HomeMy WebLinkAbout400 . l) 10 11 12 13 14- - " '.:: 1"; :::: " Of. "J - - 1h = 17 ;.. -- ,.:; ~ '" ;L, Of. 11-' 19 .. _.........._~--------,.._- -....._~.'"-..;..---~~....._-_.........;-..:~.--_._...----_._~..._-~-,.._.,--^_._"-. --"'---'--1 I I I ! ! I 1 ORDIlTA:tTCE 110. '::/:.00--- _,__ · AN OR.1)INAlfCE PHOVIDIlTG ]'OR TRE I SSUAlTCE OI' BOlTDS O~' ) . , TI-ffi CITY OF SAH BEillJARDINO IN THE AMOIDTT OF $110,000.00 FOR THE AC~UISITION AlTD COXSTRUCTION BY SAID CITY OF 8ER- + ,", TArn :MIDUCIPAL IMPffill:@ffil-TTS CONSISTI~TG OF STREET WORK , h THE cmTSTRUCTIOF OF BRIDGES ,T:r-rH: J\CQUISITIOR Arm COHSTHUCTIOIT - 1 OF A lliIDHGIPAL FIJUTT FOR TEF UAKING AIID MAIN'l']iNAlTCE OF I-' STRF~TS A1ID THJ~ CONSTRUCTION OF CRO~1ALKS AiTD REP]UtLING ORDIUAlrcE lTUMJ3:Fm 379. VJ1ni~m1AS the proposj. tion to incur a bonded indebted'" ness of said city of San Bernardino i~thesur:l of $110 ,000.00 primiipa1 sum.,. wi th interest thereon not, to exceed the rate of four and a haJ.f' per cent per annum, interest payable semi-annually J principal and interest payable in lawful money of the United states of America ,xa for the acquisition and construction of certain municipal im'Proyements consisting of street work , the con- struction of bridges, the acquisition and construction of a munieipal plant for t..tle making and naintenance of streets ) 2() and the construction of cr06B~mlks , the total estimated cost of the same being $110,000.00) a.u aforesaid, has 1)een submitted to t.he qualified Toters of said city , at 21 T) -- 23 a spec ial elect i.on held therefor , and more t:b.an two-thi.rds 2+ of all the Toters voting at such election hlLve been in .,- -::'I faTor of and haTe authorized the issuance of bonds 2() aforesaid and )- "",I WHEREAS , the acqui.si tion :lone: construction of said 21-' i I I I I I I I I I I _~.__I munici.pal improyements hereinbefore mentioned and set 29 and purpose of furnishing to sand forth is for the object~. .1() of San Bernardino) and the in1~bitants thereof , Ci ty :11 I 32 I . therein for bet ter and safer and more permanent roadways (I) 1 -~-,-_.._._---,---~-_..~---,---~~----~~~--\ \ \ I \ l ublic use and travel j now therefore j ) .) The :v.ayor and Corilmen counci1 of the City of San Ber- -\- ardino do ordain as follows . . ."' Section I . That the bonds of the city of San Ber- in the amount of onu hundred and Ten Thousand (I ardino in accordance with the $110)000.00) Dollars ,. be issued ~ rovisions of the Act of the I.legislature of the state of 9 alifornia, ( which became a law under Coneti tutional Previs..... III ion wi thou t the Gtc-reJtl10 r' s app rovaJ. , February 25. J.90J. ) 11 and a11 acts or parts of acts amendatory thereof or 12 supp1emental thereto ) and in accordance with tae C11Z.rter 13 of said City and the 0 rdi nanc es thereof and the ]a ws of H the state of California,. said bonds to be one hundred z ,s. : ~ i I'=; ~ ...::: tc: Ch . :J ':; 16 ..... :..0 ;: ~~~ 17 ~ ~. 0: ~ and twenty in number ,. of the following denominations; ;G 'f. l~ to wit.: Eighty(80) thereof of the denomination of one thousand ($1000.00) Dollars each} and forty (40) therew I~ of of the denomination of Seven hundred and fifty {$7AO,OO 21l Dollars each, Three bonds , two in the denomination of 21 one thousand ( $1000.00) dollars each ) and one ir. the 22 denomination of Seven hundred ami fifty ( $750,00) dollars , 23 or Two thousand seven hundred and fifty ( $2,?50.00) 2. DoJ.J.ars. to be paid the first year. and a Uke amount 2:; to be paid each and eTery year thereafter until the 2" whoJ.e has beo" paid 0 Said bonds shaJ.J. be substantiaJ.J.Y 27 in the following form : cfu 'W . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · 2~ 11'0. ............. ma TFJ) S.lA TES 0 F AlffiRI CA 29 STATE OF CALIFOro~IA ) .~() 31 CITY OF SAN BF.R1rARTIINO llUJUCIPAL TMPROVEME1TT BOliDS · ---------'~..- ,,~ ..~... (2) T ) " -) 4 ~ () 7 :..; l) 10 11 12 13 1+ " ;,-: - $ 1:; ::: j '" 'f. ,. :J '" 16 :- - ::L,' z ~ :: 17 ;.. ~ ~ ~ ,. -< < IH - ~/, IlJ 2() 21 T) ....... )'~ ~.) 24 )'" ~."" 26 )- ...1 21-' 2l) .)() :) 1 ,,) ...."l-.; " "'~ ..__.__._--'.......~._....-;.4____'"'"_____.~.4.~.__..._-___._._._._..: City of San :Bernardino, California, october I , 19C8. On the first day of (lctoher ( year 1jf Maturity) the city of San :Rcrnardino will pay to th~ bearer at the office of the Treasurer of the City of San Bernardino, in the City of San Berna:cdino, S&ate of California , or at the Banking house of Kountze Brothers t in the City of New york) state of New york , at the option of the ho1dee hereof, the sum of ( denomination of the bond) Dollars with interaot thereon from. date t at the rate of four and one-half per cent per annum , payable on the first day of April. and the first day of October of each ;Tear at said. of'f'icc of said Treasurer 0 f Raid C1 t. Y or a t the bankirg house of said Kountze Brothers in the City of New york) state o.f' 1-TLV. york , at the option of the holder hereof ) upon the rresentation and surrender of the respective and proper coupons hereto~ttached , i; principal and interest payable in lawful money of the pnited states of America. This bond is one of one hundred and twenty bonds of even date herewith) eighty (80) of which bonds being in the denomination of one thousand ( $1000.00) ~ollars each J and forty (4:0) of which bonds being in the denomin.... atian of Seven Hundred and fifty ( $750.00) dollars each J and numbered consecut,ively from one to one hundred and twenty ) both numhers inclusiTe , and amounting in the I I I fifty ( $'750.00) Dollars, \ being payable one year from the date thereof , as afore~ \ said , and three of said bonds . of like denominations be:l1lg I .~H___u___1 aggregate to one hundred and ten thousand ( $110,000.00) Dollars J three of said bonds , two in the denomination of One thousand ( $1000.00) dollars each , and one in the denomination of ~even hundred and (3) T /1 I , I " ,) 4- ,-' h I S \) 10 11 12 13 14 - /. ::: ". 1:; OJ of. :.; '"' 16 - " ~ :: ~ ~ 17 ...; 1- ~ .-r: ..-: ~ ;:.< of. lS 19 20 21 ')) D 2-1- )- ....:-> 2() ).... ...1 2S 29 ,~o ,~ 1 ') ,)... ~, ;'"', ----~-\ I I I i I I I I \ i I I I i :::B 0:0::. i;,.::::::U:: ::r::~::a:: ::. C:::;:::::B, of I I i I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I \ I I I I payable in like manner each and every year thereafter on v the first day of October ) until the whole of said ~ " bonds, one hundred and twenty in number , ,shall haTe been paid , the last payment being due on the 1"i rst day 01' Oc tober ) A.D. 1948. the entitled: " An Act au tho riaing the incurring of in- debtedness by cities , towns a.nd. mlimicipal corporations for mWlicipal ~rovements , and regulatinr the aCM quisitioll ) construction, or completion thereof" which became a law under consti tutio,nal provision wi thou t the '10Ternor's Bebruary 25, 1901 , and of all acts approval or parts of ac ts amenda to J"?~r thereof supplemental ort thereto . It is further certified that all requirements ~ law and of the Charter and ordinances of the City of San Bernardino , have been fully complied with by the pllToper c:f ficers in the issuance of this bond ) that this issue of bonds has been authorized by the vote of tw~w thirds of' all the vot.ers voting at the special election to authorize the issuance of the same, which special election was duly and regularly held in said City on the Tenth day of June, 1908) and that the total amount of indebtedness of aaid City of San Bernardino) incurred by this issue of bonds ) together with all other in- debtedness actually incurred or auth()rized to be in- curred does not in the aggregate exceed the sum of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars s neither does it in the ~r"rrrerate exceed fifteen per cent of the assess- I 1 d 1 t"' t', ,I ed value of' 8,11 the l'ea an persona proper y ot ,116 sa~d : .__~_,__i (4 ) 1 "''''. ""'~".,i."""~"-=~"""",==",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"""i"'<""""__""""""'''''.,,,,,-,,,,"",,,,",,"''''''~'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''~'''~-''''''=~_~- if . - cribed by the Constitution and tlle laws of tlJe State of \ i \ City of san :Bernarflino) nor does It exceed the limit pTe" , " ,al if 0 :':-llia . 4- Dl WIT1T.ESS "WHEREOF , the said City of San Bernardin@ ,=:. caused this bond to be signed by the executiTe of the ,as () unicipality to the Mayor and by the , wit , , also I of said C.ity and to be countersigned by the reasurer ,) q of said City and the corporate seal of saud City ~ 10 to be hereto. affixed and the said City has also the coupons hereto attached to be authenticated by a facsimi~ signatu:!.'6 of its treasurer nth'4~.,."tl 11 1.2 ~ engraTed. thereon · 13 ......... ...... .......... .... .... .... H - ,. - ~ ~ 1~ ;:; '" " '.f. 0- U .. 16 ~ r; :E " .,.. ;... 17 ~ ..; ~ ~ -< 1~ "' :i 1 q Hayor of +~be City of San 13e::"rtcordino · ......... ....... ". ........ ................. Treasurer of the City of San Bernardino. ountersigned by ................. ....... ............. 2\) Clerk of the City of San Bernardino. 21 That the coupons shall "be attached to each of said T) ~.... hundred and twenty boncls for the interc:st accruing thereon, said coupons stall be substantiallY in the following 2~ 'orm ) to wi t~ ....................{ amount of interest) On the fi rst day of ( month of ma turi ty ) A..D. ...... 23 ')- -f~ 2h 27 ...... ( year of maturity) the City of san 13ernardino premises 29 the city of san Bernardino, in said City, in the state of to pay to "the bearer) a't the offi. ce of the Traa.6urer of 2~ :~o California , or at the banking house of Kountze Brothers, :~l in the City of New ~ork) Rtate of NeVi York) a.t the interes t) '0 ( ,).. ?pt:i:on of the holdelr' hereof )~he sum of amount of ~""""" -5- ^ - _.__.._~-~--~----_._-----~-_.._- I .M "';""''''''''''''-t.""..,.,..~"t<,-~,,-- --- ------\ Dolla.rs in lawful Y:ioney of tile United states of knerica, for semi-annua1 interest due 'on" MunicilJal Improvement llonus 110." (r;= ':>e r of bond to "hi eh eo upon is" ~ t acliCa. ), , -, .) 4- .-, h I :-:, lJ 10 11 12 U 1-1- - ;/. - ::: 1:' ::; -: .-.; 'J~ '- v :. 16 - '" '" " ~ 17 / - ./, 1~ llJ .:u 21 22 ')" _.) 2-1- ") ~ -:'> 26 .)- .:.../ 2S 29 30 31 "I") .."I..... ..... ............. ....... ............ Treasurer of the City of San Bernardino 11 Section II. All bonds issued under the proTision cf th1S o "d inanc e shall be dated Oc tc b er I, 1908 , anu sh8.11 bear interest at the rate of four an,l one~haH pel' cent per aIll'lUt1, payable semi_nnuallY on the first day cf April and on the first day of ~ctober of each year after their issue , prin~ cipal and interest payable in lawful money of the United state6 of America:) at the office of the Treasurer of the City of san !)ernardino, in the state 01' C8.1ifornia , or at, COr})orate seal the re t() , and tIle treasurer of said City is hereby directed a.nd. authorized to authenticate the interest coupons attached to said bonds facsimi~ of his signature llLlu~r8.,h. f 'by having a w eng rayed there'" on which coupons shal.l t.e numbered consecutiTe1.Y · Such bonds rnaY be issued and so1.d by the 1.egislatiTe branch 0" said City, as they maY determine but not for 1.ess than the ir par Talue , and t!>.e proceeds of such bonds shall be placed in the municipa1. trea8llry to the credit \ I____~-''''O'- -6'" I ., , .) + .'" () I :-; 9 10 + 11 12 U 1+ - r: '- 1.::; ::: ~ 'h :J :., l() - " " ::; 17 ::- - .-: - -<: 1:-; - 'J; 1 I) 2u 21 )) 23 2+ )- _.'" 26 )- 4/ 2:-; 211 30 31 ,.) "')4 l-------_~____.______,_._._.___ --~----._---------......_- of the proper improvement fund , and shall be applied exclusively to the pUrposes and objects mentioned in this ordinance . Section III. The Legislative branch of said City of' San Bernardino shall at the time of fixing the general tax levy and in the manner for such general tax levy provided , levy and collect annually each year until said bonds are paid , or until there shall be a sum in the tressurery of aai,d City,. set apart for t'hP.t purpose" to meet all su.ms coming due for principal and interest on such honc1~ , a tax sufficient to pay the annual inter'" est on Ruch bonds, and also such x part of the prin~ cipal therf30f as shall become due b efo:ce the time of fixine the ne.:dr:eneral tax levy, The taxes herein required to be levied and collected shall be in addition ~o all other taxes levied for :!1l.unicipal purposes , and shall be collected at thu same time and in -:l1.e same manner as other municipaJt taxes are collected , and be used for no other purposes than the pa:)'1lIent of said bonds and accruing interest " Section Iv. The proceeds of the sale of said bonds shall be placed in a fund to be known as the " Municipal Impr.ovement Bonds Furrl n. Section V. Tha.t Ordinance No. 379 entitled:. An Ordina.nce providing for the issuance of bonds of the City of San Bernardino in the amount of $110,000.00 for the acquisition and construction by said City of certain Hunicip4- Improvements cBnsist;ing of str eet work, tenance i I I i I i I of a munic ipal plant for the making and main- I of streets , and the construction of crosswalks,. I , I - __I the construction of blidges , the acquisition and con.... struction -. (7 ) .. , 1 , ..., ) .~ 4- :J () 7 ~ l) 10 11 12 B 14 ~ ~ - Y. : ~~ 1::- ? .j ~ ~, ' '.) ~ : ~ 16 :;~~ 17 ...... ,- 1- ~~2: -'. -, I. l~ 1 t) 2\l 21 )) 23 2-1- )- .......:-" 2h )- ""I 2k 29 .)( ) .) 1 ),) .~- ~ IliI[ . '':'" ' ;:i adopted onil ",~~rov.d on the 29th day of June , 1908 , be and the same is here'bY repealed · Section VI. nlis ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force a.t the end of thi rty daYs its adoption and and its approval by the l!a'1or of' said City .. Section VII. The City Clerk shall cortify to the passage of this ordinance and cause the same to be pub- llshed for three consecutive days . exc1usive of ho1idays , in the ]lven ine. Index . a dailY newspaper printed and pU'blished in the Ci ty of San nernar<iino. I hereby certify tbat the foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted bl' the Mayor and Common counci 1 at its meeting thereof he1d on the lLth day of November, 1.908, by the following vote) to wit: 1\)' ~ Q Ayes \.fJ.~~.J.-,I. ~J.. ., ~~.. ~~'1S""""""" . ..' .,. ..... ...... ............ l1oes~' · . · . . . · · . . . .. . . . ., . . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ) City Clerk of-:;::tle Cit.y of san "Bernardino. rD~e "foregoing ordinance is hereby approved this ~ day of Novernoer, 19C8. f .... l..'......~~ }\ahE%City of san Bernardino.