HomeMy WebLinkAbout380 . "S.-~l;" r 1 2 '~ ,) 4 r- :'\ 6 7 8 9 10 11 ]2 13 14 " oj z 11 ... Hil=.2 1S .., .- ~-<" w.,u .., . 16 . 0 w ~ .5 z'B tt: .. <Il 17 o ;:: ;l, ., ... -<~;J1 -< ;:: lR ~ oj w 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 21-1 29 30 31 32 - ' ,.,-.- """,..dl. '_"'''''' ..__:.illl\IIwiJi,.,{"'::: -c: tr (' V ~ ORDIlUllCE. ~ . A1f ORDIWAlroE AJDmDIlfG ORDIlfAlTCE NO 322 OF THE CITY OF SAlT :BERNARDI" DTITLED - All ORDIlfAlTCE PROVIDIE FOR THE LIOENSING OF BUSINESS J SHOWS , EXHIBITIOBS AND GADS OONDUCTED AND CARRIED O. III THE CITY OF SAN BERNAR'DIJ!O AND FIXING THE RATE OF LICEN'SB 'l'HEREFOR AND PROVIDING FOR TRI COLLEOTION THRREOF-, ADOPTED.AND APPROVED THE Sth DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1906 ffBY ADDING THE.kBTO EIGHT , NEW SECtIONS TO BE IOfOlllf AS SEO'lI<m '10:a, '10:b, '10':::. t '10':4, '10::::' , '10~ J 'O~, aDd '70:11 . ,_"l.~ Th. ~r &ad O."'B CouDcil .t tho CitY' .t san B.raardi.. ..0.. da1. a. t.ll.... : S.cti.. I~(;: 0rc1.i1l&ll.. lluaber 322.t the Oi \7 ot san Bern.ar41.o t eDtitl.4, - An ordiJla1t..e proTid1:ng .tor th. li.en.ing ot bwliDe.s J .ho... J exhibitie.. t and game. aonduct... and caW1e" OD ia the city ot gan Bet- D&rdia. and fixiDg the rate of 11..a.. ther'" aacl preTi4iag tor. tl1t 001lect1011 thereof -, ~preT'" the 5th day tit February " 1908 , 1. hereby ....ae. by adA.Us eight De.. ..otl... t:Mreto t. be moWD a. So. t1.. '10~. '10='- b, ~O., '104, '10,:" '10f, 70S, and 70:h. an" t. r...., ... t.1l.... : secti.. 'lOa. F.r oaoh tra8io.t or iteDerutt """l.t, '. I' por ..nth tso.no payable quaterl.y i. aaT&Jloe . Sectio. 'lOb. For each denti.t or ether per.oJ' t d.'." engaget in extrao'1ng, tr.ating or fl11ing S1III:t t.~M'~ 1: ~\:. .',;~,:~;."!tii", who u.e. wincl, .tr111g or other raualca1 1..tr.ent."" \ Who giTe. con..rt. or entertainments of any k1nd ter the purpose of attracting a crod or tor the purpo.. fd advertising his busine.., pe~w.ek'.l.OO.OO · '*', ,/-' I ;1,,;m,.I;I~"~';"'~PI!llji~;'''fl';'';':I'''''';''il'I~~''*''~;~~'"9+1i",1 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 ]2 13 14 .~ ~ z ;:: ]S ....il=.8 .. .~ ~Ht; <IJ,..U '" . ]h . 0 ~ ~.~ z'8 II: " <II 17 o ;: ~ t t ..:;<~ .... ;: 18 ~ <II <IJ 19 20 21 I 22 23 24 25 26 27 2H 29 30 31 32 ,~~~\1 <!tCT".,?~/,A,; ,", -0- , .:) /,.,"'\ ---...I. Sectio. '10 .. For each i~~...t or tru.ient p!a7.lelan , per month _ .100.00 payable quarterly /" . innabance . SectloD '104. For each traft8ient or 1tene~nt ph7.1.i~ , or other per... eagaged in treating ~ pre. .or1blllg tor d.i.ea.e. er cl&1JdBg te ... be able te oure ti.ea.e. ot any lei_ , who .e. wind,. tr1Dg , or etlwr au.ioal. i..truaent. Cor .0 give. con..ri., or en.. rtai..-n fa ot any leilld. tel" the purpo.. ot attractlDg a crowd. or tor the purpo.. ot ad.verti sing his bu.iDess , per ..nth '100.00 p.,..ble quarterly i. ad.vance . ) Sectio. '10.. For each persl. co DCluc ting a "tire " J. -dbgkrupt " e""''' asslgnee. aale J per _nth , 50.00, pa;rlb Ie qJl&rte:rl,. in ad.vance . Secti.. 'O-::~. For ....h per... eDgaged in ..11iDg , goocla , war.. and. .rehandi.. at a temporary place ot . bu.i.ea. per ..nth $50.00 pqable quarterly in advance . J J Seotio. '0 t. For oach 1 tenerut or tran.i..t .erehaDt .ot otherwi.e herei. proT1". tor J per .onth I.f- $50.00 payablo quarterly il1 a4Tanoe. , Sectio. 'Oa. For -.ch tran.ient or 1*en.raat per... aDd ~er eaCh per.o. eagage4 at a t.-poary pl.aoe ot bUIll... who 4e&1. 1D or .el1. ..dlolne. J ..rug. J patent proparatio.a ot an,. lelJl4 or herb. to be u.e4 a. medioi.e. J per month $100.00 payable quarterly J in advanco . Seot10. '10 h. For each person e&gaged 1a selling modici.e. t drugs J or patent preparatio., tL any ldJacl J or herb. to be u.4 a. .odici.e. who call. attention to hi. waro. or advertiao. hi. bu.1...s by the u.. ot ...x mu.ie J entertainment. J "I~ or other deTia. whether 2 :,~_._"JfI~i_.un: { :1 .fllil., JifrlliJl: ~ _ _-~-..~__'"_,-""- ".",.~"""~~-;",,..' 1t'l'Wl:::'.'.l_l!l:JI:. (_-i<!-_#~""'M'" 'd, .,- '. -"~$_.' ,:lj:iji!;liJ Ita.: "'''11 !tIlilt~~W<'nn__'M:lI'L-flif-i:il_~_i<'-""'''';'}"'''''~';'1.ol1~.''''''_1-'_"_'~,-"'-"I',,!,"N,"';~H_"'_4.>_'-' X ,./ / 1,-1 ]2 13, 14- 0' .g Z ;:: 15 H~.s .. .~ ?:..." <J)",U .. . 16 . c (zl~~ Z ... :I: " oj 17 o := ~ ~ l-o ...~~ ~ := 18 ~ oj (j) 19 20 2] 22 23 24 25 26 27 2r1 29 30 , 31 32 IlL,' .. :I.JIlt,. t:.::':::. _ ~ I -0 " " 1 the actual. aale be made .at the p1&.. where INch .nter- 2 taiament 1. aiTe. or .1...~re t per day .25.00 . ') ,) SeetioD II. A11 erdiD&ftc.a and part. o't ordinano.a in c ollf'1ict hern1 th J bl ao tar ..a it con1'licta.. and 4 5 .ot oth.rwi.e, .......her.by repeale" . 6 SeetieD III. Thia ordiDano. .hall taic. .tfect and 7 b. in tore. tre. and atter thirtY' days aner It. "'~ paa...e and appa...:J. . / See tieD If. ?O The City C1.rk aha.ll c.rt1tt te the pa..age .t this 10> ~Ortill&Jlce and cau.. the ame to be IN'bMahe. t.r three ~/ "i ......OUtlT. d~ iD the ET..illg Illdex . I hereby .e~1ty that theroregeing ordinance ... pa.... and a clept_ by thtt May.r and C.1III1.a counc U ot . n the City .t san :Be1'D&r41.. at it. ....tia! h.ld on 1h .~7t..-{, , day o:r ~ . 1.llO8 . by tho :rol.l...1.1Ig TOW l ~..) Ay.. ~~) ~I )-~l _ _ . -(\ .... : ~ AppreTecl thi. '{ Cl.ty C1.0~ day o:r .~ . 1.908. 1la,.r ot th. City ot san :B.rnardino. J#~. .~" . lILlW. __ ,. E JljUlJ~ilti11l_ a ~J. It' " I I.', .ill, -!IWiI'il:.Aij('iIii.J.(il(,A.""+;'''I.........~.......,."~'(;.~,....,~'";,..;;-~~~"~;#..8#~~~-~"",._;~._~";,.,.._,