HomeMy WebLinkAbout402 .. ) - l ,) + :-> h - , ;-; I) 10 11 1.2 13 1+ - :/. ~ .- J.:; -;; 'J_ :.; 1() - - - - 17 ::. - ..: - --: 1;-; - 'f. 11) 2U 21 ")") 23 2-t )- -:-> 2() 27 2;-; 29 .~U .~1 l) .."M-1 . E:tJT I TI;ED Ordim1.r1c e no. J.j-O ~ . Alf OHDINANCE MmlTDIlTG ffi DI1JA1TCE no.. 304 , " NT ORDIUAUCE IillGUIJATIlTG Tilli; 13usnmfiS OF MAlTID'ACTURIlm ) SEIJIJING , DISPOSDJG OF, FURNISHING A1ID GIVING AWAY IJIQ,UOHS WI THIN" 'rID: CITY OF SAlT J3ER - lJARDnm ,IMPOSING MUNICIPAL LICENSE 'l'HER'EPOR Alm PHO- vrnnm TIm :MA1HlEH 01;' I SSUnIG AlTD COJJIJ}~CTIiTG TlmSA'ME PReSCRIBIUG TIm DUTn~s or CJ;iHTAIN OPFICERS OF SAID CITY) . IU HlTIIJATIOn-.... TO SA1J1 BUSIN1.imS ,AIm FIxnra TIm PElTAIJTY FOR ITS VIOIJATIOR 11 . Tho M~Y0r and COLu~on Council of the City of San Eerli.l.l~c1ino d.c or dain as :f'olloVls Section I:- Sc~ctiGn IV of Ordinance lTo. 30,1 of t21C City of SC<.rl Berilard ine , entitle d. 11 An 01'[Ll :clane c r ~[~'Ltl(_~ t.il1g t1:1c; btlSine O~ cf IUal1Uf'c-t.ctu -ri11[::: )l S el~lirlg , disposil1[; of, furnish:ine; 8.nd givinr, U'IlUY liql'ors within the City of San BCrilardino , h:lpO s in;:; munir.ipal lie enGe the refor' j and pro vi ding "the !.lamlC r' of . .. 1. G 3U ], ;'If:, r...ncl collectinG tAc C.:1,,~lC ; prcseribin[': the duties of cert[,Lin oi"ficors pf s~id City in relation to such lJlAsi11CS3 , a.11ct f'iJciti[; tIle pe11alt~{ fOI' its viol<"1..tioll,lt. approved on U1C l'l'th Clay oi' M3.Y, 1'::05, is he reoy 3.ucnd.ed to reG.d as 1'o110vIs ; TIle I'aten of' lice11ce }le:r-cin provided i~or Oll;:11JL be u.S :C olloVIS : Fi:1ot:: JJ'o.r e";;Tel--:1 1C3t~Ul"'~:l.11t , eatirlg 1-"'1 r", ,- c. J,.,l,\.J ~,.......,_ or hotel / wlw:ce any spirit,lOus , vinous" nalt or ot":ler L'ltoxicating liquOl'p 8r e sold or :t'u:r::i shod ,Ii th and as a part of lJOlla fide meals, ann_ vilJ.c :ce no l)<:i.:"~ i G kc!)t , or :5:p iric:.wuG , vi It,) :.L3 , ~ll.tl tor ot>:";T intoxi- catin;:: liquors sold , furnished or given avmy , ex- -......r.u (:..to.J.. ....... I ,\ exe ,,}' t '", """ "O,la fid e pco.lo . t he sum 0 f $~'" 00 l' e l' 4 l:\onth. - ..... second .- . J?or ~T " 'r"/ ~-\;'\"oI-t,.I 1) la,c ~:; \ill ~e l"e ,.Jeer lb- Bolcl at. h \';}],Ofl8sale in rruo,nt i ties 0... 0, not j_E:;) S tJi.P.11 0 t1{~ (~1)a:ct. ,'. "- c;. v 7 a f,i'!'Je , U'e BU:':"l of $F,O .00 IhoT montl'... ~ TJ',:t ['(1 e- . FOl' (j ve JOY r}-<::.c:('-J 'JI}-,cre SIJiJ':L tUOilf; vino'\.\S l) nal1':. 0 r ot}lSI" intoxic:d:l"";:' '," ., "L, ~l.iCLuors D~ r t_~ Gold at JIrl:~ 10 v:,oli" 1'" Ie 0 in '1''''''''+' Hie B nof, leB" than one 'luo.rt at a 11 tir"o, eXC eI' t a" I'TO v; "<"<, j" S'2 hdi vis i" n Tv,o 1J ere of , 12 tiw sun of $75.00 per month " / . 13 Fourth: - For E;v'e.ry saloon , 1)ar ) barrOOI:l , t ip})ling 14 .:lOUBe , O}' 8JJY O:'}lf:J' pJ.c::.ce \Jl'er~: any such spirit1j(lUS 1:=' vinOtH3 , :':~ o~- i::t~L~~t.::n~iqUOrS ",',re ,.,,'rl.'''' '0''''1''\ ll:D,&:.-~~---l'f-~!::(~'- J,..' ",,1 CliO l1US.:ct j~u~c(ti b} t.... - y: - ::: " 'f. :J - ~ ~ .. 'f. r.:1."t. [1. ..., i;ne O-f +'0 '~H; dr(~,nl: Oll t.'J.l~ l~Lt:;Luse::.\ \V1LUI'E; t;olr:I ,. eXC SIlt 17 10 t)", place" "8n'oio1<"d '"j, suNtivhion One of 'ohis Suctie." 1 l) ,.'." C"J" _,f' cll>lOO 00 vJ.lt..;,; k)\j..lc (.).1 tW- · All Huch licenses s1l[\,ll '~)e (ine ancl l,c.>yal1le on t1:e per mont.h · 2() 21 first day of each ,mu every nonth in adve.!1CC at the ofrice n 0; t.hc license C01'1 e ('+,0'''. ;;,1'1(' r,)\"1 _ur!' ....v _ ) _.~.4. ,,~...,"" lH-:l'I'SOIl 0:'::' 1)C~'scns , , h 0 lei i nf'." 11 c enBe under t}, i 5 0 rd inan c e fa 11 inr, to l'''S _:1 ~ - 2-l- tile license tax , as '}orB. }J ,':rein provided .' , 011 01' "[,eio},' e s t"w Ii cst Cay <f each and every motlth I iI' adve.llea , 211 shall inn~~edifJ.telY f orfei t tlw 1 ic ens e he Id 'by h1iun Or' )- ...' Ulem , a.Del no ftu:tl;cr license slu:..1.l 1'e issued to such is aut.lloriz8<..1 2~ pe:rson 01' IJel~Sons ) oXCCl)t in the sc.:.me 2') "Y the C on~'O 1\ C ouno H I aft,c r aPIlli ea ti on und inve" tiga t;, , ion as herein1,efore provide" for an ol'igim<l D1'l'lioa'cion .1() a.ncl unt ~l ~~ 1 \ .... _ shall Mot such au:,horizatiou such person or persons (.... :Jell , :t.'ix!Tiuli 01' give a.v-la:l any in to-XJ: (' upeH 61' "to') ,-)""'"f' liclUO:C'S vJithin the ~~i.t.y of' san 13Crni:1,TCt].P' ) ~ ) ,) -1- ,-' () I 8 l) 10 11 12 U H - /. .. :::: L:; " 'f;. :.J ::: " .- 17 ...: ~ -: 18 - " '1. ll) 20 21 ) ) ) ) -,) .~-1- 2::' .2() )>- ",I .28 2lJ ,~(l 31 " ) ,)- cause t.o ";:)0 open an:? saloon,. or place vlhere any such 1ic~uors [t:r'e sold 01' furnished , or kept to be sold or' l'Ul'nished . section II. 'That said. ordinance be further w~ended as follows : That all that po~tion of said Ordinance " ' . " d.esir~nated Sectlon IVa ti.B a.dded to said Ordinance :No. 304 1:JY Ordinance no. 356 of said Ci ty is horehy repealed . Section III. This ordinc!Xlce ShE'..ll ta.ke effect and bc in fo:cce fran and after thirty days after its passage and aP1Jl"'oval. Section IV. The City Cle rl: slw,11 certify to the Y\<'l "c.<> rU,~ nf' ,..'h i !'t () -rn inane: fl cA.ncl cause "the :;:;<J.~:~e .'.0 tIC -pu hI ished in the I~venir[ rnclex :;:~or three cO!1f)ecut~ve dnys · I herel,y certify that tho fo:'et:oing ord nEmce waf> adopted by the :Ma.yo:r: antI Cor:lJ'.lon council at its neeting heIr: on tr.:.e ~~ Clay~, 1908,by the followir:g Vote: AYGal))~);)~,~~ Uoes .~ :Mavor v . I