HomeMy WebLinkAbout400 (2) , .) -\- 10 /. :~~ 1~ .... ...:: ~ 'f, '" '.J ... -' lh :.:.:: : 'f, 1~ OHlYP,IAlfCF, no.,' i ,[ -' AU OHDIUAJTC:F~ PROPOSPJG a C]:RTAI1T A}'lJi~}mlmNTS TO THE CJ{ART}~H O1i' TIm CI'l'Y 0:F SAn JSERNARnINO ,PHOVIDIlJG VOH. THE PillnJI CATION THERE01i' AlrD JYESCRIBI1W AU]) tm?'l'I11G }"ORTH SUCH :"' MmlTDMEUT S. () in acco:'daHe8 'o;l ':~';' ::h(;' }JI'OViH.LOH:.; c:f vnmI\F.AS 1- 7 01.' tl.ltj COj'1~'-.itit:lJti(;11 (f Seeticn 8 nJ:lC , I. E: 1/2 01 Article XI ~ " .~~llC City. O~~.. SDl"l":l Bc.rr:<.i.rdino . a t.~'l,C S ..l\.:(x..J~.0.; J" C :}.." ,'. ".. I c.' "". \.' .L. {..L..L ~...1. J ..; ~.~ ..L '-A' q of 8;:.\.]1 Be rna I'd ino } ~',"unjc ipal cor!' G :CC:t t i on in J~,h8 CO'l State: of Ci:.~li:t'o:'nj.a , ~~c:::'ctnfo:cc~ i'ra~:led <:"nd ;1d.C:lltcd a 11 Cllat'nur fo::~ E;:dd City t Vlhic.h saie: Charter w:.w duly Lend 12 rccnlE,r1.y ~,vr,rovee oy the TJE:lg ii3lb- t.ure oi" the: St..,. t (: of 13 (~:r said Lc[islaturc , lJ~r ctIl ac t ., to vTi t c- o Cal Xi' onl j,:i, 1-\- ociop-ted l~ebrl~D.ry t-::.r;. ) 1905 t enti t.lf;o : It Assei::'bly COH- CU1"re._'lit. R.f;<....'O."..t.,i,"jIl. '_,Ie).].O") :cll.'....v.o"..;.l'.. ,,_ _'>I''' ~ ..L. v .... ::.J.), c,;,.J j .I,.L ',J .......- l:c. t,ltO CJ.lEtrter c1' :11.0 City at 8a~1 Berml.:rdino , State of Californj,co. ) voted lor 17 anll ratified by the Quc:;.lif'ied voters pf sc,.id City at, &. speclC-i-l e:lcction .nelc. thorein for tllilt purrJose on the 6tL. PJ JaT1l,,11lJ' ,. 1 ~,O:J'.. ~ d.ay of COlrlillOn Council O~.. ~. 20 the l'Layc;:t D.nd lIovl t tjlG:~(;f9:~"E.~ , 21 the City of S~n J3crnarcUno de a' o_ain as :;:'01101,;6 ) to vIi+': ) ) Section I. The JJcgit>latlivc Au:,llO:~ity of tiw City of )' _.1 San Berr.u;"J.,rdino ltul"eby subr:li tG to tLe CJ:ualified. elc:c:tor 3 .2 ..j. of Baid City the hereinafter named proposals and. ,- -:"' to c::,mena.. the Chn.rter of said Ci ty t al terTia tive provosa).f.1 2() pJ'cvifJi~irlfJ of tlle Section e of in uc:corcLaneo \i_~i ~~lt tIle ,- ....1 XI of' the Con;c;tituticn a:' t.l:c StD,te of CalifOl"ljia , Art.icle 2~ w}.i.icll GuicL rroposals ,,;);(1 al tE:rna,t.i VJ proposa.ls will be sub- 2<) qualified 01,;:;ctOl'S of said City 1'Ol' t,hair . ~IJ rcj ec tion 8. t a ,,;pcci[tl elect ien t,o b.e.^~:,,~e,~} ,:'.fr,t~:::' '~,l.i.e p1i2:blil:ation of' sD.id. propo~als anc:. mitted to tho .\0 ratif'ica t ion. or :~ 1 l;.a.cl i..lncl he Id ir" the mamlC2~ req1).ired ~;ylaVl . " .)- ulte:';mtlYl:.~ prcrposalf.\ Ii I' Ii iI I, j I! II SYCTIOlr 2" PI~OJ:O~n~D CTfPJlT::R AI.,;EJffiIrE:TT Trmn~}JR O1:;I~. 11 !I il 'I " \i It is he:ceby proposed that Section 133 of the J, II !, Charter of' the said City 1)::;; amended so as to read as \\ () II tollows:- '11\ _ Section 1:.'.>3 . \lhenever -el18 :!~ayor and Cor:rrnon Council I- I shall, by ordinanc e ,or -re solution , det(-) rmi:'1e that the " " q I In \1 , 1 II ! II 12 II II U Ii I- II 1 -l II " Ii I' /- d 1 :::, II ';; II 'J, -J ]I} II --, Ii - 2 jl -- Ii' II -- Ii ..: - --' IH ); 0: ; 'i Ii lq Ii i' ! _~i ) 21 ) ) )" -..' ) n ..2~ -;() ~:I public iliJ,terest , or necessity, d.emands the acquisition, constructj,on or cor.lpletion of any ~nunicipal improvement, the co st of which viill be too iTf: eat to be paid out of the ordL'1ary annual income and revenue of the Ci ty ,tl-wy are }~ere'by given t:p.e power and authority to call a special election and submit to the ciualif'ied voters of the City n the proposition of incurring indebtedness to pay the cont of such improvement set forth in 'KK.:lt:1ihi said oI'di:1ance or .l...'. .. '-.ill TCLS vote of tlle qualif i ed electors vet :L1g ~+ "",,v SllCll. I I \ elect ionl \ i I I I I \ resolution . T'" _J.. said proposition -be 3.ccepted by C' tVIO- tlle T'TQ.,~t()l--' alld CO_LilIon Council rrlctY is S1.l.e and dispose of' bonds of said city in evidence of said indebtedness. provided/ / ' that such indebte dne BS , tog et.her v:ith the l1Ylpaid and out s tCl,IJ!l.in.,,:, 1)onded indebterln ~s~~c~ll v exi stinf~ at the t i:L1e , 'f J.- ~ ~> suuh proposition is submitted to the voters..; shall not exceed fif te en per c ant of the assessed value of all +~lC 1:.2.xal)le I: rOlJert:;... of tJ).e said. Ci t~, . rClle anencinlent herein proposed shall be kncvm and c1esie'na,ted as II Proposed C11o>rter jI,:mend:ncnt 110. One 11 and if l'atifie(i_"by tt._c ;~lectoc s votin{.,. at Bedd special election, " 1.1 " s ~ lEt _ 4 0 e in force and take effect ir:unediately after its -;') approval by the Ilogislat1.1re of the state of California " f' oa..ti,;s.a -..c. PI\OPO :"'{}m r,EAE!l'J~R ,AFRHn]> ]];:;17 -'llJJ->[<;'F'0R TVJO · ,:'i It is hc:;:,'eby prov;)sed th:t Section 3 of said Charter , , -', -2- - ~ /, ... ~ u; - :: ~ :... " -" " ;:: ~f: 'f ., ,_, ."" ......_.__.._. ._.._._.",~._.___._._._u___ q q " Ii ii' ,. j Ii !i ., \1 II :1 .~i \1'1 divided i:'lto seven wLl,rds , and the exteriol~ boundaries of each , ,I ') :1 I) \Iil of said wards shall 'be and are l:ereov e:staolished , cre:.:.ted to vii t: - ,- I I I , \1 l) 1\ Ii said 11\ \1 11 ill Bernardino , and running tilCnce westerly along the 1) I \,1 boundary U II thence 110 rth along the centerline of It I;; ,! Ejt reet , to, II 1-~ ,I II the intereection of said line wi th thE: center line of '\~::' \ 1 i\ :1:'ourth Btreet 1 iJ ! I 1) 17'oL!,rth Streetl~o tJLC easterr! bOlmdar:,' li~le of GEdcI city j 1:- \1 li~ \11\ tJlcmce south alone tlle casteen 1Jounc;.ary line of' saicL Cit:;,r il to U'.c p1:wc of begirrninng . 1') ill ,I " I' _~() II II I! ,n Ii of ~,aHt Ci t.y lJOUlll'ed ,,"fie' descr:Lbed P.S follows , to \Ii t:- n I: ii III 2.~ Ii Y:a tel'''''')! Avenue "tt.h ':he prolongation of tb e c ente l' line of .;t il"r"LY'~11~^:;;.~.f,-"""'. ....~''-:?r' ~O)~~F~C~ ~ll' :~(,;. ';~:~-l~r~e~l~l~ fu l!-~'-' ,,~_ .,~~,,~~ , ,'-"-"'(.' ,"-- .r; i?fl'~ ,...-.,,- ..l{ 0:' J"Jl..,.. ..w J{), )::. i: -:"" lito XR it.s intersection vlith ~:,hr; center line of wE" Street _:() ~hence :Tort11 along the center line of E st:ceet to it s I' )--:- al .../ ~lltersecti()n v:i'th -'c.L(; center line of T'ifth street ; tllcnce il iieast u10nv the center line of rifth street to its inter-- I' ./ 2l) I:, J;. . ji sec I..lon Vii t,11 tll(3 ceIl tel' li~H:' of "D" Streut j thence nOTt,}l it .:,j) I' Iii alor1JC: the c cn tu r lint: of "D" ~-~t reot to its inte rsoc tion Vii th i" . ~"1 t;l", ' Irne center line 0:1:' Hint"l Stl'cct j thence J1;c"St &lo11g tIle '; -, lr ,. I' . !! "_~9.g.1~ ~_,.!~~:: ...9 t _;!j- n~l 2, tE~~_~_ t 0 ':.h ~_ e Gl:~!_~E?:.~ _~.~~.~:d_~.~y___..?~-~~:_-j of said City be amended so as to read as follows , to vli t:- Section 3. 'I'll. e City of san 'P.ernardino' shal~ ~'\ 0 r-.J"" and designated as follovvs , VlAlu') J'.11JJ)~i~1~It 01J]~ . \7al~d number one shall consist of all that portion of Ci ty , oouncled and clescri bed as follows , to wit:- CO!:1lnencing td the sputheast corner of' the City of San southern line of said city to the center line of "F." street tllenc e }?as t [~ 10 nc ...;-.\...... ~.J..j.e center line of \ ) ARD } "'T;~",:~i3}:; It S~YTO _ 'Hard m1:noe1' two shEJ"ll c onsi ;5t of all t}:at pOI'tion C OTrli:le n c i ng :~~ t t~!J~ in tt~:r' se ct! on o i" .t~.ie c en t er lille of -.)- , '.""'-'_'_~'=-"-~'" ;~".-Ulli -1._ 11-.---.... .__._r..._..__________ .---..--.---..---..---------.--- -.----..-- ---.-----. I' I city tlH~nce f.outh to tlle -plr~ee of' .begim:inc. ) I. YTA}m :!~i;:r~3Yn r~HPYJ~ · I I ., VIaI'd rH.l::nbe:.c r;:'hree s}lr:tll cOllsint 0:': all that portion of -l- s8,id Cit:l 1)Ol.Hlded and desc:d.bed as i'ollows , to wit:- - .' C O-:~;2l1enC ing at the inteJ:'sec t.i on of t,}"J8 canter linc: of I) "1',~ills st)~eet ~\ii tll tIle cerlt,81'" line o:r E fitl-eet , clrlcl i runllinr~ thence lTorth aJl..onr; the center line o~' :B~ Street , ;..; to its intersection vdth the center line of rifth Si:,l'cct q tl;J:1~'iil', WtH!lt nlurv. UH!! Se:ll :.01' linG of l'ifth st::l?liwt; j thence l() ',,,.'est al()n[~ the center line of T'ifth street to its intersect- 11 ion vIi tll. tlJe center lino of E ~")t:ceet i thence South along 12 tile cent,el' line of H ntreet and the Iirolongalbion l.JlCreof 1 . ~ 1 .~ - ~ ;': - 1 -, ~ " 'lj .J 1 h .- r "" 1 ~ I ,2 1 ~ i (l J 20 21 II ) , _c~ Ita its intersection vJith :,11B II +'lB1'ce .H~'1 s+ "10'11[" ~.;,,"lG v.'-_ l., _. c;.;v v c.... ...~.~ 4>__'-> ~lace of beginning · \ I I I Ii ,mid City 'I Ii II 101' :Pifth street. and D fitTE;ot i ithence :T01~th al011F tile i i, + .j.. . ' , \lDot.lerseCt..rlOIl Vil"'Ci:L :J"l(; cerltt~l" Ilthencc Vles~ along the center center line of llill street ccnter line of Nill street. to tJ:-l e ViAl1}) lTljliL3~:~1 ~ VOl Tn '~I l "'71" \,"U -.j llu.mber fouJ.~ shall CO 11f; i fj t of all tJ.lat pertion of bounded and dscribed as follows , to Vlit:- Cornnen.cing C3.. t 'tlJ.8 in ter'sec tion of tLe c enter lines am sa ide .L t Y , CJ..Yl (1 I'11rUJ i lie: centc2 line of D street to its line of ITi:ntrl ("'I +"r nf..-'":.+ . .." '...u. ....~, '-' V , line af 1~.i11-:}1 8treet to i to _~-l- intersection \vi Ul the center line of R Street t,1.1ellCe 2::; Sout}). (,lon~' ~;he cGuter line of IT street to itG intersection I 2() IHi th tl18 C ent 8l~ line of Fifth fltc eet ; I I i 27 li'l center line of I~ii'th street to t.i:le l,oJnt of' 2~~ VtlLill) j'.J!.J1IGFR Ii1I'j1B . I 2q i : I .)() !oi' said City lJounded i I .) i I I .).~ IYiatcrrnan A"1fenue vd tll t,he l'rolol1g2" tion !!~--~_.._-_..- tl1811C t3 l~ast. ,;.lon('; tILe t.iecinning . Ward nt;,mlJer Ii ve shall Gonsist of' 1 I I I I , I I I I I O~ +~~ n(3r~~r ll'na I _ v_~~"-' v<.I.tlve_ .......... .__....:.__.._______~_______._._J D.ll .l.~lia t pOl' ti on e..nd <..1.e seri bed 8.B folIo",: s , to \vi t: - C OY1Y.'J.enc inrr, nt the intel'section of the center line of of Ninth Strc8t , . 'U J'. , 1 . , - 1 T ~ s t cc"."lo 1.1""~'..".,, +'1."..(> .~)' .J.'(" lr'llf'.,.-;' .L .t;,'ng ",l1.cnc<;:; it;, ". v ~ V c -.::1- ."..-'--- . ~ 'I^l7 -,>-,.._._.~,..~.". ,- ---.- ", '~"^.,#~----"--'-- --..-.,----..".-" -.- _____ w __~~_____ .----~-~. .-"-~-----~-- .....~-------~~----~~~--_._~_._--~- -.... -\ I ! i , I I .1 , I , , 1 i a t i O!l 0 t> B8..i Cl. center line of TIintl1 Street. , a.mi along tIle -\- cell tE:T line of H ~)trcct ; thenc G Hortl:. along t,h,3 cent er line c e11 te II line of lTi n t 11. street to its in tersec tion vri tll Qte ~ ,-; \ I l) \ I 10 1\ ,1 1\ i 12 II II Ii U I' 1:1111 l.~ I:' \ I ~ ~ !.h '-.J 1h - 1 '/- v <r' "J, li-i :>: of r: Gt:ceet to its intersection v!ith the center line of II Tenth street ; thence West alone the center line of Tenth street to its intersection v;iti; the center line of]l I Stree~ thence TTo):'th c::clong the cent,c.L' line of I street "-:'0 the northern boundary of the Ci ty ; thence T~aste:21y al.ong the northern boundary line of tlle City to itf; intt;rsection "lith the center line of Watc:rmun Avenue ; thence south along the center line of VJ[;. terman Avenue to the 110 int of beginning . WAn.D ITmnmH. SIX. Ward Yl'LUnber six shc~,ll CO H8 1st of 1"_11 that port ion cf said city bounded and ~escribed as follows, to wit:- (;orLrrerlCing a"'C tl)f; ir:tersection of the c~~nter line of TCingma.n: street and H street , and runninp; thence West alone: it) the center line of I:ingrnan street to its intersection with 20 the cente l' line of tIt . Vernon Avenue rj thence South 21 along the center line of~'t vernon .Avenue to it~3 inter- ) i section Vii th the centoI' line of T'ourth street j thence West 2,', along the center line of Fourth Street, to tr.:.e westerly i -+ boundary of the City thence neandering along said west..er- )- -:' ly boundary line to the nortLwestern co rHeI' of sai d City j 2() thence :past 8,10n[; the Yorthern boundary :1:. of ., salO. City to 'y'j a point where the prolongation of the center line of I street .y.:- intersects said. northern boundary j thence south aloHg 2lJ such prolongation of the center line of' I street j and . ~{) along the center line of I street to its intersection with the! I i I I to its intt~rsec tion wi th the c enter line I ) "' center line of Tenth Street ; t.rlence lGast alol1~; the een tor ~ --~ line of Tnnth Street I -~f-R Str~~t--;-t:h"nce S;'~'-th,:lc:ni; tl,-;;--c(;n tC;:---linco f------ __J -~) - -~- -~_.._-. -- -~- ---- rVlI .._~._____,.~__~....~__. ~__._____,.__ ~_.__'__________'.____'___'__'__'_____~' ,~~.____._._,..__ ________..............._.M~.~"._~__.__"'___~_.______"~_~..__'__'_~_" to its intersection with the center line of Kingman the plc~c e o:'i.~ beginni:r:g · rr~ T)"r\ ~,I),.j \.J.J lrJJV[3I~11 S};\TJ::J:J .. VIaI'd nm:lb e1' Seven shall c onoir! t 01' 0.'..11 U:.at po:::ti on 11 of said Ci ty l)Ounded and desc:."i bed as follows t to wit:- II COY;1IleEcing ,.::. t tlw intcrsec tion of t.he center lines N ~f Kingman Street and of II Street , and running t}le:r:ce '! ttrest along the center line of Kingman Street to its i:r:ter- II }O 1~38ction wi i::':'~ the center line of Mt . i.TernOn Avenue I 11 ,ot'..th along tIw center line of lI~ Vernon Avenue to its tl.1.ence 1.: I nterseetion wi tll ~:.he U Ii west along the c en t er 1-1- I \'Iestern -Doundary line ~ center line of Fourth street ; thence +ihe of ~otlrth Street to the of ~ Cit'J ; thence sou.th and ..0 ::; '.]) ') 1:::' meanderinc along the western bound.ary line of the City, to :--: lh a point vrh8:;.>e s2.icl li::J.8 0:;'> \,:1e prolcmgation thereof - ~ ~ "" u 0:< -< 2 :< G 17 strikes the center line o~ llills Street; thence East 1;-; alone th e c enter line of ],Iill street t to a .po :i:nt vJhel'e "'-h l.,.ae I'} center line of lIill Stri;~pt intersects with the prolongation ~() 0:::' t~le centE;l' line of IT ~tr eet j t.henCf.1 Horth aleng the .!.l prolcngat.ion of tree center line of H fitreet, to the :point ) ) of Beg inninr:: provi~ed that the boundaries of sai d _:.\ wards r-'2.y at any time 1:B reaft er be chi.1ll[; ed by ordi. nance passed c~nd enacted by the ITayaI' 2.nel Com:mon Council , but S each such c hrmgc t 0:::' chang as , sh[.'.ll not lie made TIO re .?() than once in every two years J and then nhall 1) (~ YJade r~ .... C\..-'-J 2', least ninety clays IHioy' to any [:eneral :r.mnicipal election and SO that, the wards r.;rw.ll l;c in compact form (j.nd. xxx as 2<) ne2~rly equal in populr:.tion as practicable" ,~~ (; Under said rroposed Charter Ar~endment :TlliIlber Tv!o t q it lS }lf~r()t,:-. prol-losed that f~ection 30 0:: said Charter ~ 't be amended 00 as t.O i'ead c:.n follows , to vfi t:- ..,._"",._,_~___.,--_________..._____.-....___---.......~~__~.~-,_.,_...c._----'-"-"......-_____.--.....-~~.,.~~_' .__M~_ ._._._____.V~..__H_____..___._. -6- i ,--'- . --'--- .-, _.'M_____._ .-.- --. -...-.----------..-..-.---------------.-------------- -------------.------------.-..-----..- II 1\ II I hereby I II :\ 'I the attendance of other mel~1bers t }io oreier, except. to il adj ourn fo}:, a lack of a quorlUl1 OT t.o com.pel ",~he I II attendance of' a CIJ.Ol~ur;i ,.; II q\ Ii 10 I : ~III 1-1- ,I ': J', II ;: ,I 1 (, 1\ I' 17 II , 1:-> Ii J; Ii i I j i I Ii ~() II II 21 Ii Ii II )) II 2,~ Ii I , ) I _-r I I 2~~ I i 2() I I- II )- Ii _, ,I Ii I' II ~)(! II II ~(I II I' q 1\ ~ 2 'i " 'I. U ,- '.' ~ ;: ~ "2 ~ -~ ~~ ~_. t; _-< -1; -1 -r: 11 ___ ~_~__ __ _.~__~.____ ~.__~ __ _. _.---r--_.,.'".--,.-...._-._._..._-,-..~..,~.. oo~._-..."...,-,..~,.,.;!,.---,';i"'~ Section 30 . The Legislative power of the City,s ve sted ir- the C OmYIon C ounc il ) conG i st ing of seven members , four of who!.'! sl1[;_ll constitute a qltorum , but n. lel':5H Yl')~11:)er may adjourn from time to .[.' l.lme compel or cmd no ordir-ance , or resolution, or 0 reler, shall 'be valid U~5 it receives ive vote: 0:1' at least fou/councilmen. /\ the af:fiI-Tlcl~t - \lrrder said. pro pasco_ cLarter Amendment :0Tunber 7wo it is hereby proposed that Section 13 of the Cha:cte r of said City 1;e amended so to :cead as follows , to wit:- as Section 13. On ':_~}1e 3 ee o l1(:L lIc nday in April , 1909 ~ 8.nd. bienniaJ.ly thereafter , a c;eneral r.nmic ipal elect ion l-Iondav "'1':'1" v in AIH'il , 1909 , and every f o 1"'!.r th I ! \ I I ! i year th~ :ceafter , \ I i i ! i I I I I \ i I I I I i I I i I I i I I I I S}l.D..l J. t: e :l'lclc, , a twl1ich there sh~l_ll "be elected , at lare e , a I,Layor vrhoue term of office ~lall be two years f rom and n..f .te r twelve o'clocl{ tho second lIonday in I,J[uy next noon on succeeding his election ; and there shall be elected at a general municipal e1ecticl1 to l)e held. on the seconcl c;. Cle:clc , a c1ty .A. t t 0 rrle 37" , a treasurer , a,neL a police .Tudge , all of whom. slml:l rJe elected at large by tlw qualifiec voters of naid. nit:I . Under said proposed ChartaI' amenclnent I1Ulllber Two it is 11ereb~r IHoPOS ed thr-. t See tion 14 of the Ch8.rter of" said City 'oe amended to read as follows , to Viii tj,: se as Section 14: . p.,t a general munid.pal electicn to be held on the second lToncLHY :a in April , 1909, and b i ()Th""1i~;,lly thereafter, thore shall 1::0 elected one mernbe r of tile r;Or:L'llOE Council ~~ f' .....oy-" ILL ....rl r7'\,,, 0 __.c ...~ Wcl.~ '-- I'-- -,-, , ~ :from Ward 0ne of sah: City ,. one nenlIJCr " ~ one mem1:)(~r froLl Vlarcl FiYC .. one member - t----' .._,_..~..__..._~......,__~----".-_.--.................._..-,-.------,.......~.--------.--"'=-._________~~_~__~,."......... .___________."'"""'-..o'~_........_...a.__....._._____,_^_,_____..~._,._ -~--.........:; -Y7- , -~--.-- .." ,~.~_. _. <<"- -, .-" -..---.--"- " ~_. ._--,,_..,-_..._.~.,_..._-.. iJ Ii II f:(' () III I saicl Ci ty , by the c.~ualif i eel- vo tel's of Baid resI}t)c ti ve i II il wards . On the neG ond OtaJ,{ 1\Jonday in April , 1911 , and Ii : 1\.\ bienn ia1ly t:;.ereafter, there shc.lJ_ lee elec~:f~d one , ~~cnoer of t},e Common Council. :f'rom 0::' paid I h I - I, " I q II 10 \ _:"'~, '" _; .Co l' :': ri.. ~. ~',' .!.a.~....L '.:_.. ::.:~ the electors ""<,Toting at said SlIeciE:.1 election) 11 ! I L2 I 1 , ,) 1 -+ - ~ /, - 1 -, ~ if) u 1 (, - -. ~ - .- 1 :.. ~ 1 " 1 ;--; " 'I. 1 (} .21 I 21 )) ~?, )) >\ 2,::" .!(, )- _I ) I., ~ .,...<- >u .~() ~1 , ) .. -,..-_._,,-~~~_.---~_._----~-'. -----~_..,........ ._._,------~--_.._"..,._-------.....,..,..,_._--_.~-_.-._-'~-_._'----'---. ~ ViaI'd II Six , ~ an'i one member from Ward Sc\ren of :---. ~ Ward Three ^ C i t:l and. one rleJ:J'bf~r from ~---.... Ward ~"'our ~: of saie gi ty ) r"t,r -'J t~'le (~uH..lif i ed voters of said respective "Tards . ",he amenciJnent herein proposed shall be known and. designated as II Proposed. ChF~rter Arnendr:lent no. Tvwll and if shall 'De in fo::~ce a~l(': take effect iITediately after its up 1) roval iJY th e TJer:islf=),ture o~f tlJ e ;-.~ t CL t~ t: of r;alifornia.. . \ I I 11 I I t II II II 11 Ii l! Ii Ii II I I , I I I I I I I I I o:'de rs "th3 ap}n'oval of O~he I:~ayo:r shall be pre sumed , I I I: unless at the ScU:le meeting c"..t VJ}lj.ch the order is passed , Ii Ii Ii Iii. f~~e , tp be spread 'I Ii ol'clirlanc es Ii II II I: ,. _._______.__............._~.._._.._.,_...____"_"___..~_.___._________._____.__ __._.__ ___..... .._~_~..._.__:..___...__._---..._...__-......J -e- PJWPOSEJ) C}-T.A.n!~rJ!;r,- !-C,,,TE]fJ)J."lIDTT lnnJrl~}~R THREE.. It is l1ererJ~;r pToposed tlla't Section 31 of the Cjml'te r of sai('~ c;it:,r 1::0 ?uncnded so as to read as follows, to VI it: - Sectiol1 31.. Ordir..ances and resolntions ?-re the fo~al actB of C omr1on C OUlIe i1 , :.ceduced to 'viritong [.mel passed. the -tlrldel~ legal restrictions governing action th"31'eOn l orders en1J:t'ac e al:L other acts v!l,icb bein~", less fo:rmal in charaeter , require only to :,)0 CtuJ~y llassed tYtd by C OL1.lCJ II Co Uile i 1 , and -ue spl""ead. .';JI8 {ili rm t e s "To lD'rder, on the apT' :covD..l oS' Uw ;'..lc.t y 0 J~ , shall hc~ve effect ,Ii thout. , eXc8nt vr}:l~ 'l/:: Zl~ ers of . f- resoll.:.tion , or MZO.ocri o::-diYld.llce t!le coYnm.on Council conCU1' i:::-1 its adoption .. In cc_se of tile },~ayol' catlSes his disapproval. , v!i th hi s rec'.sonG there- upon the minutes . All l";::solutiol1s and af..icer raus t 'be submitted to +.}:e ~'TC~3ror , passaf.e J viho sLalJ_ -\'li 711iIl 1'j,~e days ti'..ereafter ,) endorse llis )"l I -.:.,~ I )' I --+ I I 5\ I 2h I i 27 I I ~~~~ 1 I i 2lJ I I }!l'OViS ions of this C1::arV;',', '}PO:l all n1& t t ecs p~ ,ctc;,.ining , ~,() Ii ~~o raunic ipal affair s ~-) 1 I GUC011Cl : - T'o I}1)_:r-c}1c.1He -~) 1 \ 1 1 j ~__..___,..............._......-...----....,_____~~_____#.______....~_~.~...--'...___._....__.._____. ........___ . _......_...o~_.___,___~.___._~__~.__...._.____.____..J Ii I; II II ii II 1\ -+ 'I 11 II - , :> I () I ~ () 10 11 12 U 1+ ~ ;~ 1::' ;; " 'fj '.1 Ih --: ~: >- - 17 :.- --: d: -0: 1~ " ., 1(l !p 21 ) ') __._ v. _ __. ~_ ._____.~ _ n_ _ _ .~ _4 - .....~-_.. ~ ,,-.-------..---,..~.-.--,-~.~---.--.~"~.~--.'"--~"---'--.---.--------.-~---~-.--.-..-.~-~---.--.-..--.,,-- "nT'ro"lTa1 I 0..1 ("1.' c<aI'}'l'10""<:>1 <'-4,.'.,:' ....' 'i C _" .:. .,_ Jr,.JC. .J) W.C.ol,. the reason Uwreon ) giving foJ.' his dissaprova1, if any. lTn'LCn approved lJY the Jrayor a resol~~ion slmll ~o into effect at once but no !V J'(lir12i..l1~ e f3 ~1:.),J~ 1 (~, 0 ir: t (1 e:f":f' e c t or be placed on its fi)1~'3.1 passage in the COLI:iOn C(,uncil ,upon J, C 8;';,11e d.(1.~l ti"lEt!' it }l.as lleen iJ1tl'o(luced 8,11c1. I"c8.d .; ','" 'Lull fo~(' tX1.C j" i. ~(t S t t i!'le hOl-' .u..r:.til fi "'re r"LFt"'lH t,l.1e:1~e.ai't.er c-11'1(L eVC1--jt ora in8.nee or re;::.~o'11,+,i()n +0 ..""..~r", ",J> \T~)l~u" "'Il'let l,'-> - ---,- '4/" ~-'U- 'J.' .~' ;Z~~_. '..'- V(Ji',.. 0.f,"10'1-. "Le.q!,-~ 'l'l';~?El:J..l.nC)1:~n r<lla" I . ~" _ _ ~ _ ~ _ u_..),r~ ~ ' '._'0- ,."-- I 1) ,i" ;~~. f5 (~( 1 ;::r B~lJI)J:--Olre(i lj:r :2~lC :9 I'D vi d.Gcl 't.~'),cl- t i It ~~ltC TEc..:to 1--' f' B.ils r to approve c:m:,r oNl.inancc: , or :!~esol1).ticn , it ;'n&v '1,')e '-' vo t c of no t 1e s" t~';^'ff.1. if.,~ /a':d t.--, t:...... pasncd ;.)J"f! truce effect as LE' approved b:,/ the 1Tayor. 711e .L1a..necr'.lerlt J-L;reil11)~rOrJOS8d 3}la.lJ~ iJe 1<110\'lY1 eJ..S t~}:1d dosignatc.:;d ci.S II Proposed. CL.arter jI.] Lenet.uoII t FUl;lbc r T'llr,e,e II ;J.Jld if ratii'1.ed_ :')~r t11e eleetoJ~s ~tOti1.1C Cl.t S[1.icl Sl)ccie..l ~;lcction) nlu"~_,ll lJ~.~ iT1 j:orc(:; 2~rlcl tal:c c;f:["'ec"t iWLccd.ia tely aftc r its approvE",l '.iy t:LC ]Legislature of the State of califo~rlia . PIlOI)Or;ITJ) CIT.J.\RT'I~I\ l~\;1E1IDl:tcIfT 1TU]iB}~Y: };'~.U_R. ,. It is hereby proposed tlmt Section 40 of said Cllal~.tt;-;~l" (,(; u'l,:c,;ndod SO 2,S to eea.d. S~B follows : to Vli.t: - Section ibO . Tl1e ~~\-Iaj"():,c ;J,.11d Coune il shall C OElJllOn llc)~ va power :- Fil~st:- To pass .:.:.1 ordinances not in conflict V\T i '~J}l ). ., L.J10 COL_BJ~it!txtlO!l of t}lt3 S~~ -Lt; cI C<.1.1ifo'niia , or the c onst:L tution of "cL.t: Dni te d States, 01' '.lith th..:; :rr;C e i ve a.net }lolCt l~t;al rtlld _C) _ " I I II II' in this see tion sh&~ll 'bo ,I COIwt,>ued as afcectin[; the povlOr of the !,,,yor and II ComnoI: council to abandon or close streets; II I' Third: - To make enforce all such local , police ) II sa n1 tary , and 0 the r regula t ions ,as p cTtain ttil I \ municipal affairs) and. for this pury-,ose a;m~r define mis- II demeanar s coynrni ttecl ';vi thin ths C it Y limits II'l' I:' lands 1 (j \ \ 11 II II L" II penal. laws of the Sta to II i q ji if 20 Ii t::lei:c l~eY:1oval Ii 21 Ii Ii )) I! all and every kind of b1..uJiness , 2.11 shov:u , exhibitions and II .2,Z II lawful games carried on i~1 the City , and. to fix the rate Ii l-r!! of liee11.se' tax t11ereOll ) 2:~ Ii I I )' i ._D I Ii _?,' 1\ prescri:Je fi re \, .2~~ !\ ii .~\ I Ii ~ ' q q I, ~.() II Ninth :- To protect the City ,.~gai:lDt the o,!:jri'loVl 11:1: \ .,1 II of flood v;atic::('s j I Ii I' I; z2 i: Tcnth~- 70 pl"ohibit leYldne:3s c.;.lId houses of i1l-fd.llilj c:.lld i Ii 1 ,'.,_.____"'..,.___...__.__._._____.______.._.__'.._.....,_,__'_'___'" _._.....,..____"____,...__.___,._____...__...i h I S q 10 11 1 ') , - U H ~ ~ -' ~ c:: ~:;~ Vi '2-< '.J <, ~ -' u ..: ~: .( .. -, f. i! Ii i. " , II i I -t \ -' " p ,; :cs,-~nd.l ~n'opert;)r 'Iii thin , 0 l' ,,;1 l;hout the City IJimi ts to sellar disIJose of ~1.1O same for the common 'benefi t of the city ac :Elle inlml)itants tIle reaf ; "RJOv~ ,lr>d 11 !lv/ever .... 1. fL .,""", \...4...... ,,"' - J.. \". ~ , t:12.. t t:~ey shall not h['.:\[e })ov/e1' to sell 0 r cLispos e of' real lil'ojJorty vlitilout sub?uittinc: J;::}~.u sa'Q1EJ to a voto of' the proplc at the next 2:onoral r:\knicipc.l election, and t}iC app- roval "~hc real' ~~-:iO C i"'lCl1 lJ~" tt Inaj 0 r i t:v "f +~p pl~c'+o'~s VO~~TJC \..'..,.. '.I,~ :~....~ ".' ... >.II.... "'-.J.'" C) on the rrOIJosi tion . HoMing 01' on ~ 1L11.der the jurisdiction of the City, and provide penalties and pu:nis11ment 1,~h~;;-!'efor ) although the of fenBe constituting the mlsdcmeanox' be c).l sO a vio l[~ ti on of t}JB . , Fourth :- To clef ine nuisances and to provide for Pifth:- 1'0 license :fOT purposes of reculation and revenue Sixtl1: ... To levy and collect taxes ; Seventh:- ':20 establi::::ll and maintain 2. fire uClmrt..'1lent , limits ) a~J.d adol")t regulations for tJr. pril~ taction of t}:e City against fire j Eiglltll : a To -awxlllx.establish and raaintain police force .,.~ -10- i 1"--'-" ---. .. '. ...-..-.--...-.... .' .-...-...- .-.-- .....-------..-.-..-...-..--.--- .-----.. .~-.--_.-.-.. ..--.---..-.-- ..---------.---.-.--..... I; I' I' II ,I II '\ I ~ , 1\ .' ! I + \.1\ oils or other combustible subst.anceB in c;uanti ty ~ 1\ I .J. ,Tt::L. . ,... 70 lay ou~; c~ncl m:::..int2.in parks () II Ii',-. '" .f'):,::.: ..~. Thirtoenth:- To regulate nocpltals, ~st houses ,and ~ 1\,\ slauGhter honses ,a.nd to previde for tl;Ci r removal B.nd " discontil1uo.i1ctCll ql I I 10 1 1 1 -, .- 1 ) .) I -I- .. ~ ~ - 1 :_" ... .' ... 'J; .J 1 () .. - 1 i ~ " i< X oj: 1 ~ i ') Jl )1 -' ") ) ) , -.' .2-1 )~ ~h ")-. ._ I ,,, _:..( ) 2li ~~o , 1 I. , ) , \. ...... indecent and in::toral anusements s.nd exhi1)itions J~leve11tll: - To prohi~it the storage of gun powder , Fourteenth :- To IJrovide C(;!l1etaries a:n. (1 reculate t11eir ~.ct1'1acernent Fifteenth:~ To ~5t~11ish a~-~u r(~Gulate a publie pound.; Sixtet~xlt}l :- 1b pl'ovide L city p:::ison ::j,nd ~['equire 1 I I \ p er1'or1"1 i I 1 1 I the prisoners w1clergo in['; sebtenc e for misdemeanor to such labor U. S Y1.a:r 1J e pre13cri;Jed. maintain , COlwtruct, estcirJliBl1 r.L'o Seventeenth :- I ! I I \ I I i I I I I \ I I I \ I I I I ! I ! i i I I D..!l (t repair drains and sev/ers j l~iglltee,nt}l :-": '.(0 8 stFLc,li;3Jl , 1Juild and repair bridges , to estal)lish , lay ou t , <eLl te 1" , 1:l~ t:p open , opeh , close, imp1'ove , c~~~ 11 cl r-'eI)['ji .~ sj'r:reet s , sidevlall<:s ) alleys , squares , arlU o tile r public highways and pIEces . J.."'l .. Wl ',.lll.n tile City , and to drain" Bprinkle , oil and light :'118 Gc1.rn.e to renove all ol)structions the refrom ; to establish the grades t~1el"eof ; to grade , pave , macadamize , gravel and curl) tIle f3FUne in whole O'L~ in part ; and to construct gutters , culverts , sidewalkD and walks tll8 J.~e in, era as or upon any part t}lereof ; t.o Cc.1"llse t,Q l)e planted , set out and cultivated, shade trees .tllc1~ein generally to Ct.Yl <.;~ I ~nanage and control cdl 8lJ.C11. hiEhvJC.i.Ys d.i1<1 plac e 6 j I I I , I I 1..11'83 for' ["Ll1~r I I n.ny~) 'ceach or I I I 1. {' .:; , ". . ~ '.~. ''\- .'.1:' . . ' . 11 ' : __!2::L D, .....Lills,L..Q1-:""ullIm.U so nJUs.1l1..k-..QJ:._llQJi.,tL...,.__...Qli ,.:,,_n~L._~]LQ.:_LL 1.1'1L_e_-!.lU___._.J Hine t.t: ent.h : - To impede fines , penalties Ovnd :Cor:[;ei t- and all violation of ordin~lces j eX1.d for viol,:'.tion of ol~di nances to fix t.}lG pen D.I ty -11. - -~-- ---'--- --"-- -- -- ~ -.. ---.-.------.--.-------- ~-_._----_._------~- i! l ~ I: II Ii II 11 " 'I I, 1I I II .,. 11 ,- II -\ :" II '1 (I I I I I ,-' II (' () II II li) II 11 II II L~ II u II 1-+ II I' ~ II z ~ '.: L~ 1\ ~ I :::j~ ,I, '.J f-< < lh \ I, I - 17 ~ I ..1"'. 1<": I ,- ,{, ( , jI II 1'1 1 \) II " .:0 ii I' I ~l " I, ') ) I I ( I ) , I -,) I I I -2l I )- -, ~~( I I 27 .2;--~ _2q 1 \ , -.., \ ~ ,~ 1 \ ,.~ excedd five hundred dollars , nor the term of such imprison'" ment excedd six montrls ; the violation of any lawful ordinance made by the Mayor and Common Counci1 shall con'" stitute a misdemeanor and shall be prosecuted in the name of the people of the state of California . s TWID'FTIETH:'" To a.ppoint md remove such policeman, subordinate officers agents and assiatants as they may deem necessa;ry or proper and to fix their duties and compensation j Twenty-forst,:... To contract for suppl;ying the City with water for municipal purposes J and the inhabitant s thereof , or to acquire) construct J repair , a,nd manage pmnps J , acqueducts) reservoirs , or ot.her works necessary or proper for supplying water for the use ~ such City or its inhab-i'" tants :t or for irrigation purposes therein subject to the powers and supervisions of the board of water commissioners as in this charter provided i Twenty"'eecond:- To acquire ,. own , construct, roaintain and operate street railways , telephone and telegraph lines :t gas ) electrical Rnd other works for light, power and heat ) and to supp1y such light ,power and heat to the municipality and the inhabitants thereof j a.nd to i I ac-I i i I \ I \ i I \ I ! quire :t own and maintain public librari~s J museums , gymnasiums , parks ) baths , laTa~ories and urinals . ) Twenty--tj.ird :- To pennit , under such restrictions as they deem proper J the laying of railway tracks and the Coftstruct1c1n ancl operation of at,reet railways and the running of cars drawn by steam , electricity or other power thereon; ! and the laying of gas and water pipes in the public streets i i and the construction of and maintenance of telegraph and tele'" \ , , phone lines therein; I -------"--"TWeritj'...rou:f~-~cr-ma;1 n tEl in -puiJ:ti-c" '--sch0-03:~;,--------,---"-_._----_J Twenty-fifth:- To prescribe by cr dinance the duties of ~ i I . , i i, .j- Ii II .. ,I ", i I I (l I i I I " \ I ( , I I l) I I \ (l I 11 I 12 Ul II 1 ~ !I II :: II II ] /' II I. I' / H~ Ii Ii 1 'i i: !i .. ,~ "'. - ~' '- ~.:~ ~h ,-<:"'J ~ ,..~ '.> ..... :::: %: ~ ~ S ~ ~ .lD 21 I Ii ~; II \1:, 2+ I 2.:; I },() ,I !I 2, II I.; il H 2q I: !i . ~() q 32 l~ I: ,__,.,,,.~''''4'~'~__'~_''___''''_' -,-,~_.,_'_~~~__.'~.__"'''-'_~___'~__~____~_____'____' all of:i:'icers vvhose du.ties are not defined by this charter , and to prescri'8e for any officer.-r-duties not herein pre scr:L1)ed i '';:wenty.sixth: - "fa impose and collect an annual license tax on every dog owned or harbored within the limits of the City; Tw':mty-seventh : - To paGs all orders " r8so1utions and ordinances , 8Xld +'0 do ttrlcl perform any and all acts alld things , necessary or proper to a conplete execution of tllP powers vested 1)y law or this Charter, or inherent in the municipality , or tlmt r-1CLY be necessary or p:;:'oper for tIle ceneral welfal'e of the City or its inhalJitants. I I I I ! \ I i I I after its approval by the Legislature of the state of californ~ I I I I I Seetin.!! 2:33. At the :fir st regular I:1eetil1F: in July of \ I I I :;/f,.LU:J '1 /! I' ).:.Jj..J.! IJJ'.J.:J.f. " ." "_f'. !/-1:i-!'.~~; " " " 'Ui.JJ..JU~.JLJUJ.J+.ILJ!.J'j'- 1;!1ttl 'P).'"-;'f:1T2-p;.'{i, '1<"~':P1lP"$~l,.I:!' T1l'$T'rV-"IftFP"!i J;f1.>-rl "p~:ttff;I:' TLe amenclr:len t he:ce in IJl'Oposed shall 1:8 :Gl0Vin oa.e and designa ted as II Proposed Cha:rte r k~!endnen t NU:hlbe r };'our,II an d if l' a t i f i ed by the electors voting at said special election )' shall. l1e ilJi fo rc e ancl take effect i:mn edi a to ly PH(1)OfiI:n CHARTEH ALIEJ.fDMEHT lrt.JlJImH. FIVE .. It is herel;y proposed that Section 233 of the Charter of tJle sa.i o. C i t~./ be amended so E"S R to read as follovvs , to 'Nit:- each year , the Common CcunG il , sub,) Be t to the approval of' the }!Tc>Yo:c )> <:'Fl direct eel in 0 tllerprovisions of this CV1~~_rter , shall fix a maxium rat e to be paiel rOT printL1["c; , adV<3rtising [met Job pri':1tin~ , l~cquired by said City or any of its af ficers 1 or departments, during the ensuing j"ear , and no cl;o..im for any Queh printinr advc~ti6i::1g , or ,j 00 printinr , in excess 0 f lC rat. ('; :fio fixed , shall ~)e v:Lli d. ) or a c}:D,rF~e ac:ains t the City , or any cteIJartmen t _'.___~~..~M.~"""_W"_-",_"__,~.,,,,,,____,_~"~~,,,,,",,,,,,,~"'~___""'_'4"'--"---~_..~~-,~ '---....-- ~_...........--..-.. ~..-. 1 '", _'-U ~------------,.--,~-~ ~ ,,""' II thereof ; provided, however , that the x"!'Dda<Jn"", I i!leeislative department 01' the City ~"llall at its first I:aeetirll._:>:') i'\. II li ,II i::1 July of eacL year II I, -1 II .ing , ~J.dYerti sing a.Del job pri::ting, aft.,;r c;.dvertising I, ::'!l 8.nd callL1C; :for bids as provided in f)cction 140 of this Ii () I Charter j provided also tLat no sucL contract shall be ,- 1\ vali(i lor a lonr:t~r pc riod 'than to the first MO::lday in I ;-" I July next after the execution thereof · q \1 to I clesie:nc1. ted <...8 _ .._..._.._._._,__.....~.".~.___~_.___-..__..~_._..__"~._.__._......_>_~_,,_,~~_~.,_._--.___~__.~__.,,___..~_,____.r_-__~__.~_~._._____ award a con.:~ract for nIl such pri!'lt- rr11c anendntSnt :l,'l'ein llrol)Osed shall oe known ow- <:lnd II Pro}Josed Cl1c1.I'ter P....:Elc:nd~:ne:nt Funber Yive II ~ 1 1 ! I 12 II " H II II 1 ,t 1\ ~ I - ., ~". II .- 1.:::' ;:: " II :J; .) 1(, , - ? - I - ,_. I /: ;; I ::: ~ 1 7 I , -- II ~ ;::~ !: ,., ,~ '" 1 ,-' II 0:: z <' II 11) Ii j! ClYJd it '~'atifi,~dby tllS electors voting at said, .:rpccial electi.on , Sh8.Ll l:e i~l force c..~lC" :.o..ke ef:L'ect irI'-,lectiate1y a.ftr:.;r its (j,T~ Ii r 0 '\ral 1-'''r ".J ~:' tile TJecislature of the StC-:..tc of C c~.lif o:::'nia . PItOPOEjr~1) CI-IJ1.RTEI{ l\1l:m!TDl:rr~JT~ l:TTjIvillER SIX · It is J~:~:c'(; J l-':i.'OpoBcd tJ,-at subdlVision Thirteen cj 8(~Gt.j.on 195 c,f Shill Cllart.e:c 'be; E'..:r:lt~nded 80 as to road Cl.S foJ.lows ~ t.O ':lit:- THirteent:h: - In their dls retion to adrli t non- resident school. cl1i1 dren to a.~I:T of tLe department s 0:[' tIte I' 1'1' ,2\l }1 Ii , ni I )' I -",' I! 2-+ !I 2::' II 2() Ii II . - I,i, ,~ , 1I \':': )1 ' _:,t~ d i' !: HI Ii Ii public schools ~~ ....., " 0,; l,.'.H~ C i t~T , upon such teI"C'lS and cOllclii:,ions ("J,B ~~.t\ e board ::"l~l ~l cL C~ ~;':::1 ;j ~)~ f) t. 11}le a;rnel1clnlc:'lt ll.fjrcj~ll l)l"oposed, a}l~}ll -1~)C l(llOVlr1 .f"t\ u,};d (Le ;3igna teel a.s 11 P-{,oI)O~3e(1 Cllarter J\lner:dL~8.i.lt ~:J')~r1-bf~r Six" 2.,'l.d. if rat if ied ~,y ~:he elector S veting at sa.id 81) ec ial cl,set ion , G:l8..11 ~o e i II f' 0 ~:'C e D,,11 (L 'to.};': c ef~f ect ~_'{'l.;le di ate ly . aft eI' i ts al)rrovc~l l,~.r t J~e T.Jcgisla. tl..lre of t::c state of Califor- I I I I ; 1 .~! ! ~. nia . ,!){ ) , ,~i l I ') ;. I ' , . o;..__.........__.w..____.;,_...--..._~_.._...._______..._.~.,._..___........__....,....._~__.._..........................''--'K____"--'.... .~_____~_ .-~~"'''''-,......-.~~,~_.~-"-..--.~......-.~~-.---.--...-..----...M..._J -14) i r .-.......-....... .. .-.--..... .-........ .....-_., _..._.......:.._m...___.___........ -...--......-...,........-.-.-------- ---.--..---.....--.---..----------...-'1 il Ii il 'I Ii Ii I, -t '\:\' (.:,'.'!~.' s;; ~,-", ~,l' t~~. '!,.):': ., .f> 1 It' t .' _~~~ ~. J . = a~cnded so as to reaa as ~O lows 0 Wl :- 'I :-- I, II " II I I I I I (; \ i q I City Attorne:.r1 I I' :1 Polic e Jt1,dE='.',e , ~jlOOO. 00 . vIllo shEdl ';JC cx-offic io Treasurer , ! lP II .' I II 11 I 1..\ I d "il P l~~) Ii Y1ated ciS" II ", .+' Ii, ...L. + . . i' o.nd It 'catified 1')::, tLe ~lec "OI'S Vo "lnr; at ~)tnd B})ccial ~, 1\ 'J L:, II Ii )(, ! /: ~ ~/) 7; ::; ...... - ..... 11' ,- ~ v ...-...... .... ., 1" x -i t~ i () :1 ) .21 , ) , ' -,~ 2} 2~; 2() )~~ -- I )1...' _I' .2' I .~o ,1 , ., P110POS}:"J) C~:TAH'l'}~H. AlvwJDIU1;J:TT f,)}~\l r~lJ . It is Lcrcby proposed tt.at section 24. o:f' tJle Charter f)cction ~A. 'l'iw o:fficers Lcrein:.1fter named shall recei ve t!.le follovIirw B alari es , annually r1' .,"~,... /1, () C 0 "(1' .J..:~e .:::;.C.L.;' or , ~i)() I .I,i,} :- C o14:-::C ilrnen, eaeL ) ~S240. 00 Cit:,r C1;;rk, ;iaOOO.Oo; gxocu ~i)1200 .00 Cl1ief-' of police 4'1' 0 0" , 'I) ,)0 . V 08.1atr i ~~ s of ,-,,-II o::'ficers "',,.' 1 l ~.... )..,'-..,.....~~... Ir-..yab1e month1.;)' ~Je :'he arnendL:lent lu.;rein proposed shall ';')0 known and d.cs ig- Propo St;d Charter Arle'ldnent IT'llI.''iber i3even " sl.cc"t.ior( , S}lr:.], J. -l) C in ';'orce ~:'aJ.: e c 1'" :-' e c t iEIf" cd iu t el~r '.-, "'-1 rl (....J,.\.,- c.11'ter i t~ apIJrov2,1 1:):r tLc: Lef'islat'J.re of !~}1e stEvte 01' Ca,lirorr:i~;:, I Ii ,I Ii L i: 11 i CJ:.a.rt cr oj'" /\T 1 ~'l,.,l-l{i ~ .A. 71~ PHOPCYTPT'l (~:TAhS,'FE AIl1Gl'f)lIP'lT'I' J?,.fS:FH '~l,l~.TT~If ..; i' 0.. t\,Ierl ~~:,;""-fo1..:.r' e -, . ~ 1;:' In : .~'; r'c pro pose ci t:.lU;, Jc ;:'cc tion ~_,}le Ci t~/ of Sb>Yl }~cr:n.a",rc.Lirlt!) 1.)(; ctrneYlcled so p,S to -rcn.d i as Ii II Ii II I I i I I Ii Ii \1 \. i :follo-~vs ) t,o ; +-- ..L.; . :::~ L.h . o cffic ers of -;.J c C i t~:," sJ1a1l receive (~~ ~:; c t i 0 11 ~3o..1&.J~ie s . - ;.(; L~C~~"'OL lt30n.OC -;=..: .LC~ folIo\" a:l'ilua1 councilme:c , each , 2 ~1 () . () () . }\l ~l o t,:';.C 1..... QC :fie ers GU..cl, ol-'c~i ;;: ,(;,J_1 ic:...J.1C e f:~a.ln.rl.G B [i. 5 t11.e T ~a=tOl'" <.J <<,1 C Oi!'l(;lO!l Counc il (:~(l.lcl.l..'ie B G: ;..ll c~,~ficc~l"t; u}-_J.:"ll \-,;t_ - (.:":., - r c---.!.'j 1 ,~.- i _~ on .I.~.~: ,~.L')o....:tlcLe t '~=lJ.o\'r: nJ tP".ll ,~I(: ;~ -, ; ;:__.,..l '.:::;' : ,_~: -.~<:; iJ t J- i, (~:.cc i ~1. T~l'Cj)_O sed ) r;--- 1(:1:, t "! ': ~"l :~I t:: I" ~;;:; ir ted &8 n J....1-i-4::-~;::l-'-;-fl_i., l~ "U ,'e: 1-: c' 2: (-' (- t.<[ t (] I) " YU t j. Xi.' (},t '.- -: C,:"<;} (~-.~ _~. I' ad6 i:C ra.t if' i ed hy t',"(;~ c~~Lcc t.pJ~ B i , I i I , 1 I I , i " " r' ;'./(-.~}<~f:; ,,'oJ_ c'-~dct 11 .L ore"; " coC::. eLl 1e, c -:- j_ on C' .. 8 clJ~ Cf_ , . '. - ~c i -;:~ E c' l' ,J' 0 v e'" J. ~. 'r.~ T.!,../.ib.lc.l.0".....\.,; (,.: :~,~ {'of.r ~ ri : .~J. i J" C}' '''t i (l h_'_"-.....~_~.~___.......-___...... ~-~-,......_..~~'.".....__._...,.............-..-....,-.------.,.........'>>........-......-.'-........,-I---"'-."'--..."'-".~--...'...._;......""...... -~-."---_.--,-"..-"...-'..-.~'..~-.---......---~-..........-..--------.......---..'.. ....., -1 ..- i r -.-. . ..... --- m._ -- - .----- - ,--.- ,",.' ....- -- .-..---""-'-'--- ---'--" Ii II .! , II II :1 'I " Ii !I -+ II of Bc:~icl C i t,y ';'f:: ('xlcncied. sl' (,S - 111 --, 1 . 1 () II rOvJer) i.~;'(t 1. t E'lal1 C ";:cc:i:r I I I' 11 s~r~;teD :1'o:;~ .'.e c.,.sse~bJ'le:nt ~ C i .i:=~~ t axe s , \l}; ic ~:"1 S. rs t C;!~l ~~-' 1) i DPOHYJ) C::ARJ';;H N j:n'l'T"T ; ,.....--.---.----, ,--,- - - -- .-,-----------..---. ---.-..--------...--., 1 I , , I I , , ! ] '-,' ",' ; '.' It is :elC ri:~;)::r 11 ":'0 I. c sed t.~,.;" t (~ection 41 c f said C';'<.crtcr -:;0 rC~c.(,d r; c" (<t. ...> :i'G 11~ws , to ..Ii t : :~ (~C '[-, i o:n Ln. ~~'i ~,-~ e r[:,.~r 0 I' c':, t:1(~ CO:T'l:lOlJ. r,OLLllCil s~"all L","V0 <.tl1 , . , C:,O li1'o'1::' W: or (llY!c~__rlC e , levy "UteL c0118c tion 0:' ['.ll ::;,11 co iE 01':1 ;:.t.f) }..1_(~:f;.I~1~l (:~~s "t~'~f; q c j~ }....C'L.i]ES tc,- T.Le I:: S OJ, 1.1 CLl.S e. Tcd 11 }C;r";l'G ) -1:,0 "f'}; c 'Ii "'0 'T -; C')' (, Xl ~J; f" -..... \; ...I..~-' . , '--'(_ i 101 ~.~; e ID.,",Ns at' .J~l'~c 8~=,~;,t Nit iYl ref I'GllCC to tile aSSe3f;Y.~f~~rJ.t 11 c:.r.G. lev:,/ o..nd collection of state :~:IG. cc;unty Taxes, except as I-=: to t}}(:: ti1'Tl~: S o:f StlC}l [i.sse~)G!:1ent J 1.ev'}~ &.1"iC..1 collectj.o11 , 1..~ r\.11<.1 ex;celJt 2..~ to tIle o~rficeI'S t~r ~Vllonl ~lJ.clt cll1ties CLr8 1-1. to 1Je performed . All t.axes assessed, togethE:r \11 tIt &,n:l :\ " ::: L::' rCl~centaE(-: Lnpoi3ed. 101' (Lelinquenct , c?C]i,d the cost of collect.... U~ ion ), shall constitute li!'-JllS uron tIlt:'. l)l'Ol)Cr~;;y assessed , 1 () % -2 2 Ell" ~ ~ f'r01(J cmd 2,ftel' the' fi'tst ]!Iondc(,y in lilk'J..rch in each year i: 1 i-; which liens Iriroy 1)0: enforced 'by cO:, SUrrln1:ary sale 0 f such 1q 1) r-'o!JertJ7' , f),~'Jd 1:-,}::e 'a:ceclltion cL1"lCt. cieli"trer~r of' all rlecBssar~r, ,~\) ceI'ti:fica~es ~Y1d deeds t}.:t-~l'~:f~OI" , (1.J.!(1_ b;~.~t.C}l f.t-~[}:1)lE~ t i 011 S )1 _.t <.c,s ~'k"'Y U{; 1) 2.' e sc:ri bed (il~d.ina11ce , or -b:i E~,ction ill c~.11Y n cou{"t of (:ompt~t()llt .jurisdj.ction to fO:I'eclose such lien ) 1 _.J I)r'O~l1cled -:.ll3.. t E.Yl~r l-l:~.oIJ(~ 1~' sold j~OJ~ 8Ul~ll tax0E C,~:.c.:.l J~ ~.-- 1--. k) \.___ )' 8U()ject -:;.0 l'ederLptiol1 i!itl:in tile time a.llC in the uai',ner --j- Y' provided, or that .'f"'.!"Y :,.'-:ceafte:r' IJl'o7id.ed c:r 1,:;,\,; i'o::.' the 2() TedeI:lpticn of prore'rty sold :1'01' -'(,he payment 301M. ai' Sthte (,jlci Cuuntvv taxes n . All (Leed3 llE<i ',J.pon (.ity sale of' p rOrl~:cty ),' foy' S'l.1.Ch taxes, OT any special 2vsse:;sment under' the -(, ,~\ ; effect in evi~ence EtS 16 slmll have the}~ane force E::,nd OJ' }(!(;(.:r hl~reafte:r" 1)(: rrovicle.d _~1I provis iOllS o:f' thi s CLu,rte r ! 'i, Y law for deecis ,'~ 1: -' for IJ-'~(jI}(~rt,:~l solcl .t'O}'4 :Y1Cll-rJH.:;YIi.';.t:flt (..if st,:tte, or COlJ.Ylt:1 tux~s i );)ro"vJded , }:,oVle1.rer , tJ1F:..t 1'.'2~(~ r~~axiIiltlrJ l"'ate ....-_.___.........--...W_~'--.....,..,...~....,...~.._.~.~_.....,__.hh.....,..___"____~..--...._~w_~-...........____...........-...___....._"~.._...,,....__ ~m ,.-,____._ '~_M____,,"'''''''~''''-~'''__~_'_'"_.~'___.''_~'__'''-~'~'-''_~__._~_'' -lG- : i".- ..___..._... ...._._.__... .... - - --.....------..-.---...------.--...-..-.- ...__..............__..__uu.___...__-._.__..__.-._.._._-.--------.--.---- Ii II .1101' taxation, uI:all not exc(:;cd. l11 ;t,n:' one :rear ~'Jl.()O on , II .. ! j ii each one 111.1.ndl'ed (lollcus of ~v'B_lua ti on of p'ol'e:~'t:y I -+ I aases~3ed ) ~~xGlusive of the o.YtlOnD.t necessary to Jiay the I \. nrinc ipal (i.net 1nterest of the bonded incte(Jtedness of the l!~ ,. II City J B.nd of tLe hirh school tax) a.nd. of the tax levied {I ~ 3UVl-:ort "lYlrl Fo':'l' n+.&''''-''''. Of' +y"e Uw..._\.A. ~.~:. ..J; l",'~j,~'T .1. ".......' public Ii bra:c:r . u ';], (1 ':::..r fi" j &i " P ..... 0 l' 0 :il ,~ rl r; 'I ~l rl...tU:.- " ',., P. I' (1 n f' -nt...Il'UI:l:)..).# P ~ It! .... lIiI',_~ () \ 1P II .. .._~ i \..-. . .-- --.........-.---.--... - .--.--.....---.....-.....--.--........" II II II II "11\1 C "l,t t\riS hcr81!y lEOI1Cscd tha,t Section 45 of the Charter of sc~id -+ ~ v be arn.cnded so as to :r:ead etS follows . I , i I,) II 1J~.:;ual plr;,ce of meeting on the G.econd Monday of August ) of ~acll year , at 10 O'clock of the forenoon of said day, !. Under said"proposed ... .-' -....-.............-...... ,.. -".-' .--.----------...------.-----.--..........-------1 I I \ charter amen<i1'l1cn t nurnlwr eigh t" F\ectioll 45. T. e Common C OUlIe i1 s}mll me et at. tll e i. r s and sit a'" .0 a board of eCtualizatiol1, and shall continue in q 1 () 1 1 ! 1 ) - 1 , .' 1 -+ ~ :..... ~ .. 1 .' " .- 'Jj ~ 1 () -. .. 1 I ... ~ ., " 1:-; I. session l;y adj ourrment j: rom day to day until.. all the ret urns , II II of the asse~3sor l:.ave lJecn rectified and assesuuent.s equalized 11\ r';:hey Gllc:.ll 11ave povler :.0. hear complC:Lints ) and. to correctlt II modify a~:' strike ou t [,ny aSSe8cl';1Cnt upon five clays no-:.ice i I. . ., 1- II ucnng given :ilt IJersonally 0::" b:,r c:,,::ul to tHe IJarty W.lO se II assessment is to be raised i The corrected list for each I I asse:Jsrlent shall be :.he assessment roll for each yea,I' .. 11\ It shall I.)e ccr-tified by the City Clerk, vlho sl:..ull act as the Ii II Clerk 0:1' t.he board of equalizat.ion , as 1n~ing the assessment 1\ II II llJ :; .. i I I roll for said tax, and it Dlmll '" ,+ ,.,~ \Vi] 1 en sue Jl uuX lO'C 0 oe c. I 11("1 .~ -hA "'''' tll0 2.sse sEent Toll upon in saia year .. ; ~ T:le Cornnon C01.AllC i1 actine: 8.S a board of equalization shall .~( \ Ii Il.:~i..... .21 rer:-l<.:.in in seBsion as Buch for ten days ,. they can adj ourn I,!,. )) .l ~o~ d~'" 0 (1'1" and shall r:.:ceive no (:XGra cOJnI)ensation for i; '''':.. ill . a..; t~c~. ~) II theil~ labor . 'I II ~.+ II sll I I ._?() lit is 1J ercl)y propes ed that Section 131 1m: of said Charter II Ii -:'J(; rcwealed '" II i\ h' Ii -" Ii 'I 2(' II it is lee reLy p:copo sed that Sec tion 132 of said Charter 'De Ii ~,1l Ii C'.G:lended so as to read us follows : II .t1 Ii Ii ~ in aSSCGso:r / with the approyal of the Common C'()~Ulcil whose ! ./ , . ____~.O-;.____.,__........._......,......~. .~.....r..._"_.....___~.._"..._....""".________~..."'""_,_.~.,~~.~__._....;_......-.__"_'............'-_........~.. ...........,,.,...,---- ------~~-~-,-,-~~ ---....-.....~....~-....~-. -----..--~-._,._.--- omrd:/lDf"KJlr:riaPl~l{"~U Ulld.Cl~ said. II rropos cd cllc:.:rt.er ar:lenclaen t nmnlJe r e iell t II , Under said "Yjroposed. Cha.rter amendment number eiC1:t" ) Section 132. 'l'}w J(Icqor JK;E s118.11 [:.,nn ually uppoir:.t cin -17- II II II il I II -t - I ,--' () 1 I 'I s I q 10 11 L~ U II II 1-1- I, " ~ I: .. F, d -, ~ .? il ...... .- -' I' .... ; :j~ :h 1\ < 1() ,- ~ II '" /: I' " " 1 i Ii =- - Ii ~ Ii -: "",' ,- ~ 1 ~.~ II -, " I. ii) II Ii ,20 II I 21 II II 'j) II Ii ) ~ I I I }1- 2:; 2h I' d } .- II _I II ,I ? I; '" ' Ii _'.t~ q 'iJ I' ,I .._- 'I 'I II ,\0 I, I! ,\ I ,I " Ii I, , ) !I , -, ,,-,'-',- --= ",- ". '''j..._.r_ compensation may De fixed 0:;" the legisl,:i.tiwe C:kpartnent o'f' t:"e City) but not to f;xceed $600.00 per U.:1l1UIil j t~lC chief of Iwlice shall 'Jf3 ex-officio tax C'ollectcr ,. and hiB (;c.l;ipensa/~jon s}~f:.ll be fixed by crd,irance , not ..~, to exceed one Iler ce~'t of :lle amount of taxes actt::e",llYI collecteti . Such officers shall have all t~le Ilowers end pe::-fcrm respectively the duth:s IH'escri'bed by x 1a\v or ordinance for assessors and tax collectors T}Je ar"1end::l1en t }:,c r.e in proposf~d shall be l~novm and designt1.t ed [~S IT V:,copos ed Chartc r h:lenclilwn t Humber RiZ :It '" and if ratified 'by the clc:cto~cs voting at said special ,election , shall I);; in fore e ;:wd tak(; effect i,rn:FIc;cli (~t e l~t after its aPllroval Dy the T.egislature of the f'.~o.te cf Califo:'Yli;,3, .. PF:OPOST':J1?f CEART~R ,A11iTmTOO;jT ITl.IT\f}3}m lrnr:F:. It l" c.~ .., he reby proposed that Section 144 of said C:lart.er of s[tici Ci ~~,r shall be ar.lended so as to read as follows ~:; G C ~,i 011 1 'It.k . 1J.'11C ~ ,To.::1o I" tl11C: C oelIH011 C 01.1nC i 1 , [1 t. tl'J.e ;~:i.r!1e of fixing the annual tax levy , shall levy for each i I of saic~ specifio funds, and for all othe~r bond funds or I I ot.her funds thac't :::rlay- be hereafter lawfully created, I 3...'1 2,mount suff ici f-:nt to me et t}le nece Gsary x::e. eXl1endi turep therefrom . Sai cl funds sha11, consis t of monies so I levied and collected and of all. other monies a,s nay be apportioned thereto. All monies paid or collected for fines, ... ~I 01' lice;;nses , and a,ll money not directed paid into c:m;! o-:-,b,er 81) ecif ic fund shall l'e raid. inJ,:,o i I .~C ;;~ tl:e tl'.eaHll1."~,r 1,,0 .~:.}~t; credi t cf tJJ.c ~;e!leral fltnd . i, _-.___.~_.............-... ......u_____-'_...............~ ......."-.."_~.._'>_ _ ~~_.............." --....-- -~._~.- -lC'" <: ..... ~ , .-:~ ; , -- -, :J) i;-< ~. .- ',' :-.... - ~ ~ ~~" 1'7 ~ ~ ~ ~!; ! '-' :e ./: ( , 1 () .;() .21 )) ) , .~,~ }-I 5 2() ,- .:., Ii".: __( I .?' I .:,(i .~ I , ) ... l \......_"_. _ . .__.__.._.,_..~~~__._..___._...n q Ii 11 II ) II .1 II , !I II .~ 1\ '-',Ed if ratif .Led -, I ':lIce t ion , shall I (,) III roalifo~cnia ~ I q I' I I 1() II II 11 II I l~ I 1311 1-+ II I 1- .-, _ 1() -:r'~- -~ ,,, ,___~_._.~__,___..._..___._v_,_~~.___.__.__~........~__.._~___\"!"' -_._~.... -..,--..----.--.---- _...._~ _...~___.__,_,_,_._._.____._n___~...~_ The wnen~Jent herein proposed shall be known a.nd d.esigna teci as II Propo sed Chart 61' Amenc1Jlen t :;rumber :;~ine " 0\1 v t,he electoc s V'O-ti[lt~> &.t. ~j,3.,id special be f a.ce e 8.11 cl take effect irlu.edia,tel:l ~Ln n.L. __ . I aI v ~~ r ~LG s CtlJproval bv v tlle Legislatllre of the st&~e of PI~Cl'C_;;_;=~=) 0}lAI{'LI~:t: t .J.,,-', ""7rT~".'ri21""'~ r-'-p1"-:- ! I...-Jt\l.J.J"uJ "" -..:..I._!.... 'T'_ .1. i., i fJ J.le :rt~ b:r proposed tl1a t f~ec ti on 164 of' tlle (111U:c't ~)~ of said. (~it~- :3:1<.111 -be amended so us to read as follows Section 164. The :Soard of ,\!,Tater COL'lnissioners shall -'lave l)ower to control CT. der tile exp endi tu:re of cUlL all m.oney l'ece i ved f:com the sale t.r use of VIa ter , for t,11e defr9tying of eXI.lf:,nlses , for:aaintenance and repairs and operation of the watl':lr system. t and fol.~ any (~nd C:ll expenses od.~J.k-+ ~tL.Md d~t- t ~l)' -c:-h-z1 ~~Ja.LA} or aa 1 T, 10;'S to ?, ~:leAjI proVl e 11a a . s~h r16ney S la be deposited in the treasury of the city to tIle credit of the fund -:0 be knovl!1 '::;,B thew~ter ,;,'IJlrld , and sha.11 be kept ,t,;parate alCd apart, frOtH XUK.% other T:.loney of -she City) and shall ably b~; cl.ravm from said fund upon demands authenticated tlle signa tur~~s of i I absence of tlle president, I i the pre sidm t and oy see.retar..'l 01' ;~h~ hoard , or in the (l)T tIle signatures of two ',13:-:11)(:: J::'S and t.he seCI'etaI'Jr 02:' tile board ; provided ~lways ) howe-<'\[ e1' that it Glw,ll be t,lle duty of' t}l.e board , and th ey shaLl. 1)(; compel.led to, :tram time tot ir:le as tIle , neccsBity tllcrefrll'r arises , set apa:rt and 1:. ramlfer :C rom said. vra ter fund into tlle !l Fubard \'Ia tel' bond fUl1d." cl;ld in-::'o :lw Antil bone. fund It l':Hsntioned in Sect~ ion 143 of this CX:c:"l'ter an amount sufficient to J;lt:et 2.11 awns GOmhl~', d"..le ~ for intcr':;st OI' '"fIl~in(;ipal , or intcr~~st and p:rincip,~l , upon the Fubbard ';mt...;rbonds, . "~_"'____"'__ .__.......__...__.._._._.__...__..__.___._.___..._. ___._ .__..__..__...._._____...__._..._..._._J 10 - I ~ q 1 () 11 L~ I u l-~ II '- ~ II ;,.-: .. I - ~ L::' I ~ 'J~' 'J C '- .. ~ .- :. 3: '- .- x , _ ___..______".__.__._.__"__,.__.....c._..~__..___+___ ...:.--.______,. ~ r---"'---' ~ 'I I ) i!,'.I' .iA i""- A 'I ..." , aIle :,ne,nt'l wa:.,''3I' oonde so t~1at at the time of fixing i,'.I, [my general tax h3 levy , there shall be an amount in ii + \1\ said tond funels sufficient to meet all sum.s coming due ~ II before the next succedding general tax levy on said bonds () II J"'o:r _. either principal or interest ,or principal and inter~;st. If at. any time there should beJ from any cause J a surplus , '.... In el ,~11er :mx of said bond :.i:"und.s it or any shall be iIamedia tely t:r:'ansferred f;c.:d 'J:a t~ r fund , . to rr~ne Water ComrniBsion shall Cl.t t}~leir Ihst regular DW(::t- in[:', in June of each year fi9t a 'wa tel' 1'(1 tee , whicL. shall be tile vlater rate for the)nsUiri6 fiscal year . TJie CO!llril011 C01.tr!cil by a lllajo.t~ity\rot'~ oj' all its ~-:'lembers ar the first meeting in July, shall ha..ve power to char1:ge the ra.te if not sufficient to tllGet all expenses aga.ll1st. the water 1h bJlartrnent KIJl.Ut for tlH3 imsuing fiscal year , incl"J.(iing 1 - , / Principal ELEd intel'(~st of bot~-;. Hubbard 8.nd Antil :Bonds. 1<~ The AmendFiG!l ~ ho::.~(;in propos.d shall Ut~ known and 1 () designated as II Proposed charter AnendInent llum~,t;r ~I'cn" and )1 at said special if rat.i.fif;d I)Y Uw elr::;ctoI'S .e' vo I~ lng 21 clec tion , c..hall 'be in force "'.rld ta};:e effect immedia tt~ly )) after its approval by the J,egislat1n'e cf the sta't.e of ) , -" ~ California 2-~ 2." AJ/I':n:;R1TAT}~ PH OPO~!BD G'IART}"JR A~mJ{mmHT fiUJD3T:R ~T~JT4 2() Tt is hereby l).toposed t.hat Section 163 ) Sect;:ui!l 164 ).,. _I and Section 167 of said. CJ:.arte-c HE ()o aC18.nded so as to .2~': read as fellows : Section 16:). 'I'he Iloard of watel' Gorlmissioners is ~q I I i .:,(i I hereby autho1:'iz~d and ~mpowered as follows ,~1 I ?irst:-- To c:s"tal11isl1 ) su1)ject to t}tC I ) I Section 167 of this I;J}.arter I . ......w.~....."__...,......____.____'..."".a_.........~.~-~~_.~...___...._~,___".~_............. provisions of ;:,.Dd.. ('01 'l"'ct "'11 '\'J':;>i-,'''I~ .....'j.."'a J ~ i ,~_ .. J...... _ 1.... .. c.... __ .......... 'V \,... .. J. C._I u..;:) l I ...._____ __... ._.__,_.._._.___..___..._______~._..._.._...__.J <)r\ ~') I ) - 1 .) l + " ,~ - ~ ., ,- 1 .' ::0 " :/; '.J 1 () - ,--. ;2 1 - i ~ 0:; f. 1 /1.,,;, 1 " ) ?( I ) 1 ,-. 1 " )' _.) 2+ )::, ~1.() )"'- -, I } ~~ ~ .!' ) .~( ) ,) i ~ ) .-., ...._-~--..~..~.. .,--"--- ...__.~_.._". .... -- .-..~._...._.- -_. -....-.- ._._~-"--<"~'-"". .~~_.. .... - .--.- --.... ~~~. -,,-.- ,." .--.--... ! , i I I I 1'1'0>:1 water bearing ! I .~, fIlanage ) r~~nevl ) repair and ext end t:w en ti re Via ter system 101' the City; :proviuc:d 110wever ) that no indehtedness shall -1- ! , _ j be incurced 1):/ said board unleBs there shall ue sufficicmt ~-.., I , I mOl1t:;ys on haEcl III :',lte wa te I' fund of tiLe City a t t~lt; tine the () I lindebtedness is incurred to pay the same . I I Second. ~ _ To employ and discharge at will such help as ," I the ll'3cessi ties of the wa tel' servic e may demand , and fix l) I Il,t}~e comptmsation of any and all employees in said water ser- lO 11 I vie e ) said employees to l)e paid out of the water fund .. And said board shall have power to require of any employee lands ) and generally :c~gula te )I control)l in t:le water departm,ent an adequate bond for the faithful I pcrformane e of hi s duties i I 11\ the cond.uct:. of said Sc:;c ~~:L<)l1 164. The boa I'd shall lw,ve power to control. and lorder the expenditure of all I;loney received from the sale 0 I' , II 11use of 'Hater / for I, ii I!tenance l!susteEl. artd for any II v ) Ii Ii and l' or supplyine; tIle City lid th wljt er for any and all !i " I' IIPurIJOSe s j :pro videa. that all SUCll money shall be clepo si ted Ii II in the treasury of the City to the credit of a fund to be Ii Ilknovm as the wa tel' fund ) EtEd s1\(.11. l)e .kept separate and I' Iiapal"t from all other Y.lOnEJYS of 1;llf3 City ) and ShEill ohly be ,I I clr'awn from said fund L1c.PCilferl1andS aut hen tica ted by the I. J, I is:Lgna"Gure of tIle presid.ent and secretaJ."Y of the board) or i ThLcd-- To make and regulations governing rules. board and the members tllereof' . tlie defraying of expenses for main'" (l-nd repairs and operation of ~lJ::r the water expenses 0 r additions to the same ) in the ahsenee (if the president )I by the sig.r1CLtures of two me.l1ocrs a.lid the Secretary of the board . Section 157 At their last.C'ecu1ar neetinr in the 1'1Onth of June , of ~acll year ) t.he board shall co:mpile, I ! p:u b 1 i o:h......-a+1~1-".;:-i-1Jg.......\+i.th..-U,\..e.--~~)L.Cl~-,.._.1:ilL - _..i:tJ.~.l1iZ-L~iL.Jl.t.S-j,_~_~_.._.___._J -;:a- lj III 11 12 U 1-1- ,~ ~--: '"'"'l ~ ....:. ~: :J <( c 1 h ~ ~ 17 '-i i.< .<:;0 " l ;-.., ---- -\....- - --- II !! Ii II II i! , II II !i Ii -i- II Ii II ~I 7 'I I, ~ I . . . -- -- - ---- - __________. J~U' .__, .-___.. ~__ _~ nent and estimate of the COBt of controlling , managing , r:iaintainins , renerdng ) repai (' ing and extencling the entire wat~r system of t.be City- during the ensuin~ fiscal y~~ar i such eutirns.te to show th~ r~venue expected to be derived by said board from sources other than the water rates, rJ,nd the water rate necessary to Cf; fixed for the purpose of meeting such estimated expense, which said water' rate shall be the water 'cat.e for the next' fiscal Ii :,rear, unlet;S t:le COl:TI'ton cou.ncil by CL_~~~ vote ,'T7O I a di fferent ra-:~c; at t:lei (' first regular meet ing after i fix receiving . suell estimate X from said board. "/Irovid.ed that salf.-d , - , to be fixed as herein F.covided f.'hall -oe suffifient I II I L:; : water rate; to l!]fB:X&xJ! G reate , as so on as prete tic:8.ble ,. and t'rorl year to maintain , a fund of ~JlO, 000. CO to be known and to year clesigna t ed as tIle eTIer~-nney fund, ~3aid :f'und to be used only in meeting I I I ; I which wa.ter rate s are levied , I I I , I I i I board shall maRl I ext rao.cdinary unlooked fo.r' anei expnases" for such purposes as tbose :for ll) a)"1(l upon said v,ra t er cOL'lni ssione rs only with to :Je drawn ~II tl~e consent of and common council. And v\'henever t lIe I\:Ia~ro:c '1 _~ 1 ~e(luired mayor and conlon council, saicL b-',.r t}~e ') ) ma.ke and file 1'I.l'-'.-" tl,<e, rl';"~r f'l"'rk 'I 1.)..;._ :..;........... v ~ lj&J u t: _ , a full and cor:rpL3te ), cietai1ed statenent of all propert;>r of wnatsoeV0r l1C-"tlL'e or ..:'-j kind;JelonCinE~ to said vater departr,wnt . ) :~, The anendcH:mt })e'>~i'l p:coposed n:l_all DO knO\Nn c-'u1,d 2() des i g na t, e d as" :R:xxJi:~fKK.&xllddul:.X~xxx Al t erna t e Prop 0 sed )'- Charter .Amen(lnent ~:lu'lber Ten" CLl1d if l'fL-c.ified by the --_I .' ' electors voting at said special election, ~hall be lfl &.:,., _:'1 force and talee eLfeet itJ_nedia tely after its aPI,rovctl , '\) i I I i ! I I ---'-'-~~"'-""'-'-'~~""""~"""'~~-~'~""-~--~--""".'''''''''"----'''-'~~~~""'~'''W~~__'_'_'_''''''''-''___-'__'.'''''~.;_ __~~.~~.~_ ._....,_.'"..~_......__---.._._~.~......_,~,~_<._.__~_._._."_. ~_~___v._..,__.J I "l~ -",~ lJjr the I,ee;i sh{, ture of "Ll1.e stCl, te o:f Cali:!" 0 rn ia . \ \ - ~ I , -, -),~ !: i\ P II II II 11 .. ~ Ij I- + II ::, \ \ I ~I ! I ~ q ! 1\ 111 I! 1 i I, L~ II II II 1.\ !I 1" II c, 1.::" ;:: If;' c. :.J lh ...: ::; ~ 1,' v ;... ...: ~ ;r; _If - .......>.....- - WI ---...-~~..- ,....-..-. . -- ~--_......'- -.....--.-.-..-.-.-.-.-.-.... -. .....-.-.~._.._-,...---."~... ..~.,.."_..._."..-....... . .... ."'- -.---....-.....---.- .,.-..-----'- ..--..- - ....,_._-,. ,---"-,^--~+>-"-~,-,,,,----~-~,-,~-~'-~--"._~'-~-~--'--'--"".".--. PEOPO SED CHAHT}JR Al\'lJ'~};D~/jJm'l' HUU13Jm. ELEVElT 10 It is l1ere1);I proposed to a:Llend said Charter of' Baid City l)y adding 80 new s cc ticn tL(;re to to ;)e kno'im as 8ection 202 1I11ich s};.all read as follor, s : ~ Section 202 . There is hereby created and eatablished , i I a cOLlJ'lisBion to 'oe l<novVIl as the" Board. of Park COI'llniss1oner~1 I con s1 stine of th:ree I:J,emli e:rs to "be appo inte d by the ='Iayor, I I I subject to T.he apv:oval of' the Comrllon Council. 'L'lle members of the Comminsion first appointed shall. take office on the third UoncLa.:r in l.Iay " 1909, and shall so classify them- ;3 el ves c:r 10 t that one of -;-,hem slLa,ll go OLl t of offic e at t}.:.e end of two ~/ea.:c s , Pend t.VlO a t the end 0 f ~ou::r years j t:~c:~~eaft er tile ir sue ces:::;ors shaD. hold affic e for four yea.rs aJ'1d until t1:.e i [' sue cessors are appo i:clted am.'. qual it' ied. They shall. elect a pr,;sident cmd. ,::.130 so.r:le suitE'bl,g person as seC1'etary of "c,he board. 'I'he position of Park r,ommissioner shall be one of honer ary trust wi thout salary or oompen- 1~ :;md all. appointrnen ts r:l,,~c~e by tb.e C OEL!:lis S ion s;mll sation i ') . be Tl!.E~Ue vd. thout regard ~d to po1.,tics or party )1 ) afiliuticns . ThB 30ard slmll ccet at least once a month 21 c:.nd a ma.jority shall r:onstitute a quOr1.Uc1 for the trans,t. -, ) action of business ,but a less numher l:l[:'.y adjourn fron tir:le ) ~ to time . The C; ec:retary OJ:::::,ll l';:cep e. full ac count of all pro-' ) I ,-'\' perty, coming into Ule hallcls oT ) or uncler t.!'J: control of )~ tIle :Board, <.i.nd of <.-:..11 receipts and disCll.rf3e:Clents , 8.:nd a 2h full. account of :"11 proceeding s of the :Board · .?i ':tile Doard of Par}{ Co: cy:lissioners shall hc,.ve control and real r:1,cl.naz CJiE1:Y 0;" 1:1.11 lc.;.lhlB , anc.l ~lil. and llel'sonn.lp:topert y wll.ich (TIay be acquired Bet apart , O'!" ciec.l.icated to park ~~H 2l) JP purposes cr pleasure grounns for t}iG use of the City und ',1 tJ'-~e i~'ft18:bi tf.tnts tY~.ereof. j~J-.le DOrJ..l"'cl oi~ l)ark CO{l1T;lissionel"S ., _..-.........__._...-._..___......~_._....._.._~____--.~_.___."___~'~."__~"u..............._.'__ __..~____..._..-_.._....__.....~.._._..~.~<~.~.____._. --.-.. n_______.._._. q ') ~~J . I I 'I ~ i 1 I I + I I I - , .-' I (, I I I i ~ I q I I ii ~ -. ... _._._---~-- ".--.....-..-, ....-_ _"_h_,.___....'..N._~,~___~.,,_.~___,...__._.. __., _ _" ,. ..__...~. _ _'_'__"'.. _. ~ ..__._ .Ao.__.___.....".. "'__'__.__~_"._'''''~"_'. shall l:.ave povier to pUl'clwse all supillios and materials for, and Gliall direct [wd control nll \'ioI'k,. labor, and c~nstruction of any kind whatsoever found necessary or conveni~nt in the maintenance or betterment of sai~ parks and plea.sure crounds , and map: appoint , eraplC:'Y, remove or nuspend supcl'intendent s ,. labonirs ,. c:"nd emp1c:-rees , nece~nary or convenient 1~O care 1'01',. construct and maintain such pa.rks an~p2Jk:lay grounds . ~ ,: -- . ~"7 j'~" ~.~.___u_._.__.~__ ---.----..------ slw.ll ':.uve IJo'Jlfwr )~o ::,.:::.1:(; GtlGJ;. rules uld :rr~rul.:~tions 2-S "'.~~e;jr eem \l .\ Ii tl'oJ. of II -I- \\gUlate -. I. <,,'1"> C':' e I ",He.. t 1 l"1(:-:0 e~; f3a.ry .... gover:ling t}~e use , L1a!12~gLlerlt al1c3. con.... the :plan tine ) triplmi~j,[~ j to di reG t ;ctnd re.... pruniI1[~ Z';,r:cl,.pJm:jran and care of such parks and playgJ:'ounds and ornamental t:cee G and shrub"[Jery in any 2,ud all ( ) streets , HIl eys , IJarks , pl,,~ygrounds and public places -. '- .. .- j:; ...: ,:fl .-: ;<: L -; !Jin the city l3ullject to such rules, only, ~; I\as Y"lay 1) e p:'e sCl~i bed by ordim....:1c 0 by the l.layor and q\ Corm:lOn COl:.Dc1l .. And it shall be unlawful for &"ny peI'son II II 10 II to cut clovm any tree or shrul., or to p:rune o.ny tree , I 11 10 r to plal:i~ I L) I! +lie C i t,y vIi thx out U I the :;:~oard. of P2Tk Comr.li ss ioners so to do. , H I 1.:, I ti.Le time for.' fixinG t~w general t.ax levy as IJr.'ovided in I 1h \Ithfus Charter, le7Y a tax of not le~,:J tllO.D se'!cn cents on I',! Ii +}'18 or1"> \11l1'l:;-,~,",(1 r1011pr~~ rf.,' ,I v ' .," ,,~, ..-,- '- ~ ,. --~" ~ u 1~..; II"park Inln.'o vement Fund " 1 ') i separate and al'art fron r;,ll 0 -She l' monies o:f t.ile C i toy and i I :0 I shall only 1)8 drawn frot::-r mdCl f1.md by v!arrc"nts authen'" any t:C'ee or sllrn..'J in ~ny public place in f"i J.st lia vi~!f~ obtained the consent of S:'118 :T::1Yll'7r and Ccr;,r~,on Counc i1 8}'l~1]_ annually , at -'. ;.... -- ~ ,~ ;; ,: :~ :JJ '-< U ~ C assessed v~l~ation 1"01'"" ~lle C;XtC: t} 1 C S c\.T:1e s}l(tll 1:) c kept I 2] I icated by the :Jign::Ltu.r~s o:i;~t:e Pre:sicLent and secretary IT I I: )) II t};e board. of~ l)ark Corm:nissiollers , 01" iTl ~~}'l8 a.,.~')S(~11Ce of tJle !j n l'IPrnciderlt d b'T ';"-i,c c; ::J"1a+ure of two, members of the board I, ..'''-'Ui -~. c,.; u~._ ....,......t:.J.~ IJ - )-t II ':,-nd "'\',e q'..c....a+'1i~'C +1""-'.,~no+' - p'~'o'Tic-ed tl1at ::10 iude1)tedl1e;j~; _. II o..J.J. 1.1J4. \_.-...............v 'J' "-,..' -.1....1._......."., J.. J .-.. vI J.._ II 2'::' liB}~c::'ll be incurr~d -D~' Daid 1)oard unless e..t the ti:rne of I'. . .;h ,llnC'J.:rr~1'lg Ii I Ii in EW.uct 11art L'!lp:::'ove~le nt rund "': 0 l'eet c:11 out standing ,: .2:-. illic:bilitics L'1CU1'1'ed by sc:dcL bo~'_rd [Ed. 8Jl~30 to rEY 1.n Ii 21) IIfu11 t};c~ contract or ob1iscction proposed to 1::c incuj-:,red Ii II ,- .\1\ Ii j\ i! l\-~,i l;-t.'"'i~ ,r.8ct.iO!1 ~}.rt:~ }':ere1J:,r r01,Jcaled i::tl so far 2..S tl1S f3()..2-'~{:~ COll~ p':_-- - . - ~ II-r.] -ic:-# v;i~,Jl +u.l:..io Jc:'"~tion at- ~:~-.:.e CJ'.~rtl"';l:f~l"" · ~:.l _.4. j I", ~)tlC}}. i:n(lebtedl1CSs tIle lie are sufficipnt moni8s Ar:cL c:.l'ld. aJ_1 pl~O'lis tons c:f ::~.iE Charter Ll conflict with , , ",___~,___""_~______""__,__"_-",,_,,,,._.,-,,,,_.___,,_~,--.....___.0_....... ,____,_____..__......._____,~_..,....~.._~._~_.____ ,- -_.- .-...-_.._~ ,-.--.--,,~--,--.-._-~~.~,-.--------.---'--.... -23- i + I I I -, i I I , () I I I -' II (~ I.) II 10 Ii ,i I 1 1 I L2 I H I 1 + I - ~ i ~, ,- ,. L:; I " " " -, lIi f< .) I ~ 1h I i i I ,-, - 1 " i ., !i i I I 1 ~, , ,- '" {. 1') ~ t t " .21 )) ") -., ..:.,") _:1 ,2h .:/ ,~{ ) ~J11clel" SEt. t (1 1.":1 1"'0 1) 0 se d. C}~ ;.r~:c t e J~ [tTrte fldIrle 1'1 t j'TtlrI1:e T Ijl g t'i1 aTl it is here1)y propo~F;(l to XlXRRGID'[d amend Section 150 of sa,id Cl2.CL-r..tE~r so as to read as follolNB, to vlit: Section 150 . Out of' 'the I'ar]c II'll,rove:I:lcnt Fund shall be IJaid ;:<.l:l V!c<.rra rIts d.rawn thereon , duly autho rizecl 'by the ~JO(1 rd of Park C m:unis sione 1'8 . ~r TJw E"lmendnent herei::l proposed s~,all [)ekncwn and desigm~ted as " Prollo sed Charter Amdnemdnt If'un;)er Eleven " and ifratii'icd bv tLe electors votin;; ..+ C..: ',.J said special election, sh;::Lll be in :force cmd trtke ei':f'ect iL'::'Jediately 2.f'ter i tG 'l'IJl'OVc<.l 11;' !:1:'.8 TJ{; 2~ i S l<::t t 1J..J~ e ai' S~c~t~~ 01.' Cc:~,J_i-Co:crlia. pr~OP()~~T~D C1I/'J~l!~<,Crt 1'-:IJ1'JI3]~1"~ f.:VIE/lI:. I.f.' ,. i'S .:; l--t:):;::r 1)~f'oI')ose(l to r'1:Yl pl'lr; C.......wL ~,'..c ..',..~ S,ection 110 of' saicl C1;_c-t:cte:r at' SEt1{: C i t~.r s to ~~e~d ~s ~ollov!3 t. 0 v,ri t : - GO Gee ),;ion 110/ On or after t i:Jelve 0 I c2.ocl: .'lCon or tl'.c second ?~o n .ji"' -,-,j. lS09 (J,r l,(~ t\:10 ~ ~~e cz, r f3 T :c 'L'e- U '/ C J~.\r v aft,;r" , J:;Lc :,-a.yor a}~F,Jf" 110int 'cttion or t}lG Connon Council , sui'jcct 0 ,'l'c' confj.r- o '.J:2 l"lCL1L, ~;'rs 0-.5"' u J30~11d. of J~ e [.tl tIl > t \?o ~-:ll.Etll I)rac ~ic il~C pJ ";.~,~s i c j_Cwl_-i G i:1 0:1' '.f,',on v', ,:') u....... c eeL [3 t :':':.L(~i_ ut, ~t::;, f') -rJ:"l~~ .~120 :,,-U[~x's -~~(~;si{:~_-8} C'~_l i}'~ , 0::, ....,..... C::."'-"'~ l)J'lio~i'.~ U l IO [t.TI l-I 0 i -j"} t~--'l..:;;Tl t . ~_C; l'i :etll. 1': c::t.: t_<to .K:!.X5~ () s::;;::.,11 -~,::: J:.i:c C~lie1~ oi' Poli(;;-~ . Tl18 [~,_Ie[~C~1..2crLt :'10:.ceirl l)l~Ol)O sect sl:E:.ll 1JC }cnovrrl al~ci d.esignated ,',,:3 rrp.coposE:d Charter An18ncinent IT:'''':::"lljcr Twelve" D.,l'l<l i"!: ~<:l..tii-'ied.. J~l -:~:_(; 81~ct.c'J:~ S '..;:"G7,i.::-Jf; E~t cib.lU -,:<) f Cl~;8cia.J_ i Y'LiW d- irl :t'07I'ce [~.l~, Ct tEl.ke e:f i.~ ec t. 1"" rl \...,'.... 1:.,11al1 election , :La tely. ~t1-:tel~ i ts Dt.l)I'l"O~{a,l lJ:'~ ::l~c l)cGisl[~tt~roe of' t1.l.e Sta,~e 11' "'1: 0:1:' Califol'nia . Z>~ :! Ll ", 1-_ ;j~ "J~ ~ C) -< 5 Y; ~ ~, ;z: ~ ~ ~. ~ ,- <: ........ -< I"': -y 'f. < , i q ,2n 21 ) ) )' ",,) .. I _.,"t' ~~~~ 2h 1- '::'1 )(J ~... ( ~ ~q \() ,)1 , ) ,~- .. -,~"".,~~_...-. .k ._ -,,".'- ~.... .' ~ --~ ~. : i '',''.--..'--,,-,--------- ."'--'" I I I I I ! I I PHOPOSJ,;D GriARi'ER .A1mlTm:rQj'l' li\JJJL13EH 1'Hln'l'1(h:U. It is lLCreby proposed '" ... tl.lav Section 102 of ..;~ '., r. vl.1.V -} Cllarter of said City be amended :JC as to l'dad ,-;.s foll(1:v\ls, , :" to vii t : h See tion IB2. On or afJ~e:r- tweilve 0' clock neon I vf tile second i'lollday in May next succeeding his cle:ction ;-; thc,rayor 811.:111 cilJpoint a chief of pOlice , subj ec t to <) the confLr':T,,,,,ti<m or t.Le CO!ic\on Cou,nciI. . The Chief of 10 pOlice, for t.he suppreBsion of any riot ,public tUdult,. J1 d:i.styrlmnce of tl1~ pu"ulic yeacc ) or any or[;anized re- L~ sistaucc D{;ainst the laws or public autlwri ties in tl:.e la'wful ~ 13 1+ I', L:; II : '; ,I II II 11 Ii Ii l! executj,on of 7.heir functions , sLall l~ave the powers that o.:ce noVl or tIla t illuy ~ llc~re2St CT'~Onferred UDOll sheriffs . ~ ~ 1Jf tlu3 lav;s of 't.lw state ,una. sh;:,tll in nIl rCfCrpects be enti tIed to the same protection j C)"nd LiB 1,1Wful orders shall 'oe promptly executed by deputies l poli(: e off~c ers , and. wdtcr.:Il1en of 1:,he ci t.y and every citizen shall render aiel when J'equired fo]: t.he o.:c'rest of offenders Emu :main- t enanc: e of public or der- . He shall execute C111U ret.urn Ii Ii Ii !! Ii Ii Ii Ii 'I II Ii I I i I I I I' ,I I: jl I: I! Ii II II I! II Ii 1; ---....,..,-~_..-...------"""........~~..............._~---~--...-----"'.- _._--~-------~._.~--- --~---~~---_.__._. all proceBS issued uncl, direc ted to him by GnlY x legal uuthOI'ity j dl1d shall enf'o:cce all o~:din<:UlG eB of +1,p ;.;.'..l",'-" City, cllld. a:'-'rest r:1Ail ~ y f t}~e vi (J 1 ",t i un of' 21,11 P ~:;l'sonD .s.t2.e S 2.rr,I. e . lIe shall presecut.e ",efore tile compet~nt tribunal" ,:11 breaches or violations of City ordinances · lie shall also have charge of" tllu C i ~~:r prison F~j16 Ijr'i()Oiltl~S confined tL erG in ) a,n d. af.< aJ.l ~/ho cU't; t;entenced tllo.se to labor upo,n the public streets of the City" 01' public works of -t.ll e C i ~~ y , a.nd sllall that all orders and sen- see tellces in reference . tllol~e 1~0 1'ull~. executed and COI!1plied i 1 I 1 are wi th , ctll {i shall pe~fO:CE'1 such other duties be as :tnay prescri'oed che I.:a:ror and COIl'Ullon Council · "......,- lVJ 25 -~ ---- - ..-...-.- - --- - -. l-'-~~-'~ ._."._~-" -"~. ~ :-' () - I :-; q I i 10 I I I I 1 1 I 1 .2 I l' I .~ ,I 1 ~ - .~ Ii /: II - t: L:~ ? -<. ? II :h ') lh II L -. 1 - II ~ I --: ~ I! .. 1 '.: x ' , I' f, Ii lq 1\ f( ) Ii 'I L 'I ~1 Ii !; ) ) U ''1 ~ II __< ~ 1 i' .!t i: II i ~ 'I l. L::' i: I ! ! .2h I ! i )-C i _. J Ii I, II ), , II ..~ (1 : ~ I. _H) Ii l; . .,u Ii II Ii ,:; 1 I: Ii Ii :: ) Ii ~ ! -''- !: are so elected all1Cl Cluglifiec.l · ~ 'the ai',lGllClr:,er.t Lere in pi'OpOS ed s11o.l1 'be known and designated as " Proposed Charter ALlEmdment IfUInbel~ Fb.urt.eenli c~nd if' ratified by -C...10 (,l~:cto}'s votinG ut said. sIlecial elec tion, ;,;l1a11 t1C in fo:rce [;.nd t[},Jce effec: t im:cedia t. ely a.ftt:r i ts c~:p};:.coval 't.y tlw JLE:r.;h;lc:.tui'e of t}w state of Calii'oI'nia . PROPO S]~D CEART}<~H PJilli;NDMyitTT N1J1.I03Ji;H FIF'n.am 0 I t is Jw rc'oy propcsccL bll;;:;, t Sec tion 224:. 01' the ~., Charter of' said C 1. ty lJe amended uo as to read as :f.'ollows · Sec tion 22.4. In all mE. t t~ 1's lJertain.;.llE, to r.lunicipal affairs , concerning vihich proviuion# . .>. ~s no >, nade ill t.his Charter, the general laV1S of the state of Californi<-l, , in force 8.t ~. t.l'.e time , shall ;)0 in fu:;:'ce irl tl1is City , so far ",~l1e same rnay be applicable to a t~ .>:> the cla~,s of ci ties ~o which this City may belonf~ J as determined and classified by the }Jrovisions of an act n-Q '-'l. tiie Legi slF.:.tu:re of the state of California l) entitled: " fill act to provide fa::.' the classification 0 f munic ipal c o:~pc rat ions" appro'l(~d March 2,. JL883 . The araendmel1t Lerein p:coposed shall be l:novm and designated as It Proposed Chartt:r arnencL'J1.cnt lJuml)cr Fifteen" and if ratified by the electors votil~ at said special election s}lall be in force and take affect imrrwcUa tely after' its aIJlHoyalby the Lsgi ola. tu :re of the state of california. · .__~A._"'-"'_-"-"-~~"~__"'~__"_"_~__~""_~'~_"""""~'_-"~'_"~"_......;_..__~_"".._,........_,-.."""._~_..._____u. -~--._-,--~".,_.'--_._._---'.~'-'-~-'_.'~._._'~_.'--"---..-.---.,----~.,.- 2'7 1 PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT NUMBER Sixt€le!1___ Under said proposed Charter amendment number~it is to amend the Charter of the City of San Bernar- 2 3 IherebY proposed I 4 ,Idino by adding a new section theret;o to be known as I 5 Ito read as follows: I 6 Ii sec"r.io-dJl.rn all oases where the City of' San " 7 Ilsinoe the adoption of' its Charter called a special election of the !I Vt-~ 8 ljQUalified ...-n.e of' such municipali"GY to determine whether ~e 9 1ian indebtedness of said City should be incurred in excess of' the .I 10 :~oney in the treasury applicable to ~urpose designa'Ged in t.he I' i~/:ft=lJ#l=NII$/'RH,fr;f;M~Y in the ordinance calling such election II 12 Iland !i 11 section:l <;' j I Bernardino -- haL I I I i I i I I I I I I I ~ I I I I where at the election held pursuant to such oall, 'Ill- -".11 tJtIe 13 less t;han two-thirds of all the qualified elecJ&:;ors voting at iinot 14 I [lsuch election shall have voted in favor .. ~(L.41'-e-(j~{~!U!,-/~/!,J!',~~~L !I_l! ,1Pil-" .', J';.;l:Y-A-:'~:, " I. II Ii Ii II tI J,' I, 15 liof incurring suoh indebtedness, and the legislative branch of' such i! 16 I iiCity shall have passed an ordinance providing the mode of .t.' crea ~r1ng I ilsuch indebtedness and of' paying the same t and the mode of creating r 17 18 Isuch indebtedness has been by the proposed issuance of' bonds of [Isuch Jjlunici:ra1i ty, all the proceedings of such municipality leacl- : 19 20 21 iil~~ UP to and including the issuance and the proPofled issuance of' iisUCh bondQ are hereby legalized, ratlifiecl, conf'irmed and declared iivalid to all intents and Tyurposes; and all such bonds sold after fi ii:the adolY,&ion of' t,hms section of said. Charter for not lellS thap 'their par value, are hereby legalized and declared tiO be legal and ivalicl obligations of' and against such municipality so issuing and 'iselling "the same, and 1,l1e fa.i th and credit of' such municipality is ;i I!hereby pledged for the prompt payment and redemption of the lJril1- 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ,! !!cipal of such bonds, and the coupons attached t,ll.ereto ,provided !Ithat this act sh1lll not operate to legalize any bonds already sold. Ii Il~ j~'=;~.1L/~.fj, 'If/kfi/'?JU4L/.l.-f~ )~#""f tp:htJfi/~",-,p-iirj.Jt/t;3)/ I f~ 1;/ -/fi":.,c;t,'!PiI ,lIY,J.' II 29 30 31 32 k) ---~----------- .- .__~.__--~.-~--_c.~ . \'_.... ~,"'_A___------.'~'-'-"-~ ._,-"-- ..~--._. .--, \\ 1\ \\ 1\ , 1\ 1\ II \ \ " II kn o,;n ancl de 3 igna t cd as "1' rOl'o S ed Cl,-arte r "mencL'1len t i~U,"oer sixteen" ;;.11" if ratified oy the e:LeotO!'" "ot ing - q ~ \l \~t said Sjleoil,:L e:LCction 3],a:L1 1>0 in fO"'ce and take " \'ro.. .' ,,':L 't . . :L' 1 . 1 j(:ec~,: ~::u:o:e [~~la:fO'::i':'"" Z;;;;a oy "he ~egJ.s_e.ture " \\ rrlle 8.JnenwneIl t Ll'yein -prallO seect s"':.'.oJ..1. "be \ i. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ) - , ,'l .f :"'1 II / ~ <) 10 11 1~ 13 14- - " - 1:; ::: ~ 'I, ~ }() - = 17 :-. ...; ~ --: ]:-\ - .1. 1<) 2() 21 )) ) ) _,'l 2-1- )- ~:"'1 2() r -' 2:-\ 2<} ,~() :~ 1 I l ) I ."'J..... PORPOSED CHARTEH M,mrrmJIlmT lTUNfBER SBVENTEEU D It if} ~'r. 'j"'" ""T .,.\ ""C'-l) 0 c.... d ';'11'" t Se (' .t ; o'n ?'},{" ~.............,......i.JJ 1..J...... u...... .J_CA.. J ........ ~....,\,) of' said cllal~ter of stLid. Ci ty -b~.; arIlen<.1.cd so as to rertll as 1'olJ.ov~.g : SdCC.LOn ~, '1 ,.' ~'l)u. ITa (~lailn or demar1d .,. -, (J,J l~{ 1:~ 1.1:10.. ~f 1Ni~,ate\lt::r sllal,J. 1")e t:le f~'asif3 or C;I'()'Ui.1Cl for all c-t.cticn 0(' p.coGeedtnE; against tl~e City for collection of' J~le same or on aCGu1..mt t.:lCl'eDi' , unlcs~) a verified claim. in .vr:i. title;, cleRrly spccifyin{.:'; the item OT' i tmms CG:lsti tL~~~j.ilE'; SU.Cil eLl 1m or dem8,nd , s}call bfj fi:~.ed v:i th t:le Ci ty Clerk or wi 1:'ll the bo~rd 0 r eommis sion navlng jurisdiction to allow or reject the san~~ , a. t. least ~hirty days prior:o tL~) eor:lr:l~~nGement of mJGIL action or proceeding, and 7:ithin six mont}~u <1ftel~ said claiM r:jr c1em::...ild shall hav~~ a.ccrued or be- C GrClC dU.e.. That section 23? of the C1L&rter of the Cit:r of San B(Jr:ld.:i.~cl.ino be al.,'lendett so as to rep..d as fellows : Section 2~"5? J;::v~ry clni:m or:' clenlB.nd againGt the.: Git~/ :3::.a11 be verified n..nd 1~iled, v:ith tILe; clerk 0,1'" secr(<;taT:l of :ilr; "board. of cOfmnif:>5icn having juriadic:tion to alJ.o'\rl or :t.'ej(~Gt, -::-:lC S:;i.1.1C , (~t It'')[4.s"t tl1~C'ee da:r~ Jefcre ::";1 ('; sauc 51..0.11 be ~llt),lled or pai(l~ .. T.Ll~.: AIJe~l(iraerlt Jle:C'eirl proJ~Ck5 ad ;J}:L{.1~11 ~-~;e ~.:11()'~r~1 0.,1.1(1 (1 e si !:~[lc:l t~~ (1 ~.,. II CA,/~ Pl~CPC sed Cha:ctec Mlemd_~:l!:_!n t He. Seventee)l' " ad(l if~ l"'~lt,ifi~~(r t,~,. t:'lC electors "lotir1[~ at sc1.id sl)ecial lee ~io_rl, ~31"lul.l. C(~ i n florce 2..rlci tctlce efj~ect iDr"(l.e(lin,.7;_j~;I:,'" G.f '~~I (,~.r- its q; rc ovul tll~ I;~;[-~i. slt;.t'~-l~ce oi' tl1_e S-;;~ te "''';'1'' '..1 .J of Califoru:l.a .. / , ""'") , '_ I ) - ) .) -+ ,"' () , ~ () 10 11 12 13 H - ~ ~ - L; ~ 'f. U c.. 1h o. 17 - - 'I. 1~ 1() -?() 21 }) ) , _.) .?+ 2:; 2h )- ..../ 28 2<) 3() :n ) } .)- -f, PHOPOSIID CHARTJ~lli AMF1TmmnT NUMJ3Ji;R EIGHTJOOT · T:lr:tt SCC~1.011 238. '~l'l.C C}lt~ri~el~ of said. C i -t.. ~' ~; ~ (" ~, _I.':" ~Llen:cled so [~,D to l"tead. ~B follo'vv~s : S~ct:ion 2;')8. In aLL cases wlwre advertisirw :;.::. re- quired for' BCD.l!::d [-cure ;-;(;~L; 1,nder See tiel! 1'10 c::' " ' "t Xl J_ 5 Charter '_,lie J.![Q.~.r<'I:r' and Cor:lr~":CYJ Council c:' an" bo D.rd CJ r cr: l j. (; f~~ l~ IT!ak i11e: GUCJ.~. ~.,,(l"'/ert.ise~~ler:.t~; , s}J.all. ll~'!e IJoVJer to re.) ec t arq <...nd 0..11 1:)ids ,;,.:J y-eadvert i Hem l._~_~ t'.::t~i.l'. disc:."eticll. Ii' Ltt r.~j-'ily' :.~i:::-;:~ ~:~l~:/' J-:c:rcon cr I)~~r'sOY1E COnSl)irc: c; ~l~de or agree to~eth~r t or with any official of the c i t3,T -to preVCJ'lt un~r tlu cr bj,Cr 1.....-"" .~ '..J ... V OJ :'1f; }) t: ~ .;'" .r 0 _r_~-:1a. r~ (: ~; c r t:tl1~;r l-,t.tt)11 C Y';C .;:"-~:~ t.1'~e~ , ~ .... 1'. :'~J."'';lL B.rtlrp... c ;", >" ~.' L 'In. ~. :_, ,:Li-v-L ;' (~C u. _'~ :~ -'~(J ~,~J-'L(~ e it .Y' , 0:.... (~l'1~l c1 t: {J (:-1. (t t 1';}.F!'n. t '..' "'f; (I:' 0111 C()lLSlii(~"'; , ;';011..-~1':L~,~ or d..::~ree toc,c"v:te~ rOl~ t~ e I)U ell C bell '. _~ "I'~' I ,_.~;! t i 1'i ~~~: c OY;:r~ ,--~ t.L ~~ i G n i 11 [-; l ch:ii i\('.: j-' or t:,c J,(~d'i) ('('nnee~ of u'};" suhh warl\: (J r the furn lslling of any ~uch nat~ ri::tl , t'o,en any Buell hid or bi ds I:1ade in }.jl1.rStt<lflce o:f~ allY Btlcll conspirc4-cJ' collusion or agree- l1lent G11a11"be void c-:.nd shall not 1)e consider-eel or Cl.8cevted, a,t':d [:i.t l~~T C 011 t,~ca,c t rJast;:d upon. ,;. ~1=,r iJid sulmi tted TiurstW,nt to c"ny sl.lcL conspiracy , oollu131.ol1 or agr enent shall 1')6 null and voicl ane! )to reG overy wlla tever shall be ha.d t:-"::::i:'('Jon and no labor performed em: or Elaterial fL1.r'1ished under a.flY GL1Cll C Oil ~,)~clC t s:la,].]. be a charge or -i.)asis of an;":" claim or -::'~lC ground for any action p..J,.:.:ain~)t ~he ci ty and any money pai~ on any Buell void G en"'.:. rac t shall oe recoverable from the contractor upon 11iB bond 1).1 any Court of compet~~nt juris- dj. e t 1. G Xl . y Tile-; <-.l.1il<3 ndue 1) t. , . n~;re,; 1. n P cOI'O sea. sha,ll be known an d "-",,,,, , c) 4- .-- () s l) and designated If p:copoued Charter ALIlendncnt Uum1H;r ...... ~ (.A,.p }1~ighteei1" and if ra tif ied by the elec tor s voting at said Sllecial election , Glla.ll oe in fo:rce and. tu.ke effect imraed:Latl!:ly after its approval "by the :Legislatu:re of tile Rtate of CalLfoL'llia. · ,31 ---_.....- --- -. .- -...-'----------- --------~--~- , ~) + ...... () I :..; q 10 11 12 13 1+ - % - " L; ::: <t " 'I, f. :J <t .: Ih - C z - :: 17 :.. - ,..; i:-- ;: '" .." :r. 'I: 1H lq 2() 21 )) 23 2+ )- -:'> 2() )- ...., 2H 2() 30 31 I )) I .)- L PHOJ?OS]i;]) CFAH'I'}I:n PJj[EITDJDTI1TT lTUMJ3J:;H 'l'VfRlTri'Y · It 1.<3 ~iCr() ;':' iH'Ul,i(J;:,l;;(; ',J.E,l,'; Sect:Lon 234 of the Cha.rte~' of ~:.;18 C:~~..:' c.r San }3iJI'n(J>T'cUno UE amended so cd..::; to read c.i~ s :r'o lJ_o'....' s : Section ., ~I .. ,.c,__)i.i . Every Ordinance shall indicate in i t.El titlu Iieu.l"l~1' CL S llra.c tic(:llJlf; the sulij Gct subjects or -:' '" VI. "..> emb:caced in the OTcU nance II The ar1enchnent horein P:;,'oIJosed shall be known and. desi.gnated as "Froposcd, clL,-~r-t.c:r' c,r:wncLment 1T1..unber Twen~Y" aDd if ratified uy t'lw elccto~.'s vo+,ir:e; v.t sa:LcL b})(Jcii:tl eluetio:n B.t.1L-:..l.L ill to:'ce E~n~i tul:u e:ffect i,iJtH)(liu.tuly upop.l its. ;..:1 i....."..... apljro'lal tLc L:;:;f.1,il--:;lattU'l1 of the State of' C[tli:r'o}:nh~ · 3~~ ~.'~~~'_-:~~Ji!~--!:"'~ ..m_~ .,. , ) ~ ) ,) A' 4 ,:; '- ~ - - ~ " 'f. :.J - ~ c - 'f. - ... JlIl nT . ...-,._..... ,. [' -L~--....-Ill.JI """"'"- , .... * ~f PROPOSJiiD CHART1'~R AlI<'lE1TD1,,ffiNT WJMB:E:R lTnTETKElT .. i It 1G h('~cel,'y ljj'ol'osed ~~O Cl,laencl t.hE; chat,ter 01' said City [)y ;-',lhliy~; [c Ylevr See tin1'1 the :ce to to be known as See tion 238a aml to rOEul as fol1cvvB : Section 238a. T:f~ tL':Jc ()f' oervice of [Ui.:,' l,:;:,borer , v:ork- fJ r:.an) OT nec}uJ.nic t.'J1ploy~~d ill o.r upon an:r o:f ~)le ptiblic 7 works of tlle City OJ Sa,n llcl'llardi::lO ) or in or 1J.110n ~.~ny ;-.; \'Jork clone 1)y Ol~ )~or SE~id. City iu l<ereby liFlited and q restricted '~o eiFht hours dUl'inf.!' anyone ca.l8.Ylc::'c:::' day e,He 10e-fo person ::3hall lJe emllloyed in o-r' u!)on any such \IOl'ks 11 excelit lw ;)(; a. 112ctiv8 bCJrn 01' naturalized citizen of the 12 United St;:.tCG ) 1".'1<:1. -!-;h8 T'lL1imlJ.!;1 waGes of 1':::'0o:c8rs clployed 13 in t.he execution of c;,ny m.wh \Jorks shall '08 $2.,00 14 p or (l.ay ; ("~?J d. ~::::-: Cl~e G}lt~ll 1)e inserted every contract lo "V, .l.L 1'=; entered in:t.o fo'c any f;ucl~ '!!ork c;, f3tirmlation i,hu.t no pcr- Ih son tJJ1.allbt: E)nplo:'(~ () i ):':,1'<: XlXXOCEqlt..i:<<!f execution d' flFe h 17 contr;.:wt '\!Jho iE not ct Ec"tive born orl naturalized Iv ( ~ citi,';<Jil of [.'10 United States , :..ncc~',j:;.:t iJl ~}}le IJ8 i~t)or'1~1(J..i1ce 1<) of \locIe eirht lwurs , -] '1 ' 3.::ia h_ U (] ~~j'J...2 L-_lE:~J{lr_lll1il llltr:1r.'f~: r St-lC~t 20 of' }-:().I,lI'S -3...1,.., +- -~.' _'_C\.' ,... clXi: r l(-~.-b c .~. e ~r ,\"J 0 :;,,:l~r'rc-~;_-l o .~~. ~'j.}.C c; ~:,:-t ie ~~~ >:E;. J_~l 21 :c c: (ll)~ i r'(,; cl tt,(;(l .1.0 \.Jock c nJ_Fi.l";,C: C:I' ,'.. ..... 'l, _.' . ~ " .- 0":' ,.' C: jl ::~):n : - 22 .;, g;,n ()O '~-.' ,J "tr' ~:.~ * . T~C:r. C~c'cy s;lall be the rninbn1l:1 (.,icL ~~ n ...1.....- ':! (j{.~ (:;~) Y' _.'l ::;:";.1: THjrSOlt d.l)}. 02. \<.. Cc cont.racto:L' in t:-~c execl.;tt.i OIl c{' 24 }~18 con'~~,:('<~ct r :.J:a, t t.ll.lLi See t.i CY:_ s} ;[;,11 r~o t 2~.1:Jr)ly frov J.uuo. I 2'=; to c:a,:3es of ext:nwrc1ir18.ry cncrge:ncy, caused, by f :li::--n , 2() flood or CLan~:er to li:f'(' or prope:ct:r or ":,0 \Jorl: upon c,n~r I y- .:..,/ rublic rnili tary or IHl.'FCJJl d.c:fc_~1ses OJ:"'' '[/crl:c in time of 28 ",{P.' -- ~.' C......L . 20 'l ;. r :~o 'i' . \ ;l , .~ :~1 ) ) ",)"""'1 . ...._ ..~_~"__' "._n .",_,. ~ _.~ __,..~.__.~._.,__...~_."____' .,'_'_r~""'_'_""~'-___" ,_._" ___+0 ,",._.~.....,,_~_..,____~,,~_..__-_~~.,~.__ ...._~_ '.'OA_'._"___'_~_'~_"_____.,._.~ , See tion J ,_ Irnmedia. tel;;:- upon the apprUJval of' this ordinance "by the T'~ayor , the Cj.ty ClerIc in authorized and i " direct.ed to cUUBe the sane t.o be published for twenty(20) in the Evening Index ) c, ne\vspa.per of ceneral _, days ,-', jl I circulr,dion printed and published in the City of San :Bernar'" () I _ I dino I I I i" I q \ Constitution of the State of Cc:;.lifo}'nia " to II Section t-/ __ . 711is OrcHnance is urgently required 11 II fo:' the imraediatc prrncrvation of the pub:j.ic peace, !.? II heal th and safety and the Ci t:;,r Clerk shall certify to its u II pg,ssage by a two-thirds vote of tbe c omraon council and Ii II shall cause the :::amc to be published as I)rovided in Section J.t !: I' 1.:~ II -4--,---- hereof and thereupon and thereafter it shall take ,. II effect and 1)e in force l() II I' 1 -,- \ \ Ii ,,' Ii of the COYrlTil.On Counc i1 is five and that the foreGoing y :;, 1 t"" 11, , II ordinance was passed by a two-thirds vote of 9fl.id Corrrnon 1')11 lJ~ Iii,. ~ouncil at its regular meeting held on the ~ day :0 II. of (f\...L t lC"Oo b'T +}Ie f'ollc'''llon0' ~ro+e " II ~~___.._ , - '" u" .:; ,'~- - · 0",'" J ~:il +'0 Vlit:\)J~~~\~,1.~,~ i ) ~ 1\ Ayes: -,' II 'I .. ,2 -~ I: iT 0 e s ~.... - - -~'. ,., ~I : y ~ ~ ):; ! i n 2" II -~ H ,,; I! _", I " Ii '1 II !l " and said publication shall constitute the public ation required by Sect.ion Jj;icl~.~f Article of the }':!even '.'--: ~:: ;:; ,~ ~J, ::;... I hereby certify that the whole nUI:J.ber of members . " ~---~ .:; v Clerk. i'~ The foregoing ordinance is hereby approved this " /\ I , 190fj'; /1,. ./ j ,_ , 1/ ill!,!/; I . V )/' '~"l. l ii'" J. / \ !" \ j" I it' ; { J 1 '1 'w '~ '\ ,~" '. '" 'I " I., \.., , ' '. " /!:-. -f- --I- ~.- - - .J-- .:!-_- ---r---..t -~ - - - '.~. .; .4 f,. :{ . . )? ../ :~ /~. e ./ ( /' l1,'~€W Or' V ",' .~ .l "..,,, .{ l/'t day of '~~ -....-..-..-..."'"-....."...,..- '---.'_..._- ---~..__..._._-,--_.__...--_.._.__._-~--- 3 ~ ,-