thand o.oh fer a 1ik.e amount, and mDlbered o ens eout 1 vely trGm Gne to two hundred. both numbers inolusi va, and amount- 1nl in the accrepte to One Hundred and Ten flWUSand Dellars. five of said bend8beinc payable one .ear fro date thereof' as atresa1cl t and five of said bends beiq payable in lik.e man"A:!: .acll. and e....1'1 you thereafter en the nrst day ef Ooteber , until t11e whele .1' said bends twe ~d in number sha11 havolHten :paid. t the 1a.t paymem beiDl due on the first daY .1' 00,""1", A.D. 1948. !h18 bond 1s issaed in yursuanoe ef' the provisions ef' tu .lot of' the Lecis1ature . of the state of' Oali'tern1a enti- tled.:" An .let aut~r1.1DC the 1nou.rr1l21 of indebtedness by .1..., ...., and. -.1oiJ&l oOQorat1ons for :munioipal im- ltreveaente, and :replati11l the a.quisi tion t oenstruotion, or .eJD.p1et1en thereof',. whioh beoame a law under oon8ti tutiGn- al ._neten with"' the Governor'. approval :rebnarJ, 25, I I9.!, ..aD4 0'1 a11 ao's or paris of' aots amendatory thereo't or 8UJJ'Pl~ turde. It is farther oertified that all re- quueaent. of law and of the Oharter aDd. ord1nances of the 01. of_ Be:rnarc11ne, have been fIllly oomp11ed with by the ]tH:P8r o'tl1oer. 1n tho issuanoe of this bemt that this 1ssue er 'bend.8 .... bean aatuZ'ised by the vote &f' tw..thirds of all the Tet..- Tetinc at the .peaial eleot1on te authorize the 1aauano. of the same t whioh speoial 0180t10n was duly and relQ1arlyheld in salel Oity en the tenth day 0' June, A.D. 1908, and that the total ameunt of the indebtedness of said oity 0'1 ... Bernamine, inourred by th:l.s 1ssue of bonds, to- gether with a11 other indebtedness aotually inourred or au- t~.~.edto be inour.red4.o. not in the aggrelate exoeed the sum o't ft7ee Hurdrecl and FiftY !bousand De11&r. t neither dees it in t1le &.Ilrecate exoeed f'ifteen per oent. of the as.es8ed valu.e of all the Jlee.J. anel 'Pe~sonal property.f the said Oity of' san ..mardin., nor d.o. it exoe84,the 1imt presoribed by ,,_...titatlen ani the laws of the stat. ef California. 1 III UtD!! .....'1 t the .a1d Oi ty of San BernaMine has oaused t111s bondt. be 8icned by the exeoUti ve of the munio- iya11 t.,.. to 11'1 t by the _y.r, and aJ.so by the Treasurer of sa14 C1..." aDd t. be oounter.igned by the Clerk. of 8aid O~V' 8.Jl4 the oorporat. .oal 0'1 said Oity te be herete /tIIM"M1:I#f affixed, and the .u4 Oi ty bas al.. oaused the ooupons hereto at1;&Oll8&" be siened by the Treasurer of said Oi ty of San Bernardino. lIaJ'or of the Oi ty ef san Bernardino. . fteasurer o'f tho Oity of san Be;rnarcl1n.. oeunte:uicned by: Olerk of the 01ty or san Bornardino. fte interest ooupons shall be substantiallY as follOW.: *12.375. on the first of ..................A.D.. IS......tbe 01ty of san lle~1!O promisos tG pay to thO be81'e1'. at the of- fioe o'f the """ !rea8\1Jler of t:b.e Oi ty of san Bernardino, in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 '\ sa1(1.01 ty, :l.Il the ste,te o't OaJ.if.rnia, the sum ef TweJ.ve :o.llars an4 biny- .....en alld one-u1f' ,.nts (.11.3'16), in lawfUJ. money e't the United states of' .lJI8r;1oa, fer sem1-annual inte~8t due on.Mnn1.1pal Improvement Bonds. ............... treasurer of the C1ty sf San Ber- nard1no. ~Seot1en 2. All the bonds iS8Ued under the ~rov1s1ons of this o1'tJ..."a~e sbaJ.l be dat.d 88tober 1, 1908, and shall bea'r 1~" at '1I.e .t. of feu and one-balf' p.r ..nt. per a1Ul~t pq.~o .-1a_uall1' on the f1rst day of April and 'en tile 'ftrst eta,. of' O.'ober of ...h year a:rterthe1r issue, prin.. 01pal and. 1nterest payable 1n l.awfUl mGney of the 1Jn1ted. stat.. ef' Jm111'10at at the of'ft.. of' the !:reasu.rer of the City .f' Ian Be_Nino t 1n the Ita'e .'1 California. !he )layer of ,he CS1t1' at laD Bel'l1&'lfine, beill1 the exeoutive off1oer ef aa1dIlUl'l101.}Mllity t aIl4 ,be fte.surer of' sa1d 01 ty are hereby aa'uris" aDd. 41:reoted t. 81en all of said bOMS, and the Olork of ald. 01t,. 18 hereby authorized t. oeunt8rs1en the _ aD4 aftiX tb8 oorporate seal theret., as the '.freasurer of 8&14 01 ty i8 :be:re1Jy cl1Z8Ote4 and author1zed to s1cn the interest oeu..,.ns e" sud bends, lI'h1oh oouPons sball be number'" e4 ......t1....1y. luolll be.s may b. i8sued and sold by the 10C1.1at1.. bR1'loll et 8&14 01t,., as they may determine, but not to~ 1:e.8 ..hall t... par value, and the preoeeds of suoh b._8 e1Ia11 be >>laoec! in the munioipal treasurr to the credit .'t t. paper 1nQtr.......nt fund, aDd. .11&11 be a:p.,l1ed flllNl!! exol1l81ve11' te the purposes and objeots ment10ned in this oH1aao.. ....1.n I. !be 1el181at1v8 branoh ef said 01ty of san BernaM.1...11 at the time o't fix1nr; the eeneraJ. tax J.evy, and 1m tM anner fer suoh ceneraJ. tax levY pl'G.v1ded, 1..". and 081;1.ee" anttl'1llJ.~1'.aoll year until said bends awe paid, or until thee alIall be a sum in the treanrJ ot sa1d 01 ty, set apan 't.%' ....tpu,nt.se to meet all sums comine due for :pr1n- 01pal ana. tntere" .n 811oh- bonds, a tax suff1.1ent t. pay the annUl. inter." an suoh bond.s, and alsG suoh part of the ;pr1no1pal thereof a. _hall be.... due before the time of f'1x- iDe the,..zt lell8ral tax 1..".. !he taxes here1n required t. be leviel.i!\BId oo11eoted. shall be 1n add1 t10n te aJ.l ather taxes 18'9'1. rer munio1pal purpo... t and shaJ.1 be ooll8Oted at tlle __ t1me and 1n the same manner as ether munio1pal taxes an ..11...... t an4. be us. 'ter no .ther pur))Gse than the ~t at ..lei. 'b.nas and aooruinc int.rest. ".'1en 4. Be }tr....... of the sal.e of said bends shall be PJ.aoed. 1.n a fund te be known as the .Yun101pal ImPrevement Bend. JIu.D4.. SMtlen 6. The Oity Olerk sbal.l oen1fY t. the passace I tf t1a18 e:L'd1nanoe and oause it te be :published 't.~ tHo. cen- ...."1.. "'8 exelusive .f ho11dQ'. in the ne ....D1na Index, a cl.a1J.:r n..paper n1n1;ed and pu'bJ,1shed 1n the 01ty of san Be..... t u4 shall 18 1nt. ....ot at the end of thirty da.,.,,~~.he t1M of thef1_J. pas.... ef this o:rd1_BOe and 1t.....ftlby the _1'01' ef said 01 ty, and th8:HupGan and the:rea~- 1t~. .. 1 take effeot and. be 1!l force. .Y..,.... tUs .. &1' ot June, 1908 U1>re: L Bernardine. Attest t 1 2 \ I hereby o8ri1f'V ~hat the fer8101Il& erdinance was intreduced and Mad in ftlll at a recula1' meet1_ of the Mayor and Com- mon C.uno11 e-e the 01 ty e't San Bernardin., held 8nthe 19th I day 81' .June, A.D.1908; that it was duly passed and adopted at men1nc e't &a14 Kayar and C8mmon a.unc11, held th.... .... ... '.d.Q. ~un.. 8t I9G8.., by the f'ollGW1nc vote: "Ayes- ..; 'e.. ..J 'eUD01lal\..W~ ~~~~_.~ veu..c ..,.e;,.. ... apen is pa..ace 8aid ordinance was duly a)t~......... ,......4Ile..,..1'.r said. 01tly aDd was s1cned b..Y hi. Om en the~6BJ' of JWl8, A.D"!90~ Olerk of . e C o't San Bernardin. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 tA....t' ~, (~ , 4\,'/ /' " ; ~ ' ~.' , t /: ~:>rC) :( c/ 'i'~' '" )7 Y) '0';'-'/ .r-..t!' ' ._y ~"-"':'i 7: r./ 1... ) ......... F ~ J' " t '.J- >" "'j "j .~) ,",/' .