HomeMy WebLinkAbout393 ORDILTANC]j NO~____ - - - - - c - - - .. - An o::-dinal1ce e~tallllehing the grade of Third Stl'eet from the :Wast line of' "A" street to the East line of Allen str'cet in the City of San Bernardino. The :Mayor and Coumon COL-mcil of -;';ho City of San I3ernal'dino do ordain as follows: SECTIon I. It Tl1u..~ the gl~ade of Third Street frOI:i the Ras;:; line of "A" i' Stl'eet to the }l~ast liEO of Allen street is ha::..~eby esta-ulished in acco~da~ce uith the rollowing elevations and grades: At the South-easJ~ corner oi' the i;;ta::"'f:;ecticn of "A" street ~nd Third street the grado shall be 1017.4j at the Uortll-ecl.st ~rner o:t' the iutersect ion of' said "All streot and Third street -10', r> ~.i..L.-_ gracle 611.8.11 1JelOl~I.4:. At. a point in the South line of Third Street 200 feet Ea~t of the East line of "A" Street the gre.de shall be 10?0.t3. ~ At a point in the North lir.e of Third street 20~ feet East , of' the Ea.st line of Tii,'ird f~treet 'the grade ehall be>].,020.6. At the soutl1-vrest corne::' of the intersecJ.:;ion of Allen Street und Third Street the grade ehall be lO~~5.2 j ut the t~futh-ea.st '\ corner of the intereection of sa.id Allen street and ']hird Street the grade shall be 1025.4. At the North-west corner of the intersection pf Cross Street and 7hird ~3treet the Grade shall be 10~:5.4j at the Horth-ea.st corner of the int\Clrseetion of s,dd Croes st~eet and;Third"Street the srade S1lE;. 11 "06 l02!5. 6. ..... And at all points betvreen aUld deeignated po.ints, "the 'l7rade c.> , .,.'~; ellal:L oe a11d t,s llerclJ3'- e~ta1).L'181.1-2J. 1;(, ~f; to c()YlfOI'r:1 to a stl~[;l,if~11t line betueen suid designated points. ':""., -1- I l . 383 .'. ,.. . '.:""_ l.:'4'-i.-_ ,_.:... l...: .~~ -: ..., ...'-,- .. -'\ .H 't~,- '-'~~~\.." ('C '. c Lt") cI.. ST~C~2IO III. r~J lG C)'Old .ir":()J11G('~ ~!J tri.~L~;- ...~ ..' l- (A . ,. u '.' i) t~-, lIt "f 0 :...(~ c ,,' G,";";d j 1 ~-'=:. ,1 ;~:. ~ :~.~: ~1. ~e .t it,::; ~: ~ u. ~.~~CrlI T"':,T J... 'f . r;,~ '1'1 C Ci C~Lc ::2 :'1~j" ~.~ c~; -"'0 .:, J"'_ r ......;t., '~ '..' 'f:, r (.,~;~ ~.~ ("_0' {" I~: r. ..(~ .L ~~: " '~ --1 I:"'. c, c ;f ~ .;.. ',.' d_ G ~..t. ~L~,~~ ,1. ~ -; [~ :_.....-,-';) r::~ ,,\ E'\.rr~:' j. ;~ I:"\d,e:z... I 1": e .;.-. a ~Y';-_:- co ~~ 5_ ~8,", "'':-, ~:,1-: (."; :f'c:."'c J. <" ()A,~(i~.. .L,-1~(:'~' '::.:~-.,;.~- :~)n~e ;-~ cd ,-'-, '_' .:..~ (1. 'C(,~, :..'_; II '.;('1" (: () ~~~_n_ G ~L ~L ., ('"' . .I ~:_ .J ~ ___~: t:; ct -~1' ~'_):~ ~_'f ~.~ {.1r d ~L :': 0 ~'t '" ,':-':. .......). (__i.. ;J c """'" J .--:t - d:~~' ~~- ."/J.~ Gl_~~._~, 1':02 u;.:..... :foJ.,. C..'!i.~~ A{'m:~cYV\'V.Iv, ~\\-\.,~'+-~ ~'-()"'(~.\ - - .:,_...;'!k).~ ~~...- . . r""''''' rt-- --~,.,-;1r - tl ,\. r. I ~ ;< i .,._,.1 -'-.~ ....~I.:_.J"I '.".... ',.. 1~ ":':" 0 v':: d '.' ; '" ""'" y;....- "" cia.'- ..-"'....0........ V rvv, ---- _. ---....-,.-'-. ~... J... c:~ . _------ -.--' -".-..--"' _.., -- '1 \.J ." - f',."",'''' C) _~. t..... 1 \)..