HomeMy WebLinkAbout406 10 11 -i2 U II H .1 II " I' ,I ~ Ii ~. 1 :::, " .' I', 'h '.) Ii :.:.J 1 () ~ II i ! i ;:fJ II .. 19 'l; I; II 1 ') I I I , : __ ".1 -}','. )v ,-", 29 30 31 , ',..,"" 1 r----~----- -~---~--------~_.,-~~~ i " O:PJ)Ii.TJ\_~rCE ITO. / r- . ,:1 t<,'T OT'.DliTJ0.TCE TiI,ECTIlTG TO AVAIL (' "T <J J.. O}' ~)fJ'T BER- ,+ ITARDIHO p:i1IVIr"':::=CES f.J.T AC T I TIJI:D II Air AC T TO l'IWVIDE T'OR LEVY lUG COI,Ic"ECTIOlT OJ-;' TAJCSS "'l,\r ..DJ.. i;'CB 6 r,'I','; TJSE or lTI.DTICIP1HJ COF:I'CPJ\'.rI OIlS I.TD CITr::::S ETC c,:r UI\J\.TT8 UlTD}~R Id\ VIS OI' :3T1Vr},; OF CPJJJ:}'OFlTIA, EXCEPT L[(J}TICIPAL 8 C OHPOHATI OlTS 1'1I;;3T CLASS, Alm TO PTWV1DB :S'OH C on - 0",',' Ii .: SOLIDAT1OlT lL1ID ABOL1TIOIT OF C:r(l{'I'AIlT IJ"'LJ1HCIPAL O::]!'Im~s, Aim TO PIWVIDE THAT DUTIES :AY Bl; PEPJ?OPJ\I:::]D BY C]~RTAnT OFF I c'ns OJ? COlTlTTY, AIm FIXIlTG TEIj C cmIPElTSAT- I on TO 1~I,I,10vrF~D ?O1\ (~TJC}I CC'lTlT'J~-~{ OJ?]'ICBRS FCtR 7Ill SERVICTS ;30R,nm::;:R:n TO SUCH I.nmICIPAL COR1?ORATIOITS" P.?IT\OV:~]) .iJAt'l.CH 2~TlI, 1895, and :;:tll A"fm:T:DI;TlTTS ~'E '{'; OJ? . The Eayor and Conunon Council of tl~ e City of San Bernardino do ordain as follows : , Section I. ~:he City of San Bernardino hc;reoy elects to avail itself of the privileges o~ an act onti tIed" An Act to provi,~Le for '-he:; levy and. collect ion of ta.xes by and for the use of municipal corporations and cities incorporated under the laws of s )_,c~ 4_ G cf Californ::.a. except illtmicipal corporations of 't2',e l' Lest class, cLnd to prouide for the consolidation c'\,nd abolition of certain tJ.unicipal o:efices, and to provide 7,llat their d.uties may be performed by certain ofi'icers of the County, C311d fixing the compensation to be a~V~f~~~ices so r'endered to such r.'lUnicipal corporations, It aprroved '-8,rc11 '1th,1895~ cmd all i3..lJ1endrn.ents thereof; e.ncl until fu:cthcr o;c<tc;r :it the asse~3sment of tax:able :prOI)Crty vlithin SPJid Ci 't:r, .'-;'X"lcl ~~}-lC le'JY and. c.ol18cti on- of to..::ces f cr :~~evenlle 1 I ... I ,1, I ~, I II " d " I :~ (-? 10 11 12 1 -" L) , , ~ 1 'T -' ";:; Z ~ ;~~ lS -:1 ::< ., C Iil ~~1 f-<; 1 "i ~ ;c ~~ 'f; 18 i {) 2/\ 21 T) ~-:""'.;;"" ) , -.,,") .>t -~:; .2L :~ I j 'I 31 \1 II _,__~_~,___'__"C_____~_,~",,_'a~_,_'__""'_.'T"~'_-_'_.-,----~~.-..,-...-..~-.~---.-~~.~-~.-----.----.--~--~.-..,~-.-~--,.-.~ for carryL1g on t}~e various clel)al~tJilents of said City, o,nd to pay the; 1JCmdecl anct toller indebtedness , srlc'"1.11 be asscsscc1, - levied and collected as in said act provided, in so far as ~~aid Qct is consistent 'IIi tll ~:hc provisions of the Charter of the said City · Section II. That '~lle County Av.ditor be and he is hereby requesteo. , vlhel1 transmitting to the tIay 0 r and C OY:ItIl on I I I I I I I of I there 1 I I I 1 I I , I ! C CUllC 11 J_ ~-10 v........... stateluent provided in Section III of the fOl~ aforesaid Act, to set forth 1:1 S:.dd st[tteLlent the total value of all Pj~Ol)()rt:r , VIi tllin that portion of sahl C i t~l 110vr teri11ed c.md called tile "Olel C J.' .;- yll -0 e. 'L' "(1 ("t .t.. ,.) c rl.~ +. .." v , _ _ -J.b ld....v v --'- w.../ Sall T:lornardino, 8"S it existed prior to the enlargement O-f' - , OJ! tIle al1ne)~...tio11 of additional territory, as sctid City was enlarged at the election for that purpose , held July 20th, 1909, separate and apart from the total value of all propol~ty vri thin the corporate limits of said Cit~r of San JJeruu,rdino as said City now exists . , Section III. Upon the acloptiol1 cf this O':'cliIlC'-nce , the Ci t:r CJ..c~~lc S}lc~J_l irT"1.cdi 2J ole, el:r file - o. c~J:::,tifL;cl C01}V t::::-;reof ;::: oun tJ,r of :',:;8-:1 "',1 :=1',..di '10 I' ~ - .4- . , - I I I I I ! wi'~,hche ~:ollovIin[', officers of +'}le to -r.git: One with tl18 Asse~~;so.r, one with ~JlO C 011 cd oJ', and rT'~ "'f.r ..i-"-'.....c~ 0118 \7 :L t 11 , - "";~lte i\cluitor . l I I I . I :LS I , 1 Section IV. It is llorcby ::'ound and cLecla.!:'ec. tJ-zt tlJ.is ~n ct. c inanc8 for tile i0illdiate preservation of , 8 IYUIJ IX: 'Peace , hetl,lth 8..nd, safety and t,l:;at this il an urgency I I i '," c> r, C'" '1"0 ~ .;.:--'...::.,..~~,-'--'~ 1 1 I I I I i :L t 'Jeinc, an oTclinc'"llce }):'o~d.<iecl b~. '/ QEd <:\cloIltec1 __...y. ~._=-.,_ "..~,~....____.....w_"'r-"" ...".",.,. ~,",...."""~,-"~....--",~,,.. .~-..",....,.,-_......_----,,-~-~-~-~,,~---~-------~------~--~~-----"'-----' '" 1 ~ ") ,1 -.~- ..._...----_.~---~~-,-_.~~-~._....-.,,--~-~'_..__._._. ----..---.-..- ------'1 j I i i Cj,t7 of i p1),rSllant to Sectiort 130 oj~ 13~. e C}'la~t8r o:c :,}-::.e ~-~ ::l. .1.." ('"O~r'C t'''' )~ll -"1-e "'._-_:'.,f~c+ 1_",",:'~,'.","lndia-!",':'l1,r San. _~)'s rn2...!'c.l110, Ulld. ~.J.Lle uCiJ..l:.~(;.. .:.>l.i.C;"'.. ~o.. -\. - -"-' v..... ~ - .......... .J upon its adoption \:lno. aIJproval · 1 Section V. The City Clerk sh,all certify to the p8.;jsage 'r of this aNn. nance by a two-thirds vote of ~:l1e Cor1mon - ;1 6 -, I (> o 10 11 1) l?) I I 14 II " Ii - ~ Ii; Z II H ~ ~ 1 ," ,:> II 8;: j ~~ u II if) ~ :., 1 () II H g ~ I z , - 1 ,.. I c ,. ~ , I '- ~il ,:.; 'f, 1 ;~I II "ll ('I I 1. '/ ) , _-I :2.~ .?h 27 2i-; Council <J.na. sh<:;'tll caUGe the same to rJC publifJLed for tlLcec consecutive days in IJvGnin:::; In <lex . 'Tl1--: ,:"} ..L....J.t""...... I h82~eby ce:d.ify that tl:e \1hole rn.un1x.:r of members of the COrrrrX10l1 Council of the City of San 3erna,rdhlo is five Ayes: '" \ IT 0 e s :~ \ . . -+---.~'"-_.^- -, _. -.-....... ~_.;.._._-_. -~--_._._._-~-. .-...-,,--- C i t y C 1 e 1'1: . '\ \ Approved this .1__...___ day of , 19LO . 11 '11 I' ~<~/ .- ,,! Vii ~_~___,.i _L_,..~ '-' a~ror o:f tIle Cit3t of 8all ~3er11arcLil1o. 29 30 I 'Ii I ?" ,) 2 ! ....., ,.. ______-'.__,~_..'"~._,_____~,_~,._.__._.".__'____.,_____.~________._.._~__,__,,,...._.-...__...~__._._,,__.___....__ _____..__..,_. ,I