HomeMy WebLinkAbout407 .. I I I I I +1 \ :' II h , S <) 10 1 1 t 1 -, - 13 1+ ~ .~ z - ~ ~ '.:0 ] :' ~ '" -~, (j) J '" .oj Ih - '" "' ,., h .,., ~ " 1 ~ , .- '-< u -: <: ;0:; < IS ;>; I- I 'i 2() 21 } ) i ! : I I -?~ Ii 1'1 2+ I I 20 I 2() i I i )- -, II 2~~ ! ': I I 21) ! i I .~() I \ 1 II ..\2 I: P. .. I r-----. .-------------.-.--.--- ...-----..----- -------- .____.___._..________M_ "'---'-'-" ...-...--.. ._._......._...._.__......._.,,_.-.----. J OF.DI:NAlTCE ITC'. ~_ _... . AiJ ORnI1TAlTCR ORDERING AlTD CALLETG A GmmRAL MUlTICIPAL EI,ECTION TO BE HELD IN 'DiE CITY O:P SAlT EEIDTAPJ)Hm AIID IN TIm CITY OJ? SAlT 13EIDTARDHrO SCHOOL DIS'.rRICT , mr I\JlmmAY TIm 12TH DAY OF APHIL , 1909 DIVIn' n:r(l Cf'Fli' C I rry ,_ .' _I ~"~.. __ nIT 0 1'MIT C I - ~ PAL RI,ECTIOlT PRECIlITCTS ArID APPODTTDTG. POLIJING PLACIGS ArTD X! BOAR1')S OF ET;~CTION . The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Sml Bernar- dino ,do ordain as follows : -- Section I. That a general municipal election shall be held in the City of san Bernardino on Monday the 12th day of April , 1909 , for the purpose of electing the following I I II Ii II Ii " i I i i . officers of said City A Mayor , to wit: , One member of the common council from the first ward of said City , to be elec ted by the elee tors of said ward One meL11Jer of the C0Il1i1l0n council from the second I ward of said City, to be elected by tne electors of said~ I I i I said I I I I , three i I ! i I I I ! j i ! One member of the co~non council from the fourth ward of said City , to be elected by the electors of ward ; Four members of the City b:oard of education "'^- members for full term~ and one member fo~ uneJ<..l?ired term! to be elected at large, by the electors of said City and the electors of that portion of the City of Ban Bernardino school district , lying outside of s9.id City. ; 1 i ~.___'_4_ ._.__~..._...._..__...-...______"'-.......,._ _.......___._.____.__~__._.~ I - :"' h , ~ q Ii 10 I I \ 1 I ! 1.2 13 1-1- - ~ z ~ ~ ~ ,~ 1::' ~ ., 7. <fJ ;u ., :~ Ih :-< - 01 Z 2 :;; " 1', ':J ;:.. " ~ " v ....: < 0:: < 1:-; ;l: .~ 'r~ IlJ I I , .?O I )1 I -. , I I ) ) I ) ) -."' ) , -+ ,.. "W.' _,""".,'" ."""3- ! 1'--- 1 II ) I! Ii , I I ~. I Section II. That for the holding of said electipn each ward on said City shall constitute and be a separate municipal election precinct and each of said elections precincts sllall have but one polling pJace therein.. That the following are the b01L'l1daries of and the polling places for said municipal election precincts and t21.e following persons are hereby appointed officers of elec t- ion in said precincts , respective~: J~'1HCIPAL EIJ<JCTIOlT PRECnTCT lTIJJvtBER ONJfl · FIRST WARD. Municipal election precinct Number One shall consist of all that portion of the city of San Eernardino, described as follows , to wit: COn1.TIlencing at the south-cast corner of the ai ty of San Bernardino and rwuling thence Westerly along the Smuthern boundary line of sait.l City to the center line of "E" Street; thence North along the center line of F. Street to the center line of Fourth street ; thence Rast along the center line of Fourth street to the tastern boundary line of said City thence South along the ~astern boundary line of said City t" . the place of beginning. ~: I · ,_ I 0 POJ"wrG PLACE !/;;~L b___f- ~ /D , "tJl. ~:l~LJ~~ 1~~:fi:;'~~~'~ 1/ _~q Ii ( , i '"l Inspectors 1 c2~/.Jv',~ V ~ .~ 1. II {""];tJ, 8.. JJL~ "I ~).I MJUDGES (~~' . _ \1 ( . : 11________. ~_ __ ' _ ~__._'a~_ ..__~.~_~"'__.__~___."___u*.__<.._._.-_~_.._".J 2 I )) I to a point where the center 2,~ I line of F Street intersects the oenter line of Eighth Street j '+ I 2,~ I to a. point 2() I Eighth Street intersects 2711 )'-; II '" r- -;:) II Poll'ng Pl c~e J. ~~' r i II/), A ~ C1"\,;. !].J.. _'1 ,"I '--r-t{~_._-------..... _ !. ~I .\() Ii -" '-'" (\ 'Iv--v-vvl- .;r 'J')~'/J) - (\~/ LSl, ',L \,..J : II -- -. ~1::tL::1:::tZJ_..LI~ ,~j Ii InSpectors _~(1~ _,....>_'. _ _._ .._., il ,;I'L~ 1) Ii / .'- li..__u___________.....___.. T ql Ii wi I I 11 I I , , 12 I I HI 1+1 1.; , ".. ;:I '/ ~ ,. ~ ~ j~' (/j E-< 'J ~~~ Ie. :; ~ 1,' ;:.; l-o ~ u ~:'1 ;; -I N I :i " 1 q I I I 20 I I 21 I , ! I 1'1 >! ., !l :, " II + II ~; I CLERI':S : .8.'.~~~tt.f....... ( "I; d;J.,. 7:l.1.. ..~.... ( ) BALLOT ri'r'"\' / ) ~) 0 C C r.l.K~RKS ~ .W- ~;!'" ,', , . . ir ..,.,.............. ) ) < 11 / / ~/ · . . , /'l. . . . . v. , . ~:::r . . . . . . . . . . . · N ~lUlHCIPi\L ELJ:;;CTIOlT PR1~CINCT lTU1IBlJR T'im. SECOND WARD . Municipal election precinct nluuber Two ~lall consist of a.ll that portion of the City of San Bernardino, known as the second ward and described as follows : CODIDlencing at a point where the center lin~ of Fourth Stree'li intersects the eastern boundary line of said City ; thence running westerl~ along the center line of Fourth street to a place villere the center line of Fourth Street intersects the center line of F Street ; thence Horth along the center line of F Street thence Easterly along the center line of Eighth Street where tile extension of said center line of with the eastern boundary line of said City ; thence Southerly to the place of beginning . ._-- -.---..-,.-.------. ___.._,._.........-1.._._.__...... '_"__'_ .__.......j 3 T .'.. ..-~.._-,..,._.~,-",~.~""'" , ) -\- .""' () I " " !) 10 11 12 U 14 ~ " ;.-: " ... ..., ~.s 1:; .. .~ ::: ~~ VJ ..() .oj ci lh :.<.: ~ .8 z '2 :!: '" 0; 17 c " ;.. ~ ... " ..; -1; ;r, "-, " 1h ;>: " if- it) 20 .21 .. .: 1 ,._----.-""t!"'I-r'~."'.........., , ,. ~ll" ..,.."..,.,. .L ,'i"'~ ~~' ~.t1~~ \ Judges 1/ (1 . ~--) ~---~/7lJ-'--'-:^"--:--- -h--21tf:~- , . ;f -L11- ->>~-' - - .-- ----- ---.=- -/{) it ~. -.a=. - 4.,- -- -- -- -- -...... -..... - -.. ..-.,. . . - -_#-J~--~ -- - --.;i-~ ------ Clerks Ballot Clerks M:r.nuCIPA"L ET.J-sCTI01T PRECINCT lTIJ1E:3ER t'VJjjl~ . . THIRD WARD . Municipal election precinct Number Three shall con- .... sist of all that portion of th~ City of San Bernardino, described as follows, to wit: \ \ \ \ Conunencing at a point vnlere the center line of E Street \ intet~5ects wi th the Soutl1erly boundary line of lof S~l ~ernardino , and running thence due west \souther~ bouhdary iine the city' along said to the Western boundary line of said 22 Oi ty ; thence along the Western boundary line in a northerl:1 .2.), direction to the center line of Third stTeet where the saiei .2-\- center line of Third street intersects the Westerly )::' b d ~.' oun ary line of saud City ; thence East along the center .2h line of ThLrd Street to a point where the center line of .~7 Third street intersects the center line of F Street ; thence 2h north along the center line of F Street to a point '\'\here .2'! the center line of F Street intersec~ the cente r line of 3() Fourth Street . thence East along a the center' line of . I Street to a point where the center line of FourtnJ intersects the center line of E street thence ~-------_....._---.... --~._..-,- --- --..-- .n Fourth .~2 Street ; .------ 4 <..".....,_..,,~,..__,. u .~ ..... .'''.0''''''_'_.-''_''''_ 11'11I 11 10 11 ]2 ]' I .) 1-1- - -~ :.--; E ~~-.2 1~ ~j~ (/)<<u . ... <5 lh "~ :... ~ ......~:.s 'I.. ~~ 1~1 ~ l- ~~ .; 1;-; 1 \) 1\ I )() I ~ I 21 I -) ) ) , _.) 2+ 2~ 2h ~- ~/ )'-' _(I 29 30 31 , -, ~ "\ ...:: J r---- ! I, south along the cm ter line of E Street to the point of I ): beginninf~. .' -t :...,. Polling ~laee ~//~J--~ .-' /"'J ~._, ~ I/d::~:~___~___ P"~'__i!.~._.~.___ ~" q ~ -_.- -, ,'.-.- -- Judge s ~_ _~.: ._._~__. _ .._.._ ___._.___.. c 4~ ;7.- .~~. Clerks -.-...t<o - ~-4--S' . .. '0-__--' .-.---.--- e/ . ~Y-. L _._----~-~_.__._.- -@-.. Ballot Clerks J3,__m,__~___ :rWTICIPAL EL1<~CTlmT PRF.CINCT 1TUM3J~R FOUE . POUR~'E WARD . IIunicipal election precinct number four s~all consist of all that portion of the said City of San Bernardino,de:scrl.lbed as f~llows'}: to wit: co~~encing at a point on the EasterlY boundary line of said City, where the extension of the center line of Eighth -, street intersects 'he easterly boundary line of sadd Oi ty ; thence running West alomg said center line of Eighth Street to a point where the center line of Eighth street inter- sects with the center line of I Street ; thence North along the center line of I Street .1..____- to a point where the center ...._~,~_.....__..., _._._"~,--,-.._..~......- 5 .~ . ~..,",.~."...,...,-".;-,,,,.,,,,,...,".,,,.~, ,~ - .:! :/. E ""'~@ 1'; :;: j '-a w..:J .'" <5 lh '.' ~ ::: -~:; z ~ ::: ~ 17 ~ t: ~ .....:: ;... ~ ~ .; 1~ 1\ 1\) 1\ 211 I 21 1 I ,) I -- .) i I l! .!, I -} \ () /' i I K \1 q 1\ ] 0 \1 111 1 ~ 13\ H ~~~"'4':i'~""""""" i' . .'l""",..~,,,,"'~'-'~""'" 2H of all that :portion of said Cit.y of ~an Bernardino , described 2Y as follows , to wit: ",,,,,,,,,",,~ r-'-'--'--"'---' IJ."11:"': OI~ I street "t t "J..1.-, +1 " , , ~-.: J.n e :r'sec s WJ. VLI. v_1e nor'tlle::,'n OQlUlC1ary IJ." 11e 01" saJ." d C J." .ty . th + 1 ' . to _ ' ) ence Ras u a ong "el1.e nor llern boundary line of said City to the North east corner of - ,1 said City thence south along the eastern bOlL'1dary line of said City to the :point of beginning · ~f.fr"J.:-P:Ij;.t.FIJ=IIff!iltY!l:!-fPlJ/i~rfE(J:!: .. "J ':p. ~~~~ . J.....~t /7 ~ 0>-,__ ..5...) --\- -o-<;.t. ( \ (l / 'X Inspectors. -C;;l~~?B-J~.. :-.- -.--..---- -_..~- ....-- ~ ~. --r~-'-':- ---- Judges -.-{- _::4 ): )~ _.) ~/7 '. ...//1. J' (f /' !fY~ C1erks - / -e--7 --r:-.;-/~--. . ----- ~-.L__._.~---~~.._---.-.-.- BaUot C1erks t:---2it~;~-.----- :.2 (j~--Z:r?~::f:~::C.- . ._- - 2+ 2~ ]}IU1UCIPAL F.L~CTI01T PRECINCT lr-lJ1'..!BER FIVE · 26 FIFTH WAllD . )- .c.1 };Iunicipal election precinct }fumber five sha+l consist .~o - Commencing at a po$nt where the center line of F Stree~ I 31 'I intersects with the center Una of Third Street .)2 .L running westerly along the center line of Third street thene e 6 ) i .-. i .1 , il . ' -I- I I - Ii I .' I , I () I I , I I , ' 'I , , I l) I 10 11 L? U I ,i 1-1- ~ ~ I /, ~ ~ - F ~ '" .' ::: ~~ ::; rJj ~ ,~ .., 0 Ih .. :,.... ~ ~~ :; ~ " 17 ;.. E ...; ~ ~ -c 1~ :>: ~ rJj IlJ 20 21 ) ) )'l _.) 2-1- )- ~.' 211 )- -, )(,,1 _(I a point where the centeI' line of Thi:cd Street intersects the westerly boundary ILle of sai d Ci ty ; thence running uorth along the westerly boundary line of said City to the North- west corner of said City>> thence ~ast along the Northern boundary line of said City to a 'Doint where said boundary lin~ . ... i I intersects the center line of I Street · thence South alon~i J .~, the center line of I Street to a point where the center I line of I Street inte~sects with the center line of Eighth I I street ; thence East a:+ong the centeJ:' line of Eighth street to a point vnlere the center line of Eighth Sh~eet inte:sects with the center line of }]I street ; thence Sou th alonG the center line of F Street to tZint of ;eg1,ming . ~P~JlI~:g~~. Polling Place ~v-i\ //;::J~/v..4 ~~~ Inspectors ~---- -- -.. _. -. - --... . ..-...--.... .'-' -.,.--.. ..-- ;L~ ~/- · --..---, - -<-........-... -...-....:. -...-....,..........---.- .--.--.- -_..~_..._.---_.. Judges Clerks Jj~_ ~--_.,'Z",. _.~t!d. .. -- . - . . . - .. -~~. F tJ"/ Clerk~. ~_. ... Rallot , I 2') I "I I . ~ I I! .L? Ii ,:_~---------- .. ....--...~_......__..,-~.~..----.......-""'-~-~_._.....;.....__....._.;--~~._-----.; 7 1 ~~! ~.........;;lI-" .j ,.--.-.------.-.." ---'" .-.,,-.- ._.~... ....._y - ... -'- ,",..,-," 1 \ I \ \ ) I \ \ ~ ") \ he1.d on aaid 1l.onday 'clle ~ 12th daY of Ayri:l1., :l909 , in thatfportion of the city of san Bernardino Schoo:l District And , it ia further o~dered . 'cl,at 3_n e:laction 110 -t :lying outaide of the boundaries of said City of ~an Bemar- , for the yuryoae of e:lectinG four membera of the to -0 e \ \ \ \ el8cted\ \ =" (J ctino C 'it.V -oa.a-v"c'i o.n 'u .1- . ..., ~ ' " _ u "_ 1 JilCl _ca,~on, ,nree OI aUc,~ members an une>'Pired term, aaid mem"be a of tlle aai" Ci ty Boar(l of F.dUCO-tion to "be e:lec ted bY tl~e e:lectora of said City of san Bernardino "_nd"bY the e:lectors of that yortion of for full terms and on8 of such pempers .0 'be elected for - I ~ q ill 12 the said City of san Eemardino SCllOO:l District :lying outside of the boundaries of said City .. That for the yuryose of DO:lding said e:lectiDn in said 11 H 1-\- out:lying district, th-cct yortiOn of the said CitY ~ schoo1 District 1ying OJ of (:!an "..' outsid,e 01: the "poUllld!io~i- - ~ 'I. e _~2. 1;" ~~~ (/) ~ u .. C lh (,' ~ c ;0:5 z ~ ::: ~ g 17 ~, ~ ~ -<- .-:; .... 1 (c! ;.: ,'J, " J3ernardino of said City cf san ~ernardino , sha:l1 consstitute and be - deaigaated 1l.uniciya:l ~:lection 1>recinct uumoer SiX · a seyarate e:lcction yrecinct "bY itse:lf , and sha:l:l "be 2\\ cinct and the yo:l:ling ~ yJ.ace tnerein aIlCl the fO' Tl1.O.t the fo:l:lowing lG is .. descriytion of SUCll yre- il) 21 ing axB yersons are herebY a1>yointed officers of e:lect ...,..., T) _.) for said precinct · ( City of san Bernardino SchOO1. District outside of CJ yU11ICI1>KL }ilLF,CTIon 1>BECrNCT 1nwillF,R SIX 2-\- .~\l\ ~ .~ 1 , ) ..~- \ . ,---~- a:l1- that yortion" the City of San Jlerr~rdino schoo:l trict} as the same is nOw esta"b:liShed and existS/out' of the boundaries of tne City of San Jlerna;rdin~ as Sl boundaries of said City are now defined: 1l.uniciya:l Jil:lection 1>recinct 1~"ber S1& sha:l:l cons' ...,- -:" 26 ...,- _I )\.' -(, 29 ----- 8 2~\ \ 2'l \\ \ _\\\, thirds vote ~d ~cause the _\ 1 \ ten days as,. ~_ eo. required i ,~2 1\ thereafter it she.ll take eifect I:.~----- ---- T , -\- - ~ .""' () '/ ~ q 10 \ \~ 12 1.1> \ 1-\- \ 1::' lh 17 :: ~ ., .. "" ~ ,0 ?~~ ..... .....:. ~ if) '" ',) .., . . 0 ", :,... 0;::. - ~:.::: z i::' ~ .. '" ...... .:) c :~~ ..-r; ;:: ::<: 'J. 1~ \ 1 q 1\ I \ :'; \ \ -) ') 1 } , .....} 2+ 2::- 2() }- -, ........ ,.- ( , :pcning :p~ace ... 7;1 r. ~ --- :J~-~-~--- Inspect01'S (/ _4"' e 4~' - - __7'-,-~4-}fL- -~ J d ~__JJ1i!- _O~_!;i/d'__ Ug8S U: -~ ___I1.~.#-.j~-_.~ .--- C~er~s ~~--- if~Af' /~.- Ballot ClerkS ___b~ Section III. Tlw City c~er~ sl~~~ certify tc the pass- age of this o~dinance and cause tlle s~fie to be pub~ished fo at ~east ~daYS in The Evening Index t and such pubuca - ion sha~~ consU tut e _ and be the notic e and "TOC].aJlJB. tion c said Elec tion ... Yhis ordinance is uregentlY required for the iromedi&.t' "reservation of the "ub~ic "eace t hea~th and safety and the City Clerk - shall certify to its passage by a two. same to be published I and thereupon and and be in force · 9 -~,--_. .,...--_....-.-~. -..-.. \l i ~ i \ II , II !\ , \ -~ ,,_",__"'_"U._"_A~' .. 1 hereby certifY tlJll;t the who~e num"ber of members of the Co~^on counci~ of the city of San 3erncrdino is five !'" ~~ \ \ \) \\ II I 1('1 \\ 'Ill \\ \ \ 1.2 II \1 U \\ ~: ~ ~ '; \1 1 i~ \\ 1 ') \\ -~(I' 1\ 21\ 2!\ c\ II ~~- \\ ~~, \\ -~-/ \ \ '" \ \ ..:,' \ \ )t,' \.\, .-) \ , I ,\\l \ \ \1 II ,"': n . ,-----------------.---------' ~, I, -- I '.: .~ ;~~ r}, 8....) '" " h' :,... :: -~~ :r ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ .. ;:G .2 thirds vote of said counci~ at its "~eting ~ -.' -.." -'.,' .... C i t:l Oler}:. AP-proved this .L~~day of 1'Karch , 1909. rW/\ ~ ' /!bJy'w - . j - / '. . 1;~~"yor:J. -~~- ~