HomeMy WebLinkAbout382 ;t>' 1 , "' , .' ,) 4 ii Ii ,. " S H Ii \ 6 I 7 )) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 . '" z '" >< H .. - 15 " ~..'" ~ 01 (J) f..() .. o. 16 ,,' '" ~ ....:il;: z 1:: :IJ '" '" 17 o ~ ~ E-o C '""~~ -< " 18 ~ .. 'J; 19 20 21 ')') .....:..., 23 24 2S 2() 27 28 29 :~O. ORDINAlICE UO.~'V-- . AJ'! OP.DIH.ANCE ACCEPTING THIRD STREET FROM "C" STREET TO "G" STREET . The Mayor and COmL~on Council of the City of San Ber- nar.ino , do ordain as follows : Section I. That ~ portion of Third Street in the .,;, Citz of San Bernardino from the eastern intersection line of "C" Street to the Eastern intersection line of "I~~ Street ~~ving been heretofore constructed to the sa~isfaction of the Superintendent of Streets B1 and the Ma.~r and Com.mon Council of the City of San Bernardino t )-d is now in good cendilion throughout , and a sewer ) ,gasj"Pipes S4hd water pipes laid. therein under regulations he~tofore adopted by said Mayor and Co~n 80uncill ~ said portio~ of said Third 1~ ~er.eby accepted by said Mayor and Corn:mon Council. in accordance with the , I I I I I , ' I I I provisions of that certain act of 1h e Legislature of the state of California J entitled" An Act to provide for work upo# streets , lanes , alleys , courts , places, and sidewalks 'hh~ ,"or the c onstruc,tion of sewers wi thin municipalities' Section II. No person shall cut or excavate in any portion of said Third Street described in Section I hereof, except he first procure, in addition to any other permit required by any ordinance of this Citya permit from the Mayor and Connn.on Council sO to do . Section III. Any person cutting or escavating in any portion of Third Street described in lDtX'.K Section I hereof , wi tl out first procuring a permit from the 31 ' , II Mayor and Common Council. ro to do I shall 'be deemed g.uilty f 32 11_ of am.!_~~!meanor___i-and _ up.?n con'!.~ction thereof sball i . ___..__.___..__..______1 ~ # I - 1 ~'-"~...~-~-~~---._..".".~,..~..... "_,~_~,~_,,,___u_,,""~"'~'_"'__'~" ,..--~',~,.","'''- ~_~~""""'_'_~""_",_""'_".'~h~'_'_"'_,__c.-"",''''_'",_~~_,,,-..,.-..-....._""'_"""-"'''''''._......__~'''_'''~..~.,_....._,'~_'';......7......_~..._, Ii' : Ii 1 ,I . 11 ',~... " ,,~ ji be pu nished XB by a fine not exceeding the sum of ) Ii -!I ~ ,Ii $300,00, or by imprisomnent in the . ... y Jail for .) q 11 the period of sixty days , or by both such fine and 4 Ii 'I TMpyaJr imprisonment in the di scretion of the court. 511 6 Section IV. This ordi. nance shall take effec t and 7 be in force from and after thi,rty days after its N passage and approval, 9 Section V. The City Clerk shall certify to the 10 passage of thi s Ordinance and cause the same to be publish'" 11 ed for three com ecuti ve days in The Evening Ind.x · 12 13 14 . ~ z '" ...:; ., ':: 1- "' .. ;:; ;) ;..;>' H ro if) 8 () ~ ; _~ 16 z'C ~ ~ ~ 17 ...1~~ -< p:: 'I; 1B 19 20 21 22 23 24 ')..- ...,.") 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I hereby certify that the foregoing Cl'dinance ~:!lS passed and adopted by the Mayor and Common Council .~~ a. meeting thereof he1.d on ~ day Of~"" 1.908, ::e~~:~:~\~~~ Noes :0 . ,- Approved this Mayor .